Campus Life Opera Theatre presents a major production in the winter quarter with orchestra and full production values, and either scenes or a one-act opera workshop production in the spring. In addition, a fall opera/acting opportunity is available to all students who major in music, and whose major instrument is voice. All opera theatre projects are open by audition only. Opus One is a vocal jazz ensemble. Open by audition only. Otterbein Vocal Ensemble sings chamber music drawn from all periods and styles. Open by audition only. . Ottermen and Six in the City and men's and women's a cappella/pop ensembles. Open by audition only.
Theatre Otterbein College Theatre presents six productions during the academic year and three during Otterbein Summer Theatre to an annual audience of more than 27,000 people. Plays include Broadway comedies, classics, children's shows, musicals, contemporary pieces, and commissioned original scripts. Selected seniors also direct student workshops. Guest professional directors, designer and actors participate every year. on-majors may participate in theatre activities by volunteering through Cap & Dagger, the student organization, or by enrolling in Theatre 101.
Communication Activities
Publications College publications are under the review of the Student Media Board, a sub committee of the Student Life Committee. The College newspaper, The Tan and Cardinal, is published by a student staff each week during the academic year except during the summer term. Quiz and Quill is a publication of the Quiz and Quill Club and contains the best creative writing of current students. The college yearbook, The Sibyl, is published annually by a student staff. The Tan and Cardinal is sponsored by the Journalism program in the Department of Communication. The Department of English sponsors the Quiz and Quill.
Public Relations Otterbein sponsors a chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), a national, pre-profe sional organization for students interested in public relations. The Otterbein College Chapter sponsors a variety ofspeakers and workshops and a student-managed public relations agency. In addition, members of PRSSA are eligible for cholarships spon ored by the Public Relations Society ofAmerica, receive reduced rates at professional luncheons and workshops and may attend national and district conferences of PRSSA.
Radio Station WOB -FM. the student-run radio station, is under the direction of the Department of Communication. WOB al o offers co-~ui:n~ularopportunitie. for students major ing in communication and other related dr c1phnes. The station broadcasts 24 hours a day featuring an alternative music _format. Otterbein College sporting events and We terville area news and public affarrs. WOBN broadcasts at 101.5 FM and on-line at