Valley Mountain District Football & Netball League
supporting community footy and netball
A.B.N. 72 821 583 343
7-9 Symes Road, Woori Yallock 3139
P.O. Box 215, Woori Yallock 3139
Phone: 5961 5611
Fax: 5961 5622
League Details & Office Bearers
PRESIDENT: Mr Leo Groenwegen
VICEPRESIDENT: Mr Mark Sandilands
DIRECTORS: Mr Bill Heppell
Mr Mark Mays
Mr Michael Fleming
Mr Mick Hill
Mr Bill Kuys
Mrs Jodi Chandler
CEO: Mr Stephen Walter
The Yarra Valley Mountain District Football & Netball League would like to thank our Sponsors for their outstanding community support throughout 2012.
Bendigo Bank Community Bank Branches
High Mountain Spring Water
Swenrick Constructions
Sticks - Yarra Valley
Narellan Pools
Upper Yarra Community House
Barracuda Security
Cyan Press
Parkinson Asphalting
Cougar Sportswear
Victor Sports
All Trophies
Russell Athletic - Sherrin
Bayswater Cake Kitchen
Club Meats
Gem Signs
Saxon Sport
3MDR (Mountain District Radio)
President’s Report
Another season has come and gone with clubs either celebrating success or wondering what might have been!
With another season of “normal” rainfall, some of our grounds resembled areas of “ploughed” paddocks while others remained in great condition. We hope that the responsible councils take note and try to rectify what we consider to be an important “asset” in local communities.
I would like to congratulate all the teams who competed in this year’s final series, especially all the “premier teams” who achieved what we all aim for. It was pleasing to see that 6 of our 8 clubs in Division 2 and 7 of our 10 clubs in Division 1 represented in finals this year. It gives a great evenness to our league.
To our hosting clubs, thankyou and your volunteers who always do a great job in presenting the venues in the best possible way.
Our major sponsors and partners are vital to our existence and we thank them for supporting local football and netball.
To our business and naming rights sponsor – The Bendigo Community Banks , we thank you for coming on board and look forward to a long and rewarding future.
High Mountain Spring Water ( Charles Exton) continued to support Division 1 and new sponsor Swenrick Constructions ( David & Toni Carter) came on board for Division 2. We hope they
enjoyed their first year with us, and it was good to see David be hands on during the final series! Netball was once again sponsored by Sticks Yarra Valley ( Darren Edwards), and Barracuda Security ( Aaron Walter) sponsored our Veterans. We also thank YV Financial Services ( Les King) for continuing to support our reserves in both Division 1 and Division 2.
Our trainee program continued this year through the UYCH and saw 23 trainees graduate during 2012. These young people will hopefully continue to work within their local clubs and become leaders of the future.
The broadcasting of our footy and netball was once again through 3 MDR and YVFM. Also, I would like to congratulate Jason Sach and Valley Vision on the coverage of the Match of the Day, and The Footy/ Netball Show live on our website throughout season 2012. This innovation was well received by our many friends interstate and overseas. To my broadcasting mates Tony Foo and Eddie Summerfield a big thankyou.
Our Interleague representatives travelled to Swan Hill to take on the CMFNL . The trip was a great success with victories in all 3 matches, Senior footy, Under 18’s and Netball. To our coaches in Peter Johnson ( Seniors), Vincent Dunstan ( U/18s) and Kate Upton ( Netball) a job well done. This victory pushed our league into the top 10 of leagues within the VCFL for the first time – an achievement to be proud of.
We welcomed Shane Mason as our new Director of Umpiring and along with John Edwards, Steve Edwards, Bob Allen and Brad Scicluna did a terrific job to increase our umpire numbers and they continue to improve the standard of umpiring in our league.
Our presentation night took to a new venue this year and for the first time we broadcast “live” through Valley Vision on our website. We hope to improve on this next year. I would like to personally congratulate and thank Rick Wall ( OFC) on the great job he did as MC on the night.
To our Office Staff of CEO Steve Walter and Football Manager Judy Orren a big thankyou. These two always go beyond the call of duty. To my fellow directors Vice President Mark Sandilands, Mick Hill, Mike Fleming, Bill Heppell, Jodi Chandler, and new directors
Mark Mays and Bill Kuys – your efforts and commitment to local football and netball is fantastic and continues to make our league better. I would also like to thank our wives, husbands and partners to allow us to do what we love.
As most are aware the VCFL will now be run under the banner of the AFL and be known as AFL VIC Country, we look forward to this exciting new program which will benefit our football and netball from juniors through to seniors.
LeoGroenewegen (President YVMDFNL)
Chief Executive Officer’s Report
There was a point in early August where the thinking was – is the season too long? August is the toughest month. The weather was cold and miserable, our grounds on the whole were in poor condition and attendances were down. But come September, and the hint of blossom, sunshine and finals.... we all somehow forgot about August and we were truly primed for September action.
As a League, we are only as good as our clubs. The administration and leadership displayed by all clubs is no doubt a great strength of our competition. All of our volunteers deliver an outstanding service to their community and are the very reason we are as successful as we are. Congratulations to all of our clubs and their hard working committees & volunteers who make it all possible.
We traditionally measure our success by winning premierships, but it is only one performance measure. You can still be most successful without raising a premiership cup. Nevertheless, finals are unique achievements, so to all of our premiers, congratulations, you are officially recorded in our archives as victors. To the teams that missed out, there will always be another opportunity next season. Special mention should be made to Woori Yallock who somehow & miraculously turned a 115 point semi final loss into a 35 point grand final win. A 150 point turn around is a record that may just stand the test of time. Gembrook will be rueing their lost opportunity again, however I know that I would rather be playing in a grand final than not, Gembrook must be congratulated on another outstanding season.
The Division One netball grand final between Mt Evelyn and Wandin may just go down as one of the best netball grand finals our League has seen. Two instalments of extra time saw Mt Evelyn just edge ahead of Wandin in a high standard game. Congratulations to both clubs on outstanding seasons.
Division 2 sees Belgrave rewarded after several years of hard work with a strong victory over Yarra Glen. Belgrave will relish the Division One challenge. Yarra Glen however did mange to grab some silverware with an outstanding netball grand final victory. Their netball is only a few years young and to win a grand final in A grade is a wonderful achievement.
We cannot be successful without the committed support and generosity of our sponsors. High Mountain Spring Water continue to be a loyal and dedicated supporter of our League and we thank Charles Exton for his generous sponsorship.
A new major sponsor has committed to our League in 2012 and beyond with all of the Bendigo Community Banks in the Yarra Valley and Mountain District areas joining forces to support our football & netball league. The Community Bank is one of a rare breed of companies that truly dedicates itself to improving our local community. The support of Mark Nolan (Bendigo Regional Manager) and all of the local Community Bank Chairs is highly valued. As a league we are confident that our partnership with the Community Banks will deliver sustained benefits to both organisations.
Swenrick Constructions has joined forces with the YVMDF&NL and the partnership already formed with Swenrick’s Principal David Carter is certain to deliver great mutual benefits to both organisations. We look forward to Swenrick’s partnership and we will be keen to ensure their commitment to our League will deliver positive sales benefits to David’s company.
The outstanding support of Darren Edwards - Sticks Yarra Valley; Les King - YV Financial Services, Aaron Walter Barracuda Security and Amanda - Narellan Pools continues to deliver great value to our sporting community... thank you for you support.
UYCH & CEO Sally Brennan are now our strategic training partners and I am pleased to advise that once again we have delivered a strong Future Leaders Program with 23 trainees graduating for 2012. It is pleasing to note that we have now graduated over 100 future leaders in four years. A special thank you to Sara Freedman & Stacey Cooper for their great support throughout the program.
Interleague is an important part of our season, and once again, we have achieved great success. Peter Johnstone, Vin Dunstan and Kate Upton are outstanding coaches and their commitment is evidence of their belief in the concept and their belief in our League. Congratulations to all coaches and their support teams that make interleague a most enjoyable experience for all.
Valley Vision has been a significant benefit to our League and thanks have to go to Jason Sach for his outstanding work in this area. We have formed a great partnership with Jason (Twoflies Filming) and the YVMDFN&L looks forward in continuing this great partnership to ensure we can leverage technology to its potential in a cost effective way that delivers great value to our members.
Tribunals play an important role and our members Greg Black, Gary Tippett, Matthew Tippett, Craig West, Fury Di Pietro, Harold Bromley and Theo Skordillas are valuable members of our sporting community and I would like to personally thank them for their dedication and commitment throughout the season.
Our broadcast team of Leo Groenewegen, Tony Foo and Ed Summerfield have been unswerving in their commitment to deliver great value every Saturday afternoon. And, congratulations to Ed in landing a plumb Star FM job in Mildura which will hopefully kick start his media career. We are confident that Eddie will remember his humble beginnings at the Yarra Valley.
To our Directors, Mick Hill, Mike Fleming, Mark Mays, Bill Heppell, Jodie Chandler and VP Mark Sandilands – you are stand out community supporters and I thank you for your support and commitment.
Our umpiring group continues to grow and the appointment of Shane Mason as Director has been a big plus for our competition. His support team of John Edwards, Steve Edwards, Brad Scicluna and Bob Allen have performed with distinction this season. I need to make special note of John Edwards who
tirelessly delivers unbelievable value to the umpiring group and our League... well done John on yet another outstanding contribution.
To Leo Groenewegen our esteemed President, your unswerving commitment to our league is testament to your character and loyalty to our community. It is a privilege to work with you. A special thank you to Marilyn Groenewegen who has warmly welcomed us into her home every Monday night for the footy show.
A special thank you to Judy Orren for her commitment and hard work in what has been a challenging season. Also, a vote of thanks to Stacey Cooper who has seen the light and moved to the greener pastures of UYCH Community College earlier in the season..... Good luck Stacey.
Our league is well placed financially to tackle any challenge head on and I would like to thank each and every one for the support they have given me throughout my tenure. I would also like to especially thank my family; Jo-Anne, Aaron, Rebecca, Melanie & Blake who have always helped out in times of need... without their support this job would not of been possible.
Good luck to all next season.
2012 Affiliated Clubs
AlexandraRay SteygerDean Murdoch
BelgraveCameron HutchinsonFrank Scammell
Croydon North VeteransMick DukeJane Latham
EmeraldPaul ReillyKaren Johns
Gembrook CockatooStephen GoodieCarolyn Goodie
HealesvilleKym EstcourtJanelle Merrett
KinglakeCameron CaineLyn Normington
MarysvilleJohn PhillipsBill Metcalfe
MonbulkDavid SandsNan Cleven
Mt EvelynRay FellowsSarah Rhodes
Olinda Ferny CreekRick WallGreg Kennedy
PowelltownDoug ColePaul Mainey
SevilleSole CecereBev Lindsay
Upwey TecomaIan SnellDon James
WandinNick CrosslandAlicia Ireland
Warburton MillgroveRodney WoodsChris Lord
Woori YallockGerry DonovanSandra Allen
Yarra GlenDavid Ball
Yarra JunctionTony AulichSally Brennan
YVMDF&NL Life Members
R. Allen
B. Andrews (YVFL)
A. Argoon
T. Armstrong
M. Benham
T. Bourke
J. Brent (YVFL)
H. Bromley
R. Burke
B. Cadle
D. Campbell (YVFL)
J. Campbell
D. Carey
W. Carpenter (YVFL)
T. Chandler
A. Clarke
J. Cole
D. Cole
S. Cole
C. Crook*
G. Crook (YVFA)
S. Darwall
D. De Munk
E. Dillon (YVFA)
R. Dennehy*
G. Dounan (YVFL)
P. Dunne
B. Dunstan*
J. Dyer
I. Ferguson
T. Fitton*
P. Fletcher
T. Foo
A. Giblin
J. Goldsmith
S. Goodie
G. Gordon (YVFL)
G. Griffith
L. Groenewegen
J. Hajder
S. Halit
G. Halliday
J. Harrison
S. Hartnell
G. Hay
P. Hayne
S. Hedger
B. Heppell
P. Hermon
J. Hirst*
J. Hughes
A. Humphrey
E. Hunter*
R. Hunter*
W.E. Hutchinson (YVFA)
G. Ison
R. Jeffery
P. Johnstone
R. Jolley
A. Jones (YVFA)
R. Jones
W. Jones (YVFL)
C. Kay
P. Kendall
J. Krijt
V. Lamendola
J. Lamonica
J. Leonard
H. Linden
B. Lindsay
S. Lord
P. Malloy*
R. Matthews*
G. Maxwell (YVFA)
P. McConachy
R. Mc Kail
D. McKecknie (YVFL)
K. Mc Master
E. Merriton*
G. Miller
G. Millman
R. Mills
A. Mitchell
A. Mitchell
B. Mitchell
D. Mitchell
G. Mitchell
J. Mitchell
T. Mitchell
A. Morgan
R. Morris
L. Morrison (YVFL)
F. Moss
F. Musico
M. O’Neill
J. Orren
G. Owen
B. Painter
S. Pantorno
R. Pell
L. Phillips (YVFA)
W. Phillips*
R. Pollard (YVFL)
G. Potter (YVFL)
L. Purton
H. Ramage
J. Ramage
V. Ressom*
A. Richter
D. Robertson
B. Robinson
G. Rutherford
R. Scot*
M. Scott
T. Scott
A. Seamer*
D. Seamer
N. Seamer
T. Selby
C. Shalder*
Hahnenfeldt * denotes deceased
J. Shalders
M. Shore
J. Skelly
S. Smith
K. Sonogan
T. Spark*
K. Spence
T. Steege
G. Steiner
P. Steiner
P. Stockley
L. Strattford*
B. Stuart
J. Stuart
M. Sund
G. Sutherland (YVFL)
L. Taylor (YVFL)
M. Terjesen
C. Thompson
K. Thompson
G. Tippet
G. Tuplin
L. Ure
J. Ure
W.E. Valentine (YVFL)
M. Walker
A. White*
S. Wolfe
1966-1968G. Sutherland
1969-1973R. Mills
1974-1985J. Dyer
1986-1991H. Ramage
1992-1993J. Hartnell
1993-1994R. Rolando
1995-1996D. Harvey
1997-1998G. Wragg
1999-2000G. Tuplin
2001-2008T. Mitchell
2009 - 2011G. Tuplin
2012 - L. Groenewegen
Vice Presidents
1966-1967G. Miller, R. Mills, R. Walker
1968R. Mills, T. Dalgiel, J. Dyer, E. Fitton, K. West
1969E. Fitton, E. Hunter, K. West
1970J. Dyer, E. Fitton, T. Cormack
1971J. Dyer, E. Fitton, R. McQuire, W. Phillips, L. Ure
1972T. Ferguson, E. Holden
1973K. Poynton
1976-1977G. Dark, P. Gilmore, E. Hunter, H. Ramage, J. Stewart
1978A. Argoon, P. Gilmore, E. Hunter, H. Ramage, J. Stewart
1979-1985H. Ramage
1986-1989P. Molloy
1990-1991W. Cadle
1992-1993R. Rolando
1994A. Webb
1995-1997J. Shalders
1998-1999W. Heppell
2000T. Mitchell
2001-2009S. Smith
2010-2011L. Groenewegen
2012-M. Sandilands
Past Executive
1966-1967 W. Valentine
1968 R. Matthews
1969-1970 W. Valentine
1971-1975 L. Day
1976-1981 V. Clauscen
Football Managers
1982-1985 N. Nash
1986-1991 V. Clauscen
1992-1994 K. Spence
1995-1998 B. Stuart
1999-2001 L. Elder
2001-2002 L. Rice
2003-2007 B. O’Brien
2008- S. Walter
Business Manager
1996-2007 R. Hayes
Administration Officer
2002 T. Foo
2003-2006 L. Woodcock
2006 R. Wyhoon
2007-2008 C. Tuplin
2008-2012 S. Cooper
Football Promotions Officer
2001-2001 S. Connell
Football Operations Manager
2008- J. Orren
Finance Report
The YVMDF&NL has delivered another strong financial performance with operating surplus in line with last season. Some of our longstanding sponsors have moved on but we are delighted to welcome The Bendigo Bank Community Banks throughout the region and Swenrick Constructions as two brand new major sponsors to our sporting community. Coupled with High Mountain Spring Water, we continue to generate solid support from the local business community.
Our finals income is almost $10,000 down compared to last year and coupled with finals expenses rising by $9,000 has resulted in a negative profit impact of $19,000. Our profit has also been impacted by a reduction on Government grants which has reduced income by over $25,000 compared to last year. We continue to invest heavily in Valley Vision, and I am sure that all clubs have seen the benefit of this initiative.
The YVMDF&NL contribute over 60% of the total cost of Valley Vision, over $40,000 per annum. Fees have been unchanged now for over 5 years and the league will continue to source alternative income streams to help fund operations and to subsidize the development of new and innovative services.
The YVMDFN&L has developed a strong business model that does not rely solely on one source of income. The major revenue source for the League is finals income and this accounts for less than 12% of total income.
Once again we have had strong support from clubs in purchasing discretionary items such as drinks, bakery & meat products, sporting apparel, medical and other sporting items. The league pride themselves on offering quality products at significantly discounted prices. Club purchases of these products can be seen on the attached table and qualify for a rebate if sales exceed $9,000. The Board have announced a rebate of $25,000 and the rebate amounts for clubs are included in the attached table. Rebates will be credited to club accounts in December.
Our yearly benchmarking exercise on the financials of all clubs once again has displayed a strong fiscal discipline that is evident right across our league. Our league has a good financial culture and it is clear that a healthy balance sheet for both a league and a club can deliver sustained benefits to our community.
Finals Analysis 2012
YVMDFNL 2012 Rebate
YVMDF&NL Accounts
Cash Flows From Operating Activities Receipts from sales, finals & fees 1,138,1951,094,092 Payments to suppliers and employees (1,069,553)(1,140,784) Interest received 4,4417,455
Net Cash provided by (used in) operating activities 11(b)73,083(39,237)
Cash Flows From Investing Activities Equipment purchases 1,364-
Net Cash provided by (used in) investing activities (1,364)-
Cash Flows From Financing Activities Nil
Net Cash provided by (used in)
The financial report is a special purpose financial report prepared in order to satisfy the financial reporting requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act [Victoria]. The board has determined that the association is not a reporting entity.
The financial report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act [Victoria] and the following Australian Accounting Standards:
AASB 101: Presentation of Financial Statements
AASB 107: Statement of Cash Flows
AASB 108: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
AASB 116: Property, Plant and Equipment
AASB 1031: Materiality
No other Australian Accounting Standards, Urgent Issues Group Consensus Views or other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board have been applied.
The financial report has been prepared on an accruals basis and is based on historic costs and does not take into account changing money values, or except where specifically stated, current valuations of non-current assets.
The following specific accounting policies, which are consistent with the previous period unless otherwise stated, have been adopted in the preparation of this financial report.
Income Tax
The Association is exempt from income tax as it is a non-profit association established for the encouragement of sport.
Plant & Equipment
Plant and equipment are included at cost less any accumulated depreciation. All fixed assets are depreciated over their estimated useful lives commencing from the time the asset is held ready for use.
Employee Entitlements
(i) Wages, salaries and annual leave
Liabilities for wages and salaries, including non-monetary benefits, and annual leave expected to be settled within 12 months of the reporting date, are recognised in other payables in respect of employees’ services up to the reporting date. They are measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liabilities are settled.
(13,527)(12,039) 10,41810,543
(3,790)(3,152) 1,8452,483 12,26313,026
YVMDF&NL Accounts
(a) Reconciliation of Cash Cash at Bank and on Deposit 227,711156,241 Petty Cash 663414 228,374156,655 (b) Reconciliation of net cash provided by operating activities to net surplus: Net Surplus 38,58829,258
Non-cash flows in operating surplus: Depreciation 2,1262,391
Changes in assets and liabilities:
Decrease/(Increase) in receivables 20,174(37,894)
Decrease/(Increase) in inventories (5,922)(2,950)
Increase/(Decrease) in creditors 16,118(27,841)
Increase/(Decrease) in provisions 1,999(2,201)
Net Cash provided by/(used in) operating activities 73,083(39,237)
YVMDF&NL Accounts
The Board has determined that the association is not a reporting entity.
The Board has determined that this special purpose financial report should be prepared in accordance with the accounting policies outlined in Note 1 to the financial statements.
In the opinion of the Board these financial statements being the statement of financial position as at 31st October 2012, the statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, notes comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information:-
1. Give a true and fair view of the financial position of Yarra Valley Mountain District Football & Netball League Incorporated as at 31st October 2012 and its performance for the year ended on that date.
2. At the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that Yarra Valley Mountain District Football & Netball League Incorporated will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due.
This statement is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board and is signed for and on behalf of the Board by:-
Dated this 15th of November 2012
To The Members of Yarra Valley Mountain District Football & Netball League Incorporated
We have audited the accompanying financial report, being a special purpose financial report, of Yarra Valley Mountain District Football & Netball League Incorporated, which comprises the statement of financial position as at 31st October 2012, the statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, notes comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information, and the statement by members of the board.
Board Members Responsibility for the Financial Report
The members of the board of Yarra Valley Mountain District Football & Netball League Incorporated are responsible for the preparation of the financial report, and has determined that the basis of preparation described in Note 1, is appropriate to meet the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act [Victoria] and is appropriate to meet the needs of the members. The board members responsibility also includes such internal control as the committee determines is necessary to enable the preparation of a financial report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditor’s Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on our audit. We have conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Those standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial report is free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial report. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the association’s preparation of the financial report that gives a true and fair view, in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the association’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the officers, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial report.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
Cash transactions form a large part of finals income which are a source of revenue for the Yarra Valley Mountain District Football & Netball League Incorporated. The Yarra Valley Mountain District Football & Netball League Incorporated has determined that it is impracticable to establish complete control over the collection of cash transactions prior to entry into its financial records. Accordingly, as the evidence available to us regarding revenue from this source was limited, our audit procedures with respect to finals income had to be restricted to the amounts recorded in the financial records. We therefore are unable to express an opinion whether the finals income the Yarra Valley Mountain District Football & Netball League Incorporated obtained are complete.
Qualified Audit Opinion
In our opinion, except for the effects on the financial report of such adjustments, if any, as might have been required had the limitation on our audit procedures referred to in the qualification paragraph not existed, the financial report presents fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Yarra Valley Mountain District Football & Netball League Incorporated as at 31st October 2012, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the Associations Incorporation Act [Victoria].
Basis of Accounting and Restriction on Distribution
Without modifying our opinion, we draw attention to Note 1 to the financial report, which describes the basis of accounting. The financial report has been prepared to assist Yarra Valley Mountain District Football & Netball League Incorporated to meet the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act [Victoria]. As a result, the financial report may not be suitable for another purpose.
Mark Costigan & Associates Chartered Accountants
Mark A. Costigan Lilydale, Victoria Director 15th November, 2012
Independent Tribunal Report
This season has seen a slight increase in the number of reports compared to last season. It is once again important to remind clubs to ensure that they are aware of tribunal procedures and to come prepared for a tribunal hearing. Many clubs underestimate the importance and role of a player advocate and all clubs are encouraged to appoint advocates at the start of the season and to ensure those advocates become au fait with all rules and procedures.
Although yellow cards represent totals for all teams within a club, it is important to highlight that the best performed senior teams have almost zero yellow cards for the season. The obvious conclusion to draw that the better performed teams have a much better track record in terms of player behaviour and player conduct. A clear take home message for aspiring teams /clubs. As a league we average one yellow card for nearly every 3 games of football. A statistic that could be markedly improved.
A brief summary of reports include:
· 13 for “Striking”
· 1 for “Bumping or making forceful contact”
· 3 for “Engaging in rough conduct”
· 2 for “Kicking another person”
· 6 for “Abusive towards an Umpire”
· 1 for “Using abusive, insulting or threatening language” · 1 for “Failing to leave the playing surface when directed”
1 withdrawn
With over 500 games played, we average approximately one report for every 17 games.
The YVMDF&NL would like to thank & acknowledge the efforts of Mr Greg Black, Mr Gary Tippett & Mr Matthew Tippett in their roles as Chairman of the tribunal and also thank the efforts of tribunal members, Fury Di Pietro, Harold Bromley, Keith Thompson, Craig West and Theo Skordilis.
Interleague Report - Football
The journey was made to Swan Hill on the 26th May to take on Central Murray FNL. The 3 sides were led by Pewter Johnston, Vinny Dunstan and Katie Upton. And a first for Interleague was the live streaming by 3MDR & Valley Vision of all 3 games.
The day was overcast and the temperature dropped as the day wore on, but it didn’t seem to faze the Yarra Valley’s under 18s side, who in the end went on to win the game by eleven points. As expected, the game was close from the outset, and remained that way throughout the day. In the first quarter the Central Murray side had plenty of numbers behind the ball, proving to be everywhere whenever the footy was in dispute. But the first term was very evenly matched, with both teams struggling to convert, even though the Central Murray League were kicking with the breeze. The Valley boys were a little slow to work their way into the game, and unfortunately the quarter ended just as things started to go their way. Daniel Welsh, Lachlan Meadows and Jason Coghlan each enjoyed a great first quarter.
The second quarter was played in a very similar manner, with more of the boys getting involved. It was a very tight contest, with only three goals kicked for the entire quarter. The rain affected the play somewhat, but more so the shots on goal as opposed to efforts put in by both sides. And despite being down by a goal heading into the second half, the Yarra Valley boys were still feeling confident within themselves. Ben Cooper provided plenty of run from the back pocket, and with the full ground press in play, Jason Coghlan was great around the contests and was great at the stoppages.
When the third term got underway, it was no different to the first half; both sides pounced on the footy whenever it was in dispute, locking it in. It also proved to be a great quarter for the visiting team, as they kicked three goals to two to put them in front by a point heading into the last quarter. The pace of the game went up another level, proving to be very taxing on their bodies; and with such a big ground, it was going to be survival of the fittest. Brodie Emmett and Joel Coombs’ first ten minutes were fantastic, as they got their side up and about; Daniel Welsh had a great quarter and was good in the air and on the ground, although he came off with cramps with five minutes to go.
As the last quarter got going, the Yarra Valley boys looked as though they’d been playing together for much longer than what they really had; they gelled well together, with the visiting team maintaining possession for much of the term. But with about ten minutes to go, however, the tone of the game changed, as the Yarra Valley was awarded two fifty metre
The Under 18 side was represented by:
Ben Cooper Alexandra
Daniel Cann Emerald
Daniel Welsh Gembrook Cockatoo
Brodie Emmett Monbulk
Jarrad Arthur
Mount Evelyn
Jarrod Davis Mount Evelyn
Lachlan Meadows Olinda Ferny Creek
Luke Casini Seville
Joshua Neal Seville
James Blair Upwey Tecoma
Matthew Gottliebsen Upwey Tecoma
Mitchell Hannon Upwey Tecoma
Keenan Hinton Upwey Tecoma
Lachlan Curren Wandin
Jason Coghlan Warburton Millgrove
Jason Walker Warburton Millgrove
Kody Busoli Woori Yallock
Jesse Butcher Woori Yallock
Joel Coombs Woori Yallock
Campbell Smedley Woori Yallock
Hayden Smith Woori Yallock
Callum Orren Yarra Glen
Ewan Wadsworth Yarra Junction
penalties in quick succession, resulting in a goal and pushing the lead out a bit further. The Central Murray side never looked like going away, and when the siren finally sounded, it came very much as a blessing.
Daniel Welsh, Lachlan Meadows (1 goal), Brodie Emmett (1 goal) and Joel Coombs (2 goals) were best for The Yarra Valley in their eleven point victory.
Interleague Report - Football
Just as the seniors started playing, the sun came out from behind the clouds, with the afternoon proving to have more than just one season. As expected, both sides went in hard and fast at the footy, with no space given; the footy was quickly pounced upon whenever it was in dispute. Although most of the play was in the Yarra Valley’s half, they were wasteful when kicking for goal, kicking four goals four for the quarter, when it possibly could’ve been six and two. The rain did affect some of the play halfway through the term, but it affected Central Murray’s performance more so than the Valley’s. Liam Barnard, Steven Gough and Gary Sheppard each played a great quarter of football.
The second quarter was where things started to go in favour of the visiting team, for their pressure around the ground only allowed the Central Murray side to score one goal. And as the rain stopped, the ground remained slippery, but that didn’t hinder the Valley’s efforts and tackling. With their kicking more accurate this quarter but not as quite when having a shot on goal, the visiting team couldn’t quite capitalise despite plenty of possession. The home side struggled to get their hands on the footy, since the likes of Russell Cowan, Caillin Porter, Justin Myers and Gary Sheppard were working their way into the match.
With the third term underway, the Yarra Valley boys had better control of footy since the rain stopped, although a lot of the action took place in Central Murray’s half of the ground. This is where the visiting team’s backline held up well, being very solid all day and never panicking whenever they were under pressure. All the play and possessions may have come from the Yarra Valley, but they didn’t get to kick as many goals as they would’ve liked. Central Murray were very wasteful when kicking for goal, with the margin being much smaller if only they were more accurate.
And when the final quarter got going, the boys from the Yarra Valley were well in front, even though at times it felt as though the Central Murray side were preparing for a late surge to get them back into the match. With the game now well and truly being in favour of the Yarra Valley, they used every opportunity that was given to them despite being inaccurate, with their run and carry being second to none. And with four goals to one being kicked, the lead blew out to something that proved to be unattainable by the home side, as they were second to every contest and the pressure exerted by the Yarra Valley caused them to turn over the footy much too often. Justin Myers (1 goal) was deemed best on ground, with teammates Caillin Porter, Nathan Brown and Gary Sheppard (5 goals) also having a hand in the Yarra Valley’s comfortable forty two point victory.
The Senior side was represented by:
Brook Kennedy Emerald
Matthew Livermore Emerald
Caillan Porter Emerald
Joshua Taylor Emerald
Nathan Brown Gembrook Cockatoo
Stephen Gough Gembrook Cockatoo
Sam Martin Gembrook Cockatoo
Nathan Muratore Gembrook Cockatoo
Leigh Scott Gembrook Cockatoo
Andrew Walker Gembrook Cockatoo
Matthew Thomas Kinglake
Kieran Gray Monbulk
Cameron Carmody Mount Evelyn
Russell Cowan Mount Evelyn
Michael Paolini Mount Evelyn
Luke Miller Powelltown
Joshua Wilson Powelltown
Jarrod Bayliss Wandin
Rhys Chapman Wandin
Justin Myers Wandin
Garry Sheppard Wandin
Liam Barnard Warburton Millgrove
Daniel Lewis Woori Yallock
Yarra Valley has now won their last five Interleague matches in Seniors which now see us placed 10th in the AFL Vic Country and we will be travelling to Gippsland in 2013 .
WorkSafe VCFL State Team
Congratulations also must go to Jarrod Bayliss (Wandin), Caillan Porter (Emerald), Josh Taylor (Emerald) & Nathan Muratore (Gembrook Cockatoo) who were selected to represent the Yarra Valley in the VCFL v VAFA Championships in 2012. A special note to Jarrod Bayliss (All Australian) & Nathan Muratore (Under 19 All Australian)
Leo Groenewegen
Interleague Report - Netball
We had a very successful interleague experience this year right from the start. We had a great turn out to both try-outs, with good numbers representing both divisions.
The talent within the league is getting better and stronger each year, and the most exciting thing is that the up and coming talent is young, raw girls we can really work with and develop.
After try-outs we selected a squad of 10 girls, all the girls very eager to learn and work together to produce the best to date Interleague team to take the court.
I would like to thank Anita Wood & Mel White for all their support over pre-season and during the Championships.
The final squad was made up of:
Megan Whiteroad Emerald
Shannon Gray
Rachel Hickey
Ella Priestley
Lauren Tesoriero
Mount Evelyn
Mount Evelyn
Mount Evelyn
Mount Evelyn
Morgan Wyatt Seville
Rebecca Tilley Wandin
Jamie Lord
Mel White
Warburton Millgrove
Warburton Millgrove
Jacqueline Graham Yea
The girls that were selected to play interleague against the Central Murray Football Netball League gelled and played well together. The first quarter saw the Yarra Valley girls get on top early, though their opponent was never far behind; there was always the worry that the Central Murray girls would work at the margin. The ball was moved
quickly through the centre court, and with the girls wearing their opposition like a glove; Ella Priestley (C) and Lauren Tesoriero (WD) were driving forces in the first term, as was Rachel Hickey
(GS) with her accurate nine goals and Rebecca Tilley (GD) and Mel White (GK) kept out their opposition.
The second quarter saw the rain settle in, hindering the performances of the Yarra Valley somewhat; this brought about inaccuracy when putting shots up for goal for both teams and causing the Valley girls to slow down. This term was won by the opposition, who had most of the play – they simply couldn’t capitalise on the opportunities, and they had plenty. Lauren Tesoriero and Rebecca Tilley again played well in this quarter, as did Jacqui Graham (WA).
The third quarter proved to be the turning point in the match, as the Central Murray girls couldn’t get their hands on the netball, and when they did, their goallers couldn’t convert. The changes that occurred here, with Megan Whiteroad coming on as (GS), Jaime Lord coming on as (WA) and Shannon Gray changing from (GS) to (GK), proved to have a positive outcome on the match. Rachel Hickey barely missed a goal, shooting an accurate six goals from eight shots, and although rain settled in once again halfway through the term, the Valley girls didn’t let it affect them this time. They had fantastic run and carry from the defence due to Lauren Tesoriero and Rebecca Tilley, and in comparison to the previous quarters, there were fewer turnovers.
One change was made in this quarter, and what was Jaime Lord coming off in favour of Morgan Wyatt coming on as WA. The Central Murray girls were in control in this term, winning eleven goals to six; they had all the play and used the ball very well, and it showed on the scoreboard. Morgan Wyatt, Shannon Gray, Rachel Hickey and Lauren Tesoriero each enjoyed a great quarter, despite their passing letting them down in some aspects of the term. The final score was 39–31, and Lauren Tesoriero was named VCFL player of the carnival.
Kate Upton
Umpires Report
Season 2012 once again presented interesting challenges for umpiring in the Yarra Valley.
Our ambition always is to have enough umpires on our panel so as to not put pressure on the Clubs by asking them to provide their own field umpires in Reserves games. This was able to be achieved from day one and gave us a sound launching pad for the rest of the season.
Congratulations to all umpires who umpired Grand Finals. Their appointments were earned and their performances in the games justified their selection. Thanks also to the remainder of the panel who may not have achieved a grand final but proved their loyalty to our League.
While we do not have a great number of young field umpires, our older brigade are very consistent and they display great loyalty to the YVMDFL.
The boundary umpires go to the other extreme and are in the main a young group. The difficulty is to get them to train as a group on a regular basis. Once again we had four boundary umpires used in both senior Grand Finals and this proved to be successful to the image of the games.
Our goal umpires are a very reliable group and it is looking good for the future to see such young talent coming through the ranks.
Recruitment of course is always an issue and in the future there needs to be more support shown to provide a career path for young umpires coming through the juniors. To make it to senior football and beyond, the young umpires need to be encouraged to umpire on Saturdays in senior football. Umpiring is no different to football clubs, to remain a healthy, successful club in the long term you must have the emphasis on developing and nurturing your juniors.
Clubs can also help in recruitment of umpires as there surely must be some players who have retired and would be able to take up the whistle.
We were not in a position this year to recommend any of our umpires to the VFL for trial but I would expect we will have some young umpires to take that step after season 2013. The VCFL have invited a number of our field, boundary and goal umpires to be part of the V/Line Umpiring Academy for 2013.
Congratulations to the recipients of the special umpiring awards in 2012. Jason Newman was the Umpire of the Year and was awarded the John Edwards medal struck by the League. Jason had a fantastic year umpiring in the Division 1 Grand Final but also to be chosen to represent the VCFL at the Australian Country Football Championships in Wagga Wagga. Such was his performances at these Championships he was selected to umpire in the Grand Final.
The best field umpire was Jason Newman, Riley Kennedy was the best boundary umpire and Ron Sandfort won the best goal
umpire trophy. The Golden Whistle trophy went to a young goal umpire, Riley Kennedy, and the best Finals umpire was won by Alan Seymour.
Many thanks to members of the Umpires Board for their efforts throughout the season namely Stephen Edwards as the Fitness and Field Umpires coach, Brad Scicluna as the Boundary Coach and Bob Allen as the Goal Coach. But, there is no doubt that most important person in the umpiring fraternity is John Edwards in his role as Assistant Director, without his commitment and hard work during the season, we would not be able to operate. We are all extremely grateful for the job that you continue to do.
Well done also to the Umpires Association under the Presidency of Les King. Les and his Executive have continued on from last year to get their Association back on a firm footing which augurs well for the future of umpiring in the YVMDFL.
In closing, I would like to sincerely thank the League President, Leo Groenewegen, and the League Chief Executive Officer, Steve Walter, for their total support to umpiring. Thanks also to Judy in the League office and other YVMDFL Directors for their support during the year.