Tuition and Financial Assistance For information, please write to: Chairperson, Department of Art, Otterbein Col lege, Westerville, Ohio 43081, or call (614) 823-1508.
United Methodist Scholarships-There are United Methodist Denominational and Conference Scholarships for United Methodist students available each year. A number of these scholarships are awarded to Otterbein students each year. Applications may be obtained from The Financial Aid Office, Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio 43081, or call (614) 823-1502. Bridge Scholarships-Given to fulltime students transferring from community col leges with an earned Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree. Students with an A.A. and a 3.5 or better grade point average on a 4.0 scale receive $4,000 per year. Students with an A.A. and a 3.0 to 3.49 grade point average on a 4.0 scale receive $3,000 per year. Scholarships are renewable annually for a total of two years.
Otterbein Transfer Scholar Awards-Traditional-age transfer students who have attempted at least 12 quarter hours or 18 semester hours of coursework and who have earned a transferrable GPA of 2.8 or higher will receive a $2,500 Otterbein Transfer Scholar Award. This award is renewable during the regular academic year and is based on full-time enrollment. (If you qualify for an Otterbein Scholar Award
or Bridge Scholar Award, you would receive one of those awards rather than this transfer award.)
R.O.T.C. Scholarships-Air Force ROTC and Army ROTC offers four-, three-, and two-year scholarships. The four-year scholarship is applied for during the senior year in high school. Three- and two-year scholarships are offered to qualified men and women in college and are available in every major. The benefits provided by scholarships may include full payment of tuition, $600 per year for textbooks, and a monthly tax-free allowance of between $250 and $400. Upon entering the Professional Officer Course (POC), all cadets (scholarship and non-scholarship) receive the $350 per month tax free allowance. This information is subject to change. Through cooperative agreements, students attend Air Force R.O.T.C. classes at nearby Ohio State University and Army R.O.T.C. classes at nearby Capital Univer sity. Scholarship applications and additional information may be obtained by contacting Ohio State at (614) 292-5441 or Capital at (614) 236-6649.
Need-Based Assistance To be considered for need-ba ed financial aid, each student must file a Free Ap plication for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students accepted through the Office of Continuing Studies must also complete the Otterbein College Institutional Aid Form (IAF). There is a financial aid priority filing deadline date of April 1 . The FAFSA may be obtained from your high school guidance counselor, the Otterbein Financial Aid Office or completed online through a link at or www.FAFA.