5G a real business models
B /CTtrends Major consultants predicts ICT industry digitai transformation, ICT Verticals markets and 5G business models are key in mobile industry de velopments. Digitai Transformation ICT - information and communications technology - is radically trans forming the business landscape in numerous industries. lndustry 4.0, 5G and social plat forms are promising markets. The new con verged platform (Cloud, Mobile, Socia!) is the big picture. C Cloud - Mobile - Socia! Convverged platform: the reason why ICT Convergence - definition: • This new platform is the latest model of com puting platform. lt is defined as the inter-de pendencies between mobile computing, so cia! media, cloud computing, and informa tion / analytics (big data), and possibly the Internet of Things.
• The paradigm of numbered platforms sees the first platform as the mainframe comput er system and the second platform as the client/server system. The Open Platform 3.0 initiative of The Open Group aims to pro duce a consensus definition of the cloud mobile platform, and to identify open stan dards for it, in arder to help enterprises gain business benefit from these technolo gies. 5G and the big picture 5G will provide intelligent access in IOT and broadband wireless connections. Big Data and mobile will be key in enterprise market devel opment. Social media and IOT platforms will be a disruptive wave. New social analytics tools and mobility in urban area will be key in the digitai transformation scenario. • In urban mobility, we understand that mo bile device interactions are passive as users accept information from socia! media and mobile apps, delivered from intelligent systems in cloud architecture.
References • Wireless World Research Forum 2017 - Taiwan 5G Business Modelling Giovanni Gasbarrone http://www.wwrf38.ch/t1_files/Themes/wwrf38/Docs/Programme_march24.pdf • Citytech milano 2014. http://citytech.eu/edizioni_passate/2014/it/component/k2/item/389 prometeo tv I motus, urban mobility- YouTube https://www youtube.com/watch?v=nG3WereJ M_Y • Giovanni Gasbarrone. Urban mobility and connected cars http://citytech.eu/edizioni_passate/2014/it/component/k2/item/377 https://www.facebook.com/mobility-in-1taly617088908303038/photos/?tab=album&album_id=910141245664468 • Smart cities tor a better world - Giovanni Gasbarrone. https://www.evensi.it/appu ntamento-smart-a-firenze-con-il-ministro-galletti/17120841B#not_authorized_app