increase in survival rates.
OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center is gearing up for its fifth annual Outpace Cancer Race, and we would be honored to see your organization partner with us to be a sponsor. This year’s race will be held in-person with a virtual option as well. We look forward to welcoming back the passionate runners/walkers who support the fight against cancer. The race will take place on the OU Health Sciences Center campus the morning of Saturday, April 1, 2023. Cancer patients and survivors will continue to be at an increased risk population due to low immunities caused by treatment for the foreseeable future. Additionally, economic adversities often hit cancer patients and their families especially hard as they must travel for cancer care and limit work hours. We can’t thank you enough for uniting with us this year in this fight to eradicate cancer.
Stephenson Cancer Center is Oklahoma’s only National Cancer Institute-Designated Cancer Center and is currently ranked number 1 among all cancer centers in the nation for the number of patients participating in clinical trials sponsored by NCI’s National Clinical Trials Network. It is the largest and most comprehensive oncology practice in the state, delivering patient-centered, multidisciplinary care for every type of cancer. As one of the nation’s leading research organizations, Stephenson Cancer Center uses the latest innovations to fight and eliminate cancer.
Patients treated at National Cancer Institute-Designated Centers have a 25%
The money raised by the race goes towards cancer research and patient supportive care for patients from Oklahoma and beyond who need a helping hand. Our mission is to improve cancer patient outcomes and eradicate cancer in Oklahoma and the nation.
We hope you will partner with us in this fight against cancer. The sponsorship packet is attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or how I can help your organization get involved in the Outpace Cancer Race.
Thank you,
Heather Ricchi, Special Events Manager
OU Health Stephenson Cancer Center
University of Oklahoma Foundation
Heather-Ricchi@ouhsc.edu (405) 271-2876
For more information please contact Heather Ricchi or visit outpacecancer.com.

Cancer Centers
In-Person Perks
• 25 Registrations for Your Team
• PA Announcements: Mention of sponsorship in recurring announcements at the event
• Race Shirt — Top/Largest Logo Spot
• Banner on Corral Gates: Opportunity to place one banner or promotional signage on-site the day of the race. Size and sign placement to be determined by SCC. Sponsor to provide banner.
• Promotional Tent on Race Day: Company will be provided a tent, table and 2 chairs to promote their business and initiatives of their choice. Name of the company will be displayed on the tent. Engaging activities and giveaways are welcome!
• Water Station Stops: Company logo on signage at one water station stop
• 15 VIP Parking Spots
• Promotional Item in Race Packet (3): Company is allowed to put promotional items in race packets that each registered runner receives
• Photo Booth Prints: Company logo printed on all photographs given to individuals from the photo booth
• Runners Bibs: Company logo printed on all bibs that runners will be wearing during the race
Other Promotional Perks
• Company Logo on Flyer
• Social Media Post — Group Thank You / Tag Account: A comprehensive thank you post that tags all sponsors at the relevant levels
• Social Media Post — Individual Thank You: An individual thank you post to the sponsor utilizing a mutually agreed upon image
• Company Logo Hyperlinked on Website
• Hyperlinked Mention in Email Thanking Runners: A comprehensive post-race wrap up email that names sponsors and hyperlinks to their website
• Facebook Ads — Co-Sponsored (3)
• Featured Email: A message in an Outpace email series that talks about why your organization participates in Outpace
• Company Logo on All Outpace Emails
represent the top two percent of cancer centers in the United States.

In-Person Perks
• 20 Registrations for Your Team
• PA Announcements: Mention of sponsorship in recurring announcements at the event
• Race Shirt: Company Logo on T-shirt
Stephenson Cancer Center is home to the state’s only Phase 1 Clinical Trials Program, ranked among the top 10 Phase 1 centers in the nation.
• Banner on Corral Gates: Opportunity to place one banner or promotional signage on-site the day of the race. Size and sign placement to be determined by SCC. Sponsor to provide banner.
• Promotional Tent on Race Day: Company will be provided a tent, table and 2 chairs to promote their business and initiatives of their choice. Name of the company will be displayed on the tent. Engaging activities and giveaways are welcome!
• 10 VIP Parking Spots
• Promotional Item in Race Packet: Company is allowed to put two promotional items in race packets that each registered runner receives
Other Promotional Perks
• Company Logo on Flyer
• Social Media Post — Group Thank You/Tag Account: A comprehensive thank you post that tags all sponsors at the relevant levels
• Company Logo Hyperlinked on Website
• Hyperlinked Mention in Email Thanking Runners: A comprehensive post-race wrap up email that names sponsors and hyperlinks to their website
• Facebook Ads — Co-Sponsored (3)
• Featured Email: A message in an Outpace email series that talks about why your organization participates in Outpace

Stephenson Cancer Center is the state’s only cancer center to be designated by the National Cancer Institute. In-Person Perks
• 15 Registrations for Your Team
• PA Announcements: Mention of sponsorship in recurring announcements at the event
• Race Shirt: Company Logo on T-shirt
• Banner on Corral Gates: Opportunity to place one banner or promotional signage on-site the day of the race. Size and sign placement to be determined by SCC. Sponsor to provide banner.
• Promotional Tent on Race Day: Company will be provided a tent, table and 2 chairs to promote their business and initiatives of their choice. Name of the company will be displayed on the tent. Engaging activities and giveaways are welcome!
• 5 VIP Parking Spots
• Promotional Item in Race Packet: Company is allowed to put one promotional item in race packets that each registered runner receives
Other Promotional Perks
• Company Logo on Flyer
• Social Media Post — Group Thank You/Tag Account: A comprehensive thank you post that tags all sponsors at the relevant levels
• Company Logo Hyperlinked on Website
• Hyperlinked Mention in Email Thanking Runners: A comprehensive post-race wrap up email that names sponsors and hyperlinks to their website

Stephenson Cancer Center
is Oklahoma’s leading cancer research organization, with more investigators and more cancer research funding than any other organization in the state.
In-Person Perks
• 10 Registrations for Your Team
• PA Announcements: Mention of sponsorship in recurring announcements at the event
• Race Shirt: Company Logo on T-shirt
• Banner on Corral Gates: Opportunity to place one banner or promotional signage on-site the day of the race. Size and sign placement to be determined by SCC. Sponsor to provide banner.
• Promotional Tent on Race Day: Company will be provided a tent, table and 2 chairs to promote their business and initiatives of their choice. Name of the company will be displayed on the tent. Engaging activities and giveaways are welcome!
• 5 VIP Parking Spots
Other Promotional Perks
• Social Media Post — Group Thank You/Tag Account: A comprehensive thank you post that tags all sponsors at the relevant levels
• Company Logo Hyperlinked on Website

One in six Oklahomans diagnosed with cancer receive care at Stephenson Cancer Center, coming from every county across the state.
• PA Announcements: Mention of sponsorship in recurring announcements at the event
• Race Shirt: Company Logo on T-shirt
Other Promotional Perks
• Social Media Post — Group Thank You/Tag Account: A comprehensive thank you post that tags all sponsors at the relevant levels
• Company Logo Hyperlinked on Website


In-Person Perks
• 1/2 Mile Sponsor (6 Available)
1/2 mile of the race will dedicated to your organization
Stephenson Cancer Center has Oklahoma’s only Immune Cellular Therapy (CAR-T) center.