oldtowncrier oldtowncrier.com otcregionalmag Since 1988 • Priceless September 2022 From the Bay to the Blue Ridge

Setting the Standard In Old Town Since 1979

Checking out the OTC aboard M/V Constellation in the waters of Glacier Bay in southeastern Alaska are Alexandria resident and longtime friend Michael Lucker with his sisters-in-law Sue Linnett (San Diego, CA) and Marti Bradford (Andersonville, CA). Michael accompanied his wife Catherine, the sisters and their spouses on a cruise to see the likes of whales, eagles, otters, moose, glaciers, waterfalls and amazing mountains.
Former DMV residents and world travelers Je rey and Joanne Fisher are so good about taking their copy of the OTC with them on their treks we should give them OTC “Ambassador” status. This last trek took them to the most southern point in the USA in Key West.
Old Town Crier September 2022 1 september‘22 A Division of Crier Media Group OTC Media LLC PO Box 320386 Alexandria, VA 571-257-543722320 o ce@oldtowncrier.comoldtowncrier.com Published the rst week of every month. Worth waiting for! PUBLISHER Bob Tagert MARKETING & ADVERTISING Lani MegBobGeringTagertMullery SOCIAL MEDIA & WEBSITE Erin Koons CONTRIBUTORS Stephen Bearce Sarah AlexanderBeckerBritelKelseyBonhamCherylBurns F. Lennox Campello Steve MattCarolynChaconasCockroftBethCrabtreeScottDickenDougFabbioliFitzsimmonsNicoleFlanaganAlbertaFrostLaniGeringMiriamKramer Genevieve CatherineAshleyCindyTimothyLeFrancLongMcGovernMegMulleryMelindaMurphyRonPowersKimPutensJulieReardonJaimeStephensStimpsonBobTagertCarlTrevisanRyanUnverzagtVarcheverLoriWelchBrown © 2022 Crier Media Group, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. The Old Town Crier is published monthly and distributed to select Alexandria residents, hotels, restaurants and retail shops. Also distributed in the Annapolis, Fredericksburg, Blue Ridge and Washington, DC areas and St. John, USVI. About the Cover Old Town looking toward fall. Photo by friend of the Old Town Crier and exceptional amateur photographer, Lee Moody. Her photos have appeared in other Alexandria based publications as well as local Facebook and Instagram pages. Lee has an incredible eye for interesting takes on ordinary settings. She and her faithful black lab,Taylor, make their rounds almost daily snapping shots from sunrises to sunsets and all interesting things in between. A Bit of History 8 After hours 11 Alexandria Events 2 Art & Antiques 14 Business Pro le 6 Caribbean Connection 20 Dining Guide 33 Dining Out 28 Exploring VA Wines 35 Financial Focus 7 First Blush 40 Fitness 38 From the Bay 25 From the Trainer 39 Gallery Beat 14 Go Fish 41 Grapevine 34 High Notes 11 Let's Eat 32 Let's Get Crafty 36 National Harbor 44 On the Road 1 Open Space 42 Personality Pro le 4 Pets of the Month 19 Points on Pets 18 Publishers notes 2 Road Trip 22 Take Photos, Leave Footprints 16 The Last Word 12 To the Blue Ridge 27 Urban Garden 10 4 3612 ON THE ROAD e OTC made it all the way North to Alaska and all the way South to Key West last month! Both of these places are on our personal bucket lists! If you would like to see your photo in this space in print and online, take an OTC with you, snap a couple of shots of someone reading it in a fun place and send it to o ce@ oldtowncrier.com. Be sure to include information for the caption and your mailing address so we can get you a hard copy for your scrap book.

THROUGH OCT 5TH Waterfront Wednesdays Music Series Wednesdays from 5 to 7 p.m. Admission: Free Robinson Landing Promenade and Pier, 7 Pioneer Mill Way, Alexandria, VA Headoldtownbusiness.org22314toRobinsonLandingfor the Waterfront Wednesday Music Series presented by Yellow Door Music Concert Series featuring a range of music genres by local musicians. Bring a chair or simply stop by to enjoy some beautiful waterside beats.
In Grapevine Matthew Fitzsimmons writes a great article about Greenhill Winery (formerly Swedenburg) and mentions how my late friend Juanita Swedenburg went to the Supreme Court to secure out of state shipping for Virginia wineries. He goes on to explore the quality of the present day Greenhill. In History Sarah Becker reveals the gauze that lawmakers use to protect us from military style guns and the damage they do. On a lighter note in Take Photos/Leave Footprints, Scott Dicken takes us on a tour of the Piedmont Region in Northern Italy. In From the Trainer, Ryan Unverzagt reminds us of the value of Bodyweight Training and Open Space’s Lori Welch Brown, not just a pretty face, reminisces about XXL on her birthday/anniversary month. Our Road Trip this month took us to Spacious Skies Campground in the Shenandoah’s near Luray, Virginia for a “Glamping” experience. A bit of a drive but with a stop at Pearmund Cellars on the way out and a stop at Barrel Oak Winery on the way back, it made the drive very pleasant. In and Out of Town: if you are hanging in Old Town make sure you check out the balcony at Chadwicks. Great cra beers and cocktails and a beautiful view up the Potomac River. If heading out of town, check out the Virginia Spirits Expo on September 24th at Belmont Farm Distillery near Culpeper. Check out their ad in this issue.On a sad note, we bid our friends at Mackie’s Bar & Grill a fond farewell. ey closed their doors on August 30th a er a good run. We wish Sang and Suzanne all the best as they move on to another chapter. e Mackie’s award winning burger will be missed by many. Let’s take a big run at some Labor Day fun on the 5th and keep it running into fall. Stay safe and play hard!
17TH & 18TH Colonial Market & Fair at Mount Vernon September 17 and 18, 2022, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission: Included with general admission ($28 per adult; $15 per youth; free for children 5 and under); free for GeorgemembersWashington’s Mount Vernon, 3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Mount Vernon, VA 22121 Takemountvernon.org703-780-2000inthesights
OCT 27th Annual1ST Art on the Avenue 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission: Free Mount Vernon Ave. between Hume and Bellefonte Avenues
2 September 2022 Old Town Crier
Alexandria5TH Black History Bus Tour 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. Admission: $29 if purchased prior to August 20; $35 if purchased after August 20 The Alexandria Black History Museum 902 Wythe manumissiontours.com703-842-2761Street ank the Lord that the month of August spared us the intense heat that July did. As I write this at 11 a.m. on August 23 it is a very nice 81 degrees outside. Might just be able to get a day of sailing in this weekend before September distribution starts on the 30th. Let’s see what’s in store for you in this issue. With Virginia Wine Month on the horizon (October), in Exploring VA Wines, Doug Fabbioli talks about the ne balance between the wineries and the many vineyards that count on the wineries buying their fruit every year.
> PAGE 3
First Thursday: Show Your Spirit 6 p.m. to MountAdmission:duskFreeVernonAve. between Hume and Bellefonte Avenues visitdelray.com/ rstthursday Wear your team colors and join the Del Ray community for live music and themed activities bene ting a local nonpro t.
Fall Events Feature Outdoor Festivals, Historical Happenings and More – SEPTEMBER 2022 Hanging out in the pool at Spacious Skies Campground after a hard night of “glamping”. EVENTS
Theartontheavenue.org27th annualarts festival held in the Del Ray features more than 350 juried artists, from quilters to card-makers to cartographers, displaying their one-of-a-kind wares. Arrive with an appetite and grab a bite from 20+ food vendors and set to the soundtrack of live music along the avenue.
The TWIG’s 80th Annual Historic Alexandria Homes Tour will showcase seven addresses including a home recently featured in Southern Living magazine, a home shaded by a 75-year-old g tree and a home with a guest room featuring an “Alexandria-centric,” hand-painted mural. Docents will share interesting information and details about each property. Proceeds from the tour support Inova Alexandria Hospital which is celebrating 150 years of serving the health and wellness of the community.
Photo by E. Michio for Visit Alexandria
20th Annual17TH Alexandria Art Festival 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission: Free 300 John Carlyle Ratedartfestival.com/festivalsStreetoneofthetop100 art shows in Sunshine Artist Magazine, the annual art festival features a variety of works exemplifying the gifted artists in regions from all over the country.
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission: $40 in advance; $45 day of tour Various locations throughout Old Town thetwig.org/homes-tour
Historic Alexandria Homes Tour
80th Annual24TH
and sounds of the marketplace on Mount Vernon’s 12-acre eld. Chat with colonial artisans selling traditional handcrafted food and wares, hear live music from the colonial era and watch as expert artisans demonstrate period crafting techniques. Plus, see General Washington in the General’s Tent.

This market is strictly a producer grown market. Lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, sh and salmon, fresh mushrooms, baked goods, hard cider. Farmers are within a 150 mile radius of Alexandria. A non-pro t is featured each weekend.
4109 Mount Vernon Avenue Sundays, 9 am – 1 pm Year Round
Old Town Crier
Old Town Cocktail Week
9TH –
September 2022 3
Market Square 301 King Saturdays,Street7am – 12 Noon Year Round
The Old Town Market is thought to be the one of nation’s oldest continuing markets operating since 1753. It is said that George Washington sent his products from Mount Vernon to be sold here. Today the plaza is a mecca for farmers and artists to sell their wares. The Market is a primary source for meats, dairy, sh, fruits, vegetables and owers for all those who visit.
Del10THRay Vintage & Flea Market 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Admission: Free Mount Vernon & E. Bellefonte Avenues delrayvintage ea.com Named the best ea market in Virginia by Domino Magazine, the outdoor market features more than 50 vendors at the lot at 1900 Mount Vernon Avenue plus the Salvation Army Corps lot across the street.
Various restaurants in Old Town ’Tisoldtownbusiness.orgtheseasontocelebrate and honor the talent of bartenders and businesses that support cocktail and wine innovation. Throughout the week, restaurants and retailers will highlight cocktails and/or wine in their establishments. The Art League will kick off the week with the annual Art on the Rocks event at Waterfront Park on September 9. Art9THon the Rocks 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Admission: $65 per person includes one beverage and an appetizer from each of the 6 participating restaurants. Ages 21+ Torpedo Factory Art Center 105 N. Union Astheartleague.orgStreettheofcialkickoff to Old Town Cocktail Week, Art on the Rocks 2022 - presented by The Art League - challenges local mixologists and chefs to each create the most artistic cocktail and appetizer pairing, inspired by a piece of art by a local Art League artist. Art on the Rocks supports the local arts community while spotlighting Alexandria’s fabulous local bar restaurants. Sample all of the delicious pairings and vote for your favorite during the event. A panel of experts will crown the winners of the most creative cocktail, appetizer and artwork pairings and announce the crowd favorite. Cider For Ukraine 6 to 9 Admission:p.m. $60 per person Lost Boy Cider 317 Hooffs Run Northlostboycider.comDriveVirginia’srsturban cidery, Lost Boy Cider, is partnering up with Mountain Seed Foundation to raise funds for Ukrainian children. Ticket holders receive a private section for the evening, cobweb tour of the cellar, swag bag, rst pint of Ukranian-themed cider and 50% off cider on tap. More details are available via Eventbrite.
Enkutatash Fest in Alexandria 2022 2 to 10 WilliamAdmission:p.m.FreeRamsay Recreation Center 5640 Sanger Presentedraeyechildrenaid.orgAvenuebyRaeyeChildren Aid, Inc., Enkutatash Fest in Alexandria 2022 is an Ethiopian New Years’ celebration showcasing traditional music, dance, fashion and arts.
Corner of Mt. Vernon and Oxford Avenues Saturdays, 8 am to Noon Year Round
Travel the streets of the historic Old Town Alexandria in this 90-minute bus tour to hear the stories of African Americans, both enslaved and freemen, at a time when Alexandria, Virginia, was one of early American’s main centers for the international and domestic slave trade. Sites include the historic African American churches, site of the 1939 Library Sit-In, the Departmental Progressive Club, the African American Heritage Park and more.
7 to 10 TorpedoAdmission:p.m.FreeFactory Art Center 105 N. Union Ethiopiantorpedofactory.orgStreetandHispanic diasporic communities cover a large population in Alexandria and play a vital part in the city’s culture. Celebrate the contributions of both communities to the growing arts and culture tapestry of Alexandria with a night of music, hands-on activities an art. In addition, enjoy a ticketed poetry slam with KaNikki Jakarta and other poets.
Alexandria’s favorite dog friendly market! The Old Town North Thursday Market is a growers only market with a focus on produce from small family farms and local artisans. Products sold at the market include fresh fruits and veggies from Virginia’s Northern Neck, Micro Greens from an urban farm, Empanadas, Fresh baked pastries with a European air and much more.
Montgomery Park 901 North Royal Street Thursdays, 3 pm – 7 pm Year Round
This market offers fresh, nutritious food to people of all income levels and strives to re ect the diversity of Alexandria’s community. Local artisans display their arts and crafts as well Due to the restrictions of the pandemic, all guidelines suggested by the CDC, the Virginia Department of Health and the City of Alexandria are followed by the market managers and the vendors at these markets. MARKETS
The Late Shift: Heritage at Torpedo Factory Art Center

“ is is a tough question. I would say these are the things that I am intolerant of, and have been my entire life from a very young age, and much of this disdain drives my passion to action in my work. Starting with bigotry and prejudice, and the arrogance that would allow anyone to believe they are better than someone else based on race or gender and all of the nuances surrounding this extreme manifestation of ego. In addition, someone who takes credit for other’s work and accomplishments, which is o entimes in alignment with nepotism in the workplace. My mother (a former Sta Sergeant in the Marine Corp) o en said, ‘ e mark of a man is how he treats those that he perceives to be less than himself.’ is Gospel to me.” As you can see, these are very well thought out responses and give you a bit of insight to what this amazing woman is about. It is my pleasure to know her and I feel like we are becoming good friends and that makes ‘me’ happy.
“One of the magical aspects of life is what makes us happy is ever changing. My consistent happiness markers are in nature, from the sunrise every morning, to a bon re on the beach at sunset - anywhere in the world this always works for me. Engaging conversations, great wines, good friends, dogs, French Impressionists, 16th- 18th century churches, and encapsulating it all... the love of learning makes me so happy.” What Do You Do for Fun?
© Tony Powell. 2021 DC Magazine Dynamic Women.
What Makes Sherrie Beckstead Happy?
“I love great music, of every genre. Concerts, theatre, the opera, and dancing…it makes me smile. Traveling to places and spaces o of the “beaten path” that are lled with history, regional culture, and that o er the taste, the sounds and the beauty of the people that live and love in that part of the world. Sights and sounds!”
In the 30 years that I have been living in Alexandria and the almost 28 years that I have been associated with the Old Town Crier, I have met literally hundreds of people who have peaked my interest in one way or another enough to think others in my realm should know about them. Sherrie Beckstead is one of those people. Like many others we have pro led, I met her at an informal social engagement. We exchanged pleasantries as all civil people do but this polite gesture turned into a very interesting conversation that ranged from soup to nuts. We just clicked. And….we are two totally di erent personalities. She is very professional and reserved and me…not so much. She is a very humble person and we didn’t really talk about what she did for a living or the social circles that she travels in. When we decided that Sherrie would make a great personality pro le, we met again, and I did my due diligence and discovered the depth and scope of her work and a few of her passions. In addition to her role as a partner in one of areas premier jewelry companies, there isn’t enough room in this column to print the many philanthropic boards she now serves on and has served on in the past. And…she has been pro led in pretty much every high pro le magazine in the DMV and we are very happy that she agreed to being pro led in this space. Sherrie keeps her personal life very close to her vest but I do know that she misses her late husband, Sid Beckstead, very much and she occupies much of her time carrying on causes I believe they supported together. Her new position on the Board of Directors and work the Cloverleaf Equine Center (formerly the Northern Virginia erapeutic Riding Program), as well as serving as a co-chair of the Ride to rive Polo Event that takes place in September, are key to the mission. In our initial conversations Sherrie talked with great pride about her success with her business and how her mission in life is to help as many people as she can along the way but she never really talked about things that “she” likes to do for herself so I posed a couple of questions to her and this is what she said: What Makes You Happy?
What is Your Greatest Pet Peeve?
© Tony Powell. 2021 DC Magazine Dynamic Women. Sherrie and Sid at the 2019 Ball for the Mall.

Old Town Crier September 2022 5
1 to 3 Admission:p.m. Free Torpedo Factory Art Center 105 N. Union Enjoytorpedofactory.orgStreetafreedemonstration or hands-on project with a Torpedo Factory Art Center artist at the Waterfront entrance of the Art Center. Cinema Del Ray –Disney’s Luca At Admission:Dusk Free Mount Vernon Recreation Center 2701 Commonwealth Joinfacebook.com/cinemadelrayAvenueCinemadelRayforafamily-friendly outdoor screening of Disney and Pixar’s “Luca” at the Mount Vernon Recreation Center elds.
OCTOBER 1ST Mount Vernon Historic Plant and Garden Sale 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission: Free (estate admission is not required to access the plant Georgesale) Washington’s Mount Vernon, 3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Mount Vernon, VA 22121 Shopmountvernon.org703-780-2000atMountVernon for plants, perennials, shrubs and trees grown in our greenhouses. The cooler fall weather makes it an ideal time for planting. The same plants grown at George Washington’s estate can adorn your garden. The General’s Choice plants are grown from seeds or cuttings collected from plants on the estate.
Workshops17TH on the Waterfront at Torpedo Factory Art Center
Where Is This Mural? Be the rst person to respond with the correct location and receive a $50 gift certi cate to a local dining establishment of our choice. In order to participate, you will have to Like and Follow us on: Facebook @oldtowncrier Instagram @otcregionalmag We will contact the winner each month via personal message to arrange for prize delivery.
24TH & OCT 22ND Legacy of the Green Cabinetmakers Walking Tour 10 Admission:a.m. $20 per person Carlyle House Historic Park 121 N Fairfax Innovaparks.com/parks/carlyle-house-historic-park703-549-2997Streettheearly19th century,WilliamGreenstartedthe Green Furniture factory in Alexandria, and by 1823 his son, James, would take over. James expanded his father’s factory and established himself as a prominent Alexandrian through building and operating Green’s Mansion House Hotel. Learn more about Alexandria’s cabinetmaking history and about James Green and his family’s life in Alexandria on this 1.5-hour guided walking tour. Reservations are required as space is limited.
10TH & 11TH Native American Cultural Beading Workshops 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission: Free Durant Art Center 1605 Cameron Presentedindianyouth.org/intertribal-creatives-2StreetbyRunningStrongAmerican
Alexandrianovaparks.com/parks/carlyle-house-historic-parkhasgrownfromasmalltowninthe18th century to a bustling small city in the 21st century. Discover Alexandria by looking at Architecture styles that adorn the city streets and make it one of the best places to live and work. Reservations are required as space is limited. Visitors are encouraged to wear comfortable shoes for this 1.5 hour guided tour. The tour is held rain or shine unless there is severe weather.
The15THTaste of Old Town North 4 to 8 Admission:p.m. Aoldtownnorth.org901MontgomeryFreeParkN.RoyalStreetcelebrationofthe diverse neighborhoods of greater Old Town North featuring wellness demonstrations, shopping at the Old Town Farmers’ Market, Art in the Park and wine and food tastings with local businesses. Art Night in Old Town 5 to 8 Admission:p.m. Free Various locations in Old Town Moreoldtownbusiness.orgthan 18galleries, boutiques, wine shops and merchants each host an open house showcasing art via wine tastings, art classes, clothing, jewelry, owers, paintings and other styles of art. Take a walk down the historic streets of Old Town and enjoy a light supper before or after the Art Night.
Discovering Alexandria Architecture Walking Tour with Carlyle House 10 Admission:a.m. $20 per person Carlyle House Historic Park 121 N Fairfax 703-549-2997Street
Previous Winners: July – Kyle Stanton – ESP Tea & Coffee on Upper King August - Emily Hanner – The Linder Academy on South Washington OCTOBER
Indian Youth, the Native American Cultural Beading Workshops give the community an opportunity to practice crafting skills and learn about Native American beadwork and culture.
Residential Parking Rates SeptemberIncrease1st

6 September 2022 Old Town Crier Eric
Eric McNair, Agency Owner Goosehead Home/Auto-InvestmentInsurance
….and all around really good guy. A er thirty ve years of publishing the Old Town Crier it is always nice when I encounter an experience like meeting Eric. Not only did I meet an impressive young man but he reduced my insurance premium on my two vehicles by almost 70% percent! Let me explain. I had just had my insurance premium with a well-advertised company double two months ago. Luckily, one evening I went over to National Harbor to visit friends at e Irish Whisper. As I was sitting on the terrace enjoying a cigar, a nice young man sat next to me and we engaged in a conversation. When I discovered that he was an insurance agent and handled property and casualty coverage I asked him about my vehicle insurance. When I told him what my premium jumped to he was shocked. A er he obtained a couple of quotes from companies he represented, I made my choice and for much less money and I got more comprehensive coverage. Needless to say, I thought that this young man would make a great business pro le. Eric is originally from Washington D.C. but when he was very young his military dad was transferred to Texas, so the whole family moved to the Lone Star State. In 2016 at the age of 18, the family returned to Maryland. Eric’s rst introduction to insurance was when his mom, who is a nancial advisor introduced him to a State Farm Insurance Agent that she worked with. “I worked for him for two years and made him so much money that I decided to go into the business myself,” Eric tells me. Eric shortly established himself as an All State Insurance agent but a er three years he didn’t like being a captive agent (an agent that can only write business for one company) so he sold his agency. Eric wanted to represent a number of companies so he had choices and could compete against himself rather than other agents and companies. “Yeah, you know, if your rate gets increased for whatever reason I can shi you to another company that I represent, that way I can serve my client and retain a customer,” he says. “I want to do the best that I can for my customers”, he continues, “you know, not being greedy, I just want to get them the best rate and coverage and also educate them about insurance. A lot of people don’t really understand insurance.” I also think that since Eric’s mom is a nancial advisor, she has given him some good advice along the way...a er all, insurance is an integral part of a comprehensive nancial plan. It is clear in our conversation that he loves and respects his mother. Eric’s next move was to associate himself with a great brokerage rm and he settled on Goosehead Insurance Agency based in Texas. With this arrangement he gets all of the technical support that he needs and he has his own territory here in the mid-Atlantic representing many companies as an Agency Owner. While he is required to maintain a “store front”, he says it is a rare occasion that he goes to his o ce suite. He carries his laptop with him at all times and is there for his clients almost 24 hours a day. He told me that on his last trip to Greece he tended to business the whole time he was there –making the adjustment for the time di erence was the only small challenge. Don’t think that Eric is all work and no play. e rst time we met to discuss insurance he was on his way to spend a day on the Potomac River with some pals on a 44-foot powerboat. He also is an avid bowler and carries a 209 average. e day we met for this interview he was going bowling later that day. He texted me later with a photo of his score board... bowled a 268 game. His best game ever was a 299... he le one pin standing the whole game. Eric is also an avid golfer who plays a consistent 82. While he was in Key West a week ago, he shot a 76. Very good indeed.LikeI implied at the beginning of this piece... sometimes you get lucky. I got lucky meeting Eric McNair. It is refreshing to see a young man – he just turned 30 in April – take such pride in his profession and see how focused he is on helping people regardless of their needs. His parents de nitely raised an amazing young man. He put his upbringing to good use by maintaining a stellar work ethic and focusing on family and friends. ere are good things for Goosehead and Eric McNair on theIfhorizon.youare looking for an alternative to your current insurance coverage, you might be well served to check in with Eric to see if he can assist you the way he did me.

While the coronavirus is top-of-mind, other serious illnesses or limiting medical conditions could create incapacitation. Examples include surgery that will require a longer-than-usual recovery period, cancer treatments, side e ects from speci c medications, and mental health issues.During such times, it may give you peace of mind to have someone you trust who will be able to communicate with medical professionals, share that information with you later, and even make decisions for you if necessary.
Wells Fargo Advisors does not provide legal or tax advice. Any estate plan should be reviewed by an attorney who specializes in estate planning and is licensed to practice law in your state. is article was written by/for Wells Fargo Advisors and provided courtesy of Carl M. Trevisan, Managing Director-Investments and Stephen M. Bearce, First Vice PresidentInvestments in Alexandria, VA at 800-247-8602.
• Allowing an authorized person to communicate with insurance companies, billing departments, and pharmacies, and schedule appointments on your behalf. is documentation can be especially important for unmarried individuals. Designating someone in advance is important—not just for you, but so children, parents, partners, friends, or others who care about you are not le powerless to help. Health care directive for an adult child If your child is age 18 or older, you may want to make sure he or she executes a health care directive and names an agent, either you or a trusted friend or relation, who can make decisions.isisimportant to ensure that parents, if named as agent, retain the ability to talk with doctors and hospitals and make health care decisions if your child is unable to communicate or incapable of making decisions on their own. It’s a scenario a parent never wants to consider, but you will be thankful for this document if you ever need it. You may also want to consider the need for parents to communicate with doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, and insurance companies. HIPAA prevents medical care providers and insurance companies from releasing information about a person’s medical records or current condition unless authorization has been given. In many families, young adults understand why it’s bene cial to ensure that parents can help in the event of a serious illness or medical emergency. Protecting yourself just makes sense Creating a health care directive can be part of a wider conversation about estate planning strategies. You will want to consult trusted professionals, including your nancial advisor, estate planning attorney, and accountant. ey know questions to ask and can help you avoid potential pitfalls.
A heath care directive is a legal document that lets you express your health care preferences and, if you wish, designate authority to someone to make care decisions for you if you cannot make them yourself.
Why you need a health care directive
Some may think this is needed only near the end of life, but that’s not its only use. ere other times when it can prove useful: anytime you become severely ill or incapacitated—even if for just a short time period; or if you are a young adult who is over 18 and heading to college Health care directives generally do three things:
Potential bene ts include:
Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank a liate of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2019 Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC. All rights reserved.
• A privacy authorization under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) makes it possible for health care providers to share private medical information with the agent you designate.
• A power of attorney (POA) for health care (also known as a durable POA for health care or health care proxy) lets you designate a trusted person to make decisions for you when you are unable to communicate or make them yourself.
• One part, o en referred to as a living will, lets you express your preferences about endof-life care if you become unable to make decisions yourself.
Short-term incapacitation
• Helping to ensure that doctors communicate important medical information with your agent, who can keep other family members or caregivers informed.
Old Town Crier September 2022 7 FINANCIAL FOCUS CARL TREVISAN, CFP© & STEPHEN BEARCE CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 NORTH AMERICA’S #1 Selling Featuring our Free Shower Package Call today and receive a FREE PLUSPACKAGESHOWER$1600OFF FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Call 1-844-979-0009Toll-Free With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value.Must present offer at time of purchase. 1-844-979-0009CallTodayforYourFreeShowerPackage WITHFINANCINGAVAILABLEAPPROVEDCREDIT Now you can finally have all of the soothing benefits of a relaxing warm bath, or enjoy a convenient refreshing shower while seated or standing with Safe Step Walk-In Tub’s FREE Shower Package! ✓ First walk-in tub available with a customizable shower ✓ Fixed rainfall shower head is adjustable for your height and pivots to offer a seated shower option ✓ High-quality tub complete with a comprehensive lifetime warranty on the entire tub ✓ Top-of-the-line installation and service, all included at one low, affordable price Now you can have the best of both worlds–there isn’t a better, more aff ordable walk-in tub! SPECIALOFFER

A Brief History of Guns, Politics and the NRA
“Edward watched intently as his father struggled into the blue uniform coat that he had had made when he was elected captain of the Guilderland [NY] militia,” Walter Edmonds wrote. “ e [1752] Spanish gun... hung over the replace…It was longer than a grown man…and more than twice the length of Edward, who was ten years old.”
“George Washington’s understanding of what we now o en call ‘gun rights’ would not seem to readily square with the views of today’s contending factions,” Je rey L. Zvengrowski Assistant Editor of the Washington Papers con rmed. “He does not appear to have thought that every citizen possessed an unlimited individual right to bear arms.”
Rachel Schulson’s Guns What You Should Know asks. “A bullet shot from a gun can travel up to 5,000 feet per second. at means that if you and a bullet had a race, the bullet would get to the end of your block before you even took your rst step.” According to the U.S. Gun Violence Archive the total number of U.S. gun violence deaths from January 1, 2022, to August 15, 2022, (all causes) was 27,514. Of those 45.7% were the result of homicide and murder, or unintentional. e number of children (ages 0-11) killed 213, teens (ages 12-17) killed 843; of mass shootings 411. Today a grocery store (Walmart, Tops), shopping center (El Paso), movie theater (Aurora), night club (Chattanooga), parade (Highland Park) or hotel (Las Vegas); workplace (Annapolis, Virginia Beach), church (Charleston), synagogue (Pittsburgh), university (Virginia Tech) or school (Columbine and Marjory Stoneman High; Sandy Hook and Robb Elementary) is no longer assumed safe. On June 1, 2022, four people including two doctors were killed inside a Tulsa, Oklahoma, medical center. On July 4th a 21-year old roo op ri eman killed seven people, injured 38 while watching a parade. Highland Park, Illinois, banned “the manufacturing, selling, giving, lending, acquiring, or possessing the most commonly owned ‘Assault Weapons,’ also Large Capacity Magazines” in 2013. Yet the assailant’s AR-15 assault style ri e was purchased legally— at age 20 with his father’s help.
e Matchlock Gun describes the muzzle-loading Musket in terms of the 1756 French and Indian War.
Amendment 2 of the Constitution’s 1791 Bill of Rights: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
e NRA, created by a group of Union o cers in 1871, promotes only “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
“We’ve all seen how quickly and creatively Texas can act when it wants to protect the unborn embryo,” CNN Anchor Alisyn Camerota said on May 25, 2022. “Why not act with that alacrity to protect a living, breathing 10-year old child?” Camerota was referring to Uvalde’s Robb Elementary mass shooting. Nineteen school children and two teachers were killed; 17 others were wounded. More than 311,000 students have experienced a school shooting since 1999. A mass shooting is de ned as “a gun crime in which four or more people excluding the shooter are killed.” Should returning students learn the particulars of school safety? Absolutely including vocabulary words like shots red, active shooter, dangerous someone; inform, counter, and evacuate.
“Gun rights groups including the National Ri e Association (NRA) and Gun Owners of America spent $15.8 million—a record amount—on lobbying in 2021,” Open Secrets explained. “Senator Ted Cruz [R-TX] has received more funding…than any other politician since 2012.” “Have you ever wondered about real guns?”
On May 24, 2022, children were con ned to two Robb Elementary classrooms; held at gunpoint, either dead or pretending death while calling #911 for help. e deceased gunman, age 18, purchased his AR-15 assault style semiautomatic ri e, a ri e akin to the military’s automatic M-16, one day a er his May 17 birthday. Texas makes it easy to buy and carry guns. Why, the gun lobby is famous for its generosity.
“ e Founders never intended to create an unregulated individual right to a gun,” Michael Waldman President of the Brennan Center for Justice wrote in 2014. “ ere is not a single word about an individual’s right to a gun for self-defense or recreation in (James) Madison’s notes from the Constitutional Convention. Nor was it mentioned, 15 career grossing U.S. Senators receiving contributions from the NRA (in descending order): Mitt Romney (R-UT) Richard Burr (R-NC) Roy Blunt (R-MO) Thom Tillis (R-NC) Marco Rubio (R-FL) Joni Ernst (R-IA) Rob Portman (R-OH) Todd Young (R-IN) Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) Tom Cotton (R-AR) Pat Toomey (R-PA) Josh Hawley (R-MO) Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Ron Johnson (R-WI) Source: BradyUnited.org You’re dead.
“As I am convinced that no other Method can be used to raise 2000 Men, but by draughting; I hope to be excused, when I again repeat, how great Care should be observed in choosing active Marksmen,” provincial militiaman George Washington wrote Governor Robert Dinwiddie [VA] in 1756.
Bang bang.
8 September 2022 Old Town Crier A BIT OF HISTORY © SARAH BECKER

A BIT OF HISTORY | FROM PAGE 8 822 King Street Old Town Alexandria, Virginia 703.549.7167 Open 5:00 am-Midnight OLD TOWN Mini-Mart STRONG AS STEEL WITH THE ATTRACTIVE LOOK OF VARIOUS ROOF STYLES Choose from 3 styles with multiple color options: Upgrade Your Home with a NEW METAL ROOF Guaranteed to Last a Lifetime! From Dimensional Shingles to classic styles reminiscent of Cedar Shake and Spanish Tile, an architectural roo ng system by Erie Metal Roofs can enhance the beauty of your home while protecting your family and property for a lifetime. DIMENSIONAL SHINGLES WOODEN SHAKE SPANISH TILE Call today to schedule your FREE ESTIMATE 1-877-702-0224 Made in the USA New orders only. Does not include material costs. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Minimum purchase required. Other restrictions may apply. This is an advertisement placed on behalf of Erie Construction Mid-West, Inc (“Erie”). Offer terms and conditions may apply and the offer may not be available in your area. Offer expires June 30, 2022. If you call the number provided, you consent to being contacted by telephone, SMS text message, email, pre-recorded messages by Erie or its affiliates and service providers using automated technologies notwithstanding if you are on a DO NOT CALL list or register. Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on homeservicescompliance.com. All rights reserved. LIMITED TIME OFFER 60% off TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 10 % off YOUR INSTALLATION Install for Military, Health Workers and First Responders + Warranty- Limited Lifetime. Transferable to 1 subsequent owner from original purchaser. Terms and conditions apply. Hail up to 2.5”, Appearance of the surface coating beyond normal wear and tear. Limited time offer. Expires 6.30.22 Aymette v. State, NYSRPA A BIT OF HISTORY > PAGE 37 UNINTENTIONALLYTEENSRATEGUNSOTHERAMERICANSKILLEACHWITH25XTHEOFOTHERHIGH-INCOMECOUNTRIESEVERY16HOURSAWOMANISSHOTDEADBYHERCURRENTORFORMERPARTNEREVERYDAY8CHILDRENANDARESHOTBYFAMILYFIRE Source: BradyUnited.org
Old Town Crier September 2022 9 with a few scattered exceptions, in the rati cation debates in the states. Nor did the U.S. House of Representatives discuss the topic as it marked up the Bill of Rights.” Four times between 1876 and 1939, the U.S. Supreme Court “declined to rule that the Second Amendment protected gun ownership outside the context of a militia.” As the Tennessee Supreme Court put it in 1840— 21 Tenn.—“ e words ‘to bear arms’ have reference to their military use, and were not employed to mean wearing them about the person as part of the dress. To bear arms in defense of the state is to employ them in “Towar.”hold that the Legislature could pass no law…by which to preserve the public peace, and protect our citizens from the terror which a wanton and unusual exhibition of arms might produce…would be to pervert a great political right to the worst of purposes,” the Tennessee Supreme Court continued.“ Suppose it were to suit the whim of a set of ru ans to enter the theatre in the midst of the performance, with drawn swords, guns, and xed bayonets, or to enter the church in the same manner, during service, to the terror of the audience, and this were to become habitual; can it be that it would be beyond the power of the Legislature to pass laws to remedy such an evil?” the Tennessee Supreme Court asked. “Surely not.” (Italics Added)eNew York State legislature responded quickly to Bu alo’s May 14, 2022, mass shooting. e June 6 legislative package included “bills to prohibit semiautomatic ri e sales to people under 21; ban body armor sales outside of select professions, and strengthen the Red Flag Law.” Days later the U.S. Supreme Court overturned New York’s restricted gun carry law ( v. Bruen). e U.S. Supreme Court did not grant individuals the right to own guns until 2008 (District of Columbia v. Heller). “ e Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of rearms…,” the Justices decided, “or laws forbidding the carrying of rearms in sensitive places…, or laws imposing conditions and quali cations on the commercial sale of arms…U.S. v. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those ‘in common use at the time’ nds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.”
According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation “the U.S. has over 20 million AR-15 assault style ri es legally in circulation.” Yet nine categories of semi-automatic weapons were federally banned starting in 1994. e ban expired in 2004 and the result—a 135% increase in ow. e newly developed Sig Sauer MCX-spear ri e was designed “with direct input from U.S. war ghters.” Commercially available it “delivers improved power, accuracy, and long-range capability.” Bullets when red “travel with twice the kinetic energy” of the traditional AR-15. e Johns Hopkins University Center for Gun Policy and Research 2019 survey discovered “support among gun owners and non-gun owners for more than twenty gun violence prevention

• Feed your lawn with a slow-release fertilizer and apply at least once more before the end of the year.
September in the Garden &ResearchRefresh,Carryover
If you must take a rest before starting on the more arduous tasks to hand, use that quiet time to cast a discerning eye upon the fruits of your labor to date. I like to assess the previous growing season and mentally catalog what worked well, what didn’t, what needs to be divided, pruned, etc., and start thinking about what I want to accomplish next year.
Woody plants for everyone September is a great time to install woody plants (vines, shrubs and trees) because warm soil encourages root growth. Roots will grow until the ground freezes and may continue growing during the course of a mild winter. By the time spring comes around again your new plants will be o to a healthy and vigorous start. Don’t be afraid to try woody plants in frost-proof containers. Understand, though, that woody plants grown in the ground can last a lifetime whereas those grown in containers may only last a few years. Still, buying shrubs for your container garden is a reasonable investment if you consider how much you might spend to ll those same containers entirely with annuals every season. e best woody plants for containers are dwarf varieties. Dwarf cultivars have a much slower growth rate than the species so they are better suited to container cultivation. Use a single woody plant (a clipped boxwood or topiary ivy, for example) as a container’s year-round focal point and change out the annuals surrounding it according to the season.
It’s September already ... ... and your garden may be looking a little fatigued, which is entirely natural. Soon it will be time to put it to bed for its winter rest. is does not mean, however, that you should toss aside your tools and put up your feet for the season. Whether your garden consists of a window box or two or a spacious yard, there is work to be done yet.
• is is the time to divide and transplant perennials that have gotten too big for their allotted space or have produced fewer owers due to overcrowding.
• As I already mentioned, fall is a great time of year for planting. Install trees, shrubs, bulbs, perennials, grass seed and sod.
Refresh worn-out plantings
Carrying over I love the hopeful ring of this old-fashioned term. Many plants typically sold as annuals are actually biennials, tender perennials or even shrubs, and can be carried over the winter, as long as you provide the proper care. If you have enough room and are blessed with enough winter sunshine, some plants can be hauled in and allowed to bask in said wintry light until next spring. If you are short on space, it might be better to pot up some cuttings of your favorites, since cuttings take up less real estate. Many plants root easily in plain old tap water, like the coleus whose roots are threatening to burst through the glass I put it in last month. I’m going to pot it up this week, I promise. Propagating other plants may require a bit more work involving rooting hormone and a tray of clean sand.
About the Author: Jacqueline Murphy, the proprietor of Garden Calls, o ers garden coaching on all aspects of residential landscape with a focus on sustainable design. A Smith College graduate, horticulturist and garden writer, Jacqueline has written for Fine Gardening magazine and books published by Reader’s and Time Life.
10 September 2022 Old Town Crier URBAN GARDEN JACQUELINE MURPHY
• Buy your favorite springs owering bulbs now for the best selection and plant them in October.
September is also a good time to consider sprucing up a tired design with some late season color, either by adding some annuals (pansies, snapdragons, stock, ornamental kale) perennials (asters, mums, ornamental grasses), or woody plants that will o er some structure and visual interest into the winter months (camellia, beautyberry, hypericum, oakleaf hydrangea).
General September gardening tips
Do your research No idea what these plants look like, you say? Looking at photos in books and on the Internet is nice but it’s so much better to see the plants in situ in a well-tended garden. If you live in Alexandria, you won’t have far to go. Chances are very good that there are some fabulous gardens on your street. Most gardeners I know are delighted to show o their handiwork and discuss their triumphs with admirers so trot over and chat them up. If you’re too shy to quiz your neighbors about their horticultural endeavors, head to the nearest garden center for some retail therapy. You could also visit River Farm, home of the American Horticultural Society, Green Spring Gardens or Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, to name just a few of the many local possibilities for inspiration and edi cation. Look for plants established in conditions that mimic the ones you have at home (eastern exposure, a ernoon shade, moist soil, etc.) and make note of the combinations you nd particularly appealing. All of your observations will help you select the right plants for the di erent areas of your garden.

Old Town Crier September 2022 11 z Birchmere 3701703.549.7500Mt.Vernon Ave. birchmere.com The Blackwall Hitch theblackwallhitch.com5571-982-3577CameronSt. Carlyle Club 411 John Carlyle Dr. thecarlyleclub.com703-549-8957 Chadwicks 203 S. Strand 703.836.4442St. Evening Star Cafe 2000703.549.5051Mt.Vernon Ave. The Fish Market 105703.836.5676KingSt.shmarketoldtown.com La Portas 1600703.683.6313DukeSt. The Light Horse lighthorserestaurant.com715703.549.0533KingSt. Michael’s Little Italy 305703-548-9338S.Washington St. Murphys Irish Pub murphyspub.com713703.548.1717KingSt. O’Connell’s 112703.739.1124KingSt. Rock It Grill 1319703.739.2274KingSt. Shooter McGees shootermcgees.com5239703.751.9266DukeSt. Southside 815 815703.836.6222S.Washington St. St. Elmos 2300703.739.9268Mt.Vernon Ave. Taverna Cretekou 818703.548.8688KingSt. TJ Stones 608703.548.1004Montgomery St. tjstones.com The Study 116703-838-8000SouthAlfred Two Nineteen 219703.549.1141KingSt. Village Brauhaus 710 King 703-888-1951St. AFTER HOURS HIGH NOTES RON POWERS These establishments offer live entertainment. Call to con rm show times, dates and cover charges. Check our advertisers’ websites.
About the Author: Ron Powers is an independent A&R specialist and music industry consultant and is constantly searching for, discovering and writing about new talent.
“Soon” by The Cars
Courtesy Jeff Albertson
For this month’s Flashback article, I’d like to talk about a song from one of e Cars’ lesser-known albums. “Soon” is the fourth track o the iconic band’s seventh and nal studio album, Move Like is which was released in May of 2011. e song has a heartfelt and sweet melody that complements touching lyrics which are addressed to the singer’s signi cant other. “Soon” is the sort of song that sends low-key vibes and sentimental feelings running through your soul. It has a way of bringing the truly important people in your life to mind and makes you feel grateful for them. “Soon” begins with so ly played organ chords accompanied by faintly picked rhythm guitar notes. As the song progresses, sparse lead guitar is added with vibrato and reverb e ects. A er two bars of intro music, singer Ric Ocasek’s melodic magic hits the ears like a spell being cast. e words and melody work with the music to draw the listener into the song’s mellow sweetness. If you’re looking for a love song, it doesn’t get much better than this one. For the pre-chorus extra depth is introduced to the music by way of subtly distorted synth with he y bass frequencies. e band quickly transitions into the chorus where the arrangement is further added to with emotive synth string chords. A classy echo e ect is added to Ric’s vocal as he sings the chorus lyrics: “But soon / the time / will come / I know what I put you through / the time / will run / away from us like time it will do”. One of my favorite aspects of this song is the gradual introduction of new musical elements. e palm-muted electric guitar introduced on the second verse is a great example of this. With each new avor of instrumentation, the feeling of the song is deepened and takes on a new shape.ere’s something very pleasing about how e Cars do this. ey have a knack for creating sonic spaces with an unparalleled minimalist style that delivers emotion in a clean, balanced, and satisfying way. e production of “Soon” has the typical shine of much of e Cars’ music with easily distinguished instruments precisely balanced in the mix. You just know you’re in good hands as soon as the music hits your ears. e Cars, without a doubt, had “a thing” when it came to their sound, and “Soon” is no exception. e song has a triedand-true structure of three verses, three choruses, and an instrumental section. All of which are seamlessly delivered with a cool class that feels timeless and brand new at the sameSincetime.the release of “Soon,” e Cars have put out several special editions of their past work. I particularly enjoy the 2018 symphonic version of their 1984 hit “Drive”. In September of 2019, e Cars’ lead singer and songwriter Ric Ocasek passed away, leaving behind some of the best rock music of all time. If you’d like to listen to “Soon” or any of e Cars’ legendary music, you can nd it on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and most other places music is streamed or sold.

O ne that o en comes up on the “Ten Best Stephen King Books” lists is e Stand, a novel about a postapocalyptic America in which most people have died from a government-engineered super u. It drew my eye because we are still in the throes of the coronavirus pandemic. At approximately 1300 pages, it was a commitment, but one I was willing to make. I zoomed through it as fast as I could. is cinematic story features violence and cringe-worthy moments aplenty. A King characteristic I noticed in this book rst released in 1978 was to display violence with cartoonish glee and sometimes have characters emit sounds like “RAT-A-TAT!” or “POW!” to bring a slightly surreal edge to an already surreal story. His onomatopoeia is a touch gonzo, as his style of writing can o en be. King released his own “Writer’s Cut” of the novel ten years later, since he had been asked to edit down the pages to keep the published book a reasonable price. By then it was a classic, but the longer 1988 version is now considered the standard. In e Stand the few human survivors divide into camps of good and evil, separated by the Rocky
In e Long Walk, teenage boys submit their names in a lottery. A hundred names are drawn, and each contestant must keep walking to the death until only one is le , granted anything in life he desires from an authoritarian, rightwing government. I see echoes of it in e Hunger Games trilogy released by Suzanne Collins, although that is postapocalyptic action-adventure. Another tale that struck me forcefully in high school was Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, the story of Andy Dufresne, an unjustly
From the Vault: I have read a number of Stephen King’s compulsively readable books since this column: Firestarter, e Dead Zone, e Shining, Rose Madder, e Eyes of the Dragon, Joyland, and e Outsider. ey all touch on the wide-ranging variety of interests and subject matter I detailed below in my original column. e Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon is the most recent. e tale of Trisha, a young girl who gets lost in the woods o the Appalachian Trail, is an older publication but a compelling page turner. She keeps herself going by listening to Red Sox baseball games starring her favorite player, Tom Gordon, on her Walkman. In the process she forages for food and seeks shelter while sensing a lurking presence watching and following her. I look forward to King’s next publication, Fairy Tale, which comes out in early September.
12 September 2022 Old Town Crier THE LAST WORD MIRIAM R. KRAMER
S ince o cially beginning his career with a short story sold in 1967, the extraordinarily proli c author Stephen King has written more than 60 novels, not to mention multiple screenplays, ve non- ction books, and approximately 200 short stories. His rst published book, Carrie, was released in 1973 when he was in his twenties, giving him enough money to write full-time. Since then, he’s le a legacy inextricably intertwined with pop culture in books and movies. His writing comprises horror, science ction, fantasy, and straight ction genres, with those genres o en overlapping. He has referred to himself as the writer’s equivalent of a Big Mac and Fries, which does not tell even part of the story of his enduring popularity, despite showing that he understands his common-man touch. Even as an omnivorous reader, I put King aside for a long time. What I did read I found to be propulsive and very engaging, but I do not like horror as a genre, and perhaps unfairly stayed away. Also, I read e Shining when I was eleven, and stayed up all night long as a result. In my early teens Cujo had me closing my closet doors at night. erefore, I moved on to other authors. Yet even I dabbled my toes in the King paddling pool, if not the deep end, in my later teens. Written under his then-pseudonym, Richard Bachman, e Bachman Books, comprising four novellas, intrigued me in high school. ey were not horror, albeit o en horri c. Two tales stood out for me then. In Rage, a high-school student kills his teacher and holds the class hostage. As a high school student, I could understand and feel in my gut, as many teenagers might, the feelings of alienation in the main character. (A er several school shooters were found to have referenced Rage or used it as inspiration, King let its copyright expire and wrote an essay on gun violence.)
convicted man sent to Shawshank Prison in Maine. e Shawshank Redemption, one of the most highly respected and beloved lms ever made, has maintained the highest overall rating on the Internet Movie Database (IMDB.com) for many years, above even e Godfather and e Godfather II. It is a classic story of perseverance and redemption that anyone might nd worthwhile.Ihavehad no way to even begin to review the stories, novellas, and novels that have shot from King’s imaginationfueled ngertips on to the typed page. In the past month, however, I did a deep dive into some of his recent and classic works, one that kept going as I grabbed a box of Chicken McNuggets here, a Big Mac there, or a QuarterPounder with Cheese, depending on my appetite. I read more of his books than ever before. I needed all that reading to escape during the month before the inauguration, taking a particular break from the outrageous events that took place on January 6 at the Capitol Building in Washington, DC. In the process, I took a dri ing, scattershot approach.

Old Town Crier September 2022 13 Mountains, as they defend themselves on their long trek from other parts of the United States. e larger-than-life Satanic gure of Randall Flagg musters forces in the Western half of the former United States to attack forces east of the Rockies. If you’re looking for an absorbing, quick, escapist read, look no further. Is this the best Stephen King book written? Perhaps not for me, although I enjoyed it. I read Dolores Claiborne some years ago. It is a gripping, straightforward ction story about a woman, her deadbeat husband, and her trial for his murder. I would recommend it for its absorbing and satisfying examination of the relationship between mother and daughter, employer and employee, and abusive husband and wife. e lm, starring Kathy Bates, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and David Strathairn, is also well worth watching.Inthisswoop through King’s oeuvre, I went through some of his most recent ction. I perused the Bill Hodges trilogy, comprising Mr. Mercedes, Finders Keepers, and End of Watch. He introduces a number of recurring characters, including Bill Hodges, a retired police detective brought back into action by a working-class serial killer, Brady Harts eld; Holly Gibney, a neurotic, OCD, lm-loving computer guru; and two middle-class African American teens, Jerome and Barbara Robinson. Together they make up a team that vehemently combats the real, gruesome, and increasingly paranormal serial killers they nd along the way.Holly Gibney, owner of the skip-tracing rm Finders Keepers, a de facto private investigator, appears in two more tales. Among the characters in my recent reads, she is one of the more fully realized and endearing. She appears also in the recent novel e Outsider. At the beginning of the Outsider, a man is arrested for murdering and sexually assaulting a boy. e police have found enough concrete forensic proof to convict him. en they discover a perfect alibi corroborated by others, with the man even caught on camera at the time of the murder.Inreconciling the two, the element of the supernatural begins to creep in, making this a uniquely King type of mystery. Detective Ralph Andersen must nd who is committing these murders and inducing suicides in roughly the same way as Brady Harts eld, the murderer Bill Hodges and Holly Gibney had pitted themselves against earlier. King’s most recent story collection, Let It Bleed, is a quick-reading collection of stories that features Holly Gibney in identifying another murderer with supernatural powers who feeds o violence and misery, along with other paranormally touched stories.
Perhaps my favorite recent Stephen King read is a fast-paced thriller, e Institute. A red police detective, Tim Jamieson, hitches his way up the East Coast on a whim and decides to stop in the small town of Dupray, South Carolina, to become a night knocker, walking the street at night to check on its security. In
ELWOOD BY BRYLEY THE LAST WORD | FROM PAGE 12 Become a Published Author with Dorrance. We want to read your book! Trusted by authors for nearly 100 years, Dorrance has made countless authors’ dreams come PublishingCompletetrue.BookServicesFIVEEASYSTEPSTOPUBLICATION: 1. Consultation 2. Book Production 3. Promotion 4. Distribution 5. Merchandising and Fulfillment Our staff is made up of writers, just like you. We are dedicated to making publishing dreams come true. Call now to receive your FREE Author’s Guide 877-974-8307 www.dorranceinfo.com/otc Schedule Your FREE Design Consultation: (866) 415-0649 TRANSFORM YOUR HOME Enjoy up to 50% more space in your kitchen and better access to your mostused items with our custom pull-out shelves installed in your existing cabinets 50% INSTALLATIONOFF* 12 NO INTEREST NO PAYMENTS *On Approved Credit* MONTH *Limit one offer per household. Must purchase 5+ Classic/ Designer Shelves. EXP 7/31/22. Independently owned and operated franchise. © 2022 ShelfGenie SPV LLC. All rights Reserved. THE LAST WORD > PAGE 31 A grade school picture of the future author.

Exclusively representing the works of F. Lennox Campello Price and additional images upon request. “A woman in love rotateelectronicpaper16x20abstraction”with-2021watercoloronwithembeddedimagesthatevery5seconds.
14 September 2022 Old Town Crier
ART & ANTIQUESANTIQUES Spurgeon-Lewis Antiques 112 N. Columbus Street BW Art, Antiques & Collectibles 108 N. Fayette Street Imperfections Antiques 1210 King Street The Antique Guild 113 N. Fairfax Street Silverman Galleries 110 N. St. Asaph Street Red Barn Mercantile 1117 King WashingtonStreetSquare Antiques 425 S. Washington Street Susquehanna Antique Co. 608 Cameron Street Old Town Antiques 222 S. Washington Street Verdigris Vintage 1215 King Street Cavalier Antiques 400 Prince Street Sumpter Priddy III 323 S. Washington Street Henry Street Antiques 115 S. Henry Street Curzon Hill Antiques 108 S. Columbus Street The 1015HourKing Street A 315GalerieCameron Street Random Harvest 810 King Street Acme Mid-Century + Modern 128 S. Royal Street Van Bommel Antiek Hous 1007 King Street Lloyd’s Row 119 S. Henry Street GALLERIES Torpedo Factory Art Center 105 N. Union Street Principle Gallery 208 King Street Potomac Fiber Arts Gallery 105 N. Union Street St. George Gallery 105 N. Alfred Street The Art League 105 Union Street Local Colour Old Town 218 N. Lee Street Icon Galleria 101 N. Union Street B&B Art Gallery 215 King Street Gallery West 1213 King 105Printmakers,105Enamelist’sStreetGalleryN.UnionStreetInc.N.UnionStreet Kelly’s Art & Frame 510 N. Washington Street Oerth Gallery 420 S. Washington Street Jeffrey Winter Fine Arts 110A S. Columbus Street Johnston Matthew 105 N. Union Street Huddy Studio 105 N. Union Street Mezzanine Multiples 105 N. Union Street Silverman Galleries 110 N. St. Asaph Street Cochran David 105 N. Union Street Betty Grisham Studio 105 N. Union Street Imagine Artwear 112 King Street GALLERY BEAT > PAGE 15 Opening Day of Art Basel at the Miami Convention Center in 2015
Exclusively representing the works of F. Lennox CampelloPriceandadditional images upon request.
Alida Anderson Art Projects, LLC, Washington, DC www.alidaanderson.com / info@alidaanderson.com Syreni Caledonii (Northern Atlantic Mermaid). Watercolor, charcoal and Conte. 2019, 12x36 inches. “ONE OF THE DC”WASHINGTON,PEOPLEINTERESTINGMOSTOF – Washington City Paper
ABMB 2022: Got Art?
A t the risk of repeating myself: If you are a visual artist or art dealer/gallerist in today’s ever changing visual art world, and you’re not aware or know about the Miami art fairs that take place each year-end and are clustered around Miami and Miami Beach, then you have a problem that needs urgent attention. Almost two decades ago, the founders and organizers of a European art fair called Art Basel (which of course, takes place in Basel, Switzerland), decided to try an American version of their successful European model and started an art fair in the Miami Beach Convention Center and they called it Art Basel Miami Beach or ABMB for short. is was nothing new in the American art fair scene, as even in Miami art fairs such as Art Miami had been going on for years. But whatever right timing and combination of European avoring added to Miami’s Cubanized international art scene did was spectacular and ABMB took o like Meat Loaf’s second album’s title. In the halcyon days of the healthy economy of those days, the art fair proved to be a spectacular success, with millions of dollars of artwork by the blue chip names of the art world exchanging hands at ABMB as collectors from all over the world congregated in Miami’s balmy December to be seen at the sharp point of the spear of the contemporary art world. ABMB’s success soon spawned other art fairs, which are called “satellite fairs”, since they all revolve around ABMB’s dates and presence on America’s coolest and most international beach city. e evolution of these satellite fairs was fed by the fact that ABMB focused almost exclusively on European galleries and a handful of the top tier American New York galleries. In those days, even if you were the best gallery in Chicago, or LA or Miami itself, you had zero chance to be invited to ABMB. And thus satellite art fairs F. LENNOX CAMPELLO

Read next month’s column for the answer... it’s a lot more doable than most people think! 1124 King Street • Alexandria, Virginia 22314 (703) 548-1461 • imagineartwear.com metal, glass and carefully chosen and embroidered fabric. You are going to love these. Stop in at the shop to see. Imagine is delighted to offer some incredible pieces from Kinzig’s newest collection of handmade and collectible lamps. is handmade of 25 King Street, Old Town Alexandria, VA 703-683-0333
Furthermore, as the magnitude of the event grew, so did the attendance by both the “need to be seen” crowd and by even more worldwide collectors and, just as importantly, the press. us now the news media not only discusses what’s new or who’s hot in the art world, but also they let us know who Sly Stallone or other Hollywood stars of all magnitude are acquiring. It has become cool for Hollywood stars and wannabes to collect art, which in most Einsteinian dimensions is a good thing. e concentrated press reporting has also made celebrities out of mega collectors, such as the Miami based Rubell or DeLaCruz families.Mostof the art fairs are gallery-focused; that means that it is art galleries, as opposed to individual artists, who exhibit artwork. e prices for the booths are spectacularly expensive, and generally, a small 200 sq. . booth can start at $15,000 or more, and a large booth can run as high as $150,000. And this is before a gallery adds other associated costs such as shipping costs of the artwork, transportation to/from Miami, customs, food, car rental, hotel and salaries. For most galleries around the world it is a daunting economic investment, which can turn into a nancial disaster if sales fail to materialize. Around the DMV, only a handful of local area galleries took the risk over the last few years. Spaces such as Conner Contemporary, Adah Rose and a precious few others, took the venture out to Miami. One local dealer, Art Whino, one year began its own model and set up its own ABMB space in Miami during the ABMB week. “I meet more art collectors that week in Miami than the entire year in DC,” related one local art dealer. “Over the years,” added another, “about 80% of my sales take place at, or because of art fairs in Miami, New York, LA, etc.” e opportunity to actually sell art is a powerful magnet to tempt art dealers to take the economic plunge. So how does an artist get to Miami if he/she is not represented by a gallery, or their gallery doesn’t do art fairs or chooses not to bring your work to the party?
September 2022 15
“Your imagination is my Horizon” Matching Green EarringsTourmalineandRing Visitors assemble every December in Miami not only to see, but to be seen as well.
September 22 -
Old Town Crier with names like Untitled, Pulse, Scope, Red Dot, Bridge, NADA Volta, and others began to appear around Miami at the same time as ABMB. Soon, someone came up with the novel idea that these art fairs could also take place in hotel rooms, and the “hotel fair” was born. Many of these also began to appear, none better than the Aqua Art Fair, now called “the best hotel art fair in the world.” Having done Aqua many times over the last 20 years, I can testify brother, that the Aqua organizers have it down, and in my limited opinion, this is indeed the best hotel art fair in the world. Back to my story... by 2010, even with the economy in the doldrums of those years, there were 25 art fairs going on around Miami starting roughly around November 28 through the rst Sunday of December. Yes dear readers, 25 art fairs at once! Some developed a tight focus, such as for Asian art or photography, others tried to establish an artist-oriented focus, but in general, all recognized that something special happens each December in Miami. By now the gures are mind blowing: I was once told by Miami journalists from Rumor Control that during that week of the ABMB art fairs, roughly 20% of all the art work sold in the world exchanges hands in Miami.
Celebrating 40 years 33 years on King Street

Northern Italy – Asti & Alba
Rolling landscapes framed by the Alps, viniculture to rival anywhere on earth and gastronomical delights of such quality that it prompted the birth of the Slow Food Movement; Northern Italy may not draw the same number of visitors that descend upon Tuscany but spending a few days in the fertile hills between Turin and Milan doesn’t disappoint. Best get there soon though as the secret is now well and truly out!
The Piedmont Region e Piedmont Region of Northern Italy is the country’s second largest of twenty regions but could easily be described as the forgotten child - particularly when compared to Italy’s other notable tourist regions of Tuscany, Venice, Rome, Sicily, Lombardy and Puglia. Its comparatively lowly tourist status belies the wealth of riches the region has to o er: from Lake Maggiore in the north and Olympic grade ski resorts in the Alpine west to the culture of its largest city, Turin. All of this lies nestled at the very foot of the Alps which frames views of rolling hills and vineyards saturated with colours that change throughout the seasons and are coated with snow and fog in the Evenwinter.more importantly, Piedmont is world renowned for its acclaimed grapes and wines and is a major producer of luxury cheese and chocolate (Nutella and Ferrero Roche both coming from the region). Food a cionados are drawn from all across the globe to feast on Alba’s white tru es at the annual October Tru e Festival (Tartu Bianchi) and to sample the “king of Italian red wine”, Barolo. Wash all of that down with sparkling white wines from the neighboring village of Asti (a mere 30km from Alba) and you’ll soon nd yourself in a glorious food and wine haze from which you’ll never wish to emerge. On a trip to Piedmont I had the good fortune to visit two of Piedmont’s key food and wine destinations; Asti Province and the town of Alba in Cuneo District, spending 72 hours hiking through rolling vineyards and feasting on the region’s broad array of cheese and chocolate (a particular weakness for me and my waistline). I soon appreciated that Piedmont is a vastly underrated region and one I will certainly be returning to in the near future. Exploring Asti and Alba
From the moment we arrived at the airport in Milan until the moment we pulled into our accommodation nestled into the vineyard drenched countryside on the outskirts of Asti, the gently sloping valleys led our eyes towards the towering Alps glistening with snow to the north and west. e Province of Asti lies at the very heart of Piedmont, and its gently undulating hills create landscapes of undeniable beauty. Vineyards are visible from the crest of every hill and iridescent light ablaze as far as the eye can see (at least when the valleys aren’t coated with the thick fog for

Amaretti di Mombaruzzo: Who doesn’t love an almondy amaretti biscuit with a co ee?!? But did you know that the hills of Asti, in a small town called Mombaruzzo, are where these delicious little morsels are most famously produced (although the Amaretti di Saronno may have something to say about that statement)? Franco Vicenzi founded the Amaretti di Mombaruzzo company in 1965 and continues to produce them to this day. Looking for further ideas for a trip to Italy? Make sure to check out takephotosleavefootprints.com. About the Author: Scott Dicken is a world traveler and amateur photographer on top of being employed full time at an internationally known company. His love of travel is evident – you can read more articles like this at takephotosleavefootprints.com
Cheese: Cheese is a big deal in Piedmont and in that sense I think Piedmont closely mirrors my own life. According to Dairy Science (I’m obviously a regular reader) the region produces a whopping 50 varieties of cheese of which 10 meet the EU Denomination of Protected Origin (DPO) standard. e most noteworthy are Bra Tenero, Bruss , Tuma ‘d Trausela, Gorgonzola, Cevrin di Coazze, Raschera, Taleggio, Grana Padano, Castelmagno, Murianengo, Toma del Lait brusc, Riobiola di Roccaverano, Toma Piemontese, Saras del Fèn, and Murazzano. Get your ll – I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so much cheese!!
Old Town Crier September 2022 17 which the region is famed). e stunning landscape is home to numerous towns, boroughs and hamlets; each distinguishable on the horizon by the multitude of medieval bell towers and church spires. Hiking across the elds of vines between villages is an activity in and of itself. A visit to Asti Province is likely to start with a visit to Asti Town, which also happens to be one of the most important centers for art in Piedmont and dates to pre-Roman times. e medieval town is still home to many of the historic palaces and towers that gave Asti its original moniker as the “city of 100 towers” even though only 15 remain. e city is divided into two distinct sections. e rst is the new Baroque (1700’s) town which is centered on the triangular Piazza Al eri; the stage for the town’s famous Palio di Asti horse race held annually on the 3rd Sunday of September (a race which remains as a historical exempli er of the erce rivalry between the towns of Asti and Alba). e second center is the medieval town which is built around the Piazza San Secondo with its San Secondo Church and Crypt built in the Romanesque style. Outside of Asti, e entire province is littered with imposing castles, churches and medieval noble dwellings worthy of photo stops. Along the ancient and famous Via Francigena (which linked Canterbury, UK and Rome and which runs through Piedmont) you can trace history through the numerous Medieval churches, cathedrals, and abbeys in towns such as Cortazzone with its Romanesque church, Passerano Marmorito with its castle, and Montechiaro with the Santi Nazario e Celso church. e center of the white tru e universe, and Asti’s ‘ erce’ local rival, Alba sits only 30km away. e small town is charming with its imposing towers, palaces, unspoiled medieval streets, and 11th century cathedral. A particular highlight is the Saturday market which comprises of around 200 stalls; 45 of which are food related. Make sure that you nd your way to Piazza Pertinace where approximately 20 local, slow food, producers sell their wares including everything from cheese, wine, preserves and traditional foods to honey, fresh fruits, vegetables, cold cuts and hazelnuts. What to Eat and Drink e following represents just a tiny portion of the gastronomical delights that await you in Piedmont: Alba White Tru es: e Alba White Tru e is one of the most highly prized tru es in the world. To put that statement into perspective just consider that a single 1.6-pound beauty sold for $150,000 in November 2009. We were therefore very excited (and somewhat surprised) that our host for the weekend walked over with a Tupperware box full of them! Needless to say he wasn’t in the mood for sharing, although we did particularly enjoy some tru e salami from the local market. Nutella and Ferrero Roche: Alba is the home of Ferrero, who produce both the famous Nutella spread, and the Ferrero Rocher chocolates which appear on the co ee table at your mum’s house every Christmas (or is that just my mum?). Anyhow, the chocolate’s delicious taste comes thanks to Piedmont’s Tonda Gentile hazelnut and has done since 1946. It’s estimated that Ferrero employs 4,000 people from the town of Alba alone. Wine: Where to start! e Piedmont region is home to 42 DOC and 17 DOCG wines. For those who have no idea what that means (which included me before I visited Piedmont) the letters DOC or DOCG on Italian wine labels is a guarantee from the Italian authorities of the wine’s origins; DOCG being superior to DOC. If nothing else, make sure that you don’t miss the most famous of the DOCG bunch: Asti Spumante sparkling wine and Barolo red wine.

One of the most promising improvements in animal rescue since 2020 has been the boom in fostering of potential pets nationwide. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have stepped up to foster animals when shelters were short of sta ng and nancial resources. is demand and its many rewards won’t end a er the pandemic. Consider talking with your local animal rescue about how you and your household could become a foster family on their roster of reliable humans. ey will train Disease Control and Prevention Planning for Their Care American Veterinary Medical Association Selected Alexandria and Metro DC Animal Shelters/Rescues
Operation Paws for Homes, Inc. (Dog rescue for VA, MD, DC, and south central PA) P.O. Box ophrescue.org/703-344-7320Alexandria,90813VA22309
Pet Partners® (Nationwide network of therapy-animal programs, including Germantown, MD) Bellevue, WA petpartners.org425-679-5500,98005M–F Rikki’s Refuge Animal Sanctuary (1300 animals and 22 species on 450 acres) Kerry Hilliard, Director P.O. Box 1357 Orange, VA www.rikkisrefuge.org540-854-087022960
Over the last 2 1/2 years, animal service organizations around the world have stepped up to meet the unique challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic with help from millions of devoted professional staff and dedicated volunteers.
Animal Welfare League of Alexandria 4101 Eisenhower Avenue Alexandria, VA http://alexandriaanimals.org/703-838-477422304 Welfare League of Arlington 2650 S. Arlington Mill Drive Arlington, VA 22206 (703) www.awla.org931-9241 County Animal Shelter West VA www.fairfaxcounty.gov/animalshelter/703-830-110022030
Friends of Rabbits and House Rabbit Sanctuary P.O. Box Alexandria,1112VA www.friendsofrabbits.org/703-627-789222313
POINTS ON PETS STEPH SELICE POINTS ON PETS > PAGE 19 VolunteeringDuringCOVID COVID-19 Information About Pets What You Should Know about COVID-19 and Pets Centers for
Animal Rescues Are inking Outside the Box
Fostering and Ongoing Pet Care Are Always in Demand
18 September 2022 Old Town Crier
ough many U.S. shelters and rescues cut back on their public hours to meet CDC guidelines, they continued to adopt animals out to pet lovers. And they still o er ongoing care for all their animals, day in day out.
cdc.gov COVID-19: Protect Animals by
King Street Cats 25 S. Dove Street Alexandria, VA www.kingstreetcats.org/703-231-719922314
Ox Road Fairfax,
Just as animal rescue groups face even greater strains on their sta ng, nances, logistics, and supplies, many folks who love pets still want to help. If you volunteer during this pandemic, what options do you have, and what should you be aware of?
e unprecedented use of virtual meetings and events and online training since March 2020 has helped many animal rescues manage tasks from training sta and volunteers to fundraising and marketing. Rescues have adapted their volunteer o erings, from asking pet lovers to come in and comfort their animals during Fourth of July celebrations, to running fundraisers (even galas) online using virtual resources, to nding new ways to pair dog walkers with potential pets who need exercise.Check on your local rescue websites for their current volunteer opportunities, which may keep evolving along with the pandemic. Most organizations will ask you to ll out an application form online and interview or attend an orientation and training sessions, virtually and/or in person. Some kinds of volunteer work that involve contact with children or special-needs groups might require further training and a background check. Much of the latter can be done online, except for in-person interviewing and ngerprinting.

Schedule time to meet with any of these amazing adoptables by emailing orAdopt@AlexandriaAnimals.orgcalling703.746.4774opt.2. Jazz It may be the back-to-school season, but Jazz has spent the entire summer with his nose in the “cat training” book. Thanks to his teachers at the AWLA, the 5-year-old gray and white kitty has already perfected a variety of tricks, including Sit, Down, Spin and even the demanding Sit Pretty. Who even knew you could teach a cat tricks? Jazz is ready to bring his booklearning to a brand new home of his own AND his adoption fees have been prepaid by a generous donor, so schedule time to meet him today by contacting the AWLA at Adopt@AlexandriaAnimals.org or 703.746.4774.
2022 19
Rescue Groups Need Your Business and Life Skills Animal rescue groups welcome volunteers who have skills and connections in nance, tech, fundraising, advertising, marketing, public relations, education, social media, training, construction and maintenance, logistics, and transportation, among many others. Because every nonpro t rescue has had to become even more savvy about running a successful organization in challenging times, your knowledge and work experience are in high demand.Nomatter what your interests or them.toyourfamilybackground,professionalyouandyourhaveexpertisethatlocalrescuewouldlovecallonyoufor.Justask
By Gina Hardter Eisenhower Avenue Alexandria,
About the Author – Selice volunteered as an adoption counselor at King Street Cats in Alexandria for seven years.
It’s Important to Keep Yourself and Your Rescue Friends Healthy Most rescues will require you to be vaccinated for COVID-19 and to be free of COVID symptoms and other infectious illnesses if you visit or volunteer. ey may also require you to follow mask and other safety guidelines. e Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says in its most recent pandemic update: “ e virus that causes COVID-19 can spread from people to animals during close contact. Pets worldwide, including cats and dogs, have been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, mostly a er close contact with people with COVID-19. . . . e risk of pets spreading COVID-19 to people is low.” Keep up to date on COVID-19 by checking the websites for the CDC and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA; see Resources).Eveninchallenging times like these, volunteering at an animal rescue is doable, ful lling, and fun. And it could be just what some deserving and lovable creatures near you want and need.
Old Town Crier September you and put you in touch with current fosters who’ll tell you about the best gig they’ve ever had. e day-to-day care of shelter animals (above all, routine and emergency veterinary care) remains the biggest strain on a rescue’s nances and resources. Many rescues o er programs that allow volunteer adults (and sometimes, supervised children) to help with daily care for some animals, including feeding and site cleaning. Other needs might include helping with animal adoptions, sta ng booths at public events or pet supply stores, driving pets to and from vet appointments, picking up adoptable animals from airports or distant shelters, helping with routine grooming or medicating, making shopping trips for supplies, and coordinating exercise or playtime. Ask your rescue’s volunteer coordinator about their current needs.
Buntilda What’s Buntilda’s favorite thing about the Back-to-School season? Pre-packaged veggie snacks, of course! Whether it’s apple slices, leafy greens, broccoli or, yes, carrots, Buntilda is happy for something to munch on as she’s going about her day.
This 16-month-old American rabbit also enjoys the naptime portion of school and well as arts and crafts. Learn more about her artistic sensibilities by emailing Adopt@ AlexandriaAnimals.org.
Link At 9 years old, Link knows you’re never too old to learn a new trick or two, and he already has a pretty broad repertoire, including Sit, Stay and Shake. But at Backto-School time, this Labrador retriever mix is ready to start a new training routine, one that involves long walks in the morning with lots of snif ng (to stimulate the body and mind), hearty meals and lots of treats in reward for all his new skills. If you’re ready to put on your teaching hat, Link is ready to learn. Schedule time to meet Link by emailing Adopt@ AlexandriaAnimals.org.

by Travel and
A pair of ti’ punch cocktails on Banana Bottom Beach in Martinique.
Because white rhum is so a ordable, the restaurant will leave it to you how much white rhum you decide to put in the glass, joined with just the quarter lime and, ideally, a teaspoon of sugar. How much rum you add is up to you, but I like to pour enough that the rum levels right above the top of the lime. Most importantly, there is no ice in this drink. Ice will rob you of the delicacy, the complexity and the nuance of the cocktail.
I wouldn’t even recommend squeezing the sliver of lime; wayward ti’ punches you might nd in places (typically in Saint Martin) far overdo the lime, stu ng the glass with multiple, squeezed lime slices and ooding the drink with abundant, obnoxious citrus.
groups for
20 September 2022 Old Town Crier
The Joy of the Ti’ Punch, the Ultimate Caribbean Rum Cocktail
from inside! Call (no texts), email or visit our Facebook page @NaplesOceanfrontCondo. 540-364-9480 • hopespringsfarm@gmail.com Now that we're all working remotely Wouldn't you REALLY rather work from the beach? CARIBBEAN CONNECTION ALEXANDER BRITELL CARRIBEAN CONNECTION > PAGE 21
It’s the purest expression of sugarcane in spirit form: rhum blanc, or white rhum agricole. Unaged white rum made from pure pressed sugar cane juice is as close as you can come to the cane: a raw, visceral, complex spirit that has a real terroir. And it just so happens that this is the primary ingredient in the Caribbean’s ultimate rum cocktail: the ti’ punch. Ti’punch, short for petit punch, is the essential drink of the French West Indies, a local, easy-to-prepare drink that’s part of the ritual of daily life in Martinique and Guadeloupe. It’subiquitous, o en accompanied by those endlessly delicious cod sh fritters called Accras. And it’s a key to immersing yourself in the culture of the French Caribbean. Youcannot begin to understand this enchanting part of the Caribbean without a ti’ punch, a drink whose preparation requires a ceremony on par with tea in Japan. And it’s deliciously simple to make. Because while there are myriad dressedup versions of making the ti’ punch, there’s one truly authentic way to make it — the way people actually drink it at a bar or restaurant in the ShowFWI. upat a beach bar or a cafe (or just about any restaurant at all) in Martinique and Guadeloupe, order a ti’ punch (it’s o en cheaper than a bottle of water), and you’ll soon be welcomed with a tray. ere you’ll nd three things: a bottle of white rhum, some quarter slices of lime, and a ramequin of brown sugar.
in the
west getawayAnn Street Gardens Key West Getaway One Block from Sloppy
While sugarcane syrup has become popular in lieu of sugar, for me, syrup can be too sweet, and corrupt the balance of the three ingredients. Indeed,this is a delicate cocktail, a dance of three players. A small amount of patience is required to give the rhum (best between 50 and 60 degrees), the sugar and the lime time to harmonize. Andthat’s when the drink hits you, when it all makes sense, when you realize just how wonderful a cocktail this is. I call it the moment du punch, that instant when the avors of the rhum and the sugar key Joe’s again claimed the top spot Leisure several other best beach town US. The jewel of SW Florida’s Paradise Coast has sugar sand beaches, turquoise clear waters and every amenity worthy of a world class resort town. Seasonal lease of well furnished 2BR 2BA condo in the very best beachfront location is available this winter (90 day minimum lease term). No ner view from inside and better beach access at any price and most rentals in area start at twice the price. Includes carport parking, heated pool, elevators and privacy; uncrowded beach onsite management. Photo is the view

THE TI’ IngredientsPUNCH 1.5 oz Rhum Agricole 0.25
syrup 1 lime disc Instructions Add
If you’re in the United States, the blanc optionsbest rhumareRhum JM and Rhum Clement, the most widely available agricoles in America, although you can nd HSE, Neisson and La Favorite in certain ne spirits shops in the US. For this year’s National Rum Day, the ti’ punch I prepared was not quite as local as that (limes and brown sugar from, well, not the French Caribbean), but it was splendid, made with one of the most celebrated white rhums of all time, the HSE Parcellaire 2016. at rhum is a great example of what makes the rums of the French Caribbean so di erent. Parcellaire means the rhum was made exclusively from sugar cane grown from just a tiny corner, or parcel, of the sugarcane plantation in Martinique. It’s the terroir of a single corner of a cane iseld.kind of thoughtful devotion to rhum you nd in that part of the Caribbean, is where this cocktail is part of the soul of the French West Indies. And when you reach the moment du punch, it all begins to makeBestsense. enjoyed on a beach in Martinique, Guadeloupe, St Martin or St Barth. Publishers Note: We are happy to partner with Alexander Britell, Founder and Editor in Chief of the Miami, Florida based Caribbean Journal and his sta contributing to the OTC and our Caribbean Connection Section. Check out the popular online magazine/website at caribjournal.com for valuable information on all fabulous travel options and things of interest in the Caribbean. As featured on HGTV and winner of “Bang For Your Buck” in St. Thomas. This recently renovated villa resides on the edge of a cliff 200 feet above the Atlantic Ocean crashing onto the rocks below. The best location on the island—a private, secure, gated community of luxury villas—the villa offers spectacular views of the Atlantic and various islands including St. John, Jost Van Dyke and Tortola. The main house has 3 bedrooms with a detached cottage with its’ own queen size bed. Large deck, pool and spa. Phone 703 628-9005 • Fax 703 765-5900 at La Playa Marie Galante. oz cane Rhum and sugar cane syrup into a glass and stir them well. Press the lime disc with your nger and thumb and drop the disc into the drink. Add ice and stir once again before drinking.
Old Town Crier September 2022 21 and the lime come together and become something far greater than the sum of their parts, when a ti’ punch really becomes a ti’ punch. at’s always when a neophyte taking his or her rst ti’ punch becomes a ti’ punch partisan and, soon, begins the journey down the rabbit hole of rhum agricole. Now, you might have had a daiquiri or a caipirinha, two cocktails with largely identical ingredients. Both are ne cocktails. Butwithout dimensionalitytheof the rhum agricole, without the right proportions of lime and sugar (or with unnecessary ice), you have a very di erent, far less interesting experience. ere’s nothing like this drink in the Caribbean, something so perfect, so simple and, most importantly, so local. If you drink this in Martinique or Guadeloupe, it’s a drink all of whose ingredients are from Martinique or Guadeloupe — the rhum, the limes and the sugar are all made there.

S o what is “glamorousGlampingGlamping?isshortforcamping” and has become a mainstay of outdoor recreation over the past decade. If your essential list contains things such as a real mattress, running water or an actual toilet, you can still nd numerous options that bridge the gap between traditional camping and the comforts of home. Last month we returned to one of our favorite places, the Shenandoah Valley near Luray, Virginia. We are familiar with both sides of the mountain at ornton Gap since we do the Blue Ridge distribution each month. Our normal route is to come in on the east side at Sperryville and then cross the mountain into Luray. is we did, and when we reached Spacious Skies Campground we discovered that it was only a few hundred feet from Route 340 which runs between Luray and Front Royal. When we returned home we took Route 340 north to Front Royal and then picked up Interstate-66. is reduced the driving time substantially. A very pleasant discovery. We like to take every back road possible on our treks to Road Trip destinations and then the “fastest” way back on the trip home. e good thing about “Waze” and GPS is that you can pick and choose part of your route coming and going. The Grounds Spacious Skies is a serene slice of heaven, conveniently located just 20 minutes o I-81 and about four miles from Skyline Drive and ornton Gap. e complex is nestled in the farmland atop a hill. Surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains, the views are spectacular. e campground is close to Luray Caverns, the famed Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park, the Shenandoah River and several Civil War sites. In addition to camp sites and the Yurts, they also o er both shady sites and open sites that can accommodate all sized RVs and trailers and they are big rig friendly. Each site includes a picnic table, re ring, 30 or 50-amp electrical services and sewer. ey have deluxe patio sites and deluxe tent sites as well. Most all of the RV parking is located on a plateau at the top of the compound where the two cabins, the Pavilion, playground, jumping pillow (this is really a fun feature according to Lani), corn hole, a horseshoe pit and the very important laundry and pump out station are located. When we were there they were working on the volleyball sand court. From the plateau, the meadow gently ows to the lower section where the tent camp sites and yurts are located as well as the two swimming pools and the Dog Park. e campground also features two bath houses strategically placed on the property. Spacious Skies has two pools...the original one is pretty small (great for the parents to hang out and still be able to watch the kids) and the new one that is nice and large and can accommodate a large group of folks. Since we were there mid-week, the campground was sparsely populated on our arrival but when we were
ROAD TRIP BY BOB TAGERT ROAD TRIP > PAGE 23 Photo Courtesy Spacious Skies
22 September 2022 Old Town Crier
Glamping in the Shenandoah Valley at Spacious Skies
The yurts at Spacious Skies are indeed spacious and feature a and upper deck and lower deck with repit..

Old Town Crier September 2022 23 leaving on Friday, it was starting to ll up. Campsites seem to come at a premium these days so I am guessing it would bene t anyone going on a weekend make a reservation early on.Spacious Skies Campground Store has pretty much everything you need if you forget something – everything between s’mores parts to toilet paper and lots of fun stu like the Moo Food (for feeding the neighborhood bovines) and bags of Mining “Ore” to si at Spacious Skies Mining Company. e sta of Spacious Skies are exceptional and very accommodating and will steer you in the right direction. In fact, upon arrival we were told that the internet connection here isn’t the “best”. We found that out when we tried to use the Pandora app on the iPhone so…bring along an old school portable CD player that plugs in or has batteries if you need tunes. We took advantage of the linen/ towel package and opted to get rewood bundles and marshmallows from the store. ROAD TRIP | FROM PAGE 22 Unplug To Recharge In Virginia’s Cabin Capital discoverpagecountyvirginia.comWoodsShenandoahfromPhoto FROM $2,549 $2,299 1-888-599-3373*promocodeN7017 * Prices are per person based on double occupancy plus $299 in taxes & fees. Single supplement and seasonal surcharges may apply. Add-on airfare available. Offers apply to new bookings only, made by 9/30/22. Other terms & conditions may apply. Ask your Travel Consultant for details. Oahu • Hawaii Island • Kauai • Maui — Enjoy a fully guided 4-island Hawaiian vacation with centrally located lodging in Waikiki on Oahu, and beachfront lodging on the “Big Island” of Hawaii, Kauai, and Maui. Guided throughout by our friendly Tour Directors—your local experts. Includes 3 inter-island flights. 12 days, departs year-round BEST OF HAWAII FOUR-ISLAND TOUR PLAN YOUR DREAM VACATION ROAD TRIP > PAGE 24 The “mining” table outside the Spacious Skies general store.

The Glamping When we arrived at Spacious Skies we were greeted by the friendly campground sta and given the low-down on the grounds and sent on our way to our Yurt - our home for the next three days. e yurt comprises the “glamorous” part of Glamping. “Yurt - a circular domed tent of skins or felt stretched over a collapsible lattice framework and used by pastoral peoples of inner Asia”. Instead of animal skins our yurt was canvas covered with a front door and two ap windows that are screened. e yurt we were in was approximately 21feet in diameter with a clear dome on top with a ceiling fan in the center. ere is a bathroom with sink, shower and toilet, a kitchen nook with essential utensils, a fridge, microwave and the ubiquitous Keurig co ee maker and it is air-conditioned in the summer and heated in the winter. e queen size bed is in the middle and was very comfortable. ere are also two very comfortable chairs at the foot of the bed. One of the downsides is the only place to sit and eat is the table with four chairs located on the front porch – kind of hard to sit and eat when it is pouring rain but we situated ourselves under the umbrella. Also included is a small gas grill and a very cool re pit in front. e photos really don’t do this whole set up justice. e price is right as well – for about $120 a night you have the sense of being a “real” camper with the basics of home. De nitely something we will do again. Other Stuff e campground is only three miles from Luray where you can nd restaurants, grocery stores and other amenities. Here also you will nd the Mimslyn Inn which is the upper end of accommodations in the area and they also have a great bar to visit. And…don’t forget to check out the famous Luray Caverns. With fall approaching, it looks like “leaf peeper” season in September and October will be exceptional. Skyline drive and the Shenandoah Valley will be ablaze with the colors of fall. is is a fantastic time of year to make the Blue Ridge Whisky Wine Loop that traverses both Page and Rappahannock Counties. is loop features wineries, distilleries (Copper Fox is our favorite), eateries and points of interest. ere is a stop for everyone! You can nd everything you need to know about the loop at www.blueridgewhiskywineloop.com. All of this can be accomplished using your spot at Spacious Skies as a headquarters.
24 September 2022 Old Town Crier Get the most out of your lawn this spring. SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! 1-888-354-7608 50% OFF* Save now with Your First Application
For complete information on Spacious Skies log on to www. campatshenandoahvalley.com
Christine (top left) and the friendly crew at Spacioius Skies.

About the Author: Dave Secor is a sheries and environmental scientist at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory. e views expressed by opinion columnists are not necessarily those of the Bay Journal. is piece printed with permission. Bayjournal.com
Kayaking near Great Mills on the St. Mary’s River requires a good deal of maneuvering between obstacles: submerged snags and overhanging trees and vegetation.isweaving and dodging, great sport in a kayak, is the result of coastal protections: Homeownerszone and small businesses along the river have helped conserve and even enhance shoreline vegetation. ese zones of trees, swamps, marshes and undergrowth provide habitat and bu er skinny waters from runoEnter. coastal development.
Taste award winning wines at the Port of Leonardtown Winery Enjoy a alongsunsetBreton Bay Explore the galleries showcasing local artists in Southern Maryland’s only Arts & Entertainment District. Stay overnight and make it a weekend getaway! Dine on the square at an outdoor cafe.
Strategic planning for Lexington Park in St. Mary’s County concentrates a corridor of retail, industry and high-density dwellings along MD Route 235 — away from coastal zones. Yet the county is a narrow peninsula, so the corridor straddles the headwaters of the St. Mary’s River within 1–3 miles of tidal waters. Impervious surfaces exceed 10%, the threshold at which the conveyance of sediment, nutrients and other pollutants harms living resources. In coastal rural counties and towns, these impervious spines development continueof to grow, paralleling and crossing skinny waters — for instance, along Southern Maryland’s state routes 2, 4 and 5; Virginia’s I-64 and state routes 3 and 17; and the Delmarva Peninsula’s U.S. routes 50 and 13. e stringent EPA protections for skinny waters, though notable in their achievements, have not kept pace with the threats. e most important battle for conserving skinny waters is not in improving agricultural practices in Pennsylvania, nor is it in restoring oxygen to the Bay’s deepest waters. It’s proximate to the skinny waters themselves: actions that give living resources a ghting chance against climate change and other assaults. Essential actions include reversing over shing, reining in blue cat sh and extending coastal zone protections to those spines of coastal rural development.Onarecent paddle in the brackish part of the St. Mary’s River, I reached down from my kayak and plucked a large live oyster from the sandy bottom. e water was crystal-clear except for dense patches of seagrass. ere is much worth savoring and conserving here.
A kayaker pauses in a shallow, narrow passage to capture an image of marsh hibiscus. Photo by Dave Harp
The Skinny on Shallow Water: Protected but Vulnerable Kayaking is such a simple and Shallowtherapeutic pleasure.watersaboundin the Chesapeake Bay, and car roof racks attest to its popularity. In tidal creeks, rivers and protected bays, passive glides bring nature’s envelopment. Arms work against wind and tide. Immersion and exertion shed worries in the kayak’s wake.ese skinny waters are also therapeutic for the Bay itself. ey are its highestfunctioning habitats: nurseries for sh, beds for reefs and underwater grasses, and incubators for the forage species that sustain oysters, crabs, sh and wildlife. Little wonder then that these shallow waters receive the government’s highest safeguards. e Chesapeake Bay Program applies its most stringent water quality standards to two classes of habitats: skinny tidal waters, including shoreline waters less than 2 meters deep, and migratory spawning reaches and nurseries, which are mostly shallow, upper estuarine waters where striped bass, perch, shad and other shTwentyreproduce.years ago, I worked with a team to develop these protections, and they have stood up well. Still, le in the wake of that e ort are larger perils to skinny waters: climate change, invasive species and development in coastal rural counties.Alongthe shores of the Potomac whimscasttoanddependingvarystripedcountlesssharewe summertimeRiver,paddlersskinnywaters with2-inchjuvenilebass. eirnumberswildlyyear-to-year,onspringtimeegglarvalsurvival.UpriverNiceBridge,largefemalesbillionsofeggstotheofspringweather.Early mortality is brutal, and bass have adapted by spawning repeatedly over long lifespans. A 30-year-old striped bass has more than 20 times at bat to replaceEnterherself.climate change. Spring is now a less predictable transition between seasons, narrowing the window of favorable conditions. Combined with recent over shing and disease, most females get only one or two times at Protectingbat. the nursery function of skinny waters against climate change thus has more to do with sheries management — maintaining older spawners — than improvements to water quality.Enter blue cat sh. From 1974 to 1985, Virginia introduced hundreds of thousands of them into freshwater rivers of the Lower Bay. But the sh had an unexpected predilection for brackish water, and within 20 years they had exploded in abundance, invading all major tributaries.Ina2013 survey of a 7-mile stretch of the James River, Dr. Mary Fabrizio and her team at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science put the number of blue cat sh at 1.6 million — more than the Bay’s entire commercial harvest of striped bass. As the dominant predator, they’re taking a big bite out of the juveniles that sustain our native sh. ere is no obvious x, but promoting harvests of blue cat sh would help young striped bass and other native sh to evade predation.
Old Town Crier September 2022 25 FROM THE BAY DAVE SECOR

SummerCelebratewithusin... SOUTHERN MARYLAND Spring is upon us! WE HAVE A SLIP WAITING FOR YOU! DEEP WATER AND COVERED SLIPS AVAILABLE 14485 Dowell Road Solomons, MD calvertmarina.com410.326.425120629 Gorgeous Waterfront Dining in St. Mary’s County Clarke’s Landing 24580 Clarke’s Landing Ln. Hollywood, MD STONEYSSEAFOODHOUSE.COM301-373-3986 visit usbyland or sea YEAROPENROUND! “The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original—size.”A.Einstein Available by appointment 14550 Solomons Island Road Solomons, MD 20688 410.610.4075www.carmengambrillart.com (Celebrating 40 years on Solomons Island) For Chuck Floyd, it was 5 GambrillCarmenpaintings! Welcome to abstract art. See what you want to That’ssee.the fun of it! No two people see the same thing because Finddifferent.experienceseveryone’sare YOUR joy. WHAT BRINGS YOU JOY? 410.610.4075 Photo credit: David Stiles 26 September 2022 Old Town Crier

THE BLUE RIDGETHE BLUE RIDGEVisit 29 Main On the River – Sperryville • A quaint cottage on the Thornton River in the Heart of the Village of Sperryville. • Spacious one bedroom/one bath suite • Kitchenette • Private deck overlooking the River • Outdoor shower • Popular for Hikers and Foodies, looking for a great getaway. • VRBO#1001234 • AirBnB #18582009 The Loft – Little Washington • Large put cozy, suite above Little Washington Spa • 1 Bedroom/1 Bath • Living room with pull out sofa • Kitchenette • Great Location in the center of town • VRBO#735456 • AirBnB #7131304 More Info Contact- Samantha.rpkgetaways@gmail.com TO THE BLUE RIDGE Photo credit: Jack Sharp 27 CLOVERLEAF S EPTEMBER 24 2022 GREAT MEADOW THE PLAINS 5089 OLD TAVERN RD - ENTER AT GATE 2 YOU ARE INVITED... NVTRP Honorary Co-ChairedChairby Sheila C. Johnson Will Thomas & Sherrie Beckstead One of the most highly anticipated fall fundraisers featuring the glamour and excitement of fast-paced arena polo. Individual Goalside Party Tickets Available for Pre-Purchase Only Private Tents and Tailgates are Sold Out THE AFTERNOON BENEFITS WWW.CLOVERLEAFEQUINECENTER.ORG/POLO Will Thomas

Best Brunch in Old Town Saturday & 9am-Sunday4pm “A Washington Post Capitol Cuisine Favorite” e Very Best Alexandria has to o er in the Heart of Historic Old Town Famous for our She Crab Soup, Steaks and Crab Cakes DINING OUT > PAGE 29 Fine Dining, Fine Wines,Casual Style… 7966 Fort Hunt Road (In the Hollin Hall Shopping RiverBendBistro.com703-347-7545Center) Lunch, Dinner, Sunday Brunch CALL FOR RESERVATIONS Try Our New Fall Menu Sept 22 DINING OUT THE GASTRONOMES Daniel RestaurantO’Connell’s&Bar 112 King Street Old Town Danieloconnells.com703-739-1124Alexandria Courtesy O’Connells
28 September 2022 Old Town Crier Born In Ireland, Raised In Old Town
Daniel O’Connell’s Irish Restaurant & Bar is one of Old Town’s most beautiful restaurants. Most of the buildings in Old Town are old renovated seaport warehouses and OC’s is much the same but they took it to another level. In 2006, on St. Patrick’s Day, O’Connell’s opened the doors to the eager throng outside. Adorned inside with pieces from Irish Castles, Monastaries, Churches, an apothocary and other valuable furnishings from the Emerald Isle, O’Connell’s stands today as a classic renovation. e kitchen was not fully functional that rst St. Patrick’s day so management brought in pre-made sub sandwiches for their guests. e next day the kitchen was running smoothly and O’Connell’s has been serving up authentic Irish fare along with many American favorites for 16 years. In their own words, “Born in Ireland, raised in Old Town, shipped 4,527 miles and 400 years young and called a er Ireland’s great patriot Daniel O’Connell “ e Liberator”. Come sink into our comfortable surroundings in our truly unique atmosphere. View our mesmerizing array of Irish historical antiques. Stroll through four ancient Irish Bars with blazing res and enjoy warm friendly Irish sta and meet the lovely people of Old Town. On balconies, in snug corners, nooks and crannies, every corner has a story to tell. All this, while tasting the bold, exciting culinary delights that have emerged from modern Ireland.” We couldn’t agree more.On the night that we dined we chose to sit in one of the “Snugs”, a piece of Irish history. e Snugs have signi cance in Ireland’s and Alexandria, Virginia history. Recently renovated, these cozy spaces make O’Connell’s a special and unique place altogether. I have been going to O’Connell’s since it opened and this is the rst time I sat in the elevated Snug and was I surprised. e sight line to the oor and bar area is over the heads of the oor customers. is is great seating for watching rugby matches as it gives a direct sight line to the house TV’s. I’m keeping this in mind for when Six Nations Rugby is back in February!!estarters O’Connell’s include

From top left: OC's Chicken House Salad; the Whiskey Sizzler (which lives up to its name) and the Appetizer Sampler.
Old Town Crier September 2022 29 several Irish specialties the likes of Irish Egg Rolls, Dublin Nachos, Shepherd’ Pie as well as Scotch Eggs along with Steamed Mussels, Calamari Rings and an Appetizer Sampler. For those of you looking for something on the healthy side, the hummus plate at OC’s is very good as well. Soup and Salads consist of Potato Leek Soup, Chopped Salad, Classic Caesar Salad and Bu alo Chicken Salad. Sandwiches run from Beef Burger, Lamb Burger, BLT and Steak and Cheese to Reuben on Rye, Bu alo Tender Wrap and Grilled Chicken Sandwich.However, it was the “Auld Favorites” for which I came. ese 12 o erings ran from Fish and Chips, the Whiskey Sizzler, Full Irish Breakfast and Irish Shepherd’s Pie to Bangers and Mash, Lamb Stew, Corned Beef and Cabbage to Grilled Atlantic Salmon and a Seafood Linguine.Westarted with the Appetizer Sampler. is is enough for two to share and could actually be enough for dinner alone. e dish included Irish Egg Rolls, Boneless Chicken Wings, Dublin Nachos, crispy Cod sh and Scotch Eggs. Since I don’t care for hard boiled eggs, I passed on the Scotch Eggs but my partner says they are excellent here. I am a big fan of their Irish Egg Rolls and the crispy sh but the boneless chicken wings were a little heavy on the breading for my taste. e nachos were also a pleasant surprise since neither of us have ever been able to wrap our heads around potato chips aka crisps as a base for this dish – we like corn chips. Have to admit this Now Offering: Curbside Pick Up - Food & Beverage To Go - Inside/Outside Dining DINING OUT | FROM PAGE 28 Sean, Caleb and a bottle of Writer's Tears. DINING OUT > PAGE 30

version was really good. My favorite thing at a Mexican restaurant is the Fajita...I love that sizzle. When I saw Whiskey “Sizzler” on the menu I was sold. I could hear the dish coming before I saw it. Sizzling hot and hidden in a cloud of steam was my very own Sizzler. Red peppers and onions served with a delicious whiskey peppercorn wine sauce and a side of Basmati rice. e choices for add-ons are Chicken $17.95, Shrimp $18.95 or Vegetables $15.95. I added the shrimp which were perfectly cooked and added a nice avor to the mix. is was an absolutely unique presentation and delicious meal...and a lot of it. I couldn’t eat it all and when packing the le overs for the next day, the tray was still hot to the touch. Leaning more toward a heart healthy option, the O’Connell’s Chicken House Salad that was on the specials menu the night we dined, was my partners choice. e presentation was pretty impressive and the salad de nitely lived up to it - grilled chicken breast sliced thin, fresh red onion and cucumber slivered with sliced avocado and cherry tomatoes on a bed of fresh greens and sprinkled with feta. She opted for the house balsamic vinaigrette and every part of the concoction melded together perfectly. We have some inside info that this creation is the brainchild of the GM-Niamh O’Donovan. While we are happy to give her credit where credit is due, we think Chef Raul is on the right track with the rest of the menu…think Whiskey Sizzler. ere was absolutely no room for dessert but we know that they pride themselves on their Baileys Irish Brown Bread Ice Cream. Maybe next time. On this occasion I ended my meal with a dram or two of Writers Tears…. GetWeit??ordered a nice bottle of Echo Bay Sauvignon Blanc that accompanied both meals nicely. Space in this column doesn’t allow for telling about the extensive back bar and inventory of Irish libations, beers, seltzers and wines. We will save that for a future write up. Feel free to go in and check for yourself and, in the meantime, let me tell you that this bar serves up the most impressive wine pour in Old Town and aren’t skimpy with the adult beverage pours as well. We would like to give a shout out to Caleb (who has been at OC’s for quite some time) who was behind the bar and our server Sean (who is new to OC’s) for the great service. It was a very enjoyable night. Even though St. Patrick’s Day is six months away, you can get in the mood every Monday and Wednesday as Traditional Irish Sessions share the “Sound of Ireland” at 8 pm and check their calendar for individual performances by a mix of talented musicians on the weekends as Stopwell. by O’Connell’s when in Old Town. ey have a great Happy Hour Monday through Friday from 3 pm to 6 pm and an impressive brunch on both Saturday and Sunday from 103. Slainte!
Authentic Creole, Cajun and Seafood Specialties Since 1985
30 September 2022 Old Town Crier CELEBRATING 36 YEARS 121 SOUTH UNION STREET, OLD TOWN ALEXANDRIA 703.548.1785 • UNIONSTREETPUBLICHOUSE.COM SHUCKS $1 Local Oysters Happy Hour 4-7 • Tap Room Only BUCKFor A ® 713 King Street • Old Town Alexandria 703.548.1717 • murphyspub.com JOIN US FOR OUTDOOR DINING LIVE MUSIC 7 NIGHTS A WEEK WITH NO COVER IRISH HAPPY HOUR 4-7 PM MONDAY-FRIDAY 3804 Mt. Vernon Ave. | Alexandria, VA 22305 | (703) 684-6010 | rtsrestaurant.net “Top 50 Southern Restaurants in the Country”— Forbes Magazine

Old Town Crier September 2022 31 another part of the country, a government agency kidnaps children with special telepathic or telekinetic abilities, killing their parents and bringing them to an institute in the Maine woods where the top-secret program can harness their paranormal powers for national security purposes. It remains for one very academically brilliant and socially skilled child, Luke Ellis, to make friends with the other kids, gure out how to escape the Institute, and make his way far enough away to gain allies, such as the former police detective in Dupray, as the chase a er him ensues. I really enjoyed this book’s emphasis on kids: their resourcefulness and the way they form friendships. It is also a fast, fun read. In taking this piecemeal tour of King’s writing, I notice his constant use of tangy, slangy phrases aimed at keeping his writing hyperbolic. at makes his books fun but o en over-the-top. e attitudes of his characters towards each other sometimes do not show subtlety or nuance. Occasionally he can be ham-handed, although luckily never high-handed, and create dialogue that’s exaggeratedly creepy among characters who might not exist in real life. M any would say, “Well, that’s the point.” I would rather have very dialogueconvincingthat makes it easier for me to suspend my disbelief for paranormal or horri c characters or plot points. For example, in the aforementioned Bill Hodges trilogy, there is some frankly clumsy dialogue written for Jerome Robinson, minstrelstyle drivel meant to be done in fun but probably not something a young, intelligent, Black man would ever say to an older, white ex-cop whose lawn he mows. King’s hyperdriven, cartoonish approach provides enjoyment, but it can make his writing erratic. Sometimes you can even see the welded seams of the machine, which creak when he emphasizes a minor plot point that you know will have to be crucial later. He also does not always keep in touch with the times. Kids in e Institute sometimes wisecrack like a Baby Boomer rather than a kid of today. Current-day characters have names that would have been more popular for people their ages in the Fi ies, Sixties, or Seventies than now. King’s editors tread lightly. He writes fast, moves on, and does not apologize. King sometimes touches on the provocative theme of literary obsession, with characters such as Annie Wilkes from Misery or Morris Bellamy from Finders Keepers valuing the books they love, the ones against which they de ne themselves, much more than the authors themselves. In that way he is writing a love letter to the power of literature and the mysteriousness of the creative imagination, albeit in some rather psychologically perverted settings.Regardless of critiques, he grabs you with his propulsive plots and Everyman approach. He is bighearted, unsentimental, and never snobbish. Also, he shows a genuine sense of humor. You would want to know him as a person and probably as a friend. King’s book On Writing, a non ction account of his time as a writer, is a wonderful book about the writing life and how best to tell a story, focusing on Stephen King’s personal story in particular. I read when it came out and then once more recently. If I had to pick one book of his above any other, this would be it. It recently celebrated its twentieth anniversary and has become a classic. On Writing is equally fascinating for writers and non-writers alike who are interested in what makes this highly successful, down-to-earth writer tick. It is also very well-written, as one would hope, and more literary than any other book of his that I have read. Here he shows how much he cares about language, and here he explains why and how he approaches his cra . It provides a wonderful introduction to any subsequent King books but is equally as good for long-time fans who want to see how the goresplattered sausage is made. THE LAST WORD FROM PAGE 13 @VirginiaSpiritsExpo www.VirginiaSpiritsExpo.com info@RiverCityFestivals.com VirginiaSpiritsExpo.com Available through Eventbrite$20 $100 $5 off Tickets Promo code: OldTownCrier Young author, circa 1967.

Using a sharp knife, remove corn from cob and place in a large bowl. Add cheese, scallions, green chilies, and roasted red pepper; set aside. In a small bowl, combine remaining ingredients except the bread; mix well. Pour over corn mixture and toss until evenly coated. Refrigerate 2 hours, or until ready to serve. Using a serrated knife, cut a hole in top of bread about 3 inches in diameter. Hollow out bread, leaving one inch of bread around sides. Spoon dip mixture into bread bowl. Cut bread top and hollowed out pieces into 1-inch chunks for dipping. Mr. Food Test Kitchen Tip! If you prefer, you can substitute 2 cups thawed frozen corn for the fresh. Here are 3 easy ways to cook corn on the cob:
1 (1-pound) round pumpernickel bread, unsliced What to Do
1 teaspoon cumin powder
Fresh Corn Dip
32 September 2022 Old Town Crier Happy Hour 203 The Strand Alexandria,VA Wine$4chadwicksoldtown.com22314$6BarBitesSelectBeer,&CocktailsMon-Thurs•4pm-7pm LET’S EAT MR. FOOD
What a novel dip to serve when you’re expecting company and what a good way to use up some of the very last of the sweet corn in season! Our creamy, Fresh Corn Dip is made with super sweet corn and lots of avorful add-ins, so you know it’s going to be addictive. Serve it in an edible bread bowl for a super change-of-pace from traditional dip recipes. What You’ll Need 4 ears fresh corn on the cob, cooked (see Note) 3 cups shredded sharp cheddar
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
4cheesescallions, sliced 1 (4-ounce) can diced green chilies, 1/4 cupdrained diced roasted red pepper 1 cup sour cream 3/4 cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon chili powder
STEAM – Bring 1 inch of water to a boil, add husked corn, return to a boil, cover, and cook 3 to 4 minutes.
MICROWAVE – Wrap corn in a damp paper towel and microwave 2 minutes per ear. GRILL – Wrap each ear of corn in aluminum foil and cook on grill 15 to 20 minutes or until kernels are tender. Recipe courtesy of Fresh Supersweet Corn Council. For more information and recipes, go to www.sunshinesweetcorn.com

Old Town Crier September 2022 33 AMERICAN 1799 PRIME STEAK & SEAFOOD 110 S. Pitt 571-800-664444703-664-00431743703-739-60905BLACKWALL703.721.39701106703-638-14003571-404-6001StreetADA'SONTHERIVERPioneerMillWayAUGIE’SMUSSELHOUSEKingStreetHITCHCameronSt.BOB&EDITHSKingStreetCAFE44CanalCenter 703-836-4442203CHADWICKSStrandSt. CHART HOUSE One Cameron St. 330CITY703-684-5080KITCHENSouthPickett St. 703-683-63131600LAPORTAS703-436-0025Alexandria1508703-739-07771800JOE703-684-0372222JACKS703-566-1355220703-566-15093410703-684-69691404HEN703-837-00501404HARD727703-548-1288138GADSBYS703-725-13422004FOSTERS703-549-7991725FIVE703-299-08941400703-549-50512000EVENINGfatcitykitchen.com703-685-9172STARCAFÉMt.VernonAve.EXECUTIVEDINER&CAFEDukeStreetGUYSKingSt.GRILLEEisenhowerAve.TAVERNN.RoyalSt.GRATEFULKITCHENN.HenryStreetTIMESCAFEKingSt.QUARTERKingSt.HOPS'NSHINEMountVernonAve.HUMMINGBIRDSouthUnionStreetPLACENorthLeeSt.THEISMANNSDiagonalRd.JUNCTIONBAKERY&BISTROMountVernonAvenueDukeSt. THE LIGHT HORSE 715 King 808LOST703-549-55451028703-549-0533StreetLORI'STABLEKingStreetDOGCAFENorthHenry St. mason-social.com703-548-8800728703-837-9117911MAJESTIC571-970-6511CAFÉKingSt.MASONSOCIALHenryStreet MURPHYS IRISH PUB 713 King murphyspub.com703-548-1717St. NORTHSIDE 1O 10 East Glebe Rd. 703-840-3395901703-888-0032OAKSTEAKHOUSEN.St.AsaphSt. RESTAURANTOCONNELLS & BAR 112 King 703-739-1124St. PORK BARREL BBQ 2312 Mount Vernon Ave. 703-822-5699THEPEOPLES DRUG 103 N. Alfred rampartstavern.com703-998-66161700RAMPARTS571-257-8851StreetFernSt. RIVER BEND BISTRO 7966 Fort Hunt Rd. Hollin Hall Shopping Center riverbendbistro.com703-347-7545 ROCK IT GRILL 1319 King 703-739-2274St. RT's rtsrestaurant.com703-684-60103804RESTAURANTMt.VernonAve. SHOOTER MCGEES 5239 Duke 1552703-751-9266St.SLATERSMARKETPotomacGreens Dr. 703-548-3807SMOKINGKOW BBQ 3250 Duke 815SOUTHSIDE703-465-8423106703-966-3550207SONOMA703-888-2649SttreetCELLARKingSt.SOUTHBLOCKN.LeeStreet815S.Washington St. 571-319-0192823703-836-6222SWEETGREENKingSt.SWEETFIREDONNA'S BBQ & 510HOPSJohn Carlyle Street 571-312-7960 THE STUDY 116 South Alfred Street GRILLT.J.703-838-8000STONESHOUSE& TAP ROOM 608 Montgomery St. Ttjstones.com703-548-1004OASTIQUEGOURMET TOAST & JUICE BAR 1605 King 571-312-1909Street UNION STREET PUBLIC HOUSE 121 South Union St. unionstreetpublichouse.com703-548-1785 VIRTUE GRAIN & FEED 106 South Union St. VOLA’S571-970-3669DOCKSIDE GRILL & THE HI-TIDE LOUNGE 101 North Union St. 703-935-8890 THE WAREHOUSE BAR & GRILL 214 King warehouseoldtown.com703-683-6868St.ASIAN ASIAN BISTRO 809 King 571-777-8154503703-836-12121901KAI703-549-0800407703-683-887866TOKYO703801THAILAND707-888-2458722703-548-18481209NASIME703-548-06009MAI703-519-37101019MALAYA703-888-1513300571-319-0794728(571)1625703-836-1515St.INDOCHENKingStreet404-6050KINGSRANSOMKingStreetKISSOASIANBISTROKingStreetKingSt.THAIKingSt.KingSt.SIGNATURETHAIKingStreetROYALN.FairfaxSt.535-6622JAPANESESTEAKHOUSECanalCenterPlazaCAPHEBANHMIVIETNAMESECameronSt.ZENTAVERNMt.VernonAve.SISTERSTHAIMontgomerySt. CONTINENTAL CEDAR KNOLL GW Parkway at Lucia Ln. 703-717-93611024703-780-3665OLDHOUSECOSMOPOLITANCameronStreet 4231TEMPODuke bastillerestaurant.com703-519-3776606BASTILLEvillagebrauhaus.com703-888-1951710temporestaurant.com703-370-7900St.VILLAGEBRAUHAUSKingStreetFRENCHN.FayetteSt. BISTRO SANCERRE FRENCH 1755 Duke Street 1600BRABOKing 127LE703-894-3440St.REFUGEN.Washington St. FONTAINES703-548-4661CAFFE & CREPERIE 119 S. Royal TWO703-729-2854500LA703-535-8151St.MADELEINEKingSt.NINETEEN RESTAURANT 219 King 703-549-1141St. ITALIAN ALDO'S ITALIAN KITCHEN 2850 Eisenhower Avenue (behind the 703-836-8833121IL703-719-2035Alexandria3231703-838-5998823FACCIA703-683-0313111BUGSYS703-888-2243building)PIZZARESTAURANTKingSt.LUNAS.WashingtonSt.FRANKPEPENAPOLETANAPIZZERIADukeStreetCommonsPORTORESTAURANTKingSt. LANDINI BROTHERS 115 King landinibrothers.com703-836-8404St. LENA’S WOOD-FIRED PIZZA & TAP 401 East Braddock Rd. 703-960-1086MIA'SITALIAN KITCHEN 100 King MICHAEL’S703-997-5300StreetLITTLE ITALY 305 S. Washington St. 2419703-548-9338PIECEOUTMountVernon Avenue RED703-398-1287ROCKSFIREBRICK PIZZA 904 King 703-717-9873St. MEDITERRANEAN BARCA PIER & WINE BAR 2 Pioneer Mill 703-638-1100Way TAVERNA CRETEKOU 818 King DELIAS703-684-9194719PITAtavernacretekou.com703-548-8688St.HOUSEKingSt.MEDITERRANEAN GRILL 209 Swamp Fox Rd. 703-329-0006VASO'SMEDITERRANEAN BISTRO 1118 King 703-548-27471225703-566-2720StreetVASO'SKITCHENPowhatanStreet SEAFOOD HANKS OYSTER BAR 818 N St. 703-739-HANKAsaph FISH MARKET-OLD TOWN 105 King 703-836-5676St.shmarketoldva.com THE WHARF 119 King 703-567-1533301703-836-2834St.WHISKEY&OYSTERJohnCarlyle INDIAN DISHES OF INDIA 1510A Bellview Blvd. 218DIYA703-660-6085NorthLee, 2nd Floor 703-706-5338KISMETMODERN INDIAN 111 North Pitt Street 703-970-06151504NAMASTE703-567-4507KingSt. MEXICAN LATIN SOUTHWESTERN CASA TEQUILA (next to Crate & Barrel) 1701 571-970-5148116703-721-3203540703-548-TACO2400-BTAQUERIA703-823-11674111LOS703-299-92902615LOS703-548-29181116703-988-3144808DON571-970-64381008703-518-5312DukeCHOPSHOPTACOMadisonStreetTACOTEQUILABARKingSt.LOSCUATESRESTAURANTKingStreetTIOSGRILLMt.VernonAve.TOLTECOSDukeSt.POBLANOMt.VernonAve.(8226)TEQUILA&TACOJohnCarlyleStreetURBANO116KingStreet DINING GUIDE Please Contact your favorite restaurants for updates on their "Social Distancing" policies.

While the Greenhill team loves to tell the story of how their 2013 Blanc de Blancs was part of the 2016 Oscars swag-bag, more impressive is their track record at the San Francisco Chronical Wine Competition. Wine enthusiasts are likely familiar with the name; it’s one of the largest and most prestigious wine competitions in the
Raising The Bar for Virginia Wine
But perhaps the most remarkable element is how Greenhill doesn’t just aim to impress local visitors. For years they’ve been demonstrating the quality of Virginia wine on a national stage.
Middleburg’s Greenhill Vineyards holds a unique place in Virginia wine lore. Not only is Greenhill breaking new ground in showcasing Virginia wine to a national audience, it continues a legacy which forever changed the wine business in the United States. Prior to David Greenhill purchasing the property in 2013, this historic farm was known as Swedenburg Estate Vineyard. Founded in 1988, Swedenburg was one of Virginia’s rst wineries. Not only did these Virginia wine pioneers demonstrate vinifera could nd a home in the state, they created the blueprint for today’s ‘agrotourism’ model whereby wineries focused on selling directly to visiting customers.Butthese customers discovered a problem. While they could stock up in person, those who wanted to order from out of state were out of luck. at’s because the 21st Amendment allows states to regulate alcohol, leading many to ban shipments from out of state wineries. Owner Juanita Swedenburg argued this amounted to a violation of the Constitution’s Commerce Clause and took her case all the way to the Supreme Court. In 2005 it issued a 5-4 decision that such laws amounted to protectionism, leading to the directshipping model the beverage industry useAtoday.erhis purchase David rebranded the property as Greenhill Vineyards; no doubt his surname foreshadowed his future role as a farmer. Yet his attraction to the estate is easy to understand. e farm includes 128-acres of landscaped property, a natural pond, and an 18th century manor house that for a time was Greenhill’s member club house. Many Virginia wineries like to brag about their fancy tasting building. Step aside; Greenhill has bragging rights of likely being the country’s only winery with a tasting room that literally predates the country’s founding. With this background it’s not surprising Greenhill aims at providing a more upscale, adults-only wine experience. “Classy” is likely the rst thought that comes to mind when visiting the new tasting building, which is reminiscent of a French country house. While the main tasting room is lovely, Greenhill has an abundance of places to relax. Visitors can enjoy the long covered patio overlooking the vineyard, or a table at the extensive outdoor seating area. Members can go upstairs to what feels like a cozy den, or join an event hosted at the manor house. If you’re lucky, you might get a peek at the barrel room. During a recent visit I hoped to meet winemaker Ben Comstock. Unfortunately he was out of town but for the very best reason - Ben was taking their top-level wine club members on a personalized tour of central Virginia, including visiting their vineyard in that area. Fortunately I was able to chat with General Manager Jed Gray and Tasting Room Manager Sydney Smith, who were able to ll me in on all the details.
I learned that Greenhill’s wines are made from their 30 acres of vines, almost evenly split between their estate vineyard and their property in Amherst County. While Greenhill’s main focus is on highlighting Virginia’s terroir, France must not be far from their mind. According to my wine associate, even their wine barrels are “All French, all the time”. As you would expect from a winery that draws inspiration from the Old World, they have an excellent assortment of French varieties. My favorites included their chardonnay, red blends, and Champenoise–style sparklings. Greenhill even has a new chenin blanc, one of only a handful of Virginia wineries to grow this grape. One friend blind-tasting their 2019 Philosophy petit verdot-heavy red blend claimed “It tasted like a sonnet.”

OPEN THURSDAY THROUGH MONDAY 11-5 PLEASE CALL FOR RESERVATIONS FOR GROUPS OF SIX OR MORE FAMILIES WELCOME FROM 11-2. 21 AND OLDER ONLY FROM 2 PM TO CLOSE 15669 Limestone School Rd • Leesburg, VA 20176 703.771.1197 • fabbioliwines.com • info@fabbioliwines.com EXPLORING VA WINES DOUG FABBIOLI The Balance of the Season
is is really the challenge of being an independent grower, and each wine region has a lot of them. You want a winery committed to taking your fruit year a er year, but the winery you work with may not need your fruit, or may not have the space to process it. I have talked with some growers who would hold o on taking payment for the fruit until a er delivery, in some cases even waiting until the wine is sold. Grapes cannot hold once they are harvested for more than a day or two. If the grapes are processed into wine, that wine can be held and sold later on the bulk market, but there is a critical time element with the ripe fruit. Sometimes extra grapes may go into a new product. is is how we started making our Paco Rojo, one of our best selling wines. I had extra Chambourcin one year and my wife suggested making a red with a little sweetness. Our Una Pera happened the same way. (She’s smart, I guess I am too because I listen to her.) A new wine may pull sales from the old wines, though, throwing o the balance once again. ere are a lot of moving parts in this industry and it is important to watch sales trends and market movements in order to have enough of the right product at the right time. But as a grape grower, you are somewhat limited to what you have: your vines are of a certain variety and usually will last about 30 years. Ripping out the vines and starting over with new varietals is costly in money and especially in time. So the ground and the grape may stay the same, but the style of the wine may have to change to t the new trends. So where does the Virginia Wine industry sit this harvest? Well, I think we have to sell more wine to make more space! We know there will be challenging years ahead from time to time, but this harvest looks like it will be big and of high quality. You can help out too: visit your favorite wineries and take an extra bottle or two (or more!) home with you when you do to help us make space. We will continue to make great wines, grow top quality grapes, and share our views with you. It’s all part of the balance!
In my 42 years in the wine industry, I have seen plenty of ups and downs in the harvest and crush balance. Wineries have only so much space but they have needs for certain grapes to make their wines, have their own grapes to bring in, and o en have long-term contracts to buy grapes as well. Independent growers have their fruit coming ripe and hope that the winemaker’s promise to purchase the grapes holds up through the season. (Some wineries have not been good players in the past on this point.)
Old Town Crier September 2022 35 United States, showcasing around 6,000 entries. For the Virginia wine industry to grow, consumers outside Virginia need to recognize the quality of wine being made here. is makes major industry events crucial to Virginia wine’s future. Winning big at major wine competitions isn’t just a win for Greenhill, it’s a win for Virginia. And Greenhill has been winning it big. In 2022 Greenhill won Best in Class for their 2019 Philosophy, e year prior they won Best in Class for their 2019 Petit Manseng. In 2020 they earned Double Gold for their 2018 Chardonnay. is is in addition to a roster of other awards, local andGeneralnational.Manager Jed Gray explained, “Competing in national wine competitions is an important aspect of our marketing strategy and creates broader value and respect for the quality of wine we are focused on making each year. e national recognition awarded to our wines from a prestigious brand is something that resonates with customers and adds tangible value to our wines and brand.” Have you visited Greenhill lately? If so let us know what you think! Author Matthew Fitzsimmons is a blogger who has visited nearly every winery in Virginia – most of them twice. Track his progress at https://winetrailsandwanderlust.com/. people. earth friendly. fabulous wines.
Sales uctuate for a winery through its lifespan, and the grapes planted 20 years ago may not be what it needs now, or it may not need as much of it. It may o er that fruit to another winery and can even do a little “horse trading” so that each winery gets the grape it needs. is year, because there was no wide-spread frost damage in the spring, there seems to be more fruit on the vines that will be coming available at harvest. I am seeing a number of wineries posting their excess fruit on the various forums for the industry. We all need to nd space for these grapes without throwing o our inventory balance. In a good year when a winery has more fruit growing on its own vines, there may not be as much of a need to purchase from another grower.

What Oktoberfest Means to Me
Port City Brewing As always, Port City is offering a great line of German beers for Oktoberfest. Among them, their Great American Beer Festival Bronze Medal Award winning Oktoberfest Marzen Style Lager, made with both Munich and Vienna Malt. Their Swarzbier is a black lager that is deep brown in color and smooth in taste, with notes of coffee and toasted malt. This one will run out before the others, so grab one soon. Their German Pilsner is fantastic and harkens to the types of beer you would get at the festival in Munich. They also offer a Hefeweizen, and the Rauch Marzen, a smoked version of their Oktoberfest bier. Denizens Brewing Co. Denizens Brewing Company has two beers from their Hike the Alps series just in time for Oktoberfest. The rst is their Marzen. Brewed with a unique Bavarian lager yeast, this fest beer showcases a sweet bready malt pro le balanced by oral hops. The other is their Hike the Alps Rauchbier. Brewed with European smoked malted barley, this red colored lager has a bready malt sweetness balanced by the avor and aroma of woodre smoke. Denizen Brewing is always a great choice for an afternoon or evening brew. Aslin Beer Company Aslin Beer Company also has a fun variety of Oktoberfest releases. Their Festbier is a traditional German style Golden Lager, very similar to what you’d get at the tents in Munich. They also have Doch, a traditional German Marzen, and Much Ado, a German style Helles lager. Full Basic, a dark Czech lager, is also being released with their Oktoberfest beers. Aslin Beer Company consistently makes good beer.
36 September 2022 Old Town Crier LET’S GET CRAFTY TIMOTHY LONG
Remember those terrible assignments in school? I hated them. Mainly because the subject was always dictated to you. It was things like country, family, friends, school, or worse, the church. One such assignment stands out to me from elementary school. e name of our school was Broadview Elementary. It was right down the road from the Broadview Inn, a local pub. e joke was that the school was named a er the pub, which is hilarious when you are seven years old. e assignment was called “What Broadview Means to Me.” e students got to vote on the best essay, which was to then be submitted to a state contest. e title of my essay was “What Broadview Means to Me, A Penitentiary.” I likened the school to a prison. I described it as a place void of freedom. A building where the expression of ideas was restricted, and democracy was dead. We were to read our essays to the class. My classmates roared with laughter and cheered at the end of my dissertation. If they could have, they would have hoisted me on their shoulders and carried me through the halls of the school. I was a hero. No, I was a god! I was Zeus, using my pen to hurl my lightning bolts and smite my enemies. Well, at least I thought I was. Even though I won, the school never submitted my essay. e teacher just rolled her eyes and said, “Very nice, Timmy.” e kid who was awarded the win wrote about how nice the teachers were and about how much she loved spelling, math, and Pizza Wednesday. Really? No one loved math! ey were looking for conformity, not creativity. I’ve come to terms with it now. Well, at least a er I wrote that last paragraph I did. Writing can be a wonderful form of therapy. I now understand the importance of such assignments. Even though it was appreciated by those whom it was meant to entertain, my Here are a few of my favorite local breweries that offer great fest beers.

Old Town Crier September 2022 37 essay was doomed from the start. You will never ingratiate yourself to anyone by disparaging them. e assignment ended up being a very good life lesson. Now, please allow me to write about something that is dear to my heart. Something that touches my very soul, Oktoberfest.Oktoberfest is a gathering of love and friendship. It is a time for families and friends to come together and celebrate life itself. e rst Oktoberfest was a wedding reception a er all. e soon-to-be Bavarian King Louis I was set to wed Princes eresa von Sachsen-Hildburghausen.
About the Author: Timothy Long is an educator, writer, consultant, and experienced restaurant Blog:InstagramEmail: tlong@belmarinnovations.com.operator.andTwitter:@wvutimmy.Whatisthatydoinginmysoup? policies.” e survey “measured support for over two dozen gunrelated policies and found high levels of support for most.”
In 2019 U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) introduced S.66, a bill which “makes it a crime to knowingly import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon (SAW) or large capacity ammunition feeding device (LCAFD).” It died. Now U.S. Representative Don Beyer (D-VA8), a member of the House Ways and Means Committee proposes H.R.8051, a bill “to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to impose an additional 1,000 percent excise tax on the sale of large capacity ammunition feeding devices and semiautomatic assault weapons….” e goal: to slow the sale of such. “I am deeply concerned that the gun manufacturers continue to pro t from the sale of weapons of war,” Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney [DNY], House Committee on Oversight and Reform said. Five of the leading U.S. manufacturers of AR-15 assault style weapons “have brought in a combined total of at least $1.7 billion in revenue over the past decade.” “ e U.S. Senate on April 12, 1934, established a committee to investigate the manufacture and sale of munitions in the U.S., speci cally the extent to which this trade in uenced and pro ted from the role taken by the U.S. in WWI,” Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., wrote. Two months later Congress passed the National Firearms Act [NFA].“e original Act imposed a tax on the making and transfer of de ned rearms, as well as a special (occupational) tax on persons and entities engaged in the business of importing, manufacturing, and dealing in NFA rearms,” the ATF explained.“Asthelegislative history of the law discloses, its underlying purpose was to curtail, if not prohibit, transactions in NFA rearms,” the ATF continued. “Congress found these rearms to pose a signi cant crime problem [including] the 1929 St. Valentine’s Day Massacre.” Seven people were killed in the Massacre, one third the number killed in Uvalde. Congress passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, P.L. 117-159 on June 25, 2022. Given the gunshots West Old Town Alexandria residents randomly hear the law is welcome news. e House passed H.R. 1808 the Assault Weapons Ban of 2022, 217-213 on July 29. Senate action waits. Sarah Becker started writing for e Economist while a graduate student in England. Similar publications followed. She joined the Crier in 1996 while serving on the Alexandria Convention and Visitors Association Board. Her interest in antiquities began as a World Bank hire, with Indonesia’s need to generate hard currency. Balinese history, i.e. tourism provided the means. e New York Times describes Becker’s book, O Your Du s & Up the Assets, as “a blueprint for thousands of nonpro t managers.” A former museum director, SLAM’s saving grace Sarah received Alexandria’s Salute to Women Award in 2007. Email: abito istory53@gmail.com
Whiskey and RecommendationsCigar
Wedding receptions are celebrations of love, life, and the joining of families. e Germans try to end the festival as close to Reuni cation Day, October 3rd, as possible. Oktoberfest is the perfect way to celebrate the rejoining of their country. It is a festival that embodies the meaning of community. Plus, it’s the best beer you’re ever going to Mydrink!buddy Devo and I have gone to the festival in Munich on several occasions. On the rst day of one of our trips, we got to the festival around 11 AM. We tried several tents but could not nd a table. One of the rules is that you must be at a table to drink. However, a tent waitress, or Beir Frau, has a lot of leeway when it comes to the rules. We entered the Augustiner Beer Tent for one last try. A Beir Frau recognized us from the previous year. She ran up, hugged us, got us a beer, and told us that she would nd us a seat. We were overjoyed. As I was enjoying my liter of fest beer, I looked over at Devo. He was wiping his eyes. “Are you crying?” I chuckled. “A little,” he said. “I can’t help it. I love it here. I feel like a kid at Christmas.”Whatagreat analogy. e feeling of joy on Christmas morning for a child is quite similar. Oktoberfest is joyful. Food, drink, and merriment abound. Song and laughter ll the air. It’s truly the world’s biggest kegger. People from almost every country attend, even the French. e Germans really don’t like them, but a couple do occasionally showOktoberfestup. beers are traditionally lagers. e Marzen-style lager, the original fest beer, is amber in color and malty with a medium body. It is by far the American brewers favored style. e German brewers lean toward lighter lagers nowadays. Lagers that are much more suited for all day drinking. Many American brewers will o er these as well. So, get out and enjoy the many Fest Beers and events that your local cra breweries will be o ering. Invite your friends and family! at’s what Oktoberfest is all about! And unlike Christmas, Oktoberfest is a two-week event that includes three weekends. In Munich alone, ve to six million people attend and over seven million liters of beer areMaybepoured.Christmas should take note.
What whiskey is going to go best with your Oktoberfest beer? Call me crazy, but the best whiskeys to drink with fest beers are Irish potstilled whiskeys. Don’t stop reading, hear me out. ese whiskeys are made with un-malted barley and complement the fest beers very well. You’re getting the best of Germany and Ireland. What’s better than that?
Jameson Black Barrel Irish Whiskey is is a blended Irish whiskey that is double distilled and matured in deep charred oak barrels. It contains a large portion of Irish pot-still whiskey, so it’s perfect to pair with an Oktoberfest lager. e whiskey is thick on the palate and has a long nish, the lagers tend to be crisp and nish quickly. e peach, coconut, and cinnamon notes complement the lager’s maltiness. A delicious Irish and German blend, who would have thought.
Padron Series 5000 Natural Cigar I wanted a second opinion when selecting this cigar. I consulted with my friend John Pann, one of the owners of John Crouch Tobacconist in Old Town Alexandria. John is my go-to on these matters. We discussed the German lagers, and John immediately went for the Padron Series 5000 Natural Cigar. ese wonderful full-bodied smokes do not overpower. With notes of co ee, chocolate, walnut. and nutmeg, they are a very smooth smoke with a buttery nish that seduces the palate. A great accompaniment to both your fest beer and Irish whiskey. Enjoy. is cigar, and many other ne cigars, are available at John Crouch Tobacconist 215 King St. Alexandria, VA 22314

BackFallinto Exercise FITNESS > PAGE 43
38 September 2022 Old Town Crier Don’t Let Joint Pain Slow You Down! Call today for an appointment! We take insurance! 703 physicaltherapyzone.com837-0010 127A North Washington St. • Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Voted Best in Alexandria! Dog Friendly! OUCH! RegionalOldoratonlineusCheckoutoldtowncrier.comonFacebookatTownCrierMagazineHaircut!GoodLongLastingColor!APrice!GoodVeryHaircuts $15 Shampoo, Cut & Blow Dry $18 (extra charge for long hair) Scissors Cut $17+up Color $43+up Permanent $45+up (including haircut & conditioner) Van’s Hairstylists 107 North Washington Street (near corner of King & Washington streets) 703-836-1916 Monday-Friday 9 am-7 pm • Saturday 9 am-6 pm We care and will give you only the best! Biolage • Vital Nutrient • Socolor • Matrix Perm • Paul Mitchell • Nexxus BeautifulHaircut!LastingPerm! FITNESS NICOLE FLANAGAN For some of us the fall brings a feeling of renewal. The changing of seasons can bring a change in your daily routine. With the kids heading back to school and the holidays just around the corner it may be impossible to nd time to exercise. But what better time of the year is there to enjoy the fresh air without the heat and humidity.
September is a great time to get back in gear and change up that workout you have been doing all summer. ere are twelve weeks from the beginning of September until anksgiving. at is a great time frame to get in the habit of a new workout that you will be able to stick with through the winter months. ere are so many ways to make exercising more fun in the fall. Trying out a new routine or simply bringing a running workout from the treadmill to the tree-lined streets is a great way to change your routine and get your mind set on some new workout goals. is holiday season let’s focus on staying in that workout mode. For the next twelve weeks stay on track by adding new things to your workout.

Put WeightYourInto It!
Old Town Crier September 2022 39 FROM THE TRAINER RYAN UNVERZAGT
A sample bodyweight workout: Jumping Jacks 3 x 50 repetitions Squats 3 x 25 Mountain Climbers 3 x 50 Pushups 3 x 20 Situps 3 x 25 Front Hover (Plank 3 x 30 seconds Alternating Forward Lunge 3 x 24 repetitions Squat Jumps 3 x 15 FROM THE TRAINER > PAGE 43
B odyweight training is nothing new, but I would like to discuss how you can integrate this type of training in your tness routines. For centuries, man utilized his own bodyweight as a means to get stronger for battle which is one reason why our military still uses this type of training today. Bodyweight training uses the forces of gravity as a means of resistance without the need for barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc. If you are searching for a change in your exercise routine, just try using your own bodyweight. e best thing about training this way is that you can do it anywhere. No more excuses of why you didn’t get to the gym this week.Let me explain a few of the exercises above. Mountain climbers are performed in the pushup position by bending your hip and knee with one foot forward and underneath you while the opposite leg is straight. Bodyweight should be evenly distributed through each hand and foot. Next, switch foot positions rapidly by “jumping” and alternating the landing position. Try to keep your hips level with the rest of your body. Arms stay straight as your feet do the work. Each alternation counts as a repetition. Make sense? I hope so because that’s a hard one to describe on paper. e front hover or plank is similar to the pushup position except that you will support your upper body with the forearms (elbows directly under the shoulders) and your feet together. Try not to let your hips drop toward the oor by contracting your abdominals and

FIRST BLUSH KIM PUTENS How do I choose the right moisturizer for my face? Believe it or not, the most important thing about choosing a moisturizer is the weight, not the fancy ingredients. e wrong weight of moisturizer can actually cause as many, if not more, problems than the ingredients. If too heavy, it can clog your pores and cause breakouts. If not heavy enough, the lack of moisturizer can lead to premature aging. In choosing the right weight, apply a normal amount to your jaw line. Wait a few seconds and check the area. If the moisturizer feels sticky or greasy, it means that it hasn’t absorbed into your skin and is too heavy for your complexion. If the moisturizer soaks in and still feels dry and your skin feels taught, then the moisturizer is not heavy enough. Look for a moisturizer that soaks in to your skin, but your skin feels relieved and looks plump. Everywhere I look, all the makeup has shimmer and glitter. How do I embrace it without looking like a teenager?
Shimmer can actually be your friend. Glitter, not so much. Leave glitter to stage performances. A bit of shimmer can actually make old skin look young. And, it is the easiest and cheapest way to freshen up your skin and bring about a youthful glow. But, if you overdue it, you could end up looking like an over-aged teenager. Keep in mind, dry and dull looking skin exacerbates looking old. So, the best thing to do is be strategic about your placement and amount. e best place to get the most bang for your buck is to apply a bit of shimmer along the base of your eyebrow along the brow bone. It gives the illusion of an instant li to a sagging eye (which happens to all of us as we approach 40).
I’m 40, should I be wearing foundation? Not necessarily. Determining when to wear foundation has nothing to do with how old you are. In fact, I would argue, that if your skin looks good, you should avoid foundation because it can make you look older than you are. Using foundation has more to do with the condition of your skin. If your skin is blotchy and uneven, you may want to consider wearing foundation. If not, skip it all together and apply a good moisturizer.Remember, foundation’s primary goal is to even out your skin tone to create a monotone surface in which to apply color. ink of foundation as the canvas before applying the artwork – eye shadow, cheek color, lipstick, etc.
Also, the French have the oldest and best known milling process which is why triple milled soaps are o en known as French triple milled soaps. Do I need a lip liner with my lipstick?
What are hair powders or dry shampoos?
Hair powder and dry shampoo are actually the same thing but referred to di erently. ese are essentially talcum powders that have been colored to match your hair color. By applying the hair powder/dry shampoo to your scalp, the powder will soak up the excess oils and freshen up your hair as if it was washed. Basically, the powders give life to second day hair without having to wash your hair.
A triple milled soap is actually three soaps milled into one. e process of milling three soaps into one is a lengthy process taking months to produce a single bar of soap, but it provides users with a soap that lasts much longer than its counterparts. A triple milled soap usually lasts a month or more.
Authors Note: If you have a beauty question you would like to see addressed in this column, send your request to o ce@oldtowncrier.com and put “First Blush” in the subject line.
Most of the time lip liner is a personal preference. For some, they do not feel complete without lip liner. e only time lip liner is absolutely necessary is if (1) your lipstick tends to bleed, no matter the color and (2) if you are wearing a deep and dark color like red, which bleeds on everyone.
Another good place for a bit of shimmer is along your cheekbone. Again, it gives the illusion of an instant li to the face but it also gives a punch of glow and dewiness that is associated with youthful skin. It is okay to go for broke and put a bit of shimmer along the brow bone and the cheekbone. You’ll be amazed at how your friends will compliment your new youthful appearance.
What is triple milled soap?
I would not recommend lining your lips when wearing lip-gloss. What you can do, however, is use a lip liner to ll in your lips to add more color and staying power to your lip-gloss.

GO FISH STEVE CHACONAS Ask about our amazing Pipe and Cigar Humidor Sale and Our Military and First Responders Plus Discount Program 215 King St. Alexandria, VA sales@johncrouch.comcastbiz.net22314(703)548-2900|(703)739-2302 TobacconisT John CrouCh GO FISH > PAGE 43
Swimbaits have been used in saltwater for decades and now bass shing has brought them to the top tacklebox drawer. From tiny 2.5 inch Sassy Shads to 16 inch Roman Mother Chaser Swimbait, ranging in price from 40 cents for small so plastics to $1200 for handmade wooden baits, there are various sizes, colors, weights, and materials being tossed around the country. e old Sassy Shad was more of a limit catcher, not a lunker lander. Swimbaits are growing in size and popularity and are being manufactured and handBasspoured.Cat/Yamaha Bassmaster Elite Series pro Mike “Ike” Iaconelli says they’re a yearround lure and work everywhere, matching the hatch in size and color for all seasons, water temperatures, cover, and sheries. However he says sh need to see it, so it’s better in moderately stained to ultra-clear water. Ike says these lures have drawing power, that is, usually the biggest sh in the area will come a long way and out of heavy cover to eat it. “When sh see it from a long way, they’ll come to eat it regardless if they’re hungry or not.” Noting the size of prey, Ike’s expectations and con dence rise when knowing stocked trout or larger bait sh are present. Preferring the solid body Berkley Powerbait Power Swimmer with Powerbait scent in various sizes, Ike says slits on the top and bottom allow for several rigging options. e boot tail thumps and wiggles, and the body rolls side to side. When seeking minimal tail movement, he goes to the smaller 3.5” Missile Bait Shockwave swimbait. is bait will run deeper and is very e ective in the clearest water. Open hooks aren’t weedless but hook up percentages are higher. Ike uses two heads. One has a 90 degree line tie, the other 60. In open water, the Ike Approved VMC 90 keeps baits horizontal in the water column and has lifelike 3D eyes, gill plates, and a ared head design with two barbs to keep baits in place, eliminating the need for super glue. Around wood, boulders, or weeds, a 60 degree wider gapped hook with a hybrid bend for strength, the HSBJ Hybrid Swimbait jig comes over cover better. A wide diameter spring keeper secures baits. With both, head sizes
Two Heads are Better Than One
Old Town Crier September 2022 41

D o you remember the “21st night of September”? Love was changing the minds of pretenders while chasin’ the cloudsLuckyaway…foryou, you don’t have to remember the 21st night of September, only the 20th…my birthday! And, you’re welcome for that ear bug brought to you by Earth, Wind & Fire. It’s one of mySpeakingfaves. of faves, I do love September. Not just because it’s my birthday month, but also mine and XXL’s wedding anniversary. We are celebrating lucky number eight this year. Our hearts were ringin’ In the key that our souls were singin’ As we danced in the night, remember How the stars stole the night away I’m always grateful for things to celebrate, and try never to miss an opportunity to commemorate a milestone no matter how big or small. Celebrations equal memories, and memories with our loved ones are life’s currency. I am, however, amazed by how quickly time seems to be passing. Feels like just yesterday we were planning our wedding. Actually, it seems like just yesterday I was donning a cap and gown while walking across a stage to accept my diploma.Traditional gi s for year eight are bronze and pottery. Bronze is formed by combing two metals— copper and tin—which is thought to be symbolic of the union of marriage. Will see what XXL comes up with. I’m good as long as it’s not a copper plumbing pipe.My love language is gi s, but XXL shows his love with acts of service. Cleaning my car or doing the dishes are his way of saying, “I love you.” All good stu , and I remind him that nothing says love like diamonds. He also loves words of a rmation so I thought I’d take this opportunity to reinforce some things I love about him vs. the things that I remind him of on a daily basis that drive me bonkers.
Even if September wasn’t my birthday month, I’d still love it just as much especially now that I have an anniversary to celebrate.
Dancin’ in September
About the Author: Lori is a local writer, painter and pet lover who loves to share her experiences and expertise with our readers. She has been penning a column for the OTC for over 20 years. Follow Lori online on Medium for more missives like this.
I dated a lot of guys before I met XXL. He stood out because for the rst time I found someone who actually saw me. XXL saw me from the inside out. Sure there was a physical attraction, but there was also a deeper, more nuanced attraction of loving and understanding each other’s character. He ‘got’ me in a way no one else before ever had. My thoughts are with you Holdin’ hands with your heart to see you Only blue talk and love, remember How we knew love was here to stay From the beginning I knew he had a heart of gold. It was evident when he talked about his dog Buck or his son or his mom. Don’t tell anyone, but it was also evident when we watched Marley and Me together, and he cried like a baby. XXL is passionate about life. He is most “happiest” when he’s operating anything with a motor, preferably a boat or playing his much beloved drums. He still dreams about being up on stage playing in front of a huge audience, and I keep telling him it’s not too late—dreams do come true. Or at least that’s what I’m banking on because I’m still excited about my book signing for the book I haven’t written yet. When the tour bus pulls up for XXL, I won’t be surprised. He is beyond talented.
42 September 2022 Old Town Crier OPEN SPACE LORI WELCH BROWN
XXL has some crazy skills. e man can x a leaky toilet, draw up plans—by hand—for a house, tie any knot, repair a diesel engine, build anything you can imagine, and that’s in a typical day. We call those XXL’s Big Day. One of the things I love the most about XXL, however, is really quite sel sh—it’s his desire for me to be happy. He is happiest when I am happy. He hates when I’m upset or sad and does everything within his power to turn things around. He has my back always, but not in a blind way. He also calls me out on my stu which is important.
Now FoundDecemberthelove that we shared in September Only blue talk and love, remember e true love we share today XOXO from my heart to yours.
XXL is an enthusiastic supporter of me and my passions and purpose. anks to him, I’m taking art classes again, and writing every chance I get. Special thanks to him for all the great material he provides me without even realizing it, for instance when he told me he was ‘smutten’ with me. Umm, pretty sure you mean ‘smitten.’ I had ‘Forever Smutten’ engraved on his wedding band to ensure that XXLism wasn’t lost. ere are a lot of things about XXL that pluck my last nerve, but his good qualities outweigh his bad, at least on most days. On the days they don’t, I go shopping or out to lunch with friends or stab my XXL voodoo doll in the eyes. Kidding! Make no mistake—marriage is hard. When I was single, I thought being single was hard. Now I know that they are both challenging in di erent ways. ere are huge bene ts to having a companion to share life’s moments with and for that I am very grateful to XXL. It took me a long time to nd my Mr. [Sometimes/ But Frequently Wrong] Right. He may not be perfect, but he’s all mine. And, hey—if you’re out there trying to nd a lid for your pot, know that he/she is out there. If you’re like me, it may take a while, but it’s worth the wait. So now, what to get XXL for an anniversary present? Maybe a penny for his thoughts about this article or a copper pot so at least he can say he has a pot to you-know-what in. Good thing gi s aren’t his thing. But, if you spot him around Old Town, feel free to direct him to King’s Jewelry for some help.

About the Author: Unverzagt holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Wellness Management from Black Hills State University. He is a certi ed Strength & Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength & Conditioning Association and a Registered Diagnostic Cardiac Sonographer through the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography.
Old Town Crier September 2022 43 avoid holding your breath. e object of this exercise is to hold this “plank” position for a thirty-second count. A squat jump is simply a squat nished o with an explosive jump up. Remember to always land so ly by bending your knees and hips. ere are only eight exercises with this routine, but the goal is to perform each one without rest in between. Once you have completed the circuit, allow yourself a rest break anywhere between 2-5 minutes before starting another round. In this example, I have a total of 3 rounds (notice the 3 x). Here is another way to incorporate bodyweight training into a normal weight li ing routine. Execute your li then follow it up immediately with a body weight exercise.
FALL IS A GREAT TIME FOR RUNNING, CYCLING, HIKING, AND WALKING. Walking is the easiest form of exercise. e key to making walking enjoyable is to make it a part of your daily routine. Start walking in the morning before work or school. By getting started early you jump start your body, mind, and metabolism so you have more energy throughout the day. If you need something a little more fast-paced, running is a great way to stay in shape especially in the fall. It’s not too hot, not too cold and the crisp morning air will be much more awakening than a buzzing alarm clock. Once you get in the habit of a morning run or walk you will nd yourself looking forward to waking up early just to see the sun rise as you begin your workout.
Bench Press followed by Pushups, Leg Press followed by squat jumps, or an Abdominal Crunch Machine followed by the Front Hover. You might be surprised on how di cult the bodyweight exercises can be when performed in this fashion. Never underestimate the value of bodyweight training because it can be a great addition to any tness routine.
WHEN THE WEATHER BEGINS TO GET TOO CHILLY, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT GYM MEMBERSHIP YOU’VE BEEN HOLDING ON TO. Gyms o er a variety of cardio and strength machines that can help you to break that workout plateau. e key to keep seeing results is to keep a workout interesting. Don’t do the same exercises over and over for an extended period of time. By changing your workout every couple weeks you are forcing your body to adapt to new routines. is keeps it from becoming “comfortable” with a certain workout. Take advantage of all that your club has to o er. Most health clubs o er free classes to their members. If you are looking for a high intensity calorie burner, try a cycle or a cardio kick boxing class. If you want an allover strength and exibility workout try pilates or a beginner yoga class. If your club has an indoor pool I highly recommend taking a water aerobics class or swimming laps on your own. Swimming is a great overall strength and conditioning workout and if you have access to a pool year round why not take advantage of it. If you’re not crazy about going the gym then home tness is another great option. Having a home gym can be as simple as having a few sets of dumbbells and some resistance bands to having a complete gym with at home cardio machines, mirrors from ceiling to oor and a weight bench. ere are also workouts that you can do with no equipment at all. ere are many resources available online to help you with everything you need for a home gym, from what equipment you need to how to organize your workout.
THE BEST WAY TO KEEP UP WITH YOUR FITNESS IS TO INCORPORATE EXERCISE INTO YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE. We all know the obvious suggestions like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking your car farther away from the mall entrance, and walking to lunch on your break. Here are a few that may be less obvious. When you are at your kid’s soccer practice or game walk a few laps around the eld instead of sitting and watching. You’ll get a much better view of the action and also get some exercise in for yourself. Be an active television watcher. Most of our favorite shows start the new season in the fall. While you’re enjoying the new season of your favorite show do some standing lunges, jog in place, li weights or do tricep dips on the couch. During commercials do as many sit-ups and push-ups as you can get in before the show comes back on. During a one-hour show you will probably get almost twenty minutes of commercials.Withsomany options to amp up your tness routine for the fall it seems like it should be easy to get started. Half of winning the battle with exercise is getting into the habit. Remember that it takes about four weeks for the body to adapt to lifestyle changes. Try to stick with your new program for a month. A er that, behavior patterns will have adapted and your program will be much easier to stick with. Good Luck!
Grass is starting to break up and water temperatures are beginning to cool, but nd sh in what’s le of thick grass with hollow bodied frogs and punching. Use 60 pound test Gamma Torque braid. Same line with a ¾-1.5 ounce tungsten weight to punch through matted grass with Texas rigged so plastics. ese techniques are best when it’s hot and sunny. For frogs, cover water over grass to locate bass for the punching method. Punch through loose grass and sticks, etc. oating around thick mats. Small squarebill crankbaits work around sparse grass and hard cover. Spinnerbaits, ¼ ounce gold blade tandem Colorado/Indiana with a white skirt can be cast to visible targets. For both use 12 pound test Gamma Edge uorocarbon line and engage cover, either snap from grass or glance o hard cover. Vary speeds to nd the trigger. Drop shot around edges and drops as well as cover. Fish close to the bank at higher tides and move out to scattered cover as it falls. Fish are on the move, so anglers need to move as well. Creek mouth points are a good place to ambush a few. vary for the best shing depth. When using a 3/16 or lighter head with a smaller 2.75 inch smaller boot tail style, he casts a 7’ med ABU spinning rod with braid to uorocarbon leader, primarily 10-15 X5 braid to a 1-3 foot leader of 8-12 pound Berkley 100% uorocarbon leader. is setup allows longer casts with less stretch. For 4, 5, 6 inch baits on ¼ or heavier heads he opts for longer stouter 7’4” MH or 7’2” MH ABU casting rods with low pro le casting 7;1 to 8:1 casting reels. Ike says a lot of bites come from being drawn and sh hit it so viciously and come at you. Faster ABU reels take up slack to get into sh. Fluorocarbon is more subtle and sinks, providing better bait action. He spools 1420 pound test, depending on cover. However, he will go with 20-30 pound braid with a 3 foot uorocarbon leader for longer casts, shing around heavy cover, and to eliminate uorocarbon stretch. Spike-It dye sticks add shad dots, orange on belly, chartreuse tail parts, anything to further match the hatch. He carries bait sh colors, white, pearl, translucent with silver and metal ake, sun sh, bluegill, and yellow perch.
Potomac River Bassing in September
Berkley’s SUNGILL pattern mimics many bait sh patterns. Generally, clearer water and brighter sun, translucent patterns are his choice. For darker days with lower light, baits with more contrast, pure white or pure black. Black and green pumpkin work well at night! Anglers are creating their own swimbaits with a variety of swimbait molds, dyes, glitter, and liquid plastic to with supplies from lurepartsonline.comSwimbaitsaresimple and shing them is just as simple. “It’s one of the easiest to sh for me, and for those who aren’t avid shermen… my son Vegas at 11 uses them…I taught him at an early age. You always want to reel slow to medium at the level of the sh, whether from the bank, a canoe, or boat…guess what level sh are…like a countdown and just reel it in.” He says to let the solid body bait create the action. But the pro also introduces di erences, anything from a slight rod li or drop, to a rod snap or reeling down in the grass and a slight pop of the rod…will all trigger strikes. When shing swimbaits, remember two heads are better than one.
Author Capt. Steve Chaconas is Potomac bass shing guide. Potomac River reports: nationalbass.com. Check out YouTube page, NationalBassGuide.
BRINGING YOUR CYCLING WORKOUT FROM THE STUDIO TO THE STREETS OR THE TRAILS WILL ADD FUN TO YOUR WORKOUT. Get out those mountain bikes and take the kids out for a bike ride a er school. You get to spend time with the family while enjoying a fun calorie-burning workout. If biking on the trails does not seem like it’s for you then try going hiking. It’s a great leg work out and the views of the woods in the fall are beautiful.

Harbor Social is open from 4pm until 12am on most days. e space is also available for private event rentals. Please visit GaylordNational.com for the latest information. 2022
fried chicken with Capital City Mambo Sauce and pickled red onion on a potato bun and let’s not leave out the Valley Girl – a plant-based slider with caramelized onions and mushrooms (Way Good). French fries are another tasty option with Smoked Fries, Bay Fries or Tru e Fries to choose from and for those who are heart healthy eaters, Harbor Social o ers a avorful hummus. e beer, wine and cocktail menu is extensive with more than 20 di erent beers, nearly 10 cocktails and 8 wines. You can enjoy locally sourced brews from D.C. and Silver Spring. For groups of friends – there is the over-the-top (literally) Split Happens – a rum and wine cocktail which comes in a bowling pin and serves up to 4 people. We were going to try this one out but I couldn’t wrap my head around combining rum with wine but the presentation in the bowling pin is way happening. e food and beverage are very reasonably priced in my opinion and the concept around the idea of bringing people together for some interactive fun, good eats and drinks is worth the trip. Oh, hey, did I mention the games are FREE. Do yourself a favor and grab a couple of pals or just go by yourself and put the communication device down for an hour or two and connect with some humanity!
The Best Place to Get Social at the Harbor
Let me tell you my people, it has been a long time since I have been impressed with a new concept in the hospitality realm – most specially in the sports bar arena - and I have experienced quite a few during my 28 years with the Old Town Crier. Remember when the multiple TV’s with every sport in the realm on screen came on the scene? at was pretty cool since you could watch rugby when your pals were glued to football or golf but Harbor Social (HS) has taken the sports bar experience to a whole other level. Located on the ground oor in the Gaylord – former home of National Pastime – Harbor Social has incorporated the wall of televisions for NP (don’t mess with something that isn’t broken) into an amazing interactive experience. Interactive is the key word here. e concept of HS is to get patrons to put down their communicating devices long enough to interact with each other via eye contact and actual spoken words. e drink coasters even get into the act with fun questions that can engage the group. While we were there I got into a conversation with a couple of people of di erent generations regarding “Favorite Saturday Morning Cartoon?”. Mine was the Jetsons, one guy loved under Cats (????) and the really old guy’s was Mighty Mouse. We had a fun conversation about things in our generations while sipping on an adult beverage and discussing the merits of duck pin bowling.issports bar brings people together through nine interactive games including duckpin bowling, bocce ball, darts, shu eboard, pool, air hockey (this is my game and I can’t wait to go back), corn hole and numerous games like a table top version of the popular “islandy” hook the ring on the string to the post thing. With the 30-foot video/TV wall, you aren’t likely to miss any of the action during your favorite sports games. In addition to a full bar, the venue serves a menu made up almost exclusively of handhelds aka sliders. Speaking of which, these chef-curated gourmet handhelds, which are meant to be shared, arrive in orders of 2, 4, 6, or 12 and incorporate well-known local favorites. Sliders come in variations such as the Marylander – a crab cake with Louis’ sauce on a brioche bun; the Politician – a DC half-smoke with sweet-hot mustard and spring onions (OMG this one is amazing); and the Clucker – free-range

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