Our City Weston: June 2021

Page 34


y a w e th e g n a h C you cook

Change the Way You Cook With Essen By Terry Jaillet


n the late 1970s, Wilder Yasci, the founder of Essen, traveled to New York from his home in Argentina. He discovered an aluminum saucepan that caught their attention and decided to create their own model at their foundry. After two years of trial and error, he produced his first saucepans, which they called “Essen”, which means “to eat” or “food” in German, a language linked to the roots of Mirta, Wilder’s wife. Essen’s small aluminum foundry has grown into the world’s largest cast aluminum saucepan factory with state-of-the-art technology. Over time, the Essen product line multiplied and incorporated new and unique designs and techniques. Essen’s fabulous cookware has now come to the United States. In fact, it is available in Weston Town Center. We sat down with Essen USA Operations Manager, Leonel Galvan to learn more.

Tell Us About Essen

Essen is an Argentinian company that has been in the market for over 40 years. We go hand by hand with those who cook for their loved ones at home. We encourage healthy, homemade food with innovative products that ensure an amazing quality, technology, and design. We manufacture and sell unique cast aluminum cookware, made specially in the biggest aluminum factory in the world! We also help new entrepreneurs that want to be a part of our Essen Family and business, giving them the required tools to succeed in this competitive area.

That is impressive! What makes Essen different from competitors? www.essen-usa.com @essen.us /essenusaofficial

(954) 990-4183 1730 Main Street suite 200 Weston, FL 33326 Hablamos español

Essen products are made with hand-casted aluminum. This means it guarantees that each casserole, pan or dutch oven will be unique of its kind. Hand casted aluminum concentrates and enhances food flavors, making meals much healthier as it keeps vitamins and minerals intact, saving time and money. All of our cookware is 100% recyclable aluminum. We use premium-quality non-stick coating along with a high-gloss and resistant vitro-porcelain enamel for exterior coating providing for an exceptional aesthetic and great functionality.

How can our readers order cookware or learn more?

We want to invite you to visit us and witness our product’s amazing features with your own eyes and to learn about business opportunities for sales representatives. We are available from 9am to 5pm, in Weston Town Center at 1730 Main Street.

⊲ To learn more call 954-990-4183 or visit www.essen-usa.com or on social media at @essen.us & www.facebook.com/essenusaofficial

34 / Our City Weston / June 2021 / OurCityMedia.com

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