Our City Miramar: November 2020

Page 17


Dr. Robert B. Donoway & Kathryn A. Donoway Pay It Forward BY TERRY JAILLET


hen Dr. Robert Donoway and Kathryn Donoway were planning their wedding, they knew it would be different than most. Getting married during the pandemic presented some challenges, but what set their marriage apart was the present they gave to each other and the community at large: The Donoway Center Foundation for Pancreatic, Liver, and Advanced Cancer Research. The foundation is an outgrowth of their desire to give back and, at the same time, to advance medical science. “When we see how others suffer during their cancer treatment we knew there were things we could

do to improve on it,” commented Dr. Donoway, “for years, I provided cancer surgery to many who couldn’t pay or could only a small portion. When Kathryn suggested that we ask our wedding guests to contribute to the Foundation, rather than the usual gifts, it just seemed quite natural.” Dr. Donoway has been at the forefront of the fight against cancer for over 30 years. He treats around 3,000 patients a year from around the world, not just South Florida. In a typical year, Dr. Donoway operates on 500-750 new cancer patients with an emphasis on cancers of the pancreas, liver, and breast, and treating melanoma and sarcoma.

Bride, Kathryn A. Donoway & her daughter, Sindi Anderson-Munoz

Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Donoway

Donoway Center has remained open and operating. In fact, Dr. Donoway “for years, I provided cancer has not missed a single office hour surgery to many who couldn’t of appointments. And, thanks to the pay or could only a small porprotocols put in place by Kathryn, tion. When Kathryn suggested none of their patients have contracted that we ask our wedding guests COVID during treatment. to contribute to the Foundation, The Donoway Center has rather than the usual gifts, it just embraced telemedicine, which makes follow-up and international seemed quite natural.” consultations easier. In keeping with their efforts to help, the Donoways Over the years, The Donoway have donated the fees from the Center has pioneered new therapies, international consultations to the like the tumor ablation program. Foundation. These treatments are very promising “Our goals for the foundation are and point toward a brighter future both aspirational and inspirational. for many patients, especially those We look to provide an opportunity suffering from pancreatic cancer. to undergo the cutting-edge treatPartners in Life ments insurance companies often The Donoways are both at home deny,” said Dr. Donoway, “In addition, and in the office. After meeting in there are many areas that warrant 2007, it was clear that Kathryn’s further investigation in determining business degree and legal backearly diagnoses. Though universiground would be ideal in reorganizties and cancer centers do a great job ing Dr. Donoway’s surgical oncology most forget that over 80% of patients practice. Kathryn has managed the receive their care in the community practice since 2009. She runs the they live in.” office, located in the Presidential The launch of the foundation has Circle in Hollywood, like a fine-tuned been incredibly well received by machine. What many people don’t current patients, “People really are see, however, is Kathryn’s charitable generous, and having suffered they side when she is helping cancer want others to suffer less.” patients navigate the insurance junMembers of the community gle or deal with a troubling diagnosis are welcome to contribute to The during the COVID crisis. Donoway Center Foundation for Cancer Treatment Pancreatic, Liver, and Advanced During a Pandemic Cancer Research. For more inforUnfortunately, cancer does not go mation or to contribute visit or away during an infectious disease call their office at 954-986-6366 crisis. During the pandemic, The OURCITYMEDIA.COM | OUR CITY | NOVEMBER 2020 17

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