Cee visa booklet

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cee VISA BOOKLET AIESEC INDONESIA 1415 Fabsya Farazzahra – National IR OGCDP Manager

CONTENT of BOOKLET This Visa Booklet was made based on the initiative of oGCDP AIESEC Indonesia 1415 in order to help the upcoming EPs, EP Managers, VPs and all related party in terms of visa making. The content is made based on the task given to the LCs, so it’s quite reliable. (Thanks to all LCs that help a lot in the process) CEE Visa Booklet is the first version of the Visa Booklet, soon there will AP Visa Booklet and MENA Visa Booklet. The Booklet is consist of the type of Visa that the EPs usually make for AIESEC Programs, the flow, process also useful tips and trick from EP Returnees.

Hopefully this booklet will be useful for the upcoming EPs of AIESEC in Indonesia. Regards, Fabsya Farazzahra


TABLE OF CONTENT Content of booklet ………………………………. 1 Table of content ………………………………... 2 VISA GUIDE TO: ROMANIA ………………………………………….. 4 SLOVAKIA …………………………………………. 8 UKRAINE ………………………………………….. 12 TURKEY …………………………………………... 16 POLAND ………………………………………….. 20 RUSSIA …………………………………………... 24 EMBASSY ADDRESS in INDONESIA ………………………. 28 Indonesia embassy abroad ……………………………


Experience the everlasting Europe




VISA PROCESS 1. This is the most crucial part of making visa. You have to ensure that you have all the documents needed, just visit the website to get the checklists • For Romanian visa, they ask for invitation letter that has stamp from minsitry in Bucharest. Which means if you’re going to other LC, ensure the LC has enough time to get the stamp from bucharest, send it back to you, scanned version is fine. Better to have both english & romanian version. The stamp illustration: • The proof of financial from bank should be print less than 2 days before submission, or else it’ll be invalid

2. The interview questions are just common question to ensure your purpose of going to Romania. Basically you just drop your documents & wait for the call when the visa is done 3. Get your documents already sort as required by the embassy before submission 4. The embassy only open Monday, Wed & Friday from 9 AM-12 noon 5. If you’re applying around nov/dec please ensure you already obtain the correct (ministry’ stamped) IL before dec 20th, because the embassy in Bucharest start to close due to xmas’ holidays & re-open around 2nd week of Jan.


Tips & Tricks 1. Apply ISIC card for: students discounts & seek airlines that support this program. It’s better to purchase on the airlines branches than travel agencies, because sometime they haven’t been aware of ISIC

official ID, you can use this when traveling to touristic attractions & get student’s price 2. Obtain visa 1-2 months before departure to avoid unexpected situations 3. Prepare money to pay the visa fee, preferably USD. You’ll need to pay in Bank, so think about transportation because you won’t be able to pay directly in the embassy. Also look up the bank required that closest to the embassy

Clarabelle Tanurahardja LC PMBS to LC Craiova

4. You can purchase travel insurance in travel agents, just adjust according length of stay. 5. Applying visa in travel agents is not preferable because they rarely handle flights to Romania for Short-stay visa 6. Ensure you have original documents 7. The Indonesian Embassy in Romania is very friendly, you can stay there overnight if you have plans to travel around Bucharest. Just make a call first to have a reservation. If you need materials for Global Village, don’t hesitate to call them, if possible they’ll have it delivered to your city. 8. It’s not complicated to apply for Romanian visa as long you already have all correct documents required





VISA PROCESS 1. Make an appointment by coming to the embassy OR call by phone 2. Fulfill the documents, such as: • Passport (.Ensure your passport is not about to expire) • Flight reservation • Travel insurance • Financial prove • include the invitation letter from the organization you’ve invited) • Affix your photograph (3,5 x 4,5cm) must be color, taken against a white background • Checking account (rekening koran)

3. You can submit your Schengen Visa and do the Payment. Normal price: EUR 60 (760.000 IDR). 4. Doing the interview. Tell them and make sure the purpose of your travel. 5. Wait for your visa ready (3-5 days).


Tips & Tricks . Go to travel agent for faster process. 2. Prepare visa 90 days before Azkiah Nurfiana departure LC BINUS to LC BanskĂĄ 1


Daniel Tansie LC PMBS To LC Bartislava

1. If you live near Jakarta, don’t use the travel agent , it is cheaper to do it by yourself plus it is easy to get visa to g to Slovakia 2. Ensure you have all original documents 3. Prepare visa 2 months before departure 11




VISA PROCESS 1. Make an appointment by coming to the embassy OR call by phone 2. Fulfill the documents, such as: • Passport (.Ensure your passport is not about to expire) • Flight reservation • Travel insurance • Include the invitation letter from the organization you’ve invited) • Affix your photograph (3,5 x 4,5cm) must be color, taken against a white background

3. You can submit your Visa requirements and do the Payment. Normal price: US $85 4. Do the interview. Tell them the purpose of your travel. 5. It will take 12 to 14 days until the visa 6. Then they will verify all your documents and you have to bring your proof of payment to get the visa


Tips & Tricks

Anugrah Pakerti LC UGM to LC Lviv

1. Never issued the tickets before your visa is ready 2. Ensure you have all original documents 3. Prepare visa a month before departure

Bagus Dharmawan LC UNDIP to LC Lviv

1. You can make your visa with the scanned version of your invitation letter 2. Ensure you have all original documents 3. Prepare visa atleast 1 month before departure 15




VISA PROCESS 1. Fulfill the documents and ensure you have all the documents needed, such as: • invitation letter saying that you are accepted for an AIESEC program, • permission letter from your parent saying that they’re aware of you joining the exchange program, • saving account from your parents (just one of them for the past 3 months), • and other normal stuffs that you can further check at the embassy’s website (such as ID Card, Passport, Family Card, Statement letter from your campus saying that you’re one of their student, etc). NB: The documents required may differ from time to time, I suggest you to go directly the Turkey embassy’s website on www.mfa.gov.tr

2. After having all the documents, you can go to embassy at 9AM-12PM (workdays) to apply the visa 3. You can submit your Visa requirements and do the Payment. Normal price: Rp 710.500,4. Do the interview. Tell them the purpose of your travel. 5. It will take 3 to 5 days until the visa is ready.


Tips & Tricks

Lalu Sandikala LC BINUS to LC Bursa

1. Go to travel agent for faster and easier visa process (this can be costly though) 2. Ensure you have all original documents 3. Prepare visa 2 months before departure 4. Go directly to their website or ask someone who has the experience in making this sort of visa.

Nela Navida LC UGM to LC Eskisehir

There is no difficulties on the process of visa making so that you don’t have to go the travel agent. You only need to prepare and make sure about the invitation letter because it is one of the 19 main requirement.




VISA PROCESS 1. You have to complete the form by online and make an appointment to apply visa through the form on the website http://www.dzakarta.msz.gov.pl/en/c/ MOBILE/consular_information/visas/ 2. Ensure that you have completed all the documents needed include the original /scanned invitation letter before apply for visa making. If your documents is not completed, then your visa will not processed. 3. Do the payment directly because there is no interview needed. The Payment is about IDR 500.000,4. It will take about 2weeks of work days to get your visa ready. Bring the proof of payment when you will get your visa. 22

Tips & Tricks 1. Go to embassy directly (preferable) 2. Ensure you have all original documents 3. Prepare visa 2 months before departure

Dimas Adipraja LC UGM to LC Warszawa SGH

Nikos Joshua H. S. LC UA to LC Poznan

1. Ensure all the documents needed. The staff is not friendly so they will not helpful if your documents is not ready. 2. The schedule of visa making is not everyday so you have to make an appointment first and be a good planner! 3. You only have to make them sure that you will be okay there and you will come back to Indonesia. 23




VISA PROCESS 1. Before going to embassy, I prepared some documents needed in order to make visa by searching those in Russian embassy official website. http://www.indonesia.mid.ru/cons_e.html I completed all the documents. 2. It is necessary to have invitation letter that will be sent directly from Russia to the Russian embassy in Indonesia. This invitation letter has to be sent directly and it will take 6 – 8 weeks. 3. AIESEC LC related in Russia gave me the telex number of the invitation letter so I can ask whether my visa has arrived or not by telling my invitation letter telex number to the receptionist.

4. It is important to call the embassy first and tell the telex number before going directly to the embassy. Why? Because usually, when AIESEC LC related gave the telex number and told you that it is ready, the fact it is not. Usually we still have to wait approximately 1 – 2 weeks until it is ready. 5. After the invitation letter is really in the embassy, give all the documents and the telex number. I proposed the fastest visa and it is ready within 2 days. (The visa making duration for the fastest type takes 1 – 3 days).


Tips & Tricks Match with the LC related maximum 2 months before realization. The invitation letter takes 6 – 8 weeks, so it is better to match earlier.

Catur Dewi P. LC UGM to LC SPUEF

1. Go to travel agent for faster and easier visa process. This tips can be taken if you have a problem with the invitation letter. But, I remind you guys this kind of visa is too risky because you will do such a social work there so tourist visa is not suitable to be choosen. 2. Ensure you have all original documents. 3. Prepare visa 2 months before departure or at least a month before departure. 4. Just call the embassy to get the confirmation about your IL 5. You can get the application form through by online.

Hana Kamilia LC PMBS to LC Samara



BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA Menara Imperium, 11th floor Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav. 1 12980 Jakarta Indonesia (021) 8370.3022 BULGARIA JL. Prof. Mohammad Yamin, SH No. 29, Menteng - Central Jakarta 10310, 10310 (021) 3904048 Mon - Fri, 9.30 - 17.00 h http://www.mfa.bg/embassies/indonesia Embassy.Jakarta@mfa.bg CZECH REPUBLICA Jl Gereja Theresia 20 Menteng Jakarta Pusat 12110 021-2396112-3 Mon - Fri, 9:00 - 12:00 www.mzv.cz/jakarta jakarta@embassy.mzv.cz

FRANCE Jl. MH. Thamrin n°1, Jakarta Pusat 10310 (62-21) 2355 7600 Kunjungan tanpa janji, pagi hari pukul 08.30 – 12.30 (agar tak melewati jam pelayanan, pendaftaran di resepsionis harus dilakukan sebelum pukul 11.00). http://www.ambafrance-id.org/ contact@ambafrance-id.org GERMANY Jl. MH. Thamrin n°1, Jakarta Pusat 10310 (021) 398 55 000 Senin: pukul 07.15 hingga pukul 15.30, Selasa hingga Kamis: pukul 07.15 hingga pukul 15.45, Jumat: pukul 07.15 Uhr hingga pukul 13.00 http://www.jakarta.diplo.de/ https://jakarta.diplo.de/Vertretung/jakarta

HUNGARY Jl. Rasuna Said KAV. X/3 Kuningan Jakarta 12950 Indonesia (+62) 21 520-34-59 / Monday and Thursday 9 a.m. 12 a.m http://www.mfa.gov.hu/emb/jakarta mission.jkt@kum.hu, // huembjkt@rad.net.id // huembjkt@telkom.net ITALY Jalan Diponegoro, 45 Menteng Jakarta 10310 (021)31937445 Senin hingga Jumat: pk. 09.30 hingga 12.30 (Senin dan Rabu, Kamis Jumat), pk. 09.30 – 12.30 dan 14.00 – 16.00 (Selasa) http://www.ambjakarta.esteri.it/Ambasciata_Jakarta ambasciata.jakarta@esteri.it NETHERLANDS Jalan HR Rasuna Said Kav.S-3, Jakarta 12950 (+62) 21-5248200 http://indonesia.nlembassy.org/ jak-pa@minbuza.nl or erasmushuis@minbuza.nl

NORWAY Menara Rajawali 20th fl., Jl. Dr Ide Anak Agung Gede Agung, Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta 12950, Indonesia 62 21 2965 0000 Monday to Friday 08.30 - 16.00. Opening hours for Visa and Consular matters: Monday to Thursday 08.30 - 12.00. Friday the visa section is closed. http://www.norway.or.id/ emb.jakarta@mfa.no POLAND Jl. Rasuna Said Kav X Bliok IV/3, 12950 Jakarta 6221 2525938 [Senin - Jumat] jam: 8:30 WIB - 16:30 WIB http://www.dzakarta.msz.gov.pl/en/home_page

ROMANIA Jl. Teuku Cik Di Tiro No. 42 A Menteng, Jakarta Pusat (021) 390.04.89,310.62.40, 392.15.69 http://www.mae.ro/en/romanian-missions/3193 romind@indosat.net.id romind@cbn.net.id

RUSSIA Jl. H.R.Rasuna Said, Kav X-7, 1-2, 12940 Jakarta (62-21) 522-29-12/14 rusemb.indonesia@mid.ru rusemb.indonesia@mid.rua.mid.ru/ SLOVAKIA Jalan Prof. Mohammad Yamin,SH No 29 P.O.Box 1368 Menteng, Jakarta 10310 Indonesia (+62)-21-3101068, +62-21-3151429 http://www.mzv.sk/servlet/jakartazu slovemby@indo.net.id

SPAIN Jl H Agus Salim 61 Menteng Jakarta Pusat 10350 021-31935937, 335937, 335940, 335771 embespid@mail.mae.es

TURKEY Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav.1 , Kuningan Jakarta 12950 62 21 525 62 50 - +62 21 526 41 43 09:00-12:00 AM http://jakarta.emb.mfa.gov.tr/ embassy.jakarta@mfa.gov.tr UKRAINE Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 27, Mayapada Tower 2, 8th Floor, Jakarta 12920 00 6221) 250 08 01 Mon-Fri 09:00 – 17:00 http://indonesia.mfa.gov.ua/en/index/city/id/49 emb_id@mfa.gov.ua


CZECH REPUBLICA Embassy of Indonesia in Prague, Czech RepublicNad Budankami II/7Praha 5 Smichov, 150 21 (420) 25721 4388 to 90 http://www.indoneske-velvyslanectvi.cz/ informace@indonesian-embassy.cz HUNGARY Embassy Of Indonesia inBudapest, HungaryVarosligeti Fasor26 H-1068 (361) 3428508 or 3428585 Monday - Thursday : 09.00 - 17.00 Friday : 09.00 - 14.30 http://www.indonesia.hu/ kbribud@indonesia.hu SLOVAKIA Brnianska 31 - 811 04 Bratislava - Slovak Republic '+421-2-54419886 Monday - Friday (09.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 17.00) http://www.indonesia.sk


Contact US Ana azzahra


MCD ogcdp aiesec indonesia 1415


Aiesec mail: Ana.azzahra@aiesec.net Gmail: Ladyana.azzahra@gmail.com Skype: Ana.azzahra Phone: 6285640742380 FB: Ana Azzahra

Aiesec mail: fabsya.farazzahra@aiesec.net Gmail: ffabsya@gmail.com Skype: fabsya.zahra Phone: 6285649254854 FB: fabsya farazzahra

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