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Gardening Notes
HEAD Gardener’s NOTES
Andy Eddy, Head Gardener at Osterley Park & House, writes
“One of the many plant groups that we use in our borders at Osterley is the huge range of ornamental grasses. These come in a wide range of not only heights and sizes but also with many differing colourful seed heads in the late summer and autumn too. All of these make splendid specimen plants on their own but also grouped together can make a stunning impact, particularly if planted to let the sun shine through their trembling stems and glistening seed heads. Of course you don’t need a large garden to grow these lovely specimens as they will all live quite happily in raised beds or even in pots on a patio or balcony, and being wind proof can take quite a battering in even the most windy of locations. In the photo you can see Miscanthus sinensis ‘Malepartus’ – the Chinese Silver Grass – a stunning variety that can grow to 2m tall and with a boldly striped mid-rib to each leaf and glistening, silky, pink seed heads it is a remarkable sight each autumn. A further bonus is that if left without being cut back at the end of the summer its leaves will bleach and add an important dimension to your winter display. We also grow the large specimen Giant Oat Grass – Stipa gigantea – whose glorious, fluttering seed heads glow when the sun shines through them and once again provide a valuable part of our winter display. All of these plants are readily available to buy online or at your local garden centre so why not bright up you summer and winter display.”