Apostolic Accent August 2013

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Alignment with God | WCWC | When Encouragers get Discouraged | A.C.T.S. Back to School Rallies

The Official Magazine of the Oregon District UPCI


August 2013

Oregon District Apostolic Accent Volume 48, Number 1

www.ORUPC.com Editor……………………..........…………….Kassie Meyer kassiemeyer@hotmail.com (503) 689-3589 District Officials Superintendent……………......……………Ted Graves Secretary/Treasurer……..........……..Dan Sargeant Presbyters Section 1…………………......…..…………Gary Gleason Section 2……………………........…M. Dennis Johnson Section 3………………………......……..Kevin Goodwin Section 4…………………………......Steven L. Johnson Honorary Board Member M. David Johnson North American Missions Director…………………………….......…..Steve Hanson Secretary…………………….……….....…Virgil Alldritt Global Missions Director……………………………….......James Bigelow Apostolic Man Director……………………………..……......Mark Edday Ladies Ministries Director…………………………......….Geanice Langley Secretary…………………...…….....…….Rachel Sparks Sunday School Director………………………….…......…Darrell Sparks Secretary…………....………………….....…..Joe Higgins Oregon Youth President…………………………….......…Stan Gleason Secretary………………………………......……Kevin Neu Spanish Ministries Director……………………………………......Fito Avenia Life in Focus Coordinator…...........Bill Tittsworth Prison Ministry Coordinator….....….Doug Lethin Media Missions Director……......David P. Johnson A.C.T.S. President………...….......M. Dennis Johnson Senior Quiz Coordinator.…......…..Brian Huffman Junior Quiz Coordinator.…......…Jonathan Toews

Editors Note As my husband and I were traveling, we had three connections to make to get to our destination. At each location, if you wanted to get to the next connection, you had to make the first one and so forth. Well, this particular time our second connection was delayed over three hours and thus we would miss the last connection. After a marathon through the airport, we were able talk with someone who could help us get to our final destination however it was later than we had originally planned by almost two hours. Sometimes throughout our lives we have destinations we are working to get to. We are wanting a closer relationship with Christ, we want to preach, teach, play music for The Lord, etc. We can get there but sometimes we don’t always make the first connection or that was not the intended path for us and we are detoured or rerouted. However Circumstances change our route, we still manage to get to the final destination. It’s not always how we planned it or how we expected it but we get there. And might I add there is generally a reason why we don’t make our next connection. You never know what doors might open or what people you might meet. I cannot tell you how many times I prayed to get on that next flight but it was a lot! When our name hit the cleared list, I praised God & rejoiced! My husband told me we weren’t on the plane yet...I told him I was rejoicing that we made it to the cleared list and knew it was in His hands! What relief when you know you are on your way to the next connection! What relief when you had a trial come your way and you made it through...you made it to the next step. We can rejoice and know that He is leading us! He will take care of us! Although we did make it on that flight and made it to the second city we needed to get to, because of the detour, we were not able to make it out of the last city that day. We ended up spending the night there and catching the earliest flight out. We did make it to our final destination, just on the next day. But you know, that last leg of the trip was ordained by God! We met a couple that we would have never met and that relationship is a blessing from God! So the next time you are going through something or things don’t seem to be going the way you want, make it through that situation, trial or hurdle and know there is a reason and know that you will make it to your final destination. We go through situations for reasons and they are worth it! They may be building us as individuals, there may be people that God places in our path that need to be there, you never know what God will do!


Kassie Meyer

Inside this Issue

We would like to encourage our ladies to start making plans to attend WCWC this year!!!

Wanda Chavis

Articles/Columns 2 Editors Note KASSIE MEYER 4 Alignment with God STEVE JOHNSON 8 When Encouragers get Discouraged GEANICE LANGLEY

West Coast Women’s Conference November 14 -16, 2013 Seaside Convention Center 415 First Avenue Seaside, Oregon For more information go to www.orladiesministries.com Registration $35.00 by October 19th Registration $45.00 after this date Registration Form

If you came last year, I know you are looking forward to returning to the beautiful Oregon Coast. Bring a friend with you and that will make it even better

Make checks payable to “Oregon District Ladies Ministries” and mail to Rachel Sparks, 6720 SW 198th Aloha, OR 97007

See you there!!!!

NAME:_____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS;__________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________State_______________________Zip__________ Phone (____)___________________Pastor_______________________________________ I am an Oregon District Minister’s Widow_________Home Missionary Wife___________ (You must be in the 5 year status) Registration for Widows and Home Missionary Wives is free but you must register.

Geanice Langley Oregon District Ladies Ministries President

12 Our Children have become our Masters DAVID REYNOLDS


7 Back to School Prayer Rallies


10 Missionaries in Oregon


WCWC Consignment Shop! Attention Ladies!

14 WCWC Consignment Shop LADIES MINISTRY

The Consignment Shop was a great success last year! We will be doing it again this year. Please bring your clothing items and join in the fun! We will be accepting: Modest clothing for men, boys, women & children (In good condition only) Dresses and tops on hangers Purses & shoes welcome too! This will give you an opportunity to sell items to make money for you! And a percentage will go towards your Adopted Missionary Offering. This will be included in your MM offering for your church next year. If you have questions, please email Dawnella Higgins at BQcoachmom@hotmail.com


Alignment with God By M.David Johnson


I had just turned a corner on an old country road and thankfully had not yet picked up much speed when the car lurched suddenly to the right and plowed into a high dirt bank. A part of the steering had given way, and, needless to say, the wheels had become unaligned. It was quite an experience for a sixteen-yearold boy in his dad’s car. When the front wheels are properly aligned you have no trouble keeping your car going straight down the road, but when the wheels are not in proper alignment you can find yourself quite busy trying to keep it from drifting back and forth between the lines or leaving the road altogether! THE CHURCH God’s plan and desire for the church is that we through the guidance of the indwelling Holy Ghost would all stay in alignment with His Word, with one another, and with the direction He is leading the church at any given time. At the conclusion of the Last Supper, Jesus prayed to the Father for His disciples “that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee” (see John 17:21-23). God planned a church that would be in alignment with one another and with Him! The Lord did not plan a church where each would be justified having his or her own mind and interpretation of the scriptures. There is one God, one Bible and one true interpretation of the scriptures. We are charged to “all speak the same thing…be perfectly joined together in the same mind and same judgment” (see 1 Corinthians 1:10). And we have seen a measure of this unity in operation on many

occasions through the years. For instance, many times I have had people tell me, after a church service, that during the week they had read and spent some time meditating upon the very scriptures I used in my sermon. The indication is that those saints were in alignment with the way the Spirit of God was moving that week. Also, at times we have been made aware that several pastors in the district had been preaching at the same time on the same particular subject without any prior communication about what they were feeling to preach. I also remember a report we heard of an entire congregation that began to sing a song in other tongues, and all in harmony. WHAT THE LORD IS SEEKING When Jesus taught in the synagogue in Nazareth, not much happened because of the divided house. The room was full of unbelief. But on the day of Pentecost where they were all in one accord, the heavens opened with the greatest outpouring of the Spirit ever witnessed. In Acts 4 persecution had driven the church to prayer, and their praying caused the place to shake where they were assembled as the Spirit fell on all of them again. “If we live in the Spirit let us also walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:25). The Apostle Paul describes a place in prayer where the Spirit of God moves upon us and causes us to pray according to His will beyond our own knowledge (Romans 8:26, 27). Such a prayer would definitely be in alignment with God’s plan for the day. Also God instructs us through Jude to build up ourselves by praying

in the Holy Ghost (Jude 20). In doing these things we should be able to live in alignment with God, His plan, and His church. The more our churches strive for this unity with the Spirit and with one another, the more mighty works we will witness in this hour! EVEN THE NATURAL WORLD BEARS WITNESS TO THE POWER OF ALIGNMENT Bud Wilkinson became head football coach at Oklahoma University in Norman, Oklahoma, in 1947. He believed that if a team could be welded together heart and soul with each other and with their coach, they could win. He was able to build such a team, and they won the next forty-seven games without a loss. Without two very narrow losses, the number would have been sixty-two. No college team has matched that record since. God wants his church to be perfectly aligned with Him and the members of His church to be perfectly aligned with each other. LET’S DO IT!◊ ____________________________ M. David Johnson is an honorary board member of the Oregon District.


We would like to encourage our ladies to start making plans to attend WCWC this year!!!

Wanda Chavis

West Coast Women’s Conference November 14 -16, 2013 Seaside Convention Center 415 First Avenue Seaside, Oregon For more information go to www.orladiesministries.com Registration $35.00 by October 19th Registration $45.00 after this date Registration Form Make checks payable to “Oregon District Ladies Ministries” and mail to Rachel Sparks, 6720 SW 198th Aloha, OR 97007 NAME:_____________________________________________________________________

If you came last year, I know you are looking forward to returning to the beautiful Oregon Coast. Bring a friend with you and that will make it even better See you there!!!!

ADDRESS;__________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________State_______________________Zip__________ Phone (____)___________________Pastor_______________________________________ I am an Oregon District Minister’s Widow_________Home Missionary Wife___________ 6(YouAPOSTOLIC ACCENT August 2013 for Widows and Home Missionary must be in the 5 year status) Registration Wives is free but you must register.

Geanice Langley Oregon District Ladies Ministries President



President Dennis Johnson mdennisjohnson@yahoo.com

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Secretary Convention Coordinator Darrel Sparks Shane Graves acarpentersson@aol.com graves.wca@gmail.com August 2013 APOSTOLIC ACCENT 7


Encouragers get Discouraged By Geanice Langley


eing a pastor’s wife, mother, teacher, friend, and much more can be very challenging. You are expected to be happy, bright, and cheerful; always ready with an encouraging word. Through life’s experiences and happenings, much wisdom is obtained to give the right words at the right time. But even the best of the encouragers have moments of discouragement.


There’s an old song called “Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand.” The first verse starts off, “Life is filled with swift transition.” That has gone over and over in my mind for months. We definitely see that in our day. Things seem to change on a daily basis now if not hourly. You never know what a phone call will bring and the encourager has to be ready with the appropriate words. Some days it’s easy and then there are days that you are just waiting for the next blow. What do you do when the encourager gets discouraged? You counsel and your counsel is not taken. You pray and the answer doesn’t come. You pour yourself into an individual and they walk away. Your child walks away from truth. Financial problems that you hadn’t expected just pop up causing you to take on more worry and fear. A sickness comes upon you or one of your family members and it knocks the props out from under you. You teach a Bible study and you don’t get the results you prayed for. Someone criticizes you. Someone takes what you say and twists it around until the meaning is totally wrong and they leave the church over it. We live in strange times where people are so easily offended. You walk on egg shells around some people yet not being able to please them. You want to be the encourager but you are discouraged. David and his men had been out to battle. They were doing what they were called to do. Not an easy calling but he was doing the will of God. Feeling tired and

weary, looking forward to coming home so they could relax and rest, David did not find what he had longed for on his return. In fact, it was quite devastating. Everyone was gone including David’s family. The enemy had come while out doing the will of God. The city was ravaged and all their families were taken captive. The men were overcome with grief and began to rail on David. They were taking all of their frustrations and anxieties out on him. So what does the encourager do when he is discouraged to say the least. We read in God’s word that “David encouraged himself in the Lord.” He did not give up nor did he wallow in the depths of despair. He had every right to do so but he had been in difficult situations before and he knew where to go. He inquired of the Lord. He asked God if they should pursue and he was rewarded with the answer, “Pursue and you will recover all.” We know the end of the story. They pursued and there was victory. I’m sure we all have had days when we felt all was lost or seemed hopeless. I have found that after some of the greatest victories, there’s no need to get lifted up because you’re going to be hit from behind. Something that you never dreamed would happen happens. How do we get up from this discouraging moment? First of all, we must realize that those that wish to be an encourager must first suffer discouragement. If you wish to rescue others, we must be willing to face the cross; experiencing the greatest happiness in life

through team could ministering be welded totogether others isheart impossible and soulwithout with each drinking other the and cup with their Jesuscoach, drank. they Those could moments win. He was of discouragement able to build such will squeeze a team, from and they you awon heartbeat the next of tenderness forty-seven which gameswillwithout be useda to loss. encourage Without those two very God narrow brings to losses, you the for encouragement number would have and comfort. been sixty-two. So don’t Noquestion college team your times has matched of discouragement that record since. for they areGod Godwants preparing his church you to to be tender perfectly andaligned comforting. with Him and the I find members myself going of Histochurch His Word to daily be perfectly for strength aligned and with direction. each I other. also LET’S go toDO several IT!◊ devotional books ___________________________ each day. My favorite is “Streams in the Desert” by L.B. Cowman. Quoting from it, “Strange and difficult indeed we may find it; but the blessing that we need is behind it.” The other one I use if “Jesus Calling.” They may have been written years ago but Jesus uses them to speak words of encouragement to my soul each day. The school of discouragement graduates exceptional encouragers if you do your homework. Let’s do as David did and encourage ourselves in the Lord. He will never give us more than what we can bear. I am sure you have found Him to be Faithful as I have. We may get discouraged but when we inquire, He will give us strength to pursue and we will recover!!◊ ___________________________ Geanice Langley is a pastor’s wife in Kalamath Falls, Oregon. She also serves as the Ladies President for the state of Oregon.


Did you know you can keep up with your missionaries, leave Date the encouraging words or join in prayer for needs around Global Missionary Service world on Facebook, Global Missions UPCI?

gon 2013 e r O In 15-20, ber Octo


Furlough Replacement

Phillip and Linda

Brazilian woman after baptism

Certificate of appreciation from pastors

During the Walmers’ thirty-eight years of missionary service in Brazil, they were involved in a major printing operation that translated and produced many, many tracts, books and other discipleship materials in the Portuguese language. They pioneered a church in the state capital of Porto Alegre and partially supported this effort with the opening of a Christian book store. The Walmers are now entering a new phase of their missionary ministry, that of “furlough replacement.” During the time that a missionary returns to North America for furlough, the Walmers will help fill the gap they have left on the field. This much-needed ministry is a blessing to the furloughing missionaries and could conceivably take the Walmers almost any place around the globe.

This poster and other info is available online at www.globalmissions.com.


September 2012

Brandon & Adrian Abernathy O

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South Africa

Brandon and Adrian Abernathy began their ministry as the principal of Pana Christian Academy in Pana, Illinois, where they were not only involved in the school but also worked with the youth in the church. They then spent a year on the AIM program in Zambia, Africa, teaching in the Bible school and speaking at various conferences, seminars, and churches. After completing the AIM assignment, they moved to Johnston City, Illinois, to work as youth pastor and where they spent eight years working closely with Pastor Michael Glasco and the church. They received full missionary appointment in February 2012 to South Africa.

This poster and other info is available online at www.globalmissions.com.

September 2012

Information on each missionary and country, plus many helps, can be viewed or downloaded at www.globalmissions.com Pastors can place their request for specific missionaries to visit their church by contacting David Reynolds at: (503) 830-6950 or via email: apostolicfamilies@gmail.com August 2013 APOSTOLIC ACCENT 11

Our Children have become our Masters By David Reynolds

“As for My people, children are their oppressors, And women rule over them… Isaiah 3:12.

When you are in some areas of the south it is so refreshing to hear young people address their elders with, “No Sir!” or “Yes ma’am”. It is not a matter of geography--it is a matter of training!


It is so sad to hear little children talking back and showing gross disrespect toward their parents. One of the hazards of teaching in the public schools is the abuse teachers are taking from not only children--but also the parents. It is a common occurrence for a child to slap, kick--and I have even heard of a child spitting on his teacher. This spirit is creeping into our homes, Sunday Schools and Church schools. I have heard of two churches closing their schools because of the attitude of the children toward school authority. Parents, “this ought not to be.” Why is this happening? “The eye that mocks his father, And scorns obedience to his mother, The ravens of the valley will pick it out, And the young eagles will eat it” Proverbs 30:17. 1. Parents--we are lifting up our children as the center of our families. Our culture is now limiting the number of the children in our families to one or two. As the number of children in the family decreased, their standing seemed to increase. Our children have become the center of our universe. We spoil and cater to them--fulfilling their every whim. As parents, we have become their servants. It is not healthy to raise children who feel that life will give them everything they wish. Children are to be valued –but it is the husband/wife relationship that is to be nurtured, for it is the permanent relationship –“until death do we part”. 2. Parents--we feel guilty when we expect our child to

perform family chores. Due to the cares of this life and the quest for material possessions we do not have a lot of time for them--so we feel guilty and substitute ‘things’ for time. When we take time for them we feel that it must always be recreational time--so we train them to desire always to be entertained. Children should spend time working along side of their parents learning the skills and responsibility of life. 3. Parents--we are allowing our children to question our judgment. Parents, we are allowing our children to whine, badger and negotiate every decision we make; this places children as equals and destroys parental authority. A parent must make decisions based upon the principles of God’s Word-- as well as a God given parental instinct as to what is best for the child. When you, as a parent, make a decision you must not allow your child to change it-- unless after prayer God shows you you where wrong. If you make a habit of changing your decisions then you are just encouraging your child to argue, again--and again. 4. Parents --we are not modeling respect for authority. Watch the remarks we make concerning our own parents, pastor, teachers and police officers? Parents, if we do not model respect we cannot train our children to respect authority. Children will not selectively respect. One day a mother, with her son, marched into my office and demanded that I defend my decision to suspend her son for

swearing at the Librarian. She said she had heard her son’s side and now she wanted to hear mine-then she would decide who was right. I told her I would be willing to talk with her but not in front of the boy. She insisted --I refused. As I turned she hit me square in the middle of my back. I had another mother who slapped the counselor across the face while in a conference concerning their children. I had to dive between them to save the counselor. Conclusion: How do we train our children to respect their elders and all authority? [Isaiah 28: 9,10] We teach by example, We discipline all back-talk. We do not give in when our children try to wear us down by arguments. We expect them to address all authority with respect. --We also show them respect. “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise: that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth. Ephesians 6:1-3 NKJV◊ ____________________________ David Reynolds has been the Minister of Discipleship at Portland Pentecostals since 2007. He is a graduate of Conquerors Bible College, Cascade College, Portland State University and post graduate work at the University of Oregon. He served as a teacher, assistant Principle & Principle. Since retiring from public education he has traveled extensively to over 37 countries preaching & teaching in Bible Schools and has written several books on Education, The Family & Parenting.


WCWC Consignment Shop! Attention Ladies! The Consignment Shop was a great success last year! We will be doing it again this year. Please bring your clothing items and join in the fun! We will be accepting: Modest clothing for men, boys, women & children (In good condition only) Dresses and tops on hangers Purses & shoes welcome too! This will give you an opportunity to sell items to make money for you! And a percentage will go towards your Adopted Missionary Offering. This will be included in your MM offering for your church next year. If you have questions, please email Dawnella Higgins at BQcoachmom@hotmail.com

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