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2024 Annual Ministry Review

10章10節) Ihave come that the y m a y h a ve life , and h a v e i t t o the full . (John10:10) 2024 事工年度回顧

我來 了,是要叫羊(或 作 : 人 ) 得

Message from the General Secretary 總幹事的信

Dear Friends of Our Daily Bread Ministries,

I give thanks to our Lord for ushering us into a new chapter. As of the close of 2024, I have the honor of serving as General Secretary, and I trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we pursue His purpose together.

At Our Daily Bread Ministries, we are committed to transforming lives through Bible engagement and spiritual resources. Our goal is to facilitate the development of personal relationships with Christ, encourage spiritual growth, and inspire acts of service that reflect His love.

We are dedicated to making the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all. We offer a diverse range of devotional resources in both print and digital formats.

As the custodian of our Chinese-language resources, our team in the Hong Kong office is tasked with serving 1.5 billion Chinese readers worldwide. Last year, we successfully introduced the Immerse Bible reading program within the Chinese community, fostering deeper engagement with God’s Word.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering faithfulness and generous support of Our Daily Bread Ministries. Your prayers and contributions empower us to continue making God’s Word available in various formats, transforming lives through a daily relationship with Christ.

God bless,


感謝主的帶領,我們迎來一個新的篇章。我有幸自 2024 年底,接任總幹事一職,並相信聖靈將繼續引領我們拓 展事工,讓我們一起追隨祂的旨意。

在靈命日糧事工,每一個生命都被看重,我們致力於透 過一生以聖經為中心的屬靈材料來轉化人心。

我們的異 象是帶領世人親近基督、活出信仰、熱心事奉。

我們竭力讓改變生命的聖經智慧變得易懂、易得,務求 製作多樣化的屬靈材料,涵蓋印刷和數碼媒體,來牧養 不同的群體。

作為中文材料的創作者,香港團隊承擔著服事全球 15 億 中文讀者的使命。去年底,我們在華人群體中推廣《沉 浸式閱讀聖經》,幫助人們的生命更深地扎根於上帝的 話語中。

我衷心感謝您多年來對靈命日糧事工的不懈支持與慷慨 奉獻。正因您的禱告與奉獻,我們得以繼續透過上帝的 話語,改變更多人的生命,使他們每日都能與基督建立 更親密的關係。

願上帝祝福您! 胡海  總幹事

A Life-Changing Testimony 生命改變見證


我雖然在基督教中學就讀,也上過宗教課, 但從未認真聽過福音,只隨波逐流,認為信 仰是拘束。

即使教會團契的朋友曾關心我,我仍選擇過 紙醉金迷的生活,直至健康亮起紅燈,被送 入院兩週。或許是上帝的憐憫,我開始戒煙、 減少應酬,生活回歸平淡,並嘗試做義工, 發現助人的快樂比金錢換來的虛榮更充實。

然而,平靜的生活被打破——我妻子患病, 需緊急手術。在我悲痛萬分時,幸得團契弟 兄姊妹的陪伴。此後,他們每天分享《靈命 日糧》給我,我雖然過去從未真正回應信仰, 但這次竟然點開了連結,尋求慰藉。

一次在高鐵上無意間打開《靈命日糧》,標 題「我信主,但不想受宗教規條的約束」深 深觸動了我,文章中的「志誠」與我的名字 「子成」相似,更讓我感到上帝的奇妙安排, 回應了我心中的困惑。讀完後,我抬頭望向 窗外,看到雲中一道光——那一刻,我相信 是上帝在對我說話。感謝神憐憫愛顧我。

從此,我每天透過《靈命日糧》聆聽上帝的 話語,即使忙碌,也會反覆聆聽。我切實感 受到上帝藉靈命日糧與我對話,支持、安撫 並指引我。

Chi Seng’s Testimony

I attended a Christian secondary school and took religious studies but never truly believed. I just went along and found the faith too restrictive.

Though my church fellowship cared for me, I chose a worldly life. But when my health worsened, I was hospitalized for two weeks. By God's mercy, I quit smoking, limited socializing, and embraced a simpler life. I started volunteering and realized that helping others brings more joy than money ever could.

My peaceful life was shaken when my wife fell ill and needed emergency surgery. Distressed but grateful, I found support from brothers and sisters who shared Our Daily Bread with me. Though I had never truly engaged with the Christian faith, this time, I clicked the link, seeking comfort.

One day on a high-speed train, I randomly opened Our Daily Bread. The title, 'Believing in God Without Religious Restrictions', deeply resonated with me. The devotional was about a man whose name was spelled like mine, 'Chi Seng.' It felt like a divine arrangement, as if God was speaking to my struggle.

After reading, I looked out the window and saw a beam of light breaking through the clouds. I felt God speaking to me and was deeply grateful for His love and mercy.

Since then, Our Daily Bread has become my way of hearing God’s word. No matter how busy I am, I make time for it, feeling His support, comfort, and guidance.



Our vision is to see people of all nations experiencing a personal relationship with Christ, growing to be more like Him, and serving in a local body of His family.



To make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all.


Testimonials from Pastors and Church Leaders

我深深感謝靈命日糧在我早期基督信 仰中所帶來的祝福。每日的經文和 靈修文章能幫助信徒與主建立有意 義的安靜時光,使聖經在實際生活 中變得生動起來。

I'm deeply thankful for how Our Daily Bread Devotional blessed my early Christian journey. The daily readings have been instrumental in helping believers develop a meaningful quiet time with the Lord, making Scripture come alive in practical ways.

總幹事劉恩琪小姐 | Ms. Patricia Lau, Executive Director 香港啟發 | Alpha Hong Kong

非常感恩香港也有靈命日糧事工。因 這一美好的事工,我們的城市變得 更加美好。這些材料對我們的教會 是莫大的祝福,豐富了教會弟兄姊 妹的生命。我們也有幸分發了數千 份靈命日糧事工的外展材料。這些福 音小冊子中的信息與生活相關、簡單且 有效。

I am immensely grateful to God for the presence of Our Daily Bread Ministries in Hong Kong. The resources we’ve received from Our Daily Bread Ministries have been a tremendous blessing to our church community, enriching the lives of our members significantly. We have also had the privilege of distributing thousands of outreach materials from Our Daily Bread Ministries. The messages in the gospel tracts are relevant, simple, and effective.

John Malcolm 主任牧師 | Rev. John Malcolm, Senior Pastor Calvary Church Hong Kong

《靈命日糧》一直是我們教會事工中非 常有幫助的材料。

《下一步是什麼?》是一個出色的工 具,可以立即引導新信徒進入每日 學習和親近耶穌的操練。在姊妹事工 中,我們使用了一些聖經學習材料來 補充她們的學習。此外,我們的中學生也 非常喜歡為他們年齡段開發的每日靈修指南。

Our Daily Bread has been a helpful resource in our church ministries. What’s Next is an excellent tool to immediately launch a new believer into the daily discipline of learning about and connecting to Jesus. Within our women’s ministry, we use some of the Bible study resources to supplement their studies. Also, our secondary students enjoy the daily devotional guide developed for their age group.

James“Butch”Tanner 主任牧師 | Rev. Dr. James “Butch”Tanner, Senior Pastor 九龍國際浸信會 | Kowloon International Baptist Church 我們非常信賴靈命日糧事工作為我們 的合作夥伴,為我們提供及時且鼓勵 性的材料。即使是舊的《靈命日糧》 小冊子,也受到我們的宣教士熱烈歡 迎並積極索取。

We count on you as a ministry partner through the timely and encouraging materials you provide to us and so many others. Even used Our Daily Bread devotional booklets are requested and eagerly welcomed by our missionaries.

Jennifer Nolin 主任牧師 |Jennifer Nolin, Senior Pastor 靈光國際教會 | Lighthouse International Christian Church

靈命日糧事工對許多人,包括我自己, 都是靈性滋養的來源。你們的靈修材 料帶來鼓勵,深化信仰,並幫助無 數信徒與基督的同行中成長。

Our Daily Bread Ministries has been a source of spiritual nourishment for many, including myself. Your devotionals have provided encouragement, deepened faith, and helped countless believers grow in their walk with Christ.

李志剛牧師博士 | Rev. Dr. Stephen Lee

馬鞍峰香港教會 | Saddleback Church Hong Kong

我們感謝靈命日糧事工為教會提供各 種出版物,從節期性福音小冊子到 兒童靈修材料。在這座多元文化的 城市中,能夠有多種語言的材料, 這對我們很有幫助。

We are grateful for the work of Our Daily Bread Ministries in resourcing churches with a wide range of publications, from seasonal gospel tracts to children's devotional materials. In a multicultural city, it has been particularly helpful that many of these resources are available in multiple languages.

「得著一天的提醒」、「低落時,聽 了就心情平復,又有力量」、「有 讀經、有故事又有解釋。」這些是 使用《靈命日糧》的弟兄姊妹的分 享。推薦給初信主和新受洗的弟兄 姊妹天天使用。

“A great daily reminder." "When I feel down, listening to the audio devotional gives me peace and strength." "With Bible readings, stories, and insights." These are testimonials from our church members who use Our Daily Bread. We highly recommend it as a daily devotional for new believers and newly baptized members.

座堂主任麥凱歷牧師 | Rev. Alex McCoy, Vicar 聖安德烈堂 | St. Andrew's Kowloon 靈命日糧事工的材料在我們服事外籍 菲律賓傭工(OFW)方面發揮了重要 作用。我看到許多人,特別是外籍 菲傭,從靈命日糧事工中獲得了資 源,遇見了上帝,並因聖靈的大能 而得到轉變。

I have seen how Our Daily Bread Ministries material tremendously helping us in fulfilling the mission of ministering to the OFW (Overseas Filipino Workers). I’ve witnessed many people who have received the resources from Our Daily Bread Ministries, especially the OFW have encountered God and have been transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

周曉暉主任牧師 | Rev. Chow Hiu Fai Arnold, Senior Pastor

宣道會北角堂 | North Point Alliance Church

John Binon 牧師 | John Binon, Pastor 基督教國際神召會 | International Christian Assembly

2018年,為幫助弟兄姊妹在教會退 修會中靈修,我們思考怎樣的靈修 資料能吸引高節奏生活中的弟兄姊 妹,並讓他們感受到靈修與生活息 息相關。感謝上帝的供應!我們選 擇了《靈命日糧》。退修會結束後, 許多弟兄姊妹已養成每日靈修的習慣, 並將《靈命日糧》融入他們的日常生活中。

In 2018, we wanted to facilitate devotionals during our church retreat and considered which devotional materials would appeal to members living fast-paced lives and relate to their daily experiences. Thank God for His provision! We chose Our Daily Bread, and many people have since formed a devotional habit using Our Daily Bread

孫躍牧師 | Rev. Chris Sun 香港聖經教會 | Hong Kong Mandarin Bible Church

教會至今已第三次使用靈命日糧事工 製作的節期靈修,並在群組中分享 心得與體會,使彼此得到鼓勵和滋 養。這也為不同年齡層的會眾提供 更多交流的機會,對推動靈命成長 有很大的幫助。

This is the third time our church has used Our Daily Bread Ministries seasonal devotionals. As one body in Christ, we engage in group discussions to share our insights and experiences, encouraging and nourishing one another. It also provides a valuable opportunity for intergenerational interaction, greatly supporting spiritual growth.

丘衞文傳道 | Pamela Yau, Minister 基督教宣道會展恩堂 Christian & Missionary Alliance Evangelist Church

《靈命日糧》是最好的靈修材料, 無論是遠方還是身邊的朋友,無論 是中文還是其他語言,都適用且 易得。

Our Daily Bread is the best devotional material available to those near and far, Chinese or other languages, acceptable and accessible to all.

我今天滿懷感激之情寫下這段文 字,感謝《靈命日糧》在我的生 活和教會中所帶來的祝福。我記 得我在青少年時期使用這本小冊 子進行每日靈修。這個簡單而有 力的靈修工具已經成為我與上帝連 接的美好途徑。

最近,我們教會真的受益於《四十天四十個字詞》這本 預苦期靈修書。它為預苦期提供了很好的引導,作為一 名牧師,我很感激整個教會能夠共同踏上這段旅程。

I write today with a heart full of gratitude for the blessing that Our Daily Bread has been in my life and our church community. I can remember as a teenager using the little booklet for my daily quiet time. This simple yet powerful devotional has become a wonderful tool to connect with God.

Most recently, our church has really benefited from the Lent devotional 40 Days. 40 Words. It has provided an excellent introduction to Lent and as a pastor, I appreciate that the whole church can be on this journey together.

Wade Wollin 主任牧師| Rev. Wade Wollin, Senior Pastor Community Church Hong Kong

葉福成牧師 | Rev. Victor Yap 中國基督教播道會恩福堂 | E.F.C.C. Yan Fook Church 我們定期向靈命日糧事工索取資源,特 別是在節慶或教會年曆中的特殊時刻。

這幫助我們與會眾一起預備自己,深 入理解信仰中重要事件的本質和意 義,抵擋周圍的干擾,重新專注於生 命中最有價值的內容,並透過聖經和豐 富的靈性資源來充實自己。

Regularly we ask and receive from the Our Daily Bread Ministries especially in the festive times of the year or those in church calendar. This is a wonderful way to prepare ourselves, together with all congregation members to enter into the essence and meaning of events in our faith, against the distraction of the things around us, divert us back to focus on the most valuable content in life with biblical and spiritual enrichments.

鄧志康主任傳道 | Chris Tang, Minister-in-Charge

大埔國際浸信會 | Tai Po International Baptist Church

《靈命日糧》是坊間不同靈修材料 其中一種,國際通行,內容充實, 發人深省,不單為入門首選,亦 是資深信徒得力來源,願主繼續使 用。

Our Daily Bread is one of many devotional resources available. Worldrenowned, it offers rich, thought-provoking content. It is not only an excellent choice for beginners but also a source of strength for seasoned believers. May the Lord continue to use it.

陸輝牧師博士 | Rev. Dr. Luk Fai

伯特利神學院榮休院長 | President Emeritus of Bethel Bible Seminary




Our Daily Bread Quarterly Devotional

《靈命日糧》透過改變生命、激勵人心的小品幫助讀者 每日閱讀上帝的話語,並從祂永不改變的話語中認識祂 的智慧與應許。

Our Daily Bread helps readers engage with God’s Word through life-changing, soul-refreshing devotionals each day. Through His Word, they gain a deeper understanding of His wisdom and promises.

每天一進辦公室第一件事就是讀 《靈命日糧》。上帝常常透過裡 面的經文和文字對我說話。十分 感恩可以藉著《靈命日糧》來親 近上帝,指導一天的生活。

The first thing I do when I get to the office is read Our Daily Bread. God often speaks to me through its scriptures and messages. I'm grateful for the opportunity to draw closer to God through Our Daily Bread, as it provides guidance for my day.

張玥博士 | Dr. Rebecca Zhang

讀者 | Reader

《靈命日糧》是我的屬靈早餐,其 生動的故事、深刻的反思以及聖 經的教導讓我甘之如飴。即使在 我非常忙碌的日子裡,短短五分鐘 的靈修時光往往能照亮我的一天, 給予我力量。

Our Daily Bread is my spiritual breakfast. Its vivid stories, deep reflections, and biblical teachings nourish my soul. Even on my busiest days, just five minutes of devotion bring light and strength.

李娜博士 | Dr. Yolanda Li

讀者 | Reader


copies distributed


《靈命日糧》一直是我忠實且鼓 舞人心的良伴——如同一道美味 的開胃菜,讓我以積極的態度開 始每一天。 這些靈修內容與聖經 相輔相成,其中的真實故事從充滿 信心的火熱冒險,到安靜堅持的甜美軼 事,涵蓋了多種風味。它們以深刻的聖經智慧為基礎, 為我們日常的經歷與掙扎賦予意義。

Our Daily Bread has been a faithful and encouraging companion—a delightful appetizer to kickstart my day with a positive outlook. Complementing the Scriptures, the real-life stories in these devotionals span a diverse range of flavors, from spicy faith-filled adventures to sweet anecdotes of quiet perseverance. They impart meaning to everyday experiences and struggles in the light of profound biblical wisdom.

林詠臻 | Daniel W. Lam

讀者 | Reader


Other Featured Publications


本地內容,包括翻譯書籍以及涵蓋各類主題和年齡層的書籍,旨在幫助 讀者更加喜歡閱讀聖經。

In 2024, we produced and published a diverse range of spiritual books. We developed local content, including translated works and books covering various topics and age groups. Our goal is to inspire readers to cultivate a lifelong love for the Bible.


Light of Christmas – A 25-Day Advent Devotional

我們邀請本地牧師和教會領袖參與這 本靈修特輯的撰寫。我們一共發放了 超過14,000本,共278間教會在將 臨期中使用。

We invited local pastors and church leaders to contribute to this special devotional. Over 14,000 copies were distributed, with 278 churches using it during the Advent season.

印刷本發行 本 262K

Total Print Distribution copies


Let the Light Shine In, Vol. 2

我們製作了有關情緒健康的靈修材料,引 導他們在上帝的話語中找到慰藉,學習以 靈修的方式疏導情緒,培養內心的平靜與 安穩。

We produced a devotional book on emotional well-being, guiding readers to find comfort in God's Word, process their emotions through devotionals, and cultivate inner peace and stability.



我必將合我心意的牧者賞賜給你們,他們要以知識和智慧牧養你們。 無論你是在主持一個會議,還是在帶領查經班,是牧養教會的會 友,還是照顧自己的兒女,上帝呼召你去服事他人。祂也藉著祂的 話語──《聖經》 來裝備你,使你可以牧養、保護和引導你 所服事的人。 這本靈命日糧特輯收錄了十篇靈修文章、反思問題和禱文,幫助我 們以聖經為中心,透過領受、反思和應用其中的真理,效法大牧者 耶穌基督的美好榜樣,學習像牧人般的領導,成為屬靈的牧人。

ZV815 靈命日糧事工,讓世人每天都與上帝的話語聯結在一起。 此書為非賣品,歡迎自由奉獻。 支持我們 odb.org

聖誕節我經歷了突如其來的手術,壓 力非常大,信心跌到谷底,日子過得 很不容易。然而,你們每日的將臨期 靈修分享是上帝送給我的禮物,十分 感激。

I underwent unexpected surgery at Christmas, which was extremely stressful and shook my faith. Those days were tough. However, your daily Advent devotionals felt like a gift from God. I am truly grateful.

網上讀者 | Online Reader


Digital Media

靈命日糧事工使用數碼平台將上帝的話語傳遍全球。通過 我們的網站、手機應用程式和社交媒體,我們接觸到數百 萬人,為他們提供各種屬靈資源,讓改變生命的聖經智慧 變得易懂、易得。

靈命日糧的每日靈修已成為我 70 多歲母親每日靈 修生活的一部分。她年輕時已開始上教會,信耶穌 並受洗,但從未真正培養讀經或靈修的習慣。因 此,網上版的每日靈修成為她經歷神話語和大能的 重要工具!

Our Daily Bread is a vital part of my 70-year-old mother’s spiritual life. Though she attended church from a young age, she never developed a habit of Bible reading or devotionals. The digital version has been a powerful way for her to experience God’s Word daily!

Kitty Pak

網上讀者 | Online Reader

靈命日糧事工網站的專題特輯內容豐富,我從中學 到了許多實用知識,也在靈命上獲得造就。

I enjoy reading the digital content on Our Daily Bread Ministries' website. The topics are diverse, and I often gain practical knowledge and spiritual encouragement from it.

Violet Lau

網上讀者 | Online Reader

Our Daily Bread Ministries leverage digital platforms to share God’s Word worldwide. Through our website, mobile app, social media, and YouTube, we reach millions— providing devotionals and other spiritual resources to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible accessible to all.

網站獨立訪客 應用程式獨立使用者

社交媒體觸及人數 Social Media Reach:

門徒養成計劃 Discipleship Content Plan

我們也開發了一套全面的門徒訓練材料,涉及知識、特質、實踐和 關係四個層面。這些材料旨在幫助門徒在各方面的均衡發展。

We have developed a discipleship training resource covering four key areas: knowledge, character, practice, and relationships to foster well rounded spiritual growth.



40 days of Audio-Guided Reflections: A Journey Through 40 Words

我們製作預苦期40天默想內容,配合《40天40個字詞》這 本書,邀請讀者放慢腳步,如置身海邊,靜聽浪聲,默想上帝 的話語。

We created a 40-day Lenten meditation to complement 40 Days. 40 Words.,inviting readers to slow down, as if by the sea, listening to the waves, and meditate on God's Word.




Videos and Multimedia 視頻及多媒體

In this digital age, we create spiritual resources in multimedia formats and share them across social media platforms, allowing readers to immerse themselves in God's Word anytime, anywhere.

每天的靈命日糧YouTube 影片為我帶來許多祝 福,使我的生命更加親近上帝。

我希望這個 YouTube 頻道能夠 持續運作,因為它對我們非 常有幫助。

The daily Our Daily Bread YouTube videos bring me many blessings and draw me closer to God. I hope this YouTube channel will continue to run because it is very helpful to us.

王思文(馬來西亞) | Edwin Wong (Malaysia) 網上觀眾 | Online Audience


Our Daily Bread YouTube Daily Videos (Cantonese)

訂閱者 | Subscribers:


每天聆聽朗讀者細心的講解和悠揚的音樂,讓我在短短 的靈修時間中獲得來自上帝的寶貴靈糧。祂的話語滋潤 並指引我生活的每一天!

Listening to the narrator’s thoughtful explanations, accompanied by soothing music, nourishes me spiritually in just a short devotional time. God’s Word refreshes my soul and guides my daily life!

Kat | 多倫多 Toronto

網上聽眾 | Online Audience

我每日在 YouTube 上聆聽靈命日糧,當我聆聽上帝話語時, 我感受到心靈與祂更親近,體驗到聖靈的同在。

Every day, I listen to Our Daily Bread on YouTube. As I listen to God’s Word, I feel my heart drawing closer to Him and experience the presence of the Holy Spirit.

蝶兒 | Cindy Wong

網上觀眾 | Online Audience


Outreach and Church Ministries

Church Partners and Ministries Partners 間 合作教會/外展伙伴



感謝上帝呼召我做精神科醫生,我確信每位 來見我的病人都是祂所預備的。我診所的雜 誌架一直擺放著《靈命日糧》的小冊子,讓 病人在等候期間能接觸福音,或生命得著激 勵。這也是一個很好的契機,讓我和病人展 開信仰的討論。

Thank God for calling me to be a psychiatrist and believe every patient I meet is sent by Him. I keep Our Daily Bread booklets in my clinic’s magazine rack so patients can encounter the Gospel or find encouragement while waiting. This also creates opportunities for faith conversations.

佈道夥伴 | Outreach Partner

馬燕盈醫生 | Dr. Ma Yin Ying

合作夥伴:香港手語聖經 翻譯協會(HKSLBTA)

靈命日糧事工與香港手語聖經翻譯協會(HKSLBTA)建立 了合作夥伴關係。我們為該協會製作的手語YouTube靈修 視頻提供福音佈道及靈修材料,供聾人慕道者及基督徒觀 看,將上帝的話語傳遞給聾人社群。在香港,聾人及聽力 障礙者的人數超過150,000人,我們期盼能透過這些事工 祝福這個群體,讓福音的大能更新並改變他們的生命。

Our Daily Bread Ministries has partnered with the Hong Kong Sign Language Bible Translation Association (HKSLBTA), which produced sign language devotional videos on YouTube based on devotional materials given to them by ODB. This collaboration aims to provide evangelistic and devotional resources for HKSLBTA, ensuring they are accessible to both seekers and Christians. Through these efforts, we strive to share God’s Word with the Deaf community.

In Hong Kong, over 150,000 people are Deaf or have hearing impairments. We pray these videos will bless them and transform their lives through the power of the gospel.


我們獲邀為沙田靈光教會的退修日營主辦了靈修與禱告 工作坊,激勵參加者加深對上帝話語的熱愛。大家共同參 與了一場屬靈盛宴,增強了信心,並點燃了心中對祂榮耀 的渴慕之情。

We were invited to lead Devotional and Prayer workshops at Shatin Emmanuel Church’s retreat day, inspiring participants to deepen their love for God’s Word. Together, we shared a spiritual feast, strengthening faith and igniting hearts for His glory.

A Day of Spiritual Renewal 印尼外展事工

Outreach to Indonesian Communities

我們與服事印尼的教會和機構合作,包括為本地的印尼 傭工提供支持,並向回教徒提供福音佈道材料,以實踐 大使命。

We partner with churches and organizations that serve Indonesians, including local domestic helpers, and provide outreach resources for Muslims to fulfill the Great Commission.


Outreach to Filipino Communities

我們在辦公室接待了菲律賓牧者國際團契(FMFI),連結並 鼓勵那些服事海外菲律賓勞工(OFWs)的教會。此次活 動的一大亮點是九龍國際浸信會主任牧師 James "Butch" Tanner 博士分享了一篇深刻有力的關於「罪」的信息。

We hosted the Filipino Ministerial Fellowship International (FMFI) Monthly Fellowship at our office, uniting and empowering churches serving Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs). A highlight was Dr. James "Butch" Tanner, Senior Pastor of Kowloon International Baptist Church, who delivered a powerful message on "SIN".

Marketplace Ministries 職場事工

基督徒在職場面臨許多艱難的課題,我們透過在職場舉辦靈修工作坊,提供簡單的靈修方法和適切的靈修材料,幫助職 場人士依靠上帝的話語來面對困難。

We recognize that Christians face many challenges in the workplace. Through devotional workshops, we offer simple spiritual practices and relevant devotional materials to help working professionals rely on God’s Word in times of difficulty.

靈命日糧的職場文章很鼓勵我,記得有一段日 子我有點徬徨、迷惘,特別在人際關係方面, 年輕的我不知道如何跟上司、同事打好關係。

每日上班前,我會閱讀靈修文章,給了我很大 的信心和鼓勵,也更堅定我要在職場上活出真 理,愛同事、給予別人幫助、也為公司老闆及 各同事禱告。

The devotionals about the workplace encouraged me during that uncertain time. As a young professional, I struggled with workplace relationships. Reading them each morning gave me confidence and strengthened my resolve to live out God’s truth—loving my colleagues, helping others, and praying for my boss and coworkers.

謝莎娜 | Sarah Hsieh 讀者 | Reader

今年我們與新鴻基地產團契同工,為他們提供有關節期和心 靈健康的靈修材料,堅固他們的信仰生命。

This year, we partnered with the fellowship at Sun Hung Kai Properties, providing devotional resources on festive seasons and mental well-being to strengthen their faith.


Family Ministries

為了孩子扎根信仰,我們出版了兒童版本的《竭誠獻上》——《與耶穌 同行的小孩》,並同步推出繪畫創作活動,鼓勵孩子們用畫筆描繪他們 的感動,12副作品被用來製作2025年的桌曆。

To help children grow in faith, we published Jesus Wants All of Me, a children's adaptation of My Utmost for His Highest. Alongside the book launch, we introduced a drawing campaign to encourage kids to express their reflections through art. Twelve selected artworks are featured in our 2025 desk calendar.

I discovered an English devotional book for parents and children called Give Us This Day, which is hard to find on the market. This book allowed me to do devotions with my eldest son, and to my surprise, he not only completed them but also enjoyed the experience.

Powie Wong 家長 | Parent 我發現了一本坊間難以找到的靈命日糧英 文版親子靈修書 Give Us This Day (中文版 《天父好愛我》)。這本書讓我得以與大 兒子一起靈修,讓我驚喜的是,他不僅完 成了靈修,還享受其中。我也欣賞靈修文章 內的祈禱(Prayer)和反思(Reflection)這兩 部份,內容精確,並寫得淺白易懂。多忙也好,我有一樣堅持, 就是在家中要傳遞信仰,培育孩子的靈命。

I appreciate the Prayer and Reflection sections—the content is concise, well-written, and easy to understand. No matter how busy I am, I remain committed to passing on my faith at home and nurturing my children's spiritual lives.

余振傑主任傳道 | Kit Yu, Minister-in-Charge

深恩浸信會 | Abundant Grace Baptist Church

每當我翻開那些色彩繽紛的頁面,故事中的智慧與 真理讓我感受到上帝的愛與創造力。我開始思考, 如何將這些價值觀融入到育兒與牧養下一代的過程 中。它們不僅塑造了我的家庭,也影響了我周遭的 社群。

Every time I turn the colorful pages of these picture books, the wisdom and truth in the stories deeply remind me of God’s love and creativity. I began to reflect on how to integrate these values into parenting and nurturing the next generation. These picture books have not only shaped my family but also influenced the community around me.

Bible Conference 聖經講座

為了幫助讀者更好地閱讀聖經,2024年我們舉辦了聖經講座,邀請靈命日糧事工 的內容開發資深副總裁藍廷慕博士擔任講員。講座探索聖經關於領袖的教導,幫助 讀者共同踏上呼召之路。

To help readers engage with the Bible, we hosted the 2024 Bible Conference with Dr. Tim Laniak, Senior Vice President of Global Content at Our Daily Bread Ministries, as the speaker. The seminar explored biblical leadership and encouraged attendees to embrace their calling with purpose.

衷心感謝上帝讓我和兒子及朋友一起參與靈命日糧 聖經講座的事奉,參與接待、派發資料、介紹屬靈 書籍、攝影和錄影的工作,而最令我興奮的是看到 各式各樣適合未信和信徒不同屬靈階段的書籍和刊 物!最後講員的訊息更讓我立志要努力學習上帝的 話語。

Grateful to God, I had the opportunity to serve at the Bible Conference alongside my son and friends, welcoming attendees, distributing materials, introducing spiritual books, and assisting with photography and videography. What excited me most was seeing a wide range of resources for seekers and believers at different spiritual stages. Finally, the speaker’s message inspired me to deepen my study of God’s Word. Dr. Grace Chan

義工 | Volunteer

Volunteers 義工團隊

我們為讀者提供靈修材料,幫助他們更深入 地與基督建立關係。同

時,我們亦邀請他們加入事奉的行列,成為我們的義工,一起在「上 帝的麵包工場」 中製作「麵包」,讓生命更加豐盛。

We provide spiritual resources to help readers draw near to Christ. We also invite them to volunteer, live out their faith, and serve with passion. Together, we can join God's mission of bread making to bring abundant life to others.


當天,我們分享了異象,慶祝了一年上帝豐富恩典,並享受彼 此的交流與團契。

On December 20, 2024, we hosted a warm and heartfelt Christmas appreciation dinner for our volunteers. We shared our vision, celebrated a year of God's abundant grace, and enjoyed fellowship together.

Making dumplings together with volunteers during Chinese New Year

在參與義工服事的過程中,我更多接觸 到靈命日糧事工的材料,例如《天路系 列》,這成為了我每日靈修的內容。這 些資源幫助我更好地理解聖經,我特別 喜歡那些現實生活中的例子,這些例子能 幫助讀者更好地理解主題。

Through volunteering, I started to interact more with the publications from Our Daily Bread Ministries, like Journey Through Series, which became my daily devotional. These resources helped me understand the biblical contexts much better, and I love the realworld examples they provide to help readers better comprehend the topic.

Pisha Yeung

義工 | Volunteer

感恩我有機會用粵語朗讀整本 《竭誠獻上》,並繼續用聲音為 主竭誠奉獻,服事眾人。我在當 中也有豐富的領受,特別是明白 要專一愛主,而不是單純追求事奉 的成就。願上帝繼續使用我們。

I am grateful for the opportunity to narrate the entire My Utmost for His Highest in Cantonese and to continue dedicating my voice to serve the Lord and others. Through this experience, I have gained valuable spiritual insights, especially the importance of loving God wholeheartedly rather than merely seeking achievements in ministry.

周浩輝 | Eric Chow

義工(北美資深新聞主播)| Volunteer (News Anchor in North America)


未來展望 Upcoming Plans


My Utmost For His Highest

《竭誠獻上》是一本廣受歡迎的靈修經典著作,為了讓現代讀者更容易明白, 我們推出了全新譯本。此外,該書的應用程式也已上線。

My Utmost for His Highest is a widely beloved devotional classic. To make it more accessible to modern readers, we have released a newly translated Chinese edition. Additionally, a mobile app is now available.


《沉浸式閱讀聖經》呈現的是原汁原味的聖經文本,去除了每卷書的章節標記、 段落標題和註腳等後期添加的內容。這種獨特的格式能引導你長時間專注地閱 讀聖經,並讓你沉浸在聖經故事之中,創造了一種全新與聖經相遇的體驗。

Immerse Bible presents the authentic biblical text, free from chapter divisions, section headings, and footnotes that were added later. This unique format encourages uninterrupted, focused reading. It creates a brand-new way to engage with the Bible, offering an immersive reading experience.

我一直在閱讀《竭誠為主》這本靈修 書,認為它是市面上最好的靈修著 作。這本書收錄了章伯斯的講道修訂 而成的每日一篇,雖然篇幅不長,但 其靈性深度卻非常高。每篇文章都值得 細細品味,讓我深感聖靈的工作之奧妙。

I have been reading My Utmost for His Highest and consider it the best devotional book available. Adapted from Oswald Chambers’ sermons, its brief yet profound entries invite deep reflection and draw me closer to the Holy Spirit’s work.

方偉城 | Pete Fong

讀者 | Reader

作為一名商人,我經常面臨挑戰和壓 力。這本英文經典 My Utmost for His Highest 始終放在我辦公桌上,成為 我每天早晨的靈修讀物。內容簡潔, 每天都有反思問題和對聖經經文的見 解。我可以在書中寫下自己的反思和筆記, 隨時回顧這些頁面,從中獲得思考的養分。非常推薦這 本書給大家。

As a businessman, I often face challenges and stress. My Utmost for His Highest is always placed on my desk in my office, where I use it as my morning devotional. Each day's reading is brief and includes questions for reflection and insights on Bible verses. I can write my own reflections and notes inside, allowing me to revisit the pages and gain food for thought. I highly recommend this book to everyone.

何健輝 | Gary Ho

讀者 | Reader

展望 Looking Ahead


We are committed to spreading God's Word to more people, inspiring them to draw closer to Christ, live out their faith, and serve with passion.


Pray for Us!

求主幫助我們與各區的教會、學校、醫院與機構配搭,祈盼透過不同的方式,將改變生 命的聖經智慧帶給更多的人。

Please pray for our partnerships with churches, schools, hospitals and other institutions, that we may share the life-changing wisdom of the Bible with more people through various channels.


Join Our Daily Bread Volunteer Ministries' Team

Looking Ahead


感謝您喜愛我們的資源並支持靈命日糧事工。因著您的奉獻, 我們得以攜手一起幫助 人們培養對聖經的終身熱愛,並經歷生命的轉變,影響世界各地的人們。


Thank you for loving our resources and supporting Our Daily Bread Ministries. Together, we can help people develop a lifelong love for the Bible and experience life transformation, impacting communities all over the world.


Contact Us

日糧事工有限公司 Our Daily Bread Ministries Ltd. 九龍大角咀必發道91-93號 The Bedford,6字樓 6th Floor, The Bedford, 91-93 Bedford Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon

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