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Outlook The American University of Beirut

Vol. XLIII, No. 1

| Tuesday, Sept 28, 2010| The Independent Student Publication Since 1949

President’s Club Inaugurates Bench in Appreciation for Retiring Kisirwani

Dean Kisirwani on his bench.

Maya Sfeir Contributing Writer



n Wednesday, September 22, the AUB President’s Club, chaired by Mrs. Laila Baroody, donated a bench near West Hall. The bench was carrying Dr. Maroun Kisirwani’s name, meant by the club to be an emblem of its appreciation of Dean Kisirwani’s devoted services to AUB upon his retirement. Kisirwani, who has served AUB as a dean for the past nine years, first began his career at the university in 1973, two years after graduating with a PhD from Indiana University. Since he was hired as an assistant professor at the Political Studies and Public Administration Department (PSPA), Kisirwani has greatly contributed to both the AUB and Lebanese community. Apart from serving as a professor at, and

Editorial & Opinion 2 Opinion 3


Photo: Dima Hajj

chairperson of, the PSPA department, he held numerous governmental and administrative positions. He acted as consultant to the Lebanese Government on Administrative Reform, advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (1982-1984), and member of the Lebanese National Committee at the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Kisirwani also conducted several civil training programs in a number of Arab countries. In 2001, Kisirwani became the Acting Dean of Student Affairs prior to his appointment as dean. As Dean of Students, he was recognized and esteemed for his excellent relationships with all groups of students, his insistence that they adhere to university laws and regula-

The Civil Camp Emile Zankoul Staff Writer


he long awaited summer had come to an end in a fashion that a group of AUB students would find most memorable. In fact, the Civil Engineering Society (CES), in collaboration with IBSAR and the Center for Civic Engagement and Community Service (CCECS), had organized its traditional summer camp to take place in the last week of summer, from the 15th till the 23rd of September, hosted by the Agricultural Resources Educational Center (AREC) also known as the AUB farm located in the Bekaa. The camp embraced about 85 students, mainly Civil Engineering Juniors alongside some Electrical Computer Engineer-

ing, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Philosophy, and Biology students. The main goal of the event was to carry out volunteering community projects in regions around AREC. Every day of the journey, except for the weekend, started with an early rise. Breakfast was served at 7:30 in the AUB farm cafeteria where the volunteering students braced themselves to spend the next seven hours participating in and contributing to a diverse array of community projects dispersed amongst five different locations. Some of the projects included building an environment-friendly mud house for the ArcEn-Ciel organization in Taanayal, paining the rails of the sidewalks at the village of Shmistar where a bus stop was also erected, and

building ramps for the physically challenged people in Baalbek. Moreover, in Bedneyel, some of the students created a website for the municipality of that same village and last but not least, a group went to Irsel where they started work on a playground containing benches decorated with mosaic. But that’s not all, AUB volunteers also provided computer lessons coupled with a photography workshop to the primitive and technologically challenged natives of the urban area. All the aforementioned activities proved very useful to the students as they were not only educational, but fell close to their individual majors and showed them the impor-

continued on page 4

continued on page 4 AUB CES camp volunteers gather for a group photo.

Campus News Out of The Box

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Photo: Mohamad Alameh

Welcome Back AUBites Fall 2010 - 11

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Sept 28, 2010

Editorial & Opinion Leaders of Tomorrow

Rami Diab Editor-in-Chief


eadership has long contributed to shaping the flow of history and wherever we glance to, more and more leaders seem to be dominating our world as we know it. But what makes

a good leader? Is not the ideal leader one who measures his own life progress by the yard stick of his people’s years, one who will weigh the mark of his success by the respective triumph of his colleagues, and one who will risk his own reputation in the noble pursuit of fine pruning that of his successors? Consequently, the ultimate leader finds no mountain too tall, no sea too wide, and no undertaking too perilous that s/he will not venture upon to instill his people their own sensation of leadership. The ultimate leader will let lay the ladder by which he rises in the sincere hopes that his followers will one day climb it and reach a greater height he only dared dream of. Is this not every father’s sincere wish and every mother’s yearning and ultimate

aspiration for their children? And do we not ourselves assume the roles of mothers and fathers of our communities in rearing up and shaping its inhabitants through our influence, motivation, and inspiration? What good are our deeds therefore, if they have not their roots in siblinghood’s rich soils? Dear friends, we are leaders ourselves and mighty fine ones too, believe it. As we communicate, change’s mighty tides churn in preparation for our coming year and if we leaders don’t muster up the courage to face them head on, if we lack the daring to start, then we have sadly, already finished. A smooth sea never made a skilfull sailor and thus for nothing ventured, we stand but little to gain. Besides, what victory have you ever known that was not

intensified by its keeper’s exertion and pain in making it a reality? What good are sailboats of the finest grade, if we sailors are not made sick with anticipation to embark? We have all it takes, and even amidst the din of change, when the four winds will work their ways to thrust us off course, we can still adjust our sails and find our way to shore. Fellow colleagues, irrespective of where we have come from, and where we are going, the vessel of space and time has come to unite us at AUB. Together, for our one common good we stand - kindled by the fire of selfless leadership. Whether we have readily awoken to the fact therefore, or are yet to do so - by virtue of being AUB students, we have all checked into this great ark that is to set sail upon next year’s

bumpy tides. Yes, foul winds may await us, as may bitter storms, but by all the audacity and spirit amounted in us, our common aim to propel our university forward will steer us to victory. What have we to fear? Leaders we are and leaders we shall be. Onwards for a united voice, onwards for a prolific year, and onwards for glory – onwards for AUB.

Where is Arab Nationalism Heading?

Marwan Jaafar Senior Staff Writer


n the 5th of March, Dr Jalal Amin gave a remarkable lecture on the subject of ‘The Future of Arab Nationalism’ at the West Hall, Auditorium B. Dr Jalal Amin is a leading Egyptian intellect and writer who studied law and economics in Cairo, and earned his

PhD in London. He is both an advocate and a reference on the subject of Arab Nationalism. Attendees filled the lecture hall, among key figures were Mr. Salim Hoss former Prime Minister, and Mr. Mohamad Kabbani representing Prime Minister Mr. Saad Hariri. At first Dr Amin began his lecture by paying tribute to late Dr. Constantine Zreik and expressed his admiration to him being a great writer and believer in the Arab solidarity. He then said that this is a sad period for Arabs, and was pessimistic about the situation, as the future of the Arab solidarity does not appear to be promising. He then compared the current situation to the old days in the 1940’s and 1950’s of the 20th century, when Arabs had better chances to unite. Great leaders like Jamal Abed Nasser and Sheriff Hussein were

very influential on the Arabs. The Arab youths nowadays are no longer concerned or interested in these issues as in the old days. He said he was deeply saddened by the events that took place between Egypt and Algeria during the qualifying football matches of African countries, and felt that this is an indication that the feelings of belonging to the Arab nation are much weaker, and are negatively suppressed by the narrower senses of blind belonging to sub entities. Dr Amin believes that there is a shift in power in the world from the West to the East, and the effects of this shift need to be assessed. He then discussed the key risk factors affecting the future of the Arabs. Globalization also played a major role. Language is in danger he quoted. Dr Amin said “There are two main factors affecting Arab

unity: internal and external factors.” Internally governments do not have interest to unite because they would be at risk of losing power; whereas externally, foreign countries are intervening everywhere for their own interest, since Sykes-Picot Agreement. Among the great dangers and threats towards our identity, is the fact that our language no longer taken serious. Religion is an integral part of Arab identity, but it is not the defining factor of the Arab identity which is made up of several components and this where many people are getting confused. As part of the positive aspects in the Arab world; Dr Amin mentioned how the middle class has increased dramatically in the Arab World since the old days. There is still hope he quotes, “If the Arabs have endured all that they have endured in

the last 180 years, then there must be something going on”, Solidarity is the key in uniting. When it came to the Q/A, Dr. Hoss expressed solidarity with Palestinian people and how it is the focal point of Arab solidarity, he also quotes “why is it that the European people who don’t have the same language, nor the culture and traditions are able to unite, whereas the Arabs who share these features and even more common interests are not able to unite”. The lecture was concluded with more questions, several of which had more than one answer.


Sept 28, 2010


opinion International AIDS Conference 2010

Lynn Itani Staff Writer


he AIDS 2010 conference brought together 25,000 including world leaders, scientists, people living with HIV, activists and public health professionals from 185 countries. The purpose of this meeting was to call for drastic action and increased funding, as well as to have a structured dialogue regarding the response

to HIV&AIDS. As the global economic crisis poses the threat of a decrease in public investments, the conference aimed at keeping HIV& AIDS as a priority. Despite efforts to control the spread of the virus, 2.7 million new infections occur yearly. Worldwide, there are more than 33 million people living with HIV&AIDS yet only 5 million people are receiving treatment. Thus, the theme of the conference “Rights Here, Right Now” emphasized the importance of upholding human rights and establishing universal access to treatment. A key message of the conference was that protecting the human rights of those who are most vulnerable to HIV& AIDS is critical to slow down and eventually end the pandemic. In many countries, stigma and persecution of HIV&AIDS patients due to the criminalization of HIV related issues, such as drug use and homosexuality, rep-

resent the greatest barrier to health services. This hinders HIV testing, care and support and increases the risk of transmission. HIV& AIDS patients find themselves victimized not only by the virus, but also by the society that allowed the virus to infect them in the first place. Moreover, anti-retroviral drugs are expensive and the majority of infected individuals do not have access to such treatment when they cannot even afford the basic necessities of life. The conference’s host city, Vienna, was covered with red ribbons in recognition of HIV/AIDS; it was selected because of its proximity to Eastern Europe and Central Asia – two regions with a growing HIV& AIDS epidemic fueled primarily by injecting drug use. The centerpiece of the conference was the Vienna Declaration which called for a drug policy reform program based on scientific evidence

and that also ensures the protection of human rights. It calls for a shift in perspective towards drug users from criminals to people who are in need of health services. Another focus of the conference was the need for an increase in the participation of young people in the different steps within projects related to HIV& AIDS such as research, or peer to peer education in order to reach the young people who are greatly affected by the virus. As I had the great opportunity to attend this conference, there are many moments that I will never forget. I had tears in my eyes listening to the stories of people living with HIV and the extreme discrimination they have faced whether they were from Kenya, Australia, Canada, Jamaica or Jordan, for example. Former US president Bill Clinton’s words “This is not the beginning of the end, but only the end of the beginning” are also

forever marked in my memory and surely carved in the hearts of human rights activists worldwide. Moreover, the human rights march was another emotionally charged moment after which came the Annie Lennox concert titled “Hope Over Despair” as she charmingly fulfilled her role of being the UNAIDS ambassador. The conference also exposed me to creative public health interventions that have been launched in different contexts such as ones raising awareness about condom use. It has definitely been a learning experience regarding advocacy toolswhether photography, theatre, or cinema. Carrying out a presentation to an audience was also an unforgettable experience, not to mention the incredible people I met, who were all enthusiastic to make a difference.

“Son, You Will Never Be a Real Man” It takes a lot to be a real man.

Amanj Harki Staff Writer Saeed was a 40-year old farmer. He had a small farm near Erbil, the capital of the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG). He was living

with his wife and his 10-year old son, Aree. Saeed was not pleased with the behavior of his only son, who he wanted to become someone respected by all people. Every day, for one hour, he would give him advice on life and manly acts. Despite all the efforts he put into making a man out of his son, he failed. Time passed and the son grew up and went to college. One day, Saeed thought of where he might have gone wrong. When he got to an answer, he realized that the problem was his son not. Aree was never trying to understand his father, who only wanted to be proud of him, but he would do everything opposite of his father. Saeed decided to use an ancient Kurdish way with his son, which was indirect encouragement, by telling him

“Son, you will never be a real man.” Aree was getting really offended every time his father was telling him that and decided to do everything that his father would disprove. He started working really hard in college and graduated from his major with distinction. Saeed, however, was still telling him, “Son, you will never be a real man”. Aree never tried to understand what his father meant and always thought he was wrong. Time passed and the day came when he cut all his ties with his parents. He could not bear with what his father was telling him anymore. After that, he got married. Since, he was a hard worker with distinction; he got to the point that he was elected as the governor of his town. Some days after being elect-

ed, late at night in his office, he was thinking about what his dad told him years ago. It was like a never-ending pain in him for years. So, he decided to get it off his chest. He wanted to tell his dad that he was wrong. He sent some of his personal guards at two in the morning to bring his dad to his office. His men went to his dad’s house and knocked on the door. Saeed opened the door. He was told that the governor wants to see him. Saeed was astonished. He asked himself what the governor wanted from him. Since he had no choice, he went with them to see the governor. When he entered the office, he saw his son sitting on the governor’s chair. Saeed was surprised and asked his son, “Why are you sitting on governor’s chair?” Aree arro-

gantly replied, “I am the governor. You see dad, you were wrong. You were telling me, ‘Son, you will never be a real man.’” Saeed stared at his son and laughed at him. Aree was surprised and wondered why his dad was laughing at him. Then, he said, “Son, I never said that you won’t be a governor. I only said, ‘You will never be a real man.’ If you were a real man, you would not have forced your old poor dad at this time of night to come to your office just to tell him that you have become the governor.” Instead, you would have come to my house, paid your respects and then told me the news. Now, did you get why was I telling you this all this time?”



campus news “He deserves more.”

AUBites enjoy Bekaa

continued from page 1 tions, and his impartiality and fairness. Baroody delivered the opening speech on the occasion and stated that her mixed feelings can be mainly attributed to Kisirwani’s retirement: “I am both pleased and sorry today. I am pleased because the inauguration is a great gesture intended to honor Dr. Kisirwani, but I am sorry because he is leaving.” She then duly added, “He deserves more.” In his turn, Kisirwani thanked the ladies of the President’s Club for honoring him, emphasizing that it had been “a great pleasure to work with them through the years.” He further declared, “I leave soon with great memories to force me

continued from page 1 to come back.” Kisirwani concluded his speech by humorously asking the ladies to indulge his successor with the same exceptional treatment they provided him. Close to tears, Baroody earnestly replied that the succeeding dean would be well-treated only “if he deserves it.” Despite Dean Kisirwani’s imminent departure from AUB to join his family in Australia, the bench presented in his honor will stand as a permanent reminder that his absence is only physical. His legendary achievements as professor, chairperson and dean, will continuously be remembered by students, faculty and staff alike.

Top Right: AUBite volunteers adding color to local village / Bottom Left: AUBite volunteers offer assistance with moving bricks / Bottom Right: Local children and AUBites embrace.

Photos: Mohamad Alameh

Sept 28, 2010

tance of helping others and just how efficient team work can be. However, the camp wasn’t just about hard work and services as there was plenty of time for fun. Every evening, the group prepared themselves for enjoyable activities inside AREC from fire camps, to group games, and sports tournaments, and a festival organized in Irsel also took place. The weekend was full of interesting outings. Saturday night, the team went to Berdawni in Zahle for dinner and enjoyed a little game of bumping cars as well, only to end their night outing with a party Zahle where the students danced the night away. Sunday started with tourism in Baalbek followed by a visit to Chateau Ksara and in the evening, after lunch, students visited the Qaraon dam where they enjoyed the beautiful view. Finally, during the last night in AREC, a reception was held in honor of the mayors of the regions where the AUB volunteers extended their services. Apart from speeches prepared by some of the students, along with CCECS’ founding Director, Dr. Mabsout himself, “dabke” dancing and singing by the scouts and students of Bedneyel filled the air. After having had breakfast the next morning, it was time to say goodbye. Everyone packed their bags and spent their last few hours in AREC, the birthplace of their camp memories. At noon, three buses transported the students back to Beirut where they had their final weekend remaining to rest after the civil camp before they would head back to AUB and prepare for the Fall Semester.

Sept 28, 2010


campus news

Billiards and Air Hockey? AUB Has’Em! Nader Al Ahmadieh

Contributing Writer

Photo: Dima Hajj


ast Thursday, another contribution to the development of the student life was made, where an inauguration ceremony of the new Mary Dodge Building took place. The ceremony was held at the Mary Dodge Building situated at AUB lower campus and was attended by dorm representatives and faculty members alike, as well as members of the president’s club, Dean Maroun Kisirwani, and AUB President Peter Doorman himself. Funded by a donation of 50,000$ by the president’s club, the new building was opened for the dorm residents and their friends aiming at serving both educational and recreational purposes. The members attending the ceremony were introduced to the newly opened building where its different parts and uses were explained. The first floor, containing a TV and a ping pong and billiards tables among others is to be used as a recreational center frequented by the dorm residents and their friends for entertainment. Next, the attendants climbed up to the second floor where they found a study room equipped with tables and chairs that can be transformed into a ballroom that would accommodate events taking place at AUB. After the introduction of the


building, a speech was given by a student representative in the name of the dorm inhabitants where the members of the President’s Club including AUB President Dorman were thanked for their generous contribution to the students and presented with a bouquet of flowers as a token of their gratitude. President’s Club head, Ms. Layla Baroodi demonstrated her support for the project saying that she was simply “happy that the students will be able to enjoy this facility that was provided by the president’s club.” President Doorman also had a special thank you in his name and in the name of his office where he was fully supportive of the project that “aims to target student life,” and was also very pleased with the benefits that the project brings where in President Doorman’s words it’s “a great combination of both educational and recreational activities.” Finally, Dean Kisirwani invited all the attendants to a bite and a drink from the buffet prepared for the occasion. Since its establishment in 1866, the American University of Beirut has managed to build a huge reputation for itself and become one of the top ranking universities in Lebanon, the Middle East, and the Arab world. AUB howev-

er, doesn’t merely strive to offer its students a professional level of education, making them fully prepared for whatever field of work they choose to pursue, but also tries to provide its students an enriched on-campus life style and thus make their college experience all the more lively and educational. This development of student life is constantly reinforced with several ideas and plans being put into action through the work of clubs, societies, and campus personnel in the sincere hopes of adapting to the needs of the developing student body. This aforementioned project therefore, amongst many, shows the dynamic work of the faculty members and communities at AUB who aim at constantly enriching and simplifying the lives of AUB students. It shows that being at AUB does not only entail studying hard and scoring good grades, but also includes having fun and enjoying one’s university experience as it happens, “that they may have life and have it more abundantly.”

Be on the




When was the Last Time you Picked up a Book? Lara Traboulsi

Contibuting Writer


midst the surge of various gadgets—ranging from the iPad, XBOX, to the latest PS3— that have captivated this generation’s attention, books have become lost. The joy of curling down on the sofa with a good book has been long forgotten. Dissatisfied with this notion, the municipality of Beirut has rolled up its sleeves and set to work rectifying the wrong it sees. Under the headline of “Let’s Read in Beirut” Assabil (Friends of Public Library Association) has taken it upon themselves to create a haven for book lovers to gather and unwind. Their efforts and hard work paid off in 2000 when Beirut—particularly Bachoura—became the proud host of a public library that now caters to over 14,000 visitors per year as it entertains them with a wide assortment of 25,000 books, magazines, films , and games. Aside from the gift of offering the inhabitants of Lebanon a quiet place to unwind with a good book, the Bachoura Library organizes cultural events weekly. Monday evenings at 7pm at Bachoura library have been set aside for activities of all kinds, while Friday afternoons have been reserved for storytelling; a pastime children look forward to. Following the success of the Bachoura library, Assabil opened its second public library, “The Geitawi Library”, in the cozy municipal “Jesuit Park” in 2004. The library, set in a big glass house in the corner of the park, offers its visitors the chance to surf the internet, and enjoy their reading material while enjoying the outdoors. Assabil continued to carry out their vision in 2008, opening the Monnot Library. Situated amidst a plethora of cultural institutions (Monnot theatre, Museum of Prehisto-

ry, Bilbliotheque Orientale, and Saint Joseph Universty) the Monnot library appeals to the intellectual and artistic crowd as it carries numerous volumes of architecture, theatre, music, and art. It’s inviting armchairs and serene ambiance lures in visitors from all over Beirut. Encouraged by the enthusiasm that the libraries are receiving, the municipality of Beirut and Assabil have continued to implement their vision across Beirut. Soon to be open is the Tariq el-Jdideh library that promises to be the largest of all the public libraries. Situated in AlKarthoum street, the library encompasses over 2 stories and hold an astounding 30,000 books. It will open its ground floor to various activities and events and reserve the roof terrace for a tranquil setting. Assabil hopes to welcome its first batch of Tariq el Jdideh library visitors sometime during November 2011. Other plans in motion are the opening of further libraries across 8 different regions of Beirut such as Sassine, Mar Elias, Caracas, and Badawi. By opening their doors free of charge, the public libraries are luring in visitors from all over Lebanon. After all who could pass up the chance to unwind in a comfortable coach and have a wide selection of books, magazines, newspapers at their reach free of charge? To encourage their visitors even more, the public library offers a membership for life for the mere price of 10,000 L.L. The membership card allows its holder to check out as much as 4 documents --books, magazines, and DVDs—for a period of three weeks. So it’s time to take a break from all those videogames and pick up a book.



campus news

Sept 28, 2010

Interview with Ms. Najla Khatib, Winner of the AUB BCG Promising Leader Award Rami Diab Editor-in-Chief

Source: www.aub.edu.lb


romising Leader Award at a campus ceremony held on June 4, 2010. This distinct award was established during the previous 2008-09 academic year with the prime purpose of encouraging the outgrowth of future AUB leaders. The award, apart from being presented along side a hefty sum of $11,000 also provides its beholder with the opportunity of a full time job interview at Boston Consulting Group (BCG). Here is some of what Ms. Najla Khatib had to say: Rami: Tell us a little about yourself; your academic background and past experiences. Najla: Well, I’ve lived here my whole life. I graduated from IC in 2005, after which I enrolled at AUB as a Nutrition and Dietetics major. After receiving my degree in 2008, I worked for a year at St. Georges Hospital as a dietetic intern, and I am now doing my masters in Public Health. R: What inherent part of

your personality would you say has given you an upper edge over others in claiming the AUB BCG Prestigious Leadership? N: I believe preparation is very important for any inter-

academic and nonacademic experiences which you believe have endowed you with current leadership capabilities? N: Beginning with my academic background, my in-

“I really don’t have a lot of experience with being a leader” view. I actually prepared two weeks in advance for mine, especially [since] I had to solve a business case which is a process that I was not at all familiar with. Moreover, I’m not easily intimidated and that’s a huge plus, considering that one will have to deal with difficult circumstances during his/her professional career. I am also quite sociable and get along very easily with people which made me communicate easily with my interviewers. It is usually hard to get me to shut up! R: Could you name some of

ternship at St. George Hospital helped me tremendously in developing communication skills, as I did learn quite a lot from dealing with patients who come from different cultural, socioeconomic and geographic backgrounds. As for my nonacademic experiences, I’ve been learning ballet ever since I can remember and have begun teaching girls (age 5 to 11) the art which I found was very challenging and had greatly impacted my personality and leadership skills. A final nonacademic activity which has

also constituted a major part of my youth is the Children International Summer Village (CISV) program which embarked me on several trips to foreign countries with other children. Apart from coping with the responsibility of living alone, the experience also allowed me to open up to students of different ethnicities and cultures. R: In your experience, what does it take to become a leader? If you had to pick one essential element of leadership, what would it be? N: Wow, I really don’t have a lot of experience with being a leader. The whole point of the award was to find a promising future leader. What I do know for sure though is that there is a big difference between being a leader and a boss. That is, the ability to delegate and empower people around you, such as to get them to want to do what has to be done is an essential leadership quality. R: What would you say are some common responsibilities and drawbacks of being a leader? Any drawbacks? N: One major challenge in leading anything, whether a group project (which is my only area of expertise) or a company, is having to make tough decisions for the good of the whole when they seem to sacrifice the good of the part. R: You mentioned under the AUB Bulletin press release that this award has changed you and provided you with novel opportunities. How so? N: This award, actually, being granted from AUB in partnership with BCG has opened my eyes to the consulting world. I personally had never considered it as an option for me, but now, with BCG’s kind award and interview offer, I realize that this is a line of work that could combine my principal interests which are public health, finance, and economics. Be-

ing shortlisted for this award made me realize the opportunities one gets to be a leader in his everyday life and made me feel responsible to live up to it. R: I’m sure that many readers are curious to know as to how you will make use of your $11,000 cash prize. N: You know it’s funny. If I had a dime for every time I’ve been asked that question so far, I could almost double my savings! This money will be a good basis upon which I could start planning continuing my education which is high on my priority list. I am also considering to enroll in an international ballet summer program which is something I would not have had the chance to do had I not won this money. I am a firm believer that one’s extracurricular activities are central to his/her personal and professional development. R: Any last words for our rising generation AUB students and alumni? Is there any advice you would like to offer them? N: All I can say is that I hesitated before applying to this award thinking to myself “what are the odds of me winning?” I now realize the impact this experience has had on my life; it is probably my greatest achievement! We should never miss out on any opportunity that presents itself because we can always find value in anything we experience and use it to our advantage. “We always miss 100% of the shots we don’t take.” R: Interesting Najla, thank you for your time, and we at Outlook are always looking to hear from promising young scholars such as yourself. N: The pleasure was all mine and I hope to read about a similar story next year concerning the next student being presented this award!



‫‪campus news‬‬

‫‪Sept 28, 2010‬‬

‫العرب ّية‪ ،‬بإلهام من نصر حامد أبو زيد‬

‫ثقافة املواجهة ‪ :‬هل تُعتبر‬ ‫أنصاف احللول وصوال ً إلى الهدف ؟‬

‫مرمي العلي‬ ‫كاتبة صحافية‬

‫مصطفى فضل اهلل‬ ‫كاتب صحفي‬

‫مات نصر حامد أبو زيد خالل هذا‬ ‫الصيف‪ .‬إذا كنت تعرفه ال تقرأ اجلملة‬ ‫الالحقة‪ .‬إذا كنت ال تعرفه فأبو زيد‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫عربي معاصر‪ .‬وأنا أقول لك‪،‬‬ ‫مفكر‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫أنا لم أقرأ نصف ما كتبه في حياته‪،‬‬ ‫بالتالي لن “أتفلسف” عليك من‬ ‫سطح الثقافة‪ ،‬ألنّه أيضا ً سطح‬ ‫عال‪ ،‬وألنّه مكتظ بكثيرين‪ ،‬عندما‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫يعتلونه يُبقون رؤوسهم (وأنوفهم)‬ ‫مرتفعة فيسقطون من عليه‪ :‬أثناء‬ ‫انشغالهم بالنظر إلى فوق تنزلق‬ ‫أرجلهم إلى حتت‪ .‬أنا عظامي غالية‬ ‫على قلبي‪ .‬أحتاجها يا أخي!‬ ‫“ط ِّيب”‪ ،‬ملاذا أذكر موت أبو زيد اآلن؟‬ ‫ألنّه بفكرة قرأتها مصادفة في واحد‬ ‫أسس ملا تقرأه لي أنت‬ ‫من كتبه ّ‬ ‫هنا‪ .‬سأ ّ‬ ‫خلص لك املوقف‪ ،‬هذا هو‬ ‫العدد األ ّول من أوتلوك هذا اخلريف‪.‬‬ ‫قد يكون العدد األ ّول في حياتك إذا‬ ‫كنت تبدأ مشوارك في اجلامعة‬ ‫علي إذا ً بعد الترحيب‬ ‫اآلن‪ ،‬تخ ّيل!‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫أرحب بك أنت بسالسة‬ ‫بالعائدين أن ّ‬ ‫وعفو ّية وبدون تصنّع ومبا ال يتجاوز‬ ‫اخلمسمائة كلمة‪...‬و”بالعربي”!‬ ‫فماذا ألهمني أبو زيد؟‬ ‫نص القرآن‬ ‫يرى نصر حامد أبو زيد أ ّن ّ‬ ‫حت ّول “تدريج ّيا ً إلى “شيء” ثمني‬ ‫في ذاته‪ ،‬ومتّ “تشييئه” في الثقافة‬ ‫فصار حلية للنساء ورقية لألطفال‬ ‫وزينة تُع ّلق على احلوائط وتُعرض إلى‬ ‫نقلت‬ ‫الفضيات والذهب ّيات”‪.‬‬ ‫جانب‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫لك جملته حرف ّيا ً لألمانة الفكر ّية‪،‬‬

‫املقدمات التي‬ ‫بغض النظر عن‬ ‫لكن‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫أوصلته إلى هذه النتيجة‪ ،‬وإن لم‬ ‫تصلك الفكرة املطروحة‪ ،‬قل لي‬ ‫بخيالك متى كانت آخر م ّرة قرأت‬ ‫فيها آية الكرسي مثالً؟ في صالون‬ ‫اجليران في إطار مزخرف؟ أو مسبوكة‬ ‫في سلسلة ذهب ّية في عنق أختك‬ ‫أو حبيبتك؟ عندما تركب سيارة‬ ‫تاكسي في بيروت يضع سائقها‬ ‫القرآن في واجهة زجاجه األمامي ر ّدا ً‬ ‫للخطر وطلبا ً للسالمة‪ ،‬هل ّ‬ ‫تفكر مبا‬ ‫هو مكتوب داخله؟ هذا إذا الحظت أنّه‬ ‫كتاب مكتوب‪ ،‬فكثيرا ً ما يضعونه في‬ ‫علب حلفظ الغالف وللزينة! أال تقرأ‬ ‫جدتك آياته لر ّد العني احلسودة عن‬ ‫لك ّ‬ ‫بهاء ط ّلتك؟ وهل تستوقفك اآليات‬ ‫القرآنية املنحوتة واملنمنمة على‬ ‫فك ّ‬ ‫جدران املساجد‪ ،‬هل حتاول ّ‬ ‫خطها‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫املعقد عاد ًة أم تكتفي به ّز رأسك‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫العربي؟‬ ‫اخلط‬ ‫بفن‬ ‫إعجابك‬ ‫ا‬ ‫مبدي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫‪...‬كان أبو زيد سيحزن ربمّ ا ملا سأقوله‬ ‫لكن يبدو أ ّن “التشييء” يطال‬ ‫اللغة العرب ّية ك ّلها عندنا‪ .‬أنظر‬ ‫في جامعتنا كيف غدت العرب ّية‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫صف الـ ‪ 201‬أو ما‬ ‫شيئا ً واحدا ً‪:‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الصف‬ ‫يعادله‪ .‬والتلميذ في هذا‬ ‫الشاب املدفوع غصبا ً إلى‬ ‫يشبه‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫خدمة العلم‪ .‬وهو إن كان يكره‬ ‫العرب ّية (ببساطة ألنّه اعتاد عدم‬ ‫يثمنها‪ ،‬وإن‬ ‫استعمالها) فهو أصالً ال ّ‬ ‫يحب فيها نصوص‬ ‫كان يح ّبها‪ ،‬فهو‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الثانوية‪ ،‬أو الطفولة ‪ ،‬يرتاح فيها‬

‫نصه كما يرتاح‬ ‫لصوت نعيمة داخل ّ‬ ‫محب فيروز لصوتها‪ ،‬الذي يعيده إلى‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫زمن “األصالة”‪...‬مثالً‪ .‬وهذا الواقع‬ ‫ال يحتاج إلى برهان‪ .‬تريد واحداً؟ لقد‬ ‫ألقى أبو زيد شخص ّيا ً محاضرة في‬ ‫اجلامعة قبل رحيله بفترة‪ .‬هل كنت‬ ‫حاضرا ً فيها؟ هل سمعت عنها؟!‬ ‫كل‪ .‬أل ّن العرب ّية عندنا‪ ،‬عندما‬ ‫تُستعمل في محاسن الصدف‪ ،‬وكما‬ ‫قلت لك‪...‬شيء واحد‪ّ ،‬‬ ‫وكل ما عداه‬ ‫كأنّه لم يكن‪ ،‬حتى وإن كان حُ‬ ‫املاضر أبو‬ ‫زيد نفسه!‬ ‫هذا واقعنا‪ ،‬لكني ال أعلن لك به موت‬ ‫العرب ّية! ألنّها في رأسك‪ .‬استعملها‪،‬‬ ‫فأنت تستعملها في منامك!‬ ‫راسلنا‪ .‬بالعرب ّية‪ .‬أضف “شيئا ً”‬ ‫جديدا ً‪...‬لك أنت! وأهالً وسهالً بك‪.‬‬ ‫مع مح ّبتي‪.‬‬

‫بأي فكرة‪ ،‬كانت نظر ّية أو‬ ‫اإلميان ّ‬ ‫مطالبة بحقّ أو إيصاال ً لصوت‬ ‫لتوجهات أو تيارات‬ ‫مقطوع أو تدعيما ً ّ‬ ‫مع ّينة يؤمن بها الشخص‪ ،‬ال تتحقق‬ ‫أهدافها (إن كان لها أهداف!)‬ ‫بالوصول إلى نصف الطريق و اجللوس‬ ‫ملشاهدة اآلخرين مي ّرون ضاحكني على‬ ‫جانب الطريق‪ ،‬وأن تستمر في اجللوس‬ ‫هناك فرحا ً باجللوس في املنتصف!‬ ‫إما‬ ‫الوقوف هنا يعني أمرا ً من اثنني ّ‬ ‫فشالً في حتقيق الهدف والسقوط‬ ‫في املواجهة أمام عناصر الق ّوة التي‬ ‫ميتلكها الطرف املواجه بسبب عدم‬ ‫وجود “ال ّن َفس” الطويل أو اإلرادة‬ ‫الكا ِف َيني للوصول‪ ،‬أو يعني التّراجع‬ ‫عن الفكرة من أساسها بسبب تغ ّير‬ ‫في فهم الواقع‪ .‬هو تراجع بسبب‬ ‫االقتناع بعدم جد ّية الفكرة أو غياب‬ ‫الواقع ّية عن حيثياتها ومثالياتها‪،‬‬ ‫وقد يكون اقتناعا ً بأفضل ّية رأي‬ ‫الطرف اآلخر وبالتالي االنخراط معه‬ ‫في ّ‬ ‫خط املواجهة‪ ،‬وقد يكون التراجع‬ ‫رضوخا ً للضغوطات اخلارجية أو لفكر‬ ‫ديكتاتوري قمعي معي‪.‬‬ ‫إذن الوصول إلى منتصف الطريق‬ ‫والتو ّقف هناك ال يُعتبر حلاّ ً! القبول‬ ‫عد جناحا ً أو‬ ‫بأنصاف احللول ال يُ ّ‬ ‫انتصارا ً! بل اإلميان باألفكار يستدعي‬ ‫العمل على جعل هذه األفكار تُترجم‬ ‫من الورق إلى واقع عمل متح ّرك‬ ‫يحاول أن ّ‬ ‫يؤكد دوما ً مواقع الق ّوة فيه‬ ‫يصحح أماكن اخللل بطرق سليمة‬ ‫و‬ ‫ّ‬

‫التوجه‪ .‬والفشل في الوصول ال‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يعني دمار املسيرة وال يستوجب‬ ‫التخ ّلي عن األفكار‪ ،‬بل يعني أ ّن هناك‬ ‫فرصة جديدة لتصحيح األخطاء‬ ‫التي حدثت أثناء العمل والعمل على‬ ‫تصحيحها والبدء من النقطة التي‬ ‫تو ّقفت فيها املسيرة وإعادة ترسيخ‬ ‫دعاماتها من جديد والتخطيط لها‬ ‫بشكل أفضل وتأمني احتياجاتها‬ ‫حتى حتقيق األهداف املبتغاة منها‬ ‫بالشكل الذي يرضاه العقل البشري‬ ‫السليم و النفس البشرية السو ّية‪.‬‬ ‫املشكلة في من يرضى بأنصاف احللول‬ ‫هي أ ّن إميانه مببادئه وأهدافه ليس‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يتخطى‬ ‫قويا ً بالشكل الذي يجعله‬ ‫ضغوطات الطرف اآلخر في املواجهة‪.‬‬ ‫هو إميان غير كافي‪ ،‬هو تفكير غير‬ ‫إستراتيجي‪ ،‬هو جناح حلظي ال يلبث أن‬ ‫يلفظه الزمن والتاريخ محروقا ً‪.‬‬ ‫أعيد وأك ّرر‪ ،‬كما يعيدون ويك ّررون‪،‬‬ ‫أعيدوا ترتيب األولويات حني تنتخبون‬ ‫أي أحد في أي انتخابات كانت مهما‬ ‫بلغ حجمها صغرا ً أو كبراً‪ ،‬فليس‬ ‫لكم القدرة على التغيير إن لم‬ ‫تخرجوا من القوالب الدينية واحلزبية‬ ‫والعرق ّية املفروضة علينا اجتماعيا‬ ‫وتاريخ ّيا ً ‪ ...‬واخلروج من هذه القوالب‬ ‫يتط ّلب شجاعة ‪ ...‬ويتط ّلب إميانا ً‬ ‫أقوى من املتشائمني ‪ ...‬يتط ّلب إميانا ً‬ ‫و عمالً ‪ ...‬فقط‪.‬‬ ‫“كل ثورة (بني قوسني) وإنتو بخير “‬

‫الديناميكية احلرارية الكيميائية‪ ،‬للدكتور مازن الغول‬ ‫عامر الصريع‬ ‫كاتب صحفي‬

‫“الديناميكية احلرارية الكيميائية‪:‬‬ ‫مع أمثلة عن عمليات عدم التوازن”‬ ‫“‪Chemical Thermodynamics:‬‬

‫‪With Examples for Nonequi-‬‬

‫‪ ”librium Processes‬كان عنوانا ً‬ ‫لكتاب الدكتور مازن الغول رئيس‬ ‫دائرة الكيمياء في اجلامعة األمريكية‬ ‫في بيروت‪ .‬لكن ما جعل هذا احلدث‬ ‫مميزا ً هو أنه أول كتاب ينشر عامليا ً‬ ‫يصدر عن دائرة الكيمياء‪ ،‬ال بل وعن‬ ‫كافة دوائر العلوم‪ .‬فهو كتاب شامل‬ ‫جامع موسع‪.‬‬ ‫بالرغم من قيام هذه البحوث‬ ‫على مدى جتاوز قرنني من الزمن إال‬ ‫أن الدكتور الغول كسر القواعد‬ ‫بتطبيق نظام جديد وفريد في منحى‬ ‫الديناميكية احلرارية‪ ،‬فقال‪“ :‬إن هذه‬ ‫أبحاث‬ ‫ليست مبجرد محاول ٍة إلعادة‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫كتب قدمي ٍة‪ ،‬فهذا الكتاب يحتوي‬ ‫أو‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫على نظر ٍة فلسفي ٍة جديد ٍة”‪ .‬ومن‬

‫شأن هذه الفلسفة تغيير طرائق‬ ‫التدريس عامة‪.‬‬ ‫إن املوضوع بحد ذاته شائك ومحفوف‬ ‫بالصعوبات خاصة عند االنتقال‬ ‫بالديناميكية احلرارية بني حاالت‬ ‫التوازن وعدمه‪ ،‬لكن لدى قرائتنا‬ ‫لهذا الكتاب‪ ،‬فاحلال ليس بذلك‪ ،‬فقد‬

‫الغول منذ زمن‪ ،‬وهذا ما أضاف تلك‬ ‫املتعة والفائدة فهذه العلوم ليس‬ ‫مجرد نظريات‪ ،‬بل وتطبيق غير‬ ‫منحى الديناميكية احلرارية‪ .‬كما‬ ‫قال الدكتور الغول‪ ،‬أليس ذلك ممتعا ً‬ ‫أن تكون سببا ً في إضافة نظريات‬ ‫جديد من شأنها أن تدرس وتطبق في‬

‫“لم يكن هذا الكتاب صدفة عابرة‪ ،‬فقد استغرقت كتابة‬ ‫هكذا كتاب خمس سنوات من العمل واجلهد املضني”‬ ‫ُوضع الكتاب على أساسات متقدمة‬ ‫ليصبح باإلمكان اإلنتقال في حاالت‬ ‫عدم التوازن يسهول ٍة أكثر من ذي‬ ‫قبل‪.‬‬ ‫ليس الطالب هم الوحيدون‬ ‫املستهدفون‪ ،‬ال بل كل مطلع أو باحث‬ ‫أو حتى معلم‪ ،‬فبالرغم من إصدار‬ ‫الكتاب من فترة وجيزة‪ ،‬إال أن مواده‬ ‫تُدرس في اجلامعة على يد الدكتور‬

‫الصفوف؟‬ ‫لم يكن هذا الكتاب صدفة عابرة‪،‬‬ ‫فقد استغرقت كتابة هكذا كتاب‬ ‫خمس سنوات من العمل واجلهد‬ ‫املضني‪ ،‬بحسب ما قال الدكتور‬ ‫الغول‪ ،‬فقد اشترك معه بالكتابة‬ ‫أستاذه وأباه العلمي بيونغ تشان يو‪،‬‬ ‫الذي أكمل الدكتور الغول الدكتواراه‬ ‫معه‪ .‬وما زاد األمور حد ًة وصعوب ًة هو‬

‫أن تشان يو يقطن في كندا‪ ،‬فالتأليف‬ ‫والتنسيق واإلغداد غدى صعبا ً ببعد‬ ‫املسافات‪ .‬باإلضافة إلى ذلك‪ ،‬وبكون‬ ‫الدكتور الغول مدرسا ً و رئيسا ً لدائرة‬ ‫الكيمياء يصبح الوقت شيئا ً نادرا ً‬ ‫وثمينا ً‪ .‬فعمل واحد كاف إلشغال‬ ‫عما حوله فكيف املر‬ ‫املرء والهائه ّ‬ ‫بثالث ٍة من أصعب املهن‪ ،‬التي انقلبت‬ ‫إلى ثالث محن‪.‬‬ ‫شخصان كانا السبب لنجاح هذا‬ ‫الكتاب بحسب الدكتور الغول‪:‬‬ ‫أستاذه وأباه العلمي بيونغ تشان يو‪،‬‬ ‫وزوجته رنا التي كانت مصدر إلهامه‬ ‫وتشجيعه والتي كانت متفهمة‬ ‫للموضوع‪.‬‬ ‫أما اآلن وبعد املوافقة على نشر‬ ‫الكتاب تنفس الدكتور الغول‬ ‫الصعداء‪ ،‬فقد أصبح حلمه حقيقة‪،‬‬ ‫وكما زرع سيحصد‪ ،‬فاختتمت اخلمس‬ ‫سنوات املاضية بنهاية يستحقها‪،‬‬

‫وكما قال‪“ :‬بعد أن حصل كتابي‬ ‫على إذن النشر‪ ،‬ميكنني أن أمتتع بثمار‬ ‫أعمالي”‪.‬‬ ‫صحيح أن هذا أول جناح للدكتور‬ ‫الغول وللجامعة أجمع ولكنه ليس‬ ‫األخير‪ ،‬فبما أن هذا املوضوع كبير‬ ‫لدرجة أنه من الصعب جمعه في‬ ‫كتاب واحد‪ ،‬يقول الدكتور الغول‬ ‫ثان ليشرح‬ ‫بإمكانية إتتمامه‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫بجزء ٍ‬ ‫به الفصل األخير املتعلق بحاالت عدم‬ ‫التوازن ليشمل نظريات ومسائل‬ ‫متقدمة ومتخصصة أكثر‪ ،‬وباإلمكان‬ ‫البحث في موضوع مختلف كليا ً‪.‬‬ ‫هذا الكتاب ليس اخلامت‪ ،‬إمنا هو حجر‬ ‫األساس الذي ستبنى عليه نظريات‬ ‫وبحوث وتطبيقات جديدة‪.‬‬ ‫هنيئا ً للدكتور مازن الغول‪ ،‬وهنيئا ً لنا‬ ‫بوجوده بيننا‪.‬‬



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Mohamad Alameh Tariq Buhilaigah Dima Hajj

Sept 28, 2010

The Met

Timmy Malkoun

The Met, a somewhat recent addition to the array of international eateries in Beirut, has most definitely made a name for itself as one of Beirut’s new culinary ‘it’ places. The project is the brainchild of the Boubess Group, who breathed life into a large family of popular local diners such as Bob’s, Mandarine, and La Piazza. Noting the great deal of buzz The Met has already garnered, and the fact that it is almost always flowing with customers, it is no secret that it will soon match the success of the other Boubess Group projects. Web Sudoku - Billions of Free Pu… The restaurant itself is decorated with brick walls that oozeSudoku a contradictory, yet complimentary air of coziness and metropolis. Adding to this feel are the quaint artworks and bookshelves adorning the walls, as well as très modern and ultra chic globular lamps, descending unevenly from the ceiling. As for seating, one can choose between the booths that line the left side of the restaurant upon entrance, center tables, and—if one is particularly keen on people-watching—the terrace. Moreover, the Met also includes a New York-esque deli, where one can pick up sandwiches and other items if he/she is in a rush. Though the menu does not boast many interesting fusion dishes, the variety is extensive, and ranges from Sushi (coming soon) to Lebanese Platters. The shrimp puffs and Met Burger are particular stars on the menu, not to mention the Crab salad. Adding to the variety of the menu is a wide assortment of pizzas, pastas, and hors d’ouevres. In addition to this, the venue is crowned with a salad bar that hosts an ample variety (sounds little repetitive, just say variety) of fresh veggies and sauces. Furthermore, the restaurant is quite affordable, and remains within the same price range as its market counterparts. The service is also quite impeccable, with occasional lapses that are nothing short of expected.

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