Revitalize Educate Nurture & Empower Women WHAT ARE YOU MOST THANKFUL FOR?
Hampton Roads NOVEMBER 2015
coaching SPOT Bianca Negrón Castro
PT 1
coaching SPOT
November 2015
3 The Good Fight: Ways To Tame Frizz
Bianca Negrón Castro
4 Ask Dr. J - Janice Underwood
Aquello que no entendía... ”El Amor Incondicional”
ace unos 4 años, cuando inicie mis estudios en coaching, conocí el concepto del “amor incondicional”. Como parte de mi proceso de estudios era necesario que pudiera aplicar este concepto primero en mi vida para entonces poder apoyar a mis futuros clientes. Siempre tuve presente la frase “no podemos dar lo que no tenemos”, por lo cual el concepto de “amor incondicional” lo empecé a aplicar en mi vida y relaciones. Te confieso que fue un proceso bastante retante. Cuando analizaba algunas de las relaciones que tenia, me preguntaba: ¿Cómo amar incondicionalmente a alguien cuando no estoy de acuerdo con sus actitudes y/o acciones? Pero cuando deje de juzgar fue cuando todo empezó a cambiar, aquello que no entendía de los demás (actitudes y acciones) lo empecé a ver desde una perspectiva diferente. Cuando empezamos a ver a los demás sin el lente del juicio podemos iniciar una conexión de amor incondicional. El amor incondicional nos permite no juzgar, nos da la oportunidad de ver a los demás desde su capacidad y no desde las capacidades o talentos nuestros. Es un amor pleno donde no hay condiciones. Hace años escuche una historia que me permitió entender para siempre este concepto en mi vida. Imagínate que la pareja de la historia son tus padres y tu eres el que estas buscando un aventón o “ride”. He aquí la historia: “Erase una vez un matrimonio que estaba viajando en su carro en dirección hacia Boston. Tu estas buscando que alguien te de un aventón o “ride” para New York. Esta pareja te ofrece ayudarte y te montas en su carro. Durante el camino todo va muy bien pero cuando se esta acercando tu destino te das cuenta que otros han llegado en mejores carros y hasta con mejores oportunidades que tu. En ese momento te bajas del carro y te das cuenta que podrías haber tenido todo lo que los otros tienen. Y le reclamas a la pareja el porque de no tener las mismas condiciones de los demás, estos te contestan: “Tu destino era New York y aquí te hemos traído”. Entonces... ¿Por qué empezar a juzgar las condiciones del viaje cuando el destino de llegada se ha cumplido? Esta historia es fiel a lo que nos sucede a muchos, perdemos de vista la verdadera razón del amor, el destino. Cuando empezamos a juzgar, comparamos y perdemos la esencia de estar conectados con el agradecimiento, con reconocer las fortalezas y habilidades que tiene el otro. El “amor incondicional” es actuar con amor, aceptar que todos somos diferentes y que podemos respetarnos y amarnos desde nuestras diferencias. El “amor incondicional” es una acción que elegimos cual permite amarnos, aceptarnos y valorarnos pero también nos permite amar, aceptar y valorar a los demás dentro de sus capacidades y virtudes. ¡Haz la Diferencia...amate incondicionalmente para llegar a amar a los demás también!
5 American Consumers Need Better Protection.. 6 5 Simple Design Tricks To Revamp Your Home 7 New Treatment Erases Signs of Cellulite 8 Safety First With Fall Car Care 9 Oasis of Life Church - Pastor Torres 10 Illuminated - A P.I. Irene Mystery Pt.1 11 Top Four Ways To Cook A Turkey 12 What Are You Most Thankful For? - Tatrece Swann 14 Talking Turkey For The Thanksgiving Table 15 Distribution Locations
RENEW Magazine is a free, full color, glossy publication distributed monthly and designed for and targeted to women residing in the Hampton Roads region of eastern Virginia. RENEW is an acronym; Revitalize, Educate, Nurture, & Empower Women. RENEW Magazine provides readers with holistic, lifestyle editorial content benefiting women in Hampton Roads. Placement of advertising herein does not necessarily constitute endorsement. This publication is distributed and available free of charge at over 300 high traffic locations in Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Williamsburg, and Yorktown, Virginia. RENEW Magazine is published by Orchard Business Group, LLC. Articles are the opinions of the writers and do not reflect the opinion of the publisher, advertisers, or their agencies. All copy is protected and cannot be reproduced without written permission from Orchard Business Group. Publisher further claims no responsibility for errors or omissions. Orchard Business Group • Brad Orchard CEO Eneida Orchard Publisher/Editor P.O. Box 593 • Lightfoot, VA 23090-0593 • 757-561-5219 • • Contributing Writers Bianca Negrón Castro • Tatrece Swann • Janice Underwood • Tracy Wainwright • Brad Orchard
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Bianca Negrón Castro - CEO, The Coaching Spot Certified Leadership & Life Coach Certified Business Image Consultant Certified MindSonar Professional Tel: 787-955-9000 / Facebook:
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Sergio Sanchez-Grillo •
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The good fight:
Simple, reliable ways to tame frizzy hair
rizz happens - a lot - to women of all hair types. And whether their hair is straight, wavy or naturally curly, American women almost universally agree that frizzy hair is frustrating. While it’s probably no surprise that women hate frizz, the number who suffer from it is eye-opening: 80 percent, according to a recent survey by iconic hair care brand Alberto VO5. In fact, 62 percent of surveyed women said frizz was their most dreaded hair malfunction.
Also surprising - half of women who suffer from frizz aren’t sure what causes it, even though the same percentage battle unruly, fly-away hair the most between the hot, humid months of June and August. However, frizz can occur at any time of year in any climate. Photo Courtesy of VHHA “Women may know that humid weather equals frizzy hair, but they don’t know what causes it,” says Nina Riley, a vice president at High Ridge Brands, owner of VO5. “Frizz occurs when water, found in humid air, modifies the hair’s structural protein, causing hair cuticles to ‘let loose,’ creating frizzy hair.” Women fight frizz in creative ways: More than a third (39 percent) hide it with creative up-dos, while 43 percent use heat to straighten their hair, the survey found. Fortunately, Riley says, effectively fighting frizz doesn’t require you to compromise your hair style or risk stripping moisture from your hair by straightening it. The hair pros offer this advice for fighting frizz: 1. Pre-treat before shampooing Fighting frizz should begin before you shampoo. Pre-treat hair with VO5 Hot Oil Treatment, a process that takes one minute, once a week and infuses hair with a five-essential vitamin formula to condition and moisturize from roots to ends. Since dry hair picks up more moisture from humid air, moisturizing proactively helps control the amount of moisture that enters the hair follicle. 2. Lather, rinse, be gentle Wash and condition hair three to seven times a week using the frizzcontrol shampoo and conditioner. Rinse the conditioner out with cold water, which helps the hair shaft close and prevents excess moisture from making follicles swell. Towel-dry your hair with gentle squeezing motions to remove excess water. Never towel-dry by tousling hair, which can contribute to frizz by stretching hair strands while they’re wet and fragile. Use a wet comb or paddle brush to remove tangles. Never apply a round brush to wet hair; the damage it causes can create more frizz. If you have time, allow your hair to air dry; heat from dryers and irons can dehydrate hair. If you must blow dry, apply a heat protecting spray first. 3. Engage in frizz-fighting maintenance Photo Courtesy of VHHA
Fighting frizz successfully takes daily care, so incorporate a product like VO5 Shine, Glow and Go Beauty Oil to your daily beauty regimen. The dual-purpose natural oil blend helps prolong your hot oil treatment. Moisturize your body post-shower, and dab the remaining oil on your hair to tame flyaways. You’ll want to touch your sleek, shiny hair throughout the day, but resist. The oils in your skin are moisture, and they can make hair follicles open up and frizz out. “While VO5 has declared August ‘National Anti-frizz Month,’ women need to fight frizz year round,” Riley says. “Daily care can help every woman achieve the sleek, shiny hair she craves.” To learn more about haircare and anti-frizz products, or to enroll in VO5’s eClub for money-saving coupons and offers, visit NOVEMBER 2015 RENEW
ere are more thought provoking questions from some dedicated RENEW readers:
Sonia: My daughter is a sophomore in college and she is struggling to declare a major. What support can I provide to her? Time is ticking!
Dr. Underwood: Sonia, I can hear the urgency in your question. You are probably feeling this urgency because the costs of higher education have sky rocketed in the past 5-10 years! With that said, this is a tender situation because you don’t want your daughter to declare something too hastily and then discover in her senior year that she doesn’t intend to pursue her chosen field. So, I suggest that you have some loving conversations with her as a family and remind her that this is a critical decision that requires significant personal reflection on her part about her interests, preferences, and aspirations. So, to facilitate this reflection, there are helpful career exploration resources that you may be able to provide your daughter. Also, to our RENEW readers who have younger children, be reminded that these conversations can begin long before a child goes to college. So, below are great on-line websites dedicated to these conversations, as well as you may like to visit your local libraries to find information about career and work transition resources. - Photo Courtesy of Grillo’s Photography
Keisha: I love reading the Ask Dr. J column. I wait to see if any of my concerns would be featured, and it seems like every month I find something that relates to my family or me. So, I want to ask something that I have never seen you address before. So, here’s my question. Everyday more and more I find the news talking about gun violence in schools at all different levels. What’s more, kids are dying at the hands of some mentally ill shooter. So, do you think teachers should have guns in public schools to defend their students?
Dr. Underwood: Keisha, what a timely and complicated question! With the recent events happening at many schools all across the US, this is a question that requires a multilayered response. First, I do not believe teachers should carry guns. Period. However, I find it interesting that banks and money trucks have armed officials to protect our money, but we don’t have the same trained officials at every school to protect our most precious jewels…our children. So to answer your question, I do believe our chronic epidemic of school shootings requires our focus to be on increased access of quality mental health services for those individuals who demonstrate a need for it. Secondly, I find it interesting that policies were immediately put in place at airports regarding taking off shoes and carrying liquids larger than 6 ounces because of failed attempts of airline terrorism. However, there have been hundreds of examples of school shootings since 2000 alone and we have not required the same level of rigor in our policy to ensure safety in our schools. Thus, at the VERY least, we need to hold our local, state, and federal policy makers accountable for passing universal background checks for those wanting to purchase a gun to keep guns out of the hands of mentally unstable individuals. Also, our lawmakers need to close loopholes that allow just anyone to buy a gun with absolutely no restriction. Research has shown that most responsible gun owners support universal background checks; but unfortunately, many of our lawmakers are intimidated by partisan gun lobbyists because of the funding and support these organizations may provide to their campaigns. Next, I think every school needs to increase security technologies at their doors. This might require visitors to wait a few extra minutes to show a state issued ID, be buzzed in, or undergo a simple child predator background check. These interventions require only a small sacrifice of time and it is worth knowing that our children are safer in their schools. Lastly, everyPhoto school should have at least one or two trained Courtesy of Grillo’s Photography and armed police officers on staff, who by the way don’t leave every other day to address nonschool related police matters. Keisha, with all of this said I believe with my whole heart that we are accountable to our children and the families of the victims who have experienced school tragedies. We have to resist feeling oblivious about these attacks because at the rate we are going, it is likely to happen to someone we know and love.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a question or shared how much you have enjoyed the “Ask Dr. J” column. If you would like to submit a question you can email me directly and confidentially at and your question could be featured in an upcoming issue of RENEW Magazine. Dr. Janice Underwood teaches in the science education program at Old Dominion University, where she trains preservice teachers to engage diverse learners in K-12 science classrooms. 4 RENEW
(Family Features)
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Chip and PIN cards are considerably more secure. First, an embedded microchip encrypts each transaction at point of sale and then requires a unique four-digit code to be entered to complete the transaction, similar to withdrawing money from the ATM. The microchip coupled with the PIN make tampering and counterfeiting the cards, along with stealing personal financial data, nearly impossible.
ata theft has become an issue that affects the lives of nearly everyone in the United States. At least six bills active in Congress this year aim to help mitigate problems with data security standards and practices. Yet, legislation is not necessary to take an immediate and giant leap forward toward better data security. Consumer credit card transactions should be much more secure - and could be today - but it continues to unnecessarily lag behind the rest of the world. In October 2014, President Obama issued an Executive Order calling for all government-issued payment cards to be equipped with chip and PIN technology - the most secure payment system available today. Chip and PIN is the preferred security all over the world as it is used in most of Europe and Australia, as well as many parts of Africa and South America. However, the big banks that issue major cards, credit unions and other financial institutions have not taken similar steps to protect their customers. Instead, they are replacing existing magnetic stripe cards with microchip-equipped cards that still rely on unsecure signatures as a form of verification. “While it’s a small step in the right direction, they are consciously failing to protect their customers by not offering all of the available security measures. The PIN is a necessary element of the equation to protect consumers,” said Debra Berlyn, leader of ProtectMyData, a consumer education campaign advocating for the implementation of chip and PIN technology for credit and debit cards. “The PIN requirement adds a distinct layer of security and complexity to each transaction that dramatically reduces fraud.” Financial information stored on existing payment cards’ magnetic stripes can be easily cloned and used to make counterfeit cards. What’s more, the signatures can be easily forged and are rarely ever used to verify the identity of someone making a transaction.
The combination of chip and PIN clearly provides American consumers the security they deserve. Now, it’s time for the banks and credit card companies to issue cards outfitted with this technology. To learn more about efforts underway to help secure your everyday transactions, visit
Get the Facts MYTH: Current payment security measures are keeping consumers safe. FACT: Not really. Card fraud is still a major issue that affects millions of Americans each year. The United States accounted for 47 percent of worldwide card fraud losses according to recent reports. MYTH: The United States is a global leader in credit card security, using the most secure and cutting-edge technology available. FACT: The United States is lagging behind. In fact, the United States is the last G-20 nation to issue chip-equipped cards. U.S. banks and credit card companies have been slow to provide consumers with chip and PIN protections that are commonplace around the world. MYTH: Chip-equipped cards without PIN requirements provide sufficient security. FACT: Chip-equipped cards that rely on signature validation and not PIN technology do not fully protect consumers. Only the chip and PIN combination offers a two-step verification process that is nearly impossible to clone.
not every American consumer has the means to use more sophisticated mobile payment options and others - particularly consumers with more modest means - rely on paying with credit at times. MYTH: The implementation of chip and PIN will drive hackers online, rendering in-store protections like PINs or signatures less important. FACT: Brick and mortar stores remain a bedrock component of the American economy and the retail industry. Most Americans still rely on offline shopping for the majority of their retail purchases.
MYTH: Consumers are moving away from credit cards. FACT: While payment alternatives like ApplePay and other mobile options are slowly entering the market, nearly threequarters of all Americans had at least one credit card in 2014. Moreover, NOVEMBER 2015 RENEW
YOUR HOME hether you’ve just moved into a home or you’ve lived there for years, it might be time for a design tune-up. While many may think tackling their home décor takes a bundle of time, money and expertise, it doesn’t have to be so frightening. You don’t need to spend a fortune or go to design school to breathe a little life into your home.
“It’s all about simplicity,” says Susan Yoder, interior design expert for Clayton Homes. “A little goes a long way when it comes to home décor and living spaces. Only a few simple changes can make a big difference and allow you to create a room you’ll be itching to show off to friends and family.” Yoder offers a few of her design tips that will help any homeowner revamp their space: Pops of color. “Nothing livens up a room like a bright pop of color,” Yoder says. If you have neutral-toned furniture, try sprucing up the room with lamps, curtains and accessories in bold hues. If you’re up for a painting challenge, an accent wall is a great way to incorporate color into a space. Choose your favorite color from a throw pillow or wall-art piece in the room to pull the look together. Varying textures. A room tends to get boring when it focuses on only one texture, so it’s important to create a sense of balance. Try varying the fabric types on your sofa and curtains. Add in some metal or wooden accents to draw the eye around the room. You can even play with lighting to reflect off certain objects and create visual interest. Antique feature. Choose an antique or unique piece of décor to be the inspiration for the room. This could be a rug, lamp, chair or even a chandelier - anything that gets you energized and motivated. Get creative and run with the theme it creates. Or if your style is more on the modern side, an antique object will stand out among your contemporary décor. Symmetrical yet functional. The furniture collection in a room should form a restful, symmetrical layout. It’s all about balance. There should be between three and 10 feet between each seat. Additionally, instead of pushing each piece up against the wall to create more space, give your furniture a bit of breathing room a few inches from the wall. This makes the room appear open and airy. Clutter-free organization. Getting rid of clutter is a grand challenge for most homeowners. When you decide to take on the mess, drawers and cabinets are your best friends. Take some time to go through your belongings and decide what to keep, donate or throw away. Store any leftover items that can cause clutter in an organized, out-ofsight area. Use these tips to revitalize your space and you’ll be ready to confidently host gatherings and enjoy your home instead of shying away from your living space.
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However, a new minimally invasive procedure was recently cleared by the FDA to improve the appearance of cellulite for at least a year - longer than any other FDA-cleared treatment for cellulite.
(Family Features)
ighting the bumpy, lumpy appearance of cellulite is a discouraging battle many women face. After all, although it may successfully sculpt and tone the muscle below, no amount of time in the gym is likely to erase the telltale dimples of cellulite. Cellulite is the result of a push and pull between fibrous bands that connect skin, muscle and fatty tissue. Fat cells push against the skin, while the fibrous bands pull away toward the muscle. The result is the uneven skin surface that resembles an orange peel or even cottage cheese. Risk factors To some extent, the presence of cellulite is influenced by genetics, and although weight gain can emphasize the dimples, some lean people also have cellulite. Older individuals, whose skin is less elastic, as well as those with inactive lifestyles, are more prone to cellulite. Treatment options While there is no medical concern associated with cellulite, it can hamper self-esteem and drive affected individuals to avoid clothing that may expose skin showing the presence of those dreaded dimples, such as bathing suits and shorts. For the most part, there are few options to treat, reduce or eliminate the appearance of cellulite. A doctor, dermatologist or plastic surgeon can help you explore appropriate treatment options, which, according to the experts at the Mayo Clinic, may include some combination of weight loss, laser or radiofrequency systems, or liposuction.
Performed by a qualified physician in an office setting, the Cellfina™ System uses innovative, proprietary technology to treat the primary structural cause of cellulite. By releasing the fibrous bands under the dimpled areas, Cellfina provides a long-term solution to cellulite in just one treatment session. The result is a smoother look that gives patients the confidence to wear a bathing suit and higher hemlines.
little as three days and the results were still apparent a year after the procedure. In fact, 94% of Cellfina patients were satisfied after one year, surpassing satisfaction rates of other leading cellulite treatments*. Visit to learn more about cellulite treatment options, request a free informational packet, and sign up for automatic updates and notifications.
*Satisfaction rates were evaluated separately and are not based on direct comparisons among treatments. Important Safety Information for Cellfina™ The Cellfina System is intended for long-term improvement in the appearance of cellulite in the buttocks and thigh areas of adult females. Safety and effectiveness in other anatomical areas have not been established. The most common side effects reported were soreness, tenderness, and bruising. The Cellfina System is only available through a licensed physician. For full product and safety information, visit
All trademarks are the property of their “I’ve been practicing liposuction for 20 years, so respective owners. I’ve been dealing with women and body issues and what they see when they look in the mirror for a long time,” said Dr. Michael Kaminer, a dermatologist, managing partner at Skin Care Physicians and associate clinical professor of dermatology at Yale Medical School. “It’s a really neat thing to have the technology now that allows me to say, I can help you.” Kaminer says Cellfina treats the primary structural cause of cellulite, is minimally invasive, and is unique in that it is FDA cleared for improvement in cellulite that lasts at least a year. Including the administration of a local numbing agent, the procedure takes less than an hour, depending on the number of dimples being treated and the patient’s individual needs. The majority of patients started seeing results in as NOVEMBER 2015 RENEW
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Whether you do it yourself or take your car to a professional service technician, the Car Care Council recommends these basic maintenance procedures to keep your vehicle operating at its best: 1. Check all fluids, including engine oil, power steering, brake and transmission, as well as windshield washer solvent and antifreeze/coolant. 2. Check the hoses and belts for signs of damage or wear. 3. Check the battery and replace if necessary. 4. Check the brake system annually and have the brake linings, rotors and drums inspected at each oil change. 5. Inspect the exhaust system for leaks, damage and broken supports or hangers if there is an unusual noise. 6. Check the heating, ventilating and air conditioning system, as proper heating and cooling performance is critical for interior comfort and for safety reasons such as defrosting. 7. Inspect the steering and suspension system annually, including shock absorbers, struts and chassis parts such as ball joints, tie rod ends and other related components. 8. Check the tires, including tire pressure and tread. Uneven wear indicates a need for wheel alignment. Tires should also be checked for bulges and bald spots. 9. Check the wipers and lighting, including both interior and exterior lighting, and replace worn wiper blades so you can see clearly when driving during precipitation.
RENEW Hampton Roads “I have received several calls from my advertising in RENEW Magazine.�*
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RENEW Magazine is the only place I regularly advertise with. It has helped me with potential clients finding me, knowing who I am. RENEW Magazine has brought clients to me from Newport News, Hampton and surrounding areas. I will always be in RENEW Magazine. -Nancy P. Lewis Victorious Images
OASIS OF LIFE PASTOR TORRES Pastor Cecilio Torres, of the Oasis of Life Church in Newport News VA. Services are bilingual, to serve the Latin American community and the area of Hampton Roads. Part of their dedication and effort is to assist and enhance the one who needs a word of encouragement and life, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations regardless of race or culture, full gospel preaching without barriers to anyone who needs it .. ,,,,,, So I wish you great blessing and prosperity in the holiday season ahead in the coming months and to remember that our Lord Jesus is coming soon to find his church. And as our motto says, “Conquering the earth together”. Please visit them at Oasis of Life Christian Church located at 13749-A Warwick Blvd., Newport News, VA or call at 757-886-7408
Pastor Cecilio Torres, es el Pastor de la iglesia Oasis de Vida en Newport News Va, en donde los servicios son bilingues para servir a la comunidad latina y americana del área de Hampton Roads, parte de su dedicación y esfuerzo es para ayudar y mejorar a aquel que necesita, una palabra de aliento y de vida, proclamando el evangelio de Jesucristo a todas las naciones sin importar raza o cultura, predicando un evangelio completo y sin barreras, a todo aquel que lo necesite. Así que les deseo mucha bendicion y prosperidad en las fiestas que se avecinan en los próximos meses y que recuerden que nuestro señor Jesús viene pronto a buscar a su iglesia Y como dice nuestro lema ,”juntos conquistando la tierra”.... Para mas informacíon llame a 757-886-7408 o 13749A Warwick Blvd., Newport News, VA.
Oasis of Life Church
Oasis of Life Radio
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P.O. Box 593 • Lightfoot, VA 23090-0593 • 757.561.5219 O • 866.297.5241 F • NOVEMBER 2015 RENEW
azel examined the room. The small, cluttered den had items in and on every spot and surface. Bookshelves along one wall were crammed with bindings of every size and color. Two shelves housed worn, torn books most people wouldn’t look twice at. She fingered the spines, stopping short of the middle. She pulled out the copy of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and flipped to the copyright page. Sure enough, a first edition printing. This one book alone would bring in around a hundred grand. Good thing the thief didn’t know the value of old paper and ink. She cleared her throat and carefully slid it back into place. She turned from the bookcase. Despite the multitude of knickknacks and art around the room, it was spotless. Nancy must have the room cleaned twice a week, at least. No dust to look for clues in. But there was a clue here somewhere; she simply had to find it. Nancy Tiller stepped into the doorway, leaning against her cane. “Hazel? Did you find anything?” “Not yet. I’m wondering, you have a lot of valuable items in this
Part 1
room, why the lamp?” Nancy took several small steps into the room and sat on the closest chair. “I don’t know. It’s a family heirloom. My grandmother had a friend who gave it to her as a wedding gift. She handed it down to my mom, who gave it to me when I got married. Since I never had any children, I didn’t have anyone to pass it along to.” Hazel shuffled across the floor and lowered herself onto the high-backed chair facing her long time friend. “Okay, describe the lamp to me in more detail.” “It was a desk lamp, I didn’t really like it all that much. I mean, it was okay, but I like more simple things.” Hazel glanced around. It was true. Most of Nancy’s belongings were plain, unadorned. She slipped a notepad out of her purse. “Tell me more. As much detail as you remember.” “It was about yea high.” Nancy held her hands about two feet apart, top to bottom. “The shade was made out of glass. The pieces were of all shapes and sizes, mostly oval-like, and were various colors. Umm, let me see, it had blue, clear, purple, and orange in it. Oh and there was also a double silver glass rim around the bottom. Even the stand had multiple colors in it. I never paid that much attention to it, but couldn’t bring myself to get rid of it. My mom loved it too much.” Hazel’s pencil flew over the piece of paper. She already had an idea about the lamp. After several minutes of sketching, she held the pad up towards her friend. “Did it look something like this?” “Wow.” Nancy’s hand flew to her chest. “It’s almost perfect. The base was just a bit wider at the bottom.” “That’s what I thought. Nancy, I think I know exactly why your lamp was stolen. Now we just have to figure out who knew enough about it to take it.” by Tracy Wainwright, Home Manager, Writer, Speaker, Conference Director
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Tatrece Dunlap Swann
THANKFUL FOR? hanksgiving is Thursday, November 26th this year. Each year on the fourth Thursday in November, Americans gather for a day of feasting on the traditional favorites such as turkey with all of the trimmings, pumpkin pie, spending time with family and watching football. This months’ article is dedicated to your beliefs and how they can impact our ability to show thankfulness.
On July 31st of this year, I was blessed to celebrate 45 years of life, and every year on my birthday, I take my own assessment of my life. We should always seek to be better, learning more about ourselves than the previous year. I’ve discovered quite a few things about myself in that year, but one thing in particular has become crystal clear - Our beliefs help shape the paths that we take in life. Last month I was honored and blessed to grace the October cover of RENEW Magazine. What I discovered was that as much as it was an honor, it was more of a confirmation for what I believed about myself so many years ago at age 13. Growing up, I always wanted to have career in fashion, and even had dreams of becoming a model, but a talent scout once told me that I’d never be on the cover of a magazine because of a facial discoloration I still carry today. Imagine the disappointment I felt as I left that ‘go see’ appointment. I never forgot that statement, or the way she made me feel, and learned over the years to use it as motivation whenever someone told me what I couldn’t accomplish. Your beliefs will determine whether you live a life that’s authentic or a life where you’ve allowed the beliefs of others to guide your decisions and paths taken. Living life through the eyes and beliefs of others can sometimes cause us to work in careers for years, only to realize that we only half care about, marry the wrong people for the wrong reasons, and allow our identities to be shaped from the external trappings of life. External trappings look like high profile jobs with fancy titles and large salaries, social status and position, and connections to organizations that don’t hold any of the real values we have in life. The wakeup call from that kind of life on the surface looks like loss of relationships, opportunities or even a job because we thought those external things gave us value. It’s only when we see that our value is much deeper than that, that we can really be thankful, and live life to the fullest. Real thankfulness can only come from a place of authenticity. While we’re thankful for the obvious traditions that come along with the holiday, I challenge you to take a moment to determine what you’re most thankful for? I’m thankful for my good measure health and strength, my family, friends, and the blessings from God. I now know that at age 45, I really am thankful that my eyes are opened wider to who I really am. I’ve found that the circle of who I call ‘friends’ becomes even smaller and that you can run away from yourself for a very long time, but eventually life will reveal itself and show you who you really are. So come on, it’s just us…..what are you most thankful for? Enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving! 12 RENEW NOVEMBER 2015
(Family Features)
His Majesty is a Thanksgiving favorite
ithout a doubt the iconic American bird, the turkey, majorly influences all things Thanksgiving, right down to our tabletop décor. It’s a colorful history, nearly as old as the holiday itself. When Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving an official holiday back in 1863, English potters seized the opportunity to target the growing American market by producing turkey-themed dinner plates and platters. These ingenious designers generally took an existing design and replaced the center with a turkey motif to create those first Thanksgiving patterns. Manufacturers such as Spode, Mason’s and Wood & Sons used their colorful transferware patterns to start a new holiday tradition. “Even today manufacturers are creating design options for consumers by producing Thanksgiving or turkey-themed accent plates to mix and match with their everyday dinnerware,” says Robin Long, vice-president of
product marketing for tableware giant Replacements, Ltd. “You’ll find colors and motifs to fit all tastes and lifestyles, from the very traditional to a more modern aesthetic. If someone wants more than just an accent plate, there are so many fantastic collections that include all piece types, from plates to bowls to platters.” In fact, Replacements’ most popular Thanksgiving pattern, His Majesty by Johnson Brothers, started as an accent plate in the Friendly Village pattern. Demand proved so great for this particular motif, the English manufacturer turned the proud Tom Turkey-adorned plate into its own pattern. Gobble up serveware Perhaps just as popular as the turkey pattern this season is the turkey platter. These large platters are not only highly collectible, they’re becoming the entertaining centerpiece for seasonal gatherings. “You can find a turkey platter that will blend well with any china pattern, from the very old to the very new,” says designer Julie Robbins. “Turkey platters aren’t necessarily bird-themed; you’ll find them in designs ranging from florals to even scenic vistas. I suggest starting a wonderful family tradition of dedicating a special platter for your Thanksgiving turkey and making it the centerpiece of your holiday gathering.” Turkey platters aren’t only fun, some are also functional. Lenox and
several other manufacturers produce turkeyshaped platters and other autumn themed serving pieces in alternative metal serveware. This is a special alloy that maintains a constant temperature to keep foods warm or cold when heated or chilled. Tabletop trends for turkey day
Part 22
Whether you’re planning a huge buffet or an intimate dinner with close family and friends, Robbins says the color trends for Thanksgiving entertaining remain a bright version of fall: strong oranges, sages and brilliant turquoises. Both individual candles and groupings of candles are popular for the Thanksgiving tabletop. Burlap is also a hot trend for table runners or place settings. And if Tom Turkey isn’t the right design element for your table, Robbins says you can still create a seasonal feel, minus the bird. “You can use fall leaf or even woodland patterns to create a classic Thanksgiving table without going with a turkey motif. Beautiful classic fruit patterns give your table that horn of plenty flair.” Robbins suggests tying this look together by combining whole spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg with natural elements like nuts, small pumpkins, fall fruits and colorful leaves to create a cornucopia-type centerpiece. If you need to gobble up more ideas before you serve your big meal, Robbins plans on posting additional seasonal tabletop décor tips on Replacements’ Facebook page throughout the holidays.
Use dinnerware patterns in fall colors to create a beautiful Thanksgiving table