OVPD Annual Report 2020

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Annual report

Mission Statement We, the members of the OroValley Police Department, are dedicated to providing excellent service through partnerships that build trust, prevent crime and promote a safe environment to enhance the quality of life.

Vision Statement

S eek E xcellence R emain V igilant I nvolve C ommunity E nforcement

Table of Contents

F ro m t h e C h i e f ................. 4 C o m m a n d S ta ff ................. 5 O r g a n i z at i o n .................. 1 1 A d m i n i s t r at i o n ................ 1 2 O ffice of P rofessional S tandards P rofessional D evel . & T raining P ublic I nformation O fficer S u pp o rt S e rv i c e s D i v i s i o n ... 15 R ecords U nit C ommunications B ureau C ommunity R esources U nit C riminal I nvestigations U nit P roperty & I dentification U nit S chool R esource O fficers U nit E xplorer P rogram T ask F orce O perations F i e l d S e rv i c e s D i v i s i o n ..... 26 P atrol B ureau C rime S tatistics C ommunity A ction T eam C anine U nit T raffic U nit DUI E nforcement A lt e r n at e F u n d i n g ............. 36 2020 R e c o g n i t i o n s ............. 38


it ’s in our nature O ro Va lley is locat e d i n n o r t h e rn Pi ma C ount y a p p rox im at e ly t h re e mi l e s n o r t h o f t he Tucs on cit y lim i t s . N e s t l e d b e t we e n t h e C at a lina a nd Tor t o l i t a mo u n t a i n ra n ge s , t he Tow n s it s at a n e l evat i o n o f 2 , 6 2 0 fe e t a nd cove rs m ore t h a n 3 6 s q u a re mi l e s . I ncor p orat e d in A p ri l 1 9 7 4 a n d h o me t o m ore t ha n 4 5 ,1 8 4, t h e O ro Va l l ey Po l i c e D e p a r t m e nt e m p loy s 1 0 4 swo rn o f fi c e rs a n d 3 4 civilia ns who s e rve t h e c o mmu n i t y. T he O ro Va lley Poli c e De p a r t me n t a n nu a l ly review s it s S t rat eg i c P l a n t o e n s u re i t i s a lig ne d w it h com mu n i t y exp e c t at i o n s , t h e Tow n’s S t rat eg ic L e a d e rs h i p Pl a n a n d t h e vot e r - a p p rove d G e n e ra l P l a n . A l l t h re e, com b ine d w it h clo s e re s i d e n t i n t e ra c t i o n , a ct a s t he roa d m a p fo r h ow we d o bu s i n e s s . 3

F rom T he C hief Thank you for taking the time to review the Oro Valley Police Department’s (OVPD) annual report. The goal of this report is to tell you about all of the hard work that OVPD has completed over the past year. OVPD, just like all police agencies throughout the United States, had a challenging 2020. In March, the nation was faced with a pandemic. Law enforcement professionals cannot stop serving our communities because of a pandemic. OVPD had two goals each day throughout this crisis; continuing to service our community as it expects and deserves and providing the best equipment for our staff to remain safe. In June 2020, the Bighorn Fire began to threaten our community. This fire encompassed nearly 120,000 acres and took well over a month to contain. Amazingly, the Town of Oro Valley did not lose any structures. This is a testament to the hard work of Golder Ranch Fire District and the other local, state and federal firefighters. During 2020, the law enforcement profession dealt with immense scrutiny. Police accountability and reassurance to this community is critical to public trust. OVPD has always had community policing as a core value. We have implemented some additional programs to ensure we always engage in the best practices for law enforcement. Recognizing that public trust is so critical to our profession, OVPD began an accreditation process through the Arizona Association of Police Chief ’s (AACOP). This will allow an outside entity to review OVPD training, policy and procedures, and daily practices to ensure we are continuing to serve this community to the best of our ability. I welcome you to enjoy this report and learn about OVPD. The men and women of this agency are dedicated to serving this community with integrity, compassion, and fairness. I am honored to serve as your police chief and commit to you that the OVPD is an honest and transparent police agency. We look forward to serving you!


C ommand S taff

Chief Kara M. Riley

Deputy Chief J. Larter

Cmdr. C. Olson

Cmdr. C. Hicks

Field Services Division

Support Services Division

C. Hendrix

Lt. M. Horetski

Lt. J. Teachout

Lt. M. Gracie

Lt. C. Trevizo

Lt. A. LeSuer

M. DeVault

Admininistrative Services Manager

Executive Officer

Traffic & Special Operations Bureau

Patrol Bureau

Investigative Services Bureau

Community Services Bureau

Emergency Communications Mgr.

A gency A ccomplishements Staff Recognition:

• Chief Kara M. Riley was selected to sit on the Executive Board for the Arizona Women’s Initiative Network. The mission of the board is to recruit, train and mentor women in law enforcement. She was also elected to the Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police board. • Lt. John Teachout was requested by the International Association of Chiefs of Police to assist them as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) and work in cooperation with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration as part of an advisory group for “Building a Culture of Traffic Safety.” • Sgt. Marshall Morris was selected by the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board as a SME to assist them in the development and implementation of a community engagement lesson plan. • Ofc. Ryan Goss was recognized nationally as the Mothers Against Drunk Driving officer of the month for his efforts in traffic safety related to impaired driving. • Ofc. Brian Kleinberg was recognized at the state level for his contributions to Traffic Incident Management.


• Implemented a full-time officer to assist with the mental health crisis facing the nation. The officer will participate as a member of the regional Mental Health Support Team with a primary focus within the Oro Valley community.

COVID-19 Response:

• Implemented a strategic staffing plan to minimize COVID-19 exposures internally and during police response to calls for service. • Implemented a COVID-19 Rapid Diagnostic Testing cycle for staff. The results provided command staff critical information enhancing operational readiness while helping to mitigate potential exposures. • Worked with community retail stakeholders to enhance safety and promote calm, orderly and civilized shopping experiences when the hours of operation had to be modified. There were also shortages in supply that led to restricting the number of items a patron could purchase which led to further unrest. • Audited Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), ensured all officers had the equipment needed to safely operate in the community, and increased the amount of stocked PPE to meet federal recommendations. 6

A gency A ccomplishements C ontinued Civil Unrest:

• Conducted an audit of all policies and confirmed that OVPD is in compliance with best practices, local/state/federal laws and constitutional requirements. The department prepared for anticipated mandates that were expected to be implemented by Presidential Executive Order. Subsequently, the department submitted our policies to the Department of Justice and received certification they are in compliance. • Implemented Blue Teams, a “red flag” warning system for the Office of Professional Standards that assists with identifying and tracking personnel issues while streamlining the citizen complaint process. • Worked with community actions groups to enhance and encourage open communication and collaboration. • Developed an action plan and acquired essential equipment to assist with the protection of the community, staff, and critical infrastructure.

Bighorn Fire:

• Received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Type 1 Incident Management Commander thanking OVPD for the support and collaboration during the Bighorn Fire. Support included: 1. Implemented the Continuity of Operation Plan for the department which was inclusive of an incident command deployment of command staff members. 2. Assigned a liaison to the Incident Management Team for coordination, collaboration and the exchange of timely and critical information. 3. Adjusted staffing and utilized mitigation efforts to assist with evacuation concerns and traffic safety concerns along Oracle Rd. 4. Provided resources (cones and variable message boards) to assist with the closing of Catalina State Park and the shoulder of the road near the heliport. 5. Collaborated with the Incident Management Public Information Office to enhance a unified message. 6. Supported the American Red Cross with their activation of an evacuation center at Canyon del Oro High School. 7. Utilized social media and other public information outlets to disseminate timely information to the public specific to “Ready/Set/ Go!” conditions effecting areas within the Town.


• Completed department-wide training specific to the Interdiction for the Protection of Children. Within the first month of the training, patrol officers identified and removed an endangered person from a trafficking situation. • Provided Rescue Task Force and Active Shooter Preparedness training. 7

A gency A ccomplishements C ontinued • Expanded the use of Body Worn Cameras. • Continued to promote traffic safety through various strategies to include Oro Valley’s High Visibility Enforcement (HiVE) deployments and participating in the Southwest DUI Taskforce operations. • Continued the Adopt-A-Business program which was instrumental during the COVID-19 response and with participation in the TOV Safe Steps program. • Early implementation of the National Incident-Based Reporting System. This is a federal reporting system and all agencies within the nation must participate. • Developed and implemented the Oro Valley Safe Return Program. The program provides the family or caretaker of a vulnerable person a mechanism to share crucial information with law enforcement in advance. In doing so, the officers have critical information readily available during a response to a call involving the person, which increases the officer’s efficiency and ability to quickly resolve the matter. • Members of the OVPD worked in conjunction with members of the Golder Ranch Fire District to produce a public safety annoucement reference National Preparedness Month. The video highlighted items that are recommended to have ready to sustain for 72 hours in the event of an emergency. • The department was accepted into the Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police accreditation program. The accreditation standards require an in-depth analysis of day to day operations of the Department. Successful completion will demonstrate the Department is operating in accordance with the highest standards as verified by an independent third party. • Implemented the TEXT911 program. The program provides the ability to text a request for emergency response for during extreme circumstances where the act of calling 911 would further endanger the person in need of assistance. • Identified an increase of criminal activity related to narcotics and human trafficking at a motel within the community. Worked with stakeholders, local, regional, and federal partners to aggressively address the problem. • The Oro Valley Community faced many challenges in 2020. Thanks to the dedicated staff the challenges were faced head on while maintaining daily public safety services expected from our great community. The Department supported strategies that resulted in a safe community with low crime, safe neighborhoods and positive relationships between law enforcement and community members.


N otable C ases •

International Trafficking in Stolen Property Investigation – A patrol officer stopped a vehicle occupied by two shoplifting suspects. The same suspects were also involved in a similar shoplifting incident approximately a week prior. Officers located stolen property and narcotics within the vehicle. Both subjects were found to be part of a large-scale trafficking in stolen property ring based in Phoenix. A warrant was served on their hotel room where a substantial amount of stolen laptops and power tools were recovered. OVPD detectives coordinated with Phoenix investigators and both subjects were charged with five counts of Organized Retail Theft and Trafficking in Stolen Property.

Opiate Overdose Investigation and Arrest – A 22-year old Oro Valley resident was the victim of a fatal fentanyl overdose. The Community Action Team investigated the incident in cooperation with federal law enforcement partners. The victim’s dealer was identified and investigated. Federal prosecutors approved charging the dealer with providing illegal narcotics that results in the death of a person, which carries a 20-year minimum sentence.

Proactive Enforcement Felony Arrest – During a traffic stop reference suspicious activity the driver falsely identified himself. When the officer attempted to remove the driver from the vehicle, he put it in drive. The officer was drug by the vehicle as the driver attempted to flee. The suspect’s vehicle was located unoccupied in a different area of town. Through various investigative techniques, the suspect was positively identified. He had two felony warrants. One was for possession of methamphetamines and the other for fraud. The suspect also had priors for armed robbery, fraud and was a fugitive from California Department of Corrections. Oro Valley’s Community Action Team (CAT) and Criminal Investigations Unit worked together and determined that the suspect was in Chandler, AZ. CAT coordinated with Chandler’s Fugitive Team to take the suspect into custody. The suspect was indicted for felony endangerment of our officer and extradited to Pima County Jail.

Robbery – A subject met two individuals to facilitate the private sale of a cellphone. The subject was subsequently pepper sprayed by purchasers and they had stolen the phone. Patrol officers located the suspects’ associated vehicle. As a result of the investigation, officers and detectives recovered the phone, drug paraphernalia, and evidence of stolen mail and credit cards. The suspects were both indicted on robbery charges, one of which had previous prior history involving robbery.

Narcotic Activity and Vehicular Collision – Patrol officers responded to the report of a vehicle colliding into a residential structure. The vehicle was driven approximately halfway into the structure. The scene was secured to ensure there were no additional public safety threats. It was also confirmed that the structure was vacant. The investigation revealed the incident was the result of a drug deal “gone bad.” In addition to locating and charging the suspect related to the incident, members of the Criminal Investigation Unit identified the suspect’s mother was aware of and supported her son’s criminal behavior. She was charged with Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor.

Sex Trafficking – Patrol officers responded to a local motel to check the welfare of a minor female, found to be 17 years of age, in the company of an adult male. Upon arrival, the male was not present. The female was not cooperative with patrol officers; however, the officers identified indicators consistent with the female being sex trafficked and prostituted out of the motel room. Members of the Criminal Investigation Unit responded and a search warrant was served. Evidence of sex trafficking, along with methamphetamines and heroin, were recovered. OVPD members worked in conjunction with DPS sex trafficking coordinator. They were able to identify the female and learned she had been the victim of sex trafficking since the age of 13. She was removed from the dangerous situation, returned to her family and provided with the social service support needed.


N otable C ases C ontinued •

Felony Flight & Drug Arrest – A local motel had seen a significant increase in criminal activity related to drug and sex trafficking related crimes. Officers observed two known violent offenders departing the motel in a vehicle. Upon seeing the presence of the marked patrol vehicle, the driver began driving in an evasive manner. The officer attempted a traffic stop and the vehicle fled the area at a high rate of speed. Through a coordinated effort, the vehicle was located, having fled to a retail parking lot at La Cholla and Ina. The two subjects fled from the vehicle on foot. Pima County deputies along with their air unit, Survey 2, responded to assist the Oro Valley patrol officers and Community Action Team members on scene. Both suspects were located and taken into custody. Officers recovered a large sum of cash, packaging for narcotics, heroin, illegal pills and associated paraphernalia. The driver was booked into the Pima County Adult Detention Center for felony flight. The passenger was booked for drug sales charges and a felony warrant for burglary.

Oro Valley Safe Return Program – The new Community Resources’ program, OV Safe Return, realized its first success within a month. A resident enrolled in the program wandered away from his residence. He was contacted by a concerned citizen who called 911. The subject was quickly identified via the enrollment information and returned safely to his family.

Narcotic Activity – Patrol officers have increased their presence and proactive activity in the area of a local motel that has had a significant increase in criminal activity to include narcotics transactions. An officer made a traffic stop on a vehicle that had stopped briefly at the motel. The female driver was found to be in possession of methamphetamine and heroin. Intelligence was gathered and a warrant was obtained reference the sales of narcotics from one of the motel rooms. The suspect was found to have a history of burglary, auto theft, and has been incarcerated multiple times for methamphetamine and theft related offences. During the service of the warrant methamphetamines, heroin and paraphernalia were recovered. The driver of the vehicle was booked for offenses related to narcotic possession. The suspect was booked for narcotic sales.

Mental Health – Patrol officers responded to the report of a missing 11 year old female. Preliminary information indicated the female just fled from her residence, was possibly suicidal and was possibly in possession of a knife. When officers located the female, she fled on foot along Magee Rd. She ultimately stopped in a public parking lot and held the knife to her stomach. Officers engaged in crisis communication. They were able to talk her into dropping the knife. She was transported by medical personnel and treated for superficial injuries she inflicted on herself. She also received mental health services.

Proactive Business Check – A patrol officer was conducting a business check at an Oro Valley retail establishment. A staff member advised the officer of a subject they believed was about to shoplift. The officer began to surveil the subject. The subject ultimately left the items he had in his possession near the self-checkout and exited the store. The officer made contact with the subject. He was found to have three outstanding warrants reference narcotics and traffic related offenses. He was also in possession of illegal drugs to include Oxycodone, methamphetamines and heroin. He was booked into Pima County Jail for the related offenses.

Burglary and Criminal Damage – At approximately 3:45 A.M. a suspect broke into a local school and caused significant damage. The damage amount was estimated to be over $7,000. Patrol officers and members of the Criminal Investigation Unit responded, and video surveillance of the incident was obtained. Approximately eight hours later, a patrol officer, who had seen the surveillance footage, located the suspect in a retail complex nearby. He was taken into custody. He provided false information about his identity and appeared to be under the influence of narcotics. He was booked into the Pima County Jail on charges related to burglary and felony criminal damage.


O rganizational C hart A dministrative S ervices M anager

Senior Office Specialist

Chief of Police

E xecutive O fficer L ieutenant P ublic I nformation O fficer S ergeant D eputy C hief O f P olice P rofessional S tandards (H omeland S ecurity ) S ergeant R eserve officer S upport S ervices D ivision F ield S ervices D ivision P rof . D ev . & T raining C om mander C ommander S ergeant Senior Office O fficer Specialist

Communications Bureau M anager

S upervisors Public Safety Telecommunicators

S chool R esource O fficer S ergeant O fficers

Community Services Bureau Lieutenant U nit

C adets Records Unit Supervisor Records Specialists Office Assistants Property/ID Unit Crime Scene Tech Supervisor Crime Scene Technicians Reserve Officer C ommunity R esources U nit S ergeant O fficers C itizen V olunteer A ssistants P rogram

P atrol B ureau

T raffic & S pecial O perations B ureau Investigative L ieutenant L ieutenant Services Bureau T raffic U nit S quad 1 Lieutenant S ergeant S ergeant I nvestigator O fficers O fficers C riminal I nvestigations U nit S quad 2 S ergeant DUI U nit S ergeant D etectives O fficers O fficers T ask F orce O perations S quad 3 K-9 U nit O fficers S ergeant O fficers O fficers C ommunity A ction T eam Fleet Maintenance S quad 4 S ergeant Reserve Officer S ergeant O fficers O fficers C rime A nalyst


S quad 5 S ergeant O fficers S quad 6 S ergeant O fficers R eserve O fficers

S enior O ffice S pecialist Pima Regional Assignments

O ffice


P rofessional S tandards M i ss i o n S tat e m e n t :

It is the mission of the Oro Valley Police Department’s Office of Professional Standards to utilize thorough and impartial internal investigations to ensure the integrity of the Department and to ensure its members are serving the community at the highest standards of professional conduct while also protecting members from frivolous or false accusations. The Office of Professional Standards (OOPS) is supervised by a sergeant who oversees and investigates citizens’ complaints and internally ordered inspections. OOPS also maintains records of use of force incidents, vehicle pursuits and policy revisions. OOPS conducts the hiring process and background investigations for interested police department applicants.

Internal Investigations 3


3 2.5


2 1.5




1 0.5 0

0 0







0 Sustained



0 Not Sustained

P rofessional D evelopment & T raining M i ss i o n S tat e m e n t :

Providing officers relevant and timely training to ensure readiness for duty and enabling career excellence while striving to maintain officer health and wellness. In support of the community policing philosophy, training ensures OVPD staff provides the most efficient and effective public safety service. Staff is trained to deliver a high level of service that exceeds the community’s expectations and allows our staff to maintain professional certifications. Training focuses on developing the skills, abilities, knowledge and talents to maintain professional and expert service. This program is also responsible for new officer orientation and field training. This program is provided to prepare new officers for the stresses of attending a police academy along with orienting them to Oro Valley. During 2020, OVPD hired eight full-time officers to fill attrition vacancies. TRAINING HOURS 2020













P ublic I nformation O fficer M i ss i o n S tat e m e n t : The Public Information Office is dedicated to transparency and increasing public awareness related to the Oro Valley community using internal and external communications, press releases, marketing, advertisements, and social media while building and ensuring a strong and consistent brand that will strengthen community relationships and partnerships. The Public Information Officer (PIO) works closely with media and constituents to ensure police specific information is managed and disseminated timely and accurately. Areas of responsibility of the PIO include: • Coordinating press releases and informing the media of: • Major or actively developing incidents of public concern, • Traffic/roadway hazards like significant collisions, spills and malfunctioning lights, or • Gas line breaks or significant power outages. • Respond to daily phone calls from the media inquiring police scanner activity. • Work cooperatively with local government and regional partners. • Maintain social media profiles such as Facebook and Twitter. • The utilization of social media was instrumental in the dissimenation of information during the Bighorn fire. It has proven successful identifying suspects during criminal investigations. 2020


Facebook Likes



Facebook Followers



Twitter Followers



Instagram Followers




Support Services Division


R ecords U nit M i ss i o n S tat e m e n t : The Oro Valley Records Unit’s mission is dedicated to maintaining and ensuring the integrity of criminal record data generated by the Oro Valley Police Department. The Unit strives to provide prompt and efficient services to the public, law enforcement and government agencies.

The Records Unit is responsible for processing, distributing and maintaining all public law enforcement records generated by the Oro Valley Police Department. The Records Unit scans all documents into our records management system and follows our state approved records retention schedule for destroying records. The Records Unit adheres to the release policy mandated by state law. The Unit is also responsible for the handling of vehicle impound releases, verifying the required documentation through the Motor Vehicle Division, preparing the proper paperwork and collecting the necessary fees.

Impounds Cases/Miscellaneous Incident/Warnings

2020 115

2019 99

2018 308





C ommunications B ureau M i ss i o n S tat e m e n t : The Communications Bureau provides a vital link between the public and emergency services. To accomplish our mission, we will: •

Assist all customers by dispatching appropriate responses to their concerns

Be compassionate and empathetic in our delivery of service

Be proactive in providing a safe and secure community for all those who live in and visit Oro Valley

Protect those in harm’s way by providing resources to assist them

Work as a team within our department, within our town and with other agencies

The Communications Bureau is the answering point for all 9-1-1 calls in Oro Valley. The Bureau operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The emergency communications center is staffed with highly skilled full-time public safety telecommunicators who answer 9-1-1 emergency and non–emergency telephone calls, while managing radio communications for the department. Public safety telecommunicators determine the nature and urgency of calls, initiate police or other public safety personnel action and maintain close contact with field units to monitor response and needed support requirements.

Police Communications 54,649



55,000 50,000

45,000 40,000 35,000








25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0


2019 Total Calls Answered

9-1-1 Calls

2018 Officer Dispatched Calls for Service


C ommunity R esources U nit M i ss i o n S tat e m e n t : The Oro Valley Community Resources Unit’s (CRU) mission seeks to engage and educate our community on public safety, personal safety, and crime prevention. CRU offers a wide range of presentations and programs that provide relevant and current information to the public. CRU also parterners with the Town of Oro Valley and outside vendors to coordinate, assist, and plan special events. This includes identifying public safety needs and filling the staffing requirements to allow these events to safely occur.

Community Education and Presentations: CRU staff creates public safety related educational presentations and presents them to various groups within the community of the greater Oro Valley area. These presentations run a gamut of topics to include: fraud, personal safety, home safety, child safety, human trafficking and general public safety education.

OV Safe Return The OV Safe Return program is a community resource service provided for members of the vulnerable population community who work, live, go to school, or receive treatment within the Town of Oro Valley. This would include, but is not limited to, children or adults who may have a diagnosis of: • Autisim

• Down’s Syndrome

• Dementia

• Alzheimer’s

This program will provide parents and caretakers with a mechanism to share crucial information with police officers who are responding to calls for service involving these individuals. Information on the vulnerable person, their parent(s), or responsible caretaker and an additional safe contact person will be collected through registration. A current photograph of the registered individual is requested to assist in locating the registered person if he or she is ever missing. 18

C ommunity R esources U nit C ontinued C i t i z e n V o l u n t e e r A ss i s ta n t s P r o g r a m (C VAP) CVAP is an essential part of the daily operations of the Oro Valley Police Department. They provide assistance to the officers and community in several ways to include: fingerprinting, traffic control during special events and major crashes, Darkhouse checks, Dispose-A-Med events, National Night Out, Community Assistance Program (CAP) and so much more! The time donated by our CVAP participants allows the police officers to focus on more complex community concerns and law enforcement emergencies. Our CVAP’s bring an assortment of skills and training from their own backgrounds. Currently there are 74 active CVAP members.

C r i m e P r e v e n t i o n T h ro u g h E n v i r o n m e n ta l D e s i g n (CP TED)

N e i g h b o r h o o d W at c h P r o g r a m Neighborhood Watch consists of a cohesive body of concerned residents addressing issues that affect their neighborhood. OVPD has one officer who organizes, trains and provides consistant information to these local neighborhood watch programs.

A series of design strategies to beautify a proposed development considering safety concerns. Trained officers utilize a concept known as CPTED to examine new building and retrofitting projects as they are presented to the Development Review Committee. Officers provide recommendations about how builders can plan projects to deter or prevent crime before it becomes an issue. The officer follows the project and attends the pre-construction committee meetings to allow CRU staff to address CPTED and public safety issues within the final plans.

As part of the Department’s ongoing goals of outreach to the community to prevent crime through education, numerous Neighborhood Watch events took place including attendance at block parties, HOA meetings and special presentations. CRU provides the fraud school upon request.


C riminal I nvestigations U nit M i ss i o n S tat e m e n t : The Oro Valley Criminal Investigations Unit (CIU) is dedicated to providing superior investigations of all major crimes reported. CIU is motivated by a search for truth; investigating all criminal allegations in an ethical and impartial manner to preserve the quality of life in the Town of Oro Valley.

CIU is the primary investigative arm of OVPD and is responsible for investigating all crimes that require further investigation. The unit is staffed with a sergeant and seven full-time detectives that are assigned and manage active cases. Detectives are cross-trained to investigate the various types of crimes committed in Oro Valley and many of them network with task force groups outside Oro Valley to enhance service for our community. In recent years, cases have become more complex, requiring significantly more time to investigate due to the nature of the crimes. Due to the rising mental health demand, a full time Mental Health Support Team (MHST) investigator was implemented. Cases Assigned to Detectives Currently Closed Total Active 56 537 539 7 608 615 2 701 703 2 728 730 0 663 663

Year 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 20

Clearance Rate 90.56% 98.86% 99.72% 99.73% 100.00%

2020 1 2 8 9 20

2019 1 5 2 9 17

2018 0 6 3 9 18

2017 0 2 4 12 18

2016 0 3 6 13 22

5 year Avg. 0.4 3.6 4.6 10.4 19

Burglary Larceny Vehicle Theft/Recovery/Attempt Arson Property Crime Totals

23 195 20 0 238

28 206 26 0 260

38 169 21 0 228

50 169 15 1 235

35 179 21 1 236

34.8 183.6 20.6 0.4 239.4

Molesting Child Molesting Exposure & Peeping Obscene Phone Calls Lewd & Lascivious Acts Sex Offenses - Other Sex Crime Totals

1 1 0 0 1 20 23

0 0 2 0 1 19 22

1 4 3 0 3 28 39

2 6 1 0 0 13 22

1 5 1 0 0 12 19

1 3.2 1.4 0 1 18.4 25

Other Assaults Criminal Damage Forgery/Counterfeiting Fraud Embezzlement Death Other Case Totals

20 18 3 73 1 28 143

9 8 6 80 3 27 133

14 7 6 63 4 30 124

14 9 4 89 2 43 161

6 5 9 107 1 32 160

12.6 9.4 5.6 82.4 2.2 32 144.2

All other Assigned Cases







Total Detective Assigned Cases







Homicide Sexual Assault Robbery Aggravated Assault Violent Crime Totals


P roperty & I dentification U nit M i ss i o n S tat e m e n t : The Oro Valley Property and Identification (ID) Unit’s mission is to provide the highest quality forensic support to the members of the Oro Valley Police Department and to ensure the integrity and security of all items of property and evidence that we are entrusted with. The Unit is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for forensic crime scene response and consists of two Crime Scene Technicians and one Crime Scene Technician Supervisor. Property & ID performs crime scene photography, processing, and collection of latent fingerprints and processing and collection of forensic evidence (blood, semen, hairs, fibers, DNA, etc.). The Unit is trained and equipped to respond to a broad range of cases from recovered stolen vehicles to complex death investigations. The Unit also maintains the department’s property and evidence warehouse. The unit also has one part-time Evidence Disposal Reserve Officer. All submitted evidence is carefully logged and tracked with bar coding. Property & ID personnel are the liaisons between officers, courts and prosecutors to track property and evidence for release, disposal, and destruction. Property Items Submitted Property Into Items Evidence Disposed 2020 4,308 1,567

Call Outs 166

Axon Video Uploaded 26,199

DNA Swabs DNA Collected Hits 74 3

Latent Print Latent Cards Print Collected Hits 138 19

Scenes Photographed 125






















S chool R esource O fficers U nit Mission Statement: The Oro Valley School Resource Officers Unit’s mission is to provide a safe environment, have positive interactions and build partnerships with the school community as law enforcement officers, teachers, and informal counselors.

The Oro Valley Police Department’s School Resource Officers (SRO) Unit is built upon the “basic triad concept” of being a law enforcement officer, teacher, and counselor to the school community. This “community” includes school administration, faculty, staff, parents, students, and the Oro Valley community. An SRO provides this service role in many ways while taking a personal interest in students’ lives, activities, and problems. There are six officers and one sergeant assigned to Oro Valley’s public schools which include: Canyon del Oro High School, Ironwood Ridge High School, Copper Creek Elementary, Painted Sky Elementary, Wilson K-8 and Innovation Academy. In addition, they cover calls for service and instruct at Immaculate Heart, Leman Academy, Pusch Ridge Christian Academy, Casas Adobes, and BASIS Schools. Oro Valley SROs become an integral part of the Oro Valley school’s programs and is tailored to meet the needs of their individual schools. Each year, in addition to their duties at the schools, the SROs teach in the classrooms. Topics include:

• • • • •

Bullying/cyber bullying Texting and driving Date rape Self defense Healthy relationships

• • • • •

Peer pressure Bicycle safety Stranger danger Anger management Social media safety

• • • • •

Forensics Forensic lab tours Arizona criminal and traffic law Drug presentations Faculty courses on drug recognition

Due to pandemic related demands, most of the SROs assisted with patrol needs in place of on campus duties. 23

O ro V alley C adet U nit 6873 M i ss i o n S tat e m e n t : The Oro Valley Cadet Unit’s mission is to mentor young adults to serve their communities by providing knowledge, skills, and practical experiences through education and training that build character, physical fitness and respect for the rule of law. Public Safety Cadets is open to young men and women ages 14 through 20 years old with an interest in learning about the public safety field and leadership. The Cadet Unit provides educational training programs for young adults for the purpose, mission, and objectives of public safety. The unit provides career orientation experiences, leadership opportunities, and community service activities. The primary goals of the program are to guide young adults for a career in public safety (law enforcement, EMS, and fire rescue). This unit challenges them to become responsible residents and leaders of their community. Police officers are the Cadet Mentors and assist in weekly instruction and training. Cadets dedicate themselves to community service and assist with special events throughout the Town of Oro Valley and nonprofit organizations such as the Oro Valley Theater Company. Additionally, they provide campus patrols during football games and assist with traffic control during graduations. They are presented with many methods of crime detection from fingerprinting to utilizing canine units and they experience the legal process first-hand. They also put their skills to the test while attending competitions such as the Chandler Tactical Event and Marana Night Moves. It gives Cadets an opportunity to “walk a mile in an officer’s shoes.” In 2020, Cadets worked 122 community service hours while learning some of the following topics: • P olice P rocedures

• Major Crimes

• Aspects of Law Enforcement

• First-Aid • Self-Defense • Crime Lab Operations

• Narcotics Law • Juvenile Law • CPR

• Traffic and Crowd Control • Dispatch 24

Task Force Operations & Regional Partnerships The Oro Valley Police Department is actively involved in multi-jurisdictional joint task forces across southern Arizona. D r u g E n f o r c e m e n t A g e n c y (DEA) has numerous multi-jurisdictional task force groups that include federal agents, prosecuting agencies, state and local law enforcement agencies. Each task force takes a different segment of the trafficking, production, and use of drug related crime to combat this national epidemic. G a n g a n d I m m i g r at i o n I n t e l l i g e n c e T e a m E n f o r c e m e n t M i ss i o n (GIITEM) is a multijurisdictional task force that focuses on street gang, US border and immigration crimes. GIITEM strives to accomplish its mission through a task force concept involving personnel from tribal, federal, state, county, and municipal law enforcement agencies. FBI J o i n t T e r r o r i s m T a s k F o r c e (JTTF) has one liaison officer responsible for investigating broad complex counterterrorism investigations impacting the Town of Oro Valley and Tucson metropolitan area. The officer provides a valuable relationship with the FBI in the event a terrorism related event occurs.

The Oro Valley Police Department is proud to have professional associations with a variety of multi-agency regional teams. These assignments are voluntary and are in addition to their other duties and responsibilities. The value of the law enforcement regionalization assets is the ability to enhance local response, increase professional networking and capitalize on the training and experiences from a variety of local agencies. In a time of need, the regional approach as a “force multiplier” provides trained personnel and more resources to our community.

The OVPD is a founding-member of the following: • Pima Regional SWAT • Pima Regional Crisis Negotiations • Pima Regional Bomb Squad • Pima Regional Motor Academy • Animal Cruelty Taskforce of Southern Arizona • Internet Crimes Against Children • Mobile Field Force


Field Services Division


P atrol B ureau The Patrol Bureau is the heart of the of a police organization. Every incident, from the simplest of issues to the most complex of criminal investigations, begins with a patrol officer’s response. As a result of Oro Valley’s “if you call a cop, you get a cop” community policing philosophy, patrol officers respond to a myriad of calls for service. They must be a “jack of all trades” as they can be called upon at a moment’s notice to be a protector, investigator, social worker, mediator, or anything in between. They must be prepared to address whatever it is that the members of the Oro Valley community have reported. Additionally, patrol officers maintain a highly visible presence within the community. They work to prevent crime through proactive activities such as traffic enforcement, business checks, field interviews, and patrolling residential areas and apartment complexes.


P atrol R esponse T imes Average Response Times 6:00




4:43 3:49

4:51 3:59


3:36 2:24 1:12 0:00


2019 Priority One


Patrol Activity

Priority Two


16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000

8,000 6,000


4,000 2,000



Self-Initiated Calls

Dispatched Calls for Service

C rime S tatistics Part One Crime: Violent Crime 12

Part One Crime: Property Crime 10










300 3














200 100


0 Sexual Assault




Aggravated Assault









*Includes burglary attempts


Motor Vehicle Theft**







**Includes motor vehicle theft attempt

Unified Crime Reports (UCR) Part One Crime is reported to the FBI and consists of eight crime divided into two categories; Violent Crime and Property Crime. “The program’s founders chose these offenses because they are serious crimes, they occur with regularity in all areas of the country, and they are likely to be reported to police.” (http://www2.fbi.gov/ucr/cius2009/about/offense_definitions.html) Examples of priority one calls are armed robbery, physical domestic violence, car jacking, etc.



C rime S tatistics P art 2 C rimes Offense




Arrest for Other Jurisdiction




Disorderly Conduct




Drug Abuse Violations
















Juvenile Offenses: Curfew, Loitering, etc.




Liquor Laws




Offense Against the Family




Public Intoxication








Sex Offenses Except Rape




Simple Assault




Stolen Property: Buy, Receive, Possess, Sell










Vandalism* Weapons Violation

UCR Part Two Crime includes all other reportable crime categories, but only arrest data is reported to the FBI rather than crime counts. Priority two calls include burglary in progress, collisions with injury, missing children, etc.

* Vandalism includes Domestic Violence: Criminal Damage


C ommunity A ction T eam M i ss i o n S tat e m e n t :






The Oro Valley Community Action Team (CAT) serves as the department’s proactive and intelligence based community impact unit. CAT focuses on habitual offenders, current crime trends and problem areas utilizing intelligence derived from proactive investigative techniques, crime analysis and regional networking. CAT routinely works with our local, state, and federal partners to gather and share intelligence, as well as work complex investigations and criminal syndicates. CAT is commonly tasked with locating and apprehending criminals that have victimized our local community. In addition to this, CAT works closely with local businesses and community partners to identify and arrest individuals who have negatively impacted our citizens. The members of CAT closely work with the Oro Valley Police Department’s Patrol Bureau, School Resource Officers and Criminal Investigations Unit to ensure issues impacting our residents are addressed efficiently enhancinig the safety and the quality of life of the community we serve.


The Oro Valley Community Action Team (CAT) is the department’s proactive and intelligence based community impact unit focused on habitual offenders, current crime trends, and problem areas. CAT strives to ensure issues impacting our residents are addressed efficiently, enhancing the safety, and the quality of life of the community we serve.

ty Actio n


Education of the community is a key component to enhancing the safety of our residents. CAT members actively participate in educating the public in the police department’s crime prevention model. 31

C anine U nit M i ss i o n S tat e m e n t : The mission of the Canine Unit is to enhance the level of service we provide by utilizing canine assets to help identify crimes, locate lost or fleeing individuals, and to promote trusting partnerships within our community. The Oro Valley Police Department has three K-9 teams that service the Town. The canine teams participate and assist the Drug Enforcement Administration, Counter Narcotics Alliance, Tucson International Airport and the United States Customs/Border Patrol. Two of the teams are “dual purpose” and are trained in two specific areas: patrol/handler protection and narcotics detection. The third team is trained to detect explosives and accelerant components used to make explosive devices. All our canines are Belgium Malinois and train on a regular basis to keep their high level of expertise. The patrol teams are nationally certified each year. The patrol teams work in a supportive role for uniformed patrol bureau. These K-9 teams are trained specifically to search for drugs, suspects, lost or missing people, crime scene evidence and to protect their handlers.

Lead Patrol Officer Marvin/Justin LPO Marvin has been a police officer since 1979 and a K-9 handler since 1992. Canine Justin joined OVPD in January 2017. Justin is trained in explosive detection.

Officer Reynolds/Risu Officer Reynolds has been a police officer since 2002 and a K-9 handler for 15 years. Canine Risu joined OVPD in November 2019. Risu is trained and nationally certified in patrol tactics and narcotic detection.

Officer Gaare/Vader Officer Gaare has been with OVPD since 2011 and became a K-9 handler in August 2020. Canine Vader joined OVPD in March 2020. Vader is trained and nationally certified in patrol tactics and narcotic detection. 32

Canine Unit Seizures Marijuana (grams) Methamphetamine (grams) Heroin (grams) Cocaine (grams) Fentynal (grams) Total Estimated Drug Street Value Paraphernalia finds (items) Patrol K-9 people apprehensions Cash Locates/Seizures (Federal/State Agency Assists)

2020 2.4 36,013.2 21,039.5 5,000 7,000 $733,260 22 2

Canine Narcotic/Patrol Searches


Assisting Other Agencies



T raffic U nit M i ss i o n S tat e m e n t : It is the mission of the Traffic Unit to enhance the safety of the motoring public with the goal of gaining voluntary compliance of traffic laws utilizing the principle of the three E’s: Education, Enforcement, and Engineering.

Traffic officers prioritize their enforcement time to locations where crashes can be prevented and where the community has reported traffic safety concerns. It is our belief that high visibility traffic enforcement is a key factor in deterring criminal behavior and improving the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists. In addition to day-to-day responsibilities, the Traffic Unit was involved in numerous special programs and details this past year such as: • Providing escorts or traffic control at special events such as the Run for the Fallen, Missing in America Project, Kent’s Heart and Hope foundation, parade for local veteran centenarian and assisting with traffic control and security for former Vice President Pence’s visit to Tucson. • Conducting multiple High Visibility Enforcement and selective targeted enforcement deployments throughout the town to reduce the number of collisions and dangerous speed violations within the Town. • Coordinating quarterly training and a basic motorcycle academy for motor officers from numerous local agencies. The members of the Traffic Unit investigate and follow up on all traffic related crimes that occur within Oro Valley or are initiated by OVPD personnel. In July, a specialized traffic investigator position was created to meet the increasing traffic case management needs of the Department and the Town. The traffic investigator and other members of the Traffic Unit have special training in collision investigation, crash reconstruction, scene mapping and impaired driver investigations. Members of the Traffic Unit also frequently supplement the patrol functions of our agency.


H igh V isibility E nforcement - “H i VE” The Oro Valley Police Department High Visibility Enforcement (HiVE) program is a data driven approach to prevent injury collisions in intersections with high collision rates. The program places 5-6 traffic officers in and around high collision intersections during peak travel times. The deployments are 3 hours in length. All deployments are advertised through print, radio and TV in advanced so motorists are aware of the elevated police activity. This is a critical component of HiVE, since the goal is to increase awareness and safety. The program is not designed to be a “ticket writing” campaign and most of the traffic stops result in warnings. This educational approach is designed to instill trust between the public and police department. The officers are instructed to be visible during all aspects of the deployment; ideally flooding the area to gain the attention of traveling motorists. The goal of the HiVE is to foster a lasting reduction in crashes involving injuries and property loss.

Collisions 482





400 350

300 250




100 50 0


88 31


DUI Related



Non-Injury 2020

Injury 2019






DUI & C ommercial V ehicle E nforcement The Oro Valley Police Depar tment’s DUI Enforcement is committed to removing impaired drivers from our roadways. DUI Enforcement also conducts special saturation deployments and task force operations in par tnership with the Souther n Arizona DUI Task Force during special events and holidays. The of f ic e r s a s s i g n e d t o D U I E n f o r c em en t have b een sp ec ially tr ain ed in id e nt if y ing n o t j u s t t h o s e i m p a i red by alc o ho l, bu t tho se im p aired by illeg al an d pre sc r ipt i o n d r u g s. OV P D c u r ren tly has six o f f ic er s who have b een cer t if ie d a s D r u g R e c o g n i t i o n E xp er ts (DR E s). Six teen OV PD o f f ic er s are cu r re nt ly qua l i f i e d t o c o n d u c t blo o d d r aws o n tho se ar rested f o r DUI . I n ad dit ion t o t h o s e a s s i g n e d t o D UI E n f o r c em en t, d o zen s o f Oro Valley p atrol offic e r s have c o m p l e t e d a dva n c e d DUI investigatio n tr ain in g an d are c er t ified in H or iz ont a l G aze N y s t a g mu s ( H GN). The Oro Va l l ey Po l i c e D e p ar t m e n t has a lo n g-stan d in g relatio n ship with the G ove r nor ’s O f f i c e o f H i g h way Saf ety (GOHS). B ec au se o f this stro n g par t ne r ship, OV P D h a s re c e i ve d hu n d red s o f tho u san d s o f d o llar s in g r ant fu nding. I n 2 0 2 0 , t h i s g r an t f u n d i n g p aid f o r n ew DUI eq u ip m en t, Selec ti ve Tra f f ic E nf orc e m e n t P ro g r am ( S T E P), an d f u n d in g to p ay over tim e c o sts for DU I e nf orc e m e n t . Task Force and DUI Enforcement 1000



Commercial Vehicle Enforcement

572 433

600 189




200 0



GOHS Task Force Traffic Contacts


All DUI Arrests

Oro Valley continues to have a considerable volume of commercial motor vehicle traffic on our streets and highways. If not properly maintained, these heavy vehicles can represent a serious danger to the motoring public. To help minimize this danger, OVPD currently has officers trained and certified to inspect commercial motor vehicles. These officers enforce the Federal Motor Carrier Safety regulations, including the laws governing the transportation of hazardous materials, on our highways. Our officers regularly participate in regional commercial vehicle safety deployments led by the Arizona Department of Public Safety. 35

A lternate F unding Alternative revenue sources are funds generated or received by OVPD aside from the Town’s general funds.


GIITEM OT, $1,268.39 GIITEM, $43,895.34

G rant F unds The Oro Valley Police Department is very active in the competitive grant process and pursues alternative funding sources as opportunities become available.

HIDTA, $94,581.38

SRO, $24,070.58 JTTF, $8,301.37

Available grants encompass a variety of purposes ranging from training, personnel services and equipment to further enhance the efforts of specific units within the organization.

HIDTA OT, $14,583.70

Total Personnel Grants, $220,555.86


Balllistic Vests, $9,749.75

GOHS, $96,994.23

Stonegarden, $131,671.41

Total OT & Equip Grants, $238,415.39


A lternate F unding C ontinued G enerated R evenue Generated revenue is received as a result of services offered by the Police Department and the adjudicated cases processed by the Oro Valley Magistrate Court. Some of these funds are utilized for personnel services and some are returned to the Town’s general fund.

GENERATED REVENUE SOURCES Citing Agency, $8,473.35

Report Copying, $5,807.50

Fingerprinting, $3,430 Pawn Slips, $300

Other, $9,085

Impound, $14,700

S eizure F unds

Total Revenue, $41,795.85


Seizure funds are monies forfeited from convicted criminals as a result of adjudicated court proceedings. These funds exist for very specific uses regulated by federal and state law. Some uses include: training personnel and purchasing necessary equipment that is currently unattainable through general funds.

State, $58,631.56

Federal, $35,863.54

Total Seizure Funds, $94,495.10


2020 R ecognition C o m m e n dat i o n s : Officer Eric Larter – Ofc. Larter received an out of state call for service asking for assistance regarding a missing person.

Ofc. Larter utilized advanced investigative techniques which led to finding the missing person. Ofc. Larter, having developed a rapport with the family, remained the liaison for the family both while on and off duty.

Detective Megan Carr – Det. Carr was monitoring the police radio and heard a dispatched call regarding a 14-year-old

runaway. She was familiar with the child and self-dispatched to begin the investigation. Using advanced investigative techniques Det. Carr coordinated with patrol officers and detectives and the child was located in the area of Grant and I-10. Det. Carr’s investigation also revealed the female was on the way to begin a relationship with a much older male out of state. Det. Carr arranged social services for the minor. She furthered her investigation by coordinating with Michigan State ICAC and Michigan State Fugitive Apprehension Team. The suspect was taken into custody, confessed, and charged with six related felonies.

Officer Tim Fletcher – Ofc. Fletcher was dispatched to an irate person that was stopped in traffic. The driver was blocking lanes of Oracle Road while violently hitting himself, screaming, and hitting the interior of the vehicle. Ofc. Fletcher was able to protect the vehicle from passing traffic while addressing the driver. The male was going in and out of consciousness long enough to maintain his display of violence. At one point, the male stepped on the accelerator, revving the engine. Ofc. Fletcher breached the vehicle’s window and was able to turn off the car. The driver’s condition and actions, along with items observed within the passenger compartment, led Ofc. Fletcher to believe the subject could be overdosing. Ofc. Fletcher administered Narcan, which brought the subject back to a lucid state. Medical personnel arrived and continued medical care of the subject.

Lead Police Officer Felix Olivas – LPO Olivas responded to the report of a domestic situation. The incident was

dynamic and LPO Olivas ultimately made the decision to force entry into the residence. The suspect was arrested for domestic violence related charges. While on scene LPO Olivas observed indicators that the victim was also possibly a victim of human trafficking. LPO Olivas reinterviewed the victim and collected additional evidence which led to additional charges related to human trafficking.


2020 R ecognition C ontinued C o m m e n dat i o n s : Officer Tyler Nicholson – Ofc. Nicholson was one of many officers that responded to assist with the search for a vulnerable elderly female. She walked away from her residence on a day that was 97 degrees outside. The search effort also included the use of OVPD’s unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and Pima County’s fixed wing aircraft, Survey 1. Due to the massive scale of the search area and the thick vegetation the aerial assets were unsuccessful. Ofc. Nicholson, utilizing reason, determination, and perseverance, deduced reasonable paths of travel the resident could have taken. He ultimately located the female approximately 50’ down the hill at the base of a cul-de-sac near her residence. She was in vegetation so thick Ofc. Nicholson was less than five feet from her before she could be seen.

Communications Supervisor Tami Wood – CS Wood developed a heartwarming send off for K9 Bruno who served

with his partner, Ofc. Reynolds, for seven years. The special transmission was recorded as Bruno ended his last shift on duty. CS Wood worked with the Department’s Public Information Officer and the video was posted on social media. The video went viral, receiving over 700,000 views, 5,000 shares and 850 positive comments. The video was also picked up by Fox News, CNN and Good Morning America.

Officer Donald Topar – Ofc. Topar responded to an “Attempt to Locate” from Pima County reference a hit and run

collision. He located the suspect vehicle in the parking lot of an Oro Valley gas station. The vehicle was running and the driver was asleep behind the wheel. Ofc. Topar noted a firearm within the vehicle along with additional items that were found to be suspicious, such as a cut lock that appeared to be from a storage unit. After conducting a DUI investigation, Ofc. Topar continued with his investigation. He disseminated the information about the suspicious items in the vehicle. He ran a check on the firearm, which returned stolen out of Marana. He also began calling local storage facilities trying to retrace the suspect’s steps. In doing so he established that the suspect has a storage unit he had recently visited. During his investigation Ofc. Topar also learned that the City of Tucson was looking for the suspect reference a hit and run collision in their jurisdiction. Ofc. Topar’s investigation led to the removal of an impaired driver from the roadway and the recovery of a stolen firearm. He also assisted three partner agencies with their respective investigations.


2020 R ecognition C ontinued O ff i c e r o f t h e Y e a r L P O R ya n J o n e s :

LPO Jones has been in law enforcement for 14 years and has gained a wealth of knowledge and experience during that time. He is often used as a resource by officers and supervisors alike. He enjoys imparting the information and knowledge he has obtained and has made those around him better. LPO Jones has a passion for developing officers, which he does on patrol and through the Field Training program. His ability to develop less tenured officers has enhanced their safety and has contributed to a higher level of service that is provided to the community. LPO Jones has one of the best personalities. His sense of humor and the joy he brings to those he works around boosts morale and creates a more enjoyable work environment. He exudes exemplary professionalism while interacting with the public and has been tasked with the supervision of multiple squads, to include supervision of one squad for an extended period of time. He has exhibited flawless decision-making ability while in and out of this role. LPO Jones exemplifies servant leadership. He is continuously looking to help other members of patrol. He often takes it upon himself to investigate difficult calls for service and volunteers to complete monotonous tasks on complex investigations. The tasks that he completes are often not required and go above and beyond his minimum job requirements.

MADD 2020 DUI E nforcement O fficer of the Y ear : Fred Brown

2020 Retirements:

Lieutenant Ed Schaefer 01-02-2005 to 01-11-2020

Chief Daniel G. Sharp 01-31-2000 to 02-21-2020

Officer Yolanda Hallberg 02-20-2003 to 03-01-2020

Officer Doug Hamblin 11-23-1997 to 04-30-2020

Officer Robert Lolmaugh 09-23-2001 to 08-22-2020

Officer Wendy Davis 08-19-1998 to 09-01-2020

Officer Mike Warren 11-23-1997 to 11-21-2020


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