CAR Annual Report 2017

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Table of Contents



Preparing future automotive industry leaders.

Innovating solutions that affect future transportation and mobility.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT pg 30 Cultivating teamwork and synergy among multiple disciplines, while responding to the needs of clients and partners.



Affecting tomorrow’s mobility—from energy and environmental consequences to safety, information and communication systems and lifestyle and consumer choices.



The Future CONNECTED, AUTONOMOUS, SHARED AND ELECTRIFIED The evolution of tomorrow’s personal and commercial mobility solutions is defined by the key words that have by now become part of our everyday vocabulary: connected, autonomous, shared and electrified. The changes that are taking place in the mobility industry are dramatic and occurring at a pace that is unprecedented. Every organization involved in the automotive business is thinking hard about what the mobility industry might look like 5, 10 and 20 years from now. A range of new players have entered the mobility industry providing IT and telematics services, and related business solutions, that involve car sharing and connectivity, possibly threatening the business models that have been at the core of the automotive industry for over a century. At the same time, major OEMs and top tier suppliers are rapidly changing, creating new divisions, business units and organizational solutions within their companies. These changes are intended to make their companies ready to respond to a world in which shared mobility might make up a significant fraction of the total vehicle parc where electrified propulsion systems represent the majority of powertrains. In a not-so-distant future, cities may ban vehicles which create local pollutants and may only be open to public transit and electric vehicles. In turn, cities will be increasingly smart and will enable such services and mobility solutions to take place. It is our mission to assist our partners in succeeding in this new world.



A Note from the Directors


FROM GIORGIO: Where does CAR stand in the face of these rapid changes surrounding mobility? CAR is alive and well because we have been actively engaged in the Smart Columbus program, and we have increasingly engaged with government and industry funded projects related to mobility with a wider variety of partners that include insurance and analytics companies, in addition to the automotive industry. These research programs are somewhat different than what we traditionally do, but build on a systems engineering foundation in which we are strong, and have given us the opportunity to involve faculty from non-traditional disciplines in creative collaborations.

Mobility continues to be a dynamic transformation and the future looks like a new ecosystem of not only the vehicle, but how the vehicle interacts with the world around it. I am super excited to see CAR at the center of this technology shift. We have the unique ability to pull together an entire ecosystem of expertise which works in and around mobility.

So yes, CAR is well positioned for the future of mobility and has the benefit of being able to leverage the incredible faculty resources we have here on our campus to become the industry partner of choice to address these rapidly approaching scenarios. At the same time, we have not forgotten our core activities, and our mission continues to be to educate students so that they will succeed in this rapidly changing world, while broadening our presence on campus by engaging the relevant faculty and academic departments.

CAR brings together the interdisciplinary research and expertise that is needed to lead the way in today’s automotive and mobility world. Our collaborative approach to research and vast connections across the university, as well as our strong partnership with the Transportation Research Center, sets us up to be the leader in smart mobility.


CAR continues to be the leader in automotive research and brings a tremendous amount of long standing expertise as well as new and innovative experience. I am thrilled to help pull all of these pieces together in the development of our five year plan. Our plan strategically aligns key organizations to maximize our industry impact through collaborative research opportunities as well as continuing to grow and lead in the smart mobility space. All of this coupled with the amazing talent of our students, faculty and staff ensure the next five years will be an incredible ride at CAR!

Giorgio Rizzoni, Director

Giorgio Rizzoni

CAR – A look forward to the upcoming years


Maryn Weimer, Senior Associate Director




Distance Education CAR REVITALIZES GRADUATE SPECIALIZATION IN AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING The Center for Automotive Research (CAR), along with the College of Engineering Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, will offer a Graduate Specialization in Automotive Systems Engineering (GS ASE). This program will provide a unique opportunity for Masters and PhD students to acquire specialized training, unique skills and real-world experience in their area of interest, which will enhance their degree with an interdisciplinary focus on automotive systems. This program is motivated by a consistently growing demand from the automotive industry for graduate students with specialized skills in Automotive Systems Engineering. Last fall, CAR supported 99 graduate students, which represent the target audience for this program. CAR estimates that approximately 20 students per year will apply to the GS ASE. “The GS ASE is a valuable program for Ohio State, through which our students are recognized for focusing their education in advanced automotive systems, and gain experience in related research and development areas,” said Marcello Canova, GS ASE program administrator. “A unique feature of this program is that it targets topic areas at the forefront of the automotive R&D, such as advanced powertrain systems, connected and automated vehicles and smart mobility.”

degree-granting programs to have “concentration areas” denoted on a student’s transcript. A specialization does not alter or supersede normal degree program graduation requirements, but instead offers a recognition to the interested student if he/she wishes to pursue a specialization in the form of an additional set of requirements to fulfill. Students who complete the program requirements may elect to have the GS ASE appear on their transcript, along with the formal name of the graduate degree program. The GS ASE is administered by the Graduate Studies Committee of the student’s home department, with the support and participation of CAR.

FACULTY HOST SHORT COURSES AROUND THE WORLD Following the 2016 IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control in Linkoping, Sweden, CAR faculty member Marcello Canova and Director Giorgio Rizzoni conducted a two-day short course titled “Lithium ion Batteries for Electromobility: Performance, Life Estimation and Life Extension.” Intended to be an introduction to the lithium ion battery technology for energy storage in electrified vehicles, the course focused on the state of the art and the critical issues that are inspiring today’s R&D efforts. Canova and Rizzoni explained the basic operation and electrochemical principles of lithium ion batteries, physics-based and control oriented modeling techniques for characterization of performance and aging, and introduced the problems of degradation, life estimation and prognostics. Giorgio Rizzoni conducted a one-day tutorial titled “Modeling, Energy Analysis and Simulation of Hybrid Electric Vehicles” at the IEEE International Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo in Busan, Korea on June 1, 2016. This tutorial focused on energy conversion and utilization in hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) and reviewed the fundamentals of HEVs, covering reasons for hybridization, energy analysis, architectures and components, energy modeling, vehicle simulation, energy optimization strategies and supervisory control of HEVs.

The GS ASE program is designed to provide an interdisciplinary graduate level education in the engineering discipline that the student is most interested in, while focusing on the application area of automotive systems. Specializations are a way for



CAR PROVIDES CONTINUING EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES TO NEW HONDA R&D AMERICAS ASSOCIATES The impact of education and research at The Ohio State University Center for Automotive Research (CAR) often reaches beyond students to benefit professional engineers employed in industry. One example is last summer’s short course series customized for new Honda R&D Americas (HRA) associates as part of the company’s onboarding process (shown on right). Delivered live at CAR, the three short courses covered Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, Advances in Internal Combustion Engines and an Introduction to HEV. Dan Nagashima, manager of Vehicle Integration Engine R&D at HRA, pursued the idea of customized short courses after attending a presentation by CAR’s continuing education coordinator, Marianne Weber, last spring. Nagashima worked with the CAR continuing education team to create a customized series of summer short courses that met the needs of new Honda associates. “My hope was for new Honda associates who haven’t taken powertrain courses in their undergraduate studies to get a fundamental overview,” said Nagashima. “After completing the courses, our associates attained the core concepts and terminologies of powertrains, so that they could onboard quicker in their new jobs.” Additionally, the proximity between CAR and Honda allowed Honda associates to spend time at CAR’s facilities and interact with top researchers in their fields. “It was also important for CAR to spend time with Honda and understand their needs prior to the short course series being developed,” said Maryn Weimer,



senior associate director at CAR. “The needs assessment process allowed us to customize the series with content specific to the associates’ jobs.” HRA engineer Adam Vosz participated in the three-day HEV course last summer at CAR. Vosz, a group leader within the Engine-Vehicle Integration team, said the experience provided insight into an area outside his normal work. “The course provided a good refresher into the principles of hybrid technologies and concepts I don’t use on a day-to-day basis,” Vosz said. “The course simulation exercises were beneficial and clearly demonstrated the techniques and principles involving hybrid vehicles.” Complimentary short course seats in CAR’s Distance and Continuing Education program are a benefit included in the CAR Membership Consortium—a unique program allowing industry to engage in original, highly leveraged pre-competitive research in automotive and transportation systems, of which Honda is a member. These non-credit courses align with CAR’s graduate education program and research areas, but are modular with multiple delivery options, ideal for those looking to further their knowledge on a specific topic. Nagashima confirmed that Honda plans to continue and expand the summer shortcourse series for their associates. To learn more about CAR’s Distance and Continuing Education program contact Marianne Weber at 614-688-8574 or visit

Motorsports ECOCAR 3

Team nabs victory in EcoCAR 3 competition Congratulations to the Ohio State University EcoCAR 3 team on winning its third consecutive EcoCAR 3–Advanced Vehicle Technology Competition. EcoCAR 3 is a four-year collegiate automotive engineering competition that challenges 16 universities across North America to redesign a 2016 Chevrolet Camaro, improving its efficiency and emissions while retaining the iconic Camaro performance value. “They’re the best prepared Ohio State team that I’ve brought to an EcoCAR competition,” faculty advisor, Shawn Midlam-Mohler said. “They set the stage for a great competition by putting over 2,000 miles on the car prior to coming, and gave so much of their time to the competition.” To help support the EcoCAR team visit and search fund #311847.


Looking ahead to the 2018 season On June 6 the Baja Buckeye team traveled to Peoria, IL to participate in the Baja SAE Illinois Competition on the CAT Proving Grounds. The team gained valuable knowledge from this year’s competition that they are already putting to good use as they prepare for the 2018 season where they hope for a top 30 finish. “We made significant improvements from previous years and we were happy that the team completed all the events and accumulated a lot of laps in the endurance race,” said team manager, David Tobin. To help support the Baja Buckeye team visit and search fund #301516.

ECOCAR 3 // The team displaying their vehicle at competition



VENTURI BUCKEYE BULLET 3 Setting a new land speed record

After three years of battling difficult weather conditions at the Wendover, Utah, Bonneville Salt Flats track, The Ohio State University’s Venturi Buckeye Bullet 3 student team and driver Roger Schroer rallied to push their electric streamline vehicle to a world record twoway average top speed of 341.4 miles per hour (549.4 kilometers per hour) on Monday, Sept. 19, 2016.

“The students taking part in this land speed project are incredibly motivated,” said David Cooke, staff team liaison and previous leader of the team, who has dedicated the past 10 years to making history with electric racing. “On top of full class schedules and homework, they often spend over 40 hours per week working on the vehicle. It’s that perseverance that continues to lead the team on the road to success.” To help support the Venturi Buckeye Bullet 3 team visit and search fund # 303235.

VENTURI BUCKEYE BULLET 3 // Racing on the Salt Flats

Photo credit Venturi 2016 Shivraj Gohil_Spacesuit Media





First place at Pikes Peak International Hill Climb

Improved testing results in high scores

The student electric motorcycle team, Buckeye Current, raced to first place in the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb Electric Motorcycle Division on June 25.

The Formula Buckeyes team completed a successful season with a 13th place finish at Formula SAE Michigan and a 3rd place overall finish at Formula North where they also placed 1st in Design.

“Since the start of the year, the team has put incredible effort into improving the motorcycle design and addressing the technical issues that we had in the previous seasons,” said Marcello Canova, team faculty advisor and assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. “At Pikes Peak, the Buckeye Current team has not only achieved prestigious victories on one of the most difficult courses in the world, but has set very strong foundations for the future, in terms of design processes, leadership and organizational skills.” To help support the Buckeye Current team visit and search fund #313558.

“This represents a tremendous achievement for the team and its highest finish in this competition since 2004,” said team advisor, Jeff Chrstos. “Last year the team placed 44th.” To help support the Formula Buckeye team visit and search fund #306413.

SUPERMILEAGE The Supermileage team took a year off from competition to spend time improving the technical areas of the vehicle as well as project management. They look forward to competing again in 2018. To help support the Supermileage team visit and search fund #305111.

BUCKEYE CURRENT // Team at Pikes Peak International Hill Climb

SUPERMILEAGE // Team members update a Honda R&D engineer on the changes they’ve made to their vehicle. (Photo by Kevin Fitzsimons)




Team competes in semi finals

The Ohio State College of Engineering’s Underwater Robotics team competed against 44 other teams in the 2017 International RoboSub Competition, July 24-30 in San Diego, CA. The team successfully made it to the semi final round of competition after overcoming time constraints and only being able to use four of their 10 thrusters, the electric motors that the robot uses

to propel itself through the water. The team was able to build the entire electrical system, including designing and building printed circuit boards in about a week, to get the robot working at competition. “I am incredibly proud of how much work the team put in to get the robot up and running,” said August Mason, vice president of the Underwater Robotics team. “When we arrived in San Diego we worked non-stop, most nights up until 6 a.m., at the pool to build the robot up enough to complete a few tasks.” To help support the Underwater Robotics team visit and search fund #313589.

UNDERWATER ROBOTICS // Team at International RoboSub Competition



2016-2017 Student Project Competition Results ›› V enturi Buckeye Bullet 3 • Set the world record with a two-way average top speed of 341.4 miles per hour at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Wendover, Utah. ›› Formula Buckeye • Came in 13th at Formula SAE Michigan and third place at Formula North, Canada’s Formula Student Automotive Engineering Competition where they placed first in Design. ›› EcoCAR • For the third consecutive year, placed first in the EcoCAR 3– Advanced Vehicle Technology Competition. ›› Baja Buckeye • Placed 54th out of 108 teams in the Baja SAE Illinois Competition. ›› Buckeye Current • Placed first in the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb Electric Motorcycle Division and 11th place overall. ›› Underwater Robotics • Competed in the semi-final round of the International RoboSub Competition in San Diego, CA.


Motorsports recognized at College of Engineering and Knowlton School of Architecture Student Organization Recognition and Awards event On March 1, student organizations from the College of Engineering and Knowlton School of Architecture were recognized for their leadership and profound impact on, and commitment to, service. Among the award recipients were Jeff Chrstos, recipient of the Outstanding Advisor Award, and Buckeye Current, recipient of the Outstanding Partnership with Industry Award.



Nominated by the Formula Buckeye team, Chrstos was selected for this award because of the positive impact he has made on the team in the short time that he has served as their advisor. “Jeff continues to motivate us every day and pushes us to be better than we were yesterday. He wants us to succeed just as much as we do,” said Formula Buckeye team member and mechanical engineering student, Andrew Beckerich. “Being an advisor for only a year and a half, receiving this award was certainly unexpected. That the students on the Formula Buckeye team nominated me for this award is, to me, the most important and appreciated part of this honor. I believe the students on the team and I are learning together how to become a better team and organization, which is quite rewarding,” said Chrstos. Recipient of the Outstanding Partnership with Industry Award, the Buckeye Current team has developed partnerships and received sponsorship from numerous automotive companies, the largest being Bosch Group, Honda R&D Americas and Harley-Davidson as well as Cummins and the Edison Welding Institute. “I think I can safely speak for everyone on Buckeye Current in saying that we are incredibly honored to be given the Outstanding Partnership with Industry Award. It’s unbelievable to me to think that we only started six years ago as a small group of students trying to scrounge up money and sponsorships wherever we could, and now we’re being recognized for the incredible industry relationships we’ve created and sustained,” said Alex Miller, team lead and aerospace engineering student. “From multi-year long technical projects that encompass upgrading many of our motorcycle’s capabilities to simply the amount of

funding we are able to raise to put towards our bikes, what we’ve been able to accomplish with the support of our sponsors and industry contacts has been truly amazing.” Of the 120 student organizations in the College of Engineering and Knowlton School or Architecture, nine received recognition at this event.

Tours and Outreach It is a firm belief that engineers at the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) should give back. In this spirit, CAR shared its knowledge with the wider community by opening its doors to over 1,600 guests this past year through numerous tours and outreach events.


Gift drives efforts to broaden interest in engineering The General Motors Foundation has granted $115,000 to The Ohio State University College of Engineering to support attracting and retaining students from underrepresented groups, especially women, to pursue engineering degrees and careers. The donation will support three of the college’s diversity programs, including the expansion of two weeklong summer programs for 11th and 12th grade high school students—STARS (Students Taking Advantage of Resources in STEM) and RISE (Respected Involved Skilled and Empowered). “Our partnership with GM will enable us to expand our efforts to excite and inspire a broader range of students to consider engineering careers,” said Lisa Barclay, senior director of the college’s Office of Diversity, Outreach and Inclusion. “It will also help us ensure that current Buckeye engineering students are successful in reaching their educational goals.” In partnership with Ohio State’s renowned Center for Automotive Research (CAR), STARS and RISE participants will visit nearby transportation facilities and learn about the range of engineering careers available in the automotive industry. Hands-on activities and labs will focus on vehicle cyber security, distracted driving impacts, and federal automotive standards and testing.

CAR TOURS // (Top-L-R) The Columbus School for Girls FIRST Robotics Team prepares for competition in the Motorsports Building; The Ohio Supercomputer Center Summer Institute tours CAR; High school students build RC cars during RISE camp thanks to sponsors GM Foundation and Delphi

Students and their parents will also learn about preparing for college applications, as well as financial aid and scholarships.

“Thanks to the GM Foundation’s support, we’ve been able to expand the number of students who are part of the camps to 70 and turn them into residential programs,” said Barclay “That’s a huge opportunity for area high school students and enables us to attract students from outside of central Ohio.”

interactive group discussions with practicing engineers and researchers. Students will be exposed to the industry terminology, tools and skills needed to succeed as first-time interns and gain more real-world context for future engineering coursework. The program will also introduce advanced engineering concepts to students early via hands-on projects in vehicle design, safety and testing, and fuel efficiency.

The gift will also fund CAR ExCELS (Experiential Career Exploration and Leadership Seminar), a new program that aims to increase the number of diverse Buckeye engineering students who excel in upper level engineering courses. Targeting 30 women and diverse students who show academic promise, ExCELS consists of a seven-week seminar course that gives students an in-depth look at engineering careers through hands-on laboratory experiences and

“Putting students at CAR gives them a chance to learn and problem-solve in a noncompetitive environment and shows them how the math and the science they’re learning works in the real world,” Barclay said. “That’s important for building a student’s self confidence that ‘yes, I can do this.’”

EcoCAR student turns hobby into future career “Engineering was a hobby of mine but EcoCAR gave me a place to turn my hobby into a project,” said Andrew Huster, 2016 EcoCAR 3 team leader who received his degree in August. EcoCAR 3 is the latest Advanced Vehicle Technology Competition, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and General Motors, and running from 2014 to 2018. The competition challenges 16 universities in the U.S. and Canada to reengineer a 2016 Chevrolet Camaro into a performance hybrid vehicle. Huster’s hobby-turned-project eventually turned into his future career. He will be joining General Motors (GM) as a feature integration engineer in August where he will be validating the performance of automated

As a long-time partner, the GM Foundation has supported Ohio State engineering students and outreach initiatives since 1979.

driving and active safety features (such as blind spot warning, adaptive cruise control and lane departure warning) on new GM vehicles. But his career could have taken another route had it not been for his experiences with the EcoCAR team. After attending his first EcoCAR meeting, Huster knew right away that the team would be a great fit for him. “I knew I could use the engineering skills I had for a specific purpose. It also gave me something to do in my free time,” said Huster. Huster started out as an electrical team member midway through year one of the EcoCAR 2 competition (2011-2014), which was based on a Chevrolet Malibu. He played a hands-on role putting electrical systems together for the vehicle. Huster then transitioned to electrical team leader where he had fewer hands-on responsibilities and spent most of his time coordinating members of his team and making sure projects were being completed. This role set him up for his final role as team leader. “My favorite position to have on the team was team leader,” said Huster. “It gave me the systems engineering and integration perspective. All of the teams—mechanical, electrical, controls and so on—have to complete their specific tasks and meet up at the end. Overseeing all of those activities let me get involved in areas that I’m not



All other states: 29%

A closer look at gifts made to the Center for Automotive Research in fiscal year 2017. ›› Motorsports Sponsorship: $920,487.43 ›› Research Grants: $379,058 ›› Gifts: $137,875

Ohio: 59%

›› Gifts in Kind: $145,856

Michigan: 12%

Over $125,000 was invested to directly fund employment for students along with tuition and fees. To help continue the growth and success of the Center for Automotive Research, please consider making a gift at

an expert in. That’s been really cool because I get to learn more about all of the different projects and tasks involved in building a car. Not that I could go and do them, but just to be exposed to it and have a greater understanding of how to put a vehicle together has been pretty neat.” Having the opportunity to serve in these different roles has had a huge influence on Huster’s career. “Originally, I thought I wanted to be a technical expert, someone who has really in-depth knowledge about a particular topic but doesn’t manage people,” said Huster. But my leadership roles on the EcoCAR team have really changed my career goals.” Between classes, time spent on EcoCAR (more than 30 hours per week!) and the various internships he’s had at Ford, GM and dSPACE, a mechatronic controls system company, Huster doesn’t have much free time, but when he does you can find him trading in four wheels for two and riding his bike around Columbus, or in the kitchen. “I make a good chipotle chicken.”

Andrew Huster


Research Highlights CUMMINS INTEGRATED SMART CITY LOGISTIC AND TRANSIT SYSTEMS This project, which involves CAR Director Giorgio Rizzoni and Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering Professors Rabi Mishalani and Andre Carrel envisions a three-tiered system to assist in the movement of passengers and commercial goods between, into and within cities and explore the idea of utilizing real-time control and guidance tools which integrate transit bus and truck delivery operations to reduce congestionrelated delays, travel time variability, operating costs and emissions and improve the provision and utilization of city infrastructure. Using data analytics and prior knowledge of environment variables, these systems can provide both prior and real time decision frameworks that can be implemented globally and locally (in-cloud and in-vehicle). This also results in optimized powertrain operation to provide increased fuel economy and reduced emissions.

CERC TRUCK The U.S.–China Clean Energy Research Center (CERC), a research and development entity between the United States and China which focuses on the acceleration of research and deployment of clean energy technologies has created a new initiative aimed at reducing both emissions and the dependence of commercial trucks on oil. Known as CERC TRUCK, the goal is to develop cost-effective measures to improve the on-road freight efficiency of medium and heavy duty trucks by more than 50% compared to 2016. The initiative will leverage the strengths of both the U.S. and China’s intellectual and research capacities to accelerate the advancement of technologies for clean trucks through joint research and development. The U.S. portion of CERC, led by Argonne National Laboratory and Cummins, includes researchers from The Ohio State University Center for Automotive Research as well as the University of Michigan, Purdue University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Freightliner Custom Chassis.



CRIS-UTC Updates As they examine the events that occur in the final seconds before a vehicle collision, researchers at The Ohio State University’s Crash Imminent Safety (CrIS) University Transportation Center (UTC) strive to reduce the severity of human injury in automobile accidents, reduce the occurrence of accidents and to ultimately save lives in doing so. The UTC research team comprises over 20 faculty and researchers from Ohio State and partner universities, including Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, University of Massachusetts-Amherst and University of Wisconsin-Madison. The center and its research are funded by a U.S. Department of Transportation grant that has recently been extended through September 20, 2018. Additional funding was for $1,393,300, raising the total funding of the program to $4,209,600.

CRIS UTC Project Overviews PROJECT

Pre-crash multi-vehicle experimental analysis using a networked multiple driving simulator facility PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: Janet Weisenberger, (Ohio State); Yaobin Chen; Don Fisher; Abdollah Homaifar; John Lee; Umit Ozguner (Ohio State); Keith Redmill (Ohio State); Don Stredney (Ohio State) MAJOR GOALS: To evaluate human performance and resulting crash safety, the UTC will develop a robust simulation facility in which multiple vehicles interact—vehicles will be driven by people, others will



be autonomous and some will be autonomous to varying levels (with people in the driver’s seat but disengaged to various levels from the actual driving of the vehicle). This project will enable testing of drivers with autonomous vehicle systems with an unprecedented capability in multi-driver and multi-vehicle interaction studies. In addition, this project will generate standard scenarios that can be shared with the transportation research and education community.


Driver models for both human and autonomous vehicles with different sensing technologies and near-crash activity PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: Umit Ozguner (Ohio State); Don Fisher; Abdollah Homaifar; John Lee; David Woods (Ohio State) MAJOR GOALS: Ohio State has developed the multi-agent models of the driver and the vehicle that can be used to inform the design principles for optimized autonomous vehicles. In year 2, the team is continuing its model-building and estimation efforts and starting to investigate possible closed-loop impact through future active safety systems that make decisions based on the insight generated by human driver models.


Cognitive attention models for driver engagement in intelligent and semi-autonomous vehicles PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: John Lee; Don Fisher; Abdollah Homaifar; David Woods (Ohio State) MAJOR GOALS: The focus of this project is to improve the state of the art in human cognitive modeling in order to more accurately describe the human-machine interfaces that take place in the pre-crash scenarios. In this project researchers undertake multiple sub-projects, each concentrating on a different aspect of refining the model of driver-automation interaction, and assess performance in response to critical pre-crash safety events. Sub-projects include: role of attention in intelligent and semi-autonomous vehicles; smooth transfer of control between responsible human driver and the artificial driving suite; and near real-time computation and utilization of maximum safe operating envelopes in coordinated synthetic driving.



PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: John Bolte (Ohio State), lead; Janet Weisenberger (Ohio State)

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: Umit Ozguner (Ohio State); Yoabin Chen; Benn Coifman (Ohio State); Abdollah Homaifar; Eylem Ekici (Ohio State); Fusun Ozguner (Ohio State); Keith Redmill (Ohio State); Jiang Zheng

Bio-injury implications of pre-crash safety modeling and intervention

MAJOR GOALS: To directly address the UTC’s human physiology strategy. Researchers use bio-injury data from given crash scenarios to suggest evasive action/ driver position best suited to reduce injury. The research will result in crash and injury databases that will be useful to better understand injuries which occur during three defined crash scenarios: lead vehicle stopped; spine and extremities; vehicle turning at a non-signalized junction; thorax; and vehicle changes lanes; head and face.


Pre-crash interactions between pedestrians and cyclists and intelligent vehicles PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: Yoabin Chen; Don Fisher; Umit Ozguner (Ohio State) MAJOR GOALS: This project investigates how autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicle systems can be configured and improved to accommodate pedestrian and bicycle safety. The project comprises both the modeling track and experimental track components, with a specific focus on pre-crash scenarios involving pedestrians and cyclists. Activities include: creating a driving simulation model of a pedestrian forward collision imminent braking (CIB); integrating the active safety sensing information in vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) study by linking V2V and CIB capabilities together to allow a pedestrian CIB system to tell other vehicles of the presence of pedestrians; computer-assisted alcohol infusion system to study various types of drunk driving incidents.

Technology and enhancements to improve pre-crash safety

MAJOR GOALS: This project undertakes multiple sub-projects, each concentrating on a different new technology that may have an effect in improving pre-crash safety. ›› S ecure, Privacy-preserving and Efficient Communication Framework to Support Crash-Imminent Safety Situations • Throughout the last years, the main focus has been on investigating algorithms and approaches to secure, preserve privacy and enhance efficiency of the vehicular communications by using the adopted Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) framework in the Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) suite of standards. ›› Cognitive Radio Based Communication • The major goal of this effort is to evaluate the performance of the vehicular cognitive radio networks in the presence of other heterogeneous secondary networks, the joint operation across DSRC and radar bands and efficient channel handoff schemes. ›› Safety Implications of Traffic Dynamics in Congested Freeway Traffic • This research has focused on driver behavior in the presence of large speed differentials between lanes. Preliminary results have found that drivers’ carfollowing behavior not only depends on the lead vehicle in their lane, but also the speed of the adjacent lane. ›› Smart Cities: The First-Mile Last-Mile Problem • An effort was undertaken to develop slow-moving platforms (single-person or 4-people vehicles) that would provide transportation for the mobility-impaired in a smart city. The effort has been initiated by the City of Columbus and later supported by an NSF project (through its CPS: Smart Cities Program.)



Sponsored Research Programs DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY FUNDING TO ACCELERATE RESEARCH ON VEHICLE EFFICIENCY, OPTIMIZATION The Ohio State University was awarded $5 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) under the NEXTCAR program in partnership with Delphi, Tula Technology and TRC Inc. Ohio State and its partners were one of 11 teams selected to receive this competitive award from ARPA-E’s NEXT-Generation Energy Technologies for Connected and Automated On-Road Vehicles program. Using vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technologies, NEXTCAR projects will enable better communication between and coordination of vehicle-level and powertrain-level actions to achieve fuel economy benefits in excess of 20%. The Ohio State project will focus on optimizing fuel efficiency by leveraging electric-hybrid engine controls with Dynamic Skip Fire (DSF®) cylinder deactivation and vehicle interconnectivity and automation.

Within the university, research will be led by the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) in collaboration with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. “CAR and its partners, Delphi, Tula Technology and TRC Inc. form a team with considerable depth of experience and innovative practices in powertrain control systems and in connected and automated vehicles,” said CAR Director Giorgio Rizzoni. “This project will give the team the opportunity to lead the way in creating new standards in vehicle fuel economy and intelligence.” In addition to Rizzoni, project leaders include engineering professors Levent Guvenc, Marcello Canova and Abhishek Gupta.

Project team members (from left: Fabrizio Donatantonio, Greg Busch, Shreshta Rajakumar Deshpande and Daniel Jung) with poster displayed at NEXTCAR kick-off meeting.



Along with industry partners, Ohio State’s team will develop a transformational vehicle dynamics and powertrain controls solution that leverages the novel cylinder deactivation approach developed by Tula Technology combined with electrification to significantly improve vehicle energy efficiency. Further reductions in fuel consumption will be attained through connectivity and combined function automation using knowledge of the upcoming driving environment and conditions to maximize efficiency. “This program showcases the role of the Center for Automotive Research in bringing together faculty with cross-disciplinary and complementary expertise, and in collaborating with industry,” said Canova. “Our work over the next three years will pave the way to a new generation of vehicles, where connectivity and automation are deeply integrated with powertrain controls, significantly impacting fuel economy and CO2 emissions.” According to Guvenc, GPS localization, map, communication and perception (radar and camera) sensors will be used to automatically adapt the powertrain control to the presence of other vehicles and traffic conditions. Gupta noted that the team will employ an advanced machine learning algorithm that uses data streams from nearby vehicles and traffic lights to further optimize fuel consumption in real time. “The algorithms will be similar to those used in voice recognition software and face detection software found on some social media platforms,” he said. The project will rely heavily on the expertise of its industry partners. Delphi will use its expertise in powertrain controls (hardware and software), valve train components enabling DSF®, connected vehicle technologies and the integration of 48V mild hybrid hardware and controls to develop a demonstration vehicle for the project. Tula will provide optimum DSF tuning and calibration parameters to maximize DSF benefit on the demonstration vehicle. And TRC will use its new SMART Center, a new test facility developed specifically for testing automated vehicles, to show a 20% fuel consumption reduction of the demonstration vehicle when compared to a baseline production vehicle.

OHIO STATE PARTNERS WITH CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY ON FIVE YEAR NATIONAL UTC AWARD Ohio State is a partner in the new Carnegie Mellon University-led five year national UTC award, Mobility21, which began in December, 2016. Mobility21 will focus on safely and efficiently improving the mobility of people and goods in the 21st century by investigating and deploying novel technologies, incentives, policies and training programs. The primary thrusts are smart city technologies, multi-modal connections, assistive technologies for people with disabilities, data modeling and analytical tools, novel modes of transportation, regional planning and transportation access. Mobility21 funding at Ohio State, which in the first year totals $190,000 in direct and $190,000 in matching funding, supports three projects involving eight faculty members. The projects being supported this year are: ›› U sing municipal vehicles as sensor platforms to monitor the health and safety of the traffic control system ›› S martShuttle: Model based design and evaluation of automated on-demand shuttles for solving the first-mile and last-mile problem in a smart city ›› U nderstanding and guiding pedestrian and crowd motion In addition to Ohio State, the other Mobility21 partners are Carnegie Mellon (lead), University of Pennsylvania and Community College of Allegheny County.

In June, Columbus, Ohio was crowned the nation’s Smart City by the Department of Transportation. CAR and College of Engineering faculty and facilities were instrumental in attracting the unprecedented $140 million program to transform central Ohio into the nation’s premier transportation innovation region. Ohio State’s ARPA-E NEXTCAR project will leverage the city’s growing Smart City connected infrastructure for vehicle testing and demonstration.



Personnel In the 2016-2017 Academic Year there were a total of 283 associates:




Graduate Students

Visiting Scholars Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: 59 Electrical and Computer Engineering: 32 Materials Science and Engineering: 2 Nuclear Engineering: 1 Computer Science and Engineering: 1 Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering: 2 Biomedical Engineering: 2 Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering: 1

Research and Administration Support Staff


Undergraduate Student Assistants


CAR-Affiliated Faculty





In fiscal year 2017, CAR has secured:

In fiscal year 2017 CAR has delivered:

7.4 million of Research Earnings


3.3 million


in industry sponsored activity

40% Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

3.5 million


in federal governmentsponsored activity

0.6 million


of Engineering Services

0.9 million


of Motorsports Activity

60% Fuel Economy

0.3 million


of Continuing and Distance Education

200 thousand


in state-sponsored activity



Consortium Membership


ABOUT The CAR Membership Consortium provides a unique opportunity for industry to engage in original, highly leveraged pre-competitive research in automotive and transportation systems, with a focus on: advanced propulsion systems; fuel economy; vehicle safety, connectivity and autonomy; and advanced driver assistance systems. In addition to the networking and student engagement benefits available at all levels, Consortium Membership at the Platinum and Gold levels center around research.



The program provides a platform allowing industry, academic researchers and students to come together and pool their resources to focus on automotive innovations in a pre-competitive environment. The program encourages young faculty to engage the automotive industry and serves as a seed grant to launch future collaborative work. Students are at the center of the program. A large percentage of membership fees directly support incoming graduate students engaged in research projects, which enhances the preparation and production of talent to meet the demands of today’s automotive industry.





Gold Level $30,000

Platinum Level $50,000

Showcase/feature members in CAR marketing materials

Invitation to Bi-Annual Executive Advisory Board Meetings

5 seats

10 seats


Membership sponsored exploratory reporting meetings and access to results and presentations Continuing education benefits (Pre-recorded seminar library) Opportunity to present technical seminars at CAR

Opportunity to recruit CAR students through resume access, information sessions and meet and greet events

Corporate mentorship for graduate students

Input on project selection for exploratory research projects

✓ ✓

Direct project selection for exploratory research projects Consultant time with faculty and senior research staff 10% Discount on Testing Services

$5K value

$10K value

For more information contact David Cooke at or David Emerling at or visit



Smart City STATE FUNDING TO FUEL EXPANSION OF AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE R&D The path toward a safe and smart autonomous car hit the fast lane with a $45 million commitment to expand The Ohio State University-affiliated Transportation Research Center. The funds will support research and innovation for autonomous—or driverless—vehicles.

President Michael V. Drake announced the funding with Gov. John Kasich at an event at Ohio State’s Center for Automotive Research. Ohio State will contribute $25 million to TRC, with an additional $20 million coming from the state. “This affirms our commitment to work with the state, the auto industry and the federal government and to lead the charge in automated vehicle testing and research,” Drake said. Kasich said the investment fits a larger goal of modernizing the state’s economy and work force. “My goal was to move us off of being just a manufacturing town. People say we’re the rust belt. That’s offensive to me; I think we’re the knowledge belt,” he said.


Director, Ohio State Transportation & Traffic Management Beth has over 29 years of experience in both operations and administration in the transportation and parking field. For the past 28 years, Beth has worked for Ohio State and currently serves as director of Transportation and Traffic Management. In her current position, Beth has oversight responsibility for the Campus Area Bus Service (CABS), Motor Pool, Ohio State Wexner Medical Center Valet and Transportation Services, Vehicle Maintenance and Fleet, Traffic Management and Parking Concession Contract Management. Beth provides leadership, planning and management in executing campus-wide special events, construction activities and sustainability initiatives as related to traffic; transportation; and parking. She also helps to coordinate the department’s strategic planning efforts and goals, objectives and policies. Beth directs and oversees the department’s personnel and labor relations functions, as well as the purchasing functions and fiscal resources of the department. “A year ago, I had heard about autonomous mobility, but I did not expect to be ingrained in bringing the technology to campus to be studied and implemented as a mobility option,” said Snoke. “Ohio State is the perfect living laboratory for autonomous mobility.”



Beth Snoke

In addition to the university and state funding, the College of Engineering has committed $24 million over five years to hire faculty and staff to support research into autonomous vehicle technology. The $45 million in new funding is part of an eventual $100 million improvement of the TRC in East Liberty, Ohio. The center is the nation’s largest independent test track. The testing site is expected to be as long as 10 football fields and as wide as 50 highway lanes. The expansion will also include a simulated neighborhood with traffic lights, roundabouts and intersections and a site that mirrors a rural community. “We’re glad to be a part of the governor’s broader transportation agenda and together, we’ll continue to move the Ohio economic agenda forward,” said Alex Shumate, chairman of the university Board of Trustees.

The announcement follows several recent moves that highlight Ohio State’s leading role in advancing the future of transportation. Last year, Ohio State was named the lead research partner in the $140 million Smart City program. Smart Cities partners the university, the City of Columbus and local organizations to transform Central Ohio into a premier transportation innovation region.

Smart Belt Coalition

Ohio State co-founds Smart Belt Coalition to collaborate on mobility solutions The Ohio State University has teamed up with academic institutions and transportation agencies in Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania on connected and automated vehicle initiatives. The Smart Belt Coalition (SBC) brings together leaders to support vehicle technology research, testing, policy, funding pursuits and deployment, as well as share data and provide unique opportunities for private-sector testers. While coalition membership may expand in the future, other participating agencies and universities include: the Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission; Transportation Research Center in East Liberty, Ohio; Pennsylvania’s Department of Transportation and Turnpike Commission; University of Michigan; and the Michigan Department of Transportation. “The Smart Belt Coalition allows the core competencies of each outstanding organization to be utilized and enhanced,” said Carla Bailo, Ohio State’s assistant vice president for mobility research and business development. “We will lead smart mobility in academia and prepare our students for future endeavors. Further, a multi-state initiative gives us additional leverage in terms of project size and research dollars toward making our roadways safe and secure for all future modes of transportation.” With similar climates, commercial truck traffic and active work on these technologies in the participating states, the coalition is a resource for transportation stakeholders

Governor John Kasich announcing the new funding on January 26, 2017



Faculty Highlights

and the private sector alike. The coalition has developed a strategic plan, which focuses on: ›› C onnected and automated applications in work zones, including uniform work-zone scenarios offering consistency for testers as well as technologies offering better information to motorists. ›› C ommercial freight opportunities in testing, including platooning (connecting more than one vehicle) and potential coordination on interstates.

Most recently the coalition has applied for their first 75 grant—through USDOT’s Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment Program—for work zone management IT system deployment. “We want to be the first coalition to actively create an IT system that will be common among three states and 75 serve as a benchmark 69 for others while creating a standard way for the nation,” said Bailo.

90 94 80







70 77 65 75





Their mutual research interest in automotive control brought them together 20 years ago at Istanbul Technical University. Now, Bilin Aksun-Guvenc and Levent Guvenc are a husband-wife research powerhouse at The Ohio State University’s Center for Automotive Research (CAR), where their work in the rapidly evolving field of automated driving is receiving international attention. The duo came to Ohio State from Turkey in 2014 after building a research program deemed a Center of Excellence in Automotive Control through the European Union’s framework research program. The U.S. is the world leader in deploying connected and automated driving technology—a distinction that enables the Guvencs to quickly see the outcomes of their research. “Autonomous vehicles are going to happen in the U.S. much earlier than anywhere else, which means we can actually put our work in the lab into practice. You can see the outcome on the roads,” says Levent, director of CAR’s Automated Driving Lab.

›› I ncident management applications providing better information to and infrastructure for emergency responders and other agencies.



Levent was no stranger to Ohio State. He got his PhD in the Department of 50 Mechanical Engineering88in 1992—and though CAR had been founded the year before, automated vehicles were still mostly science fiction. “There was nothing 390 happening in this area at that time,” says Levent, whose PhD research focused on automating robots to61polish dies and molds.

Today, research on autonomous vehicles is thriving at Ohio State, one of just a handful of institutions offering a wide range of possibilities for students in 80 automotive engineering. Bilin and Levent strengthen the program even more. 76 control and mechatronics, advanced driver assistance Their work in automotive systems, connected and automated driving, and pedestrian collision avoidance has drawn external funding from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. 81 Department of Energy, the automotive industry and others. Their programs have 76 attracted more than a dozen graduate students to Ohio State who are eager to do research with them. One of their favorite things about Ohio State and CAR? Being able to test their work in CAR’s connected and automated driving hardware-in-the-loop simulator. “The hardware-in-the-loop simulator gives an advantage to our working group,” says 81 Levent, “letting95 us change the vehicle and environment conditions in real time 64 before going to field tests. We can easily go back to the beginning and start again— and it’s just downstairs from our offices.”

In 2016, the Guvencs’ work in automated driving helped Columbus beat out 77 cities nationwide to win a $50 million Smart City Challenge grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation and Vulcan, Inc. They are also working on a Global Cities Technical Challenge “Smart Shuttle” project, which enables pedestrians to summon on-demand low-speed automated shuttles with their smart phones. The Smart Shuttle is planned to be tested and used at Easton Town Center on the city’s east side, with the goal of eventually being scaled and replicated at other locations throughout Columbus and the U.S. With such intensity directed to ambitious projects like these during the work day, you would think it might spill over into dinner table conversation. “Oh no,” says Bilin. “We cook together and talk to our son to see how his day went.”

Despite the international interest in self-driving cars, their 11-year-old son Kunter has his own plans. “He has been in a lot of autonomous vehicles and has voluntarily helped us at global team challenges. But right now, he says he wants to do something ‘more interesting’ when he grows up, like becoming a medical doctor.” With parents like Bilin and Levent demonstrating their passion for knowledge and innovation each day, there’s little doubt that their son will chart an interesting path of his own.


Director of Simulation Innovation Center

CAR Fellow Shawn Midlam-Mohler was recently named director of Ohio State’s Simulation Innovation and Modeling Center (SIMCenter) where he had served as associate director since the center’s inception in 2013. “Personally, being involved in the leadership of SIMCenter has been a great addition to my more traditional teaching and research duties. It has the same feel as launching a new business and I am excited to have the opportunity to continue moving SIMCenter forward over the next several years,” said Midlam-Mohler. What started with a gift from Honda R&D Americas, SIMCenter is an interdisciplinary research center focused on advancing computer-aided engineering techniques in research, design and manufacturing in industry. As the center moves toward its fourth year, Midlam-Mohler looks to continue “strengthening our research presence in simulation while also launching a number of new initiatives, such as our professional development program and a research consortium. Launching these new initiatives will allow us to better serve our industry partners as well as the students, staff and faculty within Ohio State.” Midlam-Mohler, an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, is also lead faculty advisor for Ohio State’s EcoCAR team, which won its third consecutive competition in May, and supervises the ModelBased Design of Complex Systems Lab.

Bilin and Levent with their son Kunter





Hydrogen fuel cells essentially convert hydrogen into energy to power the bus. The exhaust of the bus is water—as opposed to greenhouse gases.

The Ohio State University partners with the Stark Area Regional Transit Authority (SARTA), to increase the number of hydrogen fueled vehicles on the road in Ohio.

Jim Durand, research associate at Ohio State’s Center for Automotive Research, said hydrogen fuel cells can be recharged quickly and can run all day. CAR has installed a hydrogen fueling station at its Kinnear Road location.

A bright blue bus is making its way around the Columbus campus of The Ohio State University. The bus is more than a way for students to get around campus; it’s a research platform that could lead to a cleaner campus of the future.

Ohio State President Michael V. Drake was one of the first passengers on the bus. He joined students, campus researchers and members of SARTA on the trip. Drake said the fuel cell technology is one way for the university to meet its ambitious sustainability goals. Among those is Ohio State’s goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

The hydrogen fuel cell bus is part of the Campus Area Bus System fleet and is on loan from the Stark Area Regional Transit Authority for one year.

The bus serves a research purpose as well. CAR researchers are collecting data on the bus’s performance at Ohio State to share with interested scientists.

The hydrogen fuel cell bus makes its first trip around campus



“We’re trying to take this technology and help the commercialization and ultimately improving this technology and deploying it in the state of Ohio,” SARTA CEO Kirt Conrad said. That transportation research fits with the university’s role as the lead research partner on the Smart Cities initiative. In June 2016, Columbus won the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Smart City Challenge. The win secured $40 million in grants from the federal government and another $10 million from venture capital firm Vulcan to develop and test high-tech transportation solutions. “The fact that the university is engaged in this kind of work is illustrative of why they are such a powerful partner for the city in our Smart Cities work,” Columbus City Council member Elizabeth Brown said. “As we think about our future and doing the best we can to help people be mobile in the 21st century, this is one of the best ways we can take the next step forward,” Drake said.

Engineering Services OHIO STATE AWARDED $1.5 MILLION FOR NATIONAL LOW-EMISSION BUS TESTING PROGRAM U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) announced Ohio State will receive $1.5 million in competitive federal funding to test bus components that will help increase use of low or no emission buses in public transportation. The Federal Transit Authority (FTA) awarded the $1.5 million grant through its Low or No (LoNo) Emission Bus Component Testing program, making Ohio State



one of just two universities nationwide to be selected for the testing program. The Center for Automotive Research (CAR) will partner with university-affiliated Transportation Research Center (TRC) to help FTA develop the most energy-efficient buses possible. Only Ohio State and Auburn University will be eligible to compete for an additional $12 million of federal funding that will be made available over the next four years. “The Ohio State University’s Center for Automotive Research and the Transportation Research Center have provided world-class research and testing for dozens of years, and this award will put them at the center of nationwide efforts to increase energy efficiency in our public transit system,” said Brown. “With this funding, Ohio continue its leadership role in developing our next generation of low and no emission buses.” “CAR and TRC are frequent research collaborators,” said CAR Director Giorgio Rizzoni. “Here we will support the FTA’s mission by providing unbiased assessments of components used in transit buses to encourage the commercialization of low- and no-emissions technologies that will enable clean and efficient public transportation in America’s cities. This program is perfectly aligned with our College of Engineering’s strategic vision for sustainable and intelligent mobility.” Brown—who serves as the ranking member of the U.S. Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, which oversees FTA—created the testing program during Senate consideration of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act in 2015, and he doubled federal investment in zero-emission public transit projects. Brown also wrote to FTA in December 2016 in support of Ohio State’s application for the funding. In April 2016, CAR teamed up with the Stark Area Regional Transit Authority (SARTA) to unveil a new hydrogen fuel cell-powered, zero emission bus at the Ohio Statehouse. The new hydrogen fuel cell bus—the first to operate in Ohio—is being used on Ohio State’s main campus to collect data for CAR researchers to analyze. Ohio State’s Department of Transportation and Traffic Management will operate the bus as part of its CABS fleet before it begins shuttling Stark County passengers next year.




CAR’s Mission An interdisciplinary research center in The Ohio State University’s College of Engineering, CAR is the preeminent research center in sustainable and safe mobility in the United States. CAR collaborates with industry and university partners as well as faculty at the top of their fields to provide our students with the skills and hands-on experience to prepare them for a future in mobility.






Develop targeted strategies to engage with our industry partners and continue to develop opportunities to work together.

Grow in the space of smart and connected mobility through interdisciplinary connected research.

Support faculty, students and operations through revenue generating opportunities such as engineering services and distance education.

Produce multi-faceted students who are experts and leaders in their field.

Engage and educate the next generation about the automotive industry and what the future of mobility will look like for them.



Collaborating Faculty and Senior Researchers CAR //Center for

Automotive Research

CBE //Chemical

and Biomolecular Engineering

Qadeer Ahmed Automotive systems modeling, estimation, control and diagnostics

Bhavik Ramesh Bakshi

Sustainability science and engineering, process systems engineering

Greg Busch Vehicle cooling, thermal management systems, fluid systems analysis, aircraft icing and applied aerodynamics

CG Cantemir Electric power machines

Jeff Chrstos Vehicle dynamics, driverin-the-loop simulators, tire modeling

Gary Heydinger Modeling, simulating, testing and analyzing vehicle handling dynamics stability

BJ Yurkovich Data modeling for big data and large scale infrastructures, battery management, system identification and modeling/simulation

Mark McCord

Arda Kurt

Transportation systems, engineering and planning

Automated and connected vehicles, automotive control, intelligent vehicles

Rabi Mishalani Application of probabilistic modeling, statistical inference, experimental design and evaluation and optimization to transportation systems analysis

CEGE //Civil,

Environmental and Geodetic Engineering Andre Carrel Data mining, sensor networks and technologies, spatial analytics, discrete choice modeling and urban computation

Bejamin Coifman Intelligent transportation systems, traffic surveillance, control and flow theory, driver dynamics and application of advanced technologies to transportation problems

Dorota GrejnerBrzezinska GPS, satellite and inertial geodesy, multisensor integration

ECE //Electrical and

Computer Engineering Eylem Ekici Computer networks, wireless and satellite systems, routing protocols and QoS provisioning

Development and application of quantitative methods in marketing

Umit Ozguner Intelligent control of large, decentralized systems, automotive control, intelligent vehicle highway system

Keith Redmill Autonomous vehicles and robots, intelligent transportation systems, vehicle and bus tracking, wireless data communication, CDPD, GPS and GIS technologies

Lisa Fiorentini Control and system theory, nonlinear and adaptive control, robust control, tracking and regulation problems with applications in aerospace and automotive engineering

Charles Toth

Abhishek Gupta Decentralized control, game theory, auctions, electricity markets, probability theory

Emre Koksal

Andy May

Wireless communication and networking

Air quality

2D/3D signal processing and spatial information systems, photogrammetry, LiDAR and remote sensing

Jiankang Wang Power system operation and planning, electricity markets, demand side management, distributed generation and renewable energy

Jin Wang Power electronics circuits and control for renewable energy and hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles



Greg Allenby

High performance parallel computing

Fusun Ozguner

FCOB //Fisher College of Business

HRS // School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Amanda Agnew Human anatomy and biologic anthropology

John Bolte Injury biomechanics, child injury prevention

Yun Seok Kang Injury biomechanics, instrumentation technique development, multibody kinematics and dynamics

ISE // Integrated

Systems Engineering Ramteen Sioshansi Operations research, energy systems

David Woods Cognitive engineering, complexity and resilience, autonomous systems, sensor overload

MAE //Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Bilin Aksun Guvenc Connected and automated vehicles, vehicle control systems, unctional safety

Tunc Aldemir Nuclear reactor safety, probablistic safety/risk assessment of large engineering systems, non-linear system diagnostics and prognostics, uncertainty quantification in dynamic systems

Bharat Bhushan

Levent Guvenc

Giorgio Rizzoni

Biomimetic interface science, surface engineering, nanotribology and materials research

Automotive control and mechatronics, autonomous road vehicles, cooperative mobility, robust control

System dynamics, measurements, control and fault diagnosis with application to automotive systems

Marcello Canova

Ryan Harne

Energy conversion and energy storage systems for automotive applications, dynamic system modeling and optimization

Mechanics, dynamics, vibrations, acoustics and waves

Joseph Heremans

Lei Raymond Cao Radiation sensor development, nuclear instrumentation and detection methods, reactor instrumentation

Thermal properties of matter and applications to energy conversion

Jung Hyun Kim

Rebecca Dupaix

Energy storage, batteries and fuel cells

Mechanical behavior of polymers, bio-materials, and polymer-based composites, deformation processing of polymers, biological tissue engineering

Rotorcraft aeromechanics, bluff body wake control, and development of advanced measurement techniques

Denny Guenther Vehicle dynamics and vehicle design

Yann Guezennec

Biomimetic interface science, surface engineering, nanotribology and materials research

Energy conversion and storage systems for automotive applications

Internal combustion engines, acoustics, noise control, combustion, heat transfer and fluid dynamics

Soheil Soghrati Computational solid mechanics

Vishnu Sundaresan

Junmin Wang

Turbulent combustion

Control modeling and estimation diagnosis of automotive systems

Science Engineering Glenn Daehn Impulse-based manufacturing

Gerald Frankel Degradation of materials, atmospheric corrosion, corrosion inhibition

David McComb Electrion microscopy and analysis

Smart material systems

Seung-Hyun Kim

James Gregory

Mike Benzakein

Ahmet Selamet

MSE // Materials

OARDC //Ohio

Agricultural Research and Development Center

Sandip Mazumder Computational fluid dynamics, reacting flows with applications in combustion, catalytic conversion, fuel cells and chemical vapor deposition, thermal radiation, nonequilibrium transport phenomena

Cheena Srinivasan Automatic transmission modeling and control

Katrina Cornish Bio-based emergent materials, natural rubber biosynthesis and production

OR //Office of Research

Shawn Midlam-Mohler Model-based design of complex systems, advanced automotive powertrain systems

Janet Weisenberger Hearing science, driver behavior



CAR Champions

The FKFS Medal of Merit was launched in 2006 on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of FKFS. It is awarded by the Board of Management to a member of the Advisory Board of FKFS in recognition of their outstanding achievements, particularly economic, political, scientific and social services, which support the institute. Since its inception in 2006, 10 people have been awarded this medal, Rizzoni being the most recent.


RIZZONI AWARDED FKFS MEDAL OF MERIT CAR Director Giorgio Rizzoni received the Medal of Merit from the Research Institute of Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Engines Stuttgart (FKFS), an institute founded in 1930 and affiliated with the University of Stuttgart in Germany. Rizzoni was informally presented with this award at CAR’s 25th anniversary celebration and officially received the award at the semi-annual meeting of the FKFS Advisory Board for his long term commitment to the University of Stuttgart and to FKFS. In addition to teaching a course on hybrid electric vehicle technology for the past five years as part of the Stuttgart International Summer School, Rizzoni serves on the FKFS advisory board, participated in multiple dissertation committees and has been engaged in a broad academic and research partnership with the University of Stuttgart since the late 1990s. “It is a great honor to have received such a prestigious commendation, recognizing the strength and depth of the partnership between these great universities,” said Rizzoni.



Pete Olin, a chief engineer at Delphi’s Powertrain division, leading the Advanced Engineering Americas team and John Kirwan, the chief engineer at Delphi’s Powertrain division with an Advanced R&D focus, are the recipients of the 2017 Dwight Blaser Meritorious Service Award. This award is presented annually to individuals whose sustained and extraordinary personal services have had a significant and lasting effect on the advancement of Ohio State’s Center for Automotive Research. While typically the award is presented to a single individual, this year CAR chose to recognize two key individuals from Delphi who together have provided long-term, committed and growing support to CAR. SHOWN ABOVE: John Kirwin (left) and Pete Olin (right) after receiving their award at the Spring CAR External Advisory Board meeting

CANOVA RECEIVES 2017 MICHAEL J. MORAN AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING Marcello Canova (shown on right) was named the recipient of the 2017 Michael J. Moran Award for Excellence in Teaching. The award, which is presented by the Mechanical Engineering External Advisory Board, recognizes a faculty member’s exceptional dedication to teaching mechanical and aerospace engineering undergraduates.

As an associate professor and associate director of graduate and continuing education at CAR, Canova demonstrates his broad range of knowledge in mechanical engineering. He does this while also connecting with his students on a personal level. “It is a privilege and an honor to be recognized by the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and its advisory board for something that I love and consider an important part of my life,” said Canova after receiving his award.

RIZZONI AWARDED THE CLARA M. AND PETER L. SCOTT FACULTY AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION CAR Director Giorgio Rizzoni was awarded the Clara M. and Peter L. Scott Faculty Award for Excellence in Engineering Education. The award recognizes an individual’s career accomplishments in both teaching and research. “I am humbled by this award, and I am grateful for the invaluable partnerships with students and with staff and faculty colleagues in the College of Engineering at Ohio State that have made it possible for me to thrive here. I look forward to continuing our work on clean, efficient, safe and autonomous mobility and I especially look forward to serving as a mentor to the new cohort of outstanding young faculty we have recently hired so that Ohio State Engineering will continue to be a leader in this field.”

SELAMET RECEIVES HILLQUIST NVH LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD For more than 30 years, Professor Ahmet Selamet (shown on right) has served as a leader in the mechanical engineering field. His groundbreaking research has explored advanced automotive powertrain systems, wave dynamics, noise and pollutant emission control, combustion, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. To recognize his significant contributions, Selamet was named the 2017 recipient of the Ralph K. Hillquist NVH Lifetime Achievement Award, which was presented by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) International. This honor, which is given to only one individual every other year, recognizes those who have made outstanding contributions to ground vehicle noise, vibration, and

harshness research for 15 years or more. The award is named in honor of Ralph Hillquist, the founder of the SAE Noise and Vibration Conference. “I was fortunate to know Ralph Hillquist from the 1990s, when I first started participating in the Noise and Vibration Conference,” said Selamet. “He was a wise man and earned a great deal of my respect.”

WEIMER RECEIVES ASSOCIATION OF STAFF AND FACULTY WOMEN MARY ANN WILLIAMS WOMAN’S LEADERSHIP AWARD Maryn Weimer, senior associate director at CAR, encourages her staff to serve as leaders in their own roles while still providing support and guidance when needed. Because of these traits Weimer has been named the recipient of the Association of Staff and Faculty Women Mary Ann Williams Woman’s Leadership Award, which recognizes an Ohio State University woman who demonstrates a unique form of leadership. “Receiving this award has truly left me shocked and amazed! I am so lucky to work with a team of talented and hardworking individuals for whom collaboration, cooperation and empowerment seem natural. To be recognized for something you love to do and have so much passion around just reinforces that I am in the right place and working on the right things! Thank you so much to all the amazing team members I am fortunate to work with every day!” SHOWN ABOVE ON RIGHT: Weimer receiving her award at the ASFW Ballam Women’s Symposium



Address: 930 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212 Phone: 614-292-5990 Fax: 614-688-4111 Email: Online: @OSUCtrAutoRsrch

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