5-2 Concept Brainstorm. Case: MasterPeace India/Pakistan.

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5-2 Concept Brainstorm Case: Masterpeace India/Pakistan


While brainstorming, Oscar suggested a technique he had learned at his home university. The technique is called 5-2, and revolves around coming up with as many concept ideas as possible in the shortest amount of time. Every member of the team puts 5 rows or columns on a piece of paper, and then proceed to write down 5 ideas, one in each row/column. The team decides on a time frame within which the ideas must be written down. This incentivises the members to not overthink things, but rather just write the first things that come to mind. When the first 5 ideas are put down, every member passes their paper to the right, and proceed to write down 10 new ideas (one for each previous idea) based on the ideas they recieved from their neighbour. This cycle continues until everyone has brainstormed on all the ideas, and finally everyone goes through all the ideas individually and marks the one they really like, to continue working on and evolving into real concepts.



A lot of ideas were generated. As is common with this technique, some are good and others are awful. The point of it is however to turn off all inhibitions and just let the creative juices flow.

Top concept ideas:

In the end, the project team could agree on 10 ideas that where selected to be worked further on.

• “Letters”

• “Real life building” • “A day in the life of…” • “Virtual interaction” • “Kashmir land” • “Barriers” • “Togetherness” • “Real life interaction” • “Neighbours”

Oscar Manfred - 1685299

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