Undergrad Course Catalog 05-07

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Tuition and Financial Assistance

Merit-Based Assistance Otterbein offers a number of scholarships, based on academic ability, talent, and lead­ ership potential. Below is a list of those scholarships and awards. With the exception of Department Scholarships and several endowed scholarships, all scholarships are offered to students at the time of initial acceptance to the College. Merit-based awards are offered without regard for financial need to full-time students for a duration of four year . Institutional merit-based awards will not exceed tuition. Priority is given to students who apply by March 1.

President's Scholar Awards: $11,000-All first-time freshmen and transfer students identified as Otterbein Scholars (see below) who have demonstrated outstanding scholarship and leadership will be invited to compete for these scholarships through a special application and essay evaluation. The application deadline for President's Scholar Awards is March 1. The application review process begins November 1; priority is given to early applicants. All President's Scholar Awards will supersede Otterbein Scholar Awards. Recipients must maintain fulltime enrollment and a yearly college grade point average of 3.0 or better to retain the award.

Otterbein Scholar Awards: $7,000- These are awarded to first-time freshmen and transfer students who are in the upper 10 percent of their high school classes or who have a 3.5 or better grade point average on a 4.0 scale, and an ACT composite score of 24 or higher or a total of 1100 or higher on the SAT. Transfer students must have a 3.0 transfer g.p.a. Recipients must maintain fulltime enrollment and a yearly college grade point average of 3.0 or better to retain the award.

Otterbein Scholar Awards: $5,000-These are offered to first-time freshmen and transfer students who are in the upper 20 percent of their high school classes or who have a 3.4 or better grade point average on a 4.0 scale, and have an ACT composite of 22 or higher or a total of 1050 or higher on the SAT. Transfer students must have a 3.0 transfer GPA Recipients must maintain fulltime enrollment and a yearly college grade point average of 3.0 or better to retain the award.

Endowed Scholarships-Endowed scholarships are provided through the generosity of alumni and friends who have a desire to help students attain an Otterbein educa­ tion. There are more than 150 endowed scholarships ranging in value from $800 to $1,500 per year. Endowed scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic ability, extracurricular activities and a written essay. Recipients must be enrolled as full-time students and maintain satisfactory progress toward a degree to retain the award. Ap­ plications are available from the Office of Admission.

Ammons-Thomas Awards-The Ammons-Thomas Award is named for Bishops Edsel A. Ammons and James S. Thomas of the Ohio United Methodi t We t and East Conferences. Ranging in value from $500 to $5,000 per year, these awards are offered to qualified students of color after acceptance to the College and an evaluation of a written essay. A limited nu~ber of Distinguis?ed Arnrnon -Thomas Awards of up to one-half tuition are also available to outstanding students. Recipients must maintain ful ltime enrollment and satisfactory acaderr_iic_progress toward their degrees. Applica­ tions are available from the Office of Adrruss1on. 316

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