TCC to OSU - History BA 2020-21

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OSU-Stillwater OSU-Tulsa∎

Associate in Arts in History (TCC) to Bachelor of Arts in History (OSU) TULSA COMMUNITY COLLEGE (years 1 and 2) – 2020-21 Year One – Tulsa Community College Fall Semester Spring Semester TCC Equivalent or Substitute OSU Requirement  TCC Equivalent or Substitute OSU Requirement

ENGL 1113 ̶ Composition I HIST 1483 – Am Hist 1492 - Civil War or HIST 1493 – Am Hist Civil War - now HIST 1053 – Ancient and Medieval History Elective MATH 1473 – Quantitative Reasoning

ENGL 1113 HIST 1483 (H) or HIST 1493 (DH) HIST 1613 (H) Humanities MATH 1493 (A)

General Education Required Elective (1st level of Foreign Language – see your OSU Advisor)

OSU Elective (Associate Degree waives Additional General Education)

Semester Credit Hours at TCC: 15

Fall Semester

ENGL 1213 POLS 1113

HIST 1063 – Modern Western History Elective CSCI 1203 General Education Recommended Elective

HIST 1623 (H) Humanities CS 1003 Natural and Mathematical Sciences* Foreign Language 1713**

Recommended Elective (2nd level of same Foreign Language)

OSU Requirement (L, N) Lab Science

Humanities (3 credit hours) must be non-History for OSU

(A, H, N, or S) Additional General Education OSU Elective 2 credit hours OSU Elective Foreign Language 1813**

Semester Credit Hours at TCC: 15

Year Two – Tulsa Community College

TCC Equivalent or Substitute Lab Science (4 credit hours)

History Elective (3 credit hours) Recommended Elective (2 credit hours) Recommended Elective (3rd level of same Foreign Language) Semester Credit Hours at TCC: 15

ENGL 1213 – Composition II POLS 1113 – American Federal Government

Spring Semester

TCC Equivalent or Substitute Non-Lab Science (3 credit hours)

OSU Requirement (N) Science

Humanities (3 credit hours) must be non-History for OSU

(A, H, N, or S) Additional General Education OSU Elective

History Elective (3 credit hours) COMM 1113 – Public Speaking Recommended Elective (4th level of same Foreign Language) Semester Credit Hours at TCC: 15

SPCH 2713 (S) Foreign Language 2000-level**

Before transferring to OSU, have the TCC Registrar send an official transcript to the OSU Admissions Office with any degrees earned noted on the transcript. If you have not completed the requirements for an associate degree, talk with your OSU Academic Advisor about Reverse Transfer options to use OSU coursework to complete your TCC associate degree. ∎some course work available in Tulsa

OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY (years 3 and 4) – 2020-21 Year Three – Oklahoma State University Fall Semester Spring Semester OSU Requirement OSU Requirement 

HIST 3903 Introduction to the Study of History American History (3 credit hours) + European History (3 credit hours) + Upper-Division from Related Disciplines with (D) Diversity Designation (3 credit hours)

Arts & Humanities non-History (3 credit hours) Semester Credit Hours at OSU: 15

American History (3 credit hours) + European History (3 credit hours) + World History (3 credit hours) + Upper-Division from Related Disciplines with (I) International & (NW) Non-Western Designations (3 credit hours) Arts & Humanities non-History (3 credit hours) Semester Credit Hours at OSU: 15

Year Four – Oklahoma State University Fall Semester Spring Semester OSU Requirement OSU Requirement 

World History (3 credit hours) + Upper-Division History (3 credit hours) Upper-Division History (3 credit hours) Upper-Division from Related Disciplines (3 credit hours) Arts & Humanities non-History (3 credit hours) Semester Credit Hours at OSU: 15

HIST 4903 Senior Seminar Upper-Division History (3 credit hours) Upper-Division History (3 credit hours) Upper-Division from Related Disciplines (3 credit hours) OSU Elective (3 credit hours) Semester Credit Hours at OSU: 15

*Courses also meet College and Departmental Requirements and cannot be waived with an Associate's degree. +Only 3 of these credit hours may be 2000-level. **Important Note: The foreign language requirement for the B.A. may be satisfied by 9 hours college credit in the same language, which must include 3 hours at the 2000-level, or equivalent proficiency (e.g., passing an advanced standing examination; TOEFL exam; presenting a high school transcript which demonstrates the high school was primarily conducted in a language other than English; etc.). Computer Science courses may not be used to satisfy this requirement. Currently Arabic and Mvskoke are not offered at the 2000-level at OSU. If you prefer to take your foreign language requirements through OSU, please contact your OSU Academic Advisor.

OSU-Tulsa 918-594-8355 •

OSU College of Arts and Sciences 405-744-5658 •

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