Zine b&w

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Veerabhadrasana Strengthens and stabilizes the muscles of the feet and knees, also strengthens the shoulders, arms, and the back.

Sirsasana Increases the flow of blood to the brain, also benefits are the drainage of blood and lymph which are held in reserve in the legs.

Dhanurasana Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles while opening up the chest, neck and shoulders.

Vrksasana Improves balance, poise and concentration and also increases the range of motion in the hips.

Bhujangasana Strengthens the spine, stretches the chest, shoulders, and abdomen. Also firms the buttocks, and relieves stress and fatigue.

Natarajasana The arched back and stretched leg gently aligns the vertebrae of the spine restoring suppleness and easing strain caused by poor posture or long periods of sitting.







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