BG MAGAZINE #13 - International

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Let’s Celebrate:

ONE YEAR St yle & attitude for S e c o n d Li fe B ad Girls & Bad B o y s # 13 - August/September, 2008

summary To see/to know more on Alyne Dagger e Lucrecia Slade visits our sites: • Bad girls go everywhere Our group in Second Life. Join!!! • Flickr - Share Your Photos! Search: A Lucrecia that is not Borgia Alyne Dagger • Wants to sign BG? badgirlsmagazine/ Join the group and receive the magazine in PDF, before everybody!

Editorial Interview — Wyatt Benoir One year of Bad Girls Magazine AD Choices - Lugares imperdíveis AD Choices - Galeria Agenda Bad Girl I Good Guy Bad Girl II Divas Inventory Profile Daggertherapy II - The Mission! Portuguese Lessons Linden Lag

Texts, edition, desktop Contact: publishing, graphic design and Who wants to collaborate with tips, all more: complaints, show him/herself or just to A partnership of the friends Lucrecia Slade and Alyne Dagger (Lu & Ly for the inner circle).

Photos: Lucrecia Slade and Alyne Dagger

say “hello”, just IM us. Uncivilized opinions will be investigated, photographed and joyfully mocked in the next issue. X-D

To advertise: IM to Alyne Dagger/Lucrecia Slade.

Issue 13 - August 2008

4 6 16 26 38 42 48 50 52 54 72 88 92 94 96

BG Magazine is independent and it does not publish conflicting opinions with the ideal of the magazine nor even for all Lindens in the world. When we speak well, we are good. When we speak ill of, we are the best!

Editorial “What do we want? Have fun with all.” This was the first phrase I wrote officially for the Bad Girls Magazine, in the beginning of August 2007. Because this was my intention, to have fun, and making people have fun. I confess that I didn’t expected anything, I didn’t have any great idea or expectative and if the mag became my bigger project in SL was, mainly, because of you, readers, liked too much our combination of humor and style. Obviously, the style is Lucrecia and the humor is me, even this is more like bad humor. If I didn’t have plains one year ago, now I have many of them, of making BG Mag better and better, being proud of being in the head of this with Lucrecia – an initiative “made by residents to residents” that can be now considered solid and, why not?, longevous. Don’t know what this means, longevous? Don’t be a noobie and take the dictionary, because I’m note here to teach you the RL basics. Kisses and see ya in SL. Or not.

Aline Dagger – Editor for blah blah

In the other hand, my first phrase was “to be a bad girl is not for anyone”. In fact, is not. Say me, how many bad girls do you know that really knows the real meaning of the expression “new business model”? For us, this is the new model of you-know-what by XCite! One year has passed, I talked a lot about fashion, style, went to many stores, took lots of pics, the newcomers’ flip flops were slowly substituted by sculpted shoes and the mag become a must-read in SL Brazil. From the first readers till many things happened. Even with a smile in the face and with so good humor, this is the result of little ants’ hard and restless work, based in the humor and exceptional text of Alyne and in my passion for photography and discovering of new stores. I think it worked, because I ever read in my IMs the messages of “when will be launched the new issue?? I want to read more!” =D To our great friends and readers, my “thank you for everything”. But an alert: like Alyne’s humor, my camera lenses are always prepared for all, like that shame you passed and you THINK nobody registered... =^.^= Lucrecia Slade – Smuggler and opinion giver for friends in shopping

Bad Girls interview / Wyatt Benoir

Locomotive of Ideas Wyatt Benoir likes to guide himself through creativity and imagination and, in his words, with a good dose of passion. A precocious avatar, in less than a year commands two projects of enormous importance in Second Life: the ARTist’s Park, a place for artists of all styles change ideas and experiences and make art, and The ARTisan Magazine, a quarterly publication with the proposal of being a communication channel for art in SL. Lucrecia Slade opened her house for this interview and Wyatt, as usual, showed his natural personality and took immediately the attention, showing to the bad girls why, in so many little time, became an very important and known avatar.

Alyne Dagger:

Wyatt, you have had dominated too quick all sl stuff. How did it happen? Wyatt Benoir:

Well to be quite honest SL since my start has been a tumultuous storm of events ranging from romances to the park to my own private ventures such as The ARTisan. I have always been someone to strive in whatever I do and when I entered Second Life the artistic possibilities is what sparked my interest I cannot say how it all happened. I just took the bull by the horns, so to speak, and ran with it. :)

Alyne Dagger:

OK, talk about the objective of Artistic Park, do you planned to do this anf malke it grow up so fast? Wyatt Benoir:

Well the Park was originally a small concept. The creator did her best with the land she had. But when I was appointed as Manager I had immediately come up with ideas that would take the park itself to a new level. My objective was to create a real PARK for artists of all style and genre to come and enjoy. I wanted it to be a place that others can create and maybe get some kind of inspiration for that next great shot. Its a place for artists of all skill levels and genres to come and gather in one place and share and enjoy art itself.

Lucrecia Slade: And there’s many RL artists or are

just people that discovered art in world? Or the two kind of people? Wyatt Benoir: There are many different kinds of

artists in this ever growing community. There are those that are professional digital artists and those that have discovered art in Second Life. Both artists I believe can find something at the park that sparks their imagination. From the landscape design to the gallery complex it was all conceived with one concept in mind.....Creativity. Thats the root of all art in my opinion. Creativity and Imagination and a touch of heart and passion. Those aspects alone build the core values for many a great artists. Alyne Dagger:

and do you have any connection with art in your real life? Or just SL make you get in touch with this?

Wyatt Benoir:

In real life I paint and draw often. But is merely for hobby. For fun. I dont do anything professional. I have always had a vivid imagination and have had the innate ability to adapt to my surroundings and be able to fit into any situation. When I entered Second Life thats just what I did. Alyne Dagger:

But you are always doing photos and uploading it in your flickr. Did you have any knoledge about photoshop before go in world?

Wyatt Benoir:

Well before I came in world I fiddled around with a lot of other programs that i just found. One of them being Paint Shop Pro. This was a similar program but not quite as powerful as Photoshop. I learned a lot of the basics from that program and implemented the knowledge I gained by using that program into learning all that I can with Photoshop. I watched several tutorials and read several tutorials and bought some literature on Photoshop and still find that I learn something with every picture I do.

Alyne Dagger: Wyatt Benoir:

Very clever.

Thank you.

Alyne Dagger:

You are always in events, like a image reporter. Do you have any particular interest in SL events or do it just for covering for artisan magazine?

Wyatt Benoir:

I do it quite honestly to practice. I consider each of my shots experiments. If you look at some of my older Avatrait pictures and compare to most of my newer ones you will

see a gradual progression. That actually goes with all of the pictures on my flickr. Everything is a learning experience and I personally draw inspiration from other pictures. I have learned to nearly be able to disect pictures or almost figure out what was done and I do my best to implement certain aspects in my pictures as well and its all well to put it simply...A learning experience. Lucrecia Slade:

And do you want sometimes to do it in real life, I mean, to dedicate to art more often or your RL is very differente from this?

Wyatt Benoir:

My real life is very organized at the moment but I do have an idea that will bring art into a larger forefront of my life.

Alyne Dagger:

You had a stunning romance that bring you into SL, did you feel sorry about the time it endend and did you lost friends when the marriage was gone? Wyatt Benoir:

I didn’t feel sorry about how the marriage ended. It could have been a lot more graceful but unfortunately in life you can only hope for the best. As far as friends go I did lose some relationships that I had valued but again you can only hope for the best in life and if it doesnt work out then all you can do is keep pushing on.

Alyne Dagger:

But now you are in love again. Do your wife play a big rule in your SL life? And in rl?

Wyatt Benoir:

She honestly plays a very large role in my Second Life and my real life. She is my drive and inspiration to keep striving harder. Lucrecia Slade:

And about the mag? Artisan is made by a impressive team. How it is to manage so many talents and opinions? Wyatt Benoir:

Well I will be quite honest it can be very trying at times. But I personally have A LOT of experience dealing with a lot of different personalities and managing a team of individuals and leading them towards an end product that is both fantasic and amazing. Lucrecia Slade:

And you are satisfied with the response of readers? Wyatt Benoir:

I am highly satisfied with the response from the readers. The staff really strived to do something different and give an overall feel that we felt others could enjoy and relate to. I feel thats exactly what we did and the readers appreciated it. Alyne Dagger:

you are the captain of many cool sl projects. the magazine, the new artist’s park ... how do you manage this with your real life,

Wyatt and Emerald

assuming you have an pocupation completely different from your RL business? Wyatt Benoir:

I do have an occupation entirely different from what I do here in Second Life and it can be very hard at times balancing it all out but it takes a lot of thought process and planning. But I cant take all the credit. The ARTist’s Park is managed by myself and Emerald Eberhart. As for the ARTisan I have a very talented team of writers and editors that truly put forth their best efforts to do all that they can to make the magazine flow as smoothly as it does. Namely Isabella Johin and again Emerald Eberhart. Without all those individuals and different personalities the magazine wouldnt be what it is.

Alyne Dagger:

And any plans for future?

Wyatt Benoir:

Well the staff and I have tossed around our ideas but we cant give away all the goodies. Haha. We like to be spontaneous and some of the things we are working on will be precisely that. Something just unique and different and on a grand scale.

happy to learn though. Lucrecia Slade:

We have in mind to show some artists of Brazil -- and you and your staff and friends are invited to know ^^ Wyatt Benoir:

I would be happy to see that kind

of thing. Alyne Dagger:

Beside all art stuff, what are your

hobbies in sl? Wyatt Benoir:

I actually enjoy writing poetry. Its something I can really sink my teeth into and just let myself go. Well I actually have a concept I am working on that ties pictures into a sort of short story. Another artistic and creative concept that I am trying to take advantage of. With all the poses available I really intend to make a series of pictures associated with some erotica that I write. Almost like a virtual picture book of sorts Alyne Dagger:

Wyatt, it was a pleasure for us interview such a great creator and artist. Hope we can stay in touch!

Lucrecia Slade:

Do you know something about art in brazil? (besides dance anda music?) XD

Hope so! Thanks for your kindness, and you have such a beautiful house, Lucrecia!

Wyatt Benoir:

Lucrecia Slade:

I dont unfortunately. Am always

Wyatt Benoir:

Thank you so much!

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

Cover Article

One year of Bad Girls Magazine

Without ever loss “Hay que endurecer, pero sin perder la ternura jamás”.

Ernesto Che Guevara)

ourselves above criticism; being ironic, being sarcastic without trespass the boundaries of cruelty.

What this quote has with the Bad Girls? We don’t want to make any revolution, we don’t match well with guerrilla uniforms – with or without bonnet – and, above all, we’re not Argentineans like Che himself. But we believe in harden without loose tenderness, in being critical, being acid without think about

In this one year old, of course it’s time to make a balance, an auto critic and a revival – and this must sound strange because one year is nothing in Real Life. But we must remember that in Second Life one year represents a large amount of time and you can observe this in the number of stores and places showed in

(One must harden without ever losing tenderness. -

sing tenderness past issues of the mag that no longer exists or changed its activities. One year in the metaverse is always an event to celebrate. Few people knows from where BG Magazine came from and what was its original objective: after almost one month discovering SL, in a Sunday, in the middle of a party in the extinct São Pedro’s Metro, Alyne asked Lucrecia: “Let’s create a magazine for SL?”

The scene then was quite different from nowadays. Voice chat was in test in some SIMs, nobody even considered the possibility of Windlight or photorealism, noobies were easily recognized by its clay hair and skin, and the truth is: everybody in the newborn SL Brazil was half noobie. Nobody played RPG, everybody used the kiss ball freebie (that one with the elevated foot that nobody uses anymore) and find a camp paying more than

1L by 15 minutes was electrifying! It was not a shame to change clothes in public and to see someone naked in a party was as usual than see someone using a freebie sex item that didn’t match with the color of the skin. For this, the first issue of the mag seems to us having a thousand years old in its noobie style – 14 pages quickly assembled like an old fanzine layout. Some issues are still pertinent; others became history, like casinos and banks. A Viper’s comment in the first aMIgos da Alyne (Alyne’s Friends) is very funny: “To dance, you just click in the dance ball and stop to ask me for lindens, because I’m not a cashier!” Some things are eternal, like the question “how can I dance” that you’ve heard in 70% of the parties all around and the other is the “beggar”, that First photo of “The Bad Girls”, for 1st issue cover

guy that claims for lindens wherever he goes. The second and third issues marked the transformation of the mag in a more evaluated publication: a new layout designed for web and the decision for making a theme for every issue. This added a good content to articles without losing the humor, even in serious themes as relationship, identity and creative interaction in SL. At these times, married couples in SL Brazil were rare and nothing seemed solid – all the couples interviewed in the issue are now separated by different motives. We talk about the second and the third editions because they talk about the persons behind the avatar and their sociability. The discussion about the value and the truth in a virtual relationship remains: the wedding “wave” doesn’t avoid cases of disrespect to “real” people, even between married couples that took on airs of a supposed seriousness, loaned by the partnership registered on the profile. And, if written today, the third issue main article certainly would have much more subject: we perceive now that having an avatar is far more complex than we can imagine. People leave the parties behind and go to their

goals – having a business, building, making art or making part of RPG islands, like so many avatars we knew after the upload of this number. And in these two numbers we discussed the newbies’ habits, the boringness of SL styles, the profiles of Residents that were becoming entrepreneurs and all of this bring to the edition more pages, from 14 original to 32. BG was growing and evolving. The next challenge was to talk about economics without being boring. The contrast between the beggar and the rich woman in the cover gave the rhythm to the issue, talking about a serious matter and show how virtual money can affect the business and personal relations in SL. For the first time, wee opened a space for a tribe talk about itself – Hanakin Saiman gave us a

rich testimony about the furry universe, and for the first too we talk about RPG, showing some of the best Unbelievable Places for the players. From concrete to abstract, the following issue talked about time, making a reflection about how fictional time and the ability to control it change our way to live the second existence. The consequences of this management in the relationships and in the private real world issues were broached, as well as the adequacy of each person to this strange world, at times an atemporal one. And because we don’t take it too seriously the magazine had fun with music, translating the lyrics of Justin Timberlake’s “Sexy Back” with the Babbler and getting a hilarious result. We presented the Vanity Dialogues and showed elaborated Great Styles and Unbelievable Places. Our first international interview was presented: the managers of

The staff of Retrology SIM

Retrology SIM and Pin Ups Night Club (Anessa Stine, Draco Tatsu e Jhunzen Ketsugo) talked about how the island born, as a little world dedicated to revive the golden years of 20th century, in this issue, that was a Christmas special.

people that everyone has at least one history to tell. Our first male fashion editorial was made, with DJ LPviper Watanabe, that came back to SL after almost 6 months. Talking about DJs, Thundera Rau gave a memorable interview that made him a partner of the mag.

We begun 2008 with the right foot and talked about summer in SL Brazil in a funny and pleasant way. After so many serious themes, the 70 pages of this issue were marked by the joy of celebration of the first summer of the great majority of Brazilian avatars. Humor covered all the articles but the main success was “Avatars from A to Z�, in AD Comments, that made a funny selection of that typical

Carnival motivated the theme that is considered till today one of the most controversial: Sex in SL was the 7th issue, that showed proud profiles of gay avatars and talked about all forms of sex in Second Life, with a fine graphic treatment, in any moment appealing to vulgarity. We considered all risks of the supposedly safety of the practice of virtual sex, putting in evidence the use of

sex as an instrument of manipulation and the repudiation to pedophilia, a sexual behavior that Linden and most of Residents wants to be very far away from metaverse. Another articles to take notice were Sex Stores and the Unbelievable Places to commit all seven sins. The following number talked about something more light: Beauty. Gods or Monsters was the theme proposed, that lead us in a certain way to the 3rd issue. Alyne opened her hair inventory, giving tips about editing and places to buy them, showed amazing dollarbies and freebies, and Lucrecia showed the fashion tendencies and covered a lot of stores. To have some fun, the Daggertherapy showed all neuroses of our second lives.

Illustration for BG7 - based in the movie “Chicago”

After these refreshing themes, we turned back to our spicy way – Ethics in SL discussed about piracy, dishonesties in a general way, robbery, cheating and fidelity on virtual relationships. This issue brings the reformulation of Unbelievable Places, now included in the Alyne Dagger Choices section, that become a bigger one showing not only places, but also pistures from Flickr users. In the opening, we showed the Galleries of Hio Taringa and Strawberry Singh, artists well known by SL community on Flickr. The SL Brazil press was showed in the Profile section, collecting opinions from bloggers and journalists that have publications about the metaverse. In the Alyne Comments, a sad

story, one of the few published in one year of magazine. In the tenth issue Art was the theme, from plastic arts to music, passing by theater and poetry, showing avatars that make real and virtual art and their opinions about SL as a broadcasting point. Enniv Zarf interview presented to Brazilian avatars the SL Shakespeare Company, an amazing and very well managed work that mobilizes a lot of people to make quality theater using avatars as actors. Music and art were shown in Lucrecia’s shops divine fashion essay and in the Unbelievable Places. The Voddo Babies

The 11th issue talked about the RL x SL lives, showing the funny aspects of each other, people that wake up wanting to edit their real appearance and those who call traffic jam by the word “lag”. As this interaction between the two worlds is not so funny at all, we appointed the censoring in SL5B against children and goreans and the touching testimonial of Stephen Venkman, put aside of the celebration because he wanted to show his SL family. Still talking about SL5B, we interviewed Prad Prathivi, main guest architect, and a special article showing the event expositions. Another special article was Great Styles, showing the amazing, light and colorful presentation of Rita Lee’s fans (a Brazilian artist more known as the vocalist of the 70’s band, Os Mutantes). In this edition there was a magnificent fashion essay in homage to Yves Saint-Laurent and the Alyne Comments told a hilarious story about a not-so-cutie baby. With so many articles, we beat the record of number of pages – 102 pages for the first time translated to English and shared in the publishing site, what makes the pageviews increase for more than 2,500 views. Finally, the 12th issue showed Action & Adventure, in a dynamic approach of

everything that can move a second life’s avatar. We can put in relief the RPGists of Cidade do Medo (City of Fear) and Tribo Brasil (Tribe Brazil), and the Niki Wilder’s interview (from Wilder Skyes, land of flying and aerial combat in SL). A fine male fashion essay for sportswear and a special article about U2 in SL show, where the BG’s reporter abandoned her role and cried out loud hysterically as any wild fan of the band. A “diet” issue, because we already had ideas for the anniversary edition. And this is it. We arrived to this 13th issue, the first of the second year of BG Magazine. Watching for the past issues we are very satisfied knowing that our motto, written in the Credits Page, still lives: we didn’t publish conflicting opinions with the ideal of the magazine nor even for all lindens in the world. We heard from so many people that’s very impressive that the mag came to the first year counting only on two people in its staff: the bad girls Alyne Dagger and Lucrecia Slade. But the truth is that is not only the two of us that made this magazine being what it is. Throughout this year we had the collaborations of countless friends, readers, colleagues, without whom the mag even could presents its first edition.

One year! More will come!

Who know us better now, can be assured that it was not that simple, it was not that ease talk about the in-world. Stay with us now and let’s have some fun from this strange thing called metaverse. For those who knows us, our friends from past and present, our “Thank you very much”, from the deep of our hearts. If it’s funny to you remember what we’ve talked about, it’s why it was funny to write all those things. We hope you can stay with us, because we’ll continue to have fun with the metaverse, harden the speech when necessary… but not losing tenderness, ever.

Alyne Dagger Choices It’s time to elect the ten best places I’d visited throughout the last year. These places were classified as “unbelievable” and most of them are still there. But the ones here shown become more unbelievable! And in the Gallery, the charming work of Vivian Tuqiri, our Argentinean “hermana” that photographs with great care, and Klipang Torok’s sensual work, a sensitive photographer and portrayer of the female figure.

AD Choices - Unbeliavable Places



This Top 10 elects the places not in order of preference, but as the best of the issue they appeared on. I was very pleased to visit these places once more and realize that they are still unbelievable. But one thing: the 1st and 8th issues didn’t have Unbelievable Places section, so we can count 10 places in 12 editions.

Romance In the 2nd issue, we showed some places with a romantic mood. ACROPOLIS GARDENS won with applause but‌ it is gone. Unfortunately, in the same week when we got this shot, it was terminated because it was not paying itself with the tips anymore. This is a lesson for every SL resident: if you like a place, support it. Your tip can be the difference between the success or bankrupt of a beautiful place.


NEW BABBAGE wins as the most creative SIM, because its steampunk style is unique and even its Residents follow it Babbage Canals (175, 45, 25)

Role Play

TOXIAN CITY is the most known and frequented island by RPG players from all over the world. Its excellence is noted in all aspects, from building to DCS managing. Toxia (251,135,23)


The 5th issue we talked about time in SL and of how past, present and future can live together. RETROLOGY used technology to become the best retro place in Second Life. Retrology (106, 211, 40)


ALPINE EXECUTIVE CENTER is designed as a ski resort and a convention and leisure center, in the European model of building and managing. You can ski for free and without breaking your neck! MeetingSupport(116,054,021)


The other sins must forgive me, but gluttony triumphed over all with the KITCHEN KORNER, the place where you even forget that avatars don’t eat! Kitchen Korner(201,071,042)


MALDO is so beautiful and so well constructed that nobody thinks that this place is a sandbox for building, returning your objects in 5 hours. Maldo(179,099,030)

Art & Music

All Happy Clam Island is amazing to know, but THE CLAM AND BEAN is the place that resumes all the island spirit, with art exhibitions and live presentations with great musicians. Happy Clam Island(141,172,25)

CHICHÉN ITZA wins over favorites like Tour Eiffel and RJ City’s Christ, The Redeemer because it’s a wonderful place, with a good cultural agenda and low lag. Mexico (198,070,039 )

in KOWLOON is like to be in an action movie Adventure Being scenario or inside a manga. kowloon (147,011,024)

AD Choices - Gallery

Vivian Tuqiri

Let’s go! In my free time I take many photos and edit them a lot – this become in a beautiful passion for me... I hope you’ll enjoy it too.


Going under

That’s not my name

AD Choices - Gallery

Klipang Torok Alyne Dagger

Lan May


Klipang Torok is a photographer in Second Life. He specializes in portrait photography. His portraits are characterized by closeups, unusual lighting and post-processing effects that lend a warm glow to his work. His partner in SL is Peaches Windlow.

Kalena Ling


Bad girls have good friends!

Being a partner of BGs is cool, and for it you just must have our totem in your event/ store/island. IM us, take your totem and have a good discount advertising in the mag!

Check out the agenda of the places and sites that support BG Mag.

caos comunicação Caos Village, Tsering (187, 34, 94)

Caos Comunicação and Alt Mídia Alternativa, agencies from South of Brazil, announce the launching of the project Ilha Serra Gaúcha Brasil. The project has already defined its touristic places and natural beauties that will be represented in the virtual universe, showing the culture and attractions of the mountain region of Rio Grande do Sul in Second Life. Besides, there will be special projects for the public of metaverse that will include culture, information and entertainment.

cineclube alexandria

Ponta da Praia (121, 171, 24) Join the group of people who like animation movies and watch the best productions of the world. Now the Cine is in a new address, at Ponta da Praia, with a special season: BATMAN! See animes of incredible stories about Gotham’s Knight.

universidade brasil virtual Vestibular Brasil W (223, 210, 22)

It’s a University space for art, culture, RPG, games, design and much more. The space dedicated to Design, in a skybox, was opened with the beginning of the first courses. A space for music was opened and the lovers of jazz and good music will be delighted with a beautiful jam session in a very pleasant place. Go there! AVATAR JAZZ LOUNGE, Fortes Perez Cultural (212, 125, 31)

d&d brasil shopping

Mistura Brasileira (127, 126, 24) Now in its own island, D&D Brasil Shopping increased the number of stores and have so many options for your fun: luau parties, parachute jumping, a romantic beacon, jet ski, boats and windsurf. There are parties all days (except Saturdays). Resident DJs plays at Mondays (Weber Yiyuan), Wednesdays (Dutra) and Fridays (Pittbul Drake). Tuesdays and Thursdays are open to new talents, always presenting a new DJ!

mieli & schnyder studio fotogrĂĄfico Brasil Sp Jardins (177, 249, 28)

Located in Jardins/SP, the studio of Jaqueline Meili and Wolfen Schnyder offers quality in photo books and for your events.

a.c. store

Ethereal Sanctuary (180, 68, 24) North Halsted (235, 68, 22) Kmadd Enterprise (130, 91, 26) Village Brasil Shopping (102, 136, 33) Design, creativity, daring and extreme quality — this is a.C. Store by CheerNo Destiny. Join the store group and be updated about the new releases.

hippie market Sled (182, 73, 93)

Clothes, jeans, skins and colorful accessories of the 70’s!

samba brazil

Ponta da Praia (59, 47, 22) The Brazilian Carnival and folk store has clothes and accessories for Brazilian traditional parties and not so traditional occasions‌ XD

tribo brasil

Tribo Brasil (127, 90, 511) It’s a place for a post apocalyptical RPG where humans, lycans, vampires, supernaturals, nekos, angels and demons fight for the supremacy. Besides, you can rent your store in an island with an excellent traffic. Join the group and live great adventures!

happy clam

Happy Clam Island (127, 127, 32) Sustainability, modernity, creativity — this is the less to describe the delicious Happy Clam Island, where live presentations, expositions, stores and the most acclaimed techno parties happens.

Bad Girl of the Month

Filha de Oxum Alyne Dagger is just herself.

Good Guy of the Month

Pirata Groll Greggan

Creator and merchant Single

Bad Girl of the Month

dark sleeping beauty Lucrecia Slade Photographer Out of area. Please, try later.

Special fashion editorial

divas Photos: Lucrecia Slade Model, styling and illustrations: Alyne Dagger

Skin and shape Alyne Dagger, eyes Skin Within, eyelashes Arsnova, bang Bewitched, Carmen Miranda outfit Alyne Dagger, jewels Ryca and DB Bella

“I have never followed what people say it is must wear what fits her. That is why I created my artistical genre.� Carmem Miranda 1909-1955

‘fashionable’. I think that a woman d a style appropriated to my type and

“Every man I knew went to bed with Gilda... and woke up with me.” Rita Hayworth 1918-1987

Skin and shape Alyne Dagger, eyelashes Arsnova, hair Rac, dress and gloves Alyne Dagger

“I was not trying to be shocking, or to be a pioneer. I wasn’t trying to change society, or to be ahead of my time. I didn’t think of myself as liberated, and I don’t believe that I did anything important. I was just myself. I didn’t know any other way to be, or any other way to live.” Bettie Page nasc. 1923

Skin and shape Alyne Dagger, eyes SW, eyelashes Arsnova, hair Calico Creations, bikini Artillery, socks Vienna Freebies, gloves freebies, shoes Sin

Skin and shape Alyne Dagger, eyes SW, eyelashes Arsnova, hair Calico Creations, clothes and hat Alyne Dagger

“As God is my witness, as God is my witness they’re not going to lick me. I’m going to live through this and when it’s all over, I’ll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folk. If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill. As God is my witness, I’ll never be hungry again.” Scarlett O’Hara E o Vento Levou... (Gone with the Wind)

Skin and shape Alyne Dagger, eyes freebies, eyelashes Arsnova, hair Ingenue, dress Victoria Grim by Grim Bros, fur coat Earth and Sky Designs, gloves freebies, socks Viena Freebies, jewels Aly, shoes Sin

“I’m no model lady. A model’s just an imitation of the real thing.” Mae West 1892-1980

“If I’d observed all the rules,

Skin and shape Alyne Dagger, eyes SW, eyelashes Arsnova, hair Ingenue, dress Anah, jewels Aly

I’d never have got anywhere.� Marilyn Monroe 1926-1962

Favorite looks



Photos, model and styling: Lucrecia Slade

After one year in Second Life, if you are a fashion editor you must take care – the inventory almost explodes! But you have these looks that you love, love and love. Here I show you some looks that I use and abuse.

Calico Creations


When I was rezzed, I passed 4 hours editing myself. Yes, it was the first thing I learnt to do: edit a shape! Since then, I just made some adjusts and consolidated the image – and this is very difficult, because in SL the options of stores are ENDLESS.

The Abyss

My first fashion love was Goth1c0. Who knows me from the beginning knows this look very well too. Now, an upgrade: before I used these clothes with the beautiful boots from Lassitude & Ennui. Now I use with the ones from The Abyss.

Analog Dog

Garden Of Ku


G0th1c0 + Calico Creations+ Sexy

Some things I like too much are industrial music, rock, vampirism and, my favorite place for doing nothing was Transylvania’s cemetery. There I knew Sinistyle and this fashion love story never ended.

Other passion is Japanese SL fashion. Everything is incredibly beautiful and cheap (for my standards) XD. This dotty look comes from Sugar Cube, a fancy and lovely store for sugary girls. Periodically these stores make a great sale, but you can be alert, because it ends quickly.


Sugar Cube


Bare Rose

Le Petit Prince

But Japan is cyber sexy manga too and who never went to Bare Rose or Le Petit Prince can throw the first prim.

Boxed Heroes


Other stores I love too much: Oralune, D&D Creative Labs, re.act, Neko Gear, Curious Kitty, X2: Exotica, Deviant, Sintimacy and our most beloved Mimi a Go Go!

Mimi a Go Go!

Obviously, everybody saw me using one of my favorite toys, the Iron Man avatar. It flies so fast and I eventually found myself in some trouble or vexation, but guess what? I don’t care! XD

Naughty Armani Artilleri Unfortunately, Armani closed its island that sold the virtual replicas of the 10 best-sellers of the brand in the real world. To compensate this, we found so many Brazilian talents as CheerNo Destiny. I use frequently this incredible eyewear!

Chambre du Chocolat

Yume Designs More from Brazilian creators: Rahz, Eddesign, Crochet, Hanakin Saiman Tattoos, Unique Skins e Magnolia.

a.C. Store


Calico Creations Perturbation



Sirena Hair & Fashion + Blaze

My inspirational diva is Audrey Hapburn. Delicate, chic, but with strong opinion and attitude, she could mix the most beautiful haute couture dress with something absolutely cheap and with personality. Like a freebie.

Serendipity + The Abyss Slash!


Primitive Design + D&D Creative Labs + Analog Dog

I like to have fun and use my spin blades when I have really nothing to do. I learnt to use a skateboard at Action’s free style space. Yes‌ I have an X-Games side. XD


Bewitched FNKY! Cake


Primitive Design



The Abyss

Finally, I must confess that I like boys’ toys. I love Tonktastic, Primitive Design and people are bored of seeing my aviator style glasses from FNKY! Cake.

Wandering Nowhere

Profile/Enfermeiro Zipper - Singer How did you arrive here and why?

about the support that can be made to

I arrived in SL and found myself lost… (lol)

music and the space for musicians. I expect

I was looking for an update in new virtual

to show my work as musician in-world and

resources related to chat groups and to

bring light and positive vibrations through it.

know new people too! My objective was to know a little more about virtual interaction

Favorite places?

and to show my work with music!

Praia da Paz, Ilha Belém.

What do you like most in SL?

Favorite people?

People grab too much my attention… Is a

Yes! They are all those that I identify

secondary world that eventually mixes with

similarities and life examples… They

the real one of all people in-world. After

are: Marcely Mayo, Egeu Broek, Caroll

all, reality and interaction of everything are

Kesten, Anie Broek, Vail Little, Marcia

magic enchantments here. (lol).

Mayo, Carmem Collas, Amanda Lim, Ully Castaignede, Manda Amat, Mark

What do you dislike (more than lag and

Landesbaum, Sarahgiullia Arai, Flavya Lane,


Anginha Cammel, Marcello Winston, Gisele

I don’t have anything to do with hypocrite

Trevellion... They are too many people (lol).

people. Here the risk of these people

I would write an entire second life... They

appears is too much bigger because people

always supported me so much! (lol)

can hide behind their avatars. Your message to our readers: Talk about your current project in-world and

“We are mixed and all together, always…

what are your expectations?

Light for everyone!”

Well, I’m a singer here. I’m still very amazed

Profile/Kenedy Karu - Singer How did you arrive here and why? I knew Second Life in October 2007, but at the time I was not too much interested because the communication was basically by chat. Then, I logged few times, but it was enough to know somebody and felt deeply in love in real life. This person told me that people organize some beach parties, and that I had to login and make a live presentation. Then, I decided to login again and try the VOICE that, until then, I did not know. After this, I started to know more about the Grid and begun to login frequently. What do you like most in SL? Make friends, sing and talk to fans. What do you dislike (more than lag and crash)? People that lives a second life here, because for me there’s not a second life… I don’t like people that tell me that don’t mix SL and RL, that don’t like to talk about RL. Talk about your current project in-world and what are your expectations?

I’m opening my site ( and there the fans can find fans’ photos, shows and the videos that I want to make in the next live presentations. They will be free for everyone – some MP3 included, with my own music. Favorite places? Where my friends are, where we talk to each other, play, laugh –there is my favorite place. Favorite people? Yes, many! I’ll not write all of them, it don’t fit the mag. Rsrsrs I have a lot of friends that I like very much and the fans that goes everywhere I go. Your message to our readers: Second Life is the bigger social virtual system that ever had, but you must know how to use it. Enjoy it, but don’t forget that you have just one life, only one heart, don’t elude yourself thinking that you can live a second existence, for you’ll regret later.

Alyne Dagger Coments

In fact, the mag is repeating some things... To follow this mood, I recover one of m Alyne Dagger as a therapist. We did it once, so let’s have a…

Daggertherapy II Modern Love Quad

Everybody born a noobie

“Doctor, I fell in love for a guy who uses a camel avatar… Am I normal?” “I don’t see any problem with this. It’s not just you use a llama avie that it means that there’s a problem if he uses a camel avatar.” “But it’s platonic. He said that he’s in love with a tiny fur ball.” “He befriends this fur ball?” “No. She doesn’t like him, she have sex with a strawberry jelly avie. I don’t know if this jelly is a he or a she in RL.” “Definitely, I need a holiday in SL…” PS: This situation is fictional, but the avies exists.

“Doctor, I have a trauma! I’m leaving Second Life! I don’t stand of being called ‘noobie’ anymore!!! “Ease, man, ‘noobism’ is a disease that time heals. Soon you’ll make 2 months in SL and nobody will call you noobie.” “I don’t believe this! I changed skin, bought hair, even became a Premium resident, but nobody answers my main question, everybody laughs at me!!!” “And why they laugh at you? What is this question??” “You know, is it a crime to ask how I can dance???” “HUAHEUAHEUAHEUAHE!”

my most popular chronicles, but in new situations. For those who came late: imagine

– The Mission Yours, Mine and Ours “Doctor, I’m a DESPERATE man!” “Calm down, what’s your problem?” “I always think that I found the woman of my life, marry her, and everything goes wrong…” “This is the problem? This is not original; I have at least seven patients with this same speech… How many Cinderellas the Prince Charming found?” “Eight!” “And you married all of them??” “Not only married but had children with them! Two of them had twins! I’m father of ten voodoo babies! What can I do now???” “If everyone went to the court asking for heritage, I think you can go to SLTV and make a Live Aid Avie rock show for donations…”

This is the end of the world as we know it… “Doctor, I don’t know what is happening!!!! I don’t see anything correctly!! Is like all my world was collapsing, nothing is complete, nothing works! My vision is obscure and I feel that some parts of me are missing… This is Panic Syndrome???” “No, darling. This is the Obsolete-Video-Card Syndrome!” I cant hold any man in my life! They say I am to much bothering, that I talk too much and I am such a neurotic with a kind of obssession...

After two hours listening about you and you and you I begin to understand your former husbands...

Avatar Inc.

Less than meet the eyes

“Doctor, I have a serious problem.” “This not a surprise, who doesn’t have problems don’t look for therapy…” “This is serious, Doctor! People say that my conversation is boring. Nobody can hear me, that fall asleep!” “Maybe your problem is to have conversations with the wrong people. What do you like to talk about?” “Well, I think that Second Life is a business tool with an interactive vision that, by the appropriated jargon, can be a great propeller of corporate online commerce and… Doctor???” “Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... roooonc... zzzzzzzz!”

“Doctor, I’m a too much popular avie….” “Yes.” “People approach of me because I’m a beautiful island owner; I was cover girl on that mag that shows sexy avatars in sensual poses, I’m rich and famous in SL Brazil. “Yes.” “But I don’t know who loves me by myself or who loves me by my properties and fame. What can I do?” “Abandon your lands, delete your house and became a clay hair noobie.” “But what can I offer, nobody will like me!!!” “Bingo! What can you offer besides beauty, fame and fortune, uh?” “…”

I set myself free when I discovered my inner blondie, doctor!!!!

Funny. I could swear you had a red haired inside you...

I’m too sexy for my therapy

Sex surrealism

“Doctor, every woman wants me, none can resist me, is too difficult with all this harassment. I’m even bored with SL, after being called hot so many times... No woman can be apart from an avatr so perfect like mine…” “You can talk for the others, because I think you’re a dull and boring avatar.” “Doctor, are you talking seriously? Don’t you think I’m the most handsome, perfect and hot avatar you ever seen???” “I saw better ones and certainly much less pretentious.” “Ok, Doctor, don’t worry, I’m not disappointed… You didn’t hurt my feelings…”

“Doctor, can I have sex with the pink flamingo in the fountain?” “If you wash carefully after, I don’t see any problem.” “And with the fountain itself?” “Is it public?” “No.” “Is it yours?” “No, it’s my wife’s.” “Ok, I think I must talk to her. Bring her in the next session.”

Doc, you‛ll help me to write my book, “amazing sexual adventures of Ebennezer, the pink flamingo”!

OMG! I need to retire from my SL ocuppation as soon as possible!

Bad Girls Presents...

MORE portug R foreigner SPEAKER (I

Hello Noobies! When you think you are free from us, we just come back to teach you some interesting things about Brazil and Portuguese language – we hope you never use it for evil! Now it is time to know some Brazilian typical people. Welcome to the world of the Cariocas, Paulistas, and Mineiros. Never mess them. Brazil is big like Europe, some diferences are like some you have between countries.

They say: “Qual é?” When arrive; they call you to go to the beach saying: “Bora para a praia?” They are funny, cool and HATE rainy days. THEY ARE CARIOCAS! (like us, lalalala)

Dadah and Alyne are Cariocas

About Cariocas, Paulistas say: “They hate to work instead go to the beach” About this, Cariocas answer: “If I lived 2 hours away from any beach, I’d like to work, like the paulistas...” About Cariocas, Mineiros don’t say anithing: they are shy!

uese LESSONS for RS in Brazilian SIMs

surrender... never will get a decent title for this session...) Viper is paulista

He says: “Orra, meu, como

He says: “Uai, tá bom?” To say hello and invites you to

tá?” To say hello and call

eat and drink a coffee in his house this way: “Ocê vai

you to went out at night

tomá um cafezim lá em casa, vai...?” He is a MINEIRO!

saying: “Vamu pra balada,

Marcello is “mineirinho”

meu”. HE IS A PAULISTA. (and I will mock him because I’m Carioca) About Paulistas, Cariocas say: “They are as funny as a business meeting. ¬¬” Paulistas answers: “Yes, but we have the money!” About Paulistas, Mineiros don’t say anything too, you know, they don't want to be rude, never, never...

About Mineiros, Cariocas say: “They are better than paulistas!”, and Paulistas says: “They are better than cariocas!” About it, Mineiros answers: “You both know the truth!”

Alyne Dagger


y e n o

r a e

One year special! People, people, people... What could we do without our friends and readers? Only a little list of people that collaborates, helped or simply said that liked the mag. If you’re not here, don’t be sad, Alyne always forget someone…

Alana Dagger • Alenda Sands • Alessa Glas • Alexandresouza Beck • Alexfish Kidd • Alexia Ballinger • Aloprado Beck • Anaterra Babenco • Andrew Pisarek • Anessa Stine • Archanjo Arcadia • Ayslan Carfagno • Bah Cortes • Bersot Balut • Brigitte Blinder • Brunolisboa Oh • Cerdwin Flanaggan • Cezinha Chemistry • Cloe Despres • Coreh Pessoa • Cutea

Benelli • Dajh Ella • Danille Milles • Desire Stangelove • Djbexigabunkerpub Bennazzi • Draco Tatsu • DYego Susanti • Edesio Carter • Edineide Rosca • Emerald Eberart • Enfermeiro Zipper • Enniv Zarf • Eternoapaixonado Ferraris • Fabriciof Beck • Fastolph Fredriksson • Fga Writer • Finn Zebauer • GeorgeI Writer • Gisele Trevellion • Gita Rau • Giuly Dayafter • Glamourama

Boa • Gospeed Racer • Groll Greggan • Gururj Rau • Hanakin Saiman • Hanalane Schynider • Hio Taringa • Isabel Roff • Jay Prospero • Jhunzen Ketsugo • July Fang • Katy Saenz • Khris Giha • Kimberly Mirabeau • Kitzie Lane • Klipang Torok • Kyliam Lane • Laurinha Decuir • Lidèrc Dagger • Lillith Waydelith • Liz Voight • Louisec Cortes • Lpviper Watanabe • Luti Shan • Madrico Roux • Maraclara Mayo • Marcello Winston • Marcia Razor • Marcio Moo • Mariazinha Silveira • Mikil Tikil • Mimisoleil Dagger • Mkve Beck • Nailee Cataneo • Nanicortes Heron • Next Streeter • Niekol Bade • Nikavet Mayo • Nokithecat Writer • Pisano Smith • Pittbull Drake • Prad Prahivit

• Qee Nish • Queroniza Fride • Rita Lee Sl • Robinson Bade • Rosa Zabelin • Rosinhafish Ella • Rossano Petrov • Roth Gruth • Seide Tripp • Sharana Watanabe • Silverdrake Sparrow • Skustin Dagger • Skycat Ranger • Skye Donaldson • Slyborg Slade • Sonja Demina • Stephen Venkman • Strapasson Kidd • Strawberry Singh • Taylor Malibu • Thereaver Barrymore • Thomtrance O’toole • Thundera Rau • Tobias Smith • Toninho Barzane • Tony Demina • Trixi Pallen • U2 SL • Van Chaplin • Vick Spiteller • Vivian Tuqiri • Vos Quinnel • Walterpqp Jewell • Weber Yiyuan • Wolfen Schynider • Wyatt Benoir • Yasmin Nurmi • Zarrin Vucovic • Zimmy Zual • Zorro Amat

Alyne Dagger

One year and the worst of of sl this year!


8 - Noobie naked and attached. Ok, they’re a species in extinction.

10 -Noobie alone in a kiss ball. Yes, they still do it….

9 - Prim clothes with no underwear. What a “sexy” thing…

7 - No, you’re not watching “Carrie” – this is just a mix of ugly skin and an awful AO. Did it scared you too?

6 -Tattoo “techinicolor freak show”. You can like colorful things… but have sense, ok?

4 - Watermelon butts. With the giant avatar, it gives birth to the Buttzilla avatar, or rather, the monster butt!

2 - Pink flamingo + voodoo baby. The first is useless. The second, believe me, sinks any marriage.

top over the top: hors concours

5 - Oil. Here is a young man, but this unisex horror. I dream with the day when people will discover that this is AWFUL! 3 - Watermelon woman cousin, the creature in the pic is the “fallacious av”. She thinks she got the look, but is more like a travestite. 1 - Ridiculous AO. When you buy your pose set remember that putting your ass up is not polite…

You can try a lot, but is impossible to gain over Bexiga, dressed as a promoter girl. That’s why he’s our absolute champion!

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