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• 00000•000 Winter 2009 WOST 200: Reclaiming the Body's Breath: Women and Writing TR 11-12:50 p.m. Students will investigate women's bodies as spaces that are written on, with, and for competing ideologies within contemporary culture: for what purposes has the female body been used in public discourse? what's at stake in these conversations? what silences are still laid upon it, and how are they navigated by writers? We will also analyze the ways women have started to reclaim the body's rhetorical power to speak for, about, and sometimes in defense of their own experiences. Readings will include work by: Inga Muscio, Jennifer Baumgardner, Eve Ensler, Toni Bentley, Catherine Millet, Andrea Dworkin, Helene Cixous, among others. (Credit will be given for a Humanities course in the WOST minor.)
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