Personal learning objectives Case: Masterpeace India/Pakistan
Personal learning objectives VERA KUSUMAWIDJAJA
1. My personal goals for this project 2. What are you going to do in this project to demonstrate your competence.
RESEARCH & UNDERSTANDING 1. Within this project I will improve my research by using different methods than just deskresearch and encourage myself to meet the target group to fully understand the needs and specifications. 2. Based on the target group I will choose different methods that are less common than the ones I’ve used before in this study. I also want to challenge myself in making good plannings and manage the project.
1. Besides visualizing this is the competence that interests me, because I want to challenge myself to think more out of the box. Therefore i’m going to challenge my creativity and my group to use different brainstorming tools other than mindmapping and the standard tools.
1. I want to improve my technical skills and be able to create something that is unique. Thereby I want to learn how to cope with failure and it’s something you will learn from. Also, I want to work with different prototypes tools.
2. I’m going to gain in depth and knowledge and hope to get inspiration from my groupmates as well.
2. Use different prototypes and try to work with them.
1. I’m going to be more critical but based on arguments that can explain why the product does or doesn’t work. As said in ‘Research and understand’ I think the evaluation will improve if you visit the target group and meet them to test the product. It’s not just deskresearch.I’m going to do this by testing the concept through different media’s and people. 2. Connect with the target group and be critical.
3. Decisiveness I find it very difficult to chose between concept. Most of the time it feels like I have to shoot concepts that have potential and this is very difficult for me.
Personal learning objectives WILLEM VAN HELVOIRT
1. My personal goals for this project 2. What are you going to do in this project to demonstrate your competence.
RESEARCH & UNDERSTANDING 1. I want to learn how I can filter out unrelevant sources while doing research. 2. I want to learn how to segment my targetgroup in the best possible way. 1. I’ll show my competence by holding up a certain level of quality for all of my research.
1. I want to learn how to look furtherthen the first or the second idea andreally make that extra step that every teacher is always talking about.
1. I want to learn how I can speeden up the process of visualizing and prototyping without losing quality.
2. I want to learn how I can use different research and design methods in mybenefit while concepting 1. I’ll show my competence by making the extra steps in my concepts, needed to make it special.
1. I’ll show my competence by holding up acertain level of quality in all my prototypes and visuals.
1, I want to learn how i can give the best possible feedback to my teammates. 2. I want to learn how I can evaluate my work with a professional view. 1. I’ll show my competence of evaluating by giving good solutions and feedback while evaluating.
Personal learning objectives MELLE MEIJER
1. My personal goals for this project 2. What are you going to do in this project to demonstrate your competence.
RESEARCH & UNDERSTANDING To create good work where I have a lot of imput. Show initiative. Doing reseach that is usefull, write good conclusion. Knowing what te research what about. Know what I did. That I know what im doing and have an overvieuw.
Come up with creative ideas that people can build on. Also the other way around.
Still have te overvieuw how everything has to looklike. Make visuals by mysefl that looks good.
Go further on ideas from others.
Knowing what can be better next time. Being happy with what I did during this project. Do something with feedback from others. When I feel I don’t I don’t like the way I working on the project, being able to make it better.
Personal learning objectives SANNE KAMLAG
1. My personal goals for this project 2. What are you going to do in this project to demonstrate your competence.
RESEARCH & UNDERSTANDING My personal goals is to understand APA completly. I find it difficult to apply it to the research. Also I want to use more facts or graphics from websites to make my point clear and learn how to make my research more based on clear facts.
Create clear and usefull ideas instead of only being creative. Make more concepts together and learn how to merge different ideas.
I am not that good in Visualizing. The thing I really want to learn is how to be afficient while working on a prototype or visual and make a thougth into a visual or prototype.
Learn how to give critic about my own work and of others. Be able to see when something does not fit with the concept and know more about the prototyping so I can see when something is wrong.
Personal learning objectives OSCAR MANFRED
1. My personal goals for this project 2. What are you going to do in this project to demonstrate your competence.
RESEARCH & UNDERSTANDING 1. I want to be able to work with concepting and design with an intercultural perspective, and therefor I want to research and dig into foreign cultures in an attempt to really understand the target group. 2. I’m going to use well researched sources, make reasonable conclusions and provide a well written and understandable background for the case.
1. I wish to be able to contribute by coming up with and developing strong, creative ideas and turning them into well working concepts.
1. I want to create visually appealing products, that are all feasible for the certain cultural context in India and Pakistan.
2. I’m going to be active and open-minded during brainstorming sessions, and approach every idea with a mindset that they are possiblities, not obstacles.
2. I’m going bring my own touch to the designing part of things, so that we together as a team can come up with the best final result.
Evaluate: 1. I basically want to be able to pinpoint the stages of this project that didn’t go too well, and the stages that did go well. In this way, I’ll be able to analyze whatever it was I did or didn’t do that made a specific outcome. 2. By being critical of my own performance, and trying to see past the fact that “it just didn’t go well”, and by putting my finding into text.
Personal learning objectives BO KYUNG KU
1. My personal goals for this project 2. What are you going to do in this project to demonstrate your competence.
RESEARCH & UNDERSTANDING Figuar out and understand what is the most important requirement on a briefing. It`s significant to understand what client wants,because it`s just nothing if there is perfect outcome but not correspond to what clientwanted. I anticipate that I can d emonstrate how well I catched up on a debriefing.
Get some ability during building a concept. Meditate what client wants and target group`s character, because I think that conceptualizing is the way to approach target group.
My aim is expressing well that other people understand well. Not understanding for just me, for everyone. It is going to present on a sketch and prototype field.
I want to get some ability on a process,how to progress on doing project. There is rare chance to learn process in Korea, so it will be a great opportunity to me.I hope that I can show you during all project .
I think that I can show you on aconcepting area and how well the target group accept our team`s concept.
Melle Meijer - 1645212 Sanne Kamlag - 1638296 Vera Kusumawidjaja - 1616386 Willem van Helvoirt - 1643155 Oscar Manfred - 1685299 Bokyung Ku - 1684961