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Issue 91 APRIL 2008 FREE Published by The Lesbian & Gay Foundation www.lgf.org.uk

Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People


Registered Charity No. 1070904











COVER DESIGN: Simon Pearson/Mark Eastwood outnorthwest is published monthly by The Lesbian & Gay Foundation Princess House, 105-107 Princess Street MANCHESTER M1 6DD

But let’s not get complacent, there is still a huge groundswell of opposition to full equality - you need only turn to page 14 and read Paul Fairweather’s piece on the rise of the BNP to see where complacency could lead us.

General Enquiries 0161 235 8021 Email grahame@lgf.org.uk EDITOR & LAYOUT Grahame Robertson PRODUCTION, LAYOUT AND LISTINGS EDITOR Simon Pearson

Finally (and it’s a big finally), you’re currently holding the last issue of outnorthwest in your hands. At least in its current format. From next issue, you’ll notice a complete change in our look and feel. More will be revealed over the next few weeks, so to keep up-to-date, make sure you visit us


After years of marching passed during London Pride blowing a whistle in protest, there I was standing in Downing Street talking with other LGBT people. It was the first queer gathering that Downing Street has ever seen, and there was a real sense of history being made. Gordon Brown made a point of thanking the LGBT community at large for the recent changes in legislation and equality. It’s because of the fight that people like YOU have been a part of, that there have been such huge positive changes over the last ten years.

CONTRIBUTORS Annie Emery; Paul Swan; Paul Fairweather; GHT; Colin Armstead; Albert Kennedy Trust; Emma Peate; Gwyn Starkey; Sam Tennant; Reece Goddard; Helen Burdett; Peter Boyle; Sean Young; Suzanne Moore; Nicci Hollihead; Emma-Leigh Dickson; Jill Hodgkinson; DJ Carmen. Apologies to anyone we’ve missed. SPECIAL THANKS Paul Jones; Sarah Quinn; Ajamu X; Glen Monks; Lou Englefield; Gareth Williams; Niki Chuhlev; Trevor Burchick; Sarah Williams; Stuart Rainsbury; Waldemar Zboralski; Krzysztof Nowak; Anna Shedlovskaya; Bedrich; Alin Campin; James Johnson; Mury Murat; John Miller; Julia Gregg. A huge thank you to all the women who came along to our photo shoot last month; and to all of our advertisers and supporters. ADVERTISING For information on advertising in outnorthwest, please contact JO HUTTON on 07970 296608, or email her at jo@lgf.org.uk

DISCLAIMER Publication of the name or photo of any person in this magazine should not be taken as any indication of the sexual orientation or HIV status of that person. All views expressed in outnorthwest are not necessarily those of the Editor or The Lesbian & Gay Foundation. outnorthwest recognises all copyrights. Where possible, we have acknowledged the copyright holder. Contact us if we have failed to credit your copyright and we will happily correct any oversight.

Grahame Robertson grahame@lgf.org.uk

online - www.lgf.org.uk, on Facebook (search for ‘outnorthwest’), and now on Twitter (again, search for ‘outnorthwest’). This now gives me the opportunity to thank EVERYONE who has played a part in making outnorthwest the success it has been, and that includes YOU for picking us up every single month for the last ten years. We’re about to enter the biggest change this magazine has ever seen, and I sincerely hope you’ll continue to support us in covering the issues that really matter to you. Issues that not many other LGBT magazines will touch. The one thing that won’t change, is that, as always, we’ll be here to keep you well informed; and we’ll be relying on you more than ever to tell US what’s affecting you. Knowledge is power. We’ll be back in May...


Your new look outnorthwest returns in May.

Keep checking www.lgf.org.uk for more information...


INSIDE NO91 outnorthwest issue 91 APRIL 2009


Our acclaimed round-up of the latest queer news from around the north west, the UK, and the world. Also the lastest from George House Trust.

YOUR SHOUT! 20 Your letters.



outnorthwest speaks to LGB people who have chosen to move from Eastern Europe to the North West of England. Why did they decideo to make the move, and how is life so different?

YOUR HEALTH 24 Four pages of healthy living information and advice.

LIFESTYLE 32 Four pages of healthy living information and advice.

QUEER RADIO 38 Continuing our feature on LGBT radio.

48 40


CULTURE! 40 The latest music, shows, gadgets, days out and sport...

CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! 48 The weather’s nicer, so why not get out there and make a difference, and have a great time in the process...


DON’T MISS! OUT AND ABOUT day trips, theatre, exhibitions and more! Page 46/47

>OUTTHERE Any news to report? Contact ANDREW GILLIVER on 0161 235 8001 or email andrew@lgf.org.uk You can also send your news to news@lgf.org.uk




EHRC ASSESS IMPACT FOR WORKERS THERE ARE ALSO FEARS THAT THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS COULD MAKE IT MORE DIFFICULT TO BRING IN AND ENFORCE LEGISLATION THAT WOULD PROMOTE LGB&T EQUALITY IN THE WORKPLACE. The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) are currently working with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to assess how the recession may be impacting on different groups of people, such as women, disabled people, and LGB people. A spokesperson for the EHRC said: “This recession has had a terrible impact for hundreds of thousands of people who have lost their jobs or are under threat.

Has the bubble burst for the Pink Pound? AS THE GLOBAL RECESSION HITS EVER HARDER, HOW IS THE DOWNTURN AFFECTING LGB PEOPLE AND BUSINESSES? SOME WELL-KNOWN GAY BRANDS, SUCH AS CLONE ZONE, HAVE ALREADY FACED FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES. Stephen Coote of the Gay Business Association comments that the difficulties faced by LGB businesses are “similar to the problems in the economy as a whole. Some gay magazines and travel agents are struggling, reflecting wider cutbacks in the travel and media sectors. Stephen told outnorthwest, “It’s important that we don’t talk ourselves down,” he continues. ‘We are in danger of talking ourselves into a depression.” Stephen also describes the impact of recent antidiscrimination law: “Legislation enacted in the last few years means that the LGB community has less need for gay-specific businesses, such as gay hotels.” Laws such as the Goods and Services Act made it illegal for businesses to discriminate against people on the basis of sexual orientation. This means that hotels can’t turn gay people away – which is great – but it also means that gay people are less likely to seek out gay-owned accommodation. The Gay Business Association are holding an open workshop in London on Wed 15th April 2009 entitled ‘Beating the Recession: How GBA members can work together through the economic crisis.’ The workshop will look at: 1. Building business through our LGBT networks; 2. Playing to our strengths, the profitable areas of the LGBT market; 06


3. Finding help, resources and support from government agencies; 4. Sharing experiences, best practice, and making contacts For Information on how to attend or to enquire about workshops in the North West contact : www.gba.org.uk


“We want to understand the patterns that are already starting to emerge. Are women more at risk than men? Are older workers more at risk than younger? Are people in poorer parts of Britain more at risk than the wealthy? And, if they are, why and what can we do about it?”


A new research study carried out at the University of California in Los Angeles was due to be presented at time of outnorthwest going to press. The study suggests that gay affluence is a myth and that LGB people in America are as likely, and in some areas, more likely, to live in poverty.


In Britain too, there are numerous reasons why LGB people may be more likely to live in poverty, including: Inequality, discrimination and homophobia in the workplace may mean that LGB people find it harder to gain employment or promotion; Bullying in schools and the pressure of coming out means that some LGB teens leave school without qualifications; LGB people may be cut off from their families or disinherited; LGB people are more likely to suffer from mental health problems and drug or alcohol problems and this may affect work performance and employability; LGB people are less likely to receive tax breaks and other benefits which married heterosexual couples are entitled to.

Darren Watmough, Director of Business Support at the Lesbian and Gay Foundation comments: “The LGBT voluntary sector is experiencing a significant reduction in traditional fundraising via social events, sponsorship events, and collections at bars and clubs. The expectation is that competition for funds from other sources will become more intense. This all points to a difficult year or more for ourselves and other charities.”

Anything to report?


news@ lgf.org.uk



WHY ISN’T SEXUALITY COVERED IN THE CENSUS? CURRENTLY, THERE ARE NO RELIABLE STATISTICS WHICH INDICATE THE NUMBER OF LGB PEOPLE LIVING IN THE UK. The National Census survey, which is collected every 10 years, would be the ideal opportunity to get, for the first time, a comprehensive picture of the LGB population of the UK. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is due to carry out the next Census in 2011. In 2006, the ONS produced a piece of research evaluating whether a question on sexual orientation should be included in the 2011 Census. The conclusion of this report stated that there is a very strong case for the inclusion of a sexual orientation question in the Census. The reasons given for recommending the inclusion of sexual orientation monitoring include:

Annual conference highlights the work ahead for the HIV prevention sector. FOR THE LAST 12 YEARS, HIV AND GAY MEN’S SEXUAL ORGANISATIONS FROM AROUND THE COUNTRY HAVE BEEN GATHERING TOGETHER EVERY YEAR TO TO NETWORK, SHARE GOOD PRACTICE, FIND INSPIRATION AND INCREASE KNOWLEDGE OF ISSUES RELATING TO GAY MEN’S HEALTH PROMOTION. CHAPS as it’s known (that’s Community HIV and AIDS Partnership Strategy) is a partnership of community-based organisations, carrying out HIV health promotion with gay men in England and Wales. You’ll have seen many CHAPS campaign ads in the pages of outnorthwest over the years, as The Lesbian and Gay Foundation is a key CHAPS partner. This year’s CHAPS conference took place in Brighton on 3rd and 4th of March, and both Nathan Perry (HIV and Sexual Health Co-ordinator) and Grahame Robertson (outnorthwest Editor) from LGF presented a workshop session on Effective HIV Campaigning. Theirs was the final session of what was an extremely productive couple of days. With sessions ranging from the sexual health needs of trans people to the difficulties young gay and bisexual men face in accessing services in rural areas, this year’s CHAPS conference was the largest, and certainly the widest ranging event to date.

Nathan Perry told outnorthwest, “The introduction of workshop style sessions really aided the networking and learning experience, and provided many opportunities for discussions to take place regarding gay and bisexual men’s sexual health. Sharing similar experiences of service user provisions with other professionals was very heartening, and to see the difference organisations like the LGF have achieved is both encouraging and inspiring. Although we have achieved a lot since the discovery of HIV in the 1980’s, we still have a lot of work we still need to achieve particularly around stigma and discrimination.” Grahame Robertson added, “For me the key to getting the most from an event like the CHAPS Conference, is to challenge yourself. This year saw some very interesting workshops around issues such as trans sexual health – an area that receives very little attention, but has wide-reaching effects on that particular community.” The CHAPS Conference was opened with an inspiring presentation by Ford Hickson from Sigma Research who set the tone for the two days, “I think we need to appreciate each other a little more. As with most collective endeavours, those of us working in HIV prevention probably all underestimate each other's contributions. We see what we do, but get only the occasional glimpse of the effort other people put in.”

Ensuring that resources are allocated fairly Ensuring LGB equality Measuring social exclusion To make sure new equality laws are effective To measure the geographic distribution of the LGB population The five other equality strands which the Equality and Human Rights Commission distinguishes (gender, race, age, disability and faith) are all monitored within the Census survey. Despite overwhelming evidence that a sexual orientation question should be included, the ONS will not include this question in 2011, stating that they have concerns regarding the privacy and accuracy of the data that this question would collect. They also claim that including a question on sexual orientation will mean that fewer people respond to the survey. However, from 2009, to respond to new legislation which requires sexual orientation to be monitored, the ONS will include a question on sexual identity in a range of surveys which make up the Integrated Household Survey. These surveys are not completed for the whole British population, whereas the National Census is. The first data from these smaller surveys, and initial estimates for the LGB population, are expected in late 2010.



Anything to report?

news@ lgf.org.uk




GOVERNMENT EQUALITY BILL TO MEET OUR NEEDS? SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER TO BE PART OF PUBLIC DUTY TO TACKLE DISCRIMINATION . In the Queen’s Speech, on 3rd December 2008, new plans for a single Equality Bill were announced. This move follows the government’s promise to strengthen and simplify the laws which protect people against discrimination. Current anti-discrimination law is made up of at least 119 different UK and EU laws and codes of practice, which makes it more difficult to enforce. Under the new Equality Bill, publicly funded bodies will have a single Equality Duty covering sexual orientation and gender reassignment as well as age, disability, race, religion/belief, and gender. This means that public organisations will be obliged to tackle discrimination, promote equal opportunities and encourage good community relations – in all of the areas in which they work.


continues, and the California Supreme Court is currently debating the validity of Proposition 8. This law was passed by Californian voters on November 4th 2008 – the same date as Barack Obama won the Presidential election in a historic victory for African Americans.

It is the first time that a statement condemning rights abuses against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people has been presented in the General Assembly. The 66 nations who supported the statement included all of Western Europe, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Nepal, Japan, Canada, Australia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia. Six African states including the Central African Republic and Gabon also signed the statement.

Prop 8 removed the right of LGB people in California to marry. Gay marriage had been legal in the state for a total of six months, and 18,000 gay couples married in that period. Proposition 8 states that marriage can only take place between a man and a woman, and the Supreme Court is now debating whether these 18,000 same-sex marriages can stand. The Court will also decide whether Proposition 8 consititutes an unlawful removal of rights from a minority group.

European nations that did not support the statement include: Belarus, Kosovo, Moldova, Ukraine and Russia.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has condemned Proposition 8 as an “unacceptable” attempt to “undo good that has been done.”



Significantly, the United States refused to sign the U.N. statement, although it is worth remembering that this occurred during the last month of George W. Bush’s administration. The current U.S. government’s position regarding LGBT rights has not yet become clear. President Barack Obama has stated that he supports LGBT rights, but that he is not in favour of gay marriage. The debate in the U.S. over gay marriage 08


An anti-discrimination law has this month been dropped from consideration by the Serbian parliament after coming under attack from the Serbian Orthodox Church. The law would have ensured freedom of expression, freedom of belief and banned discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It was under consideration in order to meet prerequisites which would allow Serbians to travel without visas into the European Union. See our feature ‘Going West’ on pages 22-25.

The government has said it wants the new bill to reduce red-tape and bureaucracy, and to focus on improving outcomes. In theory, this should mean that, instead of focusing on ticking boxes and filling in forms, organisations focus on real change, by offering specialist training for staff, or by ensuring that the needs of LGB & T people (for example) are being met. Potentially, the Equality Bill should ensure that services provided by public authorities are fairer, and that LGB & T people are more involved in both delivering and using public services. Public bodies will have to report on what they are doing to make sure their services are accessible to all –including LGBT people. This means that it is important to challenge authorities if we do not feel they are meeting our needs. Expect to see more forms asking you to disclose your sexual orientation. These are likely to be mainly anonymous – and completing these is the best way to help improve services to meet LGB & T needs. The Bill will also support wider work to promote equality. For example, £175 billion is spent in the private sector by publicly funded bodies and this purchasing power could be used to improve equality across the private sector as well. The Government Equality Office is now drafting the final Bill, and the LGF has already started to help organisations prepare for the new legislation, due to come into force 2010/11. For more information on the single Equality Bill visit www.equalities.gov.uk

Anything to report?

news@ lgf.org.uk


The theme has been selected from hundreds of suggestions made in a recent poll on the Manchester Pride website. It is hoped it will encourage creativity and present an enjoyable challenge for this year’s entrants. Jackie Crozier, festival manager of Manchester Pride, said: “We’re looking for anything from superheroes to real life heroes or even heroes that are personal to the entrants. I’m very excited to see how this is interpreted and we hope participants will come up with some really ambitious ideas. Whether it’s fun, silly or even dark and unusual, all type of entries are encouraged. We’d like to create not only the best Parade we’ve ever had but also raise plenty of money for local charities and HIV causes whilst doing so.” The deadline for applications is Friday 17 July 2009.


For more information or to download an application form, visit: www.manchesterpride.com

THE REAL HEROES Volunteers needed to help out at Manchester Pride. MANCHESTER PRIDE IS APPEALING FOR VOLUNTEERS TO HELP OUT AT THIS YEAR’S FESTIVAL, WHICH WILL TAKE PLACE BETWEEN FRIDAY 21ST AND MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2009. The festival organisers are looking for people from all backgrounds to help showcase Manchester to festival goers arriving in the city from across the UK and the world. Volunteers will have the chance to learn new skills, meet lots of great people and have fun whilst helping to deliver the world-class event. Opportunities available include big weekend crew, promotions assistants, parade stewards and parade collectors.

Volunteers are an integral part of any charity or voluntary organisation and the Pride festival is no exception. Debbie Anderson, Manchester Pride Volunteer, said: “I initially volunteered for Pride for three reasons; to meet new friends, get to know the LGBT scene in Manchester, and develop and use skills that I don't tend to use in my working life. By the end of that summer I had achieved all of these and haven't looked back since! This year will be my fourth year volunteering at Pride and each year brings different experiences and new friends. Everyone I know who has volunteered has done so for a different reason, so whatever you want to get out of volunteering, you're likely to find it at Pride.” To register as a volunteer, please contact Jackie Crozier on 0161 236 7474 or email: jackie.crozier@manchesterpride.com

FAREWELL MICHELLE George House Trust Chief Exec moves on. GEORGE HOUSE TRUST THE NORTH WEST HIV CHARITY HAS ANNOUNCED THAT IT'S CHIEF EXECUTIVE MICHELLE REID WILL BE LEAVING THE ORGANISATION ON 4TH APRIL. Michelle, who joined George House Trust in 2002, has been appointed as Chief Executive with the national organisation TPAS, the Tenant Participation Advisory Service. Michelle said “Leaving George House Trust will be a huge wrench, and I’ll always be proud of our many achievements as an organisation in the past few years. However it’s good to be going at a time when the organisation is continuing to grow from strength to strength, and when we have in place such a great team of staff, volunteers and 10


trustees all of whom are committed to campaigning for the best possible quality of life for people living with HIV. ” Jim Vann, Chair of George House Trust, said “The Board of Trustees would like to express huge thanks to Michelle for her strong and dynamic leadership over the past seven years, which has seen the organisation develop into a nationally respected and recognised leader in the HIV field. Although Michelle will be greatly missed by all, we wish her every success in her new role.” outnorthwest would like to wish Michelle all the very best for the future and to thank her for her support over the last 6 years.


QUEER UP NORTH INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL IS RETURNING TO MANCHESTER FOR TWO WEEKS OF THE BEST QUEER PERFORMANCE: ORIGINAL THEATRE, CABARET, MUSIC, FILM AND DEBATE. THE FESTIVAL WILL RUN THIS YEAR FROM TUESDAY 12TH MAY TO MONDAY 25TH MAY. Among this year’s highlights will be New York’s Taylor Mac at the Library Theatre, proving that drag theatre can be “ambitious, intelligent and beautifully moving,” South African performance artist Steve Cohen, whose work is described as “unique and often beautiful,” and an underwater opera entitled You Who Will Emerge From The Flood, performed at the Victoria Baths by Juliana Snapper and Andrew Infanti. Other highlights include debates on the subjects “You Can’t Say That!: The Culture of Offence,” and “Not for the Likes of Us: Untangling Art and Class.” Also appearing over the two weeks will be Ursula Martinez, Chris Goode, and Starving Artists, and many others. The festival will also feature – for the first time ever in Manchester – a handmade, Belgian Spiegeltent, La Gayola, which will be pitched on Sackville Street for five days over the bank holiday weekend. Featuring music, comedy, caberet and art, this will be the place for drinks and entertainment, and the perfect way to end the festival. Full listings will soon be available at www.queerupnorth.com

BLACKPOOL PRIDE THE FOURTH ANNUAL BLACKPOOL PRIDE EVENT TAKES PLACE OVER THE WEEKEND OF MAY 16 AND 17, WITH THE FESTIVAL MOVING TO A NEW LOCATION WITHIN THE HEART OF WHAT IS FAST BECOMING KNOWN AS “BLACKPOOL’S GAY VILLAGE”. An enclosed area will be created on Dickson Road on Saturday 16th May, with the focal point being a massive stage featuring big name artists from around the country to entertain an anticipated 10,000 strong crowd. Confirmed to open this year’s festivities is S Club 7 lead singer Jo O’Meara, followed by performances from Andy Scott Lee, 80’s star Hazell Dean and 80’s icon Toyah . Blackpool Pride 2009 falls on the same day as the Eurovision Song Contest, and the organisers are paying homage to the singing contest with sets from three of the last decades UK entrants: Jessica Garlick, Nicki French and Scooch will all be flying the Eurovision flag in Blackpool. Organisers are still to reveal their big name finale.





rainbow scarf and demonstrated his commitment to the eradication of homophobic hate crime by standing alongside the SIGMA hate crime banner. Lou Muddle of Our Story Liverpool gave a talk on LGBT history, and DC Tracy O'Hara of Merseyside Police's Specialist Hate Crime Unit (SIGMA), spoke about her experiences as a gay officer. Merseyside Police also co-ordinated a ‘Hate Crime on Trial’ event aimed at increasing knowledge and understanding of the Criminal Justice System for LGB people and groups. Individuals were taken through a mock Hate Crime Trial, based on a real case, to identify what could be done to improve LGB confidence in the Criminal Justice System.

Merseyside Police figures for the numbers of homophobic crimes and the total numbers of hate crimes, 2007/8: ON FEBRUARY 26TH MERSEYSIDE POLICE CELEBRATED LGBT HISTORY MONTH BY INVITING LOCAL LGBT YOUTH GROUPS, ARMISTEAD YOUTH AND GYRO (GAY YOUTH R OUT) TO POLICE HQ. This was to showcase LGBT history project Our Story Liverpool and to give young people an opportunity to meet Merseyside Police’s superlambanana. ‘Lamby’ proudly wore his

For the financial year 2007/2008 there were 121 instances of reported Hate Crime categorised as being motivated by sexual orientation. This constitutes 7.4% of the total reported Hate Crimes for that period. For the period 1st April 2008 to 31st October 2008 there were 111 instances of reported Hate Crime categorised as being motivated by sexual orientation. This constitutes 11.8% of the total reported Hate Crimes for that period.

GAY LIVERPOOL REMEMBERED... Community history project to record experiences. A COMMUNITY HISTORY PROJECT WHICH AIMS TO RECORD THE EXPERIENCES OF LGBT COMMUNITIES IS CURRENTLY RUNNING IN LIVERPOOL. Managed by the Unity Theatre and supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Liverpool Culture Company, Our Story Liverpool has been gathering written reminiscences and oral histories for the past two years.


Pride events and the legal recognition of civil partnerships in 2004. If you would like to share your memories of LGBT life in Liverpool, Our Story Liverpool would like to hear from you. They are especially interested in hearing from older members of the community, whose voices may not have been heard in the past:

Although the project is ongoing, a CD of audio interviews and a booklet featuring some written interviews is already available, and can be loaned from community libraries throughout Liverpool.

“The history of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgendered people has been largely ignored and unrecorded,” write Our Story Liverpool. “A social history of Liverpool would not be complete without the experiences of all Liverpool’s communities.”

The interviewees range in ages and the oldest interviewee was born in 1920. Their memories span the twentieth century, taking in many social and political changes, from the closeted interwar years and the decriminalisation of male homosexuality in 1967, to the development of

To get involved, contact Our Story Liverpool by telephone on 0151 709 6502 or by email at info@ourstoryliverpool.co.uk. Selected interviews and further information is also available online at: www.ourstoryliverpool.co.uk


GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE’S GAY GROUP CELEBRATE 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY. Hundreds gathered at Manchester’s Radisson Edwardian Hotel on March 12, to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of GMP’s Lesbian and Gay Staff Association (LAGSA). LAGSA was created to offer LGB&T staff support in the macho environs of the police force. The group have helped make significant changes for LGB&T staff; making GMP one of the top gay friendly employers in the UK. Chief Constable Peter Fahy, quoted in the Pink Paper, said: “It’s massive progress that this event can take place. It’s down to really brave people taking a stand and changing the culture and attitude of the force. It’s all about good policing.” New LAGSA coordinator Darren Haslam led a standing ovation for his predecessor Sgt Julie Barnes Frank, who recently retired from the police after 30 years service. She is credited with co-founding LAGSA, and has consistently pushed the police forward on LGB&T issues. Frank stressed that the LAGSA reception was an important example of how the culture of the police force had changed for the better for LGB&T staff. However, she warned the police of the dangers of getting complacent: suggesting there is “still so much to achieve.”

HERITAGE TRAIL THE TV SERIES QUEER AS FOLK MAY BE READY TO CELEBRATE ITS TENTH ANNIVERSARY, BUT MANCHESTER’S LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER (LGBT) HISTORY STRETCHES BACK MUCH FURTHER THAN THE STORIES ON THE FAMOUS TV PROGRAMME. The tales of the once dark and closeted area around Manchester’s Canal Street are now the focus of an out and proud heritage trail – ‘Out in the Past’. Hear key facts and amusing stories of Manchester’s LGBT history from the past 200 years. The trail incorporates a variety of sites including; Mantos, the Village’s first openly gay bar and the statue of Alan Turing, the WW2 mathematician famously persecuted for his homosexuality. The tours, which begin at Tourist Information Centre, take place at 3pm on the first Saturday of each month and cost just £5 per person. Tourist Information Centre 0871 222 8223 email: touristinformation@marketingmanchester.com Dates: 4 April, 2 May, 6 June, 4 July.

Anything to report?

news@ lgf.org.uk OPINION


Don’t lend the BNP credibility... THE EUROPEAN ELECTIONS THIS JUNE ARE PROBABLY NOT THE MAIN TOPIC OF CONVERSATION AT YOUR LOCAL GAY BAR. A DISCUSSION ON MATTERS EUROPEAN MAY WELL FOCUS ON GRAHAM NORTON INSTEAD OF TERRY WOGAN AS THE NEW COMPERE FOR EUROVISION, RATHER THAN THE FORTHCOMING EURO ELECTIONS. However in the North West in June this year these elections are particularly important for the LGBT communities, as Nick Griffin of the British National Party is standing as a potential Member of the European Parliament (MEP) with a real possibility of success. Why does that matter you might ask? And I would argue that it matters enormously because although the BNP has changed its style and presentation their essence is as a profoundly racist and homophobic political party. We have seen a growing far right movement in many parts of Europe linked with a violence and hatred of lesbians and gay men. There have been attacks on gay pride parades and attempts to criminalise lesbians and gay men. Elections for the European Parliament are done by proportional representation with a list system and in the past this has benefitted smaller political parties. The support for the BNP is relatively small, but with a low turn out they could gain a seat. So we all need to vote and encourage our families, friends and colleagues to vote. The key is to increase the percentage of the vote. I’m not saying who to vote

“We are now in a time of growing economic recession which could easily lead to a groundswell of support for far right views and solutions...” for as long as it isn’t the BNP. But if you can’t be bothered or think it doesn’t matter or won’t affect you, we may well see the first far right MEP elected in our region. If the BNP do gain a seat it will mean that they will gain access to significant amounts of public funds as well as public platforms to put forth their racist and homophobic views. It will give them credibility and a respectability they currently lack. There is still time to build a campaign to prevent this and to use the energy and goodwill of the overwhelming majority who believe in a tolerant and diverse society. There have been huge gains over the last 40 years but we can never afford to be complacent. We do have far more protection in law and we have seen a seachange in public opinion. However, we are now in a time of growing economic recession which could easily lead to a groundswell of support for far right views and solutions. There is a mood of doom and gloom and uncertainty around and often this makes society less liberal and tolerant. A call for return to traditional family values is a key message of the BNP. They are very clever at spreading myths and misinformation and for seeming to represent the views of ordinary people. They are skilled in using new technology and in motivating people.

I remember a time in the 1980’s when the National Front seemed to be gaining in popularity. It was huge popular campaigns such as Rock against Racism and the Anti Nazi League which was able to mobilize public opinion and challenge them effectively. Many lesbians and gay men were actively involved in these campaigns. We need a similar movement today. Organisations like Hope Not Hate are building a wide ranging alliance of community and church leaders , soap stars, and footballers, political parties and individuals to speak and campaign. They are encouraging young people to get involved and to learn the skills of campaigning. Lesbians and gay men need to be part of this movement for we have as much if not more to lose as anybody if the far right gains ground. Prejudice is prejudice is prejudice. Those people and groups who are racist and sexist will be homophobic. Those who attack refugees and asylum seekers will attack LGBT people. Our experiences and our history tell us that we need to be vigilant. We cannot assume that public attitudes will automatically continue to change and improve. There is still a hard core of hostility and hatred against us out there in the world. It is groups like the BNP that will willingly tap into it and use it for their own purposes.



What’s a 30 year old to do? IT’S FAST APPROACHING THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN. YES, IT’S VERY NEARLY MY BIRTHDAY. Now this would not usually inspire me to write about the occasion. Although very shortly I shall be 29 years of age, which of course means that in a mere 12 months I will be turning 30. This ‘celebrated’ age is a major milestone in life. For me it is the age that I am meant to have settled down by and be thinking about children. Well, this was the plan years ago when turning 30 seemed a million moons away. So, just where is it a gay woman living in the 21st Century should be aiming to be as she approaches the 30 mark? One thought would be to read one of those glossy magazine articles, you know the ones...’100 things to do before you die’. Now this can have some positive input I suppose, but as I have no immediate plans of paying a visit to the Pearly Gates just yet, most of the ‘must do’ things are irrelevant. I mean is it really 14


“Should we be settled down by 30 with the car, the mortgage, kids and career?” imperative to go bungee jumping from a helicopter over the Grand Canyon? Should we be settled down by 30 with the car, the mortgage, kids and career? I always said that I would know when I have settled down as I would awake one Sunday morning with no stinking hangover and find myself popping out to get the paper whilst walking the dog and upon my return mow the lawn. The sheer thought of this leaves me somewhat confused. Part of me would love to wake up and find my life there; whilst the other part of me worries that if my life is at that point then is that it forever, will every

Sunday be Groundhog Day? So, I’ve decided that whilst the plan was to be settled by 30, 35 is now the new 30. What does not help matters though is Facebook telling me every other day that one of my friends is engaged or married! So by 35 I plan to have the following; a cat, a pot plant, a partner who is a monogamist, a car and kids...still not sure on that one, maybe some God Children could ease me into that one! After all if the does not work out, there is all those Mardi Gras over the world to visit...


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Fun and Fundraising Supporting our Communities Your contact for fun filled, fundraising fuelled information is Joe Spencer. E-mail: joe.spencer@lgf,org.uk or Telephone: 0161 235 8015

THE CHERRY PIT he LGF and Vanilla present yet another sensational evening of burlesque after the inaugural Cherry Pit was an incredible evening.


Appearing live on stage will be a troupe of Burlesque Beauties.


TUTTI FRUTTI Things are getting fruity this Easter Sunday at Via who will be opening up two floors of dancing and drinking. On Via One Smiley Steve will be spinning the Cheesy Pop while on Via two expect Hot House, Club Classics and Gay Anthems from DJ Rick Patterson. Entry to this Fab night is FREE so make sure you make a donation to our fabulous LGF fundraisers on your way in!

GAY PLAY Go and see new play ‘Breaking Point’ at Edge Hill University Studio Theatre on 14th May which looks at the discrimination that gay people face in the UK today. The event is FREE but all donations will go to the LGF. Contact Steven Greene for more info at 20157142@edgehill.ac.uk

Expect a night of titillation and classic tease and nipple tassels. Here Come the Girls on Easter Thursday 9th April starting at 9.00 entry is £5 all of which goes to the LGF!

MAMMA MIA! Pictures : by Sarah Quinn

For one night only the LGF invites you to travel from Milan to Sicily with your taste buds! Pokusevski Deli, Heaton Moor will be providing the finest selection of Italian wines and delicacies with the option to buy at a special reduced rate. So if you want to get your lips smacking and your tongue tingling you can book your Tickets at £15 all of which goes to the LGF from Joe at joe.spencer@lgf,org.uk or at 0161 235 8015.

NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD! On 26th February Tony Hudson a volunteer with the Lesbian & Gay Foundation began a nineteen day trek to Everest Base Camp to raise much needed funds for the charity. You can still donate to make all his efforts worthwhile at www.justgiving.com/anthonyhudson1

“Hello everyone, I am writing to you from Namche Bazaar, 3440 metres above sea level. The scenery is amazing and very tiring also to get here. We had a day off from trekking to get acclimatised as the oxygen and air is so thin - so far we have all been OK and not suffering at all. We went to the Sherpa museum and National Park where we caught our first glimpse of Mount Everest. It is totally breathtaking - so pleased I am here and the 8 months of training has really paid off. Had a small walk to keep the momentum going and did about 3 hours in all. Every night we are in our tents by 9pm at the latest and rise at 7am to start trekking at 8.30am. Then we head of to Ding Boche and meet with the Buddhist Monks. Only another 600 meters to climb! Thank you to all of you who have sponsored me and please remind those around you to donate. Every penny counts!” Tony xx






A big thank you as ever goes out to Essential and Queer who raised a rather dazzling £501.96 in February! We’ve fallen head of heels with Bobbie Dazzler and Enid Whiplash who raised a lovely £238.09 at Via on Valentines Night! Kisses to Cruz who collected a delightful £92.35 at their Tunnel of Love on Valentines night! Big hugs to Poptastic who collected for International Women’s Day, all funds go to help fund our vital women’s services.

GET SCRAMBLED THIS EASTER BANK HOLIDAY Essential are pulling out all the stops this Easter Bank Holiday with four massive nights of fabulous fundraising for the LGF! Kick starting the bank holiday with new Thursday night Fresh with Out of Office feat. Marcella Woods live on Stage. On Friday 10th April we have the Grand Final of the Essential Amateur Strip Contest and the first ever appearance of the new teen sensation As Bro. Saturday 11th April sees the start of a new Bank Holiday clubbing event with Super Club Wild Fruit who take over the entire venue - DJs, dancers, entertainers, stage shows and decor. Fit Lads Bender is the biggest gay event on Easter Sunday. This will be a huge all-nighter fundraising event in conjunction with fitlads.net. Essential will be collecting for the LGF all weekend so make sure you don’t forget to drop a couple of quid in! Not forgetting our fabulous friends at Poptastic who will be collecting for us at their Easter Eggstravaganza!

The LGF Fundraising Team are always looking for creative, passionate, and outgoing people to join our motley crew. So if you’ve got some spare time, get involved! Volunteering is the perfect opportunity to meet new people, get out there and have a fabulous time! DON’T FORGET! IF YOU ARE UP FOR SOME FUN AND WANT TO FLAUNT IT FOR A GOOD CAUSE THEN GET IN TOUCH!

12-14th June 2009 BIGGER and LONGER than before! LAST YEAR ON SATURDAY 24TH MAY THE LESBIAN AND GAY FOUNDATION HOSTED THE FIRST EVER ‘WALK AGAINST HOMOPHOBIA’ THROUGH MANCHESTER CITY CENTRE. This unique event coincided with International Day against Homophobia which is building each year into a very important day in the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Calendar. The Lesbian and Gay Foundation worked closely with Manchester City Council and Greater Manchester Police on last years event to ensure that The Walk Against Homophobia was such a success that this year its even bigger and better and now a whole Weekend Against Homophobia in Manchester City Centre, and looks set to become a major annual LGBT event in Manchester along with Manchester Pride and World AIDS Day.

Pictures by Glen Monks

WEEKEND AGAINST HOMOPHOBIA entertainment in Sackville Gardens its going to make it a really fun weekend, but at the same time highlighting the work that the LGF do and what we can all be doing to End Homophobia, its going to be a great way to get together with friends, family or just come along and make some new friends and help support your LGB community!” The Main Purpose of this event is to raise funds for the Lesbian and Gay Foundation to End Homophobia and Empower People, and this year participants will register for the 5k walk in advance. Registration is just £5 and participants will also be raising money through sponsorship. The walk is not a race and there will be no pressure to finish in a certain time so anyone can take part. The weekend itself will increase awareness of homophobia to the wider community and raise awareness as to why homophobia is still a huge issue. “We really want the whole village to come together for this event to raise awareness and much needed funds to help the LGF to work towards their mission statement ‘Ending Homophobia and Empowering People.” Says Emma. “Already we have had lots of interest from the community and celebrities and we hope it will once again attract a wide range of LGBT people from across the North West.” The finale to the Weekend will be the Sunday night Classical Prom’s concert in Sackville Gardens. “We really want our Proms in the park event to appeal to a really wide group of people, possibly those who don’t necessarily use the village that much.

The weekend will begin on Friday 12th June with the whole village coming together and holding special events against homophobia. The walk itself will take place on Saturday 13th June and starts and finishes in Sackville Gardens, and will be a 5k walk around the city centre of Manchester. The weekend will finish with a spectacular ‘Proms in the Park’ event to end homophobia. Emma Peate, Fundraising Manager at the LGF is really excited about this years Weekend Against Homophobia, “Because last year was such a success we are making it even better, the walk is a longer route around the city, and with the

The Sunday event will be a really nice relaxing day listening to classical music in the park, and you can bring a picnics and just soak up the atmosphere. It’s also a great platform to reach a different audience to make sure that we get the message of the LGF working to end homophobia across.” Tickets for the Proms go on sale 1st April and are priced at £8 in advance and £10 on the day.

in the village. ‘09 e Jun h 14t – h 12t ce pla es tak ia ob ph mo Ho st The Weekend again @lgf.org.uk ma em : ail em e Jun h 13t on lk wa the for er ist reg To ation. orm inf re mo d an ts ke tic for 12 80 5 23 61 01 : on F or telephone LG outnorthwest




men may still be shunned, even when they try this low-key disclosure. One man described how one sexual partner then asked him directly whether he had HIV. When he said yes, the man became angry and left.

ONLINE PROFILES - THE SAFER SEX QUESTION In online profiles, disclosure of HIV was ticking ‘safer sex needs discussion’ on Gaydar. Others say ‘always’ but don’t insist on condoms if the other guy doesn’t bother. Few men state HIV status on web profiles, but some may then refer to HIV during private instant messaging. Generally the internet is much better for finding partners because we don’t need to worry so much about rejection or reprisals. GETTING PARTNER’S HIV STATUS WRONG Most men who attempt sero-sorting, looking for other positive men as partners, often get it wrong and believe someone is positive and he may not be. Most positive men don’t like or use sero-sorting. Sero-sorting would mean they weren’t being ‘good’, but acting like a ‘slut’.

HIV transmission is just the start of many problems for gay men ONE THIRD OF GAY MEN DIAGNOSED WITH HIV DIDN’T HAVE ANY ANAL SEX LAST YEAR, BUT THE TWO THIRDS WHO DID FACED BIG PROBLEMS. Gay men living with HIV are keen to do the ‘right’ thing, but sexual partners stigmatise and reject HIV-positive gay men so much that the men feel driven to protect themselves. Unfortunately, this means there are risks of HIV transmission. Sigma Research talked with gay men living with HIV in Manchester, London and other places. The men want sexual pleasure and to stay ‘good’, but were often unable to avoid sex that might pass on HIV. Almost every man said he never wants to pass on HIV. Positive men who can’t be ‘good’ get bothered suffering what the researchers call emotional, psychological and social harm from having unprotected sex. Men who ‘failed’ were upset and angry with themselves. Having unprotected sex often makes men feel we’ve been bad, are still bad, and it affects how other gay men see us we are shunned and blamed.

SELF-PROTECTION LEADS TO RISKS Rejection and blame strongly shapes men’s risk taking. Telling others you have HIV puts us in a weak position - we risk abuse and violence, worry that ex-partners will go to the police to punish us, face upsetting rejection, and finding any partners is tough. Our community is often HIV-hostile, so positive men’s instinct for selfpreservation leads men to avoid the need to come right out and tell partners. SAUNAS & CLUBS ARE POSITIVE SPACES Many men with HIV use saunas, not just because sex is readily available, but because the men assume that almost all other sauna and sex club users have HIV. Like online chat rooms and HIV support group meetings, saunas are treated as ‘HIV-positive spaces’ where just being there is seen as saying to everyone else - I’m positive too. This makes saunas a place where it is OK to have unprotected sex with anyone there, without talking about HIV status, and still feel we have been ‘good’. HINTS DROPPED Other men avoid telling a partner directly by saying it would be a good idea to use a condom - saying this is the ‘right thing’ to do. Positive

DRINK, DRUGS, EXCUSES Nonetheless two-thirds of positive men all had some unprotected sex. It was always seen as an exception, often fuelled by drink and drugs, or the partner insisted on sex without condoms. Some men don’t have enough selfconfidence or know how to handle tough situations. Many want to always use condoms, but don’t know what else to do when condoms aren’t used. SHAMING AND BLAMING COSTS Shaming and blaming of men living with HIV, HIV stigma, has a high price. It makes telling others a real problem and encourages anonymous risky sex in saunas, clubs and after online hook-ups; some positive men shame and blame other positive men; and some men reject risk-reduction strategies because using them would make me ‘bad’. Many men talk about wanting to be ‘good’ about their sex risks, but don’t always manage it. Many of us, positive or negative, often bluff ourselves into believing the sex we have is less risky than it really is. We look on the bright side, hope for the best, and have the sex we want. We may convince ourselves that the sex isn’t risky and we are true to our ideals of being ‘good’. We can really believe we are behaving responsibly, but HIV transmission may well be taking place. RELATIVE SAFETY II sigmaresearch.org.uk/go.php/reports/gay



The invisible murder of Michael Causer... From:

Adrian Tippetts, via email

That a vicious, murderous assault on Liverpool gay teenager, Michael Causer, has been passed off as selfdefence, is bad enough. But for national radio and TV to ignore this ugly homophobic hate crime is nothing short of scandalous.

CONTACT US Mail: outnorthwest The Lesbian & Gay Foundation 4th Floor, Princess House 105-107 Princess Street MANCHESTER M1 6DD

E-mail: grahame@lgf.org.uk

Last month, one of Michael Causer’s alleged attackers, Gavin Alker, was acquitted of manslaughter and murder, to the astonishment of the police, Michael’s friends and family, and the LGBT community. Witnesses at Alker’s trial claimed this violent attack began after Alker discovered Michael Causer was gay. Michael was dragged from his bed by his ankles by Alker and James O’Connor (who has admitted murder), as he slept. After being hit over the head with a hardback book, Alker and O’Connor delivered kicks and punches to Michael’s head and upper body, while shouting "You little queer faggot."

Website: www.lgf.org.uk

Facebook: Join our Facebook group, Friends of The Lesbian & Gay Foundation (LGF)


If you’re a member of Facebook, why not join the shiny outnorthwest Facebook group? Talk to hundreds of other readers about what you want to see in the mag, and keep up-to-date with features we’re planning and get involved with them! 20


Michael never came out of his coma, and on August 2nd, his life support machine was turned off. Despite the forensic evidence presented at the trial, corroborated witness statements that Michael (seven stone, five foot two) was sleeping and dragged from his bed when the attack was initiated, and the support of the police throughout this case, the jury swallowed Alker’s story, that he acted in ‘self defence’, hook line and sinker. This injustice is compounded by the wall of silence over this case from mainstream media beyond Merseyside. The only significant national coverage of the story was the 24 February 2009 edition of the Independent. The lack of interest in this hideous crime could not contrast more with the attention given to the racial murder of Anthony Walker in 2005, which – rightly gained weeks of national news headlines. Anthony Walker was sought out by his attackers, and brutally murdered because he was black. Michael Causer was sought out by

his attackers and brutally murdered because he was gay. There is no difference in the coldbloodedness, the brutality, the inhumanity, the bigotry. Just how vicious does a homophobic attack have to be to merit coverage on the BBC Six O’Clock News, Newsbeat, PM, World Tonight or the Today Programme? The BBC is adamant that local news coverage of the Causer case should suffice – arguing that 'it is difficult to select items that will be of interest to all listeners'. Behind this white noise lies the implication that a story's newsworthiness rests on what majority wants to hear – or not be reminded of. If so, then injustices against some groups are eliminated from airtime by default. Michael’s was the 46th out of 72 equally horrific teenage murders in 2008. Surely, not every fatality can be news, some say. But unlike in other cases, it is regarded as normal that people like Michael should be commonly demonised from the pulpit, bullied by peers, told they are going to hell by teachers, ridiculed by third-rate celebrities and told that their relationships less worthy of recognition. They suffer this, because of who they are, despite the fact that every professional organisation recognises that homosexuality is as natural as a particular eye colour. The consequences of society’s allowing such bigotry to persist were written all over Michael’s face. * Readers can show solidarity with Michael’s friends and family by joining the ‘Justice For Michael Causer’ group on Facebook.

THE BBC RESPOND: Dear Adrian, I understand that, in essence, you are disappointed that we have not picked up on the story of Michael Causer's death. This is not the case and you can read various reports associated with this case at the following link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/ merseyside/7868151.stm The choice of news items is always a very tricky decision for news editors as with such a wide and varied audience it is difficult to select items that will be of interest to all listeners. However, I will note your comments, regarding what you feel is a lack of TV coverage of the case, on our audience log. This is the internal report of audience feedback which we compile daily for all programme makers and also their senior management. It ensures that your points, and all other comments we receive, are circulated and considered across the BBC.

Pride: What does it mean today? From:

Justin Thomas, Manchester

I was chatting recently on a major gay networking site and saying how much I had enjoyed the film 'Milk'. I was stunned by the response from several younger chatters: "Being gay isn't an issue.", "History is unimportant.” What’s happened? While I understand that this is only a small example of our community, further discussion with several younger friends uncovered yet more concerns. Upon being asked what Pride was about, they all gave the same answers: "Drinking and getting wasted”,“lots of shagging.” It seems that the entire work of two generations has suddenly been erased. The 'Ab Fab' generation need educating and for this reason I plead with the organisers of Pride... please, can we put the politics back into Pride? Pride acknowledges and continues the work and beliefs of those LGBT people that came before us, in a world where persecution was the norm. Without those people, many of whom died for the cause, we could still be closeted, fearful of losing our jobs, being attacked, not being eligible for social welfare, education, health. We also need to remember that these issues were still prevalent right into the 1980s....some of us were teenagers and remember the horror of the now famous front page news from our tabloids of 'the gay plague' - not an ideal time to come out to your parents. Things may be slightly better today but still not perfect and still not 100% equal. We are still gay bashed, still endure verbal abuse and some of us are still closeted for various reasons. Our fight is still going on, just not highlighted and supported as much. We cannot allow Pride to be all about sex, drugs and drink. We must bring back the awareness and make it prevalent. Perhaps a speech and a minutes silence for those that started the fight for equality? Or a small 'open' exhibition showing pics of our history leading to today’s Pride? Our younger generation have to continue these issues into the future. How can they if they do not understand our

Fitlads respond. From:

Joseph Hill, via e-mail

Following last month’s letter from Chris in Manchester, and Fitlads subsequent response, we heard this month from Joseph Hill at Fitlads, with news of further initiatives the site is involved in.

history and even more disgracefully, do not want to? We have to show them. After all, without the efforts of those from the 1950s onwards, there would be no open bars and clubs in assigned areas or 'Villages,' no 'tolerance,' no freedom to dress up as sailors, bunnies or even drag queens and certainly no gay websites on which to meet other like-minded men/women or to discuss issues affecting our community. Please, Pride organisers... bring the purpose back!

JACKIE CROZIER, MANCHESTER PRIDE, FESTIVAL MANAGER RESPONDS: We do try to make the ten-day programme of events as varied as possible so there is something for everyone. You might remember the talk we had by Peter Tatchell at Manchester Pride in 2007? Last year we had a great event called Military Pride which was at the Imperial War Museum. As part of the event there was a discussion about rights of men and women in the military and was one of my favourite events of last year. As part of Manchester Prides 18th birthday celebrations in 2008 we had an exhibition showing pictures of past Prides from the very first one that was a bring and buy sale outside the Rembrandt pub. I am currently trying to source a venue to host an exhibition called Gay Times Retrospective documenting 35 years of life affirming moments from the vast Gay Times archive. Indeed, this year we also launched a fund to provide financial support (up to the maximum of £500) to help people that want to stage an event as part of Manchester Pride. This will include political discussions / events. Details of the community groups and individuals who have successfully

I've got to say, I'm very disappointed by outnorthwest's decision to print verbatim, a letter criticising Fitlads by making completely unfounded comments. Not only are these not true, but we actively support people with HIV. Indeed, www.pozlads.com is a site that we've had available for pre-registration for the last six

received funding will be announced at the ticket launch on 23 April. As part of the Big Weekend last year, we highlighted the plight of a lady called Prossy Kakooza, a 26-year-old woman who was seeking asylum in the UK. She fled Uganda after suffering vicious sexual, physical and verbal attacks due to her sexual orientation. Manchester Metropolitan Community Church asked Manchester Pride if Prossy could ask for support on a stage and add to her petition at the Big Weekend, and of course we said yes. Thankfully Prossy was successful in October of last year. Manchester Pride also hosts a number of community groups throughout the weekend including LGBT Youth who programme a stage along with SPARKLE Transgender group. These are integral to the weekend’s celebrations. Thank you for your suggestion for a one minute silence. We hold the George House Trust vigil every year where we do have a minutes silence to remember all those that we have lost. Whilst I agree there are still some political issues facing the LGBT community, I think it is a sign of the progress we have made that the younger members of the LGBT community can live their lives without some of the pressures and discrimination that we faced when we were growing up. Last year one of my friends was cruelly murdered in Leeds and so I do understand your concerns about gay bashing and verbal abuse. There will always be leaders when it comes to facing the issues of the day, and I'm sure some of the youth groups that Manchester Pride comes into contact with will have a role to play in campaigns of the future, but we mustn't think badly of those younger people that are simply enjoying the freedom that today's LGBT community can enjoy. After all, that's exactly what previous campaigning has sought to achieve.

months. This is a free site for HIV positive men, designed to offer something similar to Fitlads, in an exclusively HIV+ community. You've made no mention of the recent award Which? have given us - the best customer service of any gay dating website. While it's fair enough to comment on things we've actually done - I do feel this letter was far from objective and nothing short of character assassination. outnorthwest






















Free Legal Advice Feeding your at the LGF animal Les Patient talks this month about LGF’s Legal Advice Surgery

Suzanne Moore Les Patient and Suzanne Moore are part of O’Neill Patient Solicitors. Contact them at: 2 Chester Road, Hazel Grove Stockport SK7 5NU. Or call 0161 419 6990.

WHEN I WAS SENT THROUGH DETAILS OF THE CONTENT OF THIS MONTHS MAGAZINE IT MADE ME THINK ABOUT THE ROLE THAT SIMON HARKINSON AND I HAVE TAKEN ON IN HEADING THE LEGAL ADVICE CLINIC THAT TAKES PLACE AT LGF HQ ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY’S OF EVERY MONTH. Over the last couple of years whilst running the Legal Clinic we have had through the doors a significantly high number of people who were born on foreign shores and who are baffled by the legal system of England. The Law is difficult enough for those of us that were born here to understand so imagine how hard it is for those who aren’t. Such issues arise as immigration, housing, relationships etc. Whilst Simon or I may not be able to answer everything that is put to us immediately as Simon and I are solicitors who specialise in certain types of law, we have a number of lawyers we can turn to and get the answers for you. We give time up twice a month willingly but beyond that we are happy to follow up our interviews on the night with emails and further advise.

“The Law is difficult enough for those of us that were born here to understand so imagine how hard it is for those who aren’t.” Our advice at the Clinic is free and if we have to refer you to another lawyer to take the matter forward we always ask that the lawyer gives a clear indication of costs from the start and if we do refer you to someone else you are given half an hour of free advise before the cost clock starts ticking. The clinic is run on an informal basis and it is not necessary to make an appointment to see us. We are available between 6 and 8 and we take our last person at 7.30 so that we get time to discuss matters properly. We are sensitive to the needs of the Gay Community as we are both Gay Lawyers ourselves. We are not judgemental and nothing shocks us. We are grateful to LGF for giving us a room rent free where we can see people and letting us use their tea and coffee for ourselves and for those people to come and see us. It was nice to see in the letters page of last months issue the letter from James Johnson who Simon and I helped formalise a plan of action before he had to attend an employment tribunal. It is always nice to hear the after effects of the advice we have given. Often its just a case of listening to the facts and being able to offer common sense advice there and then.

VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.lgf.org.uk/get-support/advice-surgeries/ For more information on the legal advice surgery at the LGF. 34


Sean Young on how issues of conflict are all around us... Although he committed to the coaching process and wanted to achieve his goal, he identified that he didn’t have the same drive he did before. When I asked him what was stopping him from getting to his goal, he simply said that he didn’t feel he could do it. What had changed since our 1st session was his ability to believe he could do it. Although he had already accomplished his goal previously and proved he could do it – he felt he lacked the selfconfidence to do it again.

Sean Young Sean Young is a qualified Life & Business Coach and specialises in working with LGBT communities. For more details log on to www.piercoaching.com

THERE IS CONFLICT ALL AROUND US. EVERYWHERE WE LOOK WE CAN SEE EITHER ISSUES OR THE IMPACT OF CONFLICT. However it is the internal conflict that can be the most challenging. Everyday we are all faced with choices. How we make decisions or how we cope with the choices that lie before us can be very subjective. It’s important to acknowledge the internal conflicts that exist within each of us. A few years back I was working with a client who stated earlier on that they wanted to focus on getting healthier. As we worked through the sessions he made some great progress to get fitter and identified some motivating ways he could do this – eating better, walking to work, taking a lunch, doing weekly shopping, etc. He worked hard towards his goal for several months and was doing really well. On our last session he said that he had never felt better and couldn’t believe the change he had experienced. I was really pleased for him and asked him to stay in touch and keep me updated on his progress. I sent him an email a few months back to see how he was getting on and congratulate him on approaching his anniversary of achieving his goal. He called me shortly after and explained that he had let his goal of being healthier ‘slip’ and asked to set up a few sessions. His goal hadn’t changed and again he was able to identify the actions he needed to take to get to where he wanted.

Rather than having faith in his ability to do it again, he chose to believe that it wasn’t possible. As a result he shifted his focus to look at building his confidence to the point where he felt he could achieve his goal. He worked very hard to get there, but once we had completed the sessions he was in brilliant shape and rightly proud of it – and he’s stuck to it which is fantastic.

BRINGING THE FABLE TO LIFE So what made the difference? Simple – the animal he chose to feed. I use a popular fable to illustrate this point during coaching and training sessions. Native American Fable: An old Cherokee tale tells of a grandfather teaching life principles to his grandson. The grandfather tells his grandson, “son, on the inside of every person a battle is raging between two wolves. one wolf is evil. It is angry, jealous, unforgiving, proud and lazy. The other wolf is good. It is filled with love, kindness, humility, and self-control. The two wolves are constantly fighting. The little boy thought about it, and said, “Grandfather, which wolf is going to win?” the grandfather smiled and said, “whichever one you choose to feed.” In the example in this article the client stopped feeding the animal that took him to achieving his goal in the first place and started feeding the animal that filled him with doubt. What made the difference in this situation was his ability to shift his perception and stop believing those elements of self-doubt. As he progressed through the second set of sessions he was also able to identify different ways to keep the negative influences at bay, which has helped make his goal not only a reality but also sustainable. We all have a choice to feed whichever animal we choose. What wolf do you feed?

LOG ONTO: www.lgf.org.uk/health for health information


popzilla pissing on indie’s chips


Paul Swan. Getting away with it since 2004.

the really quite simple ratings system



= bad!


NOISETTES DON’T UPSET THE RHYTHM You’d be forgiven for not knowing that Noisettes have been around since 2006, but only just. Scrape Britney out of your ears for just a minute and take a listen. Sublime, isn’t it? Think Hercules and Love Affair, think Rhianna with (more) attitude, but just think. This jazzy little piece of guitar funk ends up being more than the sum of its parts, and Shoniwa sets the mood for you, and believe me, when she says ‘Go Baby, Go’, you’d better damn well listen.


CALVIN HARRIS I’M NOT ALONE PET SHOP BOYS YES WHO/WHAT? Bitch, please. The Pet Shop Boys…you know that one what used to be a Geordie and the one what wears his sunglasses (at night, for all we know). Having just scooped a Outstanding Contribution award at the Brits, Neil and Chris (for it are they) are about to unleash their latest platter upon the world and although I wasn’t veedot impressed with the first single (see last month, when I got the sack), I have to say that taken as whole, like any modern dance drug, ‘Yes’ will leave you almost sated. I say almost, because if you were totally satisfied with it, you’d not want any more, would you now? HIGHLIGHTS From the whimsical guitars of ‘Did You See Me Coming’ through to the frustration of ‘Vulnerable’ via a number of songs that you can sing ‘Can You Forgive Her’ to (sorry Ed), ver Boys deliver, once more, an aural feast of popera anthems. I’m not sure if you were expecting anything less to be honest. If you were, you’re bound to be feeling a bit bonus-laden as you listen through. It would seem that Xenomania are equally as adept bringing new shine to lifetime achievers as they are at flinging out chart-igniters for karaoke competition winners. LOWLIGHTS Had I been writing this only a week ago (like I should have been, but wasn’t), then lead single ‘Love etc.’ would have still have been panned, but it’s starting to grow on me (a bit like mould on a shower curtain) and I’m starting to get it. As it is, I’m not too keen on ‘More Than A Dream’, which sounds a bit too Lightning Seeds for my liking. As ever, Neil’s oxymoronic vocals (full of non-emotional emotion) wend wistfully through the wisteria before waning lyrical, lending an air of detachment whilst being fully involved. VERDICT What else can I say? It’s the Pet Shop Boys, innit? You’ll consume. 40

Now that the rich musical seam of the Eighties has been done (to death, and beyond), scraggy haired beanpole Harris has turned his popbeam on the nineties. He was wrong when he claimed to have created disco, and he’s wrong when he says he’s not alone. He is. Sounding like some cut rate Faithless with nothing but a Bontempi, a stylophone and a Casio VL-Tone (ask your parents), Harris asks ‘Can you stay up for the weekend and blame God for looking too old?’ It’s been working for me for the last decade and a half, so I’d say yes. Worth a listen, if you’re in traction and can’t reach the radio knob, but not worth a buy, or even a free download for that matter…

LEAST SAID... BLAZIN’ SQUAD LET’S START AGAIN Let’s not, and say we did.

N-DUBZ WOULDN’T YOU Erm…no, I wouldn’t

PINK PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME Keep making shit like this and you leave us no choice.

Red Button


butt n

Sam and Marc. Letting the geek flag fly...

press to play

FREELOADING! log me in www.logmein.com

Not everything free is good right? Wrong! In these troubling financial times, there’s no need to spend hundreds on something you can get for nowt...


If you’re anything like us, you’ll have had the following conversation on the phone, “Right Mum/Dad/Sister/Cute-but-thick-bloke-from-work. Click on the icon. It’s the little picture. On the monitor. The monitor being what is displaying the output from the PC. Yes, you do need to turn the computer on first.” Tear your hair out no more, thanks to this brilliant little program which provides the ability to take control of Mum/Dad/Sister/Cute-but-thick-bloke-fromwork‘s PC and do it all yourself. Once you’ve registered for your free account, you can add up to five machines - each one needs to have the free LogMeIn client installed, mind. Easily done and it’ll save you the heartache of hearing your Mum has bought a new PC when she simply needed to turn the screensaver off on the old one (although Mother RedButton has asked us to point out she’s well versed in web wizardry, thankyouverymuch).

MAIl2web live www.mail2web.com


You know how you never use email on your mobile? OK, you know how those of you WITHOUT iPhones never use email on your mobiles? Well, that’s usually because it’s prohibitively expensive and a right bum-ache to set up. Well, thanks to the nice people at mail2web.com anyone with a mobile that can cope with Microsoft Exchange servers (iphones, Windows Mobile, some Nokias) you can have free Push email. ‘Standard’ email programs on mobiles rely on dialing in every 30 minutes or so and checking for new messages. Push email literally pushes the email to your handset as if it were a simple text message. In fact, we’ve found ourselves using push email to replace MMS and to a lesser extent SMS. Just make sure you have a data package with your mobile provider. Presently, the biggest provider of consumer Push email is Apple, but their ‘MobileMe’ package costs £59 a year. Save yourself the money, we say.

pixlr www.pixlr.com


Now programs like Adobe Photoshop and Corel Paint Shop Pro can cost lots of money and as PC users we resolutely stuck to MS Paint because it was free. Clunky but free. So then we found this website which is an online image editor and it costs you nothing. Nada. Nowt. What it offers is the ability to upload and manipulate images (only .jpg, .png and .bmp at the moment.) with some features that you would expect to pay hundreds of pounds for a graphics package to do. It also offers the ability to create images from scratch and use clever tools and tricks as well as allowing you to build up images using layers and so much more! When you decide to save your work, Pixlr processes and pops up your usual web browser download box so you can save it to anywhere you desire. So feel free to touch up your photos for Facebook or create a new logo slash design to be dropped in to your website and do it with a lot of style for absolutely nothing. Take that Adobe!

open office www.openoffice.org


Microsoft Office is a hee-yuge package which costs the earth and slows down your computer system to a crawl. Also, the Mac users generally lose out with a seemingly inferior Microsoft product pushed in their direction. Stuff all that! Open Office is a FREE suite of applications which match, and in certain places improve, what Microsoft Office does. It has a near-identical user interface and can open documents from a myriad of programs such as Works and Lotus. It is available on Mac OS, Windows and Linux too. Also worth noting is that, as it’s open source, there is a massive online community which offers support and a gazillion (yes, that many!) templates and add-ons for you to use across the suite - if there is something you’d like to see added to the Word-like application called Writer you can see if it exists as an add-on, request it be created or even make it yourself and share it with the world. Hurrah!

avast! www.avast.com


Viruses. Ugh. Get one that’s virulent enough and you’re talking a complete wipe of your machine, probably losing tons out data that you hadn’t got round to backing up. While most new PCs come with a branded anti-virus product installed, using them beyond the trial period can end up costing you a pretty penny. We’ve always been big fans of the free AVG anti-virus client, but the avast! home suite is pretty good too. ‘Big’ anti-virus programs can be incredibly intrusive, arsing around with things that don’t concern them and making your computing experience an absolute misery. However, avast! seems to have the perfect balance of being there in the background, keeping things safe but without messing up your game of Canyon Defense (yes, spelt with an ‘s’, bloody Americans…).

info burst

Red Button


DEAD SPACE Available now for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3

“A LOT OF THOUGHT CLEARLY WENT IN TO THIS GAME, AND A LOT OF LOVE.” These were the initial thoughts we had when we started playing Dead Space. In-game cut scenes are beautifully rendered in the game engine itself so they look no different to game play; tutorials are seamlessly blended in to the storyline; and the interactive elements such as menus, maps and inventory screens are made to feel like a natural extension to the gaming environment rather than something which rips you out of the immersive experience to remind you it’s just a game. Our next thoughts were, “Bloody hell this is some scary stuff!”, and “Oh, that is sick and twisted”. This also demonstrates how well crafted a game Dead Space is. The award-winning atmospheric sound track will have you looking behind you at times - creepy scrabbling noises in the walls and warnings written in blood on the bulkheads all make you want to simultaneously stop playing yet keep going regardless. We would recommend not playing this in the dark. But you really should...

COMING SOON>>> >MARCH 20th Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (DS) Singstar: Queen (PS2/PS3) >MARCH 27th Demigod (PC) >APRIL 3rd Nintendo DSi

>APRIL 10th The Godfather 2 (PC/ PS3/360) >APRIL 24th Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (PC/PS3/360)


>>> NETWORK SHARING A-GO-GO A while back T-Mobile and 3 began a mast sharing agreement with the purpose of increasing coverage while decreasing costs. Well, now Orange is trying to join with T&3, resulting in a filthy ménage a trois. At the same time, Vodafone and o2 are trying to set up a similar liaison which’ll hopefully fix the problem (well, in our experience) of o2’s piss-poor 3G signal. >>> SKY FREE BROADBAND - £5? If you currently receive the Base or Mid Broadband packages from Sky, you’d better make sure that your landline phone calls are routed via Uncle Murdoch’s Sky Talk system or you’ll begin to see a £5 charge on your bill. Not a huge problem mind, as the basic Sky Talk package (Freetime) is, erm, free and provides you with free off-peak calls.


Eye Candy

film dvd tv

eyecandy quick fix media hits from the blockbuster syringe



A Love To Hide

Certificate 15. Released 13th April, £14.99rrp. Peccadillo Pictures.

pieces Urbania

A Love To Hide

Set in France during World War 2, A Love to Hide is one of the very few fictional dramas to include the persecution of gay men during the Nazi occupation within its story.

Certificate 18. Released 23rd March, £14.99rrp. TLA Releasing.

Jean, of course, is on an official list of 'poofs' and 'perverts' and a routine check results in his deportation to the concentration camps.


Jean works in a Parisian laundry with his family while keeping his boyfriend Philippe a secret. He is also covering for his Jewish friend Sara, who is in love with him. His brother is an informer for the police, supplying address in exchange for luxeries and a quality life. In a desparate effort to both punish his Jean and impress Sara his brother calls the police to inform on Jean hoping to use his powerful contacts to release him within 24 hours.

It is very difficult to explore the Holocaust in a way previously unseen without inviting comparisons to other dramatizations of World war II but Love to Hide makes central a relatively unexplored area of history. This is a top quality production comparable to any television drama. The outcome is brutally realistic and unexpected stearing clear of any easy sentimentality or closure. The final scene set in the present day may be either unecassary or inevitable, however. REECE



Last Of The Crazy People Certificate TBC. Released 27th April, £14.99rrp. Peccadillo. breakdown of sorts and refuses to leave her bedroom, Told while his brother is being pushed close to the edge completely when he finds out his neighbour, and secret lover, is from the about to get married. His intense relationship is, quite perspective of literally, only seen through Martin's eyes, as the its young, and youngster spies on their meetings and break up. The mostly silent, original novel was set in the 1960's which would explain the closeted mentality of the family and the protagonist brother, Didier, in particular. Transporting the drama Last Of The Crazy People is a to a contemporary setting only dilutes the emotional sombre and atmospheric hothouse drama build up leaving the outcome of Didier's relationship rather unbelievable. There's no doubt this is expertly set in rural France. Martin is a quiet, introverted child only just beginning to comprehend that the family around him are a bunch of crazies. His mother has assumedly had a 44

shot and paced, though the involvement fluctuates which results in the closure not creating quite the sudden impact the director obviously intended.


THIS INTRIGUING, THOUGH POORLY TITLED, NEW YORK BASED DRAMA HAS DIRECTORIAL DEBUT AND INDEPENDENT SPIRIT THREADED THROUGHOUT ITS MIX OF ORIGINAL IDEAS AND NOT SO ORIGINAL STYLISTIC TRAITS. The always charming and watchable Dan Futterman (Will & Grace, Mighty Heart, screenwriter for Capote) plays Charlie, a journalist interested in urban myths - a reoccurring theme - who wanders through the city at night with only two things on his mind. He's seemingly obsessed with an arrogant hunky stranger he's seen somewhere before as well as constantly reminiscing about a previous lover who appears to him everywhere in the city. Futterman is perfect, never striving to be likable, in an interesting drama which largely rests on his shoulders. The screenplay is lazy at times though full of ideas and the direction is sometimes too self-consciously indie but the story works towards a genuinely surprising and smart close which rests just this side of pretentious. Director Jon shear shows real promise with a great cast which also includes the always reliable Alan Cumming. REECE

pieces Free Agents

Using the media as a backdrop for any programe, especialy a comedy, can be a risky or difficult venture.

There's always the danger of being too 'inside' and alienating the audience and what is intended as smart can come accross as smug. Free Agents, Channel Four's new 'adult' Friday night sit-com, is set in the world of talent/celebrity agency but thankfully you wouldn't know it.

Free Agents Certificate 18. Released 30th March, £19.99rrp. 4DVD.

Their banter and raport is beleivable and natural, swinging from awkward to perfectly relaxed with each other. When they insist that they are never going to end up together it's delivered with a knowing smile and casual flirtation that says otherwise. What makes this far more interesting than its premise may suggest is that it subverts the media notion that all agents are ruthless back stabbing bastards. Mangan's Alex is an oversensitive mess of emotions while Horgan creates a new female architype with Helen as a blend of assertion, neurosis and contradictions. Though following Pulling, she’s in danger of becoming the face of urban single living.


Arguably, Free Agents' greatest asset is the teaming of Stephen Mangan (Green Wing, credit card ads) and Sharon Horgan (Pulling), a perfect pairing that seems somehow destined. They both play talent agents loaded with emotional baggage - her fiance died, he's been cruelly dumped Anthony Head's obnoxious boss is clearly there to who've slept together but don't want to face the occupy the other end of the spectrum and inevitable fact that they'd be perfect for each other. represent the worst sort of media twats. This comes


Eye Candy


across too strong to begin with, but later episodes do attempt to give his character some more dimensions and hint at something else. The writers wisely make the office scenes more generically work place based and therefore more relatable with no storylines being revolving around the media. Alex and Helen could be doing any job at all in fact, though the show could only exist in the city as Free Agents wallows in London living as a lifestyle. Originally broadcast as part of C4's comedy showcase, Free Agents' heritage is clear as a collaboration between the production companies that gave us Spaced, Black Books and The Inbetweeners. Though not ranking with C4's greatest acheivements, the creators and cast have produced a great television coupling in a watchable, if not instantly memorable show. REECE




Something rare occured in television in the last few weeks - BBC 3 found themselves with a hit on their hands in a month which delivered a surprising amount of original programming. Being Human debuted to 1.1 million viewers, incredible for any Freeview channel, making it BBC 3's most succesful original show since Little Britain. While the BBC,rightfully, thank internet word-ofcontact and viewer expectation since the talked about pilot was unveiled last year,it does reveal the arbitary nature in which shows apear on either BBC 2,3 or 4. For instance this month sees the welcome return of Stewart Lee to BBC 2 in Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle, along with the smart geek-ideal Dave Gorman with his Genius. Horne & Corden, however, is strangly left on BBC 3, albiet surounded by publicity, the original home of Gavin & Stacey which,let's remember, was not a hit until it was repeated.

BBC 4 has already provided two of this years most interesting British shows. Cowards is easily one of the best sketch-shows of the last few years due to the fact it's actually funny and doesn't rely on the repitition of pre-packaged catchphrases. Culled from the breeding ground of Radio 4, this is daftmeets-smart writing and not just a desparate attempt to be as 'wacky' as possible.

These shows only made it to three episodes each, while the personality-free Marcus Brigstock gets about eight hours, so check them out on i-Player if you can. Even rarer than a BBC 3 hit, Channel Four have delivered an uncomprimising must-see drama. Currently 4 produce about three original shows a year. ..

“I don’t want to speak to soon, but 2009 TV is looking pretty good.”

Similarly,We Need Answers is the perfect antidote to the tired celebrity panel show format. After Rob Brydon's Annually Retentive it seemed the nail was in the coffin, but after Mock the Week, Nine Out Of Ten Cats, Celebrity Juice and other indistinguishable shows even Chris Moyles gets one. Answers is presented by the adorable and ironic Mark Watson and his sardonic back-up in which guests answer questions sent to text answering services. It's the natural succesor to Shooting Stars yet doesn't strive to be surreal but naturally plays with the quiz show format.

Red Riding is the highly anticipated - especially by fans of the books - drama that exposes the curruption within the West Yorkshire police force. Shot, presumably, in 16mm in muted dirty tones over a beige'n'brown palette, this brutal three-part adaptation could be the next step in television drama. The past few months have already given us genredefying shows, original left-field quiz and sketch shows and incredible drama. I don't want to speak to soon, but 2009 is looking pretty good... REECE


Out & About


Out & About








LGF Safer sex packs available at most venues 88 Listing Indicator

£ Portland Street

Major Street Hart Street




Canal Street




27 33



Whitworth Street






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44 24 13



19 29 22



Do you play the lottery?


a hin

Canal Street

Whitworth Street

----------------------------------------------------------13 LEGENDS Mixed 4-6 Whitworth Street, 28 Richmond St, 0161 237 9329. 0161 236 5400 legendsmanchester.com companybarmanchester.co.uk ----------------------------------------------------------1 ALTER EGO 105-107 Princess St, 0161 236 9266 clubalterego.co.uk home to ----------------------------------------------------------- 15 MANTO Mixed 46 Canal Street, 9 COYOTES Mixed Bar 0161 236 2667 mantobar.com popular Poptastic every Tuesday and Saturday night. village venue. ------------------------------------------------------------ 14 Chorlton Street, 0161 236 4007 ----------------------------------------------------------2 CRUNCH 2 Mixed www.crunch2.co.uk coyotesbar.co.uk pleasant two floor bar and eatery. MINT LOUNGE 46-50 Oldham St, 10 Canal St M1 3EZ Tel: 0161 236 0446 ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------- Northern Quarter, 0161 228 1495, 4 BAA-BAR Sackville Street, 10 CRUZ 101 an enjoyable and trendy bar. 101 Princess Street, ----------------------------------------------------------0161 247 7997 baabar.co.uk glitter balls 0161 950 0101 cruz101.com one of 16 NAPOLEONS Trans 35 Bloom St, and a flashy dance floor. 0161 236 8800 napoleons.co.uk ------------------------------------------------------------ Manchester’s most popular nightclubs. ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------5 BAR BELOW 34 Canal Street, 11 EDEN 3 Brazil Street, 17 NEW YORK NEW YORK 94 Bloom St, 0161 236 5757, 0161 236 6556, busy fun pub which is ------------------------------------------------------------ 0161 237 9852 edenbar.co.uk food served daily popular with lesbians and gays of all ages. THE BAY HORSE 35-37 Thomas St, ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------Northern Quarter, 0161 661 1041, OVERDRAUGHT Student 11 GEN-E-SIS Womens Night at Eden, a traditional gay friendly pub 121 Princess Street, 0161 237 0811 ------------------------------------------------------------ genesisclubnight.co.uk ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------6 BULL’S HEAD Gay Friendly 12 ESSENTIAL 8 Minshull Street, 84 London Rd, 0161 236 1724, 18 PADDY’S GOOSE 29 Bloom St, 0161 835 1300 essentialmanchester.com 0161 236 1246. Popular gay bar. gay friendly pub. ------------------------------------------------------------ Manchester's gay super-club, two venues in one. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 QUEER Mixed 4 Canal Street, 8 CHURCHILLS Mixed 37 Chorlton St, 14 AXM LATE / AXM LOUNGE 0161 228 1368 queer-manchester.com 0161 236 5529 churchillsmanchester.com 100 Bloom St, 0161 228 1666 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 RETRO BAR 78 Sackville Street, 0161 274 4892, ideal meeting place. ----------------------------------------------------------21 SPIRIT Canal Street, M1 3WB Well why sign up to www.LGF.lottopartners.co.uk and find a smarter 0161 237 9725, www.spiritbar.uk.com way to play the UK lotto & Euromillions!! ----------------------------------------------------------22 TAURUS 1 Canal Street, 161 236 4593 taurus-bar.co.uk a delightful Have a share of 88 lines for just £5! Visit www.LGF.lottopartners.co.uk bar and restaurant experience. watch the video and sign up to be in with a better chance of winning! ----------------------------------------------------------23 THE NEW UNION Mixed 111 Princess St The LGF does not encourage you to gamble, however, if you already 0161 228 1492 newunionhotel.com play the UK Lotto or EuroMillions, then increase your chance of winning ----------------------------------------------------------24 THE OUTPOST Mainly men big and visit our new website www.LGF.lottopartners.co.uk today 4-6 Whitworth St, 0161 236 5400, and join our syndicate! -----------------------------------------------------------



London Road

Sackville Garden

Brazil Street


Chorlton Street




Richmond Street

28 Sackville Street

Princess Street



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38 Richmond Street


Northern Quarter

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40 42 39

Parking Cash Machine

Hart Street


Bloom Street


Major Street

Minshull Street


(Free City Centre Bus)

Chorlton Street Bus/Coach Station

26 Abingdon Street


Chorlton Street

Sackville Street

Princess Street


32 1

Train Station Metrolink Stop Metroshuttle Stop

Portland Street



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Piccadilly Train Station



25 THE REMBRANDT Mainly men 33 Sackville St, 0161 236 1311 rembrandthotel.com and the-rem.com popular bar, hotel and bistro. ----------------------------------------------------------26 THOMPSONS ARMS 123 Sackville Street, 0161 237 5919, a warm welcoming bar. ----------------------------------------------------------27 TRIBECA 50 Sackville Street, 0161 236 8300, tribeca-bar.co.uk ----------------------------------------------------------28 VANILLA Mainly women 39-41 Richmond Street, 0161 657 8890 vanillagirls.co.uk ----------------------------------------------------------29 VELVET 2 Canal Street, 0161 236 9003, food served daily. ----------------------------------------------------------30 VIA 28-30 Canal Street, 0161 236 6523, refurbished for 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------31 VIEW 40 Canal St, 0161 236 9033 -----------------------------------------------------------

❏ GREATER MANCHESTER LISTINGS continued ■ CLUB NIGHTS ALERT Monthly club nights at Legends www.club-alert.com ----------------------------------------------------------DECON ONE www.club-alert.com/defcon/ ----------------------------------------------------------KINK Leather, Rubber, Scally etc. Sub 101 (Under Cruz 101) kinkuk.com ----------------------------------------------------------RECREATION clubrecreation.co.uk ----------------------------------------------------------POPTASTIC poptastic.co.uk ----------------------------------------------------------FEDERATION clubfederation.co.uk ----------------------------------------------------------BOLLOX Diverse mix bollox.co.uk -----------------------------------------------------------

■ COMMUNITY & HEALTH 32 ALBERT KENNEDY TRUST Princess House 105-107 Princess St, 0161 228 3308 providing supported lodgings, mentoring, be-friending and information and advice to young LGBT people. admin@akt.org.uk akt.org.uk -----------------------------------------------------------33 BANNATYNES HEALTH CLUB 36-38 Whitworth St, 0161 236 6864, gay friendly. -----------------------------------------------------------KATH LOCKE CENTRE 123 Moss Lane East, Hulme 0161 455 0211 ----------------------------------------------------------32 THE LESBIAN AND GAY FOUNDATION (LGF) Princess House 105-107 Princess St, 0161 235 8035 for all your LGB information and services, visit www.lgf.org.uk or email info@lgf.org.uk for more information. ----------------------------------------------------------THE CITY CENTRE PROJECT 52 Oldham Street, 0161 228 3308 and 3309 Project works with young people 16-25 yrs who’s primary disadvantage is homelessness.


PLEASE EMAIL YOUR LISTING TO listings@lgf.org.uk

PROUD 2 B PARENTS 07970 298559 or 0161 636 7507 matt.roberts@manchester.nhs.uk For LGBT parents and their children. ----------------------------------------------------------HUMANIST FUNERALS Helen Smith is a sympathetic listener who creates moving and personal ceremonies. 0161 881 9568 -----------------------------------------------------------


LGYM PO Box 153, 0161 273 7838, LGBT 14-25yrs


38 CLONE ZONE 36-38 Sackville St, 0161 236 1398 clonezone.co.uk ----------------------------------------------------------39 FUNKY CROP SHOP 37 Bloom Street 0161 237 1032 Village hair shop. ----------------------------------------------------------FRINGE Richmond Street M1 3HF 0161 236 5554 ----------------------------------------------------------■ EATERIES 40 NICE ‘N’ NAUGHTY 39 Bloom Street 0161 228 0020 EIGHTH DAY 111 Oxford Road, 0161 273 1850 ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------LAVA CAFÉ BAR 0161 833 2444 lavacafebar.co.uk 41 OLIVE DELI 36-38 Whitworth St, ------------------------------------------------------------ 0161 236 2360 36 GENGHIS KHAN 16 Chorlton St -----------------------------------------------------------

LIFELINE 101-103 Oldham St, 0161 839 2054

------------------------------------------------------------ 42 PURE TANNING & VILLAGE OFF LICENSE 37-39 Bloom Street, 0161 236 1788 37 SHANG HI Gay Friendly 61 Whitworth ----------------------------------------------------------Street, 0161 228 7868 ------------------------------------------------------------ 43 ROB 17 China Lane, 0161 236 6222 rob.com leather, rubber and twisted gear. THAT CAFÉ 1031 Stockport Rd 0161 432 4672 ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------UPPERCUTS BARBERS The Arndale THE LEAD STATION 99 Beech Road, Chorlton Market, Manchester 07784 156693 0161 881 5559 ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------LIVEBAIT Gay Friendly 22 Lloyd Street


0161 228 1631 genghiskhans.co.uk

0161 817 4110

-----------------------------------------------------------BRASSERIE Gay Friendly Albert Square 0161 834 7633

-----------------------------------------------------------35 DRIP COFFEE Coffee Bar Fourways House, 57 Hilton Street 0161 235 5100

-----------------------------------------------------------SAPPORO TEPPANYAKI 91-93 Liverpool Road, Castlefield M3 4JN 0161 831 9888

-----------------------------------------------------------CROMA Pizza and Pasta 498-500 Wilbraham Road, Chorlton, M21 9AP 0161 881 1117

-----------------------------------------------------------CROMA Pizza and Pasta 1 Clarance Street, Manchester, Lancashire, M24 DE 0161 237 9799

-----------------------------------------------------------CROMA Pizza and Pasta 30 Longfield Centre, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 1AY 0161 798 7666 www.croma.biz



44 INTERNATIONAL HOTEL 34 London Road, 0161 236 1010 ----------------------------------------------------------CLYDEMOUNT GUEST HOUSE 866 Hyde Road, Debdale Park, M18 7LH 0161 231 1515 clydemount.co.uk -----------------------------------------------------------

■ SAUNAS 45 H2O ZONE 36-38 Sackville St, 0161 236 3876 h2ozonesauna.com seven day sauna for gay and bi men. ----------------------------------------------------------46 THE BASEMENT 18 Tariff St, 0161 237 9996 basementcomplex.co.uk -----------------------------------------------------------


34 ACROBALENO Jackson’s Warehouse,

----------------------------------------------------------LIFESHARE male sex workers advice, 0161 953 4069

----------------------------------------------------------LIKT 0781 398 1338 coordinator@likt.org.uk health project for young LB women

----------------------------------------------------------MANCHESTER SMOKING CESSATION 0161 205 5998

----------------------------------------------------------PANKHURST CENTRE 60-62 Nelson Street, Chorlton-on-Medlock, 0161 273 5673

----------------------------------------------------------ST. MARY’S CENTRE Hathersage Road, 0161 276 6515, Sexual Assault Referral Centre. THE LESBIAN COMMUNITY PROJECT 49-51 Sidney Street, 0161 273 7128

----------------------------------------------------------THE VILLAGE CITIZEN ADVICE BUREAU 0161 834 2005 advice@thevillage.org.uk


■ CLINICS BROOK ADVISORY Lever St, 0161 237 3001

----------------------------------------------------------WALKDEN MEDICAL CENTRE Dr Simon Wright, 2 Hodge Road, 0844 477 2434

----------------------------------------------------------JARMAN CLINIC Withington Hosp, 0161 217 4939

----------------------------------------------------------MANCHESTER CENTRE FOR SEXUAL HEALTH Oxford Rd, 0161 276 5200

----------------------------------------------------------NORTH MANCHESTER GUM Delauneys Rd, Crumpsall, 0161 720 2681

----------------------------------------------------------RUSHOLME HEALTH CENTRE Walmer St, 0161 225 6699

----------------------------------------------------------THE CLINIC @ THE LGF call Peter on 0161 235 8025 lgf.org.uk

---------------------------------------------------------KESHET. www.keshetmanchester.org.uk A group for LGBT queer and questionining jews

ADDACTION 31 Robert Street, 20 Tariff Street, Manchester 0161 228 2677 ------------------------------------------------------------ 0161 214 0770 addaction.org Prison resettlement for people with drug problems ----------------------------------------------------------ALCOHOL AND DRUG SERVICES 29A Ardwick Green North, 0161 272 8844 alcoholanddrugservices.org.uk ----------------------------------------------------------MANCHESTER DRUG SERVICE The Bridge, 104 Fairfield Street 0161 273 4040 ----------------------------------------------------------MANCHESTER FOYER 61 Booth Street West, Hulme 0161 276 1000 Supported accomodation for 16-25s ----------------------------------------------------------42ND ST 20 Swan St, 0161 832 0170, advice for young LGBs ----------------------------------------------------------BARNADOS MANCHESTER LEAVING CARE SERVICES 36 Monton St, M14 4ZT 0161 226 6722 ----------------------------------------------------------BARNARDO’S HEALTH THROUGH ACTION The Progress Centre, Charlton Place, Ardwick Green, 0161 273 2901

----------------------------------------------------------BLACK HEALTH AGENCY 464 Chester Rd, 0161 226 9145, AIDS Helpline 0800 0967500

----------------------------------------------------------BODY POSITIVE 39 Russell Road, Whalley Range 0161 882 2200

----------------------------------------------------------COMMUNITY ALCOHOL TEAM 0161 230 6382

----------------------------------------------------------COMMUNITY ARTS NORTH WEST 46-50 Oldham St, 0161 234 2975 info@can.uk.com

----------------------------------------------------------GEORGE HOUSE TRUST 77 Ardwick Green North, 0161 274 4499 ght.org.uk

----------------------------------------------------------LESBIAN DROP IN contact Chrissy, 01204 494307, first Sunday of the month, 1-4pm.


Express Lunch Two courses £9 Three courses £12

0161 831 9888

www.sapporo.co.uk 91 - 93 Liverpool Road, Manchester, M3 4JN


â?? GREATER MANCHESTER LISTINGS continued â– GROUPS MORF Transguys in Manchester LGBT Centre, 45-51 Sydney St Mcr, M1 7HB ----------------------------------------------------------40+ GAY MENS GROUP support and social

MARRIED MENS GROUP A support group meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday 7.30-9pm. 0845 3 30 30 30

----------------------------------------------------------METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH @ St Chrysostom’s Anson Rd, 0161 249 0649

every Thursday 7.30-9pm. 0845 3 303030



MMU LGB SOCIETY call Ellie on 0161 247 6487 or James on 0161 247 6437

ART CLASS Arts based activity group meets every Friday 7-9pm. 0845 3 303030

----------------------------------------------------------AS GOOD AS YOU 2 For LGBTs with learning difficulties. Call Iain 07709 494636

----------------------------------------------------------BIPHORIA bisexual support 18+ 07941 811124 biphoria.org.uk

----------------------------------------------------------NORTHERN CONCORD PO Box 258, Manchester M60 1LN, northernconcord.org.uk

----------------------------------------------------------OUT IN THE CITY call Sue 0161 833 3944, older LGBTs meet alternate Thurs at Taurus.



OUTWRITE 07931 915 620 LGBT writing group

BLACK NORTH WEST For lesbian, gay and bisexual people of colour, meet at the LGF onthe first Friday of the month from 7.30pm. 0845 3 30 30 30

----------------------------------------------------------QUEER YOUTH MANCHESTER 07092 031 086 info@queeryouth.org.uk


RAINBOW FAMILIES c/o LCP, 0161 273 7128

CAROUSEL A social group for Lesbian and Bisexual Women meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday 7.30-9pm. 0845 3 30 30 30



EDWARD CARPENTER COMMUNITY OF GAY MEN - committed to personal growth, support, trust and friendship. www.gaycommunity.org.uk

GAY NATURIST SWIM nude_n_manchester@yahoo.co.uk all ages




RIGHT2UNITE Zion Centre 0161 226 0170


MANCHESTER STINGERS WFC manchesterstingers.net

----------------------------------------------------------MANCHESTER VIXENS LADIES FC manchestervixens.co.uk

ICEBREAKERS 0845 330 3030 Gay & Bi Men’s support group meets 8pm every Wednesday at the LGF icebreakersmanchester.org.uk



AGE CONCERN MANCHESTER 0161 833 3944 LGBT worker Sue Morris

VILLAGE MANCHESTER FC All Welcome. Training Every Thursday. vmfc.co.uk




INNER ENIGMA 0845 838 1264 7pm -10pm info@innerenigma.co.uk

SM DYKES Manchester SMDykes.org.uk

MANCHESTER FRONT RUNNERS 07966 143123 manchesterfrontrunners.org


SPHERE contribute to a South Asian LBT theatre project. 07854 901330 all@sphere.org.uk

LESBIAN AND GAY YOUTH M’CR 0161 273 7838 info@lgym.org.uk every Sat 3pm-7pm

----------------------------------------------------------LET’S DO LUNCH 07813 083242 paulad650@aol.com


----------------------------------------------------------STEPPING STONES A support group for Lesbian and Bisexual women meets 2nd and

----------------------------------------------------------WEEKENDERS LGBT walking group geocities.com/weekenders_uk

----------------------------------------------------------JESSIES WALKING GROUP manchesterjessies@yahoo.co.uk


4th Tuesday 7.30-9pm. 0845 3 303030 -----------------------------------------------------------

ESSENCE COUNSELLING www.essencecounselling.org

TRIANGLE CLUB group for deaf LGBs. triangle_club_@hotmail.com



its.elly@yahoo.co.uk -----------------------------------------------------------

LGBT LATIN & BALLROOM DANCING manchesterprairiedogs.co.uk


VADA THEATRE COMPANY PO Box 92, 0161 881 0886

MANCHESTER SHARKS water polo. manchestersharks.co.uk





MANCHESTER LESBIAN AND GAY CHORUS 07944 056047 www.mlgc.org.uk

MANCHESTER FOYER A supported housing project for young people 61 Booth Street West, Hulme 0161 276 100 www.svha.co.uk manchesterfoyer.org.uk

NETBALL Women only group with weekly coaching, 8-10pm 07939 477 026

----------------------------------------------------------MANCHESTER LGB ASYLUMGROUP 07816 992218

----------------------------------------------------------M’CR PARENTS GROUP 01565 733891

----------------------------------------------------------KESHET www.keshetmanchester.org.uk info@keshetmanchester.org.uk A group for LGBT queer and questioning jews.

----------------------------------------------------------QUEST LGBT CATHOLICS 07983 021 589 liverpool@questgaycatholic.org.uk

----------------------------------------------------------MANGO MENS DINING CLUB 07866 909677 mango.news@btopenworld.com

----------------------------------------------------------MANCHESTER GAY SKINHEADS www.oi-skinhead.com

----------------------------------------------------------MANCHESTER WALKING WOMEN

NORTHERN WAVE SWIMMING CLUB 0161 872 1990 northernwave.org

SOUTH MANCHESTER WOMEN’S AID Support and advice to women and children experiencing domestic violence. Refuge: 0161 861 8428



VILLAGE SPARTANS villagespartans.co.uk




FRIENDS OF SACKVILLE GARDENS friendsofsackvillegardens@hotmail.com




LGF RAMBLERS info@lgf.org.uk

GHAP BADMINTON ghapbadminton.org.uk


NORTHERN ACES TENNIS GROUP northernacestennis.com


GAY GORDONS MANCHESTER Scottish Country and Ceilidh Dancing and classes. geocities.com/gay_gordons_mcr

----------------------------------------------------------OUTDOOR LADS outdoorlads.com


----------------------------------------------------------OUT ON SUNDAY 07775 671691 Walking group

----------------------------------------------------------OPEN ATHLETICS 07709 000436 openathletics.org

QUEER SKINHEAD BROTHERHOOD QueerSkinBrotherhood@googlemail.com

PROUD 2 B PARENTS GROUP Moss Side Surestart Children's Centre 30 Selworthy Road Moss Side 0161 226 0162



----------------------------------------------------------BELUGA DIVERS Scuba Diving club for the LGBT community. belugadiving.co.uk


"10 !, 2+ %

ORCA DIVERS 125 Manchester Road, Chorlton, M21 9PG 0161 718 3118 orcadivers.com

Meet at 2pm, 2nd Sunday of every other month in Manchester’s Gay Village. Next meetings: 8th March, 10th May

NORTHERN FLIGHT BADMINTON CLUB For experiences players. northernflight.org.uk


----------------------------------------------------------MANCHESTER BADMINTON CLUB Badminton club 07939 477026


Enjoy a lazy Sunday afternoon, chill & chat over good food and a bottle of wine. For info. or to reserve a place Tel 0781 308 3242 email paulad650@aol.com www.lesbiandiners.co.uk

ABSOLUTELY DANCING Trinity High School every Wed from 8-10pm.

----------------------------------------------------------MANCHESTER PRAIRIE DOGS LINE DANCE CLUB manchesterprairiedogs.co.uk

----------------------------------------------------------NORTHERN JUMP Volleyball Group 07783 297965 northernjump.org.uk

----------------------------------------------------------SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE GROUP geocities.com/gay_gordons_mcr



----------------------------------------------------------WHEELIES FC Mixed womens football every Sunday from 11am to 1pm at Manchester Leisure Sports Centre on Denmark Road.




BOOT SCOOT LINE DANCE bootscoot.co.uk

SALFORD SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Oaklands Hospital, Lancaster Road 0161 212 5717 ----------------------------------------------------------BROOK ADVISORY 55 Regent Street, Eccles, 0161 707 9550 ----------------------------------------------------------THE GATEWAY, Bolton Road, Walkden 0161 212 5717 Monday’s 6pm-8.30pm ----------------------------------------------------------LANCE BURN HEALTH CENTRE, Churchills Way, M6 5QX 0161 212 4600 Tue 6-8.30pm ----------------------------------------------------------SWINTON CLINIC, 139 Partington Lane, Swinton. 0161 212 5100 Tue 6pm-8.30pm ----------------------------------------------------------HIGHER BROUGHTON HEALTH CENTRE, Bevendon Square, M7 4TP 0161 212 4500 Wednesday’s 6pm-8.30pm Friday’s 9.30am-11.30am ----------------------------------------------------------IRLAM MEDICAL CENTRE, MacDonald Road, Irlam M44 5LH 0161 212 5400 Wednesday’s 6pm-8.30pm ----------------------------------------------------------ECCLES HEALTH CENTRE, Corporation Road, Eccles. 0161 212 5500 M30 0EL ----------------------------------------------------------SALFORD PRIMARY CARE TRUST, Albert Street, Eccles M30 0NJ 0161 212 5717 sexualhealth@salford-pct.nhs.uk -----------------------------------------------------------


SALFORD LGBT NETWORK 07947 909 339 www.salfordlgbt.net -----------------------------------------------------------

❏ GREATER MANCHESTER LISTINGS continued SALFORD YOUTH SERVICE LGBT Youth Group @ The Base 0161 778 0702 steve.dyson@salford.gov.uk



PAD 105 Manchester Road, Chorlton, 0161 881 0088 pad-chorlton.co.uk -----------------------------------------------------------

■ BAR BAR BRAW Barlow Moor Road, Chorlton, Manchester -----------------------------------------------------------

■ BAR/EATERIE THE LEAD STATION 99 Beech Road, Chorlton 0161 881 5559 -----------------------------------------------------------

■ SAUNA HEAT 496A Wilbraham Rd, Chorlton, 0161 860 6666, sauna for gay and bi men. -----------------------------------------------------------


■ PUBS, CLUBS & BARS BEDROCK 362 Blackburn Rd 07745 517523

----------------------------------------------------------THE YORK 112-114 Newport St, 01204 403000

----------------------------------------------------------THE STAR 11 Bow St, 01204 361113

----------------------------------------------------------TOUCH OF CLASS A monthly disco for lesbian and bisexual women. 139 High Street. 07834 483646 doreen.single@ntlworld.co.uk

----------------------------------------------------------BOLTON GAY & BISEXUAL GROUP Bolton PCT, call Howard, 01204 387442 or 07795 017886

MENTAL HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICE (MhIST) 30 Chorley New Road, Bolton BL1 4AP 01204 527200 www.mhist.co.uk



BOLTON GAY & BISEXUAL GROUP call Howard, 01204 387442 or 07795 017886

-----------------------------------------------------------HIV WORKER Emma Massey 01204 390772

----------------------------------------------------------MENTAL HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICE (MhIST) 30 Chorley New Road, Bolton BL1 4AP 01204 527200 www.mhist.co.uk




SAME DAY HIV TEST CLINIC. North Manchester General Hospital 0161 720 2845

BAR VEGAS 37 Bailey Street, 01706 860 005 -----------------------------------------------------------




THE TURNPIKE Gay Owned Lees Road 0161 343 0220 -----------------------------------------------------------



ROYAL OLDHAM HOSPITAL Rochdale Road, 0161 627 0420

GAY & BISEXUAL MEN’S GROUP Mondays 7-9pm, 01204 387442

----------------------------------------------------------THE PHOENIX SEXUAL HEALTH CENTRE Royal Oldham Hospital, Oldham, 0161 627 8394



UNDER 25 GAY & BISEXUAL GROUP Wednesdays 6-8pm, 01204 387442


BURY ■ CLINIC/GROUPS THE BARLOW SUITE CLINIC Fairfield Hospital, Rochdale Old Rd, 0161 778 2755

----------------------------------------------------------CONNEXIONS 13-15 Broad Street, 0161 253 7165 Safe environment for young LGBTQ’s ----------------------------------------------------------YOUNG PERSON'S ADVISORY SERVICE (YPAS) Parsons Lane, Bury, BL9 0JZ. 0161 761 2136. Sexual health services for under 20’s. -----------------------------------------------------------

----------------------------------------------------------BOLTON CENTRE FOR SEXUAL HEALTH Minerva Road, Farnworth, 01204 390771

----------------------------------------------------------HIV WORKER Emma Massey 01204 390772


----------------------------------------------------------OUT IN OLDHAM 0161 627 0200 info@outinoldham.org.uk for 13-25 LGBs.



DOG & DUCK 25 St. Domingos St, 07999 060646 www.thedogandduck.com ----------------------------------------------------------THE ABBEY INN Mixed 77 West Street, Oldham wynieladfreak.com -----------------------------------------------------------


PENNINE SAUNA 96 Rochdale Rd, Shaw, 01706 842 000 -----------------------------------------------------------


THE BRIDGE SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC, BAILLIE STREET 01706 627 8753 ----------------------------------------------------------CRISIS INTERVENTION TEAM 01706 517 613 ----------------------------------------------------------SEXUAL HEALTH PROMOTION UNIT 01706 517 613 -----------------------------------------------------------

STOCKPORT ■ PUBS, CLUBS & BARS ARDEN ARMS 23 Millgate, 0161 480 2185 -----------------------------------------------------------

■ GROUPS CENTRAL YOUTH ADVICE AND INFO. Counselling and sexual healh services for young people up to 25. 0161 480 9600. ----------------------------------------------------------PEOPLE LIKE US (PLUS) 07717 038868, 7.30PM Social support group info@stockportplus.org stockportplus.org LGBT Group, 2nd Wed of month at The Arden Arms ----------------------------------------------------------THE BASE LGB YOUTH GROUP 0161 477 4096 or contact Allison on 0161 476 1338 thebase@stockport.gov.uk ----------------------------------------------------------PLUS EXERCISE GROUP (PEG) - Arranges monthly walks in the Stockport area. Contact Andy for details on 0161 419 4840. ----------------------------------------------------------PLUS READING GROUP Contact Andy for details on 0161 419 4840 -----------------------------------------------------------

■ CLINICS NHS WALK IN CENTRE MCR AIRPORT, TERMINAL 1 0161 489 2109, 7am-10pm ----------------------------------------------------------GUM DEPARTMENT STEPPING HILL HOSPITAL 0161 419 5370 ------------------------------------------------------------

■ FUNERALS HELEN SMITH FUNERALS Funerals that are individual, fitting and true 07870 541668 helensmithfunerals.co.uk ------------------------------------------------------------

EMMA-LEIGH’S MANCHESTER SCENE To me this sends a strong message that everyday all over the world we are coming together to take a stand against narrow mindedness and bullying. Easter Bank holiday weekend kicks off on Friday April 10th and in true Village style there will be plenty going on to help you celebrate your long weekend off work.

THE DAY OF SILENCE WILL BE HELD IN AMERICA ON APRIL 17TH AND HAS BEEN GOING NOW FOR 13 YEARS. This is a project of the gay, lesbian & straight education network and involves students from all over the USA taking a vow of silence to help raise awareness of the bullying, harassment and in effect, the silencing experienced by LGBT Students across America.

FOR THE BOYS The Outpost on Whitworth street next door to Legends is the perfect venue during the week to grab a bite to eat with friends and chill out. On the weekend's its steps it up a notch for pre-Legends drinks & dancing. Essential will be hosting a brand new night on Saturday 11th April. “Wild Fruit” is a night not to be missed. Party with the fruity go-go boys and dress your head for the Madhatter Madness. Starring Wild

Fruit DJ's Kate Whildblood & Queen Josephine in the main arena. FOR THE GIRLS I don't think I am wrong in saying that most of us girls who love girls also love Pink. Well she's back at the M.E.N Arena on Saturday the 25th April for her funhouse tour and Vanilla are hosting one of their infamous after party's in her honour. DJ'S Merry & Furey will be blasting out the best of pink every 30 mins. Plus £2 drinks deals all night long - perfect.

Whitworth street and is host to a massive party every Saturday night. With 4 rooms and a great mix of people its well worth a look in. £5 entry on the door. You know that Sunday morning feeling, hungover and hungry? Well why not go and have a slap up Sunday Lunch @ Eden? At only £6.95 for one course, £9.95 for two or a whole 3 courses for £12.95 its a steal. There is of course a vegetarian option too.

BEST OF THE REST Start your weekend off in style with “Camp Attack” @ View bar on Fridays. Nothing reminds you its the weekend like a good dance to some cheesy pop & old skool on one of the most danced upon dance floors in the Village!

LAST WORD The promoters of Homo-Electric are @ Charlies on Harter Street on Saturday 11th April, a night for homos, hetros, lesbos, dont knows and disko asbos. Only £4.98 on the door. Homo-Electric is a well established name ion the Village and they never fail to entertain.

Legends is just a stone throw away from the Village on

Emma-Leigh x ems_mojo@hotmail.co.uk


❏ GREATER MANCHESTER LISTINGS continued ■ SOLICITORS O'NEILL PATIENT SOLICITORS Chester House, 2 Chester Road, Hazel Grove, Stockport 0161 483 8555 oneillpatient.co.uk ----------------------------------------------------------B. J. MCKENNA & CO 182A Heaton Moor Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport SK4 4DU 0161 432 5757 bj.mckenna@zen.co.uk -----------------------------------------------------------

■ AGENCIES AGE CONCERN, 56 Wellington Street 0161 480 1211 ----------------------------------------------------------COMMUNITY HIV NURSE 07879 628918 ----------------------------------------------------------SOCIAL SERVICE HIV TEAM ADULTS 0161 419 5569 ----------------------------------------------------------SS HIV TEAM CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE 0161 475 6700 ----------------------------------------------------------STOCKPORT CENTRE FOR HEALTH PROMOTION Regent House Heaton Lane 0161 426 5091 -----------------------------------------------------------

----------------------------------------------------------NO ATTITUDE 0161 912 2453, LGB Youth Group -----------------------------------------------------------

WIGAN ■ GROUPS THE B.YOU PROJECT 01942 203363, LGB Youth ----------------------------------------------------------WOMEN OUT IN WIGAN PO Box 287, Wigan, 07812 517543 ----------------------------------------------------------WIGAN PRIDE (WISK) 01942 242999 wiganpride.cjb.net -----------------------------------------------------------


WIEND BAR 4-12 The Wiend WN1 1PJ 01942 824766 wiendbar.co.uk ----------------------------------------------------------CLUB NIRVANA Monthly club night nirvana-wigan.co.uk ----------------------------------------------------------THE WAITING ROOM Weekly club / bar www.pop-wigan.co.uk -----------------------------------------------------------


SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Royal Albert Infirmary, Wigan Lane, 01942 822 277 -----------------------------------------------------------

TAMESIDE ■ CLINIC CRICKETS LANE CLINIC (GUM) Crickets Lane, Ashton-Under-Lyne, 0161 339 2222 -----------------------------------------------------------



NEW START TRUST Alderman Downward House, Wythenshawe 0161 498 0615. -----------------------------------------------------------

■ CLINIC THE TRAFFORD CENTRE FOR SEXUAL HEALTH Trafford Hospital, Moorside Rd, 0161 746 2621 -----------------------------------------------------------




RELATE 346 Chester Road, 0161 872 0303 -----------------------------------------------------------

Velvet’s restaurant and bar have always hard quirky design features, and their brand new boutique hotel more than lives up to this reputation for individuality. Each of the 19 high-quality rooms has a unique personality, there something for all tastes. Think ultra-modern Manhattan loft meets sexy parisian Moulin Rouge! The standard ‘Velvet King’ rooms are spacious and sumptuously decorated in Rococo-revival style, with ornate headboards, barouque mirrors, and artwork varying from classical paintings, graffiti murals to antique erotic prints. Every room features a large flat-screen TV, high-spec DVD player and iPod docking statio, together with a well stocked mini-bar. There ‘Balcony King’ rooms are similar to the Velvet King in overall layout, but they each include a balcony overlooking Canal St, complete with an outdoor heater for those chilly Manchester nights. Finally, there are three spectacular ‘Penthouse’ rooms, split over two levels, with a living area and mezzanine and level bedroom. These rooms (again, all decorated differently) are breathtaking and for a special occasion, or to flash the cash, a visit will not be forgotton. Although not marketed as an exclusively gay hotel, Velvet’s location on Canal St is likely to ensure both a large proportion of gay and lesbian guests, and a truly gay-friendly service. The Hotel is due to open 1st April. 2 Canal Street, Manchester, M1 3HE t: 0161 236 9003 f: 0161 236 7127 info@velvetmanchester.com www.velvetmanchester.com


HIV SUPPORT GROUP 0161 912 4611 hivpractitione@trafford.org.uk













7 8











SAUNA THE STEAM COMPLEX SAUNA Steam Complex, Eyres Avenue, Armley, LS12 3BA, 01132 798885 www.steamcomplex.com -----------------------------------------------------------SEXUAL HEALTH / CLINIC THE CENTRE FOR SEXUAL HEALTH Sunnybank Wing, Great George Street, Leeds. LS1 3EX Appointments: 0113 392 6724 or 0113 392 6725 Health Advisors: 0113 392 6057 -----------------------------------------------------------YORKSHIRE MESMAC www.mesmac.co.uk ------------------------------------------------------------

❏ Huddersfield PUBS, CLUBS AND BARS THE GREYHOUND West Yorkshire HD1 3HJ 01484 420 742 -----------------------------------------------------------THE NEW UNION 3 Union Bank Yard, New Street, HD1 2BP Opening times: 'day to late' including Fri till 3am and Sat till 5am. 01484 535435 ------------------------------------------------------------

❏ Yorkshire - HEBDEN BRIDGE

❏ Barnsley PUBS, CLUBS AND BARS THE MANX ARMS 32 Sheffield Road, Barnsley 07812 319976 www.themanxarms.com



PUBS, CLUBS AND BARS 1 CLONE ZONE 164 Briggate 0113 242 6967 Open ‘til 7, 7days a week -----------------------------------------------------------2 QUEEN’S COURT/LOFT 166 Lower Briggate 0113 245 9449 -----------------------------------------------------------3 BAR FIBRE Lower Briggate 08701 200888 -----------------------------------------------------------4 BASEMENT SAUNA 7 Heaton’s Court 0113 242 7730 -----------------------------------------------------------5 MISSION 8 – 13 Heaton’s Court 08701 220114 -----------------------------------------------------------6 BLAYDE’S BAR 3 – 7 Blayde’s Yard 0113 244 5590 ------------------------------------------------------------

7 THE NEW PENNY 57 – 59 Call Lane 0113 243 8055 -----------------------------------------------------------8 THE BRIDGE 1 – 5 Bridge End 0113 244 4734 -----------------------------------------------------------XIBIT 24 – 32 Bridge End 0113 368 4648 -----------------------------------------------------------VIADUCT 11 Lower Briggate 0113 245 4863 -----------------------------------------------------------RELIGION 174 Lower Briggate LS1 6DT 0113 246 9898 religionleeds.co.uk -----------------------------------------------------------OLD RED LION Meadow Lane, Leeds. York Road, Whinmoor, LS14 2AD 0113 273 5573 ------------------------------------------------------------

PUBS, CLUBS AND BARS NELSONS WINE BAR Crown Street 01422 844 782 ------------------------------------------------------------

❏ Yorkshire - SCARBOROUGH PUBS, CLUBS AND BARS BACCHUS 7a Ramshill Road, Scarborough Lesbian and Gay Club, diverse crowd www.bacchus-scarborough.co.uk ------------------------------------------------------------


❏ Lancashire - BLACKBURN

CLINIC CUMBERLAND INFIRMARY 01228 814814 --------------------------------------------------------SAUNA SWEAT SAUNA CLUB NOW OPEN Atlas House Nelson St CA2 5NB ---------------------------------------------------------

PUBS, CLUBS AND BARS BAR IBIZA 43 Darwen St 01254 695379 --------------------------------------------------------C’EST LA VIE Never Never Lane 11-15 Market St 01254 691877 --------------------------------------------------------STAGEDOOR 23 Mincing Lane 01254 674761 --------------------------------------------------------CLINIC SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Blackburn Royal Infirmary Bolton Rd 01254 687 304 --------------------------------------------------------SHOUT youngsters sexual health 01254 300126 shoutteam@yahoo.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------

❏ Cumbria - KENDAL CLINIC SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Westmorland General Hospital Burton Rd 01539 795 217 --------------------------------------------------------GROUPS CUMBRIA SOCIETIES Brewery Arts Centre c/o Switchboard 01524 847 437 --------------------------------------------------------CUMBRIA LESBIANS NETWORK 1st Sat of month 01539 741 285 clnetwork@sky.com ---------------------------------------------------------

❏ Cumbria - AMBLESIDE GUEST HOUSES / B&B CHAPEL HOUSE Kirkstone Rd 01539 433 143 chapelhouse-ambleside.co.uk --------------------------------------------------------THORNCLIFFE lesbian owned - Windermere 015394 44338 thorncliffe-guesthouse.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------

❏ Cumbria - WORKINGTON PUBS, CLUBS AND BARS STEAM PACKET INN 51 Stanley Street 01900 62186 --------------------------------------------------------CLINIC WORKINGTON INFIRMARY Infirmary Lane 01900 68737 ---------------------------------------------------------

❏ Cumbria - BARROW IN FURNESS CLINIC FURNESS GENERAL HOSPITAL Dalton Lane 01229 822760 --------------------------------------------------------GROUPS FURNESS LGBT FORUM c/o Wendy Phizacklea, 01229 836 426 or 07742 353 520 --------------------------------------------------------JIGSAW LGBT 18+ social group 01229 836426 wendyphizacklea@youngcumbria.org.uk --------------------------------------------------------LGBT YOUTH IN BARROW 13 -17 Thurs 7pm Resource Centre Suffolk St. 01229 836426 or 07742 353520 --------------------------------------------------------CUMBRIA LESBIANS NETWORK (CLN) 01524 858206 clnetwork@tiscali.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------

❏ Lancashire - BURNLEY PUBS, CLUBS AND BARS GUYS AS DOLLS 133 St James Street 01282 414895 --------------------------------------------------------BACKSTAGE BAR 135 St James Street 01282 414895 --------------------------------------------------------GABRIELS Graffiti Club, Bethesda Road, Burnley Every Saturday from 10pm-3am --------------------------------------------------------CLINIC SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Burnley General Hospital Casterton Ave 01282 474032 --------------------------------------------------------CAFÉ RED TRIANGLE CAFÉ St. James Street 01282 832319 --------------------------------------------------------GROUPS QUAKER L&G FELLOWSHIP North West Group 16 Newfield Drive Nelson 01282 605724 --------------------------------------------------------FLAG - FORUM FOR LESBIAN AND GAYS 01282 430707 gayflagburnley.org.uk ---------------------------------------------------------

❏ Lancashire - CHORLEY GROUPS POUT! Youth group and helpline Every Wednesday 0800 7831524 pout99@hotmail.com --------------------------------------------------------AGENCY PROJECT OSCAR LGBT info. & support 0800 7835345 project-oscar@chorley-pct.nhs.uk ---------------------------------------------------------

AGENCIES - CONTINUED PROJECT OSCAR LGBT info. & support 0800 7835345 project-oscar@chorley-pct.nhs.uk -------------------------------------------------------GROUPS FAMILY & PARTNERS SUPPORT GROUP PO Box 72 Preston PR5 1PH 01772 621111 -------------------------------------------------------UCLAN LGBT SOCIETY Every Thurs at 8.30pm ro@cantthinkstraight.co.uk (female) or martin@cantthinkstraight.co.uk -------------------------------------------------------LANCASHIRE LESBIAN CONNECTION e-mail: lesbian_connection@yahoo.co.uk -------------------------------------------------------PRESTON LGBT CENTRE GROUP 07936 712478 prestonlgbt.co.uk -------------------------------------------------------CENTRAL LANCASHIRE HIV ADVICE Jacqueline Garcia Sanchez on 01772 825 684 HelpLine Office 01772 253 840 Drugline Lancashire Ltd, 2 Union Court Union Street, Preston PR1 2HD --------------------------------------------------------

❏ Lancashire - LANCASTER CLUB NIGHTS DANCING DIVA For more information, email: dancingdiva5@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------PUBS, CLUBS AND BARS THE GREGSON CENTRE Moor Lane Last Wed of Month 01524 849959 -------------------------------------------------------THE DUKE OF LANCASTER SHOWBAR 75 Church Street, Lancaster 01524 66909 -------------------------------------------------------GROUPS PYRO (Proud Youth Are Out) 07717 301821 pyro@ed.lancscc.gov.uk -------------------------------------------------------LESBIAN & GAY SWITCHBOARD 01524 847437 Thur/Fri 7-9pm -------------------------------------------------------LESBIAN SOCIAL GROUP (All ages) lunettes@btinternet.com for information --------------------------------------------------------

GAY FRIENDLY BAR IN ACCRINGTON: The Kings Arms, Gay run pub in Accrington CLINICS ROYAL LANCASTER INFIRMARY Ashton Community Care Centre 01524 387402 --------------------------------------------------------

❏ Lancashire - MORECAMBE CLINIC SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Queen Victoria Centre Thornton Rd 01524 405 704 --------------------------------------------------------

❏ Lancashire - ORMSKIRK PUBS THE LOLLIPOP LOUNGE thelollipop.co.uk -------------------------------------------------------GROUPS GAY COMMUNITY SUPPORT lgbt.uni.cc 07982 341496 / 07896 604593 -------------------------------------------------------AGENCY PROJECT OSCAR LGBT info. & support 0800 7835345 project-oscar@chorley-pct.nhs.uk ---------------------------------------------------------

❏ Isle Of Man HOTELS: DEVONIAN HOTEL Gay Friendly 4 Sherwood Terrace, 01624 674676 --------------------------------------------------------PITCARN HOTEL Gay Friendly 2 Church Road, Douglas 01624 674771 --------------------------------------------------------PUB - TRAFALGER PUBLIC HOUSE Gay Friendly South Quay, Douglas 01624 618131 ---------------------------------------------------------

❏ Staffordshire SOUTH STAFFS MESMEN PROJECT PO Box 3919 Lichfield Married Men’s Group TV/TS Group & Social Groups 01543 411413 --------------------------------------------------------SPACE LGBT YOUTH GROUP (16-21) 01543 419002 youth@mesmen.co.uk --------------------------------------------------------STAFFORDSHIRE BUDDIES PO Box 474 Hanley Stoke on Trent 01782 201251 ---------------------------------------------------------

❏ Lancashire - PRESTON PUBS, CLUBS AND BARS BLOWING WILD Grimshaw St 01772 881616 --------------------------------------------------------OBLIVION 12-14 Grimshaw St 01772 252876 --------------------------------------------------------CLINIC SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Royal Preston Hospital Sharoe Green Lane 01772 522814 --------------------------------------------------------AGENCIES PRESTON HIV SUPPORT TEAM PO Box 515 Preston PR1 8XP Helpline 01772 468170 phivst@aol.com ---------------------------------------------------------

Do you play the lottery? Well why sign up to www.LGF.lottopartners.co.uk and find a smarter way to play the UK lotto & Euromillions!! Have a share of 88 lines for just £5! Visit www.LGF.lottopartners.co.uk watch the video and sign up to be in with a better chance of winning! The LGF does not encourage you to gamble, however, if you already play the UK Lotto or EuroMillions, then increase your chance of winning big and visit our new website www.LGF.lottopartners.co.uk today and join our syndicate!

Leeds Gets Get etts Its First Firsst Weekend Weeke e kend Gay Gay Night In Y Ye Years, ea arss, With Back Door Disco o – held at a hidden venue venu ue The Leeds’ The Leeds’ Gay Gay scene scene is set for for a shak shake e up with the launch of the city’s city ’s first weekend w eekend Queer Queer night night in yyears. ears. B Back ack D Door oor D Disco, isco, which will be be housed in a hidden hid dden vvenue enue next next do door or to to Club Club M Mission ission and b behind ehind the Fiori Fiori Flower Flower Shop Shop on Heatons Heaton ns Court, C ourt, op opens ens on Saturday Saturday the 25th A April. p il. pr T he night night will b e held in a hidden club b beneath beneath the railway railway ar ches on Heatons Heatonss The be arches C ourt, which,, until until no w, has rremained emained secr eted aaway way ne xt do or tto oM ission. W ith Court, now, secreted next door Mission. With ttwo wo rooms rooms and floors, floors, a decadent decadent glass glasss topped topped wall-to-wall wall-to-wall bar e bar,r, and a massiv massive danc e arena arena with a huge 600 p erson capacity, capacity, this will be be one of the North North East’s Easst’s dance person biggest ga venues. gayy venues. ““In In keeping keeping w ith the the times, times, drinks drinks will will be be on on offer offer at at a credit-crunching credit-crunching £ 2.50 aand nd with £2.50 the door door tax will never never be be higher than £5. There There will also be be plenty plenty of opportunities opportunities each month month ffor or o clubb ers to to pick up free free e entry entry for for themselves themselves and their friends. friends. clubbers “ The huge vvenue, enue, which has been been designed dessigned to to the highest quality, quality, with an “The enchanting, flo wer filled EEden den of an en ntrance, is sur e tto ob ecome a M ecca ffor or th he enchanting, flower entrance, sure become Mecca the sur rounding scenes scenes of Manchester Manchester and and Sheffield.” Sheffield.” surrounding B ack Door Door Disco Disco promises promises to to be be a much mu uch needed weekend weekend dose of bad ass Gay Gay Back clubbing. The The launch will be be unmissable. unmissab ble. clubbing. FFor or more more inf fo ormation,, check out www w.myspace.com/backdoordiscoleeds information, www.myspace.com/backdoordiscoleeds 55



L GIRLS GROUP Contact Lindsey on 07972 409551 or Andy on 07875 355 390 for further details TRANSINCLUSION GROUP For further details contact Charlotte on 07833 161 132 or Andrew Thompson on 07875 355 390

Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People


Email: helpline@lgf.org.uk

LANCASHIRE LAD’S GROUP F/M Trans support and social group meets every second Tuesday of the month at he SHIVER offices 1020 Dickson Road Blackpool 01253 311 431. Contact Lewis on 07833 738 035 or Stefan on 07768 956 640 or Andy 07875 355 390 for further details

Local rate applies

RELAXATION GROUP contact Helen or Jo at SHIVER 102 Dickson Road Blackpool 01253 311 431 for further details HEP C SUPPORT GROUP Second and fourth Tuesday of the month contact Helen or Jo at SHIVER 102 Dickson Road Blackpool 01253 311 431 for further details WOMEN’S GROUP Contact Helen or Jo at SHIVER 102 Dickson Road Blackpool on 01253 311 431 CITY LEARNING CENTRE Bathurst Avenue, 01253 478 309 www.clcbusiness.com

❑ PUBS, CLUBS & BARS TRADES BAR Men Only 38-42 Queen Street FY1 2AY 01253 318798 tradesbar.co.uk 1

THE ALABAMA SHOWBOAT Gay friendly 1 Cocker Square FY1 1RX 01253 291155 thealabama.co.uk


FG2 Mixed 5 Dickson Rd FY1 2AX 01253 649153 fg2online.co.u

MILLENIUM VOLUNTEERS Young people 16-24, 15 Rigby Road, 01253 476656 sam.osborne@blackpool.gov.uk



12 ROXY’S Gay friendly 23 Queen Street FY1 1NL 01253 622573 roxysonline.co.uk TABOO Mixed 69-71 Talbot Road FY1 1LL 01253 622573 tabooonline.co.uk


BED & BREAKFAST OPEN ALL YEAR Minutes from the Gay Scene email: willowfieldgh@blueyonder.co.uk www.willowfield-guesthouse.co.uk 5


THE FLAMINGO NIGHTCLUB Mixed 44 Queen Street, FY1 2AY 01253 649151 flamingoonline.co.uk THE FLYING HANDBAG Mixed 44 Queen Street FY1 2AY 01253 649155 flyinghandbagonline.co.uk


FUNNY GIRLS Gay friendly 5 Dickson Road FY1 2AX 01253 649154 funnygirlsonline.co.uk


MARDI GRAS Mixed 114 Talbot Road 01253 296262 gayzout.co.uk/themardigras.html

10 PEPE’S BAR Mostly men 94 Talbot Road FY1 1LR 01253 626691 pepesonline.co.uk 11 NEW ROAD INN Gay 244 Talbot Road FY1 3HL 01253 628872 astabgay.com/Blackpool_Gay_Pubs.htm

13 ACQUA SAUNA CLUB 25-26 Springfield Rd 01253 294610 acquasaunas.com HONEYCOMBE SAUNA 97-107 Egerton Road FY1 2NN 01253 752211 honeycombe.net 8 ❑WET WET WET SAUNA 01253 751 199 wetwetwetsauna.co.uk Blackpool's newest luxury sauna complex for Gay & Bisexual men

❑ EATERIES SLICES SANDWICH HOUSE Gay Owned 10 King Street. FY1 3EJ 01253 751441 AJ'S BISTRO Gay Friendly 65 Topping Street. FY1 3AF 01253 626111 16 AUTUMN LEAVES Gay Friendly 82 Topping Street. FY1 3AD 01253 620730 THE BUTTERY 1 Cheapside 01253 296667 14 CAFE USA 78 Talbot Rd 01253 752267 DON ANTONIO 91 Redbank Rd 01253 352440


15 LEVANTE 55 Topping St 01253 626941 MANDARIN CANTONESE RESTAURANT Gay Friendly 27 Clifton Street. FY1 1JD 01253 622687 NITE BITES Gay Friendly 50A Dickson Rd. FY1 2AJ 01253 627976 O’HENRYS EATERIE 76 Dickson Road 01253 752666 TRUFFLES STEAK HOUSE Gay friendly 51 / 53 Topping Street. FY1 3AF 01253 294804 18 WEST COAST ROCK CAFE Gay friendly 5/7 Abingdon Street 01253 751283

❑ GROUPS Ok2be Support service in Blackpool for young people up to 19 years of age. Contact: Hayley Mills on 01253 754841 or email: Hayley.mills@Blackpool.gov.uk HEAL Info & help re: HIV 01253 290 052 LIBERTY CHURCH 07955 597771 libertychurchblackpool.org.uk

55+ OLDER MEN’S GROUP meets every second Monday of the month at the SHIVER offices 102 Dickson Road Ring Andrew Thompson on 07878 355 390. SWOSS (SEX WORKERS SUPPORT SERVICES) drop in on a Monday 2.004.00pm at the SHIVER offices 102 Dickson Road Blackpool 01253 311 431 for further details contact Charleen on 07811 192 517 WOMEN’S GROUP Contact Helen or Jo at SHIVER 102 Dickson Road Blackpool on 01253 311 431

Chaps Hotel 9-11 Cocker Street, Blackpool, FY1 1SF. Telephone 01253 620541

Quality Accommodation Reasonable Prices

Exclusively Men Only Close to all the bars clubs and saunas

www.chapshotel.co.uk ❑ CLINICS / SEXUAL HEALTH SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Victoria Hospital Whinney Heys Rd 01253 306926 19 HIV NURSING TEAM 18a Queen St 01253 651930 20 NHS DROP IN CENTRE Talbot Rd BODY POSITIVE BLACKPOOL 23 South King Street 01253 292803 SHIVER Sexual Health HIV Education & Responses Drugline Lancashire Ltd at The Corner House, 102 Dickson Road, Blackpool, Lancashire FY1 2BU 01253 311 431

❑ SOLICITORS ATKINSON, CAVE & STUART 45 Springfield Road, 01253 293151

❏ BLACKPOOL & CLASSIFIEDS continued ❑ BARBERS/HAIRDRESSING PAUL'S Unisex hairdresser 5 General Street. FY1 1RW 01253 290928


DARAN HAIRDRESSING Gay owned 10 Edward Street. FY1 1BA 01253 441000 darans.co.uk

LISTINGS ARE BEING UPDATED! outnorthwest is constantly updating these listings. If your details are incorrect, or you would like to be added to the listings, please contact listings@lgf.org.uk

EVOLUTION HAIR STUDIO Gay owned 255 Dickson Road. FY1 2JH 01253 620677

❑ GARDEN CENTRES THE GARDEN PLACE Gay Owned Cropper Road, FY4 5LB 01253 699987


Some hotels share map numbers due to space restrictions

SMILE SPA AT HELIO FITNESS Newton Drive, Blackpool 01253 393909 atsmilespa.com

BLACKPOOL LGBT READING GROUP Blackpool Central Library, Queen Street, Blackpool Meetings every last Thursday of each month at 6.30pm www.blackpool4me.com /Blackpool4Me/Community/ LGBT/LGBTReadingGroup THE RENAISSANCE TRANSGENDER SUPPORT GROUP meetings twice monthly. Renaissance Web-site & Forum www.gynwayblackpool.com/ renaissance_transgender_forum.htm


❑ BLACKPOOL - HOTEL LISTINGS NORTHERN LIGHTS HOTEL 26 Springfield Road FY1 1QL 01253 317016 ----------------------------------------------------------2 BROOKLYN 7 Wilton Parade 01253 627003 ----------------------------------------------------------4

HONEYCOMBE SAUNA 97-107 Egerton Rd FY1 2NN 01253 752211 honeycombe.net

---------------------------------------------------------5 GRAMPIAN HOUSE 4 Pleasant St 01253 291648 ---------------------------------------------------------7 NEW BOND 72 Lord St 01253 628123 ---------------------------------------------------------7 ASH LEA HOTEL 76 Lord St 01253 628161 ashleighotel.com ---------------------------------------------------------7

GABRIELLE’S (Lesbian) 77 Lord St 01253 295565 ---------------------------------------------------------8 WESTFIELD HOUSE 78 Lord St 01253 621992 westfieldhouse.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------9 LENBROOK 69 Lord St 01253 626737 ---------------------------------------------------------10 THE WILCOT HOTEL 80 Lord St 01253 621101 ---------------------------------------------------------10 PARK HOUSE 81 Lord St 01253 314571 ---------------------------------------------------------10 ASTOR HOTEL 83-85 Lord St 01253 290669 ----------------------------------------------------------

11 COLIN’S 9 Cocker St 01253 620541 12 LONSDALE HOTEL 25 Cocker St 01253 621628 13 WORCESTER HOUSE 22 Cocker St 01253 620007 14 PIER VIEW 16 Banks St 01253 624560 15 HIGHBANK HOTEL 46 Banks St 01253 294797 15 WARWICK HOLIDAY FLATS 01253 623787 16 SANDYLANDS 47 Banks St 01253 294670 18 LYNMAR 74 High St 01253 290046 19 LEGENDS HOTEL 45 Lord St 01253 620300

19 MARDI GRAS 41 Lord St 01253 751087 19 BRENE HOTEL 37 Lord Street 01253 621854 19 RUBENS HOTEL 39 Lord St 01253 622920 19 SEACROFT SUITES 27 Lord St 01253 628304 19 NEVADA 23 Lord St 01253 290700 20 GUYZ 16 Lord St 01253 622488 21 NORTHERN STAR 9 Lord St 01253 628073 15 WARWICK 39 Bank St 01253 623787 23 CHAUCER 59 High St 01253 299099 24 TRADES 51 Lord St Men only 01253 626401

26 BELVEDERE 77 Dickson Rd 01253 624733 27 DIXON 84 Dickson Rd 01253 752379 28 VIDELLA 80 Dickson Rd 01253 621201 29 THORNCLIFFE 63 Dickson Rd 01253 622508 30 WINDSOR HOUSE 47 Dickson Rd 0870 620 7000 windsorhousehotel.net 31 EDWARD 27 Dickson Rd 01253 624271 33 STRATFORD 72-74 Dickson Rd 01253 624020 35 ATHOL 3 Mount St 01253 624918 36 GRANBY LODGE 5 Lord St 01253 627842 37 HEATHERDALE LODGE 2 Pleasant St 01253 626268 38 WOODLEIGH 11 Yates St 01253 624997 ANCHORAGE 18 Withnell Rd 01253 341771 LYNDALE COURT HOTEL 01253 354033 CAMELOT 80 Hornby Rd 01253 620518 SUNNYSIDE 16 Charles St 01253 622983 40 MERECLIFF HOTEL 24 Holmfield Rd 01253 356858 (See main map) 41 VILLAGE HOTEL 14 Springfield Road, 01253 290840 McHALL’S HOTEL 5/7 Lord Street, 01253 625661 PRIDE LODGE 12 High St, Blackpool 01253 314752 www.pridelodge.com THE GYNWAY HOTEL 205 Dickson Rd 01253 314747 gynwayblackpool.com SUSSEX HOTEL 14-16 Pleasant Street North Shore 01253 627824 VALENTINE HOTEL 35 Dickson Road, FY1 2AT 01253 622775 valentinehotelblackpool.co.uk DERBY HOTEL, 2 Derby Road 01253 623708 HOTEL NEVADA 23 Lord Street 01253 290700 gaybeds.co.uk PHOENIX 12 Cocker Street 01253 299130 phoenixblackpool.com FOUR SEASONS 74 Lord Street 01253 622583 VIDELLA HOTEL 78B 82 Dickson Road 01253 621201 BLENHEIM HOTEL 75 Lord St FY1 2DA 01253 623204 blenheimhotel.org.uk MOUNT PLEASANT 75 Dickson Road FY1 2BX 01253 620362 mountpleasanthotel.com WILLOWFIELD GUESTHOUSE 51 Banks Street FY1 2BE 01253 623406 willowfield-guesthouse.co.uk


❏ BLACKPOOL & CLASSIFIEDS THE BLACKPOOL SCENE: With DJ Carmen WELL ALMOST TIME FOR BLACKPOOL SEASON TO KICK IN AS WE APPROACH EASTER AND WARMER WEATHER!! I can’t wait to see the back of this cold wind and rain we have been having and start my sunbathing sessions on the Flying Hnadbag roof! Ok firstly, I am told that’s the Blackpool Pride website is looking great and is packed full of the most up to date information available so make sure you all check it out to see the details of confirmed acts etc. www.prideblackpool.com Well out and about on the scene Pride is certainly a hot topic and I know that all the locals are starting to get excited. This years event will be the biggest yet and set in the heart of the Gay Quarter of town. Look out for ‘Pride Factor’, this is a Karaoke competition that will run in the venues over the next few weeks leading up to Pride. Most venues will be having a heat and the final will be held at The Flying Handbag on 3rd May. Check out the Pride website for more info.


The winner will have chance to perform on the Main Stage at Pride and win a Flat Screen TV!! Out and about in town this month there are a few changes - Time Out (ex Lucy’s Two) has had a little refurb and is looking much brighter and has certainly proved popular with the customers - check it out they have entertainment on every night and plenty of drink promotion days to look out for. DJ Irene has now taken over Thursday nights at Bar B and certainly giving them a more bouncy feel, certainly worth checking out if you fancy a cheeky Thursday night drink! I have been on the move and landed in a new slot on Sunday Nights at the Handbag and our Brandy has now taken over Mondays at the Bag with the lovely Lisa Marie as resident vocalist. Don’t forget to check out venue websites and in venue advertising for the most up to date events. Look after yourselves, have a great month and Happy Easter. Love Carmen xx Carmen@djcarmen.com



Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People


Email: helpline@lgf.org.uk

Queer Quarter Tithebarn Street

Tithebarn Street


------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------8

BROKEN BISCUITS monthly Jupiters Bar OSQA’S 0151 709 6611 Oldham Square osqa-restaurant.co.uk -----------------------------------------------------------9 THE LISBON Mixed 35 Victoria Street -----------------------------------------------------------0151 231 6831


THE FEATHERS 119-125 Mount Pleasant St 0151 709 9655 feathers.uk.com ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------TRAVEL INN METRO Vernon Street 11 MODO Concert Square, 0870 238 3325 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 NAVY BAR 27-29 Stanley St 0151 231 1456


13 POSTE HOUSE 23 Cumberland St 19 THE ARMISTEAD PROJECT -----------------------------------------------------------1 Stanley Street 0870 9908996 15 SUPERSTAR BOUDOIR armisteadcentre.co.uk -----------------------------------------------------------22-24 Stanley Street 0151 236 6633 LESBIANLINE Merseyside 0151 708 0234 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FEDERATION LIVERPOOL Monthly Gay SAHIR HOUSE PO Box 11 Liverpool Night clubfederation.com -----------------------------------------------------------0151 708 9080 GIRLS GO DOWN Monthly Lesbian Night -----------------------------------------------------------myspace.com/girlsgodown SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC -----------------------------------------------------------Royal Liverpool Hospital Prescot St 17 DESTINATION LIVERPOOL 0151 706 2620 Temple street, off Victoria Street -----------------------------------------------------------giveusablow@club-destination.co.uk AIDS HELPLINE 0151 709 9000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PEACH SAUNA 22 Sir Thomas Street Liverpool 0151 236 5321 -----------------------------------------------------------LIVERPOOL SAUNA 1 Bank Hall Street Kirkdale 0151 944 2240 ------------------------------------------------------------

❏ SHOPS 20 NEWS FROM NOWHERE - BOOKSHOP 96 Bold Street 0151 708 7270 ------------------------------------------------------------

Are You Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual? G Space is a Halton (Widnes and Runcorn) Youth service offering info and advice for young people. Contact us on 07789 332 880 or 0151 422 5503 haltongspace@hotmail.co.uk

OUTRITE Support and Social Groups, 121 Support Services, Counselling. Free Condoms and Lube by post. 01270 653156 www.outrite.org DIVA’S Womens Group @ The Armistead Project



Bold Street

Back Berry Stre

Berry Street Roscoe Lane

-----------------------------------------------------------puschka.co.uk 6 PINK 4-6 Victoria St 0151 255 0502 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE MONRO Gastropub 92-94 Duke 7 G BAR Mixed Eberle Street Street 0151 707 9933 themonro.com 0151 258 1230 g-bar.com -----------------------------------------------------------ESPRESSO PLUS COFFEE -----------------------------------------------------------8 JUPITERS 10 Hackins Hey off Dale St Bar and Bistro 173 Rose Lane 0151 227 5265 Mossley Hill, Liverpool 0151 724 6161


Roscoe Place

Wood Street

MERSEY MARAUDERS Gay football club includes Liverpool, Wirral, Chester and Wigan mmfootball.co.uk mmfootball@hotmail.co.uk ------------------------------------------------------------


Colquitt Street

Colquitt Street



Bold Street

Wood Street

Fleet Street

et Back Culquitt Stre

Seel Street



Slater Street

Victoria Street 21


-----------------------------------------------------------10 THE MASQUERADE Mixed 10 Cumberland St 0151 236 7786 masqueradebar.com

Seel Street


Parr Street


Victoria Street

Concert Street


Suffolk Street

Duke Street



CAFE TABAC Gay Owned 126 Bold Street 0151 709 3735 -----------------------------------------------------------3 QUEER NATION Gay Victoria Street 0151 236 4832 ❏ RESTAURANTS / FOOD -----------------------------------------------------------4 CURZON CLUB Mixed Temple Lane 2 CAFE TABAC Gay owned 126 Bold Street 0151 236 5160 curzonliverpool.co.uk 0151 709 3735 ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------5 GARLANDS Mixed 8-10 Eberle St PUSCHKA Gay owned Eatery 0151 709 9586 garlandsonline.co.uk 16 Rodney St 0151 708 8698


Duke Street



Sir Thomas Street



Cumberland Street


Stanley Street

Temple Street

Temple Lane

Princes Street

North John Street


Train Station Parking Cash Machine Pedestrianised


Davies Street



88 Listing Indicator


Dale Street

Dale Street

Sweeting Street

Cunliffe St. Hockenhall All.


Vernon Street

Eberle Street



Tempest Hey


Around FACT Hackins Hey

Exchange Street East


Local rate applies

Piccadilly Train Station

❏ MISCELLANEOUS BETHLEHEM COMMUNITY CHURCH Serving LGBT Christians across Merseyside bethlehemcommunitychurch.org.uk -----------------------------------------------------------GAYS OUT WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES (GOLD) 0870 9908996 -----------------------------------------------------------GAY PROFESSIONAL DINING CLUB 2nd Sat of month 0151 2807842 igdc@talk21.com -----------------------------------------------------------HOPE PRIDE Derwent House Taggart Ave Childwall 0151 2913651 lgbtofficer@hope.ac.uk -----------------------------------------------------------QUEST LGBT CATHOLICS 3rd Saturday of month 07983 021 589 liverpool@questgaycatholic.org.uk -----------------------------------------------------------GAY YOUTH ‘R’ OUT (GYRO) LGB youth 16-25 36 Bolton Street 0151 203 0824 gyro.org.uk -----------------------------------------------------------LIVERPOOL STUDENTS UNION LGBT SOCIETY 0151 231 4947 -----------------------------------------------------------M’SIDE L&G COMMUNITY FORUM 07970 680483 newsfromnowhere.org.uk -----------------------------------------------------------PARENTS & CARERS GROUP 0870 9908996 -----------------------------------------------------------QUEER NOTIONS Meet at the Armistead Project 0151 227 9977 queernotions@hotmail.com -----------------------------------------------------------UNI’ GUILD OF STUDENTS LGBT 160 Mount Pleasant, L69 7BR 0151 794 4165 liverpoollgbt@yahoo.co.uk -----------------------------------------------------------YOUNG GAY SEFTON 0151 330 5841 -----------------------------------------------------------GAYLIVERPOOL.COM Website of Gay Liverpool gayliverpool.com -----------------------------------------------------------OUR STORY LIVERPOOL LGBT History community project 07877 273913 -----------------------------------------------------------SPIRIT LEVEL Transgender support group 0151 227 1893 -----------------------------------------------------------GAY & LESBIAN CHRISTIANS Bold st 0151 547 3562 christian@portnahaven.fsnet.co.uk ------------------------------------------------------------



GROUP EDUCATION, ADVOCACY, CAMPAIGNING SUPPORT ORGANISATION Transsexual intersex people in NW England 90-92 Chester Street, Birkenhead 07905 121656 transwirral.btik.com

CLINIC SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC St Helens Hospital Marshallcross Rd 01744 458383


PUBS, CLUBS & BARS FLEX II Tolver St St Helens 01744 758 439

GROUPS ORMSKIRK GAY COMMUNITY SUPPORT GROUP 07875 603502 info@gay-mail.net gayormskirk.tk

SAUNA DOLPHIN SAUNA 129 Mount Rd New Brighton 0151 630 1516 dolphinsauna.co.uk

ORMSKIRK GAY COMMUNITY GROUP 07933 410732 and 07896 604593 Dumnezeu@hotmail.com lgbt.uni.cc CLINIC SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Ormskirk General Hospital Wigan Rd 01695 571043

❏ SOUTHPORT PUBS, CLUBS & BARS CLUB GLITTER Mixed The Dam Bar, Cable St Every Monday 8pm till late 07989 694536 SYNERGY Formerly The Crown Inn, Coronation Walk, PR8 1RE 07528 156525 synergysouthport@gmail.com CLINIC SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Southport & Formby District General Hospital 01704 513303

PUBS, CLUBS & BARS PEGGY GLADFLYS 93 Victoria Rd New Brighton

AGENCIES TERRENCE HIGGINS TRUST HIV and Sexual Health advice and support. 5 Bridge Street, Birkenhead, CH41 1AS. 0151 666 9890 info.wirral@tht.org.uk www.tht.org.uk WORK IT OUT Group for 14-18 year olds Wirral Brook 14 Whetstone Lane, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 2QR 0151 670 0177. info@wirralbrook.org.uk outreach@wirralbrook.org.uk CLINIC SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Arrowe Park Rd 0151 604 7339 GROUPS WIRRAL DIVAS Lesbian & Bisexual Women’s Group. Weekly. 0151 666 9890 WIRRAL TRANSISTER Trans support group. Meets weekly. 0151 650 6939

❏ CHESHIRE CREWE - PUBS, CLUBS & BARS THE PARK 42 Wistaston Rd 07888 805903 CLINIC SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Leighton Hospital Middlewich Rd 01270 212 019 AGENCIES BP CHESHIRE & NORTH WALES PO Box 321 Crewe 01270 653 150

MACCLESFIELD - CLINIC SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Macclesfield District General Hospital Victoria Rd 01625 66463 GROUPS CORE Gay & Bi Men’s Group 01270 653 156 OUTPOST LGB Youth Group 01270 653 156 OUTRITE Support and social Groups 01270 653156 outrite.org NORTHWICH - GROUPS VOICES IN VALE ROYAL LGBT group

CASH PROJECT 01270 653156

07949 820138 voicesinvaleroyal@btopenworld.com

GROUPS OUTSET 01270 585 492 outrite.org

RUNCORN - CLINIC Sexual Health Halton General 01928 753217

THE LOFT gay & bi men group 01270 653 156 outrite.org

EATERIES THE CANALSIDE BAR & RESTAURANT 45-47 Canal Street Runcorn 01928 580 669

CHESTER - PUBS, CLUBS & BARS BAR 6T9 01244 313 608 LIVERPOOL ARMS Northgate St 01244 314 807 CLINIC SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Chester Hospital Liverpool Road 01244 363 091 AGENCIES HEALTH DEVELOPMENT TEAM (LGBT) 01244 650534 or 07747 631021 GROUPS CHESTER ICEBREAKERS Quaker House Union Walk Frodsham St 01244 682574 CHESTER GAY BOOK GROUP 2nd Monday of the month at 7.30pm at the Bear and Billet pub on Lower Bridge St alispad@aol.com

GROUPS MEN’S GROUP 0870 9908996

CHESTER LOBBYING GROUP LGBTQEquality Alliance Forum PO Box 3135 Chester CH1 5ZS


UTOPIA LGB Youth Group 01244 602817

WARRINGTON - PUBS, CLUBS & BARS WHITE HART Sankey Street 01925 241994 KANDI BAR www.thekandibar.co.uk CLINIC - SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Lovely Lane 01925 662476 AGENCIES 1806 GROUP Initiative for Sexual Health 11 Palmyra Square South 01925 241994 GAY HEALTHY ALLIANCE PROJECT PO Box 539 Warrington WA1 1FW 01925 631101 GROUP (GLYSS) GAY & LESBIAN YOUTH SUPPORT SERVICES 07747 473 829 FLUID Freedon to Love Ur IDentity 07747 473 829

LIVERPOOL’S LGBT NETWORK UNDER THREAT FROM FUNDING CUTS LIVERPOOL CHARITY AND VOLUNTARY SERVICES, THE ORGANIZATION THAT HOSTS AND FINANCIALLY SUPPORTS LIVERPOOL’S LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER NETWORK, HAS LOST OVER £500,000 THAT WAS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN ITS ENGAGEMENT AND EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMMES WITH LIVERPOOL’S THIRD SECTOR AND RESIDENTS AFTER APRIL 2009. Funding from the former European Objective 1 programme ended in December 2008 and stop-gap funding from Liverpool City Council’s Working Neighbourhood Fund has not been renewed. From April there will be a severe reduction in the range and level of services given though its networks. Alan Lewis, Chief Executive of LCVS, said: “This is a great disappointment, but we understand the economic climate. We will be inventive with the resources we have left to achieve the maximum involvement of people in decisions that affect their lives. We are

Edge Hill LGBT Pic from pinkpaper.com

working with public bodies to agree what activity to save.”

Gavin Alker’s shock not guilty verdict.

Liverpool’s LGB&T Network, which is currently funded in the form of a Development Officer post and small sums of money to pay for steering group and open meetings, is one of the networks under threat.

Development Officer Matthew Fox said: "Any reduction in the capacity of Liverpool's LGB&T Network at this time, given a workload that includes Pride and the follow up on the ramifications of the Michael Causer case, would be a great shame.

The Network has been particularly high profile over the past year; campaigning for Liverpool Pride, mobilising to highlight the murder of Michael Causer, and protesting at

I hope we can find a way through this that ensures the voices of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender communities of Liverpool and Merseyside are still heard.”

Edge Hill University is proud to announce that their LGBT society is up and running again, and is more active than ever before! Group membership is significantly higher than ever before and members are currently working hard to organise key events such as a 'Gay Night' and celebrate annual events in the LGBT calendar such as WAD, IDAHO and LGBT HM. Should you wish to contact us, you may do so by emailing LGBT@edgehill.ac.uk or 20291914@edgehill.ac.uk, to receive further information on events and membership. 61

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