Blue Growth. Aquaculture Fisheries Market and Health Perspectives

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BLUE GROWTH Aquaculture, Fisheries, Market and Health Perspectives

Edited by Beate J. Thu and Linn K. Akslen-Hoel

Orkana Akademisk

Blue Growth. Aquaculture, Fisheries, Market and Health Perspectives Edited by Beate J. Thu and Linn K. Akslen-Hoel

This book is published by the financial support of Møreforsking Ålesund, The Norwegian University of Technology and Science, Ålesund (NTNU Ålesund), University of Bergen (UiB) and industrial partners.

Design: DesignBaltic Printed and bound by Dardedze

© Orkana Akademisk 2018 Orkana forlag as, 8340 Stamsund

ISBN: 978-82-8104-347-3

Innhold Preface.....................................................................................................................................9 1. Introduction.................................................................................................................. 13

Miroslava R. Atanassova, Linn K. Akslen-Hoel and Beate Julie Thu

2. Screening for viruses in salmonids from a rotenone-treated Norwegian river..... 21

Helene Børretzen Fjørtoft, Ann-Kristin Tveten and Anne Stene

3. Immunology and stress responses during dual infection with salmonid alphavirus and Paramoeba perurans in farmed Atlantic salmon ..... 37

Yanran Cao and Anne Stene

4. The effect of winter pre-conditioning treatment on synchronising gonad development and spawning in the great scallop (Pecten maximus) ................. 59

Kirsten J. Redmond, Thorolf Magnesen and Gyda Christophersen

5. Monitoring marine bacteria in a European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) hatchery using the 3M PetrifilmTM Aerobic Count Plate........................................ 77

Kirsten J. Redmond, Thorolf Magnesen and Gyda Christophersen

6. Norwegian red sea cucumber, Parastichopus tremulus (Gunnerus, 1767) (Holothuroidea, Echinodermata): chemical and nutritional analysis................ 93

Halldis Ringvold, Margareth Kjerstad

7. Strategies for shifting marine proteins up the value chain to develop added-value ingredients ..................................................................... 109

Ola Ween, Janne Stangeland and Margareth Kjerstad

8. Shelf life of cold stored heads of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) – effect on oil quality. A pilot study .......................................................................... 127

Kristine Kvangarsnes, Egidijus Dauksas, Trygg Barnung and Grete Hansen Aas

9. Effect of Whey and Herring Roe Protein administered as a supplement to young healthy adults – A pilot study.................................. 143

Grete Hansen Aas, Elin Strand, Jennifer F. Gjerde, Anne S. Røsvik, Per Christian Sæbø and Bodil Bjørndal

10. Gender gaps on board and on shore: why women gain less from working in the fisheries........................................... 161

Gro Marit Grimsrud and Bjørn Tore Nystrand

Preface «Blue growth: Aquaculture, fisheries, market and health perspectives» is the third anthology edited by Møreforsking Ålesund. The anthology aims to collect and present results from research and development projects addressing important questions related to sustainable aquaculture and utilization of marine resources. The results from many applied research projects and small-scale pilot projects with specific objectives never become public. Nevertheless, communication of these results to a wider audience is important and could influence the directions of research and innovation. The contributions to the anthology «Blue growth: Aquaculture, fisheries, market and health perspectives» disseminate results from several research projects, promoting knowledge-sharing between different sectors and potentially resulting in new opportunities for marine value creation. Møreforsking Ålesund AS is the editor and the main contributor to this anthology and has also provided financial support for the editorial work and printing costs. Møreforsking Ålesund conducts industry-oriented research and development, undertakes research-based knowledge dissemination, and contributes to value creation and sustainable communities. Møreforsking Ålesund AS is part of the Møreforsking Group that has 55 employees and an annual turnover of NOK 65 million. About half of the employees have PhD or first-level qualifications. Møreforsking Ålesund conducts R&D along the marine value chain in close collaboration with industrial clusters in the region, the public sector, and national and international research institutes. Research areas cover sustainable marine ecosystems, climate variability, IMTA, seafood quality and bio-economy with an emphasis on utilization of marine resources, process technology, applications and consumer demand. Additional contributors to the anthology include The Norwegian University of Technology and Science, Ålesund (NTNU Ålesund), University of Bergen (UiB) and industrial partners. The manuscripts have been peer-reviewed by anonymous reviewers from universities, research institutes and industry. We would like to thank all the reviewers for their invaluable effort and contribution to ensuring the scientific integrity and quality of the anthology. We also thank Liv Guri Velle for valuable comments when finalising the anthology. Ålesund, 10th December 2018 Beate J. Thu and Linn Kristin Akslen-Hoel Møreforsking Ålesund AS


Blue Growth: Aquaculture, Fisheries, Market and Health Perspectives

Chapter 1

INTRODUCTION Miroslava R. Atanassova, Linn K. Akslen-Hoel and Beate Julie Thu Møreforsking Ålesund AS

Blue Growth – the potential of seas and oceans The seas and oceans have long been the drivers of the world’s economy. Nonetheless, there is still immense potential for innovation and growth in the marine and maritime sectors. The Ocean Economy could more than double its contribution to the global added value by 2030. The future value creation based on the use of marine resources is expected to be particularly strong in marine aquaculture and fish processing (The Ocean Economy in 2030, OECD). Building a sustainable blue economy is considered to be one of the most important tasks and greatest opportunities of our time. Governments, industries, stakeholders and experts are joining forces to develop and implement initiatives in many policy areas related to our seas and oceans. The United Nations designated the years 2021 to 2030 as the «Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development» to boost international coordination and cooperation in research for better management of ocean and coastal zone resources. The Blue Growth Strategy (BGS) adopted by the EU Commission in 2012 (EC, 2017) is the long-term strategy to support sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors. Since then, the Commission has undertaken a series of steps to translate this strategy into actions, facilitating the cooperation between maritime businesses and public authorities across borders, sectors and stakeholders, to ensure the sustainability of the marine environment. The BG Strategy focusses on supporting growth in five priority areas: Ocean Energy, Aquaculture, Blue Biotechnology, Maritime Tourism and Seabed Resource Exploitation. Norway wishes to be a driving force in strengthening the international research and innovation cooperation on seas and oceans, to promote a globally sustainable blue economy. In 2018, Norway took the initiative to establish the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy which states «The objective of the High-Level Panel is to build a new, shared understanding of the current and potential future state of ocean economy and ecology, and to generate a set of policy, governance, technology and investment solutions aimed at catalysing a truly Sustainable Ocean Economy».


Having in mind these recent strategic initiatives and research objectives, the present issue includes results from original research work focused on some of the most relevant areas of Aquaculture, Fisheries and Blue Biotechnology.

Aquaculture perspectives Worldwide, in the last decade, the aquaculture production volume has been expanding at a rate of about 6% a year. Today it accounts for more than 50% of seafood production. The objective of the Blue Growth Strategy is to achieve a competitive industry which can continue to grow sustainably to meet the growing demand for seafood. In just four to five decades, Norwegian aquaculture has developed from an experimental, embryonic stage into a research-based, high-tech industry (Haaland et al., 2014). Norway’s long coastline, large sea areas and high capability for water exchange offers a unique advantage with respect to aquaculture food production. The vision of Norwegian aquaculture is to deliver the world’s most environmentally friendly production of healthy food. This will be achieved by delivering world-leading seafood, production competence, and technology. Through sustainable production and innovation, the Norwegian seafood industry has the ambition to be Norway’s most important contributor to achieving the UN goals for sustainable development (Sjømat Norge, 2018). In Norway, fish are the most important domestic animal. Today, salmon escapees from aquaculture farms, sea lice infections, and a shortage of raw materials for feed production are recognized as the biggest obstacles to further growth in Norwegian salmonid aquaculture. Much effort has been invested in keeping the numbers of lice to a minimum on salmon and trout in sea cages. Because the average sea lice number per farmed fish is low, sea lice are not considered to pose a serious problem for the farmed individuals. However, if the number of fish in a cage and in a fjord system is high, the total number of sea lice could be high and, potentially, pose a threat to wild salmon and trout. Thus, treatment of fish is necessary, although, both medicinal and non-medicinal treatments, represents a burden for the fish and can result in diminished welfare and increased mortality. Infectious diseases also represent a challenge for the fish farming industry. Living with the disease has become an accepted strategy for diseases such as heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI), cardiomyopathy syndrome (CMS) and, in one part of the country, pancreas disease (PD), although, as fish production increases this may be a problematic strategy (Hjeltnes, B. et al., 2018). Knowledge of the


Chapter 1

health status of the farmed animal is vital and, if the aquaculture industry is to undergo sustainable expansion, good fish health and welfare are crucial. Norwegian aquaculture is to a large extent based on producing fish in open cages with good circulation and water exchange with the surroundings. Basically, farmed fish swim in the same water as wild fish with the potential to exchange pathogens between the two categories (Gudding & Lillehaug, 2018). The high number of susceptible hosts arising from aquaculture could lead to outbreaks of diseases caused by agents previously restricted to wild fish. High infection pressure and an increased number of outbreaks could lead to increased infection pressure on both farmed and wild fish populations. Fjørtoft et al. (Chapter 2) are addressing this issue by analysing salmon caught in the river Rauma for agents that cause important viral diseases, such as salmonid alpha virus (SAV) and Piscine reovirus (PRV). The river Rauma runs into Romsdalsfjorden, an area with extensive aquaculture. Farmed fish are included in current animal welfare legislation. Fish have the same rights as other domestic animals and are entitled to live in an environment and to be treated in a way that ensures good welfare throughout their life. Fish welfare is related to the physiological, behavioural and health needs of the fish. Good health is often regarded as a predictor of good welfare. Mortality is an important and frequently used indicator of welfare but must be supplemented with other indicators both environmentally based and animal-based (Hjeltnes, B. et al., 2018). In Chapter 3, Cao and Stene address the connection between immune parameters and stress in dual infection of salmon with the amoeba Paramoeba preurans, which causes amoebic gill disease, and SAV virus, which causes pancreas disease. Torrisen et al (2018) emphasise that in order to feed the world’s increasing population, food production must be increased, and much of that increase will have to come from the oceans. There is also a general understanding that much of this increase will have to come from species on a lower trophic level than currently. Globally, marine aquaculture production is dominated by low-trophic species such as seaweed and shellfish. In Norway salmonid species dominate and are expected to dominate the aquaculture industry in the future; notwithstanding, marine fish species, shellfish and seaweed have the potential to contribute to increased biomass production. In Chapter 4, Redmond et al. address issues related to shellfish aquaculture by exploring the effect of winter pre-conditioning treatment on synchronising gonad development and spawning of the great scallop (Pecten maximus) in order to provide a more stable supply of spat throughout the year. Because water quality is a critical issue in marine bivalve hatcheries, the same authors evaluate methodoogy for rapidly acquiring information on bacterial conditions in seawater in a European flat oyster (Ostera edulis) hatchery in Chapter 5.

Blue Growth: Aquaculture, Fisheries, Market and Health Perspectives


Novel potential resources for fisheries and aquaculture In general, the seafood fishery and processing industries need long-term sustainable and efficient innovations that ensure the economic profitability of their business. The high percentage of raw material costs due to low availability of traditional species at sea, as well as the intensive manual labour in the production of seafood, create the need for species diversification and for profitability increase through advanced technology applications. Sea cucumbers (holothurians) are some of the most valuable seafood products in the world (Yang et al., 2015). The global sea cucumber fishery has expanded during the last three decades and production, based on FAO data, has reached about 20,000 tonnes dried product, which is shipped to the main markets: Hong Kong, mainland China, Singapore, Taiwan and Asian communities worldwide (Purcell et al., 2013). The international market is capable of absorbing various types and qualities of sea cucumbers due to the purchasing power of the consumers. Both high- and low-­ value species and different qualities of sea cucumbers are imported into China for domestic consumption. Market prices for several previously low- and medium-value species significantly increased from 2011 to 2016 (Purcell et al., 2018), a trend that was evidently driven by increasing consumer demand for healthy seafood. The permanent high demand for sea cucumbers from the Chinese market in particular, has already opened doors for the import of species from the North Atlantic Ocean, such as Cucumaria frondosa. A fishery for this species is already well-­ established in the United States and Canada (DFO, 2009). It is a growing industry in Iceland based on wild caught C. frondosa (>3,000 t/y), and in Norway there is an emerging fishery based on Parastichopus tremulus. However, bottom trawling is not permitted, and harvests so far are by-catches from other commercial fisheries. Thus, the sea cucumbers represent a potential novel species, which could mitigate the current pressure on established commercial species and provide additional profitable resources for the industry. Local sea cucumber species are co-captured together with shrimp, crabs or other commercial species during bottom trawling activities, and no dedicated fishing gear has yet been commercialized. Sea cucumbers generally appear to have slow rates of population turnover. In the EU and Norway, the fisheries are not based on quotas (catch limits in tonnes or numbers), whereas in Iceland the fishery is partly quota-based. There is an overall lack of biological information on this novel species, something that is crucial for sustainable and proper management of wild stocks, as well as for developing a viable seafood industry. The high biotechnological innovation potential and wide range of bioactive properties have been substantially documented only in a few species (Bordbar et al., 2011). However, few detailed studies at molecular level are publicly available. In Chapter 6, Ringvold and Kjerstad describe the chemical and nutritional composition of fresh and dry P. tremulus. The groups of bioactive compounds in holothurians that have been thoroughly studied and for which structures have been


Chapter 1

elucidated are the saponins, chondroitin sulphates, glycolipids, triterpene glycosides and mucopolysaccharides. However, the metabolic capacities and biotechnological potential of the sea cucumbers have not yet been exploited for the western food, feed, nutraceuticals and/or drug markets. Availability of sustainable fresh raw material of wild or cultured specimens is essential if this innovative industrial sector is to advance.

Alternative protein sources. Applications and health aspects The world’s growing population needs healthy nutrition and new medicines. The diversity of marine organisms, which is greater than that of land organisms, can support the development of a vast amount of novel, biotechnologically oriented products. The overall market worldwide for bio-based applications of blue biotechnology, is estimated to grow to more than EUR 6 billion by 2025. The world needs new protein sources for feeding an estimated global population of 9 billion in 2050, with the associated 60% increase in food demand. Meat and animal protein production is unsustainable due to the high greenhouse gas emissions from this sector. The EU is suffering from a major deficit in the vegetable proteins used to feed the livestock and is dependent on imports from third countries. Currently the oceans account for only 2% of human food intake, although about half of the annual primary production of organic material occurs there (EC, Food from the Ocean, 2017). Increasing ocean-derived food could be an important contribution to reducing the pressure on land-based resources. Therefore, intensive research efforts have been invested during the last decade studying and identifying alternative, novel protein sources like microalgae, insects, and protein concentration from food production side-streams in order to achieve a more efficient, circular utilization of resources. Thus, protein hydrolysates, previously used in animal feed only, are being studied as a source of human functional nutrition. A review paper is included in Chapter 7 that summarizes the main recent advances in fish protein hydrolysates and the beneficial effects on human health in the case of some targeted nutrition applications. The contributions in Chapters 8 and 9 also focus on fish by-products for human consumption, not only in regard to the beneficial health effects, but also in regard to the increase in value and sustainability of the raw material.

Blue Growth: Aquaculture, Fisheries, Market and Health Perspectives


References Bordbar, S., Anwar, F., Saari, N. (2011). High-value components and bioactives from sea cucumbers and functional foods – a review. Mar. Drugs 9:1761–1805. DFO. Proceedings of Workshop on Canadian Science and Management Strategies for Sea Cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa), 17–18 June 2008. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Ser. 2009/023. EC, Food from the Oceans. High Level Group of Scientific Advisors. Scientific Opinion No. 3/2017. EC, 2017, Commission Staff Working Document: Report on Blue Growth Strategy. Towards more sustainable growth and jobs in the blue economy. EC, Brussels, 31.3.2017. SWD (2017). FAO. 2018. FAO yearbook. Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics 2016/FAO annuaire. Statistiques des pêches et de l’aquaculture 2016/ FAO anuario. Estadísticas de pesca y acuicultura 2016. Rome/Roma. 104pp. Gudding R., Lillehaug, A. (Eds.) (2018), Smitte mellom oppdrettsfisk og villfisk: Kunnskapsstatus og risikovurdering, Veterinærinstituttet Rapport 12-2018. Haaland A, Herzoug, B., Kolle, N., Møller D., Nevedal, G. (2014) Over den leiken ville han rå. Norsk Havbruksnærings historie. In Norges fiskeri- og kysthistorie 5, Hovland E. (Ed), fagbokforlaget, Bergen. Hjeltnes, B., Bang-Jensen, B., Bornø, G., Haukaas, A., Walde, C.S. (Ed.), The Health Situation in Norwegian Aquaculture 2017, Norwegian Veterinary Institute, 2018. Norsk Industri (2017), Veikart for Havbruksnæringen. OECD, The Ocean Economy in 2030. 2016. Purcell, S.W., Mercier, A., Conand, C., Hamel, J.F., Toral-Granda, M.V., Lovatelli A., Uthicke, S. 2013. Sea cucumber fisheries: global analysis of stocks, management measures and drivers of overfishing, Fish and Fisheries, 14 (1):34–59. Purcell, S.W., Williamson, D.H., Ngaluafe, P.,2018. Chinese market prices of beche-de-mer: Implications for fisheries and aquaculture. Marine Policy, Vol. 91, pp. 58–65. Sjømat Norge, 2018 Havbruk 2030 – Tenke globalt, handle lokalt. Torrisen, O., Norberg, B., Viswanath, K., Strohmeier, T., Strand, Ø., Naustvoll, L-J and Svåsand, T., (Eds.) Framtidsrettet matproduksjon I kyst og fjord – En vurdering av muligheter for økt sjømatproduksjon I Norge. Havforskningsinstituttet, rapport nr. 23-2018. Yang, H., Hamel, J-F., Mercier, A., (2015). The sea cucumber Aposthichopus japonicus. History, biology and aquaculture. Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, Volume 39, Academic Press. 454 p.

Chapter 2

Screening for viruses in salmonids from a rotenone-treated Norwegian river Helene Børretzen Fjørtoft,1* Ann-Kristin Tveten,1 Anne Stene1 Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences Aalesund, Aalesund, Norway. 1

Keywords: Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV), salmonid alphavirus (SAV), wild salmonids, aquaculture.

Abstract Diseases are a major challenge in aquaculture, and the route of pathogen transmission is seldom known. Wild and farmed fish cohabit the same areas and may infect each other. In August 2014, the river Rauma, which enters the Romsdalsfjord, Mid-Norway, was treated with rotenone in an attempt to eradicate the parasite Gyrodactylus salaris. This is an important region, both for salmonid aquaculture and wild salmonids. A total of 52 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and 15 trout (Salmo trutta) were collected after the rotenone treatment. Tissue samples were taken from the heart ventricle and analysed for four pathogens that are known to cause mortality in aquaculture (PRV, SAV, ISA and VHSV.) We compared the findings in the wild salmonids with the diseases registered in the aquaculture locations in the same time period. Only PRV was found in wild salmonids, while both PRV and SAV were registered in aquaculture locations in Romsdalsfjord.

*Corresponding author: Helene Børretzen Fjørtoft, E-mail:


Møreforsking’s third anthology, «Blue Growth: Aquaculture, fisheries, market and health perspectives», includes nine peer-reviewed articles on a variety of topics including aquaculture, fish health and interaction with wild fish; aspects of shellfish production; utilization of marine rest raw materials; how marine proteins potentially can become ingredients with added-value; and chemical and nutritional composition of red sea cucumber, a species with potential both for harvest and aquaculture. The last chapter deals with how knowledge acquired on board fishing vessels is utilized differently by the genders in subsequent careers. The challenges related to the research objectives in these contributions, regarding sustainable aquaculture and safe and healthy seafood are generic and global, although the regional and local impacts are different. Through this anthology, results that can contribute to increased knowledge on value creation and sustainable utilization of marine resources are made available to the national and international scientific communities, industries, decision-makers and educational institutions.

Orkana Akademisk ISBN 978-82-8104-347-3

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