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Outlook AUB

Outlook is proud to introduce itself as AUB’s official student newspaper since 1949. Our weekly publication has been cherished by the AUB community for decades and now continues to improve and grow in quality, diversity, and most importantly, readership. Its readers are a diverse community of international and local students and faculty, with every Outlook issue directly reaching a whopping 12,000 people including AUB students, alumni, faculty, staff, and visitors. Outlook has a team of committed students consisting of credible reporters, writers, editors, and photographers. It covers all topics ranging from campus life to national and international issues consisting of socio-political, cultural, entertainment, and opinion articles.


Issue 13

January 4, 2013

Issue 12

December 13, 2012

Issue 9

December 13, 2012

Issue 11

December 13, 2012

Issue 10 Volume 45

November 26, 2012

Issue 8

November 13, 2012

Issue 7 Volume 45

November 9, 2012

Issue 6

October 30, 2012

Issue 5

October 22, 2012

Issue 4

October 16, 2012

Issue 3

October 8, 2012

Issue 2

October 1, 2012

1 v 45

September 25, 2012

24 v 44

May 22, 2012

23 v 44

May 15, 2012

22 v 44

May 7, 2012

21 v 44

May 2, 2012

20 v 44

April 25, 2012

19 v 44

April 16, 2012

18 v 44

April 1, 2012

17 v 44

March 25, 2012

16 v 44

March 18, 2012

15 v 44

March 12, 2012

14 v 44

March 5, 2012

Issue 13

February 27, 2012

12 v 44

February 20, 2012

I11 V44

January 9, 2012

I10 V44

December 19, 2011

I9 V44

December 12, 2011

I8 V44

December 8, 2011

I7 V44

November 27, 2011

I6 V44

November 23, 2011

I5 V44

November 16, 2011

I4 V44

November 1, 2011

I 1, V 43

October 24, 2011

I3 V44

October 24, 2011

I2 V44

October 18, 2011

I 1 V44

October 14, 2011

I 31 V 43

July 6, 2011

I 30 V 43

May 25, 2011

I 29 V 43

May 22, 2011

I 28 V43

May 11, 2011

I 27, V 43

May 5, 2011

I 26, Vol 43

April 28, 2011

I 25, Vol 43

April 25, 2011

I 24, Vol 43

April 11, 2011

I 22, Vol 43

April 10, 2011