outnorthwest issue 112

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Published by

Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People



Registered Charity No.1070904





“He had a hand in changing the world.”



We exist too!


Wednesday 28th November 2012 6.30-9.00pm Food and refreshments provided

Hearing BME voices within the LGB&T community An event for black and minority ethnic lesbian, gay and bisexual people to SPEAK UP!

Be part of the movement for increased visibility. You exist and you have a voice. Encourage organisations to listen. Make yourself heard.

The Lesbian & Gay Foundation’s Community Resource Centre, Number 5 Richmond Street, Manchester M1 3HF

For further details contact: darren.knight@lgf.org.uk

Reg. Charity No. 1070904


“I’m gay.” Two very small words, that can sometimes feel impossible to say. There are another two words you’ll be reading a lot in this issue of ONW. Coming out. The process of coming out about our sexuality is something that never really ends. Over the course of your life you’ll come out to friends, family, work colleagues... the list is almost endless. For some it’s easy, and for others it is extremely difficult. The important thing to remember is that there is a world of help available to you, if you’re struggling with coming out. The LGF Helpline receives more calls about coming out than any other topic. If you’re looking for advice or support give us a call anytime between 10am and 10pm on 0845 3 30 30 30.

rejection, and that the very people who loved and nurtured us will somehow be disgusted or disown us. I came out to my mum when I was 31. I left it so long because I was petrified about how she might react. Luckily, she took it very well, and if anything it made us closer. To be able to be open and honest about my life has meant that I can share the ups and downs with the most important person in my life. I wish I’d done it a lot earlier.

Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People


Registered Charity No.1070904

outnorthwest is published every two months by The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, Number 5, Richmond Street, MANCHESTER. M1 3HF. General Enquiries: 0845 3 30 30 30 E-mail: grahame.robertson@lgf.org.uk Cover image: Matt Ford

This issue of ONW is packed with good advice about all areas of coming out. We’d love to hear your coming out stories too, so drop us a line! Our next issue marks World AIDS Day 2012, and... yes... Christmas. It’s closer than you think. As usual, we’ll be pulling out the stops

Perhaps the hardest people to come out to are our parents. There’s a real fear of

Allan Horsfall 1927-2012

It was with sadness that we recently learned of the death of Allan Horsfall. In 1964 Allan was the main organiser of the North West Committee for Homosexual Law Reform which helped to bring about the decriminalisation of male homosexual activity in 1967. In 1971 Allan and others set up the Campaign for Homosexual Equality which helped support thousands of people. Allan went on campaigning on many LGBT issues into his later years going on to set up Gay Monitor with Ray Gosling. outnorthwest will be paying a full tribute to Allan very soon.

EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR & LAYOUT Grahame Robertson LAYOUT & LISTINGS Mark Eastwood NEWS EDITOR Andrew Gilliver FEATURES EDITOR Sarah McNally MEN’S HEALTH EDITOR Peter Boyle WEB EDITOR Marc Robinson DISTRIBUTION Shaun Lloyd, James Derham; Stef Hartley; Martin Cooper. CONTRIBUTORS Lucy Rolfe; Samantha Days; Jake Arturio Braden; Gaydio; Frankie Stevens; Martin Cooper; Patrick Ettenes; Chris Fisher; Ben Squance; Chris Holliday; Pete Davies; Duncan Craig; Tom Dalby; Stefanie Hartley; Rebecca Kilburn. SPECIAL THANKS Caroline Wilson; Bionic-Media; Lou and Gary at Homotopia; Andrew Lancel; Bill Elms; Barry Priest at Contact.

ADVERTISING For information on advertising in outnorthwest, contact us on 0845 3 30 3 0 30. Or e-mail grahame.robertson@lgf.org.uk


Were you bullied and teased at school because you were lesbian, gay or bisexual? Imagine you could go back to your old school and make it safer for those young people who are suffering the same today. You can. For a small donation of only £20, the LGF’s Enough Is Enough campaign will send a ‘Safer Schools Pack’ to your old school on your behalf. You can even send a personal message with the pack. To find out more, visit www.lgf.org.uk/enough today.

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INSIDE OUT REGULARS 06 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! How to take action in schools! 08 NEWS & OPINION Your Homo Heroes revealed! Plus our picks from Liverpool’s Homotopia Festival. Plus all the latest news and opinion. 16 VILLAGE PEOPLE The LGF Village Angels are here to help! 18 UP YOUR WAY What’s going on in your region.



38 LISTINGS Every LGB&T service in the north west.




26 COMING OUT AS BISEXUAL Coming out as bisexual, plus our invaluable guide to the Do’s and Don’t of coming out. 25 QUEER CONTACT Two amazing performances coming up from Queer Contact in Manchester


20 HEAD TO HEAD The positive and negative opinion page. 24 BY THE BI What’s it like to be bisexual on the gay scene? Pete Davies investigates.



23 OUTSPOKEN! This issue: Caroline Wilson. 32 GROUPWORK The LGF has a whole host of support and social groups for you to get involved with!


34 LGF SERVICES This issue we look at the Befrienders service, and the LGF Art Class. 36 GET IN! How do you fancy getting fit, and raising money for a good cause at the same time?

Homophobia ACTION against



DISCLAIMER Publication of the name or photo of any person in this magazine should not be taken as any indication of the sexual orientation or HIV status of that person. All views expressed in outnorthwest are not necessarily those of the Editor or The Lesbian & Gay Foundation. outnorthwest recognises all copyrights. Where possible, we have acknowledged the copyright holder. Contact us if we have failed to credit your copyright and we will happily correct any oversight.



Homophobia ACTION against



Schools Packs distributed across the UK... so far! Individual donations Corporate donations


IN SCHOOLS How you can support schools to take action against homophobia.

Photo: Sarah Quinn

November is Anti-Bullying month and National Anti-Bullying Week is 19th-23rd November. A perfect time to challenge homophobic bullying affecting young people in our schools. August saw the launch of a brand new report from the National Union of Teachers – ‘The Prevalence of Homophobia in Greater Manchester Schools’. The report shows that 85% of teachers have heard pupils be subject to homophobic abuse and bullying. All students – regardless of sexual orientation – have the right to learn and achieve in a safe and welcoming environment. The Lesbian & Gay Foundation’s Safer Schools Packs have been designed to help schools challenge homophobic bullying and support teachers in ensuring that lesbian, gay and bisexual young people can learn in a supportive and welcoming environment. Over the last year we have seen people donate in their hundreds to send our Safer Schools packs across

the entire country. You can see the areas covered on the map above (small dots are individual donations, large circles are corporate donations). The Safer Schools pack includes: • Enough is Enough! Action Against Homophobia PowerPoint and notes for assemblies, lessons and presentations • Campaign DVD (Featuring Antony Cotton and Sir Ian McKellen) • Support for teachers (including responsibilities, legislation, and practical advice) • Posters, Stickers & balloons, Resources, Signposting and support. The Packs costs £20 and can be sent to a school of your choice. Once we post the packs out, we’ll follow up with the schools to find out how they are using the packs. “Thank you so much for the Safer Schools pack! It was obviously inspirational because PSHE on Friday was on challenging

06 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

homophobia and I ended up covering one of those lessons. Not one of them said they would abandon a friend who came out, whatever their own feelings. But the work goes on!” Year 9 Teaching Assistant Please donate to buy a Safer Schools Pack, to make sure young people have the opportunity to access to the right kind of education and support. To find out more visit: www.lgf.org.uk/schoolspack

Exceeding Expectations

Manchester’s award winning ‘Exceeding Expectations’ initiative has been ending homophobia through education by attending schools across the city and offering staff training, teacher’s resources, lesson plans, anti-bullying policy development support, information resources, young people’s peer support groups, school evaluation reports and much more. The project is delivered in partnership with Hope Theatre Company, The LGFand Manchester Healthy Schools E-mail: exceedingexpectations@lgf.org.uk


Search for ‘Enough Is Enough! Action Against Homophobia’ on Facebook.

TAKE ACTION NOW! 5 easy ways to take action NOW against homophobia in schools


Safer Schools Buy a £20 safer schools pack to send to a school of your choice to help combat bullying in the classroom. Why not see if your employer will help support the campaign too? – www.lgf.org.uk/schoolspack


Sign up Encourage 5 friends to sign up to the campaign and help spread the message www.lgf.org.uk/enough


Fancy a challenge? Run, walk, cycle or swim against homophobia and raise money for Enough is Enough! www.lgf.org.uk/run


Speak out Take the campaign to your school, college or sixth form. See if you can speak at an assembly to raise awareness of the issues. We can offer support and advice! Email: enough@lgf.org.uk


Inspire us! Our supporters have been getting creative to help spread the word using the medium of video, street art, songs and even poetry! If you have an innovative idea to help promote the campaign get in touch! Email: enough@lgf.org.uk



Follow us and get involved in the conversation on Twitter, @lgfoundation


SAYS Recently, the UK version of The Huffington Post picked up on an article by American fashion website style.com, which posed the question: ‘Is lesbian chic here to stay?’ Now, Vogue creating the term LOL (late onset lesbianism) is one thing but attempting to equate lesbianism with a fashion trend is quite another. However, I did pose a similar question in my previous column by asking whether being a lesbian would ever be cool. Although my question was tongue-in-cheek I will be careful of what I wish for in light of this article by style.com. The article itself is brief, yet in its brevity it still manages to be frivolous to the point of careless in its handling of the subject. Tatler editor Kate Reardon talked about wanting to subvert the negative media portrayal of lesbians, yet where the article tries this and attempts to big up lesbian kind it fails miserably. It describes women leaving their husbands for relationships with other women as a ‘phenomenon’ and when asking what the rise of lesbian chic might do for fashion those involved in the industry it proposes: “in an industry stuffed with attractive young women, a few more of them may start dating each other. (Seriously: Trying to catch a straight man in fashion is like trying to catch a rainbow.)” Also, opening an article with “Lesbians! They’re everywhere….” seems more like a warning from the Daily Mail rather than an advocating piece of journalism. I can see what the piece is trying to do but unfortunately it is wide of the mark. The Huffington Post is none too impressed either, but if you would like to make your own mind up you can read the article and the Huffington Post’s response on their UK website. The LGF’s Women’s Pride event took place last month as part of the

Manchester Pride Fringe Festival, and we welcomed over 70 women to our Community Resource Centre to celebrate and debate the contribution women have made to the Pride and Gay Rights Movement. The event included a panel-led discussion featuring valuable insights and opinions from Christine Burns, Cllr Bev Craig, Dr Monica Pearl, Claire Mooney and Clare Summerskill. Whilst the panel stirred up much debate amongst the audience, there was one point all those in attendance were unanimous on, and that was the need for women to be more active within their communities and politically. This also brought up further discussions on whether lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LBT) women needed more women only affirmative spaces, or whether LBT women should focus more on broadening out and integrating into wider society. Without sounding like I am sitting on the fence, I think there is a need for both in equal measures. Whilst LBT women can thrive on the support of a like minded community progress will only be made with the addition of embracing and welcoming those from all parts of society, otherwise the LBT community could be accused of having double standards. The significance of this call to LBT women was brought home at the start of September as David Cameron’s cabinet reshuffle was announced. The reshuffle signalled a stark drop in the number of women within high level politics as less than 20% of Cameron’s cabinet are women, with the majority of this small group occupying junior ranks within Government. So, if you feel inspired to be more active go for it, who knows what progress could be made. Especially if we take the word of style.com – lesbians, they’re everywhere! Just imagine that! Frankie Stevens frankie.stevens@lgf.org.uk www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 07




New Coming Out Guide Coming out is something that the LGF support thousands of people with each year and we understand how nerve-wracking the process can be, so to help with some of the ‘Do’s and ‘Don’ts of coming out The Lesbian & Gay foundation are producing a new guide featuring a few helpful hints on how to come out to family, to friends, to work colleagues and most importantly to ourselves.

OCT-NOV 2012

COME IN COME OUT! On Thursday 11th October, people from all over the world will mark International Coming Out Day.

For free copies of this resource simply call The LGF Helpline on 0845 3 30 30 30 or e-mail: helpline@lgf.org.uk

COME OUT OF OUR BIG PINK CLOSET To help get the message ‘out there’ The Lesbian & Gay Foundation will be taking our Big Pink Wardrobe ‘out and about’ during the week of International Coming Out Day to enable people to visibly show their support for those going through the Coming Out process. To find out when we’ll be (literally!) coming out of the closet check our news site at www.lgf.org.uk

On October 11th through to Friday 12th October The Lesbian & Gay Foundation will be providing 24 hour support for those who are questioning, thinking of coming out, or those who are out and proud and need to talk. For many, coming out can be life changing experience and being able to talk openly and honestly in confidence, about what is going on for you, can make the whole process seem much less daunting. The Lesbian & Gay Foundation will have a team of trained volunteers and staff on hand for 24 hours to support you with whatever issues you are facing, coming out related

08 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

or not. The Lesbian & Gay Foundation will be offering a 24 hour confidential helpline support on 0845 3 30 30 30; and a24 hour online support at www.lgf.org.uk For Face-To-Face support, pop in and see us between 8am and 10pm at LGF’s Community Resource Centre (no appointment needed) We also understand that it can be a time when relatives and friends want to talk – so if you need to talk about someone you know or love, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch. For more information about International Coming Out Day and “Come In, Come Out” contact us on 0845 3 30 30 30, email helpline@ lgf.org.uk or visit www.lgf.org.uk

AGENDA OCT-NOV 2012 CONTACT US: outnorthwest, The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, Number 5, Richmond Street, Manchester M1 3HF EMAIL: andrew.gilliver@lgf.org.uk TWITTER: @lgfoundation CALL: 0845 3 30 30 30



Black History Month Many prominent black figures in history have been LGBT and have made a huge impact on humanity, and civil rights. www.lgbthistorymonth.org.uk/ BHM2.htm Breast Cancer Awareness Month Did you know that 1 in 12 LB women aged 50-79 have been diagnosed with breast cancer? For more information read ‘Thanks for the Mammaries’ online: www.lgf.org.uk/women

Photo: Sarah Quinn

WELL WOMEN! First ever national project for lesbian and bisexual women launches later this year. The Lesbian & Gay Foundation are delighted to have received funding from The Big Lottery Reaching Communities Programme for a project specifically supporting lesbian and bisexual women. The project ‘Well Women’ aims to improve the health and well-being of lesbian and bisexual women and empower them to better engage and participate in their communities.

A recent survey found that over 95% of LB women had experienced an emotional wellbeing issue such as depression or suicide (LGF Community ‘IExist’ Survey). For more information, visit the brand new women’s section on our website: www.lgf.org.uk/women

Historical Gay Sex Convictions

World Mental Health Day (10th) - Did you know that LGB people are twice as likely as heterosexual people to have suicidal thoughts or to make suicide attempts? For help and support visit: www.lgf.org.uk/wellbeing National Coming out Day (11th) ‘Coming out’, whether at 16 or 60, is still one of the most common issues people contact The Lesbian & Gay Foundation about. For information, advice and support go to page 26. Spirit Day (19th) Spirit Day was developed as a response to young people who have taken their own lives due to homophobic bullying. www.lgf.org.uk/spirit

NOVEMBER National Adoption Week (5th – 11th) Many LGBT families extend their family by adoption. To find out more about adopting including your rights visit: www.newfamilysocial.co.uk Anti Bullying Week (19th - 23rd) 65% of young LGB people have experienced direct bullying in UK schools. If you would like to take action against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia visit: www.lgf.org.uk/enough

New powers to disregard certain convictions and cautions for abolished consensual gay sex offences will come into play from 1st October 2012.

Sexual Offences Act will be erased from police and other official records by application from those who have been affected by committing a former criminal offence. Further info at: www. homeoffice.gov.uk/media-centre/news/ historic-convictions

Alcohol Awareness Week (19th25th) LGB people are up to 8 times more likely to be heavy alcohol users ? To take part in a survey to advise drug and alcohol services for LGB people in England check out: www.partofthepicture.co.uk

This means that thousands of men will be able to apply to have their historical convictions for consensual gay sex with a person over 16 deleted. Under the new Protection of Freedoms Bill, convictions under the 1956

The LGF can support those who wish to register their intent to have their convictions removed and support them with the actual process. To find out more call 0845 3 30 30 30 or e-mail: helpline@lgf.org.uk

Transgender Remembrance Day (20th) A day to remember those who have been killed as a result of transphobia and to bring attention to continued violence the community face. www.transgenderdor.org

www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 09

Photo: Matt Ford

Returning for its ninth year Homotopia rampages across Liverpool this autumn presenting visual arts, performance, film and debate that reflects the non-heterosexual experience. The festival theme this year is ‘Traditional Family Values’ and encompasses over 35 events including new commissions and world premieres that celebrat e, interrogate and explore ‘the fam ily’ in all its queer diversity. Highlights include the world premiere of ‘Epstein’ a multi me dia play about the man that made the Beatles in the 50th anniver sary year of their meeting. You can read our interview with Andrew Lan cel, who will be playing Epstein on this page. Homotopia will also hos t the first solo show outside London of work by 2009 Turner Prize nom inee Enrico David; the UK premiere of Habibi Problem by Austrian dan ce company cieLaroque; and the the recreation of a council house as live art set inside Camp and Furnac e There will also be the UK prem ieres of 2 new films by New York dire ctor Matt Wolf; drag fabulist Dickie Beau presents an exploration of the pain and madness of stardom usin g rare ‘found’ audio of Marilyn Mon roe; and there will be an acoustic performance by Patrick Wolf as par t of his world tour Describing this year’s festival, Homotopia Director Gar y Everett said; “We present this cornuco pia of controversial, camp and colo urful culture as a proud demonstrat ion of the rich wealth of talent tha t exists within our queer family.” For fuil details of this year’s exc iting programme, head along to the Homotopia website... and book your tickets before it’s too late!



EPSTEIN ANDREW LANCEL on portraying the gay man who shaped The Beatles, Brian Epstein.

At the time, those in the public eye had to keep their sexuality hidden. How does this play cover Epstein’s homosexuality? I think Brian was as ‘out’ as one could be at the time, particularly for someone in the public eye. He certainly explored the gay scene, shall we say... enthusiastically. He had been up in court too. Staggering as it is to our generation, the play encapsulated him. It is him therefore his sexuality is evident.
 Homosexuality was decriminalised in England and Wales in the same year that Epstein died. Do you think this would have made a big difference to his life? Yes and no. Any fear he might have had may have subsided but he was manager of the biggest band of all time and acceptance didn’t happen over night. He had a hand in changing the world. Quite Literally. He would never have compromised that. Joe Orton died the same month. I dare say both of them would have been following the law change closely - ever since the Montagu case - and would have welcomed it with open arms. Sadly both of them never quite saw its human right given benefits. 
 Have you met many people who knew Brian who have helped paint a picture of what Brian was really like? Yes, and I continue to. They all say that word again. Charm. They all want the real Brian up there. That’s our responsibility, as well as entertaining you.

10 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

How important do you think it is that we celebrate him as a gay man who helped create the most influential band in the history of popular music? Paul McCartney said Brian was the fifth Beatle. The Beatles are the most celebrated band and group of musicians ever. And The fifth Beatle was gay. Worth celebrating I’d say! What do you hope people will take away as an enduring memory from the play? This isn’t a tribute to tortured sole. This is a great play about a Liverpool man who could set a trend worldwide on a whim. Hopefully together we will get to know him better through this play and have a laugh and cry along the way.
 What do you think of Liverpool’s evolution today as a gay friendly city with it’s own Pride, and of course Homotopia? Very proud. Liverpool is my home city. I love it It’s unique, ever changing, Brian would have been thrilled too!!

‘EPSTEIN The Man Who Made The Beatles’ is the opening highlight of the newly refurbished 380 seat Epstein Theatre (formerly The Neptune) named after Brian and will raise the curtain from 15th November -1st December 2012 www.epsteintheplay.com



HIV ON THE RISE AGAIN North West HIV figures released, and it’s not good news.

COUNCIL HOUSE MOVIE STAR Camp & Furnace , Greenland Street. 30 October to 11 November 12 noon until 5pm daily Council House Movie Star captures the sublimely bizarre characteristics of the everyday life of Gale Force, an ageing WAG/HAG queen in her resurrected Council House. Audiences are invited to step through the front door into Gale’s dated council house interior. This production also features international drag queen and former ONW writer, Chris D’Bray!

FILM CALL ME KUCHU 23 November Fact, Wood Street, L1 This film describes the life of David Kato, Uganda’s first openly gay activist, and his comrades-in-arms. His is a life constantly pervaded by fear of attack, but also characterised by moments of happiness and celebration. Events take a tragic turn when David Kato is found dead in his bed having been bludgeoned to death.

MUSIC PATRICK WOLF 10th anniversary Acoustic World Tour 21 November 7.30pm The Gallery, Stanhope Street, L1

Patrick will be playing grand piano, Celtic harp, dulcimer and more, he will be accompanied by one other musician on stage. He will be digging deep into his 10 year, 5 album catalogue creating a different set list for every night of the tour.

The latest report by the Centre for Public Health at Liverpool John Moores University shows that 789 new HIV and AIDS cases were reported in 2011 across the North West. This represents a 7% increase in the number of total new cases compared with 2010. In total, there were 6,993 people in the North West living with HIV in 2011.By the end of December 2011, The Health Protection Agency recorded a cumulative total of 53,161 men who have sex with men who had been diagnosed with HIV in the UK ( 44% of all total UK diagnoses).

The HPA estimate that the number of new diagnoses in men who have sex with men has more than doubled from 2002 to 2011.However it is thought that this is due to an increase in HIV testing, although a rise in high risk sexual behaviour has also been suggested as a contributory factor.

Know Your HIV Status – Get Tested The Lesbian & Gay Foundation run a number of different services to make HIV and sexual health testing more accessible for gay and bisexual men. For more information on our testing services please check out www.lgf.org.uk/testing

CELEBRATE LGBT LIVES WITH GOD Special service celebrating who we are born to be. On 10th October 2012 a special service celebrating Manchester’s LGBT community will be held in Manchester Cathedral with The Bishop of Manchester, the Right Reverend Nigel McCulloch. This is the third such an event has taken place in Manchester Cathedral and is an initiative developed by Bishop Nigel and his Advisory Group on Sexuality, together with The Lesbian & Gay Foundation.

The date for the 2012 service has been chosen to coincide with World Mental Health Day (10th October) and International Coming out Day (11th/12th) The event will also serve as a tribute to Bishop Nigel who retires in early 2013.

Celebrate 2012 Manchester Cathedral Wednesday 10 October 7.30pm-9.00pm All Welcome For more information contact: andrew.gilliver@lgf.org.uk www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 11





in Practice

Excellence in lesbian, gay & bisexual healthcare


5-11 NOVEMBER 2012 National Adoption Week is about finding families for children who need loving homes and you may be surprised just how many people can adopt. Here, a lesbian and a gay man share their thoughts on becoming a parent through adoption. You can read their full stories online at www.lgf.org.uk during National Adoption Week Karen, 47 adopted Sam aged 4 “Many of us have a clear idea of what kind of parents we will be; with an adopted child, it sometimes feels that a lot of that goes out the window as we have to respond to the individual needs of the child, and love them for who they are. .. I can’t imagine life without my son now. It happened at the right time for me, and I would say to check it out, talk to people who have adopted. Do some research and see if it’s for you!” Matt, 42 adopted Lucy aged 5 “It has been a challenging journey but it’s important to stay focused and think of the end result. .. It is sometimes difficult having to ‘explain’ yourself to others, but I know I made the right decision – and I’m so happy to have become a father and have my daughter living with me now… it’s all worth it when a child calls you “Mum” or “Dad”, especially for the first time!

Want more Information? New Family Social www.newfamilysocial.co.uk/ Families that Last www.familiesthatlast.org.uk Adoption UK www.adoptionuk.org Or visit our website for more details on LGBT same sex parenting www.lgf.org.uk/Your-rights/ same-sex-parenting/


PRACTICE How can GPs meet our needs as lesbian, gay and bisexual patients?

“The GP at my surgery consistently and frequently assumes I am straight, ending up in embarrassed conversations when they realise their mistake. I feel I am treated abnormally and discriminated against regularly.” A lesbian patient in Stockport As lesbian, gay and bisexual people we face considerable health inequalities and are disproportionately likely to suffer from poor sexual, mental and physical health, as well as increased levels of substance misuse. Yet the lack of sexual orientation monitoring by health services means there remains a distinct lack of information relating to our health and social care needs. This lack of monitoring, means it’s impossible to determine the extent of inequality of outcomes, and so there is little attention given to the specific needs of our LGB community.

12 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

GPs usually assume that we are straight, leading to the wrong information being given and for us being forced to “come out” to our doctors. Recent research by the Lesbian & Gay Foundation found that almost two-thirds of us feel that our GP could improve the services offered to their LGB patients. This can easily be remedied; using inclusive language, referring to “partner” rather than making assumptions about gender, and ensuring LGB patients feel welcome by seeing LGB specific materials. Pride in Practice is a benchmarking tool that identifies GP surgeries that are fully committed to assuring LGB patients are treated fairly and able to discuss issues openly with healthcare providers. If you would like your GP to sign up direct them to: www.lgf.org.uk/prideinpractice


YOUR HEROES! The Lesbian & Gay Foundation held our fabulous Homo Heroes Awards event, supported by Barclays, on Thursday 20th September at the Radisson Edwardian in Manchester, which saw over 150 guests celebrate the ‘heroes’ of the LGB&T community as voted by members of the public. A raffle was held on the night in support of the charities work, raising £440, which was matched by Barclays bringing the total up to a fantastic £880. Community Champion of the Year goes went to Debs Bradshaw who is the Chair of Lancashire LGBT Centre and works towards ensuring the rights and recognition of the LGB&T community in Lancashire. Business of the Year was awarded to the Co-operative RESPECT Network which aims to raise awareness of LGB&T people internally, to the Coops membership and in the wider community. Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Role Model of the Year went to Prossy Kakooza, a lesbian from Uganda who works to support others around the issue of LGB&T asylum and immigration as well as working with individuals and agencies to share experiences and improve the lives of others. Public Sector Partner of the Year was won by Lancashire Constabulary

Julie Barnes-Frank accepts The Alan Turing Memorial Award.

Photo: Bionic-Media

Your Homo Heroes revealed! for their commitment to LGB&T issues within and outside of the constabulary, providing staff time and resource to support the LGB&T community around homophobic crimes, incidents and bullying and to bring offenders to justice. Volunteer of the Year was given to Gwyn Starkey for his ongoing commitment to LGB&T groups and organisations, working tirelessly for almost 19 years. Gwyn is currently the Chair of Icebreakers. Community Group of the Year was won by Manchester Village Spartans an inclusive rugby team for gay, bisexual and straight men. They were commended for their part in bringing The Bingham Cup, the to Manchester earlier this year. LGB&T Venue of the Year was won by Eagle for providing a safe and welcoming environment for men who like men, where they can be themselves without fear of judgement or harassment, regularly hosting charity events and working with voluntary and community sector groups to raise awareness, celebrating and supporting the community.

Two special awards were also given out at the event. The Alan Turing Memorial Award (in partnership with Manchester City Council) went to Julie Barnes Frank Julie Barnes-Frank was a police officer for 30 years. She was one of the first openly-gay police officers in not just Greater Manchester Police, but also in the country. Special commendation went to Paul Harfleet, who began the Pansy Project several years ago in response to homophobic verbal assualts and abuse. And also The Cooperatives Respect Network is an active contributor to LGB&T inclusion in Manchester and beyond. The Homo Hero Outstanding Contribution To The LGB Community went to Cath Hall, foster carer of several children, LGBT activist and founder of The Albert Kennedy Trust. Special commendation went to Duncan Craig who runs Survivors Manchester. Duncan dedicates most of his private time to its running.

For more information, and pictures from the event, visit our website: www.lgf.org.uk/hero www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 13


PART OF THE PICTURE report shows that lesbian, gay and bisexual people are more likely to take drugs and/or binge drink but may not access the support they need. The Lesbian & Gay Foundation in partnership with the University of Central Lancashire have launched the latest findings of the Big Lottery funded ‘Part of the Picture’ project into substance use amongst lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people in England. Data relating to over 4,000 LGB people, collected over the period 2009-2011, was presented to an audience comprising commissioners and policy makers, academics and service providers who all agreed the need to put LGB substance use issues more firmly on the health agenda. The report found that: Across all age groups LGB people are much more likely to use drugs compared to the general population Drug use is common across all age groups, especially up to the age of 40. 35% of respondents had taken at least one illicit drug in the last month; this figure is 7 times higher than that reported by the British Crime Survey (2010/11) for the general population. LGB people are significantly more likely to binge drink Binge drinking is high across all genders, sexual orientations and age groups,

with 34% of males and 29% of females reporting binge drinking at least once or twice a week. Available comparable data suggests that LGB people are approximately twice as likely to binge drink at least once a week, compared to the general population. Substance dependency is more common among LGB people LGB people are not only more likely to take drugs and/or binge drink alcohol compared to the general population; available comparable data indicates they seem more likely to be dependent on these substances. Over a fifth of the sample scored as dependent on a substance and a further quarter showed at least one indicator of dependency. Significant barriers exist to seeking information, advice or help among LGB people Almost a third of respondents had sought information, advice or help about their substance use. The reasons given for not having sought information, advice or help indicate that LGB people are experiencing barriers both in relation to recognising they may have a substance problem which needs attention, and in accessing services where they feel comfortable and confident in the services provided. Policy and Research Coordinator at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, Heather

Williams, said: “With this latest report showing that rates of substance usage and dependency are much higher in the LGB community than the wider population, it is clear that policy makers and service providers need to consider the specific needs of LGB people. We hope this research will foster wider understanding of how drugs and alcohol feature in the lives of LGB people, and break down the perceptual and tangible barriers LGB people often face when seeking advice or support about substance use issues.” In agreement that the report findings were striking when compared to the wider population, delegates discussed how to address problematic LGB substance use through accessible drug and alcohol services; targeting LGB people on substance use issues; and implementing sexual orientation monitoring in services. An action plan drawing from this discussion with drug and alcohol service commissioners, providers and the LGB&T voluntary and community sector will be published on www.lgf.org.uk/policy-research/part-ofthe-picture in Autumn 2012.

Are you part of the picture?

Take part in the survey at bit.ly/lgfpotp www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 15


Photo: Sarah Quinn

ARE YOU COMING OUT? Village Angel MARTIN COOPER on the pleasures and pitfalls of your first time in the Village.

“I’m a tiny, little old man now, but I remember many years ago when I first started coming out on the gay scene in Manchester. It was around the same time as Queer as Folk was on our screens, section 28 was still in place and dinosaurs were free to roam the earth. The Village was a bright, shiny utopia for all things gay and it’s twinkly lights and shag-tags called to me like the mother ship calling me home!

However, I remember feeling a bit apprehensive about stepping into this whole new world and communicating with all the many new people I was likely to encounter. There was a whole new language to learn, new rules to abide by and certain things I felt I should and shouldn’t do… an underworld that I had to connect with somehow. Of course, with the gift of hindsight, I realise that all of this was buried deep into my own psyche and that mostly everyone was welcoming and friendly, but it didn’t stop me feeling nervous at times. Many times, stupidly, I went out alone and tagged on to groups of people

16 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

I didn’t know anything about, armed only with my own instincts (this being about 90 years before the first mobile phone was invented). I would have loved for someone to have been there for those times when I felt like I wasn’t sure what I was doing. Someone I could trust to just give me some friendly advice and information and to make sure I was ok if I lost control slightly (which I frequently did). Just a smiling face who would be there when I needed them… if I needed them. Nowadays the people who visit the village are very lucky, because those people are right there for them. Not to control or act as an authoritarian, but to


ME & MY NAN Chris Holliday writes for outnorthwest. Gaydio is quite a gay place to work. People hum Britney, girls ‘phwoar’ over Rihanna’s latest photo shoot - and ‘office Ian’ loves a good hoover. I’m quite open at work - what with being the breakfast show presenter on a gay radio station and everything - but you never really stop ‘coming out’. Only recently I told my 90 year old Nan that I’m in love with a boy. I’m really close to my Nan and I’ve always wanted her to know how happy I am. I was nervous. She offered me a slice of strawberry cheesecake and told me it was fine. She said she’d guessed sometime ago (I knew the hot pants at Christmas were a giveaway) - that it didn’t matter, that it didn’t change who I was - that it didn’t change our relationship.

help and advise, listen and inform. And they are us! The Village Angels. So, if like me all those many years ago, you are a little unsure about taking your first steps into the Village because you aren’t sure what lies beneath the Lycra top-layer, don’t be afraid to come and find one of us.

So welcome into your Village! We hope you have an enjoyable stay!” Contact Martin Cooper on 0845 3 30 30 30, or e-mail martin.cooper@lgf.org.uk

Illustration: Rob Burgess

We will be wearing pink, hi-visibility vests and we’re usually out on the streets of the Village on Friday and Saturday evenings. And we’re always, always happy to help!

She wrote down my boyfriend’s name so that she wouldn’t forget it and -two days later - she phoned me to tell me that she’d love to meet him. I cried. It was such a relief to be able to share everything with her. It’s not easy coming out - which is why it’s always nice to hear from someone about how the station has helped

SCAN THE QR CODE to download the Gaydio iPhone app!

Don’t forget to pick up your copy of The Village Angels guide to keeping safe on Canal Street. You can get your from The LGF on Richmond Street, or keep your eyes peeled for the LGF Village Angels out and about on Canal Street every single weekend!

them come to terms with who they are, how it’s given them the strength to tell the people around them about their life. When I was fourteen I’d never have thought that I’d be openly gay, let alone broadcasting it for the world to hear. But I am. And soon my Nan will meet my boyfriend - and I will probably cry. With relief - but above all with happiness. And there’ll be cheesecake. Strawberry cheesecake.

Gaydio offer several free courses, giving LGB and T people the opportunity to meet others and learn about radio in a safe space. Current courses include a youth course (for under 19s) and a course for people who are unemployed. For more details go to: www.gaydio.co.uk/getinvolved

Chris Holliday at Breakfast is on every weekday morning, 7-10am. Listen on 88.4fm in Manchester, free Android and Iphone apps or online at www.gaydio.co.uk.

Chris Holliday www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 17


EMBRACING DIFFERENCE Thursday 4th October 2012 at the Sedgley Park Centre, Prestwich. Greater Manchester Police Authority is holding a conference entitled ‘Embracing Difference’ with workshops on various diversity strands and members of the LGB & T communities are encouraged to attend. To reserve your place, complete the booking form via the following link: www.gmpa.gov.uk/edconf for further info contact Lisa Korczynski on 0161 793 2507 or e-mail: lisa.korczynski@gmpa.gov.uk


Over the Rainbow but Not Alone Third annual Conference for older LGB&T’s. Friday 9th November 2012, Priory Centre, York (10am – 5pm) The Equity Partnership is working with Age UK and Age Concern to hold a conference for older LGB&T people. The focus of the conference, supported by the Cooperative Area Committee, will be isolation and loneliness within LGB&T communities. Speakers include Baroness Barker, Peter Tatchell and Tina Wathern (Stonewall Housing) plus performance from Real People Theatre Company. The conference is open to all and free to older LGB&T’s. For more information and a booking form, contact Rachel Nauwelaerts on 01274 727759 or e-mail: rachel@equitypartnership.org.uk



HITS MANCHESTER SATURDAY 3rd-SUNDAY 4th NOVEMBER ACROSS MANCHESTER ‘Sapphormation’ is a new festival for lesbian, gay and bisexual women celebrating art, music, drama, culture, debate and an alternative to ‘the scene’. Members of Lesbian Community Project and LGBT Youth North West have come together to hold a festival which will be held across Manchester and Salford, with a wide variety of events for lesbian and bisexual women, including trans women who love women. The weekend will focus on workshops,

sport, arts and culture including a dancing bicycle troop, rapper sword dancing, and Rosie Lugosi; Manchester’s very own ‘lesbian vampire’! ‘Sapphormation’ is supported by Yvette Taylor, Lesbilicious, Claire Mooney and Hazel O’Keefe and the hilarious comedienne Barbra Nice. ‘Sapphormation’ is FREE to attend. All ages welcome (including children in day events when supervised by a responsible adult). Visit: www.sapphormation.com or http://sapphormation.eventbrite.com


PROUD 2 BE PARENTS Proud 2 B Parents, the group for LGBT parents and their children meet every month, with various activities and events through the year. The group have been working with Museum of Science & Industry recently and are in their ‘behind the scene’ exhibition. The group are now getting ready for their Halloween party and Christmas party so come along and have some fun. Contact 0161 226 0162 or e-mail: m.taylor-roberts@manchester.gov.uk

18 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk



PRIDE’S NOT OVER YET! Grab your diaries, Pride Season isn’t over! Saturday 29th September. Pride season may be drawing to a close, but there are still three North West Pride events you can attend before winter comes. To find out more check them out : Warrington Pride www.warringtonpride.co.uk Preston Pride www.prestonpride.com and Cumbria Pride www.cumbriapride.org


OUT IN THE BAY Rev. Rob Crompton


Lancashire Police

appoint Gay Chaplain Lancashire Constabulary have appointed a new Police Chaplain to provide pastoral and spiritual care to members of Lancashire Constabulary and where appropriate, their families and friends.

Fancy a coffee and a chat? Out In The Bay host an LGBT Coffee Afternoon every Friday 2pm-4pm at Ground Floor,St Leonards House,St Leonardsgate,Lancashire,LA1 1NN. Tel:07960 462921 E-mail: lgbtoutinthebay@googlemail.com www.outinthebay.co.uk


LIVERPOOL GUILD OF STUDENTS Want to meet new people?

This is done in conjunction with other staff welfare services. They also help develop multi-faith networks within the Constabulary. (Rev) Rob Crompton, Lancashire Constabulary Chaplain comments: “Having been brought up as a Protestant Christian- because of my sexuality- I never felt comfortable within my Church. Now, I have found something with which I feel at ease; I began my period of training for ministry culminating with my ordination as an Interfaith Minister in 2010. Last year, I read that Lancashire Constabulary was looking for Multi-Faith Chaplains. I was interested and sent for the job spec. Some months on, I’ve done the training; got the certificate; been measured for the uniform and await to be assigned to a Division. I look forward to being of service as my ministry unfolds.” To find out more contact: Ian.Ashton@lancashire.pnn.police.uk

Liverpool Guild of Students LGBT provide a safe place for people identifying or questioning themselves as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Trans or any other gender/sexual orientation minority to meet like-minded people. You can find out more about the group by searching for Liverpool Guild LGBT on Facebook or by e-mail at liverpoollgbt@gmail.com


Trans and looking for support, or just a chat?

QUEER RELIGIOUS YOUTH If you are 16-25 years old and identify as a LGBTQ Christian then Dr Ria Snowdon, Research Associate at The Weeks Centre for Social and Policy Research would love to interview you! The project ‘Making space for queer-identifying religious youth’ aims to explore young LGBT people’s understanding, uses, and experiences of religion. All participation is anonymous. The project is run by London South Bank University but the research is currently focused on Manchester and Newcastle. To arrange an interview e-mail snowdonr@lsbu.ac.uk or join Queer Religious Youth on Facebook or visit: http://queerreligiousyouth.wordpress.com



A night per month at CADAS, 52 Paradise St, Barrow in Furness, LA14 1JG, then into town. Also open days at the same venue every Tuesday 10am-4pm. Email: trans.lakes.nights@googlemail.com https://sites.google.com/site/translakesnights/ www.facebook.com/groups/trans.lakes.nights/ Mob: 07952 278760 (between 5pm -8pm only)


HEAD TO HEAD CONTINUING OUR new feature we ask two men, one HIV positive and one HIV negative, to give their thoughts on sexual healtH. THIS TIME...

“When you meet a guy for sex, when do you mention your status?” THE HIV POSITIVE PERSPECTIVE






“This is a hard question to answer. I don’t even think I have mastered the art of disclosing my own status… yet. But because I’m a blunt person, I tend to just throw it out there.

“Deciding whether or not to disclose your HIV status can be difficult. Once you’ve plucked up the courage to tell somebody you can’t un-tell them so you need to be sure.

There is no right time, there isn’t going to be a gust of wind and a slow motion movie scene with dramatic lighting when you express to your other half that you’re not as ‘pure’ as once thought.

So you’ve been diagnosed with HIV, who do you tell? How will they react? Will they treat you any different? All reasonable questions and in many ways it seems like a second ‘coming out’.

The bottom line for all of us living with HIV is that we have to wake up to the reality that we hate to be rejected. Rejection from our own society, from friends, family and sexual partners. Love is one of the most powerful attractions on earth that still cannot be measured, and the laws of attraction are often determined by being accepted by others. So where in the world with all this added pressure do we find the moment to talk about HIV?

To a certain extent coming out as HIV positive is more difficult than coming out as a ‘fudge packer’ because of the social stigma surrounding it. Telling family and friends could provide you with a good support network but remember that people’s perceptions of you can change if your relationship isn’t strong enough to take the strain.

I cannot answer that but I can break it down to something that each individual possesses. Instinct! I have told some guys about my status and watched them freak out, while others didn’t even blink. You can have sex with different people but you have to know yourself and use your protection if you are unsure. If you really like someone, then see if they will accept you for who you are. At the end of the day, we all have a burden to bear and rejection is always going to be part of our lives. But choose your partners well and if anyone rejects you for your status then to hell with them. They weren’t right for you because the right guy will care about you, not just your HIV status.” 20 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

Telling a long-term partner could be especially tricky. If they’re clever they might wonder how you became infected in the first place. Even if you have to explain to him that you’ve been dancing the vertical mamba with a neighbour, hiding your status could put him at risk of infection. With regards to disclosure in the workplace, you’re under no obligation to shout about your status (remember that you’re protected under the Equality Act 2010). Although if you work in healthcare you are obliged to inform your occupational health physician that you are HIV positive – safety first. If you do choose to unveil your status at work the Data Protection Act states that records of your HIV status must be kept confidential.”

same day hiv testing In partnership with the Manchester Centre for Sexual Health

free confidential drop-in every thursday *

For more info, call

0845 3 30 30 30


pm 0 .0 6 m p 0 .0 4 er 5, b m u N , F G L e Th Richmond St Manchester 0pm *Last test: 5.3

do you know

your hiv status? www.lgf.org.uk/testing

Reg.Charity Charity No. 1070904 Reg. 1070904

OUTSPOKEN WHO’S CAROLINE? Caroline Wilson recently joined the LGF’s Board of Trustees, and is a qualified chartered accountant. She is passionate about using her financial knowledge to help promote the health and wellbeing of LGBT people. Caroline is also a writer (and has been known to do the odd bit of stand-up comedy), who operates under the name of The Well Connected Lesbian.

Which three items would you take to a desert island? A notebook, a way of contacting home, and coffee-making facilities (including a cow for milk). What do you do to relax? I enjoy exploring on foot, singing along to music, cooking, writing and hanging out with my girlfriend Abi. Which person, living or dead, do you most admire, and why? Well there are lots of people. I admire people who are not afraid to be themselves and who work hard to bring about positive change. I also admire people who are kind. What do you owe your parents? Everything. In fact I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to my mum and dad for all their love and support, and for giving me the best possible start in life.

CAROLINE WILSON What is the most important lesson life has taught you? To take the time to listen to your unconscious mind, to eat well and to get enough sleep. What would be your chosen fancy dress costume? I have a rather fabulous Club Tropicana jumpsuit. I just need more opportunities to wear it. What keeps you awake at night? Trying to crack the pattern of prime numbers and trying to get the balance right of what I do with my time. What would we find in your fridge if we had a look? Never ask an ex-auditor this question unless you want a full stock count… Ok, top shelf – an assortment of jams and pickles. Middle shelf – cheeses, coffee, leftovers and vegetables. Bottom shelf – vegetables and salad. Oh, and some milk and half a bottle of Rose in the door. Who are your 3 ideal dinner guests, living or dead? In reality it is my girlfriend and my mum and dad. However, for the purposes of

22 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

this interview I will say Dawn French, Rikki Beadle-Blair and, as I have just started reading The Women’s Room, Marilyn French. What would your superpower be? I was once asked this in a job interview. It threw me. After some thought, I declared that it would be great if I could record a picture in full detail in my mind. The interviewer laughed and asked if I had ever thought of buying a camera. What is your favourite word? Well, I shout ‘squirrel’ quite loudly every time I see one. So I guess I’ll go with ‘squirrel’. What do you think is the greatest challenge facing women today? Fear of male violence and the inequalities that still exist when it comes to childcare. What’s the best thing about being a woman? Empathy and great female friends. What’s your favourite TV show? Currently it is The Gilmore Girls. Tell us a joke. What did the cheese say when it looked at itself in the mirror? Halloumi.



“Homophobia, biphobia, discrimination and isolation, just to name a few, are likely to affect a high percentage of lesbian and bisexual women at some point in their lives.”

With only 30% of women accessing our services, LGF’s Wellbeing Manager, Lucy Rolfe asks why lesbian and bisexual women aren’t accessing support, During Pride Fringe, we held ‘Women’s Pride’, an evening of film, discussion and an opportunity to meet new people.

Photo: Sarah Quinn

We were absolutely overwhelmed by the response to this event, with over 70 of you getting involved. What’s more, we had lesbian and bisexual women from all walks of life, come along to talk about the things that are important to them and share stories. It really was a night to remember. Yet, here at the LGF, only 30% of people who use our services are women. We know that lesbian and bisexual women face all of the same issues and challenges as other women, and then some! Homophobia, biphobia, discrimination and isolation, just to name a few, are likely to affect a high percentage of lesbian and bisexual women at some point in their lives. Considering that, you would imagine


that somewhere along the line, a lot of women would be looking for a helping hand. So, are women choosing a different form of support to what we’re offering? Or are they coping alone? Looking at research, for a lot of lesbian and bisexual women, mainstream support services don’t always meet their needs. In fact, a 2008 study showed that within that year, half of lesbian and bisexual women had had a negative experience with a healthcare professional (Prescription for Change:Lesbian and bisexual women’s health check, 2008) There may be issues around coming out, feeling judged or even that sexual orientation may be blamed for the ‘problem’. With so few services monitoring the sexual orientation of the people who come through their doors, it’s difficult to know whether these issues are stopping women from getting the help they need, when they need it. Here at the LGF, we provide a number of mental health and wellbeing services,

from Counselling to a Befriending Service and even an LGBT Wellbeing Clinic to help people to cope with issues such as depression, anxiety and stress. Within these services, we look carefully at how we can make sure we’re meeting the needs of those who need them, including of course, women, so now’s your chance to tell us what you think... If you’re interested in giving us feedback about our services, if you have an idea for a new service, or if you want to comment on any part of this article, we’d love to hear from you! You can send feedback and comments via email to lucy.rolfe@lgf.org.uk, Tweet us @lgfoundation or leave a comment on our Facebook page at www.facebook. com/TheLGF. Or you can post them to: Lucy Rolfe The Lesbian & Gay Foundation Number 5, Richmond Street Manchester M1 3HF

For more about our services, visit www.lgf.org.uk/our-services or call our Helpline on 0845 3 30 30 30 10am – 10pm, seven days a week. Refreshments will be provided on the night. www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 23


This is a show for you to find out where you ought to be! DawN Crandell loves Prince and presents a show with poetry, movement, storytelling, burlesque and audience participation to helps us all examine who we really are. ‘Xenophobadelica’ apart from being a fantastic word comes from fusing xenophobia (deep dislike of foreigners) with the Prince Song ‘Shockadelica’ says DawN, “And it sort of sums up my life and complex identities and how disappointing it is when certain parts of the queer community want to define you by just one part of your personality. I want people who come to see ‘Xenophobadelica’ to have a good night out and feel connected in maybe seeing themselves and sharing other people’s


From the 31st October to the 2nd November 2012, Contact theatre in Manchester, alongside Manchester Science Festival and Kidneys for Life are holding a performance event, ‘What Am I Worth?’ which explores the issues and ideas around organ transplants and donations.

Contact Theatre, Manchester presents two events that we think you will find very worthwhile ahead of next years Queer Contact Festival which takes place in February. To find out more go to: http://contactmcr.com/

Written by and starring Dawn Crandell. Developed with the support of Bryony Kimmings. Directed by Rachel Brogan.Not Black enough, Queer enough, sweet enough, sexy enough... all mixed up?


experiences as well as learning from other people’s stories. Some people may feel challenged but we need to do better judging ourselves and others who may also belong to oppressed groups.Creative art is a necessity to be able to communicate with the world and hopefully more people will feel inspired to challenge issues such as racism and homophobia in our societies.” We’re sure ‘Xenophobodelica’ will give us all plenty to think about.On Friday 23rd November there will be a free workshop (for anyone who buys a ticket for a performance) for any artists, writers, poets who want to cover political issues in their work and make it palatable to an audience that also wants to be entertained.

Preview: Thu 22 Nov, 7:30pm, £5 Fri 23 & Sat 24 Nov, 7:30pm, £8/5. Audience members should be over 14 year s of age. 24 hour booking: http://contactmcr.com/ Box Office: 0161 274 0600

The piece is written by Dr Tuheen Huda, an openly gay doctor who discusses the value of organs and the value of the individuals who donate them. Dr Huda, otherwise known as The Mad Hatter of Medicine states on his blog: “Gay men are now allowed to give blood. Let me be precise. Gay men who have not had oral or anal sex for 12 months are allowed to give blood.” Huda continues: “However, in this country, no matter when you have had sex….. provided you are clear of HIV, Creutzfelt Jacob Disease, or cancer outside the brain, you CAN donate your organs. How does that make sense? The value of organs is one of the main features of the event. Huda argues that “Your black market price is $45,000,000. Organ recipients would say more”, but with the ongoing debates such as gay men donating blood, the ‘value’ of a person becomes a confusing one. Huda is aware of difference and states on his blog: “If you can accept my organs by such standards, does that make them more valuable than my blood? Does that make them more valuable than my love, my lifestyle…… me?” Wed 31 Oct to Fri 2 Nov, 7:30pm. £5.Audience members should be ove r 15 years of age.24 hour booking: contactmcr.com/ Box Office: 0161 274 0600. whatamiworth.org.uk/

www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 25



“It doesn’t help that bisexual people are referred to as confused, untrustworthy or greedy.” If you think you may be bisexual, or you’re questioning, it can difficult accepting who you are. You may at times feel pressured into choosing a male or female partner. Coming out as bisexual can be just as hard as coming out as gay or lesbian, maybe harder. Ignorance to bisexuality can come in many forms; from parents, friends or people at work or even on the LGBT (gay) scene. Feeling unsure can be unsettling and the need to define who you are can be just as confusing. This isn’t always helped by the fact that many bisexual people, myself included, are referred to as confused, untrustworthy or greedy. There are many myths surrounding bisexual people that get thrown around, often as a joke, but at the expense of bisexual men and women and these

can be deeply impactful leading to various mental health and isolation issues. Personally as a bisexual person I can not over emphasis the need not to feel pressured by the straight or gay community. Sometimes living with the uncertainty or simply acknowledging that your preferences may change over time can be enough. You may explore a same sex relationship that may end up lasting indefinitely, or you may simply be aware of same sex attraction whilst being in an opposite sex relationship. There is no set rule when it comes to attraction of other people, be that personality, physical appearance or something entirely different. It is what you are comfortable with and how you may identify or not identify in some cases. Identifying as bisexual may be an ongoing process and throughout your life you may never really be finished coming out to different people. Bisexuality is simply a word when all is said and done. Sometimes the word may not fit with how you feel about yourself at first. You may even

26 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

find attraction to the same gender more appealing but still encounter people of the opposite sex who you find attractive from time to time. Bisexuality is never simply a phase for many people, young or older. The pressures to conform to be gay or straight may feel like an easy way to accept it at first, but it may not settle with how you feel inside. Human sexuality is complicated. What is attractive to one gender may not be for another. Every person is different and you may feel alone at times. It may seem like a struggle to justify your identity to people, but as with any person; gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual or undecided, it is not for other people to decide your sexual identity or for you to feel as if you must justify it. You cannot choose or control your sexuality, but you can control and choose who you tell, when you tell them and what you decide to say. You define your sexuality, not anybody else, and you control your coming out journey regardless of what that sexuality is. It’s difficult at times, but remember that your life should be lived on your terms and as long as you are true to what you feel, nobody has the right to tell you any different. It’s OK to be Bi!

Don’t forget you can call The LGF Helpline if you need support. Our number is

0845 3 30 30 30


COMINGOUT WITHCONFIDENCE It’s something you’ll never do just once. Sometimes it’ll be easy, sometimes it’ll be difficult. Here’s out quick guide Coming Out With Confidence.


HERE IF YOU NEED US: Call our 24 hour helpline on 11th and 12th October on 0845 3 30 30 30. Get support online at www.lgf.org.uk Email us at helpline@lgf.org.uk Come in and see us at Number 5 Richmond Street, Manchester, M1 3HF between 10am and 10pm

Coming Out Day and to celebrate, LGF will be keeping its Helpline open for a solid 24 hours. So if you’re coming out on International Coming Out Day and need some support, just give us a call, day or night on:


and one you really trust, Start by telling some have to lps he It . ive support who you know will be cess. you through the pro someone to support • – perhaps start a Test the water first one sexuality with some conversation about ction. rea ir lling to gauge the you’re thinking of te • gh if you need us throu re he ’re We . Get support us nd se , us ll Ca . ce fa face to our helpline, email or ). low and see us (details be an email or come in • en ide plenty of time wh Make sure you set as s of lot ve ha d, people may you won’t be disturbe m. the k as to m the space questions so give the • ive reactions, both posit of ty rie va a Prepare for ct rea n ca le op pe times and negative. Some give ocked or surprised – sh e y’r the if tly differen e us ca news sink in. Just be them time to let the rily ssa ce now, doesn’t ne they react negatively ver come around. ne l mean they’l • rson are still the same pe u yo t tha Remind people of ud pro be , ed lov own and they have always kn ! are who you • ss – out is a lifelong proce ng mi co t tha er mb Reme sire de the l ns where you fee there may be situatio n, tio ta en ori out your sexual or need to be open ab l fee l u’l yo nt de more confi the more you do it, the each time.

NATIONAL C R E T OM IN IN G 11th October is International

0845 3 30 30 30


Tell someone as they’r e rushing out to work, over Christmas dinner or when you’ve had a few too many. It’s better to sit down somewhere quiet and have a proper co nversation with the m. • Take negative reacti ons to heart. Ok, so this is easier said than done , but sometimes it ta kes people a bit of time for the news to sink in and remember there are loads of people out there who will love you for who you are. • Go it alone, there’s loads of help out the re and every situation can be supported. Call us on 08453 30 30 30 Mo n-Fri 10am-10pm an d tell us how we can help. • Rush into it – it’s be tter to feel confident in yourself and prepared before you tell peop le rather than do it on the spur of the mome nt. • Feel you have to come out if someone asks or ‘outs’ you. Rememb er, it’s you who is in co ntr ol, if you’re not ready, the n don’t feel pushed into it. • Replace all of your old friends for new ones – coming out is a excit ing time and the chan ces are, you’ll meet loads of new people, but don’t forget about the friends wh o have stood by you.


COMING OUT POSITIVE Lee is 37, lives in Manchester and was diagnosed HIV+ve on 12th June 2012.Here Lee talks about the first few months of coming to terms with a positive diagnosis.

What is it like living with HIV? and How do you talk about it in everyday life? In this issue of outnorthwest we begin a series of interviews with men who share their personal experiences of coming to terms with the virus.

“My Doctor told me about my HIV status as they were the ones who did my test. I went to the Doctors because I had a bad rash, I wasn’t expecting to be asked to take a HIV test” says Lee. “I thought the rash was just because of the heat combined with my Eczema, but apparently the rash can be one of the symptoms and the doctor had seen it before. I was totally shocked. I am usually really careful and I have been in a monogamous relationship for two years so HIV or any other Sexually Transmitted Infection wasn’t anything I was worried about”.

diabetes doesn’t have the stigma attached to it. I have received a great deal of support from people living with HIV from both friends and George House Trust too.”

HIV & Lee “Physically it doesn’t affect me, but mentally it’s a very different story. Being told that HIV is no different to Diabetes, but

However Lee has had one or two ‘surprises’ along the way. “I have lost a few friends that I decided to disclose to because they don’t want to be ‘associated’ with someone who is ‘poisonous’ or has what they term as ‘Gay Plague’.” “There is a great deal of ignorance and misinformation and fear surrounding HIV. I wouldn’t wish HIV onto my worst enemy. I struggle with my diagnosis and have to be thankful I have support in friends and my partner, who has been very supportive in keeping me from going off the rails. One of the things I have found out is that there

28 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

is help out there for me but nothing for my partner. Although he is negative he still lives with HIV through me.”

Disclosing Your Status “It is important to consider your partner when disclosing your HIV status because either way stigma is attached because of association and if someone discloses to you it’s important you remain confidential about that, tell no- one. It is the person’s decision to disclose, no one else’s.” “At first I didn’t talk about HIV in relationships when I thought I was negative but now I am living with HIV it is something I have to. But I am very careful about who I talk to and what I say because of all the stigma attached. It’s not important to


Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People


Registered Charity No.1070904

The Lesbian & Gay Foundation provides support and counselling to anyone affected by HIV.

Call The LGF Helpline on 0845 3 30 30 30, or visit: www.lgf.org.uk

George House Trust offer buddy support which Lee aims to take part in to help him live with HIV, rather than suffer from the mental stress. Call 0161 274 4499, or visit: www.ght.org.uk UNDER STAN


Scan here for more info on LGF’s testing services direct to your smart phone (including dates and times), or visit TO DIAL THIS www.lgf.org.uk/testing NUMBER NOW



More education in schools to educate that everyone is at risk and that it’s not as hard to catch as some people think.

will happen to me and I feel very low and drained some days but I have learned that I am stronger than I thought. I have a core of really good friends and I found out the real truth about friendship. If just one person changes their sexual practices then this interview was not in vain.”


For gay men who are known as ‘bug chasers’ to know that HIV is a long term chronic condition and you won’t automatically get benefits because you are living with HIV.

“My thoughts go out to those guys who are newly diagnosed and don’t have a good support network as there isnt a great deal of councilling out there and often long waiting lists.”

3 3

More workshops for HIV negative people on the dangers of HIV.


More funds spent on counselling and newly diagnosed people.


put your self through the agony of telling people as quite often the reaction can be very negative so only disclose if you can really trust people or if you are going to enter a relationship involving sex (protected of course).”


Big Deal


When asked what he thinks about those people who don’t think HIV is such a big issue anymore, Lee reacts swiftly; “Wake up to your self, it’s a very big deal and I just hope you never have to walk in my shoes and feel what I felt when I was rejected and scared to tell people, wondering if every ache and pain you suffer is the onset of something more serious because you have HIV. People need to really wake up. I am very scared about my future and what



Lee has compiled a list for us on how we can better undertstand HIV. See column on the right.

NUMBER NOW We’d like to offer our sincere thanks to Lee for sharing his story with us.

More help for families and loved ones of people living with HIV.

www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 29

WELLBEING LUCY ROLFE SHARES HER EXPERIENCE OF COMING OUT ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH this I’ve thought about writing e on r article for a while and fo always reason or another, I’ve World put it off. But today, on (10th Suicide Prevention Day approach September) and as we y on World Mental Health Da national 10th October, and Inter y after Coming Out Day the da e right that, it just seems like th time. blems. There, I’ve I’ve had mental health pro , for years made said it. Those five words ret I was keeping me shudder, it was a sec find out about. What that no-one could ever uld my friends would people think? Wo le laugh at me? op pe disown me? Would the street? Would in me id Would people avo rous? I had endless people think I was dange my head. How could questions flying through out something I I talk to someone else ab myself? didn’t even understand that I felt different I was 16 when I noticed was no ‘light re The to all of my friends. d to creep up me see t jus bulb’ moment, it s; I was sinking on me over a few month t I realised it at the into depression. Not tha s my personality. time, I just thought it wa going, fun and up All of my friends were out nted to do was lock for a laugh and all I wa rld and disappear. Wo myself away from the who I was, meant I Thinking it was part of – well, that and didn’t ask for help sooner le know how I felt, because I thought if peop stop being so stupid they’d laugh, tell me to and pull myself together. too much. I’d coped Then everything just got r, feeling like I was yea on my own for over a piece and in that losing my mind piece by anxiety, to the point time I’d also developed ular panic attacks. where I was having reg p, I felt completely I just wanted it all to sto s no way out. I tried alone and like there wa friends, sending to distance myself from in the hope they’d s them horrible message y, it didn’t work). full fall out with me (thank guess what bly ba pro And then you can . re.. the happened from d out to was my The first person I reache tty much everything best friend. She knew pre this. I was absolutely about me except from to ask for help, but terrified when I called her overwhelming the is r what I do remembe

T U O B A T U O G N I COM L HEALTH! MENTA feeling of relief I felt as I could hear myself say the words I’d been so terrified of saying. Don’t get me wr ong, it wasn’t all easy from that point on, what followed were probably the toughe st two years of my life, but not having to carry this secret around with me did ma de it that bit easier. I realised I had to let people help me; I wasn’t alone, and if you’re reading this, neither are you. Since then, with the righ t people around me, I’ve feel like I’ve got my life back. Coming out about my ow n depression and anxiety is one of the best things I’ve ever done, even tho ugh there were times when it felt imposs ible. The reason I’ve finally decided to do this article, is because on days like tod ay, I realise how different things cou ld’ve been for

30 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

me and for lots of the people we support at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation. So if you’re struggling and need to talk, no matter how big or small the issue might be, please, please talk to someone. It might just be the most life-changing thing you ever do. If you need to speak to someone, or if you have a friend who could do with some support, our Helpline is open 10am – 10pm every day. If you’d prefer to talk to someone in person, you can drop-in anytime between 10am and 8pm, Monday to Friday. We also offer a free telephone counselling service for 14-25 year olds. If you, or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, or is in a crisis make an urgent appointment with a GP or visit the Accident and Emergency department at the nearest hospital. Call The LGF Helpline on 08453303030.




Research shows that 1 in 6 males have experienced sexual abuse before the age of 18, whilst male victims account for approximately 10% of all reported rapes, yet the sexual abuse and rape of boys and men is still silent. Duncan Craig, founder and Service Director for Survivors Manchester, talks to outnorthwest about breaking the silence. It was whilst I was at university, in my late 20s, training to be a therapist that I first really faced up to dealing with the abuse I experienced. Before then, I had an awareness of ‘stuff that happened’ in the past but I had never really spoke about it or if I did, then I was so vague that neither I nor anyone listening truly realised what was being said… and there is the silence. For many guys, silence can seem like the only option as speaking out is the last thing they want to do. However, contrary to popular belief keeping silent takes a tremendous amount of effort. It involves avoiding conversations or situations; turning the page of a newspaper or magazine quickly or hitting the TV remote fast to change the channel when issues are written or spoken about. It involves always trying to ensure that one is never alone or is always busy so that there is never any time to really sit and think. It sometimes involves a person using drugs or alcohol “to forget” which soon becomes problematic with the realisation that trick

only works a few times and even then its not total memory shutdown. It involves doing anything humanly possible that will just help a person to forget as quickly as possible. But ‘forgetting’ never really happens. In fact the only real way to begin healing is by doing the opposite, talking and breaking the silence. Sexual abuse and rape as acts themselves often happen in silence, for instance, the victim is usually isolated and sworn to secrecy or threatened with harm if he speaks out. The fear of being judged or blamed by others for ‘allowing it to happen’, let alone the judgments and blame one carries for oneself, is extremely silencing. This type of silence is a big problem. This type of silence is a killer. But there is help. More and more support agencies are recognising the need to talk about this subject themselves and to allow boys and men the space to come forward in their own time. Here at Survivors Manchester, we have been delighted to be able to work with the LGF in addressing the issue of the sexual abuse and rape of gay and bisexual men, through staff and volunteer training and delivery of front line services. Sexual abuse and rape is about the power and control of an individual and not about his sexuality or sexual orientation.

HELP The Lesbian & Gay Foundation Helpline:

0845 3 30 30 30

Pop-In Service: 10am – 8pm Monday - Friday (no appointment needed) Face-to-Face Counselling: For more information and to request an application form, email counselling@lgf.org.uk, call us on 0845 3 30 30 30 or visit www.lgf.org.uk/counselling (sessions are free for those affected by sexual abuse or sexual violence)

Survivors manchesteR Alternatively, check out the Survivors Manchester website at www.survivorsmanchester.org.uk or email us at support@survivorsmanchester.org.uk

Break the silence… it stops with us! www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 31




FAKE IT UNTIL YOU MAKE IT So how are you? Art you all Prided out after the Summer? Are you ready for Autumn? How many of you have heard this? What does it mean for you? Well in NLP there is this an exercise called mental rehearsal - it’s what a lot of actors, athletes, sports people and other successful people do! It is basically rehearsing something over and over again in your head, and getting a sense of it going well for you, and noticing “how” that happened! In an experiment they wired athletes up to equipment that could measure muscle power, and asked them to imagine running a race or swimming that 200 metre race. The muscles fired up as if they were actually “doing it” - that’s because the mind believed it was happening and told the body to react! To do this it’s best to find a quiet place and begin by breathing, deep breathes from your belly, in through your nose and out through your mouth! Once you feel relaxed, get a sense of what ever it is you want to rehearse (that job interview, that presentation to the board, asking that hottie out!) Begin with the starting point and imagine yourself doing this, now it’s usual to notice a dominant modality (sight, sound, feeling!) Now run through this like it is a movie, you are the writer, director and lead in this movie. So you make it whatever you want it to be! You run the whole story from beginning to end. Each step, you can stop and go back anytime and change whatever you want until you feel that it’s “right” for you! You keep doing this until you have the whole “movie” just right and play it over and over again in the movie theatre in your mind! Now you can do this as much as you want. What was your body language like, the tonality of your voice? It’s good to get a really good sense/ feel for this. These are the keys to your success. Now it’s not necessary to spend hours doing this and you will get quicker each time you do it! The key is to give it a go. May be start on something small first! If you find it challenging to get a sense of a way of behaving that you would like (e.g. confidence, you may want to notice how other people operate. Say you want to feel more confident... pick someone you see as confident and notice them, what they do, how their body language is, how their voice sounds etc. Apply the Movie technique to this and get a sense of how it would be for you. Once you have your Movie perfected, you have it in your mental filing system to pull out, whenever you want it! It’s a good idea to rehearse just before the activity you want to use it for. It gets easier and quicker the more you do this. Your mind is a muscle - exercise it




For 18 years, The Lesbian & Gay Foundation has been providing free Condoms and Lube (as well as information regarding condom use, STI and HIV prevention) across Greater Manchester for gay and bisexual men. It’s one of the key aspects of the work that the LGF does. It is certainly one of the most visible and constant. One of the key aims of the LGF’s work with men who have sex with men is to reduce the incidence of HIV infection. Ensuring that every gay and bisexual man in Greater Manchester has access to condoms and lube goes a long way to help fulfil that

32 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

aim. The LGFs condom and lube scheme is funded and supported by the ten NHS across Greater Manchester. The scheme is also supported by the community, through funding from Manchester Pride. thanks to this funding and support, gay and bisexual men are able to enjoy safer sex, through accessing over 1 million condoms and sachets of lube per yer. An independant report found that the LGF Condom and lube is “the most accessible of it’s kind” in England (Sigma Research 2006) You can pick up the brand new safer sex packs now. If you’ve got any questions about safer sex, or you’re worried about the sex you’re having, call us on 0845 3 30 30 30.

To find out more about leaving a legacy to The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, call 0845 3 30 30 30, or e-mail rachel.bottomley@lgf.org.uk




“The service is a real help in a very difficult area of a person’s private life. I wasn’t sure how my story would be received, but I was delighted to find that I was accepted in the most non-judgemental way which gave me all the confidence I needed to take the first step towards my new life. Thank you for offering the service.”


If you would like to find out more about Befriending, and talk to one of our volunteers, come along to the Groupwork Relaunch event on Friday 28th September 6pm to 9pm, where there will be an opportunity to chat, meet new people and get an application form!

Just coming out? New to the area? you need a friend.

Sometimes we can have all the will in the world to get up and try new things and meet different people, but it’s often our confidence that holds us back. If you’re feeling isolated, are new to the area or have just come out, it might seem like you’re completely alone, but with LGF’s befriending service, we can help. The LGF’s Befriending programme offers up to 10 sessions with a volunteer Befriender, and can help people with a wide variety of issues such as low confidence, lack of motivation and feeling lonely and isolated. Sessions in the past have included activities such as; going for coffee and a chat, going to see a play, visiting art galleries, and even rock climbing!

34 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

The sessions are a good opportunity to gain support in a social setting, which can lead to increased confidence, meeting new people and even taking up a new hobby. Our volunteers are fully trained, and we will do our best to match you with the right person who can support you. We are even able to travel to your home town to offer support there. The service is open to anyone over the age of 25 in the Greater Manchester area, travel expenses will be covered and we’ll also provide you with money for activities!

For an application form, or if you have any questions, please contact kate.hardy@lgf.org.uk or phone 0845 3 30 30 30. Alternatively, just drop into our office!


ART CLASS The LGF’s groupwork programme has recently seen a new intake of volunteers, as well as the return of the Art Class and a brand new group for older men called Older & Bolder!For the next few issues, we’ll be holding the spotlight over each group and grilling the volunteers.

Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People

www.lgf.org.uk Registered Charity No.1070904

CAN YOU HELP? The Art Class are also looking for anyone to contribute any books about Art, so we can use them for inspiration and information. If any one does have some old dusty books they need rid of, we will gladly take them off your hands! Please email kate.hardy@lgf.org.uk or drop them off at the LGF for attention of Kate Hardy. Thanks in advance.

This issue: The LGF Art Class


The Art Class is facilitated by volunteers Michael and Brian and will run on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, 7pm till 9pm. We asked Brian a few questions: What made you want to become a groupwork volunteer? I wanted to join the art group as a participant as somewhere to socialise, meet new people and do a bit of art. Unfortunately the group had ceased running, so seeing that I have the experience to run a group I offered to help facilitate the group so it would once again be available for everyone, including

myself - even if it meant I was now a facilitator rather than a participant. How would you encourage someone to attend the group who was nervous? I usually explain to people that the group is for everyone, no previous experience of art is required - all you need is to have an interest in art and a willingness to have a go. That’s all. The group is a place for you to meet people, have a chat without any pressures. We’ll make you feel welcomed when you arrive and we’ll make sure you won’t be left out of anything. It’s a place to be yourself, relax, have a bit of fun and hopefully learn a little something about art.

Describe your group in 3 words! Sociable - Relaxed – Informative The Art Class is held in the conference room on the third floor, and is open to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people of any ability! We provide basic equipment for you explore creative techniques such as sketching, watercolours, pastels and charcoal, as well as arts and crafts. The class also integrates discussions about art, and we will look at famous artists and works of art. Come along to chat about art and explore your creative side, you can even bring your own creations to work on and long term projects are also possible.

Next Issue: Carousel. Check the listings for more on LGF Groups. www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 35


TOM’S THREE PEAK CHALLENGE “I have always had an interest in hiking and this challenge seemed perfect to not only get out and enjoy the countryside in one of England’s most beautiful areas, but to also test my fitness and endurance. I did the walk with a colleague from work, Alex, as we wanted to do something together for charity as our employer allowed us to take one day off a year to raise money for charity. We agreed to do the Yorkshire 3 Peaks challenge and set a date for the 22nd June, however, due to our wonderful English summer, torrential rain meant it was postponed!

Tom completed the Yorkshire 3 peaks challenge back in July in support of The LGF’s Enough is Enough! Campaign. When it got to the day, we could not have asked for better weather. After descending from the first mountain, PenY-Ghent, I decided to take a ‘short-cut’ down a small path that veered off the main walking route. However a few miles down the path we encountered a huge patch of marsh land which in the end we just had to wade through (it came up to our knees in patches). The rest of the walk was fine as our trousers dried off

in the sun fairly quickly! I decided to raise money for The LGF because I wanted to help a charity I could relate to. I believe that homophobia is a problem in society today and although awareness and tolerance is far greater than it was 10 years ago, there is still a long way to go.” To get involved with LGF Charity Challenge, drop an email to claire.baldwin@lgf.org.uk

FANCY A CHALLENGE? Sunday 3rd March 2013

Adidas Silverstone Half Marathon Sunday 21st April 2013

Virgin London Marathon

Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People


Have fun, and raise money for The Lesbian & Gay Foundation at the same time! There are a number of charity challenges coming up, and if you would like to get involved, call us on 0845 3 30 30 30, or e-mail claire.baldwin@lgf.org.uk

Registered Charity No.1070904

32 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk 36

Sunday 26th May 2013

BUPA Great Manchester 10k Run Bank Holiday Monday 27th May 2013

BUPA London 10k run



Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People

Welcome to our new LGF Services page, every issue we will be looking at how our services can support you in living the life you want to live.

www.lgf.org.uk Registered Charity No.1070904

A DAY E F LI HE T IN Stefanie Hartley, Community Engagement Officer at the LGF, tells us about her summer of Prides

“I’ve spent my summer working at Prides up and down the country promoting our ‘Are You Ready for Your Screen Test’ campaign. The campaign aims to raise awareness among lesbian and bisexual women that they should be going for regular cervical screen tests. It’s been my job to take this crucial message to women all over the country. Brighton Pride has a reputation for being a bit of a mecca for LGBT people across the land, so we were pretty excited to get a chance to take our campaign there. Brighton seemed a city where everyone embraced Pride. We headed to the Pride site in Preston Park and got ready for a day of outreach work. I’ll be honest, there’s always a moment of trepidation when you prepare to stand in a public place, with a clipboard, smiling at strangers. This is why I am so grateful for the frankly magnificent volunteers that we have assisting us here at the LGF. As we were setting up the stall I thought it wise to double check with one of our volunteers that he was happy to go and talk to women about their cervixes. His response was a swift, “Of course, it’s so important. Let’s get going!” In those first moments before approaching my first ladies, I heard something my Mother had asked me

You might have seen our news article about the powers to disregard certain convictions and cautions for consensual gay sex with a person over 16 on page nine? We have a number of services that can support you if you want to apply to have the convictions removed, firstly, you might want to talk to someone about it, so you can call our helpline on 0845 3 303030, 10am-10pm daily and talk about the process, your feelings, why it is important to do this for you, or you could pop in to the community resource centre and talk to us on a one to one basis.

the week before going around in my head, “Don’t women feel uncomfortable talking about their cervixes?” Well the answer to that dearest Mother of mine is no! The vast majority of women I have spoken to at Pride events this year have been more than happy to share their experiences and stories of cervical screening, which is just what we are trying to encourage through this campaign.

We also have our group, Older and Bolder on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month, 7.30-9pm, just come along no referral necessary. You could also access our befrienders service, call the helpline for further information. We also have our counselling service where you can have up to 12 sessions with a counsellor to talk about what is worrying you.

An encouraging number of women were happy to sign up. Which I think is testament to how much lesbian and bisexual women want to talk about their health care experiences. After filling a fair few pages with women’s details, our voices were all but gone and our stash of key-ring torches had been obliterated so we called it a day.

We have our legal surgery on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month between 6pm and 8pm, just come along no appointment needed and talk to one of the solicitors and they can give you legal advice.

On my way to the train station I walked past the beautiful sculpture created by Romney Mark Bruce as a HIV memorial. A friend of mine told me that the sculpture had run out of funding halfway through its creation, and had only been finished through kind donations from the local community. I though this a poignant reminder of why I had been sent to Brighton, and all those other Prides. To connect directly with communities that care, and want to see change. Without support and input from those women I met at all of those Prides our campaign would not work. So thank you ladies of the UK.

Also as this is a very electronic process we can help you in other ways to, you can access the website from the centre using the computers in our interactive service room, you can print off the application form and guidance notes, you can copy your proof of identity documents required and we can help you complete the form. So to find out more about our services, call 0845 3 303030, email us, helpline@lgf.org.uk , pop in, 5 Richmond Street M1 3HF or write to us.

We couldn’t do this without you!” www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 37

Listings LGB&T North West Listings Including:

Venues, Clinics, Charities & Community Groups

Manchester 88 Listing Indicator

£ Portland Street

Major Street

Hart Street







Free Safer Sex Packs available at most venues

1 Alter Ego 105-107 Princess St, 0161 236 9266, home to Poptastic every Tuesday and Saturday night, clubalterego.co.uk 2


100 Bloom St,

Baa-Bar 27 Sackville Street, 0161 247 7997, glitter balls and a flashy dance floor, baabar.co.uk 3

The Bay Horse 35-37 Thomas St, 0161 661 1041, a traditional gay friendly pub, thebayhorsepub.co.uk Belinda ScandAl’s Show Bar 33 Sackville St, 0161 236 1311, Cabaret, Competitions and Fabulous Shows. 4

Please email any new or updated listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk



Whitworth Street


Mixed Mainly Men Mainly Women Mainly Trans Bar Serves Food Cash Point Outdoor Seating Disabled Access

49 22 16

a hin




Piccadilly Train Station


5 All information provided by venues. Please check before arrival 16 Monroes 38 London Rd, 0161 236 1788

25 Boyz 4 Canal Street, 0161 228 1360, queer-manchester.com

13 Eagle 15 Bloom Street, 0161 228 6669, open daily from 5pm till late. eaglemanchester.com

Bull’s Head Gay Friendly 84 London Rd, 0161 236 1724.


Foo Foos 53 Bloom Street, 0161425 6408

19 Napoleons 35 Bloom St, 0161 236 8800, welcomes all LGB&T customers, napoleons.co.uk

6 Churchills 37 Chorlton St, 0161 236 5529, karaoke Tues and Thurs, facebook.com/ churchillsmanchester

14 G-A-Y 10 Canal Street, 0161 228 6201, lively and modern three-floor bar, g-a-y.co.uk

20 The New Union 111 Princess St, 0161 228 1492 newunionhotel.com

15 ICON Sackville St, iconmanchester.co.uk

21 New York New York 94 Bloom St, 0161 236 6556, busy fun pub, popular with lesbians and gays of all ages.



25 34 28





Canal Street

to Ay

Venues Key Dance Floor



London Road


Whitworth Street


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31 41

Richmond Street

Sackville Gardens

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Northern Quarter Hart Street

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45 47 43

Parking Cash Machine


Bloom Street


Major Street

Minshull Street


(Free City Centre Bus)

Chorlton Street Bus/Coach Station

29 Abingdon Street


Chorlton Street

Sackville Street

Princess Street


Train Station Metrolink Stop Metroshuttle Stop

Portland Street

company bar 28 Richmond St, 0161 237 9329, companybarmanchester.co.uk 7

Coyotes 14 Chorlton Street, 0161 236 4007, pleasant two floor bar, coyotesbar.co.uk 8

Crunch 10 Canal Street, 0161 236 0446, crunchbar.co.uk 9

Cruz 101 101 Princess St, 0161 950 0101, one of Manchester’s most popular nightclubs, cruz101.com 10

Eden 3 Brazil Street, 0161 237 9852, food served daily, edenbar.co.uk 11

16 Legends 4-6 Whitworth Street, 0161 236 5400, legendsmanchester.com 17 Manto 46 Canal Street, 0161 236 2667, bar over three floors, mantobar.com

Mint Lounge Gay Friendly 46-50 Oldham St, 0161 228 1495, trendy bar, mintlounge.com 18 The Molly House 26 Richmond St, 0161 237 9329, bar over three floors, themollyhouse.com

30 OSCARS Opening Mid Aug 34 Canal Street, 0161 237 9201 oscarsbarmanchester.co.uk 22 The Outpost 4-6 Whitworth St, 0161 236 5400 legendsmanchester.com 23 Overdraught Student 121 Princess Street, 0161 237 0811 24 Paddy’s Goose 29 Bloom St, 0161 236 1246, traditional pub. 35 Polari 28-30 Canal St, 0161 236 6523

25 Queer 4 Canal Street, 0161 228 1360, queer-manchester.com 4 Rem BAR 33 Sackville St, 0161 236 1311, traditional pub, rembar.co.uk 26 Retro Bar 78 Sackville Street, 0161 274 4892, retrobarmanchester.com

Richmond Street, 0161 228 3308, providing supported lodgings, mentoring, be-friending and information and advice to young LGBT people, admin@akt.org.uk

Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount St, 0786705385, help relieve your aches by looking at the bigger picture, centralmanchesterosteopathy.com

Eclypse Lifeline 73 Ardwick Green North, Ardwick, 0161 273 6686, young persons drug & alcohol support service, MonFri 9-5, Thurs 9-7, fiona@eclypse-yps.org.uk

42 Clone Zone 36-38 Sackville Street, 0161 236 1398, clonezone.co.uk

Counselling Services Manchester 07913781982, Experienced LGBT friendly woman counsellor based in Chorlton, counsellingservicesmanchester.co.uk


The Lodge Richmond Street, 0161 237 9667,

Kath Locke Centre 123 Moss Lane East, Hulme, 0161 455 0211, traditional & complimentary medicine.


Taurus 1 Canal St, 0161 236 4593, taurus-bar.co.uk

Manchester Pride 5 Oak Street, manchesterpride.com

Dr Phil Tyson 0161 256 1890, Men’s Psychotherapist and relationship counselling. menstherapy.co.uk

29 Thompsons Arms 23 Sackville Street, 0161 237 5919.

Self Help Services Zion Community Resource Centre Stretford Rd, 0161 226 3871, mental health services, selfhelpservices.org.uk

ESSENCE COUNSELLING info@essencecounselling.org www.essencecounselling.org

Survivors Manchester 07919 246 2671, Confidential support for male survivors of sexual abuse and rape, survivorsmanchester.org.uk

43 Funky Crop Shop 37 Bloom Street, 0161 237 1032, village hair shop.

31 Tribeca Gay Friendly 50 Sackville Street, 0161 236 8300, New York style lounge, tribeca-bar.co.uk

Vanilla 39-41 Richmond Street, 0161 657 8890, vanillagirls.co.uk 32

34 Velvet 2 Canal St, 0161 236 9003, food served daily, velvetmanchester.com

Via 28-30 Canal St, 0161 236 6523, viamanchester.com 35

View 40 Canal St, 0161 236 9033, viewbar.co.uk 36

Club Nights ALERT Fetish at Legends, 4th Friday of the month club-alert.com Bear Club UK at Legends, 1st Sat of the month facebook.com/bearclubuk The Big Scrum Rugby/Sports Kit at Legends, 3rd Sat of the month bigscrum.com BOLLOX Pop/Indie at Legends, 3rd Friday of the month bolloxclub.com Club HD Arch 66, Whitworth St West, gay/mixed bar/club Friu & Sat nights, hdclubbing.com CLub lash Fetish at Legends, mixed fetish /SM night every 2nd Sat clublash.com Countdown to the 80’s at Eagle, 0161 228 6669, every Wednesday

The City Centre Project 52 Oldham Street, 0161 228 3308 and 3309, project works with young people 16-25 yrs who’s primary disadvantage is homelessness. The Lesbian & Gay Foundation (LGF) Number 5, Richmond Street, 0845 3 30 30 30, for all your LGB information and services, lgf.org.uk 37

Trans Resource Empowerment Cantre (TREC) Trans activities & info, transcentre.org.uk

Eateries BRASSERIE Gay Friendly Albert Square, 0161 834 7633 CROMA Pizza and Pasta 1 Clarance St, 0161 237 9799, croma.biz CROMA Pizza and Pasta 30 Longfield Centre, Prestwich, 0161 798 7666, croma.biz 38 DRIP COFFEE Fourways House, 57 Hilton Street, 0161 235 5100, relaxed and friendly coffee bar.

Eighth Day Vegan 111 Oxford Road, 0161 273 1850 39 Genghis khans 16 Chorlton Street,

0161 228 1631, genghiskhans.co.uk

44 Gayter Hairdressing 57

Hilton Street, 0161 236 1128, hair salon, gayterhairdressing.com Helen smith FUNERALS 07870 541668, funerals that are individual fitting and true, helensmithfunerals.co.uk Inked Tattoo Studio 37 Bloom Street, 0161 237 1032 43

Into-Latex 0161 336 8723, for all your rubber gear, into-latex.co.uk Jacqueline Hayes Therapy 07749498648, Counsellor and psychotherapist based in South Manchester, jachayes.co.uk 45 NICE ‘N’ NAUGHTY 39 Bloom Street, 0161 228 0020

Olive Deli 36-38 Whitworth St, 0161 236 2360 46

Pants 3rd Floor, Aflecks Palace, 07816276925, men’s designer underwear store, pants.uk.com Pink Counselling Roger: 07506924801, gay male Therapeutic Counsellor working in Didsbury & Altrincham. ProBalance Personal Training 0161 833 4777, gay friendly personal training gym in the City Centre, pro-balance.co.uk

Deviant Fetish at Eagle, 0161 228 6669, last Sat of the month

40 jacksons Jackson’s Warehouse, 20 Tariff Street, 0161 228 2677, axm-arcobaleno.com

47 Pure Tanning 37-39 Bloom St, 0161 236 1788

Disco Damaged Pop at Legends, 4th Sat of the month, clubdiscodamaged.com

Lava Café Bar Castle Quay, 0161 833 2444, lavacafebar.co.uk

Eager Beaver Friday at Manto Bar Lounge

LIVEBAIT Gay Friendly 22 Lloyd Street, 0161 817 4110, santeonline.co.uk

QueensClean.co.uk Gay owned cleaning service. 0753 329 2451/ 0161 298 0335, queensclean@2die4.com

FEDERATION Mainly Men at The Ritz, every bank holiday clubfederation.com Homoelectric at Legends, 1st Friday every other month homoelectric.com Mish Mash Cabaret Circle Club, every 2nd Friday of the month, 8pm £8, mishmash1.com Morning Glory at Queer, after hours every Saturday open mic night Women Only 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, Women only & alcohol free, last Wed of the month, 7-10pm, £1 admission. enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk Organic at Spirit, after hours every Sat. POPTASTIC Pop/Indie at Alter Ego, 07974 248 247 poptastic.co.uk RECREATION clubrecreation.co.uk

Community & Health 37

Albert Kennedy Trust Number 5,

Please email any new or updated listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk

Richmond Tea Rooms Richmond Street, 0161 237 9667, richmondtearooms.com 27

SAPPORO Teppanyaki 91-93 Liverpool Road, 0161 831 9888 Sparkles Cafe Gay Friendly 66 Tib Street That Café 1031 Stockport Road, 0161 432 4672, thatcafe.co.uk Villagio Canal St, 0161 344 5222, villaggiomanchester.co.uk

Shops & Services Bannatynes Health Club Gay Friendly 36-38 Whitworth St, 0161 236 6864 41

Becky Johnson Counselling 07841 837029, Experienced individual and couples counsellor. M2 and SK9 locations. integrative-psychotherapy.eu 47 Bloom Street Off License 37-39 Bloom St, 0161 236 1788

Central Manchester Osteopathy & Sports Therapy

48 ROB 17 China Lane, 0161 236 6222, for all your leather, rubber and twisted gear, rob.com

Let's Do Lunch

supported by:

Meet at 2pm, 2nd Sunday of every other month in Manchester’s Gay Village. Next Meetings: 11th September and 13th November Enjoy a lazy Sunday afternoon, chill & chat over good food and a bottle of wine. For info or to reserve a place: Tel: 0781 308 3242 email: paula650@aol.com www.lesbiandiners.co.uk LeVille Hotel Opening Soon Canal Street, levillehotel.com 34 Velvet Hotel 2 Canal Street, 0161 236 9003, velvetmanchester.com

Saunas 50 H2O Sauna 36-38 Sackville Street, 0161 236 3876, seven day sauna for gay and bi men, h2osauna.co.uk 51 The Basement Complex 18 Tariff Street, 0161 236 8131, seven day sauna for gay and bi men, basementcomplex.co.uk

Agencies 42nd St The SPACE, 87-91 Great Ancoats St, 0161 832 0170, advice for young LGB’s, fortysecondstreet.org.uk Addaction 31 Robert St. 0161 214 0770, Prison resettlement for people with drug problems, addaction.org Addiction Dependency Solutions 29a Ardwick Green North, 0161 272 8844, for people with drug problems (or their freinds and family) adsolutions.org.uk Barnardo’s Health Through Action The Progress Centre, Charlton Place, Ardwick Green, 0161 273 2901 BARNArDOS MANCHESTER LEAVING CARE SERVICES 36 Monton Street, 0161 226 6722, barnardos.org.uk The BHA Stretford Rd,0845 450 4247, health, social care & advocay services for BME & other marginalised communities thebha.org.uk Community Alcohol Team 0161 230 6382, manchestercat.org Community Arts North West 46-50 Oldham St, 0161 234 2975 can.uk.com

room to relax @ Fitness First, 7-11 Lower Mosley St, 07815672235, We offer a wide range of holistic treatments.

Crisis Point 24 Albert Road, Levenshulme, 0161 225 9500, mental health support & short term crisis accomodation, turning-point.co.uk

Spa Satori 0161 819 2465, 112 High St, holistic health & beauty spa, spasatori.co.uk

George House Trust 77 Ardwick Green North, 0161 274 4499, ght.org.uk

Therapy In Manchester 07592340211, Professional psychotherapy and counselling in south Manchester, therapyinmanchester.co.uk

Gregory’s Place 69 Ardwick Green North, 0161 273 2901, support for children and young people with HIV gregorysplace@barnardos.org.uk

UPPERCUTS BARBERS The Arndale Market, 07784 156 693

Lifeline 101-103 Oldham St, 0161 839 2054, lifeline.org.uk

Hotels & B&B’s

Lifeshare 0161 953 4069, male sex workers advice, lifeshare.co.uk

City Inn Manchester One Piccadilly Place, Auburn Street, 0161 242 1000, cityinn.com CLYDEMOUNT GUEST HOUSE 866 Hyde Rd, Debdale Park, 0161 231 1515, bookings@clydemount.co.uk clydemount.co.uk 49 INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Gay 34 London Rd, 54 bedrooms, 0161 236 1010

Manchester Drug Service The Bridge, 104 Fairfield Street, 0161 273 4040 Manchester Rainbow support & Homecare 0161 720 6369, providing care and support to adults in their own homes and communities, m-r-s-h.co.uk

Greater Manchester Agencies Continued Manchester Smoking Cessation 0161 205 5998

Gay Naturist SWIM all ages, nude_n_manchester@yahoo.co.uk

Pankhurst Centre 60-62 Nelson Street, Chorlton-on-Medlock, 0161 273 5673, pankhurstcentre.org.uk

House of Rainbow 07751 693708, meets at the LGF, LGBTI friendly Christian fellowship - People who may have come to the UK are especially welcome. 2nd Tuesday of the month.

St. Mary’s Centre New St. Mary’s Hospital, Hathersage Road, 0161 276 6515, sexual assault referral centre, stmaryscentre.org

Icebreakers gay & bi men's support group meets 8pm every Wednesday at the LGF, 0845 3 30 30 30, icebreakersmanchester.org.uk

The Lesbian Community Project 49-51 Sidney Street, 0161 273 7128, enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk manchesterlcp.org.uk

Imaan @ The LGF, 0845 3 30 30 30, For LGBT Muslim’s 1st Thurs/mnth 7.309.30pm, imaan.org.uk

ThE Manchester Foyer 61 Booth St West, Hulme, 0161 276 1000, supported accomodation for young people 16-25’s, svha.co.uk The Village Citizen Advice Bureau 25a Hankinson Way, Salford Precinct, 0161 834 2005, employment services for LGB&T people thevillage.org.uk

Clinics South Manchester Sexual Health Clinic Withington Hospital, 0161 217 4939 North Manchester GUM Delaunays Rd, Crumpsall, 0161 720 2681 North Manchester Hospital Same day HIV test clinic, 0161 720 2845 Rusholme Health Centre Walmer Street, 0161 225 6699 outreach Clinic @ the LGF and 4 other locations, Mondays, no appointment needed, 0845 3 30 30 30, lgf.org.uk Rapid HIV Testing @ the LGF Thurs 4-6pm, no appointment needed, results in 20 mins, 0845 3 30 30 30, lgf.org.uk the hathersage centre 280 Upper Brook St, 0161 276 5200 / 5212

Groups THE ART CLASS a mixed group for LGB and T people of all abilities. Equipment provided. Meets 2nd and 4th Monday of the month 7pm-9pm at the LGF BiPhoria 07941 811124, bisexual support 18+, biphoria.org.uk Book Swap 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, 3rd Wed of the month 6-7pm. For LB women to discuss books as a group or to choose books from the library enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk CAROUSEL 0845 3 30 30 30, social support group for lesbian/bisexual women meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month 7.30-9pm at the LGF Edward carpenter community Heart Circles 1st Sunday of the month, 3pm 49-51 Sidney Street, edwardcarpentercommunity.org.uk/ local-groups friends of sackville gardens 0845 3 30 30 30, Meets monthly to plan improvements, maintenance and new planting in Sackville Gardens, emma.peate@lgf.org.uk Gaydio info@gaydio.co.uk Gay in the uk Refugee Action, 23-37 Edge Street, 07824 473 479, LGBT social group for refugees & asylu seekers, 1st Tue of the month 6pm, lgbtsocial@yahoo.co.uk gay MARRIED MENS GROUP support group for gay/bi men in, or just out of, a heterosexual relationship. Meets 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month 7.30-9pm at the LGF, 0845 3 30 30 30

Please email any new or updated listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk

Inner Enigma 0845 838 1264, trans and intersex support and advice, info@innerenigma.co.uk KESHET Advocacy, education and support service for jewish LGB&Ts, 07906700114, info@keshetmanchester.org.uk Lesbian & Bi Women Wednesday Drop In 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, LB women to socialise and make friends away from the scene, every Wed 1-4pm, enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk

Manchester Feminist Network Women only group, meets 2nd Sat of the month 2-4pm at Friends Meeting House Manchester Lesbian & Gay Chorus 07944 056047, mlgc.org.uk manchester lesbian community project drop in 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, for LB women, meets 2nd & 4th Thur of the month, 7-9pm, enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk Manchester Parents Group 01565 733891, meets at the LGF, support for parents of LGB children, manpg.co.uk

Mango Men’s dining club 07866 909677, 1st Thursday of the month, mango.news@btopenworld.com

UMSU LGBT Society student group, for social events, campagins, drop-ins and support enquiries@lgbt.manchester.ac.uk

Metropolitan Community Church United Reformed Church, Wilbraham Rd, 0161 881 6050, LGB&T led christian church mccmanchester.co.uk MMU LGBT mmu_lgbt@hotmail.co.uk

lesbian asylum group 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, for LB women who have gained or are attempting to gain asylum status. enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk

New Family Social 08432899457, peer support & social group for current & prospective LGBT adopters, foser carers& their children, every 2 months in south Manchester newfamilysocial.co.uk

lesbian mental health support group 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, for 18+ LB women and M2F transwomen, meets every other Friday. enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk Let’s Do Lunch 07813 083242, lesbian diners every other month, paulad650@aol.com lesbiandiners.co.uk LGBT Meetup Group lgbt.socialnw@gmail.com LIK:T 07813 981 338, 49-51 Sydney St, run by and for young lesbian & bisexual women, 1st Monday of the month, likt_info@yahoo.co.uk lilac - lesbian cancer support 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, 3rd Mon of the month, 7-8.30pm, for LB women who have experienced any form of cancer. lilacgroup@hotmail.co.uk lilac.cfsites.org Manchester Christian Group 07743 476191 Manchester Concord transgender Social group every Wed 7pm upstairs bar, New York New York, Bloom St (changing room 5-11pm). mary@manchesterconcord.org.uk The Manchester counsellors & Psychotheripists Reading Group 07592 340 211, Meets regularly on Fridays (limited spaces) from 6:30-8:30pm for more information and dates please contact paul.melia@therapyinmanchester.co.uk Manchester Deaf Triangle Club group for deaf LGBs, triangle@manchesterdeafcentre.com manchestertriangleclub.co.uk Manchester gay skinheads oi-skinhead.com

VADA LGBT community theatre group drama workshops & performances, all welcome, vada.theatre@gmail.com

Manchester Rubbermen social group for gay men into rubber/latex fetish, manchesterrubber.co.uk

MORF Manchester Lesbian & Gay Centre, 45-51 Sydney St, 0794 824 3289, soial & support for transguys 4th Monday of the month, morf@morf.org.uk morf.org.uk

lesbian discussion group 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, for LB women, meets 3rd Wed of the month, 7-8.30pm, to debate issues & share views enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk

trans lesbian group 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, social and support for LB transwomen. enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk

women’s domestic violence Refuge: 0161 861 8428, Helpline: 0161 636 7525, support and advice to women and children experiencing domestic violence. wvdh.info@virgin.net

Lesbian and Gay Youth Manchester (LGYM) LGBT Centre, 49-51 Sidney St, 0790 0680725, young LGBT people, 14-25, Tues 7.30-10pm, Sat 3-7pm info@lgym.org.uk

lesbian Culture Club Over the village but not over the hill? Monthly cultural socials for like minded women lesbiancultureclub@hotmail.co.uk

Transforum Ninian’s Church, Wilbraham Rd, Chorlton, 07500 741 955, TransGender discussion & mutual support group, meets 4th Sat of the month 3.30pm, jennyannebuk@yahoo.co.uk

Older women’s drop in 0161 205 3851, London Scottish House, Mount St. 1st Tues of the month 2-4pm, social group aimed at women 50+, sue.nzilani@silverservice.org.uk Out In The City Social group for over 50’s LGBT. Drop in Weds at Mount St, activities every Thurs. outinthecity05.webs out to the theatre 01457 877 161, gay men’s social group, joncassun@yahoo.co.uk OutWrite 07931 915 620, LGBT writing group, outwrite.org.uk OLDER & BOLDER A social and support group for gay/bi men over 40. Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month 7pm-9pm at the LGF Proud 2 b Parents 0161 226 0162 or 07506 515932, for LGB&T parents and their children every 4th Saturday, m.roberts4@ manchester.gov.uk queer skinhead brotherhood queerskinbrotherhood@googlemail.com

Sports Groups Absolutely DANCING Trinity High School every Weds 8pm-10pm latin and ballroom lessons for the LGB&T community. absolutelydancingmanchester@hotmail.com BELUGA DIVERS Scuba Diving club for the LGBT community, belugadiving.co.uk Crown Green Bowling in the Manchester area, for lGBT people, woodsbowler@yahoo.co.uk Gay city strollers 0845 3 30 30 30, city centre walking group, info@lgf.org.uk Gay gordons manchester Scottish Country and Ceilidh Dancing and classes gay-gordons-manchester.co.uk GAY OUTDOOR GROUP transpennine walking group, 07855 197607 goc.org.uk Ghap badminton text 07946 191 482, ghapbadminton.org.uk MANCHESTER BADMINTON CLUB 07939 477026, Badminton club for the less experienced player. Manchester Front Runners 07813 336 445, LGF Box 106, Number 5, Richmond Street, M1 3HF, running club catering for all abilities, meets every Thurs in the city centre, manchesterfrontrunners.org Manchester jessies Lesbian & bisexual women’s walking group, meets twice monthly manchesterjessies@googlemail.com MANCHESTER PRAIRIE DOGS 07960 351 882, line dance sessions, every Tues 7.30-9 beginners, 9-10.30 intermediate, manchesterprairiedogs.co.uk

Queer Youth Manchester 07092 031 086, info@queeryouth.net

Manchester SHARKS Miles Platting Pool, Varley Street, water polo club manchestersharks.co.uk

Rainbow Families peer support & monthly social for current & prospective lesbian parents and their children, rainbow_families@hotmail.com

Manchester Stingers WFC Womens football club for all abilities, helenamcdonald@hotmail.com

Rapture play day For LGBT parents and kids, 3.30-5.30, search facebook

MANCHESTER VIXENS LADIES FC 07921 838 733, LBT football clubs, emphasis on fun, manchestervixens.co.uk

salford youth service lgbt youth group at The Base, 0161 778 0702, steve.dyson@salford.gov.uk

manchester walking women its.elly@yahoo.co.uk

SM Dykes 49-51 Sidney Street, 07952 237 526, smdykes@smdykes.org.uk smdykes.org.uk

Marlin Levenshulme Swimming Pool, Barlow Rd, trans swimming group, swim@marlin.org.uk

sofa (support or fun activities) 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, for LBT or questioning women, Wed 7-9, peer support and fun activites sofaatlcp@gmail.com

NETBALL 07939 477 026, women only group with weekly coaching, training every Monday, 8-10pm.

Sphere 07854 901330, contribute to a South Asian LBT theatre project, all@sphere.org.uk STEPPING STONES 0845 3 30 30 30, A support group for lesbian and bisexual women meets 2nd & 4th Tuesday 7.30-9pm.

NORTHERN ACES TENNIS GROUP Social tennis club for all abilities, including beginners hour and women’s hour taster sessions northernacestennis.com NORTHERN FLIGHT BADMINTON CLUB For experienced players, northernflight.org.uk

northern jump 07783 297965, volleyball group, northernjump.co.uk

and support to adults in their own homes and communities, m-r-s-h.co.uk

NORTHERN Rebound LGBT squash club for all abilities. At the National Squash centre Wed & Fri & hold regular tournaments. northern_rebound@hotmail.com

LGB&T police liaison officers North Bury - kevin.day@gmp.police.uk South Bury - andrew.hall@gmp.police.uk

north Manchester LGBT Corner Safe new social web space for people of diverse sexualities, identities & lifestyles to come together, share thoughts & make new friends nmlgbtcorner@hotmail.co.uk

The Barlow Suite Clinic Fairfield Hospital, Rochdale Old Rd, 0161 778 2755 Young Person’s Advisory Service (YPAS) Parsons Lane, 0161 761 2136, sexual health services for under 20’s.

Northern Wave swimming club 0161 872 1990, swimming for all, northernwave.org


orca divers 125 Manchester Road, Chorlton, 0161 718 3118, orcadivers.com

bury lgbt networking group residents and service providers improving the LGBRT profile in our town, burylgbtnetworking@live.co.uk

OPEN ATHLETICS Trains on Weds, 5K every 1st Sun. 07709 000 436, openathletics.org OUTDOORLADS 0161 420 0001,outdoor pursuits org aimed at gay and bi lads. Climbing, hiking, camping, caving and more, all abilities welcome, outdoorlads.com Out on Sunday 07775 671691, walking group, outonsunday.co.uk Out to Dance LGB&T Latin Dance group, check website for details, out2dance.org.uk Slam Dunkin’ Divas 07769691360, basketball group for lesbian/ bi/trans women, tue eve, slamdunkindivas@googlemail.com Touch Rugby Call on Paul 07775 022797 paul.scanlon-wells@rfl.uk.com Village Manchester FC gay men’s football club for every level, vmfc.co.uk Village Spartans Rugby Training sessions on Wednesday evening from 7pm, villagespartans.co.uk WEEKENDERS lesbian and gay walking group based in the North of England, geocities.com/weekenders_uk wheelies fc Manchester Leisure Sports Centre, mixed women’s football every Sun 11am-1pm.

BoLtOn pubs, clubs & bars

Carbon Bar Gay friendly, 01204 776325 The Cotton Tree Prince St, 07861896500

The Star 11 Bow St, 01204 361113

club NightS

Twisty tuesdays J2 & The Attic Square


Bolton Centre for Sexual Health Minerva Road, Farnworth, 01204 390771 HIV worker Emma Massey 01204 390772 MENTAL HEALTH independent support (MhIST) 30 Chorley New Road, 01204 527200, mhist.co.uk The Parallel 9A Churchgate, 01204 462444 theparallel@bolton.nhs.uk


Loud & Proud LGBT Youth 07824 541211 or 07918 913937, Meets Wednesdays 5.30 - 8. For 13-19 yr olds, boltonlgbtyouth@bolton.gov.uk


Bury Anti-homophobic bullying group 0161 253 5884

PLUS Exercise Group (PEG) 07880 746 079, arranges monthly walks in the Stockport area


Brook Advisory 3 Derby Road, Weaste, 0161 622 9848 eccles gateway Church Street, 0161 212 5717, thurs 6-8.30pm, drop in. higher broughton health centre Bevendon Square, 0161 212 4500, Wed 6-8.30, Fri 9.30-11.30 drop in.

POG (Proud of Gayness) 0161 253 7733, Connexions, 13-15 Broad St, Bury, safe enviroment for young LGBTQ people to meet alt Mondays, connexions-bury.org.uk

Goodman Sexual Health Clinic Lancs Burn Health Centre, Churchill Way, 0161 212 5717, Appt only: Mon 9-11.30am, 1-4.30pm, 6-9.30pm, Tue 9-11.30am, Wed 1-4.30pm, Thurs 9-11.30am & 1-4.30pm, Fri 9-11.30am. DROP IN: Tue 2-4.30pm & 6-8.30pm.


Timeless Funeral Services 265 - 267 Dumers Lane, Radcliffe, 0161 959 0108

ChOrlTon pubs, clubs & bars

THE NIP & TIPPLE 197 Upper Chorlton Road, 0161 860 7330 Rapture Club Nights The Chorlton Irish Club, 17 High Lane. Women centred but all invited - 7.15 until LATE, search facebook


CROMA Pizza and Pasta 498-500 Wilbraham Road, 0161 881 1117, croma.biz The Lead Station 99 Beech Road, 0161 881 5559


Pad Gift Shop 105 Manchester Road, 0161 881 0088, pad-chorlton.co.uk

OlDhAm PUBS, CLUBS & BaRS The Brewery Tavern 42 George Street, 0161 287 0751

THE ABBEY INN Mixed 77 West Street.


The Phoenix Sexual Health Centre Royal Oldham Hospital, Rochdale Rd, 0161 627 8753

pubs, clubs & bars

Britannia Inn 01706 670411, 4 Lomax St


Sexual Health PROMOTION UNIT 01706 517 613 THE BRIDGE SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Baillie Street, 0161 627 8753


Proud Youth around rochdale 07531 061 777,

The feathers Show Bar 138 Stamford St Central, Ashton-under-Lyne, 0161 308 3586. Queen Inn 37 Oldham Rd, Ashton-under-Lyne, gay friendly.


Sexual Health Clinic Ashton Primary Care Centre, 193 Old Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, 0161 342 7101


Glossop LGBT group glossoplgbt.co.uk

Outloud Lisa Matthews: 0161 336 6615, Tameside youth service 11-19 youth group.


Relate 346 Chester Road, 0161 872 0303

swinton clinic 139 Partington Lane, 0161 212 5100, Mon 2-4.30pm, Tue 6-8.30pm, Fri 2-4.30pm drop in. WALKDEN gateway 2 Smith Street, 0161 212 5717, Mon 6-8.30pm, Tue 2-4.30pm drop in.


aGENCIES & Services CITIZENS ADVICE, 0844 644019

Jamie Burnie Counselling/ Psychotherapy 07590926009, Accredited therapist


HIV Support Group 0161 912 4611, hivpractitioner@trafford.org.uk No Attitude 0161 912 2453, LGB youth group.

Out in Salford LGBT Network meeting regularly in Salford to socialise and looks at ways of improving LGB&T life in the city, outinsalford.org.uk


SALFORD LGBT YOUTH Group The Beacon Centre, 1 London Street, 0161 778 0700, safe space for young LGBT people loads of different activities. chris.rice@salford.gov.uk



ARDEN ARMS 23 Millgate, 0161 480 2185




pubs, clubs & bars

starting Out Project Neil 07766 550264 0161 607 1620, Salford City Council’s young LGBT tenancy support service. neil.cochrane@salford.gov.uk

Stockport Council HIV Social Care Team 0161 474 3636, HIV social care service for people with HIV and their carers. hiv.services@stockport.gov.uk

pink triangle theatre St Cuthberts House, Tanners Fold, 07932 928134 pinktriangletheatre.co.uk


The Trafford Centre for Sexual Health Trafford Hospital, Moorside Rd, 0161 746 2621

GUM DEPARTMENT Stepping Hill Hospital, 0161 419 5370

Pennine Sauna 96 Rochdale Rd, Shaw, 01706 842 000

PLUS Reading Group 07880 746079

Manchester Rainbow support & Homecare 0161 720 6369, providing care and support to adults in their own homes and communities, m-r-s-h.co.uk



Manchester Rainbow support & Homecare 0161 720 6369, providing care

Lesbian, Gay, Bisxeual, Trans Wellbeing Group 07896146109, 3-11 Drake St, Promoting postive mental health and wellbeing for all. rochdalemind.org.uk

irlam medical centre MacDonald Rd, 0161 212 4500, Wed. 6-8.30pm drop in.

Sexual Health Crisis Intervention Team 01706 261 954, 1-to-1 support for young people.

Connexions 13-15 Broad St, 0161 253 7165, safe environment for young LGBTQ people to meet.

People Like Us (PLUS) LGBT Social support group, 2nd Wed of the month at The Arden Arms, 7.30pm, stockportplus.org

bury Council lgbt employee group 0161 253 6625, lgbt@bury.gov.uk

Nice n Naughty rear of 72 Newport St, 01204 396 944, nicennaughty.co.uk


LGBT young people from Rochdale, Heywood and Middleton 14-25 lgbtyouthnorthwest.org.uk


Age Concern 56 Wellington St, 0161 4801211

Central Youth ADVICE AND INFO 0161 426 9696, 1 St Peters Square, counselling and sexual health services for young people up to 25.


pubs, clubs & bars

Officers Club Gay Friendly Barrack Sq.

Sexual Health Clinic The Shine Centre, No 6, Galleries Shopping Centre, 01942 483188 Sexual Health Clinic leigh Leigh Health Centre Ent. C, The Avenue, 01942 483188


Age UK 68 Market St, 01942 241972, help, advice & support for over 50’s ageuk.org.uk/wiganborough/Our-services


B.you project 01942 203 363, for LGBTQ young people (11-25), b.youproject@wigan. gov.uk Open Minds Group 07759 352 974, group for 18-25yr old LGBTQ, openmindslgbt@gmail. com Younger People’s LGBQ Group 01942 483180, 8 Ashton Gallery, for under 19’s, Tues 6-8pm louise@brookwiganandleigh.org.uk Wigan LGB Social Group Gay and Bi-sexual Men and Womens social group wchristopherdavid@rocketmail.com

B. J. McKENNA & CO 182A Heaton Moor Road, Heaton Moor, 0161 432 5757, bj.mckenna@zen.co.uk


O’Neill Patient Solicitors Chester House, 2 Chester Rd, Hazel Grove, 0161 483 8555, oneillpatient.co.uk

New Start Trust Alderman Downward House, 0161 498 0615, drug advice and support


Please note all listings information is provided by third parties. The LGF can accept no responsibility for the quality of the services/groups listed

Out in stockport Stepping Hill, 0161 483 4784 outinstockport.wordpress.com


Blackpool & Cumbria

17 58

10 25 9


Dickson Raod 45 39 40 61


11 10 2 1

15 14 12 36 33 54 31 General Street


General Stree

22 13 21 27 63



30 11


Talbot Road

62 37

Queen Street


50 14 53

34 19

Springfield Road


23 29 42 7 35 44 22 Banks Street

Cocker Street

Yates Street

Mount Street

Pleasant Street


24 51 Lord Street



5 32 Dickson Road

8 31 48 64



Topping Street 34 20 12 32




Abingdon Street


Abingdon Stree


28 7 27

Stree t S. King St. 25


Dickson Raod



gS tre


3 38 17 Lord Street 4 49 56 2 16 33





Chur ch

Cookson Street 24

57 47


Caunce St.

High Street


16 19


Stree t


Loepold Gr.

Chur ch

High Street 28

Charles St.

High Street

George St.


Milbourne St.

Blackpool Coronation St.


Promemade North Pier

88 Hotel Indicator 88 Venue Indicator

Train Station Tram Stop



Blackpool Accommodation for Gays (BAGs) 56 High Street, 07762938783, bagsblackpool.com Anchorage 18 Withnell Road, 01253 341771 1


Cash Machine Blackpool Tower

PHOENIX 12 Cocker Street, 01253 299130, phoenixblackpool.com

Homecliffe Hotel 5-6 Wilton Parade, 01253 625147 homecliffehotel.com


HOTEL NEVADA 23 Lord Street, 01253 290700, gaybeds.co.uk

Athol 3 Mount St 01253 624918

Belvedere 77 Dickson Road, 01253 624733, belvederehotel@fsmail.net belvederehotel.biz 5

6 BLENHEIM HOTEL 75 Lord Street, 01253 623204, blenheimhotel.org.uk

bracondale Guest House 14 Warley Road, 01253 351650, nosmokingblackpool.co.uk 64

bradbury HOTEL 25/27 Banks St, 01253 624972, bradburyhotel@hotmail.co.uk bradburyhotel.co.uk 61


Brene Hotel 37 Lord St, 01253 621854

Brooklyn 7 Wilton Parade, 01253 627003 8

61 Brownes hotel 15 Vance Rd, 01253 753089 browneshotel.co.uk 9

Camelot 80 Hornby Rd, 01253 620518


CHaps 9 Cocker St, 01253 620541

11 Christine’s 1 Lord Street, 01235 312260, christineshotel@fsmail.net 12 Cumforth Hotel 24 Springfield Rd, 01253 626133, cumforth-hotel-blackpool.co.uk 13

DERBY HOTEL, 2 Derby Rd, 01253 623708


Dixon 84 Dickson Rd, 01253 752379


FOUR SEASONS 74 Lord St, 01253 622583

Gabrielle’s Women Only 77 Lord Street, 01253 295565 17

18 Grampian House 4 Pleasant Street, 01253 291648, info-onw@grampianhouse.com

Granby lodge 15-17 Lord St, 01253 627842, granbylodge.com 62

Park House 81 Lord St, 01253 314571

Heatherdale Lodge 2 Pleasant Street, 1253 626268

Astor Hotel 83-85 Lord Street, 01253 290669 4



21 HOTEL Bacchus 326 Queens Promenade, 01253 350387, hotelbacchus.co.uk


Parking Pedestrianised

Guyz 16 Lord Street, 01253 622488

Ash Lea Hotel 76 Lord Street, 01253 628161, ashleahotel.com 2




Pier View 16 Banks St, 01253 624555

PRIDE LODGE 12 High Street, 01253 314752, pridelodge.com 41

42 Rubens Hotel 39 Lord Street, 01253 622920


Woodleigh 11 Yates St, 01253 624997

Worcester House 22 Cocker Street, 01253 620007 60

WESTBOURNE HOUSE HOTEL 21 Vance Road, 01253 624734, westbournehotel@ live.co.uk

Pubs, Bars & Clubs 1

Buzz 5 Dickson Road, 01253 649153,


Sandylands 47 Banks St, 01253 294670

Queen Vic’s Bar 23 Dickson Rd, 07946 528153

44 THE Seacroft 27 Lord Street, 01253 628304

2 Funny Girls Gay Friendly 5 Dickson Rd, 01253 649154, funnygirlsonline.co.uk

46 Sunnyside 16 Charles Street, 01253 622983

3 KAOS Mixed 38-42 Queen St, 01253 318798, kaosbar.co.uk

47 SUSSEX HOTEL 14-16 Pleasant Street, 01253 627824

8 Lucy’s at TABOO Mixed 69-71 Talbot Road, 01253 622573, lucysattobago.co.uk

THE Berkeley 6 Queens Promenade, 01253 351244 selfcatering.tv

5 Mardi Gras Mixed 114 Talbot Road, 01253 296262

48 THE GYNWAY HOTEL 205 Dickson Rd, 01253 314747, gynwayblackpool.com

New Road Inn Gay Friendly 244 Talbot Road, 01253 422691

49 The Wilcot Hotel 80 Lord Street, 01253 621101

7 ROXY’S Gay Friendly 23 Queen Street, 01253 622573, roxysonline.co.uk

37 Mardi Gras 2 9-11 Lord Street, 01253 628073

50 Thorncliffe 63 Dickson Road, 01253 622508

9 The Alabama Showboat Mixed 1 Cocker Sq, 01253 291155, thealabama.co.uk

Manhattan 27 Cocker St, 01253 290070, manhattanblackpool.co.uk

51 Trades Men Only 51 Lord Street, 01253 626401

30 McHALL’S HOTEL 5-7 Lord Street, 01253 625661

52 VALENTINE HOTEL 35 Dickson Road, 01253 622775, valentinehotelblackpool.co.uk

THE DUKE OF YORK Dickson Road, 01253 625218, traditional pub and live entertainment.


Merecliff Hotel 24 Holmfield Road, 01253 356858

VIDELLA HOTEL 78-82 Dickson Road, 01253 621201, videllahotel.com

MOUNT PLEASANT 75 Dickson Road, 01253 620362, mountpleasanthotel.com

Village Hotel 14 Springfield Road, 01253 290840

23 Legends Hotel 45 Lord Street, 01253 620300 24

Lenbrook 69 Lord St, 01253 626737

25 Bay liberty's on the square Hotel Cocker Square, 01253 291155 bayhotels.co.uk

Lonsdale Hotel 25 Cocker Street, 01253 621628 26

27 Lyndale Court Hotel 01253 354033 28

Lynmar 74 High St, 01253 290046


Mardi Gras 41 Lord St, 01253 751087



New Bond 72 Lord St, 01253 628123

New Hertford 18 Lord Street, 01253 621831 34

35 North Central Hoilday Flats 29 Lord Street, 01253 621831

NORTHERN LIGHTS HOTEL 26 Springfield Road, 01253 317016 36

north grange hotel 238 Queens Promenade, 01253 351409, info@northgrangehotel.com northgrangehotel.com 63



55 warwick Holiday flats 39 Bank Street, 01253 623787

Waves Hotel 12 Wilshaw Rd, 01253 593312, john@wavesblackpool.co.uk Westfield House 78 Lord Street, 01253 621992, westfieldhouse.co.uk 56

57 WILLOWFIELD GUESTHOUSE 51 Banks Street, 01253 623406, willowfield-guesthouse.co.uk 58 Windsor House 47-49 Dickson Road, 01253 206 206, windsorhouse.info

10 The Flamingo NIGHTCLUB Mixed 44 Queen St, 01253 649151, flamingoonline.co.uk 11 The Flying Handbag Mixed 44 Queen Street, 01253 649155, flyinghandbagonline.co.uk

Eateries 12 AJ’s Bistro Gay Friendly 65 Topping Street, 01253 626111 14

Buddies Chippy 28 Dickson Street

Cascades Restaurant Gay Owned 82 Dickson Road, 01253 62120, cascadesrestaurant.co.uk 53

15 Café Latté 30-32 Dickson St, 01253 752077

Don Antonio 91 Redbank Rd, 01253 352440

fuel sandwich Bar 33 Adingdon Street, 01253 749813 fuelblackpool.com

Cropper Road, 01253 699987

16 Mandarin Cantonese Restaurant Gay Friendly 27 Clifton Street, 01253 622687

Waxing Specialist & Male Grooming Cleveleys, 07950 944460 kt.lamb@live.co.uk

17 Nite Bites Gay Friendly 50a Dickson Road, 01253 627976


SLICES SANDWICH HOUSE Gay Owned 10 King Street, 01253 751441

25/55 Icebreakers 07875 355 390, gay and bi men 22-25. Meets last Tues of the month, 7-9pm.


19 The Buttery 1 Cheapside, 01253 296667 20 Truffles Steak House Gay Friendly 51-53 Topping Street, 01253 294804

West Coast Rock Cafe Gay Friendly 5-7 Abingdon Street, 01253 751283 21

Anton’s Cafe-bar Gay Owned 9 Park Rd, Lytham St Annes FY8 1QX 01253 724721

Saunas 22 ACQUA SAUNA CLUB 25-26 Springfield Road, 01253 294610, acquasaunas.com

55+ older men’s Luncheon Club 07875 355 390, meets Thurs 12.30pm for light lunch and chat. Blackpool Freinds of Dorothy 07985606802, LGBTQ Social Group for nonscene people who may feel isolated. Thurs 5.30pm except 2nd Thurs of month, Spencer Court Community Centre. secretary@ blackpoolfriendsofdorothy.co.uk


Dorothy’s Tea Party Social group for 30+ gay men. Sundays 4-6pm, The Rock Café, Blackpool. 07742 904 836 engayge 01253 477911, Blackpool Coastal Housing’s LGBT Tenants Forum. 5.30pm 2nd Tues/mnth @ 102 Dickson Rd sandy.o’grady@bch.co.uk


Freedom 07876 568260, mixed transgender group meets Mondays 12pm2pm at Spencer Court Community Centre


HIV/HEP C support group 07875 355 390, call for details.

Chapel House Kirkstone Road, 01539 433 143, chapelhouse-ambleside.co.uk

Lancashire Lad’s group (trans f to m) 07875 355390, meets 7-9pm 2nd Tues of the month for chat and support. Aldeane8@gmail.com

Chestnut Villa Keswick Road, Grassmere 01539 435 218, gay run B&B, chestnutvilla.com



lgbt forum 0787 355 390, Informal meeting between LGB&T communities & local agencies. Meets: Town Hall every 2nd Thurs monthly at 6.30pm. lgbtforum@hotmail.com

Connexions 2-8 Market Street, 01253 754840, connexions-direct.com

LGBT PACT (Police & Community together) 07940979610, police and community meetings 1st Thurs of the month.

Honeycombe Sauna 97-107 Egerton Road, 01253 752211 honeycombe.net 23

WET WET WET SAUNA 1-3 Charles Street, 01253 751 199, wetwetwetsauna.co.uk 24

Clinics & Agencies 25 Body Positive BLACKPOOL 23 South King Street, 01253 292803, info@bodypositiveblackpool.org

City Learning Centre Bathhurst St, 01253 478 309, clcbusiness.com Connect 01253 751047, connectyoungpeople.co.uk 27

HIV Nursing Team 150/158 Whitegate Health Centre, 01253 657171 NHS Walk-In Centre Whitegate Health Centre, 150 Whitegate Dr, 01253 953953 richmond fellowship 07876 568260 or 01253 629400, Metal Health support to aid recovery for LGB&T people. Blackpool Locality Office, 2nd floor, Winstone House, 199 Church Street. Sexual Health Clinic 150/158 Whitegate Health Centre, 01253 657171 SHIVER (Sexual Health HIV Education & Responses Drugline Lancashire Ltd) The Corner House, 102 Dickson Road, 01253 311 431 30

Solicitors Atkinson, Cave & Stuart 45 Springfield Road, 01253 293151 31

Shops & Services Daran Hairdressing Gay Owned 10 Edward St, 01253 441000 darans.co.uk 32

Evolution Hair Studio Gay Owned 255 Dickson Road

Liberty Church North Shore Methodist, Dickson Rd, 07955 597771, libertychurchblackpool.org.uk LGB&T EMOTIONAL WELLNESS/ WELLBEING DROP-IN 16-25 year olds experiencing emotional distress. By appointment only call 01253 655 858 Ok2be 07827983392, support service for young people up to 19 years of age, amanda.hayes@blackpool.gov.uk

cumbria police hate crime reporting line 0845 33 00 247 cumbria.police.uk

hotEls & B&B’s

BarRow iN FuRNESs sexual health clinic Furness General Hospital, Dalton Lane, phone appts only, 01229 404 464



Outrageous 77-79 English Street, 01228 593745, outrageouscarlisle.com


Sweat Sauna Club Atlas House, Nelson St.

KenDal CliNICS

Sexual Health Clinic Westmoorland General Hospital, Burton Rd, 01539 716 706



pro active young gays and lesbians (paygal) Wendy Phizacklea, 01229 836 426, 07742 353 520, wendyp.rorys@googlemail.com

south lakes lesbians for lesbian & bi women meeting monthly in Kendal for socials etc & walking groups, southlakeslesbians@gmail.com

Freinds & Supporters of Furness LGBT Community c/o Multicultural Centre, 07833 447604, klwicks@hotmail.co.uk

Relaxation group 01253 311431 at SHIVER Sugar Lounge 07875 355390, gay & bi women’s group meet 7-9pm 1st Tues of the month

Furness & South Lakes LGB&T Forum 24 hr helpline, drop in service and youth club, furnesslgbt@gmail.com

The Renaissance Transgender Support Group 01253314717,meetings twice monthly, gynwayblackpool.com/ renaissance_transgender_forum.htm

cArLisLe CliNICS

Cumberland Infirmary 01228 814 814


Connexions 28 Lowther Street, 01228 596272

Transinclusion group (M2F) 7-9pm 3rd Tues of the month for an informal chat, 07875 355 390

Connexions 124 Highgate, 01539 730045 Cumbria LesbIans Network 01539 741 285, 1st Saturday of the month, clnetwork@sky.com

Maryport HOTELS & B&B’s

Calder House Hotel Gay Owned The Banks, Seascale, 019467 28538, calderhouse.co.uk

wHiTeHaveN Groups

lgbt youth group 07727 297948, 13-25 lgbt youth meets every Tues


Thorncliffe Lesbian Owned Prince’s Rd, 01539 444 338, thorncliffeis@tiscali.co.uk, thorncliffe-guesthouse.co.uk


Paul’s 5 General St, 01253 290928 unisex hairdresser.

Sexual Health Clinic Workington Community Hospital, Park Lane. 01900 705050

34 Perfect Fit Alterations 42 Topping Street, 01253 290156

08453303030 www.lgf.org.uk

Slick Gardens 0796 8329464, Gay run gardening business, facebook.com/slickgardens SMILE SPA AT HELIO FITNESS Newton Drive, 01253 393909 THE GARDEN PLACE Gay Owned

Pride in north cumbria 07901 765453, Young people 14-25 meet twice weekly, prideinnorthcumbria.webs.com




Connexions 237-241 Dalton Road, 01229 824052

trans lakes nights 07952278760 (evenings), One night per month at CADAS, 52 Paradise St. Also open every Tuesday 10am-4pm, trans.lakes.nights@googlemail. com

Transgender Freedom Group On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Monday of the month 12-2pm and 1st Wednesday 6-8pm 01253629400 transgenderblackpool.com

outreach cumbria lgbt project 07896 250662, outreachcumbria@live.co.uk

Reg. Charity No. 1070904


Steam packet inn 51 Stanley St, 01900 62186

Please note all listings information is provided by third parties. The LGF can accept no responsibility for the quality of the services/groups listed

Merseyside & Lancashire

Liverpool Stanley Street Quarter 21

Tithebarn Street

Tithebarn Street

16 THE MONRO Gastropub 92-94 Duke St, 0151 707 9933, themonro.com

Liverpool HopeLGBT Liverpool Hope Student Union, Hope Park, 0151 291 3651, lgbt@hope.ac.uk

The Feathers 119-125 Mount Pleasant St, 0151 709 9655, feathers.uk.com TRAVEL INN METRO Vernon St, 0870 238 3325

10 Poste House

Liverpool Pride liverpoolpride.co.uk

13 Superstar Boudoir 22-24 Stanley St, 0151 236 6633 14 The Lisbon Mixed 35 Victoria Street, 0151 231 6831 15 The Masquerade Mixed

10 Cumberland St, 0151 236 7786, masqueradebar.com

Sahir House 2nd Floor, 151 Dale St, 0151 237 3989, providing free & confidential services to people & families living with or affected HIV on Merseyside, info@sahir.uk.com Sexual Health Clinic Royal Liverpool Hospital, Prescot St, 0151 706 2620 17 The Armistead Project 1 Stanley St,

Club Nights

0870 9908996, armisteadcentre.co.uk

BROKEN BISCUITS Monthly at Jupiters Bar


FEDERATION LIVERPOOL Monthly gay night, clubfederation.com


Gen-e-sis Vinyl Vasement Bar, Lark Lane, Women’s night last Sunday of the month.

Reg. Charity No. 1070904


Gay Youth ‘r’ OUT (GYRO) 36 Bolton St, 0151 203 0824, LGB Tyouth 13-25, gyro.org.uk

AIDS Helpline 0151 709 9000

Bar Wicked 25 Stanley Street

21 Splash Sauna 5 Fazakerley St, 0151 236 1001, splashsauna.com

Puschka Gay Owned 16 Rodney St, 0151 708 8698 puschka.co.uk



OSQA’S Oldham Square, 0151 709 6611, osqa-restaurant.co.uk

Agencies & Clinics

23 Cumberland Street

nice 'n' naughty 16 Colquitt Street

Being Out with Learning Difficulties (BOLD) c/o Armistead Centre, 0870 9908996, meets every other Monday.


96 Bold Street, 0151 708 7270, newsfromnowhere.org.uk 19

nice 'n' naughty 85 Seel Street


Back Berry Stre


Liverpool Guild LGBT Society 160 Mount Pleasant, 0151 794 4165, liverpoollgbt@googlemail.com lgos.org/lgbt liverpool lgbt Choir For all abilities, meets Sun 6-8.30pm at St Stephens Church, liverpoolgaychoir@hotmail.co.uk liverpool lgbt community network LCVS, 151 Dale St, 0151 227 5177. Liverpool Students Union LGBT Society 0151 231 4947 Liverpool Women’s Book Group Meets last Tues of the month, liverpoolbookgroup.moonfruit.com LIV.FAST NETWORK an FTM support group, meeting on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month 18+ liverpool. ftm@gmail.com Open Table St Brides Church, Catharine St, 07776 476024, monthly eucharist for LGBT Christians and supporters 3rd Sunday of month at 6pm open.table@yahoo.co.uk OUR STORY LIVERPOOL 0151 709 4988, LGBT History community project. info@ourstoryliverpool.co.uk

08453303030 www.lgf.org.uk


Berry Street

Victoria Street


Roscoe Place

Bold Street

ESPRESSO PLUS COFFEE Bar & Bistro 173 Rose Lane, Mossley Hill, 0151 724 6161

SHIVA LIVERPOOL 27-29 Stanley Street, findshiva.com 9

Bold Street

CAFE TABAC Gay Owned 126 Bold Street, 0151 709 3735 2


Culquitt Street

Culquitt Street

Roscoe Lane

Modo Gay Friendly Concert Square




Wood Street


Wood Street

7 Jupiters 10 Hackins Hey, off Dale Street, 0151 227 5265

Mathew Street

Back Culquitt Stre

London Road

0151 236 4832

Victoria Street,

Motor City Secrets, Stanley Street, monthly alt night 1st Fri of the month.



Seel Street

12 Heaven

Fleet Street

G Bar Mixed Eberle Street, 0151 258 1230, g-bar.com 6

Seel Street

Garlands Mixed 8-10 Eberle Street, 0151 709 9586, garlandsonline.co.uk 5



Victoria Street

Parr Street

3 Curzon Club Mixed Temple Lane, 0151 236 5160, curzonliverpoo­­­­l.co.uk

Slater Street

Duke Street

2 CAFE TABAC Gay Owned 126 Bold Street, 0151 709 3735


Sir Thomas Street

Baby D Temple Street



Stanley Street


Temple Street

3345 Mixed 33-45 Parr St, 0151 708 6345, 3345parrst.com 1

Temple Lane

Pubs, Clubs & Bars

Princes Street

North John Street


Train Station Parking Cash Machine Pedestrianised




Cumberland Street


Davies Street


88 Listing Indicator

Concert Street


Dale Street

Dale Street

Sweeting Street

Duke Street


Hockenhall All.


Eberle Street


Vernon Street

Tempest Hey

Hackins Hey

Exchange Street East

£ £

Around FACT

Piccadilly Train Station

ourstoryliverpool.co.uk Parents & Carers Group 0870 9908996 Queer Notions 0151 227 9977, provides information and support at the Armistead Project queernotions@hotmail.com QUEST LGBT CATHOLICS 07983 021 589, 2nd Saturday of month, liverpool@questgaycatholic.org.uk SPIRIT LEVEL 0151 227 1893, Transgender support group. Storm LGBT Christians Level 2, 96 Bold Street, 0151 547 3562, meets 1st Sun of the month 3pm storm@somewhere-else.org.uk Young Gay Sefton 0151 330 5841

Sports Groups Gay Kick Boxing Armistead Centre, Wednesday Evenings 7-8pm, info@armisteadcentre.co.uk GAY OUTDOOR GROUP 07855 197607, transpennine@hotmail.co.uk goc.org.uk MERSEY MARAUDERS part of the Gay Football Supporters Network practice weekly, mmfootball.co.uk

Websites GAYLIVERPOOL.COM Website of Gay Liverpool, gayliverpool.com Liverpool Gay Quarter liverpoolgayquarter.com


Tea with Teela (TV/CD social) 0151 356 855, 7pm 3rd Monday of the month at Transpose, trans-pose.com

Please email any new or updated listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk


utopia (Ellesmere Port) Whitby Rd, Ellesmere Port, 0151 348 5621, LGB youth meets every Tues 6.30-9, eport@utopialgb.org.uk



AXM Southport Coronation Walk, axmgroup.co.uk/southport


The Crown 20 Coronation Walk

C’est La Vie 11-15 Market St, 01254 691877

Bar Ibiza 43 Darwen St, 01254 695379

Velvet Gay Friendly Coronation Walk

Stagedoor 23 Mincing Lane, 01254 674761



Sexual Health Clinic Southport & Formby District General Hospital, 01704 513303


Sexual Health Clinic St Helens Hospital, Marshall Cross Rd, 01744 646 473, free & confidential sexual service, rapid HIV testing results in 30 mins. sthk.nhs.uk

bsure 0845 602 0894, Chlamydia screening for under 25’s, b.sure@bwdpct.nhs.uk b-sure.org.uk RENNAISSANCE @ drugline lancashire 2 Union Court, 01772 253840, Also has services for those living with & affected by HIV. enquiries@ druglinelancs.co.uk


Lifeline Project 68-70 Darwen St, 01254 677493, supporting young people up to the age of 25, with substance and alcohol misuse issues, yps@lifeline.org.uk


Sexual Health Clinic Blackburn Royal Infirmary, Bolton Road, 01254 687 304


SHOUT 01254 300126, young sexual health team up to 25 shoutteam@yahoo.co.uk

OUTRITE ST. HELENS 01270 653 156, outrite. org Flex II Tolver St, 01744 758 439

WORK Bridge Street, every Wednesday.

Pink Flamingo The Venue, 11-19 Westfield St. See facebook for details.


DV8 @ The Picture House 46 Conway Street, Birkenhead, 0151 647 8883, Wed 8pm till late, hello@thepicturehousewirral.co.uk Tallulah’s Late Lounge Rowson St/ Victoria Rd, New Brighton, 0774 7561587, Wed nights till late, marion@tallulas.co.uk


Sexual Health Clinic Arrowe Park Road, 0151 604 7339


Dolphin Sauna 129 Mount Road, New Brighton, 0151 630 1516, dolphinsauna.co.uk


Terrence Higgins Trust 5 Bridge Street, Birkenhead, 0151 666 9890, Sexual health info& LGBT affirmative counselling, info.wirral@tht.org.uk tht.org.uk


Freedom Trans Youth Foundation, freedom@freedom.zzn.com freedom.btik.com Gay Wirral 0151 666 9890, Terrence Higgins Trust, 5 Bridge St, for all Wirral’s LGBT Community, contact for details, gaywirral@hotmail.co.uk OUTRITE WIDNES 01270 653156, outrite.org


WORK IT OUT Brook Blackburn, Darwen St, LGBT Tuesday evenings 6pm-8pm

Burnley PUBS, CLUBS & BaRS


THE DUKE OF LANCASTER 75 Church Street, 01524 842843, info@thedukeoflancaster.com Gregson Café/Bar Gregson Community and Arts Centre, 33 Moorgate, 01524 849959, gregson.co.uk The New Albert 84 King Street, 7 days a week, serving food and entertainment, thenewalbert.com



Lancaster GUM Clinic Ashton Community Care Centre, 08450590015, apps only (in the next 48 hrs)


POUT! 0800 7831524, youth group and helpline, every Wed. pout99@hotmail.com yps.lancashire.gov.uk/pout-lesbian-gaybisexual-trans-youth-group

GABRIELS Graffiti Club, Bethesda Road, Burnley, every Saturday from 10pm-3am.


bsure 0845 602 0894, Chlamydia screening for under 25’s, b.sure@bwdpct.nhs.uk b-sure.org.uk

oscar’s bar 25 Victoria St, 07543 900678, gay friendly/mixed, oscars@tiscali.co.uk


Morecambe GUM Clinic Queen Victoria Centre, Thornton Rd, 08450590015, apps only (in the next 48 hrs)

Sexual Health Clinic St. Peter’s Centre tel 01282 644300

Under 19 Young Person’s GUM & Contraception Drop In The Information Shop, Mon & Thurs 3:30 -5:30

Sexual Health Services for the Under 25’s condomcollective.com


E.A.G.L.E. - EQUALITY FOR ALL GAYS & LESBIANS EVERYWHERE 07972 507679, meets Tues 12-2pm at Burnely Town Hall, informal LGBT drop in, e.a.g.l.e_support@ hotmail.com

Red Triangle Café St James St, 01282832319


Quaker L&G Fellowship 16 Newfield Drive, Nelson, 01282 605724 Rossendale LGBT Youth Group 07817 541242, LGBT youth from Rossendale, Accrington and Burnley, rossendalelgbt@hotmail.co.uk WORK IT OUT LGBT Wednesday 4pm-6pm, call Jackie 07889057520




DANCING DIVA For more information, dancingdiva5@hotmail.com



Hangout Harry Reloaded Fridays 11pm-4am 134 Church Street. PR1 3BT. Search Hangout Harry on Facebook


BACKSTAGE BAR 135 St James St, 01282 414895

GuyS as dolls showbar 133-135 St James St.

Oblivion 12-14 Grimshaw St, 01772 252876

Sexual Health Clinic Royal Preston Hospital, Sharoe Green Lane, 01772 522814

PYRO (Proud Youth Are Out) 07717 301821, 13-25 years, naomh.mckee@lancashire.gov.uk

Cygnets2Swans Jarman Centre, 53 James St, supports those who are or considering going through gender reassignment, both Trans Women and Trans Men, 4th Tuesday of the month 6.30pm-8.30pm, cygnets2swans.org.uk

Blowing Wild Club Grimshaw Street, open Thurs, Fri, Sat, 07752 512232


Out Youth LGBT Group East Lancs The Hub, Accrington & Rossendale College, 07895 794850, 14-19 yr olds, 6-8pm 1st & 3rd Tues.

TransWirral 90-92 Chester St, 07833 385126, for TS/Intersex, transwirral.btik.com

WORK IT OUT Wirral Brook, 14 Whetstone Ln, Birkenhead, 0151 670 0177, group for 14-18 year olds, info@wirralbrook.org.uk outreach@wirralbrook.org.uk

POUT! 0800 7831524, youth group and helpline, every Wed. pout99@hotmail.com yps.lancashire.gov.uk/pout-lesbian-gaybisexual-trans-youth-group

Blackburn LGB Youth Group Brook Advisory Centre, 54-56 Darwen St, BB2 2BL. 07809 847541, jonny.daniels@brookblackburn.org.uk


WIRRAL TRANSISTERs 07759045117, support/social group for TV/CD/TS, 1st Tues of the month, mazykate@toucansurf.com

breakout LGBT community radio group, c.o Chorley FM, lgbt@chorley.fm breakoutshow.co.uk

Out in the Bay 07960 462 921, one to one friendship service, support group 3rd Thurs of month in Lancaster Library 7-9pm. Coffee afternoons Fri 2-4 at Sulyard St, Lancaster. lgbtoutinthebay@googlemail.com

Tea Time Special 0151 666 9890, Terrence Higgins Trust, 5 Bridge St, Fri 4.30-6.30pm, safe space for LGBT, info.wirral@tht.org.uk

WIRRAL DIVAS 0151 666 9890, weekly lesbian and bisexual women’s group.


Out in the Bay 07960 462 921, one to one friendship service, support group meets 6-8 on the last Thursday of the Month at Morecambe Library. lgbtoutinthebay@googlemail.com


THE LOLLIPOP LOUNGE Disraelis 1, 26 Church St, every Tuesday thelollipop.co.uk


Sexual Health Clinic Ormskirk General Hospital, Wigan Road, 01695 571043


edgehill university LGBT society search on facebook


RENNAISSANCE @ drugline lancashire 2 Union Court, 01772 253840, Also has services for those living with & affected by HIV. enquiries@ druglinelancs.co.uk Preston HIV Support Team Helpline: 01772 468170, PO Box 515, Preston, PR1 8XP, phivst@aol.com


CENTRAL LANCASHIRE HIV ADVICE 01772 825 684, Helpline: 01772 253 840, Drugline Lancashire Ltd, 2 Union Court. Freinds of Dorothy Age Concern, Arkwright House, 01772 552 862, befreinding and support services andrewdrake@55plus.org.uk lancashire county council lgbt network lgbt@lancashire.gov.uk Lancashire LGBT Centre Last Tues of the month at The Urban Exchange, Mount Street, Preston between 6pm-8pm. lancashirelgbt.co.uk Lesbian Connection lesbian social group meeting monthly lesbian_connection@yahoo.co.uk The Rainbow house project LGBT community group based in Lancashire, therainbowhouseproject.org.uk UCLAN LGBT Society Every Thurs at 8.30pm lmcourtney@uclan.ac.uk, uclansulgbt.weebly.com uclan lgbt employee network lgbtstaff@uclan.ac.uk VIBE c/o Young Peoples Service, 07814 493750, LGBT youth group meets Thurs evenings. yps.lancashire.gov.uk/get-vibe HYNDBURN WORK IT OUT LGBT Monday 4pm-6pm, call Jackie on 07889 057520

skelmersdale GROUPS

West Lancs LGBT Community Social Group 0845 0046994 (12-5) 24hr text: 07514819063, USA helpline: +1 646 439 0177, includes support for the Romanian community, westlancashirelgbtcommunity.co.uk

WE’RE HERE IF YOU NEED US 08453303030 www.lgf.org.uk

Cheshire, Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Isle of Man & North West


North West






Just4lesbians.com a friendship site for singles and couples all over the world. just4lesbians.com



j4ldating.com a lesbian dating site. j4ldating.com

Sexual Health Clinic Leighton Hospital, Middlewich Rd, 01270 612255 BP Cheshire & North Wales PO Box 321, 01270 653 150 outrite 01270 653 156, social and support groups, counselling, condoms and lube by post, outrite.org


men’s Group 01270 653 156, outrite.org

UTOPIA 01270 253633, LGB youth group Weds evenings, utopialgb.org.uk

CheStER PUBS, CLUBS & BaRS Bar 6T9 01244 313 608

Liverpool Arms Northgate Street, 01244 314 807

Sexual Health Clinic Macclesfield District General Hospital, Victoria Road, 01625 264116 OUTRITE groups 01270 653156, support and social groups, outrite.org


Northwich Sauna Winnington Lane, 01606 784881, sauna-sauna.info


Sexual Health Halton General Hospital, 01928 753217


The Canalside Bar & Restaurant 01928 580 669, 45-47 Canal Street.



Halton LGBT Group meets at: Halton Voluntary Action, Public Hall St, twice a month on a Wed 7pm-9pm, haltonlgbt.co.uk


OUTRITE RUNCORN 01270 653 156, outrite. org

Sexual Health Clinic Chester Hospital, Liverpool Road, 01244 363 091 LGBT Health Promotion 01244 650534 or 07747 631021, West Cheshire - help & support including LGBT health issues.


White Hart Sankey Street, 01925 241994


CHESTER lgbt BOOK GROUP 07818 021 947, 2nd Monday of the month at 7.30pm at the Bear & Billet pub, Lower Bridge Street, alispad@aol.com Dinin’ Divas womens dining group dinindivas@yahoo.com Encompass 07790904718, 07833114752, 01745337144, LGBT social & info group for Chester & N. Wales, encompass.btik.com Mersey & Dee Women Social group, madw@merseymail.com Sole Sisters Penny: 07917 533104 or Sandra: 07921 222101, womens walking group. unique tg support group N. Wales & West Cheshire meets 3rd Tues of the Month, 8pm, elen@uniquetg.org.uk uniquetg.org.uk UTOPIA (chester) 0151 348 5621, LGB youth group meets every Weds 7.30-9pm, chester@utopialgb.org.uk

Club Nights

Exposed Showbar, 15/17 Friars Gate, alexvalentine@mail.com


Sexual Health Clinic Lovely Lane, 01925 662476


1806 Group 11 Palmyra Square South, 01925 241994, initiative for sexual health. Gay Healthy Alliance Project PO Box 539, 01925 631101

Groups Gay North West Camping & Caravanning Club Free club for LGBT people who enjoy camping and caravanning, gnccc.co.uk Gay Outdoor Group - Ability Group Outdoor activities for people with all types of abilities/disabilities and their friends and family, ability@goc.org.uk LGBT Youth Northwest PO BOX 153, Manchester. M60 1LP, 0753 106 1777, Support & fun projects for LGBT Young people 14-25; support & training for practitioners working with young people, lgbtyouthnorthwest@yahoo.co.uk

Please note all listings information is provided by third parties. The LGF can accept no responsibility for the quality of the services/groups listed Queer Youth Network info@queeryouth.net, queeryouth.net Trans Resource Empowerment Centre (TREC) 07513 880647, Trans activities and info, meets 2nd Sat at the LGF, board@transcentre.org.uk transcentre.org.uk trans youth support (north west) 07530 352079, Supporting Trans young people & those questioning their gender identity, aged under 25, through email, phone & up coming Trans Youth Events, trans.youth@yahoo.co.uk

SHOPS & Services D.C.H.A. Services Dean Cooper: 07534 509108, Help for and training around the needs of disabled people, dchaservices.co.uk

Staffordshire PUBS, CLUBS & BarS


Fierce 3 Goodson St, Hanley.

LGBT Network 01782 266998, charity providing support, advice for all LGBT & social groups, gaystoke.com

The Pink Lounge Piccadilly, Hanley, pinkloungebarandclub.com The Factory 67 Bryan St, Stoke, thefactorystoke.co.uk The Polari Lounge 52 Piccadilly, Hanley, 01782 212200, gaystoke.com


Panthers LGBT Badminton/Squash 01782 266998, meeting weekly in Stoke South Staffs MES MEN Project 01543 411413, PO Box 3919, Lichfield, Married Men’s group, TV/TS group and social groups.

Inferno 14 Garth St, Hanley, heatsauna.com/stoke-on-trent

SPACE 01543 419002, LGBT Youth Group (16-21), youth@mesmen.co.uk


Staffordshire Buddies PO Box 474, Stoke on Trent, 01782 201251

Gaylife North Staffordshire 0300 1230970


Chester Uni Warrington Campus LGBT Society search facebook

Gay & Lesbian Youth Support Services (GLYSS) 07747 473 829, every Wed/Thurs 6.30-9.30pm and alternate Sat. glyss@hotmail.co.uk freewebs.com/glyss FLUID (Freedon to Love Ur IDentity)

Yorkshire OLGA an all inclusive community group for Older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans. Meet weekly. 07929465044

HUDdERsFiEld PUBS, CLUBS & BaRS THE GREYHOUND Manchester Road, 01484 420 742

The New Union 3 Union Bank Yard, New Street, 01484 535435


HUGG Social group for gay & bi men, 18+,every Tuesday from 8pm. hugg.org.uk


Inn on the Bridge Gay Owned & Run 1-5 Market St, 01422 844 229, inn_on_the_bridge@live.co.uk NELSONS WINE BAR Crown St, 01422 844 782

Isle of Man HOTELS


DEVONIAN HOTEL Gay Friendly 4 Sherwood Terrace, Douglas, 01624 674676, thedevonian.co.uk

Guys & Dolls Showbar Gay Friendly Peverill Sq, Douglas,

Reg. Charity No. 1070904

08453303030 www.lgf.org.uk


Celebrating LGB&T lives with God Being who we are born to be.

Manchester Cathedral Wednesday 10 October 2012 7.30pm - 9.00pm ALL WELCOME

Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People


Registered Charity No.1070904

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