Conference System
Letter from the Publisher
The EasySheets Conference System
Innovation Farming
Financial Package
Advertising Specs
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For decades conferences and associations have been the keepers of mankind’s progress and innovation. They are a reliable standardized system for gathering and organizing the insights of the world’s greatest thought leaders. For the vast majority of you, this is a labor of love, more of a life mission than a career. At the Summit Sciences Group we both recognize and respect the selfless work that you have invested to advance education and outcomes in the Emergency Services profession. It is this profound respect that moved us to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars and tens of thousands of hours to create a system to support and advance the honorable work you perform for society. Our conference system works to simplify your planning, advance the collection and sharing of insight, and add multiple revenue streams that attract and excite sponsors to open their pocketbooks. Every effort has been made to create program that is easy to follow, has no cost to your organization, and advances the important work you do personally. Thank you for everything you do for all of us!
Dana Friesen Publisher The EasySheets Summit Sciences Group
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The EasySheet Conference System is so simple and so powerful, that it is common sense. What is this content system, and how can it help you achieve your organization’s goals?
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PRE-CONFERENCE SYSTEMS Starting up to three months in advance of your conference we start to add value to you, your organization, and your attendees.
Specialized training in the creation of outlines, voice quality, content, and other key skills for presenters and thought leaders is given prior to the conference.
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As your presenters work to create their outlines, small nuggets, teasers, and sound bites will start to present in their minds. These are collected, refined and used to promote your event through our extensive media networks. Every Tweet, post, or video we send out promoting your event includes high quality content that will whet appetites for your event.
The EasySheets will list you in the upcoming conferences section of the magazine, and provide free of charge a half page advertisement to promote your conference.
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CONFERENCE DAY Using a proprietary system to collect the insights from the speaker and the attendees
Have you ever been listening to a presentation and had a flash of brilliance, an amazing idea that you just could not wait to share with the speaker? Did you get a chance to share it? Some do, some don’t, and unfortunately many ...when they get the chance to explain their idea to the speaker, run into issues. The moment passes, the words do not come out right, or there are too many other people close for you to communicate your idea properly. In the Media Information System, an online form is developed for every speaker that includes basic points from the speaker’s notes, questions the speaker may have for the audience, and finally a spot for attendees to send their ideas directly to the conference and to the speaker. Every amazing flash of brilliance is recorded, collected, and then refined to perfection to be used in our Post Conference Media System. These pages remain live for two weeks after the conference to ensure no great idea is missed.
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POST CONFERENCE Writers then combine the wisdom of the speaker with the insight of the audience into an article. Each article contains the insight of thousands of hours of practical experience.
The insights of both the presenters and the attendees are combined to produce the highest quality, most actionable insights possible. Once these have been produced, they are distributed through our media outlets. The Outcome Edition publishes whitepapers based on the insight from the conference. The EasySheets are one page mini-whitepapers made from the larger articles that can be read in ten minutes or less by busy professionals. Both forms of the published insight are sent to hundreds of thousands of readers across the continent through email, social media, and LinkedIn groups.
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A BRIEF HISTORY OF INNOVATION “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Plato
From the first wheel to the creation of the bronze tools used by humanity… innovation has always been driven by a necessity in mankind. When you look back over history , you realize that the “big ideas” often came from the strangest origins. The calculator was invented by an accountant’s son at only fifteen years of age. The concept of the television was conceived by a fourteen-year-old plowing a field, and the airplane by bike mechanics. The question is, how do you use this information to advance your conferences?
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To create true innovation, the type that shifts an industry and creates a new paradigm, there needs to be an intersection of information. The key players in industry who have resources, engineering, and distribution need to intersect with the people who work every day in the industry. Why? Simply put, the people who get up every day and work with materials, software, and systems understand the innovation and improvements needed better than anyone in the world. With a little help, this knowledge of problems can be grown into solutions that are easy for executives to implement. People’s necessity becomes the mother, or the beginning of the new innovation! How do we grow these solutions with Innovation Farming?
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STEP 1 UNDERSTAND In the Innovation Farming Process the first step is for our highly-trained business analysts to meet with the sponsor’s management team. They will work to understand at a high level where the company is now, and where they need to be in the future. Once this is clear, we will design an Innovation Seed Package that will be sent to the leaders attending the conference and their teams.
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STEP 2 PLANT THE SEEDS OF INNOVATION The Innovation Seed Package contains a simple guide to critical thinking and problem solving. After the recipient completes the training, they are asked to consider issues in the industry related to your sponsor’s offer, product, or service. What could make them superior? What could give them a unique advantage? And what, in their opinion, would make it a product or service they would buy?
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STEP 3 LETTING THE SEEDS GROW This process is not done in a single session; the participants consider the industry issues related to your sponsor over a one month period leading up to the conference. This is a very important part of the process. Why? Ideas, truly great ideas, do not happen on command. Who is more likely to have an innovative idea for disrupting gurney design - an EMT in the office or an EMT strapping someone into a gurney? Or consider improvements in clotting agents and bandages - who is more likely to have an innovative idea? An EMT in the office or an EMT stopping an arterial bleed? When people are taught how to solve problems, given specific direction, and are allowed time to think deeply on the issue over time‌ they find the solutions to problems they face every day!
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STEP 4 HARVESTING SEEDS For the collection of insights given by the list of participants, we use a online form system that is part of the seed package. The page includes your logo, sponsor contact information, and a brief description of their work to improve the industry with the Innovation Farming Process. Then there is an area to fill in their insights on the industry, product, or service. These are organized by a trained technician into categories related to their goals and delivered to your sponsor.
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STEP 5 IMPLEMENTING (OPTIONAL) The science of understanding other people’s opinions and insights is complex, to say the least. As an option, your sponsor can be provided with additional help to refine, translate, and operationalize the insights provided by the group.
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If there is a solution, an innovation, or improvement to be had in your industry‌Innovation Farming will ensure it goes to market through your conference and its sponsors!
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Magazine Advertising
Double Page Spread 17”W x 11” H
Full Page 8.5”W x 11” H
Half Page Horizontal 7.39”W x 4.64” H
Half Page Vertical 3.56”W x 9.49” H
Quarter Page 3.56”W x 4.64” H
The EasySheets offers a unique financial revenue share package for conferences and thought leaders in the industry. When sponsors from your conference purchase advertising in related articles, we will offer a 40% revenue share to your event as an honorarium.
Innovation Farming The Innovation Farming System comes in two packages, first a short two-month program prior to the conference. Second, a year-long program that begins with the conference and works for a year leading up to your next event. The pricing for these packages varies depending on the size of the event and the type of company involved. While these programs are labor intense for our team of technicians we still offer a 40% revenue share as an honorarium. Two Month Innovation Farming Package Starting at $1980.00 per month for small organizations One Year Innovation Faming Package Starting at $1980.00 per month for the first two months, and $980.00 per month for the following ten months
Conference Partner Perks Partner conferences also receive the speaker training package, social media promotion, and a half page advertisement in The EasySheets to promote the event as an honorarium.
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Email: Phone: 1 719 445 1083
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