Gourmet News • June 2023

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FEATURED PRODUCT: Stonewall Kitchen




FEATURED PRODUCT: Jake’s Nut Roasters



Innovative Lug EEASY Lid Promises to Make Products More Accessible to Consumers

Who hasn’t struggled to open a vacuum-sealed jar? From tapping the lid with a knife, banging it on a counter, heating it, freezing it to using one of innumerable jar openers before giving up, it’s safe to say that most of us have – and have numerous gadgets we bought to open jars in the kitchen junk drawer

“It took them over 10 years, ” said Brandon Bach, Jim Bach’s son and president of Consumer

to is called the EEASY Lid, which CCT hails as “the first jar lid innovation in over 75 years ”

The path that led to EEASY Lid began when Stodd heard how a cancer sur vivor struggled to open jars, but the experience is much larger and more global than that

Partnership Seeks To Boost Access To Fruits, Veggies

Pair wise and Partnership for a Healthier America have entered into a three-year partnership to support a joint goal of increasing access to healthy, fresh and affordable food


• Dollar Stores Converges Traditional Grocer y Through New Stores, Increased Shopping


• ADM, Believer Meats to Propel Development, Commercialization of Cultivated Meat Products


• US Patent Trial and Appeals Board Rules in Favor of Meat Industr y on Curing Agents


• Featured Products

• Advertiser Index PAGE 22

Then someone had the brilliant idea that perhaps the industr y doesn’t need more jar openers It needs a better lid That’s easier said than done, which two men who set out to invent a better lid – Jim Bach and Pete Stodd


Convenience Technologies “It was quite an adventure bringing this to market ”

The product that Bach referred

“In the world’s population itself, out of 8 billion people, 1 billion have some sort of disability,” Brandon Bach said “In the U S population, 19 percent

Continued on PAGE 15

Social Brew Blends Gourmet Coffee, Serious Mission to ‘Awaken’ People

eventually led her to create a gourmet coffee company with a serious mission

“I was born in Colorado and grew up all over the world,” said Ispahani, CEO and founder of Social Brew, whose journeys include such countries as the Netherlands, Australia and Hawaii “It’s been a huge blessing and a privilege to me Travel-

ing really expands your perspective on other people It makes you more adaptable and just more open minded and open to new experiences ”

Social Brew takes advantage of Ispahani’s home of choice: Hawaii There are four coffee products so far: Kona, Waialua, Hawaiian Blend and Decaf Brazil

The Kona is 100 percent single-origin, a mild Arabica with a

Continued on PAGE 18

For 1 in 6 Americans, healthy, fresh food is either too expensive, too far away or both, according to the U S Department of Agriculture Pair wise is working to change that, through both its support of PHA and its overarching mission to drive change within America’s food system by leveraging CRISPR and other technology to bring tastier, more nutritious or more convenient produce to market

Pair wise’s first food product, Conscious Greens, will launch later this year in both the foodservice and retail channels

“We are pleased to partner with PHA, whose impactful work aligns so closely with the Pairwise vision of reducing barriers to fruit and vegetable consumption,” said Tom Adams, cofounder and CEO at Pair wise “The challenge of ensuring access to healthy food is multifaceted and complex

“At Pair wise, we are using technology to reduce barriers to

Continued on PAGE 18

Premier Craft Beverage Equipment Suppliers Merge in $100M Deal

Lotus Beverage Alliance, a collective of experienced craft beverage equipment manufacturing companies, has officially launched as a company Six leading American craft beverage equipment suppliers have merged in a $100 million deal to create Lotus Beverage Alliance

The combined capabilities of Lotus Beverage Alliance will enable beverage manufacturers of all sizes to access the most comprehensive array of products spanning ever y step of production for craft beer, wine, hard cider, spirits, cold brew coffee,

ready-to-drink cocktails, kombucha, CBD/THC-infused drinks and sake beverages

The six merged companies –Alpha Brewing Operations, GW Kent, Twin Monkeys, Stout Tanks and Kettles, Brewmation and Automated Extractions – are leaders in craft beverage equipment manufacturing and offer essential infrastructure and technology for diversifying the craft beverage industry

The five founders of the six companies will remain in senior leadership positions at Lotus: Matt Rennerfeldt, John Watt,

Kevin Weaver, Josh Van Riper and Randy Reichwage John Ansbro, an industr y veteran with more than 30 years of experience in equipment manufacturing, was named chief executive officer Ansbro has held senior executive positions at Alfa Laval, Johnson Controls, and the GEA Group

“Lotus has ever ything craft beverage creators need to produce the amazing artisanal products they love, for people who love them,” Ansbro said “Our team’s proven industr y experience includes a deep bench of ex-

perts helping to optimize the production of handcrafted beverages for consumers to enjoy ”

Lotus Beverage Alliance brings these leading equipment makers under one roof to become the only end-to-end provider dedicated to crafting possibilities for beverage makers, from nationally distributed beverage purveyors to the ever yday craft enthusiast Lotus Beverage Alliance produces more than 1,500 top-shelf products, including turn-key brewhouse production equipment,

Continued on PAGE 17

VOLUME 88 • NUMBER 6 JUNE 2023 • $7.00
T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S T R Y ®
www gourmetnews com
Cake (and Snacks) in New Products
Seed to Sizzle: Plant-Based Meat Market Set to Bloom to $15B by ‘28, Study Shows
Barr y Callebaut Ruby Chocolate Takes the
Let’s Make a Deal: Americans Love to Save; Coupon Use, Loyalty Programs Popular


Ta l k i n g t o B r a n d o n B a c h o f E E A S Y L i d rem i n d e d m e o f a l l t h e t i m e s t h a t m y s i b l i n g s a n d I h e l p e d o u r p e t i t e m o t h e r o p e n j a r s a n d re a c h f o r p ro d u c t s i n t h e c u p b o a rd s M y m o m s t o o d a l l o f 5 - f o o t - 2 a n d b y t h e t i m e w e re a c h e d o u r t e e n s , m y b ro t h e r, s i s t e r a n d I w e re a l l t a l l e r t h a n s h e w a s I h a d a re p u t a t i o n i n m y f a m i l y f o r h a v i n g a g o o d g r i p – m a y b e i t was all that tennis I loved to play – and since I was the youngest a n d l a s t t o l e a v e t h e h o u s e , I s u p p o s e I d i d m o re t h a n m y s h a re o f o p e n i n g s t u b b o r n j a r s f o r h e r a n d re a c h e d u p i n t o t h e c u pboards But it all worked out because I was the main taste tester, t o o , i n c h a rg e o f t e l l i n g h e r w h a t w a s m i s s i n g i n w h a t e v e r s h e w a s c o o k i n g

But I admit that on my own, I’ve had my share of stubborn jar lids I threw out a jar of salsa because it refused to open and I was almost at the point of breaking the darn thing to get the salsa out So when I heard about the EEASY Lid, I was fascinated to hear about the process that sounds so simple and solves a real-life problem I think most of us experience at one time or another Plus, I come from a long line of engineers, so it fascinates me to learn the engineering of a product Maybe I should write to that salsa company and ask that they adopt the EEASY Lid?

I suggested to Brandon Bach that maybe next time they could figure out how to open those hermetically sealed plastic packages that require something close to a chainsaw to open And I have two Ter vis tumblers that don’t seem to want to part from each other Ah, life’s complexities!

You’ve heard me say more than a few times the phrase, “One of

the things I love about my job ” and here’s another one: One of the things I love about my job is being able to have direct communication with people in the industry who are creators of their product It’s hard enough to come up with a product that you ’ re sure is going to disrupt the industry, but harder still to run the company that brings it to market We all know that I respect that Then, on top of all that, there are so many who attach humanitarian or environmental missions to their companies and products, not because it’s required, but taken on with honesty and a desire to make our world better

So when I heard about Simone Ispahani’s Social Brew, I knew I wanted to talk to her Not only is it fun to talk about gourmet coffee, but I wanted to know what drove her to create a specialty food company with a product that many people feel passionate about and combine that with her desire to combat the serious social issue of human trafficking It’s not every day you hear “gourmet coffee” and “human trafficking” in the same breath

Last month, we featured Silver Fern Farms and its success toward net carbon zero Regrettably, I bungled some numbers For the record, Silver Fern Farms is New Zealand’s largest grass-fed lamb, beef and venison producer, striving to set the world standard in red meat Starting as a small farmer co-operative in 1948, Silver Fern Farms produces 30 percent of the lamb, beef and venison in New Zealand in partnership with 16,000 farmers and exports to more than 60 countries Apologies to our friends at Silver Fern Farms GN


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Sorghum Bran Enhances Gluten-Free Bread’s Nutritional Value, Keeping All of the Flavor

Sorghum bran, often a low-cost byproduct of sorghum milling, can enhance glutenfree bread’s nutritional value without compromising its flavor, according to a study published in the Journal of Food Science

While gluten-free foods are in demand to meet consumers ’ medical needs and dietary preferences, these foods sometimes are deficient in nutrients and lack taste and texture that appeals to consumers In gluten-free bread, wheat flour is typically replaced with refined flour and starches from other sources Adding dietary fiber, a carbohydrate found in whole grains that has important health benefits, to glutenfree bread can lead to a hard texture and more rapid staling

To find solutions to these challenges, U S Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural

Research Service researchers studied sumac sorghum bran, classified as a brown tannincontaining variety with antioxidant properties and dietary fiber, as a possible substitute for wheat flour in gluten-free bread

“In our study, we used optimization models to create a gluten-free bread with enhanced dietary fiber while preserving other desirable bread attributes such as color, texture and flavor,” said Ryan Ardoin, research food technologist at ARS’s Food Processing and Sensory Quality Research Unit in New Orleans “This meant finding the optimal amount of sumac sorghum bran to use in the bread to get the nutritional benefits without compromising taste and texture ”

Ardoin and Brennan Smith along with researchers Fadi Aramouni and Scott Bean from ARS’s Grain Quality and Structure

Research Unit in Manhattan, Kan , conducted taste tests and asked consumers to rate different breads with and without the sorghum bran

“We found that people liked the glutenfree bread that contains 14 2 percent sumac sorghum bran and would be just as willing to buy this bread,” said Ardoin “There was no difference in perceived bitterness found between the bread with and without the sorghum bran ”

Ardoin, whose work involves novel food development and sensory evaluation, said making foods appealing to the senses is important People seek gluten-free food options and prefer foods with a similar flavor and texture as their gluten-containing counterparts

According to the National Institutes of

Health, about 2 million people in the United States have celiac disease, an autoimmune condition, and must avoid dietary gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley Additionally, more than 20 percent of U S consumers purchase glutenfree products without a medical reason

“The potential health benefits provided by tannin-containing sorghum bran in gluten-free foods can benefit consumers who must avoid gluten as well as those seeking other food options,” said Ardoin

The Agricultural Research Service is the U S Department of Agriculture’s chief scientific in-house research agency Daily, ARS focuses on solutions to agricultural problems affecting America Each dollar invested in U S agricultural research results in $20 of economic impact GN

Helbiz Expands Ghost Kitchen to New York City

38th street This expansion confirms

Helbiz Kitchen’s increasing presence across the United States, as it brings its culinary offerings for the first time to the East Coast

In New York, Helbiz Kitchen will leverage its existing customer base from the Wheels long-term vehicle rentals, making the city another market in North America where the company oper-

ates both vehicle rentals and now food delivery

Helbiz Kitchen aims to deliver exceptional culinary experiences by curating a selection of premium food options that reflect the diverse tastes of a community With a focus on artisanal ingredients and innovative recipes, the New York City location will enhance the existing culinary landscape and showcase the Helbiz Kitchen brand’s commitment to quality, as seen in its other locations such as Los Angeles and Santa Monica in California as well as Austin

“We are proud to bring Helbiz Kitchen to the East Coast and the community of New York City,” said Gian Luca Spriano,

CEO “Our goal is to become a valued addition to the city’s vibrant food scene and continue our growth trajectory in key markets across the nation ”

The first three brands available at the New York City location include Burger & Sons, Pokaii and What the Farm Customers can place orders from these brands through the Kitchen United MIX App, onsite kiosks and popular third-party apps such as UberEats, DoorDash and GrubHub

Helbiz Kitchen is committed to further growth and plans to expand its operations to one additional location in New York City and other key markets across the country in the near future GN

New Sweetpass Loyalty Program Rewards sweetgreen Customers on Different Levels

Plant-forward restaurant brand sweetgreen has launched Sweetpass, its first loyalty program in two years Developed as a twotiered model, customers can choose which membership level works best for them, for a personalized experience that rewards them with free sweetgreen and more

Over the last year, sweetgreen tested various loyalty initiatives with customers and found they wanted new ways to earn menu discounts, as well as access to lifestyle-driven experiences with the brand These learnings shaped the program launching nationwide today, which offers personalized benefits through Sweetpass or Sweetpass+

Sweetpass is sweetgreen’s free loyalty program that offers customers the ability to earn sweetgreen by opting in to personalized “challenges” as well as access to new menu items and limited edition merch drops that will be exclusively available to sweetpass members

Sweetpass+ is a $10 per month membership that rewards loyalists with $3 off daily sweetgreen orders, priority sweetgreen support, delivery perks, premier access to merch drops and exclusive sweetgreen experiences Sweetgreen ran a pilot of this program in January 2022 and based on strong customer demand and feedback, it is officially making it part of the program

As a lifestyle component to the program, sweetgreen is also launching its new online merch store called The Market, debuting apparel, accessories and gear Sweetgreen will release its first collection in a series of weekly drops, with a new item joining The Market each week

As a perk for signing up to Sweetpass, members will get first access to shop the collection before it releases to the public

With sustainability in mind, Sweetpass+ members will also be given the opportu-

nity to redeem a Friends of Earth perk, inviting them to help select a carbon re-

“This next phase of loyalty is an exciting result from years of testing, iterating and listening to our customers, leading to a personalized program that further enhances their sweetgreen experience,” said sweetgreen cofounder and CEO, Jonathan Neman “With Sweetpass, customers can more frequently access delicious, craveable food that feels good and fuels a healthy lifestyle ”

duction partner At the end of the year, sweetgreen will take into account these submissions when choosing an organization to donate to The brand has released its first Impact Report, showing progress toward reaching its carbon neutrality goal

Customers will be able to access Sweetpass and Sweetpass+ through a dedicated section in the sweetgreen app and through sweetgreen’s website, where rewards can be redeemed upon checkout when applicable Customers can also stay up to date on Sweetpass exclusive menu releases, drops and collaborations taking place throughout the year through the app, website and Instagram GN

Helbiz Kitchen Inc , has opened its first ghost kitchen in New York City, located at West

Barr y Callebaut Ruby Chocolate Takes The Cake (and Snacks) in New Products

This news is too delicious to save for dessert: Barr y Callebaut is expanding it ruby chocolate, unlocking new segments of bakery and snacks with the ruby baking chocolate chip to its North American portfolio The ruby chip will fall into the premium categor y of Barr y Callebaut’s comprehensive Intense Indulgence solutions portfolio, which represents the attitude of customers who are dedicated to enjoying life to the fullest and seeking products that are a feast for the eyes and taste buds

So dreams do come true!

The expansion sends a strong signal to the industr y and customers of Barry Callebaut’s longstanding enthusiasm for ruby chocolate –ensuring there are a range of solutions to meet all customer segments including confectionery, ice cream and now, bakery and snacks

Muffin with Sweet Glaze Mix

“We like to say the Krusteaz brand is ‘by makers for makers,’ and we are sure these new products will continue to ignite moments of joy and possibility for families in their home kitchens,” said Andy Heily, president and CEO “Our products give consumers the confidence and power to bring any idea to life with quick and customizable mixes ”

with clean, better-for-you ingredients and mind-blowing tastes and textures,” said co-founder and CEO of Countr y Archer Provisions, Eugene Kang “Based on the over whelming love for our zero-sugar jerky line and grass-fed meat sticks, we wanted to create a smoked sausage line that has that nostalgic campfire taste and meaty texture with the same benefits of having no sugar or the questionable ingredients you typically find in other sausages ”

product, Bobbie Organic, launched in 2021, making it the first and only USDAand EU-certified organic infant formula without palm or soy oil

Both Bobbie’s Organic Formula and its new Organic Gentle are nutritionally complete, comply with all FDA requirements and meet several benchmark EU guidelines – including for iron and DHA

“Ruby Chocolate continues to set Barry Callebaut apart as a leading innovator in the confectioner y industr y, ” said Steve Woolley, president & CEO Americas “We are excited to enter the baking and snack segments with our North American rollout of the ruby chocolate chip and continue expanding our Intense Indulgence portfolio to bring unique and unprecedented products to our customers ”

Ruby chocolate, which had been in the making for more than 10 years before its debut in 2017, could be one of the biggest breakthroughs in the confectionery industry in decades Ruby is an intense sensorial delight with the unique combination of berry fruitiness and luscious smoothness The precursors of the fresh berr y fruitiness and color tone are naturally present in the ruby cocoa beans With no color or flavor added, the bean unlocks the flavor and color naturally present in ruby Ruby cocoa beans are 100 percent sustainably sourced and are Cocoa Horizons certified Food manufacturers will be able to expand their new product offerings by leveraging Barry Callebaut’s ruby chocolate portfolio, including the chocolate baking chip

While we ’ re on a sweetness run, Krusteaz teases our taste buds with its new Cinnamon Churro Belgian Waffle Mix and Vanilla Pound Cake Mix, plus two new gluten-free mixes – Gluten-Free Meyer Lemon Bar Mix and Gluten-Free Vanilla

Krusteaz Churro Belgian Waffle Mix is an irresistible combination of cinnamon and sugar over a fluffy Belgian waffle – perfect for all churro fans who want a sweet, convenient and delicious option for breakfast, dessert or any time of day

Krusteaz Vanilla Pound Cake Mix features a classic and fluffy cake with a rich vanilla taste with tons of versatility Serve it with the included Sweet Glaze mix or top it with butter and fresh fruit

Krusteaz Gluten-Free Meyer

Lemon Bar is the gluten-free version of a fan favorite and will be a welcome pantry addition to those with gluten sensitivities or gluten-free preferences

Krusteaz Gluten-Free Vanilla Muffin is loaded with vanilla flavor, moist and simple to make for breakfast or dessert

These gluten-free additions join popular products including Krusteaz Gluten-Free Buttermilk Pancake Mix and Gluten-Free Honey Cornbread and Muffin Mix

Let’s not forget our savory tooth Country Archer lets us indulge in savory snacks without ingesting more sugar, bringing us the first and only better-for-you smoked sausages on the market Yes, please

Zero-Sugar Smoked Sausages are available in two flavors: Original and Fuego

Ever y Smoked Sausage batch is crafted from real ingredients including a premium blend of 100 percent grass-fed beef from pasture raised sources and 100 percent gourmet cuts of natural, antibiotic-free pork with no added preservatives, MSG, nitrites or nitrates

Original is a timeless blend of natural smoke and spices including cracked pepper and garlic for a classic and nostalgic campfire flavor Fuego is a fiery blend of red and white pepper, habanero and chili powder that delivers a warm kick for spice lovers The sausages have 9 grams of protein per serving, 0 grams sugar and 100 calories

On the milk side, we ’ ve got two new products to consider Bored Cow, a line of sustainable milk alternatives made with Perfect Day’s animal-free milk protein, has launched in Sprouts Farmers Market stores across the United States Bored Cow is the first brand and product line from Tomorrow Farms, a next-generation food technology company on a mission to fix the food system by building food and beverage brands that are better for people, kinder to animals and easier on the planet Sprouts is stocking all four of Bored Cow’s flavors: Original (32 ounces), Chocolate (11 ounces), Vanilla (11 ounces) and Strawberry (11 ounces)

Bored Cow products are dairy products, but they’re created without factory farming and with a fraction of the environmental footprint An excellent source of calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B12 with 8 grams of complete protein per cup (no lactose, cholesterol, hormones or antibiotics), Bored Cow has everything consumers love about conventional dairy and nothing they don’t

Bored Cow uses up to 96 percent less land, up to 67 percent less water and emits up to 44 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions than conventional and organic dairy milk

Bobbie Organic Gentle is the only American-manufactured, EU-style, organic tolerance product made with 100 percent partially hydrolyzed whey protein and 100 percent lactose as the carbohydrate source, a critical choice in a formula categor y flooded with corn syrup solids Bobbie’s intentional recipe was designed to bring parents a tolerance formula that features the same carbohydrate source – lactose – as breast milk

Bobbie Organic Gentle contains no palm oil or soy fat blend

Tolerance formulas are the second fastest-growing infant formula category with 9 percent year-overyear growth that is expected to surpass the routine category in the next five years, according to IRI Yet more than 90 percent of U S infant formulas in the tolerance categor y are lactose-reduced, meaning they include sugars like corn syrup, rice syrup and maltodextrin instead of the carbohydrate predominantly found in breast milk – lactose

There is a myth that if a baby doesn’t tolerate a routine formula that they are lactose intolerant, when it’s the size of the milk protein that is often the culprit Babies are biologically primed to digest lactose, and a true lactose intolerance occurs in less than 1 percent of babies, according to research

Bobbie’s tolerance infant formula is formulated to support easy digestion, fussiness, gas and cr ying with 100 percent partially hydrolyzed whey as the protein source and 100 percent lactose as the carbohydrate source, like that found in breast milk Research suggests a benefit of partially hydrolyzed formulas in supporting improved tolerance over routine formulas

They are described as delivering a smokey, savory, satisfying snacking experience in a bite-sized format Countr y Archer ZeroSugar Smoked Sausages are available nationwide

“Our mission at Countr y Archer is to deliver a premium snacking experience,

For the younger set, another first: Bobbie Organic Gentle, a tolerance infant formula, is the only European Unionstyle organic tolerance product in the United States, made with 100 percent lactose as a carbohydrate source – with no corn syrup – and compliant with all FDA Nutrition and Quality Standards

Bobbie also has updated its flagship

“We knew that better ingredient choices were available, so we found a formula option for more sensitive tummies while preser ving the source of carbohydrate to be more like what is found in breast milk,” said Christina Berberich, scientist, pharmacist, dietitian and mother

“We believe that every ingredient matters Research shows that existing reduced or non-lactose formulas with corn syrup have potential impact on a baby’s gut microbiome development,

“As the only U S infant formula company founded and led by moms, we ’ re dedicated to the latest science and research


and refuse to accept the status quo because this product is for our babies, too ”

Like Bobbie’s flagship Organic formula, Bobbie Organic Gentle undergoes more than 2,000 quality checks before release Bobbie Organic Gentle Infant Formula has completed FDA review and is supported by clinical data

For parents who want to give their children an alternative to sugar-laden drinks, Hapi Water is a mouth-watering, sugar-free beverage that is now on Target shelves nationwide

“We’re excited that Target, one of the most iconic retailers in the countr y, has added Hapi Water to its curated selection of offerings,” said CEO Todd Fitzgerald “Target has established itself as a company that aims to inspire shoppers with products that offer joyful experiences, a shared value that was important in the development of Hapi Water

“Our partnership with Target advances our mission of making healthy and greattasting beverages available for families across the country ”

Hapi Water was created as a healthy alternative to the sugar y beverages many kids tend to drink Hapi Water has also become a go-to for adults, who are drawn to its great taste and healthy ingredients (they are delicious and hydrating!) With zero grams of sugar, a good source of Vitamin C and zero calories in ever y pouch, Hapi Water offers one of the healthiest flavored water products on the market

Target shoppers will be able to purchase Hapi Water beverages in three flavors: Pure Punch, Apple Joy and Grape D’Vine Hapi Water’s line fruit-flavored beverages also includes Sunny Strawberr y Kiwi Hapi Water comes in convenient 6-ounce pouches and is sold in boxes of eight

If you ’ re looking for something stronger, RD1 Spirits has expanded its Kentucky

bon Whiskey and 101-proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Finished With French Oak)

“RD1 is bent by curiosity to explore bourbon’s potential,” said CEO Mike Tetterton “RD1’s new wood-finished expressions can be summarized as classic Kentucky Straight Bourbon meets ‘what’s next ’ The end result is a unique tasting experience that allows you to explore your palate and what we like to call the bourbon frontier ”

RD1’s Small Batch Kentucky Straight Bourbon portfolio was crafted by eighth-generation Master Distiller Jacob Call, and aged and bottled in the state Within its portfolio, the three wood-finished expressions all have the same base bourbon, which is aged more than four years

The three expressions then spent up to several months aging with wood staves or wood blocks placed inside the barrel RD1 finished “to taste” with the goal of delivering a unique and memorable tasting experience

There are a couple of new products to add to our pantries

The Kraft Heinz Company launched Just Spices in the U S market one year after acquiring a majority stake in the business Just Spices is expected to be a critical growth driver for Kraft Heinz’s Taste Elevation business, which is focused on flavor enhancement, and is one of the company ’ s platforms for continued growth as outlined as part of its long-term strategy

“Just Spices will elevate the overall cooking experience for American families, just as it has done in Europe for nearly a decade,” said Carlos Abrams-Rivera, executive vice president and president, North America “Bringing together Just Spices’ highquality product, data and direct-toconsumer capabilities with Kraft Heinz’s scale and brand loyalty creates the perfect storm to disrupt the U S spice category as we know it ”

remaining sales through major grocery retailers both in-store and online in Germany, Spain, Austria, the United Kingdom and Switzerland

Just Spices’ approach to machine-learning product innovation is geared toward the needs of younger, flavor-forward families The brand’s advanced analytics allows

Cerignola Verde is a bright, eye-catching olive for restaurant menus, olive bars and deli repack Cured in the style of the Castelvetrano with light fermentation, Divina’s Cerignola Verde retains the firm, butter y bite and bright emerald color of the Castelvetrano with the stunning size of a classic Italian Cerignola, resulting in an aesthetically pleasing olive for charcuterie boards and cheese plates

Straight Bourbon portfolio in an effort to continue writing the next chapter of Lexington bourbon

RD1’s 110-proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey Finished With Brazilian Amburana Wood and its 99 9-proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey Double Finished In Oak and Maple Barrels join the two RD1 bourbons released in October 2022 (98-proof Kentucky Straight Bour-

Launched in 2014, Just Spices trailblazed the category with its 170-plus product portfolio that includes offerings for diverse meal occasions ranging from breakfast and light snacks to salads and baking, and a broad range of savory, sweet, classic and exotic flavors Just Spices’ growing business sells approximately 70 percent of its ready-made and one-step spice blends directly to consumers, with its

it to identify early consumer trends and flavor preferences by region, and based on consumer sentiment for these trends, Just Spices creates, customizes and optimizes its product line accordingly

“Just Spices blends have become household staples in many countries throughout Europe, and we ’ re thrilled to bring Americans the opportunity to cook with more creativity and flavor,” said Nadja Francis, U S general manager at Just Spices “Making a delicious homemade dish shouldn’t be complicated We take the guesswork out of cooking and meal-prepping any dish – whether it’s with our toppings, our

For grocery and specialty retailers, FOODMatch has released a marinated varietal line with a classic Greek Market Mix and Pitted Italian Olive Mix, as well as an innovative Chili Lime Frescatrano Olive, all available in a shelf-stable glass jar Divina is especially excited to share the Chili Lime Frescatrano with fans This trademark olive – an unfermented Halkidiki varietal that is known for its sweet, mild, butter y flavor – is marinated in a zesty, spicy chili lime brine The new products are available for distribution across the United States and most of North America

For mealtime, the online Italian grocery store Nicola’s Marketplace is celebrating the spring and summer months with ravioli flavors made fresh from seasonal ingredients Based in Kenilworth, N J , Italy-trained Chef Nicola DiGiorgio exclusively uses locally sourced produce from farms to make his artisanal pasta Each month, he uses peak-season vegetables to handcraft his specialty ravioli, which is then flash frozen and shipped sustainably to customers nationwide

Nicola’s Marketplace featured Ramp and Wild Mushroom Ravioli in May, releases Asparagus Ravioli this month and will showcase Zucchini and Garlic Scape Ravioli in July and Roasted Corn Ravioli in August

blends or our Allrounders

“We’re not selling ingredients; we ’ re selling meal solutions From the colorful labels to the versatile flavors and unique applications, consumers will never be bored in the kitchen again ”

Unlike many spice brands, Just Spices focuses solely on blends, creating three categories to match specific usage occasions without the need to invest in a pantry full of spice jars: Allrounders, Seasonings and Toppings The initial U S launch of Just Spices will include 10 of its community-favorite products: Chicken Allrounder, Vegetable Allrounder, Pasta Allrounder, BBQ Allrounder, Salmon Allrounder, Caprese Allrounder, Egg Topping, Avocado Topping, Fajita Seasoning and Enchilada Seasoning, available online

Last month, FOODMatch celebrated its eighth National Olive Day with the release of several products timed to herald the harvest of Kalamata olives

Available in bulk case packs of four 2 2-pound pouches, Divina

“Our authentic Italian identity, commitment to sustainability and freshness, and amazing flavors rely on locally sourced vegetables from New Jersey farms,” Nicola said “During the pandemic, when many people had moved from the New York/New Jersey area to other parts of the country, we received many requests from customers who said they couldn’t find ravioli that tasted as fresh as ours in their new hometowns

“We knew we had to meet the new national demand and Nicola’s Marketplace was born Now, loyal customers as far as Florida, Texas and the West Coast can enjoy our Jersey-fresh ravioli in all kinds of hard-to-find flavors ”

Nicola’s Marketplace will continue to highlight New Jersey’s produce bounty in the fall with ravioli flavors including Eggplant Caponata, Pumpkin and Butternut Squash GN


SmartSoda, Compass Group Partner on Workplace Wellness, Hydration

Smart Soda Holdings, Inc , a fast-growing wellness beverage technology brand, has formed a strategic partnership with Compass Group North America, the market leader in bringing break time solutions to workplaces, micro markets and office cafeterias throughout the country

“ We a re d e f i n i n g a n e w b e v e r a g e c a te g o r y w i t h t h e J u L i , ” s a i d S m a r t S o d a C E O L i o r S h a f i r “ E v e r y J u L i p e r s o n a li z e d b e v e r a g e b e g i n s w i t h a l k a l i n e m i ne r a l w a t e r a n d v i t a m i n i n f u s e d f l a v o r s , a n d t h e s i m p l e a n d e a s y t o u s e t o u c hs c re e n g u i d e s y o u t o t h e p e r f e c t b e v e r-

a g e o f f l a v o r, f u n c t i o n , a n d c a r b o n a t i o n – d e l i v e r i n g s p a r k l i n g w a t e r t o c o f f e e t o i c e d t e a , l e m o n a d e a n d e v e r y t h i n g i n b et w e e n ”

The JuLi uses recyclable bibs to deliver multiple flavors and varieties, ultimately reducing the need for cans and bottles With every JuLi purchased, SmartSoda will provide reusable tumblers

SmartSoda makes it easy to incorporate the JuLi into any setting with its built-in IoT technology, assuring continuous uptime and ease of maintenance With the connected technology of the JuLi, mainte-

nance and inventor y management has never been easier for office managers to deliver healthy beverage options that are customizable and taste amazing

The Compass partnership also provides real-time customer service and a national network of service technicians

S m a rt S o d a i s a w e l l n e s s b e v e r a g e p l a t -

f o r m f e a t u r i n g c l e a n

a n d w o r k p l a c e s T h e c o m p a n y i s

S m a r t Soda has offices in the U n i t e d

K i n g d o m and Canada and is positioned for massive expansion – both globally and locally SmartSoda works with Fortune 500 companies, corporate offices, convenience stores, micro markets and restaurants Its products are available through the largest foodservice companies and distributors GN

Global Spring Water Market Predicted To Generate $465.2B by 2031

The global spring water market is anticipated to garner a revenue of $465 2 billion and rise at a compound annual growth rate of 8 7 percent during the estimated period from 2022 to 2031, according to a report published by Research Dive

The increasing concerns of a wide variety of health issues caused by water contamination among individuals such as reproductive problems, neurological illnesses and gastrointestinal sickness are expected to foster the growth of the spring water market over the analysis period, according to the report The rising production of new water products ensuring the fundamental features of conventional water is expected to amplify the growth of the market during the forecast period

M o re o v e r, t h e r i s i n g a w a re n e s s o f t h e health benefits of spring water among ind i v i d u a l s , i n c re a s i n g d e m a n d f o r s p r i n g w a t e r i n t h e f o o d a n d b e v e r a g e b u s i n e s s

a n d v a r i o u s h e a l t h b e n e f i t s o f s p r i n g w a t e r d u e t o t h e h i g h p re s e n c e o f m i n e ra l s a re p re d i c t e d t o c re a t e m a s s i v e g ro w t h o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r t h e s p r i n g w a t e r m a r k e t o v e r t h e e s t i m a t e d t i m ef r a m e H o w e v e r, t h e h i g h c o s t o f s p r i n g w a t e r b o t t l e s m a y i m p e d e t h e g ro w t h o f t h e m a r k e t t h ro u g h o u t t h e a n a l y s i s p er i o d

The bottled sub-segment held the highest share of the market in 2021, according to the report, mainly because spring water is the most prevalent type of bottled water Moreover, the bottled spring water is nat-

urally filtered and ready to drink with no subsequent processing, which is predicted to bolster the growth of the market subsegment over the forecast period

The hypermarkets/supermarkets subsegment is expected to have the fastest growth over the estimated timeframe, the report states, mainly because supermarkets or hypermarkets have extensive grocer y store networks with a global client base These companies offer attractive discounts, doorstep delivery, quick accessibility and quick verification, which is expected to amplify the growth of the market sub-segment during the analysis period

The Europe region of the spring water market generated the biggest market share

in 2021 This is majorly due to the increased demand for spring water, increasing awareness of waterborne diseases, rapid urbanization, surging disposable income and rising health consciousness among people across the region The growing demand for functional water and the fast-rising organized retail sector in the region is expected to drive the regional growth of the market over the estimated period

Initially, the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic increased the demand for bottled water as consumers across the globe started storing water in anticipation of lockdowns and limited stocks However, the downfall of the tourism industry has decreased the sales of bottled water GN

Alkaline88 Gets Nationwide Distribution

In All Banners Operated by Kroger

Alkaline88 bottled alkaline water has earned full nationwide distribution within all banners operated by The Kroger Co , the nation’s largest grocer The Alkaline88 1-Gallon and 3-Liter will be added to a combined 1,141 points of distribution

The brand is expanding into five new divisions of Kroger across the country, including 130 Fred Meyer locations in the Pacific Northwest “Alkaline88 will now be available to shoppers in ever y Kroger Co banner across the countr y, ” said Frank Chessman, president and CEO of The Alkaline Water Company “Alkaline88 is the best-selling

bulk-sized enhanced water in the country by a wide margin

“Our products have performed strongly in Kroger for years With the expansion of

we ’ ve now earned full distribution throughout all Kroger banners nationwide, nearly 2,300 locations

rollout in Kroger, the largest supermarket operator in the country ”

our 1-Gallon and 3-Liter bottles to hundreds of new stores across five divisions,

“According to Nielsen data for Total US Food ending 1/28/23, our 1Gallon’s sales per distribution point for the last 52 weeks ranks seventh best out of the top-100 valuea d d e d - w a t e r SKUs,” Chessman said “That kind of categ o r y - l e a d i n g sales velocity means that ever y new placement adds up and that we can really take advantage of such a substantial new

The five new divisions began stocking the Alkaline88 1-Gallon and 3-Liter in late March The company anticipated full nationwide distribution across all Kroger Co banners to be completed by late April

Founded in 2012, The Alkaline Water Company is headquartered in Scottsdale, Ariz Its flagship product, Alkaline88, is a leading premier alkaline water brand available in bulk and single-ser ve sizes along with eco-friendly aluminum packaging options

With its innovative, state-of-the-art proprietary electrolysis process, Alkaline88 delivers perfect 8 8 pH alkaline drinking water with trace minerals and electrolytes and boasts a trademarked label “Clean Beverage ”

In 2021, The Alkaline Water Company welcomed Shaquille O’Neal to its board of advisors and to serve as the celebrity brand ambassador for Alkaline88 GN

, f u n c t i o n a l i n g re d ie n t s C r a f t e d w i t h a l k a l i n e w a t e r s e r v i n g u p 2 1 f l a v o r s , a n d o f f e r i n g d i s p e n s i n g o p t i o n s t o t h e f o o d s e r v i c e i n d u s t r y, cs t o re s ,
- I P O
P re

Global Gelatin Market Size Expected to Grow Up to $5.1B, Boosted by Clean-Label Claims

The global gelatin market size was valued at $3 7 billion by 2023, according to a report from MarketsandMarkets The gelatin industry is estimated to expand to $5 1 billion by 2028, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate of 6 6 percent over the projected period

The wider application scope, multiple functionalities and clean-label claim are eventually driving the global gelatin market growth

Consumers are increasingly demanding clean label food products that are free from artificial ingredients, according to the report Gelatin, being a natural ingredient, is gaining popularity as a clean label alternative to synthetic stabilizers and thickeners

There is an increasing demand for convenience food and beverages due to changing lifestyles, an increasing working population and consumers lacking the time and effort required to prepare homecooked food and are more inclined toward convenience food products, which, in general, are highly processed and lack essential nutrients, according to the report To counter these concerns, consumers increasingly prefer functional and fortified food & beverage products

Functional foods act as the perfect means for supplying essential micronutrients to the human body With the growing consumer awareness of food fortification and the rising demand for fortified food products, the demand for gelatin is growing at a higher rate Gelatin is majorly used in almost all food products as a functional ingredient

Demand for confectioner y products such as candies, chocolate bars, chewing gums and jellies is also rising The demand

for confectionery food is driven due to the rise in income levels, economic growth and demand for convenience foods

The United States will be ranked as the leading exporter of confectionery products in 2022, according to the U S Department of Agriculture Canada, Mexico and the European Union are the major exporting markets for confectionery products for the United States

Gelatin has varied applications in the food, pharmaceutical, and nutraceutical industries It is used as a functional ingredient in food, to manufacture hard and soft capsules, and as a protein supplement

However, gelatin is an animal by-product formed from the collagen of slaughtered animals, including the bones, hides, and hooves of cattle, pigs, fish and poultry Individuals with religious or dietar y restrictions that forbid the consumption of animal products are not willing to consume those products that use gelatin

For instance, pork and pork-derived products are strictly forbidden in Middle Eastern and Muslim communities Instead, consumers there prefer to consume halalcertified bovine-derived products Therefore, the market for gelatin manufactured by pork skin is negligible in these regions

Similarly, In India, the consumption of cattle-derived products is culturally forbidden; the Hindu community does not generally consume beef and beef-derived products Hence, in this countr y, porkbased gelatin is mostly consumed

In addition, the Jewish population looks for kosher-certified products Kosher guidelines also inhibit the consumption of pigs and pig-derived products These cultural and regional outlooks can sometimes

pose a restraint to the growth of the gelatin market

The animal source segment is anticipated to dominate the gelatin market in 2023 Gelatin is obtained through partial hydrolysis of collagen extracted from connective tissues, skin, tendons and bones of various animal sources such as marine, including fish and squid, mammalian, poultry and insects

It is widely used in food, health & nutrition, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and personal care and other industries

Commercial production of gelatin is majorly from bovine and porcine bones and hides

Marine-sourced gelatin (fish) is produced and applied on a small scale For instance, 41 percent of the global gelatin production is sourced from pig skin, 28 5 percent from bovine hides and 29 5 percent from bovine bones

The pharmaceuticals segment is projected to grow at the fastest rate among all the other applications in the gelatin market

The pharmaceutical segment is considered to be the fastest-growing segment due to an increase in the use of gelatin in medicines, hard and soft capsules, tablet coating, granulation, surgical sponges, tableting, microencapsulation and encapsulation It is also used in plastic surgery, wound care, orthopedics, dentistr y and cardiovascular practices Increasing instances of health and medical issues are mainly responsible for the overall growth in the usage of gelatin in medical applications

North America is the largest market for g

f o r c l e a n l a b e l a n d n a t u r a l f o o d i n g re d ients, functional foods and collagen-based p ro d u c t s T h e re g i o n h a s a h i g h c o nsumption of gelatin due to its widespread u s e i n t h e f o o d a n d b e v e r a g e i n d u s t r y a s a s t a b i l i z e r a n d t h i c k e n e r T h e re g i o n i s also witnessing a growing demand for die t a r y s u p p l e m e n t s a n d n u t r a c e u t i c a l s , which is driving the growth of the gelatin m a r k e t

Europe is another significant market for gelatin, with countries such as Germany, France and the United Kingdom being the major contributors The region’s growth is driven by the increasing demand for functional and fortified foods, clean label products and collagen-based products The regulatory framework in Europe is also favorable for the use of gelatin in food and beverage products, which is boosting the growth of the market in the region

Asia-Pacific is a rapidly growing market for gelatin, driven by the increasing demand for dietary supplements, functional foods and pharmaceuticals Countries such as China and India are witnessing a significant increase in the consumption of gelatin due to their large population and growing middle-class population with rising disposable incomes

Latin America and the Middle East and Africa are also emerging markets for gelatin, driven by the increasing demand for functional and fortified foods, dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals

O v e r a l l , t h e g e l a t i n m a r k e t i s e x p e c t e d t o w i t n e s s s t ro n g g ro w t h i n a l l re g i o n s , d r i v e n b y t h e i n c re a s i n g d e m a n d f o r c l e a n l a b e l a n d n a t u r a l f o o d i n g re d i e n t s , f u n c t i o n a l f o o d s a n d c o l l a g e n - b a s e d p ro d u c t s GN

Seed to Sizzle: Plant-Based Meat Market Set to Bloom to $15B by ‘28, Study Shows

Driven by consumers ’ preference for vegetarian alternatives due to growing concerns about their health and the welfare of animals, the global plant-based meat market is forecast to reach $15 billion by 2028, according to a Ken Research Study

Plant-based meat is composed of protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water –similar to meat derived from animals

Modern plant-based meat is similar to regular meat in terms of flavor, look and preparation

According to Research estimates, the global plant-based meat market, which was valued at around $3 billion in 2017 to reach nearly $7 billion by 2022, is expected to grow to more than $15 billion by 2028

The physical characteristics of typical meat products are mimicked in meat replacements, which also share their flavor, texture and look Plant-based meat was primarily created to replace or lessen

human reliance on animal meat

It is made from different kinds of materials such as soy, pea and wheat – some of the most commonly used raw ingredients for producing these foods Compared to meat from animals, it is considered to be healthier and more environmentally friendly

Consumer food choices are changing considerably on a global scale People are becoming more conscious of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and choosing a balanced approach to protein intake To ensure that they stay active and healthy for a long time, consumers are taking a proactive approach and increasing their protein intake

As a result, they are altering their eating patterns and increasing their intake of plant-based protein foods

Alternative proteins, such as meat replacements, are growing in popularity due to this reason, according to the study As a

turn expanding the plant-based meat market

Few plant-based meat products are much higher in contents like calories and saturated fatty acids which are considered quite harmful to the human body, according to the study

Products like plant-based burgers have high calorie and saturated fat levels in comparison to meat-based burgers The high salt content of the burgers may cause problems for the consumer ’ s heart The increasing use of these products could result in health problems, which impede the market’s ability to grow in terms of revenue, according to the study

result, consumers are increasingly adopting vegetarian or flexitarian diets to either eliminate or reduce their meat intake and so indirectly lower carbon footprints, in

Additionally, some plant-based meat substitutes are unhealthy due to their high processing levels, chemical additives, and fillers These elements could have an impact on the market expansion, the study found GN

l a t i n , d r i v e n b y t h e i n c re a s i n g d e m a n d

Let’s Make a Deal: Americans Love to Save; Coupon Use, Loyalty Programs Popular

With hit TV shows such as “Extreme Couponing,” which highlights Americans getting their shopping cart down to the pennies, and various national shopping events such as Black Friday and Amazon Prime Day, it’s no secret that Americans love a good deal, according to promotional products distributor Crestline Crestline set out to learn what Americans ’ shopping habits were and which state saves the most money

To calculate the savings, Crestline surveyed 2,343 Americans about how they save while shopping, including using coupons or loyalty programs and shopping around for deals Then it compiled results to see which states are most obsessed with deals and couponing as well as how and where Americans save the most:

• Mississippi, Alabama and Indiana practice the most saving strategies

• Nearly half (47 percent) will make trips to multiple grocer y stores to grab items that are on sale at each

• Half of Americans (51 percent) say they never pay full price for clothing and apparel

• When it comes to electronics, 1 in 3 Americans say they never pay full price

• To save money, 77 percent of Americans regularly shop clearance sections

With savings available for a wide range of products, Americans frequently use

coupons and shop deals to save money, especially when prices are higher than they used to be, according to Crestline The survey included not just clipping coupons or using coupon apps, but also loyalty accounts and cards Shopping for deals strategies included shopping around different stores for deals, shopping for clearance and waiting for an item to go on sale

Two neighboring states in the South ranked as first and second overall: Mississippi ranked as the top state that shops for deals and uses coupons and was closely trailed by Alabama

The states least likely to shop for deals and use coupons were Kansas, New Mexico, Nebraska, New Hampshire and Oklahoma

For the states that do like a good deal, the survey found that certain states prefer specific money-saving tactics

Kentucky loves its coupons Coupons come in many forms, and for a lot of folks, they love to stack the deals with a store coupon and one found online or in apps Whether they’re using online coupons or presenting a physical one in store, residents in Kentucky use more coupons than any other state

Arizona proves that loyalty pays off Loyalty cards and accounts are available at a wide range of retailers, even at high-end stores People use these accounts to gather points that can earn them a future dis-

count or in some cases a free item Signing up for these savings accounts is most done by residents in Arizona

Alabama hunts the deals Shopping around different stores can take some time, but saves a lot of money Store hopping to find the best deals is most common in Alabama

Iowa combs the clearance section

Whether they have too much inventory or moving on to a new season of items, most stores always have discounted goods Residents in Iowa shop clearance more than any other state

Utah waits for a sale With many national deal days in America, it’s very likely that a high ticket item will one day go on sale Waiting for an item to go on sale is most common for residents of Utah

Full price is never a good price for some items From groceries and electronics to clothing and household items, there are certain products Americans refuse to buy without some sort of discount The number one category where Americans always save is clothing and apparel Electronics came in second with groceries closely following in third place

In fact, saving money on groceries is so important that 47 percent will make trips to multiple grocery stores just to grab items that are on sale at each With grocery prices still high from inflation, it’s no surprise that

Bunge to Acquire Louisiana

they made the top three list of things Americans will never pay full price for

Gone are the days where the only option to save was to clip paper coupons and take them to the store With the digital age also came digital savings Nowadays, there are endless apps that help consumers save, keep track of loyalty accounts and give coupons for in-store and online purchases

These apps notify consumers of opportunities to save, especially since 44 percent of people are signed up for five or more loyalty/rewards programs

While 70 percent of people find coupons on the store’s app, other apps allow users to find coupons across several retailers When it comes to digital coupons, Americans shared the five apps and sites they use most: Honey, Groupon, Ibotta, RetailMeNot and Coupons com

Whether it’s by using coupons, shopping deals, or both, most Americans love to save money, the survey concluded

From Feb 15 to 27, Crestline surveyed 2,343 Americans about their shopping habits and use of coupons Due to insufficient data, the sur vey excluded Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming from the state analysis Respondents ranged in age from 18 to 76 years old and were 51 percent female, 47 percent male and 2 percent nonbinary GN

Newly Built

Multi-Oil Refiner y from Fuji Oil New Orleans

Bunge, through its Bunge Loders Croklaan JV with IOI Corporation Berhad, has entered into a definitive asset purchase agreement with Fuji Oil New Orleans, LLC to acquire its newly constructed, port-based refinery located in IMTT’s Avondale Terminal in Louisiana

The state-of-the-art facility has multi-oil refining capabilities and will enable Bunge to expand its existing customer base The

completion of the transaction is subject to customary closing conditions T h i s t r a n s a c t i o n w i l l p ro v i d e B u n g e w i t h a s c a l a b l e , c o m p l e m e n t a r y p o r tb a s e d f o o t p r i n t c a p a b l e o f c o n n e c t i n g N o rt h A m e r i c a n f o o d , f e e d a n d f u e l c u st o m e r s t o g l o b a l m a r k e t s B u n g e e x p e c t s t o s e r v e c u s t o m e r s w i t h t h e n e w l y a cq u i re d c a p a c i t y s t a r t i n g i n t h e s e c o n d q u a rt e r

“This acquisition delivers on our longterm strategy to expand our value-added oils business by accelerating reach across North America This facility will connect with our existing footprint and enable Bunge to better serve our customers,” said Aaron Buettner, Bunge’s president, food solutions

B u n g e p l a n s t o s i g n i f i c a n t l y e x p a n d t h e f a c i l i t y ’ s c u r re n t c a p a c i t y, c re a t i n g

Snack POS Lets Customers Add Tip on Customer-Facing Screen

Snack POS has released a feature that allows customers to add a tip directly on the customer-facing screen This feature aims to improve customer experience and make tipping easier and more convenient for customers, according to Snack POS With this feature, customers can now add a tip to their total bill amount right from the customer-facing screen, which eliminates the need for customers to ask for a separate receipt or find the appropriate section on the paper receipt to add a


The feature is simple and easy to use, according to Snack POS When the customer is ready to pay, the customer-facing screen will display the total amount due, along with options for adding a tip Customers can choose from preset tip percentages or enter a custom amount The tip amount is then added to the total bill, and the transaction is complete

“We are excited to offer this new feature to our customers,” said Shmuly Preizler,

CEO “We understand the importance of making the checkout process as seamless and efficient as possible, and we believe that adding a tip feature to the customerfacing screen is a step in the right direction ”

The tip feature is available to all Snack POS customers immediately and can be added to an existing system through a software update Snack POS is a leading provider of point-of-sale for restaurants of all sizes

“We are excited for the opportunity to continue to expand and grow, working alongside great local partners such as IMTT, who Bunge has had an 80-year partnership with storing and shipping vegetable oils in the Gulf,” said Brett Caplice, Bunge’s VP of refined and specialty oils in North America GN

n e w j o b o p p o rt u n i t i e s f o r t h e l o c a l c o mm u n i t y
Snack POS
a suite of
and features
that help
run more efficiently

Dollar Stores Converge Traditional Grocer y Through New Stores, Increased Shopping

Dollar stores continue to be the fastest growing retail channel today, both in terms of the number of new stores and the number of shopping visits The deep discount sector is also the fastest growing retail channel for food purchases, with an 89 7 percent increase between 2008 and 2020, according to the American Public Health Association

The sector is focused on growing grocery volume through increased store count and shopper visit frequency, with Dollar General adding more than 1,000 net new stores each of the last four years and Dollar Tree and Family Dollar averaging more than 100 each per year during the same period

New research from ChaseDesign, a category growth design firm, provides insight into how and why dollar stores are capturing a larger portion of shoppers’ grocer y spend and what that means for retailers of all channels and brand marketers

Grocer y is now the top categor y shopped in the sector, according to the 2023 ChaseDesign Dollar Store Channel Sur vey, followed by personal care and home goods While food and related categories are the most shopped at dollar stores, trips to these locations are most often fill-ins for immediate need and not

primary stock-up shops

“Where people buy their groceries today is evolving quickly,” said Joe Lampertius, president of ChaseDesign “Dollar stores are getting an increasing amount of their sales from packaged, fresh and frozen foods and they’re capturing those revenues from traditional retailers like supermarkets and mass merchants This emerging competition needs to be top of mind for those retailers as they strategize how, when and where to engage their shoppers ”

Lampertius said there is mainstreaming of dollar stores taking place In fact, shoppers say national brands are already about half of their purchases and they want more frozen foods (51 percent), more national brands (47 percent) and more beauty and personal care brands (35 percent) Rather than see these stores as a no-frills alternative to larger grocery stores, shoppers are looking for them to resemble their larger rivals more closely

“A key challenge retailers in this space need to overcome is the way their stores are organized and how categories are presented, as many customers find the experience challenging to navigate In fact, nearly three-quarters of respondents mentioned lack of organization, navigation and clutter as a challenge to their experience at

dollar stores,” said Lampertius

Additionally, the digital experience of dollar stores is seen as less central to the shopping experience A majority of shoppers never even use dollar store retailer shopping apps, nor do they order products online, which is quite different from the mainstream grocer y and mass channels

This is a clear area of opportunity for the major players in this channel

Other key findings from the 2023 ChaseDesign Dollar Store Channel Survey include:

• Dollar stores shoppers want more fresh and frozen foods (51 percent), national brands (47 percent) and beauty and personal care brands (35 percent)

• Dollar stores are often part of a repertoire when it comes to food purchases

• Seventy-two percent mentioned lack of organization, navigation and clutter/cleanliness as the top reasons they find shopping at dollar stores a challenging experience

• The most frequent shopping trips to dollar stores are fill-in and immediate need

• Typical transaction in the dollar store channel is $25 or less

• Majority of shoppers never use dollar store retailers’ apps: 15 to 22 percent (20 percent, average) didn’t know the stores

had an app; 35 to 70 percent (46 percent, average) never use their website (browser)

• Those shoppers using dollar store apps and/or websites are checking sales and specials, looking up product availability and price, using coupons or finding new products

• Shoppers say Dollar Tree is the easiest store to find items, while Dollar General is the easiest retailer to find items online and in the app

• Half of the shoppers sur veyed never order online with these retailers If they do, they’re picking up in store (36 percent)

• The top priorities for shoppers using a retailer’s app and website include having good categorization, ease of search and smooth operation of technology Yet 25 percent mentioned issues with finding products and product information, 24 percent mentioned bad overall experience and 23 percent mentioned technology problems like issues with searchability and glitches

ChaseDesign fielded an online survey in March 2023 through its proprietar y research platform, mPulse, amongst 1,000 consumers between the ages of 25 to 54 Respondents were screened to be the primary or secondary shopper in their households GN


ADM, Believer Meats to Propel Development, Commercialization of Cultivated Meat Products

ADM and Believer Meats have signed a non-exclusive memorandum of understanding to collaborate on new ways to propel the development and commercialization of cultivated meat products

“With a global population expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, ADM is working with partners across the value chain to meet food security and sustainability needs by expanding the protein ecosystem,” said Leticia Gonçalves, ADM’s president, global foods “Cultivated meat represents an exciting evolution and yet another way to meet long-term food security needs along with other traditional and novel sources of protein

“Seven in 10 consumers are aware of cultivated meat and with flexitarians representing more than half of consumers

globally, there is an important opportunity to continue to expand the universe of protein choices,” Gonçalves said “We’re proud to work with a true innovator like Believer to explore new ingredients and solutions to propel the development of these exciting products, and excited to continue to add valuable partners as we work across the industr y to meet growing demand driven by the enduring trends of food security and sustainability ”

“Believer is thrilled to partner with ADM in driving innovation to expand the emerging cultivated meat industry,” said Gustavo Burger, CEO of Believer “Our shared commitment to sustainability and expanding protein choices for consumers makes this collaboration a natural fit

“By pairing ADM’s leading expertise in

ingredient application development and complete nutrition solutions they bring to their customers, with our groundbreaking cell-cultivation technology with its unmatched efficiency and scalability, we aim to accelerate the development and commercialization of high-quality, safe and delicious meat products that deliver on the increasing demands of our growing global population Together, we have a unique opportunity to shape the future of the protein industry and create a more sustainable food system for generations to come ”

Under the terms of the MOU, the companies intend to work together to explore a wide variety of opportunities spanning the cultivated meat production process, with a focus on bringing ADM’s vast ingredient pantry and expertise in complete nu-

trition solutions to enhance Believer’s proprietary cell-cultivated meat process The non-exclusive agreement also lays out a path to further support the partnership and industr y growth by utilizing ADM’s processing expertise and footprint to potentially commercialize new products arising from the collaboration

Believer Meats, formerly Future Meat Technologies, is a cultivated meat company pioneering the first scalable labgrown meat production system that can feed the world

ADM is a global human and animal nutrition company whose scientists are developing groundbreaking products to support healthier living with plant-based consumer and industrial solutions to replace petroleum-based products GN

PACRIDGE Unveils Energy-Efficient Sonic Milling Technology for Plant-Based Products

N e w l y e x p a n d e d re g e n e r a t i v e f a r m i n g f o o d c o m p a n y P a c i f i c R i d g e i s s h o w c a si n g a n e w w a y t o p ro c e s s p l a n t - b a s e d p ro d u c t s T h e d e m a n d f o r p l a n t - b a s e d m i l k a n d i n g re d i e n t s s h o w s n o s i g n s o f s l o w i n g d o w n , y e t n o t a l l m e t h o d s f o r p ro d u c i n g p l a n t - b a s e d f o o d p ro d u c t s a re s u s t a i n a b l e T h a t ’ s w h y PA C R I D G E h a s m a d e a c o m m i t m e n t t o u s i n g s t a t e - o ft h e - a r t t e c h n o l o g y k n o w n a s S o n i c M i l l i n g T h e e n e rg y - e ff i c i e n t t e c h n o l o g y p ro c e s s e s re g e n e r a t i v e o a t s w i t h z e ro w a s t e , l e a v i n g t h e s m a l l e s t e n v i ro n m e nt a l f o o t p r i n t

“Sonic Milling technology creates products that are not just sustainable, but also healthier and more nutrient-dense The plant-based beverages and ingredients are

delicious, highly digestible and proteinrich,” said CEO Ken Grenier

Sonic Milling technology offers a more sustainable future for processing plantbased foods and food ingredients By harnessing the power of water and energy, Sonic Milling creates shockwaves of sonic energy that break apart whole grains, nuts or seeds while retaining the best flavor qualities and nutrient values

“Our goal is to supply healthier plantbased food products and sustainable ingredients,” Grenier said “Driven by consumer demand, Sonic Milling is piloting the technology with oat milk and oat creamers The technology expands beyond beverage to many categories Our clean ingredients are ideal for bakeries, pharma-

ceuticals, pet foods and much more ”

PACRIDGE, with manufacturing headquarters based in Saskatoon, Canada, expanded its corporate operations to the United States in March with new headquarters in Northwest Arkansas The company brings a deeply foundational vision of soil-to-shelf regenerative farming by empowering farmers, retailers and consumers with transparency and technology

With the initial oat milk product launch, it’s the company ’ s first step on a journey to saving energy and placing the cleanest labels on the shelf They are continuously innovating and bringing new products and flavors to retailer shelves

PACRIDGE leverages innovation and technology to bring ancient regenerative

farming practices to the next generation of farmers with a mission to supply healthier plant-based food products, and sustainable ingredients PACRIDGE continues the journey of soil health building on the practices of the past and innovating for the future

Through the True Crops app, farmers, retailers and consumers have access to seed-to-shelf crop traceability unlocking true transparency, true quality and true regenerative product validation The fully integrated vertical supply chain driven by Sonic Milling, the PACRIDGE Grain Cleaning plant and ecoLEAN co-packing capabilities elevate benchmarks for environment and corporate sustainability efforts GN

NatureSweet Helps Preser ve Indigenous Species, Pollinator Corridor in Mexico

The government of Jalisco, Mexico, has given NatureSweet certification as a State Area Voluntarily Destined for Conser vation, which will help protect the biological diversity of more than 123 acres (50 hectares) of land at its plant in Tuxcacuesco, Jalisco

The area is considered a pollinator corridor, a pathway that will help preserve and protect various species as they move between areas A stream on the property helps aid the local aquifer, prevents drought and ser ves as a water source for


There are more than 142 species of animals identified on the land, some of which are endangered or threatened, and 63 species of flora, including many plants that are endemic to Mexico

NatureSweet is the first private company in the state of Jalisco to receive the SAVDC certification

“NatureSweet is committed to transforming the lives of agricultural workers in North America, and

among other things, this means improving the communities in which we operate and the environment around us, ” said Rodolfo Spielmann, president and CEO of NatureSweet “We’re extremely proud to be the first company in the state of Jalisco to earn the voluntary reserve certification

“This land is home to more than two hundred species of plants and animals We hope our conservation efforts inspire other landowners and businesses to protect and preserve wildlife

and help sustain natural ecosystems in this area ”

According to the government of Jalisco, the certification lasts 15 years Through scientific research, environmental education, and monitoring, NatureSweet will help encourage sustainable development and the biocultural diversity of Mexico Efforts such as this one will help build species’ long-term sur vival and allow flora and fauna to thrive GN


Lineage Logistics Opens New Facility, Savannah Fresh-Port Wentworth

Lineage Logistics has celebrated the grand opening of its newest facility in Port Wentworth, Ga Savannah Fresh-Port Wentworth is strategically located near the Port of Savannah, the largest single-terminal container facility of its kind in North America and the third busiest container gateway in the United States

The 220,000-square-foot facility offers cross-docking ser vices for products to enter and exit the facility on the same day if needed, reducing storage time, creating cost efficiencies and ensuring consumers receive fresh produce faster The facility has 23 inbound and outbound lanes that can process more than 40 trucks daily, moving up to 1 4 million pounds of produce per day

“Today, the demand for port-centric temperature-controlled storage has never been greater and our Fresh solution offerings at Lineage have never been more robust Savannah Fresh-Port Wentworth will allow us to expand our fresh offering to new and existing customers and also provides the needed capacity to improve mar-

ket conditions,” said Jim Henderson, vice president of global sales and business development “The opening of this new facility is a critical step for Lineage as we continuously work to reimagine the world’s food supply chain

“We are honored to further our long-standing partnership with Georgia Ports Authority and look forward to building our presence in the state of Georgia, an essential hub for trade and innovation ”

For two years, Lineage worked closely with the Savannah Economic Development Authority, Georgia Ports Authority and the city of Port Wentworth to construct the Savannah Fresh-Port Wentworth facility in addition to its port-adjacent facility on Tremont Road in Savannah The Savannah Fresh-Port Wentworth project resulted in a $78 million investment alone that created 65 new jobs, bringing Lineage’s total economic investment in Chatham County to over $100 million To date, Lineage’s footprint in Georgia spans

over 3 million square feet

Savannah Fresh-Port Wentworth was designed to address the overwhelming influx in imports of fresh produce to ports in

serve customers across the Southeast

the Mid-Atlantic that lack the space to keep up with the demand With proximity to the Port of Savannah, the new facility will enable Lineage to deliver larger quantities of fresh produce more efficiently to

“With increasing demand for fresh produce capacity in Savannah, this new, stateof-the-art facility is a welcome addition,” said Griff Lynch, executive director of the Georgia Ports Authority “Lineage Logistics’ suite of services, such as cold-retreatment and onsite CBP inspections, will save time, help prevent loss and – ultimately – bring fresh food to market faster ” Leaders from Lineage, business partners from the state of Georgia, community leaders from the city of Port Wentworth and leadership from Georgia Ports Authority attended the facility’s grand opening L i n e a g e i s o n e o f t h e l e a d i n g t e m p e r a t u re - c o n t ro l l e d i n d u s t r i a l R E I Ts a n d i n t e g r a t e d s o l u t i o n s p ro v i d e r s w o r l d w i d e I t h a s a g l o b a l n e t w o r k o f o v e r 4 0 0 s t r a t e g i c a l l y l o c a t e d f a c i l i t i e s t o t a l i n g o v e r 2 b i l l i o n c u b i c f e e t o f c a p a c i t y t h a t s p a n s 2 0 c o u n t r i e s a c ro s s N o rt h A m e r i c a , E u ro p e a n d A s i a - P a c i f i c G N

NW Natural Producing RNG at Second Tyson Foods Facility in Nebraska

NW Natural, a subsidiary of NW Natural Holding Company, and BioCarbN, a developer and operator of environmental infrastructure projects, began production at a second renewable natural gas facility, as part of an innovative project partnership with Tyson Foods

The facility is located in Dakota City, Neb , with NW Natural investing approximately $12 million to convert methane captured from the facility’s operations into RNG to heat homes and businesses The first project began at Tyson’s Lexington, Neb , operations in January 2022

At full capacity, the two projects combined are expected to produce about 240,000 MMBtu of RNG each year –enough RNG to provide heat for more than 5,400 homes annually

“Each project like this contributes meaningful carbon reductions on behalf of

our customers and moves us toward achieving our shared climate goals,” said David H Anderson, NW Natural president and CEO “We’re aggressively pursuing additional opportunities, so we can increase our use of renewables over time ”

NW Natural is working toward procuring RNG equivalent to 5 percent of its Oregon sales volume in 2024 and 6 percent in 2025 as part of the company ’ s voluntar y targets These investments are made possible through the landmark RNG law, Oregon Senate Bill 98, which supports renewable energy procurement and investment by natural gas utilities

RNG is produced from the breakdown of organic materials such as agricultural and forestr y by-products, food waste, wastewater or landfills and is a valuable form of renewable energy RNG can provide similar climate benefits to wind and

solar, with the reliability and seasonal storage capabilities of natural gas – all while capturing, conditioning and utilizing organic material that would otherwise contribute carbon to the atmosphere

Partners for these projects include BioCarbN, an Idaho-based developer and operator of renewable energy projects and Miron Construction Co , Inc , a Wisconsin-based design-build and construction company These projects are also made possible through pipeline interconnections with local gas distribution systems – MidAmerican Energy in Dakota City and Black Hills Energy in Lexington

NW Natural is headquartered in Portland, Ore , and has been doing business for 164 years NW Holdings owns NW Natural, NW Natural Renewables Holdings (NW Natural Renewables), NW Natural Water Company (NW Natural Water), and

other business interests

NW Natural is a local distribution company that currently provides natural gas service to approximately 2 5 million people in more than 140 communities through nearly 795,000 meters in Oregon and Southwest Washington with one of the most modern pipeline systems in the nation

NW Natural consistently leads the industry with high J D Power & Associates customer satisfaction scores NW Natural Holdings was recognized by Ethisphere in 2022 and 2023 as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies

BioCarbN is an Idaho-based sustainable infrastructure project developer and operator that is focused on constructing, owning and operating turnkey RNG production, nutrient recover y and waste conversion plants GN

UNFI Launches Climate Action Partnership

United Natural Foods, Inc , has launched its Climate Action Partnership to encourage UNFI’s suppliers to make credible climate commitments

The program builds on UNFI’s Climate Action Hub, which was developed in partnership with the Climate Collaborative, a nonprofit organization with a mission to catalyze bold climate action within the grocery industry, and offers UNFI suppliers a variety of tools and resources to in-

novate and scale climate solutions across the food system

The Climate Action Partnership is one of the key pillars of UNFI’s Better for All strategy and is aligned with its validated science-based emissions reduction targets covering the organization’s operations and value chain Through its initial outreach efforts, UNFI’s Climate Action Partnership has already confirmed more than 40 participants, including Conagra, Bob’s Red

Mill, Dr Bronner’s, Gaia Herbs, Danone, Lundberg Family Farm and more Suppliers must make a credible climate commitment through approved third-party organizations, including the Climate Collaborative, Climate Neutral, The Climate Pledge, the Science Based Targets initiative or the SME Climate Hub

“As one of the country’s largest wholesalers, we understand the leadership role we can play in reducing climate impact

across our value chain and the opportunity we have to facilitate collective problem solving on the most critical climate challenges,” said Alisha Real, vice president of ESG & social impact “We can’t do it alone however, and the launch of the Climate Action Partnership is an important next step to supporting our suppliers along their respective climate journeys and ultimately, supporting UNFI on our own journey to reduce greenhouse gas emissions ” GN


ProviPay Expansion Simplifies Payments Digitally Between Retailers, Distributors

Provi, the largest online marketplace for the beverage alcohol industr y, has expanded its digital solutions with its electronic payment offering, ProviPay Since the initial Colorado launch of ProviPay, the company has invested in significant product development to enhance the payment experience between on- and offpremise retailers and their distributors

Provi had evolved ProviPay to adhere to state-specific payment regulations and plans to roll out the solution in select markets throughout the United States later this year

ProviPay is adaptable to meet market regulations for both C

and Credit Term Markets

“We’re excited to bring an end-to-end online solution for our retail and distributor customers with the expansion of ProviPay,” said Taylor Katzman, Provi’s founder and CEO “Solving for the burdens and challenges our customers face with our digital solutions enables them to grow their business and generates tremen-


Continued from PAGE 1

have some sort of disability Another 15 percent are 65 and older and the older population is growing exponentially ”

With research showing that 15 percent of those participating in a consumer test lacked the ability and grip strength to open vacuum-sealed jars, CCT saw an opportunity for brands wanting to make their products more accessible to more consumers

“It was kind of a no-brainer,” Bach said Brands and grocer y stores can boost sales once consumers realize how easy it is to open th ucts “It’s a common sto we hear that someone will say they don’t buy this or that if they can’t open it,” Bach said “It’s definitely an opportunity for brands to correct that so consumers will buy their product ”

In practice, EEA Lid is simple: The sumer presses a butto lid’s center, which reduces the vacuum and allows the lid to be opened with

dous impact for the entire beverage alcohol industry ”

ProviPay was introduced to Provi marketplace users to make invoice tracking and payments more streamlined The so-


“ProviPay has been an essential tool as we shifted our operations towards digital, particularly in a post-pandemic world,” said Marc Gitlin, owner, Nissi’s Entertainment Venue & Event Center “As we reopened our business, making and managing payments online through our key wholesale partners has given us the ability to streamline our alcohol ordering process We look for ward to more distributors adopting this solution in the future ”

orders placed on Provi’s marketplace and view invoice payment statuses in real-time, all in one location Distributors utilize ProviPay to reduce time spent on payment collection, cut down on fraud risks, and prevent bounced checks

“Payments have always been a pain point for our organization and ProviPay has provided our reps with an easier way to collect payments from our retail customers,” said Colorado Craft Distributors owner and CEO Tom Jasko “Moving the invoicing process online gives our sales reps upwards of 20 percent of their time back to sell and foster relationships with their customers ”

lution enables retailers to view invoices and submit payments to multiple distributors online in one place, rather than keeping track of paper invoices for their beverage orders and issuing checks to their distributors Retailers who use ProviPay spend on average 23 percent more with partner distributors on Provi’s marketplace than those who do not, according to the

half the effort Its creation was much more difficult

Eight years of research and development were spent struggling with versions of existing lug lids made of tin plate – 40 combinations of lids were tested and discarded, Bach said

“Then they figured out that they needed to take a step back,” Bach said

That’s when they realized that using aluminum lids would not only give the lid the flexibility needed to pop the vacuum, but since aluminum is lighter than tin plate, it’s less costly to make and saves on fuel used in shipping – thus reducing emissions

EEASY Lid also has a safety ar the rim, which intes whether the jar s been tampered with Just as consumers have learned to check jar lids with popped bubbles that indicate it’s been opened, EEASY lid’s ring pops up when the d is opened So far, EEASY Lid een available on a asis, but to great acclaim Co-packer Craft Cannery in New York has converted its production

Since the launch of its digital payments solution, Provi launched new features for a frictionless and compliant payment experience between retailers and distributors ProviPay retail users can now view invoices and invoice details, sync multiple bank accounts, pay their distributors with a click of a button, schedule payments for the future, set up autopay and even view and apply available credits to invoices With ProviPay, distributors can actively manage invoices from

line to exclusively use the 63-millimeter lug EEASY Lid as it produces Guglielmo’s Sauce line for 250 grocers across New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania Stores that carr y the pasta sauces include Wegman ’ s, Price Chopper, Tops Friendly Markets and Stop & Shop

“At Guglielmo’s, our focus goes beyond just the quality of the sauce, ” said Paul Guglielmo, owner of Guglielmo’s and CEO of Craft Cannery “Customer service is a top priority, and that includes accessible packaging for our customers

“With the EEASY Lid, our sauce becomes inclusive to all consumers, ” he said “There’s nothing else like it on the market ” Craft Canner y also produces Boyer’s Food Markets’ in-house pasta sauce brand, available in all 19 of its stores, using the EEASY Lid

Boyer’s introduced the pasta sauces with the EEASY Lids in October Within three months, product sales more than doubled the private label brand that previously occupied the same shelf space

Provi is the largest online marketplace that simplifies the complex process of ordering wholesale alcohol by connecting buyers, distributors and suppliers Active in key markets throughout the United States, Provi’s robust, online marketplace improves communication and efficiency for on- and off-premise buyers, distributors and suppliers

Founded in 2016 and headquartered in Chicago, Provi received Built In Chicago’s Best Places to Work recognition in 2022

In 2022, Provi joined forces with SevenFifty, which included the Beverage Media properties with industr y legacy dating back to the repeal of prohibition, along with SevenFifty Daily, an award-winning industry publication discussing the beverage alcohol business and culture GN

well as the Private Label Manufacturers Association’s international trade show in Amsterdam CCT holds a global patent on EEASY Lid

Bach knows that EEASY Lid’s “ wow ” factor gets good buzz

At a launch party for Guglielmo’s Sauce in Rochester, N Y , two women aged 92 and 85 were called up to the stage after admitting they struggled with opening jars They each were handed a jar of Guglielmo’s that they opened easily “ T h e s m

CCT is promoting EEASY Lid at private label trade shows in the United States as
e s o n t
i r f a c e s w e re p r i c el e s s , ” B a c h s a i d “ I t ’ s g i v i n g i n d e p e n de n c e t o t h o s e w h o h a v e h a d t o re l y o n o t h e r s ” G N
i l
h e
a s h - o n - D e l i v e r y

Flecha Azul Tequila Expands Into Mexico, Bringing Brand Back to Its Heritage

Flecha Azul Tequila, one of the only new world tequila brands with authentic Mexican roots, has launched a global expansion into the founders’ home country of Mexico

“We are so excited and humbled to bring Flecha Azul Tequila to consumers in Mexico, the place where it all began,” said cofounder Aron Marquez “When my partner Abraham and I began this journey, our goal was to capture the heritage and true taste of Mexican tequila and bring it to the world

“For us, sharing an additivefree option that tastes authentic –the way it should – has always been most important The opportunity to expand globally within just a few years on the market is a milestone moment for us ”

Crafted from 100 percent blue Weber agave, the single estate, additive free tequila is available in all five expressions – Blanco, Añejo, Reposado, Cristalino, Extra Añejo

in Acapulco, Cabo, Mazatlan, Penasco, Riviera Maya

and Vallarta WES Brands, the parent company of

spirits, Seithel joins Flecha Azul Tequila after most recently leading sales for a pre-


“I’m thrilled to be joining a company that is rapidly growing and expanding across the globe thanks to brands like Flecha Azul Tequila,” Seithel said “We are outpacing sales just a few months into the year, and look forward to continuing to do so across the United States and Mexico ”

mium mezcal He brings a background aimed at building brand equity through focusing on the most important facets of a company: people, product and perform-

Flecha Azul Tequila was cofounded in 2019 by Marquez and Abraham Ancer, who wanted to create an authentic, additive-free tequila like the ones they’d enjoyed back home Mark Wahlberg joined the team in 2022 to help bring the craft product worldwide F l e c h a A z u l i s c r a f t e d a t O re n d a i n D i s t i l l e r y ( N o m 1 1 1 0 ) , f o l l o w i n g t h e s a m e t r a d it i o n a l m e t h o d s f o l l o w e d s i n c e 1 8 8 4 Av a i l a b l e i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , F l e c h a A z u l ’ s o f f e r i n g s i n c l u d e B l a n c o $ 4 4 9 9 , R e p o s a d o $ 5 4 9 9 , A n e j o $ 6 4 9 9 , C r i s t a l i n o $ 9 9 a n d E x t r a A n e j o $ 3 3 9 9 9 GN

CLIF Kid First Kids Snack Bar Brand Certified Climate Neutral, Building on Sustainability

CLIF Kid snack bar brand has achieved the milestone of becoming Climate Neutral Certified, which further builds on Clif Bar’s longtime sustainability program

With this news, CLIF Kid becomes the first kids snack bar brand to achieve this certification, continuing the brand’s commitment to reducing its environmental footprint from the field to the final product CLIF Kid joins the growing movement of brands attaining the Climate Neutral Certified standard, which is achieved by measuring its annual greenhouse gas emissions and taking action to reduce and compensate for all remaining emissions through verified offset projects that provide both environmental and social benefits, such as reducing fossil fuel use to improve air quality and the health of local communities

Climate Neutral Certified is the leading consumer label for climate neutrality It is earned by organizations that are taking responsibility for the greenhouse gas emissions generated by the production and delivery of their goods and services Carbon labeling has become increasingly vital for brands to demonstrate accountability, provide education about greenhouse gas emissions and earn consumer trust

“At Clif Bar, we ’ re inspired by the chall e n g e o f r u n n i n g a b u s i n e s s t h a t s t r i v e s t o h e l p c re a t e a h e a l t h i e r, m o re s u s t a i na b l e w o r l d , ” s a i d S a r a h B e a u b i e n , s e n i o r d i re c t o r o f i m p a c t & s u s t a i n a b i l i t y “ T h i s

a c h i e v e m e n t f o r o u r C L I F K i d b r a n d f u rt h e r re i n f o rc e s o u r c o m m i t m e n t t o c l im a t e a c t i o n b y w o r k i n g t o a d d re s s o u r g re e n h o u s e g a s e m i s s i o n s b o t h n o w a n d i n t o t h e f u t u re We a re p ro u d t o f e a t u re

protect the planet for kids today as well as for generations

“CLIF Kid believes that kids thrive when they can play outdoors and that we need to provide a healthy planet for them

brand and products

“ We k n o w t h e i r t e a m h a s b e e n f oc u s e d o n s u s t a i n a b i l i t y f o r d e c a d e s , a n d w e a re d e l i g h t e d t o b e a p a r t o f t h i s e xc i t i n g n e x t s t e p a s t h e C L I F K i d t e a m d e m o n s t r a t e s i m m e d i a t e c l i m a t e a ct i o n i s b o t h p o s s i b l e a n d c r i t i c a l l y i m p o r t a n t ”

Through partnership with Climate Kids, CLIF Kid is highlighting resources that provide small steps families can take together, including cultivating truthful conversations and nurturing a love for the health of our planet

Additionally, CLIF Kid is tapping longtime CLIF athlete partner and eco-activist Tommy Caldwell to share a parent’s perspective and approach to conversations around climate-hope and eco-action for families

C l i m a t e N e u t r a l C e r t i f i c a t i o n o n t h e

C L I F K i d p a c k a g i n g t o h e l p o u r c o ns u m e r s m a k e i n f o r m e d c h o i c e s f o r t h e i r k i d s a n d t h e p l a n e t ”

Sustainability is a core commitment of what CLIF Kid stands for – from supporting organic farming to becoming Climate Neutral Certified, CLIF Kid strives to help

to play on and to grow the food to fuel that play,” Beaubien said

”CLIF Kid is a part of so many families’ day to day adventures Unfortunately, so is climate change,” said Austin Whitman, CEO of Climate Neutral “It’s compelling to see CLIF Kid recognize that connection, by making the climate a focus of their

“As an athlete who is very passionate about the environment, and as a parent, it’s important to me that brands like CLIF Kid demonstrate a clear commitment to bettering our planet,” Caldwell said “I’m proud to support CLIF Kid in helping educate families on ways to be more environmentally focused and instill a sense of ‘climate hope’ within the home

“It’s my belief that a child who develops a passion for the planet at an early age will carry that with them for the rest of their life ” GN

Flecha Azul Tequila, has appointed Chris Seithel as senior vice president of sales in tandem with the expansion An industry veteran of over 25 years in both wine and

US Patent Trial and Appeals Board Rules In Favor of Meat Industr y on Curing Agents

The U S Patent Trial and Appeal Board has ruled in favor of the meat industr y and FFP by invalidating an industry player’s attempt to patent how meat companies apply natural curing agents, according to Florida Food Products, LLC, an independent provider of natural ingredients

The PTAB found all claims of U S Patent No 11,071,304 to be unpatentable, determined the patent should never have been issued and declared the industr y player’s temporary patent invalid

p t e d p a t e n t s b y t h i s i n d u st r y p l a y e r

This marks multiple attempts by this industry player to patent components of applying natural curing agents in the United States Additional information on the invalidation of the attempted patent can be found on government websites

“We are pleased with the PTAB’s decision and grateful for their diligent and thorough work to reach this conclusion,” said Jim Holdrieth, chief executive officer of FFP “Today’s consumers are seeking natural, healthier products, and deser ve access to the highest quality options from

a range of suppliers While we are proud of our industry’s innovation and excited by our product roadmap, the attempted patent relates to decades old know-how, which is simply not new ”

Mr Holdrieth continued, “The PTAB’s ruling is a victor y for the entire food industr y and will ensure the highest standards are upheld by all industr y participants for years to come FFP will strive to be a steward of the industry, for the benefit of all stakeholders, and stand shoulder to shoulder with our customers in protecting the industry from any inappropriate practices ”

Founded in 1954, Florida Food Products is the world’s largest, independent provider of natural ingredients FFP formulates and produces innovative clean label fruit, vegetable and botanical based ingredients serving the food, beverage and health end markets The company ’ s products offer compelling alternatives to chemically derived ingredients and can enhance such things as taste, texture, shelf life, moisture and color

FFP operates facilities across the country and partners with some of the most respected consumer brands, manufacturers and foodservice providers GN

High-Growth Pet Food Brand, Walmart Team

Address Cat Consumer Needs, Expand Reach

Healthy cat food maker I and love and you has an expanded assortment at Walmart to offer additional ultra-premium products to more cats than ever before The I and love and you cat portfolio at Walmart includes a robust variety of pates, stews, shreds, kibble and treats in more than 1,400 Walmart stores nationwide and online

This expansion also includes the exclusive Walmart launch of Treat Meow Squeeze & Thank You, a premium, lickable cat treat for pet owners to interactively show their love for their cats while delivering purpose, flavor and complete and balanced nutrition

According to a sur vey by Packaged Facts, the majority of cat owners believe that felines are treated as second-class citizens in the pet industry compared to their canine counterparts Today, only 8 percent of cat food and treat sales come from ultrapremium products, compared to 24 percent of dog food and treat sales, a stat I and love and you is on a mission to change

By dedicating equal attention to ultrapremium products for both cats and dogs with a 50/50 split of the brand’s products and sales volume, I and love and you offers a customizable portfolio that caters to the unique needs and preferences of both cats and dogs With this Walmart expansion, I and love and you will be able to serve its cat food and treats to more cats nationwide

“If you walk down any grocery pet food aisle today, the quality and variety of prod-


Continued from PAGE 1

304 stainless steel conical fermenters, brew kettles, IBC totes, multi-capacity tanks, mash tuns, brite tanks, canning systems, automation and control systems, packaging, thermal processes and sanitation equipment, raw ingredient supply, parts and more

In another industr y first, Lotus intro-

ucts offered for dogs versus cats is striking,” said Michael Meyer, CEO of I and love and you “We know cat consumers are searching for products by benefit, flavor and variety and our robust line offers them high quality food with functional benefits in every product, plus an amazing variety of flavors, textures and packaging types With this exciting expansion and collaboration with Walmart, we are delivering to cat consumers – full stop!”

Exclusive to Walmart, Treat Meow Squeeze & Thank You lickable cat treats are one of the fastest growing pet treat formats (more than 98 percent annual growth) in the market

According to Mintel, more than two thirds of cat owners purchase treats and more than half give their cats treats daily Of these cat owners, a large margin of them, 70 percent, prefer to give their cat a variety of treats and 40 percent are interested in purchasing treats with functional ingredients that address specific health concerns

Treat Meow Squeeze & Thank You is the first function-for ward, lickable treat that puts cats’ nutrition first – just how it should be I and love and you saw an opportunity to meet the needs of this consumer and to fill a whitespace for premium cat treats with a priority on nutrition The new cat products provide premium, holistic and accessible cat food and treats with the flavors that felines crave, closing the

duced a proprietar y financing program that offers customers affordable financing options, removing cost barriers for startups and smaller beverage producers Credit approvals typically take less than 24 hours to provide clients with maximum flexibility

“What a bold vision to pull together such well-respected leaders of each of their respective craft beverage supplier channel segments The result of this merger for craft beverage makers is sure to be exponential

gap between current offerings and consumer desires

Available in three purr-worthy recipes, Immune Support with sustainably sourced seafood, Digestion Support with savor y cage free chicken and Skin & Coat Support with wild caught tuna, these treats are crafted with prebiotics, pumpkin, zinc and added vitamins and minerals including Omega 3 and Omegas 6 oils to improve pets’ systems and functions They contain

households, I and love and you is also introducing Irresist-A-Bowls, a pantry-fresh skillet meal for dogs, at select Walmart stores and online Irresist-A-Bowls contain real, non-GMO, fresh protein and produce With real meat always at the top of the ingredient list, these recipes contain farm-raised, grass-fed beef and cage-free chicken, alongside a healthy dose of prebiotics to support healthy digestion

Irresist-A-Bowls are carefully crafted in small-batch recipes, as if they came straight from the skillet, for hearty and wholesome nutrition pet owners can feel good about Available in two lipsmacking varieties, Chicken + Beef Recipe and Chicken + Duck Recipe, these shelf-stable recipes can serve as your furr y pal’s main course, or as a tasty topper

no grains or fillers and nothing artificial for a truly clean treating experience

The product is available in single-flavor packs of four single-serve sticks and a Variety Pack format including 12 single-serve sticks with four of each flavor All packaging is 100 percent recyclable through Terra-Cycle

The Treat Meow Squeeze & Thank You line will be coming to grocery stores and online retailers nationwide later in the year

Continuing the brand’s mission to deliver high-quality nutrition to multi-pet

growth and continued beverage innovation,” said Banjo Bandolas, director of advertising and sales at ProBrewer com “Lotus appears to be a first-mover by creating a one-stop-shop for craft brewers and companies moving into ‘beyond beer’ products I look forward to seeing where it evolves ”

Lotus has implemented an employee ownership program, at no cost to the employees Employee ownership has been extended to every single employee throughout the organization Research has shown that

Based in Boulder, Colo , I and love and you is sharing the love with all the food and treats pets would make for themselves if they could In partnership with their own pets and a holistic veterinarian, I and love and you creates a variety of meals and snacks made with quality meat and vegetables that contain zero fillers, preservatives or artificial junk – or as they say, “nothing weird!” The fast-growing brand delivers to both dog and cat equally and can be found at retailers nationwide including Walmart, Albertsons, Kroger, Sprouts, Publix and online GN

broad-based employee ownership programs improve worker retention, reduce income disparity and result in higher margins, as well as improved growth and operating efficiencies across various aspects of a business Lotus collaborated with Ownership Works in this employee ownership program’s creation

The Lotus merger was facilitated by Ronin Equity Partners, a New York-based investment firm with a long-term growth focus Ronin is also an investor in Lotus GN

T h e r u l i n g i s c o n s i s t e n t w i t h t h e a ss e s s m e n t b y t h e E u ro p e a n U n i o n a n d C h i n e s e p a t e n t o f f i c e s , w h i c h d e n i e d s i m i l a r a t t e m

Social Brew

Continued from PAGE 1

bright, smooth finish and semi-sweet flavor A combination of Kona’s high elevation, mild weather and mineral-rich volcanic soil give Kona its trademark flavor, which is rich but with no bitter aftertaste Being single-origin, consumers are assured of more transparency and higher quality of coffee beans

“A lot of brands say 100 percent Kona, but they’re only 10 percent,” Ispahani said “We have 100 percent Kona and we take pride in that ”

The Waialua is also 100 percent singleorigin, a mild Arabica with a sweet flavor

The coffee is similar to Kona, but comes from the Waialua region on the north shore of Oahu The region produces only 160,000 pounds of coffee beans annually, so it’s not unusual for the stock to run out

The Hawaiian Blend is a rich, Arabica blend with a sweet, nutty flavor The beans are a mixture of Supremo from the Huila region of Colombia and Oahu’s Waialua

The Decaf Brazil is another mild Arabica, a dark roast with a hint of sweetness and a chocolatey, mellow flavor

The beans come from the Santos region of Brazil and are decaffeinated using the Swiss method in which ionized water is used to extract the caffeine without taking away too much flavor

Last Christmas, Ispahani launched a line of scrumptious pancake mixes, too, in four flavors so far: Mochi Pancake Mix, Guava Pancake Mix, Coconut Pancake Mix and Macadamia Nut Pancake Mix

As with many contemporar y entrepre-


Continued from PAGE 1

healthy food access But it is also imperative that we work with other organizations that are tackling key social barriers PHA is leading the way in innovative solutions to ensuring food equity ”

Pairwise will contribute $75,000 annually to PHA’s Good Food for All program, which provides produce to families facing barriers to accessing affordable, healthy and sustainable food The program works with local partners to empower long-term changes in healthy eating behaviors in communities across the country

Pair wise’s contribution will provide 630,000 servings of healthy fruits and vegetables through the PHA’s Good Food for All program and will support PHA’s commitment made at the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health to deliver 100 million servings of produce by 2025

“Ever y day, too many families around

neurs, Ispahani created Social Brew – “Coffee that goes beyond the cup ” – as a product that not only awakens the senses, but “awakens humankind to be its best ”

Hold on to your hats, now Ispahani donates 50 percent – yes, half – of the profits to two nonprofit partners

“It’s important to me that it’s not about profiting off people, but helping to make a statement, investing in the world,” Ispahani said

“Everyone thinks I’m crazy, but I did the research and the numbers and it’s important to me, ” she said

H e r c h o i c e o f p a rt n e r s a l s o m i g h t r a i s e eyebrows: Beautiful Feet Wellness, which o f f e r s w e l l n e s s s e r v i c e s f o r p e o p l e w h o h a v e b e e n f re e d f ro m h u m a n t r a ff i c k i n g , a n d H o ’ ō l a N ā P u a , w h i c h i s c o m m i t t e d t o p re v e n t s e x t r a f f i c k i n g a n d p ro v i d e c a re f o r c h i l d re n w h o h a v e b e e n e xp l o i t e d

Ispahani noted that while human trafficking is often associated with the sex trade, forced labor is most often the motivation for trafficking Earlier this year, news broke within the U S meat industry that child labor was rampant in plants Ispahani’s desire to run a socially responsible company is rooted in faith

“I was raised with a background in faith,” she said “It’s always been a part of my family ”

So when it came time to go to college, Ispahani chose Biola University, a private nondenominational Christian school in La Mirada, Calif , where opportunities to learn about social justice abound in clubs and lectures While attending a lecture with a friend during one such “ awareness week,” Ispahani’s worldview was inalterably shaken

the countr y struggle to access healthy food This entrenched problem must be addressed so that good food is available to everyone, no matter their zip code We are taking the steps to solve it by working with Pair wise to make healthy food accessible for families in-need,” said Noreen Springstead, president & CEO of Partnership for a Healthier America

PHA and Pairwise’s shared goal of creating greater, sustained access to nutritious food will require innovative thinking and new solutions Both organizations are focused on finding innovative solutions to persistent problems facing our current food system

Pairwise is a leading food and tech company committed to building a healthier world through better fruits and vegetables

The company is based in Durham, N C , with operations in Arizona and California, all locations where Pair wise expects to deepen its relationship with local PHA partners

“We look at this partnership as the very beginning of what we hope to be a long-

“By the end of the lecture, I was sitting on the edge of my seat,” she recalled “Once you hear it, it can’t be unheard ”

The speaker had addressed the global issue of human trafficking Ispahani was so intrigued that she dove into research and sought internships and other work in the anti-trafficking movement In her senior year of college, she led a trip to India with trafficking survivors

You might be wondering what any of this has to do with gourmet coffee

“When I was getting ready to graduate, my dad and I did our favorite thing, which is going out to try different coffee shops back home in Hawaii over spring break,” Ispahani said “We were at a new coffee shop and he said, ‘What do you think you’ll do next?’

“I wasn’t quite sure, ” she said “I knew I wanted to do something in the anti-trafficking space Then it came to me to merge business and nonprofit work ”

Ispahani imagined a brick-and-mortar coffee shop that partnered with Hawaiian nonprofits that work with women ready to re-enter the workforce after surviving trafficking

“That’s where I saw the most impact I could have, in the journey from rescue to rehabilitation – what happens after that?”

After being laid off from a job, her father encouraged her to revisit the idea of a coffee business with a social justice mission Then something happened called a global pandemic

“I don’t know if I was ready,” Ispahani recalled “I mean, the world is burning to the ground, is it the right time to start a business?

“I kind of settled on that there’s never a right time to go for it,” she said with a small laugh “Thankfully, I had support and I was self-funded through savings I definitely decided to see where this takes me ”

It isn’t lost on Ispahani that she has managed to combine a beverage that millions seek comfort in with a social cause

term relationship with PHA,” Adams said “Our shared vision of ensuring healthy food access to all steers our work each day at Pair wise As we launch our first products this year and mature as a company, we look for ward to continuing to grow our meaningful work with PHA ”

Partnership for a Healthier America launched in 2010 and collaborates with companies across the supply chain to increase access to and affordability of vegetables and fruits and to improve the nutritional quality of food and beverages, resulting in more and healthier options for families

Pairwise brings together leaders in agriculture, technology, and consumer foods to harness the transformative potential of new genomics technologies to create innovative new products Pairwise is working to develop new varieties of crops and partner with organizations that seek to drive innovation across the plant-based economy

In addition to leafy greens, Pair wise is developing new types of berries, cherries and other produce under its Conscious

that makes many people uncomfortable

“I don’t like discomfort,” she said “I don’t like dark issues I don’t want to be a downer

“It may sound cheesy, but I think coffee can be a conduit for change It can take you on a journey, maybe not on the front lines, but it can still make a difference for women ’ s and children’s lives ”

Pairing coffee with a serious social cause invites people to have conversations over a cup of coffee, which can make a serious topic not so scary, Ispahani said

Ispahani hasn’t given up on the idea of having an actual coffee shop, but she’s got lots of other ideas, too

“I’m definitely thinking of expanding in the future,” Ispahani said “I’d like a line of flavored coffee My roaster does CBD coffee – that’s very big in Los Angeles and here

“I love vanilla so maybe a vanilla flavored coffee among other flavors ”

Ispahani is mulling over an idea to have sampler kits and travel packs – “As long as you ’ ve got hot water, you ’ re good to go ”

Recently, she looked into retro-fitted bikes with coffee machines as well as the idea of getting a vintage milk truck that can park at markets or along a beach GN

Foods brand In less than five years, the company has grown to more than 150 employees, with significant growth to continue in 2023 as the company enters the food service and retail channels

Pair wise was founded by Tom Adams and Chief Business Officer Haven Baker, with scientific co-founders J Keith Joung, professor of pathology at Harvard Medical School; David Liu, director of the Merkin Institute of Transformative Technologies in Healthcare and vice-chair of the faculty at the Broad Institute of Har vard and MIT; and Feng Zhang, a McGovern Investigator and professor at MIT Partnership for a Healthier America is a p re m i e r n a t i o n a l n o n p ro f i t o rg a n i z a t i o n w o r k i n g t o c re a t e l a s t i n g , s y s t e m i c changes that transform the food landscape in pursuit of health equity PHA develops evidence-based approaches that are implem e n t e d i n p a rt n e r s h i p w i t h t h e p r i v a t e sector, nonprofits and government, levera g i n g P H A’s a s s e t s a n d t h e p a rt n e r ’ s knowledge to accelerate the pace of transformation GN

GOURMET NEWS T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S T R Y ® S U P P L E M E N T T O J U N E 2 0 2 3 p s

Stonewall Kitchen’s Hot Honey Wing S auce

With the retur n of warmer weather, there’s no better time to encourage customers to fire up that grill and get to barbecuing

Perfect for summer cookouts, Stonewall Kitchen’s Hot Honey Wing Sauce is a wonderful choice to embolden meats, veggies and more all season long

I d e a l f o r a n y o n e w h o l o v e s s o m e s w e e t h e a t ,

Ariston Infused S alts

this sauce will have taste buds buzzing! H o n e y c o m b i n e s w i t h z i p p y D i j o n m u st a rd , f i e r y c a y e n n e a n d o t h e r z e s t y s p i c e s t o c re a t e a w e l l - ro u n d e d b i t e that’s great as a sticky glaze for wings or cauliflower

Customers will also love it drizzled over pepperoni pizza, served alongside a cheese board or used as a dip for fried food favorites like chicken tenders

Stonewall Kitchen


Pine River’s Mango Hab anero Cold Pack Cheese Spread

Pine River’s Mango Habanero Cold Pack Cheese Spread took first place at the 2023 U S Championship Cheese Contest in the Cold Pack Cheese Spread, Flavored Class This creamy spread brings together the sweetness of mango and the heat of habanero peppers for an addictive sweet and spicy combo! It’s a perfect centerpiece for your next cheese board

Celebrating 60 Years of Cheese Spread

Excellence in 2023, Pine River prides itself on selecting only the highest-quality dairy ingredients for a difference you can taste in our cheese spreads Pine River uses Grade A Wisconsin Cheddar, graded and aged in-house by Licensed Wisconsin Cheese Graders, and award-winning Grade A Butter from a neighboring dairy

Torani Kettle Corn Syrup

New to the flavor industry leader’s portfolio of more than 150 syrups and sauces is

A combination of 9- to 24-month-old Cheddar and specifically formulated whey adds delicious flavor and smooth texture to the spreads Add to this a dedicated staff of cheese spread makers who skillfully craft our cheese spreads into perfection in every batch Pine River offers three styles of cheese spread – Cold Pack, Clean Label and a Shelf-Stable Gourmet Snack Spread – each crafted one batch at a time in a state-of-the art facility in Newton, Wis

Pine River Cheese Spread


www pineriver com

Try Ariston’s newest arrivals from Greece These gorgeous infused salts come with their own adjustable stainless-steel mill They are both a gourmet food item and a little kitchen tool all in one A must in every kitchen and store counter

They come in the following flavors:

• Plain Sea Salt from Greece

• Greek Salad Infused Sea Salt (beautiful blend of rosemary, oregano and sundried tomato) pairs well with Ariston Select EVOO & Med Herb infused olive oil)

• Garlic & Basil infused sea salt Excellent with Ariston traditional balsamic, caprese salads, cheeses; great with pasta and Italian meat, too; beautiful color as well

• Lemon & Turmeric infused sea salt Excellent with chicken, seafood, rice, potatoes, eggs and anywhere that needs the brightness of lemon flavor and the healthy and earth flavor of turmeric

• Black Sea Salt (sea salt with all natural cuttlefish black ink) Keep your guests guessing what’s your secret ingredient Tastes like sea salt with a subtle hint of seafood Also works excellent as a salt rim for a cocktail and bloody Mary drink

• Smoked Sea Salt Excellent with all meats and seafood It tastes like you have

Fall River Wild Rice

Interest in plants and grains is soaring, as shoppers look for new ways to eat healthy High in protein and fiber, nutty and with a striking visual appeal, wild rice is one of the healthiest grains available It was a staple food of several Native American tribes, who called it “manoomin,” or “precious grain ”

been smoking your food for hours without all the work Excellent and bold flavor – a little goes a long way

• Plain Pink Himalayan (from the Himalayan Mountains)

Try them all!

Ariston Specialties 860 263 8498


protein goodness in seconds

Torani Kettle Cor n Syrup

Over the last year, Torani observed a rise in flavors dubbed “Sweet and ” that are layered flavor combinations anchored in sweetness and paired with another taste These blends – including sweet and savory, sweet and sour and sweet and

spicy – introduce complex sensations into the tasting experience Kettle Cor n is a manifestation of this experience, adjacent to one of the company’s most popular beverage flavors:


Torani’s Kettle Cor n Syrup captures the flavor of freshly popped cor n combined with sweet and salty notes It even has a subtle hint of hot oil flavor that's part of the classic kettle cor n experience and a cooked Maillard note that adds a distinctive browned aspect to this starchy, salty and sweet flavor

Kettle Cor n is part of Torani’s Original Syrup line, crafted with natural flavors and cold-filtered water to deliver amazing flavor


Fall River Wild Rice brings this culinary gem to your store shelf This naturally cultivated wild rice is great in salads, soups and stir fries However, it also works well in mixes for pancakes and muffins and even in chocolate and desserts Fall River’s Fully Cooked Wild Rice is high-

The only cereal grain native to North America, wild rice is not even a rice at all It is the seed of Zizania palustris, a tall, blooming water grass that prospers in the Great Lakes region, as well as in the fruitful valley in the shadows of the Sierra Nevadas and the Rockies Fall River Wild Rice is a small grower-owned cooperative in the Fall River Valley, a rural mountain valley nestled between the Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges

Fall River Wild Rice


www fallriverwildrice com

Perry Extra Indulgent Pints

Eighty percent of ice cream users want indulgent experiences, especially in the super-premium category, according to a 2022 Raymond James report Upstate New York’s top ice cream brand is ready for the challenge with an extra-indulgent pint line

This rich, creamy, chuck-full-of-stuff recipe brings heightened luxury to beloved consumer favorites Perry’s full lineup includes 13 extra-indulgent ice cream flavors, and one unique sherbet

The increased butterfat makes for a smoother, creamier, more indulgent ice cream that’s packed with all the “good stuff” Perry’s is known for From chunky brownie dough bites and decadent sea salt truffles to

thick chocolate frosting and salty caramel swirls, there’s no shortage of “wow, this is

good” after every bite

Perr y’s Ice Cream

perr ysicecream com


Ho ward Pro ducts Cutting Bo ard

With Howard’s Cutting Board Cleaner, now the entire cleaning, oiling and conditioning process can be done from products manufactured by the same company, which gives consumers confidence that all three products will work together perfectly Ideal for cleaning and preparing wood surfaces before using Howard Butcher Block Conditioner or Cutting Board Oil

Jake’s Nut Ro asters New Brine & Dill Almonds

a n d x


H o w a rd ’s C u t t i n g

B o a rd C l e a n e r d o e s not contain bleach or a n y o t h e r h a r s h i ng re d i e n t s t h a t c a n m a k e w o o d e n b o a rd s s o f t a n d gummy, reducing the life of the board

Start selling

Howard Cutting Board Cleaner today! Minimum wholesale orders are only six cases

Howard Products 800.266.9545 www.howardproducts.com

Cedar’s Fo o ds Organic Golden Hour Hommus

Cedar’s Foods, the leading Mediterranean food brand in the natural and organic space, has launched its Organic Grecian Golden Hour Hommus

The zesty hommus, which is available at select Whole Foods stores nationwide, consists of a lemon and oregano base, with a chickpea, herb and

Yerb aé Lemonade and Yuzu Lime

Arizona-based Yerbaé Brands Corp has released two flavors that are on trend: Lemonade and Yuzu Lime

Lemonade is a classic summer favorite, while Yuzu Lime brings a unique, refreshing citrus twist to the line of beverages

Yerbaé's plantbased functional beverages are designed to be simple, clean and delicious with minimal ingredients that provide a boost of energy and a refreshing taste In addition to Lemonade and Yuzu Lime, Yerbaé offers a range of other flavors, including

red pepper topping

The hints of oregano throughout are packed with flavor and really add an extra Mediterranean kick It’s the perfect addition to a charcuterie board or picnic spread

Cedar’s Foods www cedarsfoods com

Jake, a fourth-generation member of the Jasper family, is proud to continue the farming traditions of his great-grandfather that have been passed down for over 75 years Jake’s Nut Roasters is pleased to announce its newest flavor to the Jake’s can lineup, Brine & Dill Almonds

Already becoming a consumer favorite, Jake’s Brine & Dill Almonds are bursting with the bold flavors of vinegar and dill They provide a little tanginess with just the right amount of dill pickle flavor, the perfect addition to your snacking routine

These almonds are “Straight from Jake’s Orchard” showcasing the company’s vertical integration and commitment to sustainable growing practices

Jake’s almonds provide the quintessential plant-based protein and make eating this healthy snack both fun and satisfying!

Produced in a dedicated peanut-free facility, these premium Califor nia almonds are dry roasted and seasoned in small batches to deliver exceptional quality Jake’s Nut Roasters 7-ounce cans have a cool, classic appearance that look great on store shelves, kitchen counters and table centerpieces They also make the perfect gift!

A commitment to quality and innovation has propelled many fine Jasper Specialty Foods products into the hands of healthconscious almond lovers around the world

Jasper Specialty Foods



www jakesnutroasters com

Stonewall Kitchen’s Chimichurri Grille S auce


s s i c b a r b e c u e t o A s i a n i nspired, its sauces are the s e c re t t o t e n d e r r i b s , j u i c y b r i s k e t , s t i c k y w i n g s a n d s o m u c h m o re J u s t t a k e Chimichurri Grille Sauce: it makes a great pick for p i t m a s t e r s , s a u c e a f icionados and customers

Black Cherry Pineapple and Mango Passionfruit

Harnessing the power of nature, Yerbaé’s celebrity ingredient, yerba mate, is known to produce 196 different vitamins, minerals and nutrients that also produces caffeine All Yerbaé energy beverages are zero calorie, zero sugar, non-GMO and gluten free Yerbaé has expanded into 131 outlets of a large club store chain across 18 states

Yerbaé www yerbae com

Stonewall Kitchen’s Hickory Bro wn Sugar Grille S auce

Passionate about crafting quality condiments that serve to elevate any dish, Stonewall Kitchen makes it its mission to create tasty products ranging from jams to dressings

With its expertise, your customers can now grill like the greats with sauces that will make every meal sizzle

Sure to please any pit-

master, Hickory Brown Sugar Grille Sauce features the deeply complex flavors of classic barbecue It’s an ideal companion for meats and more with its notes of smoked hickory wood that come together with brown sugar, Dijon mustard, cider vinegar and spices Your customers will enjoy it brushed over flame-broiled chicken, slow-cooked with pork or used as a glaze for ribs

Stonewall Kitchen www stonewallkitchen com

who want to add a bit of inter national flair to all sorts of dishes

A fresh take on a South American staple, this chimichurri sauce features a bright, herby mix of parsley and cilantro that’s then blended with oil, vinegar, garlic and red pepper flakes Traditionally spooned over steak and other grilled meats, it also adds an herbaceous kick when tossed with roasted veggies or mixed with mayo to create a snazzy sandwich spread

Stonewall Kitchen www stonewallkitchen com

Dave’s Organic Snack Bars

Dave’s Organic Snack Bars can satisfy any sweet tooth yet are still power packed with quality ingredients, fiber and nutrition to fuel your day

The snack bars come in three flavors:

•Cocoa Brownie Blitz is a vegan bar packed with organic chocolate chunks and Dave’s signature mix of seeds, serving up 16g whole grains and 6g fiber

•Trail Mix Crumble delivers all the flavor of the classic energy boosting fuel of organic chocolate chunks, fruits, almond butter and seeds while packing 19g whole grains and 5g fiber

•Oat-rageous Honey Almond packs a whopping 22g whole grains and 5g fiber with simple ingredients including organic rolled oats, organic honey and organic dry roasted almonds

Like all Dave’s Killer Bread nationally available offerings, Organic Snack Bars are Certified USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified and contain no artificial in-

gredients, artificial preservatives, colors or flavors They are free of high fructose corn syrup and bleached flour The 4-bar boxes retail for $5 99, while individual

bars retail for $1 99 Dave’s Killer Bread Organic Snack Bars will be available at select grocery outlets nationwide as well as on Amazo

Dave’s Killer Bread

www daveskillerbread com

t o n e w a l l K i t c h e n i s h e re t o b r i n g b o l d c u is i n e t o e v e r y h o m e c o o k F e a t u r i n g f l a v o r s t h a t r a n g e f ro m c l a
C u t t i n g B o a rd C l e a n e r e ff e c t i v e l y c l e a n s a n d n e u t r a l i z e s o d o r s o n w e l lu s e d w o o d c u t t i n g s u r f a c e s i n c l u d i n g butcher blocks, cutting boards, wooden bowls and utensils The natural cleaning properties of lemon oil and coconut soap safely clean any wood surface, leaving it s m e l l i n g f re s h S p e c i a l l y f o r m u l a t e d f o r safely cleaning any wood surface Ingredients include coconut soap, coconut oil, g l y c e r i n , s a l t , c i t r a l , l a u r y l g l u c o s i d e , l e m o n t e r p e n e s , f o o d g r a d e m i n e r a l o i l n t h a n g u m
S a f e t o u s e o n a n y w o o d s u r f a c e t h a t m a y c o m e i n t o c o nt a c t w i t h f o o d ,

International Dair y Federation Symposium Addresses Dair y’s Impact on Disease

The International Dairy Federation’s third annual Nutrition and Health Symposium – Beyond Nutrients: The Health Effects of Whole Foods featured key presentations from world-renowned experts on dair y ’ s impact on non-communicable diseases

Speakers explored the impact of the dairy matrix on colorectal, cancer, heart and bone health, as well as type 2 diabetes

Dr Nancy Aburto, deputy director, food and nutrition division at FAO, addressed a view of “ a world where all people are eating healthy diets from efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems ”

“When it comes to what we eat, the sum of the parts can be greater than the whole,” she said “Symposia like the one today and the evidence that will be shared, discussed and debated are vital to help inform the work we do at FAO We rely on robust scientific evidence like what will be shared today as an important contribution to our efforts ”

Hannah Holscher, associate professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, focused her presentation on how food matrixes affect nutrient bioaccessibility

“A growing body of research is demonstrating plausible biological mechanisms associated with matrix-specific health ef-

fects,” she said

“The role of fermented dairy consumption on health provides evidence for the food matrix effect in dairy foods, such as bioactive peptides that contribute to antihypertensive effects and the presence of ßgalactosidase contributing to lactose digestion,” Holscher said

University of Bologna associate professor Luigi Ricciardiello discussed the growing evidence about the relation between dair y, gut microbiota and cancer prevention Ricciardello’s presentation particularly focused on dairy’s preventive effects on colorectal cancer

“There is strong indication that fermented milk products act through modulation of the gut microbiota, which is critical in reducing inflammation and the risk of developing colorectal cancer, ” he said

Emma Feeney from University College Dublin studied the relationship between cheese consumption, cholesterol and stroke risks

“Cheese is associated with a reduced risk of stroke, and it was slightly protective for CHD,” she said “The biggest reductions in total and LDL cholesterol are seen when people consume fat from a whole food such as within the matrix of cheese ”


The benefits of consuming dairy along the whole life course were also mentioned at this year ’ s symposium University of Melbourne’s Dr Sandra Iuliano presented a view of the benefits of calcium and protein in adolescents and older people

“Dairy foods are an important source of calcium and protein for older adults in care homes that reduces fractures, falls, weight loss and malnutrition risk,” she said “Benefits are likely in other individuals with similar fracture risk and levels of

calcium and protein inadequacies ”

Canadian expert and professor from Laval University André Marette analyzed the mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of yogurt intake on obesity, type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease

“There is growing literature suggesting that yogurt intake might reduce type 2 diabetes risk through its nutrient-rich profile and/or by the presence of specific compounds derived from milk fermentation,” he said GN

Membrane Technology Forum Gets Milk

The Membrane Technology Forum, presented by Dair y Foods and theAmerican Dair y Products Institute, will feature informative technical sessions covering current topics and emerging trends in the commercial membrane and membrane technology sector

In addition to several hours of dedicated networking, this year ’ s event will feature more than 20 presentations led by commercial membrane experts There will be two keynote presentations from experienced industry leaders who will share how they are tackling challenges and improving processes

Dr Jayendra Amamcharla, director of the Midwest Dairy Center, will present a keynote,

“Milk Is More Than the Sum of Its Parts ”

“Milk is nature’s perfect food,” Amamcharla said “We have used milk in fluid and dry forms in the food industry for a century

“Technologies have been developed over the years to fractionate milk into many unique ingredients that deliver customized functionality and nutrition to food applications We continue to discover new things about milk and the dairy complex but we still have much to learn ”

The presentation will provide a “fresh, new look at milk” and the latest research on dairy derived ingredients

The forum is set for June 12-15 in Minneapolis GN

Global Pouch Forum Reaches 26th Year

The two-day Global Pouch Forum, now in its 26th year, will provide attendees with networking opportunities and essential content from experts who develop, supply, buy or recommend flexible product packaging materials including pouches, films and machinery

The Global Pouch Forum is set for June 6-8 in Rosemont, Ill

Dennis Calamusa, president and CEO of ALLIEDFLEX Technologies will present a keynote on “Global Market Opportunities for Pouch Packaging ” Calamusa will discuss how flexible packaging can serve as a vehicle for category disruption, innovation and re-invention along with global examples of CPG companies partnering with flexible packaging in reusable packaging scenarios The

talk includes real-world perspectives on how flexible packaging can help CPG companies meet ESG goals

Mitch Jacobsen, CEO of Rviita, will present a keynote on “Flexible Beverage Innovations ”

Rviita Energy Tea is a healthy, natural, coffee alternative offered in pouch packaging and carried in Whole Foods Market, Sobeys, Walmart and Safeway, among other stores across Canada During this session, focused on CPG innovation, Jacobsen will discuss the Rviita pathway to market from startup to broad-based retail distribution, why flexible is a fit for diverse beverage consumer demographics and how Jacobsen designed his own flexible beverage pouch after not finding satisfactory market solutions GN

Giant Eagle Puts ‘Price Lock’ on Variety of Grocer y Essentials

Through Aug 9, Giant Eagle, Inc ’ s Price Lock initiative will reduce and control prices on an expansive list of 800 high-quality items – including a wide variety of grocery essentials – by an average of nearly 20 percent at all Giant Eagle and Market District locations and a selection of popular items at GetGo

While grocer y prices have recently shown signs of easing slightly for the first time since March 2020, according to the Consumer Price Index March Report, everyday consumers continue to be challenged by the realities of increased costs for essentials and the items that make life’s big and little moments more enjoyable

To provide an element of relief to its customers, Giant Eagle’s Price Lock product

list features a wide variety of seasonally relevant national brands as well as meat, seafood, produce and dair y staples plus prepared meals and health and wellness products from the Giant Eagle brand A selection of Price Lock items will be s p o t l i g h t e d i n G i a n t E a g l e ’ s p r i n t e d weekly circular, with the circular’s interactive QR codes driving customers to the G i a n t E a g l e w e b s i t e f o r m o re d e t a i l o n s a v i n g s o p p o rt u n i t i e s T h ro u g h o u t t h e s u m m e r, G i a n t E a g l e w i l l b u i l d o n t h e savings delivered through its Price Lock i n i t i a t i v e b y c o n t i n u i n g t o o ff e r s t ro n g w e e k l y s a l e s , p e r s o n a l i z e d s a v i n g s through its myPerks loyalty platform and a variety of other offerings GN

Jasper Specialty Foods 3 www jakesnutroasters com Molly Bz 23 www mollybz com Pine River Pre-Pack 11 www pineriver com Stonewall Kitchen 2,7,13,24 www stonewallkitchen com The French Farm 3 www thefrenchfar com ADVERTISER PAGE WEBSITE ADVERTISER INDEX
June 4-6 Dairy Deli Bake Seminar & Expo Anaheim, California www iddba org June 6-8 Global Pouch Forum Rosemont, Illinois www packingstrategies com June 16-18 International Society of Sports Nutrition Fort Lauderdale, Florida www sportsnutritionsociety org June 25-27 Summer Fancy Food Show New York City, New York www specialtyfood com July 9-11 School Nutrition Association Denver, Colorado www schoolnutrition org August 28-30 Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo Los Angeles, California www westernfoodexpo com Sept 7-8 Plant Based World Expo North America New York City, New York www plantbasedworldexpo com Oct 11-13 Food Automation and Manufacturing Symposium and Expo Bonita Springs, Forida www foodengineeringmag com (dates sub ect to change)

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Articles inside


pages 22-23

International Dair y Federation Symposium Addresses Dair y’s Impact on Disease

page 22


pages 18-21

Social Brew

page 18

High-Growth Pet Food Brand, Walmart Team Address Cat Consumer Needs, Expand Reach

page 17

US Patent Trial and Appeals Board Rules In Favor of Meat Industr y on Curing Agents

page 17


page 15

ProviPay Expansion Simplifies Payments Digitally Between Retailers, Distributors

page 15

UNFI Launches Climate Action Partnership

page 14

NW Natural Producing RNG at Second Tyson Foods Facility in Nebraska

page 14

NatureSweet Helps Preser ve Indigenous Species, Pollinator Corridor in Mexico

pages 12-13

ADM, Believer Meats to Propel Development, Commercialization of Cultivated Meat Products

page 12

Dollar Stores Converge Traditional Grocer y Through New Stores, Increased Shopping

page 11

Snack POS Lets Customers Add Tip on Customer-Facing Screen

page 10

Bunge to Acquire Louisiana

page 10

Let’s Make a Deal: Americans Love to Save; Coupon Use, Loyalty Programs Popular

page 10

Seed to Sizzle: Plant-Based Meat Market Set to Bloom to $15B by ‘28, Study Shows

page 9

Global Gelatin Market Size Expected to Grow Up to $5.1B, Boosted by Clean-Label Claims

page 9

Alkaline88 Gets Nationwide Distribution In All Banners Operated by Kroger

page 8

Barr y Callebaut Ruby Chocolate Takes The Cake (and Snacks) in New Products

pages 6-7

New Sweetpass Loyalty Program Rewards sweetgreen Customers on Different Levels

pages 4-5

Helbiz Expands Ghost Kitchen to New York City

page 4

Sorghum Bran Enhances Gluten-Free Bread’s Nutritional Value, Keeping All of the Flavor

page 4

Social Brew Blends Gourmet Coffee, Serious Mission to ‘Awaken’ People

page 1


page 1
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