Our Cathedral – Issue 26

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The Newsletter of St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth, Western Australia Issue 26 - July 2023 Print Post Approved 100019724 Communion, Mission and Participation. “ AT THE HEART OF A SYNODAL CHURCH. ” SPECIAL HOLY WEEK FEATURE INSIDE


These three words are the key themes for the forthcoming Synod on Synodality: they capture the Pope’s understanding of what a truly synodal Church should have at its heart.

Archbishop Costelloe SDB explains:


Communion basically refers to our ‘belonging to each other’ and therefore our recognition that we are responsible for each other, and should be able to depend on each other.

Mission refers to the truth that fundamentally because we are baptised, we are all called to recognise the beauty and privilege of having the gift of faith, and the Lord’s call to us to share that gift with others, not just in words, but also in actions - called in other words to look beyond ourselves and our own needs and put ourselves at the service of others.

Participation refers to the need for each of us, depending on our own circumstances, to play our part in the life of the community so that together we can form a true community of disciples, all cooperating together and all grateful for what each can bring to the common effort."

Editor’s Note:

Archbishop Costelloe SDB, “our” Archbishop and President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, was appointed a Member of the Preparatory Commission for the General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops which will be held in Rome, Italy, in October 2023.

The theme Pope Francis chose for the synod is:

Commenting on the publication of the working document for the first assembly of the Synod in October, Archbishop Timothy said, “Countless people have invested their hopes, their prayers, their time and their energy in helping the entire people of God consider how we can share in the mission entrusted by God to the Church.

This is the latest, and an enormously significant, milestone in a journey which has spanned several years. It represents both an invitation and an opportunity to remain engaged in prayer, reflection and ongoing discernment with all that has emerged so far, in what has been an unprecedented worldwide consultation.”

Our cover design this issue focuses on just three words –Communion, Mission and Participation.
“For a Church that Journeys Together: Communion, Mission and Participation.”
◆ Our Cathedral



The Cathedral has a wonderfully informative museum which is visited by many school children throughout the year.

The first exhibit they see includes this appeal to their imagination which grounds them in the long history of the place:

Imagine a bird flying across Whadjuk country (Perth) before the arrival of Europeans.

It would see Aboriginal camps along the banks of the Derbarl Yerrigan (Swan River). It would watch Aboriginal people fishing in the shallow waters and collecting food such as yanjid (bullrushes), milyu (samphire) and wida (zamia palm nuts).

And it would glide over the higher land of Wid’dogootogup (a place for storing zamia nuts), where St Mary’s Cathedral now stands.

The place on which our beautiful Cathedral stands was a place of gathering for millennia and the link of the Whadjuk people to this land endures.

‘How could it be otherwise?

That peoples possessed a land for sixty millennia and this sacred link disappears from world history in merely the last two hundred years?’ (Uluru Statement from the Heart).

This history was acknowledged in 2009 at the opening of the latest addition to the Cathedral:

Noongar elders welcomed the congregation to this place and the addition included a pathway designed by Noongar artist Laurel Nannup which depicted elements of traditional Aboriginal life and the coming of Christianity.

This celebrates the Cathedral as a place which draws together many people, including all of us ‘who’ve come across the seas’.

Our Cathedral is committed to the ongoing journey of reconciliation with the First Peoples of this amazing land.

I am grateful to our many supporters, parishioners, volunteers and staff who make the Cathedral a place of welcome.

With your support we shall continue to be a place of beauty, and gathering for generations to come.

I remain, your brother in Christ,


Fernandez Dean, St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth.

Very Rev Sean Fernandez Dean and Administrator St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth The Cathedral parish acknowledges the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation, the Traditional Owners who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to this country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of reconciliation.
Issue 26 - July 2023 ◆ 1



Forthcoming activities and events at St Mary’s Cathedral. 8 Jul 4pm Monthly Filipino Mass 9 Jul 11am World Youth Day Commissioning Mass 19 Jul 9:30am Agency Thanksgiving Mass 20 Jul 10am Praise & Worship Celebration 23 Jul 11am Orchestral Mass 24 Jul 5pm Secondary Sacred Choral Section 28 Jul 5pm Secondary Sacred Choral Section 30 Jul 2:30pm WASO Concert 12 Aug 4pm Monthly Filipino Mass 19 Aug 10am Marriage Day Mass 2023 19 Aug 6pm Vigil Mass with First Communion 24 Aug 12pm Catholic Assistant Principal Association Mass 29 Aug 9am Mass for Catholic Health Australia 7 Sep 6pm Mass for Australasian Catholic Press Association 8 Sep 12:10pm Mass with Presentation of Rosary Bouquet (Legion of Mary) 8 Sep 12:45pm Rosary led by Legion of Mary 9 Sep 4pm Monthly Filipino Mass 9 to 10 Sept Child Protection Sunday 10 Sep 1:45pm Ave Maria Recital 2023 17 Sep 11am Mass with Adult Confirmation 22 Sep 9:30am Mercedes College Mercy Day Mass 13 Oct 6pm Knights of the Holy Sepulchre Vigil Service 14 Oct 9:30am Knights of the Holy Sepulchre Investiture 15 Oct 5pm Aboriginal Sunday Mass 16 Oct 5pm Mercedes College Graduation Mass 19 Oct 5:30pm Trinity College Graduation Mass 20 Oct 6:30pm Mater Dei College Edgewater Year 12 Graduation Mass 22 Oct 11am Mass with Admission of New Choristers 26 Oct 7pm CEWA Catechist Team Commissioning Mass 2 Nov 7:30pm Archbishop’s Liturgical Launch - Christmas Appeal for LifeLink 2023 11 Nov 4pm Monthly Filipino Mass 13 Nov 10am Loreto Nedlands Anniversary Mass 17 Nov 5pm Divine Mercy College Year 12 Graduation Mass 24 Nov 7pm Ordination to the Diaconate 26 Nov 7:15pm Cathedral Concert Cathedral Welcomes Organist from Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris Pg 20 WAAPA Pg 21 Tradition of Volunteering Continues Pg 22 UWA Concert Pg 24 Confirmation Mass Pg 25 Ordination of Rev Andres Felipe Cortes Pg 26 Diocesan Assembly Launch Pg 28 Ordination of Deacon Sheldon Burke Pg 30 Mass with Choristers Ribbon Award Ceremony Inside Back
About Our Cover Inside Front A Warm Welcome from The Dean Pg 1 The Cathedral Diary / Contents Pg 2 Mercedes College Opening Mass Pg 3 Catholic Education WA Celebrates Annual Commissioning Mass Pg 4 St Mary’s Cathedral Launches Modern Slavery Project Pg 6 Scholarship Recipients Return to Travelling the World Pg 8 Intercessory Prayer Service for Peace in Ukraine Pg 10 Mass for Day of the Unborn Child Pg 12 Ordination of Nicholas Diedler Pg 14 Holy Week at St Mary’s Cathedral Pg 16 2 ◆ Our Cathedral

Mercedes College Opening Mass

Mercedes students and staff attended a special Opening Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral on the first day of Term to celebrate the start of the school year. This was the first official event for 2023, providing the perfect opportunity to welcome new students and staff to the College, and to ask for God’s blessings for the year ahead.

The commissioning of the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion also took place at the Mass. Students undertook training during their school holidays to prepare for the Rite of Commissioning, immersing their hearts and minds in study before commencing their new roles.

Mrs Kerrie Fraser, Principal, said the timing of the event was significant as it called for staff and students to join together to honour their commitment to Mercy education.

The Sisters of Mercy as well as representatives from Mercy Education attended the mass and enjoyed a morning tea at the College afterwards.

Mikayla Lobo, Year 12, presenting the Eucharist during Communion. Commissioning of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
31 JANUARY 2023
Mercedes College Principal, Mrs Kerrie Fraser, addresses staff and students.
Issue 26 - July 2023 ◆ 3

Catholic Education WA Celebrates

Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton warmly welcomed principals, teachers and staff members to the Commissioning Mass for Catholic Schools which this year coincided with St John Bosco’s Feast Day.

The Mass, celebrated by Bishop Sproxton, was concelebrated by Vicar General, the Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG, Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn, Congregational Leader of the Salvatorians in Australia, Fr George Kolodziej SDS, Osborne Park Parish Priest, Rev Fr Wilson Donizetti as MC, assisted by Catholic Education Director of Religious Education, Deacon Mark Powell and several priests from across the Archdiocese.

Approximately 1000 principals of schools from across Western Australia were joined by teachers, staff, a great number of parish priests and special guests including:

• His Excellency, The Honourable Chris Dawson APM, Governor of Western Australia,

• WA Minister for Education; Aboriginal Affairs; Citizenship and Multicultural Interest, The Hon Dr Tony Buti MLA,

• Ms Jaqueline McGowan-Jones, Commissioner for Children and Young People WA,

• CEWA Commission Chair, Ms Eva Skira AM,

• CEWA Acting Executive Director, Mr Wayne Bull,

• CEWA Acting Deputy Executive Director, Dr Tony Curry,

• Members of the Catholic Education Commission WA and CEWA Executive.

During his homily, Bishop Sproxton spoke extensively about the Founder of the Salesian Order – Saint John Bosco.

31 JANUARY 2023
CEWA Director of Religious Education, Deacon Mark Powell, processes into St Mary’s Cathedral with the Book of Gospels.
4 ◆ Our Cathedral
Teachers from Catholic schools across WA carry commemorative scrolls into the 2023 Commencement Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral.

Annual Commissioning Mass

“He lived between 1815 and 1888 and he has left to the Church, and to the world at large, an educational, apostolate that has made a difference to millions and millions of people.

He’s an interesting man and character. He was subjected to visions and dreams. And in these dreams and visions, he would be able to discern the Word of God in a in a very interesting way.

History has it that in one of those dreams, St John saw himself in the midst of a group of young people who were fighting and cursing one another. And he tried his very best to pacify this crowd of young boys and teenagers. When he heard the voice of a mysterious lady, saying to him, ‘Softly, softly, if you wish to win them, use your shepherd’s staff and lead them to pasture’.

From that, he began to consider his calling for the rest of his life, to be a teacher, and eventually to become a priest,” said Bishop Sproxton.

In recounting the work of St John, Bishop Sproxton explained that all those gathered for the Mass on shares the same belief of St John.

“The students we encounter, we hope, will be transformed as we walk with them. This should be the encounter of all staff members here, those in the classroom, those supporting the work of education in the school in various ways in administration, even keeping the gardens in proper order. All of us have something to contribute to the formation and education of our young people. And it’s a two-way street. This encounter that we set up between us and them, we certainly hope that their encounter with us will provide the spark that will help them grow and become what they can be.

And on our side, this walking together with our students, will challenge us to also grow and be better in our vocation. As we reflect daily, on the what, and the how, of what we do and say,” Bishop Sproxton said.

As part of the official ceremony, new teaching staff to the Archdiocese of Perth were commissioned by Bishop Sproxton in addition to being provided with a Commemorative Scroll.

CEWA Acting Executive Director, Mr Wayne Bull, addresses staff and guests at the Mass
Issue 26 - July 2023 ◆ 5
Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton spoke of the work of St John Bosco. This year’s Mass coincided with the Saint’s Feast Day. St Mary’s Cathedral Parish Council Member, Tony Meyrick, Cathedral Manager, Victor Hoa, WACMRO Director, Deacon Greg Lowe and Cathedral Dean, Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, show details of the Modern Slavery Project. Cathedral Dean, Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, signs the Modern Slavery Project agreement.
6 ◆ Our Cathedral
Parishioners enjoyed a sausage in a bun on the lawns of the Cathedral.

St Mary’s Cathedral Launches Modern Slavery Project

St Mary’s Cathedral Parish launched its Modern Slavery Project in February. The Project will run until the end of the year and during that time, the Cathedral Parish will review its procurement policy, host several faith formation and social education sessions as well as a morning tea introducing Fairtrade products.

“We need to ensure that the way we act as a Catholic community is consonant with our belief in the dignity of each person. We do not want to support structures which exploit or enslave our brothers and sisters. We will be investigating our own supply chains to identify where there might be risk,” Fr Sean explained.

The launch of the Project included a sausage sizzle hosted on the lawns of the Cathedral by the St Mary’s Cathedral Parish Pastoral Council.

Tony Meyrick, Liaison Officer the Project, said the parish has already undertake a significant amount of work in planning across the year and was keen to see it through to its completion. “It is a good that we can do, and I believe it’s a good we should do” Mr Meyrick said.

Cathedral Manager, Victor Hoa, said he is glad the parish has signed on to this Project. “I believe it will assist in the faith maturation and individual personal growth of our community. It’s a win-win for all involved,” Mr Hoa said.

Grace Kurniawan, WACMRO Officer working with St Mary’s Cathedral on the project, observed that the data on forced labour in our region and here in Australia is clear.

“The impact on victims and their families is heart-wrenching. I think St Mary’s Cathedral is undertaking a very important step by responding to the issue in such an efficient and effective way,” said Ms Kurniawan.

WACMRO Director, Deacon Greg Lowe, noted that despite a relatively small procurement spend, St Mary’s Cathedral has decided to combat modern slavery by ensuring it doesn’t contribute to it.

“They should be commended for this considered act of neighbourly love,” Deacon Greg said.

Issue 26 - July 2023 ◆ 7
Tony Meyrick, Victor Hoa, WACMRO Officer, Grace Kurniawan, Director Deacon Greg Lowe and Fr Sean enjoy a sausage sizzle following the launch of the Modern Slavery Project at St Mary’s Cathedral.

Scholarship Recipients Return to Travelling the World

The BJ Hickey Scholarship is back in full swing doing what it does best – equipping students to travel interstate and around the world in their pursuit of the study of Word of God.

Scholarship recipients gathered at St Mary’s Cathedral in February to receive their certificates, listen to past experiences of students who had travelled to study Scripture, and network


Archbishop Barry James Hickey speaks of the importance of Scripture studies.

Opened with a prayer by Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation, Fr Vincent Glynn, the first part of the event featured an address by Centre for Faith Enrichment Director, Dr Marco Ceccarelli, and founder of the scholarship programme, Emeritus

WhenInvited to share the reasons why he opened the Scholarship Programme, Emeritus Archbishop Hickey acknowledged that he always felt that his own Scripture studies had been insufficient, especially as he undertook them in Rome in Latin, with no English Bible at hand. Only later in his priestly life, was he able to study the Scriptures in depth and visit the Holy Land.

He stressed how proud he was that this scholarship program enables many lay people to study the Scriptures and get to know the Bible as a book, as well as the places in the Holy Land where Jesus and His disciples

Archbishop Hickey expressed his hope that this scholarship program will continue to might bear fruit beyond his own lifetime.

CFE’s new Senior Project Officer, Sr M Luka Juenemann ISSM, introduced and called forward each recipient who were presented their certificates by Fr

As the scholarship recipients set out to grow in familiarity with the Scriptures, Archdiocese of Perth eagerly awaits their return so it too can be enriched with their

Scholarship recipients pictured with Emeritus Archbishop Barry James Hickey and the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn, Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation.
8 ◆ Our Cathedral

Recipients of this year’s BJ Hickey Scholarships included:

Ed Pytlowany

July Program at Tantur Ecumenical Institute in Jerusalem - a Bible study course infused with the spiritual and theological significance of the Holy Land.

Naiara Galea

Course on Salvation History and Acts of the Apostles for a Diploma of Catholic Youth Ministry at Acts 2 College of Mission and Evangelisation.

Karen Pertile

16-day Study Tour of the Biblical Lands in Israel with Dr Rosemary Canavan. The tour is focused on the Gospel of Luke, and includes travel to Capernaum, the Sea of Galilee, Nazareth, Magdala, the Jordan River, the Mount of Olives, the Western Wall, Bethany, Qumran, and Bethlehem.

Jennie Jago (on behalf of Sharee Hart, Karen Pertile, Caitlin Reynolds, Thomas Atkins, David Colace, Esther Vallance and Jacqueline Riches)

Funding toward supporting Notre Dame students undertaking a Scripture and Church Course at Notre Dame University – the course is aimed at offering aspiring teachers an opportunity to travel to Israel.

Vinita Weaven

Online Bible Studies course at Notre Dame University as part of a Certificate of Theology Program.

Issue 26 - July 2023 ◆ 9
A member of the Ukrainian Catholic community sings a hymn in prayer during the ecumenical service.
10 ◆ Our Cathedral
Ukrainian Catholic Church, St John the Baptist Church Perth Parish Priest, Fr Ihor Holovko raises the Cross in prayer, during the Vigil Service.


The Perth Catholic Ukrainian community and friends joined together at St Mary’s Cathedral, one year on from the commencement of the war on Ukraine.

“Tonight is a further demonstration of our sense of unity, in the sense that we pray together, that we call upon Jesus Christ, who says that where two or three are gathered in my name, I’m there in their midst,” said Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton.

Joining Bishop Don was Cathedral Dean, the Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, WA Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office Director, Deacon Greg Lowe, Ukrainian Catholic Church Parish Priest Fr Ihor Holovko, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St Nicholas the Wonderworker, Very Rev Vasyl Olevych, and St George’s Anglican Cathedral Dean, the Very Rev Chris Chataway.

“That we can draw upon that faith that Jesus Christ is with us tonight as we pray together, and also, that Jesus Christ is there with the people of Ukraine,” Bishop Don continued.

“Tonight is a further demonstration of our sense of unity, in the sense that we pray together, that we call upon Jesus Christ, who says that where two or three are gathered in my name, I’m there in their midst,” said Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton.

“We call upon the spirit of Christ, to bring a healing in the hearts of everyone affected by this as a war.”

Representing the Ukrainian Catholic community, St John the Baptist Church Parish Priest Fr Ihor Holovko said the Service was a beautiful opportunity to pray for peace in Ukraine, but also for all the families and friends of people who are supporting the community.

“We continue to pray for victory over evil every day, for the conversion of hearts of the Russian people,” Fr Ihor said. Fr Ihor said that for him, the past 12 months have been a very defined mission of helping the community every way he can. “It has motivated, all of us, I think, to do what we can when we have seen people in need – a bit like the words of St Mary MacKillop. We are called to go out and find the lost sheep, just like the good shepherd,” he said.

24 FEBRUARY 2023
Issue 26 - July 2023 ◆ 11
Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton (fifth from left) with (second from left) Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Very Rev Vasyl Olevych, St Mary’s Cathedral Dean, the Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, St George’s Anglican Cathedral Dean, the Very Rev Chris Chataway, Ukrainian Catholic Church Parish Priest Fr Ihor Holovko and WA Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office Director, Deacon Greg Lowe. Ukrainian Catholic Altar Servers Andrew and Michael are holding the candles.

An image of Our Lady of Guadalupe with the flowers given those present in honour of the babies who have passed away through miscarriage, still birth and abortion during the Mass for Day of the Unborn Child

12 ◆ Our Cathedral
Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton celebrated the Day of the Unborn Child Mass

Mass for Day of the Unborn Child

Finding hope in hard times; letting God move you through your suffering

Pregnancy Assistance Counsellor, Lisette Jas, said PA has been involved with organising this annual Mass for many years.

“The Mass is an occasion to commemorate the Annunciation when Jesus, the Son of God became an unborn child in the womb of His Mother. We celebrate the Sacredness of all human life,” she said.

Mrs Jas said, “The death of a baby at any stage of pregnancy can be a very sad, distressing, and overwhelming time. One in four pregnancies end in miscarriage, one in three pregnancies end in abortion, and about one in a hundred pregnancies end in still birth.

We must keep in mind that for the mother and father this can be a very emotional experience. The pain is real, so it is important that the grief response and impact associated with miscarriage, still birth and abortion is recognised because for the woman who had a pregnancy loss, it is a very personal loss,” she said.

Editor’s Note:

Pregnancy Assistance is a Perth based charity providing compassionate care, emotional, practical and informational support to women and men in need throughout their pregnancy and post birth. We also offer professional counselling for women and men affected by pregnancy loss (abortion, miscarriage, still birth and ectopic pregnancy).

The purpose of PA is to provide support for pregnant women who are experiencing difficult circumstances, distress or poverty due to unexpected pregnancy, abortion concerns, financial hardship, domestic violence, homelessness, relationship breakdown, mental health, grief & loss and drug addiction.

PA aims to create an environment in which every woman has free access to informational, practical and compassionate support when impacted by pregnancy or pregnancy loss.

18 MARCH 2023
Issue 26 - July 2023 ◆ 13
During the Mass for Day of the Unborn Child those present honoured the babies not with us, but are loved and not forgotten, by putting a flower in the baskets placed on the Altar. Newly ordained priest Fr Nicholas Diedler with Archbishop Costelloe SDB, Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey, Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, and Fr Nicholas’s parents, Jochen and Maria-Luisa and siblings Stephanie, Alexander and Maximillian. Fr Nicholas Diedler thanks his parents for the gift of faith following his Ordination to the Priesthood.
14 ◆ Our Cathedral
St Mary’s Cathedral Director of Music, Jacinta Jakovcevic, leads the choir during the Ordination.

“Called to do the will of the One who sent him,” said Archbishop Costelloe SDB

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB celebrated the Ordination to the Priesthood of former St Charles Seminary student, Nicholas Diedler. This Ordination to the Priesthood was one of three happening in Perth this year.

Joining Archbishop Costelloe for the occasion was Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, Vicar General the very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG, Episcopal Vicar Education and Faith Formation, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn, Vicar for Clergy, the Very Rev Fr Minh Thuy Nguyen, St Charles Seminary Rector, Fr Francis Nguyen, Archbishop Emeritus Barry Hickey and assisted by Deacons Jason Yeap and Errol Lobo.

Some 50 clergy from across Perth also joined the Archbishop for this joyous occasion. In his Homily, Archbishop Costelloe explained that it is God who has given us the gift of the ordained ministry as an indispensable ministry of service to God’s holy people.

“It is God who has stepped into Nicholas’s life, forming and shaping him for what is about to take place in his life this evening. And it is God, in the mystery of his providence, who has given Nicholas the grace he needs, and the people he needs, to help him say yes to the Lord who calls. Tonight, I hope and pray that the question of the psalmist – how can I repay the Lord for his goodness to me? - is both on Nicholas’s lips and in his heart,“ said Archbishop Timothy.

Perth born 28-year-old Nicholas grew up in Kingsley and attended the Cathedral Parish, joining St Charles Seminary in 2014 at the age of 19. He was ordained to the (Transitional) Diaconate Saturday 12 March 2022 at St John Paul II Church, Banksia Grove Parish amidst the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Speaking about his vocation journey, Fr Nicholas said that for him, growing up in a strong Catholic family and having the privilege to serve as an altar boy with his brothers prepared the foundation of his journey towards the priesthood.

“I am so very grateful to my parents who said yes to the will of God in giving me the capacity to live our faith at home. From my earliest days as an altar boy, I grew to love serving God in the liturgy which has progressed to me now being ordained a priest with an open heart and mind to listen to the will of God.

I had begun to consider seriously a priestly vocation in the last few years of high school, and then after engaging various career opportunities, I made the choice to enter the seminary and there seriously pursue this vocation and discern the will of God,” Fr Nicholas said.

Continuing his homily, Archbishop Costelloe proposed to the congregation to question what it means for a priest – and what will it now mean for Nicholas – to have the same mind that was in Christ Jesus?

“It means that as a priest, Nicholas must realise and make real each day that he is being called not to do his own will, but the will of the One who sent him.

Part of this, of course, will be his generous and wholehearted embrace of his promise of respect and obedience to his bishop. But it is more than that: ultimately it is obedience to God himself in all the ways He makes His will known,” said Archbishop Costelloe.

• Fr Nicholas has been appointed Assistant Priest to the Parish of Yangebup.

24 MARCH 2023
In ordaining Perth born Nicholas Diedler to the Priesthood, Archbishop Costelloe explained that it is God who has given us the gift of the ordained ministry as an indispensable ministry of service to God’s holy people.
Issue 26 - July 2023 ◆ 15
Perth Deacon Nicholas Diedler lays prostrate during his Ordination to the Priesthood for the singing of the Litany of the Saints.

Palm Sunday Mass

Chrism Mass

4 APRIL 2023
16 ◆ Our Cathedral


St Mary’s Cathedral and Parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Perth welcomed thousands of worshippers to celebrations during Holy Week this year.

Beginning with Palm Sunday, Archbishop Costelloe emphasised the words of St John Paul II at this year’s Palm Sunday Mass, inviting the congregation to remember the words “our witness (to Christ) would be hopelessly inadequate if we ourselves had not first contemplated his face.”

“St John Paul II wasn’t saying say that our witness will be incomplete, or less than perfect, or a bit unsatisfactory, if we have not first contemplated the face of Christ – but that it will be hopelessly inadequate. This takes us to the very heart of our faith. We Catholics believe, that is, we know with the certainty of our faith, that in Jesus we have so much more than a really good man who lived a wonderful life and left us a remarkable legacy and a powerful teaching,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

At the Chrism Mass, Archdiocesan priests joined Archbishop Timothy and Bishop Don for the Blessing of the three Holy Oils - Oil of Catechumens, Oil of the Sick and Oil of the Chrism. The Holy Oils are used in Parishes for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Anointing of the Sick.

“The Chrism Mass, in the Church’s long tradition, is that special occasion when the priests and their bishops reaffirm their communion with each other, and recommit themselves, in the presence of God’s priestly people, to their mission to be at the heart of the Christian community. This presence in and for the community is one of humble service, given to the Church by God. As brothers in the ordained ministry we, together with the deacons, are called to be enablers, the ones who help to make possible, the priestly vocation of all God’s people,” said Archbishop Costelloe SDB.

Then followed the Washing of the Feet on Holy Thursday, Stations of the Cross and the Solemn Celebration of the Lord’s Passion on Friday, the Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday and finally the joyous celebration of Easter Sunday Mass, where the Archbishop said:

Please enjoy these beautiful images from this year’s Holy Week celebrations.

“The precious gift of knowing and experiencing God’s love can set our hearts on fire.”
Issue 26 - July 2023 ◆ 17

Mass of the Last Supper

18 ◆ Our Cathedral
The Passion
8 APRIL 2023
9 APRIL 2023
Vigil Mass of Easter
Issue 26 - July 2023 ◆ 19
Solemn Sung Mass of Easter

16 APRIL 2023

Cathedral Welcomes Organist from Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris

“It was such a delight to once again host Johann Vexo at St Mary’s Cathedral. Johann is an organist at Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, and titular organist at Nancy Cathedral, France. This was Johann’s return visit to St Mary’s; he first came and performed here in 2019” said Jacinta Jakovcevic, Director of Music, St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth

“In the absence of Notre-Dame Cathedral cantor Damien Rivière who was unable to travel to Australia on this occasion, Johann was enthusiastic about working with our Vocal Ensemble who performed alongside him in the recital - it was a real coup for them to work with an international artist.

The repertoire included organ and vocal works of Bach and masters of the French symphonic organ school (Vierne, Durufle): a style in which Johann excels and which our grand organ responds to particularly well.

Johann also gave a masterclass to our Cathedral’s young organ scholars during his stay here.

It was heartening to see this event so well-received by an enthusiastic audience of just over 100 - and the artistic interaction was a true highlight of this short, but overall wonderful event.” Jacinta said.

Tutti company
20 ◆ Our Cathedral
Some of our Cathedral musicians amongst the student singers

4 MAY 2023


The month of May heralds concert season in Perth, and the first concert held at St Mary’s Cathedral for 2023 was presented by the students of the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA).

It was a delight to host the WAAPA students once more as they return each year for a performance at the Cathedral. This particular concert featured some rarely heard 19th century choral works as well as a perennial favourite of audiences and musicians alike: Vivaldi’s Gloria.

An audience of over 400 guests enjoyed this programme of music presented with such vibrancy and dynamism from the young students. Congratulations to all the students involved.

WAAPA students at the Cathedral
Issue 26 - July 2023 ◆ 21
Jonathan Tooby conducts the WAAPA students

Tradition of Volunteering Continues: Bishop Sproxton gives

Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton paid tribute to volunteers at the annual National Volunteers Week Thanksgiving Mass in May.

Co-ordinated in the Archdiocese of Perth by Catholic Social Services WA (CSSWA) National Volunteers Week is celebrated across Australia from 15 to 21 May. Parishes across the Archdiocese were also invited to commemorate the occasion and acknowledge the volunteers who contribute to their communities.

Joining Bishop Sproxton for the Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral was Cathedral Assistant Priest, Fr Richard Rutkauskas together with some 800 people including numerous volunteers from agencies and parishes across Perth.

Noting several individuals across WA who are being considered for awards in various categories, Bishop Sproxton highlighted that all have found the time to devote to organisations that are dedicated to lifting up and inspiring many in our communities that otherwise would be overlooked and left behind.

“The time that they give, with quite some passion, greatly contributes to and adds value to community projects and the vision of good people “who see a need and do something about it”, as St Mary MacKillop would often say. Volunteers are to be found in all areas of society. So, it is not surprising to find them in every community of the Church as well,” said Bishop Don.

Bishop Sproxton shares the story of when he was in primary school at Bayswater and Bedford, schools depended on the parents, firstly, to build the school by self-help and then, continue to develop the amenities needed for a more complete education of their children.

Speaking about his own experience of volunteers, Bishop Sproxton retold how when he was in primary school at Bayswater and Bedford, schools depended on the parents, firstly, to build the school by self-help and then, continue to develop the amenities needed for a more complete education of their children.

MAY 2023
thanks for ‘those who worked hard with the little that they had’
22 ◆ Our Cathedral

“Many of our primary and secondary schools were financed and even physically built by the fathers and mothers who gave up their weekends and weekday evenings for the sake of their children. These were great days in those schools’ histories. There was great community spirit. Without them it is hard to imagine what the vision of Catholic Education would have become,” he said.

Bishop Sproxton emphasised that these volunteers worked hard with the little that they had, with their own hands, using their skills without counting the cost.

Quoting a verse from the Gospel of John, CSSWA Officer, Grace Kurniawan, said the scriptural passage speaks about the faith and commitment the Church community has towards God’s word.

“God does not require us to show grand gestures of faith and love for him but instead, God looks at all the smaller efforts of kindness and love we commit in His name. I wish to draw your attention to our Volunteer Handbook resource, which lists Catholic agencies of the Archdiocese that provide volunteering opportunities for anyone wishing to get involved in the ‘good works’ of the Catholic Church,” she said.

At the conclusion of Mass, Bishop Sproxton invited volunteers to stand for a special blessing.

Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton speaks with parishioners at the conclusion of the National Volunteers Week Thanksgiving Mass at St  Mary’s Cathedral. CSSWA Officer, Grace Kurniawan, highlighted how God looks at all the small efforts of kindness and love we commit.
Issue 26 - July 2023 ◆ 23
A volunteer stands for a Blessing during the annual National Volunteers Week Thanksgiving Mass.


Massed Voices in Surround Sound

Students from the UWA Conservatorium of Music, together with the Winthrop Singers and Choristers from St Georges College (UWA) were warmly welcomed back to St Mary’s Cathedral for this year’s concert.

Those fortunate to be present at this year’s concert experienced a ‘surround sound’ experience. There were altogether five choirs present on the day with over 100 singers - the first time the Cathedral has ever had this many choirs present singing at the same time.

The highlight of the programme was ‘Ecce Beatam Lucem’ by Italian Renaissance composer Alessandro Striggio. Created in the 1500s, but only discovered recently, it was written for a 40-part choir.

Jacinta Jakovcevic, Director of Music, St Mary’s Cathedral said, “For our performance of this piece, our combined choirs stood in a giant semicircle in the Cathedral surrounding the audience with dynamic streams of sound - a truly amazing experience”.

Filling the Cathedral with superb sound
Andrew Foote conducts the Striggio 40-part motet Cathedral Choir sings together with four other choirs The Winthrop Singers take part in the concert
21 MAY 2023
24 ◆ Our Cathedral

Confirmation Mass

More than 50 young people received the gift of the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Confirmation on the Feast of Pentecost.

In confirming the Candidates, Archbishop Costelloe explained that they will be overshadowed by the power of God‘s Holy Spirit who will renew and deepen in them the gift of faith, of hope, and of love which are at the heart of every Christian life.

“When we speak of the Sacrament of Confirmation, which so many of us have already received, we speak of it as one of the Sacraments of full initiation into the life of God’s Church,” said Archbishop Costelloe SDB. Speaking about the fundamental Christian vocation which we all share, Archbishop Costelloe referred to the explanations of one of the great saints of the early Church, Saint Augustine.

“In baptism the Holy Spirit comes to us as the giver of life. Through the Holy Spirit’s power, we are united to Christ as the one who brings us life and sets us free from sin. In Confirmation, the Holy Spirit is at work in us to strengthen and deepen our faith so that we can share the gift of life we have been given with others, especially through our witnessing to the Gospel by the way we live,” he said.

His Grace continued by saying that through the work of the Holy Spirit in the Eucharist, the bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ and the Lord comes to us as food for our strength and joy and growth.

“These three realities in our lives as Catholics all work together to remind us that the faith we have been given is a faith we are called to share with other, and a faith which the Lord in His love and care for us wants to deepen. This is exactly what Saint Paul is getting out when he speaks of the Church, the community of faith of which we are all a part, as the living body of Christ, the ongoing presence of Christ in the world today,” said Archbishop Costelloe.

28 MAY 2023
“Through the Holy Spirit’s power, we are united to Christ,” said Archbishop Costelloe
Issue 26 - July 2023 ◆ 25

2 JUNE 2023

Perth gains another Priest called to prayer, courage and humble service. THE ORDINATION OF REV ANDRES FELIPE CORTES

Newly Ordained Priest, Fr Felipe Fernandez, “was called to be a man of prayer, a man of courage and a man of humble service to God’s people” said Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton.

Fr Felipe is the second priest to be ordained this year in addition to two Diaconate Ordinations.

Joining Bishop Sproxton as concelebrants for the ordination was Vicar General, the Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG, Redemptoris Mater Seminary Rector, Fr Michael Moore SM, Archbishop Emeritus Barry Hickey, assisted by Deacon Jason Yeap. Some 20 priests from across the Archdiocese were also present for the occasion, with the Mass also livestreamed for Felipe’s family and friends in Colombia to be able to join in the celebration.

His parents, Maria-Rocio and Diego, travelled to Perth from Colombia for the occasion, together with his sisters, Isabel and Ana-Lucia and brother Diego, who is a seminarian of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Amsterdam. Also attending from Colombia was Felipe’s Parish Priest Fr Yormen Rua from Popayán Colombia, in addition to Felipe’s uncle and other friends.

Bishop Sproxton said that new priest, Fr Felipe Fernandez, has been called to be a man of prayer, a man of courage and a man of humble service to God’s people.

Continuing his homily, Bishop Sproxton said that the priesthood asks of those who are called to go on a pilgrimage with God. and learning, growth in faith, and it’s lifelong. From that first moment of feeling a call, God draws close to us in a very special way.

The mystery which is ourself, is gradually open to us at the same time as the mystery of God is revealed to us. This is the experience and has been the experience of people of faith. It must happen for each of us, so that we can take up the Ministry of teaching, sanctifying and shepherding,” he said.

The newly ordained Fr Felipe Fernandez hails from the town of Popayán, Colombia and trained at Perth’s Redemptoris Mater Seminary, arriving in 2012 at the age of 19.

Fr Felipe Fernandez with Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, Archbishop Emeritus Barry Hickey, Fr Felipe’s family and friends who travelled from Colombia for the ordination including parents Maria-Rocio and Diego, sisters Isabel and Ana-Lucia, brother Diego, Parish Priest Fr Yormen Rua, Uncle and other friends.
26 ◆ Our Cathedral

Hailing originally from the town of Popayán, Colombia, 30-year-old Felipe trained at Perth’s Redemptoris Mater Seminary, arriving in 2012 at the age of 19. At the age of 13, he listened to a catechesis of the Neocatechumenal Way in his parish of Iglesia Espíritu Santo, Popayán.

“I joined [the Neocatechumenal community] at the time because my mother said it would be good for my life,” Felipe explained.

It was during his rebellious teenage years that Felipe recalled he experienced a moment of enlightenment, asking God to intervene. God certainly intervened, with Felipe “standing up” to offer himself for the priesthood during a vocation call in 2008 at a youth pilgrimage for the Neocatechumenal Way in Bogota. He then went on to stand up again at a national meeting of the Neocatechumenal Way in 2010.

Felipe said he quickly dismissed the call and didn’t think about it too much at the time. Felipe went on to complete secondary school and was looking to become a forensic scientist or chemical engineer, completing one year of university in the town of Cali, some 140kms from Popayán.

“I never thought to become a priest. I was concentrating on everything else around me – friends, parties, my studies,” he said. A conversation with his catechists of Cali from the Neocatechumenal Way in 2011, shortly before World Youth Day in 2011, had a profound impact. They had invited him to a meeting with young men who were thinking about a vocation to the priesthood.

This was followed by a meeting with seminary formators in Medellin, where he commenced his first year of training at the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Medellin. Several months later, Felipe was sent to Perth, Western Australia, after being chosen, together with some 30 other young men – to undertake their formation overseas.

For Felipe, the parable of the prodigal son particularly resonates with his life. “God really protected me, guided me, and showed me a much greater plan for my life than I could have ever created,” he said.

Bishop Sproxton said during the Ordination that Felipe’s ordination reminds the bishops, the priests and the deacons of the Archdiocese, that their ministry and service is Christ’s, just as the Church and its mission is Christ’s.

“To ignore this is to miss the mark, and to get in the way of Christ. Your experience of the power of the Word of God ensures that you will continue to listen with more and more trust to the voice of the Spirit. I am really so very grateful, and I hope that through him I can be a sign of his love and mercy to other young people. In turn, I pray that you will be a true guide and a model to others of the way of conversion and transformation,” said Bishop Don.

Fr Felipe lays prostrate his Ordination to the Priesthood. The newly ordained Fr Felipe thanks the congregation for their support, and also to his family and friends in Colombia who watched the Mass via a livestream.
Issue 26 - July 2023 ◆ 27
Felipe with his parents Maria-Rocio and Diego and sister Isabel during his Ordination to the Priesthood, Friday 2 June 2023 at St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth.


“We are called to remember that God who is Trinity is a God of Love, a God who sends His son Jesus Christ out of complete love for you and me,” said the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn, Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation, at the launch of the 2023-2024 Diocesan Assembly held on the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity.

“This is made very abundant to us when through the power of the Holy Spirit, our lives are transformed when we receive the Body and Blood of Christ in communion,” Fr Vincent said.

Formally launching the Assembly on behalf of Archbishop Costelloe SDB, Fr Vincent explained that convocation of the Assembly comes out of the recent Plenary Council held by the Church of Australia in 2021 and 2022.

“The call of the Plenary Council was for all the Church to open our hearts to listening and discerning where the voice of the Holy Spirit was leading the Church. The Plenary Council affirmed that the way the Church should be governed is in a synodal manner, with the appropriate participation of those who are baptised.

Episcopal Vicar, Education and Faith Formation, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn raises the Missal during the Mass for the official launch of the 2023-24 Diocesan Assembly.

This is certainly also in the heart and mind of Pope Francis, who is also calling for all the Church to be open and to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit with open hearts,” said Fr Vincent.

4 JUNE 2023
28 ◆ Our Cathedral
The Choir sings during the Mass for the launch of the 2023-24 Diocesan Assembly.

Approximately 1300 people were present for the Trinity Sunday Mass, following the announcement by Archbishop Costelloe in April this year that he would hold a Diocesan Assembly in September 2023. The Assembly will now be held in July 2024, with letters for the calling of delegates to be distributed in the coming weeks.

Speaking in his homily for the Mass, the Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation highlighted that our journey towards a Diocesan Assembly has already begun.

“After today - parishes, clergy, agencies, religious orders, education providers, youth - will be among groups of the Archdiocese who will be asked to select members who will commit to the journey of this Assembly. Those participating will be called to discern and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit,” said Fr Vincent.

In particular, the Archbishop, flowing from the Plenary Council, is eager to discern the role of a Diocesan Pastoral Council (DPC). A DPC is a council made up of members from across the Archdiocese to advise the Archbishop most especially on the pastoral life and activity of the Archdiocese.

“Those attending the Assembly will be asked to discern how this DPC can reflect the synodality asked for by Pope Francis. I ask today as we begin this journey towards an assembly that you pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit for all who will be involved. I also encourage you to not be afraid to participate where appropriate,” Fr Vincent concluded.

“God, who is Trinity, is a God of Love,” said Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn.
Issue 26 - July 2023 ◆ 29
Episcopal Vicar, Education and Faith Formation, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn elevates the Body and Blood of Christ during the Mass for the official launch of the 2023-24 Diocesan Assembly.

Ordination of Deacon Sheldon Burke

“Only God can make sense of our weakness and our foolishness and through them bring strength and wisdom to people’s lives,” said Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB in ordaining Rev Deacon Sheldon Burke CRS.

The Ordination to the Priesthood at St Mary’s Cathedral was attended by more than 850 people. Archbishop Costelloe was joined by concelebrants, Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, Vicar General the Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG, Episcopal Vicar Education and Faith Formation, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn, Somascan Provincial Fr Joseph Kakumanu CRS, (PP of York and also Congregational Leader) Frs Nicholas Diedler and Wilson Donizetti-Martins as MC, and assisted by Deacon Jason Yeap.

Livestreamed to family and friends across Australia and the world, the Ordination Mass was also attended by former Somascan Vicar Provincial and former Parish Priest of Spearwood, Fr Johnson Malayil CRS, who was also Fr Sheldon’s Postulancy Master, as well as Fr Beniamino Mino Arsieni CRS, who travelled from Rome, who was Fr Sheldon’s former Novice Master.

Our Catholic tradition, emphasised Archbishop Costelloe, has always recognised that Jesus, the living presence of God among us as one of us, is absolutely at the centre of our faith. “To be a Christian is to live as a disciple, in a relationship of fidelity, commitment and love with Christ,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

The youngest of three boys, Fr Sheldon is the son of Burmese (Myanmar) migrants Desmond and Shirley Burke. After graduating high school at Lumen Christi College in 2009, went on to study a degree in Biomedical Science at Murdoch University, graduating in 2012.

By this time however, the significant imprint from a trip to World Youth Day Sydney in 2008 at the age of 16 could not be ignored for much longer. Fr Sheldon noted meeting and feeling inspired by the numerous priests and seminarians present during the WYD journey, but not really understanding much about what their vocation meant.

“It was during the meeting with (then) Pope Benedict XVI, where he invited the young people to say a prayer to the Holy Spirit, everyone was holding candles and I knew in my heart God was speaking to me,” Deacon Sheldon said.

Growing up under the spiritual care and catechesis of the Vincentian Fathers at Maddington Parish, 31-year-old Sheldon Burke came to eventually know the Somascan Fathers through the friendship and guidance of the now Fr Chris de Sousa CRS, who also hails from Perth.

Joining the Somascan Fathers in 2014, Fr Sheldon underwent his first period of formation in the parishes of Spearwood and Rockingham, before heading to Italy for his year of novitiate and a further two years of study in philosophy at Rome’s Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.

Following his solemn profession in November 2020, Fr Sheldon relocated to the Somascan community in Sydney, New South Wales, where he served at the parishes of Moorebank and Holsworthy as a brother and later a deacon, while completing his studies at the Catholic Institute of Sydney.

17 JUNE 2023
“To be a Christian is to live as a disciple, in a relationship of fidelity, commitment and love with Christ,” said Archbishop Costelloe SDB.
Deacon Sheldon Burke CRS makes his promises of respect and obedience during his Ordination to the Priesthood.
30 ◆ Our Cathedral
The newly ordained Fr Sheldon Burke CRS with his father Desmond, far left, and brothers Warren and Brendon Burke and mother Shirley.

Speaking about the ministry of the priesthood, Archbishop Costelloe reflected on the words of Jesus when he said, “You did not choose me –no I chose you”. And in remembering those words I hope Sheldon will also remember the words of St Paul: “God chooses the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chooses the weak things of the world to shame the strong (1 Cor 1:27),” he said.

Sheldon will grow into the good and faithful priest we need him to be, noted Archbishop Costelloe, if he does remember these things: that it is all God’s doing, all God’s grace.

“Only God can make sense of our weakness and our foolishness and through them bring strength and wisdom to people’s lives. Our part is to be willing to allow God to work this miracle in us. If we are convinced that we are strong and wise, and have been chosen because of our extraordinary talents, insights or capabilities, then there is little that God can do for us or in us.

Our pride will make us obstacles to God’s healing and saving presence in the lives of his people, rather than the signs and bearers of his love that we are called to be,” said His Grace.

The newly ordained Fr Sheldon Burke CRS with parents Desmond and Shirley and brothers Warren and Brendon Burke, together with their wives and children.
Issue 26 - July 2023 ◆ 31
“Only God can make sense of our weakness and our foolishness and through them bring strength and wisdom to people’s lives,” said Archbishop Costelloe SDB in ordaining Rev Deacon Sheldon Burke CRS.

32 ◆ Our Cathedral

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JUNE 2023

Mass with Choristers Ribbon Award Ceremony

Jacinta Jakovcevic, Director of Music, St Mary’s Cathedral said, “In addition to the work of our Cathedral choristers during the year for our Sunday Masses, special occasions and concerts, some of them also choose to undertake extra developmental work in the form of courses run by the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM).

These courses are internationally recognised and are open to choristers of RSCM Member Churches throughout the world. In June, three of our younger choristers completed their first course of study (elementary level) and achieved their first ‘ribbon’ (Light Blue colour).

They were presented with their ribbons and medals in a special ceremony which took place at the end of the 11am Solemn Sung Mass,” said Jacinta. Congratulations to those recognised during the ceremony.

STOP PRESS. This just in…
Choristers being awarded their Ribbons and Medals.
Issue 26 - July 2023 ◆
Choristers receive hearty congratulations from the congregation.
Welcome to St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth Weekday Mass Times Monday to Friday 8.00am 12.10pm Weekend Masses Saturday 8.00am 6.00pm (Vigil) Sunday 8.00am 9.30am 11.00am 5.00pm (Youth Mass) Reconciliation Monday to Friday 11.00am to 12.00pm Saturday 5.00pm to 6.00pm MASS CENTRES St Francis Xavier Windsor Street, Perth Sunday 9.30am All Saints Chapel Allendale Square, Perth Monday to Friday 12.10pm Cathedral Office 25 Victoria Avenue, Perth WA 6000 Telephone: (08) 9223 1350 Email: cathedral@perthcatholic.org.au Cathedral Appeal Office Griver House, 249 Adelaide Terrace, Perth WA 6000 Telephone: (08) 6104 3638 Facsimile: (08) 6162 0345 Email: admin@stmarysappeal.com.au Parish Website: www.stmaryscathedralperth.com.au Appeal Website: www.stmarysappeal.com.au  | Archdiocesan Website: www.perthcatholic.org.au

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