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5G a real business models


B /CTtrends Major consultants predicts ICT industry digitai transformation, ICT Verticals markets and 5G business models are key in mobile industry de­ velopments. Digitai Transformation ICT - information and communications technology - is radically trans­ forming the business landscape in numerous industries. lndustry 4.0, 5G and social plat­ forms are promising markets. The new con­ verged platform (Cloud, Mobile, Socia!) is the big picture. C Cloud - Mobile - Socia! Convverged platform: the reason why ICT Convergence - definition: • This new platform is the latest model of com­ puting platform. lt is defined as the inter-de­ pendencies between mobile computing, so­ cia! media, cloud computing, and informa­ tion / analytics (big data), and possibly the Internet of Things.

• The paradigm of numbered platforms sees the first platform as the mainframe comput­ er system and the second platform as the client/server system. The Open Platform 3.0 initiative of The Open Group aims to pro­ duce a consensus definition of the cloud mobile platform, and to identify open stan­ dards for it, in arder to help enterprises gain business benefit from these technolo­ gies. 5G and the big picture 5G will provide intelligent access in IOT and broadband wireless connections. Big Data and mobile will be key in enterprise market devel­ opment. Social media and IOT platforms will be a disruptive wave. New social analytics tools and mobility in urban area will be key in the digitai transformation scenario. • In urban mobility, we understand that mo­ bile device interactions are passive as users accept information from socia! media and mobile apps, delivered from intelligent systems in cloud architecture.

References • Wireless World Research Forum 2017 - Taiwan 5G Business Modelling Giovanni Gasbarrone http://www.wwrf38.ch/t1_files/Themes/wwrf38/Docs/Programme_march24.pdf • Citytech milano 2014. http://citytech.eu/edizioni_passate/2014/it/component/k2/item/389 prometeo tv I motus, urban mobility- YouTube https://www youtube.com/watch?v=nG3WereJ M_Y • Giovanni Gasbarrone. Urban mobility and connected cars http://citytech.eu/edizioni_passate/2014/it/component/k2/item/377 https://www.facebook.com/mobility-in-1taly617088908303038/photos/?tab=album&album_id=910141245664468 • Smart cities tor a better world - Giovanni Gasbarrone. https://www.evensi.it/appu ntamento-smart-a-firenze-con-il-ministro-galletti/17120841B#not_authorized_app


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