Oriental Game - The Monthly Bet April 2016

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APRIL 2016 ISSUE | 2016年4月发布

VOLUME 7 | 第7期




Report Reveals Gamers Six Times Likely to Make In-app Purchases The Second Time


The Mobile Sector of iGaming: Trends This 2016

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报告显示,游戏玩家第二次使用程序内购 买会高出六倍


Oriental Game to Exhibit at G2E Asia 2016 东方游戏将成为亞洲国际博彩娱乐展会 (G2E Asia) 2016 的一分子

The Different Methods of Payment within a Bitcoin Casino 比特币赌场内的各种支付方式

Bitcoin Gambling: Looking at This Year’s Trends 比特币博彩:纵观今年的发展趋势 Oriental Game’s Android Mobile App Soon to Be Launched 东方游戏即将推出安卓移动应用程序

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GAMERS SIX TIMES LIKELY TO MAKE IN-APP PURCHASES THE SECOND TIME 报告显示,游戏玩家第二次使用程序 内购买会高出六倍 程序内购买在苹果2009年发布


here are two types of mobile apps: those that are downloadable for free and those that are downloadable for a fee. In either of these two, many apps—freemium ones to be exact--require users to shell out money just for them to obtain something special with the use of these apps. These are usually called in-app purchases. 目前有两种类型的手机程序: 免费下载和收费下载。在这两 种软件中,许多应用程序确切 的说是免费的,要求用户在程 序里掏钱只是为了让他们获得 一些特别的物品。上述这些被 称为程序内购买。 In-app purchases started in 2009 in the Apple’s App Store upon the release of iOS 3.0. By 2010, Blackberry also joined in, and by the next year, Android released its in-app purchase option called in-app billing.

iOS3.0后开始在苹果应用商店 运行。在2010年,黑莓也加入 这行列,并通过隔年的安卓发 布了名为程序内结算的应用购 买。 Don’t want an annoying ad appearing every now and then in your app? Want to unlock the other levels in your favorite game app? Want to update your list of emoticons in your go-to social networking service? These are what in-app purchases are for; they are there for users to access special features or content, such as power-ups, additional game levels, virtual money, boosts, removal of ads, and the like. Basically, in-app purchases come in many forms. One form involves users purchasing a special feature on a one-time basis, while another is subscription-based. 不想在所有应用程序中显示恼人 的广告?要解锁您最喜欢的游戏 应用里的其他关卡?要更新你社 交网络服务上的表情列表?这些 都是在程序内购买; 在那里为用 户获取特殊功能或内容,如提升 角色能力,额外的游戏关卡,虚 拟货币,道具,广告移除等,基 本上,程序内购买有很多种形式 。一种是用户一次性购买一个特 殊的功能,而另一种是订购方式 。



chased in-app are six times more 在游戏应用里的程序内购买 likely to do so again.

Apps of various genres and categories employ in-app purchase strategies, but none is more evident than in the gaming genre. From unlocking game levels to buying virtual coins, numerous game apps have targeted mostly payers who are willing to pay just to satisfy their gaming desires. For companies that release game apps for a fee, that won’t be a problem. 不同题材和范畴的应用程序采 用不一样的程序内购买策略, 但游戏类最为明显。从解锁游 戏关卡到购买虚拟币,很多游 戏应用程序针对大量愿意支付 只为了满足自己欲望的玩家。 对于发布收费游戏应用程序的 公司,这不是一个问题。 However, for those who release free-play ones, it could be a challenge to turn app users into paying patrons for in-app purchases. Indeed, they need to do what they can in order to convert them as payers, especially that an important study revealed that those who die-hard

然而,对于那些发布免费游戏 的公司来说,将免费用户转化 为付费用户可能是一个挑战。 事实上,他们需要竭尽所能将 用户转换为付费用户,特别是 一个重要的研究表明,根深蒂 固的手机游戏玩家在使用程序 内购买之后第二次使用程序内 购买会高出六倍。

Soomla, a mobile game analytics firm, released a report called Mobile Gaming Insights Report Q1 2016. In it, researchers found that aside from the aforementioned finding above, players who make a purchase in a single game are likewise six times more likely to do the same in another game. The report tracked around 20 million users through all of last year. The findings, which were broken down in terms of game genres or categories, didn’t put into account the social casino category of games. Nevertheless, the whole report put into light the long-term advantages of converting players into paying patrons.


Soomla,手机游戏市场分析公 司,发布了2016年第一季度的 手机游戏分析报告。其中,研 究人员除了上述发现,游戏用 户在使用游戏程序内购买之后 ,将会六倍更倾向于在另一场 游戏做类似的购买。这份报告 通过去年全年对约2000万用户 的调查。这项调查分成游戏类 型或类别,并没有考虑到社交 类的游戏。尽管如此,整份报 告说明长期投入是把玩家转换 成付费用户的优势。 Details of the report reveal an upward trend that supports this important finding. According to Soomla, 13 percent of users who made virtual purchases for a certain amount of money in one game went on to do it again in a second game. From the 13 percent, the number increased to 18 percent for those who made their purchase within the first 24 hours of opening the game app. From 18 percent, it rose yet again by 24 percent for paying players who have opened their second game within 30 days of their in-app purchase in the first game. As players try more games, the upward trend continues: over 22 percent of those who pay for the two games made an in-app purchase in the 3rd game, and nearly 30 percent did the same in the 4th game.

24小时内使用程序内购买,数 字从13%上升到18%。24%付费用 户在第一场游戏的30天内已经 开始了他们的第二场游戏。随 着玩家尝试更多的游戏,趋势 延续上升:超过22%在前两场 游戏支付的玩家在第三场也做 了应用内购买,以及近30%的 玩家在第四场游戏也做了相应 的购买。 Moreover, the report also revealed that the value of purchases made in the first game is an indication of mobile players being willing to use their credit or debit cards in order to pay in the succeeding games. Of the players who have made in-app purchases of $25 or more in their first game, four of ten went on to purchase again on another game. 此外,报告还显示在第一场游 戏进行购买的玩家愿意用自己 的信用卡或借记卡,以便在随 后的游戏直接支付。在第一场 游戏中花费25美元或以上的应 用程序购买玩家,十个人中的 四个人在另一个游戏也购买了 。

详细的报告内容表明上升的趋 势将支持这项重要的调查结果 。据Soomla,13%的用户在第 一场游戏中购买一定数额的虚 拟币后,第二场游戏中再次购 买。对于那些在游戏开放


Although the social casino game category hasn’t been included in the report, the trend of in-app purchase is still apparent, being able to boost game revenue from such even though the player base is getting smaller and smaller. With the ever-growing popularity of mobile gaming within the iGaming sphere, in-app purchases are an essential marketing tool for mobile game companies to ensure that their die-hard players still continue to pay real money. 虽然社交赌场游戏类还没包括在报告中,但是应用内购买的发展趋 势显而易见,即使玩家基础越来越小,也能够提高游戏收入。随着 iGaming范围内的手机游戏不断普及,应用内购买是一个重要的营 销工具,为手机游戏公司,以确保他们的铁杆玩家还是继续花钱消 费。


由于它的立场,大部分使用智能 手机和平板电脑的游戏(和支付 )玩家已经取得了爆炸性的增长 ,与此同时,手机领域已率先于 其他平台提供网络博彩。


The switch from desktop to mobile is definitely inevitable. From the time players get to enter into the virtual world of online casinos in the 1990s, new innovations that appeared through the years helped create a realistic and user-friendly experience, not to mention convenience now with mobile gaming’s peak. The figures don’t lie: the mobile platform only took a 7 percent of all online gambling in 2011, but in two years since, it rose to nearly 20 percent


从台式到手机的转换肯定是不可 避免的。在上世纪90年代玩家通 2016年手机网络博彩业的动态 过网络博彩的进入虚拟世界,最 The last few years saw the emer近几年出现新的创新技术,帮助 gence of new technologies that has 建立了一个现实的和友好的用户 helped redefine how we play casino 体验,更何况现在手机的方便与 games. Gone are the days where 游戏的高峰期。数字不会说谎: such games are played mainly on 在2011年,移动平台仅仅用了所 desktop computers and laptops. As 有网络博彩的7%,但这两年以 it stands, most of the playing (and 来,它上涨到近20%。 paying) patrons have taken advantage of the explosive growth and usage of smartphones and tablets, and with that, the sector of mobile has taken the lead over other available platforms within the online casino gaming sphere. 在过去几年中看到了新的技术, 已经重新诠释新世纪的博彩游戏 。此类游戏主打台式电脑和笔记 本电脑的日子已一去不返了。


Indeed, the popularity of the mobile platform in the iGaming scene is growing exponentially, so much so that this year, it is believe that about half of the revenue will come from those who are using their mobile phones, tablets, or any other related gadgets. This trend will happen in a few months’ time, though it is also likely to attain a yearly revenue of $100 billion for the casinos. 事实上,移动平台上的网络博 彩的正在普及成倍的增长,以 至于今年以来,认为大约一半 的收入都将来自那些使用移动 电话,平板电脑,或其他任何 相关的电子设备。这种趋势将 在几个月内发生,但它也有可 能为赌场达到每年$ 1000亿的 财政收入。 To understand such trends, it is important to look at how mobile has basically become an integral part of our lives. In the United States, for example, for every 100 people there, there are an approximately 104 mobile devices. Now, people planning to buy their own smartphone, tablet, or related mobile gadget have already obtained at least one. But what stands out in this ever changing trends in the mobile sector is how we, users, get to connect to the Internet at far higher speeds than ever before. Similarly, the size of the gadgets’ screens have increased. Four to five years ago, screens of mobile

gadgets fall at only 3 inches; now, they are now between five to six inches. 我们必须理解这种趋势,更重要 的是移动电话基本上已经成为我 们生活中不可或缺的一部分。以 美国为例,每100人里有大约104 个移动设备。现在,就算已经获 得一个移动设备,人们还计划购 买自己的智能手机,平板电脑或 其他任何相关的电子设备。但是 ,在这个不断变化的手机领域中 脱颖而出的是,如何让用户比以 往任何时候得到更快速的连接到 互联网。同样地,电子设备的屏 幕大小也有所增加。四,五年前 ,电子设备的屏幕只有3英寸;现 在,他们是五到六英寸之间。 With these trends, it is easy to see why online gambling using the mobile platform is expected to further increase in a few years. Because Internet connectivity in this mobile age has become widely available and can be quickly accessed, this changed how mobile players get to access their most played games. As long as they have enough mobile data or have access to Wi-Fi hotspots, opening their favorite games are just a few screen taps away and they can play at any time and any place.


Moreover, mobile casino gaming makes it possible for players to register, deposit or withdraw funds, obtain bonuses, and do just about everything that they do using desktop computers. 根据这个走向,很容易理解为 什么移动平台的网络博彩预计 在未来几年将进一步增加。由 于互联网连接在这个移动时代 已经广泛使用,可以快速访问 ,这改变了手机玩家如何获得 他们最常玩的游戏。只要他们 有足够的移动数据或存取WiFi 热点,打开自己喜爱的游戏只 需点击屏幕,却可以在任何时 间任何地点进行游戏。此外, 电子设备博彩业可以为玩家注 册,存款或提款,获得奖励, 几乎做了所有台式电脑能做的 事情。 Though all of the abovementioned aspects help make mobile casino games become even more popular today, it is also worth mentioning that the growth of the market has its own limitations. For instance, in jurisdictions such as Asia, Europe and Australia, players can easily detect if their favorite online gambling site has a readily-made mobile version, which they can download using QR codes or through quick site registration. Indeed, Apple, Android, and others have their own stores where they feature free casino applications (apps) that can be easily downloaded.

场发展有自己的局限性。 例如 ,在一些司法管辖区,如亚洲, 欧洲和澳大利亚,玩家可以很容 易地发现他们喜爱的网络博彩网 站有现成的手机版,他们可以通 过二维码下载或使用快捷网站注 册。事实上,苹果,安卓和其他 应用有自己商店,它们很容易免 费下载赌场的应用程序。 This year is definitely about the continuous exponential growth of mobile casino gaming. It may not continue on and on, but the emergence of the mobile platform vis-à-vis iGaming in general will leave an indelible mark in the whole gambling industry. As we look forward to technology set to make drastic improvements in iGaming, the end of the mobile sector’s popularity is definitely nowhere in sight, at least for now. 今年的手机博彩业指数绝对持续 增长。这不可能永不止息的上涨 ,但移动平台的涌现面对网络博 彩,会在整个博彩业留下浓墨重 彩的一笔。正如我们期待着作出 的技术设置大幅提升网络博彩, 手机领域的热度退去绝对是遥遥 无期,至少现在是这样。

尽管上述所提到的方案有助于 电子设备博彩业比今时今日更 加普及,更值得一提的是,市





G2E ASIA 2016 东方游戏将成为亞洲国际博彩娱乐展会 (G2E ASIA) 2016 的一 分子


uilding business relations. Gaining strength through partnerships and collaborations. These are what Oriental Game (OG) wants to achieve further as it takes part in Asia’ largest gaming trade show and conference, the Global Gaming Expo (G2E) Asia this upcoming May 17 to 19, 2016 at the Cotai Expo in The Venetian Macau. 建立业务关系, 通过伙伴关系和合作增强实力,这些都是东方游 戏(OG)希望能借着参加这即将到来的2016年5月17至19日于澳門 威尼斯人金光大道会展中心举行的亞洲国际博彩娱乐展会 (G2E Asia),亚洲最大的游戏展览及研讨会的机会进一步实现的目标。 The emerging Asian live dealer platform provider is one of the many newcomers in this annual event. So far, about 180 exhibitors have confirmed to be in this year’s G2E Asia, which is a 12 percent increase from last year’s edition. 亚洲新兴的真人视讯平台供应商是这个年度盛会的众多新人之一。 截至目前为止,约有180家参展商已经确认出席今年的亚洲国际博 彩娱乐展会 (G2E Asia), 较去年的盛会增加了12%。 Knowing that the number of G2E Asia attendees is expected to grow larger than that of last year, this three-day event will serve as the perfect venue for Oriental Game to widen its presence and elevate its stature within the iGaming industry.


Apart from engaging with attendees in their effort to establish new business relationships, the people behind OG will also be showcasing its flagship products and services, as well as new and enriching features and functions ready to be introduced. All of these will happen at BOOTH #1933 at The Venetian Macau’s Cotai Expo. 了解到这次出席亞洲国际博彩娱乐展会(G2E Asia)的商家单位数量 预计比去年增长更大, 这个为期三天的活动将作为东方游戏欲在线 上游戏领域提升自己的地位和扩大自己的知名度的最佳舞台. 除了 积极地与参展商家接触来建立新的业务关系,在OG身后还有专业人 员也将展示其旗舰产品和服务,以及即将推出的崭新和丰富的特性 与功能。 所有这些都将呈献在澳門威尼斯人金光大道会展中心的 展台#1933。 Meanwhile, as part of our preparations for G2E Asia, Oriental Game has provided a scheduler for the attendees who might want to set an appointment with us to talk about certain business matters. 同时,在我们的G2E Asia筹备计划当中,东方游戏提供了时间调度 程序予那些想与我们预约商谈一些业务事宜的与会者。 Attendees who may want to discuss business with Oriental Game at the three-day event may click on the link below: 出席的商家如欲在这三天的盛会里与东方游戏洽谈业务,欢迎点击 下面的链接: http://orientalgameg2e.simplybook.me/sheduler/manage/event/1/unit/1 http://orientalgameg2e.simplybook.me/sheduler/ manage/event/1/unit/1

Upon clicking the link, the person can select the most convenient time and day to meet with us, then indicate his or he name, e-mail address, and company name on the field boxes (mobile number is optional). Click “Book Now” and the meeting reservation is placed. 当点击该链接时,您可以选择您觉得最方便的时间和日期与我们会 面,然后在资料框里填写上您的姓名,邮箱地址和贵公司的名称 ( 联系号码是选择性的填写项) 。 点击“现在预约”之后您的会面 预约就生效了。

We are hoping to see you all at G2E Asia 2016 at booth #1933! 我们希望在亞洲国际博彩娱乐展会 (G2E ASIA) 2016的展台#1933看到您!




In online gambling, it is imperative for the player to be well endowed—that is, the player must be able to heftily deposit money into a casino account. Most of the time, this is done through either of the two: credit card or bank transfer. Nowadays, however, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are now being used as an alternative payment option within online casinos. Obviously, the processing of payments is different than the conventional ones that have been already mentioned. 在网络博彩,对资金充足的玩 家是势在必行的,也就是说, 玩家必须能够熟练地钱存入赌 场帐户。

也就是,玩家必须熟练地把钱 存入赌场帐户。在大多数情况 下,玩家是通过信用卡或银行 转账中的一个方式汇款。然而 ,如今加密货币如比特币正在 网络博彩内当做备用支付选项 。显然,付款的处理方式跟以 往提到的情况不同。 Many casinos that accept Bitcoin have already expressed a liking to this digital currency knowing that it there is no centralized regulating body that governs it. That point, in fact, is what makes Bitcoin a beneficial payment option for online casinos, especially for the smaller ones that find it hard to compensate for gambling licenses that are obviously proven to be too costly. 许多已经接受比特币的赌场表 达了对这个数字货币的喜爱, 没有中央监管机构管理。基于 这一点成就了比特币成为有益 于网络博彩支付选项,尤其对 于较小的公司而言,很难抵消 已经证明过于昂贵的博彩执照 。

To use a gaming site as an example, Bitcoin casino Satoshi Dice makes use of a payment process that is most commonly seen in other industries that take advantage ofthe digital currency.


This is through a QR code that signifies the address of a wallet or the address itself, which is given to the depositor or the player. Once sent to the player, he or she will scan it, and from there, will choose the amount of money he or she will deposit into his or her account. 若要使用游戏网站为例,比特 币赌场的Satoshi Dice利用了 支付过程,也就是在其他行业 最常见的数字货币优势。这是 通过存款人或玩家提供的二维 条码来代表一个电子钱包或地 址。

一旦发送给玩家,扫描以后, 玩家会从那里选择将存入自己 账户的金额。 Such a method is already enough for small websites or those that only offer one or two online games. But then, that same process won’t cut it for online casinos that are required to meet gaming regulations and, more importantly,

have to serve a considerably large number of playing and paying patrons. With that in mind, there are other modes of Bitcoin payment available. 这样的方法足以让小网站或那 些只提供一个或两个网络游戏 的公司,但是同样的流程在网 络博彩当中,不会削减那些需 要满足的游戏规则,但更重要 的是,需要能够满足大量的玩 家和支付资助。有了这样的想 法,还有其他的比特币付款方 式。 One of these methods that bigger online casinos use for Bitcoin

payment processing is direct payment. A known sports betting site called BetCRIS, which is based off in the Central American nation of Costa Rica, accepts direct deposits using Bitcoin. The benefits are threefold. 较大的网络博彩公司使用另外 一个比特币付款处理是直接支 付。


一个已知的体育博彩网站叫 BetCRIS,公司位于中美洲国家 哥斯达黎加,接受使用比特币 直接存款,有三大好处。

博彩网站与Bitstamp成为合作 伙伴,一个著名的比特币交易 所,有助于推动他们和玩家之 间的交易。

One, players get to bet as fast as possible because the transactions are processed in a timely manner. Two, players who don’t have credit cards get to fund their bankroll. Three and the last, the sports betting site provides solid Bitcoin depositors with membership upgrades that come with a lot of bonuses. BetCRIS, for its part, anticipates the payment processing procedures that they have to undergo, particularly with bettors who live from other gambling jurisdictions. In that regard, the betting site is partners with Bitstamp, a well-known Bitcoin exchange that helps facilitate the transactions between them and their bettors.

Then again, direct payment is not very much preferred by many online gaming sites due to one thing: the constant yet unpredictable fluctuation of the price of 1 Bitcoin (BT). This is known to affect the revenue flow of these casinos. It is for this reason that other Bitcoin casinos use another approach for facilitating Bitcoin transactions with their players: through third-party processors. These entities convert BTs directly into cash whenever players fund their accounts via deposit.

一、玩家要尽快下注因为投注 都及时处理。二,没有信用卡 的玩家进行银行账户转账。三 ,体育博彩网站提供了比特币 存款与会员升级, 还提供大量的额外奖励。 就BetCRIS本身而言, 他们期望 这种支付方式被 接受,特别是来 自其他赌博司法 管辖的投注者。 在这方面,

还有,直接支付不会成为许多 在线游戏网站首选因一件事: 比特币(BT)的价格不可预测 又不断的波动。这些影响赌场 收益流动是众所周知的。正是 出于这个原因,其他的比特币 赌场使用其他方法促进他们与 玩家进行比特币交易:通过第 三方处理器。每当玩家存款到 自己的账户,这些企业直接转 换比特币成现金。


An example of a casino that does this is LimoPlay, with its third party processor partner Cubits. The casino players wanting to replenish their accounts using BT with LimoPlay will have their payments sourced through Cubits. It will then be converted to cash and then transferred to the players’ accounts via deposit. 这样的其中一个赌场例子是Limoplay,与第三方合作的CUBITS处理 器。那些玩家们想要使用比特币与LimoPlay充值他们的帐户,将不 得不通过CUBITS支付。之后将会被兑换成现金,通过存款方式转移 到玩家的账户。 This is truly a beneficial arrangement for both parties. On one hand, players are able to undergo fast and secure payment transactions. On the other hand, LimoPlay won’t be too concerned about the volatile Bitcoin prices, let alone the payment process itself. All because Cubits is there to take care of business, serving as the bridge that connects players using Bitcoin and the online site. 这的确是一个双赢的局面。一方面,玩家能够体验快速和安全的支 付交易。在另一方面,LimoPlay不会太过在意比特币不稳定的价格 ,更何况是付款程序。这一切都是因为CUBITS有保护业务,作为使 用比特币和网络博彩玩家的连接桥梁。


Whatever the circumstances that online casinos face in terms of payment options, there are always various methods available, and Bitcoin is no exception. It is imperative, therefore, for any online gambling site, regardless of the gambling type—live dealers, sportsbooks, poker and blackjack tables, etc.—need to carefully choose which type of method to use that will perfectly fit their existing business model. Indeed, identifying the payment processes involved is crucial for players who are looking for the best online gambling site to go to and stay there for the long term. 无论网络博彩面临任何情形选择一种支付选项,总会有各种可用的 方法,比特币也不例外。这是必不可免,因此,对于任何网络博彩 网站,无论是哪一种赌博类型,现场荷官,体育博彩,扑克和21点 等,需要谨慎选择完全适合他们现有业务模式的方法。事实上,确 认支付流程是玩家寻找最佳网络博彩网站并长期待该网站的关键。



BITCOIN GAMBLING 比特币博彩: 纵观今年的发展趋势



he year 2015 saw the cryp tocurrency Bitcoin showed its price volatility, athough at the near end of theyear, it has become stable. The price of one (1) Bitcoin went up nearly 40 percent in the calendar year, making it one of 2015’s best investments. As the digital currency displayed stability as its price increased in value, investors were able to show their interest in funding business ventures that accept Bitcoin, especially casinos. 2015年看到了加密货币比特币 展示了其价格的波动,虽然接 近年底,但是目前它已稳定。 一(1)比特币的价格一年里 上升了近40%,

使其成为2015年的最 佳投资之一。随着数字货币的稳 定,其价格在增长,投资者能够 在商业投资上表现出浓厚的兴趣 ,接受比特币,特别是赌场的资 金业务。 The trends are mostly positive and they will play an important role in the ongoing increase of Bitcoin casinos due to the fact that these trends point toward continuous momentum. Mostly, Bitcoin has been greatly patronized by many in just about any industry, making it more secure as time goes by and gives


people the peace of mind that they can transact using the digital currency. 这些动向大都是正面的,他们 将在持续增长的比特币赌场起 到重要的作用,这些趋势指向 连续的良好势头。大多数情况 下,比特币已经在大大小小许 多行业流动,日积月累,将变 得更安全,让人们安心,他们 可以使用数字货币进行交易。 That said, what are these trends that we’re bound to see the next few months in terms of the cryptocurrency and how these will impact online casinos? Here are some of them: 也就是说,我们会在未来几个 月中看到加密货币方面的趋势 以及将如何影响网络博彩,以 下是其中一些: • When it comes to payment options, Bitcoin will still be popular among casinos. •当涉及到付款方式,比特币 将仍然受赌场欢迎。 Payments are highly important in any business model, especially within the online casino industry. Operators must ensure that they payment system that they use is a trusted one, taking into consideration security and safety in all transaction made by their players. With Bitcoin, as is with third-party payment systems, fulfills the demands of both operators and their players.

The digital currency allows the latter to fund their respective accounts in just minutes, and at the same time, allows the operators to give them their winnings within those minutes. The transfer of payments almost happen almost in an instant, and that players will incur lower fees than what is commonly done in credit, debit, or other regular payment processors. 支付方式在任何商业模式极为 重要的,尤其是在网络博彩。 运营商必须确保他们使用一个 值得信赖的支付系统,考虑到 安全性和保障他们与玩家进行 的所有交易。比特币就像第三 方支付系统,同时满足运营商 和玩家们的要求。数字货币允 许各自的账户资金在短短几分 钟后到账,同一时间,使运营 商能够在几分钟之内分发他们 的奖金。转付款项几乎发生在 一瞬间,玩家承担的费用比在 信用卡,借记卡或其他常规付 款处理器时还低。 • The presence of mobile will continue to spur the growth of Bitcoin casinos. •手机的出现将不断促进比特币 赌场的增长。 The shift to mobile technology within the casino industry is no longer something new, especially in this time and age. Indeed, a lot of Bitcoin casinos have taken advantage of HTML5 technology as it allow players to engage in games not just in desktop, but in numerous types of devices. With Bitcoin entering the picture,



online gaming through the mobile platform has been even quicker. The cryptocurrency’s underlying functionality is designed to easily and conveniently do transactions through mobile devices. This gives players the capability to continue with their gaming using their own mobile device, whenever and wherever. 赌场业内的移动通信技术转变 不再是新事物,尤其是在这个 时间。事实上,有很多比特币 赌场也顺势利用了HTML5技术 ,因为他允许玩家不只是在台 式机进行游戏,还有其他类型 的电子设备。随着比特币进入 业内,通过手机平台的网络游 戏更加简单。加密货币的目的 在轻松方便地通过移动设备进 行交易,这让玩家随时随地的 使用自己的移动设备进行游戏 。 • Even with the continued emergence of Bitcoin casinos, regulation will still be an issue. •即使比特币赌场不断涌现, 监管仍然受到争议。 We all know that the legality of online gambling differs from one nation to another. Some totally shun such activity, while other nations lie on the so-called grey market of online gambling where ambiguous legislations or lack thereof makes it difficult to establish. As the sector of this large industry thrived, governments have sought ways to introduce various legislations that would satisfy the two parties,

the operators and the players. Basically, operators of online casinos impose regulations based on the players’ location found in their IP address. These operators take into account their interpretations of the global laws and rules on online gambling, but they expect that their players must also be aware of their own. This setup makes the Bitcoin a perfect fit as a payment option, mainly due to the fact that many online gaming regulations relates to using banks to fund players’ accounts. The digital currency does not have a centralized governing body that would keep track of transactions—blockchains are instead used in this regard—and does not work within the framework of traditional banking, which is why it fits well with the online casino setup. 我们都知道,网络博彩的合法 性因国家而异。有些完全禁止 这类活动,而一些国家在网上 赌博的法律上有不明确的灰色 地带使它难以建立。由于这行 业的蓬勃发展,政府试图引用 一个能够满足运营商和玩家双 方的各种立法。基本上,网络 博彩运营商限制部分玩家是根 据玩家的IP地址找到了玩家的 位置。这些运营商非常重视网 络博彩的全球法律和规则,他 们希望玩家自己也必须意识到 相关的法律。这样的设置使比 特币成为最佳的付款方式,主 要是因为很多网络博彩公司使 用银行账户转账到玩家的账户 。数字货币没有一个中央管理 机构追踪交易,


数据区块链使用在这一点上,但不像传统银行业务的框架,这就是 为什么它非常适合的网络博彩的体系。 The momentum that Bitcoin is gaining won’t stop anytime soon. As this year progresses, it is interesting to see how online casinos using the digital currency will fare well in this sector of the gaming industry. Indeed, online casinos will go as far as Bitcoin will take them as an integral payment option. 比特币的势头短期内不会停止,截至今年进展,看看网络博彩如何 在博彩领域使用数字货币将会十分有趣,事实上,网络博彩会尽可 能把比特币作为一个整体的付款方式。



ORIENTAL GAME’S ANDROID MOBILE APP SOON TO BE LAUNCHED! 东方游戏即将推出安卓移动应用程序! 东方游戏即将推出安卓移动应用程序!

As a company, Oriental Game (OG) is aimed at enhancing its current line of live dealer products. Knowing the state of iGaming today, we believe that making our games available for Android-run mobile devices will enable us to reach out to another group of users, which are the mobile players. In that regard, we are proud to inform the readers of The Monthly Bet that Oriental Game’s Android mobile app will be launched soon. Through this mobile app, we give players a chance to play our games anytime and anywhere using their Android devices. Not only that, but this app gives the players more choices in the platform they want when playing OG. 东方游戏(OG)做为一家网络游戏开 发商,目的是发展目前现有的现场真 人荷官线上游戏。深入了解目前网 络博彩的状况之后, 我们相信东方游戏 可使用于安卓移 动设备,我们能 够接触到另一群 手机玩家消费者 。在这方面, 我 们很自豪地通知


The Monthly Bet 的读者东方游戏的安卓移动应用程序即将隆重面市 。通过这个程序,我们让玩家随时随地使用安卓系统进行博弈。不 仅如此,这个应用程序让玩家在使用OG平台进行游戏时有更多的 选择。

Inside the app 系统里的应用程序 The OG Android app is made possible by the company’s development team. The group, of course, did not disappoint after months of development and testing, and looking at the app’s contents, it is easy to see why. The login page may be a duplication of its Web-based counterpart, but upon entering the user account name and password, players will notice the app’s compact design and interface, taking into account usability and interaction. In addition, the whole game is customized to immediately fit with the various screen resolutions of Android devices. The app features all of OG’s live dealer games: baccarat, Dragon Tiger, fan tan, roulette, and sic bo. 东方游戏(OG)安卓应用程序是公司的开发团队努力的成果。经过 多月的开发和测试,看过应用程序内容的人就会知道长时间努力没 有白费。登录页面虽然是公司网页的副本,但在输入用户帐户名和 密码,玩家将看到应用界面上简洁的设计,应用程序还考虑到户口 的相互影响和实用性。此外,整体游戏的分辨率与安卓手机的屏幕 分辨率会自动匹配。 这应用程序提供了所有的OG真人视讯游戏: 百家乐,龙虎斗,番摊 ,轮盘和骰宝。


Gameplay at your fingertips 指尖上的游戏 As far as gameplay is concerned, players can get the most out of on-the-go betting with our OG Android app. After players pick their desired tables, they will be shown an uncomplicated interface where they can effortlessly pick their chips, place their bets, see the different road maps, and view the live dealers who are facilitating the games. 玩家可以充分利用东方游戏的安卓应用程序进行投注。玩家挑选自 己所需的牌桌后,安卓设备将显示出简洁的画面,让他们可以轻松 的选择自己的筹码下注,同时也看到不同的路子以及牌桌上的荷官 。

Want to change something? The settings menu is readily available and can be toggled at any time before or while playing. Want to place a bet? The betting area may be small compared to the Web-based one, but its simplistic design complements the whole interface and allows mobile players to place their bets. 想更改设置?设置键是现成的,可以在任何时候进行播放切换。想 投注?相比于公司网页,手机屏幕的投注面积虽然较小,但其简洁 的设计,完整的衬托了整个画面,让手机玩家可以简单容易的进行 投注。 More to come from Oriental Game 东方游戏带来更多的产品 The launch of the mobile app is one of the company’s plans that have come into fruition. It may not be an innovation that will revolutionize iGaming, but this is Oriental Game’s way of enriching its


current product offering, not to mention putting ourselves in the position to reach out to a wider audience, which are the mobile players. Indeed, it also helps that we have this important milestone made possible, considering that the Asia’ largest iGaming exhibit, the G2E Asia 2016, is already upon us. Even after the three-day gaming trade event at Macau, Oriental Game is still poised to roll out new features and functionalities to ensure our competitiveness within the iGaming industry. 此次推出的安卓移动应程序用是公司的产品开发计划之一,而此开 发计划已经接近完成。它可能不是彻底改变网络博彩游戏的创新之 举,但为了增加公司目前所提供的产品服务,同时也将自己的位置 推向另一个层次以及接触到更广泛的受众,而安卓移动应程序使我 们接触到了安卓手机玩家。 事实上,能够经历与完成这个重要的里程碑也有助于我们,因为考 虑到亚洲最大的网络博彩产品展销会将会在短短几个月内举行。即 使在为期三天的网络博彩产品展销会结束之后,东方游戏仍然准备 推出新的程序和功能,以确保在游戏行业内的竞争力。


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