RISE, FINDING methods to decrease carbon emissions and decarbonize has become a focal point among businesses and institutions. Phasing out fossil fuels in favor of renewable energy has been a significant shift toward achieving carbon emission reduction.
However, given the limits of our current technology and resources, there are still emissions that are ‘inevitable’ or ‘un-abatable.’ This is where carbon offsets come into play whereby companies and other organizations can enter a ‘voluntary carbon market’ and buy credits for their excesses that theoretically enable the removal of carbon emissions through investments in environmental projects.
For the carbon emission reductions achieved by an offset project to be genuine, they must exceed, or be additional, to the amount of carbon that would have been removed if the carbon offset credit market did not exist. For instance, an emissions reduction project that a company undertakes to adhere to a government-imposed carbon cap would not be deemed additional because the reduction would have
happened irrespective of whether or not the company was able to purchase carbon offset credits. A quality offset credit represents one that permanently removes at least one metric ton of additional carbon emission that has not been previously claimed and does
the re-emission of greenhouse gasses and undermining the environmental benefits achieved. Permanence is therefore key to maintaining trust and legitimacy among stakeholders who rely on carbon offsets to achieve their sustainability goals.
For the carbon emission reductions achieved by an offset project to be genuine, they must exceed, or be additional, to the amount of carbon that would have been removed if the carbon offset credit market did not exist.
planted trees may be offset by the carbon released from deforested or converted areas outside the project boundaries.
In the future, implementing more rigorous standards and comprehensive monitoring may be essential to avoid carbon offsets being exploited as a way for organizations to portray themselves as environmentally responsible without implementing more direct measures to reduce their carbon emissions. However, for the time being, additionality, in combination with permanence and leakage control, are the keys to maintaining an effective voluntary carbon market. ✦
not derive its removal through activities that cause significant social or environmental harm to local communities or biodiversity.
Without this additionality, credits could be awarded for activities that would have occurred regardless, resulting in emissions rising without any actual reduction elsewhere. Beyond additionality, addressing the issues of permanence and leakage control is also vital, or there is a risk that the carbon stored or reduced by offset projects could be released back into the atmosphere, leading to
Leakage control pertains to the potential unintended consequences of offset projects. One example of carbon offset leakage with land use involves a reforestation project aimed at sequestering carbon dioxide by planting trees in a specific area. While the project may successfully reduce emissions within its designated boundaries, it could inadvertently lead to deforestation or land conversion in neighboring regions. This indirect land-use change can result in emissions leakage, as the carbon stored in the newly
CONTACTS: What does “additionality” mean and why is it important? https://goldstandardhelp. freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/44001989691-what-does-additionality-mean-and-why-is-it-important-; The Concept Of Additionality In The Voluntary Carbon Market, Explained, https://www. forbes.com/sites/forbesnonprofitcouncil/ 2021/10/01/the-concept-of-additionality-in-the-voluntary-carbon-market-explained/?sh=388101c178ec; The CFTC Should Raise Standards and Mitigate Fraud in the Carbon Offsets Market, https:// www.americanprogress.org/article/thecftc-should-raise-standards-and-mitigatefraud-in-the-carbon-offsets-market/
EarthTalk® is produced by Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss for the 501(c)3 nonprofit EarthTalk. See more at https://emagazine. com. To donate, visit https://earthtalk.org. Send questions to: question@earthtalk.org
Katy M. Clark is a mom of two who lives in Michigan. She has a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education and enjoys writing about motherhood and midlife. Her work has appeared on sites including Scary Mommy, Grown and Flown, and Your Teen for Parents. You can also find her embracing her imperfections on her blog Experienced Bad Mom.
A Dad’s Eye View contributor, also awardwinning columnist, and journalist. Author of Rookie Dad (Hyperion) and The Right Number of Kids (McKenna Publishing Group). His wife and three daughters run a living laboratory in which he is constantly tested, analyzed, and experimented upon. It’s as if a guinea pig could write.
Bonnie is Oregon Family Magazine’s resident Movie Review Master Extraordinaire. She enjoys watching movies of all kinds, and has been doing movie reviews for over 9 years and counting. She lives in Eugene with her family, enjoys gardening and cooking.
Pam Molnar is a writer, storyteller and mother of three. She enjoys writing about moments and events that bring people together. When she is not writing, Pam creates escape room kits and PowerPoint games which she sells in her Etsy shop, Pam’s Party Printables.
Taj Barnhart Morgan is the Director of Content Strategy for Travel Lane County. A journalism graduate from the University of Oregon, Taj has two decades of special event management and hospitality marketing experience in San Diego, CA and Maui, HI. Passionate about mothering, and back to her Oregon roots, she is discovering the Eugene, Cascades & Coast region all over again through the eyes of her daughter.
Lori Orlinsky is an award-winning journalist and bestselling children’s book author who lives in Chicago. At 5’1, she wishes her picture book, Being Small (Isn’t So Bad After All) was around when she was growing up.
Becky Raines works as the Marketing and Business Assistant at the Museum of Natural and Cultural History. She loves being in the sunshine, pet-sitting, and talking to her houseplants. At the museum, you can find her watching the squirrels play in the Native Plant Courtyard.
Journalist and photographer specializing in environmental issues, the outdoors and travel. When he is not out in the field taking pictures, Roddy runs EarthTalk, the non-profit Publisher of the syndicated EarthTalk Q&A column and the EarthTalk.org and Emagazine
Oregon Family Magazine is distributed monthly in the greater Lane County area at over 150 high-traffic commercial locations.
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TAKES ON a whole new meaning in the zany, fun-filled, and very ducky new feature called Migration Produced by Illumination studios with a simplified animation style, the film doesn’t skimp on the action, the laughs, and the feathered mayhem that comes from taking the
Universal Pictures, Rated: PG In theatres and streaming on Amazon
path less traveled. And less travel is exactly what Mack Mallard would rather do when his mate, Pam, and kids, Dak and Gwen, suggest following a migrating flock to Jamaica. It takes quite a push to get him to take wing, but once he does, Mack is also saddled with crazy old Uncle Dan, who insists on one last adventure. Through creepy swamps with duckeating storks, over New York high-rises and into unfriendly pigeons, then finally landing on a Zen-Buddhist duck farm, the Mallard family finds trouble at every fowl turn. But along
the way, they unexpectedly help Delroy, a homesick scarlet macaw, and befriend Chump, the leader of the unappreciated NY pigeons. Barely escaping the dining table as duck a l’orange, the Mallards outwit an obsessed, cleaver happy chef and end up saving an entire flock of white pekins. Those are duck cousins who have never known what it’s like to be free. Together, this ragtag covey heads south across open ocean to find Jamaica. But it’s a long flight and Delroy’s
Lionsgate Films, Rated: PG-13
Streaming on Amazon
THE MIRACLE CLUB is one of those quietly emotional films that tugs at the heart and explores the troubled relationships between a distraught mother, a lost daughter, a best girlfriend, and a new mother, all of whom are looking for a glimmer of hope. Through their local Dublin parish, they have a chance to travel to Lourdes, France, which is a Catholic pilgrimage site known for its legendary healing power. At the last minute, Chrissy Ahern shows up to attend her mother’s funeral, but her arrival upends all the travel plans. Despite the cold shoulder from her mother’s friends, Chrissy climbs aboard the bus for Lourdes and opens a Pandora’s box of secrets and anguish. As the group tours the holy grotto and spring, their faith is tested and Chrissy’s story unfolds. She’s not the villain after all, but rather, their saving grace as the distraught mother experiences kindness, the best girlfriend confesses her betrayal, and
Big trouble with pigeons.
memory isn’t what it used to be. Mack finally calls a halt when it seems hopeless. But never fear, Mother Nature kicks in and Mack discovers the way to the island paradise. Delroy returns to his family, the Mallards have a winter vacation, the pekins have their independence, and Uncle Dan can’t wait to start a new adventure. I’d definitely welcome a Migration sequel to get the Mallard family back to their New England home. ✦
A glimpse of the divine.
the new mother learns to accept and cherish her young son. When they return home, each woman is changed as are the families who welcome them back. It’s a bittersweet ending, so have a Kleenex handy, but it’s also a lovely film about faith and friendship.
that I would be flipping through a rack of shirts, all size Small, with such fervor. After all, I wear a size Large. Plus, I didn’t need a shirt.
But there I was, at my teenager’s request, hunting for small Lululemon tops in the athletic wear section of my local thrift store. Meanwhile my teenage daughter was a few aisles away in the casual wear section scouring those racks for the trendy athleisure brand.
We were thrifting, aka on a mission for designer duds at discounted prices. And we were not alone. Lots of like-minded people were seeking new-to-them treasures in the thrift store that day. That’s because thrifting is white hot, both as a way to be socially responsible and a way to save money on name brands.
I’m happy to report that my daughter was able to score a few Lululemon pieces--for a fraction of their original price! I give credit to my daughter for her thrifting success. Not only did she use me to divide and conquer the store, but she employed other strategies that
increased her chances of finding amazing pre-owned pieces at fantastic prices. I share her strategies and other helpful tips below. May these empower your teen to be the boss of their next thrifting trip!
You’ve probably heard of national ones like the Salvation Army and Goodwill, but notice local ones, too. These are usually run by non-profit groups such as churches or charities. Don’t forget consignment stores either, which offer second-hand pieces in good condition that have been sold back to the store, rather than donated. The national chain Plato’s Closet comes to mind.
The day my daughter and I were looking for Lululemon was not picked by chance--the store had saved up all its name-brand athletic wear for a special one-day sale. They advertised the event on social media in the weeks leading up to the sale and promised a huge selection. We never would have known about it if my teen hadn’t followed them on social media and noticed their posts.
3 ANOTHER PERK OF FOLLOWING THRIFT STORES ON SOCIAL MEDIA IS THAT THEY POST OUTFITS OR COORDINATED LOOKS THAT MAY INSPIRE WHAT YOUR TEEN WANTS TO BUY. Our local Plato’s Closet showcases trendy outfits on their Instagram feed. My daughter has hunted specifically for a cute shirt or pair of leggings that was featured online and was ecstatic when she found them in store.
4 YOUR TEEN CAN ALSO FIND INSPIRATION FOR THRIFTED LOOKS BY UTILIZING PINTEREST, YOUTUBE OR TIK TOK. Have them create vision boards on Pinterest or watch videos of outfits that people put together. Use the looks as guides while your teen shops. That way, your teen will be focused rather than overwhelmed by the selection and won’t be tempted to buy something they may already own.
5 WHAT’S EVEN BETTER THAN FINDING SOMETHING TERRIFIC AT THE THRIFT STORE? Getting it for the lowest price, of course! Teens should check if they qualify for additional discounts. Is anyone in your family a member of the military or is your teen shopping with Grandma, a senior citizen? Our local thrift shop offers discounts for students and teachers. These additional discounts can make a thrift store trip even (wait for it) thriftier!
6 DON’T FORGET THAT YOUR TEEN CAN DONATE BACK CLOTHING, SHOES, AND ACCESSORIES LIKE PURSES AND SCARVES THAT THEY NO LONGER NEED, WANT, OR MAY HAVE OUTGROWN. Not only will your teen’s closet be more organized, but someone will love those pieces again! Or sell the items back--some stores offer consignment so your teen may get a bit of cash or even store credit towards their next haul of pre-loved awesomeness.
7 VISIT STORES OFTEN AS WHAT’S IN STOCK CHANGES CONSTANTLY. Also, check out different sections of the store, just like my daughter and I did when we split up and looked for Lululemon in both the athletic and casual wear sections. The children’s section might work for some teens, too. For instance, a size Large or XL in the children’s section can be the equivalent of a Woman’s Small. Finally, don’t overlook the Men’s section. Men’s clothes can be great for baggy styles or unique pieces that your teen can make their own.
8 JOIN YOUR TEEN WHEN THEY SHOP OR ENCOURAGE THEM TO GO WITH FRIENDS. Adults will be able to remind teens about all the treasures they already own and prevent overindulging. Meanwhile, friends can offer their perspectives on pieces that a parent might pass over. My idea of what’s fashionable is usually a couple steps behind what my teen considers in style. When my daughter goes thrifting with her best friend, she comes home with adorable pieces and outfits that I never imagined would look so good.
9 FINALLY, TAKE HEART IF YOUR IN-PERSON SHOPPING TRIP IS A BUST. There are a plethora of online thrift stores or consignment shops to consider. Take a look at websites like ThredUp, Poshmark, Mercari, and Swap.com. Or go old school and check out eBay. Hunting for trendy items online can be just as satisfying as scoring them in person, but from the comfort of home. ✦
I’M READING A HEARTWARMING story online about a woman in our town who donated a kidney to her dying sister. And now the both of them are doing fine.
It’s a story of courage, generosity and love – a story that makes you feel good about humankind. But the whole time I’m reading it, my two older daughters, who are supposed to be getting ready for school, are bickering. Sally, age 9, is wearing her big-sister’s skirt. “Take it off right now!” 12-year-old Marie commands.
“But you never wear it!” says Sally. “It doesn’t even fit you anymore.”
“That doesn’t matter; it’s MY skirt; you can’t just take clothes out of my closet without asking,” says Marie.
Part of the problem goes back a few months to when people started mistaking Sally for a boy. This is particularly humiliating for Sally because she has such a low opinion of boys. (She recently observed to my wife, “When you have a baby, you’re taking a big chance... It MIGHT be a boy!”)
So Sally has been trying to femme herself up a bit, putting ribbons in her hair, dressing in pink, and wearing skirts and dresses to school. This morning, tired of her own collection, she has decided to augment her wardrobe with something borrowed.
Marie does not like sharing anything with her little sisters, whether it’s clothes, a house, or parents. Besides, she likes it
when Sally is mistaken for a boy. Sally has gotten a lot of mileage out of a brand of cuteness that Marie believes is phony and cheap. Now the winsomeness appears to be wearing thin. “Sally,” she sneers this morning, “Why even bother with my skirt? You’ll just look like a boy who stole his sister’s clothes!”
“I hate you!” says Sally, pulling Marie’s hair. Marie pushes her over backwards to the floor and kneels on her arms. “Ow! That HURTS!” says Sally.
I look at the image of the smiling ladies on my laptop screen and steel myself to break up the fight. I’ve read that intervention will stunt the children’s negotiating skills and cause unfinished business to accumulate between them. Tough.
I pull Marie off Sally and render my judgment: “Let Sally wear your skirt.”
The wearing of hand-me-downs is a cornerstone of our family finances, and it must be protected. That protection supersedes Marie’s constitutional property rights. Marie vs. The Skirt-Stealer is the case before the court this morning, but of course Marie’s skirt is not the
issue. The issue is that during the first three and a half years of Marie’s life, she was the Belle of the Ball. Then Sally crashed the party and Marie was no longer Scarlett O’Hara, surrounded by admirers fetching champagne punch for her.
So Marie is mean to Sally, and Sally is mean back. Sally is mean to HER little sister Wendy, and Wendy is mean back. It’s painful to witness all this meanness between people who are dear to me. I’m like Wilbur
order to love his spider-friend, he must get past the repulsive fact that she makes her living by drinking the blood of flies. My daughters’ bad treatment of each other makes it hard to love them as wholeheartedly as I do.
And the girls have a similar problem with me and my divided allegiances. How can I love Sally AND her tormentor? How can I love Marie AND the usurper? It just doesn’t add up.
“Who do you love more,” Marie will ask, “me or Sally?” Luckily, a long time ago I’d read a book called “Siblings Without Rivalry” by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. And I remembered what to say: “I love YOU in a Marie way and I love SALLY in a Sally way.” This works like a charm. To Marie it means: “I love you for the intelligent, honest and talented person you are, and I love Sally in the low-grade way that is the best you could do with a glib, shallow, tin-plated copycat like
This magic answer is open to happy misinterpretation by whichever child I say it to. It’s wonderful. But I don’t kid myself. It gets me off the hook, but it doesn’t create household harmony. I need to find and reread that book.
In the meantime, I’m going to take the organ-donor story as a hopeful sign of sisterly love to come. Even so, I’m making sure the girls drink plenty of cranberry juice to protect kidney
FROM THE EUGENE MARATHON’S Duck Dash for children as young as 2 years old to the thrill of Oregon Track Club’s All Comers Meets held at Hayward Field at the University of Oregon, growing up in Eugene and Springfield means getting to grow up in the middle of TrackTown USA.
Miles of chip trails, historical track monuments and murals, and specialized running camps, clubs and events can lead to a life-long love of sport. This spring the continued stream of awe-inspiring running events continues, revving up in April with the Oregon Relays and culminating in the 2024 U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Track & Field in June. Here are a few ways kids can get involved in track and field:
1 SIGN UP FOR a free 2024 TrackTown Kids Club membership (up to 8th grade) which includes a kids club t-shirt, monthly newsletter, opportunities to interact with track and field athletes, and free admission to TrackTown USA-hosted events while supplies last.
2 VISIT HAYWARD HALL , the University of Oregon’s museum tribute to the school’s award-winning track and field athletes. This interactive historical showcase is full of trophies, photos, mementos and creative displays celebrating Oregon’s track wins. There is even a replica of Bill Bowerman’s workshop (the inventor of the first waffle sole shoes leading to Nike), a movie theater and selfie station!
3 TAKE A SELF-GUIDED tour of the Oregon22 Heritage Trail commemorating Oregon track and field athletes who have medaled in international competitions. Ten of those plaques are in Eugene-Springfield, posted at locations significant to the athlete. Also visit the Fast Forest at Dorris Ranch in Springfield where hundreds of trees have been planted in honor of every American male athlete breaking the 4-minute mile and female athlete breaking the 4:30 mile barrier.
4 ENROLL IN AN inspirational summer camp for young runners. Mestler Athletics Summer Track and Field Camp is coached by current and former University of Oregon and other track athletes for kids ages 10 to 14 years old. Held at the Sheldon High School track, this week-long day camp is offered multiple times throughout the summer. Youth Runner Camps offer a Eugene day camp for ages 11 to 18 years that showcases the local running heritage with visits to Pre’s Rock and runs on Pre’s trail along with skill building and wellness and motivational talks from accomplished runners. They also host an overnight camp in McKenzie River focused on trail running. A Duck Track Camp is also hosted by Oregon Track & Field at the University of Oregon.
5 SIGN THE KIDS up to participate in the Oregon Track Club’s All Comers Meets during the summer. A long-standing Eugene tradition, separate meets are held for children 12 and under and 13 and up.
6 CHILDREN AGES 9 to 14 can join the Oregon Track Club’s Youth Cross Country Program. Starting in September, the club meets regularly for training designed to inspire young runners, with a focus on having fun.
7 VISIT ONE OF our local running stores for custom running shoe fitting. Run Hub Northwest offers a complimentary foot scan and gait analysis. The Eugene Running Company also provides fittings by experienced athletes.
8 FINALLY, TAKE THEM to cheer on athletes from high school to elite at this year’s slate of events at Hayward Field:
• Oregon Relays, April 19-20
• Eugene Marathon, April 26-28
• Hayward Classic, May 5
• OSAA Track & Field State Championships, May 16 - 18
• Prefontaine Classic, May 25
• NCAA D1 Men’s and Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships, June 5 - 8
• NSAF Nike Outdoor Nationals, June 12 -15
• 2024 U.S. Olympic Team Trials – Track & Field, June 30
And right on the heels of the Olympic Team Trials, the 50th annual Butte to Butte on July 4 reminds us that in TrackTown USA, it is not just about the professional athletes — runners and walkers of all abilities, and entire families with strollers and children, turn out to enjoy and celebrate our community. For more running events, visit https://www.eugenecascadescoast.org/outdoors/adventures/running ✦
FAMILY CAMP @ Camp Lutherwood Oregon
Session 1: June 19th – June 21st, 2024
Session 2: July 5th – 7th, 2024
OVERNIGHT CAMP @ Camp Lutherwood Oregon
Resident Camp: July 1st – 5th, 2024
July 10th – 14th, 2024: Teens 12 – 17 will go on an exciting adventure in the Central Cascades. Rafting the McKenzie River with Horse Creek Outfitters, camping, hiking, beginner rock climbing at Smith Rock State Park, and an all day immersive horse experience with 3.5 hour trail ride with Flyspur Horse Ranch Outfitters!
July 15th – 19th, 2024: Youth 6-17 will
MINI CAMP @ Camp Lutherwood Oregon
July 24th – 26th, 2024
*DAY CAMP ON THE MCKENZIE RIVER (Private land on Deerhorn Rd.)
June 24 to Aug 30
Rising 1st-5th graders
HOLIDAY HAMS AND DEVILED eggs may take center stage at Easter gatherings, but edible crafts offer a reminder of the magic of the season that’s found in moments spent together. Simple recipes that call for a dose of creativity are perfect ways to bring the kids to the kitchen, made even easier when all that work leads to sweet treats. Remember, these delicious crafts don’t have to be perfect – having fun and making memories that last a lifetime are what make Easter truly special.
• 1/3 cup meringue powder
• 1/2 cup warm water, plus additional for thinning (optional), divided
• 3 tablespoons vanilla
• 1 bag (2 pounds) powdered sugar
• 2 tablespoons corn syrup
• assorted food coloring
• 2 sticks unsalted butter, at room temperature
• 1 cup sugar
• 1 egg
• 1 tablespoon vanilla
• 2 teaspoons baking powder
• 1 dash salt
• 3 cups all-purpose flour
1. To make icing: Mix meringue powder, 1/2 cup warm water, vanilla, powdered sugar and corn syrup. Separate into bowls and add food coloring; mix with water, as needed, to thin for piping.
2. To make cookies: Heat oven to 350 F.
3. Cream butter and sugar. Mix in egg, vanilla, baking powder and salt. Mix in flour 1 cup at a time to form dough. Roll dough out to 1/4-1/2-inch thickness.
4. Cut into shapes, place on baking sheet and freeze 10 minutes. Bake 8-12 minutes. Cool completely before icing.
5. Place icing in zip-top or piping bags and cut off tips. Put cookies on parchment paper. Trace outline first then fill in middle. Use toothpicks to smooth out.
6. Let dry 6 hours and finish decorating with different icing colors or edible markers.
CLOCKS ARE EXPECTED TO spring forward at 2:00AM on Sunday, March 10, and parents everywhere have a sense of impending doom, as that single hour of missed sleep wreaks havoc on kids, creating significant bedtime battles both in the morning and at night.
Sleep Health Educator & Certified Sleep Coach, Soda Kuczkowski, says “the sudden need to fall asleep and wake up earlier disrupts the natural alignment between kids’ internal clock and the external time cues”.
“This lack of sleep can affect their mood, making them more irritable or emotional,” says Kuczkowski. “It can also hinder their cognitive functions, reducing their attention span, impairing memory, and making learning and schoolwork more challenging.”
Despite that, Kuczkowski says that parents shouldn’t fret – there are several ways to lessen the blow of Daylight Savings Time and beat the Sunday Scaries. By following these practices, parents can help minimize the
disruptive effects of losing an hour of sleep and support their child in adjusting more comfortably to the time change during DST.
• Gradually Adjust Bedtime: Start adjusting your child’s bedtime 15 minutes earlier each night about 4 days before the DST change. This gradual approach helps their body clock adapt slowly without feeling a sudden change.
• Establish a Soothing Bedtime Routine: Create a calming bedtime routine that may include a warm bath, dimming the lights, and reading a book. This routine can signal to your child’s body that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep, making the transition smoother.
• Incorporate Reading into the Routine: Reading to or with your child before bed can significantly calm their mind and prepare them for sleep. The act of reading not only enhances their literacy skills but also serves as a relaxing activity that promotes better sleep quality.
“Developing a consistent routine like reading a bedtime story at night can soothe jitters and create a calming environment when change is imminent,” says Alysson Bourque, author of Alycat and the Sunday Scaries, a new children’s book that provides young readers with tools to conquer their fears, struggles, and the unknown.
Books are also an excellent resource that can help with adjustments to change and improve mental wellbeing, Bourque says. “Sharing a bedtime story with children brings families closer together, sparks imagination, and develops problem-solving and coping skills. Children are validated by characters that may be going through the same experiences,” says Bourque. “Reflecting on these characters after a bedtime story will foster self-affirmation, confidence, and solace – especially with the Sunday Scaries.”
• Limit Exposure to Screens: Reduce screen time by at least an hour before bedtime. The blue light from screens can inhibit the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, making it harder for children to fall asleep.
• Ensure a Comfortable Sleep Environment: Keep the bedroom cool, quiet, and dark. Use blackout curtains if necessary to block out early evening light, creating an environment that supports sleep.
• Expose to Morning Light: Encourage exposure to natural sunlight in the morning. Morning light helps reset your child’s internal clock to the new time, promoting wakefulness during the day and readiness for sleep at night.
• Maintain Consistency: Stick to the new bedtime and routine consistently, even on weekends. Consistency helps reinforce the body’s sleep-wake cycle, aiding in faster adjustment to the DST change. ✦
RONAN DONOVAN HAD SEEN plenty of wolves…but no wolf pups. And he really wanted some pictures of wolf pups. Ronan was on a project documenting the wildlife of Yellowstone National Park. Ronan is a National Geographic wildlife photographer, which means his job is to take pictures of animals behaving naturally.
Yellowstone National Park is huge —3,472 square miles or about 168,000 football fields—and it is visited by millions of people every year. The animals in the park have a lot of experience with humans. The wolves, for example, are afraid of humans because their interactions are often negative. Ronan wanted to get pictures of the wolves living in Yellowstone with their pups, but the adults only got close enough to photograph when they did not have their babies with them.
Then, Ronan travelled to an island northeast of Canada in the Arctic. Ellesmere Island is very remote and it’s hard for humans to live there. The sun sets in October and doesn’t rise again until February. Winter temperatures get down to -58 degrees Fahrenheit. Because of these harsh conditions, the animals that live on Ellesmere Island do not encounter a lot of humans. Even the wolves sometimes have to travel more than 50 miles in a day to find food.
The Ellesmere Island and Yellowstone wolves are related, but the arctic wolves do not have much experience with humans. The pack was curious about him and his equipment, but not afraid. Ronan was able to get close-up pictures of the wolves and their puppies.
Interested in looking at Ronan’s pictures of what the life of a wolf is like? Ronan’s photos are on display at the Museum of Natural and Cultural History on the University of Oregon campus. The exhibit has pictures of wolf pups, wolf packs, and pictures of them hunting and eating other animals. The exhibit features both the wolves Ronan followed at Yellowstone as well as their Ellesmere Island cousins. Explore the differences between the two groups and peek into the daily lives of these majestic creatures.
“Wolves: Photography by Ronan Donovan” is on display through May 26, 2024. It was created by the National Geographic Society and the National Museum of Wildlife Art. ✦
1 SYSTEMIZE YOUR LIFE. A working mom’s guide to staying organized with step systems. A dynamic podcast that unveils practical strategies and insights to streamline your daily routines and maximize productivity. Join us as we explore innovative approaches to organization and time management, empowering you to achieve your goals with efficiency and ease.
2 DECLUTTER YOUR CHAOS. Decluttering coach to help you take control and keep your sanity. A guide to reclaiming serenity amidst life’s whirlwind, offering actionable tips and heartfelt stories to simplify your space and mind. Tune in for inspiring conversations and expert advice on decluttering your home, schedule, and mindset for a more balanced and fulfilling life.
3 ROOM BY ROOM. The scientific insights behind keeping a tidy home and life. Room by Room guides listeners through the art of intentional living, one space at a time, with expert advice on organization,
design, and lifestyle. Join us as we transform houses into harmonious homes, unlocking the potential of every room to inspire and nurture.
4 THE PRODUCTIVE SAHM. An organizational guide to creating a daily routine. Productive SAHM offers invaluable insights and practical strategies for stay-athome moms to maximize their productivity and find fulfillment in their daily routines. Join us as we navigate the challenges and joys of balancing homemaking, childcare, and personal growth, empowering SAHMs to thrive in every aspect of their lives.
5 JOY LOVING HOME. Productivity and organization for Moms with ADHD. A supportive podcast designed to empower mothers with ADHD with practical strategies and compassionate guidance to thrive in managing their households. Join us as we navigate the unique challenges of ADHD, offering tools and insights to create joyful, organized homes where every family member can flourish.
6 ORGANIZE 365. Believes organization is a skill you are not born with, but develops over time. Solutions for transforming cluttered chaos into organized bliss, featuring expert tips, real-life stories, and actionable advice to streamline your home and life. Tune in to reclaim control, find peace amidst the mess, and discover the joy of living with intention and order.
7 MOM’S OVERCOMING OVERWHELM. Solutions to declutter your home, head, and heart. A supportive podcast offering practical strategies, insightful interviews, and uplifting stories to help mothers navigate the challenges of overwhelm and reclaim balance in their lives. Join us as we empower moms to cultivate resilience, prioritize self-care, and find joy in the journey of motherhood.
8 SIMPLIFIED ORGANIZATION. A guide to end perfectionism and manage organization cheerfully. An essential guide to streamlining your life, featuring expert advice and actionable tips to help you conquer clutter, manage time effectively, and cultivate a more organized lifestyle. Tune in to discover practical strategies that simplify your daily routines and create space for what truly matters.
9 BLISS THIS HOUSE. Real tips and tricks for organization that are not Pinterest-worthy. Your companion for creating a sanctuary of peace and joy within your home, offering practical advice and inspiring conversations to help you infuse every corner with love and serenity. Join us as we explore the art of intentional living and cultivate spaces that nurture our souls and celebrate life’s blessings.
10 TIME MATTERS METHOD. More effective and efficient ways to plan your day. A roadmap to reclaiming control over your time and priorities, featuring expert insights and actionable strategies to boost productivity and achieve your goals. Tune in to learn how to master your schedule, minimize distractions, and maximize efficiency, so you can focus on what truly matters in life. ✦
Meet WILLOW 2! She is ALL love weighing in at about 100 lbs. and is the social butterfly around here! She is a 4-year-old Border Collie/ Bernese Mountain dog who is the most social, affectionate pup. She loves being around people but also can self-entertain with fun toys. Overall, she’s a wonderful dog that would love a family of her own that will help her loose a few lbs. so she can be more active. A staff member said, “Even if Willow hasn’t met you yet, just know she already loves you! She is both super affectionate and also low key, making her the best canine companion!”
Willow 2 should meet any dog siblings during the adoption meet and greet prior to going home and should have a slow introduction to any kitty friends. She has interacted with many children and instantly becomes their best friend giving them slobbery kisses and rolling over for belly rubs. Willow 2 promises to her new family feel all the love!
Greenhill Humane Society is open seven days a week, 11 am – 6 pm at 88530 Green Hill Rd in Eugene. For more information call (541) 689.1503 or visit www.green-hill.org.
The Cat Rescue & Adoption Network presents GILLIGAN (brown tabby) & SKIPPER (sleek black panther), two handsome, bonded brothers almost 3 yrs old. They are both very shy at first, and need time to acclimate to new surroundings and people. Once they know and trust you, they are very friendly, love being petted and rubbing against you, are high energy, and enjoy playing and running around the house. They are good with dogs but need to be the only cats. With a loving family, Gilligan and Skipper will blossom into wonderful, loyal companions. They have been neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, and are negative for FIV & FeLV. To meet Gilligan & Skipper, please call 541-225-4955 option 1, or visit our website at CatRescues.org for more info.