September 26, 2012
Vol. XLV, No. 4 October 17, 2012
Administration jumpstarts new year with club orientation day
Stock the Wood: Buy tickets, plant some trees Nerces Arslanian Staff Writer Woodstock was one of the most significant cultural events that took place amidst the social revolution in the United States during the 60s. Music at the time was a medium through which people could come together and form strong bonds against the oppressor known as “the man.” Many songs from that era were of a sociopolitical import that resonated with the social and civil rights movements at the time. One of the many subcultures that emerged from that generation are known for their laid-back and ecofriendly attributes. You got it -- hippies. What better way to save trees than to play music evocative of the hippie era? In relation to that concept, the Nature Conservation Center organized its second annual “Stock the Wood”
George Bitar discusses rules to follow during cabinet meetings | Photo credit: Heather Jaber
Heather Jaber Editor-in-Chief This past Saturday, club and society cabinet members from the American University of Beirut (AUB) met for an orientation program planned by the Office of Student Affairs.
Among the speakers were the faces of the Office of Student Affairs, including Dean of Student Affairs Talal Nizameddin, Associate Dean of Student Affairs Charbel Tarraf and Coordinator of Student Activities Hiba Hamade. The event was the first
of its kind, planned to increase communication and allow cabinet members to learn about procedural club rules. The event was held at the Radisson Blu Martinez Hotel, where presentations and refreshment breaks took place over the Continued on page 3
Career counseling and placement center receives $125,000 for financial aid program Frederic Abou Jaoude Staff Writer Last week, a check for $125,000 to support AUB’s financial aid program, was received by Career Counseling & Placement Specialist, Maryam Ghandour. “In spite of the entire situation [in Lebanon], it is good to see that such donations continue,” highlighted Ghandour after being congratulated by President Pe-
ter Dorman. President Dorman, Associate Vice President for Development, Imad Baalbaki, Dean of Student Affairs, Talal Nizameddin and Head of the Financial Aid Department, Selim Kanaan, were present at the job fair check donation, which took place in the President’s Office in College Hall, on October 9. Nizameddin said that such donations are for good
Campus News 2
Columns 6
Sports 8
causes that university heads expand on year after year. He also said that “AUB students are still seen as unique.” Baalbaki, on the other hand, mentioned that AUB students have job offices in a broad spectrum of areas now. He suggested that administrators’ focus should now be more centered on internships and training in addition to academics.
Continued on page 3
Various bands played music from the 60s and 70s at Stock the Wood Photo credit: Karen Sertin
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| Arts and Culture 10
festival that took place on Oct. 11 at Charles Hostler Student Center. People were welcomed into the reception with cups of orange juice and a fistful of peanuts in paper cones before entering the auditorium. Selma Talhouk, faculty member of Landscape Design and Ecosystem Management and the main organizer of the event, said the proceeds are put towards planting trees across the country. The event consisted of a lineup of local bands (SARAY, No Place to Fall, Bliss and Recycled), covering songs from genres ranging from classical rock to blues and soul. The lyrics of the songs were displayed on a wide projection screen so the audience could sing along. Rachid Zock, a singer and songwriter, opened the set with “The Boxer” by Si-
Viewpoints 13
2 · Campus News
October 17, 2012
September 26, 2012
Job fair check donation
Continued from page 1
Baalbaki explained that the total check donations from 2003 to 2011 were $1,091,500, the most recent being $125,000 in 2012. He said that the job fair committee endowed $320,000 as scholarship value from 2003 to 2011, and $771,500 for the current job fair committee scholarship, totalling $1,091,500. For the 2012 donations, a final result of $445,000 was reached. Part of that will be invested in job affairs, and another part will be used for financial aid contributions.
Raghida Haber from the financial aid office said that the money the department is given each year varies according to the donations in the development office. Haber said that in 200809, three students received scholarships amounting to $10,561. In 2009-10, 32 students entered university with scholarships of total $151,000. The next year, the number became 36 with a total of $140,000, and in 2011-12, seven students benefited from scholarships valuing $31,900. Job fair check donation goes towards AUB’s financial aid support program| Photo credit: Mohammad Azzam
Not Ready for Democracy: Stand-up by Mazen CCCL donates to last year’s graduation party Abdallah might be used “to topple the regime.” Abdallah jokingly suggested initiating a Facebook group to get four million likes, so that a dictator would just leave. Abdallah tried to eliminate the misconception of secularism being about oppressing religion and Muslims. He claimed that “this is not fair.” Comedian Mazen Abdallah entertains in Bathish| Photo credit: He stated that Arabs are Mohammad Azzam Ghida Ismail More than 200 students not ready for democracy-Staff Writer were present to hear the re- they have been refused cent AUB graduate. Abdal- democracy. He described “Help! Have you seen Ma- lah joked about the democ- it as “getting into the zen Abdallah?” racy and government in friend- zone in politics.” On the week of Sept. 8, Lebanon, Arab history and He stressed avoiding seca movie hit the Facebook the tendency of censorship tarianism because Lebanon homepages of AUB stu- in Lebanon and the Arab has now become the image of a democracy that can be dents featuring comedian world. Mazen Abdallah being He also joked about the played with. “Mazen showed that the held captive in an unknown lack of media freedom in best way to get a point place, where he is accused Syria. “I remember when I of starting a terrorist move- got to Syria, there were two across is good old wit and ment in collaboration with channels. Channel one Syr- humor,” said Karim Khanthe AUB Secular Club. ia is really awesome, and sa, a civil and environmenNot to worry, the movie channel two Syria is really tal engineering student. Issam Kayssi, president was simply an advertise- awesome extended hours! of the Secular Club added, ment for Abdallah’s stand- If any of you miss our show up comedy show organized of how awesome Syria was, “Today was a great example of uncensored, complete by the AUB Secular Club we have it on repeat!” last Wednesday in West He also addressed the is- freedom of speech, one of Bathish. The show was en- sue of Facebook, and how the main foundations the titled “Not Ready for De- revolutionary it has be- AUB Secular Club is built mocracy.” come, to the point that it on.”
Frederic Abou Jaoude Staff Writer
nations are crucial to “encourage students to spread awareness” about interest Over the past years, grad- in the well-being of others. uation parties organized by Eid emphasized that this graduating AUBites have donation delineates that been losing money or, in AUB students are philanthe best cases, not gaining thropists and do care about profit. The graduation party humanitarian issues. “It is of the class of 2012, how- for a good cause,” he noted. ever, was special. The func- Eid wished that such check tion held at La Suite Oceana donations would become Beach Resort raised $5,200 a yearly tradition through as a result of ticket sales. which AUB students would A current medicine stu- raise money for benevolent dent representing the facul- causes that promote the ty of medicine in the USFC, welfare of others. Joe Eid, had proposed the idea to donate this collected amount of money to the Children’s Cancer Center of Lebanon (CCCL). Maria Mamlouk from the AUBMC infirmary received the USFC check donation from Eid himself in the presence of the Dean of Student Affairs, Talal Nizameddin, on Wednesday, Oct. 10. While receiving the check, Mamlouk thanked the USFC for its generous contribution. Also, Nizameddin highlighted that such magnanimous do-
Campus News · 3
October 17, 2012
September 26, 2012
Clubs’orientation day Continued from page 1
course of the day. One hot topic that incited much debate related to issues with communication amongst the clubs themselves. Cabinet members in attendence voiced concerns about a lack of efficient communication among clubs, and issues faced when attempting to plan events, make announcements and generally contact other clubs and societies. Director of Information and Media Relations, Dalal Saoud, assured students that they would work on creating some sort of con-
tact base for clubs. Nizameddin spoke of the importance of student life at AUB, describing the clubs in terms of color, music and debate, but also stressing the obligation they have to their community. “[We] have a responsibility to serve our society,” said Nizameddin. “We can afford to dream, as AUB students, by doing what we do every day.” The speakers cleared up misunderstandings relating to event planning, coordination within the department and general logistics. Among the speakers were PSPA professor George Bi-
tar, CVSP instructor Hani Hassan, USFC Vice President Joe Eid and Head of Events and Ceremonies Johnny El-Hage. Bitar gave students a breakdown of how to structure meetings and votes, emphasizing that silence during a meeting is equated to giving one’s consent. In addition to presentations highlighting the rules of cabinet meetings, Hassan posed more philosophical questions to the cabinet members. He asked students to think about why they were actually in a club, and to reasses the direction of their clubs. Nizammedin elaborated, emphasizing the impor-
tance of student involvement in any university setting, whether in AUB or across the globe. He said that student life experiences help “build character,” and possibly “change your mind” about certain predispositions one might have, especially significant in the Lebanese political and cultural climate. Nizameddin also spoke of his involvement with the International Association of Student Affairs and Services (IASAS), and his hopes to implement a Lebanese chapter. “[There is] an emphasis on development,” said Nizameddin, about programs of this nature. He
spoke of focusing more on programs that develop the skills students require to be model citizens and leaders, as well as incite constructive debate. “Anarchy can be good contructive anarchy,” said Nizammedin to cabinet members, sharing his personal opinion when debate erupted among the audience about using social media in a responsible way. During his presentation at the orientation, Tarraf spoke of potential plans to found a leadership office, allowing the administration to really focus on student affairs and club activities.
Tarek Mouhieddine Special to Outlook
Next, the standing committees simultaneously ran their formal assemblies until lunchtime. Right after lunch, training on fundraising, project management and time management, and workshops on conflict resolution and avoiding burnout were offered. According to Med I students, these training sessions were proven to be genuinely beneficial and amusing. Many students, however, felt that the sessions were also very condensed and overwhelming. Later, vis-à-vis the general assembly’s theme entitled “The MED Factor – White Coat Effect,” participants had the choice of picking one of five events: the doctor and family life, the white coat effect, the doctor and next frontier, the doctor and hospital staff, the doctor and society. These themes focused on subjects that medical students aren’t typically exposed to in their course of studies and trainings. After a long day of meet-
ings and sessions, the participating students had the chance to have a blast and release their stress during an organized social program. The standing committees performanced for the crowd, and the students had the chance to party until the early hours of the morning. On Sunday came another round of standing committee sessions. These sessions, however, were less grueling and focused on wrapping up the discussions that began on Saturday. At the closing ceremony, Wajiha Jurdi Kheir, LeMSIC president, handed over her position to, Fadi Halabi. The new LeMSIC executive board was also announced to the attendees. The general assembly ended in excitement and optimism for a new year.
Second anual Stock the Wood LeMSIC highlights: Medical students parconcert take in assembly Continued from page 1
mon and Garfunkel. He went on to perform “Father and Son” by Cat Stevens. Omar Talhouk and Aya Saleh were accompanied by philosophy professor Chris Johns and his remarkable zest and talent for drumming on a five-gallon water bottle in their magical rendition of Ingrid Michaelson's “You and I.” The trio also performed “So Long, Marianne” by Leonard Cohen and Cat Stevens’ “Lady D’Arbanville.” Thinking about the performance, Youssef Salah, a fellow AUBite, highlighted that the concert “was decent and really good.” But he had expected it to be
Erratum In last week’s front page article, “Against the mockery of the beliefs of others,” the sentence, “He also spoke of who the prophet of Islam was, describing him as a man who changed the world and took the
more electric-guitar-based than acoustic-based. Bahaa Halwany, who was part of the sound check team before the performance, said that the concert “exceeded [his] expectations because the acoustics during the sound check had too much reverb.” There were some technical difficulties in the middle of the concert that involved problems with sound tone and feedback from the amps, but the music came out smoothly in transition. In conclusion, the concert was favorably received, and the audience went so far as to call for an encore for one of the bands.
Some 170 medical students from five medical schools in Lebanon participated in the Lebanese Medical Students’ International Committee’s third annual national general assembly, early in October at Hotel Le Crillon in Broumana. During the condensed two-day meeting, participants from the American University of Beirut, Université Saint Joseph, University of Balamand, Lebanese American University and Université Saint-Esprit De Kaslik discussed the past year’s events and actions, and planned future projects. During the first session, LeMSIC President 201112, Wajiha Jurdi Kheir, people of that time, people introduced new LeMSIC with no morals, into...” was members to the standing mistakenly attributed to Dr. committees and the exNizammedin. The remarks ecutive board. The novices were meant to be attributed were also grippingly testto Mohamed Bazzy. ed on their knowledge of Outlook regrets the error. LeMSIC through engaging trivia questions.
4 · Campus News
October 17, 2012
September 26, 2012
Santa’s fake, there’s no such thing as free Civil Defense brings awarelunch and the black box is just a black box ness campaign to AUB
The black booth isn’t such a mystery anymore | Photo credit: Heather Jaber
Nadeem Bilani Contributing Writer The honest truth about investigative journalism is that, sometimes, things just aren’t worth investigating. For my first contribution to Outlook, I was charged with investigating the “black box.” You’ve probably walked past it a few times by Main Gate on your way to class. I suppose “black booth” is a more accurate way of describing it since it occupies about one square meter in area and is nearly ten feet tall. You’ll notice a glass pane in one wall, a locked door in another and even a water bottle glued into the high end of the structure. Poke or prod and you’ll realize the bottle is filled with a thick, translucent fluid. You wouldn’t believe half of the theories people came up with to explain the booth. One member of the Outlook team was convinced
the box was constructed by the physics department and was being used in a scientific solar observation. Another member told me that the psychology department was responsible, suggesting the box was some kind of psychological experiment. Add something unfamiliar—an ugly black booth—to an occupied environment and watch how the natural inhabitants react to it. Textbook stuff, right? A friend even jokingly suggested that AUB was planning to implement a new type of discipline in the form of black booth solitary confinement. Well, all of these speculations were false, as I discovered upon reaching out to the Office of Communications. The mystery was cleared up faster than you can say ‘furious.’ Along with the mystery, however, disappeared any inkling of intrigue in this story. It was
like being gifted socks for your birthday. It just stank of disappointment. But my job is to report, and so report I will. In fact, the “black booth” is actually just a very mundane ticket booth. It’s black because the panels are made out of compressed waste material (though exactly what waste material, I did not care to ask). And that water bottle? Well, that has the function of capturing light and diffusing it into the booth so that it may be lit from the inside. The booth will be used to sell tickets for the “Run AUB Run” campaign for the Beirut Marathon, but I’ve been told that it might be a permanent fixture to sell tickets for other events throughout the year. The location of the booth may also change to somewhere else on campus, but these details are not set in stone yet. That’s pretty much all you need to know about the “black booth.” I feel like the real headline of this article should be “Ticket booth throws Outlook team into state of hysteria.” Maybe it’s just that, as investigators, we look for things that aren’t there because we want to experience the thrill of discovering something extraordinary and unprecedented. Maybe it’s just that we love our university so much that we wish to know everything there is about it. Or maybe we just have too much spare time on our hands.
Civil Defense equipment | Photo credit: Heather Jaber
Sara Sobh Staff Writer Students flying down a 15-meter slide draped over the side West Hall aren’t a normal sight on a college campus. But if you passed through West on Monday, it’s what you would have seen as part of the Lebanese Civil Defense’s rescue training awareness campaign. This was the first time the team has come to AUB, bringing ropes, harnesses, stretchers and other of their rescue gear for students to see. Around 50 members were present to educate students on the tactics and procedures followed during dangerous rescue missions. Nabil Salhani, director of the training department, explained that the campaign’s goal was to enlighten the public on the capabilities of the Lebanese Civil Defense and its approach to disasters. Salhani has been a part of the team for 30 years and is very proud of its abilities. Approved members go through no less than five months of training before they can partake in missions. “At first everybody is scared. It is not an easy
job,” Salhani said. “The team encounters danger every second.” He also explained that the number of missions differs per season and area. Beirut, for instance, always has more missions than any other area. Kassem Khater, a 12-year member of the team, received most of his training during the first two years and continues to learn techniques through YouTube videos and personal experience. Khater also does rappel training. When asked if he has ever been afraid on the job, Khater responded by saying, “Definitely not—this job requires the lack of fear.” The highlight of the day was the fire escape slide at West Hall that offered students the chance to experience what it would be like to be in a situation that required one. This event proved that the Lebanese Civil Defense is formed of hard working and self-sacrificing team members who risk their lives every day to protect the people of Lebanon. What occurred today should remind us not to take them for granted, but rather appreciate their effort to keep us safe.
Alumni News · 5
October 17, 2012
September 26, 2012
WAAUB Paris convention WAAAUB mentorship program The WAAUB Leadership, AUB’s worldwide alumni association, assembled on Friday, October 12, 2012 at the Napoleon Hotel in Paris to oversee the WAAUB elections for the Parisian chapter. The elections were formed to assign a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and 3 members at Large.
One of AUB’s great strengths is its network of worldwide alumni. AUB graduates work in more than 100 countries around the world and in a wide variety of fields including medicine, nursing, public health, engineering, teaching, the performing arts, the basic sciences, the nonprofit sector, business, academia, and government service.
These men and women are an invaluable resource – not just to their alma mater, but also to current AUB students and recent graduates. WAAAUB, AUB’s worldwide alumni association, has launched the WAAAUB Mentorship Program to provide finalyear students with a way to benefit from the knowledge and experience of
AUB alumni. The goal of this program is to foster mentoring relationships that help final-year students plan for their futures and develop strategies that will help them achieve their goals. We hope that alumni too will enjoy the opportunity to lend a helping hand by sharing the benefit of their experience with a current AUB student.
Alumni profiles Former AUB faculty member and AUB alumnus Mohamed K. Watfa (BS ‘02) will be facing down the competition in Stars of Science, the international contest for Arab inventors, which airs in the region on MBC4. Watfa, currently an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Wollongong, Dubai, has become a finalist on the show, now in its fourth season. Stars of Science, initiated by the Qatar Foundation, is the first Pan-Arab reality-TV program dedicated to innovation, aiming to shine a spotlight on the next generation of young Arab innovators. Following an international recruitment campaign from among thousands of applicants, 16 finalists are chose who then work on their projects among state-of-the art resources in a specially-designed workshop, located in the heart of Qatar Science and Technology Park, in Doha. Watfa will be presenting his patented invention, a revolutionary concept for education which will uti-
lize normal wooden student desks as interactive computer systems. In addition to his degree from AUB, Dr. Wafta received his Ph.D. from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma. Subsequently he was a Professor at the American University of Beirut in the Computer Science Department from 2006-2008 He received the competitive Research Excellence Award in 2009 and 2011 and in 2012 he was shortlisted for the second round of the prestigious Rolex award. The recipient of numerous national research grants, his research work has been referenced in a number of international journals and local newspapers and he has authored/edited several books.
Leila Fawaz (BA ‘67, MA ‘68), the Issam M. Fares Professor of Lebanese and Eastern Mediterranean Studies and founding director of the Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies at Tufts University, has been named a chevalier in the French National Order of the Legion of Honor in recognition of her “exemplary personal commitment to French-American relations.”
Back in the mid-1990s, when studying at AUB, we would rush to newsstands every Monday morning to buy the popular mass circulation daily Annahar, in order to read Ghassan Tueni’s editorial… As students, we would read his inflammatory articles, and were enchanted by his sharp criticism of Lebanese and Syrian affairs, and his never-ending defense of democracy and freedom…He died this weekend in Beirut at the age of 86, and Arab journalism will never be the Nada Debs, Alumna same without him. (BBA ’84); Furniture Designer; Founder, East & East, 2000; Founder, design company, United Kingdom; Selected as one of four case studies of successful female-led, entrepreneurial businesses in Lebanon, by Goldman Sachs Foundation and OSB, “10,000 Women Initiative,” 2011; Graduate, Rhode Island School of Design (MA Interior Architecture).
Elie Khouri is drinking his fifth espresso of the day - and the significance of it coming from a Swiss, rather than an Italian, coffee maker is not lost on him. As one of the Middle East’s most prominent advertising men, you would expect the 48-yearold executive to recognize a clever marketing campaign when he sees one…”I’m surprised that a Swiss brand like Nespresso managed to conquer the world of coffee, as did an American brand like Starbucks. It’s amazing, and it tells you the power of marketing,” says Mr. Khouri. “That’s what we do,” he says, smiling.
For additional coverage of the competition, go to: watch?v=iu04ym0twxg
6 · Columns September 26, 2012
Food Column: Here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson
Carla Sertin News Executive While this isn’t the nymphomaniac that Simon and Garfunkel were singing about, it still warrants a verse of praise. Mrs. Robinson, a quaint new restaurant in Lebanon, emulates the environment of an upscale burger joint while maintaining the comfort of a cozy, neighborhood restaurant. The décor is purposely mismatched, in a ‘fauxhemian’ style, which sophomore student Rodrigue Haddad described as “chic, but not intimidating.” The large, overstuffed sofas and diner-style booths make the restaurant unique while ensuring that customers feel comfortable dining there in a T-shirt and jeans. The service is good, with friendly waiters who are present, eager to help and knowledgeable about the menu—all contributing to the comfortable atmosphere in the restaurant. In my most recent trip to Mrs. Robinson, I found myself eyeing the salad menu, intrigued by it’s brazen selection, including the classic strawberry salad. This salad mixed strawberries in a bed of lettuce, pine nuts and parmesan. While salads like this are common, they are often ill-conceived, so it came as a surprise when I found myself enjoying the strange array of flavors. While my main course
was exemplary, the appetizers left something to be desired. The Pomodoro crunchy bread had an unsatisfactory sweet quality and lacked distinguishable taste. Yet the potato wedges and french fries were very well done, both having the homemade feel that detracted from the regret of having eaten a whole basket of them. The star of the show was undoubtedly the almighty burger. The menu offers 11 different burgers, from the simple classic burger to the mama mia burger, ensuring that you find something to your liking. “We each have different tastes, so it’s nice to be able to go somewhere that gives each of us something that we actually like,” business sophomore Karen Sertin said. The dessert menu offers enough to satiate a sweet tooth with lemon and strawberry cheesecakes, profiteroles, fondant au chocolat and more. The tiramisu is excellent; with ice cream substituted for the typical cream layer, it makes for a very interesting twist on an old favorite. Mrs. Robinson has two locations, the more accessible of which is on Abdul Aal Street, between Hamra and Bliss, and the second right under the An-Nahar building in Downtown Beirut. I wouldn’t advise sacrificing practicality for a classier environment, as the downtown branch is a carbon copy of its counterpart. Mrs. Robinson satisfied all expectations and met the standards of a high-quality dining experience. So here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson.
October 17, 2012
Environment column: Duck season! Rabbit season!
Rayane Zahreddine News Executive Lebanon being a heterogeneous and diverse country attracts around 400 bird species, 260 of which are migratory birds, and fifteen are endangered species. Some of these species breed in Lebanon, using the varied habitats of the country, such as its wetlands and mountains, as homes. And for millions of others that migrate, these natural habitats have become a passage. Unfortunately, with the advent of the winter, hunting season begins in Lebanon. Although Lebanon has had a hunting ban since the mid-1990s, bird hunting still remains a traditional hobby and a recreational sport for many Lebanese, especially with the ban being poorly enforced. It is sad to see the ecosystems and biodiversity being greatly influenced by hunting, with more and more species not returning
hunting situation in Lebanon. Furthermore, raising awareness among hunters about the safety of their sport and their responsibility towards biodiversity and the environment is of paramount importance. Still, hunting isn’t the only factor disturbing birds in Lebanon. Pesticides used for agriculture, wildfires that destroy natural habitats and the development of urban areas are all critical contributing factors. Climate change and hunting in neighboring countries also put bird species at risk. Hunting, like any other Photo Credit: human conduct, must be practiced consciously and to breed in Lebanon each with circumspection. Laws season. What’s more is that alone, whether in the cases some species have become of hunting for food or for scarce and are at risk of en- recreational purposes, will not prevent transgressions dangerment or extinction. It is evident that rifles against nature. But a conand ammunition are easily siderate attitude towards it bought, and that hunters will. illegally kill thousands of birds every season in the north and the Bekaa Valley. Some migratory birds are mistakenly or carelessly killed in the process. The latter does not only influence ecosystems in Lebanon, but it also impacts ecosystems on a global level. Hunting disadvantages, besides harming birds, further include the littering of empty cartridges and human deaths because of stray bullets. To tackle these problems, a law was introduced in 2004 to legalize and regulate hunting in Lebanon, but it was never activated. Regulating hunting by restricting it to special hunting seasons, limiting it to certain bird species and establishing quotas would improve and balance the
Columns · 7 September 26, 2012
October 17, 2012
Health Column: The argileh epidemic
Tech Column: LED tattoos: the next trend?
Sara Sobh Staff Writer Photo Credit: Richard Le Vay Zaynab Jaber Contributing Writer Despite awareness of health hazards associated with smoking, especially when using an argileh, it remains popular. So much so, as to honor the title of “Arab man’s alcohol.” It is more than a fashion statement. It is a way of life, as I have frequently heard others say that they would rather go without food than without their argileh. This is definitely a cause for concern. The ubiquity of smoking in Lebanon is undeniable. A survey done by the World Health Organization in 2009 found that around 50% of Lebanese men and 30% of women smoke. Even with more awareness of the negative health aspects of smoking, argile use not only persists, but seems to have been increasing rapidly, especially among the youth. It is even acceptable for very young children to try smoking argileh. There are some viral videos that have circulated in the past showing young toddlers smoking argileh while being en-
couraged to do so. While it is abhorrent, many of its viewers find this amusing. With the banning of smoking indoors, will its consumption be endangered? With the recent ban on smoking in enclosed public places in Lebanon, many local businesses were hit with an obstacle. With winter’s colder months approaching, the ban looks like it won’t last long. The argileh is a staple of a social gathering. Why? It relaxes. It’s cool. It’s fun. The flavors are delightful. Are these reasons, however, adequate enough to justify the major health implications associated with smoking? Many dismiss this with the belief that since there is water filtration taking place, there is nothing to worry about. AUB researchers have conducted studies on argileh smoking. According to a scholarly research article published in 2005 by Shihadeh and Eissenberg, there are important differences between argileh and cigarette smoking.
One such difference involves the higher peak of temperatures originating from the coal of the argileh. Since tobacco was being heated by charcoal, smokers inhale combustion products not only from the tobacco smoke, but also from the charcoal and possibly from the foil. In fact, the charcoal amounts for a much greater carbon monoxide yield under normal smoking conditions. Not to forget the higher ratios of tar, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), heavy metals and chrysene (a tumor initiator), which are produced by a single argileh session in contrast with the yields of a cigarette. According to research done by ACCESS, a non profit organization in the United States, smoking argileh in a single 60 to 80 minute session is equivalent to smoking up to 100 cigarettes. It is so easy to tune out the potential dangers of argileh with the availability of flavors like grape, apple, mint, and...cancer. So, no, thank you.
As kids, we all experienced the excitement and craze of owning our first light-up shoes. We would make sure to step extra hard to light them up with every step. Today, a new innovation has allowed us to move on from kid sneakers to something much more sophisticated: LED tattoos. While some do it for religion and others do it for culture, some just take pleasure in painful piercings and implants. Regardless of the motivation, new trends in body modification are always appearing, and they’re getting more absurd with time. A team from the University of Illinois, led by John Rogers, a physicist and materials engineer, has come up with a way to insert LED lights under the skin. The devices are made of a thin film of silk with silicon transistors about one millimeter long and 250 nanometers thick. After they are inserted, the silk disintegrates harmlessly into the body leaving only the LED lights. The array of lights is waterproof and so thin that it does not cause any irritation. It can also be stretched and twisted up to 75 percent.
Photo Credit:
Although LED tattoos are still being developed, they have already been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Rogers describes his team’s new invention as “incredibly appealing,” and he’s eagerly waiting to see its impact. What’s cool and innovative about this new technology is that unlike a regular tattoo, the images can be adjusted. Not only can one change the image of the tattoo, but they can even switch the LEDs off, a feature that can be very beneficial to one’s image in the workplace. If you’re not a fan of tattoos, researchers are attempting to develop GPS systems in the new LED technology. So, very soon, we will literally have the world in the palm of our hand.
8 · Sports
October 17, 2012
September 26, 2012
Buisness as usual as Spain and Germany run rampant in World Cup qualifiers Mohamad Sibai Staff Writer) Spain, the reigning world champions, went on to secure a comfortable win over Belarus a 4-0 win. Jordi Alba scored the first goal of the match after he was set up by a Pedro back heel, the goal was clearly offside but the referee failed to see it. Throughout the match, Spain dominated possession and pressed on in attack. They were rewarded with 3 additional goals that Pedro took with ease. Italy went on in maintaining their lead in their respective group by securing a 3-1 victory over Armenia. Pirlo opened up the scoring from a penalty shot only for the Armenian team to equalize 15 minutes later. 20 minutes into the second half, De Rossi gave Italy the lead once more with a magnificent header that came off the top post and into the net. Pablo Osvaldo was also on the score sheet that night, as he gave his team yet another goal in the last 10 minutes of the game. Germany kept marching on as they have yet to lose a match in their qualification journey. Ireland were routed in a 6-1 victory on their home soil. Reus opened up the scoring for his nation with a brace in the first half. In the second half, Germany went rampant. Goals from Ozil, Klose, and Kroos(2) made sure that Ireland would make no heroic comeback after their consolation goal. Holland looks like it has finally found calamity within its squad after a horrendous Euro exit. The
Netherlands went on to beat Andorra 3-0 with Van Der Vaart smashing the ball into the bottom corner of the net from the corner of the box in the first 7 minutes. Under rated striker Huntelaar scored the second for his team, putting him off 6 goals to become the country’s top striker, with a somewhat accidental goal that saw a cross hit his back and go into the net. Debutant Schaken scored his first goal for his nation from a cross into the box delivered by Jens. Portugal surprisingly fell to underdogs Russia, as Cristiano & co couldn’t break through a stubborn Russian defense. The Russians opened up the scoring in the first 6 minutes and sat back in defense throughout the rest of the game. A fresh England went on to crush San Marino 5-0 even though many key players were missing from the formation. Goals from Rooney (2), Welbeck (2), and Oxlade-Chamberlain showed that the English youth looks very promising. Last but not least, Argentina beat current Copa America champions Uruguay with a comfortable 3-0 victory. Messi opened up the score for his team in the second half. Minutes later and Aguero took advantage of a weak Uruguayan defense and scored the second. Messi ended the game with a marvelous free kick that went under the wall and into the net.
World sports roundup
Richard Le Vay Contributing Writer Cycling: The damning indictment of hero-to-millions and seven-time Tour de France champion, Lance Armstrong, was the major story this week in world sports. The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency at long last published its 1,000 page report, which stated that Armstrong’s entire career was the most “sophisticated, professional and successful doping program that the sport has ever seen.” The reaction from the professional cycling world was cathartic, with strong condemnation and anguish coming from the likes of six-time Olympic gold medal winner Chris Hoy. One of the most famous and successful men in cycling with an already tarnished reputation has now disgraced it, and he has refused to admit guilt or contest the charges. Whilst Armstrong’s recovery from cancer remains inspirational, and his charity work with “Livestrong” commendable, many consider his crimes unforgivable. Football: Roars could be heard from blocks away in
Hamra as the goals were scored during the season’s first ‘El Clásico’ between the titans of Barcelona and Real Madrid. The fixture brings the football-playing world to a standstill. Ninety-eight thousand fans sat in Camp Nou, with hundreds of millions watching on TV. It did not disappoint. Barcelona started slowly, but gradually begun to assert themselves before Cristiano Ronaldo struck to score in his sixth consecutive Clasico. Once more, however, the fixture soon became the Messi and Ronaldo show. Lionel Messi was able to equalize before half time, and then give Barca the lead soon after the restart with a majestic free kick. Ronaldo was able to match his tally just minutes later, taking advantage of a home defense that was missing Carlos Puyol and Gerard Pique. Football: The soap opera that is the English national team had another dramafueled week, with left-back Ashley Cole lambasting the FA (English Football Association) on Twitter. The comments, later retracted
Source: Sports Illustrated
with an apology, were in response to the publication of an FA report into racist comments made by Cole’s Chelsea teammate, John Terry, to QPR defender Anton Ferdinand in a Premiership match last season. Meanwhile, the England manager Roy Hodgson himself was in hot water after discussing—with passengers on the London Underground—his reasons for not picking Rio Ferdinand, brother of Anton. Cricket: In the Twenty20 cricket world cup in Sri Lanka, a resurgent and powerful West Indies side defeated the hosts in the final. A combination of pace, spin and power-hitting, perfectly suited to the frenetic Twenty20 format, proved decisive. The West Indies, who had humiliated the batsmen of defending champion England in the group stages of the competition, celebrated their victory in the only way one can at that moment: A group performance of Psy’s “Gangnam Style.”
Outloud · 9
October 17, 2012
September 26, 2012
What are your thoughts on AUB security guards?
Ali Al Qahtani They are really very nice and respectful, but sometimes they close the gate at Penrose after 12:30am while there’s still a security guard monitoring. They could just keep the gate open. I feel like I’m in high school
Samer Zaher
I respect their job, and I respect what they do. They’re keeping our campus safe, but sometimes can be stubborn with the smoking rules. I was once one inch away from the smoking section by West Hall, and I got a warning for smoking outside the smoking area while half of my body was actually inside! Farea Al Muslimi I really appreciate what they do! I think they do the most important job for security, yet they still get the least recognition, and people get annoyed with them when they ask for their IDs when that’s actually their highly appreciate their work Emmanuel Maalouf “They could behave in a more decent way and treat us like students. I mean they’re doing their job, but they lack a lot of communication skills. Also, I live in dorms, and when the gate closes at midnight, there remains a guard, why? The guard can stay at the gate, I mean what’s the point of having Medical Gate open when nobody lives near there, at least nobody from Men’s Dorms
Balsam Aoun
Basel Awada and Francois Jabbour Completely useless that they close the dorm gate when the Medical Gate stays open anyways.” & “The other time I left AUB, and the guard saw me walk out, and when I tried entering and he asked for my ID and I didn’t have it on me, because it was in my dorm room, he wouldn’t let me enter from the Penrose gate and made me walk all the way to Main Gate, I mean come on
They ID you at the completely wrong time. For instance, I’d be walking in with a load of things, like projects, bags and my coffee, and they’d be like ‘ID please.’ It’s like I’m doing it on purpose, so they could ask me that every time
George Debs I have to say that a lot of the time they are inhumane. Literally. In fact, I’ve witnessed an encounter where someone was being physically harassed outside the gate, and just because that person was outside the gate, the guards didn’t react. They just didn’t do anything about it
10 · Arts & Culture
October 17, 2012
September 26, 2012
Movie review: The Perks of Being a Wallflower Anthony Nasr Contributing Writer Based on the critically-acclaimed novel by the same name, “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” has finally blossomed in theaters. While eager fans might be disappointed in the film’s under-the-radar production, the truth is that limited U.S. theater releases are usually reserved for indie Oscar hopefuls. While it did receive acclaim as an indie film, “Wallflower” isn’t entirely Oscar-worthy. Nevertheless, despite its mediocre source material, the film has its perks. “Wallflower,” directed by the author, Stephen Chbosky, pulls off a rare feat. It doesn’t shy away from closing in on bold issues ranging from homophobia to death, and it maintains
an adolescent crowd appeal. Sadly, it falls prey to many high school clichés. The film kicks off with Charlie, played by Logan Lerman, writing to an anonymous pen pal that he hopes he’ll manage to make a few friends in the intimidating halls of his high school. It should be highlighted that Charlie is an introverted freshman whose best (and only) friend shot himself one year prior. Charlie’s wish comes true thanks to two hipster seniors. The first is the feisty Sam, played by the exquisite Emma Watson, who proves to the world that her Hermione days are long gone. The second, played by Ezra Miller, is Patrick, Sam's brother, who is dating a closeted football player. “Wallflower” follows the
trio's adventures as they introduce Charlie to a world of love, drugs, loss, “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” and a lot of The Smiths. The film is a love letter to the indie music scene as the protagonists flaunt their fandom for the likes of Sonic Youth and David Bowie. This film does not play it safe. It relentlessly digs into Patrick's struggles, representing a substantial chunk of the emotional core of most of the picture—until the end, that is. As the film progresses, it reveals a dark underlying storyline that most teen-oriented flicks avoid tackling. Like the book, the film confronts obvious juvenile issues, such as one-sided relationships, teen rebels and crushes. Approaching both the film's emotional highs and its bland moments with the same keen attentiveness softens whatever emotional
blow the third act had in store for the audience. Ultimately, the movie, far more satisfying than the novel, was good, but not great. The three leading actors embodied their roles brilliantly, and each one has
a moment to shine. “Wallflower” is a film the adolescent within every one of us would enjoy simply because Charlie's escapades are high school experiences we all longed for, but few had.
Photo credit:
Atlanta-based punk group, The Black Lips, sways a rowdy Beirut crowd Richard Le Vay Contributing Writer
The Black Lips perform in Hamra | Photo credit: Richard Le Vay
The unlikely tour of the Middle East undertaken by the Atlanta-based punk group, The Black Lips, was met with a sense of both excitement and trepidation. As tickets were being snapped up in the days preceding the show, views were being exchanged as to just how ready Beirut was for the Lips. The band’s earlier shows have had a reputation for nudity, vomiting and remote-controlled cars. Not necessarily in that order. Thankfully—or perhaps, unfortunately—this was not the case when they performed in Beirut on Oct. 6. Instead, a highly enthusiastic crowd was treated to a power punk masterclass. The band’s output ranged
from catchy hooks, to scuzzy garage, to psychedelia, but the setlist was mainly comprised of the hard-hitting, two-minute tracks that form the bulk of the Black Lips’ material. An early Stones cover fitted in very well with the hour-long set, aptly crowned by the hit Bad Kids from the band’s seminal album Good Bad Not Evil. The cosy underground surrounding at Mojo Crew Club in Hamra was made for a perfect punk sweatbox, the likes of which the Lips have not experienced since their early booming days in the U.S. An inebriated crowd (reviewer included), free pizza courtesy of Naked Pizza and an obscene amount of old-school toilet roll throwing added to the special
feel of this gig, with bassist Jared Swilley, in particular, baiting the topless moshers into a frenzy. The show was extremely tight; these guys were certainly not viewing the tour, which included shows in Cairo, Amman and Dubai, as a holiday jaunt (at least during the show). Support was also ably provided by local stars Lazzy Lung, who rose to the occasion, delighting the large contingent of their present fans and making new ones in the process. Spotted after their show, wandering Hamra streets with bottles of vodka, and looking terrified as trucks full of soldiers passed by, these hipsters looked out of place. On a raucous Beirut stage, however, the Lips couldn’t have felt more at home.
Arts & Culture · 11
October 17, 2012
September 26, 2012
Hamra personality of the week: Meem owner Khalida Eid
Uprising of women in Arab world campaign: AUB students get involved Ghida Ismail Staff writer
Meem owner Khalia Eid in her shop | Photo credit: Lujain Rabat
Lujain Rabat Contributing Writer Wandering through the Hamra streets, one can become familiar with almost every place and shop owner on every corner and each street. Yet, one of the beautiful things about Hamra is that it never gets old. Every once in awhile, new places that used to be invisible are discovered even though they have been passed by hundreds of times. One such place is Meem, a small accessories shop in Antoin Gemayel street. This store was founded in 2004 by Khalida M. Eid. Meem offers a variety of handmade accessories, t-shirts with Arabic silkprinted calligraphy and other accessories like bags, scarves and shoes. The shop’s name, Meem, has a symbolic reference to it; it stands for “mar2a” (woman) and “moujawharat”
(jewelry). After hosting several successful garage sales, Eid resolved to make them a monthly event in which students, neighbors and other shop-owners could gather in the Gemayel street and sell their things. With experience in accessory-making dating back to her childhood, Eid’s hobby transformed from a passion to a career. Eid has designed and made almost every accessory and shirt sold in her store. She highlights that "no two pieces are identical.” What’s more is that Eid’s talents not only lie in her artistry and creativity, but extend to philanthropy and mentorship to those wishing to pursue their ambitions. A volunteer and advocate of many causes, Eid has taught disabled people how to silk-print on shirts, so that they could embark on their own professions. She has also taught Syr-
ian and Palestinian refugee children to reject racism and has discouraged smoking through fun and creative means. “I am against violence, sectarianism and racism,” she added. Moreover, Eid’s previous job as a makeup artist allowed her to pass on her expertise to the prisoners in Baabda by giving them make-up classes. Eid considers herself to be an amicable person. “I love people, I love life, and I love colors,” she emphasized. “I love Lebanon simply because Lebanon is loveable.” As one of the more unconventional and inspirational personalities of Hamra, the owner of Meem has been bred through her self-made career and years of experience. Indeed, she embodies the essence of Hamra, our campus away from campus.
“I support the uprising of women in the Arab world because the future generations of Arab women should be free, creative and productive instead of having to consistently fight for their most basic rights,” wrote Taghrid from Syria. This week, more than 200 Facebook users aired their grievances and uploaded photographs of themselves holding signs sporting the phrase “I am with the uprising of women in the Arab world because …” The effort is part of a women’s rights campaign initiated by the Facebook page “The uprising of women in the Arab world.” The page was launched at the beginning of October by four activists: Yalda Younes and Diala Haidar from Lebanon, Farah Barqawi from Palestine and Sally Zohney from Egypt. The campaign’s objective is to lobby for better conditions for women in the Arab world, as well as to spread awareness about their issues. “Together for free, independent, and fearless women in the Arab world,” is the campaign's slogan. Haidar told Al Arabiya News that the movement aims to prove that “women’s rights are equal to that of human rights, and human rights violations are not something to be silenced.” Throughout history, women in the Arab world have experienced discrimination and rights violations. In Saudi Arabia for example, women are not allowed to drive. In Yemen, women must obtain approval from their husbands or fathers
to get an exit visa to leave their country, and they may not take their children without the father’s approval. Laws No. 522 in Lebanon, 475 in Morocco and 308 in Jordan state that a rapist can be exonerated from his act if he marries his victim. In the Arab world, there are many labor laws and personal status laws that reveal gender bias. The campaign encourages Arab women to rise up against these injustices and fight for their right to initiate divorce, take positions of power and other rights of self-determination and sufficiency. Men are also taking part in the campaign, which has expanded to Twitter as well. Adham from Egypt wrote, “I am with the uprising of women in the Arab world because [a woman’s] body is her business alone; keep your hands, your looks and your judgement away from it.” Students from the American University of Beirut are also getting involved in the movement. Civil and environmental engineering student Carine held a banner saying, “I am with the uprising of women in the Arab world because I don't like to feel that I'm whipped cream or a banana or honey when I walk down the street.” Chemical engineering student Mariam, who recently removed her veil, stood up in front of the Arab community with half her hair covered by the veil and the other half exposed and wrote, “I am with the uprising of women in the Arab world because my decision to wear the veil is mine and not that of my father, my uncle or my society.”
12 · Editorials
October 17, 2012
September 26, 2012
Editorial: Free speech (Right Letter to the Editor: Freedom of speech Jenna Hage Hassan that the debate and demon- pression. What we’ve seen or obligation?) Special to Outlook strations have been so fo- in the response to this film
Heather Jaber Editor-in-Chief Freedom of speech; it’s one of those topics that will incite debate anywhere, like abortion or the death penalty. As a journalist, there is nothing held in higher regard than freedom of speech - it is the foundation of the profession. As a person, particularly a young person attending university in arguably one of the most politically tense regions in the world, free speech is most certainly a beautiful thing. The right to speak one’s mind, whatever that may entail, is reassuring. It’s liberating to stick it to the metaphorical “man” and maintain your right to say what you feel. Still, is that the end of the story? Every individual has rights. But whichever platform being used, every individual still has obligations to respect the beliefs of others. It may sound wishy-washy, but, it is the mark of being dignified. There is a difference between using your right to free speech and abusing it. No civilized person could argue against the concept that certain statements are made to offend. No rational person would be able to say that the film in question
is the symbol of freedom of speech. No considerate citizen could say that it did not target a certain group of people. I could argue on and on about the moral implications of saying what you think, just to say it, nomatter the repurcussions. I could go on about the naivety of such actions, especially when the subject at hand is meant as a blatant attack. Still, none of this matters when applying it to a legal context. When it comes to applying limits, the issue becomes vague. The truth is, it is quite complicated to pose a limit on any kind of mockery of religion. It is too subjective to constitute what is considered offensive, and to try and standardize that. Despite my own opinions on the whole matter of free speech and individual liberties, what occured during the petition-signing event on campus was a reaction to an offense on a way of life. This reaction is, in itself, human nature. It was a constructive way to make a statement, regardless of what may result from the petition. My point is this: there comes a time when arguing for unlimited free speech becomes dangerous, with the sheer number of people in a world riddled with religious, political and cultural tension. Outlook’s job is to cover the news on campus, not propogate our own agendas through our publication. That said, we encourage the debate. The mere fact that we are debating, arguing and asking the questions that our most recent letter-to-theeditor poses- isn’t that the mark of freedom of speech?
Dear Editor, This letter is regarding your front-page article last week on the student protest regarding the mockery of religion. Before I picked up the issue of Outlook in question, I had no intention of involving myself in the debate that has unfolded over the past few weeks regarding the anti-Islam film and its filmmaker. In light of recent events, however—both on campus and around the world (and not just regarding the film)—it has become impossible for me not to comment on the issue. The article in question covered an event held on AUB’s campus to peacefully protest the film and the U.S. government’s response to it. I, of course, support any student’s or person's right to express their opinion and peacefully demonstrate, but I feel
cused on the film itself that people aren’t acknowledging the larger issue at hand. The groups that participated in this event on campus wrote "a letter to the U.S. embassy. . . urging the U.S. government to 'exercise its legitimate authority' to make sure no 'such hateful attitudes' recur under the name of freedom of speech." Whoever drafted this letter doesn't realize that the U.S. government has no such authority—that is, of course, unless my words or actions could be considered defamation, or as a call for violence against someone. The fact that some have the audacity to suggest that their religion—or any religion for that matter—is above this is surprising indeed. In theory, we have come far from the days where there were limits to basic free speech and free ex-
is a call for bans on hate speech, or any speech that mocks religion in general. The question seems to have become the following: Should there be limits to free speech? I think it's quite interesting to hear this debate being held in the 21st century and, quite honestly, these questions are frightening. If you want to prohibit me from saying things that you find offensive, what's next? Where does one draw the line? Should someone really have to go into hiding for making a tasteless film? Is this the kind of world that we want to live in, or the kind of society that we want to leave behind for our children? The mere asking of these questions makes it seem like the world is moving backwards.
still an ideal. We are not, however, always rational. In a world where people use freedom of speech rationally, within the paradigm of its definition, hate speech would not be an issue. Yet it is, and it perpetuates itself and incites vandalism and violence, all of which do infringe upon the equally real and weighty rights of others. The film trailer for “Innocence of Muslims” transcends mere mockery and is a form of hate speech. Whatever conclusion is drawn from this situation that followed its release does not change the fact that what ensues from brash treatment of a delicate situation is not generally for the benefit of mankind, be it free speech or not. With the international
sociopolitical climate the way it is, the film in question was made in unquestionably bad faith, and a request to the U.S. government for some moderation is not outlandish when one considers the treatment of minorities such as blacks, women or homosexuals in the U.S. The cast members of the film claim to have been lied to when they were cast for the film. Is such catastrophic deception not also cause for alarm? Outlook’s approach thus far has been to strike a balance between innumerable conflicting interests. And a show of peace and solidarity, like that held in front of West Hall on Oct. 5, deserves to be noted, no matter the context.
Editorial: Liberty is liberty
Sarah Khalil Member-at-large Liberty is liberty - the freedom to say and do whatever one pleases, so long as it does not infringe upon others' rights to do as he or she pleases. And nobody, of course, bears the the power to strip that basic right from any other person. This perspective on such nonrestrictive, bountiful liberty came about during the Enlightenment, an era when the great thinkers concluded that every human being was born 100 percent rational and used that sense of reason in every realm of life. The ideal has followed us through the centuries, strengthening our democracies and burnishing our economies. It is, however,
October 17, 2012
Viewpoints،تشرين·األ ّول26 13
The pen is mightier than the sword
Lack of restaurant diversity
Frederic Abou Jaoude Staff Writer
Carla Sertin Staff Writer
Writing is not just a means of communication, nor is it merely my talent. In my opinion, writing is more than that—it is my predilection. I will never stop writing in spite of the numerous difficulties I face, simply because it is what I love to do. I believe that someone who started outlining sketches at the age of six and completed his first narrative story at the age of seven can never separate himself from writing. A notebook and pencil have always been my favorite Christmas present. The joy of opening the green and red gifts was enormous in knowing a book was inside. When I was in eighth grade, one of my teachers thought that I was copying the answers from a classmate during a test. I tried to tell her that I was honestly not cheating, but she wouldn’t listen to me. I suddenly became full
of rage; I had studied for that test and all I got in the end was a zero because the teacher thought that I was cheating. My anger blinded me. I decided to write all the wrong answers on her test even though I knew the correct ones, and I vowed to misbehave during her class for revenge. But when I returned home that night, I realized this was not the solution. The next day, I woke up in the morning knowing exactly what to do. I wrote a poem titled “Only God Knows.” The theme of the poem was centered on how hard I studied for the test and that I didn’t cheat. The next day, I left the poem on her desk, hoping it would convince her. Through rhyme, I wrote that I had no right to question her judgment and that only God knew what really happened. The next period, she came to me with a radiant face and said, “I believe you.” It was at that moment I
realized that the following quotation stated by the British writer Edward BulwerLytton was actually valid: “The pen is mightier than the sword.” A lot can be learned from my young experience. All my years have changed as a result of the knowledge I gained from such a simple act. Let there be history with no wars. Let there be debates with no arguments. Let there be differences with no misunderstandings. Let there be pens instead of swords. When the Phoenicians, Lebanon’s greatest ancestors, delivered the alphabet to the world, they were also distributing peace. Most conflicts probably could have been avoided if only the warriors wrote letters of wisdom instead of messages of war. As long as the pen remains mightier than the sword, I trust that peace will, at all times, be stronger than war.
As Lebanon succumbs to the allure of Westernization, its restaurants suffer. While the more traditional Lebanese restaurants dwindle, frequented mainly by locals from older generations, newer restaurants like Classic Burger Joint take the lead in popularity among the youth. This has led to a lack of diversity in restaurants in Beirut. Sammy Rayes, a freshman, says, “I am honestly disappointed in most modern restaurants around Beirut.” He explained that he is forced to eat the same fast-food as everyone else. Lebanon, with a relatively diverse populace, should have a more diverse food industry, with more than just a handful of Chinese restaurants, a few Italian restaurants and an evergrowing supply of burger joints. However, sophomore student Karen Sertin concedes that “making Lebanon’s
restaurants more diverse sounds like a good idea, but it just doesn’t seem very plausible.” She said that people like practical, inexpensive burger joints. Diversification of Lebanon’s restaurants may not sound feasible as the population demands Western food products. But the fusion of Lebanese and Western foods is a step in the right direction as it repopularizes Lebanese food. A prime example of this is Just Falafel, offering the traditional Arab dish ‘falafel’ in many forms, from burgers to quesadillas, attempting to fuse Lebanese food with fast-food. The famous Zaatar w Zeit also falls into this category, offering manoushes, fattoush and Kafta wraps, as well as more Western foods, like pizza, turkey and cheese sandwiches and Caesar salads. This fusion of traditional Lebanese dishes with more modern concepts of food seems to be gaining popularity among locals.
not allow this to persist.” Equally pressing is the condition of our physical environment. I don’t even want to know what’s in the air we breathe and what horrors are breeding on the streets we tread. Undoubtedly, it is easier to throw your trash out of a moving car, but it takes a cautious and an environmentally wary person to drive to the nearest trash bin and throw it there. We need to make a change, and it needs to come from within. This is a plea to the people of Lebanon. We have such a beautiful state to preserve and nurture, and such a strong commitment to life and liberty that we pride ourselves on.
This liberty is for others to co-exist as equals. This liberty is for future generations to be able to swim on our Mediterranean beaches without having to wade through the garbage. This is the 21st century, and we’ve reached an impasse. We cannot continue like this. We cannot continue being careless and disrespectful. We cannot surrender to the status quo and assume that we will continue having a state to call home. We cannot let garbage mask the sights Lebanon has to offer, and we cannot let racism greet our visitors at our airport. It starts with us. It starts with you no longer ignoring these delicate matters.
A plea to the Lebanese: Calling for change Tala Mukadam Contributing Writer Recently, a story called “Racism at Beirut Airport” has been circulating around the Internet. Apparently, a Middle East Airlines employee made racist remarks over the loudspeaker to Southeast Asian travellers in the passport control line. The man who posted the story was furious and allegedly confronted the woman and her co-worker to tell them their behavior was unacceptable. The MEA employees responded with amusement and threatened to void the man’s ticket. This story struck a chord with Lebanese people and
expats living in Lebanon. An online petition demanding an apology has been signed with 1,365 signatures, and, apparently, MEA has taken notice and launched an investigation into the claims. This story, coupled with a few other issues on my mind lately, got me thinking about serious problems we have to address in Lebanon. The Lebanese are a very proud people—and rightly so. We’ve overcome strife, civil war, shady politics and lack of some basic amenities of a modern state. We live in a country rich with natural beauty, and we all share a certain essence of what it is to be Lebanese. The Lebanese are a resil-
ient people with an undeniable zest for life and progress. That being said, it is time for a major wake up call. Behavior like this is, unfortunately, not uncommon. We’ve all heard blatantly racist remarks, be it on the streets or in our own homes. We cannot expect to move forward as a society without setting aside our differences and striving for a better future. We need to put an end to this superiority complex and lack of respect and consideration for others. It is easy to sit idly, to let delicate issues proceed and continue being apathetic, but it takes an indomitable person to take a stance and say, “No, I will
14 · Entertainment ،تشرين األ ّول26
October 17, 2012
Staff List Chairsperson Talal Nizameddine Editor-in-Chief Heather Jaber Associate Editor Ali Kassem Arabic Editor Mada Dibs Photography Editor Mohamad B. Azzam Layout Editor Abbass Naim Webmaster Jad Shamseddine Buisness Manager Luma Itani Buisness Executive Sarah Harfouch Proofreader Ian Larson Member-at-large Sarah Khalil News Executives Kanzi Kamel Rayane Zahreddine Hrag Vosgerichian Ferial Fakih Photographers Pia Chaib Karen Sertin Staff Writers Antoine Ayoub Al-Zahraa Majed Sarah Dirani Rana Harbi Osama Kheir Ghida Ismail Noura Hamzeh Sara Sobh Mohamad Al Medawar Diala Ahwash Cartoonists Ghassan Nassar Jad Jari
Mohamad Sibai Frederic Abou Jaoude Assia Noureddine Karim Zahed Hashem Osserian Karen Sertin Carla Sertin Carla Stephan Nerses Arslenian
Cartoon by Ghassan Nassar
Answers to last week’s riddle: S, P, C, AUB
26تشرين األ ّول، استطالع طالبي · 15
17تشرين األوّل2012 ،
السؤال :كطالب أجنبي ،ملاذا اخترت القدوم للدراسة في لبنان ،ألم تأخذ بعني االعتبار الوضع األمني املضطرب وغير املستقر؟ دياال أحوش -نورا حمزة
باوال يوهانسن – أملانيا ،علوم سياسية: “قررت القدوم إلى لبنان ألنني مهتمة بالشرق األوسط ،و أريد أن أقوم بدراساتي العليا عن الشرق األوسط ،بالنسبة لألوضاع األمنية فهي تعنيني بالطبع .ال تكن ساذجا و تابع األحداث تكن بأمان”.
سورين ميركلويت – أملانيا ،تاريخ: “تربيت في املنطقة ،في اململكة العربية السعودية .لم أرد العودة إلى أوروبا و لم أشعر قط بعدم األمان”.
كلوفيس اخلازن ،علوم سياسية: “أبي لبناني و لكنني ولدت و تربيت في الواليات املتحدة األميركية. األوضاع السياسية في لبنان مثيرة لالهتمام ،لبنان يجسد مدرسة للعديد من األفكار السياسية و من املهم دراستها .أريد أن أفهم ما يعني أن تكون لبنانياً”.
داني دولنت -اململكة التحدة، فرشمان: “خياري االخر كان أن أبقى في الكويت أو أن أعود إلى بلدي حيث كنت سأتأخر في دراستي لعام كامل ،لذا قررت اجمليئ إلى هنا. أريد أن أتعلم العربية و الفتيات اللبنانيات جميالت”.
كريستيان – نورواي ،علوم سياسية: “حلوة العيشة بلبنان ،ال أخاف من الوضع السياسي”.
جون و روبارت -نيويورك و أملانيا،دراسات عليا في العلوم السياسية: “أردنا القدوم إلى الشرق األوسط، و املكان األنسب لذالك هو لبنان. فاجلامعة األميركية في بيروت سمعتها جيدة عامليا .و بالنسبة للوضع األمني نرى أن األمر يستحق اجملازفة”.
17تشرين األوّل2012 ،
استطالع طالبي · ١٦ 26تشرين األ ّول،
السؤال :كطالب أجنبي ،ملاذا اخترت القدوم للدراسة في لبنان ،ألم تأخذ بعني االعتبار الوضع األمني املضطرب وغير املستقر؟
دياال أحوش -نورا حمزة
أندي تلمامياليي ،صحة بيئية: “أعيش في لبنان منذ تسع سنوات، والدي يعمل هنا .تعودت على الوضع السياسي لذا لم يشكل عائقا و قررت أن أبقى بجانب عائلتي”.
جوردن سلفرمان – الواليات املتحدة األميركية ،إدارة أعمال: “درست الفصحى في بلدي األم، و اخترت لبنان دون البالد العربية األخرى ألنه متنوع ثقافيا ،و شعبه منفتح إذ شعرت أن االندماج سيكون أسهل هنا .قلقت بشأن األوضاع األمنية لكن أصدقائي شرحوا لي حقيقة الوضع و اطمأنيت”.
ريان دالنجر – الواليات املتحدة األميركية ،علوم سياسية: ”أنا هنا بسبب األوضاع األمنية املضطربة .فأنا أدرس العلوم السياسية و أتخصص بسياسة الواليات املتحدة اخلارجية و لبنان يشكل مكان ممتاز لهذا النوع من الدراسة .ال أخاف من الوضع األمني و أشعر باألمان”.
كالي تاري – الواليات املتحدة األميركية ،علم نفس: “أتيت ضمن برنامج تبادل طالب من أميركا ،أردت أن أدرس خارج بالدي. لدي أفراد من عائلتي يسكنون هنا و كانوا ميدحون بلبنان و جماله أمامي لذا حتمست للقدوم بالرغم من قلق أهلي الكبير .بنظري أفضل العيش في بلد يهتم شعبه باألمور السياسية و اإلجتماعية و ليس سطحيا ً مثل املكان الذي أتيت منه”.
بن ناب – الواليات املتحدة األميركية، دراسات شرق أوسطية: “لم أرد أن أذهب إلى األردن أو مصر و لطاملا أردت اجمليئ إلى بيروت .قلقت بالطبع ،و لكنني في نهاية األمر قررت القدوم ،ففي لبنان إن لم تشاهد األخبار ،ال تشعر أن شيئا يحدث”.
جاكي كونوللي – تكساس ،أدب عربي: “أنا هنا لدراسة اللغة العربية، لبنان مكان جميل جدا و الناس هنا رائعون .ال أشعر أني مهددة بل أشعر باألمان”.
· ١٧الصفحة الشعرية
17تشرين األوّل2012 ،
26تشرين األ ّول،
ما احلياة؟
الوردة السوداء
فريال فقيه
مالك احللبي
باخرة النسيان دياال أحوش
ال تقترب أكثر ما احلياة سوى غفلة ؟ ما عاد أحد ،في هذا الوقت ،مهتم بأن يسقي وردة.. غفلة كالقبلة..مليئة باالحاسيس لكن قصيرة املدى إحفظ لنا خط الرحيل كان صوت الهاتف في السابق فيه خير.. غفلة كالقطرة..تروي كل محتاج لكن ال تشبع عطشنا للمزيد دع نبضات قلبينا فيه حلن جميل يُعزف على قيثارة األمل.. غفلة كالنسمة..اميرة الربيع لكن ابنة الرياح حلن يذكرك بطيبة الناس.. تفصل ما بني غفلة كالندى ..تبشر بالنهار لكنها تخاف الليل بتلك الوحدة عندما ترقص الدبكة حتى وأنت جتهل خطواتها صوت يأمرك بالذهاب كن قبلة القطرة في نسمة الندى.. بطيبة من ميكنك أن تلقي عليه لقب صديق أو مؤنس وحدة.. و همسة تترجاك االقتراب كن للحياة ،غفلة. ال تقترب، صوت الهاتف اليوم بات يشبه صوت النعوة املستترة: هناك بحر مسافات ما احلياة سوى يقظة؟ طلب – سؤال ( حتت ستار اجملامالت االجتماعية) تقتلها يقظة كالعاصفة...تنير الظالم ببرقها لكن تهيئ لرعدها إن فعلت... للنساء يقظة كاجلرأة...في مجتمعنا ،هي هبة للرجال لكن نقمة وتلك الوردة التي تفنى كي تعطي العالم عبيرها ..من يسقيها؟ محيط كلمات يقظة كالقوة...مفيدة في أوقات الشدة لكن مضرة إذا زادت عن حدها أين ذهب البستاني الذي كان يالمس أشواكها بفرح ويسقيها من دماء تنسفها يقظة كالنظرة...مقدمة لقصة حب لكن خامتة لرواية انفصال يديه؟ إن اقتربت... كن عاصفة اجلرأة في قوة النظرة كن للحياة ،اليقظة رسائلُ نظرات هذا عصر اختفى فيه األبيض من قلوب الناس.. وعود ،ضمانات هذا عصر اختلط فيه احلابل بالنابل.. كن للحياة...الغفلة اليقظة ! اجلواب ملطالبتك العتب وعصر سألته هذا عصر االنتظار األبدي لسؤال أكاليل آمال هذا العصر الذي بإمكانك أن تدفع للنادل نفحة وتنسى أن هنالك أحد قريب حترقها منك ،بحاجة الى نفحة عاطفية.. إن دنوت... بخدمة مشترك غير ألنه شخص هذا العصر الذي فيه ال تسأل عن قل لي ماذا فعلت؟ البالكبيري.. حتى جعلتني مخدرة هذا العصر ال متوت فيه النحلة بعد أن تلدغ ! هنا ،أمامك قلت أن ُه يدخلُ هادي مراد ولألمانة ،وإن ُ هذا عصر اختفت فيه األقنعة وكثرت الوجوه ! يفصل ما بيننا أقل من الثانية ت إنذار، رنني أو صو ِ َ عليك بال ٍ هذا عصر تدعس فيه كل وردة تتجرأ أن تخفي أشواكها كي ال جترح ! و خط رحيل تفتح أنت في النهاية من احلب ،أو دعني أقولُ هي َ ُ هذا هو ّ هذا عصر لألسف نكسة باقي العصور .. فإنك َ إن قطعته ،تدمرت ً ك نستضيف الّليلة األولى التي ل ُه الطريق َ امللغوم (مكرها أخا َ ُ فلكل ورد ٍة وردة .. إني لم أتقن فن النسيان بعد كوني شوكة تخفي بتالتها.. ك مهد راب ت ه ن سك ت و بطل)، ال احلب. َ ُ فيها ّ ُ ُ ُ َ ال حتفر في خيالي كوني للجميع.. ك أيضاً. ليس سهال ً وال أهالً ،بل إن ُه ضيف وحلد َ ٌ َ حلما جديدا ً فهنا... الظل والوقع. ثقيلُ ّ ما عاد الناس يفرقون بني العبير الطبيعي وذلك الذي تشتريه من بائع ال تعط آمالي ك وألنك أوّلُ العارفني ،أ َن سالح َ َ الرصيف داخل عبوة.. وعودا بعيدة في وجهه لهو “في حضرة يصعب ص، وفي حتليلي اخلا ّ ُ هذا العصر الذي يسألونك فيه “كيفك” وال ينتظرون منك جواباً.. فرحلتي معك علمتني الغياب” ،ما يعني إن ُه الضعف يصعب احلب كما استقبال ّ ُ عملي ٍة قيصريّة هذا العصر الذي يحتضنوك يوماً( لسبب) وال يلقون عليك السالم في اليوم أنك في الصباح ك على سطو فراقَه ،وهو في احلالتني الذي يُجبر ُ َ ٌ ّ التالي( من دون سبب) تستقل باخرة النسيان تشق ّ فيها الطريق إليه. ت والكلمات. ُمسلّح بالنظرا ِ و حتمل أحزمة الهروب وتراويح إن ّه موسيقى مهيومة، ٌ هذا عصر ولدت فيه بقلب أبيض كالثلج.. و تغيب طبيب واملفارقة هي أن ُه ال فؤاديّة عميقة ،ال جن َد لها في َ قلب من كثرة ما بكي أذاب الثلج وأصبح بحيرة دماء ... استبق الصباح و لو ملرة أنت ك وحد املرة، هذه ك ساعد ي َ َ َ ُ كثي ٍر من األحيان أعذارا ً لنفر َّ إرحل قبل املغيب كنت املريض والطبيب في آن .فإن منها أو ح ّتى لنتع ّلق َ بها. َ ألنه متى حل الظالم واحدا ً من هذين اإلثنني فشلت يكفيك هذا احلب! و َ إن ُه ّ قطعت الثانية الفاصلة حيث يكون وطنا ً َ الطامة ،فكيف ت اإلسم ليبني العملية ،وجاء ِ ُ ّ و اقتربت... وأنت لساكنيه ،حلما ً للحاملني ،حقيق ًة تُداوي َ نفسك “أيُها الطبيب َ نور شربجي صيف أشعل نيران شوقها عند ٍ أنهيت فرص رحيلي عنك جراحك كيف تأتي للسراب ،وكثيرا ً من األمل واأللم عليل”؟ أم َ َ ّ أو في اخلريف و من ثم ..تركتني بع َد اليوم وقد فقدت هي ثقتها في آن. سيدي الصغير، عن صدف ٍة أسرق فيها حملة من و رحلت ّ بك ،ووزّعت نعوتِها على باب ما بي أح ّدقُ في عينيك عينيها فاستبق الصباح ولو ملرة عيادتك .هو الطفلُ املولود الذي ئلت وفي فلسفتي للحب ،إن ُس ُ سيجهض قريبا ً بني حنانيك ،وهو املغمضتني؟ و دعني وحيدة عن الكينونة او اإلستمرارية في َ ُ ُ ها هي أمامك يا جميل أعالج همسات تترجاك االقتراب “احلب”.كيف ال؟ احلال بطبيعة أرجائه ،إنه نح ُن من نُح ّدد هذا ّ غير، الص العبثي دي سي جفونها ترهق ّ و أصبح كيانا كامال ّ ّ عفو خاطر ،بطلق ِة البقاء ،ونح ُن من نطلق َ رصاصة و هو يُخلق ُ َ حيرتي و غيرتي تقتلني سجودها س تكر و يأمرك بالذهاب.. ّ أنني الروح .هو املنشق ُّ الرحمة على ميدانهَ . فهو مبثابِة الصراخِ ، و مترّدَت عليَّ قافيتي لتدوم البسمة على خ ّديك حبل السر ّ ِة األزلي الطعام خب ِز اليوم ملن تعودَ على عن َ ِ دمك ،من ِ v 1037-1613-4505-5774-0750وهو القمح الذي الذي تنسا ُه وال لهو ُ ينساكَ . من بني البشرَ . 1644 سنوات مضت فباهلل عليك ٌ آتيك الّذي -وعالوةً على ذلك- لألساس يبني َ َ ِ أساسه ،واملطر ُ و أنا أبحث في مقهى يجاور في حضرة جمالها، يسقط وإن ُسرقَ الغيم في بتفسير ِه في القريب القريب. الذي ُ منزلها كيف تغمض عينيك؟! أوّل تشرين. أو على الرّصيف
ٌ ِ احلب” هوامش في “كتاب ّ
الى آدم
آراء حرة · ١٨
17تشرين األوّل2012 ،
26تشرين األ ّول،
الونش والدمية أحمد عثمان كاتب متطوع كنت أمس في “جافيث” ،أستعير كت ًبا. انتظرت دوري خلف ثنائي كان يستعير ستة كتب. بعدما انتهى فادي من معامالت الكتب ،ردّها إلى الشاب والشابة، واضعا إيّاها في كومة هرمية .بدا ً واضحا أن الشاب يستعد حلمل ً الكومة ،فسألته صديقته« ،مأكّد فيك حتملن كلّن؟» أجاب الشاب بنعم ،حمل الكومة كلها ،وخرجا معا. ً املفجع في املسألة ،أنها ليست سوى مثال واحد من أمثلة كثيرة أشهد عليها في اجلامعة ،تذكرني بدرجة تخلفنا. الكلمة قاسية ،لكن ليس مبالغًا فيها .هكذا تصرفات هي عالمة على تخلف اجتماعي ،أسوأ ما فيه هو ارتياحنا له. ت كهذه ،ومنارسها، نرى تصرفا ٍ على أنها أمر طبيعي في العالقات قطعا ،الشابة لم تفرض الثنائية. ً على صديقها أن يحمل لها كتبها (أو كتبه ،أو كتبهما ،ال يهم) ،بل هو تطوع فيما رآه دوره الطبيعي ،ألنه ّ هو «الشب» ،وهي بدورها لم تتطوع أن تساعده في الكتب الست ،بل اكتفت بأن تتأكد ما إذا كان «قد حلمل» .األدوار م ّتفق عليها سلفً ا، ا ِ ولتذهب املساواة إلى اجلحيم. أسمع في رأسي صوتًا يقول لي أن ت كهذه أبعد من املساواة تصرفا ٍ واحلقوق اإلجتماعية الكبرى ،ألن في ت هذه إغراء صحي وضروري تصرفا ٍ للعالقات الثنائية. ما يجب أن نفهمه ،هو أن اإلغراء ال يعيش في فقاعة معزولة عن
التطورات االجتماعية اإلنسانية .عار في لبنان القرن الواحد والعشرين أن شاب ونش وشابة يتألف اإلغراء من ٍ دمية. هل احلل الذي أطرحه هو أن يغري الشاب الشابة بذكائه اخلارق؟ قطعا. ً ال يعني هذا أن نهمل -نحن الشبان الناحية اجلسدية فينا ،فاإلغراءناقصا إذا لم يكن ذا ناحية يبقى ً جسدية ،لكن خطأ أن يقتصر اإلغراء على هذه الناحية دون سواها، وخطأ أن يجتاح قناعاتنا الفكرية، مجم ًدا تطورنا اإلجتماعي. طبعا أبعد من أن يُحصر السؤال ً باإلغراء .جيلنا بكل بساطة ال يؤمن باملساواة بني اجلنسني ،يرى تقدميا في بلد أنتجت فيها طر ًحا ً فيه التقدمية حربًا ،ويرى فيها فكرةً غربية في بل ٍد شرقي (رحم اهلل لبنان «همزة الوصل بني الشرق والغرب») ،ويرى فيها موضة ولّت، مثل الپات ديليفان وتسريحة اآلفرو. قطعا ،املوجة األولى للمساواة في ً لبنان كانت مغامرةً فاشلة ،ولعل أفشل ما فيها هو أنها ركزت على حترير املرأة ونسيت حترير الرجل ،في حني أن الرجل هو نصف املساواة. لكن فقدان اإلميان باملساواة ليس احلل ،ألن املساواة ليست موضة تُولّي ،بل هي واجب الشعوب وقدرها. املرأة متثل ٪٢٣من اليد العاملة اللبنانية ،أي أقل من ربعها ،ونسبة كارثية كهذه ما هي إال احلصيلة ت دقيقة وتافهة، النهائية ملمارسا ٍ ومن كمن يحمل الكتب واألكياسَ ، َ يصلح السيارة .كيف نتوقع من امرأة ال حتمل كومة كتب ،أن حتمل مسؤولية وطن؟
أسرار جامعية تسلّم أحد خريجي اجلامعة األميركية القُ دامى احلائز على شهادة علم رياضيات منصب رئيس وزراء دولة عربية. ****** الصيانة والبناء في مبنى نايسلي الى ح ّدة عادت وتيرة أعمال ّ غير مقبولة في ظل استمرار الصفوف .وقد ع ّبر العديد من األساتذة وال ّتالميذ عن انزعاجهم من املضايقات املستمرة التي السليم. متنع اجلو التعليمي من االستكمال ّ ****** جريدة لبنانية محلّية ستقيم ورشات عمل صحافية وتصويرية في احلرم اجلامعي قريباً.
ليس ُّ كل ما يلمع ذهب ًا مدى ال ّدبس يعم شعور عام لدى اللبنانيني بانه في حال أشعلت الفتنة في لبنان ستتكرّر احلرب األهلية مرّة أخرى. ليس فقط الن ّنا ال نحترم الذاكرة اجلماعية بل أل ّن جيلنا تربّى على عقلية توأم للعقلية السابقة، تغير أنتجتها االحزاب ذاتها التي لم ّ لتغير نهجاً .هل قرأمت نقدا ً فكرا ً ّ ذاتيا ً ملرحلة احلرب األهلية في لبنان؟ دمرنا هل سألوا أنفسهم :ملاذا ّ البلد؟ ال لم يسألوا. كيف يُطلب من املواطن اللبناني أن ينسى احلرب اذا لم يتم محاسبة ُمس ّببيها؟هل تعلمون أ ّن في 28 آذار 1991أصدر البرملان اللبناني عفوا عاما عن جرائم احلرب وضمنها مجزرة صبرا وشاتيال .ولكن يُستثنى كل من له عالقة باغتيال أو محاولة اغتيال شخصية دينية أو سياسية، عربية أو أجنبية او ديبلوماسية؟ (املصدر :ذكريات احلرب في لبنان ،1990فرانك مرميير) .هذا يعني أن مواطن يُعفى عن ُه ،اما من قتل ألف ٍ الذي قتلَ نائبا ً أوسفيرا ً أو شيخا ً فعمل ُه جرمية تستحق املالحقة والعقاب.
هناك فئة في لبنان حتاول أن ترتدي ثوب احلداثة وقناع العلمنة في السياسي .اما عند امتحان خطابها ّ املمارسة فهذه القوى ال تقبل بنظام علماني ،بل هي تعمل على حتصني حصة اجلماعة الدينية التي تزعم الدفاع عنها .عندما نكون فعليا من رواد العدالة االجتماعية واملساواة بني ابناء الوطن الواحد يتعني علينا الفالح في سبيل نظام يجعل الدولة على مسافة واحدة من اجلميع ،من كل فردٍ ،وليس من كلّ طائفة حسب عددها .اي الغاء مفهوم األقلية واألكثرية املذهبيتني وجعل العالقة بني الدولة والفرد عالقة مباشرة. البعض يقول في محاولة للتخفيف من ح ّدة النزاع السياسي “ جوهر ال ّدين واحد” .ولكن مهالً .ما هو جوهر ال ّدين ،اليس عبارة عن عبادة اهلل وعمل اخلير والغفران واالميان السياسة منه؟ بيوم القيامة؟ أين ّ في هذه االيديولوجية الطوائفية حتول الدين هوية سياسية ومجموعة من القوانني تشرذم اجملتمع الواحد وتضيع هويته .في الوقت الذي يكتفي فيه جوهر الدين على العالقة بني االنسان /الفرد
واهلل .اما االقتتال الطائفي وجمع الناس في حلقات مغلقة من طائفة واحدة واخلضوع لقانون ديني لالحوال الشخصية فهي ،في نظرنا ،امور بعيدة عن اجلوهر .مخالف ٌة للمحبة. مخالف ٌة للمساواة .هذا يجعل من البعض “أهل ذمة” ويقتل مفهوم املواطنة التي يحدد القانون هويتها. “العيش املشترك” ،عبارة أخرى ، رومنسية وناقصة .لم تنجح ولن تنجح .وان كُنّا أكثر عمقا ً نسأل : اليست وحدة احلياة ووحدة املصير هدفا ً أسمى من العيش املشترك؟ كيف لبعضنا احلق في املناداة “باالستقالل الفكري” وهو يربط ذلك االستقالل باحلقيقة الدينية؟ االستقالل الفكري يعني حترير العقل من املفاهيم املتحجرة. االستقالل الفكري هو أن نرفض التبعية الفكرية وملحقاتها. صحيح أ ّن ما مضى قد مضى ،ولكن ٌ كيف لنا أن منضي الى ما هو أفضل نتفحص ،الى اخلير واجلمال ،ان لم ّ السياسي الالمع ،الذي ذلك اخلطاب ّ ّ يغشنا بلون الذ ّهب وهو فعال ً من ك؟ ن ت ال معدن ََ ْ
أنثى رغم ًا عن؟ هيا فرح كاتبة متطوعة على عكس ما هو متعارف عليه ، الصلع أي الفقدان الكلي أو اجلزئي للشعر قد يصيب الذكور أو االناث على حد سواء .األسباب متعددة، ابرزها يرتبط بغضب جيني يفتك برأس آدم ،مهددا ً أكثر من مجرد مظهر خارجي ،فهذا إنذار بإنقضاء الشباب وبداية فترة حسم جديدة. أما بالنسبة حلواء فغالبا ً ما تنفذ بشعرها من سطوة هذه الظاهرة. حاليا ً حتتضن شوارع احلمرا وزوايا اجلامعة األمريكية نزعة جديدة ، فتيات خرجن عن املألوف ،فانحسر الشعر عن رأسهن كلياً ،إما جزئيا ً وذلك بقرار شخصي .مهما كانت االسباب وراء هذه اخليارات فهي بأغلبيتها تندرج حتت خانة إكتشاف الذات ،التجربة ،أو التعبير. ولكن هذه العينة ليست يتيمة، يوجد فتيات وألسباب أخرى تخلني عن “ تاج راسهن “ ،فتناسني أعراف اجملتمع وتصنيفاته األنثوية ورفضن اإلنصياع لها تضامنا ً مع الوالدة
،الصديقة ،أو األخت التي تصارع مرض السرطان .فاخلطوة ليست سوى محاولة تشجيع لتقبل املظهر اجلديد .فمحاربة السرطان ليست فقط مواجهة مع املوت ،بل لقاء جديد مع اجملتمع ورسالة في تقبل الذات وإعادة إكتشاف األنوثة بعيدا ً عن غطاء رأس أسود طويل. على سبيل املثال ،الوالدة باغتها املرض والعالج فأخذت فترة ال بأس بها حتى تصاحلت مع شكلها اجلديد بحضور نفسها حصرياً. شهران آخران حتى سمحت لنفسها بالتواجد مع اوالدها بدون غطاء الرأس .أخيرا ً ومع إقتراب نهاية اجللسات الكيميائية حتى مت التصالح الكلي مع الصلعة ،ولكن في املنزل فقط ال غير. عسى يا ماما ويا كل مصارعة مناضلة بوجه هذا السرطان لو تعرفن كم أننت فاتنات وكم هي جميلة وجوهكن ورؤسكن العارية. فاألنوثة معششة بكل ضلع من أجسادكن. فاألنوثة ال تقاس بطول أو لون الشعر.
األنوثة ال ترتدى في العلن وتخلع في وحدة الذات. األنوثة مرأة مناضلة ،أم وفتاة عصامية . عزيزي القارئ ،حث الوالدة ،اجلدة ،العمة ،واخلالة على إجراء فحص الكشف املبكر عن سرطان الثدي .ال تخاف منه ،وال من عراء رأسه فاإلكتشاف املبكر وعد بحياة جديدة .
·١٩نشاطات جامعية
17تشرين األوّل2012 ،
26تشرين األ ّول،
“تعلم ملتعة التعلم” جامعة الكبار في اجلامعة األمريكية سارة أحمد الديراني كاتبة متطوعة نعم إنها فعال جامع ٌة للكبار فقط ! أسست جامعة الكبار في ربيع 2010على يد كل من الدكتورتني: عبلة سباعي وسينتيا منتي. انطلقت فكرة هذا املشروع استنادا ً إلى عدة عوامل :أولها أن نسبة كبار السن الذين يزيد عمرهم عن ال50 سنة في لبنان من 20%من الشعب اللبناني ،أعلى نسبة في املنطقة. إضافة إلى ذلك أقامت اجلامعة األمريكية دراسة في رأس بيروت عن أوضاع كبار السن في هذه املنطقة فتبني لهم من خالل اإلحصائيات أن عدد كبير من كبار السن يعانون من مشكلة الوحدة والرغبة في احلياة ألنهم ال يجدون مغزا ً مجدي من وجودهم .كما أن العديد من الدراسات العاملية أثبتت أن الناشط فكريا ً وجسديا ً يكبر بصحة جيدة ويصاب بأمراض أقل من أولئك الذين يعشيون حياة فارغة في كبرهم. فكان الهدف األساسي من هذه اجلامعة هو حتفيز هؤالء الكبار ليملؤوا أوقات فراغهم بشيء مجدي وبالتالي يكبرون بصحة جيدة أكثر من ذي قبل .كما سعى
هذا البرنامج إلى إعطاء صورة إيجابية للتقدم في السن في لبنان واملنطقة ككل. فما هو الشيء الذي مييز هذا البرنامج التعليمي املستمر عن غيره من البرامج التعليمية اخملصصة للكبار؟ وأحد أهم املميزات في هذه اجلامعة هو أنه من يقومون بإعطاء الدروس في هذه اجلامعة هم أيضا كبار في السن ،مثل الطالب ،دفعهم حماسهم لتقدمي دروس لآلخرين حول مواضيع مختلفة ولكن مجانا من دافع التطوع! وال يشترط على أي منتسب أن يكون قد نال درجة علمية معينة حتى يستطيع االنتساب إلى جامعة الكبار! بل يكفي أن يكون لديه شغف العلم حتى يقبل ،وطبعا ً هذه اجلامعة ليست لطبقة معينة من كبار السن بل هي للجميع لألغنياء والفقراء على حد سواء وذلك ببساطة ألن رسم اإلنتساب هو 150$يشمل كل الدروس واحملاضرات التي تعطى في جامعة الكبار. فهناك دروس متنوعة ومفيدة للكبار ومنها :سوسيولوجيا
الديانات ،الفن اإلسالمي ،كتابة املذكرات ،كيفية إدارة ميزانية املنزل، التعلم على احلاسوب ،التصوير الرقمي .....،ومن احملاضرات مثال: محاضرات في املوسيقى ،املالية، الشيخوخة الصحية.....، كما أن ما مييز هذا البرنامج هو قدرته على بناء اجملموعة وذلك من خالل إنشاء روابط صلة بني املتعلمني وتخفيزهم على بناء صداقات جديدة تدفع بهم إلى االندماج في اجملتمع من جديد.كما أن عالقات الكبار في هذه اجلامعة ال تقتصر على الكبار في ما بينهم بل أيضا تنشئ روابط صلة بني الكبار بالسن واجليل اجلديد الذي يتمثل بطالب اجلامعة األمريكية. فقامت إدارة البرنامج بالعديد من النشاطات التي يتعاون فيها اجليالن إلمتامها .ومثال على ذلك أنه مجموعة من طالب اجلامعة األمريكية يعطون دروس في تعلم الكمبيرتر للكبار بالسن املبتدئني. واجلدير بالذكر أن نسبة املنتسبني لهذا البرنامج تزداد فصال بعد فصل .ففي فصل الربيع املاضي 2012كان عدد الطالب 56وفي هذا الفصل فصل اخلريف 2012-2013
مساعدات تقدمها بعض اجلمعيات واملؤسسات الداخلية واخلارجية التي حتب دعم املشاريع اإلجتماعية، وإدارة اجلامعة األمريكية أيضا تقوم بدعم هذا املشروع ماديا ً ومعنوياً. وفي اخلتام ،ال يسعني سوى شكر منسقة جامعة الكبار مايا أبي شاهني على تزويدي بكافة املعلومات املطلوبة حتى أمتكن من كتابة مقالي هذا .وفي ختام مقابلتها معي سألتها عن رأيها في هذا البرنامج قبل أن تبدأ بإلشراف عليه واآلن .فقالت لي: “أول ما جيت لئيت الفكرة كتير حلوي ومميزة ألن بتقدم شي حقيقي للمجتمع .بس هأل بعد ما شتغلت بهل مشروع صرت كتير معلقة في وصرت أنبسط كتير ملا حس وأعرف من الكبار إنو هل مشروع أضفلن شي عحياتن وحمسهن على احلياة من جديد خصوصي إنو كتار منهن بقولولي “إنو إنتو بتحمسونا كل يوم لنفيق ونلبس تيابنا ونطلع برات البيت” “. وفي سياق مقابلتي معها قالت لي مايا جملة مميزة جدا ً إرتقيت على إعتمادها كعنوان ملقالتي “تعلم ملتعة التعلم”.
عدد املنسبني هو 100يعني عدد املنتسبني يتضاعف عاما بعد عام. مدة كل فصل 8أسابيع والبرنامج يشمل كال اللغتني العربية واإلنكليزية. هذا البرنامج يخضع الشراف أكادميي مميز من قبل نخبة من ذوي اخلبرات في ميادين التعليم ومعظمهم يقومون بدورهم في هذا البرنامج بشكل تطوعي ألنهم يشعرون ان جهودهم تثمر وتفيد الكبار وحتسن وضعهم .كما ان هذا البرنامج ليخضع لرقابة مستمرة تهدف الى حتسينه وتقدمه ،وتكون هذه الرقابة على ثالثة أصعد: فيقوم كل من الطالب واألساتذة واإلدارة املشرفة بتقدمي تقيمهم كل نهاية فصل حتى تتمكن اإلدراة من حتسني نقاط الضعف في هذا البرنامج وحتافظ على املستوى املمتاز بشكل عام. وجتدر اإلشارة إلى أن جامعة الكبار جامعة ال تهدف الى مكسب مادي فهدفها األساسي حتسني وضع كبار السن وهذا جلي من قيمة رسم االنتساب ،وتقوم اإلدارة بجمع التبرعات والهبات لهذا املشروع عبر
العقل واملوسيقى: نور شربجي كاتبة صحفية املوسيقى لها قدرة سحريّة تنقلنا من احلاضر إلى أوّل رقصة سويّا ،إلى مميزة، حب قدمي ،إلى رحلة ٍّ مدرسية ّ ّ أو إلى ذكرى احلرب .فال استطيع أن أتخيل مثال عيد امليالد اجمليد من دون ّ اخلاصة باملناسبة. التراتيل و األغاني ّ فاملوسيقى ترافقنا في حياتنا اليومية و جميع أنواع املناسبات، ّ و هي أيضا جزء من ثقافتنا و حضارتنا .و لكن املوسيقى ليست فقط جزءا من عالم الفن و اإلبداع و املشاعر ،بل في مجال العلم أ ّي الطب أيضا. تنسجم دقات القلب مع املوسيقى الكالسيكية فيرتاح القلب و ّ اجلسد ،و بال ّتالي يصبح العقل أكثر جهوزية للتركيز .املوسيقى الكالسيكية ّ تنشط النصف األمين ّ عملية الدراسة و من العقل ،أما ّ ّ فتنشط النصف اآلخر .و التحليل
حني يصبح العقل بكامله نشيطا، تقوى قدرة و فاعلية العقل على التركيز و حفظ املعلومات .في دراسة حول موضوع تأثير املوسيقى
على نتائج المتحان في مادة الرياضيات ،وصل الباحثون إلى التالي:
نوع املوسيقى
النتيجة من دون االستماع الى املوسيقى قبل االمتحان
النتيجة مع االستماع الى املوسيقى قبل االمتحان
فريق 1
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POP فريق 2 روك فريق 3 للموسيقى أيضا دور في حتسني العالج ملن يعانون من مرض فقدان الذاكرة .فتقول املتخصصة في مجال “ العالج املوسيقي” سوزان هانسر أن هؤالء املرضى يستجيبون للموسيقى حني ال يستجيبون ألي شيء أخر .من يفقد القدرة على النطق/التكلم يستطيع إن يتعالج من خالل االستماع إلى أغاني معينة و من ثم محاولة تقليد و ّ ترديد اللحن فيستعيد قدرته على
تدريجيا. النطق ّ للموسيقى أيضا ً تأثير على اجلنني خاصة في الشهور األخيرة من ثبت أ ّن اجلنني قادر احلمل .فقد أ ُ َ أن يسمع األصوات و لذلك هو مييز صوت أمه عن يستطيع أن ّ جميع األصوات عند الوالدة .فدراسة علمية جديدة اختبرت أثر املوسيقى ّ على عدد من األجنة ،و قد استنتج الباحثون أن األطفال الذين استمعوا
إلى املوسيقى قبل والدتهم نطقوا بشكل أسرع ممن لم يستمعوا. كان أينشتاين من عازفي الكمان، أما نيتشي فيقول “ احلياة مجرّد
خطأ إن لم تكن املوسيقى”. فكيف اذا متت امتحانات اجلامعة األميركية بحضور أوركسترا كالسيكية؟
26تشرين األ ّول،
إصدار ،45عدد 4 17تشرين األوّل2012 ،
ّ موحد رغم االختالف يستهل العام الدّ راسي بلقاء النادي الثّقافي السوري ٍ حاشد ألعضائهّ : مدى الدبس
دورمان مك َّرم ًا ّ : الشعب السوري يسكن افكارنا
السنة الفائتة كنت ّ أخطط منذ ّ ُ لالنضمام الى النادي الثقافي السوري هذا العام ،لشعوري ّ بالقرب الفكري والروحي من ثقافته الفعالة في والعجابي بنشاطاته ّ محيط اجلامعة .كالعادة في يوم جتمعت كل هيئة ادارية النّواديّ ، منوطة بنادٍ ما حول طاولة ،وبدأت الطالب اليها. عملية استقطاب ّ وفي وسط الساحة أمام “وست هول” استعرض النّادي السوري زاويته .جلست ادارة النّادي القدمية، مع املنتخبة جديدا ً للتشجيع وال ّدعم .األزمة في سوريا ال تُخفى الطالب السوريني في على احد لك ّن ّ عضوا على اجلرح واتحّ دوا... اجلامعة ّ مؤيديون ومعارضون وحياديون بروح ايجابية ّ سجلوا في النّادي ٍ ونشيطة. االثنني الفائت دعت الهيئة االدارية للنادي الجتماعها األوّل بحضور رئيس اجلامعة وممثل عن نادي أمناء عبدالسالم اجلامعة األميركية ّ .أما هيئة النادي فتألفّ ت من هيكل ّ طارق الشويكاني رئيساً ،نور شامي نائب رئيس ،محمد حازم البردان أمني صندوق ،راتب أتاسي سكريترا ً ،محمد اسماعيل مسؤول عالقات عامة وجودي حايك عضو مكتب. بدأ االجتماع بكلمة لرئيس النادي ش ّدد فيها على قوانني النادي وعلى
تصوير -حيدر شاكري
السياسة من االستفحال في منع ّ النّادي .كما قال أن هدف النادي هو الطالب حتت شعار النشاطات جمع ّ الثقافية والترفيهية باالضافه إلى النشاطات اخليرية .وأن سبب منع السياسة في النادي هو حساسية املوضوع وتعارضه مع هدف النادي في توحيد الطالب السوريني في اجلامعة.
أما رئيس اجلامعة ،د .بيتر دورمان ّ تخصه قائال : بذكرى كلمته فبدأ ّ النّادي الثقافي السوري أوّل من ق ّدم لي هدية بتعييني رئيسا ً للجامعة منذ أربع سنوات.كما شارك دورمان احلاضرين بإطْ العهم على زياراته االعتيادية مع عائلته الى حلب ودمشق مادحا ً حضارة سوريا العريقة وتراثها األصيل وضيافة
شعبها املعطاء. لم يتجاهل الرّئيس أحداث العالم العربي ،بل تو ّجه للطلاّ ب قائال ً ”:احلاصل في سوريا يضع على أكتافكم حمال ً أكبرَ ”.مبرزا ً ما أسماه احلاجة الى اجملتمعات املنفتحة والدميقراطيات احلقيقية. الطالب بأن وختم كلمته ناصحا ً ّ ال يكتفوا باملنهاج ال ّدراسي بل
بتوسيع نشاطاتهم االجتماعية التي متنحمهم وقتا ً للمرح وجتعل غنى جتربتهم اكثر ً أما عضو مجلس أمناء اجلامعة، ّ ورئيس النادي الثقافي السوري عام 1996والنّاشط في اجملال الطالبي خالل أيّام دراسته احلقوقي ّ عبدالسالم هيكل ،فقال أ ّن اجلامعة ّ االمريكية تعطي الطالب فرصة ان يكون رائدا ً في القوى التغييرية .وا ّن ارادة التغيير في اجملتمع جزء ال يتجزأ من ثقافة اجلامعة.. الطالب أن ّه من كما ذكّر هيكل ّ السفير الذين تدافعوا جسديا ً على ّ األميركي في زيارته الى احلرم بعد حرب العراق .وذكّرهم بواجب العطاء للوطن ونصحهم بأن يحاولوا الفرح رغم األلم احلاصل في سوريا.كما أوصاهم بأن يبقوا مو ّحدين رغم السياسي فيما بينهم. االختالف ّ الهيئة االدارية برئيسها الشويكاني خطتهم ونائبها شامي ش ّددا على ّ ّ الشاملة في توحيد السوريني في اجلامعة رغم اختالفاتهم السياسية وأن باب النادي مفتوح للجميع وفي رفع نسبة تفاعل الطالب السوريني مع النادي.وباقامة ّ أسبوع ثقافي سوري يستضيف شخصيات ثقافية سورية فاعلة في اجملتمع. لكل تكرميية درع تسليم تال ذلك ٍ السالم من رئيس اجلامعة ود .عبد ّ وتقدمي عشاء للحاضرين.
قراءة في الكالسيكو كساب محمد ّ كاتب متطوع أطلق احلكم صافرته وأعلن فوز املشاهد ! نعم ،فبالرغم من تعادل ريال مدريد وبرشلونة في الكالسيكو األسبوع املاضي إال أن املشاهد بالفعل كان هو الرابح األكبر .لم يكن هذا هو احلال في السنوات القليلة املاضية ،فكانت املباراة محسومة النتيجة اسابيع قبل بدئها .كان فريق برشلونة بشكل كامل على أجواء يسيطر ٍ املباراة ويدون نتائج كبيرة أذكر منها
٢-٦و .٠-٥كثرت التحليالت عن سبب سيطرة البرشا ،فالبعض قال أنه الفريق الذي ال يقهر والبعض اآلخر أعاد السبب إلى مدرب ريال مدريد .ولكنني شخصيا ً ال أؤمن بكال االقتراحني .ففي كرة القدم ما من فريق ال يقهر ،فقد قيل عن فريق أسي ميالن في الثمانينات أنه الفريق الذي ال يقهر ،وأعيد منح هذا اللقب إلى فريق “مانشستر يونايتد” في اواخر التسعينات وبداية األلفية الثالثة ،وقد تكبد كال الفريقني ت كبيرة بعد احلصول على نكسا ٍ اللقب .أما االقتراح الثاني ،وهو
إرجاع السبب إلى مدرب ريال مدريد، فهو ليس باخليار املنطقي ،فقد تعاقب على تدريب ريال مدريد في السنوات القليلة املاضية عدد هائل من املدربني صاحبي اخلبرة واحلنكة الكروية وفشلهم جميعا ً يعني أن السبب ال يكمن فيهم .اخلوف وانعدام اإلميان بالقدرة على الفوز هما السببان اللذان أعتبرهما وراء سطوة البرشا .فاجلميع يعلم أن الصفاء الذهني هو من أساسيات النجاح ،فاخلوف يولد طاق ًة سلبية تكبل قدرات االنسان وحتدها .وعندها يلجأ اإلنسان إلى استعمال أساليب
غير مشروعة للتعويض .هذا ما كنا نراه سابقا ً في أداء ريال مدريد اخلشن ،فللتخفيف من اخلوف جلأ الالعبون إلى إستعمال العنف .أما اآلن فيبدو جليا ً للجميع أن هذا اخلوف الذي كان يسيطر على أداء الالعبني لم يعد موجوداً“ ،فالريال”
اليوم أصبح قادرا ً على إمتالك الكرة والسيطرة على مجريات املباراة واألهم من ذلك االبتعاد عن اخلشونة في اللعب .فنحن كمشاهدين ال نتمنى إال مشاهدة مباريات مليئ ٍة باألهداف واألداء اجلميل لالستمتاع وإلرضاء رغباتنا..