
Dr. Laura Gonzalez, DMD, PA Purveyor of South Florida’s top designer smiles.
At Subaru of Pembroke Pines, we believe in something more. We believe in being a positive force in something bigger. We believe in helping our community. Not just by our donations, but by our actions. We believe in setting an example for others to follow. We believe the relationships we build should last a lifetime. We will strive to ensure that Love is felt, not just by our customers, but by all. We do this because we feel it is the right thing to do. We are Subaru of Pembroke Pines. We are so much MORE than a car dealer...
& Jacob founded The Palace over 40 years ago and they’ve always kept their hands-on style. They visit The
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& Terry Jaillet
Christy Jaillet
Art Director
Alana Brodie
Advertising Sales Manager Nancy Koval
John Brodie, Denise Caligiuri, Adrienne Collins, Caleb Furlong, Mariem Garcia, Carlos Medina, Kenny Rodgers, Silvia Silva
Terry Jaillet, Jon Duka, Dr. Robert Donoway, Dr. John Goodner, Amelis Lopez, Mayor Frank C. Ortis, Dr. Isabel Suate
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Visit Us Online 954-306-1007 400 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway Suite 200C • Sunrise, FL 33325
N ovember is a time when many of us take a moment to give thanks. But understanding how good we have it requires a bit of perspec tive. Social media algorithms combined with the current political environment can make our present-day problems seem insurmountable. The reality is we are living such fantastic lives that our great-grandparents wouldn’t be able to imagine them.
It is easy to be pessimistic. There is another bloody war in Europe, we are still feeling the after-effects of the worst pandemic since the Spanish Flu, Global Warming continues to pose a long-term threat, and price inflation has returned to the economy. These challenges may be with us for some time, but they will be overcome. We have already come so far, so fast.
100 years ago, in 1922, the life expectancy at birth was about 60 years; today it is 79. Antibiotics did not exist. There was about one vehicle on the road per 100 people. Two in three homes lacked electricity; six out of seven homes did not have a bathtub. A typical person completed about eight years of school; segregation was rampant across the southern U.S., and the most common job in America was a farm worker. And, this was during the “Roaring Twenties,” a period of relative excess. Things we take for granted today like air conditioning, the internet, air travel, television, and higher education simply didn’t exist.
Taking stock of all we have today makes us incredibly thankful. We live in comfort, in a beautiful community carved out of a swamp. Our children are relatively safe to pursue their passions. There are numerous educational opportunities for almost everyone. Each of us carries access to all the world’s knowledge in our pocket. Our community is an incredible melt ing pot of cultures. The necessities of life are almost universally provided for.
We are thankful for all we have.
The Emmy Award-winning 1970s Saturday morning pop culture phenomenon cartoon series, which taught history, grammar, math, science and politics through clever, tuneful songs, comes to the musical stage! The show is hosted at the Amaturo Theater at The Broward Center for the Performing Arts, Fort Lauderdale, at 11:30 am. Scan the QR code for tickets or to learn more.
The Rare Fruit & Vegetable Council of Bro ward is a non-profit dedicated to educat ing its members and the public about the methods for growing and propagating rare tropical fruits and vegetables and introduc ing the local community to new species of rare fruits and vegetables with promising nutritional value. They will host a plant sale from 9:30 am - 4:00 pm on Saturday and 10:00 am - 3:00 pm on Sunday at 5105 SW 208 Lane, Southwest Ranches. For more info visit or call 954-252-9216.
Since 2010 during this sacred time of year, the gate between Florida and Mictlán, the mythological Aztec “Land of the Dead”, opens as thousands of participants cos tumed like playful skeletons honor their an cestors in a FREE Signature Autumn Event for all of South Florida. 4:00 pm - 11:00 pm. Downtown Fort Lauderdale, Huizeinga Park, Riverwalk. For more info, scan QR code.
Be a part of something special! This race is part of a life-changing movement. Help transform the lives of every athlete in Broward County. This 5K run/walk will raise funds to support Special Olympics South Florida. The Sallarulo’s Race for Champions is held on the campus of Nova Southeast ern University. Registration will take place in the courtyard between the Carl DeSantis Building and the Rose and Alfred Miniaci Performing Arts Center. Scan the QR code to register or for more info.
The 2022 midterm election will be held. Be sure to contact the Broward Supervisor of Elections at to ensure you are registered and confirm your voting location. Early voting will be open from Monday, October 24 through Sunday, November 6.
Visit the Charles F. Dodge City Center as we welcome back Pembroke Pines’ annual Artfest in the Pines. Patrons and participants alike can expect eclectic and talented artists, fun-filled entertainment, family-friendly activities, and much more! 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. Visit artfest for more info.
On Veterans Day, we honor and remember every man and woman who has served in the United States Armed Forces to serve and protect our nation, defend the Consti tution, and the freedoms that we enjoy as Americans. Originally observed as Armi stice Day, commemorates the end of World War I when fighting ceased on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. The holiday evolved to be a cele bration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good of our nation.
The Frank welcomes children and their caretakers for Storytime Hour! This month’s edition celebrates Native American Heri tage Month with the book ‘We Are Water Protectors.’ After the reading, children can express their creativity with a guided art activity. Available to children ages 0-8, Noon - 1:00 pm at The Frank C. Ortis Art Gallery, 601 City Center Way. For more info, call 954-392-2120.
New Music and Food Series Rolling into Pines, Savor the Sounds is a fusion of music and food trucks - the perfect way to get the family together for a relaxing, feel good evening of good food and good music! Featuring music by different genres each month. 4:00 pm-7:00 pm at The Charles F. Dodge City Center, 601 City Center Way. Music provided by Shane Duncan Band (Country). For info call 954-392-2116.
Come out to Cowboy Town to watch the largest championship rodeo east of the Mississippi River, presented by the Week ley Brothers! Events kick off on Friday at 7:30pm. The action is constant and exciting as cowboys demonstrate their skill on top of some of the most powerful animals in the world. Gates open 1 ½ hours before show time. Rodeo is held at the Bergeron Rodeo Grounds, 4271 Davie Road. For more info or tickets visit or call 754-816-3183.
Join this discussion from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm about the thematics of The Frank’s exhibition, Morphogenesis, and how the artworks contribute to this concept. This event hosts moderator Yi Chin Hsieh, and guest speakers Beatriz Chachamovits, Lisa Haque, and Judith Berk King. Hosted at the Frank C. Ortis Art Gallery, 601 City Center Way, Pembroke Pines. To learn more call 954-392-2120 or scan the QR code.
Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you gather with family and loved ones to celebrate each other and give thanks for all that we have. In the words of John F. Kennedy, “Over three centuries ago, our forefathers in Virginia and in Massachusetts, far from home in a lonely wilderness, set aside a time of thanksgiving. On the appointed day, they gave reverent thanks for their safety, for the health of their children, for the fertil ity of their fields, for the love which bound them together, and for the faith which united them with their God.”
As soon as you walk through the doors at Best Smile Cosmetic Dentistry, you realize that this practice is different than others you may have been to. The calm, inviting ambiance makes you relaxed. That is a big difference from a typical dentist’s office!
Dr. Laura Gonzalez and her cosmetic dentistry team are focused on bringing their patients the stateof-the-art dental care and outstand ing aesthetic solutions — all in an exquisite environment that feels more like a spa than a dental office. We sat down with Dr. Gonzalez to learn more about what makes the practice different.
The atmosphere here is very calm and welcoming. Was that intentional?
Thank you. Both our Miramar and Pembroke Pines locations have a spa-like atmosphere. We want our patients to relax and enjoy their Life-Changing Smile Makeovers, not be anxious.
You mentioned “LifeChanging Smile Makeovers.” What services does that include?
Best Smile Cosmetic Dentistry is a boutique multi-specialty practice. Our doctors create healthy, beautiful smiles in a state-of-the-art facility. We offer a multi-specialty approach to dental care, ensuring that all of your dental needs are met, from rou tine cleanings, fillings, crowns, and root canals to the most advanced of treatments like full mouth recon structions, dental implants, sedation, and All-on-4. The team combines art and science to deliver truly flawless results.
You mentioned you offer the most advanced treatments. Tell us about the technology your team uses.
We have continuously invested in the latest advanced technologies available. These include intra-oral cameras to get highly detailed
Dr. Laura Gonzalez, DMD, PA , Purveyor of South Florida’s top designer smiles.
images of patients’ teeth and gums, digital x-rays, digital imaging, high-tech lasers for preventative, restorative, and cosmetic care, and a TENSing Unit. The TENSing Unit provides advanced Neuromuscular care. By gently stimulating your facial muscles, this machine can determine your jaw’s most comfort able position.
Tell us about your background.
I studied at NOVA Southeastern University and completed my residency training at Las Vegas
Institute for Advanced Dental Studies (LVI), the premier post-grad uate teaching facility in North America. Dentists from all over the world go to LVI to learn the most advanced cosmetic and neuro muscular dentistry principles and techniques. I have been practicing for 20 years now.
Yes we are! Visit at our website, or call one of our two locations to schedule an appointment today!
Local schools are partnering with Harvest Drive, Inc. to make sure local families don’t go hungry for Thanksgiving. The organization, in part nership with more than 200 schools, will provide a week’s worth of groceries plus a gift card or perishable items to ensure 2,400 families enjoy a Thanksgiving meal.
This is nothing new for Renee Herman who founded this grass roots non-profit organization 30 years ago on the principle of teaching children the importance of compassion and empathy for others. What began as an annual Thanksgiving Drive blossomed into a year-round volun teer-driven effort approximately 20 years ago.
Entering its 30th year, Harvest Drive continues its tradition by once again helping families to have a bountiful Thanksgiving feast and enough groceries for the holiday week.
Students at participating schools have been collecting non-perishable items, household goods, and grocery gift cards. Collections began mid-October and will conclude in early November. The items will be consolidated at 13 school-based distri bution sites to ensure that recipient families receive 6-10 bags of groceries in time for Thanksgiving.
The mission of Harvest Drive, Inc. is to promote the concept of philanthropy to local
students by providing the opportunity for them to give back directly to their commu nity in a basic and meaningful way. Students working in conjunction with community partners provide food and other neces sities including gently used clothing and household items to Broward County schools’ families in need during the Thanksgiving holiday and throughout the year. The Harvest Drive strives to educate students on the issue of hunger in our community and empower them to take leadership roles in lessening hunger’s devastating impact.
Members of the local community are encouraged to volunteer or donate canned goods and non-perishable items. Donations can be dropped off at Harvest Drive’s
flagship school, Western High School, on Wednesday, November 16 from 3:00 pm9:00 pm.
Food will be distributed at a number of locations across Broward County. Local distributions sites include:
16700 SW 48th Ct., Miramar 33027
Nov. 18th 5:00-7:00 pm gym
18600 Vista Park Blvd., Weston 33332
Nov. 9th 4:30 – 6:30 pm bus loop
1901 N. Federal Hwy., Hollywood 33020
Nov. 17th 5:00-7:00 pm JROTC Bay
Firefighters from Pembroke Pines Fire Rescue joined other units from local departments and deployed to the west coast of Florida following Hurricane Ian’s landing. Captain Nicolas Serio, Firefighter Logan White and Firefighter Nathaniel Fabal were deployed for 8 days to assist in the aftermath and devastation of Hurricane lan. While on deployment they assisted in transporting patients, search and rescue efforts, helped clear debris and assisted with resident evacuation.
The team traveled to the west coast of Florida as part of a convoy of Southeast Florida emergency vehicles. The team was dispatched shortly after Hurricane Ian made landfall. Pembroke Pines Fire Rescue team members were active taking calls, assisting with search and rescue missions and responding to fires & dangerous situations.
Hurricane Ian was the fifth strongest hurricane to hit American shores since wind speeds began being measured. More than 1 million homes and businesses were impacted by the storm.
Pembroke Pines Fire Rescue is now hiring for the position of Firefighter. Candidates must be state Certified Firefighters and EMT’s or Paramedics. Scan the QR Code to learn more or apply.
Dr La ura Gonzal ez's practice focuses on cosmetic and re storative treat ments in harmony with relaxing sp a amenities. Step into an environment where your co mfort and safety are of the utm ost imp ort ance and your smile is ca red for with the grace that only Dr. G and her staff can offer.
Dr. Laura Gonzalez, DMD, P.A., purveyor of South Fl orida's top designer smiles
Includes: An Exam , Cleaning, � X-rays, Cosmetic Imaging and Consultation Reg.$350
PEMBROKE PINES: 954•431•8484
Must Present this Ad by 12/31 /23
Get Your Best Smile. Make an appointment with Dr. Gonzalez today.
PEMBROKE PINES: 954•431•8484
Must Present this Ad by 12/31 /23
MIRAMAR: 954•248•2601
PEMBROKE PINES: 954•431•8484
Must Present this Ad by 12/31/23
MIRAMAR: 954•248•2601
PEMBROKE PINES: 954•431•8484
Must Present this Ad by 12/31 /23
The City of Pembroke Pines and the Frank C. Ortis Art Gallery present “Morphogenesis.” The exhibit will run through January 7, 2023 and is free to the public.
Illustrating the spontaneous and complex creation of form and its relationship to function. At the intersection of art and science, the artworks in this exhibition explore the areas associated with morphogenesis, such as shape generation,
pattern formation, adaptation, spatial and temporal order, and dynamic systems.
Exhibiting artists include Zoe Alexa, Milena Arango, Beatriz Chachamovits, Judith Berk King, Lisa Haque, Jill Hotchkiss, and Andy Lomas, presenting artworks in multiple formats that include video, sculpture, prints, and paintings. The Frank Aisles features the solo exhibition Weedscapes, portraits of illuminated undergrowth by artist Deryn Cowdy. The Third Space Gallery at The Frank features a solo exhibition by artist Isabel Gouveia. This program is presented by The City of Pembroke Pines and The Frank C. Ortis Art Gallery. Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture. Funding for this organization is provided in part by Broward County Cultural Division, Culture Builds Florida, Hello Sunny-Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention Center and Visitors Bureau.
The Frank C. Ortis Art Gallery is located at The Charles F Dodge City Center, 601 City Center Way and is open to the pub lic Tuesday through Saturday from 11:00 am till 5:00 pm. To learn more about cur rent and upcoming exhibits call 954-3929420 or visit
Four local students have been named Semifinalists in the 2023 National Merit Scholarship Program. Just 117 students who attend public or private schools in Broward County achieved this honor.
“This is an incredible honor for every student, and we are so proud of each of them for being recognized for their outstanding scores and academic achievements,” said education advocate Sandra Dubose.
The National Merit Scholarship Program was founded to identify and honor scholastically talented American youth and to encourage them to develop their abilities to the fullest. Only 1% of the 1.6 million entrants are selected as Semifinalists each year. The Semifinalists are students who achieve the highest scores on the PSAT/NMSQT in their respective states.
Local semifinalists included:
▸ Rebecca Lim, Pembroke Pines Charter High School
▸ Ryan Garcia, West Broward High School
▸ Nikash Jakkidi, West Broward High School
▸ Taylor Pierson, West Broward High School
7,250 of the Semifinalists go on to win scholarships. The winners are selected on a state-by-state basis and are judged to have the strongest combination of accomplishments, skills, and potential for success in rigorous college studies. NMSC winners receive a $2,500 scholarship and the honor of being a Nation Merit Scholar.
In order to become a Finalist, a Semifinalist must have an outstanding academic record throughout high school, be endorsed and recom mended by a high school official, write an essay, and earn SAT or ACT scores that confirm the student’s earlier performance on the qualifying
test. Semifinalists must also submit a detailed scholarship application which includes information about their academic record, participation in school and community activities, demonstrated leadership abilities, as well as honors and awards received.
Three types of National Merit Scholarships will be offered in the spring of 2023. Every Finalist will compete for one of 2,500 National Merit® $2500 Scholarships that will be awarded on a state-representational basis. About 950 corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards will be provided by approximately 180 corporations and business organizations for Finalists who meet their specified criteria, such as children of the grantor’s employees or residents of communities where sponsor plants or offices are located. In addition, about 160 colleges and universities are expected to finance some 3,800 college-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards for Finalists who will attend the sponsor institution.
National Merit Scholarship winners of 2023 will be announced beginning in April and concluding in July. These scholarship recipients will join nearly 368,000 other distinguished young people who have earned the Merit Scholar title.
▸ Learn more about the National Merit Scholarship program and how to apply at
The Performing Arts (PPTOPA) was founded in 1993 to provide low-cost, high-quality live theatre. The theater group routinely features local professional and non-professional actors in its productions. The coming season will include three Broadway-style productions including “Sweeny Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street” playing now, “Pippin” this spring, and a summer performance of “The Wiz.”
The spring show will be “Pippin.” While Stephen Schwartz’s PIPPIN originally opened on Broadway in October 1972 and is considered to be a ‘70s musical, it was actually originally written for the Scotch ‘n’ Soda Club by Schwartz while at Carnegie Mellon University in 1967. 1967 was the Summer of Love, Flower Power was at its peak and the War was raging in Vietnam. PPTOPA’s production will follow the 2013 Broadway revival libretto but will be intentionally stripped back and reimagined in its concept, allowing the audience to really find the heart of the piece and will be set in a storytelling circle reflecting back the spirit of the ‘60s/’70s in a fun, fresh and theatrical way.
Sweeney Todd has become a bloody, world wide success since being awarded eight Tony’s, (including Best Musical), for its Broadway premiere. Stephen Sondheim’s and Hugh Wheeler’s (A Little Night Music, Pacific Overtures) tasty, thrilling, theatrical treat has simultaneously shocked, awed and delighted audiences across the world.
An infamous tale, Sweeney Todd, an unjustly exiled barber, returns to nineteenth-century London, seeking vengeance against the lecherous judge who framed him and ravaged his young wife. The road to revenge leads Todd to Mrs. Lovett, a resourceful proprietress of a failing pie shop, above which, he opens a new barber practice. Mrs. Lovett’s luck sharply shifts when Todd’s thirst for blood inspires the integration of an ingredient into her meat pies that has the people of London lining up... and the carnage has only just begun!
PPTOPA is committed to providing the com munity with theatrical productions that inspire, entertain and celebrate the artistic process while incorporating diversity, cultural awareness and outreach through high-quality live theater and education that is available to everyone.
The theater company will present Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. The show follows a wrongfully imprisoned barber seeking to right the wrongs committed against him. He is Johanna’s father, singularly focused on taking bloody revenge.
PPTOPA is always looking for enthusiastic theatre lovers to get involved in their productions! Whether your interest is onstage, backstage, front of house, or in some other capacity behind the scenes, if you love theater, it is a great way to get involved.
▸ Performances are held at the Susan B. Katz Theatre, 17195 Sheridan Street, in the River of Grass Artspark. For information, to order tick ets or to volunteer, call 954-437-4884, visit or send an email to info@
▸ Scan the QR Code for tickets to Sweeney Todd and informa tion about auditions for future shows.
hen disaster strikes in your home, there is only one company to turn to 24, Hrs Restoration. The professionals at 24Hrs Restoration understand that every second of a disaster is crucial, so they are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The company specializes in fire and smoke damage, water and sewer extraction, mold remediation, individual and community board-up, and restoration services. Their team of skilled, trained ad insured technicians will be at your property within minutes of receiving your call.
When a South Florida property is damaged, it is extremely important to act immediately. Mitigating property damage early is the key to ensuring a small-scale issue doesn’t become a big problem.
Water damage in South Florida can come from many places. A leaky roof, a burst pipe or even a window left open can lead to water damage. If water damage is not treated quickly and properly additional damage to your house could result. 24Hrs Restoration’s team of qualified technicians will get to work within minutes to ensure your home is repaired and restored
Restoring your home after a fire requires a very special set of skills. 24Hrs Restoration specializes in fire damage and smoke damage cleanup, removal of smoke odors and the resto ration of the space back to its original condition (or even better).
Quickly and safely removing mold from a home can minimize the damage to your property and, more importantly, minimize the impact
mold can have on family members’ health. 24 Hrs Restoration’s Mold Remediation Team will get to work to remove and stop the spread of mold in your home.
Whether your family is facing a major disaster or a small water leak, 24Hrs Restoration is the ideal partner to call to ensure your home will be on the path to restoration. The owners and staff pride themselves on integrity and always act in their client’s best interest.
▸ If are in need of water, fire, mold, or hurricane remediation, call 24Hrs Restoration 877-400-2424 They are available day and night.
ealing after an injury involves a well-orches trated and complex series of events where proteins in the blood act as messengers to regulate the entire process. Many proteins involved in the healing process are derived from small cell fragments in the blood called platelets.
Platelets are small, colorless, cell frag ments present in the blood.
They are formed in the bone mar-row and are freely passing through the bloodstream in a resting state. However, when an injury occurs, the platelets become activated and start to gather at the injury site to release beneficial proteins called growth factors. This is the beginning of the healing process.
For many years, blood components derived from the patient and then delivered to the site of injury have created growing interest for use in orthopedic procedures. New research and technology have expanded the application of this therapy for use in orthopedic procedures.
By Dr. John GoodnerWhat is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?
HPlatelet Rich Plasma is a concentration of platelets and growth factors created from a small amount of your own blood. Increased levels of growth factors have the potential to improve signaling and recruitment of cells.
What conditions can it treat? PRP can be used to treat Arthritis (foot or ankle), Ligament Injuries (acute or chronic), Tendon Injuries (acute or chronic), Joint Pain, Chronic Inflammatory Conditions, Achilles Tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis, Chronic Nerve Irritation (Neuritis), Shin Splints and Heel Spurs.
How does the PRP process work? Our doctors will recover a small amount of blood from your arm using a small needle and a specially designed syringe. The blood then goes through a rapid spinning process that separates and concentrates the platelets and other beneficial growth factors from the blood. The entire PRP production process is usually done in less than 20 minutes.
What happens after that? The injected area will be anesthetized with a local anes thetic (Lidocaine). The blood with its PRP will be injected into the area directly or with the aid of ultrasound or x-ray.
Am I a candidate for treatment with PRP? Speak with our doctors and ask if PRP is right for you. We will perform an exam ination to determine if the use of PRP will benefit you. If you are on anti-inflammatory medications or blood thinners, your physi cian may temporarily discontinue the use of these until your treatment has taken place. What are the risks associated with this treatment? PRP uses your body’s own natural properties to treat your injury. Side effects utilizing PRP systems are very uncommon.
▸ Dr. John Goodner is a Board Certified Re constructive Foot and Ankle Surgeon with the Foot, Ankle and Leg Specialists of South Florida and specializes in sports medicine foot and ankle injuries, foot and ankle ar throscopy, lower extremity trauma, and lower extremity deformities in infants, children, teens and adults. The South Florida Institute of Sports Medicine is located at 17842 NW 2nd St Pembroke Pines, FL 33029-2806. You can reach the office at (954) 430-9901. Instagram @SouthFloridaSportsMedicine Twitter @SFLSportsMed.
Inflation is being felt across the board, from Fortune 500 companies to entrepreneurs just starting their new ventures.
However, an important difference between small and large companies are their reserves. The average small business runs with less than 30 days of operating expenses in the bank. This means that they are hurting harder from increases in costs, supply chain issues impacting their inventory, and the chal lenge of employee shortages.
But while over 3 in every 4 businesses are seeing a rise in their costs, only half have raised their prices. Many businesses are holding out as long as they can, but you may see some changes going into the holiday season, such as limited hours to help with staff shortages or reduc tions in available products and services.
Please remember that our local businesses need our support and our patience. These are our neighbors and are a vital part of the health of our community.
This may seem like a bleak picture, but we have had some wonderful success stories over the past year as well. There are new businesses growing. People are starting their own enterprises even through these challenging times. We eagerly celebrate each ribbon cutting as a sign of the prosperity that lies ahead, and you are always invited to join us at these grand opening celebrations.
Now and in the future, the Chamber is dedicated to being a Convener of leaders, a Catalyst for positive change, and a Champion for a strong business community. For more informa tion and our event calendar, visit
My name is Kobe. I am a 8 year old male terrier mix, and I still think I’m a pup. I love running around the backyard with a toy in my mouth, eating treats, taking walks, and snuggling with my mama. My mama thinks I’m lots cuter than my older sister. My mama is my favorite person.
Every month Our City Media randomly picks a pet of the month winner. Email entries to:
Send Pet’s: Best Picture, Name and about 50 words describing why they’re so special!
Include: Your Name, Email, Phone, and City of Residence. Good Luck!
Yours in Service,
We have some extraordinary residents in the City of Pembroke Pines. That’s why I look forward to Extra Mile Day, which is celebrated every year on November 1st to recognize individuals and organizations who are “going the extra mile” to support local community events and services. Each year our City participates in this effort and will continue to do so with a proclamation that will be presented at a Commission Meeting in November. At this meeting, several Extra Mile Heroes will also be recognized, including Elvin (Junior) Matos; Kettly Nicoleau; and Joan Horvath, who have helped as volunteers at the Carl Shechter Southwest Focal Point Community Center.
I’m also very proud of our Pembroke Pines Fire Department for introducing an Autism Awareness Decal Program for the city. This program is geared towards alerting First Responders that there is a person with Autism in the vehicle that may not speak, respond to, or comply with verbal commands, may hide or wander off, or may have no awareness of danger. The more information First Responders have when they respond to calls for service, the better they can meet residents’ needs.
The Pembroke Pines Fire Department is providing these decals free of charge to anyone in the City of Pembroke Pines who wants to place them on the side or rear window of their vehicles.
If you wish to receive a decal, please contact the Fire Prevention Bureau at 954-499-9560. If you do not wish to receive a decal but would like to register a family member to the City’s Special needs registry, please visit https://fl-pembroke
If you haven’t yet experienced the Studio 18 Art Complex, located at 1101 Poinciana Drive, be sure to attend the opening reception of “Work/Space,” a new exhibition that features the talented Studio 18 artists. They will be showcasing their artworks using a variety of artistic mediums that include photog raphy, painting, sculpture, glasswork, mixed media, and textile arts. The opening reception will be on November 18, 2022, from 7 to 9 p.m. Admission and parking are free. And, I hope to see you at the 24th Annual Artfest in the Pines on November 5 and 6, 2022 at the Charles F. Dodge City Center, located at 601 City Center Way, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day to celebrate art, food fun and music. You won’t want to miss this!
I would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving and as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office at 954-450-1020, or by email at