Dear Holiday Revelers,
Perhaps the movie version of the Grinch says it best. We are all busy. Not just a little busy. At this time of year, a LOT busy!
“4:00, wallow in self-pity. 4:30, stare into the abyss. 5:00, solve world hunger, tell no one. 5:30, jazzercize; 6:30, dinner with me. I can’t cancel that again. 7:00, wrestle with my self-loathing. I’m booked. Of course, if I bump the loathing to 9, I could still be done in time to lay in bed, stare at the ceiling and slip slowly into madness.” — The Grinch
I hope spending some time at the Orpheum today, enjoying How the Grinch Stole Christmas, the Musical! will ease the stress of the holiday season for you a little bit. Think of it as our holiday gift to Memphis! A chance to sit back, forget about everything you need to do, and enjoy the magic of live theatre in a beautiful setting.
While this show might give you a chance to relax, it also gives me an opportunity to express my gratitude to you. At this special time of year, it is important that we say thank you to our friends. To those who have helped us through the previous year. And to those who will spend part of their upcoming year with us.
You, a patron of the Orpheum Theatre Group, are one of the people I would like to thank. You have attended our performances. You have donated to our impactful educational programs. You have laughed and cried with us. You have made everything we do worthwhile.
Thank you for all of that in 2022. Thank you for all you will continue to do in 2023. Our patrons make this old beauty of a building, as well as the new Halloran Centre next door, relevant and integral to the cultural fabric of Memphis.
I am eternally grateful
I hope each of you have a wonderful holiday season. No matter your traditions, this season should be a time of joy and togetherness.
Thank you for spending some of your time together with us during this busy, busy season!
The Orpheum Theatre Group would like to recognize the following Season Ticket Holders who have subscribed to the Orpheum’s Broadway Series every year for the past 20 or more years! These dedicated subscribers are the core of our annual patrons and allow us to continue to bring the best of Broadway to Memphis year after year. Please join the Orpheum in thanking the members of THE CLUB OF 20 for their loyalty and enthusiasm for our historic theatre.
Lawson and Marcia Albritton
David L. Allen
Bruce Alpert
Patty and George Alvord
Nancy and Neil Arnold Dennis and Emily Baer
Jenny and Lawrence E. Baer
Linda and Steve Baggett
John and Rebecca Bakke
Grant and Mary Ruth Bales
Bruce and Cindy Barney
Linda M. Barrett
Marsha Barrom
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Bartlett
Vickie Baselski
Charles Bedwell
Drs. Leon Bedwell and Kim Huch Robby Bellamy
Marilyn and Jack Belz
Anise and Ron Belz
Anne Wulff and Brian Bendersky
Cheryl R. Bensky
Sheila C. Bentley
Stanley Bilsky
Benard Blasingame
Lisa and John Bobango
Jay and Kelly Bobo
Percy R. Boggan Jr. Deanna and Antonio Bologna
Jeffrey L. Bronze
Donna and Barry G. Bouchillon
Penny and Jerry Bower
Patricia and Charles Brand
Ray Brandon
Denby Brandon III
J. Allen Brasfield Jr.
Jerry Brasher
Philip Breazeale
Patricia Brigance
Robert H. Buckman
Becky and Andy Burkeen
Johnny Burns Jr.
Tony Burriss
Linda Busby Kathy Campbell Dee Cannell
Richard Carver
Dr. Nancy A. Chase Michael L. and Roberta Christensen Rachel Claiborne Gregg A. Coats and Mark Harris
Robin P. Cocke
Dr. Marc A. Cohen Glen and Elissa Coombs
Shirley Connealy Mike Conway Dr. and Mrs. George A. Cook
Jennifer Cook Arie J. Cooper Harriett Crews
Pat Crouse
Larry Crum Miriam and Bernard Danzig Doris I. Davis
Vicki and Bill Deweese Carlton and Rhonda Dixon
Jan and Ted Donaldson
Jim Dorman
Michael Dragutsky
Thomas Dunlap
Elizabeth Durham
Alteena Edwards Gerald and Lynn Eisenstatt
Jerry and Ann Ellis Graves Enck Robert Ervin Kathleen Fatolahi
Carol A. Feather Dan and Judith Felkner Robert and Brenda Ferralasco
Dr. and Mrs. William Fesmire
Craig Fienup
Kent D. Fisher
Holly Fleming
George Flinn Jr. Lassie and Harry Flowers
Houston L. Freeburg
Gerald and Linda Geddes
Mary Ellen Gehring
Dave and Pat Gesell
Wilma and William R. Gibbs
Bettye Gibson
Robert Gilbert
Greg and Beth Gillaspie Howard and Nannette Gish Richard Glassman
Carole Goddard Kathy S. Goldate
Kathy Gomes William Gotten
Philip Gould
Margaret Gray E. Dianne Greenhill
Sue and Frank Guarino
John Gyetvay
Cindy and Everett Hailey
Rommy Hammond
Jerry and Carol Harber
Larry J. Hardy
Barbara Harrington
John J. Harris
Leslie Y. Hays
Leslie Heun Key
Linda and Cheryl Hill
Susan and David Hoback
Rebecca Hogan
Randy and Ellen Holcomb
Brenda G. Holmes
Donna Holton
Gene and Kathy Horner
Dr. Lawrence and Anita Hsia
John and Nancy Iovinelli
Allen and Jeri Israel
Larry W. Johnson
Horace Jones
Charles and Penny Jones Robert and Laura Keeton
Rosalind Kimmelman
Michael King
Carla Kirkland
Frances Kitterman
Arlene Kleiman
Russell Knox Dr. Roger Labonte
Elizabeth Landers Sharon S. Langley
Rachel Laughlin
Drs. William and Pam Lawhead
Dr. Edward H. Lazar
Lauren, Linda, and Rande Lazar
Suzanne Lazarov Barney and Jan Lee
Patrice Lenahan
Elaine and David Levine
Mark Lindsey Mathew Lipscomb III
Diane Long
Jeffrey H. Lowrey M.D. Mark Luttrell
John and Bettye Claire Lynn
Tobin Maginnis
Sandra Marbry
Craig Marshall Pat and Linda Martindale
Pat and Louis Masur III
Janice McAfee
Bill McCann
Keith McDaniel
Suzanne McDonald Joseph and Nancy McGarry
Michael McGee Margaret McKee
Denice and Jim McMahon
Jean Mercer and Breen Bland James and Kathy Meredith Maxine Middlecoff
Pam Montesi
Sandy Moss and Lynette Maw
Judy Moss
Ginny Mount
William Seldon Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nance Cyndie Nash and Angie Cabrera Mike and Cay Niehaus
Vicki Noble
Joy J. Ozbirn
J. T. and Connie Page
Karen Parker
Martha Parker Rodney Parks
Nina and Jerry Patton Jim Paulsen
Frank and Rochelle Perlman David and Beth Pickler
Charles and Carole Plesofsky Chuck and Robin Porter Brenda and Terry Poteet
Sara Power
Bonida and Brian Poynor Ron Privette
Karen Richmond
Dee Dee Rives Meryl Rosen
Carmine Ruggiero and David van Isaks Rhonda Sage
Louis A. Sampson
Philip Schaefgen Jack Scharff Jr. Eric and Constance Scott
Carolyn B. Sechrest
Robbie, Sally and Carey Segal Nancy and James Segars
Sidney Seligstein
Rachel and Stephen B. Shankman
Keith Shelton
Debra Shirley Jim Shoemaker
David Simpson
Rogers Smith
Bethany Smith and Joe Larkins
Rita T. Sparks
Townsend Sparks
Dr. Paula Spence-Evans
Leslie Spengler
J. W. Stafford Jr.
William and Cheryl Stegbauer
Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert Stein
Elizabeth Stewart Charles and Mary Stewart James F. Swindle
Andrew Taylor
Susan Thompson
Bonnie and David Thornton
Kathy C. Thurmond-Edwards
Charles S. Tipton
Dr. David A. Tipton
Danny L. Todd
Virginia F. Trenham
Ronald Underberg
Jennifer Beggs Vescovo
Louis Vescovo
Dianna Voyles
Hazel Waggener
Janice Wall
Lee Wardlaw
Charles Warner
Stephanie Warren
John and Betty Weiman
Danny Weiss
Peggy and James White Jr. Kay Whittington
Emelda L. Williams
Thomas A. Williams
Michael C. and Gay Williams Jane C. Williamson
Les and Nancy Willingham
William and Sandy Wolfe
Cheryl Wood Linda and Bill Woodmansee
Joanne H. Woody and Jo Ann Owen
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wooldridge Sr. Terri Wright
Elizabeth R. Wright
Linda Yates
Robin Yates Bennett Zinn Pam and Terry Zubrod
If you would like to change your recognition or if you have been inadvertently omitted from this list, please call (901) 525-3000 so we may correct our oversight.
As a courtesy to the performers and patrons, latecomers will be seated at an appropriate break in the performance.
No text messaging, photography, or recording. The light from your phone is a distraction to those seated around and above you.
Do not talk or whisper during the performance.
Be conscientious about the noise you make. You may be distracting or disturbing the patrons around you and the actors on stage.
Certain productions may not be suitable for all ages. We recommend taking the time to determine which shows are appropriate for your children. Visit Orpheum-Memphis.com or call (901) 525-3000 if you have any questions.
Firearms, knives, or weapons of any kind are prohibited inside the theatre.
Help us keep our venues secure — if you see anything suspicious, please tell an usher or other Orpheum Theatre Group representative.
Brett Batterson President & CEO Paulette Luker Executive Vice President & CFO Dacquiri Baptiste..................................................................................Vice President & COO Ron Jewell.................................................Vice President of Halloran Centre Operations Jennifer McGrath...............Vice President of Education & Community Engagement Christina Torres...........................................................................Vice President of Marketing Tracy Trotter, CFRE............................................................Vice President of Development Teresa Ward..............................................Vice President of Ticketing & Patron Services
$100,000+ The Gilliland Family Tennessee Arts Commission
$50,000+ Assisi Foundation City of Memphis Pickler Companies Karl and Gail Schledwitz
$40,000+ Memphis Area Honda Dealers Mr. and Mrs. William Stegbauer Truist
$25,000+ Evolve Bank & Trust FedEx First Horizon Foundation
$10,000+ ArtsMemphis AutoZone
Mr. and Mrs. John Bobango Rick and Kim Fogelman
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilliland, Jr. D. Ralph Horn
Humanities Tennessee
The Jostworth Family Ben and Necy Livingston The Mustang Fund
Anonymous (2) Veronica and Brett Batterson Karen Fields-Isaacman and Ken Isaacman
Friends of the Orpheum (FOTO)
Keri and Doug Gage
Lucia Gilliland
C. Suzanne and Bill Landers Amy and Alex Knight Memphis Funeral Home Meredith and Greg Martin
P.K. Seidman Charitable Trust
Jerry and Nina Patton Realty Capital Management, LLC
Michael and Christina Scarbrough Philip Schaefgen Mrs. James L. Vining Gina and Jim Wiertelak
George and Patty Alvord Brian Bendersky and Anne Wulff
Quinn and Michelle Borninkhof
Dr. George and Nancy Cook
Crews Family Foundation
Ted and Jan Donaldson
Jennifer Futch
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Gilmore Martin and Crystal Hand Bill and Vikki Harrison
Joey and Kelly House Will and Hayley Hudson
Lauren, Linda and Rande Lazar
Lori Patton
Pinnacle Bank Dale and Elizabeth Stewart
Lura and Steve Turner Marshall and Kristen Wright Xela Domains
Keith and Stephanie Acton Jonathan and Tara Airhart
Lisa Alex
Elizabeth and Bo Allen KaShaundra Atkinson Thonda Barnes
Wesley and Lauren Barnett Dr. Neal and Rosetta Beckford Scot Bell
Scott and Rachel Bendure Emile A. Bizot
Adrian and Katherine Blackney Jennie Bledsoe
Kate Orgill Boone and Irene Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Roy Bors-Koefoed Mrs. Jerry Bower
Debbie and Homer Branan
Carla and Willie Brown
Shannon and Beryl Brown
Bill Burtch
Ricky and Florence Busey Shelby Butterfield
George and Susan Byars
Kevin and Jessica Carnell Victor and Beth Carr Mandy and Chirag Chauhan Dr. Mike and Mrs. Lisa Cockrell Leslie Coleman
Christy Cornell and Steve Knott
Robert Cox
Scott and Kay Dawson Mrs. Earnest B. Deas
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Eisenstatt
Craig and Bonita Esrael
David Follmann
Tim and Kristi Francavilla Neil Gibson and Lisa Menuskin Drs. Dana and Tom Giel
Deborah Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Goerke Philip Gould Sue and Frank Guarino
Lauren Henderson
Gerald Hinson
Thomas Holmes, Jr. Lauren Hope Cameron James Katherine and Jamie Jordan Drs. Derek and Hallie Kelly Suzanne Lazarov Michael and Joanie Lightman, Sr. Paulette and Paul Luker Jerry and Elizabeth Marshall Sharon and Miles Mason, Sr. Sara and Cameron Mays Ryan and Neely McDurmon Kevin and Melissa McEniry
Pam Montesi
Gregg Morgan
Lee and Monica Murphy
David and Julie Nanney
Dr. Keith and Alicia Norman
Robin and Billy Orgel
Tim Owen and Dustin Cann
Van and Linda Phillips Kyle and Crystal Pourciau
Tony and Tracie Powers Dr. Thomas Ratliff RJD Fund
Meryl Shauhun Rosen and Elizabeth Rosen
Jodie and Lanny Saunders
Joelle Scholl
Don Scobey Kush and Pooja Shah
Wendi Shoffner
Michelle and Mike Slabaugh
Gary K. Smith
Jeffrey and Melanie Smith
Nancy Welsh Smith
Ken and Jill Steinberg
Brian and Kate Sullivan
Amy Thiessen
Zach and Daphne Thomas
Mary Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. David Thornton
Dianna and Ricky Voyles
Steven and Ginny Walker
Joseph F. Warren and Barbara Thompson
Anne and Jim West, MD
Mr. and Mrs. James H. White, Jr. Byrne and Kim Whitehead
Devin and Whitney Williams Gay and Mike Williams Bill and Linda Woodmansee
Robin Martin Yates
Anonymous Hal and Lori Beckham
Anise and Ron Belz
The Belz Foundation
Jack and Kathleen Blair
Steve and Margaret Bonnema
Ray and Dana Brandon
Todd Chappell and Katey Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Flowers
Patricia N. Glancy and Jennie Anderson
Whit Greenway and Linda Sena
Johnny and Connie Jackson
Susan Krigbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McEniry
Michael McLaren and Diane Vescovo
Les and Mary Robison
Elena and Tom Ross
Ginger and Gregg Sain
Thomas Schroeppel and Lesley Clement
Leslie Schutt
Elizabeth and Gary Simpson
Zach Wade
Marianne and Ron Walter Rebecca Webb Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. JT Young Jerry and Susan Yount
Johnnie and Rex Amonette
Anonymous Scott and Amy Beatty
Drs. Leon Bedwell and Kim Huch
Jason Brink
Becky and Andy Burkeen
Robin P. Cocke
Carol Coletta
Dr. Earle Donelson and Ms. Ruthie Lentz
Anthony R. Eldridge
Michael and Sharon Goldstein
Jim and Mary Lee Hall
David and Barbara Harrington
April Noelle Lyndon
Lynne Morgan
John and Marie Moses
John and Nancy Nanney
Ken and Angie Nix
Victor and Cybel Nordlund
Dr. Jennifer O’Bryan and Mr. Richard Wiggs
Charles and Carole Plesofsky
Lee and Dawn Roberts
Jan and Jack Scharff, Jr. Eric and Constance Scott
Rose Spears
Jon and Tracy Trotter Brad and Julie Walker
Deana and Billy Weeks Dennis and Kathryn Wells Rebecca Whitaker
Thomas A. Williams
$240 +
Dacquiri Baptiste
Bob Batson
Don and Paula Bourland
Diane Brown
Chris and Sandy Caldwell
Annette and Andrew Dean
Dr. and Mrs. Danny H. Dickey
Shep and Margaret Fargotstein
Kim and Mabry Ford
Andrew Gibbs
Lisa Hayes
Charles and Laurie Herzog
Peggy Hill
Elizabeth Chisholm Jordan
Michael and Joy Karel
Susan and Art Kunkle
Elizabeth Landers
Kim Lasko
Deborah Lewis
Judy Littlefield George and Elizabeth Lofton Dennis Marjoncu
Greg D. Miller
Chapman Morrow Joel and Susan Myers
Leslie O’Barr
Molly Renee Oster
Kate A. Pera
Sandra Reed
Stacye Richardson
Jeff and Lauren Rower
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Sheppard
Dr. Elizabeth Simmons Mark and Patricia Smith
Brooke Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Stewart Janet Tucker
Jimmy White
$100 + Sally Aldrich
Phil Aronoff
Nathan Ashby and Dustin Hornsby
Gregory A. Austin
Jan Baker
Andrew Balaity
Vickie Baselski
Budd Batterson
Savannah Bearden
Michael and Katie Beery
Ken and Deborah Bennett
Ruth Bernabe
Gifts from November 1, 2021 — November 7, 2022
Leigh and Bernie Bernil
Marcia Bibb
Marcia Boyd
Mary Branum
Sara Bridges
Tim Brooks
Michael Brueggerman
Brandy Burnette
Melody and Benjamin Carter Aimee Christian
Jane Cloud Brandon Cole
Harry and Bette Colter
Andrea Conner
Valerie K. Cox
Alicia Davis
Jason Duncan Jackie Edmonds
Wayne Edwards Marshall Elam
John and Toni Fenske
Melanie and Richard Fine Kimberly Georgi Kevin Gideon
David and Marsha Goberish
Sharon Green
Trampas and Melissa Gunter
Addison Hansford
Jerry and Carol Harber
Tom Harrison
Michael Hawke
Evelyn Henderson
Amber and Brandon Hollie
Annette Hickerson
Thomas Hudson
Sandi Butler Hughes
Karen Hurley
Gil and Libby Johnson
Liz Jostes
Kevin Kimberly and Geoffrey Maddox Grover and Laura Kinney
Mr. and Mrs. William Lawhead Jon and Kathryn Lewis Shannon Little
Sandra Lucchesi Neely Mallory
Norman Maxim Mark McDonald
Jennifer McGrath Mimi and Robert Mehrle
Donna Meili John and Judith Minton
Pamela Restivo Mori
Jan and Scott Morrell
Susan Moskop
Gene Mullins
Julie Nall
Cynthia L. Nash and Angela Cabrera
Joy Ozbirn
Samantha Parkhurst
Cooley and Kathryn Pasley
Karen Parker
Pamela Perchik
Elizabeth Perkins
Bonnie Radtke
Lynde M. Reece Sheri Renas
Sherri Riffe
Rosalyn Gray Rixter
Maggie Robertson
Alejandra Gonzalez Ruiz
Daniel Ryan
Carl Sanchez
Laquita Saunders
Carolyn B. Sechrest
James and Nancy Segars
Stephen and Rachel Shankman
Fran Shannon
Lillian Shook and Rhonda Shook-Causie Irvin S. Skopp
Laura Shy Michelle and Mike Slabaugh
Aubrey and Brenda Smith
Rita T. Sparks
Dr. Nina Staples
Rene Starr
Cheryl Steele
McNeil Stringer
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Tamburrino
Jessica Taveau
Jim and Mimi Taylor
Phyllis G. Taylor
Tracey Thesmar
Anne Tipton
David A. Tipton
Jennifer Tomey
Christina Torres and Alex Barton Lenore Trammell
Doris Troutt
Suzanne Turner
Bobby and Joe VanCleve Sharon Voehringer
Jan and Jason Vogel
Amanda Waddell
William and Amy Wadsworth
Pamela Warnken
Laura West
Robert Whitaker
Christy White
Mary Jo Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Q. Wilson
James and Donna Wooldridge
Ed and Elizabeth Wright
Gordon Wynn
Rosemarie Yoon
Connie B. Zinn
Pamela and Terry Zubrod
IN HONOR OF Joy Brown by Charles Newsom
Charlene Honeycutt by Kimberly Bearden
Cecil Augustus by Don Scobey
IN MEMORY OF Mario Y. Bell by Dr. Nina Staples
A round of applause to the following individuals, foundations, and businesses for their generous support of the Orpheum Theatre Group.TROIKA Entertainment and Running Subway present Dr. Seuss’
Based on the book How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss Book and Lyrics by Music by TIMOTHY MASON MEL MARVIN
Additional music and lyrics by ALBERT HAGUE and DR. SEUSS Starring James Schultz
W. Scott Stewart Xavier McKnight and
Christine Aziz Hailey Burnham Aerina DeBoer Andy Hansen Avery Martin Sarah Milnamow Sofie Nesanelis Eduardo Uribe with
Sia Arvinger Barbara Bayes Joey Donoian Taylor Anne Drumwright Riley J. Fisher Caleb Funk Ethan James Lynch Katie McConaughy Resa Mishina Jonathan Nadolny Marissa Parness Neely Scott Riley Elise Smith Meredith Aleigha Wells
Set Designer Costume Designer Lighting Designer Sound Designer JOHN LEE BEATTY ROBERT MORGAN CRAIG STELZENMULLER JOSHUA D. REID
Original Lighting Designer Original Sound Designer Associate Set Designer Costume Coordinator PAT COLLINS ACME SOUND PARTNER KACIE HULTGREN SARAH SMITH
Incidental Music/Vocal Arrangements Orchestrator
Original Production Conceived and Directed by JACK O’BRIEN
Based on the production produced by The Old Globe, San Diego California Originally commissioned by and produced at The Children’s Theatre Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota Produced by permission of Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P.
(in order of appearance)
Old Max W. SCOTT STEWART Cindy-Lou Who (Alternating) ...................................... SOFIE NESANELIS/AERINA DEBOER Papa Who ........................................................................................................ EDUARDO URIBE Mama Who SARAH MILNAMOW Grandpa Who ...................................................................................................... ANDY HANSEN Grandma Who CHRISTINE AZIZ Annie Who (Alternating) AVERY MARTIN, HAILEY BURNHAM Citizens of Whoville ........................... BARBARA BAYES, JOEY DONOIAN, CALEB FUNK, ETHAN JAMES LYNCH, KATIE MCCONAUGHY, MARISSA PARNESS Who Kids ................................ SIA ARVINGER, RILEY J. FISHER, KATIE MCCONAUGHY, RESA MISHINA, NEELY SCOTT, RILEY ELISE SMITH, MEREDITH ALEIGHA WELLS Young Max................................................................................................. XAVIER MCKNIGHT
Who Likes Christmas?
Citizens of Whoville This Time of Year .................................................................................. Old Max and Young Max
I Hate Christmas Eve The Grinch, Young Max, Papa Who, Mama Who, ............ Grandma Who, Grandpa Who, Cindy-Lou Who, Danny Who, Annie Who and Boo Who What Cha Ma Who The Grinch, Who Kids Welcome, Christmas* .................................................................................... Citizens of Whoville I Hate Christmas Eve (Reprise) The Grinch It’s the Thought That Counts .................................... Grandma Who, Grandpa Who, Mama Who, Papa Who, Citizens of Whoville and Who Kids One of a Kind ................................................................................................................ The Grinch Now’s the Time Papa Who, Mama Who, Grandma Who, Grandpa Who You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch* ............................................ Old Max, Young Max, The Grinch Santa for a Day Cindy-Lou Who, The Grinch You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch* (Reprise)...................................................................... Old Max Who Likes Christmas? (Reprise) Citizens of Whoville One of a Kind (Reprise) ............................................... Young Max, The Grinch, Cindy-Lou Who This Time of Year (Reprise) Old Max Welcome, Christmas* (Reprise) .................................................................... Citizens of Whoville Santa for a Day (Reprise) The Grinch, Cindy-Lou Who and Citizens of Whoville Who Likes Christmas? (Reprise) ........The Grinch, Young Max, Old Max and Whos Everywhere
* Music by Albert Hague and lyrics by Dr. Seuss. Published by EMI Robbins Catalog, Inc.
Music Director, Conductor: PETER LEIGH-NILSEN Associate Music Director, Keys 1: CHRIS BABBAGE Keys 2: WENDY FEAVER Reed 1: MARYBETH KERN Reed 2: CHRISTIAN GONZÁLEZ Reed 3: ALEX LEMMA
The use of any recording device, either audio or video, and the taking of photographs, either with or without flash, is strictly prohibited by law. Please turn off all electronic devices such as cellular phones, beepers and watches prior to the beginning of the performance.
JAMES SCHULTZ (Grinch) James is ecstatic to be back in the fur with this amazing cast & crew! My love to my friends, family, agents, & fiancé, Amanda, for their constant support! For Dad, Always. Visit www.jamesschultz.net or @jamesdschultz on Instagram for more about me!
W. SCOTT STEWART (Old Max) lives with dogs, Rufus & RC, near Nashville, on 210+ year old family farm. National Tour of “Rudolph”; along with “Tevye”, “Caiaphas” and “Edna Turnblad” are favorite roles. Special thanks to Mark - for being my dad & always supporting me! And keeping dogs while I’m on tour.
XAVIER MCKNIGHT (Young Max) Xavier is psyched to be back in Whoville! National Tours: How The Grinch Stole Christmas! Cat’s Pajamas Vocal Band. Regional: Something Rotten, Spelling Bee, 1776, Bring It On! The Musical. Much love to my family, friends and Jay Jay! Insta: @xaviermcknight
ANDY HANSEN (Grandpa Who) Andy Hansen is excited to make his Grinch Debut! His previous roles include George Banks in Mary Poppins, Jeff Douglas in Brigadoon, and Bud Frump How to Succeed! “Thank you so much to my family and friends!"
CHRISTINE AZIZ (Grandma Who) is honoured to be returning to Whoville! A Canadian Comedy Award nominee, she studied at McGill University and Second City Toronto. Christine currently performs virtually with Live in Theater and Broadway Murder Mysteries. TV: "Chucky," "Mayday," and (upcoming) "Beacon 23."
AERINA DEBOER (Cindy Lou Who) is thrilled to be making her national tour debut! Aeri has worked in a short film and TV episodic. Aeri sings, acts, dances and speaks Korean and Chinese. Aeri thanks her family, Leorah Haberfield, Mallory Koske, Amelia De Mayo, her coaches and teachers. @aerinaparkdeboer
SOFIE NESANELIS (Cindy Lou Who) Happy to rejoin her Grinch family as Cindy Lou! Off-Broadway: Wedding Band, TV/Film: “You Skidoo” (Nick Jr.), “This Boy’s Vita” (Pilot). Thanks to Leorah Haberfield, Stewart Talent, Amelia Demayo, Ethan Haberfield & Kelli Gautreau. Love to my family! @sofienesanelis
SARAH MILNAMOW (Mama Who) Sarah is pinching /“grinching” herself at this opportunity! Select credits: A Christmas Carol (Hartford Stage), The Tattooed Lady (Goodspeed), The Fantasticks (Jean’s Playhouse). Love to Mom, Dad, Em, and Mr. A. www.sarahmilnamow.com~
EDUARDO URIBE (Papa Who) Excited to return to Whoville. National tours: Legally Blonde (Nikos), South Pacific (Harbison), An American in Paris (Mr.Z), Jesus Christ Superstar (Swing). Regional: A Chorus Line (Paul), La Cage (Cagelle) Kinky Boots (Angel). Merry Grinchmas! Love you Sammy. @eduardouribe92
AVERY MARTIN (Annie Lou Who) Eleven year old native of Illinois. Honored to make her national touring debut. Winner of multiple national championships, she’s been dancing since age four. Film: Other People. Theatre: Evita (St. Louis). Love to my parents, family, Lisa Calli, Troika, Jamie Eros, Keli Lesker, and coaches. @danceraverymartin
HAILEY BURNHAM (Annie Lou Who) is thrilled to make her National Tour debut! Favorite roles: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (Jemima), Matilda (Matilda), A Tale of Two Cities (Little Lucie), and Once (Ivonka). Thanks to Nancy, the creative team, Binder Casting, Running Subway Productions & TROIKA. @theburnhamkids
BARBARA BAYES (Auntie Who) Third time in Whoville! Theatre: Executive Decision (Madam President), Always A Bridesmaid (Libby Ruth), Into The Woods (Witch), Nunsense (Robert Anne). TV: "Evil Lives Here," "Six Degrees of Murder." Love to family and friends. SDB I love you.
RESA MISHINA (Boo Who) National tour debut! Select regional: Studio Theatre, Know Theatre of Cincinnati, The Wick, The Fireside, Flat Rock Playhouse, Connecticut Shakespeare Festival, Slow Burn Theatre Company. Proud native of Yokohama, Japan. BFA from Rider University. Love to Mama, Tata, and Curly.
KATIE MCCONAUGHY (Reno/Phyllis Who). Katie is so happy to be back in Whoville. Credits: My Crazy Ex (Lifetime), American Idiot (Heather), My Fair Lady (Anchorage Concert Association), Legally Blonde (Elle Woods), Bye Bye Birdie (Gloria-Candlelight). @katiekay224
ETHAN JAMES LYNCH (Palm Spring) Woo-WHO! I’m back in Whoville! Credits: Footloose (Willard – Theatre By the Sea), Happy Days (Ralph Malph – Arizona Broadway Theatre), She Loves Me (WaiterPrinceton Festival), 25th Annual…Spelling Bee (Leaf Coneybear – The Theater Project). My thanks are plentiful! ethanjameslynch.com
MEREDITH ALEIGHA WELLS (Punky) They/she. First wheelchair user to perform in a Broadway National Tour. Touring: Dysfunctioning Just Fine (Purple Skies Playwright Award), Luminous Festival in Beijing China. Off Broadway: New York Theatre Workshop. Regional: Seattle Rep, Cleveland Public Theatre, Playhouse Square. @meredithaleighawells www.meredithaleighawells.com
RILEY ELISE SMITH (Scallops Who) Riley is thrilled to be making her national tour debut! She recently graduated from Slippery Rock University, BFA Dance. Recent performances with RWS Entertainment Group and Cedar Fair. Endless gratitude to family and friends.
SIA ARVINGER (Betty Who) is happy to be back on the road with her fellow Whos! An AMDA Alumni, Sia has performed in live productions like Kinky Boots (Ensemble) and virtual musicals for the Hollywood Fringe Festival, Free The Fish (Wanda Brown) and Dream At The End of Time (Queen Oona) @SiaMichal
JOEY DONOIAN (Buzz Who, u/s Grinch, u/s Grandpa Who) is thrilled to back in Whoville this holiday season! Love and thanks to everyone involved!
MARISSA PARNESS (Trixie). Most recently, Marissa was in Little Shop of Horrors at North Shore Music Theatre, and is thrilled to be joining the Who family. She has narrated over 100 audiobooks on Audible. Thank you to Bob! IG:@catladylately
RILEY J. FISHER (Danny Who, u/s Young Max) is thrilled to be back in Whoville! Past credits: SpongeBob in The SpongeBob Musical and Doug Ramsay in Flash/Frozen. Thank you to Baker Entertainment and Colten Blair. Special thanks and love to his family and friends.
NEELY SCOTT (Bugsy) is overjoyed to be returning to Whoville. Credits: Scooby-Doo
Live! (Velma - Saudi Arabian Nat’l Tour), Annie (Duffy/Child Wrangler - Fireside Theatre), Alice Between (Alice - Alliance Theatre), Chicago (Hunyak - Nashville Reperatory). Peace & love to all. @neelyescott CALEB FUNK (Timey) is thrilled to be returning to this Holiday Treat! Upcoming: Damn Yankees (The Wick). Favorite Credits include: Sweet Charity (Bucks County), Pageant (Forestburgh Playhouse), Bakers Wife (Theatre Row), and Disney Cruise Line. Love to his Mom and to the Hell’s Kitchen Agency. IG: @funck1
JONATHAN NADOLNY (Swing, u/s Young Max) is excited to return to Whoville for another year. He was last seen on tour as George in Peppa Pig Live! Thank you for coming to support live theatre! @tontonnyc
TAYLOR ANNE DRUMWRIGHT (Swing) Beyond grateful to be back in Whoville for my 6th year! Many thanks to Matt August, Bob Richard and all of the Troika team! Much love to Grant, my family and my sweet Nala! Instagram: @taydrumwright
DR. SEUSS (Writer) was born Theodor Geisel in Springfield, Massachusetts on March 2, 1904. After attending Dartmouth College and Oxford University, he began a career in advertising. Dr. Seuss’s first children’s book, And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, hit the market in 1937, changing the world of children’s literature forever. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 1984, two Emmy awards and three Academy awards, Seuss was the author and illustrator of 44 books, many of which have been made into audiocassettes, animated television specials and videos. His books include The Cat in the Hat, which infused 236 simple words with rhythm, rhyme and humor, and Green Eggs and Ham which used only 50 words. Even after his death in 1991, Dr. Seuss continues to be the world’s best-selling author of children’s books.
DR. SEUSS ENTERPRISES, L.P. is a leading children’s entertainment company focused on protecting Theodor Seuss Geisel’s (Dr. Seuss) legacy and thereby ensuring that each generation can experience the genius of Dr. Seuss. The company was established in 1993 and is based in San Diego, CA. Dr. Seuss Enterprises’ global endeavors complement Dr. Seuss’s iconic books and include films,
TV shows, stage productions, exhibitions, digital media, licensed merchandise, and other strategic partnerships. Ted Geisel once said he never wanted to license his characters to anyone who would “round out the edges” –a guiding principle at Dr. Seuss Enterprises. For more information about Dr. Seuss and his works, visit seussville.com and follow us on Instagram and Facebook.
JACK O’BRIEN (Original Director)
Broadway: The Hard Problem; Carousel; The Front Page; It’s Only A Play; Macbeth; The Nance; Dead Accounts; Catch Me If You Can; Impressionism; The Coast of Utopia (Tony Award®); Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (Tony nominations); Henry IV (Tony Award®); Hairspray (Tony Award® and Drama Desk Award); Imaginary Friends; The Invention of Love (Tony nomination; Drama Desk Award); The Full Monty (Tony nomination); More to Love; Getting Away With Murder; Pride’s Crossing; The Little Foxes; Hapgood (Lucille Lortel Award); Damn Yankees (Tony nomination); Two Shakespearean Actors (Tony nomination); Porgy and Bess (Tony Award®, Most Innovative Revival); St. Louis Woman; The Most Happy Fella. For the Metropolitan Opera, Il Trittico. London: Love Never Dies, March 2010; Hairspray (Olivier Award); His Girl Friday (National Theatre). Artistic Director of the Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, from 1981-2007. Six productions for PBS’s “American Playhouse.” Actor (film): “Sex and the City”. Awards: Artserve Michigan 2008 International Achievement Award; 2008 Theatre Hall of Fame Inductee; 2005 John Houseman Award; 2007 and 2001 Joan Cullman Award for Extraordinary Creativity, 2004 Thomas Degaetani Award (USITT), 2002 “Mr. Abbott” Award (SDCF); 2001 Joe A. Callaway Award (SDCF). Member, College of Fellows of the American Theatre; Honorary Doctorate, University of San Diego; Honorary Doctorate, University of Michigan. Author: Jack Be Nimble (Farrar, Straus & Giroux)
TIMOTHY MASON (Book & Lyrics)
Broadway: Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical (2006 & 2007). OffBroadway: Levitation, Only You, Babylon Gardens (with Timothy Hutton and MaryLouise Parker) and The Fiery Furnace (with Julie Harris), all produced by Circle Rep.
Regional: the Old Globe, San Diego; Actors Theatre of Louisville; South Coast Rep; Seattle Rep; Victory Gardens, Chicago; the Jungle Theatre and the Guthrie Theatre Lab, Minneapolis; and the Royal National Theatre, London. Tim’s historical thriller, “The Darwin Affair”, is now available from booksellers everywhere.
MEL MARVIN (Composer) Bway; Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical, Cymbeline, A History of the American Film, Tintypes (Tony Award® nom.), Yentl, Fascinating Rhythm. Innumerable scores for productions of plays, from Shakespeare (Lincoln Center Theater, Guthrie, A.R.T., Arena Stage, Hartford Stage, McCarter, etc.) to Kushner (Angels in America, Mark Taper Forum), Musicals for young audiences: Little Miss Hollywood, Madeline’s Rescue, Strega Nona Meets Her Match, Mr. Popper’s Penguins, A Cricket in Times Square, Gold. Opera: Guest From the Future, premiered at Bard Summerscape in 2004, and Buwalsky, Opera Spanga, Holland, Yale, the Skirball Center, NYC (2004) Recently: Elmer Gantry at D.C.’s Signature Theatre, Truth and Reconciliation at the O’Neill Theater Center, workshops of Perfect 36. Head Faculty Composer and Director of Production, Graduate Musical Theatre Writing Program, Tisch School of the Arts, NYU.
ALBERT HAGUE (Original Composer of “You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch” and “Welcome Christmas”) His music for the original How the Grinch Stole Christmas, especially the songs “You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch” and “Welcome Christmas” are instantly recognized worldwide by young and old alike. His Broadway career includes the standard “Young and Foolish” from the hit show Plain and Fancy as well as Redhead, for which he won the Tony in 1959. His film and TV career started when he was in his late 50s with the role of Professor Shorofsky in the movie Fame and the “Fame” TV series, and continued with many small roles in movies such as Space Jam and The Story of Us. Born in 1920 in Berlin, he escaped the Nazis via music scholarships in Rome and Cincinnati and settled in NY. The music from The Grinch is his most enduring achievement.
MATT AUGUST (Director) is a theatre and film director whose productions have
broken box-office records on Broadway (How the Grinch Stole Christmas), played OffBroadway, in many major Regional theatres, in festivals, on National Tours, at the Grand Ol’ Opry and three holiday seasons at Madison Square Garden. They have been featured on television, radio and been performed at the White House for President Bush and several Veteran organizations. He has directed World Premieres, American Premieres, Regional Premieres that have been recognized with nominations and awards from LA’s Ovation, Washington DC’s Helen Hayes, Arizona’s Mac, San Francisco’s Bay Area Critics, Broadway World, Utah’s Audience Choice and Australia’s Helpmann Awards. His work has appeared on Year End Top-Ten lists for the LA Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Huffington Post, Arizona Republic, Oakland Tribune, Tucson Sun, San Jose Mercury News and NPR/KQED. He has been awarded fellowships and residencies from the Old Globe Theatre, Drama League, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, The Acting Company, Robert Wilson’s Watermill Center, the Juilliard School, and San Francisco’s Zen Center. In addition to theatre, he was awarded the Panavision New Filmmakers Grant and directed the Award Winning short family film “How to Get to Candybar” which has played at festivals around the world. He recently directed the American Regional Premiers of King Charles III and In the Heights; the world premiere of Discord-The Gospel According to Jefferson, Dickens and Tolstoy, Shakepeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, and Norris’ Clybourne Park He was the Associate Director to Jack O’Brien on three Broadway shows and is currently in pre-production for both the feature film and play “LP/OP”, produced by Freestyle Picture Company.
JOHN DELUCA (Original Choreography) Currently producing the live-action feature The Little Mermaid. Old Globe: Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical. Film: “Mary Poppins Returns”, “Into the Woods”, “Pirates of the Caribbean”, “On Stranger Tides”, “Nine”, “Memoirs of a Geisha”, “Chicago, The Terminal”. TV: “Tony Bennett: An American Classic,” “75th Annual Academy Awards,” “Kennedy Center Honors.” Broadway/ New York theatre: Minnelli on Minnelli, Broadway Sings Elton John, Deborah Voight on
Broadway, Sweet Adeline (City Center Encores!), Two Gentlemen of Verona (The Public Theater). National tour: The Boy Friend, Chita & All That Jazz, Music of the Night, Brigadoon. Two Emmy Awards, three Golden Globe nominations, two AFI Top Ten Films, American Musical Theatre Award, Choreography Media Honors, two American Choreography Awards, Hamilton Behind the Camera Award, and the Chita Rivera Award.
BOB RICHARD (Choreographer) has worked on the Broadway and touring productions of Dr. Seuss’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas! for the past 14 years. Off Broadway he directed and choreographed Inventing Mary Martin: The Revue of a Lifetime (Joe A. Callaway Award nomination) and The Road to Qatar. He has directed at North Shore Music Theatre, Ordway Center for the Performing Arts, and Theatre By The Sea, including productions of Peter Pan, The Music Man, Beauty and the Beast, and Chicago. He just choreographed West Side Story at The 5th Avenue Theatre, Theatre Under The Stars, and Pioneer Theatre Company, and internationally in Shanghai, Beijing, and Singapore. Bob is a guest master instructor at Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival. He has received a Footlight Award, Gypsy Rose Lee Award, Ivey Award, Ernie Award, and San Francisco Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle Award. Most recently his work has been seen in Tokyo, Japan and soon to open the New National Tour of An American in Paris
JOHN LEE BEATTY (Scenic Designer) His 115 Broadway productions include: Junk, Disgraced, Other Desert Cities, Venus in Fur, Chicago, Good People, Proof, Doubt, The Color Purple, The Sisters Rosensweig, A Delicate Balance, The Heiress, Ain’t Misbehavin’, Talley’s Folly, Burn This, Fifth of July, Rabbit Hole, Penn & Teller and more. Education: Brown, Yale School of Drama. Awards: Tony, Obie, Outer Critics, Drama Desk, Theater Hall of Fame.
ROBERT MORGAN (Costume Designer) Broadway: The Full Monty, Imaginary Friends, I’m Not Rappaport and Sherlock’s Last Case. Off-Broadway: Saturn Returns and Pride’s Crossing, Lincoln Center; The Loves of Anatol, Circle in the Square. 101 Dalmatians Forty years of designing for regional theatres across the U.S; founding Associate Artist, Old Globe Theatre, San Diego.
PAT COLLINS (Original Lighting Designer) Broadway: Doubt (Tony nomination), Proof, A Moon for the Misbegotten, The Heidi Chronicles, I’m Not Rappaport (Tony® Award), Execution of Justice (Drama Desk Award), Sherlock’s Last Case, Ain’t Misbehavin’, Baby, Steaming, Orphans, Good People. Lincoln Center: Dying City, An American Daughter, A Delicate Balance, The Sisters Rosensweig, Threepenny Opera (Tony nomination)
CRAIG STELZENMULLER (Lighting Designer) is a New York based Lighting Designer. Broadway Associate credits include: Almost Famous, MJ The Musical, A Christmas Carol, Springsteen, The Minutes, Hillary & Clinton, Boys in the Band, Pretty Woman, Charlie…Chocolate Factory, Cats, School of Rock, An Act of God, Gigi, Gentleman’s Guide…, I’ll Eat You Last…, Wonderland, and [Title of Show]. Recent: Suffs (The Public), Beauty and the Beast (International Tour). Faculty at The Studio School of Design. Graduate: UNC School of the Arts.
BRIGHAM JOHNSON (Production Stage Manager). National Tour: Christmas in Killarney. Norwegian Cruise Line. Regional: The Gateway, The Rev Theatre Co., Florida Repertory Theatre, Triad Stage, Connecticut Repertory Theatre. Brig is a graduate of Western Carolina University. Special thanks to family and friends for their endless support.
KALI ASHURST (Assistant Stage Manager) Kali is thrilled to be working on her first tour! She is currently getting her MFA in Stage Management from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. Much love to her friends and family for their support. www.kaliashurstsm.com
MICHAEL ANTHONY GREMO (Company Manager) has over 22 years of entertainment management experience. Select credits: The Wizard of Oz (First National Tour), Hip Hop Nutcracker, Part of the Plan (Developmental Production), Pretty Woman, The Musical (First National Tour), and Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical!
CHRISTINA SAMANIE (Assistant Company Manager). Tour management debut! UCF Grad. Recent work: Destination Broadway and Walt Disney World Ent. Many thanks to TROIKA Ent, Michael, and all the love and gratitude to her family, friends, and
Brendon who have always believed in her. JOSHUA REID (Sound Designer) is a dual sound and systems designer, based in New York City. He holds dual citizenship with the United States and Canada, and has worked extensively on Broadway, Off-Broadway, National Tours, International Productions and Sound System Installations. Recent design selections include The Louder We Get (Theatre Calgary), Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol (Film & Geffen Playhouse, LA Ovation Award, LA Drama Critics Circle Award), The Color Purple (National Tour), Girlfriend (TheatreWorks Hartford, Connecticut Critics Circle Award), The Royal Family of Broadway (Barrington Stage), and Jerry Springer: The Opera (New Group/Signature). Broadway Associate Design credit selections include: Flying Over Sunset, The Ferryman, The Iceman Cometh, Falsettos, American Psycho, A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder, The Visit, Act One, and House of Blue Leaves. Joshua is also the faculty Instructor of Sound at Western Michigan University. A full credentials list, contact information and current projects can be found at www.ReidSoundDesign.com.
SAM KUSNETZ (Associate Sound Designer) Sam Kusnetz is a sound and projection designer from New York City working on Broadway, offBroadway, across the country, and around the world. Founder of Team Sound (teamsound.nyc) and proud member of USA-829. Sam does not like green eggs and ham.
JOSHUA ROSENBLUM (Vocal Arrangements and Incidental Music). Broadway: Miss Saigon, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Dr. Seuss’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, Wonderful Town, The Music Man, Falsettos, Anything Goes. Off Broadway (composer/lyricist): BUSH IS BAD, Fermat’s Last Tango, Einstein’s Dreams (Drama Desk nomination) Pianist: New York Pops, City Center Encores! Faculty member: NYU (conducting), Yale (composition). Contributing writer: Opera News. Education: B.A. in Music (summa cum laude) and M.Mus. in Piano, both from Yale. Wonderful family: Joanne, Julian, Phoebe
DAVID KRANE (Dance Music Arrangements) created the dance music and additional score for the Academy Award–winning “Chicago” and the film of “Nine”; created the musical score adaptation for
Disney’s “Into the Woods” starring Meryl Streep; produced and arranged Michelle Williams’s vocals for “My Week with Marilyn”; and composed Aspire with Stephen Cole, the first American musical produced in the Middle East. Their musical comedy about that incredible experience, The Road to Qatar!, was produced in Dallas, New York City, and the Edinburgh Festival. It is licensed by josef-weinberger.com, and the album, produced by jayrecords.com, is available on iTunes. Mr. Krane’s many Broadway credits include Cabaret, On the Twentieth Century, and She Loves Me. His latest work is in Disney’s “Mary Poppins Returns” and his own new original musical, Goin’ Hollywood (goinhollywood.com). davidkrane.com
PETER LEIGH-NILSEN (Musical Supervisor, Music Director) National/ International Tours: Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas (U.S.), My Fair Lady (China), The Producers (U.S.), Guys and Dolls (U.S.), Bring It On: The Musical (U.S./Tokyo), and Elton John and Tim Rice’s Aida (Taiwan). Regional: Peter Pan (North Shore Music Theatre), She Loves Me (The Princeton Festival), Chicago (Theatre By The Sea). He recorded keyboards for the Original Broadway recording of How The Grinch… (Sony Masterworks), and teaches with The Broadway Experience (Tokyo/NYC) and The American Musical Theatre Dance Company. Love to Richard and Maggie.
BINDER CASTING (Casting) was founded by Jay Binder nearly 40 years ago and has been a part of RWS Entertainment Group since 2016. The office has cast 150+ Broadway, OffBroadway, and National Touring productions, in addition to countless national and international projects spanning both stage and screen. Binder was featured prominently in the Broadway documentary, Every Little Step, and is a proud twelve-time recipient of the Artios Award for Excellence in Casting. The office infuses its work with both a deep respect for their roots and a commitment to growth. www.bindercasting.com
HEATHER CHOCKLEY (Director of Production) joined the TROIKA team after having toured, both nationally and internationally, for 15 years. After that lifetime on the road, she finds she likes not living out of a suitcase the whole time. Now based in the
DC metro area, she also does a bit of political event work, and shares the crew member recruiting responsibilities at TROIKA.
TEGAN MEYER (General Manager) is proud to be working with TROIKA Entertainment this season on Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical. Other credits include: with Troika Entertainment; Annie and Cats. As Company Manager she toured with Elf, We Will Rock You, and the first National Tour of Memphis. On Broadway she was the Associate Company Manager for Bright Star and the 2010 Tony award winning production of Memphis. Additional credits include, OffBroadway: What’s That Smell, Jackie Mason: The Ultimate Jew, The Immigrant and Slut Broadway: Guys & Dolls, Jackie Mason’s Laughing Room Only and The Pirate Queen. NEURO TOUR (Physical Therapy). Carolyn Lawson PT, founder and CEO of NEURO TOUR and Neurosport, leaders in performing arts medicine. We are honored to be part of Cats. Broadway: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, The Cher Show. Tours: On Your Feet!, Hamilton.
RUNNING SUBWAY (Producer) is a NYC based entertainment company founded by James Sanna with Joshua Rosenblum. Grinch: Broadway & all Tours. Other productions include Sinatra at the London Palladium, Peter Panat Madison Square Garden (Cathy Rigby), Judy Garland In Concert. Projects include the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Annex NYC, Bodies- the Exhibition, as well as the venue Discovery Times Square which featured, “Star Wars”, “Vikings”, “The Hunger Games”, “Titanic”, “DaVinci”, “King Tut”, “Terra Cotta Warriors”, “Harry Potter the Exhibition,” “Spy”, “CSI”, “Pompeii” and “The Avengers”. Current exhibitions include Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience (New York City), Art of the Brick (Los Angeles, San Francisco), and touring productions of DaVinci’s Workshop and The Dead Sea Scrolls. Upcoming productions include the new circus/ musical Dr. Seuss’ Circus McGurkus. RiseNY is a first-of-its-kind attraction in the heart of New York City, combining a spectacular, soaring ride with museum-style galleries to celebrate the history of the Big Apple and the joy of the New York experience. Head to riseny.co for tickets and more information!
(Original Tour Producer) a partnership formed in 2007 to produce the national tour of Grinch. Comprised of Running Subway, Shorenstein Hays Nederlander Theaters (SHN), EMI Music Publishing, Michael Speyer & Bernie Abrams, Dancap Productions, Janet Pailet, Spark Productions, and Eva Price/Maximum Entertainment.
THE OLD GLOBE (Original Producer)
The Tony Award®–winning The Old Globe, now in its 85th year, is one of the country’s leading professional regional theatres and San Diego’s flagship performing arts institution. Under the leadership of Erna Finci Viterbi Artistic Director Barry Edelstein and Managing Director Timothy J. Shields, The Old Globe produces a year-round season of 16 productions of classic, contemporary, and new works, including its internationally renowned Shakespeare Festival. More than 250,000 people annually attend Globe productions and participate in the theatre’s artistic and arts engagement initiatives, which provide an array of participatory programs that make theatre matter to more people in neighborhoods throughout the region. Numerous world premieres have been developed at The Old Globe and have gone on to successful runs on Broadway and across the country.
(Original Producer) Founded in 1965, the Children’s Theatre Company (Minneapolis) is one of the United States’ largest regional theatres and regarded as America’s flagship theatre for young people and families, setting standards of excellence in the quality of its productions, commitment to new work, rigorous theatre arts training programs and innovative education and community partnerships. CTC premiered the first stage version of Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical in 1994. CTC is led by Artistic Director Peter C. Brosius and Managing Director Kimberly Motes. In 2003, CTC was honored with the Tony® Award for Outstanding Regional Theatre.
BOND THEATRICAL (Tour Booking, Marketing & Publicity). is an independentlyowned theatrical booking, marketing and publicity company representing award-winning Broadway shows and live entertainment properties. BOND connects
artists and audiences by forming strategic, authentic and profitable partnerships between producers and presenters across North America. For a complete list of current projects, please visit BondTheatrical.com
KORI PRIOR (Executive Producer) has 20+ years of experience in almost every aspect of theatrical production, operations, human resources, business development, producing and administration. Having joined Blue Man Group in its infancy, Kori has had the opportunity to contribute to the development and expansion of a brand from a small Off-Broadway production to a worldwide theatrical phenomenon. Kori has mounted several productions including National Tours, World Tours, and multiple long-running shows in the US and abroad. She has served as Executive Producer for The Phantom of the Opera World Tour and Tootsie among others. She is a certified executive coach, who brings a wealth of executive management and leadership skills to TROIKA Entertainment.
TROIKA ENTERTAINMENT (Producer & Tour Management). For more than 30 years, TROIKA Entertainment has been producing, managing, booking, and bringing the Broadway experience to audiences in over 450 markets throughout the United States and around the world. Theatre is, at its heart, a profession of people. We believe diversity makes us stronger and we’re committed to being a company that creates an inclusive, global, and welcoming home for all our touring companies, partners, and employees. Current and upcoming productions include Annie, CATS, Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical, My Fair Lady, The Phantom Of The Opera, and Tootsie. www.troika.com
Dr Seuss Enterprises, LP
President Susan Brandt Legal Representation Millie Basden, Karl Zobell, Esq, DLA Piper
Assistant General Manager Emily Miu
Assistant Company Manager Christina Samanie
Chad Eric Murnane, CSA Amber Snead, CSA
Temah Higgins Mollie Mann Wendy Roberts Megan Savage Madison St. Amour Yoomi Kim
TOUR MARKETING & PUBLICITY DJ Martin Marc Viscardi Bailey Ford Elisabeth Reyes
Assistant Production Manager
Drew Neitzey
Director of Operations Melanie Cahill
Director of Engagements Barrett Newman
Senior Production Accountant Sheila Lewis
Production Accountant
Travis Huebel Staff Accountant Electra Walker Office Manager Shaquille Stewart Warehouse Manager Coree Howard
For Running Subway
James Sanna Executive Producer Jayna Neagle
Producer Mark Lach VP of Finance Kelly Donnoe
VP Marketing Katie Vance Forte
Marketing Director Jeanna Chin
Manager of Exhibitions Jillian Clark Production Associate Caroline Petkovic
Director of Sales
Peter Waugh
Sr. Marketing & Sales Coordinator Lucy Leggett General Council Ken Munoz
Jay Johnson, Zoe Szcotka, Terra Troxell, Jemila Swaby and the other Joshua Rosenblum
Lighting Provided by 4Wall Entertainment, Inc. Sound Provided by Masque Sound. Show control and motion control featuring stage command systems by PRG-Scenic Technologies, a division of Production Resource Group, LLC., New Windsor, NY. Trucking by Janco
Backstage and Front of the House Employees are represented by the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (or I.A.T.S.E.).
The Director and/or Choreographer is a member of the Stage Directors and Choreographers Society, a national theatrical labor union.
Production Stage Manager
Brigham Johnson Assistant Stage Manager Kali Ashurst
Associate Director Ava Spanier
Associate Lighting Designer Brandon Rosen
Production Sound Jason O’Neal
Costumes/Head Wardrobe Sarah Smith
Hair Coordinator April Spain
Keyboard Programmer Jim Harp
Head Carpenter Jason Evans
Assistant Carpenter Ceili Hesselgrave
Production Electrician Matthew Brehm
Head Electrician Quanikqua "Q" Bryant
Assistant Electrician Amanda Short Head Audio Marcus Myler
Assistant Audio Noah Dettman Head Props Matthew Woodside
Assistant Props Michael Donovan
Head Wardrobe Amanda Levens
Assistant Wardrobe Emily Bloomer Head Hair/Makeup Sarah Tyler Assistant Hair/Makeup Brieana Spriull Dance Captain Katie McConaughy Tutor/Wrangler Emily Ostrin
Production Assistant
United Scenic Artists represents the designers and scenic painters for the American Theatre.
Rehearsal Pianist
Jordan Jones-Reese Physical Therapy NEURO TOUR Physical Therapy
Tour Marketing & Publicity Direction
BOND Theatrical/ Jenny Bates, Phillip Aleman, Melissa Cohen, Steph Kelleher, Hannah Wallace, Simon Rosales, Janiya Wade, Jacob Stuckelman
Employee Benefits PEOPLE, Inc.
Insurance The Arts Insurance Program, LLC. Tour Housing & Transportation Provided By Road Rebel
Chief Executive Officer
Angela Rowles
Chief Operating Officer Kori Prior Vice President, Finance Brian Jacob Vice President, Marketing Michael Yuen-Killick General Counsel Sara Jane Baldwin General Managers
Tegan Meyer, Tyler Soltis, Andrew Terlizzi
General Management Assistant Emily Miu Director of Production Heather Chockley Production Manager Gregg Damanti Technical Supervisor Dave Burch
First Marion Kids Gann Family Christmas Trip
Guntown Middle School Gifted Class Sophie Wray & Friends
The Griswold’s
McCulloch Family
The Hughes Family Remi’s Birthday
Snuffin Family & Friends
Jumpertown Senior Class of 2022
Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland
Itawamba Agricultural High School
Friends of Tonya
Rhodes Family & Friends
McFarland Family Reidland Middle School Band & Choir
Jones Family & Friends
The Farms at Bailey Station
Wilkerson Family
McMasters Family
Memphis Sunrise Academy Barnhart Group
Jacqueline and Wes Angel
The Commercial Appeal
Ed and Nancy Barnett
John and Jeanie Burnside Crone Law Firm
Dean Film & Video, LLC
The Donaldson Family Eagle Contractors Evolve
The Farien Family First Horizon
Kirby and Glenn Floyd Monte Flowers Gant Systems
Nick and Tymikia Glenn
The Giannini Family Louise Hall
The Halsey Family
The Hankins Family I Heart Media
The Irwin Family
The Lilly Company
Brandy Marek with Weichert Realtors
Shannon and Beryl Brown
Wendy and Sophia McCrory
Miles Mason Family Law
Moore Management
The Mustang Fund nexAir Orion FCU
The Overall Family Susie and Kirk Peters
The Pickler Companies Ring Container Technologies Roadshow BMW/MINI
Michael and Christina Scarbrough Sedgwick
George and Susan Simmons Craig and Emily Shaw
Pat and Ron Solberg The Terral Family Ticketmaster
Robyn and Bill Walker Bonnie Walker and Scott Jones
The Whitaker Family Winston Wolfe
The Woodyard Family Pinnacle Financial Partners WREG
Sendak, Maurice. Diorama of Max's sea journey (Where the Wild Things Are), ship model. 1979-83 Credit line: The Morgan Library & Museum, Bequest of Maurice Sendak, 2013.103:58e.