Curtain Call
Cu isine and cocktails with ovation-worthy views just across Front Street from the Orpheum Theatre

Perched atop the Hyatt Centric Beale Street Memphis, Beck & Call is a rooftop cocktail bar with panoramic views of Downtown Memphis, inspiring bites and dazzling cocktails.

Visit for a bite or a night Use your Orpheum Perks card for discounts 33 BEALE STREET, MEMPHIS


Hamilton is back!
For the third time, this ground-breaking musical is playing at the Orpheum. I am happy you are here to enjoy it.
For some of you, this may be the first time you are seeing the show. If so, welcome.

For others, it might be the 10th. I always wonder what it is about mega-hits that people watch them numerous times without losing interest. What is it about shows like Wicked, Lion King, Phantom, and Hamilton that hold an audience’s attention through multiple viewings?
First, I believe, it starts with the story. Good storytelling is essential for any theatrical hit. Second, it must have great music. Songs that you hum as you exit the theatre at the end of the night. A refrain that plays in your mind for days after the performance. Third, it must be well-staged; from acting to singing to dancing to design. The show must keep your visual interest for 2.5 hours, or you would become bored after seeing it more than once.
Hamilton has all that and more. It also speaks to us because it is based on American history – in this case the life of a Founding Father that we might not know as well as some of the more famous Founding Fathers.
In short, Hamilton is a terrific piece of musical theatre.
It may be hard to believe, but 2025 marks the tenth anniversary of Hamilton’s opening on Broadway! I was proud the Orpheum Theatre Group was the first theatre in Tennessee to bring this magical show to the state in 2019. I was excited to bring it for the second time in 2021. And I am equally pleased to bring it back this year!
So, if you are seeing the show for the first time or the tenth, I welcome you. Hamilton has all the ingredients necessary to be the blockbuster that it is!
Thank you for your support of the Orpheum Theatre.
I hope you can join us on on Monday, March 17 when we will announce our thrilling 2025-2026 Broadway Season.
Enjoy the show!

Brett Batterson President & CEO Orpheum Theatre Group

Take one part Old Dominick. Add one part Community Foundation. Mix well to protect the Memphis Aquifer. Scan QR code art with phone for this refreshing story.















MARCH 21-22

The Orpheum Theatre Group would like to recognize these Season Ticket Holders who have subscribed to the Broadway Series every year for the past 20 or more years! These dedicated subscribers are the core of our annual patrons and allow us to continue to bring the best of Broadway to Memphis year after year. Please join us in thanking them for their loyalty and enthusiasm for our historic theatre.
Jerry Alford
Ann Allard
David L. Allen
Bruce Alpert
Patty and George Alvord
Mary A. Ammend
Anita Arnold
Nancy and Neil Arnold
Phil Aronoff
Dennis and Emily Baer
Clara Bailey
John and Rebecca Bakke
Grant and Mary Ruth Bales
Tom Banning
Camilla Barber
Bruce and Cindy Barney
Linda M. Barrett
Vickie Baselski
Bob Batson
Michael M. Beck
Charles Bedwell
Drs. Leon Bedwell and Kim Huch
David N. Beene, Sr.
Linda Belz
Marilyn and Jack Belz
Anise and Ron Belz
Anne Wulff and Brian Bendersky
Dorothy L. Benson
Sheila C. Bentley
Jamie Kay Berkley
Stanley Bilsky
Benard Blasingame
Jennie Bledsoe
Lisa and John Bobango
Jay and Kelly Bobo
Percy R. Boggan Jr.
Deanna and Antonio Bologna
Donna and Barry G. Bouchillon
Mary Ann Boyle
Patricia and Charles Brand
Ray Brandon
Denby Brandon III
J. Allen Brasfield Jr.
Jerry Brasher
Philip Breazeale
Pam Bronson
Jeffrey L. Bronze
David Brooks
Diane Brown
Robert H. Buckman
Becky and Andy Burkeen
Johnny Burns Jr.
Tony Burriss
Linda Busby
Douglas Bush
Kathy Campbell
Dee Cannell
George B. Carter
Richard Carver
Todd Chappell
Dr. Nancy A. Chase
Michael L. and Roberta Christensen
Rachel Claiborne
Judy Clampit
Gregg A. Coats and Mark Harris
Robin P. Cocke
Dr. Marc and Mrs. Myrna Cohen
Glen and Elissa Coombs
Mike Conway
Dr. and Mrs. George A. Cook
Jennifer Cook
Jeffrey A. Coole
Arie J. Cooper
Elaine R. Craven
Kelley Crone-Johnson
Pat Crouse
Larry Crum
Nancy Carlson Cupp
Miriam and Bernard Danzig
Arthur G. Davis
Doris I. Davis
Anna T. Davison
Vicki and Bill Deweese
Carlton and Rhonda Dixon
Dr. David and Donna Doernbach
Jan and Ted Donaldson
Jeanie P. Dowdle
Michael Dragutsky
Lisa N. Droke
Robert Dumais, Jr.
Thomas and Leigh Ann Dunlap
Elizabeth Durham
Alteena Edwards
Steve and Laura W. Edwards
Gerald and Lynn Eisenstatt
Marshall Elam
Anthony R. Eldridge
Graves Enck
Robert Ervin
Kathleen Fatolahi
Karen Fann
Mary Faulkner
Carol A. Feather
Dan and Judith Felkner
Robert and Brenda Ferralasco
Dr. and Mrs. William Fesmire
Gwendolyn and Stephen Fink
Kent D. Fisher
George Flinn Jr.
Lassie and Harry Flowers
Barry Frager
Houston L. Freeburg
Douglas E. Gardner
Gerald and Linda Geddes
Mary Ellen Gehring
Pamela George
Dave and Pat Gesell
Wilma and William R. Gibbs
Neil and Lisa Gibson
Betty Jo Gilbert
Greg and Beth Gillaspie
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Gilmore
Howard and Nannette Gish
Richard Glassman
Marsha and David Goberish
Carole Goddard
Kathy S. Goldate
Sondra Goldstein
Carey Goodman
Kathy Gomes
William Gotten
Philip Gould
Margaret Gray
Muffin Dixon Gray
E. Dianne Greenhill
Glendora Greenway
Donald W. Grice
Amy Eickhoff Groff
Lawrence B. Gross
Ginger L. Gruber
Sue and Frank Guarino
John Gyetvay
Cindy and Everett Hailey
Rommy Hammond
Jerry and Carol Harber
Barbara Harrington
John J. Harris
Harmon J. Hays
Leslie Y. Hays
Leslie Heun Key
Linda and Cheryl Hill
Susan and David Hoback
Rebecca Hogan
Randy and Ellen Holcomb
Brenda G. Holmes
Donna Holton
Gene and Kathy Horner
Christi Houin
Dr. Lawrence and Anita Hsia
Jerry Hudson
John Hunt
Linda Hutcherson
John and Nancy Iovinelli
Allen and Jeri Israel
Don M. Jackson
Laurie Jackson
John and Debbie Jerkins
Larry W. Johnson
Susan Johnson
Horace Jones
Charles and Penny Jones

Sandra Jones
Leonard and Faith Kaye
Robert Kilburn
Michael King
Carla Kirkland
Frances Kitterman
Arlene Kleiman
Russell and Gina Knox
Eddy Koonce
Judy Kyles
Dr. Roger Labonte
Elizabeth Landers
Suzanne and Bill Landers
Sharon S. Langley
Rachel Laughlin
Drs. William and Pam Lawhead
Lauren, Linda, and Rande Lazar
Barney and Jan Lee
Leslie Lee
Marilyn Lee
Patrice Lenahan
Gail Lewis
Elaine and David Levine
Yvonne and Paule Levine
Michael and Joanie Lightman, Sr.
Mark Lindsey
Mathew Lipscomb III
Jeffrey H. Lowrey M.D.
John and Bettye Claire Lynn
Tobin Maginnis
Reginald Magpayo
Sandra Marbry
Pat and Linda Martindale
Pat and Louis Masur III
Debbie Cruse Maxwell
Janice McAfee
Bill McCann
Susan McClure
Nancy McDade
Keith McDaniel
Suzanne McDonald
Joseph and Nancy McGarry
Michael McGee
Margaret McKee
Denice and Jim McMahon
James and Kathy Meredith
Cathy Meyer
Deborah S. Meyer
Maxine Middlecoff
Nancy H. Miller
Sheila Mitchell
Pam Montesi
Sandy Moss and Lynette Maw
Dr. Dale and Patricia L. Morris
Suzie Moskal
Judy Moss
Ginny Mount
William Seldon Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nance
Cyndie Nash and Angie Cabrera
Mike and Cay Niehaus
Vicki Noble
Helen Norman
Robin and Billy Orgel
Joy J. Ozbirn
J. T. and Connie Page
Barry S. Paller
Karen Parker
Martha Parker
Rodney Parks
Nina and Jerry Patton
Jim Paulsen
Wm. H. Pearigen III
Lisa Lee Pelkey
Frank and Rochelle Perlman
Jim and Evelyn Petterson
David and Beth Pickler
Joseph Piacenti
Charles and Carole Plesofsky
Dennis Pope
Chuck and Robin Porter
Brenda and Terry Poteet
Sara Power
Bonida and Brian Poynor
Sondra Price
Ron Privette
Johanna Quinn
Bonnie Reddmann
Frannie Replogle and Sue McDaniel
Karen Richmond
Dee Dee Rives
Tracey L. Ritchey
Meryl Rosen
Ruggiero and David van Isaks
Ron Sabelhaus
Rhonda Sage
Louis A. Sampson
Michael B. Sands
Philip Schaefgen
Karl and Gail Schledwitz
Robbie, Sally and Carey Segal
Nancy and James Segars
Sidney and Marcy Seligstein
Rachel and Stephen B. Shankman
Robert Shankman
Susan Sharp
Debra Shirley
Jim Shoemaker
David Simpson
Ann Singleton
Irvin Skopp
Audrey E. Sloan
Bethany Smith and Joe Larkins
R. Brent Smith
Rogers Smith
Thomas N. Smith
Vickie and Peggy Snider
Rita T. Sparks
Thomas F. Spencer
Leslie Spengler
J. W. Stafford Jr.
William and Cheryl Stegbauer
Elizabeth Stewart
Charles and Mary Stewart
Melissa Stewart
James F. Swindle
Phyllis G. Taylor
Darrell and LaTina Thomas
Susan Thompson
Bonnie and David Thornton
Kathy C. Thurmond-Edwards
Dr. David A. Tipton
Danny L. Todd
Virginia F. Trenham
Marsha and Mike Underberg
Dianna Voyles
Vicky Waddey
Hazel Waggener
Thomas L. Walker
Janice Wall
Lee Wardlaw
Otto S. Warhurst
Charles Warner
Joseph F. Warren
Stephanie Warren
John and Betty Weiman
Danny Weiss
Arnold Wexler
Justin Pelham White
Peggy and James White Jr.
Kay Whittington
Gloria Wiggins
Lesa Wiggins
Emelda L. Williams
Jan Williams
Len Williams
Michael C. and Gay Williams
Thomas A. Williams
Jane C. Williamson
Les and Nancy Willingham
Mindy Wilson
Lauran Wingo
Byron Winsett
Larry Witcher
Gil Whitlock
William and Sandy Wolfe
Susan Wolfe-Byars
Cheryl Wood
Philip Woodard
Linda and Bill Woodmansee
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wooldridge Sr.
Terri Wright
Elizabeth R. Wright
Robin Yates
Mark Yerger
Bennett Zinn
If you would like to change your recognition or if you have been inadvertently omitted from this list, please call (901) 525-3000 so we may correct our oversight.

Chair.........................................................................Scott Bendure
Vice Chair..........................................................Robert DelPriore
Treasurer......................................................................Joey House

Brett Batterson President & CEO Orpheum Theatre Group
Secretary.............................................................Chirag Chauhan Dr. Neal S. Beckford ENT/Head & Neck Surgery UT Otolaryngology

John Bobango Chief Manager/Partner Phelps Dunbar LLP

Scott Bendure Pinnacle Financial Partners Managing Director/ Private Wealth Management

A. Brown President & CEO BCS Consulting Services

KaShaundra L. Blackwood President & COO Grove Park Dental Group

Chirag Chauhan
Patrick Trey Carter, III President Olympic Career Training Institute
Debbie Branan Owner/Attorney Branan Law Firm
Thomas E. Holmes, Jr. Marketing & Communications Executive

Joey House Head of Global Controllership, Real Estate & Procurement Sedgwick

Cassandra Howard, M.D. Brigadier General, USAF VP, Chief Medical Officer Methodist Le Bonheur

David E. McKinney VP, Human Resources and Public Affairs Autozone

Grayson Pruitt Vice President/Wealth Advisor Truist Wealth

Lura Turner President Turner Marketing
George Alvord
Anise Belz
Jack Blair
Robert Cox

Amy Knight Community Volunteer

Dr. Keith Norman Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church VP, Government Relations Baptist Memorial Healthcare

Karl Schledwitz Chairman & CEO Monogram Foods

Ignacio Vincentelli Chief Counsel, North American Container International Paper

Laura Linder President & CEO Jewish Community Partners

Kush Shah Partner/Owner DirectFX Solutions

Devin R. Williams, Esq. President Mister Greenway
Karen Fields-Isaacman
Lucia Gilliland
Philip Gould
Mason Granger
Allen Israel
Miles Mason, Sr.

David Pickler Owner Pickler Wealth Advisors

Miles Mason, Married for over 30 years, he and designer in Atlanta, a U. S. Marine, and a budding Miles Mason Family Law Group, PLC, he has been by peers, rated 10.0 out of 10.0 by Avvo Martindale-Hubbell Frequently news, Miles is a nationally recognized speaker on accounting, and business valuation. He is the author Accounting Deskbook, published by the Tennessee Divorce Client’s Handbook, available have included Chair of the TBA Family Law Sectio Association, Fellow of the Memphis Bar Foundation, Memphis and Shelby County Community Redevelopment Mayor Jim Strickland.
Bill Stegbauer Local Business Owner

Sherry Williams Senior VP Private Client Relationship Manager First Horizon Bank
C. Suzanne Landers
Rande Lazar
Ann McRae
Mike Pera
Jack Soden
Bill Stegbauer
Andy Taylor
Mike Williams
Miles Mason, Sr. Founder Miles Mason Family Law Group, PLC
Robin Orgel Community Volunteer

Brett Batterson President & CEO
Paulette Luker Executive Vice President & CFO
Dacquiri Baptiste......................................................................................Vice President & COO
Jennifer McGrath.................Vice President of Education, Community Engagement, & Halloran Centre Programming
Christina Torres.............................................................................Vice President of Marketing
Tracy Trotter, CFRE..............................................................Vice President of Development
Teresa Ward................................................Vice President of Ticketing & Patron Services
Marilyn Sims............................................................Director of Ticketing & Patron Services
Glenda Young.......................................................................................Ticket Services Manager
Paige Perkins..............................................................................................Group Sales Manager
Jallyah Thomas..................................................................................Patron Services Manager
Robert Moore................Group Sales Coordinator & Halloran Centre Events Manager
Candace Dean....................................................................................Director of Development
Andrew Jordan.....................................................................Manager of Donor Engagement
Kelsea Lewis....................................................................................Manager of Donor Services
Mackenzie Pirtle VanAusdall.............Manager of Grants and Donor Communications
Taylor St. John...........................................................Director of Education & Engagement
Lena Wallace Black......................................................Education & Engagement Manager
Verity Yao-Jen Hwang.........................................Presentations & Engagement Manager
A. Santyria Johnson..........................................................................Resident Teaching Artist
Rhyan Alleman.........................................................Education & Engagement Coordinator
Nathan Ashby.....................................................................................................Creative Director
Kristin Bennett-Banks......................................................................Public Relations Director
Daniel Stuart Nelson.................................................................................Advertising Director
Eboni Cain..................................................................................................Social Media Manager
Jessica Johnson..............................................................................Content Creation Manager
Moriah Loya........................................................................................................Website Manager
Macon Wilson....................................................................................Email Marketing Manager
Joy Brown......................................................................................Director of Rentals & Events
LaQuita Jackson Barnes........................................................Director of Human Resources
Falton Mason..........................................................................................Director of Accounting
Sara Adams..............................................................................Halloran Centre Sales Manager
Angie Harrison Murphy...........Accounting & Finance Analyst & Operations Manager
Susan Smith..................................................................Executive Assistant to the President
Grant Hatton..............................................Halloran Centre Director of House Operations
Charles Materna...............................................................................................Technical Director
Richard Reinach..................................................................Facilities & Engineering Director
Eric Slaughter..............................................................................Director of Event Operations
Brett Williams.............................................................................Director of Venue Operations
Joseph McKinney............................................................................................Facilities Manager
Cindi Maglothin..............................................................................................Volunteer Manager
Katelyn Sosebee.........................................................................................Production Manager
Sam Long......................................................................................................Production Manager
Adarion Bivins.................................................................................Food & Beverage Manager
Located on the front rows of the Mezzanine and Grand Tier, our Luxury Suites are perfect for families and corporate entertaining.
Luxury Suite Sponsors see the show in style and enjoy exclusive perks and benefits. They help make shows like this one possible and provide support for arts education to students, teachers, and families.
Jacqueline and Wes Angel
A-Team Roofing
Ed and Nancy Barnett
Shannon and Beryl Brown
The Carnahan Family
Chene Gear
Crone Law Firm
Davis Electric, Inc.
Dean Film & Video
The Deutsch Family
The Donaldson Family
Curtiss Doss
Eagle Contractors
Evolve Bank & Trust
The Farien Family
Experitec, Inc.
First Horizon
Kirby and Glenn Floyd
Gant Systems
The Gardner Family
The Giannini Family
Nick and Tymikia Glenn
The Halsey Family
The Hankins Family
Bill Henson
Dr. Cassandra and John Howard
iHeart Media
The Irwin Family
Karen Fields-Isaacman and Ken Isaacman
Mr. Kyle Kosmider and Dr. Hannah Polikowsky
Landmark Construction and Emergency Services
Dr. Sharon Beth Larson
The Lilly Company
Betsy Lomas
Miles Mason Family Law
Mary and Mike McCullough
Moore Management
The Mustang Fund
The Overall Family
Patrick’s Memphis
The Pickler Companies
Al and Marcie Quesada
The Ray Family
Roadshow BMW/MINI
Michael and Christina Scarbrough
The Shorb Family
George and Susan Simmons
Dr. Rachel Taylor
Alicia Teeter, The FIRM Memphis
The Terral Family
Tri Star Products, LLC
Bonnie Walker and Scott Jones
Robyn and Bill Walker
Dr. Robert Wegner
The Jim West Family
The Whitaker Family
Wolfchase Honda/Nissan
Winston Wolfe
The Woodyard Family
A round of applause to the following for their generous support of the Orpheum Theatre Group. Gifts made from February 1, 2024 - February 10, 2025
Assisi Foundation
Downtown Memphis Commission
William and Cheryl Stegbauer
Tennessee Arts Commission
Lura and Steve Turner
The Gideon Family
Ben and Necy Livingston
Jerry and Nina Patton
Steve and Jenny Piacentini
P.K. Seidman Charitable Trust
Positively Memphis
Michael and Christina Scarbrough
Jennie Anderson and Lani Glancy
Veronica and Brett Batterson
The Coons Foundation
Michelle and Corey Epps
Hal Fogelman
Keri and Doug Gage
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Gilmore
Martin and Crystal Hand
Katie and Jamie Jordan
C. Suzanne and Bill Landers
Meredith and Greg Martin
David and Beth Pickler
Philip Schaefgen and Sharon Akers
Gina and Jim Wiertelak
Mr. and Mrs. John Bobango
Bob Brown
Patrick (Trey) Carter and Dr. Robin Hobbs
Dr. George and Nancy Cook
Robert Cox
Crews Family Foundation
Dr. William Etnyre and Mr. Michael Lonesome-Etnyre
Bill and Vikki Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hawke
Thomas Holmes, Jr.
Will and Hayley Hudson
Dr. Rande and Linda Lazar
Sara and Cameron Mays
Michael McLaren and Diane Vescovo
Lori Patton
Grayson and Rachel Pruitt
Carrie Ridge
Thomas J. Schroeppel and L. Paige Clement
GW Sellars
Nancy Welsh Smith
Elizabeth Stewart
Zachary and Whitney Styer
Joy Terral
Anne Wulff and Brian Bendersky
Dennis Zolper
Keith and Stephanie Acton
Jake and Blake Adams
Gene Anthony III
Karen Baetzel
Elysia Barber and Patrick Greer
Richard Bartl
Scott and Amy Beatty
Dr. Neal and Rosetta Beckford
Drs. Leon Bedwell and Kim Huch
Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Anise Belz
Scott and Rachel Bendure
William and Clare Bentley
Emile Bizot
Adrian and Katherine Blackney
KaShaundra and Darren Blackwood
Steve and Margaret Bonnema
Quinn and Michelle Borninkhof
Dr. Roy and Lydia Bors-Koefoed
Penny Bower
Danny and Leslie Bozof
Debbie and Homer Branan
Dana and Ray Brandon
Carla and Willie Brown
Shannon and Beryl Brown
Ann and Stewart Burgess
Bill Burtch/Peter Raccasi/Shannon Sparks
Susan and Rice Byars
Dustin Cann and Tim Owen
Jessica and Kevin Carnell
Victor and Beth Carr
Jen Champion
Mandy and Chirag Chauhan
Stephen and Shelly Cheng
Dr. Mike and Mrs. Lisa Cockrell
Leslie Coleman
Christy Cornell and Steve Knott
Amanda Curtin and Chuck Russell
Stephen and Alicia Davis
Scott and Kay Dawson
Babs Deas
The Deutsch Family
Dr. Gerald and Lynn Eisenstatt
Myca Ferguson and Melanie Brogan
Dr. Harry and Lorraine Fogle
Rick and Kim Fogelman
David and Joan Follmann
Tim and Kristi Francavilla
Dana and Tom Giel
Deborah Jean Gilbert
Kathryn and Jim Gilliland, Jr.
Glenn and Autumn Leaf Goerke
Kathleen Gomes
Deborah Goodfellow
Philip Gould
Sue and Frank Guarino
Anne Halloran
John and Ruby Hancock
Dr. Lauren Henderson
The Hinsons
David and Margo Holt
Annette and Joseph Horner
Joey and Kelly House
Cassandra and John Howard
Lauren and Sean Hunt
Mr. Johnson
Drs. Derek and Hallie Kelly
Amy and Alex Knight
Becky and Wes Kraker
Phil and Lillian Lammers
Cindy Landry
James and Laura Linder
Michele LeFavre
James and Angie Lenschau
Joanie and Michael Lightman
Little and Davis Law
Paulette and Paul Luker
Sharon and Miles Mason, Sr.
Daniel and Rozalynn May
Ryan and Neely McDurmon
Dr. Shanea A. McKinney and Mr. David McKinney
Lisa Menuskin and Neil Gibson
Debbie Meyer
Lawrence and Sharon Migliara
William Miller
Gregg and Amanda Morgan
Monica and Lee Murphy
Dr. Sri and Paula Naidu
Julie and David Nanney
Alan Nathanson
Chuck and Debbie Newell
Kelsey Newell and Chase Newell
Dr. Keith and Alicia Norman
Sarah and Dennis Norton
Robin and Billy Orgel
Anurag and Avanti Pandit
Van and Linda Phillips
Kyle and Crystal Pourciau
Vic and Beth Price
Randall Standridge
Collins and Katie Rainey
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Reed, Jr
Charles and Tracey Rich
RJD Fund
Misty Roberson
Brett Roler and Lorie Chapman
Meryl and Elizabeth Rosen
Elena and Tom Ross
James Rutland
Jodie and Lanny Saunders
Reece and Ian Savage
Karl and Gail Schledwitz
Don Scobey
Kush and Pooja Shah
Linda Shook
Michelle and Mike Slabaugh
Gary K. Smith
Jeffrey and Melanie Smith
Tammy Sullivan
Bill and Janet Ticer
Amy Thiessen
John and Nancy Thompson
David and Bonnie Thornton
Victor and Cybel
Melissa and Ignacio Vincentelli
Dianna Voyles
Zach and Abbie Wade
Joseph F. Warren and Barbara Thompson
Ron and Marianne Walter
Watkins Uiberall, PLLC
Darrison and Carole Wharton
Mr. and Mrs. James H. White, Jr.
Devin and Whitney Williams
Gay and Mike Williams
Dr. David and Amy Wolford
Marshall and Kristen Wright
Robin Martin Yates
Gay and Mike Williams
Sherry and Don Williams
Bill and Linda Woodmansee
Drs. Patrick Zielie and Teresa Wright
Hal and Lori Beckham
Jack and Kathleen Blair
Ted and Jan Donaldson
Wayne Edwards
Carol and Scott Hennessy
Jason Hunter
Junkyard Dog Productions
JT Malasri
Kate and Neely Mallory
Carey Marrs
Michael Martin
Paula and Robert McEniry
George and Susan Simmons
Brooke Sparks
UCL Financial Group
Pelucho Valesquez
Dennis and Kathryn Wells
The Jim West Family
Jerry and Susan Yount
Charlotte Albertson
The Baptiste Family
Mr. Robert E. Batson
Steve and Lynda Black
Gay Daughdrill Boyd
Elizabeth and Aaron Caldwell
Saurin A. Chokshi
Brandon Cole and Jon-Michael Ball
Harry and Bette Colter
Andrea Conner
Rachel Claiborne
Margaret and Shep Fargotstein
Peter Franklin
Gaskill Strategies
Michael and Sharon Goldstein
Max Graham and Zoe Bishop
Dr. Chris Knott-Craig
Ms. Sarah Jemison
George and Elizabeth Lofton
Geoffrey Maddox and Kevin Kimberly
Nancy H. Miller
Ken and Angie Nix
Cecile Nowak
Leslie O’Barr
Janelle Osowski
Mr. Frank Perlman
Allen and Sally Perry
Charles and Carole Plesofsky
Sonic Properties of Memphis
Hunter Rittenberry
Fran and Phil Shannon
Louie and Linda Sheppard
Dr. Elizabeth Simmons
Jon and Tracy Trotter
Joachim C. Vogg
Brad and Shari Whitaker
Sarah H. Wilbourn
Julia and Thomas Williams
Shay Arthur
Nathan Ashby and Dustin Hornsby
Gregory A. Austin
Andrew Balaity
Charles and Samantha Dean
Ruth Bernabe
Leigh and Bernie Bernil
Jennifer Webb Besing
Marcia anad Harold Bibb
Debi and John Bookas
Shannon Bowsher
Diane M. Brown
Keeley and Steve DeSalvo
Dr. and Mrs. Danny H. Dickey
Jim Dorman
Jason Duncan
Nicole Ellis
Rebecca R. Ferrante
Megan Ferris
Melanie and Richard Fine
Sunny Franklin
Gerber Taylor
Andrew Gibbs
Eddie and Jane Hankins
Haley Harlan
Lisa Hayes
Bill and Jeanmarie Hewitt
Kimberly Hill
Peggy Hill
Lauren Huddleston
Andrew Jordan
Nicholas Jordan
Patricia Keene
Kirstin Knott
Ben and Elizabeth Landers
Kim L. Lasko
Harry Laughlin, III
Scott and Lauri Lipka
Dennis Marjoncu
Karen Meeks
Chapman Morrow
Molly Renee Oster
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Perchik
Katie Pickler
Beth and Kerry Regen
Ronni Rowland
Mark and Pat Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Stewart
Mimi and Jim Taylor
Phyllis G. Taylor
Michael Todd
Christina Torres and Alex Barton
Janet Tucker
Teresa T. Ward
Nicholas Weaver
Martha Webb
Katherine Zelinka
Sara Adams
Sally and Lyman Aldrich
Rhyan Alleman
Christopher Allen
Taurus Bailey
Jan Baker
Budd Batterson
Savannah Bearden
Trista Beavers
Michael and Katie Beery
Belz Foundation
Ken and Debbie Bennett
Adarion Bivins
Lena Black
Linda Bond
Marcia Boyd
Anthony A. and Delois S. Brown
Donna Brown
Brandy Burnette
The Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts
Callie and Krista Caldwell
Chris and Sandy Caldwell
Melody and Benjie Carter
Celebrity Attractions
Kyle Cherry
Aimee Christian
Mr. Neil and Mrs. Susan Cohen
Heather Colturi
Dabney Coors
Mike Cooper
Valerie Cox
Susan and Jerry Davis
Candace Dean
John and Alice Dudas
Duration Fine Arts Club
Jackie Edmonds
David Eppes
David and Constance Faasse
Katie Farrell
Mikki Ferguson
Monte Cole Flowers
John and Kim Gaskill
Janet Gerber
Trampas and Melissa Gunter
Kathy Hannings
Grant Hatton
O. Mason and Ann B. Hawkins
Shawn Hayden
Benjamin Heverly
Jeffery Hoover
Jeffrey Houin
Bruce and Ellen Humphries
Janet Huish
Verity Hwang and Ben Wilkins
Darin Johnson
Frederick and Kimberley Jones
Elizabeth Jordan
Marilyn Kain
Ashley Kershaw
Deena Knight
Liz Jostes
Terri Landwehr
Linder Lemmons
Jon and Kathryn Lewis
Kelsea Lewis
Erick and Moriah Loya
Jennifer Marcus
Julie and Steve Maroda
Chuck Materna
John and Angie May
Susan Hadley Maynor
John and Carol McCallen
Jan McElroy
Jennifer McGrath
Joseph McKinney
Susan Miller
Norbert Mongeon Jr.
Raven and Jon Moorehead
Ree and Jack Moses
Paris Moss
Hope and Andrew Mouhot
Emily Mutchnick
Julie Nall
Monika Natarajan
Daniel Nelson
Terri and Andy O’Neill
Karen Parker
Kate Pera and Buddy Gaynor
Paige Perkins
Penny and Chris Pirtle
John and Trish Pontius
B. Radtke
Richard Reinach
Sheri Renas
Diane Rudner
Deborah and Tate Rush
Daniel Ryan
Chrisann Schiro-Geist
James and Nancy Segars
Stephen and Rachel Shankman
Greg Shelton, CPA
George Simpson
Marilyn Sims
Sjoblom Family
Irvin Skopp
Susan Smith
Elestine Smittick
Jackie and Bob Solmson
Harold and Darlene Sosebee
Taylor St. John
Nina Staples
Mrs. Steele-Peden
Hudson Stephens
Linda and Gary Stooksberry
Jessica and Rock Taveau
Scott and Kelley Taylor
Jallyah Thomas
Eddie Thompson
Keith Turk
Mackenzie VanAusdall
Bobbie and Joe VanCleve
Jan and Jason Vogel
Earl and Cynthia Vories
William and Amy Wadsworth
Tracy Washington
Jane Wilbourn
Darrell Windle and David Samber
Brett and Hannah Williams
Mindy Wilson
Eileen and Steve Wishnia
Donna Wooldridge
Betsy and Ed Pat Wright
Sheryl Wright
Rosemarie Yoon
Glenda Young
Connie B. Zinn
Dixie Blankenship by Joy Terral
Donna Clement by Thomas J. Schroeppel and L. Paige Clement
Cindi Maglothin by David Eppes
OTG Staff and Volunteers by Gaskill Strategies
Karl and Gail Schledwitz by Jon and Kathryn Lewis
Lura and Steve Turner by Allen and Sally Perry
Pat Halloran by Paula and Robert McEniry by Anne Wulff and Brian Bendersky
Jimmy White by Anonymous
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Jeffrey Seller Sander Jacobs Jill Furman AND The Public Theater PRESENT
Lin-Manuel Miranda
INSPIRED BY THE BOOK ALEXANDER HAMILTON BY Ron Chernow WITH Tyler Fauntleroy Marja Harmon Nathan Haydel Jared Howelton Jimmie “JJ” Jeter Lauren Mariasoosay Justin Matthew Sargent Lily Soto Kai Thomani Tshikosi A.D. Weaver AND
Miriam Ali Taylor Broadard Arjaye Christina Phillip Deceus Alex Dreschke Hayley Dorling Elvie Ellis Lili Froehlich Jorge Guerra Sabrina Harrison Devin Tyler Hatch Auston Henderson Nathanael Hirst
Alex Larson Amanda Simone Lee Hosea Mundi Kevin Murakami Michael Natt
Desmond Nunn Alexandrea Reynolds Bella Rusli Emily Tate Daniel Thimm
LIGHTING DESIGN SOUND DESIGN David Korins Paul Tazewell Howell Binkley Nevin Steinberg
MUSIC COORDINATORS ASSOCIATE MUSIC SUPERVISOR Charles G. LaPointe Alex Lacamoire Michael Keller Matt Gallagher Lin-Manuel Miranda Michael Aarons
MUSIC DIRECTOR Jason Pelusio Eric H. Mayer Emmanuel Schvartzman
CASTING Laura Matalon Hudson Theatrical Associates The Telsey Office John Gilmour Bethany Knox, CSA
ASSOCIATE & SUPERVISING CHOREOGRAPHER Patrick Vassel Amber White Stephanie Klemons
GENERAL MANAGEMENT The Booking Group Maggie Brohn Baseline Theatrical Meredith Blair, Kara Gebhart Andy Jones & Nick Lugo
CHOREOGRAPHY BY Andy Blankenbuehler
Thomas Kail
Alexander Hamilton ................................................................................................ TYLER FAUNTLEROY
Eliza Hamilton .................................................................................................. LAUREN MARIASOOSAY
Aaron Burr .................................................................................................................... JIMMIE “JJ” JETER
Angelica Schuyler ........................................................................................................... MARJA HARMON
George Washington ................................................................................................................ A.D. WEAVER
Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson ..................................................................... JARED HOWELTON
Hercules Mulligan/James Madison ................................................................... KAI THOMANI TSHIKOSI
John Laurens/Philip Hamilton ....................................................................................... NATHAN HAYDEL
Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds................................................................................................. LILY SOTO
King George III ......................................................................................... JUSTIN MATTHEW SARGENT
Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor................................................................ AUSTON HENDERSON
Samuel Seabury ............................................................................................................. ALEX DRESCHKE
Charles Lee ......................................................................................................................... ALEX LARSON
George Eacker ............................................................................................................ NATHANAEL HIRST
Ensemble ........................
Understudies and standbys never substitute for listed players unless a specific announcement is made at the time of appearance.

Scan this code to view the cast list for this performance.

“Alexander Hamilton” “My Shot”
“The Story of Tonight”
“The Schuyler Sisters”
“Farmer Refuted”
“You’ll Be Back” “Right Hand Man” “Helpless” “Satisfied”
“Wait For It” “Stay Alive”
“Ten Duel Commandments”
“That Would Be Enough” “History Has Its Eyes on You” “Yorktown”
“Dear Theodosia” “Non-Stop”
“What’d I Miss” “Take a Break”
“Say No to This”
“The Room Where It Happens”
“Schuyler Defeated”
“Washington on Your Side” “One Last Time” “The Adams Administration” “Hurricane”
“The Reynolds Pamphlet” “Burn”
“Blow Us All Away”
“It’s Quiet Uptown”
“The Election of 1800” “Your Obedient Servant” “The World Was Wide Enough” “Finale”
Associate Music Director/Keyboard 2—AUSTIN DEADMAN
Concertmaster/Violin 1—JESSICA WIERSMA Violin 2—SAGE WEST
Abelton Programmer—SCOTT WASSERMAN
Synthesizer and Drum Programming—RANDY COHEN
Associate Music Supervisor—MATT GALLAGHER
The use of any recording device, either audio or video, and the taking of photographs, either with or without flash, is strictly prohibited. Please turn off all electronic devices such as cellular phones, pagers and watches.
TYLER FAUNTLEROY (Alexander Hamilton).
Select credits: Hamilton: Philip Tour (national tour), Tambo & Bones (Playwrights Horizons/CTG), Looking for Leroy (New Federal Theatre), Fences (Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival), The Tempest (Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival), The Most Spectacularly Lamentable Trial of Miz Martha Washington (Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival), 1 Henry IV (Folger Theatre), Next to Normal (Syracuse Stage). TV: “Succession,” “FBI,” “The Oath.” To God be the glory!
MARJA HARMON ( Angelica Schuyler ) is thrilled to be returning to the role of Angelica Schuyler! Broadway: The Book of Mormon, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Maggie u/s). National: Hamilton: And Peggy Tour (Angelica), The Lion King (Nala), Aida (Aida). International: Aida (Aida). Television: “God Friended Me,” “Murphy Brown,” “Jessica Jones.” University of Southern California. “Thank you to my team at CGF Talent, my loving husband, beautiful family and friends.” @marjaharmony, marjaharmon.me.
NATHAN HAYDEL ( John Laurens/Philip Hamilton) is delighted to be making their debut with the Angelica company! He has been studying electronic production and design at Berklee College of Music, and is currently releasing music under the name Nat Riel! Special shoutout to Sophia Steigerwald, Jarrett O’Neal, LeRell Ross, Tre Floyd Productions, Sis thee Doll, The Link Program, and many, many, more! “I love you, Mom and Dad!”
JARED HOWELTON ( Marquis de Lafayette/ Thomas Jefferson). Hamilton: Broadway (Principal Standby), Philip Tour (Lafayette/Jefferson), And Peggy Tour (Laurens/Philip). National tours: Motown the Musical (Featured Ensemble). International tour: Shrek the Musical (Donkey). OffBroadway: Urinetown the Musical (Bobby Strong). He is not able to do this without the love and support of his family, agents at Clear Talent Group and manager Michele Largé. Praise God! @jhowelsmiles.
JIMMIE “JJ” JETER (Aaron Burr). Juilliard School alumnus (Group 45). Hamilton: Broadway (Alexander Hamilton), Angelica Tour, Philip Tour, And Peggy Tour (Principal Standby), Australia (Principal Standby, Assistant Director). His screen achievements include Hold On (Sundance 2017), Campfire Alfa and a television role in “The Chi” Season 2 on Showtime; on the regional stage, as Cory in Fences at Pioneer Theatre Company and Benvolio in Romeo and Juliet at DC Shakespeare Theatre Company. He is recently credited for his role as Taylor in the world premiere of Craig Lucas’s Prelude to a Kiss the Musical at South Coast Rep. @jimmiejeter.
LAUREN MARIASOOSAY ( Eliza Hamilton ) (she/her) is absolutely honored to be joining the HamFam as Eliza. She recently played Catherine Parr in the original Canadian production of Six
the Musical in Toronto. National tours: Disney’s Aladdin and Cats. Biggest thank yous to the Telsey Office, Hamilton creatives, LA Talent, Zero Gravity, every mentor past/present, and most of all family and friends. She is humbled to be representing South Asian, mixed-race artists everywhere. For all the brown kids trying to find their place in the world. @laurenmariasoosay.
JUSTIN MATTHEW SARGENT (King George III). Broadway: Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark (Peter Parker), Rock of Ages (Drew), Bonnie & Clyde . TV/film: Jesus Christ Superstar , “Law & Order: SVU,” “Mr. Robot,” “Royal Pains,” Stormchaser, The Greatest Ever, Apple Pie and more! He has performed alongside John Legend, Alice Cooper, Sara Bareilles, David Byrne, Dee Snider, REO Speedwagon and Air Supply. Thanks to Hybrid Agency and Stevie Boothe Management! @justinmsargent.
LILY SOTO (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds) is thrilled to be making her national tour debut in Hamilton! Lily is originally from Nashville, Tennessee and is a recent graduate of NYU Steinhardt. She would like to thank the Hamilton team, Telsey and Taylor for this amazing opportunity and to her family and friends for their endless support. @lilymsoto.
KAI THOMANI TSHIKOSI (Hercules Mulligan/ James Madison). Hamilton debut! Off-Broadway: Jordans (The Public). Select regional: black odyssey, Sweeney Todd (Trinity Rep); Romeo and Juliet (Commonwealth Shakespeare Company); Macbeth, Equivocation, The Tempest (Actors’ Shakespeare Project); Fat Ham, Romeo and Juliet (Huntington Theatre Company). M.F.A. Brown University/ Trinity Rep. Kai is proud to reprise the role of son to the best mama in the whole universe. tshikosi.com. @thesupremekai.
A.D. WEAVER (George Washington). Grateful to be in the HamFam. Off-Broadway: The Lieutenant, Sunken Cathedral. Select regional: Rent (Portland Center Stage); Forever Plaid, Elf (Drury Lane); Slippin Through… (Goodman Theatre); The Color Purple (Phoenix Theatre); Ragtime (Park Playhouse); Five Guys Named Moe (Court Theatre); Little Shop…, Avenue Q (Mercury Theater Chicago); Buddy Holly (Fireside Theatre); Teddy Pendergrass Story (Black Ensemble Theater). Television: “Law & Order: SVU,” “Southside,” “American Greed.” “Love to my family and The Tribe for loving me no matter the journey. Special thanks to my manager Becky, agents at DDO, The Telsey Office and this company.” Jeremiah 29:11. @adweaver_.
MIRIAM ALI (Ensemble). Broadway: Funny Girl. Miriam is also a songwriter, and her original music is available everywhere. Elated for this chapter with Hamilton. Big love to family, friends, The Mine, mentors and creative/casting teams. Stay spicy. @miriamali11.
TAYLOR BROADARD ( Swing ) is excited to share this story around the country. Hamilton : Broadway (Universal Swing), Angelica Tour, Philip Tour, And Peggy Tour and international tour (Swing), Memphis: The Musical (Ensemble). “Your dreams have no expiration date, keep going!” @tbroadard8_.
ARJAYE CHRISTINA (Swing) is thrilled to make her national tour debut! Regional credits: Beautiful: The Carole King Musical (Little Eva), Evita (Ensemble, u/s Tango Feature), State Fair (Eleanor, The REV). “Thank you, God! Thank you Mom for all of your sacrifices!” @arjaye.christina.
PHILLIP DECEUS ( Ensemble ). “Gratefully embracing my new journey in Hamilton, performing with passion. Living my dreams on this stage and weaving history into melodies. Celebrating hope and resilience.” #RiseUp. @phillipdeceus.
ALEX DRESCHKE (Ensemble) is thrilled to be back with Hamilton after touring with the And Peggy and Philip companies. Broadway: A Bronx Tale. National Tour: Kinky Boots, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Endless thanks to Bloc, teachers, family and friends. Instagram: @alexdreschke.
HAYLEY DORLING (Ensemble) is honoured to return to Hamilton. Some credits include: Hamilton (And Peggy Tour), Wicked, Shania Twain (Now Tour) and Beautiful. She hopes to inspire the next generation and advocates for kindness to all living beings. She thanks Hamilton and Telsey for this opportunity, her friends, family and her loving fiancé.
ELVIE ELLIS ( Standby ). Thrilled to join the HamFam! National tours: Jesus Christ Superstar 50th Anniversary (Judas), Waitress (Swing). International: Best of Rock Musicals. Select regional: The Music Man (Harold Hill), Songs…New World, Rocky Horror (Riff-Raff), Titanic (Charles Clarke), Smokey Joe’s Cafe. University of Oklahoma grad. Luedtke Agency. “For my Savior, family, friends and teachers.” Ephesians 2:10 @elvie.ellis.
LILI FROEHLICH (Swing). Hamilton: Broadway, Philip Tour. Broadway: Cats. Tours: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Lili is originally from Fort Worth, Texas, and is a graduate of Otterbein University. Love and thanks to Mom, Dad and the HamFam!
JORGE GUERRA (Swing). Proudly telling this revolutionary story as a first generation MexicanAmerican, Jorge pledges and encourages a donation to Voto Latino (votolatino.org), an organization igniting passion for political participation among young Latinos. Endless gratitude to his community, which has dared him to dream and demand change.
SABRINA HARRISON (Ensemble) is making her national tour debut as an ensemble dancer (Bullet) with the Hamilton Angelica Tour. She is a recent graduate of the Joffrey Ballet School. Growing up in Martinsburg, West Virginia, she is very grateful to her friends and family for their support.
DEVIN TYLER HATCH ( Swing/Dance Captain). Grateful to be a part of the HamFam. Hamilton : Philip Tour. National tour: Cats Regional: Newsies. TV: “Evil Lives Here” (ID). “Thank you to my friends and family for always supporting me!” @devintylerhatch.
AUSTON HENDERSON (Ensemble) is a Houston native, and excited to join the revolution! National tour debut! Thanks to God, his family and friends. Credits: Macbeth, Rent and The Three Musketeers (Oregon Shakespeare Festival). His music is streaming on all platforms. @austonotsua.
NATHANAEL HIRST (Ensemble). National tour: Aladdin (Swing). Regional: Variety St. Louis. “For my Mom, Dad, family, all who believed in me and God! Thanks to Stephanie Klemons, the CESD team and Telsey!”
ALEX LARSON ( Ensemble). Grateful to have performed with four companies of Hamilton since 2017 all across the U.S., Canada and on Broadway. ABT Studio Company. B.F.A. The Juilliard School. “Love to my family and my wife, Emily, who I get to share this stage with each night.”
AMANDA SIMONE LEE (Ensemble). National tour debut! Off-Broadway: The Big Gay Jamboree (Dora). Regional: Signature Theatre: Hair (Dionne); Short North Stage: Rent (Joanne); NCLH: Six (Catherine Parr). FSU MT alum. Forever thankful for DGRW, her friends, most of all her wonderful family!
HOSEA MUNDI ( Standby ) is so excited to be making his Hamilton debut! National tours: Jesus Christ Superstar (Simon), Girl From the North Country (Soloist). Regional: In the Heights (Benny). He sends his love to his family, friends and dog Snowy. @hoseamundiofficial.
KEVIN MURAKAMI ( Swing ). Happy to be re-joining the HamFam! Hamilton : And Peggy Tour. National tour: Miss Saigon (Dragon Acrobat). NYC: Radio City Christmas Spectacular. “Thank you to my family, friends and teachers.” @kevinmurakami77.
MICHAEL NATT (Standby). From Terre Haute, Indiana, and thrilled to be making his national tour debut. Honored and blessed to share the stage with this cast and crew! Praise be to God! Love and gratitude to wife and kids, Mom and family for their support. Also Jennifer Johns/BAA, Lisa Calli, Aly Isbrantsen, Barry Kolker, Telsey and friends! 1 Peter 4:10. @michaelnatt_.
DESMOND NUNN (Universal Dance Resident) (he/him/his). he/him/his. Hamilton : Angelica Tour, Philip Tour, And Peggy Tour (Dance Supervisor, Dance Captain/Swing), Deutschland (Assistant Choreographer). Huge thanks to his family and partners, whose love and support fuels him daily. Check out his music on all platforms. desmondnunn.com. @nunnbetter20.
ALEXANDREA REYNOLDS (Standby). Blessed to be here! Broadway: Beautiful: The Carole King Musical, Diana: The Musical, A Beautiful Noise (OBC). National tour: Summer (Disco Donna). Additional: Motown, Tap Dance Kid, Michael Che “Thanks to J, my family and the best at CGF.” @alex_asusual.
BELLA RUSLI (Swing/Dance Captain). Dallas native and Boston Conservatory at Berklee grad (B.F.A., dance). Hamilton: Angelica Tour and Philip Tour (Swing/Dance Captain). Bella is so grateful to be joining her third Hamilton company. “Thanks to my amazing family!”
EMILY TATE (Ensemble). The Juilliard School grad. Hamilton : And Peggy Tour. Broadway: Cats (original revival cast). Regional and OffBroadway: Bandstand (Paper Mill Playhouse), Brigadoon (NYCC). “For Alex, and the beautiful life we are building.”
DANIEL THIMM (Swing). A graduate of NYU Tisch School of the Arts. National tour: Jagged Little Pill. So honored to be a part of the Hamilton legacy. “All my love and gratitude to Mom, Dad, family, CESD and friends. Shout-out to my brothers—this one is for you.” @dbthimm.
LIN-MANUEL MIRANDA ( Book, Music and Lyrics) is a Pulitzer Prize, Grammy, Emmy and Tony award-winning songwriter, actor, director and producer. Creator and original star of Broadway’s Tonywinning Hamilton and In the Heights. Additional Broadway: New York, New York (additional lyrics, Tony nomination for Best Musical); Freestyle Love Supreme (co-founder, guest performer, Special Tony Award recipient); Bring It On: The Musical (co-composer/co-lyricist, Tony nomination for Best Musical); and West Side Story (2009 revival, Spanish translations). Recipient of the 2015 MacArthur Foundation Award, the 2018 Kennedy Center Honors and the 2019 Portrait of a Nation Prize. Mr. Miranda, and The Miranda Family, are active supporters of initiatives that increase people of color’s representation throughout the arts and government, ensure access to women’s reproductive health and promote resilience in Puerto Rico. TV/film credits include tick, tick… BOOM!; Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe; Vivo; In the Heights; Hamilton (2021 Emmy Award, Outstanding Variety Special—PreRecorded), “Percy Jackson & The Olympians,” “His Dark Materials,” “Fosse/Verdon,” “We the People,” “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” “Curb Your Enthusiasm” (2018 Emmy nomination, Guest Actor), “Saturday Night Live” (2017 Emmy nomination, Guest Actor), “Bluey,” “Sesame Street,” “The Electric Company,” “House,” “DuckTales,” 200 Cartas, Mary Poppins Returns, The Little Mermaid (live-action), Moana (2017 Oscar nomination, Grammy Award for Best Original Song) and Encanto (2022 Oscar nomination for Best Original Song; two Grammy Awards). Upcoming: Disney’s Mufasa. For Vanessa, best of wives and best of women.
THOMAS KAIL (Director). Broadway directing credits include Sweeney Todd, Hamilton, Freestyle Love Supreme, In the Heights, Lombardi and Magic/ Bird. Off-Broadway selected directing credits include the world premieres of Hamilton, Dry Powder, Tiny Beautiful Things and Kings at The Public Theater; the world premiere of The Wrong Man at MCC Theater; the world premiere of In the Heights; Broke-ology and the world premiere of When I Come to Die at Lincoln Center Theater; and the world premiere of Daphne’s Dive at Signature Theatre. Broadway producing credits include Sweeney Todd, Derren Brown: Secret and Freestyle Love Supreme. Television directing and producing credits include “We Were the Lucky Ones” and “Up Here” on Hulu; “Hamilton” on Disney+; “Fosse/ Verdon” on FX; and “Grease: Live” on Fox. He is a recipient of a Kennedy Center Honor and a graduate of Wesleyan University.
ANDY BLANKENBUEHLER (Choreographer) is a three-time Tony Award winner for his choreography in the Broadway productions of Bandstand, In the Heights and Hamilton, for which he also received London’s Olivier Award. Other Broadway credits include Bring It On, 9 to 5, The People in the Picture, The Apple Tree, Annie and the revival of Cats. Most recently he made his writing debut (co-writer Ted Malawer) with the world premiere of Only Gold, OffBroadway at MCC (Lortel and Chita Rivera Award). Upcoming theater projects include the first Broadway revival of the Tony Award-winning musical Kiss of the Spider Woman, as well as The Secret of Santa Vittoria with writer John Weidman. Recently, Mr. Blankenbuehler’s work has been seen on the Emmy Award-winning FX series “Fosse/Verdon,” as well as the Universal Studio film of the musical Cats He made his concert debut with a piece entitled Remember Our Song for the Tulsa Ballet Company. He staged the 2022 Met Gala featuring Leslie Odom Jr. and Lenny Kravitz. As a performer, Mr. Blankenbuehler has danced on Broadway in Fosse, Contact, Man of La Mancha, Saturday Night Fever, Steel Pier, Big and Guys and Dolls. Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio, Mr. Blankenbuehler resides in New York City, with his wife Elly and two children, Luca and Sofia. Mr Blankenbuehler has received Dance Magazine and Drama Desk awards for his achievement in the theater, as well as the 2018 Kennedy Center Honors for his work on the musical Hamilton ALEX LACAMOIRE ( Orchestrations/CoArranger) is a Tony, Grammy, Emmy and Olivier award-winning orchestrator, music director, arranger and composer. He most recently served as the music supervisor and conductor for the Broadway revival of Stephen Sondheim’s Sweeney Todd. His other credits include The Wrong Man (Off-Broadway), Bring It On, 9 to 5 (Drama Desk and Grammy noms), Wicked, Bat Boy and Godspell (2001 national tour). He also served as the executive music producer for many films, including The Greatest Showman, In the Heights, VIVO, Dear Evan Hansen and tick, tick… Boom! He is the winner of three Tony Awards for
Best Orchestrations, four Grammy Awards (three for Best Musical Theater Album and one for Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media), three Olivier Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Music and an Emmy Award for Outstanding Music Direction on “Fosse/Verdon.” In 2019, he received an Honorary Doctorate of Music from his alma mater, Berklee College of Music. He and the Hamilton creative team were the recipients of a first-of-its-kind Kennedy Center Honors, as the “trailblazing creators of a transformative work that defies category,” a distinction never before awarded by the arts institution. In 2023, Lacamoire was named an Official Yamaha Artist. He currently resides in New York.
RON CHERNOW (Author of the book Alexander Hamilton) is the prize-winning, best-selling author of seven volumes and the recipient of the 2015 National Humanities Medal. His first book, The House of Morgan, won the National Book Award; Washington: A Life won the Pulitzer Prize for biography; and Alexander Hamilton—the inspiration for the musical—won the George Washington Book Prize. He is one of only three living biographers to have received the Gold Medal in Biography of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. A past president of PEN America, Chernow has received nine honorary doctorates. He resides on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.
DAVID KORINS (Scenic Design). Broadway: The Who’s Tommy, Just for Us, Here Lies Love (Tony nomination), Hamilton (Tony nom.), Beetlejuice (Tony nom), Dear Evan Hansen, Mrs Doubtfire, War Paint (Tony nom.), Bandstand, Misery, Motown, Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, Annie, Bring It On, Magic/Bird, An Evening With Patti LuPone and Mandy Patinkin, Godspell, Chinglish, The Pee-wee Herman Show, Lombardi, Passing Strange, Bridge and Tunnel. TV: “Grease: Live!” (Emmy Award); 91st and 94th Academy Awards (Emmy noms.); “Last Week Tonight,” “The Big Brunch.” Creative Director: Immersive Van Gogh, Disney Animation Immersive Experience, Hamilton: The Exhibition, DiscOasis, Shoah Foundation and Sotheby’s.
PAUL TAZEWELL (Costume Design). Broadway: Suffs; Death Becomes Her; Hamilton; MJ; Ain’t Too Proud; Summer; In the Heights; The Color Purple; Memphis; Caroline, or Change; Side Show; A Streetcar Named Desire; Jesus Christ Superstar; A Raisin in the Sun; Bring in ’da Noise, Bring in ’da Funk. Film: Steven Spielberg’s West Side Story (2022 Academy Award nomination), Harriet, Wicked (release November 2024). Television: NBC’s “Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert.” Awards: 2024 Drama Desk Award for Suffs, 2016 Tony Award for Hamilton and Emmy Award for “The Wiz Live!,” NBC.
HOWELL BINKLEY ( Lighting Design ). Broadway: Ain’t Too Proud—The Life and Times of the Temptations (2019 Tony nom.), Summer: The
Donna Summer Musical, Come From Away (2017 Tony nom.), A Bronx Tale, Hamilton (2016 Tony winner/2018 Olivier Award winner), After Midnight (2014 Tony nom.), How to Succeed… (2011 Tony nom.), West Side Story (2009 Tony nom.), In the Heights (2008 Tony nom.), Jersey Boys (2006 Tony winner), Avenue Q, Parade, Kiss of the Spider Woman (1993 Tony nom.). Co-Founder/ Original Resident Lighting Designer Parsons Dance. 1993 Sir Laurence Olivier and Canadian Dora Awards for Kiss of the Spider Woman. 2006 and 2016 Henry Hewes Design Awards for Jersey Boys and Hamilton. hemsleylightingprograms.com/ howell-binkley-fellowship.
NEVIN STEINBERG (Sound Design). Broadway: Sweeney Todd (2023 revival, Tony Award), Tina: The Tina Turner Musical (Tony nomination), Hadestown (Tony Award), Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Freestyle Love Supreme, The Cher Show, Bandstand, Bright Star, It Shoulda Been You, Mothers and Sons, Rodgers+ Hammerstein’s Cinderella (Tony nomination), The Performers, Magic/Bird Over 30 Broadway productions with Acme Sound Partners and five additional Tony nominations: The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess, Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo, Fences, Hair, In the Heights.
CHARLES G. LAPOINTE ( Hair and Wig Design ). is an award-winning Wig and Hair Designer. Theater: Numerous Broadway, touring, regional theater, West End and international productions, including Hamilton (Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylist Guild Award), Ain’t Too Proud , Beautiful: The Carole King Musical, Beetlejuice, The Cher Show (Drama Desk Award), The Band’s Visit, Anastasia, SpongeBob SquarePants (Drama Desk Award), Jersey Boys, A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder, The Color Purple, Newsies, In the Heights. Television: “The Wiz Live!” (Emmy nomination); “Jesus Christ Superstar Live!” (Emmy nomination and Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylist Guild Award); “Bluebloods,” “American Crime,” “Maddoff,” “Hairspray.”
MICHAEL KELLER & MICHAEL AARONS (Music Coordinators). Broadway: & Juliet, Moulin Rouge!, Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Lion King, Wicked, Book of Mormon. Upcoming Broadway: Devil Wears Prada. Off-Broadway: Kinky Boots, Little Shop of Horrors . Current tours: Moulin Rouge!, Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Jagged Little Pill, Pretty Woman, Frozen
RANDY COHEN ( Synthesizer and Drum Programmer ) has programmed more than 70 Broadway shows, including Hamilton, The Book of Mormon, Dear Evan Hansen, Frozen, Anastasia, Pretty Woman, Kinky Boots, A Bronx Tale, Once On This Island (revival), Bring It On, Grey Gardens, Peter and the Starcatcher and In the Heights. Keyboardist for TV’s “Sesame Street.”
MATT GALLAGHER ( Associate Music Supervisor ). Broadway, Associate Conductor:
Doctor Zhivago, Hands on a Hardbody, Jesus Christ Superstar (2012), 9 to 5, Legally Blonde, High Fidelity. Off-Broadway, Music Director: Cymbeline (The Public), Tick, Tick…Boom! (Encores!), The Last Five Years (Second Stage). Training: Leite Music Studios, Adelphi University, Merce Cunningham.
EMMANUEL SCHVARTZMAN ( Music Director/Conductor). Broadway: On Your Feet! Off-Broadway: Real Men (New World Stages). Tour: On Your Feet! International: Rent (Havana, Cuba), Carmen La Cubana (Paris, France). Born in Argentina and grew up in Miami, Manny has served as a music director, conductor, pianist, arranger and orchestrator for more than a hundred productions. Love to the HamFam!
HUDSON THEATRICAL ASSOCIATES (Technical Supervisor). Over 100 Broadway productions and tours. Recent: Left on Tenth; Sunset Blvd.; Our Town; Oh, Mary!; Suffs; The Notebook; Sweeney Todd; Hadestown; Hamilton; Aladdin. HTA is a member of Neil A. Mazzella’s Hudson family, which includes Hudson Scenic Studios, Bridget Van Dyke, Sam Ellis, Sean Gorski, Anastasia Olowin, Brianna Stankiewicz, Brianne Tabak and Irene Wang.
PATRICK VASSEL (Associate and Supervising Director ). Broadway: Hamilton , Freestyle Love Supreme (Associate Director), Magic/Bird (AD). Off-Broadway: Freestyle Love Supreme (Greenwich House), Hamilton (The Public Theater), Working (Prospect). Credits include: In a Little Room (Ten Bones), Sorin , Six Characters… (Notre Dame), Welcome to the Gun Show (ANTFest), Nothing Left to Burn (O’Neill semi-finalist, Ars Nova ANTFest).
ASHLEY BROOKE MONROE ( Resident Director ). Broadway: Life of Pi, Indecent, Fun Home, The Glass Menagerie. National tours: Life of Pi, Fun Home. Off-Broadway: All of Me (The New Group), Julius Caesar (CSC), Death Cruise (Access Theater), The Goree All-Girl String Band (Theatre Row). Regional: All of Me (Barrington Stage Company), Fun Home (Cape Rep), Indecent (The Huntington, Center Theatre Group).
STEPHANIE KLEMONS ( Associate and Supervising Choreographer). Drama Desk Awardwinning performer and choreographer. Original Broadway companies: Hamilton, If/Then, Bring It On, In the Heights . Notable Off-Broadway: Hamilton, In the Heights, Repo!…. First n’tl tours: Bombay Dreams, Heights and BIO. @steph_klem.
MICHAEL MINDLIN ( Supervising Choreographer). Choreographer: The Nice List (Masie Productions), Gypsy (North Carolina Theatre), Xanadu (ReVision Theatre), Beauty and the Beast (Northern Stage), Awesomer and Awesomer (The Triad Theater), All Hail The Queen (The Cutting Room), numerous BC/EFA benefit concerts. Broadway performance: Aladdin, Bring It On, Mamma Mia!, 9 to 5, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Faculty at Broadway Dance Center and STEPS. IG: @Mindlin_Choreo.
AMBER WHITE ( Production Supervisor ). Broadway: The Last Ship, A Night with Janis Joplin, Scandalous, In the Heights, Miracle Worker, Avenue Q. Off-Broadway includes Murder for Two, Carrie. National tours: Wicked, White Christmas, Burn the Floor, Dinner with Friends. This one’s for Olive.
ERIC H. MAYER (Production Stage Manager). Tours: To Kill a Mockingbird; Hello, Dolly!; Bat Out of Hell; Love Never Dies; A Gentleman’s Guide…; Ghost Brothers of Darkland County; Sister Act. OffBroadway: The 39 Steps, Strawberry and Chocolate, North. Regional highlights: The Tempest (RSC); Five Guys Named Moe, The Story of My Life (CATCO); The Secret Garden (CAPA). The Ohio State University. Love to Mom, Dad, Finn and Emma. MARCEDÈS L. CLANTON (Stage Manager). Tours: To Kill A Mockingbird, Into the Woods, Hamilton. CTG: Our Dear Dead Drug Lord; Tambo & Bones; The Greek Trilogy of Luis Alfaro; Mutt House; Die, Mommie Die! Select regional: Merry Wives of Windsor (Folger); Matilda The Musical; Ah, Wilderness!; Bootycandy; Fruit Fly (Leslie Jordan); Wolves; The Color Purple the Musical; Take Me Out.
ABBY L. POWERS (Stage Manager). She/her. So thankful to be back with the HamFam. She has been on tour for over 20 years and has loved being a part of so many different productions. “Unending love to Mom, Dad and my suitcases!”
JASON PELUSIO ( Company Manager ). Broadway/NYC: The Producers, Hairspray, Sweeney Todd (2005 revival), Company (2006 revival), Rock of Ages (Off-Broadway). National tours: The Producers, Sweeney Todd, Wicked, Jersey Boys, Beautiful. Las Vegas: Jersey Boys as well as Michael Jackson ONE and R.U.N. for Cirque du Soleil. Mahalo nui loa to PJ, G&G.
ARIANA GARCIA ( Associate Company Manager). Broadway: Hell’s Kitchen, Here Lies Love . Touring: Hamilton Eliza Company (Los Angeles), Hamilton Angelica Company, Hamilton And Peggy Company (Honolulu, Toronto). Proud UCLA alum with a B.A. in political science with a minor in global studies and public policy. For dad.
THE TELSEY OFFICE (Casting). With offices in both New York and Los Angeles, The Telsey Office casts for theater, film, television and commercials. The Telsey Office is dedicated to creating safe, equitable and anti-racist spaces through collaboration, artistry, heart, accountability and advocacy. thetelseyoffice.com.
ACTORS’ EQUITY ASSOCIATION ( AEA ), founded in 1913, represents more than 50,000 actors and stage managers in the United States. Equity seeks to advance, promote and foster the art of live theater as an essential component of our society. Equity negotiates wages and working conditions, providing a wide range of benefits, including health and pension plans. AEA is a member of the AFLCIO, and is affiliated with FIA, an international
organization of performing arts unions. The Equity emblem is our mark of excellence. actorsequity.org.
BASELINE THEATRICAL ( General Management). Founded by Andy Jones in 2014 and joined by Nick Lugo, Baseline’s Broadway credits include Hamilton; Sweeney Todd; Fat Ham; Freestyle Love Supreme; Pass Over; Derren Brown: Secret; The Cher Show; Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812; and The Last Ship. Off-Broadway: The White Chip, The Enigmatist, Audible Theater at Minetta Lane. Upcoming: The Queen of Versailles, Teeth. National tours: Hamilton, Freestyle Love Supreme. Recently established Beyond the Stage Door, a no-cost educational intensive created to prepare underrepresented undergraduates for theater management careers. baselinetheatrical.com.
JEFFREY SELLER (Producer) is the winner of four Tony Awards for Best Musical: Hamilton (2016) and Rent (1996), both of which won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama; Avenue Q (2004); and In the Heights (2008). He also produced De La Guarda (1998), Andrew Lippa’s The Wild Party (2000), Baz Luhrmann’s direction of Puccini’s La Bohème (2002), High Fidelity (2006), the 2009 revival of West Side Story, The Last Ship (2014), The Cher Show (2018), Derren Brown: Secret (2019) and the 2023 Broadway revival of Sweeney Todd. He has also produced Hamilton on international stages in London (2017); Australia (2021); Germany (2022), which was the first translated version of the production; and most recently the international tour (2023) and the UK/Ireland tour (2023). Jeffrey was executive producer of the NBC drama “Rise” (2018) and HBO’s “Coastal Elites” (2020). He is a graduate of the University of Michigan.
SANDER JACOBS (Producer) received the Tony and Olivier awards for Best Musical for Hamilton (Pulitzer Prize winner) and a Tony Award for In the Heights. He recently served as executive producer of the Hamilton film and received an Emmy Award. He is a producer and/or investor for numerous Broadway, national and international productions. Les Misérables, The Phantom of the Opera, Grand Hotel, Follies, West Side Story, Bengal Tiger and The Last Ship are among his many productions.
JILL FURMAN ( Producer ) seeks to produce groundbreaking commercial work that surprises audiences. On Broadway, she is currently represented by Suffs (Tony nomination) and Hamilton (Tony Award). Past Broadway credits include In the Heights (Tony Award), Freestyle Love Supreme (Special Tony Award), Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella, The Heiress, Seminar, West Side Story, The Drowsy Chaperone, Sly Fox and Fortune’s Fool. On TV and film, she executive produced Hamilton for Disney+ (Emmy Award) and In the Heights. She also produced Hulu’s We Are Freestyle Supreme, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2020. In 2011, she received the Robert Whitehead Award for Outstanding Achievement in Commercial Theatre Producing. Jill is a native New
Yorker. She received a B.A. from Brown University and an M.B.A from Columbia. She is on the Brown University Board of Directors, the President’s Advisory Council for the Arts at Brown and the Board of the Lung Cancer Research Foundation.
THE PUBLIC THEATER premiered Hamilton on January 20, 2015, on the same stage where A Chorus Line premiered 40 years earlier. New York’s Public Theater continues the work of visionary founder Joe Papp as an advocate for theater as an essential cultural force, leading and framing the important issues of our day. Programming includes an annual season of new work, Free Shakespeare in the Park, Mobile Unit, Public Works and Joe’s Pub. Recipient of 64 Tony Awards, 194 Obie Awards, 62 Drama Desk Awards, 61 Lortel Awards, 36 Outer Critics Circle Awards, 13 New York Drama Critics’ Circle Awards, 65 AUDELCO Awards, six Antonyo Awards and six Pulitzer Prizes. publictheater.org.
For more information about Sally Hemings, visit gilderlehrman.org/sally-hemings
Jeffrey Seller
Maggie Brohn Carl Aloi
Tori Lynn Michael Maier
Andy Jones Nick Lugo
Ruby DeMarco Cameron Foltz James Hickey
Marina Hyson Fatmatta Kuyateh Jonathan Whitton
Emanuel Azenberg
Associate General Managers ..Dana Li, Beth Renoni General Management Assistant..... Charlie Sirmaian
Company Manager .......................... Jason Pelusio Associate Company Manager ........... Ariana Garcia
Assistant Company Manager ............ Liam Millward
Neil A. Mazzella Sam Ellis Bridget Van Dyke
Sean Gorski Brianne Tabak Irene Wang
Laura Matalon John Gilmour
Gabriella Godínez Jessica Steans-Gail
Marketing Intern Grace Sims
Colette Luckie
Dr. Heather R. Sanders Leland Barnecut
Elijah I. Wilson
Jay A. Hewlin, Esq. Dr. Patricia F. Hewlin
Dr. Sandra Cha
Meredith Blair Kara Gebhart
Laura Kolarik Stephanie Ditman thebookinggroup.com
Bethany Knox, CSA
Peter Wiliam Dunn Alexis Brown
Loren Plotkin Conrad Rippy Susan Mindell
Daniel Watkins Emily Erstling Kevin Hess Cris Criswell
Tony Lance Gregory Lipson Sarah Weinflash
Production Stage Manager Eric H. Mayer
Stage Managers Marcedès L. Clanton, Abby L. Powers
Resident Director Ashley Brooke Monroe
Associate Scenic Designer Rod Lemmond
Assistant to Mr. Korins Kelly Deary
Associate Costume Designer Angela M. Kahler
Assistant Costume Designers Jen Raskopf, Kim Sorenson, Kara Branch
Associate Lighting Designer Ryan O’Gara
Assistant Lighting Designer Joel Britt
Light Programmer David Arch
Howell Binkley Fellow Jessica Drayton
Associate Sound Designer Jason Crystal
Assistant Sound Designer Connor Wang
Production Hair Supervisor/ Associate Wig & Hair Designer Rachael Geier
Production Manager ................... Bridget Van Dyke
Production Carpenter..................... Andrew Sullivan
Advance Carpenters ..... Tom Bertino, Otis Renegar, Jeffrey Sharratt, John Wilson
Move Carpenter ..................................... Tony Ball
Load Out Carpenter ..................... Nellie Sanderson
Truck Czar ................................... Jamie Allspaugh
Head Carpenter.................................. Alden Corey
Automation/Assistant Carpenter ........... Steven Ball
Production Electrician ................. James J. Fedigan
Associate Production
Electrician ...................... Christopher Robinson
Advance Electricians ............................ Max Marquez, Trevor Maynard, Apon Nichols
Load Out Electrician ......................... Jessica Kohn
Head Electrician ........................ Jeff “Swing” Holtz
Lead Spot .................................Rachel Juozapaitis
Swing Electrician .................................. Ann Roche
Production Props Supervisor ...........Denise J. Grillo
Head Props.................................. Mike Eickmeyer
Assistant Props ............................. Andrew Iverson
Production Sound ............................. Nick Borisjuk
Advance Sound .......... Chad Parsley, Erik Ramquist
Load Out Sound ......................... Robert McGarrity
Head Sound Engineer .................... Jason DeJardin
Assistant Sound .......................... Joshua Boatman
Production Wardrobe Supervisor ..... Scott Westervelt
Advance Wardrobe ......... Emily Baldwin, Lizz Hirons
Wardrobe Supervisor ...................... Michelle Cross
Assistant Wardrobe ............................ Pam Raines
Production Stitcher .............................. Mark Smith
Hair Supervisor ...............................Kelly Flanagan
Crew Swing ................................... Kellie DeJardin
Assistant to Jill Furman....................Kenzie Packer
Production Assistant ..................... Rodrigo Herrera
Banking ................................... City National Bank, Erik Piecuch and Michele Gibbons
Payroll ............... Checks and Balances Payroll, Inc.
Accountant .......................... WithumSmith+Brown:
Robert Fried, Karen Kowgios, Scott Bartolf, Anthony Moore, Lara Waldner, CPAs
Comptroller Galbraith & Company/Kenny Noth, Hannah Goldstein
Insurance Aon/Albert G. Ruben Insurance Services, Inc./Claudia Kaufman
Advertising RPM
Social Media Manager Marathon Digital/ Mike Karns, Melanie Pateiro
Intimacy Coordinator Ann James
Dialect Coach Dawn-Elin Fraser
Physical Therapy Neuro Tour Physical Therapy
Athletic Trainer Jillian Ayson, MS, ATC, FMT, ITAT
Associate Synthesizer Programmers Taylor Williams, Jeremy King
Electronic Music Producer Will Wells
Rehearsal Musician Daniel Sefik
Music Copying Emily Grishman Music Preparation
Production Photographer Joan Marcus
Merchandising Creative Goods/Pete Milano
Travel Services The A Team at Tzell Travel
Housing Services DebCo/Debbie Greenfield
Tour Security and K9 Patriot Group Global
Howell Binkley (1956–2020)
The Hamilton team celebrates the incredible life and contributions of Theatrical Lighting Designer, Howell Binkley. His 52 Broadway shows included Hamilton , Jersey Boys , Come From Away , In the Heights , Kiss of the Spider Woman and so many more. His work on the Disney+ release of Hamilton, filmed at the Richard Rodgers Theatre, immortalises his masterful artistry. Howell was adored by many and will be missed by all.
“Thank you for sculpting in light and elevating every moment you touched.”
Lin-Manuel Miranda
American Express is the official card of Hamilton.
Scenery and automation by Hudson Scenic Studio. Lighting and sound equipment from PRG. Special thanks to Bra*Tenders for hosiery and undergarments. Costume construction by Jennifer Love
Costumes, Parsons-Meares Ltd., Tricorne New York, Donna Langman, Artur and Tailors Inc., Colin Davis Jones, T.O. Dey Shoes, Worldtone Dance, Lynne Mackey Studios, Roberta Hamelin, Martin Adams, Woo!, Sarah M. Reever. Millenery by Elizabeth Flauto Costume Crafts. Millinery by Elizabeth Flat Costume Crafts. Custom furniture and specialty props built by Jerard Studio, Daedalus Scenic and Zoe Morsette.
The score of Hamilton contains references to the following classics: “Going Back to Cali,” written by Christopher Wallace, Osten Harvey, Jr. and Roger Troutman. Published by EMI April Music Inc., Big Poppa Music, Justin Combs Publishing Company Inc. All rights administered by Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, 424 Church Street, Suite 1200, Nashville, TN 37219; R2M Music (BMI); all rights administered by BMG Rights Management (U.S.) LLC; Rubber Band Music (BMI). Worldwide rights administered by Grow Your Own Music (BMI), a division of “A” Side Music, LLC d/b/a Modern Works Music Publishing. ©1997 Songs of Lastrada (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission. “Juicy (It’s All Good),” written by Christopher Wallace, Jean-Claude Olivier, Sean Combs and James Mtume. Published by EMI April Music Inc., Big Poppa Music, Justin Combs Publishing Company Inc. All rights administered by Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, 424 Church Street, Suite 1200, Nashville, TN 37219; Jumping Bean Songs, LLC, courtesy of Jumping Bean Songs, LLC (BMI); and Mtume Music (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission. “Nobody Needs to Know,” from The Last Five Years Music and lyrics by Jason Robert Brown. ©2001 Semolina Farfalle Music Co. (ASCAP). Used by permission. “Party Up (Up in Here),” written by Earl Simmons and Kasseem Dean. Published by Dead Game Publishing (ASCAP). All rights on behalf of Dead Game Publishing administered by WB Music Corp., Universal Music Corp. on behalf of itself, Boomer X Publishing, Inc. and Swizz Beatz (ASCAP). “Shook Ones Pt. II,” written by Kejuan Waliek Muchita and Albert Johnson. Published by Universal Music-MGB Songs on behalf of itself and Juvenile Hell (ASCAP) and Universal MusicCareers on behalf of itself and P. Noid Publishing (BMI). “Ten Crack Commandments,” written by Christopher E. Martin (ASCAP) and Khary Kimani Turner (ASCAP). Published by EMI April Music Inc., Hertzrentatune and Weblife Music. All rights administered by Sony/ ATV Music Publishing LLC, 424 Church Street, Suite 1200, Nashville, TN 37219; and Gifted Pearl Music, Inc. (ASCAP). Administered by Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission. “The Message,” written by Melvin Glover, Sylvia Robinson, Clifton Nathaniel Chase and Edward G. Fletcher. Published by Songs of Universal, Inc. on behalf of Twenty Nine Black Music and Sugar Hill Music Publishing Ltd. (BMI). “The Modern Major General” from The Pirates of Penzance, written by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. Original production premiered at Opéra Comique, London, in April, 1880. “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught” from South Pacific. Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II. This selection is used by special arrangement with Rodgers &
Hammerstein: an Imagem Company, rnh.com. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Music Clearances by Deborah Mannis-Gardner/DMG Clearances, Inc.
Jason Robert Brown, Rodgers & Hammerstein: A Concord Music Company, the Public Costume Shop, Tudor Place, J. Philip Bassett
Hamilton rehearsed at New 42 Studios.

The actors and stage managers employed in this production are members of Actors’ Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers in the United States.
The Director and Choreographer are members of the Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers, Inc., an independent national labor union.

Backstage and Front of the House Employees are represented by the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (or I.A.T.S.E.).

United Scenic Artists represents the designers and scenic painters for the American Theatre.

The Press Agents and Company Managers employed in this production are represented by the Association of Theatrical Press Agents & Managers.
The musicians employed in this production are members of the American Federation of Musicians.

This production is produced by a member of The Broadway League in collaboration with our professional union-represented employees.

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Matthew López (Book)
From our earliest conversations, we knew we wanted to write a show about people in the process of becoming newer, better, truer versions of themselves. Our characters (and we did come to think of them as ours, and not merely characters on loan from Billy Wilder and I.A.L. Diamond) were underdogs and misfits. Flawed but (mostly) well-intentioned, they are each thirsty for more opportunities, more respect, more money, more love.
Joe and Jerry (eventually Daphne) dream of success as dancers; Sugar dreams of Hollywood stardom; Sue dreams of respect and achievement as a top-flight band leader. For Jerry, Sugar, and Sue especially, these dreams are tempered by the headwinds of racial injustice in 1930’s America. Joe’s ambitions are tempered by his own personal foibles as the abandoned child of a family of grifters.
They all find themselves on a train bound for California, each with a dream of what awaits them, each ending up getting far more than they bargained for, and each better off for having taken the journey.
Marc Shaiman (Music & Lyrics)
Scott Wittman (Lyrics)
As songwriters, our challenge on Some Like It Hot was to celebrate the musical styles of Jazz Age icons like Duke Ellington, Fats Waller, Cole Porter, Cab Calloway, Jimmy Lunceford, Louis Jordan, Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald but also, through our lyrics, to deal truthfully with the dilemmas and discoveries our characters are wrestling with, issues still prevalent today. We were especially inspired by the collaborations between songwriters like Harold Arlen and performers like Ethel Waters and Lena Horne, which proved that white and Black artists could and should work side by side. Music has always broken down barriers and that kind of kinship forms the foundation of our score: “Let different rhythms move your seat/For I have
always found/We all dance to a different beat/And that’s what makes the world go ‘round!” And thanks to our brilliant director and choreographer, Casey Nicholaw, the show does move to its own special beat.
Casey Nicholaw (Director & Choreographer)
What an assignment! To take a beloved film and give it a modern twist while staying true to the spirit of the original; to craft a piece that feels classic yet modern, funny yet moving. In the process of working with a great quartet of writers—Matthew, Amber, Marc & Scott—we discovered that we could go deeper into the characters and their feelings because now they could sing. And dance! I wanted the choreography to serve the story. In that regard, I was lucky that it was a story about a band. So in staging numbers such as “A Darker Shade of Blue,” “Ride Out the Storm,” “Take It Up A Step,” and “He Lied When He Said Hello,” I could blend the world of our characters with the performances of Sweet Sue’s Society Syncopators. One other thing stands out as a huge joy: the creation of “Tip Tap Trouble,” the climactic dance in Act 2. Assisted by our brilliant music department and our remarkable designers, I was able to take all the puzzle pieces of the story and instead of having a long dialogue scene, convey it all through choreography. Working on Some Like It Hot has been a dream come true.

Matt Loehr (Joe), Leandra Ellis-Gaston (Sugar), Tavis Kordell (Jerry) and the First National Touring Company of Some Like It Hot; Photo by Matthew Murphy


1. Name the Hamilton musical costume designer who also designed costumes for the Wicked films
2. Which late night TV band members served as executive producers of the Hamilton musical cast album?
3. How many Academy Award winners are featured on the Hamilton mixtape album?
3. What year did Hamilton debut at the Orpheum Theatre in Memphis?


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Hayti High School
Ripley High School Choir
Kayla Scarborough and Friends
New College Franklin
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Alcorn Central High School
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University of Arkansas Pine Bluff
Overton High School Drama Division
Gosnell High School History Club
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