outnorthwest issue 100

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Registered Charity No.1070904


10 Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People









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10 Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People



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10 Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People



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0845 3 30 30 30 (10am-10pm daily)



Registered Charity No.1070904

Number 5, Richmond Street Manchester. M13HF.

10 Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People







You ask the questions at this open meeting hosted by


at LGF, Number 5, Richmond Street, Manchester M1 3HF www.gaycommunity.org.uk

Edward Carpenter Day WE’RE HERE IF A Day for Gay Men


Creating our community, sharing our ideas, talking about our heroes and debating our differences. The Edward Carpenter Community for Gay Men is delighted to welcome Peter Tatchell who will help us envisions what sort of gay community we want to create.


Sunday 28th November, 10am-6pm at LGF, Number 5, Richmond Street, Manchester. M1 3HF COST £5 - £15 on a sliding scale To book call 0161 941 1534 or email andrew.mccall@care4free.net

Find out what the LGF can do for you. Pick up our brand new Guide To Services today. Or call 0845 3 30 30 30 for your copy.



It’s a big number isn’t it? I’ll admit, when we were planning Issue 1 of the magazine back in 2000, I never thought I’d see the day I’d be helming Issue 100! Still, it’s been an enormous pleasure and privilege, and there’s so many people to thank for making it possible...

azine, outnorthwest wasn’t the LGF’s mag as true ’s That s. your was or my magazine, it . then today as it was back

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Paul On a personal level I want to thank t wes orth outn in Martin for believing to team the ing push from day one, and ’s that ng ethi som er do better and deliv ities mun com our of g rvin relevant and dese th. every single mon

h in We’re not indulging ourselves too muc me And of course, space doesn’t permit our but l usua as ness this issue - it’s busi r to thank everyone individually. Ove ial next issue is our end-of-the-year spec ple peo of s the years literally hundred ber bum a ning plan edition, and we’re have been responsible for writing and se issue. The year’s end is a great excu of all st almo t, producing outnorthwes ll you’ 101 Issue e to celebrate, so insid . It’s them volunteer community members e azin mag out pullfind a fabulous, fun over one of the things I’m most proud of and LGF the of s celebrating 10 year that the last ten years of the magazine trivia outnorthwest. It’s packed with info, stic usia enth and you have felt motivated pick you sure e Mak . ents and historic mom and enough to want to put pen to paper a be it’ll er, emb Nov 24th ity. your copy up on get your views across to your commun ion. r that true collectors edit In my very first editorial I made it clea



Launched at the end of April 2000, Issue 1 of OUT IN GREATER MANCHESTER (as we were known then), ran to just 16 pages. However, content was cracking as we carried the first of our many interviews with Russell T Davies who explained the controversial ending to the iconic Queer As Folk. We reported on plans for Gayfest 2000, and took an LGBT heritage walk around Manchester with LGF volunteer Mike Gott (sadly no longer with us), and we also spoke to Hollywood lesbian Guinevere Turner about her turn in American psycho. Elsewhere, we introduced the community to The Lesbian & Gay Foundation: a new LGB organisation for a new millennium.

08 } REGULARS 06 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! New regular feature. How the Enough Is Enough campaign is making a difference and how you can get involved.


An in-depth look at the issues affecting us over the next two months. This issue we focus on the launch of Liverpool’s annual queer arts fest, Homotopia and report back on the party conferences.


It’s been a busy couple of months, with loads of fundraising!


The most comprehensive guide to the LGBT north west.



Registered Charity No.1070904




10 Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People





On the eve of a groundbreaking cervical screening campaign, we explode the myth that lesbians and bisexual women don’t need to screen.


Kevin Maxwell is Liverpudlian, Gay and Black. He shares his experiences - good and bad - with outnorthwest.


George House Trust on the popular Positive Gay Men’s Space.

32 OUT OF YOUR MIND? Coming out doesn’t mean you have to overdose on drugs and alcohol...


We talk to guys of all ages about their attitudes to safer sex.


It’s breast cancer awareness month, and we look at the importance of women looking after their health.


The LGF has just launched a major new LGB sporting guide to the north west. Find out how to get your copy and... get in!


Manchester bids for the Eurogames, and successfully wins hosting duties for The Bingham Cup...

outnorthwest is published every two months by The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, 5 Richmond Street, MANCHESTER General Enquiries: 0845 3 30 30 30 E-mail: grahame.robertson@lgf.org.uk Cover: Kevin Maxwell

}EDITOR & LAYOUT Grahame Robertson }DESIGN Mark Eastwood }NEWS EDITOR Joanne Dunning }HEALTH TEAM EDITORS Daniel Gomez and Peter Boyle }WEB EDITOR Marc Robinson }LISTINGS EDITOR Mark Eastwood }DISTRIBUTION Kate Hardy and Peter Boyle CONTRIBUTORS Paul Graham; John Hughes; Pete Smith; Kevin Maxwell; Emma Peate; Paul Martin; Annie Emery; Andrew Gilliver; Peter Boyle; Daniel Gomez; Kate Hardy; Paul Fairweather; GHT; Colin Armstead; Samantha Days; Adam Winter; Albert Kennedy Trust; Marc Robinson; Sian Payne; Darren Knight; Joe Spencer; Lucy Rolfe; Sara Ashworth. SPECIAL THANKS Chris Holliday; Ian and Toby at Gaydio; Linda Paterson and Family; Gary Everett and everyone at Homotopia; Sarah Quinn; Paul Simpson; Ajamu X; Trevor Burchick and all at Pride Sports; all the guys who took part in our ‘How Is It For You’ feature; Paul Jones; and to all of our supporters. ADVERTISING For information on advertising in outnorthwest, please contact us on 0161 235 8035. Or e-mail grahame@lgf.org.uk DISCLAIMER

Publication of the name or photo of any person in this magazine should not be taken as any indication of the sexual orientation or HIV status of that person. All views expressed in outnorthwest are not necessarily those of the Editor or The Lesbian & Gay Foundation. outnorthwest recognises all copyrights. Where possible, we have acknowledged the copyright holder. Contact us if we have failed to credit your copyright and we will happily correct any oversight. Funny quote here.

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“No parent spends time thinking about their child’s sexuality unless they have to. That’s what makes it so difficult. But if that’s the only thing Joe ever gives us to deal with, we’ll be fine.” Linda Paterson

Last issue we met inspirational 15 year old Joe Paterson. Here, his mother tells us how proud she is of her son. Last issue we celebrated 15 year old Joe Paterson who is doing great stuff by taking the Enough is Enough message to his school assemblies but how have his parents reacted to Joe’s high profile activity and him coming out as bisexual? Here Linda, Joe’s mum tells us what it has been like supporting him “When Joe came out to us, it was in the middle of dinner one evening and I’m pretty sure he hadn’t planned to. I noticed all sorts of scratches on his arm which I’d never seen before, so naturally I wanted to know what had put them there. Joe told us he’d been self-harming as a result of bullying. We were devastated and wanted to know everything. Joe then blurted out that he was


bisexual but, in fact, that revelation was kind of secondary because we had suspected for a long time that this would have to be addressed at some point - we know our son. Joe was very upset and emotional which of course we found very upsetting too. So we had to process his comingout, his self-harming and his being bullied all at once and very fast. We didn’t do very well, a fact I will be beating myself up with for a long time to come! We weren’t angry (well, not with Joe certainly) but it was like having a tin of paint explode and trying to go round dabbing at bits of it without knowing where to start. What we were really concerned about was the bullying and the effect it had had on him, but it appeared to Joe as if our reactions were about his coming out. I think we are beginning to understand each other better now - in terms of who Joe is, and our reaction to that - and I know it’s going to be fine. But I just wish we’d had the chance to sit down

Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

calmly and discuss things, rather than all three of us being sent into a sort of meltdown. It wasn’t anyone’s fault that it turned out that way but, for Joe’s sake, I wish it had been less traumatic. Martin, my husband, likes to keep his thoughts to himself until he has had time to work out how he feels about things, whereas I need to discuss the issue I’m dealing with. In the middle of the initial drama, neither of us said what we would have said had we had time to formulate our thoughts better. But we love all our children deeply and without reservation, and they all know that. We’ve got a remarkable person in the shape of Joe and we’re proud of him. Joe is an extraordinary young man. All three of our children are amazing, in their different ways. Joe believes in putting his money where his mouth is, and if he sees something that needs action he’s in there. He’s part of the management committee at our local village hall meeting. He’s

TELL US WHAT YOU’RE DOING! Tell us how YOU are taking action against homophobia every day! Send your pictures and stories to us here at enough@lgf.org.uk

twice been invited to perform musical evenings for the Women’s Institute and it’s a joy to see Joe getting these ladies of a certain age (45-90) singing along with Monkees tunes, and listening to his versions of show tunes and anything else that takes his fancy. He spent part of his summer holidays volunteering at a reading scheme in our local library. He’s currently trying desperately to raise funding for his trip to Peru with school next year. We’re covering half of it and he and the other kids have to raise the rest. He’s tried SO hard to get a job but no-one will employ him until he’s 16 but that’s not until next May. But we’ll get him there somehow. No parent spends time thinking about their child’s sexuality unless they have to. That’s what makes it so difficult. But if that’s the only thing Joe ever gives us to deal with, we’ll be fine. Our family went to WOMAD in July and we saw Chumbawamba perform. They did a song which will stay in my mind for a long time. It’s called Homophobia and is very moving. The chorus goes: Homophobia, the worst disease, You can’t love who you want to love in times like these Homophobia, the worst disease Love who you want to love. Love who you please.

CHRIS HOLLIDAY is Gaydio’s breakfast show presenter – we caught up with him recently about the joy of a good powernap, walking on broken glass and Sir Ian McKellen... What gets you out of bed in the morning? About six different alarms at the moment!! I wake up at 5.30 every morning and I’m terrified of waking up late – so it’s a bit like a challenge from the Crystal Maze first thing – trying to identify which alarm is coming from where. But it seems to work… 5.30am!? How do you cope with early mornings? I’m trying to master the art of a good powernap in the afternoon – which mostly takes place on the sofa in front of Location, Location, Location! An early night is the key – I think my alcohol intake and midweek naughtiness has halved since starting the show. How are you so perky first thing? It’s caffeine mostly… and bananas. It’s funny – as soon as you sit in front of the microphone you just have to switch into a different mode… a little dance to the first couple of songs is quite beneficial too.


Linda Paterson

Proud mother of 15 year old Joe

What’s the show about? It’s a mix of chat and great music - the aim being to wake people up with a

smile on their face and a spring in their step! I have 4 different co-hosts across the week – 2 lesbians, a straight and a former lesbian– so there’s always something new to talk about. We share our ‘gayest moment’ – a celebration of our most fabulous moment from the day before, play a quiz (buzzers at the ready) and chew over the news whilst shaking out booties. I also get put to the test every week – with a different challenge. I’ve done indoor skydiving, become lady (boy) GaGa – with the Ladyboys of Bangkok and even walked across 4 metres of broken glass live on air (I’m still limping). Who’s the most famous person you’ve interviewed? Sir Ian McKellan was pretty special – he’s always been someone I admire so it was a real honour to interview him. The Saturdays (girl-group) were hilarious and well up for a laugh – their ‘gayest moments’ were some of the rudest I’ve heard! Catch Chris Holliday at Breakfast from 7, every weekday morning on Gaydio – 88.4fm, on your mobile, on the FREE Iphone app and at www.gaydio.co.uk www.lgf.org.uk


AGENDA HOMOTOPIA! CONTACT US: outnorthwest The Lesbian and Gay Foundation. 4th Floor Princess House, 105-107 Princess Street Manchester M1 6DD EMAIL: joanne.dunning@lgf.org.uk



Lavender Girls Saturday 6 November (Unity Theatre 9pm £10/£8) The lesbian comedy and music night that sells out every year. Your hostess with the mostess is award winning funny woman Rosie Wilby and she welcomes author and comedian Stella Duffy, writer and actress Angela Clerkin, singer Jennifer John and Mini Copper.

POETRY/LITERATURE Afternoon Tea With Armistead Maupin Wednesday 24 November, (London Carriage Works) A great chance to meet the author of the “Tales of the City” series at a special Afternoon Tea. Armistead will be talking about his life and reading from his new book “Mary Ann in Autumn”.

Armistead Maupin

Lavender Girls

Margi Clarke

Homtopia returns for a 7th magnificent year. Here’s our highlights.


With November fast approaching, so too is Liverpool’s annual celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans culture - Homotopia! As per usual you can expect a veritable fest of UK and international theatre, comedy, cabaret, poetry, literature, film, exhibitions and for the very first time – a youth strand, ‘Right to Love’, programmed by and for teenagers. Here’s a quick round-up of the highlights on offer at Homotopia 2010!

consequences of coming out as a gay man for the mother as well as the son. )

THEATRE/PERFORMANCE Mother/Son by Jeffrey Solomon Tuesday 2 & Wednesday 3 November (Unity Theatre 7.30pm £8/£6 This hilarious play features the American writer Jeffrey Solomon performing as Mindy and Bradley, the mother and son of the title. This critically acclaimed work explores the

COMEDY/CABARET Call My Puff Saturday 6 November (Unity Theatre 6pm £10/£8) Vada the bona lallies, fantabulosa! Find out what it all means in this live edition of Call My Bluff with a polari twist. Celebrity panelists are David Hoyle, Doreen Kum Kwik, Margi Clarke - the madness is compered by the legendary Terry Titter.

DANCE Manmade Thursday 11 November (Unity Theatre 8pm £9/£7) A scintillating triple bill of work from three of the most exciting choreographers working in contemporary dance today. From New York a new piece by Kyle Abraham who is recognized for his smooth, athletic Hip Hop influenced style. Gary Clarke from Yorkshire presents ‘9 to 5’ exploring the twisted underbelly of disco and Liverpool’s own Darren Suarez will present his newest work ‘B-itch Switch’.

Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

FILMS/TALKS/DEBATES World Premiere of Pink: Past & Present Sunday November 7th An insightful and colourful documentary made by pioneers, ground breakers, heroes and sheroes of the Liverpool LGBT community. The film celebrates the heritage of Liverpool’s LGBT scene. Does gay culture exclude ‘otherness’? Saturday 20th November, (Bluecoat 2pm, Free) Is it narcissism, is it healthy and does this quest for the perfect body exclude ‘otherness’? The morning will include a series of art based encounters choreographed by David Hoyle and Tanya Raabe exploring issues of identity and the divided self. The afternoon will feature a lively and provocative debate chaired by Matt Fraser including panellists David Hoyle, Jane Czyzselka (DIVA editor) Leroy Moore (Sins Invalid) and Robert Softley (Disabled Persons LGBT group). Right To Love – Homotopia youth Big Gay Prom Friday 12 November, Studio2, Parr Street, £5.50If you’ve ever felt excluded by the heterosexual culture of school proms this event is for you! Featuring grunge punk band Kenelis and Voodou Hussy with front woman Shabby (ex Big Brother). There will also be prizes for Prom Drag Queen and Prom Drag King.

To find out about the full line-up and more information on the event visit www.homotopia.net




Are we under attack from the religious right? In light of the Pope’s recent visit to these shore, Paul Fairweather offers his opinion...


The always popular Zombie Pride returns in time for Halloween. Dress up as the undead and raise money for the LGF at the same time? That’s dead good, that.


IN CONFERENCE A round-up of LGB&T issues covered at this season’s Party Conferences.

Ahead of the Autumn political party conferences The Trades Union Congress met in Manchester (13-16 September) and passed a resolution to take forward LGBT rights. The 142nd Annual TUC event noted the current positive commitment to improving hate crime recording and asylum rights, and to tackling homophobic bullying in schools. Concern was expressed about the impact on LGBT community organisations and LGBT users of public services to the announced £6bn cut in public funding. The Congress also questioned the lack of commitment to the full implementation of the Equality Act. Here, outnorthwest takes a brief look at the three main parties conferences, but please do check www.lgf.org.uk for full coverage

LIBERAL DEMOCRATS Liverpool 18-22 September In Liverpool, the Liberal Democrats overwhelmingly backed a motion tabled by Liberal Democrats for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Action (DELGA), to allow same-sex and mixed-sex couples to choose whether they wish to have a marriage or civil partnership, and to allow gay couples to have a church wedding. Liberal Democrat junior equality minister Lynne Featherstone promised that the government would tackle homophobic bullying, protect gay parents and use Britain’s influence abroad to encourage an end to homophobic laws. She added that the government would get its policies “in order” on gay and lesbian asylum seekers fleeing persecution.

LABOUR Manchester 26-30 September The new leader of the Labour party supported LGBT Labours aim to introduce gay marriage. Ed Miliband has also said Labour should have succeeded in passing legislation outlawing incitement to homophobic hatred and that the party was wrong not to overturn the blood ban. He also pledged to fight for an end to homophobic hate speech and better treatment of LGBT asylum seekers. On attending Manchester Pride in August he told the party conference, “I was proud to be in this great city, at Pride, and it was an amazing experience to see not just thousands of people marching but thousands of people lining the streets in support of equality for gay men and women in this country.”

CONSERVATIVE Birmingham 3-6 October The Conservative Party’s gay group LGBTory launched a campaign to highlight the inequality of the UK’s ban on gay men donating blood at Manchester Pride. At their Conference Stonewall played host to a debate entitled ‘What The Coalition Government Means For LGB Equality with Matthew Sephton, Chair of LGBTory, Nick Herbert MP, Minister of State for Policing and Criminal Justice, Margot James MP, Stourbridge, Journalist Matthew Parris, and Stonewall Chief Executive Ben Summerskill who recently pointed out that there was a cost to including provision of civil partnerships for opposite-sex couples. Following the first ever official conference gay night in Manchester last year, LGBTory brought Conference Pride to Birmingham. As we went to press, the Conservatives were gathering in Birmingham, and you can read the full updates online now at www.lgf.org.uk


The National LGBT Partnership has just produced a manifesto which aims to help inform decision makers about the issues affecting lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people and influence future legislation. The partnership is asking all LGB&T community groups and organisations to join the national stakeholder group. This is free to join, will keep you informed of the work of the Partnership, and provide you with opportunities to get involved. Visit www.lgf.org.uk/ nationallgbtpartnership to join or to find out more e-mail: partnership@lgf.org.uk


The Equality Act 2010 which aims to simplify legislation to protect the rights of individuals and advance equality of opportunity for all became law on October 1st. The provisions in the Equality Act will however come into force at different times. Provisions which came into force on 1 October 2010 include (among other issues):The basic framework of protection against direct and indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation in services and public functions • Changing the definition of gender reassignment, by removing the requirement for medical supervision • Leveling up protection for people discriminated against because they are perceived to have a protected characteristic. Coming in April 2011: The new Equality Duty that requires the public sector to actively promote equality will be extended to cover LGB&T equality and will apply to all the public sector. To find out more go to: equalities.gov.uk or search at www.lgf.org.uk www.lgf.org.uk





“Ten years of the LGF indeed! Under the circumstances, The Salford Ladies Unite d Temperance Society are prepared to congr atulate the LGF on their good works. If there must be fornication, and it seems there must, then the constant provision by the LGF of prophylaxis packs in the homoerotic venues of Manc hester’s gay town is to be applauded. What is more, we Ladies admire an organisation which is prepared to take a political stand. The S.L.U.T.S. join with the LGF in declaring, ‘Enough is Enough’.” SALFORD LADIES TEMPERANCE SOCIETY

Messages of support as LGF marks it’s tenth anniversary. “It’s a sobering thought, but The Lesbian & Gay Foundation (LGF) exists because prejudice, inequality and discrimination towards our communities is as widespread today as it’s always been.” So began the LGF’s first annual report, published towards the end of the organisation’s first year of operation. in 2000. Ten years later, as the organisation celebrates its birthday, those words still ring true. In the next edition of outnorthwest, we’ll be printing a special 24 page tribute to LGF, but in the meantime we’ve received a number of messages of support from friends, partner organisations and community members. Here’s just a handful...


a fig, but it makes me realize that I am very lucky to have that and that’s not everybody’s story. So I hope that the next ten years means that for those young people who don’t have an easy ride, that the LGF remains open for business so that they can help, that it’s funded enough so those gay young people have somewhere to go.” Antony Cotton, Actor “Just keep doing what you are doing. It’s essential. You know what needs to be done better than I do. Recruit more people and carry on and lets hope that in ten years time you can shut up shop!” Sir Ian McKellen, Actor

“Congratulations to all the staff, volunteers and residents of the North West who have made the Lesbian and Gay Foundation such a fabulous success over the last ten years. Here’s to the next ten years!” Ben Summerskill, Stonewall

“Congratulations to LGF for a brilliant first decade, and to outnorthwest on achieving 100 issues. Both have achieved so much and been an active part in a truly transformative era. Here’s to the day when LGF celebrates 100 years and outnorthwest is on its 10,000th edition!” Christine Burns MBE Equality and Diversity Specialist

“I’m very aware that when I was younger I didn’t need the LGF. As a young gay man growing up I had two parents that loved me, my parents couldn’t give

“We are all extremely impressed with the exceptional range of programmes you have instigated – from the mental health programme

Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

2000: IN THE NEWS The dawn of a new millennium sees the ban on lesbians and gay men serving in the UK armed forces lifted and the Scottish Parliament repealing Section 28, the law that banned local authorities from “promoting homosexuality”. The rest of the UK would have to wait another three years. In another landmark on the road to equality, the age of consent across the United Kingdom is equalised at 16. It wasn’t easy – the government had to eventually envoke the Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949 after The House Of Lords repeatedly blocked the move. Elsewhere, Vince, Stuart and Nathan strut down a fictional Canal Street for the last time in Queer As Folk 2, Big Brother launches a TV phenomenon that would last the decade, and Hilary Swank wins a Best Actress Oscar for her gender-bending role in Boy’s Don’t Cry. Gay Anthem of the Year? Kylie’s Spinning Around. Kylie went on to open Manchester superclub Essential that same year.

“Just keep doing what you’re doing. It’s essential. Recruit more people and carry on...” SIR IAN McKELLEN, LGF Patron to the work on capacity building and the Enough Is Enough campaign. I am also struck by the robust programme management processes you have developed to ensure that your organization is well positioned to respond to the challenges of the future.” Emma Reed, Head of LGB&T Equality Government Equalities Office “Having worked closely with you, we understand the huge amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to improve the lives of LGB people throughout the North West.” Ian Wallace, Director, Gaydio “I’d like to wish The Lesbian and Gay Foundation a Happy Tenth Anniversary. outnorthwest, Free Condoms, counselling, support groups, training, advice, and more, what’s not to like? In a world where homophobia and violence still exists, organised support networks are an essential way of Standing up and fighting back. Here’s to the next ten years!” Holly Johnson, Musician To access any of the LGF’s services, call 0845 3 30 30 30, or visit our website www.lgf.org.uk




WHAT’S OUR FUTURE? Edward Carpenter Community event at the LGF to look at the future of the gay community.

GAYZING INTO OUR FUTURE Edward Carpenter Day A day for gay men at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, Number 5,Richmond Street,Manchester M1 3HF Sunday 28 November 2010 from 10.00am - 6.00pm.

The theme for this year’s event is thinking about how we might continue to build an alternative to ‘the scene’.

The Edward Carpenter Community for gay men (ECC) will be welcoming Peter Tatchell to the Lesbian & Gay Foundation in November to talk about taking forward ideas for the future of the gay community. The ECC is a loosely organised collective of men who have sex with other men who aim to create a more supportive alternative to the gay commercial scene. It aims to continue the work and ideas of early twentieth century social justice campaigner, Edward Carpenter, who was interested in alternative ethical ways of loving and relating, spirituality and emotional support for those whose sexuality is viewed as outside the norm. The theme for this year’s event is thinking about how we might continue to build an alternative to ‘the scene’ and create a more meaningful community based on our differences. There will be a keynote speech from Paul Martin, Chief Executive of The Lesbian & Gay Foundation and input from human rights campaigner, Peter Tatchell, who will be taking

part in afternoon workshop sessions. So far there are planned workshops on relations between younger and older gay men and ageing, building links with lesbian, bisexual and trans groups, gay men and ethnicity. The latter is likely to relate to experiences of asylum seeking and oppression in less politically liberal regions of the world.

inclusive community are welcomed along with practical or creative workshops and opportunities for discussion of personal and broader political and cultural issues.

There will also be an opportunity to be involved in a Heart Circle if on the day participants want to share their thoughts and feelings in a safe space with other gay men. Offers to run workshops or presentations related to the theme of building an

Cost: £5 - £15 (on a sliding scale according to income). Bookings and enquiries to: andrew.mccall@care4free.net Telephone: 0161 941 1534. This day will be followed by an open FREE event from 7pm at LGF.

The day will run from 10am – 6pm. Please bring food to share, for a friendly communal lunch. Drinks will be provided.

PETER TATCHELL ON THE SPOT Peter Tatchell on the Spot: You Ask the Questions

28 November 7 - 9pm at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, Number 5, Richmond Street, Manchester M1 3HF. This is a chance for anyone( regardless of gender or sexual orientation) to come along and ask well-known,indefatiguable human rights campaigner, Peter Tatchell, questions about the political issues of the day. The emphasis is likely to be on his work around

human rights but Peter’s broader political interests go beyond this such as issues of economic injustice and environmental protection. Anyone attending will be asked to make a voluntary contribution on the door, proceeds of which will be given to Peter Tatchell’s Human Rights Fund. To find out more checkout: www.gaycommunity.org.uk www.petertatchell.net www.lgf.org.uk






Under attack from the religious right?

Come out, come out! Coming out. We do it every day in some way; to our family, friends, work colleagues, the woman on the checkout at Tescos when you’re buying your latest copy of Diva, when your aunty (who hasn’t seen you since you were playing with your monster truck, age 4) asks you if you’re courting yet. Yes, we have to reveal our sexuality, sometimes whether we like it or not, to a whole plethora or people on a regular basis. My parents took it on the chin. We’re not a big talking family, we’d rather talk about the new recycling bin the council have introduced, or, if you’re my Ma, what her new favourite salad dressing is. When I (at the grand old age of 25), eventually plucked up the courage to tell them, they simply said that they loved me and that they kind of knew anyway. Akin to this Hardy family tradition, this brief heart to heart was completely normalised by my Pa asking me if there was enough oil in my car, hence moving the conversation on to familiar ground. I don’t know what I was expecting to be honest, I’d made it such a massive thing in my head, and when it happened, it was ok. I always wondered why they didn’t guess when I was a teenager. I guess my mum didn’t cotton on when she saw the Skin from Skunk Anansie poster donning a ‘clit rock’ t-shirt. My obsession with Mel and Sue went completely unnoticed too. Bless them, I am lucky I know. Some people do not have the same experience, some people lose people they love because of it, others may get persecuted or discriminated against or simply don’t come out at all for fear of homophobia and bigotry. Of course, you don’t have to come out, it’s not a prerequisite for being gay, neither does it devalue your sexuality, it’s just sometimes it can be a lot better than lying and concealing. After all, your sexuality may be a big part of who you are, and why would you want to conceal who you are? So if you’re planning on biting the bullet on this year’s Coming Out Day, good luck, if you decide not to, don’t be too harsh on yourself, it may not be as life changing as you think.



The official visit of the Pope to this country has been generating a lot of media coverage. There has been much comment on the lack of interest in this trip. Thousands of tickets for his events have not been sold. Many people object to the taxpayers subsidising his visit. There has also been an active Protest the Pope Campaign to highlight the Pope’s hostile statements on a wide range of civil liberties issues. To my mind it is no coincidence that many of the people organising this event are gay. As well as LGBT and human rights activist Peter Tatchell there is Terry Sanderson, President of the National Secular Society, and Andrew Copson, Chief Executive of the British Humanists Association. For as LGBT people we are directly under attack from the religious right. They are on the offensivechallenging the legal equality we have won in recent years. We need to have greater separation between the church and the state not more. Yet the government is promoting the idea of more faith schools that will be able to teach our young people their own particular views of the world. which will often include a very negative view of homosexuality Humanism as a force needs more support from the overwhelming majority who do not believe in God. We can respect other people’s beliefs however we cannot simply acquiesce and let them impose their views on the rest of us. It seems to me that all too often we are far too scared to challenge the hatred and bigotry that is being hurled against us simply because it comes

Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

from a religious view of the world. For it is that moral certainty and rigidity that is so damaging to us, especially to young people just coming out and to those who are from within those religious traditions. We need to reclaim the moral high ground and be saying that we will no longer tolerate such blatant homophobia in our midst. For the reality is that we live in an increasingly secular society and within many religions there is a growing liberalism. A recent You Gov survey showed that in this country ordinary Catholics are much more liberal than their leaders. It found that nearly a third believed in abortion on demand, 70% believed that condoms should be used more freely and 40% said that gay relationships should be celebrated. The fact that 40% of Catholics think not only that gay relationships are OK but that they should be celebrated is a seismic shift in attitude and can only serve to highlight how out of touch the Catholic leadership is. This disconnect cannot be sustained if those who believe in these more liberal views challenge the views of those in authority. There is an unhealthy obsession in many world religions with sex and in particular with homosexuality. There are far more important issues to concern us all. The power and influence of religion nationally and internationally is an obvious focus for us to campaign around. The growing hostility to LGBT rights in many parts of the world, especially in Africa is being fuelled by the Christian right in America. Let’s identify a clear target with influence and power that seems determined to prevent progress towards real equality and do all we can to challenge it.





WE HAVE MOVED After many months of planning and organising, The Lesbian & Gay Foundation has finally moved into their new home, in the heart of Manchester’s lesbian and gay Village - and we can’t wait for you to pop in and see us. The Lesbian & Gay Foundation (LGF) are now located at Number 5, Richmond Street, Manchester, M1 3HF, right in the heart of Manchester’s Gay Village.

Pride image: Sarah Quinn

LGF Chief Executive Paul Martin said: “I am happy to announce that the LGF are now open for business from our new home, all our services will be delivered from Number 5 and you will still be able to access LGF sexual health outreach clinics at venues across Manchester. We have many exciting plans for the three floors at Richmond Street, and the new space means that we will be able to reach out to more service users, support more lesbian, gay and bisexual people and hold more LGB&T events and projects than ever before”.

Drop-in and have a look round. There are four counselling rooms, a group therapy room, a groupwork room, conference room, board room and meeting room. There’s also a library with computer access that will soon be open to the public. Chair of the Board of Trustees, David McGovern added: “It is fitting that in the LGF’s tenth anniversary year, we should be moving to this new space right in the heart of Manchester’s Gay Village, in the


very centre of the community we serve. We hope that being parallel to Canal Street, will make our services even more accessible, and encourage people who may not have accessed our services before, to come in and explore what the organisation has to offer; from counselling, to sexual health services.” If you would like more information about the LGF’s services or hiring a room at The LGF e-mail: info@lgf.org.uk For news updates visit www.lgf.org.uk


£110,000... AND COUNTING STAND UP & Manchester Pride final BE COUNTED fundraising figure announced mid-October.

As outnorthwest 100 went to press Manchester Pride were still counting the money raised for local LGBT and HIV good causes at this year’s festival. However, Festival Director Jackie Crozier announced at the Manchester Pride Dinner hosted by Hot Village on September 23rd, that a phenomenal £110,000 had been counted so far. Manchester Pride will announce the total raised for charity at this year’s festival by the middle of October. For updates visit: www.manchesterpride.com

Figures published in September by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) estimate the UK’s lesbian, gay and bisexual population to be 1.5%. The figure is lower than that usually quoted, of between 5-7% of the population. It is good news that major population surveys are starting to include sexual orientation as something worth asking about but at the moment all figures that relate to the LGB population are estimates. It’s still important to remember that there is no definitive figure as there is still no question included in the national census.If anything, this report shows the need for LGB people everywhere to stand up and be counted! To read more on this story check out www.lgf.org.uk www.lgf.org.uk





AHEAD OF THE TREND Leading the way in sexual health promotion with the over 50’s.

Sexual Health Week 2010 recently focused on Sexually Transmitted Infections in the over 50s and the need to educate and make this sector of society, aware of the potential risks of poor sexual health. In Manchester this work has been going on across the city over the last 18 months. Building on the success of the Over 50’s Sex and Relationship resource, the Sexual Health and Harm Reduction team within Manchester Public Health Development Service is currently developing a citywide partnership looking at HIV prevention and awareness amongst the over 50s. The Sexual Health and Harm Reduction team are working with a range of agencies including the Lesbian & Gay Foundation, to produce a series of health promotion resources, targeting different sectors of the over 50s community. These will take the form of ‘story’ post cards in which a range of either HIV positive people

or people at risk of becoming HIV positive will tell their ‘story’. Pete Smith, Senior Public Health Development Advisor from Public Health Development Service explained that “Such resources would enable to us to target specific groups i.e.: sectors of the ‘older’ gay community’’. He explained that the project was hoping to work with LGBT radio station Gaydio who will, using actors, record stories and give them airtime. The project is keen to hear stories from gay or bisexual men aged over 50. Such stories may be developed into a story card and a short extract will be used on the radio. They want to hear from men who are either HIV positive or might be worried about having an HIV test. Full confidentiality will be guaranteed, and if someone’s case study is used and turned into a ‘story’, the real names will be changed. If you are interested in sharing your experiences or you would like to know more, please contact either Pete Smith at peter.smith@manchester.nhs.uk or josanne. cowell@manchester.nhs.uk or phone them on 0161 882 2306.

50 PLUS & LIVING WITH HIV Older people are the fastest growing group in the UK with HIV. Their numbers will double over the next five years. Terence Higgins Trust and Age UK, approached The Joseph Rowntree Foundation in 2009 to fund the first national research into the concerns and needs of older people with HIV as they face longer life. 50 Plus surveyed 410 people with HIV aged 50 and over, to show that older people with HIV are disadvantaged in a wide range of ways – from poorer health, to social care and housing problems and significant financial disadvantage compared to their peers.To find out more checkout: www.tht.org.uk

HAVE YOU GOT THE BALLS? Gtentelevision Manchester’s LGBT community TV station is currently running a campaign to help raise awareness of the everyman cancer charity and highlight issues around testicular cancer.

The campaign is called Have You Got The Balls? As part of the campaign they are asking guys to do a naked photo shoot. You can see examples of their most recent photo shoot on their website over at www.gtentelevision.com 14

Next photoshoot: Sunday, November 7th, 7:00pm - 11:00pm. To get involved e-mail: gtentelevision@live.co.uk

To find out more about testicular cancer, including how to carry out a self examination or if you’re worried that you might have symptoms, or if you or someone you care about has just been diagnosed with testicular cancer, there is a wealth of information and support to help you online at: www.everyman-campaign.org Contact: 0800 731 9468. Email: everyman@icr.ac.uk

Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk







OUTLOUD image: Paul Jones, Exposure

It may seem a little premature to be talking about Christmas however the festive season is less than two months away with its parties, presents and, no doubt, excess spending.

Anti-Bullying Week sees schools urged to “work together”. November 15th - 19th marks AntiBullying Week and this year’s message urges students, teachers, schools and communities to “work together” to stop bullying. Throughout November, Manchester’s antihomophobic bullying initiative - Exceeding Expectations - will be going out into the city’s schools encouraging young people to work together to stop homophobia and all forms of bullying in schools. The coalition government have made it clear that tackling homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools will continue to be a priority. The Government’s “Working for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Equality” paper highlighted: “As part of our drive to promote good behaviour in schools, we will ensure schools can effectively tackle bad behaviour and bullying with a particular focus on identifying and tackling homophobic and transphobic bullying. The new public sector Equality Duty included in the Equality Act 2010 would require schools to consider how to focus on this issue.” The Exceeding Expectations play OUTLOUD will be back in Manchester schools this November as part of Anti-Bullying Week, it has been seen by thousands of students across Manchester; the play is inspired by the true stories of young lesbian, gay, bisexual and heterosexual people in the city and looks at their experiences and those of their friends of being young, gay and at school. The play also includes a short film about the 21 year old American student Matthew Shephard, whose homophobic murder horrified the world and brought International attention to the issue of hate crime.

Many students say it’s Matthew’s story that stays with them and really highlights the devastating effects of homophobia. “I liked the Matthew story because it opened my eyes because I didn’t know there were things like this in the world.” “The video about Matthew had a big effect on me. If more videos like that were shown it would really help change things.” The Exceeding Expectations initiative also provides staff training, resources for teachers and young people, follow-up workshops and a young peoples’ group for those who want to work together to challenge homophobic bullying. Exceeding Expectations is a multi agency partnership made up of The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, Manchester City Council, Healthy Schools Manchester and Hope Theatre Company. We’ve been working together in schools for the last four years and here’s what Manchester’s Secondary school pupils said when Exceeding Expectations came into their schools earlier this year... “Thank you for coming. It was great…I will stop saying things are gay (like Maths is sooo gay)” “I’m so glad they came in, they have changed my views on gay people” “I will think twice before using the word gay, also be aware of how people feel” Anti-Bullying Week takes place from November 15th-19th for more information visit: www.exceedingexpecations.org.uk

Christmas is on the whole a happy time where social occasions and long overdue catch ups with family and friends are aplenty. However it can, for many, be a stressful time due to money worries – namely how Christmas can be fun but affordable. Nobody wants their festive experience to be dampened by a month of beans on toast after the event so budgeting is extremely important. As I have said there are still a few months until Christmas which gives you time to get your finances in order. The first thing you need to do is look at your finances and define how much money you have to spend over Christmas, bearing in mind presents, after work drinks, outfits and parties – and stick to this amount. Write a list of the presents you need to buy, need being the key word here, and do your research into which retailer is offering the best deals – its amazing what bargains can be found. Also make the most of the money off and discount vouchers which many retailers and restaurants have on offer. If you have any credit card balances which you are paying interest on you should look out for the balance transfer deals available as these can also save you money. Looking to next Christmas a savings plan is key. Examine you finances, decide what you can afford, set yourself a savings goal, set up a standing order and enjoy!

John Hughes Business Leader, Retail Products The Co-operative Financial Services www.lgf.org.uk






If you could go back in time 10 years and give the old you once piece of advice, what would it be? LUCY ROLFE investigates.

Last month, I visited a college to do an event and met loads of young people, fresh out of high school, and now finding themselves staring at all the glory of adulthood right in the face – most of them looked terrified. It made me think about what it was like before I was plummeted headfirst into the ’25 and over’ age box; awkward, a bit shy and desperately trying to grasp some kind of identity. And then I thought, what advice would I have given to myself all those years ago? What words of wisdom would have made those years before I hit my mid twenties so much easier? In celebration of LGFs 10th birthday we’ve been asking; what advice would you have given yourself 10 years ago? Read on for style advice, supportive words and just plain common sense! If you can’t wait 10 years and need some advice now, we’re celebrating world Mental Health Day and National Coming Out Day encouraging people to Come in and Come Out, all day on Monday 11th October from 10am until 10pm. You can come and come out to us in confidence about anything that is bothering you, whether it’s relationships, coming out, mental health issues, anything that’s on your mind, we’ll on hand to give support, information, advice and provide the tea and biscuits! 16

Dear Darren (20), Everyday’s a school day, one day you’ll be told something that’ll be completely different the next! Just enjoy it all… oh, and make sure you wear a condom! Darren (30)

Dear Shaun (14), Concentrate on your career and worry about meeting Mr. Right later. Shaun (24)

Dear Alex (25), Don’t waste your time chasing someone who isn’t interested in you, especially when you can do so much better!’ Alex (35)


Dear Leanne (22) Don’t try and copy trends that really don’t suit you, be yourself and wear clothes that you feel comfortable in.

We’re here if you need us! A quarter of calls to the LGF Helpline are about issues relating to coming out. If you need to talk, we’re here to listen. Call the LGF Helpline on 0845 3 30 30 30 (local call rate), 6pm-10pm (Staffed), 10pm6pm (automated system) or email helpline@lgf. org.uk

Leanne (32)

Dear Rachel (15) It’s ok Rachel, in 10 years time even Sophie Webster will be a lesbian! Rachel (25)


Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

Dear Julia (24) You’ll spend 3 years dating a boy when you should have been dating girls. Date who you want to and worry about what other people think later.’ Julia (34)

Dear Stuart (19) Build up the courage to go and talk to someone. Being able to open up to people is really important. Stuart (29)

If you need advice on coming out, call the LGF Helpline on 0845 3 30 30 30 or visit www.lgf.org.uk

Registered Charity No.1070904

10 Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People

r the LGF

FUNdraising fo




Welcome and Bienvenue to a very special evening of fabulous live entertainment and delectable French cuisine! For one night only Café Rouge at spinningfields will transformed into The Moulin Rouge.


Join us on a ghoul’s night out as we lead a zombie pub crawl! We’ll be plaguing the Village and hitting all the “Night Spots Of The Living Dead!” This is the perfect way to start your evening, show off your gore couture and get braindead along the way. Entry in the bar crawl will get you a drink in every bar we hit plus entry to the Zombie Pride party! Then we’re invading Legends for one more night of gorlicious entertainment ! We’ll have appearing barely alive Hi-NRG Punks the Bad Taste Barbies

Bad Taste Barbies



Back from the dead and back to be FIERCE! This year’s Zombie Pride is going to be bigger and better than ever! This year we’re not just taking over Legends for the biggest monster mash up party, we’re taking over the Village!



and spooky sound tracks from fiends Will N Rick plus three rooms of devilish DJ’s from Off The Hook, Bollox, Pretty In Pink, Homo Electric and Trash-O-Rama! Make sure you dress to distress as we’ll be crowning our Zombie King and Queen! We’ll also have a few tricks n’ treats up our sleeve so keep your eyes peeled!

Saturday 30th October Zombie Crawl from 8.30, club night from 11pm until 4am. Zombie Pride is going to be the biggest Halloween party so make sure you snap up tickets early, available from www.lgf.org.uk/ zombie-pride and Clone Zone. Zombie Crawl and Zombie Pride is £10 or just the party £5.

To entertain you we have soulful chanteuse Fay Kittos, Barry’s Quiz and the fierce and fabulous Miss Thunderpussy! Plus you’ll be waited on by French tarts Gloria K Hole, Cleo Taurus and Auntie Katy! Tickets are £10 plus a special 3 course set menu will be available for £15.95.

October 24th 7.30pm till late! For tickets contact Kieran on 0161 839 0456 or spinningfields@ caferouge.co.uk All money raised from these events goes directly to The Lesbian and Gay Foundation helping us in our mission of ‘Ending Homophobia and Empowering People’. For more information contact joe.spencer@lgf.org.uk www.lgf.org.uk




“Seeing the excitement and nerves in the eyes of the organisers as history was made, was as exciting for me as The Beatles for Scouse girls in the 1960’s.” VIC HANLEY


FROM LIVERPOOL WITH PRIDE VIC HANLEY shares his experiences of Liverpool’s first ever Pride event.

“I’m Vic Hanley, an LGF helpline volunteer worker for almost 11 years. As a Liverpudlian, I moved to Manchester in 1997, in search of a better life and career. I had come out a few years earlier and one of my main motivations was that Liverpool had no real celebration of its sexual diversity or culture, until this year. 2010 brought together Liverpool’s LGBT Community and the City under one banner for the first time, and Liverpool Pride was born. My Liverpool Pride started at 9am in the Mocha Lounge. Seeing the excitement and nerves in the eyes of the organisers, as history was made; was as exciting for me as The Beatles for Scouse girls in the ‘60s. At first hand I saw Liverpool’s vibrancy for the first time since leaving for Salford in the ‘90s. After donning our specially commissioned volunteer t-shirts, we walked towards the rainbow flag flying high above St Georges Hall where March marshalling began around 11am. An hour later, Lord Mayor Hazel Williams addressed the rapidly expanding throng of marchers and enthusiastically led the first ever official Liverpool Pride March through the city. 18

The Lord Mayor was joined by the West Lancashire Town Crier, Don Evans, as the March wound its way through city streets including Lime Street, Whitechapel, Lord Street cheered on by an estimated crowd of over 5,000 before reaching Castle Street where rainbow flag flew proudly above the Town Hall. Continuing into Dale Street towards the Main Stage, the view was overwhelming with a ‘sea’ of heads along its full length. We marched past stalls handing out freebies and information and as the March came to a halt, we were all treated to the opening of the next phase: The Liverpool Pride Festival. Opened by Juice FM’s Dave Whelan and former Atomic Kitten, Liverpool’s own Natasha Hamilton, it was her first appearance since having her baby. Natasha was superb and wowed the crowds, after, Britain’s Got Talent dance troop, MD Productions performed their stunning stage show including anti-bullying, anti-homophobia number ‘They Don’t Care About Us’.


Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

Shaking off the night before, 15 stalwart footballers from ‘gay’ teams, Mersey Marauders and Village Manchester undertook their own clash of the titans on Sunday. A close victory for the local boys, highlights were even shown on BBC Looknorthwest. Afterwards a victory presentation and celebration party took place at Parr Street’s bar 3345. Liverpool Pride organisers said:“Liverpool’s first ever official Pride Festival, on the weekend on 7th and 8th August, attracted a whopping crowd of over 21,000 people according to festival organisers and Merseyside Police. On Saturday 7th August, the city was awash with colour as the Rainbow Circus rocked the city centre with a massive celebration. Over 3000 people turned out in colourful costumes to take part in the Pride March, lead by Lord Mayor Hazel Williams with members of Michael Causer’s family.“ Lord Mayor Hazel Williams said:“The Pride Festival was a spectacular success and a brilliant way to celebrate the city’s LGBT community...” Following the March, Dale Street, the heart of the city’s Gay Quarter set the scene for the glittering Pride party, with massive performances from a plethora of acts. Before 2010, Liverpool was the largest city in the country that hasn’t had its own official pride festival. At the launch of the LGB&T Network the public voted for a pride festival to engage, empower and involve the LGB&T communities within the city and this was fully endorsed by Liverpool City Council in January 2009. Liverpool Pride 2010 celebrated the diverse community of one of Europe’s leading cultural cities in spectacular style.

Liverpool Pride want to hear your thoughts of this year’s landmark event. To have your say, visit www.liverpoolpride.co.uk/feedback


CUMBRIA LGB&T FORUMS Your chance to discuss the issues that affect you. The Cumbria LGBT Consortium and OuTreAcH Cumbria are hosting two forums in Cumbria on the 16th and 23rd October 2010 for anyone who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. The forums will provide an opportunity for LGB and T people to discuss issues which affect their lives, share concerns and to discuss possible solutions. We will discuss topical areas such as Health, Community Safety, Access to Services, Education and Employment, Housing and Support for LGBT people. It is hoped that the outcomes from both forums will provide some solutions from within the LGBT communities and proposals to take to service providers in Cumbria.

Saturday 16th October Forum 28 Barrow in Furness Saturday 23rd October Carlisle Venue to be confirmed The times for both Forums 10am – 3pm, refreshments and a buffet lunch will be provided. If you would like to take part in these discussions, or for further details please email: r.kavanagh169@btinternet. com we need at least 20 people for each Forum to allow for small group discussions and to provide a broad range of participation. Please indicate in your email which Forum you will be attending, and indicate if you have any dietary/access requirements.


LGB&T CONFERENCE LGF-hosted free conference is a success.

The Lesbian & Gay Foundation hosted a very successful free conference for LGB&T voluntary and community groups from across the North West on 21st August. 75 people attended workshops including an introduction the Big Society and a presentation from the Lottery funding team. ATTENDEES SAID... “Essential for LGB&T group leaders and organisers for networking.”

“Interesting, educational, inspiring speeches. Well organised. Nice venue. Excellent food.” “Extremely informative and interesting. Day really developed to look at where we are right now.” “It provided new and useful information - it helped illustrate very similar concerns across our region and provided a useful platform to share ideas.” For more information on the day and to be invited to other events please contact adam.winter@lgf.org.uk


NEW CARERS GROUP A New LGB&T carers group has ;aimched in Vale Royal. Respite care to attend the group can be organised.

For more info please contact sheilal@crossroadscaring.com, or call 0151 343 1960.



If you want to have a chat before this though, please do give me a call, email me or drop in to the office even if it’s just to say hello. The same applies for anybody out there who is thinking of volunteering and would like more information, particularly as moving to 5 Richmond Street will generate some new exciting volunteer opportunities!”

For further details please see our website www.lgf.org.uk, email me on Claire.taylor@lgf.org.uk or call me on 0161 235 8031.


Registered Charity No.1070904

“Hello! I’m Claire

and I recently took up post as Volunteer Manager, which is a brand new role at LGF. I can already see there is amazing work happening every day which would not be possible without the commitment and dedication of our volunteers. Over the next couple of months I’d love to have a chat with as many existing volunteers as I can, and will soon be inviting volunteers to come in and give feedback so watch this space for more details!

10 Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People



Words: Chris Morley

Gay men with HIV who want to meet other gay men living with HIV are sometimes put off by the thought of coming to any group. What are groups, aren’t they just a bit weird? People share some common but rather strange ideas, and Dunkan, services adviser at George House Trust, who runs the Gay Men’s Space, is keen to take the strangeness out of the idea of coming to our Gay Men’s Space. He wants to reassure and encourage gay men with HIV to come along on a Monday evening. Some guys imagine the Gay Men’s Space must be like some Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you may have seen on TV, but it’s nothing at all like that. There’s no sitting in circles, no taking turns to stand up and talk. Far from it, in fact we don’t even call it a group. The Gay Men’s Space is just that, a safe and comfortable space for positive gay men to meet other HIV positive gay men. In short it does exactly what it says on the tin. You come in, get introduced around, have a tea or coffee and something to eat, sit on sofas and get chatting. A couple of times a month we have some stuff arranged for you. Meeting other guys with HIV is really helpful for many men. For example meeting someone who is alive, well and living with HIV for more than 10, 15 or even 20 years can mean so much to someone recently diagnosed, who is still fearful about their own life expectancy. Seeing and talking to others, sharing experiences, asking questions, makes the whole business of living with HIV much more manageable. Making new friends and forming new support networks, when your confidence may be taking a battering after your diagnosis is really valued, and is seen as essential by many of the positive gay men who attend the space. “I didn’t know anybody with HIV, I worried about my future. I came to the space and met a guy who had been living with HIV for over 15 years, he was fit, healthy, worked and got on with his life. Now I feel like I have a future too.” “Since coming to the space, I’ve made some great friends. I’m even more confident 20


Diagnosed Positive in the Last 12 Months? Beginning on Wednesday 27 October we have five evening sessions, one a week, for gay and bi men who have tested positive with HIV during the last 12 months. They each run from 5.30 to 8pm, and are held at George House Trust, in Ardwick Green. We talk about a different topic each week including understanding HIV language, sex and risk, and employment issues. You need to be able to attend all of the sessions. For more information, or to book a place email colin@ght. org.uk or ring Colin on 0161 2744 4499.

A POSITIVE SPACE... GHT’s Positive Gay Men’s Space is an ideal starting point to meet other gay men living with HIV. What’s stopping you? about taking my medication after talking through some problems I was having, one of the advisers helped me through the issues.” “Coming to the space after work is great, I can meet a few friends, have a chat and laugh and then go on to the bars” “I really enjoy the regular discussion groups at the space. It’s interesting getting to know other people, their stories and points of view.” Though the space is mainly a safe social space to meet other men, there are at least two events each month. Once a month we have a ‘Let’s Talk’ session, which is an organised discussion on something different each month. The men in the group put up the suggestions for what we should talk about, and we let you know what’s coming up for discussion in the next ‘Let’s Talk.’

To find out more about the services offered by George House Trust, contact our services team at support@ght.org.uk or call us on 0161 274 4499.


There are a mix of other monthly events and activities during the year. We’ve had everything from art workshops, to guest speakers and alternative therapies. What’s coming up is regularly advertised at the space, or check the diary on George House Trust’s website www.ght.org.uk/diary/ The Gay Men’s Space is a social group for HIV positive gay or bisexual men to meet in a safe and friendly environment, held every Monday (except bank holidays) between 5pm – 8pm at George House Trust. It is open to anyone already known to George House Trust. If you have not used services before, you will need to arrange an appointment to see an Adviser first. To arrange an appointment, or for further information about the Gay Men’s Space, please email Dunkan@ght.org.uk or call Dunkan on 0161 274 4499







Heather Peace (right) in Lip Service.

MAKE FANNY PROUDHEALTHY COOKING WORKSHOP Saturday 16th October (2-5pm) Northolt Court, North Road, Clayton, Manchester M11 4LE (meeting at The LGF first).

GETTING LIPPY! A brand new lesbian drama premieres on BBC 3 this Autumn. JOANNE DUNNING gets the lowdown from the creator and one of the stars. Lesbian storylines are like buses. You wait a lifetime for one to come along, and then they all come at once - not that we are complaining! After a summer of burgeoning love between Coronation Street characters Sophie Webster and Sian Powers (more on that next issue), prepare yourself an autumn of sapphic ups and downs with the cast of BBC 3’s new lesbian drama Lip Service! Here series creator Harriet Braun and actress Heather Peace talk about what we can expect from the show... Tell us a little bit about Lip Service. Harriet: At the heart of this drama are a group of friends and their lives and loves. The relationship between Frankie (Ruta Gedmintas) and Cat (Laura Fraser) is complicated and a catalyst for drama in the series. Frankie was Cat’s first love and then they got into a relationship in their twenties, but never got a chance to see it through because Frankie got cold feet and ran off to America. So, for Cat, it’s unfinished business – it’s someone that you loved and can’t let go of and have never really been able to forget. At the point Frankie returns, Cat’s trying to move on and then her ex-lover arrives home and it just brings everything back up to the surface again. The characters don’t live in a bubble, it’s about the everyday reality of being gay. What were the motivations and inspirations behind Lip Service? Harriet: I’d seen Queer As Folk and Go Fish years 22

ago and thought I’d love to do something like that. Then The L Word came along, but I figured there was definitely room for another lesbian drama. In my view, lesbians are under-represented on British television – so I thought it was high time we had a series in the UK. Former London’s Burning actress and Manchester Pride patron Heather Peace plays Sam, Cat’s new love interest. What attracted you to Lip Service? Heather: The bulk of my career has been working predominately with all men so I thought it would be nice to star in a drama with women. It’s about time that the UK did a drama about gay girls. Why should the audience tune in to Lip Service? Heather: It is a fun, heart-warming, quality drama. It’s sexy and funny and taps into the lives of not just gay women but groups of friends everywhere and the dramas their lives bring. You were recently featured in the prestigious Pink List Top 100 – how do you feel about this accolade? Heather: I’m proud of who I am and happy to let people know I am happy being gay. My mum told me about the Pink List – I was most thrilled by the fact she was really proud of me because of it.

Tune into Lip Service this autumn on BBC 3.

Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

Whether you’re a novice or a budding Fanny Craddock, come down to our healthy cooking workshop. Experts will be on hand with loads of ideas for simple, hearty recipes. With the help of a cooking tutor, you’ll get to make your very own meal and eat it too. Places are limited, so please book a space ASAP by contacting Kate on 0845 3 30 30 30 or e-mail kate.francis@lgf.org.uk

CRAFTERNOON Saturday November 20th (2-5pm) @ The LGF, Number 5, Richmond Street, Manchester, M1 3HF Crafternoon is back just in time for the perfect homemade Christmas gift! If the credit crunch is biting you hard then knit your way out of it! Get going on your Xmas scarves, jumpers and i-pod ho-ho-holder, and make your own creative Crimbo cards!

SCRATCH IT & GIVE ME A BEAT DJWORKSHOP Saturday December 11th (2-5pm) @ The LGF, Number 5, Richmond Street, Manchester, M1 3HF.

For further info about these events, keep an eye on www.lgf.org.uk, or email women@lgf.org.uk

HERITAGE OCTOBER IS BLACK HISTORY MONTH and a major new initiative documenting Black LGBT heritage is proudly going….


ROUTES On 21 October 2010, rukus! Federation Ltd will be officially launching the countries first ever Black LGBT Archive, at its new home The London Metropolitan Archives.

This will be Europe’s first ever archive of this kind and will provide a wonderful opportunity to see materials that have been collected over the years, along with future development plans and tips for anyone interested in getting involved and beginning to look after their own archive items and materials. “Our work is unique because the Black LGBTQ community is central to the re-

Other useful Black LGBT Websites UK Blackout provides a space to disseminate information and for Black LGBT people to interact and discuss issues that are relevant to them. www. ukblackout.com MOC- UK Men of Colour magazine. In print and online. www.ukmoc.com

telling and capturing of its own history” says Ajamu –Artist and Co- founder of the rukus! Black LGBTQ Archive. rukus! Federation Ltd is known for its long-standing and successful programme of community-based work with black lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans artist and cultural producers, locally, nationally and internationally. Their work has a reputation for being dynamic and participative, and includes one off events, screenings, workshops, debates and exhibitions. The mission of the rukus! Black LGBTQ Archive, which was launched in 2005, is to collect, preserve, exhibit, and otherwise make available to the public historical, cultural, and artistic materials related to the black lesbian, gay bisexual, trans and queer communities in the United Kingdom.

The archive currently includes printed materials (books, magazines, newsletters, journals, pamphlets, flyers, prints and photographs) and moving images and recorded sound materials (film/video, music and conference proceedings) organisational records (agendas, minutes, reports etc) and Ephemera (badges, T shirts etc) The archive is Europe’s first dedicated archive devoted to the history, heritage and experience of people’s lives. There is a continual programme of collecting materials, oral stories for the archive and rukus! would like to hear from individuals who have been involved in community organisations /groups from the 1980’s outside of London. Please contact Ajamu on 07813 823 095, or email info@rukus.co.uk or please join rukus! via their Facebook group to be kept informed of current projects and how you can become involved in looking after your own histories. The Black LGBT Archives London Metropolitan Archives 40 Northampton Road Clerkenwell London EC1R 0HB Telephone: 020 7332 3820 More about Black History Month: www.black-history-month.co.uk www.lgf.org.uk



N A I L D U P LIVER D N A Y A G BLACK Kevin Maxwell is a writer and performer who was born and raised in Liverpool, before moving on to Manchester in his 20’s, and then London. He was raised Catholic, but now finds Buddhism of interest. As a gay man of mixed heritage (white English and black Caribbean) Kevin has experienced racism and homophobia in his public sector employment, and last year he was diagnosed with reactive depression as a result of his experiences. He is the youngest of 11 children and is an adult orphan after losing his mum to ovarian cancer when he was just 26. Kevin has a partner Alex, who he married in Toronto, and here Kevin shares his story and some of his thoughts on issues that are important to him. We hope you find Kevin’s story as inspiring as we do.

ON MENTAL HEALTH... It was just after July of this year that I decided to really take control of my own life. I learned that a national tabloid was going to publish a story about me, detailing the challenge I was making against my employer on the grounds of race & sexual orientation discrimination. As a consequence of the journalist seeing fit to make public my sexuality (which was never a secret by any stretch of the imagination) and my current mental illness, I took the decision to fully come out of the closet on my terms, as you may have gathered. Just twelve months earlier, my life changed dramatically when I was diagnosed with severe depression, caused as a reaction to my experiences of racism and homophobia in the workplace. It manifested itself into extreme stomach pains and headaches. This led me to hospital - my body’s way of telling me enough was enough. An uncontrollable chain of events began leading me to the position I find myself in today – trying to beat depression whilst fighting for my rights. This was not a fight I wanted to have and certainly not in such a public way as the newspaper intended. But, there comes a point in your life when you have to stand up and be counted. When I found out the article was going to be published and that it was going to try and discredit me, I knew I had to do all I could to stop the lies from being printed. The intention of the


Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk


O R E H O “We should M O H MY all play our part in fighting discrimination of all forms wherever it exists. It gives greater integrity to the wider LGBT S E O R E cause.” Z O M HO BARACK OBAMA

“Barack Obama has to be my HOMO HERO. His presidency has inspired me as a black person and his inauguration speech was passionate mentioning the rights of gay people. “

person who contacted the newspaper was to hurt me and it did. At this same point, something changed in me. I realised that no one person should have power over another, especially when the playing field isn’t level. Bullies only bully if you let them. I thought depression didn’t happen to someone like me, but it did. It brought shame and embarrassment in a way I hadn’t expected and which I now know is wrong, but I have been fortunate to have the love of my partner and the support of my GP and counsellor.

ON BLACK PRIDE... I recently wrote an article on UK Black Pride for Pink News, after reading negative comments made by LGBT people about the need for such an event. My article generated similar reaction, which given my own experiences, did not surprise me. As LGBT people, we cannot fight for equality on one hand and discriminate on the other. We cannot celebrate Prides, but disagree with Black Pride and its need. We should be looking at ways we can better understand black culture and one way is during October’s Black History Month. Integration is key to a successful society, but we first need to know the fears of black people. Many have strong influences of religion and heritage, which prevent this. Other factors like high unemployment creates low self-esteem too. The recent story of John Amaechi being refused admission into a gay bar shows it doesn’t matter who you are sometimes when you’re black. We should all play

our part in fighting discrimination of all forms wherever it exists. It gives greater integrity to the wider LGBT cause. You can follow ‘Racism Ruins Lives’ on Facebook.

ON GAY MARRIAGE... I attended a friend’s Civil Partnership in September and she joked with me afterwards that it wasn’t like my ‘proper’ marriage, which made me think. It shouldn’t have taken Alex and I earlier this year to cross the Atlantic to marry in Toronto, Canada. Commitment to another is important to LGBT people and the sooner we have full marriage equality in Britain, the better. On a plus, we did get to buy our rings at Tiffany’s New York rather than Elizabeth Duke!

ON RELIGION... The Pope’s recent visit to the UK caused controversy. I was raised a Catholic, but the upbringing I was provided with by my tireless widowed mum (I’m the 11th child) was such that your religion was a private matter, which was not put upon others. You can believe in your faith, but still hold true your own personal opinions. The church’s view on homosexuality, the use of condoms and the ordaining of women I do not agree with, like many Catholics. This is the same as not all gays listen to Kylie and drink cocktails as it was recently suggested!

BULLIES “Bullies are my HOMO ZEROES. I’m currently writing a memoir detailing the racist and homophobic experiences, which led to my breakdown to help raise awareness. “ To sum up, as gay people; black, white or inbetween, we are constantly fighting prejudice and preconceptions. We all need to have the courage to stand up for ourselves and be heard, it’s the only way things will change. I’m in no way an activist and have been loyal to my Country as a public servant, but it’s important when things are not fair, that we challenge this and empower ourselves.

thoughts s story and his hi g in ar sh r fo ll.co.uk Kevin .kevinmaxwe ld like to thank w ou w w w t at es n w vi th outnor e about Ke Bottom’ blog. n find out mor ‘View from the s hi with us. You ca at n io ss g with Depre including ‘Livin www.lgf.org.uk



! T H G I SPOTL ANNIE EMERY on why it’s so important for lesbian and bisexual women to have a cervical screen test. Are you ready for your screen test? Cervical screening of women began in the UK in the 1960s. Since then, lesbian and bisexual women accessing screening have experienced homophobia, assumptions that they are heterosexual, inappropriate treatment and, most damaging of all, misinformation about their health when it comes to cervical screening. We’ve not done ourselves too many favours within our own community either. Myths abound passed on from lovers to partners to friends, that because we sleep with women we do not need to go for cervical screening – and let’s be honest, perhaps because it isn’t the most pleasant experience in the world – any excuse not to go eh girls?


m lovers o r f n o d e s s a p d “MYTHS aboun don’t e w t a h t s d n ie fr to partners to creening...” s l a ic v r e c r o f need to go

Thankfully as we move forward in the 21st century the needs of lesbian and bisexual women are starting to be examined and understood. In 2009 the NHS changed it’s guidance regarding cervical screening, and now recognises that all women with a cervix who are aged between 25 and 64 are entitled to a free cervical screening regardless of their sexual orientation or sexual history.

launch events in October, check out the advert on page 30. Expect fun, games, competitions, free food, giveaways and a right good laugh.

As a result of this change in guidance the Lesbian and Gay Foundation are delighted to be launching a brand new campaign to raise awareness within the lesbian and bisexual communities of the north west that if you are aged between 25 and 64, you are entitled to a free cervical screening test, and you need to be going for regular screening – every three years if you aged between 25 and 49, and every 5 years if you are aged between 50 and 64.

The bottom line is that if you have a cervix – you need to get screened regularly – it is better to know than be kept in the dark when it comes to your health. It may not be the most glamorous experience, but you have a right to have a screening, there are things you ask for to make it more comfortable and if you are unlucky enough to experience homophobia during your appointment you have the law on your side and there are ways to report it.

Our new campaign will tell you everything you need to know when it comes to you and cervical screening. The campaign booklet will tell you why you should go for a screening, what happens when you go, your right to screen, how to come out when you screen, and tips on how to make the whole experience work better for you! Along with a campaign booklet we will be holding three

The test only takes a few minutes and it could save your life. Your cervix is worth it. For more information visit www.lgf.org.uk/ screening or call the LGF helpline on 0845 3 30 30 30.

Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk


Registered Charity No.1070904

“lesbian & bisexual women need cervical screening too”

10 Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People



for more on this campaign visit www.lgf.org.uk/screening or e-mail women@lgf.org.uk call 0845 3 30 30 30




HOW IS IT for you? STEPHEN 31

It’s hard enough coming out never mind having the confidence to find a boyfriend or a sexual partner and then there’s the whole safer sex thing to negotiate. Of course if you aren’t ‘out’ this can be even harder. So how do guys deal with this issue if they aren’t supported by their friends and family or if they are from faith or cultural backgrounds that don’t accept same sex relationships? We went out on Canal Street to ask a few guys about their own experiences and wanted to know who they turn to for support if they want to talk about sex.


Stephen is 31 and bisexual. Stephen has recently volunteered to be one of the LGF’s condom models for the new safer sex packs that will be launched early in 2011 so for him it is important to practice safer sex all of the time. Steven thinks that if he needed sexual health advice he would prefer to get information from another gay/bi man or a man from the BME community. If you want to know where to find Steven he says he usually meets his sexual partners “In local bars and whilst out shopping!”

chip 31 40 year old Chip usually meets guys “at social events, such as bars or parties. “I’m also a member of various sports groups, and sometimes meet people there.” he says. Chip thinks it is “very important to think about safe sex, but it doesn’t always happen. Having the word “gay” on the packs is important. Having said this, it depends on the area as some cultures can have an issue with this. This is the reason why people from certain ethnic groups may come out later in life. There is also the issue of men being ‘macho’ in some cultures, and being gay is not seen as ‘manly’ or ‘macho”’ I came from a religious background, and this can make it difficult to be out to family.”

junior 22 Junior is 22 and usually meets guys in the gay village. For him it is important to practice safer sex all of the time although he often finds that standard condoms aren’t big enough for his needs(!) and when it comes to talking about sex and sexual health he would also prefer to talk to another gay or bisexual man if he needed support or information.

irfan 25 25 year old Irfan (not his real name) is bisexual and of mixed heritage. “I am only out to some people, and I am not out to my parents. In some cultures there is a strong pressure to be masculine, and being gay or bisexual is not seen as masculine.” Irfan says he usually meets partners in the gay village, but often feels the village is ‘too sexualised.’ “You can’t just talk to people without them thinking that you want this to go further. Usually people just go out on Canal Street to pull, and not to make friends.” He says.

online opinion Research* suggests that Asian gay and bisexual men are more likely than all other ethnic groups to conceal their sexuality while African and black Caribbean men who have sex with men are over represented in diagnoses of HIV infection and are more likely to acquire Sexually Transmitted Infections. The challenges of both homophobia and racism can also lead to many black and Asian gay and bisexual men feeling isolated, and less able to access support, services or information from family, community or statutory sources With this in mind we went online to find out what issues black and Asian men in Manchester thought about their own sexual health and what issues they think need addressing. *Research according to Making it Count (www.sigmaresearch.org. uk), The Big Update (www.gmfa. org.uk) and the Gay Men’s Sex Survey (www.gmss.org.uk)

Asian Bisexual, 25: “I am constantly being asked to fuck guys bareback all the time. I’ve been asked for sex from older guys, when I say no they offer money to fuck them bareback, this I think is disgusting. I went to the sauna last week and there were loads of guys fucking ‘raw’ even though there were condoms about, it seemed to be the norm recently and I don’t know why. I don’t think that the message is getting across, to be honest it seems most people want it bareback but for me its a nogo area its safe or nothing”

Black, Gay, 23: “The numbers of guys online looking for unsafe sex is staggering and these sites should make a rule not to allow such messages or to remove profiles advertising for seeding, bb etc.” Black, Gay, 29: “I use protection and I visit the STI clinic at least twice per year. I usually get my condoms and lube from gay bars in and around Manchester and I find them easily obtainable in these venues. I’m glad there are still organisations out there promoting good sexual practice.”

South Asian Gay, 30: “I like sex without condoms but I can’t do it with strangers so safe sex is good practice.I am not out and only once been to the gay village so I never get condoms from anywhere. I rarely meet people and I ask the guy if he has condoms or not. I am gay and I am not out and can’t be out. I know I am gay but on the other hand I’m Muslim and this thing affects every aspect of my life career and everything.”

Mixed Race Gay, 25: “What bugs me is those who are having unprotected sex with guys and NEVER GETTING TESTED! It’s not the condoms that are the issue it’s the men who refuse to go out and get their regular check ups. I’m HIV+ so I know what I’m talking about, the amount of men I’ve had to question why they want to fuck without a condom and who I know fuck without condoms with other guys who they know are HIV+ shocks me. I think you need to tackle getting people to GET TESTED whether they use condoms or not.”

Questions about sex and your health? Call the LGF Helpline on 0845 3 30 30 30 www.lgf.org.uk


the launch event Starring comedy sensations

KOOKY BABOOSHKA! (at selected venues) Also starring


6pm FRIDAY 22 OCTOBER 4pm-


le So

Registered Charity No.1070904

lab Avai

10 Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People








for more on these events visit www.lgf.org.uk/screening or e-mail women@lgf.org.uk call 0845 3 30 30 30







Just come out? Want to celebrate a whole new

beginning in your life ? Welcome to the pa rty! Just remember, all good things in mode ration!

Text: Sara Ashworth One of the best parts (or of being freshly out elf) urs yo to t even just ou on t ou ht nig a is having e. your local gay scen a be n ca it me so For ople, pe w ne et me to y wa and ce increase confiden s. nd start to make frie n be But, for others it ca alienating. your own If you are shy or not comfortable in seem to be can s drug g takin and ing drink skin, , especially a way to overcome these problems s to try drug g if you are also drinking and takin may you ions and escape from any bad react ess. proc out ing have had during the com es other Historically a lack of safe social spac one of the as cited often is s club and then bars bisexual main reasons why LGB&T (lesbian, gay, nces of insta and trans) people may have higher rs facto r othe of drug and alcohol use, but a lot


being also come into play. Feeling isolated, it all in a from pe esca to ing depressed and want ct on impa huge a have can safe place that feels use. you es tanc subs of the amount scene at any It is easy to get carried away in the to being time in your life, but if you are new too often all are ol openly gay, drugs and alcoh ds. frien e mak seen as a way to fit in and s a lot of Not everyone takes drugs and drink say that to c alisti unre be ld wou it alcohol but g into bein of trap the into fall to easy it’s not with people be to way a as t nigh y ever bars the people being that are like you. Seeing other gay the most of one is out and about with friends e out as com first you n empowering things whe and life your live can you it lets you know that er matt no that and al norm are be gay, that you ity. mun com a to ng belo what, you ing alcohol However if this then turns into drink have a to most evenings and not being able need you then s night out without taking drug

Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

into to address the problem before it turns being and out ing something that can make com ive posit the than r gay a negative thing rathe thing that it is. ence of a mix Being drunk and or under the influ itions to inhib your r lowe can s drug rent of diffe in things a level where you may engage in certa and this r, sobe you wouldn’t normally do when ke... to karao at 7 b can range from singing S-Clu having unprotected sex. the scene To say that people who are new to s is drug take or h muc too drink shouldn’t of any part big a such be can it as c, unrealisti socialise to night life, but when your only place of use the is somewhere that emphasises line the draw to drink and drugs it can be hard safe. g bein and self between enjoying your only way It is important to remember that your being out gh throu isn’t ds frien gay new to make be friends every night. Besides, who wants to h they are with someone who has drunk so muc

The Lesbian and Gay Foundation have teamed up with Large Outdoors to take the fight against homophobia to new heights!


a reputation for being being sick on the dance floor or has after come midnight the one that everyone else has to look because they’ve overdone it again? have fun, learn all the gay If you are new to the scene, go out, but remember that over ds dance moves and make new frien g yourself is. bein this, indulging is not the way to do so will the amount of Your confidence will grow in time and n’t want to hang out gay friends you have. If someone does drugs or heavy drinking with you because you’re not that into ds with in the first place? then are they really worth being frien for you and then you Find a place in the scene that is right the fine line between find will meet the right friends for you; morning horrified next the up enjoying yourself and waking re. befo t nigh at what you have done the and having to cope with Coming out can be a scary process ds can be a daunting the reactions from family and frien a range of social and thought and that is why the LGF has are just coming out and support groups that are great if you want to make new friends. website Have a look at our e us a call giv or uk www.lgf.org. for more on 0845 3 30 30 30 n always just information. You ca l give you pop in too and we wil of issues from advice on a range d alcohol and an safer sex, drugs r services, ou of accessing any get you on lp he n ca that way we ur coming yo ing joy en to your way out process.


10 Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People



From November 19th to the 21st a group of adventurers will be taking on the Old Man of Coniston Challenge and the money raised from sponsorship will go directly to the LGF so that we can continue supporting the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered community.

For more information contact shaun.lloyd@lgf.org.uk or why not get involved and sponsor us at www.justgiving.com/lgf/Donate


Reg. Charity No.1070904

Registered Charity No.1070904


For information on drug taking, visit the Talk To Frank website: www.talktofrank.com

10 Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People






UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS In the last ten years, women’s healthcare has come on leaps and bounds. With the birth of NHS Direct, advances in medicine and better treatment options, your health taking a nosedive doesn’t have to mean disastrous consequences. Text: Lucy Rolfe

In the dark, rainy days of October comes the beacon of hope that is Breast Cancer Awareness month; a celebration of record survival rates for women tacking ‘The Big C’ and a timely reminder of how important it is for us ladies to look after our health. ‘Thanks for the Mammaries’ is a booklet produced by LGF, especially for lesbian and bisexual women and tells you everything you need

to know about breasts. You can download the resource from our website for free, or we’d be happy to post one out to you if you get in touch. This month also sees the launch of The Lesbian & Gay Foundation’s Cervical Screening campaign, where we are talking to lesbians and bisexual women from across the North West about going for that all important check-up. Meeting women at events, we have found that some are being advised by healthcare professionals that they don’t need regular screenings, because they are at less risk of developing cervical cancer than heterosexual women; advice that is not only concerning, but wrong. Detecting the signs of cervical cancer early is key to ensuring that the disease doesn’t progress any further. We hope that our

Where’s Your Head At and Know Your Mental Health are available now. You can also see them online at www.lgf.org.uk 34

Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

So next time you’re doing your hair, putting your makeup on or plucking your eyebrows, take a few minutes to try one of our positive steps to looking after your physical health, because girls, we’re so worth it!

Registered Charity No.1070904

campaign will make sure that lesbian and bisexual women know their rights when it comes to cervical screening, and give them the confidence to challenge any bad advice.


10 Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People Regularly checking your breasts for lumps and changes takes just a few minutes, and can easily be done in the shower or before you get dressed. If you notice any changes in texture, shape, size or anything else that concerns you, make an appointment with your GP. If you’ve received a letter from your GP, or if you’ve not had a cervical screening for more than three years, pick up the phone and make an appointment. The screening only takes a few minutes and it could save your life. Booking yourself a health MOT is quick and easy; regular check ups with your doctor can give you piece of mind and pick up any underlying health problems in plenty of time. Arrange to do something positive for women’s health by signing up for Race For Life to raise money for Cancer Research’s groundbreaking work in preventing and treating female cancers. The events are held nationally and are a great way to get fit, just visit www.raceforlife.org to get started. Slap on the SPF – yes it’s raining outside and you’re wearing a woolly jumper, but choosing skincare products that protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays can prevent premature ageing and reduce the risk of skin cancer. Look out for at least an SPF 15. Stress is linked to lots of different physical health problems, such as high blood pressure. Take some time each day to unwind and relax, even if it’s only 5 minutes – small changes like this can make a big difference to your overall health. If you are coping with health problems, you don’t have to struggle alone. We can’t offer medical advice, but we can offer you a safe and confidential place to come and talk things through, whether it’s through our helpline, pop-in service of counselling, we’re here if you need us. For more information on breast health and Breast Cancer Awareness Month, visit www.breastcancercare.org.uk/ NHS Direct provide health advice and reassurance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – you can call them on 0845 46 47 or visit www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk If you’re a lesbian or bisexual woman, live in the North West and are aged 16 or over, we’d love for you to get involved in The LGF and Salford University’s Cervical Screening Campaign. Just visit www.lgf.org.uk for more details or call us on 0845 3 30 30 30. If you’re concerned about cervical cancer or getting screened, contact your GP or NHS Direct. The Lesbian & Gay Foundation. We’re here if you need us. Call 0845 3 30 30 30 any time between 10am and 10om or pop-in and see us at Number 5, Richmond Street, Manchester, M1 3HF. You can also drop us an e-mail to info@lgf.org.uk or visit www.lgf.org.uk.

CAROUSEL A social group lesbian, and bisexual women over 16.



WE NEED YOU! Come join us every 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesday of the month for our social group, Carousel. The group is for lesbian & bisexual woman aged 16 + and is based at The LGF on Richmond Street in Manchester. Carousel is there to make friends and enjoy activities away from the scene. We chat, have craft, quiz and pamper nights, play games and go on trips. But what better way is there to describe Carousel than to ask some if its members what they think...

“Carousel was there for me at a time when I was feeling down. Thanks to the members of Carousel I now feel like I have a group of friends who I can meet up with on a regular basis and have a laugh with.” “Everybody is lovely and are great to be friends with. Carousel has built my confidence up very much since I first came and I’m getting to know more in the community.” “Carousel is awesome. I started going when I first moved to Manchester and I’ve met so many friends. Everyone’s really welcoming, friendly and its always a good laugh.” So if want to try something new, have just moved to the area or simply want to make new friends, come on down. Call 0845 3 30 30 30 to find out how to get involved. www.lgf.org.uk






Photo: Paul Jones, Exposure Illustration: Mark H Evans Words: Daniel Gomez



Most of us have a “type” when it comes to men – some like them big and hairy, some like them ultra– chubby and others like them slim and smooth. What works for one guy may not work for the next – you have to find the man that “fits”. This approach also goes for condoms – not all rubbers are created equal! In today’s market, there’s a variety of condoms that help prevent the spread of HIV/STIs. But does one size fit all? Unfortunately the answer is NO. Most of us would like to believe that we require the Extra Large mega-condom, but let’s be honest – very few of us actually do. Finding the perfect condom is like finding the perfect boyfriend: you have to try on a few before you find the one that fits. Finding the right condom can make the difference between good safer sex and GREAT safer sex. So what are our options? As I’ve mentioned in previous columns, there are larger condoms for the wellendowed man. They provide a bit more space in terms of thickness and length, which can mean the difference between a comfortable fit and a tight fit. For the majority of us, standard-size condoms fit just fine and offer plenty of room. But what’s available for those of us who are a bit smaller than average? Realistically, if you’re using a condom

ONE SIZE DOESN’T FIT ALL! Ask the Bear Sexpert anything! Send your thoughts, comments and questions to sexualhealth@lgf. org.uk

that’s too large then you run the risk of “slippage”, increasing the likelihood that your partner might end up dashing to the toilet on a fishing expedition of sorts. This not only kills the mood but also completely negates the point of using a condom in the first place. Luckily there are a few newer products on the market that are sold as “Tighter Fitting” or “Snug Fit”. For many of us, sensation seems to be the issue. The lack of sensitivity we experience with latex condoms can create a problem for some men, and still others suffer from a latex allergy that prevents them from using most

Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

mainstream condoms. Not to worry – there are now products that can address both of these issues. Polyurethane condoms (the only non-latex condoms that can still prevent HIV/STI transmission) are widely available. They’re slightly more expensive, but lots of guys prefer them since polyurethane is better at conducting heat. Plus there’s increased sensitivity compared to latex. Think about how much time we spend searching for the right pair of shoes. And they only go on our feet! Finding the right condom for you and your partner is worth the effort – it can transform safer sex from a chore into a pleasure.




For even more practical advice about how to have a happy, healthy sex life, visit The Lesbian & Gay Foundation website today. Bookmark www.lgf.org.uk now!






Never being boring


“Darling, being gay is the best excuse you’ll have for not being boring” as Edina once said in Absolutely Fabulous. With all of the fears out there about safer sex, drinking too much, smoking too much or taking too many drugs, the one fear that seems to preside over gay life is the fear of growing up, settling down and getting boring. For some of us, the lifestyle of constant bed hopping and club hopping well past our formative years seems to be the one way to make sure that we are still having as much fun as possible. As we get older we have to remember that partying on a school night will have more of a toll on our bodies than when we were 18! Hangovers last for days rather than hours, and those crow’s feet that we try so hard to keep at bay will be etching their way down to our ankles if we’re not careful. One of the reasons why STI and HIV rates continue to rise amongst gay men is because many of us are, in many ways, acting like horny teenagers. Any kind of safer sex planning, including having condoms ready, can go out of the window in the heat of the moment. Suggesting condom use, or talking about sex before jumping into bed with someone, does not have to kill the moment, or mean that you are a fuddyduddy kill joy. Looking after ourselves, whilst having fun at the same time is the best way to maintain a positive mental attitude. Regret, low self esteem and guilt can all come about because of bad decisions, sometimes made whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


Lindley House Health Centre, 1 John St, OLDHAM OL8 1DF.

Talking to your sexual partners has never been as important. If you are old enough to having sex, then you should be able to talk about it. I don’t mean slurring sweet nothings into someone’s ear at 3am as you are about to get into a taxi, but actually talking about sex, and being comfortable enough to do it. This ensures, if nothing else, that you can cut out all of that crap sex, or the kind that you wish you hadn’t done. There is nothing boring about looking after yourself.



Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People




Whether you’re looking for relationship advice, you’re concerned about your sexual health, or you want to get involved with your community, call the LGF any time between 10am and 10pm on 0845 3 30 30 30. www.lgf.org.uk


4-7pm for gay and bisexual men. Registered Charity No.1070904

Registered Charity No.1070904




10 Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People



If you have no symptoms and would like a sexual health check up, why not come along? For more information please contact:

0845 3 30 30 30 (10am-10pm every day)

E-mail: info@lgf.org.uk or www.lgf.org.uk


READY TO If you’re fed up with the same old same old, are new to the scene or want to improve your health and fitness... Get In! “Get In” is a new resource from The Lesbian & Gay Foundation which is designed to help you improve your health and wellbeing, find alternatives to the scene and even encourage sports-phobes like me to get active! We are honoured to have gay rugby legend Gareth Thomas involved in the project, he has even written the foreword to “Get In” - urging lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people to embrace sport. Gareth says:“My message is that I am so passionate about rugby that if I can play, I will play…and I hope this is the same for all lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people no matter what sport you’re interested in from beginners to professionals. There are lots of stereotypes in this world from gay stereotypes to sporting ones, but anyone can participate in and benefit from sport.” “Sport does a great deal for your life; it gives you great values and ethics, and is a great way to meet new friends. That’s what life for me is all about – get out there and do it, just try it!”




Pick up your copy from the usual places now, e-mail us for a copy at info@lgf.org.uk, or visit out website: www.lgf.org.uk

Many people are put off playing sports or even spectating for fear of encountering homophobia or transphobia, but “Get In” features real life stories with LGBT people who play and watch sports on a daily basis and who highlight the positives of getting involved in sport.

you can get more involved in sports and Gay Outdoors encourage you to get in touch with your adventurous side.

Footballer Rachel Brown says:“I have been involved in Manchester Stingers WFC for 6 years now and it’s changed my life. I have made some friends for life and it’s presented the perfect environment for me to fully “come out.””

Whatever sport you’re into or want to get into,“Get In” signposts all the LGB&T sporting groups in the North West from athletic and ball sports, to dance and martial arts, to racquet sports and water sports.

Also in “Get In”, Mersey Marauders Paul Amann gives you his top tips on setting up a group, Pride Sports signpost how

So what’s stopping you...Get In! To get copies of “Get In” for you or your group email info@lgf.org.uk

Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

There’s also top tips on diet and nutrition, information about drugs and alcohol, and advice on training and exercising sensibly.


WHO GET’S YOUR VOTE? There are two youth ‘Being Proud’ Awards and six sports award categories, including; Female Sports Achiever of the Year, Male Sports Achiever of the Year, Sports Coach of the Year, Sports Volunteer of the Year, Sports Club of the Year and Community Investor of the Year.

Pride Sports want to celebrate the wealth of talent and commitment in LGBT Sport in the North West and nominations for the 2011 Community Sports Awards go online on Monday 18th October 2010 at www.pridegames.org.

The Winners of the Community Sports Awards will be presented with their awards at the annual Pride Games Dinner. This is year it’s taking place on February 17th at the Palace Hotel in Manchester. Tickets for the Dinner will be available from the Pride Games website from November. www.pridegames.org



Manchester is bidding to host the Eurogames in 201 5, Pride Sports, Manchester City Counci l events team, Marketing Manchester and the North West Development Agency are working tog ether to get ready for the bidding presentati on in March 2012. If the bid is successful it will mean up to 6,000 partici pants in 28 sports, plus tho usands of visitors! Go Team Manchester.

For the next two years LGBT History Month will focus on sport, so LGBT History Month has teamed up with Pride Sports, the UK’s leading LGBT sports development organisation.

TEAM MANC TRIUMPH AT HESTER GAY GAMES! During August a sizeabl e sporting arm

This partnership work kicks off at Twickenham Rugby Stadium November 2nd with the pre-launch of February’s LGBT History Month. The Pre-Launch provides organisations with an opportunity to gather ideas about activities they can undertake during LGBT History Month. Speakers include; LGBT History Month Patrons, rugby player Gareth Thomas, basketball legend John Amaechi, Dikeledi Sibanda of South Africa’s Black Lesbian Football


Team the ‘Chosen Few’ and Louise Englefield, Co-president of the European Gay and Lesbian Sports Federation. For more information and to register, go to www.lgbthm.eventbrite.com.

BELLY FLOP! It was announced in the last outnorthwest that Team LGF swimmers, Joe, Jo and Sam would be swimming a mile across Strathclyde Loch in August. Unfortunately the Great Scottish Swim was cancelled due to dangerous blue green algae on the surface of the water. Undeterred, our swimmers will be taking part in the event in 2011 – only next year they’ll be sticking to Salford Quays! If you sponsored the swimmers and want more information e-mail info@lgf.org.uk

y from the North West retu triumphant from Cologn rned e, Germany, having taken part in the Gay Games VIII. More than 100 North West sports participants, including many from Team Manchester spo rts groups, including: Nor thern Wave Swim, Manchester Sharks Water Polo, Northern Flight Bad minton, Northern Jump Volleyball, Village Manchester FC, Slam Du nkin Divas and Open Athletics - who brought back dozens of medals and a Games record! This was set by Northern Wave Swimmer, Johann a Helminger, for her 100m backstroke. LGBT Multi-sport events like Gay Games, EuroGames and World Outgames are all about pride, participat ion and personal best, which means you don ’t have to be all that spo rty to get involved! Interested? You can find out how and where to get involved in more local sports at www.team manchester.org


HAM CUP! Manchester’s Village Spa rtans compete in the Bin gham Cup, an International competitio n for ‘gay’ rugby teams, eve ry two years. And the amazing news is Manch ester was successful in its recent bid to host The Bingham Cup in June 201 2. Huge congratulation s to everyone involved in the bid - especially The Village Spartans. BEARS WITH BA

LLS! Manbears and Pride Spo rts have teamed up to pre sent ‘Bears with Balls’, a unique and hairy Ten Pin Bowling experience! Bow ling days will be on the second Saturday of the month 6pm - 8pm on the same evening as Hairy, the Manbears Clu b night.

2 pages of sport and fitness every issue supported with enthusiasm by: www.lgf.org.uk


greater manchester


Free Safer Sex Packs available at most venues

MaNchEsTeR MaNchEsTeR

88 Listing Indicator

£ Portland Street

Major Street

Hart Street


42 44 41


Bloom Street









100 Bloom St,

Baa-Bar 27 Sackville Street, 0161 247 7997, glitter balls and a flashy dance floor, baabar.co.uk 3

Bar fifty7 Fourways House, 57 Hilton Street, 0161 236 5757 5

20 30 23


e Str un

to Ay


Whitworth Street


Cruz 101 101 Princess St, 0161 950 0101, one of Manchester’s most popular nightclubs, cruz101.com 11

12 Eden 3 Brazil Street, 0161 237 9852, food served daily, edenbar.co.uk

Eagle 15 Bloom Street, new venue. 13


24 The New Union 111 Princess St, 0161 228 1492 newunionhotel.com

32 View 40 Canal St, 0161 236 9033

15 Manto 46 Canal Street, 0161 236 2667, bar over three floors, mantobar.com

25 The Outpost 4-6 Whitworth St, 0161 236 5400 legendsmanchester.com

Mint Lounge Gay Friendly 46-50 Oldham St, 0161 228 1495, trendy bar, mintlounge.com

40 The Parlour Richmond St, theparlourmanchester.com

Overdraught Student 121 Princess Street, 0161 237 0811

10 Crunch 10 Canal Street, 0161 236 0446, crunchbar.co.uk


Mancunia 8 Minshull St, 0161 835 1300, nightclub over three floors.

company bar Only 28 Richmond St, 0161 237 9329, companybarmanchester.co.uk 9 Coyotes 14 Chorlton Street, 0161 236 4007, pleasant two floor bar, coyotesbar.co.uk

25 14

31 Via 28-30 Canal St, 0161 236 6523, viamanchester.com

New York New York 94 Bloom St, 0161 236 6556, busy fun pub, popular with lesbians and gays of all ages.



The Bay Horse 35-37 Thomas St, 0161 661 1041, a traditional gay friendly pub, thebayhorsepub.co.uk

Churchills 37 Chorlton St, 0161 236 5529, karoke Tues and Thurs, churchillsmanchester.com


The Rembrandt 33 Sackville St, 0161 236 1311, traditional pub, rembrantmanchester.com 26

27 Thompsons Arms 23 Sackville Street, 0161 237 5919.


4 tonic 34 Canal Street, 0161 236 5757, intimate and modern bar serving drinks and food.


Paddy’s Goose 29 Bloom St, 0161 236 1246, traditional pub.

28 Tribeca Gay Friendly 50 Sackville Street, 0161 236 8300, New York style lounge, tribeca-bar.co.uk

Queer 4 Canal Street, 0161 228 1368, queer-manchester.com

Vanilla 39-41 Richmond Street, 0161 657 8890, vanillagirls.co.uk

21 Retro Bar 78 Sackville Street, 0161 274 4892, retrobarmanchester.com

30 Velvet 2 Canal St, 0161 236 9003, food served daily, velvetmanchester.com



22 Spirit Canal Street, 0161 237 9725, lively and modern three-floor bar, spiritbar.uk.com



Piccadilly Train Station

14 Legends 4-6 Whitworth Street, 0161 236 5400, legendsmanchester.com

16 Napoleons 35 Bloom St, 0161 236 8800, welcomes all LGB&T customers, napoleons.co.uk


h kC



Canal Street

Sackville Gardens

Bull’s Head Gay Friendly 84 London Rd, 0161 236 1724. 6


Registered Charity No.1070904

1 Alter Ego 105-107 Princess St, 0161 236 9266, home to Poptastic every Tuesday and Saturday night, clubalterego.co.uk




in Ch

London Road


Whitworth Street













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Canal Street

Chorlton Street


Brazil Street



Richmond Street




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Sackville Street

Princess Street


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Northern Quarter Hart Street


47 Richmond Street





Parking Cash Machine

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Bloom Street


Major Street

Minshull Street


(Free City Centre Bus)

Chorlton Street Bus/Coach Station

27 Abingdon Street

33 1

Chorlton Street

Sackville Street

Princess Street


Train Station Metrolink Stop Metroshuttle Stop

Portland Street

cluB Nights ALERT Fetish at Legends, 4th Friday of the month club-alert.com BOLLOX Pop/Indie at Legends, 3rd Friday of the month bolloxclub.com Club Fizz Charlton Club, women only 2nd Friday of the month, 9pm-1am £5, see facebook CLub lash Fetish at Legends, 2nd Friday of the month clublash.com Eager Beaver at Manto Bar Lounge, Friday’s FEDERATION Mainly Men at The Ritz, every bank holiday clubfederation.com gen-e-sis Women at Eden, lesbian club, 1st Sat of the month genesisclubnight.co.uk Homoelectric at Legends, 1st Friday every other month homoelectric.com Man Bears present Hairy! Bear at Legends, 2nd Saturday of the month manbears.co.uk Mish Mash Cabaret Circle Club, every 2nd Friday of the month, 8pm £8, mishmash1.com

Taurus 1 Canal St, 0161 236 4593, taurus-bar.co.uk 23

Listings are continually being updated. Please email your listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk Venues Key


Mainly Men

Mainly Women

Mainly Trans


Dance Floor

All information provided by venues. Please check before arrival


Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

Serves Food

Cash Point

Outdoor Seating

Disabled Access

greater manchester


Manchester Drug Service The Bridge, 104 Fairfield Street, 0161 273 4040

Olive Deli 36-38 Whitworth St, 0161 236 2360

Manchester Foyer 61 Booth St West, Hulme, 0161 276 1000, supported accomodation for 16-25’s, svha.co.uk

NICE ‘N’ NAUGHTY 39 Bloom Street, 0161 228 0020

Morning Glory at Queer, after hours every Saturday


Organic at Spirit, after hours every Sat.

ProBalance Personal Training 0161 833 4777, gay friendly personal training gym in the City Centre, pro-balance.co.uk

POPTASTIC Pop/Indie at Alter Ego, 07974 248 247 poptastic.co.uk Pretty in Pink 80’s club night joe.spencer@lgf.org.uk

commuNity & HEalth

Albert Kennedy Trust Princess House, 105-107 Princess St, 0161 228 3308, providing supported lodgings, mentoring, be-friending and information and advice to young LGBT people, admin@akt.org.uk 33

Kath Locke Centre 123 Moss Lane East, Hulme, 0161 455 0211, traditional & complimentary medicine.

QueensClean.co.uk Gay owned cleaning service. 0753 329 2451/ 0161 298 0335, queensclean@2die4.com 45 ROB 17 China Lane, 0161 236 6222, for all your leather, rubber and twisted gear, rob.com

The Lesbian Community Project 49-51 Sidney Street, 0161 273 7128, manchesterlep.org.uk

UPPERCUTS BARBERS The Arndale Market, 07784 156 693

The Village Citizen Advice Bureau 25a Hankinson Way, Salford Precinct, 0161 834 2005, advice@thevillage.org.uk

HOTELS & B&B's City Inn Manchester One Piccadilly Place, Auburn Street, 0161 242 1000, cityinn.com

33 The Lesbian & Gay Foundation (LGF) Princess House, 105-107 Princess St, 0161 235 8035, for all your LGB information and services, lgf.org.uk

CLYDEMOUNT GUEST HOUSE 866 Hyde Rd, Debdale Park, 0161 231 1515, bookings@clydemount.co.uk clydemount.co.uk

CROMA Pizza and Pasta 1 Clarance St, 0161 237 9799, croma.biz CROMA Pizza and Pasta 30 Longfield Centre, Prestwich, 0161 798 7666, croma.biz 35 DRIP COFFEE Fourways House, 57 Hilton Street, 0161 235 5100, relaxed and friendly coffee bar.

Eighth Day Vegan 111 Oxford Road, 0161 273 1850 36 Genghis khans 16 Chorlton Street, 0161 228 1631, genghiskhans.co.uk 37 jacksons Jackson’s Warehouse, 20 Tariff Street, 0161 228 2677, axm-arcobaleno.com

Lava Café Bar Castle Quay, 0161 833 2444, lavacafebar.co.uk LIVEBAIT Gay Friendly 22 Lloyd Street, 0161 817 4110, santeonline.co.uk SAPPORO Teppanyaki 91-93 Liverpool Road, 0161 831 9888 38 Shang Hi Gay Friendly 61 Whitworth St, 0161 228 7868

That Café 1031 Stockport Road, 0161 432 4672, thatcafe.co.uk

Shops & sERVICES 34 Bannatynes Health Club Gay Friendly 36-38 Whitworth St, 0161 236 6864 39

Clone Zone 36-38 Sackville Street, 0161 236 1398, clonezone.co.uk Dr Phil Tyson 0161 256 1890, Men’s Psychotherapist and relationship counselling. menstherapy.co.uk 41 Funky Crop Shop 37 Bloom Street,

Pankhurst Centre 60-62 Nelson Street, Chorlton-on-Medlock, 0161 273 5673, pankhurstcentre.org.uk St. Mary’s Centre New St. Mary’s Hospital, Hathersage Road, 0161 276 6515, sexual assault referral centre, stmaryscentre.org

The City Centre Project 52 Oldham Street, 0161 228 3308 and 3309, project works with young people 16-25 yrs who’s primary disadvantage is homelessness.


Manchester Smoking Cessation 0161 205 5998

44 Pure Tanning and Village Off License 37-39 Bloom St, 0161 236 1788

RECREATION clubrecreation.co.uk

BRASSERIE Gay Friendly Albert Square, 0161 834 7633

INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Gay 34 London Rd, 54 bedrooms, 0161 236 1010 46

Velvet Hotel 2 Canal Street, 0161 236 9003, velvetmanchester.com 30


CLINICS Jarman Clinic Withington Hospital, 0161 217 4939 North Manchester GUM Delaunays Rd, Crumpsall, 0161 720 2681

BLACK NORTH WEST 0845 3 30 30 30, for lesbian, gay and bisexual people of colour, meet at the LGF on the first Friday of the month from 7.30pm. CAROUSEL 0845 3 30 30 30, social group for lesbian and bisexual women meets 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesday 7.30-9pm. Edward carpenter community of gay men fortnightly meetings for gay men support, trust and friendship - also longer breaks away, gaycommunity.org.uk ESSENCE COUNSELLING info@essencecounselling.org www.essencecounselling.org

Gaydio 1st Floor, Portland Tower, Portland Street, info@gaydio.co.uk

outreach Clinic @ the LGF and 4 other locations, Mondays, no appointment needed, 0161 235 8035, lgf.org.uk

Gay in the uk Refugee Action, 23-37 Edge Street, 07824 473 479, LGBT social group for refugees & asylu seekers, 1st Tue of the month 6pm, lgbtsocial@yahoo.co.uk

inferno 496a Wilbraham Road, Chorlton, 0161 860 6666, seven day sauna for gay and bi men, infernosauna.com

the hathersage centre 280 Upper Brook St, 0161 276 5200 / 5212

Addaction 31 Robert St. 0161 214 0770, Prison resettlement for people with drug problems, addaction.org

BiPhoria 07941 811124, bisexual support 18+, biphoria.org.uk

Rusholme Health Centre Walmer Street, 0161 225 6699

Rapid HIV Testing @ the LGF Thursdays 4-6pm, no appointment needed, results in 20 mins, 0161 235 8035, lgf.org.uk

42nd St 20 Swan Street, 0161 832 0170, advice for young LGBs, fortysecondstreet.org.uk

ART CLASS 0845 3 30 30 30, arts based activity group meets every Friday 7-9pm.

North Manchester Hospital Same day HIV test clinic, 0161 720 2845

H2O Zone 36-38 Sackville Street, 0161 236 3876, seven day sauna for gay and bi men, h2ozonesauna.com


40+ GAY MENS GROUP 0845 3 30 30 30, support and social group meets every Thursday 7.30-9pm.

friends of sackville gardens 0161 235 8012, Meets monthly to plan improvements, maintenance and new planting in Sackville Gardens, emma@lgf.org.uk


48 The Basement Complex 18 Tariff Street, 0161 236 8131, seven day sauna for gay and bi men, basementcomplex.co.uk

Registered Charity No.1070904

Lifeshare 0161 953 4069, male sex workers advice, lifeshare.co.uk

Helen smith FUNERALS 07870 541668, funerals that are individual fitting and true, helensmithfunerals.co.uk

Please note all listings information is provided by third parties. The LGF can accept no responsibility for the quality of the services/groups listed

GROUPS 35+ Lesbian & Bi Women LGBT Centre, 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, for 35+ women to socialise and makre freinds away from the scene, meets every Wed 1-4pm, kerry.maskell@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk

gay MARRIED MENS GROUP A support group meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday 7.30-9pm at the LGF, 0845 3 30 30 30 Gay Naturist SWIM all ages, nude_n_manchester@yahoo.co.uk Icebreakers gay & bi men's support group meets 8pm every Wednesday at the LGF, 0845 3 30 30 30, icebreakersmanchester.org.uk Inner Enigma 0845 838 1264, trans and intersex support and advice, info@innerenigma.co.uk KESHET Advocacy, education and support

NorTh WeSt

NorTh weSt

Alcohol and Drug Services 29a Ardwick Green North, 0161 272 8844 alcoholanddrugservices.org.uk

NorTh WeSt

Barnardo’s Health Through Action The Progress Centre, Charlton Place, Ardwick Green, 0161 273 2901


BARNArDOS MANCHESTER LEAVING CARE SERVICES 36 Monton Street, 0161 226 6722, barnardos.org.uk Black Health Agency 464 Chester Rd, 0161 226 9145, AIDS Helpline: 0800 0967500, blackhealthagency.org.uk Body Positive 39 Russell Road, Whalley Range, 0161 882 2200, bpnw.org.uk Community Alcohol Team 0161 230 6382, manchestercat.org

0161 237 1032, village hair shop.

Community Arts North West 46-50 Oldham St, 0161 234 2975 can.uk.com

49 Gayter Hairdressing 57 Hilton Street, 0161 236 1128, hair salon, gayterhairdressing.com

George House Trust 77 Ardwick Green North, 0161 274 4499, ght.org.uk Lifeline 101-103 Oldham St, 0161 839 2054, lifeline.org.uk

Just4lesbians.com a friendship site for singles and couples all over the world. just4lesbians.com j4ldating.com a lesbian dating site. j4ldating.com


Gay North West Camping & Caravanning Club Free club for LGBT people who enjoy camping and caravanning, gnccc.co.uk Gay Outdoor Group - Ability Group Outdoor activities for people with all types of abilities/disabilities and their friends and family, ability@goc.org.uk LGBT Youth Northwest PO BOX 153, Manchester. M60 1LP, 0753 106 1777, Support & fun projects for LGBT Young people 14-25; support & training for practitioners working with young people, lgbtyouthnorthwest@yahoo.co.uk

Queer Youth Network info@queeryouth.net, queeryouth.net Trans Resource Empowerment Centre (TREC) 07513 880647, Trans activities and info, meets 2nd Sat at the LGF, board@transcentre.org.uk transcentre.org.uk trans youth support (north west) 07530 352079, Supporting Trans young people & those questionning their gender identity, aged under 25, through email, phone & up coming Trans Youth Events, trans.youth@yahoo.co.uk

SHOPS & Services

D.C.H.A. Services Dean Cooper: 07534 509108, Help for and training around the needs of disabled people, dchaservices.co.uk Listings are continually being updated. Please email your listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk



greater manchester GROUPS (CoNt.) service for jewish LGB&Ts, 07528 700 926, info@keshetmanchester.org.uk Lesbian and Gay Youth Manchester (LGYM) LGBT Centre, 49-51 Sidney St, 0790 0680725, young LGBT people, 14-25, Tues 7.30-10pm, Sat 3-7pm info@lgym.org.uk lesbian asylum group LGBT Centre, 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, for LB women who have gained or are attempting to gain asylum status. kerry.maskell@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk lesbian discussion group LGBT Centre, 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, for LB women, meets 3rd Wed of the month, 7-8.30pm, to debate issues & share views kerry.maskell@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk lesbian mental health support group LGBT Centre, 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, for 18+ LB women and M2F transwomen, meets every other friday. kerry.maskell@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk lesbian reading group (& lending library) LGBT Centre, 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, for LB women, meets 3rd Wed of the month, to discuss or choose books from the library 6-7pm, kerry.maskell@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk Let’s Do Lunch 07813 083242, lesbian diners every other month, paulad650@aol.com lesbiandiners.org.uk LIK:T 07813 981 338, run by and for young lesbian and bisexual women, 1st Monday of the month, likt_info@likt.org.uk lilac - lesbian cancer support LGBT Centre, 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, 3rd Mon of the month, 7-8.30pm, for LB women who have experienced any form of cancer. lilacgroup@hotmail.co.uk sheila@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk Manchester Christian Group 07743 476191 Manchester Concord Social group, every Wed from 7pm at the Rembrandt, Canal St. mary@manchesterconcord.org.uk manchesterconcord.org.uk Manchester gay skinheads oi-skinhead.com Manchester Lesbian & Gay Chorus 07944 056047, mlgc.org.uk manchester lesbian community project drop in LGBT Centre, 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, for LB women, meets 2nd & 4th Thur of the month, 7-9pm, kerry.maskell@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk

Jon: 01457 877 161, gay men’s social group, joncassun@yahoo.co.uk OutWrite 07931 915 620, LGBT writing group, outwrite.org.uk Proud 2 b Parents 0161 226 0162, Moss Side Surestart Children’s Centre, 30 Selworthy Rd, for LGB&T parents and their children every 4th Saturday, matthew.roberts@manchester.nhs.uk queer skinhead brotherhood queerskinbrotherhood@googlemail.com Queer Youth Manchester 07092 031 086, info@queeryouth.net Rainbow Families c/o LCP, 0161 273 7128, rainbow_families@hotmail.com rainbow-families@hotmail.com Right2Unite Zion Centre, Hulme, 0161 226 0170, LGB group meets every Tues. salford youth service lgbt youth group at The Base, 0161 778 0702, steve.dyson@salford.gov.uk SM Dykes 49-51 Sidney Street, 07952 237 526, smdykes@smdykes.org.uk smdykes.org.uk Sphere 07854 901330, contribute to a South Asian LBT theatre project, all@sphere.org.uk STEPPING STONES 0845 3 30 30 30, A support group for lesbian and bisexual women meets 2nd & 4th Tuesday 7.30-9pm. Triangle Club group for deaf LGBs, triangle_club_@hotmail.com Transforum Ninian’s Church, Wilbraham Rd, Chorlton, 07500 741 955, TransGender discussion & mutual support group, meets 4th Sat of the month 4.30pm, jennyannebuk@yahoo.co.uk VADA Theatre Company PO Box 92, vada.theatre@googlemail.com women’s domestic violence Refuge: 0161 861 8428, Helpline: 0161 636 7525, support and advice to women and children experiencing domestic violence. wvdh.info@virgin.net UMSU LGBT Society student group, for social events, campagins, drop-ins and support enquiries@lgbt.manchester.ac.uk

SPORTS GROUPS Absolutely DANCING Trinity High School every Weds 8pm-10pm latin and ballroom lessons for the LGB&T community. absolutelydancingmanchester@hotmail.com BELUGA DIVERS Scuba Diving club for the LGBT community, belugadiving.co.uk

Manchester Parents Group 01565 733891

Gay city strollers 0845 3 30 30 30, city centre walking group, info@lgf.org.uk

Mango Men’s dining club 07866 909677, 1st Thursday of the month, mango.news@btopenworld.com

Gay gordons manchester Scottish Country and Ceilidh Dancing and classes gay-gordons-manchester.co.uk

Metropolitan Community Church United Reformed Church, Wilbraham Rd, 0161 881 6050, LGB&T led christian church mccmanchester.co.uk

GAY OUTDOOR GROUP transpennine walking group, 07855 197607 goctranspennine.org.uk

MMU LGBT mmu_lgbt@hotmail.co.uk

Ghap badminton text 07946 191 482, ghapbadminton.org.uk

MORF Manchester Lesbian & Gay Centre, 45-51 Sydney St, 0794 824 3289, soial & support for transguys 4th Monday of the month, morf@morf.org.uk morf.org.uk

MANCHESTER BADMINTON CLUB 07939 477026, Badminton club for the less experienced player.

open mic night Women Only LGBT Centre, 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, Women only & alcohol free, last Wed of the month, 7-10pm, £1 addmission. kerry.maskell@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk Out In The City call Sue 0161 205 3851, meets Thursdays. oitc.wordpress.com

MANCHESTER PRAIRIE DOGS 07960 351 882, line dance sessions, every Tues 7.30-9 beginners, 9-10.30 intermediate, manchesterprairiedogs.co.uk Manchester SHARKS Miles Platting Pool, Varley Street, water polo club manchestersharks.co.uk Manchester Stingers WFC Womens football club for all abilities, manchesterstingers.net MANCHESTER VIXENS LADIES FC 07921 838 733, LBT football clubs, emphasis on fun, manchestervixens.co.uk manchester walking women its.elly@yahoo.co.uk Marlin Levenshulme Swimming Pool, Barlow Rd, trans swimming group, swim@marlin.org.uk NETBALL 07939 477 026, women only group with weekly coaching, training every Monday, 8-10pm. NORTHERN ACES TENNIS GROUP 07929 917 361, tennis play in a social yet competitive environment, professional coaching, northernacestennis.com NORTHERN FLIGHT BADMINTON CLUB For experienced players, northernflight.org.uk northern jump 07783 297965, volleyball group, northernjump.co.uk Northern Wave swimming club 0161 872 1990, swimming for all, northernwave.org orca divers 125 Manchester Road, Chorlton, 0161 718 3118, orcadivers.com OPEN ATHLETICS Trains on Weds, 5K every 1st Sun. 07709 000 436, openathletics.org


READING GROUP FOR LESBIAN AND GAY LITERATURE 01204 333173, 3rd Tues of the month 6.30pm, central.library@bolton.gov.uk


Loud & Proud LGBT Youth 07824 541211 or 07918 913937, Meets Wednesdays 5.30 - 8. For 13-19 yr olds, boltonlgbtyouth@bolton.gov.uk


aGENCIES & CLINICs Connexions 13-15 Broad St, 0161 253 7165, safe environment for young LGBTQ people to meet. LGB&T police liaison officers North Bury - kevin.day@gmp.police.uk South Bury - andrew.hall@gmp.police.uk The Barlow Suite Clinic Fairfield Hospital, Rochdale Old Rd, 0161 778 2755 Young Person’s Advisory Service (YPAS) Parsons Lane, 0161 761 2136, sexual health services for under 20’s.


Bury Anti-homophobic bullying group 0161 253 5884

LGBT Reading Group Lounge Bar, Ramsbottom, 0161 253 6625, last Monday of the month 6.30-8.00, i.jenkinson@bury.gov.uk n.franklin@bury.gov.uk POG (Proud of Gayness) 0161 253 7733, Connexions, 13-15 Broad St, Bury, safe environment for young LGBTQ people to meet, connexions-bury.org.uk


OUTDOOR LADS gay and bi-sexual lads into outdoor activities, outdoorlads.com

Timeless Funeral Services 265 - 267 Dumers Lane, Radcliffe, 0161 959 0108

outdoor lads climbing club outdoorlads.com


Out on Sunday 07775 671691, walking group, outonsunday.co.uk Touch Rugby Call on Paul 07775 022797 paul.scanlon-wells@rfl.uk.com Village Manchester FC gay men’s football club for every level, vmfc.co.uk Village Spartans Rugby Training sessions on Wednesday evening from 7pm, villagespartans.co.uk WEEKENDERS lesbian and gay walking group based in the North of England, geocities.com/weekenders_uk wheelies fc Manchester Leisure Sports Centre, Denmark Road, mixed womens football every Sunday from 11am to 1pm.


pubs, clubs & bars

The Star 11 Bow St, 01204 361113

club NightS

pubs, clubs & bars

THE NIP & TIPPLE 197 Upper Chorlton Road, 0161 860 7330


CROMA Pizza and Pasta 498-500 Wilbraham Road, 0161 881 1117, croma.biz The Lead Station 99 Beech Road, 0161 881 5559


Pad Gift Shop 105 Manchester Road, 0161 881 0088, pad-chorlton.co.uk


inferno 496a Wilbraham Road, 0161 860 6666, infernosauna.com


Club Fizz Charlton Club, women only 2nd Friday of the month, 9pm1am £5, see facebook



Original TOUCH OF CLASS Womens Disco Tramways Hotel, 307 Blackburn Rd, 07709 185235, A monthly disco for lesbian and bisexual women, touchofclasswomensdisco.co.uk

Dog & Duck 25 St. Domingos Street, 07999 060646 thedogandduck.com

Twisty tuesdays J2 & The Attic Square

The Phoenix Sexual Health Centre Royal Oldham Hospital, Rochdale Rd, 0161 627 8753

Manchester Front Runners 07813 336 445, running club catering for all abilities, meets every Thurs in the city centre, co-chairs@manchesterfrontrunners.org manchesterfrontrunners.org


Manchester jessies Lesbian & bisexual women’s walking group, meets twice monthly manchesterjessies@googlemail.com

MENTAL HEALTH independent support (MhIST) 30 Chorley New Road, 01204 527200, mhist.co.uk

Bolton Centre for Sexual Health Minerva Road, Farnworth, 01204 390771 HIV worker Emma Massey 01204 390772

out to the theatre


The Parallel 9A Churchgate, 01204 462444 theparallel@bolton.nhs.uk

Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

THE ABBEY INN Mixed 77 West Street.



Pennine Sauna 96 Rochdale Rd, Shaw, 01706 842 000


pink triangle theatre St Cuthberts House, Tanners Fold, 07932 928134 pinktriangletheatre.co.uk

Lancashire ROcHdAlE PUBS, CLUBS & BaRS

Bar Vegas 37 Bailey St, 01706 630 708


Crisis Intervention Team 01706 517 613

Sexual Health PROMOTION UNIT 01706 517 613 THE BRIDGE SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Stone Hill Block, Rochdale Infirmary, 01706 517 686


Proud Youth around rochdale 07531 061 777, LGBT young people from Rochdale, Heywood and Middleton 14-25 lgbtyouthnorthwest.org.uk



Brook Advisory 55 Regent Street, Eccles, 0161 707 9550 eccles gateway Church Street, 0161 212 5717, thurs 6-83.0pm, drop in. higher broughton health centre Bevendon Square, 0161 212 4500, Wed 6-8.30, Fri 9.30-11.30 drop in. irlam medical centre MacDonald Rd, 0161 212 4500, Wed. 6-8.30pm drop in. Goodman Sexual Health Clinic Oaklands Hospital, 0161 212 5717, Appt only: Mon 9-11.30am, 1-4.30pm, 6-9.30pm, Tue 9-11.30am, Wed 1-4.30pm, Thurs 9-11.30am & 1-4.30pm, Fri 9-11.30am. DROP IN: Tue 2-4.30pm & 6-8.30pm. starting Out Project Neil 07766 550264 0161 607 1620, Salford City Council’s young LGBT tenancy support service. neil.cochrane@salford.gov.uk swinton clinic 139 Partington Lane, 0161 212 5100, Mon 2-4.30pm, Tue 6-8.30pm, Fri 2-4.30pm drop in. WALKDEN gateway 2 Smith Street, 0161 212 5717, Mon 6-8.30pm, Tue 2-4.30pm drop in.


Salford LGBT Network 07947 909 339, for people who live, work or study in Salford, salfordlgbt.net SALFORD YOUTH @ The Base, 0161 778 0702, for young LGBT people to meet, recieve advice, info and support. steve.dyson@salford.gov.uk


O’Neill Patient Solicitors Chester House, 2 Chester Rd, Hazel Grove, 0161 483 8555, oneillpatient.co.uk

C’est La Vie 11-15 Market St, 01254 691877



Out in stockport Stepping Hill, 0161 483 4784 outinstockport.wordpress.com People Like Us (PLUS) LGBT Social support group, 2nd Wed of the month at The Arden Arms, 7.30pm, stockportplus.org

Stagedoor 23 Mincing Lane, 01254 674761 bsure 0845 602 0894, Chlamydia screening for under 25’s, b.sure@bwdpct.nhs.uk b-sure.org.uk Sexual Health Clinic Blackburn Royal Infirmary, Bolton Road, 01254 687 304

PLUS Exercise Group (PEG) 07880 746 079, arranges monthly walks in the Stockport area

SHOUT 01254 300126, young sexual health team up to 25 shoutteam@yahoo.co.uk

PLUS Reading Group 07880 746079

Lifeline Project 68-70 Darwen St, 01254 677493, supporting young people up to the age of 25, with substance and alcohol misuse issues, yps@lifeline.org.uk

The Base LGBt YOUTH GROUP Diverse City, 0161 475 7700, 0161 426 9696, thebase@stockport.gov.uk



Out Youth LGBT Group East Lancs The Hub, Accrington & Rossendale College, 07895 794850, 14-19 yr olds, 6-8pm 1st & 3rd Tues.

stockport lesbian & gay dance group Latin and Ballroom dance group, Thursdays 7-9pm. jpguard@hotmail.com



BACKSTAGE BAR 135 St James St, 01282 414895

pubs, clubs & bars

Queen Inn 37 Oldham Rd, Ashton-under-Lyne, gay friendly. The Turnpike Gay Owned Lees Road, Ashton-under-Lyne, 0161 343 0220


Sexual Health Clinic Ashton Primary Care Centre, 193 Old Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, 0161 342 7100


GABRIELS Graffiti Club, Bethesda Road, Burnley, every Saturday from 10pm-3am.


bsure 0845 602 0894, Chlamydia screening for under 25’s, b.sure@bwdpct.nhs.uk b-sure.org.uk Sexual Health Clinic St. Peter’s Centre tel 01282 644300


Sexual Health Services for the Under 25’s www.condomcollective.com

Outloud Lisa Matthews: 0161 336 6615, Tameside youth service 11-19 youth group.


Glossop LGBT group glossoplgbt.co.uk

Proud Tameside - LGBT Network 0161 339 4985, tinyurl.com/proudtameside

Red Triangle Café St. James St, 01282 832319



Quaker L&G Fellowship 16 Newfield Drive, Nelson, 01282 605724

The Trafford Centre for Sexual Health Trafford Hospital, Moorside Rd, 0161 746 2621

Rossendale LGBT Youth Group 07817 541242, LGBT youth from Rossendale, Accrington and Burnley, rossendalelgbt@hotmail.co.uk



Relate 346 Chester Road, 0161 872 0303

CITIZENS ADVICE, 0844 644019


HIV Support Group 0161 912 4611, hivpractitioner@trafford.org.uk No Attitude 0161 912 2453, LGB youth group.



breakout LGBT community radio group, c.o Chorley FM, lgbt@chorley.fm breakoutshow.co.uk POUT! 0800 7831524, youth group and helpline, every Wed, pout99@hotmail.com lancsycs.org/pout


ARDEN ARMS 23 Millgate, 0161 480 2185

Sexual Health Clinic Royal Albert Infirmary, Wigan Lane, 01942 822 277

Project Oscar 0800 7835345, LGBT info & support, project-oscar@centrallancashire.nhs.uk clangles.com





GUM DEPARTMENT Stepping Hill Hospital, 0161 419 5370 Stockport Council HIV Social Care Team 0161 474 3636, HIV social care service for people with HIV and their carers. hiv.services@stockport.gov.uk


Age Concern 56 Wellington Street, 0161 480 1211 Central Youth ADVICE AND INFO 0161 426 9696, 1 St Peters Square, counselling and sexual health services for young people up to 25. Stockport Centre for Health Promotion Regent House, Heaton Lane, 0161 426 5091


B. J. McKENNA & CO 182A Heaton Moor Road, Heaton Moor, 0161 432 5757, bj.mckenna@zen.co.uk


Just Us Wigan - LGBT Drop in Centre 11 Newmarket Street, 0756 490 3489, Providing information, facilities and a place to meet for individuals and groups. Open 12.10 - 2pm Mon-Tue, Most Fri from 7pm. wiganlgf123@aol.com, justus01.community.officelive.com OIpen Minds Group 07989 101 459, group for 18-25yr old LGBTQ, openminds-lgbt.co.uk


New Start Trust Alderman Downward House, 0161 498 0615, drug advice and support


DANCING DIVA For more information, dancingdiva5@hotmail.com




oscar’s bar 25 Victoria St, 07543 900678, gay friendly/mixed, oscars@tiscali.co.uk


Sexual Health Clinic Queen Victoria Centre, Thornton Rd, 01524 405 704


THE LOLLIPOP LOUNGE Disraelis 1, 26 Church St, every Tuesday thelollipop.co.uk


Sexual Health Clinic Ormskirk General Hospital, Wigan Road, 01695 571043


edgehill university LGBT society search on facebook West Lancs LGBT Community Support Group 0844 357 8062, 143 Tarlswood, New Church Farm. Wn8 8NU, includes support for the Romanian community, westlancashirelgbtcommunity.co.uk


Project Oscar 0800 7835345, LGBT info & support, project-oscar@centrallancashire.nhs.uk clangles.com



Blowing Wild Club Grimshaw Street, open Thurs, Fri, Sat, 07752 512232 Oblivion 12-14 Grimshaw St, 01772 252876 The Hangout Hammonds Row (opposite Bus Station), 07985 327052, Saturdays 21.302.30 (weekday student nights coming soon), preston-hangout.co.uk


Sexual Health Clinic Royal Preston Hospital, Sharoe Green Lane, 01772 522814


drugline lancashire 2 Union Court, 01772 825 684, enquiries@druglinelancs.co.uk Preston HIV Support Team Helpline: 01772 468170, PO Box 515, Preston, PR1 8XP, phivst@aol.com Project Oscar 0800 7835345, LGBT info & support, project-oscar@centrallancashire.nhs.uk clangles.com


CENTRAL LANCASHIRE HIV ADVICE 01772 825 684, Helpline: 01772 253 840, Drugline Lancashire Ltd, 2 Union Court. Freinds of Dorothy Age Concern, Arkwright House, 01772 552 862, befreinding and support services andrewdrake@55plus.org.uk lancashire county council lgbt network lgbt@lancashire.gov.uk

Gregson Café/Bar Gregson Community and Arts Centre, 33 Moorgate, 01524 849959, gregson.co.uk

Lesbian Connection lesbian social group meeting monthly lesbian_connection@yahoo.co.uk

Sylvesters (Formally The Vine and Hops) 84 King Street, mixed cabaret bar

PRESTON LGBT CENTRE Drop-in Sean 07966 373 110, 1st Thurs of the month, 6.30pm at Disability Equality (NW), 103 Church St search facebook

THE DUKE OF LANCASTER 75 Church Street, 01524 842843, info@thedukeoflancaster.com thedukeoflancaster.com


LanCaSHire PYRO (Proud Youth Are Out) 07717 301821, LanCaSHire


13-15 years, naomh.mckee@lancashire.gov.uk


Royal Lancaster Infirmary Ashton Community Care Centre, 01524 387402

UCLAN LGBT Society Every Thurs at 8.30pm ro@cantthinkstraight.co.uk (female) or martin@cantthinkstraight.co.uk uclan lgbt employee network lgbtstaff@uclan.ac.uk VIBE c/o Young Peoples Service, 07814 493750, LGBT youth group meets Thurs evenings. rachel.heaps@lancashire.gov.uk yps.lancashire.gov.uk/get-vibe

Bar Ibiza 43 Darwen St, 01254 695379



Blackpool 8 31 48

13 21 27 63




Mount Street 4 49 3 56 38 2 5 16 32 33 17 Yates Street 59 6

High Street


20 18 47 Pleasant Street

Lord Street

Dickson Road

General Street




Anchorage 18 Withnell Road, 01253 341771 1

2 Ash Lea Hotel 76 Lord Street, 01253 628161, ashleahotel.com 3 Astor Hotel 83-85 Lord Street, 01253 290669 4

Athol 3 Mount St 01253 624918

5 Belvedere 77 Dickson Road, 01253 624733 6 BLENHEIM HOTEL 75 Lord Street, 01253 623204, blenheimhotel.org.uk


9 25 10



Banks Street 55 23 43 57

General Street

17 58 52

15 33 14 54 36 12

8 Brooklyn 7 Wilton Parade, 01253 627003 9

Camelot 80 Hornby Rd, 01253 620518



DERBY HOTEL, 2 Derby Rd, 01253 623708



Dixon 84 Dickson Rd, 01253 752379



Edward 27 Dickson Rd, 01253 624271


FOUR SEASONS 74 Lord St, 01253 622583

Gabrielle’s Women Only 77 Lord Street, 01253 295565 17

41 High Street

30 11

3 10 11 Queen Street

Guyz 16 Lord Street, 01253 622488

Milbourne St. Caunce St.


S. King St.

Loepold Gr.

Coronation St.

Train Station Tram Stop Parking


Chur ch St



88 Venue Indicator


Legends Hotel 45 Lord Street, 01253 620300 23


Lenbrook 69 Lord St, 01253 626737


Liberty's Hotel 01253 291155

26 Lonsdale Hotel 25 Cocker Street, 01253 621628 27

Lyndale Court Hotel 01253 354033


Lynmar 74 High St, 01253 290046


Mardi Gras 41 Lord St, 01253 751087

McHALL’S HOTEL 5-7 Lord Street, 01253 625661 30

31 Merecliff Hotel 24 Holmfield Road, 01253 356858

Cash Machine Blackpool Tower Pedestrianised

Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

Registered Charity No.1070904

et gS tre K in

Cookson Street

Topping Street

Abingdon Street


Chur ch St

88 Hotel Indicator



42 Rubens Hotel 39 Lord Street, 01253 622920 43 Sandylands 47 Banks St, 01253 294670 44 Seacroft Suites 27 Lord Street, 01253 628304 45 Stratford 72-74 Dickson Road, 01253 624020

47 SUSSEX HOTEL 14-16 Pleasant Street, 01253 627824

HOTEL NEVADA 23 Lord Street, 01253 290700, gaybeds.co.uk

46 Charles St.

41 PRIDE LODGE 12 High Street, 01253 314752, pridelodge.com

62 Granby lodge 15-17 Lord St, 01253 627842, granbylodge.com

HOTEL Bacchus 326 Queens Promenade, 01253 350387, hotelbacchus.co.uk

George St.

Pier View 16 Banks St, 01253 624555

46 Sunnyside 16 Charles Street, 01253 622983



Park House 81 Lord St, 01253 314571

Grampian House 4 Pleasant Street, 01253 291648, info-onw@grampianhouse.com 18


Talbot Road 5



12 Cumforth Hotel 24 Springfield Rd, 01253 626133, cumforth-hotel-blackpool.co.uk





63 north grange hotel 238 Queens Promenade, 01253 351409, info@northgrangehotel.com northgrangehotel.com


Homecliffe Hotel 5-6 Wilton Parade, 01253 625147 homecliffehotel.com

34 20

37 Northern Star 9 Lord Street, 01253 628073


Heatherdale Lodge 2 Pleasant Street, 1253 626268


36 NORTHERN LIGHTS HOTEL 26 Springfield Road, 01253 317016

Christines 1 Lord St, 01253 312260



35 North Central Hoilday Flats 29 Lord Street, 01253 621831




34 New Hertford 18 Lord Street, 01253 621831



26 29 16

New Bond 72 Lord St, 01253 628123

39 PHOENIX 12 Cocker Street, 01253 299130, phoenixblackpool.com




CHaps 9 Cocker St, 01253 620541


North Pier

32 MOUNT PLEASANT 75 Dickson Road, 01253 620362, mountpleasanthotel.com




Dickson Raod

Abingdon Stre


27 7

Brene Hotel 37 Lord St, 01253 621854


2 1







High Street


Lord Street



Cocker Street 60 24

Dickson Raod


61 bradbury HOTEL 25/27 Banks St, 01253 624972, bradburyhotel@hotmail.co.uk bradburyhotel.co.uk


Listings are continually being updated. Please email your listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk

THE Berkeley 6 Queens Promenade, 01253 351244 selfcatering.tv 48 THE GYNWAY HOTEL 205 Dickson Rd, 01253 314747, gynwayblackpool.com 49 The Wilcot Hotel 80 Lord Street, 01253 621101 50 Thorncliffe 63 Dickson Road, 01253 622508 51 Trades Men Only 51 Lord Street, 01253 626401 52 VALENTINE HOTEL 35 Dickson Road, 01253 622775, valentinehotelblackpool.co.uk 53 VIDELLA HOTEL 78-82 Dickson Road, 01253 621201 54 Village Hotel 14 Springfield Road, 01253 290840 55 warwick Holiday flats 39 Bank Street, 01253 623787 56 Westfield House 78 Lord Street, 01253 621992, westfieldhouse.co.uk 57 WILLOWFIELD GUESTHOUSE 51 Banks Street, 01253 623406, willowfield-guesthouse.co.uk 58 Windsor House 47 Dickson Road, 0870 620 7000, windsorhousehotel.net 59

Woodleigh 11 Yates St, 01253 624997

Worcester House 22 Cocker Street, 01253 620007 60

Blackpool and cumbria Registered Charity No.1070904

Pubs, Clubs & BaRs

Cruz Bar 23 Dickson Rd, 07946 528153

1 BOOTCAMP Mainly Men 5 Dickson Road, 01253 649153, fg2online.co.uk

lgbt forum 0787 355 390, council led community meeting every 2nd Tues 6.30pm.

2 Funny Girls Gay Friendly 5 Dickson Rd, 01253 649154, funnygirlsonline.co.uk

KAOS Mixed 38-42 Queen St, 01253 318798, kaosbar.co.uk 3

Mardi Gras Mixed 114 Talbot Road, 01253 296262 5

6 Pepe’s Bar Mainly Men 94 Talbot Rd, 01253 626691, pepesonline.co.uk

ROXY’S Gay Friendly 23 Queen Street, 01253 622573, roxysonline.co.uk 7

8 TABOO Mixed 69-71 Talbot Road, 01253 622573, tabooonline.co.uk

The Alabama Showboat Mixed 1 Cocker Sq, 01253 291155, thealabama.co.uk 9

THE DUKE OF YORK Dickson Road, 01253 625218, traditional pub and live entertainment. The Flamingo NIGHTCLUB Mixed 44 Queen St, 01253 649151, flamingoonline.co.uk 10

The Flying Handbag Mixed 44 Queen Street, 01253 649155, flyinghandbagonline.co.uk 11

TimeOut Party Bar Mixed 68-70 Abingdon Street, 01253 628502 4

EatErIES AJ’s Bistro Gay Friendly 65 Topping Street, 01253 626111 12


Buddies Chippy 28 Dickson Street

15 Café Latté 30-32 Dickson St, 01253 752077

Don Antonio 91 Redbank Rd, 01253 352440 fuel sandwich Bar 33 Adingdon Street, 01253 749813 fuelblackpool.com Mandarin Cantonese Restaurant Gay Friendly 27 Clifton Street, 01253 622687 16

17 Nite Bites Gay Friendly 50a Dickson Road, 01253 627976

SLICES SANDWICH HOUSE Gay Owned 10 King Street, 01253 751441 18

The Buttery 1 Cheapside, 01253 296667 19

Truffles Steak House Gay Friendly 51-53 Topping Street, 01253 294804 20

21 West Coast Rock Cafe Gay Friendly 5-7 Abingdon Street, 01253 751283

Anton’s Cafe-bar Gay Owned 9 Park Rd, Lytham St Annes FY8 1QX 01253 724721

! RE-Opening

Lancashire Lad’s group (for trans f to m) 07833 738035, 07768 956640, 07875 355390, meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month at SHIVER, 7pm.

SaUNas 22 ACQUA SAUNA CLUB 25-26 Springfield Road, 01253 294610, acquasaunas.com 23 Honeycombe Sauna 97-107 Egerton Road, 01253 752211 honeycombe.net

WET WET WET SAUNA 1-3 Charles Street, 01253 751 199, wetwetwetsauna.co.uk 24


LGBT PACT 07875 355 390, police and community meetings 1st Thurs of the month. TRhe Sugar Lounge 001253 311431, SHIVER @ The Cornerhouse, 18+ lesbian/bi women, hward@druglinelancs.co.uk

Ok2be 01253 754841, support service for young people up to 19 years of age, hayley.mills@blackpool.gov.uk


Relaxation group 01253 311431 at SHIVER


City Learning Centre Bathhurst St, 01253 478 309, clcbusiness.com

The Renaissance Transgender Support Group meetings twice monthly, gynwayblackpool.com/ renaissance_transgender_forum.htm

Connexions 2-8 Market Street, 01253 754840, connexions-direct.com 27

HIV Nursing Team 150/158 Whitegate Health Centre, 01253 657171 29 NHS Drop In Centre 26 Talbot Road, 01253 655871

Transinclusion group (M2F) 3rd Tues of the month 7pm, 07875 355 390



SHoPS Daran Hairdressing Gay Owned 10 Edward St, 01253 441000 darans.co.uk 32

Evolution Hair Studio Gay Owned 255 Dickson Road 33 Paul’s 5 General St, 01253 290928 unisex hairdresser.

Connexions 28 Lowther Street, 01228 596272 Pride in north cumbria 07901 765453, Young people 14-25 meet twice weekly, prideinnorthcumbria.webs.com


Sweat Sauna Club Atlas House, Nelson St.

KenDal CliNICS

Sexual Health Clinic Westmoorland General Hospital, Burton Rd, 01539 716 706 Connexions 124 Highgate, 01539 730045

30 SHIVER (Sexual Health HIV Education & Responses Drugline Lancashire Ltd) The Corner House, 102 Dickson Road, 01253 311 431

Atkinson, Cave & Stuart 45 Springfield Road, 01253 293151

Cumberland Infirmary 01228 814 814

CuMbrIa CuMbrIa Groups cumbria police hate crime reporting line 0845 33 00 247 cumbria.police.uk




Sexual Health Clinic 150/158 Whitegate Health Centre, 01253 657171


south lakes lgbt forum Wendy Phizacklea, 01229 836 426, 07742 353 520, 48-50 Suffolk Street, 13-24 LGBTQ youth meets weekly, wendyphizacklea@youngcumbria.org.uk


SWOSS (Sex Workers Support Services) 01253 311 431/07811 192 517, drop in on a Monday 2.00-4.00pm at SHIVER.

26 Connect 01253 751047, connectyoungpeople.co.uk

pro active young gays and lesbians (paygal) Wendy Phizacklea, 01229 836 426, 07742 353 520, wendyphizacklea@youngcumbria.org.uk

Liberty Church North Shore Methodist, Dickson Rd, 07955 597771, libertychurchblackpool.org.uk

Body Positive BLACKPOOL 23 South King Street, 01253 292803, info@bodypositiveblackpool.org 25

lgbtq darts team Wendy Phizacklea, 01229 836 426, 07742 353 520, wendyphizacklea@youngcumbria.org.uk

hotEls & B&B's

Chapel House Kirkstone Road, 01539 433 143, chapelhouse-ambleside.co.uk

Cumbria LesbIans Network 01539 741 285, 1st Saturday of the month, clnetwork@sky.com Cumbria Societies Brewery Arts Centre, c/o Switchboard 01524 847 437


outREACH Cumbria gaycumbria.info

Chestnut Villa Keswick Road, Grassmere 01539 435 218, gay run B&B, chestnutvilla.com


BarRow|iN FuRNESs

lgbt youth group 07727 297948, 13-25 lgbt youth meets every Tues


sexual health clinic Furness General Hospital, Dalton Lane, 01229 404 464


Connexions 237-241 Dalton Road, 01229 824052




Thorncliffe Lesbian Owned Prince's Rd, 01539 444 338, thorncliffeis@tiscali.co.uk, thorncliffe-guesthouse.co.uk



Cumbria Lesbians network (CLN) 01524 858 206, clnetwork@tiscali.co.uk

Workington Infirmary Infirmary Lane, 01900 68737

Freinds & Supporters of Furness LGBT Community c/o Multicultural Centre, 07833 447604, klwicks@hotmail.co.uk


SMILE SPA AT HELIO FITNESS Newton Drive, 01253 393909

Perfect Fit Alterations 42 Topping Street, 01253 290156

Steam packet inn 51 Stanley St, 01900 62186

THE GARDEN PLACE Gay Owned Cropper Road, 01253 699987

GROUPS 18/25 Icebreakers 07875 355 390, for gay & bi men, 1st Tues of the month, 7pm. 25/55 Icebreakers 07875 355 390, meets every last Tues of the month, 7pm. 55+ older men’s group 07875 355 390, meets every 2nd Mon of the month at 2pm and every Thurs 12.30pm. Blackpool LGBT Reading Group 01253 478 080, Blackpool Central Library, Queen Street, meetings every last Thursday of the month at 6.30pm. central.library@blackpool.gov.uk HIV/HEP C support group 07875 355 390, call for details.

12 High Street, Blackpool FY1 2BL www.lgf.org.uk



Registered Charity No.1070904


LiVeRpOoL LiVeRpOoL Queer Quarter

Around FACT Tithebarn Street

15 The Masquerade Mixed

10 Cumberland St, 0151 236 7786, masqueradebar.com

Club Nights BROKEN BISCUITS Monthly at Jupiters Bar FEDERATION LIVERPOOL Monthly gay night, clubfederation.com GIRLS GO DOWN Monthly lesbian night, myspace.com/girlsgodown Gen-e-sis Vinyl Vasement Bar, Lark Lane, Women’s night last Sunday of the month. Motor City Puzzle Bar, monthly alt night 1st Fri of the month (Starts oct 1st).



Bold Street

14 The Lisbon Mixed 35 Victoria Street, 0151 231 6831

Bold Street

22-24 Stanley St, 0151 236 6633


Back Berry Stre

19 Berry Street

Victoria Street

Roscoe Lane

puzzle 25 Stanley Street

13 Superstar Boudoir

Roscoe Place

Culquitt Street Wood Street


23 Cumberland Street

Wood Street

10 Poste House

20 Culquitt Street

London Road

9 Navy Bar 27-29 Stanley Street, 0151 231 1456



Seel Street

Modo Gay Friendly Concert Square

Fleet Street



Piccadilly Train Station

GAY OUTDOOR GROUP 07855 197607, transpennine@hotmail.co.uk goctranspennine.org.uk

ESPRESSO PLUS COFFEE Bar & Bistro 173 Rose Lane, Mossley Hill, 0151 724 6161

Liverpool Guild LGBT Society 160 Mount Pleasant, 0151 794 4165, liverpoollgbt@googlemail.com lgos.org/lgbt

MERSEY MARAUDERS part of the Gay Football Supporters Network practice weekly, mmfootball.co.uk

OSQA’S Oldham Square, 0151 709 6611, osqa-restaurant.co.uk

liverpool lgbt community network LCVS, 151 Dale St, 0151 227 5177.

1 CAFE TABAC Gay Owned Mathew Street

126 Bold Street, 0151 709 3735


Puschka Gay Owned 16 Rodney St, 0151 708 8698 puschka.co.uk

Liverpool South Gay Dining Club 2nd Sat of month, igdc@talk21.com

GAYLIVERPOOL.COM Website of Gay Liverpool, gayliverpool.com

16 THE MONRO Gastropub 92-94 Duke St, 0151 707 9933, themonro.com

Liverpool Students Union LGBT Society 0151 231 4947

Liverpool Gay Quarter liverpoolgayquarter.com

Liverpool Women’s Book Group Meets last Tues of the month, liverpoolbookgroup.com


HotEls The Feathers 119-125 Mount Pleasant St, 0151 709 9655, feathers.uk.com TRAVEL INN METRO Vernon St, 0870 238 3325

Heaven Victoria Street, 0151 236 4832 Jupiters 10 Hackins Hey, off Dale Street, 0151 227 5265


Back Culquitt Stre

Hope Pride Derwent House, Taggart Ave, Childwall, 0151 291365, lgbtofficer@hope.ac.uk




Seel Street

6 G Bar Mixed Eberle Street, 0151 258 1230, g-bar.com

Parr Street

5 Garlands Mixed 8-10 Eberle Street, 0151 709 9586, garlandsonline.co.uk



Victoria Street

Slater Street

Duke Street

4 DESTINATION LIVERPOOL Temple St, off Victoria St, club-destination.co.uk

Duke Street

Curzon Club Mixed Temple Lane, 0151 236 5160, curzonliverpoo­­­­l.co.uk 3


Sir Thomas Street

CAFE TABAC Gay Owned 126 Bold Street, 0151 709 3735 2




Cumberland Street

21 Bar Candy 8-10 Stanley Street, 0151 236 5160, curzonliverpoo­­­­l.co.uk



Stanley Street

Baby D Temple Street

Temple Street



PUBS, CLUBS & Bars 1 3345 Mixed 33-45 Parr St, 0151 708 6345, 3345parrst.com

Temple Lane

Princes Street


Train Station Parking Cash Machine Pedestrianised

North John Street

88 Listing Indicator


Davies Street


Concert Street


Suffolk Street

Dale Street

Dale Street

Sweeting Street

Cunliffe St. Hockenhall All.


Vernon Street


Eberle Street



Tempest Hey

Hackins Hey


Exchange Street East


Tithebarn Street


AIDS Helpline 0151 709 9000

Merseyside L&G Community Forum 07970 680483, newsfromnowhere.org.uk Open Table St Brides Church, Catharine St, 07780 568 754, monthly eucharist for LGBT Christians & supporters, 3rd Sun of the month, open.table@yahoo.co.uk

Sahir House PO Box 11, 0151 708 9080, provides services to HIV positive people, their families and freinds, info@sahir.uk.com

OUR STORY LIVERPOOL 0151 709 4988, LGBT History community project. info@ourstoryliverpool.co.uk ourstoryliverpool.co.uk

Sexual Health Clinic Royal Liverpool Hospital, Prescot St, 0151 706 2620

Parents & Carers Group 0870 9908996

17 The Armistead Project 1 Stanley St,

0870 9908996, armisteadcentre.co.uk

Shops 18 NEWS FROM NOWHERE Bookshop

96 Bold Sreet, 0151 708 7270, newsfromnowhere.co.uk 19

nice 'n' naughty 85 Seel Street


nice 'n' naughty 16 Colquitt Street

GRoups Being Out with Learning Difficulties (BOLD) c/o Armistead Centre, 0870 9908996, meets every other Monday. Gay Youth ‘r’ OUT (GYRO) 36 Bolton St, 0151 203 0824, LGB Tyouth 13-25, gyro. org.uk


Tea with Teela (TV/CD social) 0151 356 855, 7pm 3rd Monday of the month at Transpose, trans-pose.com utopia (Ellesmere Port) Whitby Rd, Ellesmere Port, 0151 348 5628, LGB youth meets every Tues 6.30-9, eport@utopialgb.org.uk


AXM Southport Coronation Walk, axmgroup.co.uk/southport The Crown 20 Coronation Walk Velvet Gay Friendly Coronation Walk

Queer Notions 0151 227 9977, provides information and support at the Armistead Project queernotions@hotmail.com


QUEST LGBT CATHOLICS 07983 021 589, 2nd Saturday of month, liverpool@questgaycatholic.org.uk


SPIRIT LEVEL 0151 227 1893, Transgender support group. Storm LGBT Christians Level 2, 96 Bold Street, 0151 547 3562, meets 1st Sun of the month 3pm storm@somewhere-else.org.uk Young Gay Sefton 0151 330 5841

SpoRts Groups Gay Kick Boxing Armistead Centre, Wednesday Evenings 7-8pm, info@armisteadcentre.co.uk

Listings are continually being updated. Please email your listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk

Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

Sexual Health Clinic Southport & Formby District General Hospital, 01704 513303


Sexual Health Clinic St Helens Hospital, Marshall Cross Rd, 01744 646 473, free & confidential sexual service, rapid HIV testing results in 30 mins. sthk.nhs.uk


Flex II Tolver St, 01744 758 439


WORK Bridge Street, every Wednesday.

Pink Flamingo The Venue, 11-19 Westfield St. See facebook for details.


DV8 @ The Picture House 46 Conway Street, Birkenhead, 0151 647 8883, Wed 8pm till late, hello@thepicturehousewirral.co.uk

cheshire yorkshire staffs and isle of man Tallulah’s Late Lounge Rowson St/ Victoria Rd, New Brighton, 0774 7561587, Wed nights till late, marion@tallulas.co.uk


Sexual Health Clinic Arrowe Park Road, 0151 604 7339


Dolphin Sauna 129 Mount Road, New Brighton, 0151 630 1516, dolphinsauna.co.uk


Terrence Higgins Trust 5 Bridge Street, Birkenhead, 0151 666 9890, Sexual health info& LGBT affirmative counselling, info.wirral@tht.org.uk tht.org.uk


Freedom Trans Youth Foundation, freedom@freedom.zzn.com freedom.btik.com Gay Wirral 0151 666 9890, Terrence Higgins Trust, 5 Bridge St, for all Wirral’s LGBT Community, contact for details, gaywirral@hotmail.co.uk Tea Time Special 0151 666 9890, Terrence Higgins Trust, 5 Bridge St, Fri 4.30-6.30pm, safe space for LGBT, info.wirral@tht.org.uk TransWirral 90-92 Chester St, 07833 385126, for TS/Intersex, transwirral.btik.com WIRRAL DIVAS 0151 666 9890, weekly lesbian and bisexual women’s group. WIRRAL TRANSISTER 07833 385126, for TV/CD. WORK IT OUT Wirral Brook, 14 Whetstone Ln, Birkenhead, 0151 670 0177, group for 14-18 year olds, info@wirralbrook.org.uk outreach@wirralbrook.org.uk




LGBT Health Promotion 01244 650534 or 07747 631021, West Cheshire - help & support including LGBT health issues.


CHESTER lgbt BOOK GROUP 07818 021 947, 2nd Monday of the month at 7.30pm at the Bear & Billet pub, Lower Bridge Street, alispad@aol.com Dinin’ Divas womens dining group dinindivas@yahoo.com Mersey & Dee Women Social group, madw@merseymail.com Sole Sisters Penny: 07917 533104 or Sandra: 07921 222101, womens walking group. unique tg support group N. Wales & West Cheshire meets 3rd Tues of the Month, 8pm, elen@uniquetg.org.uk uniquetg.org.uk


BP Cheshire & North Wales PO Box 321, 01270 653 150

men’s Group 01270 653 156, outrite.org

PUBS, CLUBS & BaRS Bar 6T9 01244 313 608

5 Queen’s Court/Loft 166 Lower Briggate, 0113 245 9449 6 RELIGION 174 Lower Briggate, 0113 246 9898, religionleeds.co.uk 7 The New Penny 57-59 Call Lane, 0113 243 8055 8 The Bridge 1-5 Bridge End, 0113 244 4734

The Three Tuns 9 Bucknall New Road, 01782 769293

9 VIADUCT 11 Lower Briggate, 0113 245 4863



South Staffs MESMEN Project 01543 411413, PO Box 3919, Lichfield, Married Men’s group, TV/TS group and social groups.

10 Nice ‘n’ naughty 164 Briggate, 0113 242 6967, leeds@niceandnaughty.co.uk

SaUNaS 11 Basement Sauna

7 Heaton’s Court, 0113 242 7730, basementcomplex.co.uk

Staffordshire Buddies PO Box 474, Stoke on Trent, 01782 201251

THE STEAM COMPLEX SAUNA Eyres Av, 01132 798885, steamcomplex.com





UTOPIA (chester) 01244 602812, LGB youth group meets every Weds 7.30-9pm, chester@utopialgb.org.uk

MACcLeSfIelD Sexual Health Clinic Macclesfield District General Hospital, Victoria Road, 01625 264116 OUTRITE groups 01270 653156, support and social groups, outrite.org


UTOPIA 01606 350 750, LGB youth group meets every Weds 6.45-9.15pm, northwich@utopialgb.org.uk Northwich Sauna Winnington Lane, 01606 784881, sauna-sauna.info



DEVONIAN HOTEL Gay Friendly 4 Sherwood Terrace, Douglas, 01624 674676, thedevonian.co.uk

The Centre for Sexual Health Sunnybank Wing, Great George Street, appointments: 0113 392 6724/0113 392 6725, health advisors: 0113 392 6057



Guys & Dolls Showbar Gay Friendly Peverill Sq, Douglas,

YorKSHire YorKSHire

LEeDs 88 Listing Indicator


Parking Cash Machine Pedestrianised

Sexual Health Halton General Hospital, 01928 753217


The Canalside Bar & Restaurant 01928 580 669, 45-47 Canal Street.

WARringToN White Hart Sankey Street, 01925 241994


Gay Healthy Alliance Project PO Box 539, 01925 631101

Leeds.indd 1

Blayd’s Mews




1806 Group 11 Palmyra Square South, 01925 241994, initiative for sexual health.


Heaton’s Court (back)




The New Union 3 Union Bank Yard, New Street, 01484 535435 HUGG Social group for gay & bi men, 18+,every Tuesday from 8pm. hugg.org.uk

10 5 1



Inn on the Bridge Gay Owned & Run 1-5 Market St, 01422 844 229, inn_on_the_bridge@live.co.uk


NELSONS WINE BAR Crown St, 01422 844 782


The Calls

1 7


1 Bar Fibre Lower Briggate, 08701 200888

Blayde’s Bar 3-7 Blayde’s Yard, 0113 244 5590 2

WE’RE HERE IF YOU NEED US! 0845 3 30 30 30 www.lgf.org.uk

THE GREYHOUND Manchester Road, 01484 420 742



Heaton’s Court (front)


Sexual Health Clinic Lovely Lane, 01925 662476




Liverpool Arms Northgate Street, 01244 314 807 Sexual Health Clinic Chester Hospital, Liverpool Road, 01244 363 091

4 Old Red Lion Meadow Lane, 0113 242 6779

THE Club 14 Hillcrest St, 01782 201829

Parr St.






Blayd’s Yard

outrite 01270 653 156, social and support groups, counselling, condoms and lube by post, outrite.org

FLUID (Freedon to Love Ur IDentity) 07747 473 829


Sexual Health Clinic Leighton Hospital, Middlewich Rd, 01270 612255

Gay & Lesbian Youth Support Services (GLYSS) 07747 473 829, every Wed/Thurs 6.30-9.30pm and alternate Sat. glyss@hotmail.co.uk freewebs.com/glyss

Gascoigne St.


Chester Uni Warrington Campus LGBT Society search facebook

3 Mission 8-13 Heaton’s Court, 08701 220114

SPACE 01543 419002, LGBT Youth Group (16-21), youth@mesmen.co.uk






BACCHUS 7a Ramshill Road, lesbian and gay club, diverse crowd, bacchus-scarborough.co.uk


OLGA 07929 465 044, Older Lesbian, Gay, Bixexual and Transgender Association 12/5/09 12:21:30


Exclusive Networking event for Gay and Lesbian professionals and friends alike at The Living Room, Leeds. Complimentary drink upon arrival, it will take place on our decadent, second floor in THE STUDY. 20 October 7:30pm £5 entry RSVP leedspa@thelivingroom.co.uk Dress code:Smart/Casual. 7 Greek Street, Leeds, LS1 5RW



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