Vol. XLIV , No. 3 Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Jazz concert by Andrea Marcelli and Andrea Pozza Page 9
Outlook The Independent Student Publication Since 1949
Abduction movie review Page 8
Children’s Cancer Center Workshop for Volunteers Page 7
Arab-US Association of Communication Educators at the American University of Beirut Tracy Dariane Member at Large
he Media Studies program at the American University of Beirut (AUB) will be hosting the 16th annual conference of the Arab-US Association of Communication Educators (AUSACE), which will be taking place from October 28 until October 31, 2011. The main theme of the conference will bring together the concepts of digital literacy and media literacy. The emphasis will be drawn upon the ever changing and influencing roles that these two themes play in journalism, communication, media education, activism, politics and society. The conference will be bringing in more than 250 media educators, journalists and activists from across the globe, to share and present their different experiences and research. Michael Oghia, conference manager and web editor, and graduate student in the AUB Sociology-Anthropology and Media Studies
Logo taken from www.aub.edu.lb/fas/sbs/ausace2011
Department said, “There are participants coming from over 150 institutions, from at least 35 countries; this is a great networking opportunity for participants and attendants.” He also added that it is an immense occasion for people who take interest in the realm of media to expand their knowledge and come into acquaintance with new research and issues that arise in the hyper-mediatized world of today.
The four day conference will be preceded by two days of workshops, which will cover journalism in transitioning states and cyber security for social media activists. The conference is mainly aimed at scholars, experts, and advanced graduate students who pursue their research in the realm of media studies, in addition to the media industry’s top managers and directors.
Continued on Page 4
Libya: Waking up from the nightmare Karim Zahed Contributing Writer
he author of the best seller “The Green book”, the man coming from tents in the desert, the King of African Kings himself, as he claimed, was killed last week after months of rebellious movements in Libya. Yes, he is “Muammar al Gaddafi,” the man who ruled over Libya for 42 years (1969 - 2011), but not anymore. He is the third pharaoh of the African continent to finally step aside for good after hiding incognito, ever since Libya’s
capital was taken over by rebels earlier in August. Muammar Gaddafi came from the “Gadadifa” tribe of his hometown of “Sirt,” and probably never expected that it would be where he would face his last battle with those he had described as “dirty rats,” only to be killed. He displayed psychotic tendencies at times, and referred to himself as the leader of the very revolution set against him. How could those
watching from afar believe that he was from the people and for the people when he lived in luxury and they lived in suffering? The whole story might as well be summarized as the people’s “rage for change” that erupted mid February 2011. In a modern world where democracy prevails in most nations, the oppressed are easily inspired to demand their primary rights. Continued on Page 4