Issue #48 - Ottawa Outdoors Magazine

Page 8

Backpacking basics



HEN SOME PEOPLE hear the term “backpacking” they think of extreme nature enthusiasts or mountain climbers, and it’s no wonder. This recreation has been distorted by misunderstandings and myths, so here’s an effort to clear things up. BACKPACKING OR HIKING Hiking is a relatively unencumbered walk, in nature, away from housing, roads, stores and the like. It lasts up to a few hours. Backpacking is in the same setting, but lasts more than one day, and you carry camping gear, a lot heavier than a day pack. You’ll be far from society in the woods, so map and compass navigation is necessary and a GPS or cellphone are good ideas too. Beginners should stick to a well-marked trails.

FITNESS FOR THE TRAIL Just because you are hiking multiple days, those days don’t have to be long. If your one-day limit is five kilometres, then hike the five and set up camp. That said, anytime you strap on a loaded backpack, the intensity goes up, so train before your first overnighter (you could find a tall office building and climb its stairs repeatedly). Then research your chosen trail. If you can’t find out enough about it, pick another that suits your level. New backpackers need short practice hikes with a backpack to learn about balance and adjustment and how the body reacts to extra weight. COSTS Ultra-lightweight backpacking gear can be expensive, so look for clearance items and don’t spend a fortune. But spend where it really counts. Don’t skimp on boots – they need to be durable and comfortable, waterproof and more stiff and supportive than light hiking boots or shoes. Before you go on long hike, wear new boots around the house and on short hikes to make sure they fit and are broken in. Outdoor clothing can be pricey, but it generally lasts a long time and can be the difference between a cold body and a warm one, a ventilated body and one soaked with sweat. Look for breathability and wicking, that special fabric trick that gets moisture away from your skin. Backpacks are costly and come in many sizes and types, so get fitted by someone who knows what they are doing – if they don’t add weights and stuffing to your pack while trying it on, ask someone else. WILDLIFE Wildlife encounters are scarce, but animals warrant a cautious approach. Bears (a few in some backpacking areas), coyotes (lots of them, everywhere), wolves (rare) most often avoid people. They become a problem only if careless people teach them that humans are food suppliers. So … • Keep food away from your tent (and scented toiletries too). • Store food in a bear canister to keep it safe, but hanging food off the ground works too. But don’t hang a canister! The rope becomes a handle for a bear to carry it away. • Make yourself heard. A bear will hear you long before you hear it. Bells work well, but even talking or whistling is good. • Cook and clean up well before dark and away from your camp area. NAVIGATION Learn how to use a map and compass and/or a GPS. If you have never hiked the area, contact the trail association or park office for guidance and estimates of hiking times. Two to three kilometres per hour hiking time is standard, but if you’re new at it, make that two km/hr. This gives extra time to handle difficult terrain and enjoy the scenery. Set aside time for rest and food breaks. Set a morning departure time and stick to it, and get to your next campsite before dark – so you have to know sunset times. Know too that things get darker soon in the bush. STAYING FIT You may end up with a few blisters or hot spots even with properly fitted boots that you broke it ahead of time. Put moleskin on hotspots or blister points before they damage your feet. Same deal with a backpack: get one that fits properly and learn how to adjust it and weight-balance it. POOPING IN THE WOODS If you’re squeamish, get over it. Dig a “cat hole” and cover it up, and stay away from any water source. There are actually YouTube videos with tips for doing doo in the woods.


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Articles inside

Camping challenges add spark and variety to life in the woods

pages 48-50

Outdoor business spotlight: Dave Urichuck (The Adventure Coach

page 47

Community spotlight: Todd Morin

page 46

Staycation adventures for all types

page 45

Easy paddle-in sites for first-time canoe trippers

page 42

Craft your own wooden paddles and canoes

page 43

Mud, sweat and gears

page 39

Getting to know some summertime critters

page 44

How to hang patio lights

pages 40-41

Paddling the Chats – with care

pages 36-38

How to hit the trail, running

pages 34-35

Elevate your camping experience and get high with a suspended tent

pages 31-32

Survival and camping skills manuals have hundreds of tips

page 28

Take the ouch! out of your bike saddle

page 19

Intrepid duo takes on ‘bikepacking

pages 21-22

Cycling with others – play nice

page 18

The Adirondack Century

pages 16-17

Catch the eco-spirit of Grasshopper Island

pages 14-15

How to tie a clove hitch

page 20

Cool Gear Hot Stuff

page 30

Survival 101: Avoid the deadly ‘vacation mindset

page 12

Why backpacking works

page 11

Muskoka River X

page 9

Backpacking basics

page 10

Paddling the route of canal explorer

page 8

Huck Finn campfires you’ve got to try

page 7

Publisher’s letter

page 6

Hiking for fitness

page 13
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