Osqledaren #2 2020/2021

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People we have not yet photographed: Adam Särnell - Writer

Aditya Pratap Singh - Producer

Ayana Musaev - Producer Carl Housten - Writer

Claudia Moros - Producer

David Fernandez Bonet - Writer

David Vargas Carrillo - Photographer

Ellen Bäck - Illustrator

Emmy Lindberg - Writer

Isabelle Holmér - Illustrator

Jinisha Bhanushali - Writer

Johan Lam - Photographer

Karolina Gustavsson - Writer

Moa Winberg - Programmer

Nachiketh Lingachari Acharya - Photographer

Nikita Patil - Illustrator

Shubhangi Bhadoria - PR

Siddharth Mishra - Programmer

Victoria Rohrer - Photographer

Xuecong Liu - Producer

Editor in Chief Cornelia Thane Responsible Distributor Cornelia Thane Graphics and Layout Rosin Callaghan, Vendela Hamberg, Nike Backman, Carl Järmyr Eriksson & Cornelia Thane Cover Page Vendela Hamberg Print Norra Skåne Offset Paper Pages: 120g Amber graphic Cover: 250g Tom&otto Silk

About Osqledaren Osqledaren has since 1959 been the magazine of the KTH Student Union. Published quarterly with 10 000 copies per issue, the magazine is distributed to Student Union members. Our mission is to overlook, inform, and review the happenings within THS and KTH.

Contributions Do you want to contribute to the magazine?

Buying adspace in Osqledaren Contact the Editor in Chief or go to: osqledaren.se/annonsera

Email us at osqledaren@ths.kth.se The editorial staff has the right to refuse submitted material at any time.

Adress Osqledaren Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår 100 44 Stockholm

Contact osqledaren@ths.kth.se Individual editorial staff member: [firstname.lastname]@osqledaren.se

Osqledaren continues reporting during periods between magazine releases: online at osqledaren.se. Statements appearing in the magazine should be, unless otherwise indicated, regarded purely as the opinions of Osqledaren.





Produced with love  in Nymble at KTH Valhallavägen

I'm not angry, I'm just hungry

I'm not angry, I'm just hungry Introducing OL#2, the food inspired magazine. One might think this theme to be undramatic and harmless, however, it is not. It is filled with pot holes and hidden treasures. Enjoy some delicious recipes and controversy in your vegan cup of coffee while reading this December issue.

Cornelia Thane Chefredaktör 2020/2021



EXAMENSRINGAR Hos oss köper du KTH originalringar Vi har tillverkat examensringar i mer än 100 år. I vår verkstad gör erfarna guldsmeder din ring på gammeldags hantverkssätt. Nu finns också prover på alla KTHs examensringar i kårexpeditionen i Nymble! Vi bjuder på gravyren!

Sandberg Nybrogatan 9, Stockholm 08-679 90 20, www.examensring.com mån-fred 10-18, lördag 10-16




Att vara, eller inte vara - ingenjör! 7 Arbeta för staten: en offentlig hemlighet? 10 Konst & Vetenskap 12 Vad är tillgänglighet och varför är det viktigt? 14 Stockholm Makerspace - en kollektiv verkstad på campus 16


Space lab 19 The Universiade - a successful winter adventure 21 Airborne allergies – are they real? 22 LINN KEDIN 23 In all shapes and sizes 24


Läget i THS/kåren, en kårmedlems betraktelser 27 En melodi kommer alltid från hjärtat 30 KTH:s hemliga ordenssällskap och deras urinritualer 32 SINGAPORE 33


ÖL-Bryggning i diskbänksrealism 35 I livmoderns tecken 38


Offentlighetsprincipen & att plugga på gamla tentor 41 THS Kårledning blir en person färre 43 Fly tekniken 44 Teknisk utbildning har födelsedagskalas! 46





Tips och trix: den optimala matlådan

Tips och trix: den optimala matlådan TEXT EMMY LINDBERG ILLUSTRATION ELLEN BÄCK

Många av oss är experter på matlådor. Veckohandlingar och storkok tillhör vardagen på samma sätt som mikroköerna vid lunchtid. Följande uppslag riktar sig både till dig som är matlådeveteran men vill lära dig mer om råvaror i säsong och få några mellanmålstips, men också till dig som tycker att matlådor är tråkigt och svårt, jag lovar dig att du inte är ensam. Här hittar du recept som går att göra av det du har hemma och tips på hur du utnyttjar frysen på bästa sätt, för visst är det skönt att slippa laga matlådor ibland.





Matlådor i säsong Att laga mat i säsong resulterar ofta i mer smakrik mat, kreativare recept och billigare matlådor. En bra riktlinje är att det som är billigt i affären ofta är i säsong. Nedan följer ett urval av svenska råvaror, när de är i säsong och en rätt som går att laga utifrån dem. Alltid: lök, rotfrukter och grönsaker från Alltid: frysdisken. Ät: långpanna av blandade rotfrukter med valfritt tillbehör, till exempel en stor bunke med hummus. Vår: rödkål, vitkål, äpple, nässlor. Vår: Ät: kålsallad med äpple. Tillsätt valfri dressing, fetaost och stora vita bönor. Måltiden är komplett och mikrokön är ett minne blott. Försommar:: rabarber, färskpotaFörsommar tis, sparris. Hela sommaren: sommaren: spenat, squash, tomat, broccoli, svarta vinbär, tomat. Sensommar:: kantareller, isbergssallad, Sensommar gurka. Höst:: brysselkål, butternutpumpa, nypon, Höst grönkål, svartkål, äpple, kantareller. Ät: pumpasoppa med grönkålschips. Vinter: alla sorters kål, äpple, päron. Ät: pizza biVinter: anco med potatis och palsternacka, ha egengjord coleslaw som tillbehör. Källa: Portionen under tian 300-kronorsveckorna, Hanna Olvenmark s. 11-13

Optimera matlådan Visst kan det bli krångligt när salladen och såsen inte ska värmas och när matlådan har läckt ut i ryggsäcken. Här är några tips för att göra matlådelivet enklare: Förvara såsen i ett decilitermått i lådan, slipp varm sås och små burkar. Ha matlådan i plastpåse, låna bestick från sektionslokalen så kan påsen återanvändas fler gånger. Anordna restfest en gång i veckan innan nytt inhandlas. Googla på det du har hemma och laga något nytt.





Recept: använd det du har hemma Här är ett recept på varor som kan varieras beroende på vad som finns hemma, ofta blir maten god utan att ett recept behöver följas till punkt och pricka. Kanske har du också upplevt att priset drar iväg när man ska ha både sambal oelek, sriracha och chilipasta hemma, och så möglar alla längst bak i kylskåpet. Kanske räcker det med en av dem till alla recept. Detsamma gäller grädde, creme fraiche och kokosmjölk eller bönor och linser, visst blir resultatet lite annorlunda men sällan sämre. Soppa Grunden till receptet kommer från Julia Tuvessons bok Plåtmat. INNEHÅLL Grönsaker eller rotfrukter, till exempel tomater, blomkål, paprika eller palsternacka. Välj gärna efter säsong Mejeriprodukt/veganskt alternativ, till exempel grädde, creme fraiche eller kokosmjölk Smaksättning, till exempel vitlök, örter, balsamvinäger eller vitt vin. Topping, till exempel nötter och frön, smaksatt olja, sås eller röra, krutonger, bönor, pasta eller ost. buljongtärning eller fond Oliv- eller rapsolja

Salt och peppar Tillbehör, till exempel bröd och smör GÖR SÅ HÄR 1. Dela grönsakerna i bitar och lägg på en bakplåtspappersklädd plåt tillsammans med olja och eventuell smaksättning. 2. Rosta i mitten av ugnen på 200°C tills innehållet blivit mjukt, det tar 20-35 minuter beroende på råvara och storlek på bitarna. 3. Förbered topping. 4. Lägg innehållet från ugnen i en kastrull och mixa med en stavmixer. Tillsätt grönsaksbuljong (vatten och buljongtärning/fond) och grädde, creme fraiche, eller kokosmjölk till önskad konsistens. Smaka av med salt, peppar. 5. Låt soppan koka upp. 6. Servera med valfri topping och tillbehör. 7. Lägg resterna i matlådor, förvara toppingen separat om den lätt blir mjuk. Exempel på kombinationer: tomatsoppa med fetaost och rostade solrosfrön. Potatis- och purjolökssoppa med krutonger och pesto. Rotfruktssoppa med riven parmesan och rostade kikärtor.









Mellanmål Många av oss har redan stenkoll på matlådan men köper istället seveneleven-kaffet och den tillhörande bullen för att kunna fokusera de där sista eftermiddagstimmarna. 25 kronor om dagen är 500 kronor på en månad och 5000 på ett läsår. Med egen termos och ett äpple eller en färdiggjord macka i väskan sparar du alltså tusenlappar. Bre och lägg pålägg på fryst bröd på morgonen, då är det lagom tinat till att eftermiddagshungern slår in och osten hinner inte bli dålig. T-snabben har fruktpåsar med tre frukter för en tia. Lägg alltid termosen i väskan när du diskat den, om du glömmer att fylla den på morgonen kan du fylla den för ett lägre pris.

En analys av din frys Frysen möjliggör ofta en förlängning av matlådans hållbarhet. Många livsmedel får en längre livslängd av frysen samtidigt som viss mat blir riktigt äcklig av att vara fryst. Här är några riktlinjer kring frysen. Frys in: in: nästan alla grönsaker, gammal ost som först rivs ner, bröd, färdiga matlådor, smör, egenkokta bönor, övermogen banan.

Platser för inspiration

Frys inte: inte: potatis, och mejeriprodukter.

Portionen under tian, (undertian.se) där finns bland annat 300-kronorsveckor, matlåderi och hundratals recept.

Tänk på: på: skriv lappar med innehåll och datum på det som fryses in, frys in i portionsstorlekar (eller styckfrys om plats och ork finns) så att det är lätt att ta fram när det ska användas.

Tuvessonskan (tuvessonskan.se) där hittas plåtmat, matlåderecept och enkla vardagsrätter. Zeinas Kitchen (zeinaskitchen.se) mat från olika delar av världen och veckomatsedlar. Jävligt gott (javligtgott.se) vegansk husmanskost. Böckerna Studentköket: quick and tasty, vego och klimatsmart. Tips på vad som alltid ska finnas hemma och många lättlagade och billiga recept.






Militant and woke are infighting as per usual. Enter sheep. SHEEP Hey guys, what are you talking about? WOKE This jerk is ruining the public image of veganism and it’s really pissing me off! SHEEP Quit being so militant and gatekeepy, my dude MILI Lmao I’m the militant guy

Definition of vegan: a strict vegetarian who consumes no food (such as meat, eggs, or dairy products) that comes from animals also: one who abstains from using animal products (such as leather)





As a member of the ever growing, although still quite esoteric, vegan society, one is oftentimes faced with challenging social dilemmas. When unnerving or uncomfortable situations arise, soldiers of social sanity sometimes falter: to serve the Vegan Supreme Court or to make Militant Maneuvers, correcting errors, subjectively. Setting out to explore this space of sparse, spread out opinions, two vivacious vegan representatives from Osqledaren, acquired some confusing content, composed rather concisely, combined with continuous commentary, as follows: A jumble of questions seemed to pop into the minds of those we bombarded with our questions. Included in this daunting daze, the dominating talking points were: in what ways do people apply veganism and its principles in their lives? Why do we choose to be vegan? What are the cultural implications of excluding animal products from our lives? What role does predetermined privilege play? Is it possible to live fully vegan or is it sufficient to adopt the trend? Who is able to live vegan, and is anyone obligated to be? Common questions addressing these issues are often sprinkled with catchy hashtags: morality, trends, industry influence, etc. This frantic fire is only fueled further by partisan and incomplete information supplied to the public. Distortion and cognitive dissonance redirect thinking and polarize this topic further; who doesn’t have an opinion on veganism? Bring on the really controversial questions, even the most adamant of vegans meander around being militant when it comes to certain hot topics. What does veganism really entail and how far does it go? Politicization of veganism has created complexes, boxes, within which we place ourselves like chess pieces. Personality archetypes: the hippie vegan, the militant

vegan, the woke vegan, the guy that just follows the trends vegan. Infighting is unfortunately common; although discussions are healthy, the vegan community is painfully divided. On topics such as militantism, how woke one should be? What is the true role of veganism in society? To what extent is it possible to convert to veganism and when is the right time to begin? Some of the most insightful intellectual vegans choose to highlight the fact that many products more than those we are aware of contain animal produce- or otherwise use animals in their production chain. Honey, certain spirits, candles and even figs, can trace their production methods and supply chains back to animal products along the way. But more obscure items include most glue, plastic bags, LCD screens and hygiene products such as soap. Many of these products are necessities and alternatives are not readily available, this brings up thoughts of where to draw the line, what is the ultimate definition of “correctly” being vegan? What is “good enough”?



Given the complexity of the topic, we, Osqledaren, are left with the unprovocative conclusion that each individual will, most certainly, choose whichever option suits them best. There are an infinitesimal number of reasons to be selected and implemented in order to justify any decision. Therefore, we advise precise contemplation and a pursuit of personal peace.








The fair that takes campus by storm this time of year has done it too: gone digital! Following up on Osqledaren’s reporting from the previous year (see ”Greenwashing at THS”), we hoped to analyze how this new format of fair affected its sustainability efforts. Armada selectively hosts companies which they evaluate to be the most sustainable in its highly prestigious Green Room. Osqledarens reporter Aditya Pratap Singh interviewed Daniel Aston, Head of Armada, before the event itself, for the details on the reinvented fair! Aditya: What is Armada’s vision and source of inspiration? Daniel: Armada is a platform for students to meet their recruiters and to witness the world after KTH. It is essential to create a platform where these opportunities can mingle with your endeavor in today’s competitive world, especially tough during pandemic times. Hence, the Armada Jobs Fair creates a better medium of communication for students with many companies under one roof, aiming to provide the best companies for KTH’s great engineering minds. Armada strives to make it easy for students to shape their own future; with this mission, they have successfully achieved hosting their 40th edition... and counting! Aditya: How is Armada changed because of the pandemic? Daniel: The pandemic has brought organizational and platform changes to provide the best engagement for students and companies. Armada has moved from hosting a physical fair to a digital fair, and we were visionary about it. The decision for going digital was taken in late spring of 2020, so we planned according to digital requirements. Having a digitalized Armada is the first time for us, so we will be missing features of physical Armada like the lounge, physical communication, Diversity Doom, and The Green Room. However, as the world is adapting, we have adapted much faster than usual, and are excited to provide the same quality and engagement as previous years of Armada. Aditya: How is the team overcoming so many changes, as Armada’s central theme is physical communication between students and recruiters, from around 40 years of its inaugural hosting? Daniel: It is exciting to say that the digital fair was always on our minds, since 2008, and we organized a digital hybrid fair as Armada 2.0 that year. Yes, it was not really possible to do well at that time, but now

with excellent internet access, we think we can do this. In 2018, we evaluated the chances for the digital or the hybrid fair to complement the main physical fair, and now here we are: going fully digital with our best force! Armada is a student organization with a dedicated team that is always on its toes to adapt and perform. Hence, we are not taking this change from physical to digital as an end of something, but rather as the evolution. We utilize all social media platforms, from Instagram, Facebook, the Armada Website, and our essential partner Graduateland. Armada team is in regular communication with companies to adapt to digital mediums. Companies and Armada are frequently running trial sessions on digital platforms to learn how to provide uninterrupted service to students during the upcoming main days. Aditya: Going digital makes Armada more sustainable and approachable to everyone, since as has been the case, many students cannot come to campus easily. What is your take on that increase in supply and how will it affect the demand? Daniel: We are providing the same quality through the digital medium with a better approach for students and recruiters. The better approach is that in that term, anyone can attend the fair sitting at their home. Earlier, many students used to miss the fair because of their different engagements, but now we have made it possible to attend from any place and get the same opportunities to shape their future. Yes, going digital is helping Armada to go sustainable. Our internal communication, fair promotions are paperless and also as a fair, so can Armada finally be as well. Articles are digital so companies will be unable to provide any handouts. Also, as the main days are digital, so much energy can be saved by not using logistics and transportation. Aditya: What special sustainable and diversity steps is Armada taking this year? Daniel: Sustainability and Diversity are in



our roots, and we have always tried our best to put our efforts as exemplary for every event hosting organization. This year we have introduced the Sustainability and Diversity Index to select companies for the fair. We score each company on these two engagements and then select. We are also hosting Knightec, an event where six female KTH Alumni who have achieved tremendous success in their lives will share their experience with students. This event brings up the importance of diversity, making sure we take this into consideration, as success is not a matter of gender, but talent and expertise. Also, we are going carbon neutral, we are estimating the energy consumption from the early days of Armada 2020 and plan to plant equivalent trees to achieve our sustainability goals. Aditya: How tough is it to make a big event like Armada sustainable? Daniel: It is not tough to be sustainable, as sustainability is in our roots, and we plan everything according to our core values, always taking them into careful consideration. For example, we designed our promotion mostly paperless through digital platforms. Aditya: you?

What is Armada personally for

Daniel: Armada, for me personally, is about meeting my friends, who eventually has become my family. The fair has helped me to make new friends, which would not have been possible without Armada. Armada is like an organization where you help people grow and see them growing because it takes quality time to plan such a big event. It feels like to be a part of a well-organized company where you work, laugh, and make memories of a lifetime.


Armada 2020:





Milked Oats: The Oatly Story and Their Controversial Investors TEXT ADAM SÄRNELL ILLUSTRATION ISABELLE HOLMÉR

A debate that has gradually engaged people all over the world is the one regarding Oatly, the Swedish company known for producing oat-based alternatives to dairy products. While a large portion of the debate has revolved around their controversial marketing and their rivalry with the Swedish milk industry, a lot of their recent attention has been drawn due to some of their investors: Blackstone and China Resources.




Oatly have branded themselves as an environmental-friendly company and as a healthier alternative to dairy products. The message towards consumers has been that by choosing Oatly’s products over dairy you are both actively helping the environment, because of their products’ lower carbon footprint, and choosing a healthier lifestyle. In 2014 the Swedish milk industry took them to court where Oatly lost. This stopped them from using slogans such as “no milk, no badness” and they were also not allowed to market their products as healthier than dairy. Cow’s milk made its way into the Swedish “folkhemmet” during the last century where the milk industry, receiving financial support from the Swedish government, has a long history of marketing milk as a healthy drink for all occasions and as an indisputable part of the Swedish diet. It is only in recent years that this view of milk in Sweden has been questioned on a larger scale – partially due to Oatly’s marketing. Oatly have been transparent with their goal to replace milk and it has been the motivation behind them choosing to portray milk in a negative manner instead of lifting the benefits of their own plant-based products. Meanwhile, farmers and other parties have raised concerns that this strategy has been polarizing the discussion and not taking into account that growing crops and raising cattle both are essential parts of the Swedish agricultural ecosystem, that the issue is more complex than what Oatly’s campaigns show. There are many things to consider depending on if you focus on the carbon footprint, the biodiversity or both.


the future, although the use of synthetic fertilizers is a whole debate in itself. In the end there is probably room in the future for both cows and large scale oat production – only that the focus from now on should be more about finding a sustainable balance between the two. Nevertheless, leading scientists agree (referring to the IPCC and journals such as Science and Nature) that the consumption of animal products has to decrease globally in order to adopt a more sustainable way of life, and a big challenge is that people’s dietary patterns will not change unless they

“Buying a box of oat drink to pour in your coffee totally justifies that half a kilogram of red meat you bought with it, right?”

For example, in one hectare of land you can farm much more oat than you can produce milk, the drawback is that conventional farming risks the future fertility of the soil because of its often one-sided, frequent harvests. Meanwhile, a natural way of improving biodiversity and the quality of the soil is having more grazing cows, however, during the course of a cow’s life and by eventually being a part of the meat industry, cows have a substantial negative impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time cows eat residual products from the oat drink production and produce fertilizer that is used when growing oat. That is not to say that oat will be dependent on cow fertilizer in

are given alternatives they can incorporate into their daily lives – without having to sacrifice too much. In many people’s eyes, Oatly’s products have been that alternative. A way for them to feel good about themselves regardless if they have made other changes to their consumption as well. Buying a box of oat drink to pour in your coffee totally justifies that half a kilogram of red meat you bought with it, right? Either way, Oatly has not only been a popular option amongst lactose-intolerant customers, their products have also been a prime example of that when everyday people are given a good alternative they have no problem with breaking habits and adjusting their weekly shopping list. A Swedish food blogger wrote: “We did not stop downloading music illegally because the anti-piracy agency sent out threats, it was because Spotify came along and made OSQLEDAREN #2


it easier and better to stream”. In the same sense, he implies that the decrease in milk and meat consumption we are seeing in Sweden is not happening because people suddenly discovered the products’ impact on the climate (this has been well known for many years) but that it is because there are finally more climate-friendly options that are good enough that consumers are willing to change their habits since the trade-off does not feel as significant. This is the reason why many customers were disappointed when they found out that companies like Blackstone and China Resources, that both simultaneously invest in businesses harming the environment, are large stakeholders in a company that for many years have claimed that they are fighting for the environment. This dimension to the debate revolves around the following two sides: the side saying that Oatly is hypocritical by doing this and that it proves that companies only have an environmental image because it is trendy, and the other side defending Oatly claiming that this is an attempt of “guilt by association” and that these investors actually are a good thing. Blackstone is one of the largest investment firms in the world and the company has stakes in hundreds of companies worldwide in a wide range of sectors: real estate, pharmaceuticals, fashion, banking, ICT, hotels, infrastructure – only to name a few. The 200 million USD (1.8 billion SEK) investment this year gave them roughly a 10% stake in Oatly and to put this number in perspective, Blackstone announced in their 2019 annual report that they ended the year with 571 billion USD of assets under management (AUM) which makes Oatly a tiny 0.0003% of their current assets. It is not the first time Blackstone’s business ethics have been questioned, one example from last year is when the UN accused them of contributing to the ongoing global housing crisis. However, the reason why Blackstone’s investment has caused a commotion amongst Oatly customers is mainly that they own stakes in two Brazilian companies accused of contributing to the ongoing deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. One of the companies is a logistics and resource extraction company called Hidrovias do Brasil, known for aiding Brazilian farmers and other


companies in transporting their products through the country – soybeans, for example. The government of Jair Bolsonaro has in recent years implemented an aggressive strategy to turn the Amazon into profitable agribusiness and the accusations against Hidrovias includes both facilitating the soy business expansion in the rainforest and aiding the government in developing the controversial highway BR-163 that runs straight through the Amazon. Blackstone has denied these claims, insisting that Hidrovias is operating to the highest sustainability standards possible. The other controversial shareholder is China Resources. A Chinese state-owned multi-industry company that, besides owning 30% of Oatly, also owns businesses within a variety of industries like energy, food, construction and healthcare. Notably, the company owns and maintains a number of coal power plants through multiple regions of mainland China and it is also the monopoly holder of the importation of meat to Hong Kong. Critique aimed towards Oatly for taking in these investors boils down to them being hypocritical, selling out to the highest bidders and essentially letting their customers down. After all, if you as a customer have bought a product specifically because the company behind it claims to be benefiting the environment, finding out that the money you have spent ends up profiting companies that actively invest in ways that


harm the climate is bamboozling to say the least. Customers have expressed their frustration over it already being difficult to find good, sustainable alternatives and that Oatly’s actions limit their options even further. But is it completely a bad thing that these companies are starting to invest in greener options? Oatly’s response to the critique is that them choosing Blackstone as an investor has been a well-thought-out decision from the start. They do not deny Blackstone’s alleged negative impact on the environment, instead they present another line of reasoning. They argue that to be able to reach global climate goals they “need to speak a language that the capital markets can understand”. In other words: while many consumers might resonate with Oatly’s message and therefore support the company, the money required to expand in the pace necessary to reach the climate goals can only be acquired by showing the world’s established, capital-heavy players that vegetal products is an industry worth investing in. Their plan is that by proving themselves as a viable option for investment firms they will redirect funding from non-environmental-friendly industries in the process. This is a strong argument in theory but until success is proven their customers can only hope that their strategy is as game-changing as they say and that those 0.0003% creates the ripple effect needed.



The discussion around whether Oatly should be blamed for what their investors are doing is more of a philosophical one. China is not the only country whose state-owned company owns coal-driven power plants, Sweden’s does too through the power company Vattenfall. Would that make it controversial if news broke that Vattenfall decided to invest in Oatly? Each year, the coal power plants that Vattenfall owns in Germany are emitting more greenhouse gases than the whole country of Sweden, all while China has since 2011 burnt more coal than all other countries combined – so who can judge what amount of coal is accepted or not? Should you take into account that China is the country spending the most money in the world on clean energy R&D? Or that the energy production within Sweden is 98% fossil-free? People defending Oatly say that it is naive and unrealistic to demand an economy where you may only receive investments from 100% pure investors with no negative associations whatsoever. They also suggest that investing in disruptive, forward-thinking companies is doing more for the environment than, for instance, suing them. Nonetheless, this line of reasoning should make any person ask themselves: If the end goal justifies the means, how “bad” does a potential investor have to be for a company like Oatly to turn them down?


Guardians of the Glucose Gamut


When traversing among the many mysterious and sometimes evil buildings of the well-designed, although chaotic KTH campus, one discovers students who have optimized every aspect of their lives. Inspired by machine learning and cultivation process optimization courses, these high tech students proceed to treat themselves just like their code: something to be perfected.




When it comes to the glucose feed for these peculiar students, they each have slightly different preferences, as if genetics truly did play a role. Not only is the growth media composition significant, there is yet another dimension which is of importance when designing the feed. Having slightly more computational capacity than an E. Coli bacteria, KTH students are susceptible to strange emotions, which we know by the name: pleasure. These pleasures, as deeply biologically rooted as they come, still include, despite all of the tech tools and rationalization brought to us by the exponential technological development of our time, the simple need for a source of energy. Even though KTH is a petri dish for some of the most spectacular biotechnological innovations of the era, we have not yet succeeded in integrating a glucose feed into our smart watches. This utter failure leaves the poor bacterial students susceptible to making the wrong decisions about their growth media and feeds. We have now made it to the U building on KTH campus; its strangely scaled faรงade fascinates even the most logical thinkers who call our campus their second home. Walking up the half floor stair cases, we witness simplistic, clean, minimalistic spaces, perfectly compiled with equally structured production organisms in front of their clean computers. Here we witness the beauty of one silver toaster and a single sheet of paper, handled with care by one carefully crafted harmonious human. Placed neatly beside their geometrically aligned tools, is an equally rectangular box, the contents of which are quite controversial, to say the least. The vivacious viral victims will leap out of their seats

Guardians of the Glucose Gamut

leniently to drown themselves in a debate, leading to gloomy despair, trying to determine the direction of their dictatorship. Each individual is close to completely convinced that their version of the optimal option is the absolute truth. Yes, many people do believe that this exists, at least within the bounds of the cruel campus they infest. Having considered the multi dimensional problem of efficiency supplying the complicated code with an appropriate energy source, the output should be optimal as well. Dimension wise, the dilemma is difficult to decipher. Values such as cost, global impact, carbon footprint, social acceptance, mental wellness, and many more aspects which the average animal in the concrete jungle would easily overlook, perhaps even by choice. The intelligent iguanas, however, who believe they blend in with ease by erasing this fear, have succeeded in overwriting any social stress, wielding the power of self induced placebo. There are a few quite standardized media for consumption, which fit neatly into square metal boxes: rice and beans, 7 SEK per box. Pasta and chicken, 17 SEK per box. Just pasta, 1 SEK per box. One single orange, along with an orange flavored energy drink, 30 SEK. The benefits and drawbacks are clearly self selected, allowing the magic of antibiotic resistance and Darwinism to proceed with unintentional auto directed evolution. Each has their own preference, lifestyle, and believe in micronutrients, macronutrients, trace elements, and the ideal habitats, all being integrated to produce a phenomenal final product. The heated discussion breaks out as I ask the audacious organisms to explain themselves, sparking serious, but structured cynicism. Some brave bacteria believe they only need to consume vitamins in the form of vegetables to feel fantastically flawless. Others prefer



protein for production of masses of muscles necessary to move mountains, see Mt. Alba Nova. Green algae, floating calmly atop the roaring rivers, rushing by irrationally, glow with a meditative intensity: silently seeding the innocent idea that photosynthesis in the food chain is the guiding principle. A few frantic hours later, slowly leaving behind a discussion that will drag on for centuries in Stockholm Silicon City, I elegantly make my exit. Swingingly strolling down the smooth streets of this curious campus, quietly considering the concepts of ordered optimization and reading the world in rows and columns, the carrots for consequentialism are decidedly determined by the madness of the mind.




Do you want to fight for the Climate on our Campus? OSQLEDAREN #2



Food Policies at KTH: Plant Based Potential

Food for Sustainability! Sustainable Food Group within KTH Students for Sustainability (SforS) Our goal is to reduce the environmental impact of food consumed at KTH: We envision plant based food as the default on campus, while still offering alternative options. We nudge for good, helping the planet!

50 kg of CO2

Join our effort! Information: sites.google.com/view/kthsfors Email: kth.sfors@gmail.com Sources: “Reducing food’s environmental impacts through producers and consumers” by Poore and Nemecek 2018.

0.4 kg of CO2 OSQLEDAREN #2



Food Saving Apps


Sweden and an expensive standard of living goes hand in hand. This is particularly hard for a student who lives in Sweden on a budget. Our generation has acquired the art of technology with the help of technology. Another thing that is synonymous with Sweden is sustainability. If we combine all three, life would be simpler. Food saving apps is a combination of all three. As a student these are the apps that you can use.



This is also another student friendly app. They connect neighbors with one another and cafes or restaurants with customers. Similar to Karma, they post food that are excess or not used. As a result of this, the food is shared and picked up for free. The main difference between this and Karma is that food that is shared is completely free of cost. Added to the no cost, it is also sustainable as it helps in food saving and is very student friendly. Again, this is not available just in Stockholm, but the entire of Sweden.

It is one of the most popular apps used by students. The restaurants or cafĂŠ posts food that they have surplus and unused and they sell it a specific time of the day between 2 PM to 6 PM for a reduced price. It alerts users of deals in proximity to their location. As can be seen this is very sustainable as it reduces food wastage as well student friendly. So, this is an app that is highly recommended not just in Stockholm but in entire Sweden as it is not location specific.


Too Good To Go

This app is another variation of the Karma app where the restaurants or cafĂŠs post about their leftover food for a reduced fair. As a result, it becomes student friendly by being economical. Furthermore, it is sustainable as it curbs food wastage by sharing food. So, this is also one of the highly recommended apps as it is not region specific as well. This app helps in identifying even the unknown shops that have excess food.

Similar to the above mentioned apps, the restaurants and cafes post the food that is remaining for the day in order to avoid food wastage. They sell all these at a marginal cost which is affordable by students. As can be seen, this app also promotes sustainability by reducing food wastage. So, this app is also another of the highly recommended one for students.




Food Saving Apps




Caffeine Controversy

Caffeine Controversy


Viveka, Jakob and other students explore the coflict between energy drinks and coffee Having spent countless sleepless nights, studying late hours, accompanied only by empty energy drinks, the solidarity was not easily forgotten, not by any amount of caffeine. Not only the tempting smell, but the delicious taste of the chemical combination of sugar and caffeine, stole my susceptible student heart. In the dreadful darkness of the scary Swedish winter, my weakness for watered down sugar and an abundance of artificial fruit flavours, allowed me to reach the peaks of my academic achievements; check out my quantum contributions in the Twitter (Tinder)sphere! Although ultimately unintended, this acceleration has thrust me forward and I thank the energetic overlords for the opportunities opened up for me with every can.

Being quite the espresso enthusiast, I calmly (I am calm!!) conclude that caffeine comes in handy, half of the time. Despite the remainder being drastically duller, I admit to my apparent addiction: I adore always clutching a coffee cup, holding on to a hallucinogenic happy state, the stimulating smell produced by a powerful powder, Italian imported of course, fuels my fire and amplifies my ambitions. Full disclosure, I am a coffee snob and it is quite enjoyable, five out of seven; I would without hesitation or second thought recommend it. *viv sips a smoky espresso and drops mic, her heart rate increases, she runs another marathon.*




The coffee should be black as night and hot as hell, an anonymous mechanical adamantly addresses us, allowing almost no room for debate. Yosef comments: I'm not a big fan of energy drinks. I prefer coffee as it has less sugar and compared to consuming an energy drink which has a high sugar content, I wouldn't crash after a sugar rush. In agreement, Karolina comes with carefully considered contributions: coffee is the choice with a similar amount of caffeine to energy drinks, but without sugar, which is a huge pro! Sustainability wise, neither option, is excellent, however, perhaps with enough research, it could tentatively be determined. Tea, on the other hand, is both more sustainable and she prefers it because of its diversity. A bit conflicted about his choice, Stefan explains his dilemma: Since I don’t drink coffee, I am not aware of what it may offer me. However, I would say that I feel more energized by Celicisu than by Nocco. It

Caffeine Controversy

feels as if it makes my stomach feel more acidic, since there are more chemicals in it… but what do I know?! Last but not least, David especially appreciates a delicious coffee during the delightful dawns. Not that the brown bitter brew inspires his taste buds to perform joyful dances, however, it is likely to lubricate his limbic system. While a cup of coffee allows him to support a struggling local business and have some fruitful filthy discussions with intrusive mysterious strangers, energy drinks are only good to stand through a lonely evening in front of a screen, making him forget his lousy ambitions in League of Legends. Betty agrees, her face already warps at the thought of the transparent chemical liquid. For her delicate tongue, this artificial daemonic substance is really anything but a gourmet's delight. Moreover, she can cuddle a boiling hot coffee cup through a solitary Swedish night, whereas attempting the same with an Aluminium can is significantly less romantic, leaving her utterly unsatisfied.

Oblivious Overlord Jakob and Espresso Enthusiast Viv urge the readers to consider all the aspects of their decision, in particular, which is the most important for them personally. This concise caffeine debate does not only cover internal confusion regarding rigorous definitions of a healthy lifestyle and having to fuel our bodies, but it also impacts the world around us. Hanging around over-caffeinated and stressed out engineering students is bad for your health, so you better check yourself, before you caffeine wreck yourself! Beyond this aggravating reality, is the recycling issue: how difficult is the separation of plastic from paper as compared to melting down a thin aluminum can? We are nudged into bringing our metal coffee thermoses for coffee, but never for energy drinks. Have you ever brought a refillable metal can, to be reused again and again at your favorite cafés on campus? Neither have we. However, nor do we bring thermoses. Do you?



Holding on to the supposed Swedish tradition of drinking a minimum of five cups of “bryggkaffee” per day, Patrik is reluctant to admit he really prefers energy drinks, specifically an unnamed red and black printed one. Minimizing the calories and maximizing the tasty benefits, he prefers cans when driving through the darkness of the unknown territories of Northern Sweden. Traversing these terrains, the twenty hours from civilized Stockholm to krackhead Kiruna demand downing a dozen doses of chemical filled cans. Cruise on, comrade! Disagreeing with exactly everyone, nagging us, Noah insistently refuses to choose between coffee and energy drinks. Proceeding to shove spaghetti down his throat, consuming his mandatory 6,000 calories per day in one single meal, for efficiency reasons to be precise, he proudly presents us with a precious pill. Caffeine pills, my fellow travelers, speeds up the computation and avoids any issues mentioned by our earlier interviewees, Noah claims, and swallows the pill.


Are you safe at KTH?


In a recent survey conducted on students at KTH, it came to light that about a sixth of the participants have felt unsafe at KTH. Malvina, initially founded with the name “Kvinnliga Teknologers Sammanslutning” (Female Engineering student gathering) was founded in 1927. Its mission is to strengthen the female network at KTH, across the chapters and the world of business. The women and non-binary community of KTH, Malvina conducted a survey found shocking insights concerning sexual inequality and discrimination. Over the course of the last century, asa society, we have taken huge steps towards the empowerment and equal involvement of all sexes, genders and ethnicities in every aspect of life. Inequality deprives the discriminated individuals of opportunities and threatens their safety and well-being. It is therefore very important that educational institutes, which are meant to be safe spaces for everyone to learn and grow together, maintain a healthy environment for all their students. As a well-known university for local and international students alike, one might expect that the campuses of KTH would be more welcoming and inclusive of everyone attending the university. However, a recently conducted survey made by the members of Malvina, a network for female and non-binary students, brings to light a somber picture of gender inequality and discrimination.It was observed that over 25 percent y said that they have felt discriminated during their

time at KTH. Furthermore, a majority of the women who felt unsafe were from the programs dominated by male students, such as electrical and mechanical engineering. Participants of the survey also reported feeling discriminated by the teaching staff, peers of their chosen field and also during extracurricular campus activities. The survey also found that nearly a fourth of the participants received no help and 11% received some but not enough. A third of the participants did not know that they could get help from KTH . Although the survey was only conducted amongst the members of Malvina, their results aligned with a similar survey conducted by KTH. Thus, reinforces the fact that discrimination exists, and clearly impacts the emotional well-being of its victims by threatening their sense of safety. The numbers do raise a few concerns and compel one to ask the question: Is anything being done to manage the problem of discrimination at KTH? This is where Malvina comes into the picture. "We want everyone to feel safe on campus. Therefore, we both guide you to get the right help, as well as we support proactive work. We want to be a pillar of support that tries to connect all essential people and builds up a supporting network", says Luise Schwarz, chairperson at Malvina.



Apart from addressing the questions related to inequality, Malvina, has an objective to bring female and non-binary students across all programs at KTH together. Some of their main areas of focus include gathering information and regulations regarding discrimination from KTH and making it available to students in an accessible way, maintaining dialogue with the Equality office at KTH and the principal to discuss matters of discrimination and equality, and coordinating with the student chapters to support them for creating a positive environment for everyone. While these are steps in the right direction, it is important for students like us to know what inequality and discrimination mean, our rights and that it is okay to ask for help. As rightly pointed out by Anna Wahl from the KTH Equality office, it is also important to recognize these inequalities as we often do not notice them if we have been used to it. "You can improve your knowledge and awareness about how to recognize inequalities in our daily lives (there are courses and you can look for literature at KTHB), and you can get in touch with groups and networks among students that work for change at KTH”, says Anna Wahl.



Are you safe at KTH?







B Why have you felt unsafe at KTH?





A,B C Why have you felt discriminated at KTH?

A B C A, B, C A, B B, C

During other campus activities (Chapter, Student Union, pubs etc.) From classmates or other students during school hours From teachers or other staff during school hours From teachers or other staff during school hours, From classmates or other students during school hours, During other campus activities (Chapter, Student Union, pubs etc.) From classmates or other students during school hours, During other campus activities (Chapter, Student Union, pubs etc.) From teachers or other staff during school hours, From classmates or other students during school hours




Are you safe at KTH?





The Fountain of Youth


Imagine you are fooling around with Google Earth, exploring Area 51 and whatnot. However, there is a disappointing absence of alien life. Completely upset, you decide to set a new goal in search of suspicious activity. After trying out the Bermuda Triangle and Atlantis with no success, it is the Fountain of Youth’s turn. But wait, where is it supposed to be? Wouldn’t it be sensible to seek places where people live long?




Immersed in this very same quest was the American National Geographic Fellow Dan Buettner. He did his research, grabbed an Earth globe and circled the places that were known for its unusual longevity, using a blue crayon. In a sudden burst of inspiration, he brilliantly named those regions “Blue Zones”. Granted, there is a tiny possibility that Blue Zones do not contain the Fountain of Youth. For the love of God, maybe miraculous waters are not real. What is, indeed, real is that people residing in such zones live much longer than the average human being. We shall begin a more down-to-earth quest trying to find out why! Because these are small regions with no connection between each other, one could easily argue that the reason for their extended longevity is purely genetic. The whims of heredity and natural selection would be to blame and we would go to sleep grimly thinking of that uncle who passed away early, fearing that it may happen to us. Luckily enough, this is not the case. Detailed studies show that genetics probably account from 20% to about 30% of longevity, marking environmental influences as the main contributing factor. If sounding smart is a priority to you, please do call it epigenetics. To no-one’s surprise, diet and lifestyle play a huge role in determining a human lifespan. So even though your


grandmother is a hundred years old, your diet consisting of kex choklad and 3 daily kanelbullar may not be a good idea. Even during exam weeks. With genetics out of the way, it is possible to determine clear patterns associated with long lives analyzing Blue Zones. Regarding their diet, they consume an unusual amount of whole plant foods. Although most groups are not strictly vegetarians, they eat meat or fish around five times a month. This fact concurs with a study done on over half a million people, which states that avoiding meat can significantly reduce the risk of death from heart disease, cancer and other common illnesses. At the same time, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fats. They also restrict their calories. Okinawans, for instance, follow the “Hara Hachi Bu”, which is also called “The 80% Rule”. As its name indicates, it means stopping to eat when you feel 80% full instead of the usual 100%. What about alcohol? There is a surprising amount of papers trying to prove that alcohol is good for your body. It is not. A serious study on red wine concluded that one or two glasses per day may be beneficial because… you guessed it! Not the alcohol. It is actually the grapes’ antioxidants. Nonetheless, people from the Mediterranean Blue Zones drink red wine (in moderation) and their longevity is no joke. This could be linked to their lifestyle. Enjoying a glass of wine



with your loved ones could contribute to general happiness and increase life-expectancy. Exercise is built in their daily lives. Sardinian men go through long stairs and climb up steep hills as their gym replacement. Not because they choose to, but because they must. There is no skipping leg day when raising farm animals. It is not unusual to get proper sleep when the body is exhausted, which is fantastic because it prevents heart diseases and strokes. They also do daytime naps or “siesta”, seldom longer than half an hour. We Mediterranean people know more than any other the wonders of a good nap… it is not laziness, okay? In a nutshell: if you want to increase your chances for a long and healthy life you should eat properly and in moderation, sleep well, exercise and not drink too much alcohol. It turns out that the Fountain of Youth is disgustingly similar to your mother’s advice.



Icaria (Greece) Icaria is an island in Greece where people eat a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil, red wine and homegrown vegetables.

Ogliastra, Sardinia (Italy) The Ogliastra region of Sardinia is home to some of the oldest men in the world. They live in mountainous regions where they typically work on farms and drink red wine.

Okinawa (Japan) Okinawa is home to the world’s oldest women, who eat soybased foods and practice tai chi, a meditative form of exercise.

Nicoya Peninsula (Costa Rica) The Nicoyan diet is based around beans and corn tortillas. The people of this area regularly perform physical jobs into old age and have a sense of life purpose known as “plan de vida.”

The Seventh-day Adventists in Loma Linda, California (USA) The Seventh-day Adventists are religious people who believe in the second coming (advent) of Jesus Christ. They’re strict vegetarians and live in tight-knit communities.





En utbytestermin i Valencia


Slask. Jag har svårt att komma på något jag avskyr mer. För er som råkar vara insatta i polsk fotboll så är det inte klubben Śląsk Wrocław jag avskyr utan jag syftar snarare på den typen av snö som av någon anledning vägrar smälta helt och hållet. Snön som klamrar sig fast vid sitt forna jag likt en amerikansk president som förlorar makten efter enbart fyra år. Ni vet att man brukar säga att samerna har mer än 200 ord för att beskriva olika snöförhållanden? Jag har bara ett ord som beskriver vad jag känner för slask: hat.





När jag minns tillbaka så var det riktigt ruggigt ute när ansökan till utbytesterminen skickades in i december förra året. Det ständiga, mörka molntäcket hade tagit ut sin rätt och även om jag intalade mig att utbytet skulle handla om akademiska meriter så var det nog värmen som lockade mest. Ja, jag valde Spanien. Ja, det är 25 grader och strålande sol i skrivande stund trots att det är november. Och ja, en liter sangria kostar 12 kr, det är väl inget konstigt med det?! Ni trivs säkert bra där hemma i Sverige så här års – det är ju så “mysigt” – men låt mig trots det ta med er på en kulturell resa bortom regn, rusk och ärtsoppa till en kuststad där apelsinträden blomstrar längs gatorna; platsen där paellan föddes: Valencia. Valencia är Spaniens tredje största stad samt huvudstad i den autonoma regionen med samma namn. Utan att gå in på djupare detaljer kring indelningen i regioner så är det värt att nämna att det givetvis har en historisk koppling, att många spanjorer känner en stark tillhörighet till den egna regionen och dess kultur, samt att det till en viss grad råder en form av regionalt självstyre där lagstiftningen varierar i en del frågor. Lagarna skiljer sig inte lika drastiskt som mellan t.ex. delstater i USA, men ett bra exempel är att det i nästan alla landets regioner är tillåtet med tjurfäktning medan det är förbjudet på t.ex. Kanarieöarna. Valencia stads emblem inkluderar en fladdermus vilket även reflekteras i flera lokala fotbollsklubbarnas logo-




typer. När Valencia CF hade sitt 100-årsjubileum förra året hotade företaget bakom batman, DC Comics, att stämma klubben för användandet av fladdermusen – trots att klubben hade haft den i sitt klubbmärke i årtionden när batman för första gången såg dagens ljus. En intressant koppling mellan Valencia och Sverige är att arkitekten som ritade Turning Torso, Santiago Calatrava, även har ritat Valencias skrytbygge placerat mitt i stan: Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències, ett enormt kulturområde fyllt med futuristiska konstruktioner. Byggnadernas utseenden har lett till att serien Westworld använt området som inspelningsplats under delar av den senaste säsongen. Att det finns en strävan att bevara den valencianska identiteten märks på sättet en del mat och dryck har namnsätts. Trots att paellan av många anses vara Spaniens nationalrätt så är man här väldigt noga med att “paella valenciana”, gjord på bland annat kanin och kyckling, är den autentiska varianten. Ni vet madeleinekakor? Här kallas de för “valencianas” och den till synes enda skillnaden är att formen ändrats samt att den äts till frukost. De har till och med haft mage att addera vodka och gin till cocktailen mimosa för att sedan döpa den till “agua de valencia” vilket bokstavligen översätts till “valencianskt vatten”. En annan dryck från Valencia som lämnat mig aningen perplex heter “horchata de chufas”, på svenska: jordmandeldryck. När man hör det ställer man sig genast frågan: “Vad är en jordmandel?” följt av insikten: “Jag hade nog inte kommit värst långt i Postkodmiljonären trots allt”. När jag ställde frågan till personalen på caféet där jag för första gången testade horchata fick jag en axelryckning till svar. Dess smak är oväntat söt, färgen är ljusbeige och den dricks helst under sommaren väl nedkyld. “Konstig grej”, tänkte jag, “det här är inget för mig” – men sakta och säkert fattade jag tycke för drycken. Var jag än befann mig i staden stötte jag på caféer dedikerade till att servera hemmagjord horchata, så kallade “horchaterías”, där det även hör till att beställa “fartóns”: små bakverk ämnade att doppas i glasen. Med tiden blev det helt enkelt så att jag testade igen. Och igen. Och medan andra människor skyltar med att de lärt sig dricka rödvin eller espresso så vill jag nu proklamera en “acquired taste” jag stolt kommer föra vidare


till barnbarnen: jordmandeldrycken. Men jordmandeln då? En nyhet för mig är att vanlig mandel inte är en nöt utan ett frö och att jordmandeln förvirrande nog är varken eller. Det är en halvgräsväxt som råkar ha en ätbar, energirik knöl som växer under jorden, likt potatis men en helt annan familj. Den har på senare tid uppmärksammats för sina egenskaper som särskilt näringsrik och hälsosam för blodcirkulationen. Detta har i sin tur lett till att jordmandeln har blivit en kandidat som rymdföda för astronauter – något som ofta påpekas av lokala entusiaster. Dessvärre kommer verkligheten ikapp förr eller senare vilket i mitt fall sker när jag förhoppningsvis har klarat tentorna i januari och sitter på planet hem till Stockholm. En av mina viktigaste insikter från utbytet måste ändå vara hur lite jag vet om världen och hur mycket det finns att lära sig även utanför den akademiska sfären. Att det finns miljontals wikipedia-artiklar som ej har skrivits på svenska. Att det finns en hel värld därute full av platser, händelser, maträtter, drycker, traditioner, djurarter och växter som andra människor upplever som självklara saker i sin vardag och som vi i Norden kanske har turen att stöta på i en Netflix-dokumentär eller en artikel i Osqledaren. Minns ni apelsinträden jag nämnde tidigare? På grund av avgaser är frukten inte ätbar och varje säsong skördas över 350 ton apelsiner från 12 000 träd och läggs på komposten, en process som tidigare skett helt för hand men som senare år underlättats tack vare teknik utvecklad på universitetet där jag studerar. Trädens syften är alltså rent dekorativa och fungerar som en påminnelse om den Valencia identiteten då regionen är en stolt exportör av just apelsiner – det är den typen av kuriosa jag syftar på! Att åka på utbyte har inte alltid varit lätt, saker blir sällan som man planerat och jag tror många av er kan relatera till att det här året i synnerhet har bjudit på flera obehagliga överraskningar. Men bortsett från det så har utbytesterminen varit berikande på så många plan att jag i slutändan varmt kan rekommendera det till alla som funderar på att ge sig iväg kommande terminer. Valencia kommer alltid vara en speciell plats för mig och jag ser fram emot att återvända när tillfälle ges. Adiós!



Paella Namnet betyder “stekpanna” och rätten har sitt ursprung strax söder om Valencia i jordbruksmarkerna runt lagunen L’Albufera. Det är en risrätt bestående av kött eller fisk och/eller skaldjur, säsongsbaserade grönsaker och den kryddas med bland annat saffran vilket ger den gula färgen. Den klassiska valencianska paellan innehåller både kanin och kyckling och tillagas i en grund panna över öppen låga. Även ål, snigel och anka har varit vanligt förekommande.

Tortilla de patatas En vanlig rätt på tapasbordet. Inte att förväxlas med det mexikanska majsbrödet du är van att svämma över med diverse santa maria-varor på fredagskvällarna. En tortilla de patatas, även kallad spansk omelett, består av ägg, potatis och gul lök. Den bör stekas i olivolja, kryddas med salt och serveras ofta med en sallad. Rätten är så pass populär att den i princip går att beställa på vilken restaurang eller bar som helst i Spanien, ungefär som äggröra i Sverige – även om Bianca Ingrosso kanske misstycker.

Flamenquín På tapasmenyn finns det ofta flera olika friterade alternativ men valet för mig har på senare tid varit enkelt. En flamenquín är en friterad rulle av varierande längd som innehåller en typ av fläsk, t.ex. fläskkarré, som plattas ut, täcks med seranoskinka och sedan rullas ihop – gärna med en bit ost i mitten. Rullen täcks sedan med mjöl, ägg och ströbröd och friteras i olivolja. Väldigt gott, även om det inte är en rätt jag skulle basera hela min kost på – men det är ju trots allt det tapas handlar om.


Let's go for fika!

Let's go for fika!


This is one of the first and most common sayings you will hear when you live in Sweden. Especially when you come from a different country, this is typically new for you. So, what is Fika, and why is it so important? Without going into any bookish understanding of it, I will utter my understanding of Fika. A time to cherish, to relax, where you are in the best state of mind, enjoying over a cup of coffee, and my beloved cinnamon bun with your so-called gang. Fika is about taking a short break to chat, to discuss (ahh formally), while taking a sip of coffee and a bite of yes, my beloved cinnamon bun. Fika is not bounded with time and place. It is about when you do not know what to do, then just go for Fika and then think about what to do. So, this is fika, which does not bound you just like the aroma of coffee or the bun’s sweetness. Fika is about the moment during pouring coffee or holding the hot mug of it. Fika is like a feeling about the taste of cinnamon, enriching your soul and those small chats making your entire day. Especially when you are a student, it is above a mere break time. It can be collaborated for networking as for fika no one can say no. If you want to talk to a professor and professor saying that he/she is busy, invite for fika. Want to speak with a recruiter, do not think much, just ask for a fika. I have personally done this, so do not wait for this. Just invite and then on you if you want a long chat, just order a larger coffee cup. So; is it just for the student, or only in Sweden? I will

say no to both questions. Fika has deep roots in the entire Swedish culture right from home to offices to colleges or simply to start a conversation with any new person. Now the answer to that either fika is only in Sweden, as my answer is no, then what it is on other cultures. In Sweden, that short coffee break got its name Fika, but other cultures might forget to give it a name, but it does exist in some different concepts and with the same feeling. I come from India, and many of you know that India is a foodie country. So, in India there also people enjoy fika in their own traditional way. As India is too diversified, coffee in many parts of the country is replaced by tea or usually called chai. Some people might call it cutting,but yes, that aroma of chai, tea, cutting fills everyone’s desire.Here, the culture change is witnessed as in India, people prefer salty snack instead of a sweet cinnamon bun. And as I told you that India is too diversified, salty snacks vary from place to place. In the north, it will be a samosa, basically, a fried patty stuffed with potatoes and



hot Indian spices. In the central part, poha replaces the north’s samosa. Poha is flattened steam rice whose taste is enriched with chili flakes and peanuts. Coming to the central-southern region, there is vada pav to accompany tea. Basically, vada is deep fried potato dumpling put inside the bread (pav) with some spicy sauces. Moving to southern India, coffee and tea are equally prevalent for fika. Now moving to southeast Asia, as fika is everywhere globally but yes, without a name, I have the experience to share about Malaysia’s and Singapore’s fika. There the tea is called Teh Tarik and preferred both hot and cold as these countries are usually always hot. The cold white coffee called kopi is also trendy during fika. One different observation is that your glass or cup of whatever cold drink is, it is 80% filled with ice, there people just love too icy beverages, and the main content is always significantly less, just like how McDonald’s serves their soda drinks. Then again just like India, there also people prefer salty snacks. Sweden’s


cinnamon bun or India’s samosa is replaced by Karipap or currypuff, similar to a samosa but filled with potato or chicken. people just love too icy beverages, and the main content is always significantly less, just like how McDonald’s serves their soda drinks. Then again just like India, there also people prefer salty snacks. Sweden’s cinnamon bun or India’s samosa is replaced by Karipap or curry puff, similar to a samosa but filled with potato or chicken. But what I feel is that emotions are the same everywhere in the world. Those small talks, those beautiful smiles, and laughter to cherish your entire life, this what you do and can create during a short break, my bad not just a short break, during a fika. Similarly, I am thinking about what people have in Germany during fika. So yes, the coffee becomes Kaffee, and yes, the cinnamon bun goes out of the picture. But German like cookies, and those are the partner in crime with coffee for fika. Now, as we see, the coffee holds a stationary position almost everywhere in the world during fika. So, is it the same around, or it also evolves with places? So, the answer is it evolves right from taste to texture to the aroma and even the size of coffee. In India, the coffee is brewed with milk in a 1:9 ratio and typically syruped with tons of sugar (Ahh, just 2 spoons). There instant coffee is commonly used in the north, but in the

Let's go for fika!

south, the filtered coffee is highly prevalent, but it does not mean that Indians will discard the coffee to milk ratio or the amount of sugar. Indians truly have a sweet tooth. Also, the coffee cup size remains much small in quantity. Moving to Southeast Asian countries Malaysia and Singapore, where the white coffee will be served when you just go and ask for a coffee. It is by-default in their mind or the computer system to servewhite coffee, wait I need to check on that. No, I am sure in both their mind and computer system. So, what is white coffee, and how does it taste. So, white coffee is brewed in the way it is done in India. The coffee is called white coffee because of added sweet, condensed milk in a ratio of 1:3, making it darker or stronger than the Indian coffee. So yes, there are no white coffee beans, it is just lightly roasted coffee beans with milk and sugar but yes with a fancy name. In Sweden, the coffee is surely filtered mostly, unlike instant coffees in Indian, Malaysia, and Singapore. Here the coffee or the ‘Kaffe’ is generally without milk, this is what now I think so because my Indian sweet tooth has died almost a year before, after coming to Sweden. The coffee is usually made is the filter coffee without sugar and milk, which is highly preferred. But some people do like coffee with milk and sugar but in a portion of 9:1, utterly opposite to India. The coffee



is much stronger, and the cup is large in size than the Asian countries. Germany, too has the same style of making coffee up to my knowledge, just like Sweden. But do not forget Sweden has its own cinnamon bun, which completes the fika or my desire. So yes, this is fika, a quality time filling everyone's busy, fast moving life with its aroma and sweetness!


Zoom Etiquette


Zoom lectures, seminars and exams are part of our everyday life now. However, this new, remote way of life comes with a new set of etiquette rules...




Zoom Etiquette





Ett stillsamt campus


I och med Coronapandemins fortsatta spridning så fortsätter KTHs lokaler att vara mer öde än de varit på länge. Här visas några ögonblick som fångats på vårt nya, stillsamma campus.




Zoom Etiquette




Zoom Etiquette




Rustade till tänderna; THS Chefer för Utbildning berättar:

Rustade till tänderna; THS Chefer för Utbildning berättar: TEXT AGNES BERG OSCAR STENSTRÖM ILLUSTRATION CORNELIA THANE

“Allt är skit och ingen har koll på någonting mvh” är bara en av de många åsikter om KTH som nått oss under hösten. Eller ja, spännande nog är det faktiskt vår åsikt. Vi representerar ju alla studenter, även denna. Förstås är det inte lätt när nästa student meddelar oss att “(...) Just want to give some praise to KTH for providing excellent service in these turbulent times.”. Vad gör vi av detta då? Ska vi knacka på hos rektor och klaga, eller ge beröm? Det är svårt att vara 14 000 studenters röst utan att gå på magkänsla.

Vi är ändå ense om att hemmapluggandet är svårt. Vi förlitar oss på campus för att bygga ut våra studentettor. Här hittar vi studenternas “kontor”, men också vardagsrum. När KTH stänger ner påverkar det studenterna i högre grad än om en godtycklig arbetsplats gör det. Inte så konstigt att folk med mer eller mindre höjda röster kontaktar oss. Men ja, vissa är ju också nöjda. Rustade till tänderna med våra studenters (vitt skilda) åsikter träffar vi KTH. “KTH”, som vi kallar dem, är faktiskt inte ett mytomspunnet väsen utan ett gäng vettiga, ansvarstagande personer med olika centrala roller. När man möter dem ansikte mot ansikte, skärm mot skärm, blir det tydligt att de har många olika ansvar



som ibland krockar. Det är mycket som ska “säkras”. Zoomtentor är smittsäkra. De är inte så rättssäkra. Är de kvalitetssäkrade då? Osäkert. Vi har i vart fall förståelse för att “KTH” inte har det lätt. De förtjänar lite beröm från oss studenter, speciellt då många jobbat övertid sedan i mars. Löfvén trycker på andemeningen i åtta personers-förbudet under regeringens presskonferens. Genast börjar KTH diskutera om utbildningen ens behöver ändras. Våra spontana tankar är, i caps lock, “INGEN GILLAR ZOOM”, följt av “FOLK KAN DÖ AV CAMPUSUNDERVISNING”. Det vi istället säger är, i torr och diplomatisk ton: “Under hösten har vi redan observerat att många studenter känner sig tvingade att delta i undervisningsmoment på campus. Utbildningens tillgänglighet samt studenters och anställdas säkerhet borde prioriteras. I så stor utsträckning som möjligt borde undervisningen ske på distans, då det möjliggör för moment som kräver fysisk närvaro att genomföras på ett säkrare sätt.” Sådär. Nu talade vi för samtliga studenter på KTH. Håller alla med oss? Förmodligen inte, men det är svårt att vara 14 000 studenters röst samtidigt.


Vad är THS, och vad gör vi egentligen?


Kärt barn har många namn: Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, “Kåren” eller “De som har spritfester på KTH”, men vad en studentkår egentligen är kan vara aningen svårdefinierat. När jag har försökt beskriva vad en studentkår är för mina föräldrar, som inte valt att studera efter gymnaiset, har jag använt liknelsen studenternas fackförening. En fackförening som representerar arbetstagarna, studenten, mot arbetsgivaren, KTH. Där vår arbetsplats är föreläsningssalarna, fikarummet är våra sektionslokaler och vår lön är utbildningen vi får. Det jag främst fått höra av mina föräldrar är att man pratar med facket vid arbetsmiljöfrågor, eller när företaget man jobbar på inte följer kollektivavtalet. Att vi ska ha schyssta stolar och bord samt få hålla kvar i vår kära akademiska kvart skulle jag vilja klassa in i frågor om studiemiljön, men vad är vårt kollektivavtal?

föresläsning. Idag, 118 år senare, kämpar vi om rätten till anonyma examinationer, kvalitativ utbildning även om den är på zoom, och att nu mer än någonsin ha en öppen plats för gemenskap och plugg under och efter skoltid.

"Vi är studenternas fackförening"

Här blir det knepigt, för man skriver inte under något dokument för att bli student. Utan en ska bara se till att vara i en sal (eller tält #2020) för att ta emot ett vitt kort i augusti månad under ens första år på KTH och se till att man alltid är kursregistrerad. Det vi egentligen har som agerar kollektivavtal, som ser till att vår utbildning, våra sektionslokaler, våra mässor, pubar, spex och andra delar av studentlivet som sker i KTHs lokaler och för KTHs pengar inte kapas bort; är våra engagerade studenter. Studenter som lägger allt ifrån några timmar i månaden, upp emot en heltidstjänst på att se till att vi, studenterna, får den bästa utbildningen, bästa chanserna för drömjobbet, och den bästa studietiden man kan få!

För vissa studenter är THS en sektion på steroider, medans för andra är det där man hittar micron på lunchen. För KTH kan kåren vara en vass nagel i ögat som bara ställer till med besvär, men kåren kan också vara en fredsplikt för att arbetstagaren och arbetsgivaren inte skall gå ut i krig mot varandra. Det hela startade 1902 handlade det om att avskaffa pliktsystemet där man blev uppskriven på offentliga listor och behövde betala böter för att man missade en



Vi lyckliga få som har privilegiet att göra detta på heltid hittar ni i Nymble, det där sockerbitsliknande huset i funkisstil på Drottning Kristinas väg. Undrar ni någon gång vad vi egentligen gör, eller håller på med just nu, tveka inte att skicka ett mail eller fråga någon i KårX om vart dem där Kårmupparna sitter, så ska vi göra vad vi kan för att svara på era frågor.

Osqledaren #2 2020/2021

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