outnorthwest issue 115

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Your Magazine for Life

Published by



Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People


Registered Charity No.1070904





“Without The LGF I think the outcome would have been very different...”







of mental health problems, suicidal thoughts and deliberate self harm than heterosexual people.

We all have mental health, just as we have physical health and that means it’s just as important that we look after it. Mental and physical health impact on each other, so in this issue, we’ll be sharing some useful tips to help you to look after yourself day-today, as well as some things you can do when you’re not feeling your best. Our mental health can be affected by lots of different things and we know that for lesbian, gay and bisexual people, issues such as homophobia, isolation and discrimination can really start to take their toll, along with everything else life can throw at us. In fact, it’s thought that LGB are at significantly higher risk

So it’s never been more important to get to know your mental health, learn how to take care of it and don’t be afraid to ask for support, no matter what it is you’re going through, you’re not alone. Throughout this edition of outnorthwest, we’ll be sharing stories and giving you some useful information about how to access support in your area. Whether you’re experiencing low mood, feeling nervous, worried or lacking in confidence, we hope we can give you a bit of inspiration and comfort by letting you know you’re not alone and that there is support out there if you need it.


Lucy is the Wellbeing Manager at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation lucy.rolfe@lgf.org.uk

The Lesbian & Gay Foundation have just published a handy pocket guide to good mental health. ‘Mental Health & Wellbeing: A Guide for Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual People’ is available now from the usual venues. Or you can download your own copy right now by visiting: www.lgf.org.uk/Get-support/ Mental-Health/

Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People


Registered Charity No.1070904

outnorthwest is published every two months by The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, Number 5, Richmond Street, MANCHESTER. M1 3HF. General Enquiries: 0845 3 30 30 30 E-mail: grahame.robertson@lgf.org.uk

EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR & LAYOUT Grahame Robertson LAYOUT & LISTINGS Mark Eastwood NEWS EDITOR: Sarah McNally MEN’S HEALTH EDITOR Andrew Gilliver WEB EDITOR Marc Robinson DISTRIBUTION Shaun Lloyd, Sam Whalley, James Derham; Martin Cooper. CONTRIBUTORS Lucy Rolfe; Samantha Days; Jake Arturio Braden; Gaydio; Frankie Stevens; Martin Cooper; Patrick Ettenes; Chris Fisher; Ben Squance; Pete Davies; Chris Holliday; Josh and Julie; Sali Owen; Stacey Adams; Ross Adams. SPECIAL THANKS Village Spartans; Andrew Clarke; Julian Evans; Paul and Dave; Gaydio; Joana Calado; Susan Calman; Edo Zollo; Martin, Dave and Dunkan.

ADVERTISING For information on advertising in outnorthwest, contact us on 0845 3 30 3 0 30. Or e-mail grahame.robertson@lgf.org.uk


Were you bullied and teased at school because you were lesbian, gay or bisexual? Imagine you could go back to your old school and make it safer for those young people who are suffering the same today. You can. For a small donation of only £20, the LGF’s Enough Is Enough campaign will send a ‘Safer Schools Pack’ to your old school on your behalf. You can even send a personal message with the pack. To find out more, visit www.lgf.org.uk/enough today.

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INSIDE OUT REGULARS 06 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Pucker up, it’s time to Kiss Hate Goodbye! 08 NEWS & OPINION It’s the Summer of Love! Plus all the latests news from across the LGB North West! 16 VILLAGE PEOPLE The LGF Village Angels are here to help! 18 UP YOUR WAY What’s going on in your region.


38 LISTINGS Every LGB&T service in the north west.


FEATURES 23 SUSAN CALMAN We talk to lesbian comedian Susan Calman about life and stuff. 26 WHERE’S YOUR HEAD AT? Four pages of invaluable information to help improve your mental health!




20 HEAD TO HEAD The positive and negative opinion page. 24 BY THE BI How does HIV affect the bisexual community? Pete Davies investigates. 22 OUTSPOKEN! This issue: Joana Calado.



34 GROUPWORK The LGF has a whole host of support and social groups for you to get involved with!


30 STAND TALL GET TESTED! Exhibitiom highlight men living with HIV. 36 GET INVOLVED! How do you fancy getting fit, and raising money for a good cause at the same time? Get involved!

Homophobia ACTION against


www.lgf.org.uk/enough DISCLAIMER Publication of the name or photo of any person in this magazine should not be taken as any indication of the sexual orientation or HIV status of that person. All views expressed in outnorthwest are not necessarily those of the Editor or The Lesbian & Gay Foundation. outnorthwest recognises all copyrights. Where possible, we have acknowledged the copyright holder. Contact us if we have failed to credit your copyright and we will happily correct any oversight.



Homophobia ACTION against




Pucker up people! It’s time to show the world we won’t put up with hate! Your chance to make a big statement on LGB&T hate crime and intolerance and give it some lip! Now, if ever there was a good reason to pucker up for a good cause then saying Enough is Enough to hatred against our communities must be just about as good an excuse as any. So get out your best Chap Stick or lipstick and get lippy in support of International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHO)! Inspired by The Great Global Kiss-In which took place on the weekend of IDAHO in 2010, we want to unite against hate, intolerance, inequality and injustice in our society by creating an atmosphere in which couples can show their love and affection for one another in a positive and powerful way. So much hatred can come out of people’s mouths directed at our communities that we want to try and redress the balance by showing

how people can get together and do something fun and impactful to challenge the haters and those that think that lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people should not be allowed to show their love for one another in public. Enough is Enough is inviting everyone to show that love between people of the same gender is nothing to be afraid of. In some people’s eyes acts of affection between people of the same sex is still seen as disturbing or disgusting. We can educate one another about the dangers of anti-LGB&T discrimination and hatred in our society and pucker up to show that there is nothing we cannot achieve through the love that we have for one another and our communities. Same-sex couples should not be afraid to hold hands, kiss our partners or be like any other couple when it comes to being affectionate and showing our love and commitment in an appropriate fashion. Showing love and affection is natural and should be treated as such whoever we happen to be with. Now we’re giving you quite a few weeks’ notice to

06 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

get ready for a chance to say what you really think and let your lips do the...erm… talking so plenty of time to practice your pouting, get those jaw muscles exercised and tongues -well with permission given in advance of course, that’s between you and your intended. You don’t have to go for a full on snog, join us for hand holding, cheek pecking, hugging and any other (legal) display of same-sex affection. So get your lips lubed, your breath minty fresh and put this date in your diary.



Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People


Registered Charity No.1070904

Saturday 18th May Manchester City Centre (place TBC) 1.00pm -2.00pm For more details e-mail: enough@lgf.org.uk


Search for ‘Enough Is Enough! Action Against Homophobia’ on Facebook.


Follow us and get involved in the conversation on Twitter, @lgfoundation

Photo: Caroline Kroon



Twenty years ago, a group of six women kickstarted a movement to increase lesbian visibility and challenge bigotry. Using high profile direct actions and eyecatching imagery, the Lesbian Avengers recruited thousands of women worldwide to take part in highly visible street actions, culminating in 20,000 women marching on Washington for the 2004 Dyke March. Two decades on, a lot has changed but lesbian and bisexual women still face homophobia, biphobia and sexism. Is there still a place for direct action groups like the Lesbian Avengers? How do we challenge discrimination and raise visibility in the 21st century, while making sure bisexual and trans women are part of the movement? Do you feel your voice is being heard? Whether you want to eat fire for equality or are more comfortable signing an online petition or volunteering in your local community, this fun session will celebrate the women who fearlessly stood up for our rights and visibility in the past and encourage you to speak out about issues that matter today. Saturday 18th May, 2-4pm at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation. To get avenging call 0845 3 30 30 or e-mail: women@lgf.org.uk



SAYS There was a great deal of commotion surrounding the new Commonwealth Charter the Queen signed, coinciding with Commonwealth Day. The main focus of many people’s attention was the apparent (or not so apparent) declaration of support for LGB&T Rights across the Commonwealth. However, the wording of the Charter has caused more divisions than the rights it advocates. The Charter states: “We are implacably opposed to all forms of discrimination, whether rooted in gender, race, colour, creed, political belief or other grounds.” To me, it is clear that the “other grounds” is a somewhat polite way of saying sexuality. The Charter has inevitably provoked mixed reactions, with the most surprising coming from the Daily Mail and their headline ‘Queen fights for gay rights’. Whilst some Daily Mail readers probably feared this as a forewarning of the Queen leading the parade at next year’s Sydney Mardi Gras, to me the article failed to acknowledge the wider implications of the Charter’s carefully chosen words. Whilst we should applaud the Daily Mail’s attempt at being supportive of LGB&T Rights, many voiced their anger and disappointment at a missed opportunity to publically condemn many of Commonwealth’s Member States and their appalling treatment of LGB&T communities. This anger was expressed by Patrick Strudwick of the Guardian, who stated “to refrain from specification is to collude with silence”. Whilst I reject the Daily Mail’s interpretation of the Queen

explicitly fighting for gay rights and have more empathy for Strudwick’s article, I don’t believe the Commonwealth is the right association to implement such a Charter. The whole concept of the Commonwealth is archaic in the first place; this association of countries only emphasises the obsolete views many of its Member States have in relation to LGB&T people. This is evident upon closer inspection; there are 53 Member States in the commonwealth (since Fiji’s membership was suspended in 2009) and of these only 12 do not class homosexuality as a criminal offence, with 5 of these States offering legal recognition of same-sex relationships. This leaves a majority of 42 States all classing homosexuality as a criminal offence. But what is it exact purpose of the Commonwealth? What real power can it actually exercise? Just as the Queen has to remain politically neutral, so does the Commonwealth which limits activity and interaction with its Member States. LGB&T Rights are politicised, whether we like it or not and in my mind ultimately makes the New Commonwealth Charter redundant. The Charter is a positive statement but the “other grounds”, however interpreted, will be ignored by those Member States who persecute LGB&T people and there is little the Commonwealth can actually do to change this. I would love the Queen to make a public declaration of support for LGB&T Rights and voice her political views but it isn’t going to happen. The Commonwealth is merely decorative and ultimately unable to adequately implement all of what the new Charter sets out. Talking about supporting LGB&T Rig hts is always a positive thing but if it isn’t followed up by action it is somewhat pointless. Just like decorative ornament sat on a mantelpiece; it looks nice and may allude to certain values and attitudes, but fundamentally it does not have any real use. All we can hope for is that the Charter inspires change and action in support of LGB&T Rights now and in the future.

Frankie Stevens frankie.stevens@lgf.org.uk www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 07



APR-MAY 2013



New project highlight mental health problems in lesbian and bisexual women launches. This month, LGF and Creative Curve are launching ‘Can You Hear Me?’ a new project funded by Time to Change. Our aim is to highlight the experiences of lesbian and bisexual (LB) women experiencing mental health problems; by supporting them to share their stories with the public in or change attitudes and reduce stigma. If you identify as a lesbian, bisexual or questioning woman and have experience of a mental health problem or distress, come and join us on 18th April between 6pm – 8pm at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation to find out more, enjoy some food and meet the project team. Here’s a glimpse of what we’ll be doing…

Workshops We’ll be looking for around 20 lesbian and bisexual women with direct experience of mental health problems or distress, to take part in the project, which will start with 12 workshops to take place on a Thursday evening and some Saturday afternoons, between April and July. Activities in the workshops will vary; you’ll be encouraged and supported to talk about some of your personal experiences, which you’ll have the opportunity to turn into an audio recording, which will feature in the exhibition by playing out through a radio. You’ll also be working on the creation of your very own kitchen installation which will form part of the pilot and main exhibitions, taking place at the LGF over Manchester Pride in August.

Exhibition Preview Exhibition 26th & 27th July, Manchester Pride Exhibition 20th – 25th August. During the exhibition, the LGF’s Conference Room will be transformed

into a series of kitchen spaces that you have designed and personalised, each featuring a radio, playing out an audio recording of some of your experiences. Many lesbian and bisexual women don’t feel they can speak up about having a mental health problem or feeling distressed, so giving the exhibition an element of sound, will help to give each of our participants a voice. Visitors to the exhibition will be encouraged to explore each of the kitchen spaces, listen to the recordings and then sit down at different kitchen and speak to the participants about their experiences. Where there are spaces without participants, we will be encouraging Project Volunteers to take their place and share their own stories. The purpose of the project and the exhibition is to change public attitudes about mental

08 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

health, more specifically, some of the assumptions and attitudes around the experiences of lesbian and bisexual women. By being able to talk, listen to and share experiences with the you, we hope that visitors will gain a better understanding of why so many lesbian and bisexual women experience mental illness and the impact stigma and discrimination can have. In partnership with

This project is funded by Time to Change, England’s biggest programme to end the stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health problems. The programme is run by the charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, and funded by the Department of Health and Comic Relief.

AGENDA APR-MAY 2013 CONTACT US: outnorthwest, The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, Number 5, Richmond Street, Manchester M1 3HF EMAIL: sarah.mcnally@lgf.org.uk TWITTER: @lgfoundation CALL: 0845 3 30 30 30



Dianne Abbot MP at The LGF’s Wellbeing Conference

The LGF’s new printed resource aims to demystify mental health, help people to understand it, why it’s important and how they can look after it. We share some useful tips to help you to look after yourself day-to-day, as well as some things you can do when you’re not feeling your best. The Guide also contains stories from real people like Anna; “I’ve always been quite an open person, but feeling lonely was one of the things I just couldn’t bring myself to admit to other people, I felt ashamed. I’ve got a good life from the outside I have a nice house, I have a lot of hobbies, but I feel so isolated from everyone else.”


To request a printed copy of the guide email resources@lgf.org.uk or to view it online visit www.lgf.org.uk/mentalhealth

Did you know? •

Dianne Abbot pledges support for LGB&T public health. •

Shadow Minister for Public Health, Diane Abbott MP, spoke at The LGF’s LGB Wellbeing Conference in February. She showed her commitment to getting LGB Health on the Government Agenda, commenting; “improving access to health services for LGB&T people will be a Public Health priority for my Party”. Research show that lesbian, gay and bisexual people are at greater risk of self-harm, suicide,

depression and are more likely to smoke, drink and take illegal drugs. Yet LGB people often face barriers in accessing the services they need. We believe the health needs of LGB people can be easily overlooked by mainstream health organisations. The Lesbian & Gay Foundation are currently working with all of the major Political Parties to ensure that these often ignored health needs are placed firmly on their agenda.

LGB people are twice as likely as heterosexual people to have suicidal thoughts or attempt suicide LGB people are two to three times more likely than heterosexual people to suffer from depression Over half of gay young people deliberately harm themselves yet the NSPCC estimates that for young people in general it’s between 1 in 15 and 1 in 10. 1 in 5 BME lesbian and bisexual (LB) bisexual women have an eating disorder compared to 1 in 20 of the general population A third of GB men who have accessed healthcare services in the last year have had a negative experience related to their sexual orientation

Statistics from The LGF’s Evidence Exchange www.lgf.org.uk/evidence

www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 09




APRIL Tuesday 23rd April

A Heritage Event at The LGF: Rainbow City: The Story of Manchester’s Struggle for LGB Equality c. 1950s-1980s With Paul Fairweather. For more information turn to page 13 or visit www.lgf.org.uk/history


MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH Are you looking after your wellbeing? Why not check out our new guide at - www. lgf.org.uk/mentalhealth

Friday 17th May

IDAHO (International Day Against Homophobia) Check out page 11 for more information on what’s happening and how to get involved. You can also visit www.lgf.org.uk/flag

JUNE 9th-15th June



Pride season will soon be upon us! Below is a snapshot of upcoming events from around the region. Supersonic Saturday 6th April Manchester Pride is hosting a charity fundraiser at Manchester Airport Concorde Hangar with special guest The Feeling. www. manchesterpride.com/supersonic or call 0161 831 7700.

Are You Ready For Your Screen Test? All women between the ages of 25 and 64 who have a cervix – including lesbian and bisexual women - need to go for regular cervical screening tests (formally called ‘smear tests’). For more information visit www.lgf.org.uk/screening

Manchester Day Parade Saturday 2nd June The LGF will be taking part in the fourth annual Manchester Day Parade which has a theme of ‘Wish You Were Here’. www. themanchesterdayparade.co.uk

First week in June

Blackpool Pride 8/9th June 2013 sees this family-friendly free event move to the Winter Gardens as a two-day indoor festival. www.blackpoolpridefest.com or email tim.allan@blackpoolpridefest.com

VOLUNTEERS WEEK Volunteers Week 1st week in June - We will be celebrating the work of our 150 plus volunteers with a special event and awards ceremony. For more information on the latest opportunities visit www.lgf. org.uk/volunteer or email volunteer@lgf. org.uk

10 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

Oldham Pride Saturday 27th July There will be a series of creative workshops in the run up to the main event with the theme ‘One World, One Heart, One Pride’. Email oldhamlgbtevents@hotmail.co.uk Peel Park Picnic Salford Sunday 28th July A family friendly event in the centre of Peel Park for Salford’s LGBT community. For updates checkoutwww.peelparkpinkpicnic.org.uk Sparkle 12 – 14th July The National Transgender Celebration will take place in Manchester’s LGB&T Village and is open to everyone who sees themselves as Trans, their friends and families. More at: www.sparkle.org.uk Liverpool Pride, Saturday 3rd August This free event, with the theme of ‘Superheroes’ are looking for volunteers who help make the event happen and keep it free. www.liverpoolpride.co.uk/volunteer

AGENDA APR-MAY 2013 17th MAY 2013

IDAHO 2013 FLAG IT UP WITH GAYDIO This year we will once again be teaming up with Gaydio by offering free rainbow flags for 100 of the stations listeners to fly on May 17th.Read more about this on page 17. Checkout: www.gaydio.co.uk International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) is marked every May 17th around the world to call for respect for lesbians, gay, bisexual and trans people worldwide; it marks the date that homosexuality was removed from the International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organisation on May 17th 1992. How can I get involved? The Lesbian & Gay Foundation (LGF) are encouraging organisations, individuals and groups to visibly mark International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia by ‘Flying the Flag’ on 17 May. ‘Flying the Flag’ is an initiative that provides an opportunity to visibly mark International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) on 17 May by flying a Rainbow Flag or marking the day by taking positive action to celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans individuals and communities. It not only raises awareness of the impact that homophobia, biphobia and transphobia continues to have on lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGB&T) people and communities, but shows recognition of the positive contribution of LGB&T people locally.

Does it have to be a flag? Whether it’s a rainbow flag flying from a town hall, a library publicly displaying positive information resources for local people or a school taking part and delivering sessions aimed at tackling homophobic bullying – it doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you’re doing something positive and visible; and we and other LGB&T voluntary and community sector groups can support you in doing that! Creativity is at the core of what we encourage individuals and organisations to consider when marking IDAHO. If you don’t have a flag pole, why not add an image of the rainbow flag to your email footer, or print off a poster and put it up in your workplace?

Tell Us What You’re Doing! Let us know what you’re doing to mark IDAHO, send us a picture of your flag flying or other creative ways of marking the day and we will promote it in our online gallery and website. If you want to find out more about this initiative, or you would like to obtain information and resources, contact The Lesbian & Gay Foundation on 0845 3 30 30 30 or email: rainbow@lgf.org.uk

idaho manchesteR VIGIL There will be a special Vigil against homophobia,biphobia and transphobia held in Sackville Gardens on Friday 17th May (7-8.30pm).Check out www. lgf.org.uk for latest info.

kiss hate goodbye! On Saturday 18th May a community ‘Flash-mob’ event will be held in central Manchester Saturday 18th May (1pm-2pm) you can read more about that on page 6. To find out more: www.lgf.org.uk/flag To keep up to speed on all global happenings checkout: www.dayagainst homophobia.org

www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 11


RUGBY VERSUS FOOTBALL! FRIENDLY RIVALRIES ON THE PITCH! As part of Manchester’s International Women’s Day celebrations, Manchester City Council held an awards ceremony on Friday 8 March 2013 at the Town Hall. Categories included women in STEM, art, sport, business innovation, culture, community work and protecting the environment. The Women in Sport Award was won by Joana Calado of Northern Wave, a swimming club created to increase lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender participation in sport. At the age of 15 Joana, now 20, became a Paralympian, coming fifth in the 100m breast-stroke in Beijing. She retired from her Paralympian career at the age of 17. Joana came to Manchester in 2010 and dedicates up to ten hours every week to Northern Wave. She also coaches the University of Manchester recreational swimming team twice a week. She does all this as well as being a full-time student at the University of Salford studying for a degree in multimedia and internet technology. The LGF’s Annie Emery was up for a Special Champion Award for her work supporting lesbian and bisexual women, but was pipped to the post by Angela Lawrence who has dedicated her life to supporting young people in Manchester’s inner-city communities.

The first ever Manchester Village Spartans RUFC v Village Manchester FC match was played on 2nd March at the Spartans’ home ground in Sale.

dived right in with some of them proving skilled with the odd shape ball leading to a draw. Second was a game of football where MVSRUFC were shown how it’s done losing in spectacular style. Finally a drinking game with rugby coming out on top!

The match was arranged to strengthen relations between the two clubs which have seen light-hearted rivalry over the years. First, a game of touch rugby was played and VMFC

Both clubs look forward to more collaboration in the future, along with talk of a joint nude calendar in the works for 2014 – so watch this space!

A WORLD FIRST! World’s first LGBT rugby league club launches. Sunday 24th February saw the official launch of the World’s First LGBT Rugby League Club, The Canalsiders, based in Manchester. They aim to be a fully inclusive rugby club and enable anyone who wants to take up and continue to play the sport the opportunity and facilities to do so. Sporting legends Gareth Thomas, former Welsh dual-code international and first openlygay rugby player and Ben Cohen, 2003 rugby union world cup winner, have spoken out in support. MCR Canalsiders will be setting up a Women’s team, a Mixed Touch Rugby, and a Men’s Team.

12 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

For more information visit www. canalsiders.co.uk; find them on facebook www.facebook.com/ MCRCanalsiders or follow them on Twitter: @MCRCanalsiders

Photo: Steve Joyce




MAN-UP! Manchester club promoters Pete Foxen and Julian Evans are launching Man Up!, a ‘pop-up’ men only event in the Northern Quarter. Foxen said, “We are very keen especially at looking at places that would never have previously been considered for holding a gay men only night.” Evans added “We also have a series of nights planned across the Summer and up to the end of the year in a variety of places in the city. We’ll also be working with people beyond only the gay community and we are bringing in people from across the Manchester creative scene. We know there is so much talent here in the North West, so we are very open to embracing talent, regardless of sexuality or background.” The first pop up Man Up! event is at Kraak Gallery, Stevenson Square in the Northern Quarter on 25 May 2013.

FROM POLITICS TO POLARI celebrating our rich, diverse history.

In January The LGF was awarded money from the Heritage Lottery Fund to undertake a history project in 2013. As part of our year-long celebration of the LGB past we are teaming up with some amazing individuals and projects in order to bring you a series of entertaining and engaging events. After our maiden event in February which was held in collaboration with The Devotion Project, we have since confirmed inspirational local activist and historian Paul Fairweather for our April event, the fantabulosa Polari

Mission for June, and a lovely meander around Manchester’s LGBT heritage trail in August. Plans are afoot for a BME event in October to mark Black History Month 2013 as well as an event in honour of World Aids Day in December. As well as the events we have a great team who are currently researching and constructing an interactive online LGB timeline so you can all see just how far the LGB community have come. The timeline will be launched in the summer - so watch this space. For full details of all events visit www.lgf.org.uk/history or for more information email history@lgf.org.uk

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 23 April Rainbow City: The Story of Manchester’s Struggle for LGB Equality c. 1950s-1980s with Paul Fairweather

28 June Polari Mission bring the language class to you

17 August On the trail of LGBT history in Manchester

21 October A BME event in October to mark Black History Month

17 December An event in honour of World Aids Day

www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 13

Each issue we want to dedicate this page to YOU, to the people who have used The Lesbian & Gay Foundation’s services and want to share their story with the community. This time, we hear from Paul and Dave.


Paul, 38 from Cheshire had a breakdown which led to two suicide attempts. This had a huge impact on his relationship with his partner, and he needed urgent support. We helped Paul and his partner with relationship counselling.


“The LGF provided a safe and positive place for my partner and I to talk and come together. Without the LGF I think the outcome would have been very different.” Paul now wants to help others and has developed ChangeFor, a website for people in Greater Manchester to find the help and support they need. He is also campaigning to get people to speak out about their experience of mental health so public attitudes change for the better. He’s released music recorded during his illness and is asking for donations. Money raised will be split between The LGF, Samaritans and Mind.

For more info: www.changefor.me.uk or contact paul@changefor.me.uk


DAVE S STORY Dave, 47, from Morecambe tells his story in his own words. “I contacted The LGF as I was struggling emotionally and psychologically. I had been through traumatic experiences, and finding it hard to accept I was gay. I was severely depressed, and previously attempted suicide. I received support from The LGF and Icebreakers (a group for gay and bisexual men who are new to Manchester or have recently come out). I attended courses, social events, activities and also started to get regular sexual health check-ups. Getting the support I needed changed

my life, forever, in more ways I can count. I feel more empowered and it’s helped me to come to terms with being gay, and become the proud gay man I am today. I’ve come out of the closet, and found new ways of living a more meaningful gay life. I wanted to give something back so I decided to start volunteering, firstly though The LGF’s Community Action Panel and then as an Archive & Heritage Volunteer. I love volunteering and I have got a lot from it already. I am very passionate about LGB&T causes and want to help others get the support they need to fulfil their lives. If I can do it, they can too.”

SHARE YOUR STORY! We know the support we provide can change lives and we want to let more people know about how we can help. The best way to do this is to tell the stories of people who have used our services. If you’ve attended a group, counselling, a pop-in, legal or police surgery, or volunteered – we want to hear from you and your experiences. E-mail: voices@lgf.org.uk 14 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk




One question we get asked by lots of young people is ‘how do I know I’m gay?’ Getting your head round who you fancy, want to have relationships with and what turns you on (all known as ‘sexual orientation’) can be a bit of a minefield, and is something that’s never really explained to us. Many of us think about sexual orientation like fitting into a box; or being in a certain category, whether it’s gay, lesbian, bisexual or heterosexual. But how much do we do this for ourselves, or is it to help other people feel more comfortable and get their heads around it? Taking the time to get to know ourselves and having fun meeting lots of different people, might just be a more healthy and enjoyable way to go about things. And you can start, by thinking about your sexual orientation in a totally different way…


This line shows how sexual orientation can vary from person to person. Being bisexual doesn’t mean you have to be attracted to men and women equally, and you might even find this changes over time. You can be anywhere along the line at any one time; whether you’re questioning or absolutely sure and there’s lots of fun to be had in finding out. Realising you fancy someone or feel turned on by something different to what you’ve always been used to, can throw you off and be confusing. We get asked by lots of people, of all ages, what it means if they’ve always known they’re gay, but suddenly



come across someone of the opposite sex they find attractive.

into a category for other people, after all it’s your life and your choice.

Think about it this way; all the music on your iPod might be dance music, but there’s that one heavy mental song that just does it for you!

If you’re aged between 14 and 25, you can now access free support over the phone from one of the LGF’s counsellors. All you need to do is call us on 0845 3 30 30 30 or email counselling@lgf.org.uk to find out more.

It’s a common belief, that knowing for sure what your sexual orientation is will make you feel happier and more content. But this isn’t always the case. The most important thing is that you feel happy, accept and embrace this, even if you’re still exploring and figuring out what and who you like. So break out of that box, don’t feel you have to put yourself

To find out how to have fun, safer sex, visit: www.lgf.org.uk/Get-support/ Safer-sex if you’re a guy and www. lgf.org.uk/our-services/lgf-heartsgirls/your-health/ if you’re a girl. www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 15



NEEDS YOU! MARTIN COOPER on how YOU can make a difference and help shape the services The Lesbian & Gay Foundation can offer.

Here at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation we like to pride ourselves on the vast range of services we offer to you and we strive to keep these tippity-top and up-to-date so that we can give you the best services possible. Unfortunately, here in the offices of outnorthwest, there’s an increasing reliance on prunes and you can practically smell the waft of Werther’s Originals on the breeze, meaning that the times may sometimes move quicker than we can keep up with!

So, that’s where you come in! From time to time you’ll come across more spritely members of the LGF’s outreach team power-mincing around the Village and surrounding areas with a clipboard clutched to their breast and a biro preclicked and ready to scrawl. They want you to tell us what you would like to see! It could be anything from your opinions on sexual health, coming out, homophobia, wellbeing, education, condom use… the list is endless, but without sapping information from your big ol’ brains, we don’t know if what we’re providing is right for you. And we want it to be absolutely right for you! Because that’s who it’s for - you!

16 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

So, if you do come across one of the guys and they ask you for five minutes, don’t be quick to dismiss. They are there so that you can have your say on a range of different topics and we’ll listen to every opinion that you give us. It’s all considered and all used to help shape the services that we offer to you. So if you do see us, have a natter. I’m sure you’ll find us really quite charming!

For more information on The LGF Village Angels, contact Martin Cooper on 0845 3 30 30 30, or e-mail him at martin.cooper@lgf.org.uk

THE YEAR OF ANGELS The Village Angels (a community action innovation) started at the beginning of April 2012 and since then we have communicated with and assisted thousands of people throughout The Village. With the first year of the project coming to a close, we’ve tallied up a few facts and figures to share with you! •

• •

Since their Launch in April 2012, the Village Angels have helped over 10,000 people. This could be people who needed directions, local information, details about local services, victims of crime or vulnerable people who have needed urgent assistance Our amazing volunteers have dedicated over 1,000 hours of their time to the Village Angels The Village Angels have worked closely with the GMP, CityCo, The Village Business Association, security companies, venue owners and staff throughout the project The Village Angels have informed people about sexual health testing, condom use, personal safety, crime prevention, mental health and wellbeing, women’s services, police and legal surgeries and many other services The Village Angels have been on hand to help the Village customers on over 100 evenings in the last 12 months, come rain , shine or blizzard!

FLAG IT UP! Gaydio’s breakfast host Chris Holliday on why Gaydio will be flying the flag for IDAHO

“IDAHO is not just the 39th most populous state in the USA with the Pettit and Lucky Peak lakes and a town called Fruitland (amazing). Oh no. It’s also a rather important day. Last year on International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO), Gaydio broadcast a special breakfast show featuring stories from people who have faced prejudice and persecution in countries like Russia and Uganda. The response was overwhelming - with messages of support from listeners as far away as Saudi Arabia and Australia. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that people listen to Gaydio from all over the world. Recently a gay couple used Gaydio as their soundtrack for cycling through Africa. As you do. It was amazing to think of them listening to me being terribly butch (ahem), playing the latest ‘tops off’ anthem from David Guetta - whilst they were riding through countries where it’s still illegal to be gay. IDAHO on May 17th is so important - it reminds us that so many people at home and abroad still experience problems just because of their sexual

orientation or gender identity. It’s just not right. So, what can you do to help? Once again, we’re teaming up with The LGF to make sure we ‘flag up’ IDAHO by offering free rainbow flags for 100 of our listeners to fly on May 17th – and let’s face it who doesn’t LOVE flying a flag! Personally, I always fancied having a go at the ‘wave a piece of cloth’ section in rhythmic gymnastics – if only for the leotard... ANYHOW, I digress. This year you’ll have to earn your rainbow flying apparatus (flag) – as we’ll only be sending flags to the people who fly them in the most original and creative places. There will also be a special prize for whoever comes up with the most creative interpretation of the rainbow flag - to highlight homophobia and transphobia across the world and to celebrate global LGBT communities. Bagsy the rhythmic gymnastic display with rainbow umbrellas in Piccadilly Gardens. On roller skates. With Glitter.” Keep listening to Gaydio over the coming weeks to find out how you can fly the flag with us for IDAHO 2013. Chris co-hosts ‘Chris and Emma at Breakfast’. Weekday mornings. 7-10am. 88.4fm in Manchester, Digital across London and the south coast and on www.gaydio.co.uk www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 17


DON’T ASSUME! LGBT Youth North West are asking people to get chatting and sharing the assumptions that have been made in their lives and the lives of LGBT people. Everyone is invited to come up with their own statements and send them in as part of a song, poem, poster, film, news report, comedy sketch, human sculpture etc to be entered into the ‘Pink Box’ competition. Entries will be displayed at the group’s annual IDAHO event on May 16th where a winner will be announced alongside the ‘Being Proud Awards’. The winning group will receive a state of the art camera and £50 to develop their campaign. Find out more at: lgbtyouthnorthwest.org.uk/ dont-assume/



BEARS ON North West THE MARKET! Regional LGB&T Conference 2013

LGBT ‘Sidney St. Cafe’


Manchester’s annual Great British Bear Bash takes place between Thursday 2nd and Monday 6th May. An annual treat for bears worldwide, this year will see The Rem Bar on Canal Street play host to The United Federation of Bears Market. Organiser Andrew Clarke says, “We want to involve as much of the bear community as possible, so we’re offering this free-to-attend event as part of the Great British Bear Bash.” He added, “We’re keen to promote unity and trading of bear orientated and bear-friendly businesses.” If you want to pick up some bear-related goodies, the market will take place from 12-6pm at The Rem Bar on Canal Street on Saturday 4th May. The LGF will also have a stall at the market. To find out more about The Great British Bear Bash, visit www.manbears.co.uk

Saturday 20th April 2013, 10am -5pm at LGF Community Resource Centre, Number 5 Richmond Street, Manchester, M1 3HF. The Lesbian & Gay Foundation are hosting the fourth annual regional LGB&T conference for groups and public sector representatives to come together and share news, updates and discuss some of the current and upcoming issues facing our communities. Over 70 delegates attended last year’s event and issues to be covered in 2013 include: Equal Marriage, Gender Identity, Services for lesbian and bisexual women, research about lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans needs and experiences, updates from The Department of Health and a chance for LGB&T groups from around the North West to share their work. This is a free event with lunch and refreshments included. Contact: andrew.gilliver@lgf.org.uk or call 0845 3 30 30 30 to book a place or for more information.

18 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

The first LGBT community cafe in the North West opens its doors on Weds 24th April (at 11am) and will run each Wednesday and Thursday 11-5pm, staffed by volunteers who want to put the YOU back into CommYOUnity. Volunteers who want to help out both in the cafe and the community allotment are also needed. The cafe is for the LGBT community and those who support the aims of the LGBT community. For more information: strategic@lgbtynw.org.uk or 0781 398 1338

FOCUS ON: TRANS MORF: Manchester’s FTM and trans masculine peer support group meets every fourth Monday of the month at 7pm. They are moving to The LGF on Richmond Street from April 22nd. For more visit: morf.org.uk or email: morf@morf.org.uk








Rainbow Noir’ is the name of a new group that has recently been established so that queer people of colour, black and minority ethnic LGB&T people’s voices are heard in Manchester. The group meet on 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 7pm at The Joyce Layland LGBT Centre, 49 - 51 Sidney Street, Manchester, M1 7HB. For more information, contact: Stephanie@thebha.org.uk or call 07725581945.You can also check out the group on Facebook.

A new group for Gay and Gay Friendly people, who are interested in kayaking, has just been set up in Manchester. Called Yakin Friends, the group aims to create a friendly environment where people can get together and enjoy a social paddle with like minded people. Find out more at: yakinfriends.co.uk




GEtTING BI IN A GAY/ STRAIGHT WORLD Manchester today, bi tomorrow the world! Bophirima’s guide to coming out and staying out, “Getting Bi in a Gay / Straight World” has been released in Spanish. “Getting Bi” has now been reprinted by two groups in the USA and translated and work is underway with Bi Cymru on a Welsh language edition too. The guide and others is now available via BiPhoria’s Flickr stream: biphoria.org.uk/publications

Matt Taylor-Roberts has been running the Proud 2 b Parents group for 6 years. The group is for LGBT parents and their children. It is an inclusive service that brings together all LGBT families, with various activities running throughout the year from monthly get togethers, to events and fun days. To checkout latest events contact Matt on m.taylor-roberts@manchester. gov.uk or phone 01612260162

Join Manchester Sharks (the city’s LGBT waterpolo team) for a weekend of wet and wild fun! Players from across Europe will descend on our fair city from Friday 24th – Sunday 26th May for the 4th Manchester LGBT waterpolo tournament. As well as the sport, a whole weekend of socialising is planned and newcomers are invited to take part in either the polo or the partying! To find out more and register for the tournament go to: tournament2013. manchestersharks.co.uk or email info@manchestersharks.co.uk


PATHS THAT CrOSS A weekend of exploration with Space to Breathe, Unstone Grange, 28th-30 June 2013. Stonewall breaks have organised a weekend exploring the Peak District combined with a weekend at Unstone Grange if you fancy yourself as a bit of an explorer - or if you just fancy trying the areas famous tea rooms. Bring boots, maps, cameras and binoculars and who knows what you will discover? To find out more contact: stonewallbreaks.wordpress.com email: dunedin10@yahoo.co.uk or call 07503 215 305.


HEAD TO HEAD CONTINUING OUR REGULAR, feature we ask two men, one HIV positive and one HIV negative, to give their thoughts on sexual healtH. THIS TIME...

“Why do YOU think some gay/bi men don’t use condoms?” THE HIV POSITIVE PERSPECTIVE






“Ignorance is bliss. In this day and age, people should know about risk; whether we choose to educate ourselves is another story.

“You’d have to be an idiot to get infected with HIV in this day and age, right? Wrong, it only takes one mistake.

Watching the BBC3 documentary ‘Unsafe sex in the City’ about Manchester’s walk- in GUM clinic showed us what some people think about HIV. I will never forget the words of one of the male patients on the show, “You aren’t a man unless you catch an STD” followed by, “But I don’t want to get AIDS”. How much is wrong with both of those statements? I walk into a gay bar and I know my date is a success when I see him grab a couple of condom packs. But when I go into a straight pub, and oddly enough I still pull in there, I have to go into the men’s room and shell out £1.50 for condoms. When you’re drunk would you really fork out for them? Gay men were blamed for the spread of HIV. We were drilled to use condoms. But why are some of us not using condoms now? We might not all be dying from AIDS, but a lot of us are falling apart. We are barebacking, knowing we are at risk, mentally blocking out what we are doing. Not getting tested and pondering why we are drinking and doing too many drugs. Feeling depressed, showing signs of guilt and remorse, and then going out and doing the same thing again. As if the fear of finding out that great sex session last night had a ramification or not would be too much. Ignoring it seems easier but after six litres of vodka you might think we have a problem? Why do some gay men and bi-sexual men not use condoms? Because our society doesn’t tell us the truth, or care about us enough to really face the facts of what the hell can happen to us if we don’t.”

Safer sex campaigns often fail to reach out to younger generations, because the language they use isn’t plain enough or the correct channels aren’t utilised. Large companies launch new campaigns every few years, while campaigns for safer sex seem to have hardly changed in decades. In the media the use of condoms seems almost taboo. Correct me if I’m wrong but I didn’t see Edward Cullen whip out a condom during the whole ‘Twilight’ ordeal. But the lack of condom usage doesn’t stem from one isolated factor. Different scenarios might influence the use of a condom: Misplaced optimism – The belief that a cure for HIV is just around the corner or that it can be easily managed. A turn off – That romantic moment when you stop and say “wait a second while I find a condom”. Heat of the moment slip-ups – Pulling someone who’s miles out of your league who doesn’t want to wear a condom. Alcohol and drugs - Inhibitions are lowered as well as standards. Passive attitude – A more, submissive guy might be unlikely to demand their partner wear a condom. Self-destructive behaviour – some guys just don’t care. There isn’t one underlying reason for unprotected sex, but it only takes one to get caught out. Continued work on targeted campaigns, education, media responsibilities and promotion in areas like pornography and gay literature all need to be carried out with regular public consultation. After all, the suits in the offices might have their ideas about why men aren’t using condoms, but without asking the man on the street, how can we really be sure?”

20 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk




12.00PM - 2.00PM*






0845 3 30 30 30 DO YOU KNOW YOUR HIV STATUS? Reg. Charity No. 1070904


OUTSPOKEN WHO’S JOANA? At the age of 15 Joana Calado from Northern Wave, now 20, became a Paralympian, coming fifth in the 100m breast-stroke in Beijing. She retired from her Paralympian career at the age of 17. Joana came to Manchester in 2010 and dedicates up to ten hours every week to Northern Wave. She also coaches the University of Manchester recreational swimming team twice a week.

Sum yourself up in three words... Friendly, passionate, and creative. If we gave you £1million, what would you do with it? Two things that came to mind. First, I would start by donating a large sum to the Victoria Baths project which aims to fully restore the building and bring the Turkish Baths and at least one of the swimming pools back into use. And second (and now for the cheesy bit), I would share the rest of the money with friends and family and ask them to spend it on making the world a better place. Do you have a favourite quote? From Steve Jobs, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” If you could change one thing about the world what would it be? Pedestrian attitudes. Everyday I see cars going over the speed limit, buses blocking cycling lanes and motorbikes going through red lights. As a cyclist, I have had a few accidents over the years. Some were a result of drivers lacking road etiquette, but the majority were actually been caused by pedestrians! In the UK the term jaywalking does not exist yet. Although pedestrians are expected to have common sense - cycling down Deansgate still feels like a bowling game, as pedestrians who avoid crosswalks keep getting knocked down by cars and cyclists. There is also a lot to be said about drivers and cyclists, but if I was to change

Joana Calado one thing about the world, it would be to make jaywalking illegal.

comforting with a cup of tea and reminiscent of childhood.

What food could you not live without? Maltesers.

If you were a superhero, what would be your super-power? Ahhhh... it would definitely be the Clean Clap! Imagine clapping your hands and suddenly your room is tidy and all the washing is done. What a dream.

Which animal you would most like to be and why? Penguin! For starters, penguins spend 75% of their time at sea. Sounds like a dream to me! Penguins are also fast swimmers and have amazing eyesight underwater. If you are obsessed with swimming or any other water activity like me, I’m sure you can appreciate how amazing these two things can be. What’s your guilty pleasure? Watching TV adverts. If you were a biscuit, which one would you be? I would be a Rich Tea biscuit, or a Maria biscuit as we call it in Portugal. For starters its a classic! Not too rich, or fruity, neglected by many who should know better, vaguely

22 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

Where is your favourite place in the world? University! It’s packed with people, books and places to learn from. Tell us a secret... I love the Mancunian accent. The best thing about being a woman is... All that time saved by not having to shave your face. For more information on Northern Wave, visit www.northernwave.org


“I get criticism when people haven’t actually seen my act. They automatically say I’m a man-hating lesbian. That means they’ve never seen me.” of the music, the poems. It’s very different actually. And it feels different. My family didn’t treat it any differently to a wedding, but people do. In John Lewis it’s a gift list, not a wedding list. It was different to my brother’s and sister’s weddings.


Last year was an eventful one for comedian Susan Calman. She starred in BBC Three’s Dead Boss alongside her idol Jennifer Saunders, she was a panellist on QI and Have I Got News For You, and in June she entered into a civil partnership. I caught up with her at Manchester’s Laughing Cows Comedy Night to find out what’s next. Will you be converting your civil partnership to a marriage? Yes, when it’s legal we’re going to get married. In Scotland nothing’s happened yet. Do you see marriage as an upgrade? No. At the moment we’re downgraded, so it’s a case of making it the same. It’s not an upgrade, it’s just what we should have anyway. Did you find your civil partnership ceremony limiting? Yes. People say there’s no difference, but there’s a difference in terms

What were the limitations on the music and poems? Traditionally in Scotland you have The Proclaimers’ Let’s Get Married. We weren’t allowed that because you’re not allowed the words “marriage” or “marry”. We weren’t allowed the Pam Ayres poem I’ll Marry You. You have to have everything agreed by the registrar in advance in case it breaks the law. How does your wife feel about you talking about her on stage? She’s used to it. I’m never nasty about her, but I annoy her and she annoys me. That’s what happens after ten years! Sometimes she says, “Never use that!” and I’ll know never to use it because she would kill me. But if she doesn’t say that, then it’s fair game. Is comedy becoming more diverse in terms of gender and sexuality? It’s always been very diverse, but it depends how you see your comedy. If you go out to clubs, then it is very diverse. If you sit at home and watch Live At The Apollo, it’s not the most diverse place. Do you experience more criticism than straight, male comedians? I get criticism when people haven’t actually seen my act. They automatically say I’m a man-hating lesbian. That means they’ve never seen me. I hardly talk about men. I don’t hate men; I think they’re smashing! I just don’t want to sleep with them, that’s all! Sali spoke to Susan Calman at Laughing Cows, Manchester’s monthly women-only comedy night. For more information on Laughing Cows go to www.laughingcowscomedy.co.uk. www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 23


BY THE BI Spring is well and truly in the making and so too is the fashion world at this time of year. Ordinarily I’d never critique clothing. I don’t really figure myself as an expert and I’m not a style guru (not that I’m aware of). What’s in vogue one month will most certainly make its way to a charity collection the next.

Working together to make healthcare accessible for all.


in Practice

Excellence in lesbian, gay & bisexual healthcare


Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People


Registered Charity No.1070904

But guys let’s face it, gay, straight or bisexual you’re going to want to look your best this season. Maybe it’s a onesie, maybe it’s a cravat this year who knows. But one thing that probably should also be on the trend this season is a condom. Trends are usually always chased by a growing number of fashion conscious men, make no mistake. But setting your own trend can be just as important. Matching denim on denim for one far flung example may be a daring and decisive tactic used by some to counter a current craze, rather than a oneoff mishap. Taking a condom with you can be an even better decisive action. Although I’m sure some of us have been there, pockets or satchel complete with condoms and lube (amongst maybe other items). Only to have them fall out onto the floor for all to witness. What would people assume if you had a pocket or bag full of condoms? They’d probably respect you for it. Society is of course changing it’s views and carrying copious amounts of condoms isn’t always seen as being linked to sexual promiscuity. Take a stride away from what some people may think, Because let’s face it, no guys like sitting and waiting in the armchairs of a Sexual Health Clinic. Although you will probably experience that at least once a year as a matter of routine. But a sexual mishap without a condom could mean a lot more than using your lunch break to go home and change outfits. Making a stand against garish new trends is often admired and sometimes expected by some individuals. But a stand against unsafe sex is even more admirable, not to mention sensible. Physical health is just as important as looking good, it contributes to overall well-being. If you feel good and you feel confident then you will also look your best. Taking condoms with you this spring may be the most fashionable item next to that new outfit. So if you’re really itching to purchase that all in one jump suit, then it’s probably best to check and see if it has pockets first. Or purchase a bag. Carrying condoms around may seem like saying “I’m free and easy”. But if I’ve learnt anything, it’s that fashion lives to make a statement and I can think of no bigger statement than saying “I‘m safe, I‘ve got it covered”.

All of us rely on our local health and social care services at some point in our lives. And when we or our families need to use them, we want the best.

Your services, your voice Be an LGB Community

Champion! To get the best local services people need a say. We need to be able to influence what services are available, how they are delivered and who delivers them. We also need to be able to challenge services that aren’t up to scratch. To help us do this, a new consumer champion for health and social care – local Healthwatch – has been created in in every city and county council in the country. The new organisations will begin work on 1 April 2013 and will represent the voice of patients, service users, carers and local people. If local Healthwatch is to be effective it needs to be truly representative of local people. It has to involve people of all ages and from all sections of the community.

It needs people like you to get involved. Register your interest online:


The LGF will soon be launching a new project which aims to ensure that the health and care needs of lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people are recognised through facilitating interaction between seldom heard LGB voices and NHS organisations. We will be recruiting, training and empowering a group of LGB Community Champion volunteers to engage and connect with existing and emerging NHS structures. Volunteers will be supported to attend local NHS meetings, events and forums in order to champion the needs of LGB communities and ensure that the health inequalities experienced within these communities are addressed. For more information about the project and to register your interest being an LGB Community Champion, please contact: darren.knight@lgf.org.uk


JOSH’S Over the next four pages, we’ll be sharing stories and giving you some useful information about how to access support in your area. Whether you’re experiencing low mood, feeling nervous, worried or lacking in confidence, we hope we can give you a bit of inspiration and comfort by letting you know you’re not alone and that there is support out there if you need it.


“I suffered a bad spout of depression three years ago that was triggered by a few events that happened in my life. I knew after a couple of months it wasn’t me just ‘feeling down’ because I’d always bounced back before. This was different. I was feeling upset and on edge all the time, I didn’t want to leave the house, I would turn my phone off and not talk to any of my friends, I just couldn’t see a way out of what I was feeling and didn’t see the point in anything anymore. Even thinking of it now makes me choke up. After building up the courage to tell my Mum how I was feeling , I went to the Doctors, talked it over with her and I was prescribed medication and also referred for counselling. The medication took a couple of weeks to work their way into my system and I know this sounds cheesy but I started to feel like me again and the light at the end of the tunnel. I know not everyone is comfortable with taking anti-depressants but they worked for me,and with the counselling I received at the LGF I came out of the dark place of depression eventually. I’m still taking the medication now and continualy use the techniques I was taught in counselling to keep moving forward. It also helps that I have positive people around me now. Since then I’ve become interested in how mental illness and especially depression is perceived

26 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

“I was feeling upset and on edge all the time, I didn’t want to leave the house.” in society. I remember when I told a former friend that I was depressed - I was met with abuse and was told that I was just doing it for attention. Needless to say that person isn’t in my life anymore. It’s statements like that, that make people scared to speak up if they think they are depressed and made to feel weak for doing so. I saw a quote once that sums it up “Depression isn’t a sign of weakness...it’s a sign you’ve been strong for too long ...”. I know that not everyone who feels down is depressed because everyone feels down once in a while about one thing or another and the word ‘depressed’ is bashed around freely by some people when they’re having a bad day, but you know you’re really feeling depressed when you feel that way for weeks on end.

I spoke to a good friend of mine who has worked in mental health and asked him if people can be cured of depression. He said treatment doesn’t work for everybody, therapy doesn’t work for everyone, some people can work through depression by themselves and that it all depends on the individual but some people with a chemical inbalance need medication. He also said that people who harder to stay happier are more than likely to stay on track and have a better chance of not returning to the darkness of depression but in saying that he did say that future situations that can occur in life could put someone back to square one even though they’ve worked hard to stay on track. I would say to anyone reading this and feel they are depressed or suffering with any other mental health illness to go and speak to your doctor and not to suffer in silence any longer.”


JULIE’S STORY “My sexuality was not considered the prime cause of my issues and I didn’t have to waste valuable session time proving this!” What LGF service did you use? I accessed the LGB&T wellbeing clinic at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation. Why did you decide to use this service? I had been struggling at work as I had changed my manager and was not getting on with them as well as I had wanted to and in fact felt that my career was going backwards. I wasn’t sleeping as I was disappointed in my performance and waking up worrying about what I had and hadn’t done at work. It was also affecting my relationship with my partner as they were distressed to see me so stressed. Have you ever used a service at The LGF before? Yes,I accessed the face-to-face counselling service and the legal surgery. How easy was the service to access? It was really easy to access, I had a chat with a member of staff regarding which service was the best for me, to deal with what was worrying me as I had already accessed counselling and wasn’t sure what would be best. I then had to complete an application form and attend an assessment session to establish what I wanted to work on with the LGBT Wellbeing Clinic worker. As I had already accessed services at the LGF, I had

made the decision to access the Wellbeing Clinic. It felt very easy as I knew the staff would ensure I accessed the best service possible for me. Was it important to you to access a LGB specific service? Yes. I felt that we were all on the same page, I could discuss my female partner openly without feeling judged or pitied as sometimes has happened in mainstream services. My sexuality was not considered the prime cause of my issues and I didn’t have to waste valuable session time proving this! What difference did it have on your life? The impact on my work life was huge, it gave me the tools to ensure that I could have a working relationship with my manager, and actually put them in context within my life, instead being all consuming, and it has improved my confidence to ask for help and support when I need it and to recognise it. I continue to use several of the tools discussed in the sessions and refer to the support materials given to me. It has also had a huge impact on personal life, in so much as I am a lot less stressed and working hard to ensure that I have a little personal time for me and to remember that if I can do something about something to do it and if I can’t then to accept this and try to understand why.

Find out how you can access LGF Services, call

0845 3 30 30 30 www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 27

WELLBEING Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People


Registered Charity No.1070904

Feeling low,stressed

or anxious?

The LGBT Wellbeing Clinic can help!

Since October 2011, The LGF and Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust have be offering support to LGB&T Manchester residents who are experiencing low mood, stress and anxiety. We speak to Lucy Rolfe, Wellbeing Manager to find out more. So why was the LGBT Wellbeing Clinic set up? We know that LGB&T people are more likely to experience mental health problems, but are less likely to access support, so our aim was to create a safe and nonjudgemental space to encourage people to come and see us if they didn’t feel comfortable accessing a mainstream NHS service. Who delivers the service? When you access the Wellbeing Clinic, you’ll be seen by a member of the local NHS Primary Care Mental Health Team who has a wealth of experience supporting LGB&T people from all walks of life. One of the great things about the clinic is that people who might not have accessed an NHS service before, perhaps because of concerns around being ‘outed’ or judged, don’t have to miss out on that valuable support. What kind of things can the Wellbeing Clinic help with? What we offer in the Wellbeing Clinic, is quite different to something like counselling, but we still aim to help you feel as comfortable as possible. The Wellbeing Clinic is designed to support you with feelings such as anxiety, stress, low

mood, low self esteem and panic. We can take you through some guided self help materials, where we’ll work together to look at how your thoughts, feelings and emotions are linked. The service can help you to develop more helpful coping techniques and build emotional resilience as well as confidence and self esteem. How do I apply and what happens next? Sessions are offered by appointment only, so we ask that you fill out an application form first. Once we’ve received your competed form, we’ll get in touch to arrange for you to come in for an initial chat, which gives you an opportunity to ask questions and for us to find out a bit more about how you’ve been feeling and make sure the service is suitable. If it is, you’ll

28 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

be offered between 6 – 8 one-to-one sessions here at the LGF either weekly or fortnightly. At the moment, we’re only able to offer this service to people aged 16 and over who are registered with a Manchester GP. If you live outside Manchester, see our next page to find out about support in your area. So, for more information and to request an application form, contact us on 0845 3 30 30 30 or email lucy.rolfe@lgf.org.uk


ARE YOU MISSING OUT? Improving Access to Psychological Therapies

Did you know that if you identify as LGB or T, you’re more likely to experience to depression or anxiety at some point? This might be for any number of reasons, but despite being in need of support, few of us access the services available in our area that could help to improve our wellbeing and overall mental health. In 2007, the government announced few funding, to be used to improve access to psychological therapies (IAPT), particularly those that can help with depression and anxiety and are backed up by evidence. Since then, the IAPT programme has gone from strength to strength; training thousands of new practitioners who have supported more than 1 million people living with a common mental health problem. It’s likely that you have an IAPT service in your area; in the North West alone it’s reached 24 different areas, offering 45 different services across the region. Many of the services available are designed to support people who are feeling low, worried, nervous, stressed or lacking in self esteem and confidence. This is mainly done by offering ‘talking therapies’, where you will meet with a practitioner on a regular basis, who will help you to manage the way you feel about your problems, set goals and tackle

unhelpful feeling step-by-step. Many services also offer groups, where you can learn about things like assertiveness and looking after your wellbeing, as well as giving you the opportunity to meet others who might have had similar experiences. Being in a group, could also help you to feel less isolated and potentially build a new support network of friends. Some IAPT services also offer computerised cognitive behavioural therapy, also known as cCBT. You don’t need to be computer savvy to use this service and you’ll still get support from a worker. Some services allow you to use this at home, making it more accessible for people who find it difficult to travel or work long hours. So, if you think one of these services might benefit you, how do you go about accessing one? Well, the first step is to find out if there’s one in your area. You can do this by speaking to your GP, or visiting the Services section of the IAPT website www.iapt.nhs.uk/services and clicking on your region. Here’s you’ll be able to find out what’s in offer in your area and how you can access it. If you’d prefer to talk to someone, whether it’s about these service or the things you’re feeling, you can call the LGF helpline on 0845 3 30 30 30 between 10am and 10pm 365 days a year. 23 www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 29


Edo Zollo

Martin, 59 yrs old 25 years HIV+ve Lancashire

Dan, 33 yrs old 8 years HIV+ve Manchester

STAND TALL GET TESTED In recent issues of outnorthwest we have talked to guys who are HIV positive (+ve) about how their diagnosis has affected their lives. This issue we talk to a man who has had a unique insight into what life could be like living with HIV who has since gone on to document people’s stories of life with HIV. Edo Zollo is a photographer who has travelled around the UK to document the lives of 30 HIV+ve people to help fight the stigma that still surrounds HIV. His exhibition ‘Stand Tall, Get Snapped’ has been widely praised in the media and was recently on display in Manchester as part of a national tour. Some of Edo’s portraits are featured here and Edo himself had a very frightening experience of taking

ONW talks to edo zollo about his recent photographic exhibition featuring people living with HIV. PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) after he worried about being exposed to the HIV virus himself. The medication had severe side effects and made him wonder what life must be like for those living with an HIV positive diagnosis. Had you heard about PEP before thinking you might need it? I was aware of the PEP, what I didn’t know is that you have only 72 hours from the moment you think you have been “infected” to take it in order to have an effect on the virus. What would you say to guys who don’t wear condoms and think eventually going on HIV meds is an inevitable part of being a gay man? To read more about HIV. Being HIV+ve is not just about taking a few pills a day. Some drugs can have strong side effects and can have long lasting negative effects

30 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

on your body, your liver, your kidneys etc. Not wearing a condom comes with risks, not just of HIV, but of other sexually transmitted infections, was this on your mind when you had your own experience of unprotected sex? Nope, it was more like a moment of madness, I wasn’t really thinking about the consequences. What were you going through from the time you realised you may have put yourself at risk and before deciding to go on PEP? I was panicking, I was really worried of being HIV+ ve for the rest of my life. I started to think how I was going to tell to my parents, family and friends about my status. My head was spinning with so many questions with few answers How easy was it for you to access PEP? It was easy to get an appointment, speak



If you think you have been at risk from HIV then it is important to get tested. The ideal time to test for HIV is 12 weeks after your last risk to ensure an accurate result. You can choose to test at any time but will need to consider re-testing if this result is negative and your last risk was within the 12 weeks before the test. This is often called a ‘window period’ .If you have had a risk within the past 72 hours then you may be able to obtain PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) .PEP is available from sexual health clinics and A&E departments. This needs to be prescribed by a doctor and involves taking medication for a month to reduce your risk of HIV infection .PEP should not be thought of as a ‘morning after pill’ or an alternative to using condoms.

Dunkan, 43 yrs old 18 years HIV+ve Manchester

to a nurse and to start treatment. PEP is a 28 drugs course to be taken within 72 hours of being at risk of infection. They don’t give you 28 days of drugs all in one go, they split it in 3 slots, this is because they want to make sure you don’t forget to complete the course and to attend the clinic. You have to take the drugs religiously every day, you can’t miss one day, unfortunately the side effects are pretty intense such as fatigue, tiredness, stomach-ache, diarrhoea and more. It’s not an easy 28 days. In your experiences of talking to HIV+ve men on meds how similar are their experiences of side effects compared to the ones you experienced on PEP? Very similar, living with HIV is not, like many people think, taking one pill a day and having one clinic appointment a month. Its dealing with daily side effects

of your drugs, taking your drugs at regular intervals, always thinking ahead before going out, going away or on holiday. How difficult do you think it is to get the message out that this treatment is a useful safety net but only in emergency situations? The difficulty of having accessible treatment can be misleading and possibly put people more at risk. Unfortunately I’ve met a few people saying “oh well, I have unsafe sex because I know the PEP is available for me”. Crazy stuff! Through your own experiences you have gone on to document the lives of people affected by the HIV virus. I have indeed, going through 28 days of taking drugs and thinking about the consequences of potentially being HIV+ve really made me aware of how difficult it must be living with HIV both physically and emotionally. It made me want to create a

photography project around HIV in order to raise awareness and reduce the stigma attached to it. I wanted to show the public that there is nothing to be ashamed of about being Hive. What do you think we can all do to talk more openly and effectively to gay men about the effects of HIV? I think there is a need for a new fresh national HIV campaign that focuses on the negative side effects of being HIV+ve, to send a strong message out to the public. Yes, we have moved on prevention, cure, long term, but people are still dying, people are still facing prejudice and there is still no cure for HIV. I think a strong campaign could help people to be more aware and take fewer risks. To find our more visit: www.standtallgetsnapped30 hivpeople.tumblr.com

www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 31




Photo: Ian Wallis (www.ianwallisphotography.co.uk)

Stacey Adams joined The LGF last month, as our new Sexual Health Programme Manager, looking after our work for gay and bisexual men. Stacey brings a wealth of experience to her new role, having previously managed young people’s services, including sexual health clinics. Stacey was responsible for the chlamydia screening programme for under-25s in Salford, the only ward in the North West to achieve the national target for screening in 2009/10.She has also managed a Health Improvement Team in Salford and she works part-time for Salford Young Carers Project, working with young people on a one-to-one basis and in group settings. The LGF provides Stacey with a new challenge and the opportunity to broaden her experience in sexual health projects and their delivery. Her priorities in coming months will be to get to grips with existing services and to implement a plan of action to deliver a wide variety of projects and initiatives. E-mail: stacey.adams@lgf.org.uk

Your chance to take part in a unique study. Dr Alice Martha Schofield is conducting a new study in Manchester over the next two years, to find out if a screening program for anal cancer in high risk people is feasible and beneficial. “Anal cancer is rare and affects about 1-1.5 people per 100,000; about 800 new cases in England and Wales each year” says Dr.Schofield. “Currently in the UK there is no cancer screening service for anal pre-cancers and cancers. Before cancer develops there are pre cancerous cell changes that can be detected on an anal smear. Certain groups of people are at higher risk of developing anal cancer. Individuals who are HIV positive, people who recieve anal sex and people whose immune system has been affected by having an organ

32 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

transplant are all at higher risk of acquiring anal HPV (human papilloma virus), which increases their risk of anal cancer. The pre cancerous cell changes that occur are almost always caused by HPV infection. This is the same virus that can cause cervical cancer in women. There is now a vaccination program in place for young women against HPV. Genital HPV is generally sexually transmitted through contact with somebody who has HPV infection in his or her cervix, vagina, anus or penis. Over time the cells infected with HPV can transform into cancer cells.” Dr.Schofield is currently recruiting 1000 men and women over the age of 25 from Manchester Centre for Sexual Health and the Renal Transplant Service at Manchester Royal Infirmary. If you would like to know more about this unique study please contact: 0161 701 9119.



Save the date for a Manchester Condom Partnership event as part of National Condom Week 2013

Thursday 23rd May 2013 9.30am - 3.00pm LUNCH PROVIDED. The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, Number 5, Richmond Street, Manchester M1 3HF. An opportunity to talk about condom use amongst the varied populations of Greater Manchester. This is an event for commisioners, service providers and

community members and an opportunity to explore, share learning and make recommendations in order to increase condom use across Greater Manchester. The lesbian & Gay Foundation is working in partnership with Brook Manchester and Manchester Public Health Development Service . For more information, e-mail talk@lgf.org.uk

NEW LGF CLINIC TIMES At the end of March LGF’s clinical services (outreach clinics and Rapid HIV clinics) changed dates and times . Outreach Clinics: The LGF outreach clinic now runs every TUESDAY from one of three locations around Manchester every month, offering the chance to get a full sexual health check up. Testing includes; Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, HIV and Hepatitis B. Current dates are below. The Sauna Outreach Clinic alternates between Basement and H20 Saunas every TUESDAY (12pm – 3pm)

The LGF Outreach Clinic takes place on the last TUESDAY of the month (12pm – 2pm). Rapid HIV Clinic: From Wednesday 27th March 2012, The Rapid HIV Clinic at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation will be available only between the hours of 12pm-2pm on a WEDNESDAY. You can find more details at www. lgf.org.uk/testing or for support and information please call 0845 3 30 30 30 or email info@lgf.org.uk


A BUNCH OF DICKS? I use two “gay social networking” apps on my smartphpne, more out of habit and a vague belief that I may actually meet someone half decent. After all I’m on there and I’M half decent! As someone who has a wealth of experience working in sexual health promotion, HIV prevention and general emotional support roles for gay and bisexual men, I’m no prude. I could share some experiences that would make men think twice. It’s enough that many profiles are faceless body shots, and I appreciate that being gay is still an issue for some guys. However, why when you ask for a face pic, are you greeted with a pic of their dick or arse?! Would I go around a bar with my face covered, poke someone in the back, and get my dick out? I think not. Even in saunas you can see a blokes face, whole body and not just his dick or arse! Surely, the whole point of having a profile and info there is to give a sense of who you are? I’m certainly not subscribing to the Mary Whitehouse School of Sexual Repression - I enjoy sex as much as the next man - I just feel that we (as a gay male community) really don’t make the effort any more in pursuing sex, we just expect to message someone, turn up at a random strangers house and have sex, sometimes without knowing what they look like. Which brings me back to the pics issue. Why do we need see 10, 15 or 20 pics of it? One is enough, surely? When I have sex with a man it’s not just his dick and arse that I am interested in, but his whole being - including his face and his body. Surely this is all part of the fun of having sex if its a one off encounter and part of building intimacy if you’re intending something deeper and more long term? Putting a bit of effort in is part of the fun of the pursuit... having a few more face pics, and some details in your profile about WHO you are. Or are we really just a bunch of dicks now?


www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 33

LGF SERVICES , Ending Homophobia ple


Empowering Peo

www.lgf.org.uk Registered Charity




Does this sound like a group you’d be interested in being a part of? Email groups@ lgf.org.uk for more information! This month we’ll be focussing on the Older & Bolder group, which is a group for gay and bisexual men who are over 40. The group is a social support group, which means that there will be a mixture of activities and discussions going on, and hopefully there will be something for everyone. Past sessions have included; an LGBT History Quiz, arts and crafts and a games night. And recently we have welcomed a Positive Speaker from George House Trust in to talk about living with HIV. The group is a safe, non judgemental and welcoming space for men to meet each other away from the ‘scene’ and build friendships. The group is run by our fully trained volunteers Andrew and Nick… What made you want to become a groupwork volunteer? NICK: I wanted to become a group work volunteer because I thought it would be a great way to get involved with the LGF and Older and Bolder sounded like a group that would be really interesting to work with, as well as providing a much-needed service to older gay men.

ARE YOU A GAY/BI MAN OVER 40? THIS GROUP COULD BE FOR YOU ANDREW: I became a volunteer as I was new to Manchester having moved north from West Bromwich to be with my boyfriend and I wanted to meet new people but also give something back to the gay community. Not every gay man wants to go drinking and clubbing on canal street and the LGF reaches out to these people. They offer a safe environment that allows people to be themselves. I wanted to be part of an organisation that helps improve the lives of its local gay community. How would you encourage someone to attend the group who was nervous? NICK: As the group’s relatively new itself, we’re still growing and have one or two fresh faces coming most weeks. Andy and I always try to make sure we get a bit of time to talk to new members before the session gets going, so if you’re nervous, just let the volunteer (at the desk when you come in) know that you want to chat to one of us beforehand and they’ll let us know. The group’s an informal

34 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

chance to chat, take part in great activities and get to know people, so there’s no pressure! I can guarantee that you’ll meet some friendly and interesting characters, probably learn something new about yourself and others, and hopefully have a lot of fun too! ANDREW: The Older and Bolder group is a diverse group of gay men with different backgrounds. We have many activities planned, which allows men to come to the sessions that they think suit them. Everyone is made to feel welcome and a volunteer will sit with you and introduce you to the men in the group and go through the welcome pack. Describe your group in three words... NICK: See for yourself! ANDREW: Friendly, fun and enjoyable! The group runs every second and fourth Thursday of the month, 7.30pm to 9pm. If you are nervous and would like to be met by a volunteer before the group, please email groups@lgf.org.uk or phone 0845 3 30 30 30


Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People

www.lgf.org.uk Registered Charity No.1070904


HORIZONS! In February 2013, the Horizons Group at Rampton Hospital reached their 8th birthday. The monthly group, is based in the Peaks Unit and is for gay and bisexual men and those who may be questioning their sexual orientation or are thinking about coming out. Horizons is facilitated by the LGF and we also hold two other monthly groups in the hospital for different groups of patients. It’s important for a group like Horizons to exist in a high security psychiatric hospital such as Rampton; to create a safe and accepting space for gay, bisexual and questioning men where they can be themselves, create friendships and feel part of the wider LBGT community. In the group, we cover a wide range of different topics, usually choosing a theme each month, such as ‘coming out’ or ‘LGBT history month’. The group gives its members a chance to learn more about what’s going on in the wider

community, become more knowledgeable about LGBT history and have a safe space to relax. We include activities like quizzes, discussions and creative workshops to explore a variety of different themes. We don’t tolerate homophobia or any other type of discrimination within the group, which helps the guys to feel more comfortable and able to relax. Since the group began in February 2005, things have come a long way. If it wasn’t for the members of Horizons, it may not even still be running! The dedication and determination of the members of the group have ensured that it’s gone from strength to strength, tackling issues such as homophobic bullying head-on with Rampton’s Anti-Bullying Lead. The Horizons Group has been a great success for the past 8 years and we hope it goes from strength to strength and continues for a long time yet.

It’s Nice to Have Someone to Chat To… We can offer up to 10 sessions with a friendly, fully trained befriender who can suppor t you to gain confidence and become the person you want to be. Befrienders sessions can be anything from going for a coffee and a chat, to accessing a social group. Your befriender will be there to suppor t you and encourage your self esteem. For an application form or any questions, please email befrienders@lgf.org.uk or phone 0845 3 30 30 30 www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 35


! ED V L O V N GET I Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People

www.lgf.org.uk Registered Charity No.1070904

GO TEAM TAURUS! ) Pollard (also known as Polly We caught up with Michael . Street, Manchester co-owner of Taurus Bar, Canal

Gary’s Running to Help Us Continue Wellbeing Services!

Gar y is running the Wilmslow Half-Marathon in suppor t of The LGF. In Gar y’s words, “I want to e raise money for the LGF becaus a on out me ed they have help number of occasions in a variety of ways. I’m incredibly grateful to have benefited from such a ly wonderful service during a real t wan I difficult time for me, and so to help ensure that it’s funded e hav to e tinu con that others can it.” d nee y the n whe access to it If like Gar y, you’ve benefitted from our services in the past, why not drop us a line to see how you can help us continue providing our much-needed services?

eagues Polly has arranged for nine coll ing and friends to join him in runn 3 the BUPA Manchester 10K 201 us, told Polly on Sunday 26th May. have “Taurus is a community-led bar; we a As LGF. The with a great relationship top to t wan I tee, Trus Manchester Pride much up the community pot by raising as I money as possible! This time last year me ing had an operation on my ankle leav put on wheelchair-bound for six months. I btful dou was it two stone, at one point

nsive that I would walk again. I am apprehe in pins six has e about the run as my ankl have I fact the to it and is still broken, due the last osteoarthritis. I may have to hobble to finish ed rmin dete am I but s few kilometre .” day p cam a be to g goin it. I think it’s et of Polly has set a fundraising targ by him t £3,000 so please suppor ww. at w can donating as much as you urus mTa justgiving.com/Tea

GOOD LUCK! is Five runners are donning our Enough bia” opho hom nst agai ing Enough! “I’m runn the on n atho Mar on Lond n Virgi vests in the ss actre ield, Oldf t Julie ding inclu l, 21st Apri d from ‘Bronson’, ‘The Knot’ and ‘Borrowe if and , Time’. Keep your eye out for them them give se plea you’ll be there on the day, a massive cheer!

32 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk 36

GET INVOLVED! “Physical risks through lack of exercise include obesity, cancer, heart attack and stroke. Adults should aim to be active daily. These sessions could involve activities such as walking, running, swimming and cycling.” Ross Bewley is a Manchester based Personal Trainer with over 10 years of experience. Areas of expertise include weight loss, fitness and strength building. Ross has compiled some handy hints for ONW readers who are thinking of getting active for The LGF. Ross says, “A healthy body is a healthy mind. Studies have shown that exercise can significantly improve mental health. Regular fitness sessions are likely to improve mood, energy levels and quality of sleep. Risk of serious illness such as depression, Alzheimer’s and dementia are also said to be reduced with regular exercise.” We asked Ross if he had any tips for combatting stress: “Try to exercise on a regular basis and maintain a healthy diet. Take time to


TOP TIPS! relax and recharge your batteries. Manage your time and try to avoid rushing from place to place Stretch regularly as it will reduce muscular tension and stress Be friendly and cheerful, it’s contagious and you will benefit as well as others” personaltraininginmanchester.com


A huge thank you to Frankie, Kathy and Luke who took on and defeated the Silverstone Half Marathon Challenge on 3rd March! Between them, they raised nearly £1,000 which will help us to continue delivering much-needed services to LGB people. Afterwards, Frankie said, “Whilst I was running, a couple of people said I was running for a fantastic cause. Those comments made by complete strangers really touched me and gave me the extra boost I needed when I was flagging. I really enjoyed the challenge, especially the sense of achievement when I crossed the finish line!”




For all the different ways you can get involved and support The LGF, scan the QR code above or visit www.lgf.org.uk/fundraise




Last year, our services made a difference to thousands of lesbian, gay and bisexual people. We need your help to carry on. To donate text 70070 with the code ONWD13 followed by the amount you want to donate, for example, ONWD13 £5. www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 37



Listings LGB&T North West Listings Including:

Venues, Clinics, Charities & Community Groups

Manchester 88 Listing Indicator

£ Portland Street

Major Street

Hart Street




Free Safer Sex Packs available at most venues




100 Bloom St,

Baa-Bar 27 Sackville Street, 0161 247 7997, glitter balls and a flashy dance floor, baabar.co.uk 3

The Bay Horse 35-37 Thomas St, 0161 661 1041, a traditional gay friendly pub, thebayhorsepub.co.uk Belinda ScandAl’s Show Bar 33 Sackville St, 0161 236 1311, Cabaret, Competitions and Fabulous Shows. 4

Please email any new or updated listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk







25 34 28

Whitworth Street

Mixed Mainly Men Mainly Women Mainly Trans Bar Serves Food Cash Point Outdoor Seating Disabled Access

49 22 16

a hin




Piccadilly Train Station


5 All information provided by venues. Please check before arrival 16 Monroes 38 London Rd, 0161 236 1788

25 Boyz 4 Canal Street, 0161 228 1360, queer-manchester.com

13 Eagle 15 Bloom Street, 0161 228 6669, open daily from 5pm till late. eaglemanchester.com

Bull’s Head Gay Friendly 84 London Rd, 0161 236 1724.


Foo Foos 53 Bloom Street, 0161425 6408

19 Napoleons 35 Bloom St, 0161 236 8800, welcomes all LGB&T customers, napoleons.co.uk

6 Churchills 37 Chorlton St, 0161 236 5529, karaoke Tues and Thurs, facebook.com/ churchillsmanchester

14 G-A-Y 10 Canal Street, 0161 228 6201, lively and modern three-floor bar, g-a-y.co.uk

20 The New Union 111 Princess St, 0161 228 1492 newunionhotel.com

15 ICON Sackville St, iconmanchester.co.uk

21 New York New York 94 Bloom St, 0161 236 6556, busy fun pub, popular with lesbians and gays of all ages.


1 Alter Ego 105-107 Princess St, 0161 236 9266, home to Poptastic every Tuesday and Saturday night, clubalterego.co.uk



Canal Street

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Venues Key Dance Floor



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Richmond Street

Sackville Gardens



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50 Richmond Street




Northern Quarter Hart Street

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45 47 43

Parking Cash Machine


Bloom Street


Major Street

Minshull Street


(Free City Centre Bus)

Chorlton Street Bus/Coach Station

29 Abingdon Street


Chorlton Street

Sackville Street

Princess Street


Train Station Metrolink Stop Metroshuttle Stop

Portland Street

company bar 28 Richmond St, 0161 237 9329, companybarmanchester.co.uk 7

Coyotes 14 Chorlton Street, 0161 236 4007, pleasant two floor bar, coyotesbar.co.uk 8

Crunch 10 Canal Street, 0161 236 0446, crunchbar.co.uk 9

Cruz 101 101 Princess St, 0161 950 0101, one of Manchester’s most popular nightclubs, cruz101.com 10

Eden 3 Brazil Street, 0161 237 9852, food served daily, edenbar.co.uk 11

16 Legends 4-6 Whitworth Street, 0161 236 5400, legendsmanchester.com 17 Manto 46 Canal Street, 0161 236 2667, bar over three floors, mantobar.com

Mint Lounge Gay Friendly 46-50 Oldham St, 0161 228 1495, trendy bar, mintlounge.com 18 The Molly House 26 Richmond St, 0161 237 9329, bar over three floors, themollyhouse.com

30 OSCARS 34 Canal Street, 0161 237 9201 oscarsbarmanchester.co.uk 22 The Outpost 4-6 Whitworth St, 0161 236 5400 legendsmanchester.com 23 Overdraught Student 121 Princess Street, 0161 237 0811 24 Paddy’s Goose 29 Bloom St, 0161 236 1246, traditional pub. 35 Polari 28-30 Canal St, 0161 236 6523

Community & Health

25 Queer 4 Canal Street, 0161 228 1360, queer-manchester.com

Rem BAR 33 Sackville St, 0161 236 1311, traditional pub, rembar.co.uk 4

26 Retro Bar 78 Sackville Street, 0161 274 4892, retrobarmanchester.com

The Lodge Richmond Street, 0161 237 9667, 27

Taurus 1 Canal St, 0161 236 4593, taurus-bar.co.uk 28

29 Thompsons Arms 23 Sackville Street, 0161 237 5919.

Tribeca Gay Friendly 50 Sackville Street, 0161 236 8300, New York style lounge, tribeca-bar.co.uk 31

Vanilla 39-41 Richmond Street, 0161 657 8890, vanillagirls.co.uk 32

Velvet 2 Canal St, 0161 236 9003, food served daily, velvetmanchester.com 34

Via 28-30 Canal St, 0161 236 6523, viamanchester.com 35

36 View 40 Canal St, 0161 236 9033, viewbar.co.uk

Club Nights ALERT Fetish at Legends, 4th Friday of the month club-alert.com Bear Club UK at Legends, 1st Sat of the month facebook.com/bearclubuk The Big Scrum Rugby/Sports Kit at Legends, 3rd Sat of the month bigscrum.com BOLLOX Pop/Indie at Legends, 3rd Friday of the month bolloxclub.com Club HD Arch 66, Whitworth St West, gay/mixed bar/club Friu & Sat nights, hdclubbing.com

Albert Kennedy Trust 5 Oak Street, Northern Quarter, Manchester, 0161 228 3308, providing supported lodgings, mentoring, be-friending and information and advice to young LGBT people, admin@ akt.org.uk ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS LGBT Friendly group meets every Fri @ Joyce Layland LGBT Centre, Sidney Street. Call 0845 769 7555 Eclypse Lifeline 73 Ardwick Green North, Ardwick, 0161 273 6686, young persons drug & alcohol support service, MonFri 9-5, Thurs 9-7, fiona@eclypse-yps.org.uk Kath Locke Centre 123 Moss Lane East, Hulme, 0161 455 0211, traditional & complimentary medicine. Manchester Pride 5 Oak Street, manchesterpride.com MANCHESTER MIND Mental Health services, manchestermind.org NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS LGBT Friendly group meets every Sat @ Joyce Layland LGBT Centre, Sidney Street. Call 0300 999 1122 Self Help Services Zion Community Resource Centre Stretford Rd, 0161 226 3871, mental health services, selfhelpservices.org.uk Survivors Manchester 07919 246 2671, Confidential support for male survivors of sexual abuse and rape, survivorsmanchester.org.uk The City Centre Project 52 Oldham Street, 0161 228 3308 and 3309, project works with young people 16-25 yrs who’s primary disadvantage is homelessness. 37 The Lesbian & Gay Foundation (LGF) Number 5, Richmond Street, 0845 3 30 30 30, for all your LGB information and services, lgf.org.uk

Trans Resource Empowerment Cantre (TREC) Trans activities & info, transcentre.org.uk

Sparkles Cafe Gay Friendly 66 Tib Street That Café 1031 Stockport Road, 0161 432 4672, thatcafe.co.uk Villagio Canal St, 0161 344 5222, villaggiomanchester.co.uk

Shops & Services 41 Bannatynes Health Club Gay Friendly 36-38 Whitworth St, 0161 236 6864

Becky Johnson Counselling 07841 837029, Experienced individual and couples counsellor. M2 and SK9 locations. integrative-psychotherapy.eu 47 Bloom Street Off License 37-39 Bloom St, 0161 236 1788

Central Manchester Osteopathy & Sports Therapy Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount St, 0786705385, help relieve your aches by looking at the bigger picture, centralmanchesterosteopathy.com 42 Clone Zone 36-38 Sackville Street, 0161 236 1398, clonezone.co.uk

Counselling Services Manchester 07913781982, Experienced LGBT friendly woman counsellor based in Chorlton, counsellingservicesmanchester.co.uk Dr Phil Tyson 0161 256 1890, Men’s Psychotherapist and relationship counselling. menstherapy.co.uk ESSENCE COUNSELLING info@essencecounselling.org www.essencecounselling.org 43

Funky Crop Shop 37 Bloom Street, 0161 237 1032, village hair shop. 44 Gayter Hairdressing 57 Hilton Street, 0161 236 1128, hair salon, gayterhairdressing.com

HANA K PLUMBING friendly female plumber, hanakplumbing.co.uk, 0161 408 4605 or 07588 249 229


Helen smith FUNERALS 07870 541668, funerals that are individual fitting and true, helensmithfunerals.co.uk

Countdown to the 80’s at Eagle, 0161 228 6669, every Wednesday

BRASSERIE Gay Friendly Albert Square, 0161 834 7633

Inked Tattoo Studio 37 Bloom Street, 0161 237 1032

Deviant Fetish at Eagle, 0161 228 6669, last Sat of the month

CROMA Pizza and Pasta 1 Clarance St, 0161 237 9799, croma.biz

Into-Latex 0161 336 8723, for all your rubber gear, into-latex.co.uk

Disco Damaged Pop at Legends, 4th Sat of the month, clubdiscodamaged.com

CROMA Pizza and Pasta 30 Longfield Centre, Prestwich, 0161 798 7666, croma.biz

Eager Beaver Friday at Manto Bar Lounge

38 DRIP COFFEE Fourways House, 57 Hilton Street, 0161 235 5100, relaxed and friendly coffee bar.

Jacqueline Hayes Therapy 07749498648, Counsellor and psychotherapist based in South Manchester, jachayes.co.uk

CLub lash Fetish at Legends, mixed fetish /SM night every 2nd Sat clublash.com

FEDERATION Mainly Men at The Ritz, every bank holiday clubfederation.com Homoelectric at Legends, 1 Friday every other month homoelectric.com st

Mish Mash Cabaret Circle Club, every 2nd Friday of the month, 8pm £8, mishmash1.com Morning Glory at Queer, after hours every Saturday open mic night Women Only 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, Women only & alcohol free, last Wed of the month, 7-10pm, £1 admission. enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk Organic at Spirit, after hours every Sat. POPTASTIC Pop/Indie at Alter Ego, 07974 248 247 poptastic.co.uk RECREATION clubrecreation.co.uk Please note all listings information is provided by third parties. The LGF can accept no responsibility for the quality of the services/groups listed

Eighth Day Vegan 111 Oxford Road, 0161 273 1850 39 Genghis khans 16 Chorlton Street,

0161 228 1631, genghiskhans.co.uk 40

jacksons Jackson’s Warehouse, 20 Tariff Street, 0161 228 2677, axm-arcobaleno.com


45 NICE ‘N’ NAUGHTY 39 Bloom Street, 0161 228 0020

Olive Deli 36-38 Whitworth St, 0161 236 2360 46

PAMELA UNSWORTH PERSONAL TRAINER Home, gym or outdoor bootcamp training, call 07710572283

Lava Café Bar Castle Quay, 0161 833 2444, lavacafebar.co.uk

Pants 3rd Floor, Aflecks Palace, 07816276925, men’s designer underwear store, pants.uk.com

LGBT COMMUNITY CAFE Opens 24th April, The Joyce Layland Centre, 49-51 Sidney Street, 11am-5pm

Pink Counselling Roger: 07506924801, gay male Therapeutic Counsellor working in Didsbury & Altrincham.

LIVEBAIT Gay Friendly 22 Lloyd Street, 0161 817 4110, santeonline.co.uk

ProBalance Personal Training 0161 833 4777, gay friendly personal training gym in the City Centre, pro-balance.co.uk

Richmond Tea Rooms Richmond Street, 0161 237 9667, richmondtearooms.com 27

52 Sanctuary 46 Sackville Street, 0161

237 5551, sanctuarymanchester.co.uk SAPPORO Teppanyaki 91-93 Liverpool Road, 0161 831 9888

47 Pure Tanning 37-39 Bloom St, 0161 236 1788

QueensClean.co.uk Gay owned cleaning service. 0753 329 2451/ 0161 298 0335, queensclean@2die4.com

Let's Do Lunch

supported by:

Meet at 2pm, 2nd Sunday of every other month in Manchester’s Gay Village. Next Meetings: 11th September and 13th November Enjoy a lazy Sunday afternoon, chill & chat over good food and a bottle of wine. For info or to reserve a place: Tel: 0781 308 3242 email: paula650@aol.com www.lesbiandiners.co.uk 48 ROB 17 China Lane, 0161 236 6222, for all your leather, rubber and twisted gear, rob.com

room to relax @ Fitness First, 7-11 Lower Mosley St, 07815672235, We offer a wide range of holistic treatments. Spa Satori 0161 819 2465, 112 High St, holistic health & beauty spa, spasatori.co.uk Therapy In Manchester 07592340211, Professional psychotherapy and counselling in south Manchester, therapyinmanchester.co.uk UPPERCUTS BARBERS The Arndale Market, 07784 156 693

Hotels & B&B’s City Inn Manchester One Piccadilly Place, Auburn Street, 0161 242 1000, cityinn.com CLYDEMOUNT GUEST HOUSE 866 Hyde Rd, Debdale Park, 0161 231 1515, bookings@clydemount.co.uk clydemount.co.uk 49 INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Gay 34 London Rd, 54 bedrooms, 0161 236 1010

LeVille Hotel Opening Soon Canal Street, levillehotel.com 34 Velvet Hotel 2 Canal Street, 0161 236 9003, velvetmanchester.com

Saunas 50 H2O Sauna 36-38 Sackville Street, 0161 236 3876, seven day sauna for gay and bi men, h2osauna.co.uk 51 The Basement Complex 18 Tariff Street, 0161 236 8131, seven day sauna for gay and bi men, basementcomplex.co.uk

Agencies 42nd St The SPACE, 87-91 Great Ancoats St, 0161 832 0170, advice for young LGB’s, fortysecondstreet.org.uk Addaction 31 Robert St. 0161 214 0770, Prison resettlement for people with drug problems, addaction.org Addiction Dependency Solutions 29a Ardwick Green North, 0161 272 8844, for people with drug problems (or their freinds and family) adsolutions.org.uk Barnardo’s Health Through Action The Progress Centre, Charlton Place, Ardwick Green, 0161 273 2901 BARNArDOS MANCHESTER LEAVING CARE SERVICES 36 Monton Street, 0161 226 6722, barnardos.org.uk The BHA Stretford Rd,0845 450 4247, health, social care & advocay services for BME & other marginalised communities thebha.org.uk

Greater Manchester Agencies Continued CENTRAL MANCHESTER WOMEN’S AID confidential accomodation & support services to lesbians experiencing same-sex partner abuse. Call 0161 273 4366, info@ cmwomensaid.org.uk Community Alcohol Team 0161 230 6382, manchestercat.org Community Arts North West 46-50 Oldham St, 0161 234 2975 can.uk.com Crisis Point 24 Albert Road, Levenshulme, 0161 225 9500, mental health support & short term crisis accomodation, turning-point.co.uk George House Trust 77 Ardwick Green North, 0161 274 4499, ght.org.uk Gregory’s Place 69 Ardwick Green North, 0161 273 2901, support for children and young people with HIV gregorysplace@barnardos.org.uk Lifeline 101-103 Oldham St, 0161 839 2054, lifeline.org.uk Lifeshare 0161 953 4069, male sex workers advice, lifeshare.co.uk Manchester Drug Service The Bridge, 104 Fairfield Street, 0161 273 4040 Manchester Rainbow support & Homecare 0161 720 6369, providing care and support to adults in their own homes and communities, m-r-s-h.co.uk Manchester Smoking Cessation 0161 205 5998 Pankhurst Centre 60-62 Nelson Street, Chorlton-on-Medlock, 0161 273 5673, pankhurstcentre.org.uk St. Mary’s Centre New St. Mary’s Hospital, Hathersage Road, 0161 276 6515, sexual assault referral centre, stmaryscentre.org

Edward carpenter community Heart Circles 1st Sunday of the month, 3pm 49-51 Sidney Street, edwardcarpentercommunity.org.uk/ local-groups friends of sackville gardens 0845 3 30 30 30, Meets monthly to plan improvements, maintenance and new planting in Sackville Gardens Gaydio info@gaydio.co.uk Gay in the uk Refugee Action, 23-37 Edge Street, 07824 473 479, LGBT social group for refugees & asylu seekers, 1st Tue of the month 6pm, lgbtsocial@yahoo.co.uk gay MARRIED MENS GROUP support group for gay/bi men in, or just out of, a heterosexual relationship. Meets 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month 7.30-9pm at the LGF, 0845 3 30 30 30 Gay Naturist SWIM all ages, nude_n_manchester@yahoo.co.uk GOLD GROUP Support group for LGB&T adults with learning disabilities. Meets monthly at the LGF. For more information ring Jane on 07708 564 697 House of Rainbow 07751 693708, meets at the LGF, LGBTI friendly Christian fellowship - People who may have come to the UK are especially welcome. 2nd Tuesday of the month. Icebreakers gay & bi men's support group meets 8pm every Wednesday at the LGF, 0845 3 30 30 30, icebreakersmanchester.org.uk Imaan @ The LGF, 0845 3 30 30 30, For LGBT Muslim’s 1st Friday/mnth 7.309.30pm, imaan.org.uk Inner Enigma 0845 838 1264, trans and intersex support and advice, info@innerenigma.co.uk

ThE Manchester Foyer 61 Booth St West, Hulme, 0161 276 1000, supported accomodation for young people 16-25’s, svha.co.uk

KESHET Advocacy, education and support service for jewish LGB&Ts, 07906700114, info@keshetmanchester.org.uk

The Village Citizen Advice Bureau 25a Hankinson Way, Salford Precinct, 0161 834 2005, employment services for LGB&T people thevillage.org.uk

Lesbian and Gay Youth Manchester (LGYM) LGBT Centre, 49-51 Sidney St, 0790 0680725, young LGBT people, 14-25, Tues 7.30-10pm, Sat 3-7pm info@lgym.org.uk

Clinics South Manchester Sexual Health Clinic Withington Hospital, 0161 217 4939 North Manchester GUM Delaunays Rd, Crumpsall, 0161 720 2681 North Manchester Hospital Same day HIV test clinic, 0161 720 2845 Rusholme Health Centre Walmer Street, 0161 225 6699 outreach Clinic @ the LGF and 4 other locations, Tuesdays, no appointment needed, 0845 3 30 30 30, lgf.org.uk Rapid HIV Testing @ the LGF Weds 122pm, no appointment needed (last test 1.30pm) results in 20 mins, 0845 3 30 30 30, lgf.org.uk the hathersage centre 280 Upper Brook St, 0161 276 5200 / 5212

Groups THE ART CLASS a mixed group for LGB and T people of all abilities. Equipment provided. Meets 2nd and 4th Monday of the month 7pm-9pm at the LGF BiPhoria 07941 811124, bisexual support 18+, biphoria.org.uk CAROUSEL 0845 3 30 30 30, social support group for lesbian/bisexual women meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month 7.30-9pm at the LGF

lesbian Culture Club Over the village but not over the hill? Monthly cultural socials for like minded women lesbiancultureclub@hotmail.co.uk Let’s Do Lunch 07813 083242, lesbian diners every other month, paulad650@aol.com lesbiandiners.co.uk LGBT Meetup Group lgbt.socialnw@gmail.com LIK:T 07813 981 338, 49-51 Sydney St, run by and for young lesbian & bisexual women. Meets alternate Tue of the month, likt_info@ yahoo.co.uk Manchester gay Christians manchestergaychristians.org Manchester Concord transgender Social group every Wed 7pm upstairs bar, New York New York, Bloom St (changing room 5-11pm). mary@manchesterconcord.org.uk The Manchester counsellors & Psychotheripists Reading Group 07592 340 211, Meets regularly on Fridays (limited spaces) from 6:30-8:30pm for more information and dates please contact paul.melia@therapyinmanchester.co.uk Manchester Deaf Triangle Club group for deaf LGBs, triangle@manchesterdeafcentre.com manchestertriangleclub.co.uk Manchester gay skinheads oi-skinhead.com

Manchester Feminist Network Women only group, meets 2nd Sat of the month 2-4pm at Friends Meeting House Manchester Lesbian & Gay Chorus 07944 056047, mlgc.org.uk Manchester Parents Group 01565 733891, meets at the LGF, support for parents of LGB children, manpg.co.uk Manchester Rubbermen social group for gay men into rubber/latex fetish, manchesterrubber.co.uk Mango Men’s dining club 07866 909677, 1st Thursday of the month, mango.news@btopenworld.com Metropolitan Community Church United Reformed Church, Wilbraham Rd, 0161 881 6050, LGB&T led christian church mccmanchester.co.uk MMU LGBT mmu_lgbt@hotmail.co.uk MORF Manchester Lesbian & Gay Centre, 45-51 Sydney St, 0794 824 3289, soial & support for transguys 4th Monday of the month, morf@morf.org.uk morf.org.uk New Family Social Meeting monthly in South manchester. For more info go to newfamilysocial.org.uk Older women’s drop in 0161 205 3851, London Scottish House, Mount St. 1st Tues of the month 2-4pm, social group aimed at women 50+, sue.nzilani@silverservice.org.uk Out In The City Social group for over 50’s LGBT. Drop in Weds at Mount St, activities every Thurs. outinthecity05.webs.com out to the theatre 01457 877 161, gay men’s social group, joncassun@yahoo.co.uk OLDER & BOLDER A social and support group for gay/bi men over 40. Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month 7:30pm9pm at the LGF Proud 2 b Parents 0161 226 0162 or 07506 515932, for LGB&T parents and their children every 4th Saturday, m.taylor_ roberts@manchester.gov.uk queer skinhead brotherhood queerskinbrotherhood@googlemail.com Queer Youth Manchester 07092 031 086, info@queeryouth.net QUEER PEOPLE OF COLOUR LGBTQ black & minority ethnic social/activist group. Meets fortnightly Tue at The Joyce Layland LGBT Centre, 49-51 Sidney street. Call 07725581945 Rainbow Families peer support & monthly social for current & prospective lesbian parents and their children, rainbow_families@hotmail.com Rapture play day For LGBT parents and kids, 3.30-5.30, search facebook salford youth service lgbt youth group at The Base, 0161 778 0702, steve.dyson@salford.gov.uk SM Dykes 49-51 Sidney Street, 07952 237 526, smdykes@smdykes.org.uk smdykes.org.uk STEPPING STONES 0845 3 30 30 30, A support group for lesbian and bisexual women meets 2nd & 4th Tuesday 7.30-9pm. Transforum Ninian’s Church, Wilbraham Rd, Chorlton, 07500 741 955, TransGender discussion & mutual support group, meets 4th Sat of the month 3.30pm, jennyannebuk@yahoo.co.uk VADA LGBT community theatre group drama workshops & performances, all welcome, vada.theatre@gmail.com

Please email any new or updated listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk

VILLAGE BAKERS LGBT Baking Social group. Meets every 2nd Sun of the month at 1pm. details can be found at Facebook.com/villagebakers and Twitter @ villagebakers WOMEN’S CORNERHOUSE FILM GROUP Informal social group for l&b women. Meets 6pm on 1st Sat of month at Cornerhouse. Rachelm.cross@btinternet.com for info women’s domestic violence Refuge: 0161 861 8428, Helpline: 0161 636 7525, support and advice to women and children experiencing domestic violence. wvdh.info@virgin.net UMSU LGBT Society student group, for social events, campagins, drop-ins and support enquiries@lgbt.manchester.ac.uk

Sports Groups Absolutely DANCING Trinity High School every Weds 8pm-10pm latin and ballroom lessons for the LGB&T community. absolutelydancingmanchester@hotmail.com CANALSIDERS UK LGBT Amateur Rugby League club. For more information or to get involved email info@canalsiders.co.uk Crown Green Bowling in the Manchester area, for lGBT people, woodsbowler@yahoo.co.uk Gay gordons manchester Scottish Country and Ceilidh Dancing and classes gay-gordons-manchester.co.uk GAY OUTDOOR GROUP transpennine walking group, 07855 197607 goc.org.uk Ghap badminton ghapbadminton.org.uk MANCHESTER BADMINTON CLUB 07939 477026, Badminton club for the less experienced player. Manchester Front Runners 07813 336 445, LGF Box 106, Number 5, Richmond Street, M1 3HF, running club catering for all abilities, meets every Thurs in the city centre, manchesterfrontrunners.org Manchester jessies Lesbian & bisexual women’s walking group, meets twice monthly manchesterjessies@googlemail.com MANCHESTER PRAIRIE DOGS 07960 351 882, line dance sessions, every Tues 7.30-9 beginners, 9-10.30 intermediate, manchesterprairiedogs.co.uk Manchester SHARKS Miles Platting Pool, Varley Street, water polo club manchestersharks.co.uk Manchester Stingers WFC Womens football club for all abilities, helenamcdonald@hotmail.com manchester walking women its.elly@yahoo.co.uk Marlin Levenshulme Swimming Pool, Barlow Rd, trans swimming group, swim@marlin.org.uk NETBALL 07939 477 026, women only group with weekly coaching, training every Monday, 8-10pm. NORTHERN ACES TENNIS GROUP Social tennis club for all abilities, including beginners hour and women’s hour taster sessions northernacestennis.com NORTHERN FLIGHT BADMINTON CLUB For experienced players, northernflight.org.uk northern jump 07783 297965, volleyball group, G/L/T/TV meets weekly. All ages & abilities welcome, northernjump.webs.com NORTHERN Rebound LGBT squash club for all abilities. At the National Squash centre Wed & Fri & hold regular tournaments. northern_rebound@hotmail.com

north Manchester LGBT Corner Safe new social web space for people of diverse sexualities, identities & lifestyles to come together, share thoughts & make new friends nmlgbtcorner@hotmail.co.uk Northern Wave swimming club 0161 872 1990, swimming for all, northernwave.org OPEN ATHLETICS Trains on Weds, 5K every 1st Sun. 07709 000 436, openathletics.org OUTDOORLADS 0161 420 0001,outdoor pursuits org aimed at gay and bi lads. Climbing, hiking, camping, caving and more, all abilities welcome, outdoorlads.com Out on Sunday 07775 671691, walking group, outonsunday.co.uk Out to Dance LGB&T Latin Dance group, check website for details, out2dance.org.uk PEAK RUFTIES peakrufties.webs.com, Lesbian walking group, holds longer walks in the Peak District Slam Dunkin’ Divas 07769691360, basketball group for lesbian/ bi/trans women, tue eve, slamdunkindivas@googlemail.com Touch Rugby Call on Paul 07775 022797 paul.scanlon-wells@rfl.uk.com Village Manchester FC gay men’s football club for every level, vmfc.co.uk

Manchester Rainbow support & Homecare 0161 720 6369, providing care and support to adults in their own homes and communities, m-r-s-h.co.uk LGB&T police liaison officers North Bury - kevin.day@gmp.police.uk South Bury - andrew.hall@gmp.police.uk Bury GUM Services Townside Primary Care Centre, 0161 762 1588 YPAS Bury Townside Primary Care Centre, 0161 762 1588


Bury Anti-homophobic bullying group 0161 253 5884

bury lgbt networking group residents and service providers improving the LGBRT profile in our town, burylgbtnetworking@live.co.uk bury Council lgbt employee group 0161 253 6625, lgbt@bury.gov.uk POG (Proud of Gayness) 0161 253 7733, Connexions, 13-15 Broad St, Bury, safe enviroment for young LGBTQ people to meet alt Mondays, connexions-bury.org.uk


Timeless Funeral Services 265 - 267 Dumers Lane, Radcliffe, 0161 959 0108


Village Spartans Rugby Training sessions on Wednesday evening from 7pm, villagespartans.co.uk

pubs, clubs & bars

WEEKENDERS lesbian and gay walking group based in the North of England, geocities.com/weekenders_uk

Rapture Club Nights The Chorlton Irish Club, 17 High Lane. Women centred but all invited - 7.15 until LATE, search facebook

wheelies fc Manchester Leisure Sports Centre, mixed women’s football every Sun 11am-1pm. WOMEN TRI SPORTS Range of sports every Sat 12-1:30pm @ Our Lady’s Sport Centre, bLACKLEY. cALL aMELIA ON 07813981338

BoLtOn pubs, clubs & bars

Carbon Bar Gay friendly, 01204 776325

THE NIP & TIPPLE 197 Upper Chorlton Road, 0161 860 7330


CROMA Pizza and Pasta 498-500 Wilbraham Road, 0161 881 1117, croma.biz The Lead Station 99 Beech Road, 0161 881 5559


Pad Gift Shop 105 Manchester Road, 0161 881 0088, pad-chorlton.co.uk

The Cotton Tree Prince St, 07861896500


The Star 11 Bow St, 01204 361113


club NightS

Twisty tuesdays J2 & The Attic Square


Bolton Centre for Sexual Health Minerva Road, Farnworth, 01204 390771

The Brewery Tavern 42 George Street,

THE ABBEY INN Mixed 77 West Street.


The Phoenix Sexual Health Centre Royal Oldham Hospital, Rochdale Rd, 0161 627 8753

Sexual Health PROMOTION UNIT 01706 517 613 THE BRIDGE SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Baillie Street, 0161 627 8753


church group meets at the Inspiration Ministries Christian Spiritualist Community and healing Centre, call 07906 795 712 Lesbian, Gay, Bisxeual, Trans Wellbeing Group 07896146109, 3-11 Drake St, Promoting postive mental health and wellbeing for all. rochdalemind.org.uk

O’Neill Patient Solicitors Chester House, 2 Chester Rd, Hazel Grove, 0161 483 8555, oneillpatient.co.uk


Out in stockport Stepping Hill, 0161 483 4784 outinstockport.wordpress.com People Like Us (PLUS) LGBT Social support group, 2nd Wed of the month at The Arden Arms, 7.30pm, stockportplus.org PLUS Exercise Group (PEG) 07880 746 079, arranges monthly walks in the Stockport area


PLUS Reading Group 07880 746079



Brook Advisory 3 Derby Road, Weaste, 0161 622 9848 eccles gateway Church Street, 0161 212 5717, thurs 6-8.30pm, drop in. higher broughton health centre Bevendon Square, 0161 212 4500, Wed 6-8.30, Fri 9.30-11.30 drop in. irlam medical centre MacDonald Rd, 0161 212 4500, Wed. 6-8.30pm drop in. Goodman Sexual Health Clinic Lancs Burn Health Centre, Churchill Way, 0161 212 5717, Appt only: Mon 9-11.30am, 1-4.30pm, 6-9.30pm, Tue 9-11.30am, Wed 1-4.30pm, Thurs 9-11.30am & 1-4.30pm, Fri 9-11.30am. DROP IN: Tue 2-4.30pm & 6-8.30pm. Manchester Rainbow support & Homecare 0161 720 6369, providing care and support to adults in their own homes and communities, m-r-s-h.co.uk starting Out Project Neil 07766 550264 0161 607 1620, Salford City Council’s young LGBT tenancy support service. neil.cochrane@salford.gov.uk swinton clinic 139 Partington Lane, 0161 212 5100, Mon 2-4.30pm, Tue 6-8.30pm, Fri 2-4.30pm drop in. WALKDEN gateway 2 Smith Street, 0161 212 5717, Mon 6-8.30pm, Tue 2-4.30pm drop in.


Out in Salford LGBT Network meeting regularly in Salford to socialise and looks at ways of improving LGB&T life in the city, outinsalford.org.uk SALFORD LGBT YOUTH Group The Beacon Centre, 1 London Street, 0161 778 0700, safe space for young LGBT people loads of different activities. chris.rice@salford.gov.uk

pubs, clubs & bars The feathers Show Bar 138 Stamford St Central, Ashton-under-Lyne, 0161 308 3586. Queen Inn 37 Oldham Rd, Ashton-under-Lyne, gay friendly.


Sexual Health Clinic Ashton Primary Care Centre, 193 Old Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, 0161 342 7101 Outloud Lisa Matthews: 0161 336 6615, Tameside youth service 11-19 youth group.


The Trafford Centre for Sexual Health Trafford Hospital, Moorside Rd, 0161 746 2621

aGENCIES & Services

Relate 346 Chester Road, 0161 872 0303

CITIZENS ADVICE, 0844 644019 Jamie Burnie Counselling/ Psychotherapy 07590926009, Accredited therapist


No Attitude 0161 912 2453, LGB youth group.

WIGan pubs, clubs & bars

Officers Club Gay Friendly Barrack Sq.


Sexual Health Clinic The Shine Centre, No 6, Galleries Shopping Centre, 01942 483188 Sexual Health Clinic leigh Leigh Health Centre Ent. C, The Avenue, 01942 483188


MENTAL HEALTH independent support (MhIST) Hanover Street, Bolton, BL1 4TG, 01204 527200, mhist.co.uk



Age UK 68 Market St, 01942 241972, help, advice & support for over 50’s ageuk.org.uk/wiganborough/Our-services



The Parallel 9A Churchgate, 01204 462444 theparallel@bolton.nhs.uk

Pennine Sauna 96 Rochdale Rd, Shaw, 01706 842 000



HIV worker Emma Massey 01204 390772


Loud & Proud LGBT Youth 07824 541211 or 07918 913937, Meets Wednesdays 5.30 - 8. For 13-19 yr olds, boltonlgbtyouth@bolton.gov.uk


Nice n Naughty rear of 72 Newport St, 01204 396 944, nicennaughty.co.uk

bUrY aGENCIES & CLINICs Connexions 13-15 Broad St, 0161 253 7165, safe environment for young LGBTQ people to meet.

OLHAM LGBT EVENTS LGBT Events groups that helps run Oldham Pride. to get involved email oldhamlgbtevents@hotmail. co.uk pink triangle theatre St Cuthberts House, Tanners Fold, 07932 928134 pinktriangletheatre.co.uk

ARDEN ARMS 23 Millgate, 0161 480 2185

GUM DEPARTMENT Stepping Hill Hospital, 0161 419 5370 Stockport Council HIV Social Care Team 0161 474 3636, HIV social care service for people with HIV and their carers. hiv.services@stockport.gov.uk



Age Concern 56 Wellington St, 0161 4801211

pubs, clubs & bars

Central Youth ADVICE AND INFO 0161 426 9696, 1 St Peters Square, counselling and sexual health services for young people up to 25.

Britannia Inn 01706 670411, 4 Lomax St


Sexual Health Crisis Intervention Team 01706 261 954, 1-to-1 support for young people.


B. J. McKENNA & CO 182A Heaton Moor Road, Heaton Moor, 0161 432 5757, bj.mckenna@zen.co.uk

B.you project 01942 203 363, for LGBTQ young people (11-25), b.youproject@wigan. gov.uk Open Minds Group 07759 352 974, group for 18-25yr old LGBTQ, openmindslgbt@gmail. com Younger People’s LGBQ Group 01942 483180, 8 Ashton Gallery, for under 19’s, Tues 6-8pm louise@brookwiganandleigh.org.uk Wigan LGB Social Group Gay and Bi-sexual Men and Womens social group wchristopherdavid@rocketmail.com


New Start Trust Alderman Downward House, 0161 498 0615, drug advice and support

Please note all listings information is provided by third parties. The LGF can accept no responsibility for the quality of the services/groups listed

Blackpool & Cumbria

17 58

10 25 9


Dickson Raod 45 39 40 61


11 10 2 1

14 12 36 33 54 31 General Street


General Stree

22 13 21 27 63



30 11


Talbot Road

62 37

Queen Street


50 14 53

34 19

Springfield Road


23 29 42 7 35 44 22 Banks Street

Cocker Street

Yates Street

Mount Street

Pleasant Street


24 51 Lord Street



5 32 Dickson Road

8 31 48 64



Topping Street 34 20 12 32




Abingdon Street


Abingdon Stree


28 7 27

Stree t S. King St. 25


Dickson Raod



gS tre


3 38 17 Lord Street 4 49 56 2 16 33





Chur ch

Cookson Street 24

57 47


Caunce St.

High Street


16 19


Stree t


Loepold Gr.

Chur ch

High Street 28

Charles St.

High Street

George St.


Milbourne St.

Blackpool Coronation St.


Promemade North Pier

88 Hotel Indicator 88 Venue Indicator

Train Station Tram Stop


Cash Machine Blackpool Tower

Parking Pedestrianised

Guyz 16 Lord Street, 01253 622488



Blackpool Accommodation for Gays (BAGs) 56 High Street, 07762938783, bagsblackpool.com

Heatherdale Lodge 2 Pleasant Street, 1253 626268

PHOENIX 12 Cocker Street, 01253 299130, phoenixblackpool.com

Homecliffe Hotel 5-6 Wilton Parade, 01253 625147 homecliffehotel.com


Anchorage 18 Withnell Road, 01253 341771 1


Ash Lea Hotel 76 Lord Street, 01253 628161, ashleahotel.com

21 HOTEL Bacchus 326 Queens Promenade, 01253 350387, hotelbacchus.co.uk

3 Astor Hotel 83-85 Lord Street, 01253 290669

22 HOTEL NEVADA 23 Lord Street, 01253 290700, gaybeds.co.uk



Athol 3 Mount St 01253 624918

5 Belvedere 77 Dickson Road, 01253 624733, belvederehotel@fsmail.net belvederehotel.biz 6 BLENHEIM HOTEL 75 Lord Street, 01253 623204, blenheimhotel.org.uk 64 bracondale Guest House 14 Warley Road, 01253 351650, nosmokingblackpool.co.uk

bradbury HOTEL 25/27 Banks St, 01253 624972, bradburyhotel@hotmail.co.uk bradburyhotel.co.uk 61


Brene Hotel 37 Lord St, 01253 621854

8 Brooklyn 7 Wilton Parade, 01253 627003 61 Brownes hotel 15 Vance Rd, 01253 753089 browneshotel.co.uk 9

Camelot 80 Hornby Rd, 01253 620518


CHaps 9 Cocker St, 01253 620541

11 Christine’s 1 Lord Street, 01235 312260, christineshotel@fsmail.net 12 Cumforth Hotel 24 Springfield Rd, 01253 626133, cumforth-hotel-blackpool.co.uk 13

DERBY HOTEL, 2 Derby Rd, 01253 623708


Dixon 84 Dickson Rd, 01253 752379


FOUR SEASONS 74 Lord St, 01253 622583

23 Legends Hotel 45 Lord Street, 01253 620300 24

Lenbrook 69 Lord St, 01253 626737

Bay liberty's on the square Hotel Cocker Square, 01253 291155 bayhotels.co.uk 25

26 Lonsdale Hotel 25 Cocker Street, 01253 621628 27 Lyndale Court Hotel 01253 354033 28

Lynmar 74 High St, 01253 290046

Mardi Gras 41 Lord St, 01253 751087, mardigrashotel.co.uk 29

Mardi Gras 2 9-11 Lord Street, 01253 628073, mardigras2.co.uk 37

Manhattan 27 Cocker St, 01253 290070, manhattanblackpool.co.uk 30 McHALL’S HOTEL 5-7 Lord Street, 01253 625661

Merecliff Hotel 24 Holmfield Road, 01253 356858 31

32 MOUNT PLEASANT 75 Dickson Road, 01253 620362, mountpleasanthotel.com 33


New Bond 72 Lord St, 01253 628123

34 New Hertford 18 Lord Street, 01253 621831


Park House 81 Lord St, 01253 314571


Pier View 16 Banks St, 01253 624555

PRIDE LODGE 12 High Street, 01253 314752, pridelodge.com 41

Rubens Hotel 39 Lord Street, 01253 622920 42

Sandylands 47 Banks St, 01253 294670 43

THE Seacroft 27 Lord Street, 01253 628304 44

Sunnyside 16 Charles Street, 01253 622983 46

58 Windsor House 47-49 Dickson Road, 01253 206 206, windsorhouse.info 59

Woodleigh 11 Yates St, 01253 624997

60 Worcester House 22 Cocker Street, 01253 620007

Pubs, Bars & Clubs 1

Buzz 5 Dickson Road, 01253 649153,

Taboo Bar 23 Dickson Rd, 07946 528153 2 Funny Girls Gay Friendly 5 Dickson Rd, 01253 649154, funnygirlsonline.co.uk 3 KAOS Mixed 38-42 Queen St, 01253 318798, kaosbar.co.uk


8 Lucy’s at TABOO Mixed 69-71 Talbot Road, 01253 622573, lucysattobago.co.uk

THE Berkeley 6 Queens Promenade, 01253 351244 selfcatering.tv

5 Mardi Gras Mixed 114 Talbot Road, 01253 296262, mardigrasblackpool.com

48 THE GYNWAY HOTEL 205 Dickson Rd, 01253 314747, gynwayblackpool.com

New Road Inn Gay Friendly 244 Talbot Road, 01253 422691

49 The Wilcot Hotel 80 Lord Street, 01253 621101

7 ROXY’S Gay Friendly 23 Queen Street, 01253 622573, roxysonline.co.uk

50 Thorncliffe 63 Dickson Road, 01253 622508

9 The Alabama Showboat Mixed 1 Cocker Sq, 01253 291155, thealabama.co.uk

51 Trades Men Only 51 Lord Street, 01253 626401

THE DUKE OF YORK Dickson Road, 01253 625218, traditional pub and live entertainment.

SUSSEX HOTEL 14-16 Pleasant Street, 01253 627824

52 VALENTINE HOTEL 35 Dickson Road, 01253 622775, valentinehotelblackpool.co.uk

VIDELLA HOTEL 78-82 Dickson Road, 01253 621201, videllahotel.com 53

Village Hotel 14 Springfield Road, 01253 290840 54

55 warwick Holiday flats 39 Bank Street, 01253 623787, warwickflats. co.uk

10 The Flamingo NIGHTCLUB Mixed 44 Queen St, 01253 649151, flamingoonline.co.uk 11 The Flying Handbag Mixed 44 Queen Street, 01253 649155, flyinghandbagonline.co.uk

Eateries 12 AJ’s Bistro Gay Friendly 65 Topping Street, 01253 626111

Waves Hotel 12 Wilshaw Rd, 01253 593312, john@wavesblackpool.co.uk


Buddies Chippy 28 Dickson Street


Gabrielle’s Women Only 77 Lord Street, 01253 295565

35 North Central Hoilday Flats 29 Lord Street, 01253 621831

56 Westfield House 78 Lord Street, 01253 621992, westfieldhouse.co.uk

18 Grampian House 4 Pleasant Street, 01253 291648, info-onw@grampianhouse.com

36 NORTHERN LIGHTS HOTEL 26 Springfield Road, 01253 317016

Cascades Restaurant Gay Owned 82 Dickson Road, 01253 62120, cascadesrestaurant.co.uk

WESTBOURNE HOUSE HOTEL 21 Vance Road, 01253 624734, westbourneblackpool.co.uk

Don Antonio 91 Redbank Rd, 01253 352440

Granby lodge 15-17 Lord St, 01253 627842, granbylodge.com 62

63 north grange hotel 238 Queens Promenade, 01253 351409, northgrangehotel.com

WILLOWFIELD GUESTHOUSE 51 Banks Street, 01253 623406, willowfield-guesthouse.co.uk 57


16 Mandarin Cantonese Restaurant Gay Friendly 27 Clifton Street, 01253 622687

17 Nite Bites Gay Friendly 50a Dickson Road, 01253 627976 18 SLICES SANDWICH HOUSE Gay Owned 10 King Street, 01253 751441

The Buttery 1 Cheapside, 01253 296667 19

20 Truffles Steak House Gay Friendly 51-53 Topping Street, 01253 294804

West Coast Rock Cafe Gay Friendly 5-7 Abingdon Street, 01253 751283 21

Anton’s Cafe-bar Gay Owned 9 Park Rd, Lytham St Annes FY8 1QX 01253 724721

Saunas 22 ACQUA SAUNA CLUB Mixed 25-26 Springfield Road, 01253 294610, acquasaunas.com 23 Honeycombe Sauna Mixed 97-107 Egerton Road, 01253 752211 honeycombe.net 24 WET WET WET SAUNA Mixed 1-3 Charles Street, 01253 751 199, wetwetwetsauna.co.uk

Clinics & Agencies 25 Body Positive BLACKPOOL 23 South King Street, 01253 292803, info@bodypositiveblackpool.org

City Learning Centre Bathhurst St, 01253 478 309, clcbusiness.com Connect 01253 751047, connectyoungpeople.co.uk also runs a counselling service, by appointment only Tue 11:30am-13:15pm call 01253 655 858 26

27 Connexions 2-8 Market Street, 01253 754840, connexions-direct.com

HIV Nursing Team 150/158 Whitegate Health Centre, 01253 657171 NHS Walk-In Centre Whitegate Health Centre, 150 Whitegate Dr, 01253 953953 richmond fellowshiP/NEXUS 07876 568260 or 01253 629400, Metal Health support to aid recovery for LGB&T people. Blackpool Locality Office, 2nd floor, Winstone House, 199 Church Street, nexus@richmondfellowship.org.uk Sexual Health Clinic 150/158 Whitegate Health Centre, 01253 657171 SHIVER (Sexual Health HIV Education & Responses Drugline Lancashire Ltd) The Corner House, 102 Dickson Road, 01253 311 431 30

Solicitors Atkinson, Cave & Stuart 45 Springfield Road, 01253 293151 31

Shops & Services 32 Daran Hairdressing Gay Owned 10 Edward St, 01253 441000 darans.co.uk

Evolution Hair Studio Gay Owned 255 Dickson Road 33 Paul’s 5 General St, 01253 290928 unisex hairdresser.

Waxing Specialist & Male Grooming Cleveleys, 07950 944460 kt.lamb@live.co.uk

Groups 25/55 Icebreakers 07875 355 390, gay and bi men 22-25. Meets last Tues of the month, 7-9pm. 55+ older men’s Luncheon Club 07875 355 390, meets Thurs 12.30pm for light lunch and chat. Blackpool Freinds of Dorothy 07985606802, LGBTQ Social Group for nonscene people who may feel isolated. Thurs 5.30pm except 2nd Thurs of month, Spencer Court Community Centre. secretary@ blackpoolfriendsofdorothy.co.uk engayge 01253 477911, Blackpool Coastal Housing’s LGBT Tenants Forum. 5.30pm 2nd Tues/mnth @ 102 Dickson Rd sandy.o’grady@bch.co.uk Freedom 07875 355 390, Transgender support group 11-2pm. meets at Renaissance Dickson road. Call for more details. HIV/HEP C support group 07875 355 390, call for details. Lancashire Lad’s group (trans f to m) 07875 355390, meets 7-9pm 2nd Tues of the month for chat and support. Aldeane8@gmail.com lgbt forum 07875 355 390, Informal meeting between LGB&T communities & local agencies. Meets: Town Hall every 2nd Thurs monthly at 6.30pm. lgbtforum@hotmail.com LGBT PACT (Police & Community together) 07940979610, police and community meetings 1st Thurs of the month. Liberty Church North Shore Methodist, Dickson Rd, 07955 597771, libertychurchblackpool.org.uk LGB&T EMOTIONAL WELLNESS/ WELLBEING DROP-IN 16-25 year olds experiencing emotional distress. By appointment only call 01253 655 858 Ok2be 07827983392, support service for young people up to 19 years of age, amanda.hayes@blackpool.gov.uk Relaxation group 01253 311431 at SHIVER Sugar Lounge 07875 355390, gay & bi women’s group meet 7-9pm 1st Tues of the month The Renaissance Transgender Support Group 01253314717,meetings twice monthly, gynwayblackpool.com/ renaissance_transgender_forum.htm Transgender Freedom Group On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Monday of the month 12-2pm and 1st Wednesday 6-8pm 01253629400 transgenderblackpool.com Transinclusion group (M2F) 7-9pm 3rd Tues of the month for an informal chat, 07875 355 390 WALKING GROUP Mixed LGB&T meets every Monday Stanley Park cafe @ 2pm. For more details call Darren 0787 656 8260


cumbria police hate crime reporting line 0845 33 00 247 cumbria.police.uk

AmBlESidE hotEls & B&B’s

Chapel House Kirkstone Road, 01539 433 143, chapelhouse-ambleside.co.uk Chestnut Villa Keswick Road, Grassmere 01539 435 218, gay run B&B, chestnutvilla.com


sexual health clinic Furness General Hospital, Dalton Lane, phone appts only, 01229 404 464



Pride in north cumbria 07901 765453, Young people 14-25 meet twice weekly, prideinnorthcumbria.webs.com


Outrageous 77-79 English Street, 01228 593745, outrageouscarlisle.com


Sweat Sauna Club Atlas House, Nelson St.

KenDal CliNICS

Sexual Health Clinic Westmoorland General Hospital, Burton Rd, 01539 716 706

Advice services, delivered by Inspira 237-241 Dalton Road, 01229 824052




pro active young gays and lesbians (paygal) Wendy Phizacklea, 01229 836 426, 07742 353 520, wendyp.rorys@googlemail.com

south lakes lesbians for lesbian & bi women meeting monthly in Kendal for socials etc & walking groups, southlakeslesbians@gmail.com

Freinds & Supporters of Furness LGBT Community52 Paradise Street, 07833 447604, klwicks@hotmail.co.uk

trans lakes nights 07952278760 (evenings), One night per month at CADAS, 52 Paradise St. Also open every Tuesday 10am-4pm, trans.lakes.nights@googlemail. com Furness & South Lakes LGB&T Forum 24 hr helpline, drop in service and youth club, furnesslgbt@gmail.com

cArLisLe CliNICS

Cumberland Infirmary 01228 814 814


Advice services, delivered by inspira 28 Lowther Street, 01228 596272

advice services, delivered by inspira 124 Highgate, 01539 730045

Cumbria LesbIans Network 01539 741 285, 1st Saturday of the month, clnetwork@sky.com

Maryport HOTELS & B&B’s

Calder House Hotel Gay Owned The Banks, Seascale, 019467 28538, calderhouse.co.uk

wHiTeHaveN Groups

lgbt youth group 07727 297948, 13-25 lgbt youth meets every Tues


Thorncliffe Lesbian Owned Prince’s Rd, 01539 444 338, thorncliffeis@tiscali.co.uk, thorncliffe-guesthouse.co.uk


Perfect Fit Alterations 42 Topping Street, 01253 290156 34


Slick Gardens 0796 8329464, Gay run gardening business, facebook.com/slickgardens

08453303030 www.lgf.org.uk

SMILE SPA AT HELIO FITNESS Newton Drive, 01253 393909 THE GARDEN PLACE Gay Owned Cropper Road, 01253 699987

outreach cumbria lgbt project 07896 250662, outreachcumbria@live.co.uk

Reg. Charity No. 1070904

Sexual Health Clinic Workington Community Hospital, Park Lane. 01900 705050


Steam packet inn 51 Stanley St, 01900 62186

Please note all listings information is provided by third parties. The LGF can accept no responsibility for the quality of the services/groups listed

Merseyside & Lancashire

Liverpool Stanley Street Quarter 21

Tithebarn Street

Tithebarn Street

22-24 Stanley St, 0151 236 6633

Liverpool Pride liverpoolpride.co.uk

14 The Lisbon Mixed

Sahir House 2nd Floor, 151 Dale St, 0151 237 3989, providing free & confidential services to people & families living with or affected HIV on Merseyside, info@sahir.uk.com

Club Nights BROKEN BISCUITS Monthly at Jupiters Bar FEDERATION LIVERPOOL Monthly gay night, clubfederation.com

Reg. Charity No. 1070904

Sexual Health Clinic Royal Liverpool Hospital, Prescot St, 0151 706 2620



Back Berry Stre



Berry Street

Piccadilly Train Station

LIV.FAST NETWORK an FTM support group, meeting on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month 18+ liverpool. ftm@gmail.com Open Table St Brides Church, Catharine St, 07776 476024, monthly eucharist for LGBT Christians and supporters 3rd Sunday of month at 6pm open.table@yahoo.co.uk

21 Splash Sauna 5 Fazakerley St, 0151

OUR STORY LIVERPOOL 0151 709 4988, LGBT History community project. info@ourstoryliverpool.co.uk ourstoryliverpool.co.uk


Parents & Carers Group 0870 9908996

Being Out with Learning Difficulties (BOLD) c/o Armistead Centre, 0870 9908996, meets every other Monday.

Queer Notions 0151 227 9977, provides information and support at the Armistead Project queernotions@hotmail.com

Gay Youth ‘r’ OUT (GYRO) 36 Bolton St, 0151 203 0824, LGB Tyouth 13-25, gyro.org.uk

QUEST LGBT CATHOLICS 07983 021 589, 2nd Saturday of month, liverpool@questgaycatholic.org.uk

Liverpool HopeLGBT Liverpool Hope Student Union, Hope Park, 0151 291 3651, lgbt@hope.ac.uk

SPIRIT LEVEL 0151 227 1893, Transgender support group.

236 1001, splashsauna.com

Liverpool Guild LGBT Society 160 Mount Pleasant, 0151 794 4165, liverpoollgbt@googlemail.com lgos.org/lgbt LIVERPOOL GAY MEN’S DATING meets quarterly. for more information, email igdc@ talk21.com liverpool lgbt Choir For all abilities, meets Sun 6-8.30pm at St Stephens Church, liverpoolgaychoir@hotmail.co.uk liverpool lgbt community network LCVS, 151 Dale St, 0151 227 5177.

17 The Armistead Project 1 Stanley St,

Liverpool Students Union LGBT Society 0151 231 4947

Please email any new or updated listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk

Liverpool Women’s Book Group Meets last Tues of the month, liverpoolbookgroup.moonfruit.com

0870 9908996, armisteadcentre.co.uk

Roscoe Place

Bold Street

nice 'n' naughty 16 Colquitt Street

AIDS Helpline 0151 709 9000

15 The Masquerade Mixed 10 Cumberland St, 0151 236 7786, masqueradebar.com

Bold Street


Agencies & Clinics


Culquitt Street

Roscoe Lane

2 CAFE TABAC Gay Owned 126 Bold Street, 0151 709 3735

TRAVEL INN METRO Vernon St, 0870 238 3325


Wood Street

nice 'n' naughty 85 Seel Street

35 Victoria Street, 0151 231 6831

Wood Street


The Feathers 119-125 Mount Pleasant St, 0151 709 9655, feathers.uk.com


Culquitt Street

London Road

Bar Wicked 25 Stanley Street

13 Superstar Boudoir




Back Culquitt Stre

Seel Street

23 Cumberland Street

Fleet Street

SHIVA LIVERPOOL 27-29 Stanley Street, findshiva.com 9

Seel Street

Modo Gay Friendly Concert Square

Shops 96 Bold Street, 0151 708 7270, newsfromnowhere.org.uk

OSQA’S Oldham Square, 0151 709 6611, osqa-restaurant.co.uk



Victoria Street

Motor City Secrets, Stanley Street, monthly alt night 1st Fri of the month.

ESPRESSO PLUS COFFEE Bar & Bistro 173 Rose Lane, Mossley Hill, 0151 724 6161

Parr Street

Gen-e-sis Vinyl Vasement Bar, Lark Lane, Women’s night last Sunday of the month.

16 THE MONRO Gastropub 92-94 Duke St, 0151 707 9933, themonro.com

Jupiters 10 Hackins Hey, off Dale Street, 0151 227 5265 7



Puschka Gay Owned 16 Rodney St, 0151 708 8698 puschka.co.uk

Victoria Street,

Slater Street

Duke Street

6 G Bar Mixed Eberle Street, 0151 258 1230, g-bar.com


Sir Thomas Street

5 Garlands Mixed 8-10 Eberle Street, 0151 709 9586, garlandsonline.co.uk


Stanley Street

3 Curzon Club Mixed Temple Lane, 0151 236 5160, curzonliverpoo­­­­l.co.uk

10 Poste House

Temple Street

Baby D Temple Street

CAFE TABAC Gay Owned 126 Bold Street, 0151 709 3735



Mathew Street


0151 236 4832

Temple Lane

3345 Mixed 33-45 Parr St, 0151 708 6345, 3345parrst.com 1

12 Heaven



Victoria Street

Pubs, Clubs & Bars

Princes Street

North John Street


Train Station Parking Cash Machine Pedestrianised




Cumberland Street


Davies Street


88 Listing Indicator

Concert Street


Dale Street

Dale Street

Sweeting Street

Duke Street


Hockenhall All.


Eberle Street


Vernon Street

Tempest Hey

Hackins Hey

Exchange Street East

£ £

Around FACT

08453303030 www.lgf.org.uk

Storm LGBT Christians Level 2, 96 Bold Street, 0151 547 3562, meets 1st Sun of the month 3pm storm@somewhere-else.org.uk Young Gay Sefton 0151 330 5841

Sports Groups Gay Kick Boxing Armistead Centre, Wednesday Evenings 7-8pm, info@armisteadcentre.co.uk GAY OUTDOOR GROUP 07855 197607, transpennine@hotmail.co.uk goc.org.uk MERSEY MARAUDERS part of the Gay Football Supporters Network practice weekly, mmfootball.co.uk


Websites GAYLIVERPOOL.COM Website of Gay Liverpool, gayliverpool.com Liverpool Gay Quarter liverpoolgayquarter.com


Tea with Teela (TV/CD social) 0151 356 855, 7pm 3rd Monday of the month at Transpose, trans-pose.com utopia (Ellesmere Port) Whitby Rd, Ellesmere Port, 0151 348 5621, LGB youth meets every Tues 6.30-9, eport@utopialgb.org.uk


Sexual Health Clinic Southport & Formby District General Hospital, 01704 513303


Sexual Health Clinic St Helens Hospital, Marshall Cross Rd, 01744 646 473, free & confidential sexual service, rapid HIV testing results in 30 mins. sthk.nhs.uk


OUTRITE ST. HELENS 01270 653 156, outrite. org


DV8 @ The Picture House 46 Conway Street, Birkenhead, 0151 647 8883, Wed 8pm till late, hello@thepicturehousewirral.co.uk Tallulah’s Late Lounge Rowson St/ Victoria Rd, New Brighton, 0774 7561587, Wed nights till late, marion@tallulas.co.uk


Sexual Health Clinic Arrowe Park Road, 0151 604 7339








Bar Ibiza 43 Darwen St, 01254 695379 C’est La Vie 11-15 Market St Stagedoor 23 Mincing Lane, 01254 51691

agENciEs & CLINICS bsure 0845 602 0894, Chlamydia screening for under 25’s, b.sure@bwdpct.nhs.uk b-sure.org.uk

Lifeline Project 68-70 Darwen St, 01254 677493, supporting young people up to the age of 25, with substance and alcohol misuse issues, yps@lifeline.org.uk


Sexual Health Clinic Blackburn Royal Infirmary, Bolton Road, 01254 687 304 SHOUT 01254 300126, young sexual health team up to 25 shoutteam@yahoo.co.uk


Blackburn LGB Youth Group Brook Advisory Centre, 54-56 Darwen St, BB2 2BL. 07809 847541, jonny.daniels@brookblackburn.org.uk Out Youth LGBT Group East Lancs The Hub, Accrington & Rossendale College, 07895 794850, 14-19 yr olds, 6-8pm 1st & 3rd Tues. Cygnets2Swans Jarman Centre, 53 James St, supports those who are or considering going through gender reassignment, both Trans Women and Trans Men, 4th Tuesday of the month 6.30pm-8.30pm, cygnets2swans.org.uk



Freedom Trans Youth Foundation, freedom@freedom.zzn.com freedom.btik.com Gay Wirral 0151 666 9890, Terrence Higgins Trust, 5 Bridge St, for all Wirral’s LGBT Community, contact for details, gaywirral@hotmail.co.uk OUTRITE WIDNES 01270 653156, outrite.org


BACKSTAGE BAR 135 St James St, 01282 414895 Garden Bar 133-135 St James St.

TOWN MOUSE gay friendly bar/b&b, 2 Royal Road, Burnley, 01282 458 006


bsure 0845 602 0894, Chlamydia screening for under 25’s, b.sure@bwdpct.nhs.uk b-sure.org.uk


THE DUKE OF LANCASTER 75 Church Street, 01524 842843, info@thedukeoflancaster.com Gregson Café/Bar Gregson Community and Arts Centre, 33 Moorgate, 01524 849959, gregson.co.uk The New Albert 84 King Street, 7 days a week, serving food and entertainment, thenewalbert.com


Out in the Bay 07960 462 921, one to one friendship service, support group 3rd Thurs of month in Lancaster Library 7-9pm. Coffee afternoons Fri 2-4 at Sulyard St, Lancaster. lgbtoutinthebay@googlemail.com PYRO (Proud Youth Are Out) 07717 301821, 13-25 years, naomh.mckee@lancashire.gov.uk


Lancaster GUM Clinic Ashton Community Care Centre, 08450590015, apps only (in the next 48 hrs)


POUT! 0800 7831524, youth group and helpline, every Wed. pout99@hotmail.com yps.lancashire.gov.uk/pout-lesbian-gaybisexual-trans-youth-group



Sexual Health Clinic Royal Preston Hospital, Sharoe Green Lane, 01772 522814


RENNAISSANCE @ drugline lancashire 2 Union Court, 01772 253840, Also has services for those living with & affected by HIV. enquiries@ druglinelancs.co.uk Preston HIV Support Team Helpline: 01772 468170, PO Box 515, Preston, PR1 8XP, phivst@aol.com


CENTRAL LANCASHIRE HIV ADVICE 01772 825 684, Helpline: 01772 253 840, Drugline Lancashire Ltd, 2 Union Court. OLDER & OUT informal, friendly services for older LGB&T people, including, health promotion, anti-stigma activities, befriending and service user participation and older LGBT awareness training to service providers. Call 01772 552897 or email olderandout@55plus.org.uk, www. olderandout.org.uk OLDER & OUT - ToTo Twice monthly social group for 50+ LGB&T people on the first Thursday and third Thursday of every month @ Disability Equality North West, 103 - 104, Church Street, Preston. PR1 3BS and ‘straight allies’. Call 01772 552897 or email olderandout@55plus.org.uk, www.toto-olderandout.org.uk lancashire county council lgbt network lgbt@lancashire.gov.uk Lancashire LGBT Centre Last Tues of the month at The Urban Exchange, Mount Street, Preston between 6pm-8pm. lancashirelgbt.co.uk Lesbian Connection lesbian social group meeting monthly lesbian_connection@yahoo.co.uk

oscar’s bar 25 Victoria St, 07543 900678, gay friendly/mixed, oscars@tiscali.co.uk

Sexual Health Services for the Under 25’s condomcollective.com


UCLAN LGBT Society Every Thurs at 8.30pm lmcourtney@uclan.ac.uk, uclansulgbt.weebly.com


Please note all listings information is provided by third parties. The LGF can accept no responsibility for the quality of the services/groups listed

DANCING DIVA For more information, dancingdiva5@hotmail.com

Hangout Harry Reloaded Fridays 11pm-4am 134 Church Street. PR1 3BT. Search Hangout Harry on Facebook

Sexual Health Clinic St. Peter’s Centre tel 01282 644300

TransWirral 90-92 Chester St, 07833 385126, for TS/Intersex, transwirral.btik.com

WORK IT OUT Wirral Brook, 14 Whetstone Ln, Birkenhead, 0151 670 0177, group for 14-18 year olds, info@wirralbrook.org.uk outreach@wirralbrook.org.uk


Oblivion 12-14 Grimshaw St, 01772 252876

The Rainbow house project LGBT community group based in Lancashire, therainbowhouseproject.org.uk


WIRRAL TRANSISTERs 07759045117, support/social group for TV/CD/TS, 2nd Tues of the month, mazykate@toucansurf.com

WORK IT OUT LGBT Monday 4pm-6pm, call Jackie on 07889 057520

Blowing Wild Club Grimshaw Street, open Thurs, Fri, Sat, 07752 512232


Tea Time Special 0151 666 9890, Terrence Higgins Trust, 5 Bridge St, Fri 4.30-6.30pm, safe space for LGBT, info.wirral@tht.org.uk

WIRRAL DIVAS 0151 666 9890, weekly lesbian and bisexual women’s group.


WORK IT OUT Brook Blackburn, Darwen St, LGBT Tuesday evenings 6pm-8pm


POUT! 0800 7831524, youth group and helpline, every Wed. pout99@hotmail.com yps.lancashire.gov.uk/pout-lesbian-gaybisexual-trans-youth-group

RENNAISSANCE @ drugline lancashire 2 Union Court, 01772 253840, Also has services for those living with & affected by HIV. enquiries@ druglinelancs.co.uk

Dolphin Sauna 129 Mount Road, New Brighton, 0151 630 1516, dolphinsauna.co.uk Terrence Higgins Trust 5 Bridge Street, Birkenhead, 0151 666 9890, Sexual health info& LGBT affirmative counselling, info.wirral@tht.org.uk tht.org.uk

breakout LGBT community radio group, c.o Chorley FM, lgbt@chorley.fm breakoutshow.co.uk

Red Triangle Café St James St, 01282832319

E.A.G.L.E. - EQUALITY FOR ALL GAYS & LESBIANS EVERYWHERE 07972 507679, meets Tues 12-2pm at Burnely Town Hall, informal LGBT drop in, e.a.g.l.e_support@ hotmail.com Quaker L&G Fellowship 16 Newfield Drive, Nelson, 01282 605724 Rossendale LGBT Youth Group 07817 541242, LGBT youth from Rossendale, Accrington and Burnley, rossendalelgbt@hotmail.co.uk WORK IT OUT LGBT Wednesday 4pm-6pm, call Jackie 07889057520

Morecambe GUM Clinic Queen Victoria Centre, Thornton Rd, 08450590015, apps only (in the next 48 hrs) Under 19 Young Person’s GUM & Contraception Drop In The Information Shop, Mon & Thurs 3:30 -5:30

uclan lgbt employee network lgbtstaff@uclan.ac.uk VIBE c/o Young Peoples Service, 07814 493750, LGBT youth group meets Thurs evenings. yps.lancashire.gov.uk/get-vibe


Out in the Bay 07960 462 921, one to one friendship service, support group meets 6-8 on the last Thursday of the Month at Morecambe Library. lgbtoutinthebay@googlemail.com


Sexual Health Clinic Ormskirk General Hospital, Wigan Road, 01695 571043


edgehill university LGBT society search on facebook

WE’RE HERE IF YOU NEED US 08453303030 www.lgf.org.uk

Cheshire, Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Isle of Man & North West

Cheshire CRewE CLINICs

Sexual Health Clinic Leighton Hospital, Middlewich Rd, 01270 612255


BP Cheshire & North Wales PO Box 321, 01270 653 150 outrite 01270 653 156, social and support groups, counselling, condoms and lube by post, outrite.org


men’s Group 01270 653 156, outrite.org

UTOPIA 01270 253633, LGB youth group Weds evenings, utopialgb.org.uk

CheStER PUBS, CLUBS & BaRS Bar 6T9 01244 313 608

Liverpool Arms Northgate Street, 01244 314 807 GENDER BENDER @ ROSIES 12-16 Northgate street, 01244 327 141


Sexual Health Clinic Chester Hospital, Liverpool Road, 01244 363 091


UTOPIA (chester) 0151 348 5621, LGB youth group meets every Weds 7.30-9pm, chester@utopialgb.org.uk


Sexual Health Clinic Macclesfield District General Hospital, Victoria Road, 01625 264116


OUTRITE groups 01270 653156, support and social groups, outrite.org


Northwich Sauna Winnington Lane, 01606 784881, sauna-sauna.info


Sexual Health Halton General Hospital, 01928 753217


The Canalside Bar & Restaurant 01928 580 669, 45-47 Canal Street.


North West WEBSITEs Just4lesbians.com a friendship site for singles and couples all over the world. just4lesbians.com j4ldating.com a lesbian dating site. j4ldating.com

Groups Gay North West Camping & Caravanning Club Free club for LGBT people who enjoy camping and caravanning, gnccc.co.uk Gay Outdoor Group - Ability Group Outdoor activities for people with all types of abilities/disabilities and their friends and family, ability@goc.org.uk LGBT Youth Northwest PO BOX 153, Manchester. M60 1LP, 0753 106 1777, Support & fun projects for LGBT Young people 14-25; support & training for practitioners working with young people, lgbtyouthnorthwest@yahoo.co.uk


White Hart Sankey Street, 01925 241994

unique tg support group N. Wales & West Cheshire meets 3rd Tues of the Month, 8pm, elen@uniquetg.org.uk uniquetg.org.uk

D.C.H.A. Services Dean Cooper: 07534 509108, Help for and training around the needs of disabled people, dchaservices.co.uk

LGBT Network 01782 266998, charity providing support, advice for all LGBT & social groups, gaystoke.com

The Pink Lounge Piccadilly, Hanley, pinkloungebarandclub.com

Sole Sisters Penny: 07917 533104 or Sandra: 07921 222101, womens walking group.

SHOPS & Services



Mersey & Dee Women Social group, madw@merseymail.com

trans youth support (north west) 07530 352079, Supporting Trans young people & those questioning their gender identity, aged under 25, through email, phone & up coming Trans Youth Events, trans.youth@yahoo.co.uk


OUTRITE RUNCORN 01270653156, outrite.org

Encompass 07790904718, 07833114752, 01745337144, LGBT social & info group for Chester & N. Wales, encompass.btik.com

Trans Resource Empowerment Centre (TREC) 07513 880647, Trans activities and info, meets 2nd Sat at the LGF, board@transcentre.org.uk transcentre.org.uk


LGBT Health Promotion 01244 650534 or 07747 631021, West Cheshire - help & support including LGBT health issues.

Dinin’ Divas womens dining group dinindivas@yahoo.com

Queer Youth Network info@queeryouth.net, queeryouth.net

Halton LGBT Group meets at: Halton Voluntary Action, Public Hall St, twice a month on a Wed 7pm-9pm, haltonlgbt.co.uk

Fierce 3 Goodson St, Hanley.

CHESTER lgbt BOOK GROUP 07818 021 947, 2nd Monday of the month at 7.30pm at the Bear & Billet pub, Lower Bridge Street, alispad@aol.com

Please note all listings information is provided by third parties. The LGF can accept no responsibility for the quality of the services/groups listed


The Factory 67 Bryan St, Stoke, thefactorystoke.co.uk

Club Nights

The Polari Lounge 52 Piccadilly, Hanley, 01782 212200, gaystoke.com

Exposed Showbar, 15/17 Friars Gate, alexvalentine@mail.com


Sexual Health Clinic Lovely Lane, 01925 662476


1806 Group 11 Palmyra Square South, 01925 241994, initiative for sexual health.


Panthers LGBT Badminton/Squash 01782 266998, meeting weekly in Stoke South Staffs MES MEN Project 01543 411413, PO Box 3919, Lichfield, Married Men’s group, TV/TS group and social groups.

Inferno 14 Garth St, Hanley, heatsauna.com/stoke-on-trent

SPACE 01543 419002, LGBT Youth Group (16-21), youth@mesmen.co.uk


Staffordshire Buddies PO Box 474, Stoke on Trent, 01782 201251

Gaylife North Staffordshire 0300 1230970

Gay Healthy Alliance Project PO Box 539, 01925 631101


Chester Uni Warrington Campus LGBT Society search facebook

Gay & Lesbian Youth Support Services (GLYSS) 07747 473 829, every Wed/Thurs 6.30-9.30pm and alternate Sat. glyss@hotmail.co.uk freewebs.com/glyss

Yorkshire OLGA an all inclusive community group for Older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans. Meet weekly. 07929465044

HUDdERsFiEld PUBS, CLUBS & BaRS THE GREYHOUND Manchester Road, 01484 420 742

The New Union 3 Union Bank Yard, New Street, 01484 535435


HUGG Social group for gay & bi men, 18+,every Tuesday from 8pm. hugg.org.uk


Inn on the Bridge Gay Owned & Run 1-5 Market St, 01422 844 229, inn_on_the_bridge@live.co.uk NELSONS WINE BAR Crown St, 01422 844 782

Isle of Man HOTELS


DEVONIAN HOTEL Gay Friendly 4 Sherwood Terrace, Douglas, 01624 674676, thedevonian.co.uk

Guys & Dolls Showbar Gay Friendly Peverill Sq, Douglas,

Reg. Charity No. 1070904

08453303030 www.lgf.org.uk

To find out more about leaving a legacy to The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, call 0845 3 30 30 30, or e-mail rachel.bottomley@lgf.org.uk

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