Oscar Murray (2016) producing Margate

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/ Margate Observations

Producing Margate An Active Depository for Speculation and Realisation A sense of new beginning and developing times has washed up along the seasoned shoreline in Margate, South East England. With a relatively new influx of ‘city-folk’ from London, a rejuvenated dreamland and a contemporary gallery; the town is augmenting in many ways. Though the battered coastal town is still a great leap away from achieving perceived ‘dreamland’ status, it is certainly moving in a postive direction, but who is missing out? Unfortunately, a disfigured and inexperienced council is running the show at this crucial point in Margate’s timeline. Fortunately there is much evidence of active members producing and contributing to positive action for the town, bringing together people (old and new) who are attempting to discover a new Margate. There is a need for organising of these groups and ideas, a means for building and growing together with everyone. The borough of Thanet has a diverse population and a comparitvely high percentage of low income and wealth. The propserity that is suggested to flow into Margate requires deep thought and research by the people of the town, and will need a platform for this transition to try to ensure and inform it’s success. The site of the old Thanet Print Press is located near the town centre of Margate and used to provide 70 jobs to the residents. It contains a collection of extensions, renditions and styles boasting a large site and good links to multiple areas of the town. This has attracted two (unsuccesful) large development planning applications in the past three years for multiple small residential flats. This is interesting because both applications were met by fierce opposition of the residents which has demonstrated not only the evident activism but also a desire for this site to be utilised properly. There is currently a pre-app going in by a local design collective for a multi-purpose development of the site with shops and artists studios.

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