outnorthwest issue 108

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Published by

Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People



Registered Charity No.1070904






ROGER CROUCH 1956 - 2011

This issue of ONW is tinged with a great deal of sadness. Not long after our last issue went to press we learnt of the sad passing of our friend Roger Crouch. Roger campaigned tirelessly to raise awareness of homophobic bullying in schools when his son Dominic (15) took his life in 2010 after rumours circulated at school that he was gay. Almost a year ago, Roger contacted the LGF to lend his support to our anti-homophobia work; and myself and my colleague Jo Dunning went to visit Roger in Cheltenham. Roger kindly allowed us to film an interview with him, which you can view by visiting the link beneath this editorial. Jo and I spent the best part of the day with Roger, who took us for lunch and talked with such great affection and sadness about his son. As we left Roger, we were deeply affected by his story, and it’s fair to say that his determination strengthened our resolve to push forward with the Safer Schools Pack. Roger will be greatly missed by many, not least his wife and daughter. Our thoughts are with them, and we give them our

assurance that Roger’s legacy will live on through the Enough Is Enough campaign and the Safer Schools Packs. Please turn to page 6 for more information. Ending Homophobia,

This issue Paul Fairweather writes his final opinon column for ONW. Paul has been with us since the very beginning back in the Spring of 2000. I want to personally thank Paul for his invaluable contributions to ONW over the years, it won’t be quite the same without him. I’m happy to say that Paul will still be contributing from time to time with features and interviews. As we say goodbye to Paul, we also say hello to a brand new regular contributor to ONW, Jake Arturio Braden. Jake, who is an acredited NLP practioner (and an inspiring individual in his own right) will be offering invaluable advice on ensuring we are confident and value ourselves. Turn to page 35 for Jake’s first column. We’ll be back at the end of March. See you then!



Last year, The Lesbian & Gay Foundation interviewed Roger Crouch about his son Dominic. If you have an iPhone you can scan here and watch the video now, or alternatively, visit:

Empowering People


Registered Charity No.1070904

outnorthwest is published every two months by The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, Number 5, Richmond Street, MANCHESTER. M1 3HF. General Enquiries: 0845 3 30 30 30 E-mail: grahame.robertson@lgf.org.uk Cover Image: Mark Eastwood

EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR & LAYOUT Grahame Robertson LAYOUT Mark Eastwood NEWS EDITOR Joanne Dunning MEN’S HEALTH EDITOR Peter Boyle WEB EDITOR Marc Robinson LISTINGS EDITOR Mark Eastwood DISTRIBUTION Shaun Lloyd CONTRIBUTORS Lucy Rolfe; Samantha Days; Patrick Ettenes; Jake Arturio Braden; George House Trust; Gaydio; Annie Emery; Andrew Gilliver; Peter Boyle; Paul Fairweather; Colin Armstead; Adam Winter; Trevor Burchick. SPECIAL THANKS Dr. Christian Jessen; Mike Newman; Yvonne Edge; Albert Kennedy Trust; Natalie Beswick; New Family Social; Gaydio; LGBT History Month; Ben Squance. APOLOGIES Our apologies to Ali Press, whose fantastic images of Ellie Barnes we published in our last issue without credit. We are happy to correct this oversight.

ADVERTISING For information on advertising in outnorthwest, contact us on 0845 3 30 30 30. Or e-mail grahame.robertson@lgf.org.uk


NUMBER NOW http://youtu.be/llfW1bhbqWk


Were you bullied and teased at school because you were lesbian, gay or bisexual? Imagine you could go back to your old school and make it safer for those young people who are suffering the same today. You can. For a small donation of only £20, the LGF’s Enough Is Enough campaign will send a ‘Safer Schools Pack’ to your old school on your behalf. You can even send a personal message with the pack. To find out more, visit www.lgf.org.uk/enough today.

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06 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! How you can help stop the spread of homophobia in our schools with one simple act! 08 NEWS & OPINION TV’s Dr Christian Jessen on LGBT friendly GP’s, and LGBT History Month. 16 VILLAGE PEOPLE The results of the recent LGF Village Census! 18 UP YOUR WAY What’s going on in your region.


38 LISTINGS Every LGB&T service in the north west.



26 G-SPOTS We asked you to tell us your favourite north west hot spots for les/bi women... 22 OUTSPOKEN! Yvonne Edge from The Pankhurst Centre tells us what makes her tick.





20 GEORGE HOUSE TRUST The latest developments from GHT.


32 WE’RE HERE IF YOU NEED US It’s not just condoms and outnorthwest! The LGF has a whole range of services. 28 NEGATIVE BENEFITS What happens when you receive a negative HIV result? 24 DO IT! Get involved with our year-long LGBT skills academy! 34 GAY MEN’S HEALTH Dealing with a positive diagnosis. 36 SPORT & FITNESS All the latest news and events from the big gay world fo sport!




DISCLAIMER Publication of the name or photo of any person in this magazine should not be taken as any indication of the sexual orientation or HIV status of that person. All views expressed in outnorthwest are not necessarily those of the Editor or The Lesbian & Gay Foundation. outnorthwest recognises all copyrights. Where possible, we have acknowledged the copyright holder. Contact us if we have failed to credit your copyright and we will happily correct any oversight.






Thanks to your votes the Enough is Enough! Safer Schools Packs have been awarded a NatWest CommunityForce Award, which means we can get 300 more packs into schools; challenging homophobic bullying, supporting lesbian, gay and bisexual young people and promoting understanding across communities.


It means that by February 2012, over 825 Safer Schools Packs will be in schools making a difference.

Our team of Safer Schools volunteers - the fabulous John Finn, Daniel Warren, Chris Dunn, Ry and Daniel Brady - have been beavering away pulling together all the information for the Greater Manchester schools that the packs will be going out to. So, if you work in a school, or go to a school in Manchester, Salford, Oldham, Rochdale, Trafford, Stockport, Wigan, Tameside, Bury or Bolton - a pack will dropping through your school’s letterbox shortly - so look out for them! They are being sent to the AntiBullying Lead for each school and for more info email: enough@lgf.org.uk

The campaign continues, and we are committed to getting as many packs in schools as possible in time for LGBT History Month, and the Safer Schools first birthday at the end of February.

Scan here NOW to buy a schools pack!

Homophobia ACTION against

You can still donate to a pack at www.lgf.org.uk/schoolspack, or if you think that your organisation or contacts might be interested in supporting the packs please email enough@lgf.org.uk

www.lgf.org.uk/enough Have you checked out our hard-hitting Enough Is Enough campaign video? It stars Corrie’s Antony Cotton, and megastar Sir Ian McKellen...




Search for ‘Enough Is Enough! Action Against Homophobia’ on Facebook.


Follow us and get involved in the conversation on Twitter, @lgfoundation


...is moving on. This will be the last opinion piece I am writing for outnorthwest. Having written a piece for every issue of the magazine, I’ve decided the time has come to have a rest and let other voices have a say.




Roger Crouch was a huge part of the Safer Schools campaign, and it was with great sadness that we learnt of his death at the end of November. Roger made a film with us called A Father’s Story about his son Dominic, 15, who took his own life after rumours circulated at school that he was gay. The film highlights the horrible impact of homophobia and bullying, and is part of our Safer School Packs. When Enough is Enough! met Roger we were struck by his warmth, hospitality and utter bravery - he was opening up to us about the most difficult of subjects - but he was just so determined to get the message out about schools doing more to challenge bullying and becoming safe and welcoming spaces for all pupils. In the 300 packs that are due to go out, and all the packs that are being used in schools right now, the great work that Roger started lives on, and we are determined to make schools safer in Roger’s and in Dominic’s names.

I have enjoyed writing my articles and want to thank all the people who have responded and commented on what I have written. Sometimes you wonder if anyone has read my column but then I will bump into someone in a bar who will say they really liked what I had said or disagreed with it completely but said it had got them into a heated debate with their friends. Sometimes I am very clear about what I want to say. Often there is a topical or obvious subject to write about. At other times I have no idea until I sit at my computer and start to type. These days it is easier for us all to have a comment and broadcast what we say to the world. I remember when it was far hard to access any gay debate or news and how we all waited for the each new issue of the fortnightly Gay News to read about what was happening in our world. However I believe it is as important as ever that we question what is happening all around us and that we are not afraid of controversy, disagreements and debate. I hope I have been able to contribute to these debates and sometimes made people think, act and even smile. In some ways the pace of change is moving very past on LGBT issues. Major changes in legal equality have given us rights that would have seemed unthinkable twenty years ago. The visibility and openness of lesbian and gay people in most areas of public life is also a huge change. So what will happen over the next ten years I wonder? The legal equality we have gained will

need to be used and tested and refined. As yet many groups and individuals are unaware of the new right that we have and there are relatively few cases of discrimination coming before the courts. This doesn’t mean that discrimination is not happening but it does suggest that many of us don’t have the confidence or knowledge or support to use the rights that we have gained. For this to happen we need to keep developing a stronger, better resourced and more confident community that can challenge those who are still trying to deny us our equality. That our relationships are recognised. That we now have protection in employment and services should mean the next generation grows up expecting to be treated fairly and fully prepared to complain and act if we are not. As important as legal equality is the collective state of our own well being. How we relate and interact with each other and the wider communities we live in. There is still higher levels of drug and alcohol use, higher levels of self harm and self hatred in our communities . This needs to change and in many ways is harder to change than legislation. In times of economic recession social attitudes can harden and some people long for the certainties of a past where normal relationships ruled. Rights can be taken away. Liberal attitudes can change. Progress is not automatic and linear. We need to be vigilant and rely on and develop our own skills resources and determination. However I feel confident that the gain we have made are solid. That in another ten years we will see LGBT people in open in every area of life and in every community. That we will become more and more in the mainstream of society and feel able to be ourselves and live exactly how we want with no limitations. Paul Fairweather www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 07



FEB-MAR 2012


THE DOCTOR WILL SEE YOU NOW TV’s Doctor Christian endorses new scheme to make GP surgeries more LGB friendly. Dr Christian Jessen graduated from University College London in 2000, having trained in general medicine, infectious disease, travel medicine and sexual health/HIV. He is well known for his work on the award winning TV show Embarrassing Bodies. He also works at Doctorcall on Harley Street and writes for Closer and Attitude magazines. Here he talks to outnorthwest about how GPs can challenge homophobia in healthcare, how their lesbian, gay and bisexual patients can help, and why he’s supporting Pride in Practice - NHS North West’s and the LGF’s new patient standard for excellence in LGB healthcare. As a healthcare professional do you think it’s important to be aware of your patient’s sexuality? I think it’s important, but you shouldn’t assume you know if a person is lesbian or gay. I always ask about sexual partners in regards to sexual health but it isn’t always relevant. However, when it comes to chronic illness, understanding a patient’s sexual orientation and how it affects their lifestyle could be very relevant. If you are a GP it is very important to know your patient, especially when it comes to sexually transmitted infections and HIV, as we all know men who have sex with men are a particularly high risk group. A lot of patients are understandably embarrassed to talk about sex and sexual health, but it is important for doctors to ask questions when it is relevant to their patients health. Does a patient’s sexual orientation have an impact on diagnosis and treatment? Issues such as depression, body dysmorphia, substance misuse and other mental health issues do disproportionately affect LGB people. I think younger doctors are better briefed about how a person’s sexual orientation can have an impact on their health and well-being. In general, older doctors find it 08 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

AGENDA FEB-MAR 2012 CONTACT US: outnorthwest, The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, Number 5, Richmond Street, Manchester M1 3HF EMAIL: joanne.dunning@lgf.org.uk TWITTER: @lgfoundation CALL: 0845 3 30 30 30

Pride “A lot of patients are in Practice undertstandably embarrassed to talk about GET READY sex and sexual health, FOR THE but it’s important for Doctors to ask questions LAUNCH! Lesbian & Gay Foundation when it is relevant to their The and NHS North West, are on the success of their patient’s health.” building GP’s Surgeries project, with the Excellence in lesbian, gay & bisexual healthcare

harder and their experience of LGB patients’ needs may be limited. I think it’s also true to say that religion can play a big part in how some health professionals treat gay patients. I don’t think it should however, as a GP it isn’t acceptable to show disapproval about a patient being gay or lesbian. Do you think that Sexual Orientation Monitoring is important? GP’s need to understand it is useful and patients need to know why those questions are asked. For example, we wouldn’t get the data around the rates of HIV amongst men who have sex with men if the question wasn’t asked. Are health care providers doing all they can to be supportive and accessible to their LGB patients? Yes and no! Are we doing enough to ensure that doctors have good consultations with their patients? I think many doctors worry about doing or saying the wrong thing. In sexual health I don’t think it’s as much of an issue but with many chronic conditions there can be issues. What could GPs and health care providers do to be more supportive of their LGB patients? Understand about the different life problems and lifestyles of LGB people. This is something that isn’t covered at medical school. More GPs taking an interest in different communities would help here. When I do a consultation I find

it helps to understand the patient. Using the right language can help a patient relax too, especially when it comes to talking about personal things like sex. Also as an individual, lesbian, gay and bisexual people can help by informing their GP about their sexual orientation. It wouldn’t be helpful to criticise doctors too much though as they have an awful lot of information to digest, so offering tips and advice on how to talk to LGB patients would be extremely useful. It would also be useful to offer LGB patients tips on how to get the best from their GP! What support do GPs need in becoming more open and accessible to their LGB patients needs? GPs are going to have to be more accommodating to all of their patients needs. It’s important to remember that patients have a choice about which GP practice they use, especially as these days they have to run more like a business, it is in the interests of practices to show that they are welcoming to LGB patients. Advertising LGB support services is really important. If a practice isn’t willing to share information on services that are available for LGB people then there needs to be more pressure put on it. Can ‘Pride in Practice’ have a positive impact on LGB healthcare? I fully approve of this. GPs have a lot to learn and don’t have much time so the more help they can get in this area is incredibly helpful and really useful. I think Pride in Practice is a great initiative.

launch of Pride in Practice on February 14th at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation’s Community Resource Centre, Manchester. The launch event of this nationally important project will feature a talk from the Chairwoman of the Royal College of GP’s Dr Clare Gerada. If you would like to attend the launch or for more information please contact: dennis.baldwin@lgf. org.uk How can LGB patients get the best healthcare to suit their needs? Help your GP as much as possible. Don’t expect them to know that you are LGB, or to understand what your health needs as an LGB person might be. They aren’t all well informed in this area but you can help inform them! How can GPs better support their LGB patients? GPs should demonstrate that they are open and receptive to their patient’s needs. Simply by putting up a poster in their waiting room advertising LGB support can really help demonstrate that you are welcoming and willing to understand your LGB patients’ needs.

For more on Dr. Christian visit: www.drchristianjessen.com www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 09


This is the 8th year of the nationwide celebration of LGBT history. Below are just a few of the many interesting and entertaining events happening across the north west. For more, please go to: http://lgbthistorymonth.org.uk/ Chester LGBT: are we living equally? Monday 13th February 2012,10am – 4pm. Binks Building, University of Chester, Parkgate Road, Chester, CH1 4BJ. This free conference event will look at Equality law, trans issues, supporting LGBT young people and homophobia in both sport and wider society. Speakers include: Prof. Roger Kay, Prof. Stephen Whittle, The Michael Causer Foundation, Gay Youth ‘R’ Out, Lesbian and Gay Foundation, The Justin Campaign, Transforum. www.chester.ac.uk/about/diversity-andequality/diversity-festival

Lancashire Pink Collection /Outing the Past Countywide /throughout February Lancashire County Council are holding a number of events across Lancashire throughout February which will include a mix of talks, performances, music, exhibitions, displays and information. Museums, libraries and archives will join together to host fun and creative events, aimed at increasing awareness of LGBT culture and heritage in Burnley, Leyland, Lancaster and Preston. For more information, call: 01772 536795, email: Kathryn.rooke@lancashire.gov.uk or visit: http://bit.ly/lgbt2012.

Liverpool Alan Turing: Triumph and Tragedy Wednesday 22nd February 2012 : 4.00pm. Free lecture followed by Q&A session Eleanor Rathbone Lecture Theatre, Eleanor Rathbone Building, University of Liverpool. Alan Turing was one of the most influential British scientists of the 20th Century. To commemorate the centenary of his birth, the University of Liverpool’s LGBT Staff Network and the School of Histories, Languages and Cultures host a public lecture about the life, work and tragic death of Alan Turing by the best-selling writer Paul Gannon. Please book onto this event by emailing: rekelly@ liverpool.ac.uk More info at : www.liv.ac.uk/maps/

Alan Turing



Manchester Queer Contact 6th-11th February Oxford Road, Manchester,M15 6JA Contact brings together the best in queer culture and featuring LGBT performers from the UK and across the world, this year’s highlights include a performance from The Tiger Lilies, a theatrical spectacular from cabaret collective Mother’s Ruin, and a new music project for young LGBT people from MC Envy - Beyond da Box. Search for ‘queer contact’ at: http://contactmcr.com

Salford Take Action: Make Schools Safer Event Thursday February 2nd, 5pm -6pm at The University of Salford Building, MediaCityUK, Salford Quays, Salford. The University of Salford and The LGF invite you to a special free event aimed at helping schools challenge homophobic bullying, support all their young people and promote

10 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

understanding across communities. To register contact: A.Pile@salford.ac.uk Sport & Media Debate Thursday 2nd February,6.15pm8.30pm,MBA Suite, University of Salford MediaCityUK Campus, Salford Quays, M50 2HE. In response to the national LGBT History Month theme of Sport, leading figures from the worlds of basketball, rugby, radio and sports journalism will discuss the representation of LGBT issues in the media from the perspective of players, fans and journalists. Speakers include: John Amaechi , Bob Ballard, Sarah Williams, Claire Harvey, Dave Randles .To book a place at this free event contact: 0161 2959003 or h.morgan1@salford.ac.uk For more including transgender awareness training, storytelling workshops and social events : www.equality.salford.ac.uk/ page/lgbt_2012

FEB-MAR 2012

BEING ME An opportunity for people who identify as black or minority ethnic and lesbian, gay and bisexual to share experiences, listen to others and find out about the support and information available.

Peter Tatchell


PROGRESS Around five years ago Mike Newman began to produce a short history of freedom for gay men in Britain since the 1950’s after reading an article about the lack of awareness of early gay liberation campaigners. Over the last few years Mike has interviewed five such campaigners ( details below). A special event is being organised for LGBT History Month on 23rd February at 7pm at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation to share these unique interviews.

Leo Abse The late former Labour MP guided a Private Member’s Bill through Parliament in 1967 that legalised sex between men. He persuaded the home secretary to give his Bill Government time.

Antony Grey Antony began campaigning for gay equality in 1958, he joined the Homosexual Law Reform Society and later became secretary

of the Albany Trust to help gay men who had developed psychological problems after being persecuted. He died in 2010.

Allan Horsfall In 1957 Allan began to challenge the Labour Party on gay rights. He then set up the North West Homosexual Law Reform Committee (later the Campaign for Homosexual Equality) in 1964.

Dennis Killin Dennis co- ran the central London office of the Organisation for Lesbian and Gay Action and has also been involved in disability politics.

Peter Tatchell Peter began campaigning for human rights as a teenager. In the 1970’s he joined the Gay Liberation Front, in the 1990’s he cofounded Outrage and he launched the Peter Tatchell Foundation ten years ago.

To attend this free event or for more info e-mail: andrew.gilliver@lgf.org.uk

Saturday - 4th February 2012, 1-5pm at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation’s Community Resource Centre, Number 5, Richmond Street, Manchester M1 3HF sees an afternoon of celebration of all that is lesbian, gay and bisexual from all aspects of our diverse community. Celebrating through food, video and personal experiences. To reserve your place, please email or telephone Darren Knight at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation and please inform if you have any access or dietary requirements: darren.knight@lgf. org.uk or 0845 3 30 30 30.

IMAAN ‘SPEED MEETING’ On Thursday February 9th 2012 there will be a special ‘Speed Meeting’ for LGBT,BME and Faith communities and their supporters organised by Imaan, the LGBTQI Muslim social-support group at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation Community Resource Centre. Imaan supports LGBT Muslim people, their families and friends, to address issues of sexual orientation within Islam. Chair of Imaan, Tawseef Khan says “The event will be an informal social-network building where we can spread the word about Imaan’s existence in Manchester and hopefully meet other groups to try to promote inter-co-operation whilst also introducing ourselves!” Imaan regularly meets on the first Thursday of every month at the LGF ( 7.30pm-9.30pm) For more information email: tawseef@imaan.org.uk www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 11



IDAHO In 2012, The Lesbian & Gay Foundation would again like to support organisations by enabling them to show their support by ‘Flying the Flag’ on Thursday 17th May 2012. We can provide information, publicity and promotion opportunities about participation and showing commitment to campaigns to end homophobia and transphobia. To see images of rainbow flags flying from 2011, check out: http://bit.ly/zR8ezR. We’ll be collecting information on who will be flying the flags, asking for photographs and supporting groups and organisations around innovative ways to mark the day over the coming months. If you require further information to mark IDAHO 2012, contact: darren.knight@lgf.org.uk or telephone 0845 3 30 30 30

Would YOU consider being a school governor? Volunteering in your local community is something the Government is keen to encourage. But what are the barriers facing lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans people if they want to participate, by being a school governor, magistrate or local councillor? The Thematic Regional Infrastructure Organisations (TRIO) Project brings together One North West, The Lesbian & Gay Foundation and Refugee Action. As part of their work, the project have written a briefing to stimulate discussion and encourage more LGB&T people to get involved. Download it from: http://bit. ly/yZ8ho3. For more information contact : adam.winter@lgf.org.uk or call 08453 30 30 30


LIVERPOOL PRIDE Chair and founder of Liverpool Pride, Tommy McIlravey, is stepping down at the end of the year to concentrate on his work with Liverpool’s HIV charity, Sahir House.

Tommy was instrumental in bringing Pride back to the streets of Liverpool . As chair of the LGB&T Network from 2008-10, he worked with the Pride working group, City Councillors and Officers to secure funding and support for the city’s first official Pride Festival. For more www.liverpoolpride.co.uk/

2012: Changing Times

LGB& T Research on Merseyside

The regional LGB&T Conference. Saturday 25th February 10am - 4.30pm at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation , 5 Richmond Street , Manchester, M1 3HF Workshops and presentations include: What are the priorities for the LGB&T Sector - What’s happening in health? - Getting involved in Consultations - Trans Action Plan, - How to use the Equality Act to make change in your local area .Free Event, lunch & refreshments included. Travel bursaries available by prearrangement. Contact adam.winter@lgf.org.uk or call 08453 30 30 30 to book a place or for more information

12 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

Liverpool Charity and Voluntary Services, Liverpool City Council and the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Network have commissioned research on the experiences of trans people in Liverpool. To access the report : http://www. lcvs.org.uk//news/new-report-on-transpeople-s-experiences-in-liverp.phuse Queer Notions have commissioned research to investigate mental health services for LGB&T people in Merseyside. They found that mental health services are often not well informed about LGB&T issues and needs. For more information: www.queernotions.org.uk/


EILEEN HOWARTH RIP Sad news for the New Year, Eileen Howarth, who many of you might remember from running popular women’s night DUSTY’S on Bloom St, has passed away. Eileen’s daughter Lisa, wanted her mum’s friends in Manchester’s LGBT community to know the news. Our thoughts are with Lisa and Eileen’s family at this sad time.


Events are being organised across the UK as part of the country’s first-ever LGBT Adoption and Fostering Week. It comes as gay adopters and foster carers are being hailed by social workers for their significant strengths in a survey commissioned by New Family Social, the LGBT network coordinating the week. 72% of social workers surveyed saw the “amount of energy and enthusiasm” LGBT adopters bring to the process as a significant strength. For a long time, LGBT people tended to be seen as a “last resort” when placing children. Now adoption and fostering agencies see them as having a key role to play in meeting the urgent need for more new homes for children in care. LGBT Adoption and Fostering Week is a recruitment campaign for prospective LGBT adopters and foster carers with free events around the UK hosted by local adoption and fostering agencies which include talks from local LGBT adoptive and foster parents about their own experiences and information on how to start the process.

Events in the North West Manchester Monday 20th February. 6pm -9pm. Venue: The Lesbian & Gay Foundation Community Resource Centre, Number 5 Richmond Street,Manchester,M1 3HF. Alpha Plus Fostering - Open Evening. For further information or for advice on becoming a foster carer, call Natalie on 0753 011 3170 or the recruitment line on 0808 178 4747. Liverpool Tuesday 21st February 2012. 6-8pm. Venue: Sefton Park Community Centre, Croxteth Drive, Sefton Park, Liverpool L17 3AG. For more information: Nicola Parker Adoption & Fostering Services Liverpool City Council 07740 740 949. Could You Foster? Call 0151 233 3700 for a free information pack.

URBAN ART SHOW Nigel O’Donnell a Manchester gay urban artist has a new art show Introducing N.O.D taking place at 4 Piccadilly Place, Aytoun Street, Manchester. Friday March 2nd until March 30th. www.facebook.com/pages/ Nigel-ODonnell

RUNNING FOR GOOD Antonia Kealey will be running the London Marathon in April for Children’s Charity‘Get Kids Going’. A fundraising night will be held at Chorlton Conservative Club on Saturday 10th of March from 7.30pm. There will be a night of Scottish Ceilidh Dancing kindly hosted by Canal Street’s finest ‘Gay Gordans Ceilidh group’. Tickets are £10 and all proceeds to the named charity. E-mail antonia_kealey@hotmail. com for more information.

Tameside Wednesday 22nd Feb 2012. 6 – 9pm Venue: Hyde Flowery Centre, Old Road, Hyde SK14 4SN.For enquiries, or to confirm attendance, please contact Tameside Adoption Team on 0161 342 4164 For details and event updates, visit: www.lgbtadoptfosterweek.org.uk/ 13 www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 11


“I’m able to stand up and be who I want to be.” In December 2011, Ben’s attacker pleaded guilty, was sentenced to a 12 month Community Order with supervision, and ordered to pay Ben £150 in compensation. Ben is glad that he stood up for himself, his community and reported the attack: “The year long legal proceedings that followed were a long and tiring process, but I wasn’t put off…If it wasn’t for the support I had from the LGF and the court service, it would have been very difficult for me to return back to the community. However, since the attack, although left with physical and mental health issues, I am able to stand up and be who I want to be.”


COMMUNITY Ben Squance shares his story on the importance of reporting hate crime. “As a community we need to speak out and take action by using the law and services open to us, if we don’t we might as well wave goodbye to an equal society which we are working so hard towards.” The HIV Candlelit Vigil at Manchester Pride is a moving end to the festival, but in 2010 for Ben Squance it was the moment he was being beaten up just yards away from the event. That August Bank Holiday Monday, Ben was working in a Canal Street venue when a group of around six men entered who were refused service. They became verbally abusive, calling staff “faggots” and assaulted a member of the bar staff. Ben

heard a call for help over the radio, he came to the bar and found bouncers trying to pull people apart. “All of a sudden a body was lunging towards me. I felt a sharp, blunt pain to the side of my head,” Says Ben. “I was knocked out and propelled across the bar ,crashed into the doorway and fell to the ground. There was a sharp burning sensation around my thigh. Someone was kicking me, aiming for my groin …Coming round, it was a blur of ambulance staff and police. I ended up in hospital for 18 hours with severe concussion.” The attack resulted in Ben losing confidence and feeling unsafe in Manchester, he moved home to Plymouth. “I wanted to live the life of who I am. I can’t do that in Plymouth. That’s been shattered by the actions of just one person.” he adds.

14 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

Ben is urging victims of violence, homophobia and hate crimes to report them, “Giving a statement may seem like a daunting task, but in my case, it was merely a case of talking over events with the very friendly neighbourhood policing officer in my own time without pressure.” Ben is still based in Plymouth and has been working to re-build his confidence. He’s been back in Manchester volunteering for The LGF and is donating half his compensation towards Safer Schools Packs.

Help & Support Police Surgery Every Thursday (6-8pm) you can talk to Greater Manchester Police about homophobic and transphobic hate incidents and report hate crime and get further support. Third party Reporting Centre If you want to report a hate crime , come to LGF ( between 10am-8pm) and talk to someone, or call 0845 3 30 30 30 and report hate crime over the phone. Face 2 Face counselling service If you have suffered a homophobic hate crime then you can access counselling free of charge . Call 0845 3 30 30 30 for further details


Village Census 2011 What did we find out?

Over 7 in 10 respondents were lesbian, gay or bisexual


Of lesbian, gay and bisexual respondents, 71% were men and 29% were women


of respondents came from Greater Manchester



of respondents came from Manchester

of respondents came from Outside Greater Manchester

16 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

One fifth of respondents were in the 26-30 age bracket

26 -30

3% of respondents identified as trans

The majority of respondents identified as White British, at



In 2011 the LGF carried out our second annual census of Manchester’s Gay Village to take a ‘snapshot’ of who uses the Village over the course of a typical week. Teams of volunteer census takers went out every day during two weeks in June and October, and if you are a Village regular you may remember being approached by someone in an Outreach t-shirt asking, “could you spare a few moments to take part in the Village Census?”, so what did we find out?




of respondents visited the Village on a weekly basis, the most common frequency given



Drip Coffee, Gayter Hairdressing, Rob, and The Basement Complex

















20 19













56% of LGB respondents from Greater ILLE STREE T Manchester said they use LGF services, including condom and lube packs, outnorthwest, EThelpline, website, RE ST counselling andRTgroups H O ITW H W

Over two in five respondents described the Village as:


In total, volunteers collected census data from over 2,681 people. This huge number could not have been achieved without the hard work of so many volunteers, so a big thank you goes out to all those who were involved! We asked questions about age, gender, sexual orientation and ethnicity as well as whether people used LGF services such as the free condom scheme, helpline, website and counselling. We also asked respondents to tell us “what does the Village mean to you?” Thanks to everyone who took part in the Census, your contribution has helped us






Reg. Charity No. 1070904



29 ST











3 in 10 described the Village as a gay space, using words like:

home community haven

generate a picture of life in the Village. This information will help us to target our work in the area more effectively. Of course, we will continue to engage with lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people outside of the Village – look out for our Outreach teams working across the region, and be sure to pick up your next copy of outnorthwest at your nearest distribution point. For further information about the Village Census please email: research@lgf.org.uk or call: 0845 3 30 30 30.

“I started at Gaydio just four months ago as Producer of Chris Holliday at Breakfast and nothing could have prepared me for such a role. So what’s a morning in the life of Gaydio’s T EE Breakfast Producer like? TR S In at 6:30am and I need to be bang up to > >> TH International Hotel, OR what’s dateWwith going on as Chris reads Legends and The Outpost HIT headlines in the show. We cover Wnews news stories from the UK and beyond and of course we’re always searching for relevant LGB&T stories to lead with. I also have to set up celebrity interviews, my most favourite recently was Keith Lemon. It was horrendous to edit - I had to keep stopping because I was bent over double with tears streaming down my face. Each week I also set Chris a challenge that he has to train for and complete. I normally like to tie it in with things that are happening in and around Manchester. In the past few weeks we have also been zorbing , mountain boarding and, planned for later in the year – parachute jumping! We do love a good quiz or competition at Breakfast too. ‘The Semi Precious Stone Labyrinth’ was a recent one, any resemblance to the popular Channel four game ‘Crystal Maze’ was of course purely coincidental. Probably my favourite feature of the show though is ‘The Box’ where each day a different celebrity enters The Roomy Box to go head to head with Chris, just some of the completely tongue in cheek games we play include: Clock Block, Beat Around the Bush and Playing from Behind. The funniest thing happened on air the other day when Chris was trying to argue his case for a song to be played and I think what he meant to describe it as was aural pleasure but the wrong word came out and when he realised there was probably about a minute of pure laughter and tears. I’ve got some big plans for Breakfast! Could I ever go back to a regular 9-5 now? Never!”


www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 17


Community Development Project LGB&T people in Blackpool, Wyre and the Fylde have a wide range of support groups and services to access as part of the LGBT Community Development Project, run by Andy Thompson within the sexual health and HIV support agency Renaissance in Blackpool. There are a number of established groups Andy helps run including groups for 18 - 25 year old gay men, 25 -55 gay men and the SugarLounge Women’s gay and Bi group. There is a trans female group called Transinclusion along with the Lancashire Lads trans male group and a group for older gay men - the 55+ luncheon group. Other groups include the LGBT Community Forum, youth groups, an LGBT bereavement group and a group for LGBT Christians run with Liberty Church. Andy can also help if you have any concerns about accessing services (including sexual health) or any issues or problems surrounding LGB&T people locally. You can visit Andy at Renaissance at 102 Dickson Road (office hours), email athompson@ druglinelancs.co.uk or call/text 07875 355 390.


Networking! Bury LGBT Networking group are planning to have a social evening at Automatic Bar one Wednesday towards the end of February 2012. If you are interested in joining the group or would just would like to come along please e-mail burylgbtnetworking@live.co.uk and we’ll get you on our e-mailing list. We are also on Facebook where you can find out what’s going on with the group.


CARE? FOCUS ON: ALBERT KENNEDY TRUST As we begin 2012, the Albert Kennedy Trust in Manchester is faced with a real shortage of carers to support their LGB&T young people. Tracy, a carer with AKT, shares her story... “For me, the motivation is that you really do make a difference to someone vulnerable at a time when they are usually at rock bottom. I’ve learned a lot from each of the three young people I’ve cared for – from simple things like trying different foods to deeper stuff like other ways of looking at the world. It’s not usually a dramatic thing to be a carer but on occasions it does send challenges your way. As a carer, you will be helping a young person and the help

18 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

you give can affect them for the rest of their life; this sounds scary but in reality it is a huge privilege. You will also learn a lot about yourself, so it is a growth experience for you, too. As a carer, you are part of a range of services that a young person can access, so you don’t have the entire responsibility for the wellbeing of that person – AKT can help with support and advice. You don’t have to be perfect!” If you are interested in becoming a carer or would like to ask further questions please email­annette@akt. org.uk or download and application form from www.akt.org.uk. You really can make a difference!





KESHET Keshet Manchester is an organisation for LGBT Jews in Manchester. You can be any sort of Jew, religious, secular, matrilineal or patrilineal, but our aim is to help you get to know other Jews without denying who you are. We are looking to create fun social events that every Jew can attend, regardless of your level of observance, if any. We realise that many of the Jews who are in need of Keshet’s services aren’t able to be open about their involvement with us, so we take your privacy very seriously. For people who are out and proud, Keshet is an opportunity to connect to your Jewish roots with other like-minded people in a enjoyable, social atmosphere, without having to give up any part of your identity. For more information please visit our website at www.keshetmanchester.org.uk

On Saturday 25 February, 10.30am – 4pm, ‘Outing the Past 2!’ will be a free, day long event at Lancashire Archives in Preston, where guest historians Dr Colin Penny, Dr Paul Baker and Jeff Evans will be sharing their research into Polari, historic trials and hangings across Lancashire and more; our ‘Talking Heads’ will be telling their own histories and once again, there will be displays, lunchtime refreshments and tours of the archives. We are asking people to book in advance due to limited space, so please contact Kathryn on Kathryn.rooke@lancashire.gov.uk or 01772 536795 to do so or if you have any questions at all. More information can also be found at www.archives.lancashire.gov.uk


OUT IN SALFORD! Out IN Salford is a Citywide Network Group bringing together and supporting the LGBT community across Salford. Our aims and objectives are: Raising LGBT awareness; Promoting equality and diversity; Opening and increasing Education; Community Safety; Organising Citywide Events ;Providing support and advice to LGBT communities across the City The Group meets on a Monthly basis in either an official capacity or as a social event at venues throughout the City ensuring ease of access to any interested parties. For any further information or to get involved please contact: chairman@outinsalford.org.uk Visit the Out IN Salford Website: www.outinsalford.org.uk


BONA VADA! Vada LGBT Community Theatre Group can be seen in force performing two minute plays chosen by the audience on 21st March 2012 from 7.30 pm at TV21 Bar in Thomas Street (opposite Blu Bar). We are part of the Open Mind night which will be an eclectic stimulating night for all. This is part of our expanding repertoire of different media and types of performance. We have 20 plays we are working up at Chorlton library watch our Facebook page for the times and dates (VADA LGBT Community Theatre Group). At the Pride Fringe we will have a new show which will again be multi media with film, music and performance. Our film project on the stocks is Tales of a Pretty Policeman and we will be shooting this soon in a toilet near you!’’ For further information visit the VADA page on Facebook. Just search for ‘VADA LGBT Community Theatre Group’. www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 19

At a time when HIV is seen increasingly as a chronic medical condition, controlled by effective medication and consistent adherence, it’s sometimes tempting to forget that there are lots of other ways to stay well and healthy with HIV. As we kick off a New Year, many of you will have thought about – and put into practise – plans to make yourself that bit fitter and healthier in 2012. What can you do if you’re living with HIV and want to make sure as best you can that you stay fit and healthy? There aren’t any magic answers or formulas for people living with HIV than are different from people who aren’t – but there are some key things that are an important part of a better, healthier life with HIV. It will come as no surprise that the first thing to do – if it applies to you - is to quit smoking. Research has shown that stopping smoking is one of the most effective ways to improve the general health of people living with HIV. There are many ways to help you quit – it’s just a question of weighing up the merits each one and deciding which one might work best for you. If you’re living with HIV and want to kick the nicotine habit, George House Trust can give you expert advice and have trained staff members who can work with you to help you achieve your goal. Giving up smoking is possible with the right kind of support and advice – and it will improve your health significantly. Think about your diet. How balanced is it? How nutritious is the food you eat and how does it benefit your overall health? Again, there aren’t any magical or mysterious rules to follow, but keeping an eye on your diet and making sure that it’s balanced and providing you with the nutrition you need will mean that your general health has a much better chance of maintaining itself at a good level. Eating healthily doesn’t have to cost a lot of money either – it’s all about being sensible about what you eat, trying to eat as much fresh food as possible and taking care over what, and how much, you eat. One of the issues that comes up regularly for people living with HIV is how to make sure that CD4 levels stay consistently high, meaning a stronger, healthier immune


system. As well as quitting smoking and eating better and healthier, one of the other ways in which people living with HIV can maintain good levels of overall general health is by exercising regularly. Exercise can be massively beneficial to both physical and emotional health. It can improve mood and contribute to a healthy self- image. Exercise can fight fatigue, help with depression and help to reduce stress. An exercise programme doesn’t need to be training to run a marathon. Gentle heart beat raising exercise – such as brisk walking – helps to reduce fatty substances in the blood such as cholesterol and therefore reduce the risk of heart disease. Swimming is great general exercise too. Think about how you can make sure that your body gets more of the exercise it needs. Private gyms can be expensive and beyond many people’s means – but some local authorities still have gym facilities at reduced costs. Even without a programme of exercise in your local gym though, it’s perfectly

possible to find ways to exercise and raise your heart beat levels. Think about walking instead of taking the bus. Spend a Sunday afternoon taking a brisk walk around your local park. Be creative in the ways that you think about exercise and try not to make it complicated. Vary your exercise routine to avoid getting bored. So, three key things to think about if you’re living with HIV and wanting to maintain good levels of general health. Stop smoking, eat healthily and make sure you get some exercise in one form or another. George House Trust has experienced advisers who can support and advise you around staying healthy with HIV. We also hold regular health related information sessions. If you would like to know more about ways in which you can help to improve your general levels of health with HIV – or if there is anything else you would like support or advice about - simply contact one of our team on 0161 274 4499 or visit our website at www.ght.org.uk.

To find out more about the services offered by George House Trust, contact our services team at support@ght.org.uk or call us on 0161 274 4499.


20 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk


OUTSPOKEN YVONNE EDGE YVONNE EDGE is the manager of the Pankhurst Centre in Manchester. A well known and respected community face, she campaigns for women’s rights. Yvonne was born in Salford and attended University College London. Here she talks to outnorthwest about what makes her tick...

The Pankhurst Centre - the former home of suffragettes the Pankhurst’s - still stands as a permanent reminder of women’s fight to become full and equal citizens and in memory of the many women who took part in the struggle.

Age? As old as my hair and a bit older than my teeth! Biography? Dragged up in Salford, had many different jobs over the years from youth worker to taxi driver and lots in between and since! Which 3 items would you take to a desert island? A radio so I can listen to Desert Island Discs! A bag of manure so I can grow things! Batteries for the radio! Which person living or dead do you most admire and why? There are quite a few but I’m opting for Emmeline Pankhurst because of her single minded commitment to the fight for women to get the vote and because of the sacrifices she made for the cause. What do you owe your parents? Thanks for my brains. What is the most important lesson life has taught you? Believe nowt you hear and only half of what you see. (One of my mother’s sayings and one of the most valuable for me). If you could be any character in fiction, who would you be? Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights – all passion and smouldering (in my dreams!) What would we find in your fridge if we had a look? A bottle of champagne that’s been there for years! How sad! Who are your three ideal dinner guests, living or dead? Elizabeth 1st (I want to know how she managed not to get married and have children), Emmeline Pankhurst and Betty Tebbs (lifelong peace campaigner and activist still fighting at 94!

22 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

What would your superpower be? X ray vision so that I can turn the tables at the airport security point. Cat or dog? Both, if possible. Currently cat. What is your favourite word? Gobsmacked. – I was interviewed by a newspaper some years ago and used the word then. The story appeared in media all over the world with me saying ‘gobsmacked’ in the international press! My (so called) friends ribbed me about it for months! What do you think is the greatest challenge facing women today? At the present time dealing with the massive impact the spending cuts and benefit changes are having on women in this country. What’s the best thing about being a woman? Relating to other women in all the myriad of ways. Last book you read? Alex Ferguson’s 25 Years at Old Trafford. Last film you watched? At the cinema? Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy – I fell asleep about 10 minutes into the film in a ridiculously overheated cinema! On TV? Breakfast on Pluto – you must see it! What’s your favourite TV show? Match of the Day, but I have to watch the repeat really early on Sunday morning as my partner’s not into football! Tell us a joke. Where do you go to weigh a whale? A whale weigh station. Where do you go to weigh a pie? (sings) Somewhere over the rainbow, weigh a pie!





! R ROA Following last year’s celebrations that marked 100 years of International Women’s Day, The Lesbian & Gay Foundation annual women’s event - Sugar & Spice – is back for 2012! Now in its sixth year Sugar & Spice is an event for lesbian, bisexual, trans women and their friends, and will take place at our Community Resource Centre on Saturday 10th March.

We see 2012 as the year to celebrate the skills women have as well as acknowledging the real difference women make in many areas of life. To mark the talents of womankind this year’s Sugar & Spice will focus on the theme of Recognise, Represent and Resolve with a diverse range of workshops, encouraging women to share and acknowledge their many talents. So, take a moment and think about all the things you did today – you might be surprised by how many skills you used without even a second thought. Just going about your day-to-day life you might not have realised how organised you are, or how well you plan your finances – not to mention excellent mediation skills! Your


friends probably don’t tell you enough, but you are an excellent listener too. Then when you consider your job or voluntary work you do along with your interests you are one amazing woman! On an average day, whatever you get up to, we all demonstrate a wide range of skills and Sugar & Spice is the perfect event to enhance these skills, share them with other women and learn new ones in the many workshops taking place. Workshops will include circus skills, laughology, relaxation techniques, and radio skills with Gaydio, African drumming, self defence, sexual health, a session on career goals and how to get to where you want to be. There will also be wellbeing pop-ins, complimentary therapies (such as massage and reiki), a cafe and the famous LGF craft space throughout the day. New to Sugar & Spice this year is the Female Power Panel where you will have the chance to put your questions to lesbian and bisexual women who have excelled in their chosen fields. Sugar & Spice is a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, try new skills, pick up info, air your views, get involved and have loads of fun. Not to mention it’s all free as well! www.lgf.org.uk

Celebrate International Women’s Day at Sugar & Spice 6, LGF, Number 5, Richmond St, Manchester, M1 3HF. Saturday 10th March 12pm til 6pm. For more information please visit www.lgf.org.uk or call Annie on 0845 3 30 30 30 or email women@lgf.org.uk. www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 23



FEBRUARY Saturday 4th: Photography MARCH Saturday 3rd: Photoshop Skills



CHEESE! Learn real skills and meet new friends.

The LGBT Skills Academy, DO•IT, continues with two fantastic free taster sessions in the next few weeks...

SAY CHEESE! Photography for Beginners Saturday February 4th (2-5pm) Are you the kind that always sets your expensive (and not so expensive!) camera to ‘automatic’? Interested to find out what all those technical terms mean? Then this is the workshop for you! Free. To confirm your attendance contact skills@lgf.org.uk

TOUCH UP! Photoshop for Beginners Saturday March 3rd (2-5pm) So you’ve taken some amazing pictures, and now you want to touch them up, or add some special effects. Photoshop is an amazing piece of software, and this beginners guide will get you on the right track.This workshop is free. To confirm your attendance please contact skills@ lgf.org.uk as soon as possible! For more information about what’s on when, and coming along to the events visit www.lgf.org.uk/doit, email skills@ lgf.org.uk or call 0845 3 30 3030



There are also some fantastic volunteering opportunities with this project. Three roles have been created - Marketing Support, Office Support and Workshop Delivery Support. For more information on these volunteering roles, and to get involved in this exciting project drop Claire Taylor a line claire.taylor@lgf.org.uk or call her on 08453 303030 .

24 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

FEBRUARY Saturday 18th: DIY Skills MARCH Saturday 10th: Sugar & Spice


FEBRUARY Saturday 11th: Radio Journalism Saturday 25th: Radio Presentation MARCH Saturday 17th: Radio Production Saturday 31st: Radio Journalism


March 7th marks International Women’s Day and in celebration of all that is great and good about lesbian, bisexual and trans women we asked them to name those special places across the North West that they hold dear. Call it a treasure map for this and the next generation of lesbian, gay and trans women – where an embarrassment of X’s mark the spot, or a big bumper map of LBT women’s hidden gems for those that are new to the area. Whatever you call it, read it, take note and send us a postcard once you’ve visited them! Thanks to everyone who tweeted and emailed us with your favourite places – if your’s isn’t here but you still want to shout about it, or if you’d like more details of anything mentioned on these pages, just drop an email to: joanne.dunning@lgf.org.uk

S T O P S 3

Places of interest for lesbian and bisexual women in the North West... in your words!


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SUPPORT “The Lesbian & Gay Foundation – women’s groups and their fabulous annual celebration of women Sugar & Spice.” SUPPORT “The @Alyss-Abyss: The Molly Pankhurst Centre – House is fab for good food and drink! home of the suffragettes!” CLUB NIGHT “Rapture at Platt Chapel” MANCHESTER @missdennisqueen: “I like Club Lash best - pansexual, mixed fetish/BDSM. Taurus at number one Canal Street for lunch out with the wife and kids. I also recommend Debenhams for kitting me out with morning suit for my wedding without batting an eyelid cos I’m not a man.” BARS “Proof, Nip & Tipple and @JosieDenton: Bollox, Kraak, Club Brenda and Islinton Mill Horse & Jockey in Chorlton.” in Manchester. CLUB NIGHT “Bury Longfield Live at The Longfield Suite in Bury” @katehelenrose: The THE PLACE “Canal Northern Quarter, Laughing Street” Cows at Frog & Bucket.

@MelHarper Vanilla!


MERSEYSIDE • TOURIST SPOT Lark Lane (Aigburth:) “lots of friendly bars and tasty restaurants” • BAR “The Lisbon” • SHOP “News from Nowhere Radical Bookshop” • TOURIST SPOT Vikki-Marie Gaynor: “Seacombe Ferry where I take my pics is my fave place”

26 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

2 • TOURIST SPOT Debs Bradshaw: “Walking at Pendle Hill and The Trough of Boland.” BLACKPOOL @Lisa_LFC9: Blackpool scene relaxed atmosphere, nice people

LANCASTER • FILM “The Dukes Film night” @samaldridge LoungeOUT Sunday nights at The Lounge


CLUB NIGHT “Get Bent with Hangout Harry’s in Preston.”




• TOURIST SPOT “The Lakes – happy camping” • BAR “Outrageous Bar in Carlisle” • TOURIST SPOT “Brampton – quite a vibrant lesbian scene.” • GROUP “PINC in Carlisle” • VENUE “Multicultural Centre in Barrow” • VENUE “LGBT Centre at CADAS in Barrow” • BARS “The Kings Arms/Sophia’s/Swank in Barrow”

CHESHIRE • TOURIST SPOT @missdennisqueen: “The Peak District “for a romantic picnic” • BAR “Exposed upstairs at Showbar in Warringon” @neonpinkmartini Egerton Arms in Chelford


2 3

4 5

5 KEY 1 2 3


4 5



OUTSIDE THE NORTH WEST BUT STILL WORTH A MENTION: Bronte Parsonage for a literature fix and beautiful views in Haworth. Sylvia Plath’s Grave at Heptonstall in Hebden Bridge. and Nelson’s Wine Bar. Shibden Hall, home of the modern lesbian Anne Lister, in Halifax. And of course, the very les/bi women friendly Todmorden!



NEGATIVE BENEFITS Very often we focus on the effects of a positive HIV test. But what are the implications if you receive a negative result?

When talking about going for an HIV test, or a test for sexually transmitted infections,it is very easy to concentrate on the benefits of testing positive, because you are then able to either know your status or get any infection treated, and put yourself in the best place in terms of your long term health. All well and good, but by doing this, we might be putting people off testing because it almost assumes that everyone is going to test positive. In fact the majority of people will test negative. Getting a negative result, for any STI is a huge weight off your mind, and if you have put yourself at risk, it can relieve what can be a huge amount of anxiety.

Photo: Paul Jones, Exposure

For more information on testing services and dates and locations of The Lesbian & Gay Foundation’s testing services go to lgf.org.uk/testing or call FOR MORE 0845 3 30 30 30. INFORMATION


Knowing that you are definitely free of any infections can make you look back at the kind of sex that you have been having, and determine whether or not you have been putting yourself at risk. Some people assume that because they have tested negative, they must have been having safer sex, or sex that was safe up until that point. This is not always the case, and it is up to you to look back honestly to see if this applies to you. It is true to say that the more TO DIAL THIS times you have unsafe NUMBER NOW sex, the greater the


28 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

risk; but remember you can get HIV or any other sexually transmitted infection by having unsafe sex just once. Having regular sexual health check ups, to make sure you can stay healthy is one of the best things you can do for your long term physical health, but also for your mental health. The anxiety that can be caused by not knowing your status can affect your day to day life, and by having peace of mind you can take real steps to improve your feelings of self worth and self esteem. A negative result can be the starting point to making sure that you stay free of infections for the rest of your life.

Some things to remember: • HIV is very serious, but avoidable. • If you slip up once and have risky sex, you can still go back to safer sex (but you should have an HIV test after three months). • You can be in control of your sex life. • It is possible for anyone to change their behaviour.




It happens to lots of us. You get carried away in the heat of the moment, or a condom splits, or comes off, and you then you have the next day of worrying about whether you might have been exposed to HIV. It used to be the case that there was nothing that you could do but hope you were ok, and then wait 12 weeks for an HIV test. Post Exposure Prophylaxis (bit of a mouthful, so PEP for short) is a course of anti HIV medication that can prevent someone from becoming HIV positive if taken early enough. It is a four week long course of drugs, and it can have (sometimes quite severe) side effects. If taken within 72 hours, it can prevent someone from becoming HIV positive, but it should only be thought of as something to take in an emergency, and never thought of as part of your safer sex behaviour. It is unlikely to be given out after 72 hours because it probably won’t be effective after this time has passed. If something does happen, such as you having unprotected anal sex, or an accident with a condom, then you should go to a sexual health clinic, or an A&E department as soon as possible, and ask if you are eligible for PEP. You will have to complete a risk assessment, and the health professional will only be able to prescribe it if you meet the criteria, i.e. the incident was classed as high risk for HIV exposure. It is important to remember that it is not guaranteed to work in all cases, and can have side effects that can be quite severe. For this reason, it should not be thought of as a morning after pill for HIV, and the NHS is unlikely to give it out except in isolated incidents, where accidental exposure to HIV may have occurred. PEP is not a cure for HIV, and using condoms and lube are the most effective way of preventing HIV when having anal sex, but it is something that can be considered for those times when you make a mistake or accidents happen. To find out more about PEP www.pep.chapsonline.org.uk

I would hazard a guess that there are some people reading this who have never heard of CHAPS (and no I’m not talking about leather trousers with the arse missing).

At the end of February there is the annual CHAPS conference where different agencies, and healthcare providers come together to share best practice and learning, as well as look for new and innovative ways to try and make sure that we are all doing our best to serve gay and bisexual men across England.

CHAPS is the name of the England wide partnership of agencies that are all working in the field of HIV prevention amongst men who have sex with men. The partnership is funded by the Department of Health, and was introduced in 1996 by the then Conservative government in response to what to do about the HIV crisis amongst gay and bisexual men.

We will be covering this in the next issue of outnorthwest, and sharing with you up to date activities, and different ways in which we can all help each other to prevent the spread of HIV further and best help those who are living with HIV. The LGF is currently involved in a project that is looking to help people who have concerns that the sex that they are having is not as safe as they would like, maybe also in relation to drug and alcohol use.

You may have seen some of the campaigns over the years, the ‘THIVK’ campaign, ‘Go For It’, the current ‘Smart Arse/Clever Dick’ campaign (see page 3). All of these campaigns have had input from The Lesbian & Gay Foundation working with the other partners to try and influence behaviour, and reduce the numbers of new infections of HIV. Obviously there is still a lot of work to do and the LGF is working on your behalf on a local level in Greater Manchester and the North West, and also on a national level as part of CHAPS.

If you feel that this issue is a concern for you, drop us an email to: sexualhealth@ lgf.org.uk or call: 0845 3 30 30 30 and ask for Peter Boyle. You can speak to someone in confidence about your concerns, and explore ways in which we can help you. We are here if you need us, locally or nationally. Keep an eye out too for the current Smart Arse/Clever Dick campaign, and look out for our reports about the CHAPS conference in the next issue. www.chapsonline.org.uk

Peter Boyle is the Sexual Health Co-ordinator at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 29





If you live in Manchester and could do with some support to manage stress, low mood, anxiety or depression, then The Lesbian & Gay Foundation and the Manchester Primary Care Mental Health Team have a new service which could be just the thing you’re looking for. So often we hear about the inequalities facing the LGB community around mental health and the challenges you experience when accessing mainstream support services. Feeling uneasy about asking for help can leave you without the support you need and when you’re experiencing problems with your mental health, the last thing you need trying to cope with things alone. Recognising the scale of this problem, The Lesbian & Gay Foundation and the Manchester Primary Care Mental Health Service have joined forces to offer

a new specialist service for the LGBT community. The service is aimed at those experiencing common mental health problems (depression, anxiety, stress) who also identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, questioning or trans to access support in a safe and non-judgemental environment in the heart of Manchester’s Gay Village.

The reasons behind the high numbers of LGB people experiencing mental health problems are often misunderstood, and many find that there is often a casual link made between their sexual orientation and mental health problem, dismissing other issues that may be going on. The fact is that although LGB people may face issues such as homophobia and discrimination, we also go through all of the other ‘life events’ and stresses as everyone else At The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, we believe that the key to supporting you to take care of your own mental health and wellbeing is to give you useful tools and coping techniques that can be used in everyday life.

“The fact is that although LGB people may face issues such as homophobia and discrimination, we also go through all of the other ‘life events’ and stresses as everyone else.” If you decide that the LGBT Wellbeing Clinic could benefit you – after completing an application form, you will be invited to attend an initial one-to-one meeting with the worker. If it’s decided that the service is right for you, you’ll be offered between 6 and 8 one-to-one sessions with an experienced NHS Mental Health Worker here at The LGF’s Community Resource Centre. In your sessions, you will be introduced to some useful self help materials and given the opportunity to develop coping techniques and a better understanding of how to look after your mental health. The service is available to those aged 16 and over who are registered with a Manchester GP. To access this service, you’ll need to complete an application form which you can request by calling us on 0845 3 30 30 30 or emailing lucy.rolfe@lgf.org.uk. Sessions are by appointment only and take place on a Friday. If you have any questions, or if you would like an application form, please contact Lucy Rolfe on 0845 3 30 30 30 or email lucy.rolfe@lgf.org.uk

www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 31



! S U D E E N We’re not just condoms and outnorthwest! The LGF has a whole range of LGB services you can access when you need them. Get in touch! Individual Counselling The LGF has a large team of dedicated volunteers, who provide one-to-one counselling to lesbian, gay, bisexual and questioning people, who are experiencing ‘life issues’. People of all ages come to us seeking support around a variety of different issues, such as coming out, relationship problems and depression, to name just a few. After submitting an application form and attending an initial meeting with one of our team, you will be offered 12 weekly sessions which will take place here at The LGF’s Community Resource Centre at a time that suits you. The service we offer is discreet, confidential and all of our counsellors have experience of working with the LGB community. As this service is not currently funded; we ask people over the age of 25 to make a small donation towards the cost of their counselling, but we would never turn away anyone who could not afford this. To request an application form, either visit our website or give us a call.

Relationship Counselling Sometimes people come to counselling together, to help them to work through issues, or to help bring their relationship to a respectful end. At the LGF we have a small number of therapists who are able to work with couples together, usually for around 12 sessions. To access this service, you will need 32 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

LGBT Wellbeing Clinic If you are experiencing mild to moderate depression, anxiety, low mood or stress, there’s a possibility you could benefit from our LGBT Wellbeing Clinic. This service is delivered in partnership with the Manchester Primary Care Mental Health Team and can help you to develop useful coping mechanisms and self help tools to enable you to take care of your mental health and wellbeing. For many LGBT people, accessing mainstream services can bring up fears of being ‘outed’ and not being understood. This new service is tailored to the needs of the community and can offer vital support for people struggling with their mental health and wellbeing. Sessions are available by appointment only, and will take place here at The Lesbian & Gay Foundation’s Community Resource Centre on a Friday. To access the service, you’ll need to be registered with a Manchester GP and over the age of 16. To request an application form, either visit our website or give us a call.

Pop-In Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you need immeditate support. The LGF’s Pop-In Service provides information, support and guidance Monday to Friday between 10am and 8pm on a drop-in basis. We have a team of trained staff and volunteers who are happy to listen, inform and signpost on a variety of different issues, from housing to mental health. The service is confidential and sessions take place in one of our comfortable Wellbeing Rooms. So, if you need to chat to someone in confidence, then pop-in and see us.

Helpline and E-mail Support LGF’s Helpline Service provides thousands of hours of advice and support to thousands of people every year. The Helpline has been running for over 35 years, and is staffed by a team of dedicated volunteer operators, all of whom receive extensive training and support. The Helpline operates 365 days a

year, every day from 10am until 10pm. Our e-mail service has been running or just over six years and if you email us on helpline@lgf,org.uk we will respond to you in 72 hours. So either call or e-mail us and we’ll do everything we can to support you.

Police Surgery Greater Manchester Police have for many years been providing a support service to the LGBT community in Manchester and provide a regular weekly service at the LGF’s Community Resource Centre on Thursday night between 6 and 8pm, no appointment necessary, just drop in! GMP Community PC’s and Support Officers will be available every Thursday to help with any issues at all that the LGBT community think the police can help with. If you’ve traditionally felt uneasy about calling the police or asking for their support in the past, the Drop-In Service at the LGF is here to help you.

Ending Homophobia,

Empowering People


Registered Charity No.1070904


0845 3 303030

Legal Surgery The Lesbian & Gay Foundation have teamed up with LGBT-friendly solicitors to provide a fortnightly advice surgery for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in the city. The service, in partnership with legal firm O’Neill Patient LLP was introduced following a number of requests from the gay community for information on legal advice following changes in the law such as Civil Partnerships and the Sexual Orientation Regulations amendment to The Goods & Services Act. The service operates every second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 6pm until 8pm from the LGF’s community resource centre in Manchester’s gay village. No appointment is necessary, just come along and have a chat about what is worrying you

POP IN Number 5, Richmond Street, Manchester

E-MAIL US helpline@lgf.org.uk

Hate Crime Reporting


Here at the LGF’s community resource centre, we are a 3rd party homophobic hate crime reporting centre, grand eh? But what does it mean? If you have suffered a homophobic hate crime, for example someone has physically attacked you or called you names realating to your sexual orientation and don’t necessarily want to speak to the police then you can call us or pop in and report your hate crime here in a confidential and safe space and get any further information and support you need.

LGF, Number 5, Richmond Street, Manchester M1 3HF



Any questions? Scan here to call the LGF right now.


www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 33


to submit an application form, we will then invite you to come in and meet one of our relationship therapists to discuss your needs. As this service is not currently funded; we ask people over the age of 25 to make a small donation towards the cost of their counselling, but we would never turn away anyone who could not afford this. To request an application form, either visit our website or give us a call.






“They taught me to survive...” PATRICK ETTENES on the inspiration of his parents. “Well it’s the mixed-race Carry Bradshaw again! As we’re coming up to LGB&T History month, I’ve been asked to write about people who have inspired me. I didn’t have idols as a kid, but then it came to me, who I have been trying to aspire to for years…my mom and dad. I don’t think we give our parents enough credit. I love mine very much. They taught me the values an older generation was brought up with, respect, determination, education, love, laughter, friendship, understanding and good food - without my mother’s cooking I’d not be here… hmmm curry). Born in Trinidad, my mother came to England to study to be a nurse, travelled around the world learning and taking in cultures with her trade which would have broadened anyone’s mind, especially a young 18 year old from a poor background. My mom taught me that a job is a job once it pays the bills, life is what you make it, and to be master of the mind, not be mastered by the mind. Her words of wisdom still strike me to the core today, as she is always right.

34 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

My mum met my dad in Holland. His back ground was bright. An inspirational police officer who loved nothing more than looking good, women and being the typical man, values in his veins from my strict grandparents. I’m the apple of my father’s eye. I’m not the butchest guy, but I pack all the skills my father taught me. Same personalities (which led to many arguments, hardship, trial and error). He’s still the old man, that I call daddy. If I use that word in from of him, he’ll take one look at me and ask how much do I need? He’s not stupid. My father taught me to defend myself, to exercise, he used to take us fishing, taught me how to horse ride, and shoot. I get my vanity from my dad, not from my mother. He taught me how to be a gentleman, and treat women, even though I used to think I was one. Never the less, my father taught me survival. We do take our parents for granted. I know I did, but I don’t now. I idolise them, because throughout the years, I’ve realised that the person I am today isn’t just because of the events I’ve been through, but because I survived as a result of their training, and their love. I’ve hurt them both a lot, not easy to have an HIV+ son, or a gay one either, in their eyes I was doomed. But they taught me to survive, and they showed me that my


BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE “I’ve realised that the person I am today isn’t just because of the events I’ve been through, but because I survived as a result of their training, and their love.” family will always be there for me. 35 years together, and they are the reason why I’m single. I would like what they both have, a relationship. I’m still hounded by a few people who say that I shouldn’t have told them about my HIV status. I can understand why, as the older generation might not handle it very well, but I couldn’t look them in the eyes holding something so damaging to me, inside. I idolise them because if they were not there to treat me the same after I told them about my HIV, I wouldn’t have survived. Isn’t that what an idol does? Inspire you? Make you believe? They did, I just realized after 28 years who mine were. Who are yours? And have you thanked them recently? I’ll always and for ever be reminded to be a better person because of them.”

Patrick xx

My name is Jake Arturio Braden and I am an accredited NLP practitioner (NeuroLinguistic Programming), providing essential building blocks for discovering how people think and manage their emotional states. I have many years of experience in supporting people in a range of capacities and have a strong passion for self-development and improvement. I believe that we all have the resources we need to change who we are, our perception of the world and thus what we get from it. I feel that having some kind of life code or mission statement for ourselves is a good support tool for managing and developing our lives. We never get it done nor are we ever complete... we are evolving beings that can be shaped and moulded by our experiences. However we have far more power over our lives than we may care to admit. I am reminded of that quote from Ghandi, “be the change you want to see in the world.” For me this says that we have responsibilities over our lives. As gay and bisexual men we can come from a history of discrimination and having to fight for our rights etc. However rights come

with responsibilities, and this can be a daunting prospect for people who have felt disempowered. However we can change or improve our lives. There are so many techniques out there that can support you to develop, grow and support yourself to achieve your goals, set goals and improve your self-esteem and hence your relationship with yourself and others. Over the course over the coming months. I intend to share these tips with you, sort of like attending a coaching or self-development course, or having a one-on-one session with with your own coach. I will use a holistic approach that will incorporate spirituality, which is an important part of who we are. I like to ask questions as well... so here are some you may want to consider as we get started on this journey together: • • • • •

• •

Do you desire to be in the driving seat of your life? Do you desire to be the navigator of your life? Do you desire to feel better about yourself? Do you desire to have a better life? Do you desire to attract the circumstances in your life that will support you to get where you want to go? Do you desire to take responsibility for your own life? Would you like to create your personal mission statement?


www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 35


OLYMPIAN! It seems like forever that we have been counting down to the Olympics in London 2012. But it’s almost here and the excitement is palpable, but for some even more than others; Pride Sport’s Trevor Burchick MBE is one of the lucky few who have been chosen to carry the Olympic torch... What does it mean to you and Pride Sports to be chosen as an Olympic torchbearer for London 2012? It is a touching honour to be chosen to carry the 2012 Olympic Torch. My participation will be symbolic of advancements made in the world by LGBT groups who dedicate their time to achieving equality, social inclusion and mutual respect. This is my proudest opportunity to raise the profile of regional sports with a particular dedication to Northern Wave Swimming Club as my Greater Manchester home team. What process did you have to go through? I thank all the lovely people who supported my nomination. I am immensely grateful in being a chosen citizen to showcase the LGBT community in this special experience, one that will motivate a whole world of communities uniquely in our lifetime through powerful inter-generational televised media, sport and cultural events. What will it entail? I have been measured for the official track suit which will see me carrying the torch

TREVOR “This is my proudest opportunity, to raise the profile of regional sports., with a particular dedication to Northern Wave Swimming Club as my Greater Manchester home team.” through a section of the Salford to Leeds route... I will be investing in new running trainers to match the official track suit when I am told of its design scheme, but I think we can guess Red, White and Blue will be a safe bet. What are you hoping for from the Olympics? My wish is that the 2012 Olympics will see the UK win many medals that gives us all an equal pride in watching

36 OUTNORTHWEST Support the work of the LGF. Donate online today at www.lgf.org.uk

our sporting best’s achievements. My personal hope remains as always that the event organisers and sponsors keep their promise of a genuine legacy into community sport that will create new jobs for young people while improving the health and wellbeing in every one of our regions. My other wish is for all LGBT people to get out along the torch route and wave like we have never done before, in this chance of a lifetime for us to be proud.

Two pages of sport and fitness every issue supported with enthusiasm by

OUT OF THIS WORLD! The LGBT outdoor pursuits charity, OutdoorLads has announced two amazing trips to the mountain kingdom of Nepal this November.

BEST FOOT FORWARD Have you ever wanted to join a running club, complete a race or just run on your own over long distances? If so, then the Manchester Frontrunners Complete Beginners Course is the ideal way to get started.

They are heading off on the Annapurna Sanctuary trek, and then to the Sun Kosi river. Annapurna is one of the world’s most iconic treks. After days of walking through beautiful steep sided valleys, pristine terraced fields, past foaming mountain rivers, across snow fields and through tiny rural villages – you reach your destination – where you will be standing at over 4,100m and surrounded by 6 of the world’s highest mountains. The Sun Kosi river is one of the top ten white water river descents in the world. In addition to out-standing white-water rafting, the Sun Kosi offers varied and changing landscape from terraced farmland to steep gorges and then to sub-tropical jungles.

Manchester Frontrunners is Manchester’s road running group for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual people and their friends. The club is open to everyone. The club is run in a spirit of inclusivity that includes sexuality, gender, race and running ability. Meeting at 11am on Saturday mornings in Chorlton Water Park, the Manchester Frontrunners Complete Beginners Course is designed for completely new and returning runners. Running for seven consecutive weeks the course will help you build up your stamina, skill and confidence until you can run 5km on your own. Don’t worry about your current running ability as the course will mix both walking and running, and be designed around your needs and development. The course starts on 18th February, arrive by 10.50am for an 11am start. They’ll be meeting at the car park by the entrance to Chorlton Water Park.

Both these trips are truly fantastic adventures in one of the most stunning places on earth. For more, and how to join visit: www.outdoorlads.com/adventure

Email co-chairs@manchesterfrontrunners.org with your name, email address and telephone number and they’ll be in touch.


Feeling Confident?

Are you part of an LGB&T sporting group in the north west? Let us know what you’re up to and we’ll let our readers know! Just e-mail your news to: joanne.dunning@lgf.org.uk

If you’ve signed up to the Frontrunners beginners course, maybe you’ll want to up the ante and take the plunge by running for Team LGF in the BUPA Manchester 10K in May. For more information contact claire.taylor@lgf.org.uk

www.lgf.org.uk OUTNORTHWEST 37

Listings LGB&T North West Listings Including:

Venues, Clinics, Charities & Community Groups

Manchester 88 Listing Indicator

£ Portland Street

Major Street

Hart Street







Free Safer Sex Packs available at most venues


Mixed Mainly Men Mainly Women Mainly Trans Bar Serves Food Cash Point Outdoor Seating Disabled Access

Alter Ego 105-107 Princess St, 0161 236 9266, home to Poptastic every Tuesday and Saturday night, clubalterego.co.uk 2


100 Bloom St,

Baa-Bar 27 Sackville Street, 0161 247 7997, glitter balls and a flashy dance floor, baabar.co.uk 3

The Bay Horse 35-37 Thomas St, 0161 661 1041, a traditional gay friendly pub, thebayhorsepub.co.uk Belinda ScandAl’s Show Bar 33 Sackville St, 0161 236 1311, Cabaret, Competitions and Fabulous Shows. 4

Please email any new or updated listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk

49 22 16

a hin




Piccadilly Train Station


5 All information provided by venues. Please check before arrival

13 Eagle 15 Bloom Street, 0161 228 6669, open daily from 5pm till late. eaglemanchester.com

20 The New Union 111 Princess St, 0161 228 1492 newunionhotel.com

7 company bar 28 Richmond St, 0161 237 9329, companybarmanchester.co.uk

14 G-A-Y 10 Canal Street, 0161 228 6201, lively and modern three-floor bar, g-a-y.co.uk

21 New York New York 94 Bloom St, 0161 236 6556, busy fun pub, popular with lesbians and gays of all ages.

15 ICON Richmond St, iconmanchester.com

8 Coyotes 14 Chorlton Street, 0161 236 4007, pleasant two floor bar, coyotesbar.co.uk

16 Legends 4-6 Whitworth Street, 0161 236 5400, legendsmanchester.com

22 The Outpost 4-6 Whitworth St, 0161 236 5400 legendsmanchester.com

9 Crunch 10 Canal Street, 0161 236 0446, crunchbar.co.uk

17 Manto 46 Canal Street, 0161 236 2667, bar over three floors, mantobar.com

6 Churchills 37 Chorlton St, 0161 236 5529, karoke Tues and Thurs, churchillsmanchester.com




Whitworth Street

5 Bull’s Head Gay Friendly 84 London Rd, 0161 236 1724.


25 34 28





Canal Street

to Ay

Venues Key Dance Floor



London Road


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31 41

Richmond Street

Sackville Gardens

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Chorlton Street





32 Sackville Street

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50 Richmond Street




Northern Quarter Hart Street

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45 47 43

Parking Cash Machine


Bloom Street


Major Street

Minshull Street


(Free City Centre Bus)

Chorlton Street Bus/Coach Station

29 Abingdon Street


Chorlton Street

Sackville Street

Princess Street


Train Station Metrolink Stop Metroshuttle Stop

Portland Street

10 Cruz 101 101 Princess St, 0161 950 0101, one of Manchester’s most popular nightclubs, cruz101.com 11 Eden 3 Brazil Street, 0161 237 9852, food served daily, edenbar.co.uk 12 Essential 8 Minshull St, 0161 835 1300, nightclub over three floors.

Mint Lounge Gay Friendly 46-50 Oldham St, 0161 228 1495, trendy bar, mintlounge.com The Molly House 26 Richmond St, 0161 237 9329, bar over three floors, themollyhouse.com 18

Napoleons 35 Bloom St, 0161 236 8800, welcomes all LGB&T customers, napoleons.co.uk 19

23 Overdraught Student 121 Princess Street, 0161 237 0811 24 Paddy’s Goose 29 Bloom St, 0161 236 1246, traditional pub. 25 Queer 4 Canal Street, 0161 228 1368, queer-manchester.com 4 Rem BAR 33 Sackville St, 0161 236 1311, traditional pub, rembrantmanchester.com 26 Retro Bar 78 Sackville Street, 0161 274 4892, retrobarmanchester.com 27 The Lodge Richmond Street, 0161 237 9667,

28 Taurus 1 Canal St, 0161 236 4593, taurus-bar.co.uk 29 Thompsons Arms 23 Sackville Street, 0161 237 5919. 30 tonic 34 Canal Street, 0161 236 5757, intimate and modern bar serving drinks and food.

Self Help Services Zion Community Resource Centre Stretford Rd, 0161 226 3871, mental health services, selfhelpservices.org.uk

Helen smith FUNERALS 07870 541668, funerals that are individual fitting and true, helensmithfunerals.co.uk

The City Centre Project 52 Oldham Street, 0161 228 3308 and 3309, project works with young people 16-25 yrs who’s primary disadvantage is homelessness.

43 Inked Tattoo Studio 37 Bloom Street, 0161 237 1032

Tribeca Gay Friendly 50 Sackville Street, 0161 236 8300, New York style lounge, tribeca-bar.co.uk

37 The Lesbian & Gay Foundation (LGF) Number 5, Richmond Street, 0845 3 30 30 30, for all your LGB information and services, lgf.org.uk

Vanilla 39-41 Richmond Street, 0161 657 8890, vanillagirls.co.uk

Trans Resource Empowerment Cantre (TREC) Trans activities & info, transcentre.org.uk



Velvet 2 Canal St, 0161 236 9003, food served daily, velvetmanchester.com 34

Via 28-30 Canal St, 0161 236 6523, viamanchester.com 35

Eateries BRASSERIE Gay Friendly Albert Square, 0161 834 7633 CROMA Pizza and Pasta 1 Clarance St, 0161 237 9799, croma.biz


View 40 Canal St, 0161 236 9033

CROMA Pizza and Pasta 30 Longfield Centre, Prestwich, 0161 798 7666, croma.biz

Club Nights

38 DRIP COFFEE Fourways House, 57 Hilton Street, 0161 235 5100, relaxed and friendly coffee bar.

ALERT Fetish at Legends, 4th Friday of the month club-alert.com Bear Club UK at Legends, 1st Sat of the month facebook.com/bearclubuk The Big Scrum Rugby/Sports Kit at Legends, 3rd Sat of the month bigscrum.com

Eighth Day Vegan 111 Oxford Road, 0161 273 1850 39 Genghis khans 16 Chorlton Street, 0161 228 1631, genghiskhans.co.uk

45 NICE ‘N’ NAUGHTY 39 Bloom Street, 0161 228 0020

Olive Deli 36-38 Whitworth St, 0161 236 2360 46

Pants 3rd Floor, Aflecks Palace, 07816276925, men’s designer underwear store, pants.uk.com Pink Counselling Roger: 07506924801, gay male Therapeutic Counsellor working in Didsbury & Altrincham. ProBalance Personal Training 0161 833 4777, gay friendly personal training gym in the City Centre, pro-balance.co.uk 47 Pure Tanning and Village Off License 37-39 Bloom St, 0161 236 1788

QueensClean.co.uk Gay owned cleaning service. 0753 329 2451/ 0161 298 0335, queensclean@2die4.com 48 ROB 17 China Lane, 0161 236 6222, for all your leather, rubber and twisted gear, rob.com

BOLLOX Pop/Indie at Legends, 3rd Friday of the month bolloxclub.com

jacksons Jackson’s Warehouse, 20 Tariff Street, 0161 228 2677, axm-arcobaleno.com

Club Fizz Carlton Club, women only 2 Friday of the month, 9pm-1am £5, see facebook

Lava Café Bar Castle Quay, 0161 833 2444, lavacafebar.co.uk

room to relax @ Fitness First, 7-11 Lower Mosley St, 07815672235, We offer a wide range of holistic treatments.

LIVEBAIT Gay Friendly 22 Lloyd Street, 0161 817 4110, santeonline.co.uk

Spa Satori 0161 819 2465, 112 High St, holistic health & beauty spa, spasatori.co.uk

27 Richmond Tea Rooms Richmond Street, 0161 237 9667, richmondtearooms.com

Therapy In Manchester 07592340211, Professional psychotherapy and counselling in south Manchester, therapyinmanchester.co.uk


Club HD Arch 66, Whitworth St West, gay/mixed bar/club Friu & Sat nights, hdclubbing.com CLub lash Fetish at Legends, mixed fetish /SM night every 2nd Sat clublash.com Eager Beaver at Manto Bar Lounge, Friday’s FEDERATION Mainly Men at The Ritz, every bank holiday clubfederation.com Homoelectric at Legends, 1 Friday every other month homoelectric.com st

Mish Mash Cabaret Circle Club, every 2nd Friday of the month, 8pm £8, mishmash1.com Morning Glory at Queer, after hours every Saturday open mic night Women Only 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, Women only & alcohol free, last Wed of the month, 7-10pm, £1 admission. enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk Organic at Spirit, after hours every Sat. POPTASTIC Pop/Indie at Alter Ego, 07974 248 247 poptastic.co.uk RECREATION clubrecreation.co.uk

Community & Health 37 Albert Kennedy Trust Number 5, Richmond Street, 0161 228 3308, providing supported lodgings, mentoring, be-friending and information and advice to young LGBT people, admin@akt.org.uk

Eclypse Lifeline 73 Ardwick Green North, Ardwick, 0161 273 6686, young persons drug & alcohol support service, MonFri 9-5, Thurs 9-7, fiona@eclypse-yps.org.uk Kath Locke Centre 123 Moss Lane East, Hulme, 0161 455 0211, traditional & complimentary medicine. Manchester Pride 5 Oak Street, manchesterpride.com


Jacqueline Hayes Therapy 07749498648, Counsellor and psychotherapist based in South Manchester, jachayes.co.uk

SAPPORO Teppanyaki 91-93 Liverpool Road, 0161 831 9888 Sparkles Cafe Gay Friendly 66 Tib Street That Café 1031 Stockport Road, 0161 432 4672, thatcafe.co.uk

Shops & Services 41 Bannatynes Health Club Gay Friendly 36-38 Whitworth St, 0161 236 6864

Becky Johnson Counselling 07841 837029, Experienced individual and couples counsellor. M2 and SK9 locations. integrative-psychotherapy.eu Central Manchester Osteopathy & Sports Therapy Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount St, 0786705385, help relieve your aches by looking at the bigger picture, centralmanchesterosteopathy.com 42 Clone Zone 36-38 Sackville Street, 0161 236 1398, clonezone.co.uk

Counselling Services Manchester 07913781982, Experienced LGBT friendly woman counsellor based in Chorlton, counsellingservicesmanchester.co.uk Dr Phil Tyson 0161 256 1890, Men’s Psychotherapist and relationship counselling. menstherapy.co.uk ESSENCE COUNSELLING info@essencecounselling.org www.essencecounselling.org

UPPERCUTS BARBERS The Arndale Market, 07784 156 693

Hotels & B&B’s City Inn Manchester One Piccadilly Place, Auburn Street, 0161 242 1000, cityinn.com CLYDEMOUNT GUEST HOUSE 866 Hyde Rd, Debdale Park, 0161 231 1515, bookings@clydemount.co.uk clydemount.co.uk INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Gay 34 London Rd, 54 bedrooms, 0161 236 1010 49

34 Velvet Hotel 2 Canal Street, 0161 236 9003, velvetmanchester.com


Let's Do Lunch

supported by:

Meet at 2pm, 2nd Sunday of every other month in Manchester’s Gay Village. Next Meetings: 11th September and 13th November Enjoy a lazy Sunday afternoon, chill & chat over good food and a bottle of wine. For info or to reserve a place: Tel: 0781 308 3242 email: paula650@aol.com www.lesbiandiners.co.uk freinds and family) adsolutions.org.uk Barnardo’s Health Through Action The Progress Centre, Charlton Place, Ardwick Green, 0161 273 2901 BARNArDOS MANCHESTER LEAVING CARE SERVICES 36 Monton Street, 0161 226 6722, barnardos.org.uk The BHA Stretford Rd,0845 450 4247, health, social care & advocay services for BME & other marginalised communities thebha.org.uk Body Positive 39 Russell Road, Whalley Range, 0161 882 2200, bpnw.org.uk Community Alcohol Team 0161 230 6382, manchestercat.org Community Arts North West 46-50 Oldham St, 0161 234 2975 can.uk.com Crisis Point 24 Albert Road, Levenshulme, 0161 225 9500, mental health support & short term crisis accomodation, turning-point.co.uk George House Trust 77 Ardwick Green North, 0161 274 4499, ght.org.uk Gregory’s Place 69 Ardwick Green North, 0161 273 2901, support for children and young people with HIV gregorysplace@barnardos.org.uk Lifeline 101-103 Oldham St, 0161 839 2054, lifeline.org.uk Lifeshare 0161 953 4069, male sex workers advice, lifeshare.co.uk Manchester Drug Service The Bridge, 104 Fairfield Street, 0161 273 4040 Manchester Rainbow support & Homecare 0161 720 6369, providing care and support to adults in their own homes and communities, m-r-s-h.co.uk Manchester Smoking Cessation 0161 205 5998


Pankhurst Centre 60-62 Nelson Street, Chorlton-on-Medlock, 0161 273 5673, pankhurstcentre.org.uk

inferno 496a Wilbraham Road, Chorlton, 0161 860 6666, seven day sauna for gay and bi men, infernosauna.com

St. Mary’s Centre New St. Mary’s Hospital, Hathersage Road, 0161 276 6515, sexual assault referral centre, stmaryscentre.org

H2O Zone 36-38 Sackville Street, 0161 236 3876, seven day sauna for gay and bi men, h2ozonesauna.com

51 The Basement Complex 18 Tariff Street, 0161 236 8131, seven day sauna for gay and bi men, basementcomplex.co.uk

Agencies 42nd St The SPACE, 87-91 Great Ancoats St, 0161 832 0170, advice for young LGB’s, fortysecondstreet.org.uk

The Lesbian Community Project 49-51 Sidney Street, 0161 273 7128, enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk manchesterlcp.org.uk ThE Manchester Foyer 61 Booth St West, Hulme, 0161 276 1000, supported accomodation for young people 16-25’s, svha.co.uk


Funky Crop Shop 37 Bloom Street, 0161 237 1032, village hair shop.

Addaction 31 Robert St. 0161 214 0770, Prison resettlement for people with drug problems, addaction.org

44 Gayter Hairdressing 57 Hilton Street, 0161 236 1128, hair salon, gayterhairdressing.com

The Village Citizen Advice Bureau 25a Hankinson Way, Salford Precinct, 0161 834 2005, employment services for LGB&T people thevillage.org.uk

Addiction Dependency Solutions 29a Ardwick Green North, 0161 272 8844, for people with drug problems (or their

Please email any new or updated listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk

Greater Manchester Clinics South Manchester Sexual Health Clinic Withington Hospital, 0161 217 4939 North Manchester GUM Delaunays Rd, Crumpsall, 0161 720 2681 North Manchester Hospital Same day HIV test clinic, 0161 720 2845 Rusholme Health Centre Walmer Street, 0161 225 6699 outreach Clinic @ the LGF and 4 other locations, Mondays, no appointment needed, 0845 3 30 30 30, lgf.org.uk Rapid HIV Testing @ the LGF Thurs 4-6pm, no appointment needed, results in 20 mins, 0845 3 30 30 30, lgf.org.uk the hathersage centre 280 Upper Brook St, 0161 276 5200 / 5212

Groups 40+ GAY MENS GROUP 0845 3 30 30 30, support and social group meets every Thursday 7.30-9pm. ART CLASS 0845 3 30 30 30, arts based activity group meets every Friday 7-9pm. Beyond the rainbow 0845 3 30 30 30, for lesbian, gay and bisexual people of colour, meet at the LGF on the first Friday of the month from 7.30pm. BiPhoria 07941 811124, bisexual support 18+, biphoria.org.uk Book Swap 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, 3rd Wed of the month 6-7pm. For LB women to discuss books as a group or to choose books from the library enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk CAROUSEL 0845 3 30 30 30, social group for lesbian and bisexual women meets 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesday 7.30-9pm. Edward carpenter community of gay men fortnightly meetings for gay men support, trust and friendship - also longer breaks away, gaycommunity.org.uk friends of sackville gardens 0845 3 30 30 30, Meets monthly to plan improvements, maintenance and new planting in Sackville Gardens, emma.peate@lgf.org.uk

Lesbian & Bi Women Wednesday Drop In 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, LB women to socialise and make friends away from the scene, every Wed 1-4pm, enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk Lesbian and Gay Youth Manchester (LGYM) LGBT Centre, 49-51 Sidney St, 0790 0680725, young LGBT people, 14-25, Tues 7.30-10pm, Sat 3-7pm info@lgym.org.uk lesbian asylum group 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, for LB women who have gained or are attempting to gain asylum status. enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk lesbian Culture Club Over the village but not over the hill? Monthly cultural socials for like minded women lesbiancultureclub@hotmail.co.uk lesbian discussion group 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, for LB women, meets 3rd Wed of the month, 7-8.30pm, to debate issues & share views enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk lesbian mental health support group 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, for 18+ LB women and M2F transwomen, meets every other Friday. enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk Let’s Do Lunch 07813 083242, lesbian diners every other month, paulad650@aol.com lesbiandiners.co.uk LGB Discussion Group c/o The LGF, % Ricmond St, 2nd Thurs of the month, 6-7pm at LGF woodsbowler@yahoo.co.uk LGBT Meetup Group lgbt.socialnw@gmail.com LIK:T 07813 981 338, 49-51 Sydney St, run by and for young lesbian & bisexual women, 1st Monday of the month, likt_info@yahoo.com lilac - lesbian cancer support 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, 3rd Mon of the month, 7-8.30pm, for LB women who have experienced any form of cancer. lilacgroup@hotmail.co.uk lilac.cfsites.org Manchester Christian Group 07743 476191

Gaydio 1st Floor, Portland Tower, Portland Street, info@gaydio.co.uk

Manchester Concord transgender Social group every Wed 7pm upstairs bar, New York New York, Bloom St (changing room 5-11pm). mary@manchesterconcord.org.uk

Gay in the uk Refugee Action, 23-37 Edge Street, 07824 473 479, LGBT social group for refugees & asylu seekers, 1st Tue of the month 6pm, lgbtsocial@yahoo.co.uk

Manchester Deaf Triangle Club group for deaf LGBs, triangle@manchesterdeafcentre.com manchestertriangleclub.co.uk

gay MARRIED MENS GROUP A support group meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday 7.30-9pm at the LGF, 0845 3 30 30 30

Manchester gay skinheads oi-skinhead.com

Gay Naturist SWIM all ages, nude_n_manchester@yahoo.co.uk

Manchester Feminist Network Women only group, meets 2nd Sat of the month 2-4pm at Friends Meeting House

House of Rainbow 07751 693708, meets at the LGF, LGBTI friendly Christian fellowship - People who may have come to the UK are especially welcome. 2nd Tuesday of the month. Icebreakers gay & bi men's support group meets 8pm every Wednesday at the LGF, 0845 3 30 30 30, icebreakersmanchester.org.uk Imaan @ The LGF, 0845 3 30 30 30, for LGBTQI Asian men 1st Thurs of the month 7.30-9.30pm, imaan.org.uk Inner Enigma 0845 838 1264, trans and intersex support and advice, info@innerenigma.co.uk KESHET Advocacy, education and support service for jewish LGB&Ts, 07906700114, info@keshetmanchester.org.uk

Manchester Lesbian & Gay Chorus 07944 056047, mlgc.org.uk manchester lesbian community project drop in 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, for LB women, meets 2nd & 4th Thur of the month, 7-9pm, enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk Manchester Parents Group 01565 733891, meets at the LGF, support for parents of LGB children, manpg.co.uk Manchester Rubbermen social group for gay men into rubber/latex fetish, manchesterrubber.co.uk Mango Men’s dining club 07866 909677, 1st Thursday of the month, mango.news@btopenworld.com

Please email any new or updated listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk

Metropolitan Community Church United Reformed Church, Wilbraham Rd, 0161 881 6050, LGB&T led christian church mccmanchester.co.uk MMU LGBT mmu_lgbt@hotmail.co.uk MORF Manchester Lesbian & Gay Centre, 45-51 Sydney St, 0794 824 3289, soial & support for transguys 4th Monday of the month, morf@morf.org.uk morf.org.uk New Family Social 08432899457, peer support & social group for current & prospective LGBT adopters, foser carers& their children, every 2 months in south Manchester newfamilysocial.co.uk Older women’s drop in 0161 205 3851, London Scottish House, Mount St. 1st Tues of the month 2-4pm, social group aimed at women 50+, sue.nzilani@silverservice.org.uk Out In The City 0161 205 3851, 24 Mount St, Wed 1-4. oitc.wordpress.com out to the theatre 01457 877 161, gay men’s social group, joncassun@yahoo.co.uk OutWrite 07931 915 620, LGBT writing group, outwrite.org.uk Proud 2 b Parents 0161 226 0162 or 07506 515932, Moss Side Surestart Children’s Centre, 30 Selworthy Rd, for LGB&T parents and their children every 4th Saturday, m.roberts4@manchester.gov.uk queer skinhead brotherhood queerskinbrotherhood@googlemail.com

UMSU LGBT Society student group, for social events, campagins, drop-ins and support enquiries@lgbt.manchester.ac.uk

Sports Groups Absolutely DANCING Trinity High School every Weds 8pm-10pm latin and ballroom lessons for the LGB&T community. absolutelydancingmanchester@hotmail.com BELUGA DIVERS Scuba Diving club for the LGBT community, belugadiving.co.uk Crown Green Bowling in the Manchester area, for lGBT people, woodsbowler@yahoo.co.uk Gay city strollers 0845 3 30 30 30, city centre walking group, info@lgf.org.uk Gay gordons manchester Scottish Country and Ceilidh Dancing and classes gay-gordons-manchester.co.uk GAY OUTDOOR GROUP transpennine walking group, 07855 197607 goc.org.uk Ghap badminton text 07946 191 482, ghapbadminton.org.uk MANCHESTER BADMINTON CLUB 07939 477026, Badminton club for the less experienced player. Manchester Front Runners 07813 336 445, LGF Box 106, Number 5, Richmond Street, M1 3HF, running club catering for all abilities, meets every Thurs in the city centre, manchesterfrontrunners.org

Queer Youth Manchester 07092 031 086, info@queeryouth.net

Manchester jessies Lesbian & bisexual women’s walking group, meets twice monthly manchesterjessies@googlemail.com

Rainbow Families peer support & monthly social for current & prospective lesbian parents and their children, rainbow_families@hotmail.com

MANCHESTER PRAIRIE DOGS 07960 351 882, line dance sessions, every Tues 7.30-9 beginners, 9-10.30 intermediate, manchesterprairiedogs.co.uk

Right2Unite Zion Centre, Hulme, 0161 226 0170, LGB group meets every Tues.

Manchester SHARKS Miles Platting Pool, Varley Street, water polo club manchestersharks.co.uk

salford youth service lgbt youth group at The Base, 0161 778 0702, steve.dyson@salford.gov.uk SM Dykes 49-51 Sidney Street, 07952 237 526, smdykes@smdykes.org.uk smdykes.org.uk sofa (support or fun activities) 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, for LBT or questioning women, Wed 7-9, peer support and fun activites sofaatlcp@gmail.com Sphere 07854 901330, contribute to a South Asian LBT theatre project, all@sphere.org.uk STEPPING STONES 0845 3 30 30 30, A support group for lesbian and bisexual women meets 2nd & 4th Tuesday 7.30-9pm. ransforum Ninian’s Church, Wilbraham Rd, Chorlton, 07500 741 955, TransGender discussion & mutual support group, meets 4th Sat of the month 3.30pm, jennyannebuk@yahoo.co.uk trans lesbian group 49-51 Sidney St, 0161 273 7128, social and support for LB transwomen. enquiries@lesbiancommunityproject.co.uk VADA LGBT community theatre group drama workshops & performances, all welcome, vada.theatre@gmail.com women’s domestic violence Refuge: 0161 861 8428, Helpline: 0161 636 7525, support and advice to women and children experiencing domestic violence. wvdh.info@virgin.net

Please note all listings information is provided by third parties. The LGF can accept no responsibility for the quality of the services/groups listed Please email any new or updated listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk

Manchester Stingers WFC Womens football club for all abilities, helenamcdonald@hotmail.com MANCHESTER VIXENS LADIES FC 07921 838 733, LBT football clubs, emphasis on fun, manchestervixens.co.uk manchester walking women its.elly@yahoo.co.uk Marlin Levenshulme Swimming Pool, Barlow Rd, trans swimming group, swim@marlin.org.uk NETBALL 07939 477 026, women only group with weekly coaching, training every Monday, 8-10pm. NORTHERN ACES TENNIS GROUP Social tennis club for all abilities, including beginners hour and women’s hour taster sessions northernacestennis.com NORTHERN FLIGHT BADMINTON CLUB For experienced players, northernflight.org.uk northern jump 07783 297965, volleyball group, northernjump.co.uk Northern Wave swimming club 0161 872 1990, swimming for all, northernwave.org orca divers 125 Manchester Road, Chorlton, 0161 718 3118, orcadivers.com OPEN ATHLETICS Trains on Weds, 5K every 1st Sun. 07709 000 436, openathletics.org OUTDOORLADS 0161 420 0001,outdoor pursuits org aimed at gay and bi lads. Climbing, hiking, camping, caving and more, all abilities welcome, outdoorlads. com

Please email any new or updated listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk Out on Sunday 07775 671691, walking group, outonsunday.co.uk


Timeless Funeral Services 265 - 267 Dumers Lane, Radcliffe, 0161 959 0108


Out to Dance LGB&T Latin Dance group, check website for details, out2dance.org.uk

pubs, clubs & bars

Slam Dunkin’ Divas 07949604610, basketball group for lesbian/ bi/trans women, tue eve, slamdunkindivas@googlemail.com


Touch Rugby Call on Paul 07775 022797 paul.scanlon-wells@rfl.uk.com Village Manchester FC gay men’s football club for every level, vmfc.co.uk

THE NIP & TIPPLE 197 Upper Chorlton Road, 0161 860 7330 CROMA Pizza and Pasta 498-500 Wilbraham Road, 0161 881 1117, croma.biz The Lead Station 99 Beech Road, 0161 881 5559


Village Spartans Rugby Training sessions on Wednesday evening from 7pm, villagespartans.co.uk

Pad Gift Shop 105 Manchester Road, 0161 881 0088, pad-chorlton.co.uk

WEEKENDERS lesbian and gay walking group based in the North of England, geocities.com/weekenders_uk

inferno 496a Wilbraham Road, 0161 860 6666, infernosauna.com

wheelies fc Manchester Leisure Sports Centre, mixed women’s football every Sun 11am-1pm.

BoLtOn pubs, clubs & bars

The Cotton Tree Prince St, 07861896500

The Star 11 Bow St, 01204 361113

club NightS

Twisty tuesdays J2 & The Attic Square


Bolton Centre for Sexual Health Minerva Road, Farnworth, 01204 390771 HIV worker Emma Massey 01204 390772


bury lgbt networking group residents and service providers improving the LGBRT profile in our town, burylgbtnetworking@live.co.uk bury Council lgbt employee group 0161 253 6625, lgbt@bury.gov.uk LGBT Reading Group Meets at: Automatic Lounge, Market Street, 0161 253 6625, last Monday of the month 6.30-8.00, i.jenkinson@bury.gov.uk n.franklin@bury.gov.uk POG (Proud of Gayness) 0161 253 7733, Connexions, 13-15 Broad St, Bury, safe enviroment for young LGBTQ people to meet alt Mondays, connexions-bury.org.uk

Glossop LGBT group glossoplgbt.co.uk

Outloud Lisa Matthews: 0161 336 6615, Tameside youth service 11-19 youth group.


The Trafford Centre for Sexual Health Trafford Hospital, Moorside Rd, 0161 746 2621



THE ABBEY INN Mixed 77 West Street.


The Phoenix Sexual Health Centre Royal Oldham Hospital, Rochdale Rd, 0161 627 8753




Bury Anti-homophobic bullying group 0161 253 5884



No Attitude 0161 912 2453, LGB youth group.

The Brewery Tavern 42 George Street, 0161 287 0751



WALKDEN gateway 2 Smith Street, 0161 212 5717, Mon 6-8.30pm, Tue 2-4.30pm drop in.

Sexual Health Clinic Ashton Primary Care Centre, 193 Old Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, 0161 342 7101




Young Person’s Advisory Service (YPAS) Parsons Lane, 0161 761 2136, sexual health services for under 20’s.

swinton clinic 139 Partington Lane, 0161 212 5100, Mon 2-4.30pm, Tue 6-8.30pm, Fri 2-4.30pm drop in.



Loud & Proud LGBT Youth 07824 541211 or 07918 913937, Meets Wednesdays 5.30 - 8. For 13-19 yr olds, boltonlgbtyouth@bolton.gov.uk

The Barlow Suite Clinic Fairfield Hospital, Rochdale Old Rd, 0161 778 2755

starting Out Project Neil 07766 550264 0161 607 1620, Salford City Council’s young LGBT tenancy support service. neil.cochrane@salford.gov.uk

Queen Inn 37 Oldham Rd, Ashton-under-Lyne, gay friendly.

CITIZENS ADVICE, 0844 644019

pink triangle theatre St Cuthberts House, Tanners Fold, 07932 928134 pinktriangletheatre.co.uk

LGB&T police liaison officers North Bury - kevin.day@gmp.police.uk South Bury - andrew.hall@gmp.police.uk

The ladysmith Gay Owned 52-54 Wellington Rd, 0161 343 0220

pubs, clubs & bars

SALFORD LGBT YOUTH Group The Beacon Centre, 1 London Street, 0161 778 0700, safe space for young LGBT people loads of different activities. chris.rice@salford.gov.uk

Club Fizz Charlton Club, women only 2nd Friday of the month, 9pm1am £5, see facebook

The Parallel 9A Churchgate, 01204 462444 theparallel@bolton.nhs.uk

Connexions 13-15 Broad St, 0161 253 7165, safe environment for young LGBTQ people to meet.

Goodman Sexual Health Clinic Lancs Burn Health Centre, Churchill Way, 0161 212 5717, Appt only: Mon 9-11.30am, 1-4.30pm, 6-9.30pm, Tue 9-11.30am, Wed 1-4.30pm, Thurs 9-11.30am & 1-4.30pm, Fri 9-11.30am. DROP IN: Tue 2-4.30pm & 6-8.30pm.


Pennine Sauna 96 Rochdale Rd, Shaw, 01706 842 000



Out in Salford LGBT Network meeting regularly in Salford to socialise and looks at ways of improving LGB&T life in the city, outinsalford.org.uk

MENTAL HEALTH independent support (MhIST) 30 Chorley New Road, 01204 527200, mhist.co.uk


irlam medical centre MacDonald Rd, 0161 212 4500, Wed. 6-8.30pm drop in.

pubs, clubs & bars

Britannia Inn 01706 670411, 4 Lomax St

Sexual Health Crisis Intervention Team 01706 261 954, 1-to-1 support for young people.

ARDEN ARMS 23 Millgate, 0161 480 2185

GUM DEPARTMENT Stepping Hill Hospital, 0161 419 5370 Stockport Council HIV Social Care Team 0161 474 3636, HIV social care service for people with HIV and their carers. hiv.services@stockport.gov.uk


Age Concern 56 Wellington St, 0161 4801211

Central Youth ADVICE AND INFO 0161 426 9696, 1 St Peters Square, counselling and sexual health services for young people up to 25.


B. J. McKENNA & CO 182A Heaton Moor Road, Heaton Moor, 0161 432 5757, bj.mckenna@zen.co.uk O’Neill Patient Solicitors Chester House, 2 Chester Rd, Hazel Grove, 0161 483 8555, oneillpatient.co.uk

THE BRIDGE SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC Baillie Street, 0161 627 8753


Proud Youth around rochdale 07531 061 777, LGBT young people from Rochdale, Heywood and Middleton 14-25 lgbtyouthnorthwest.org.uk Lesbian, Gay, Bisxeual, Trans Walking Group 07896146109, Safe space for LGBT people who who want to develop a network of support, usually meets last weds of the month rochdalemind.org.uk

Relate 346 Chester Road, 0161 872 0303


HIV Support Group 0161 912 4611, hivpractitioner@trafford.org.uk

pubs, clubs & bars

Officers Club Gay Friendly Barrack Sq.


Sexual Health PROMOTION UNIT 01706 517 613



Out in stockport Stepping Hill, 0161 483 4784 outinstockport.wordpress.com People Like Us (PLUS) LGBT Social support group, 2nd Wed of the month at The Arden Arms, 7.30pm, stockportplus.org PLUS Exercise Group (PEG) 07880 746 079, arranges monthly walks in the Stockport area PLUS Reading Group 07880 746079


Sexual Health Clinic The Shine Centre, No 6, Galleries Shopping Centre, 01942 483188 Sexual Health Clinic leigh Leigh Health Centre Ent. C, The Avenue, 01942 483188


Just Us Wigan - LGBT Drop in Centre 11 Newmarket Street, 0756 490 3489, Providing information, facilities and a place to meet for individuals and groups. Open 12.10 - 2pm Mon-Tue, Most Fri from 7pm. wiganlgf123@aol.com, justus01.community.officelive.com OIpen Minds Group 07989 101 459, group for 18-25yr old LGBTQ, openminds-lgbt.co.uk Younger People’s LGBQ Group 01942 483180, 8 Ashton Gallery, for under 19’s, Tues 6-8pm louise@ brookwiganandleigh.org.uk


New Start Trust Alderman Downward House, 0161 498 0615, drug advice and support

Please note all listings information is provided by third parties. The LGF can accept no responsibility for the quality of the services/groups listed


Brook Advisory 55 Regent Street, Eccles, 0161 707 9550

08453303030 www.lgf.org.uk

eccles gateway Church Street, 0161 212 5717, thurs 6-8.30pm, drop in. higher broughton health centre Bevendon Square, 0161 212 4500, Wed 6-8.30, Fri 9.30-11.30 drop in.

Reg. Charity No. 1070904

Blackpool & Cumbria

17 58

10 25 9


Dickson Raod 45 39 40 61


11 10 2 1

15 14 12 36 33 54 31 General Street


General Stree

22 13 21 27 63



30 11


Talbot Road

62 37

Queen Street


50 14 53

34 19

Springfield Road


23 29 42 7 35 44 22 Banks Street

Cocker Street

Yates Street

Mount Street

Pleasant Street


24 51 Lord Street



5 32 Dickson Road

8 31 48 64



Topping Street 34 20 12 32




Abingdon Street


Abingdon Stree


28 7 27

Stree t S. King St. 25


Dickson Raod



gS tre


3 38 17 Lord Street 4 49 56 2 16 33





Chur ch

Cookson Street 24

57 47


Caunce St.

High Street


16 19


Stree t


Loepold Gr.

Chur ch

High Street 28

Charles St.

High Street

George St.


Milbourne St.

Blackpool Coronation St.


Promemade North Pier

88 Hotel Indicator 88 Venue Indicator

Train Station Tram Stop

Hotels Blackpool Accommodation for Gays (BAGs) 56 High Street, 07762938783, bagsblackpool.com 1 Anchorage 18 Withnell Road, 01253 341771


Cash Machine Blackpool Tower

Parking Pedestrianised

18 Grampian House 4 Pleasant Street, 01253 291648, info-onw@grampianhouse.com

Granby lodge 15-17 Lord St, 01253 627842, granbylodge.com 62


Guyz 16 Lord Street, 01253 622488

Ash Lea Hotel 76 Lord Street, 01253 628161, ashleahotel.com

Heatherdale Lodge 2 Pleasant Street, 1253 626268

Astor Hotel 83-85 Lord Street, 01253 290669

Homecliffe Hotel 5-6 Wilton Parade, 01253 625147 homecliffehotel.com




Athol 3 Mount St 01253 624918

Belvedere 77 Dickson Road, 01253 624733, belvederehotel@fsmail.net belvederehotel.biz 5

6 BLENHEIM HOTEL 75 Lord Street, 01253 623204, blenheimhotel.org.uk

bracondale Guest House 14 Warley Road, 01253 351650, nosmokingblackpool.co.uk 64

bradbury HOTEL 25/27 Banks St, 01253 624972, bradburyhotel@hotmail.co.uk bradburyhotel.co.uk 61


Brene Hotel 37 Lord St, 01253 621854


21 HOTEL Bacchus 326 Queens Promenade, 01253 350387, hotelbacchus.co.uk

HOTEL NEVADA 23 Lord Street, 01253 290700, gaybeds.co.uk 22

Legends Hotel 45 Lord Street, 01253 620300 23


Lenbrook 69 Lord St, 01253 626737

25 Bay liberty's on the square Hotel Cocker Square, 01253 291155 bayhotels.co.uk

Lonsdale Hotel 25 Cocker Street, 01253 621628 26

8 Brooklyn 7 Wilton Parade, 01253 627003

27 Lyndale Court Hotel 01253 354033

Brownes hotel 15 Vance Rd, 01253 753089 browneshotel.co.uk


Lynmar 74 High St, 01253 290046


Mardi Gras 41 Lord St, 01253 751087



Camelot 80 Hornby Rd, 01253 620518


CHaps 9 Cocker St, 01253 620541

Mardi Gras 2 9-11 Lord Street, 01253 628073 37


Christine’s 1 Lord Street, 01235 312260, christineshotel@fsmail.net

Manhattan 27 Cocker St, 01253 290070, manhattanblackpool.co.uk

Cumforth Hotel 24 Springfield Rd, 01253 626133, cumforth-hotel-blackpool.co.uk

McHALL’S HOTEL 5-7 Lord Street, 01253 625661



DERBY HOTEL, 2 Derby Rd, 01253 623708


Dixon 84 Dickson Rd, 01253 752379


FOUR SEASONS 74 Lord St, 01253 622583

Gabrielle’s Women Only 77 Lord Street, 01253 295565 17

Please note all listings information is provided by third parties. The LGF can accept no responsibility for the quality of the services/groups listed


31 Merecliff Hotel 24 Holmfield Road, 01253 356858 32 MOUNT PLEASANT 75 Dickson Road, 01253 620362, mountpleasanthotel.com 33

New Bond 72 Lord St, 01253 628123

New Hertford 18 Lord Street, 01253 621831 34

North Central Hoilday Flats 29 Lord Street, 01253 621831 35


36 NORTHERN LIGHTS HOTEL 26 Springfield Road, 01253 317016

56 Westfield House 78 Lord Street, 01253 621992, westfieldhouse.co.uk

63 north grange hotel 238 Queens Promenade, 01253 351409, info@northgrangehotel.com northgrangehotel.com

57 WILLOWFIELD GUESTHOUSE 51 Banks Street, 01253 623406, willowfield-guesthouse.co.uk


Park House 81 Lord St, 01253 314571

39 PHOENIX 12 Cocker Street, 01253 299130, phoenixblackpool.com 40

Pier View 16 Banks St, 01253 624555

41 PRIDE LODGE 12 High Street, 01253 314752, pridelodge.com 42 Rubens Hotel 39 Lord Street, 01253 622920 43 Sandylands 47 Banks St, 01253 294670 44 Seacroft Suites 27 Lord Street, 01253 628304 46 Sunnyside 16 Charles Street, 01253 622983 47 SUSSEX HOTEL 14-16 Pleasant Street, 01253 627824

THE Berkeley 6 Queens Promenade, 01253 351244 selfcatering.tv 48 THE GYNWAY HOTEL 205 Dickson Rd, 01253 314747, gynwayblackpool.com 49 The Wilcot Hotel 80 Lord Street, 01253 621101

Thorncliffe 63 Dickson Road, 01253 622508 50

51 Trades Men Only 51 Lord Street, 01253 626401

58 Windsor House 47-49 Dickson Road, 01253 206 206, windsorhouse.info 59

Woodleigh 11 Yates St, 01253 624997

Worcester House 22 Cocker Street, 01253 620007 60

Pubs, Bars & Clubs 1

Buzz 5 Dickson Road, 01253 649153,

Queen Vic’s Bar 23 Dickson Rd, 07946 528153 2 Funny Girls Gay Friendly 5 Dickson Rd, 01253 649154, funnygirlsonline.co.uk 3 KAOS Mixed 38-42 Queen St, 01253 318798, kaosbar.co.uk 8 Lucy’s at TABOO Mixed 69-71 Talbot Road, 01253 622573, lucysattobago.co.uk 5 Mardi Gras Mixed 114 Talbot Road, 01253 296262

New Road Inn Gay Friendly 244 Talbot Road, 01253 422691 7 ROXY’S Gay Friendly 23 Queen Street, 01253 622573, roxysonline.co.uk 9 The Alabama Showboat Mixed 1 Cocker Sq, 01253 291155, thealabama.co.uk

THE DUKE OF YORK Dickson Road, 01253 625218, traditional pub and live entertainment.


10 The Flamingo NIGHTCLUB Mixed 44 Queen St, 01253 649151, flamingoonline.co.uk


VIDELLA HOTEL 78-82 Dickson Road, 01253 621201, videllahotel.com

11 The Flying Handbag Mixed 44 Queen Street, 01253 649155, flyinghandbagonline.co.uk

54 Village Hotel 14 Springfield Road, 01253 290840


VALENTINE HOTEL 35 Dickson Road, 01253 622775, valentinehotelblackpool.co.uk

55 warwick Holiday flats 39 Bank Street, 01253 623787

Waves Hotel 12 Wilshaw Rd, 01253 593312, john@wavesblackpool.co.uk

12 AJ’s Bistro Gay Friendly 65 Topping Street, 01253 626111 14

Buddies Chippy 28 Dickson Street

Cascades Restaurant Gay Owned 82 Dickson Road, 01253 62120, cascadesrestaurant.co.uk 53


15 Café Latté 30-32 Dickson St, 01253 752077

Don Antonio 91 Redbank Rd, 01253 352440


fuel sandwich Bar 33 Adingdon Street, 01253 749813 fuelblackpool.com

cumbria police hate crime reporting line 0845 33 00 247 cumbria.police.uk

16 Mandarin Cantonese Restaurant Gay Friendly 27 Clifton Street, 01253 622687


Nite Bites Gay Friendly 50a Dickson Road, 01253 627976 17

hotEls & B&B’s

Chapel House Kirkstone Road, 01539 433 143, chapelhouse-ambleside.co.uk

SLICES SANDWICH HOUSE Gay Owned 10 King Street, 01253 751441 18

Chestnut Villa Keswick Road, Grassmere 01539 435 218, gay run B&B, chestnutvilla.com

The Buttery 1 Cheapside, 01253 296667 19

Truffles Steak House Gay Friendly 51-53 Topping Street, 01253 294804

BarRow iN FuRNESs


West Coast Rock Cafe Gay Friendly 5-7 Abingdon Street, 01253 751283 21

Anton’s Cafe-bar Gay Owned 9 Park Rd, Lytham St Annes FY8 1QX 01253 724721



THE GARDEN PLACE Gay Owned Cropper Road, 01253 699987 Waxing Specialist & Male Grooming Cleveleys, 07950 944460 kt.lamb@live.co.uk


sexual health clinic Furness General Hospital, Dalton Lane, phone appts only, 01229 404 464


Connexions 237-241 Dalton Road, 01229 824052


18/25 LGBTQ Support Group 07875355390 or 07876568260, mixed support group to promote wellbeing.

Freinds & Supporters of Furness LGBT Community c/o Multicultural Centre, 07833 447604, klwicks@hotmail.co.uk

25/55 Icebreakers 07875 355 390, gay and bi men 22-25. Meets last Tues of the month, 7-9pm.

pro active young gays and lesbians (paygal) Wendy Phizacklea, 01229 836 426, 07742 353 520, wendyp.rorys@googlemail.com


55+ older men’s Luncheon Club 07875 355 390, meets Thurs 12.30pm for light lunch and chat.

Clinics & Agencies

engayge 01253 477911, Blackpool Coastal Housing’s LGBT Tenants Forum. 5.30pm 2nd Tues/mnth @ 102 Dickson Rd sandy.o’grady@bch.co.uk

south lakes Girls 07952278760 (evenings), Various nights for all trans people or those querying. trans.lakes.nights@ googlemail.com

ACQUA SAUNA CLUB 25-26 Springfield Road, 01253 294610, acquasaunas.com 22

23 Honeycombe Sauna 97-107 Egerton Road, 01253 752211 honeycombe.net

WET WET WET SAUNA 1-3 Charles Street, 01253 751 199, wetwetwetsauna.co.uk

Body Positive BLACKPOOL 23 South King Street, 01253 292803, info@bodypositiveblackpool.org 25

City Learning Centre Bathhurst St, 01253 478 309, clcbusiness.com Connect 01253 751047, connectyoungpeople.co.uk 26

Connexions 2-8 Market Street, 01253 754840, connexions-direct.com 27

HIV Nursing Team 150/158 Whitegate Health Centre, 01253 657171 NHS Walk-In Centre Whitegate Health Centre, 150 Whitegate Dr, 01253 953953 richmond fellowship 07876 568260 or 01253 780952, Metal Health support to aid recovery for LGB&T people. Sexual Health Clinic 150/158 Whitegate Health Centre, 01253 657171 SHIVER (Sexual Health HIV Education & Responses Drugline Lancashire Ltd) The Corner House, 102 Dickson Road, 01253 311 431 30

Solicitors 31 Atkinson, Cave & Stuart 45 Springfield Road, 01253 293151

Shops & Services 32 Daran Hairdressing Gay Owned 10 Edward St, 01253 441000 darans.co.uk

Evolution Hair Studio Gay Owned 255 Dickson Road 33 Paul’s 5 General St, 01253 290928 unisex hairdresser.

Perfect Fit Alterations 42 Topping Street, 01253 290156 34

SMILE SPA AT HELIO FITNESS Newton Drive, 01253 393909


Cumberland Infirmary 01228 814 814

HIV/HEP C support group 07875 355 390, call for details.


lgbt forum 0787 355 390, Informal meeting between LGB&T communities & local agencies. Meets: Town Hall every 2nd Thurs monthly at 6.30pm. lgbtforum@hotmail.com LGBT PACT (Police & Community together) 07940979610, police and community meetings 1st Thurs of the month. Liberty Church North Shore Methodist, Dickson Rd, 07955 597771, libertychurchblackpool.org.uk Ok2be 07827983392, support service for young people up to 19 years of age, amanda.hayes@blackpool.gov.uk Relaxation group 01253 311431 at SHIVER Stepping Stones LGBT Bereavement Group 07989393232/07753265506, 1st & 3rd Tues/month at 7.15pm Sugar Lounge 07875 355390, gay & bi women’s group meet 7-9pm 1st Tues of the month The Renaissance Transgender Support Group 01253314717,meetings twice monthly, gynwayblackpool.com/ renaissance_transgender_forum.htm Transinclusion group (M2F) 7-9pm 3rd Tues of the month for an informal chat, 07875 355 390

Please note all listings information is provided by third parties. The LGF can accept no responsibility for the quality of the services/groups listed

08453303030 www.lgf.org.uk


Freedom 07875 355390, laid back mixed m2f &f2m space, 12-2 Mondays,

Lancashire Lad’s group (trans f to m) 07875 355390, meets 7-9pm 2nd Tues of the month for chat and support.

Reg. Charity No. 1070904

Connexions 28 Lowther Street, 01228 596272 outreach cumbria lgbt project 07896 250662, outreachcumbria@live.co.uk




Connexions 124 Highgate, 01539 730045

Pride in north cumbria 07901 765453, Young people 14-25 meet twice weekly, prideinnorthcumbria.webs.com

Cumbria LesbIans Network 01539 741 285, 1st Saturday of the month, clnetwork@sky.com


south lakes lesbians for lesbian & bi women meeting monthly in Kendal for socials etc & walking groups, southlakeslesbians@gmail.com

Outrageous 77-79 English Street, 01228 593745, outrageouscarlisle.com


Sweat Sauna Club Atlas House, Nelson St.

KenDal CliNICS

Sexual Health Clinic Westmoorland General Hospital, Burton Rd, 01539 716 706

Maryport HOTELS & B&B’s

Calder House Hotel Gay Owned The Banks, Seascale, 019467 28538, calderhouse.co.uk

wHiTeHaveN Groups

lgbt youth group 07727 297948, 13-25 lgbt youth meets every Tues


Thorncliffe Lesbian Owned Prince’s Rd, 01539 444 338, thorncliffeis@tiscali.co.uk, thorncliffe-guesthouse.co.uk


Sexual Health Clinic Workington Community Hospital, Park Lane. 01900 705050


Steam packet inn 51 Stanley St, 01900 62186

Merseyside & Lancashire

Liverpool Queer Quarter

Around FACT Tithebarn Street

22-24 Stanley St, 0151 236 6633 14 The Lisbon Mixed 35 Victoria Street, 0151 231 6831 15 The Masquerade Mixed 10 Cumberland St, 0151 236 7786, masqueradebar.com

Club Nights BROKEN BISCUITS Monthly at Jupiters Bar FEDERATION LIVERPOOL Monthly gay night, clubfederation.com GIRLS GO DOWN Monthly lesbian night, myspace.com/girlsgodown

Reg. Charity No. 1070904

nice 'n' naughty 16 Colquitt Street

TRAVEL INN METRO Vernon St, 0870 238 3325

Agencies & Clinics

AIDS Helpline 0151 709 9000

Sahir House 2nd Floor, 151 Dale St, 0151 237 3989, providing free & confidential services to people & families living with or affected HIV on Merseyside, info@sahir.uk.com

SAunas 18 Splash Sauna 5 Fazakerley St, 0151

236 1001, splashsauna.com

Groups Being Out with Learning Difficulties (BOLD) c/o Armistead Centre, 0870 9908996, meets every other Monday. Gay Youth ‘r’ OUT (GYRO) 36 Bolton St, 0151 203 0824, LGB Tyouth 13-25, gyro.org.uk Liverpool HopeLGBT Liverpool Hope Student Union, Hope Park, 0151 291 3651, lgbt@hope.ac.uk Liverpool Guild LGBT Society 160 Mount Pleasant, 0151 794 4165, liverpoollgbt@googlemail.com lgos.org/lgbt liverpool lgbt Choir For all abilities, meets Sun 6-8.30pm at St Stephens Church, liverpoolgaychoir@hotmail.co.uk liverpool lgbt community network LCVS, 151 Dale St, 0151 227 5177.

Roscoe Place


Back Berry Stre



Bold Street

13 Superstar Boudoir


Bold Street

25 Stanley Street

1 CAFE TABAC Gay Owned 126 Bold Street, 0151 709 3735

The Feathers 119-125 Mount Pleasant St, 0151 709 9655, feathers.uk.com


Culquitt Street

Culquitt Street

Berry Street Roscoe Lane

11 Secrets

23 Cumberland Street

nice 'n' naughty 85 Seel Street




Wood Street

10 Poste House


16 THE MONRO Gastropub 92-94 Duke St, 0151 707 9933, themonro.com

Wood Street

9 Navy Bar 27-29 Stanley Street, 0151 231 1456



Puschka Gay Owned 16 Rodney St, 0151 708 8698 puschka.co.uk

Back Culquitt Stre

London Road

Modo Gay Friendly Concert Square

Shops 96 Bold Street, 0151 708 7270, newsfromnowhere.co.uk

OSQA’S Oldham Square, 0151 709 6611, osqa-restaurant.co.uk



Victoria Street

Motor City Secrets, Stanley Street, monthly alt night 1st Fri of the month.

ESPRESSO PLUS COFFEE Bar & Bistro 173 Rose Lane, Mossley Hill, 0151 724 6161

Slater Street

Seel Street


Mathew Street

Fleet Street

Jupiters 10 Hackins Hey, off Dale Street, 0151 227 5265 7

Gen-e-sis Vinyl Vasement Bar, Lark Lane, Women’s night last Sunday of the month.

Seel Street

12 Heaven Victoria Street, 0151 236 4832


Victoria Street

Parr Street

6 G Bar Mixed Eberle Street, 0151 258 1230, g-bar.com



Duke Street

5 Garlands Mixed 8-10 Eberle Street, 0151 709 9586, garlandsonline.co.uk

Duke Street

3 Curzon Club Mixed Temple Lane, 0151 236 5160, curzonliverpoo­­­­l.co.uk




Sir Thomas Street

Baby D Temple Street

CAFE TABAC Gay Owned 126 Bold Street, 0151 709 3735 2



Stanley Street


Temple Street

3345 Mixed 33-45 Parr St, 0151 708 6345, 3345parrst.com 1

Temple Lane

Pubs, Clubs & Bars

Princes Street


Train Station Parking Cash Machine Pedestrianised

North John Street

88 Listing Indicator


Cumberland Street


Davies Street


Concert Street


Suffolk Street

Dale Street

Dale Street

Sweeting Street

Cunliffe St. Hockenhall All.


Vernon Street


Eberle Street



Tempest Hey

Hackins Hey

Exchange Street East

£ £

Tithebarn Street

Piccadilly Train Station

Open Table St Brides Church, Catharine St, 07780 568 754, monthly eucharist for LGBT Christians & supporters, 3rd Sun of the month, open.table@yahoo.co.uk OUR STORY LIVERPOOL 0151 709 4988, LGBT History community project. info@ourstoryliverpool.co.uk ourstoryliverpool.co.uk Parents & Carers Group 0870 9908996 Queer Notions 0151 227 9977, provides information and support at the Armistead Project queernotions@hotmail.com QUEST LGBT CATHOLICS 07983 021 589, 2nd Saturday of month, liverpool@questgaycatholic.org.uk SPIRIT LEVEL 0151 227 1893, Transgender support group. Storm LGBT Christians Level 2, 96 Bold Street, 0151 547 3562, meets 1st Sun of the month 3pm storm@somewhere-else.org.uk Young Gay Sefton 0151 330 5841

Sports Groups Gay Kick Boxing Armistead Centre, Wednesday Evenings 7-8pm, info@armisteadcentre.co.uk GAY OUTDOOR GROUP 07855 197607, transpennine@hotmail.co.uk goc.org.uk

Sexual Health Clinic Royal Liverpool Hospital, Prescot St, 0151 706 2620

Liverpool South Gay Dining Club 2nd Sat of month, igdc@talk21.com

MERSEY MARAUDERS part of the Gay Football Supporters Network practice weekly, mmfootball.co.uk

17 The Armistead Project 1 Stanley St, 0870 9908996, armisteadcentre.co.uk

Liverpool Students Union LGBT Society 0151 231 4947


Please note all listings information is provided by third parties. The LGF can accept no responsibility for the quality of the services/groups listed

Liverpool Women’s Book Group Meets last Tues of the month, liverpoolbookgroup.moonfruit.com Merseyside L&G Community Forum 07970 680483, newsfromnowhere.org.uk

08453303030 www.lgf.org.uk

GAYLIVERPOOL.COM Website of Gay Liverpool, gayliverpool.com Liverpool Gay Quarter liverpoolgayquarter.com


Please email any new or updated listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk


Tea with Teela (TV/CD social) 0151 356 855, 7pm 3rd Monday of the month at Transpose, trans-pose.com utopia (Ellesmere Port) Whitby Rd, Ellesmere Port, 0151 348 5621, LGB youth meets every Tues 6.30-9, eport@utopialgb.org.uk


AXM Southport Coronation Walk, axmgroup.co.uk/southport The Crown 20 Coronation Walk Velvet Gay Friendly Coronation Walk


Sexual Health Clinic Southport & Formby District General Hospital, 01704 513303


Sexual Health Clinic St Helens Hospital, Marshall Cross Rd, 01744 646 473, free & confidential sexual service, rapid HIV testing results in 30 mins. sthk.nhs.uk




Oblivion 12-14 Grimshaw St, 01772 252876



DANCING DIVA For more information, dancingdiva5@hotmail.com

The Hangout Hammonds Row (opposite Bus Station), 07751 711335, Saturdays 21.302.30 (student nights), preston-hangout.co.uk



Bar Ibiza 43 Darwen St, 01254 695379 C’est La Vie 11-15 Market St, 01254 691877 Stagedoor 23 Mincing Lane, 01254 674761


bsure 0845 602 0894, Chlamydia screening for under 25’s, b.sure@bwdpct.nhs.uk b-sure.org.uk Lancashire County Council Blackburn with Darwen HIV Partnership 0300 365 0070, health and social care service porivders for those living with HIV across Lancashire and Blackburn with Darwen. Lifeline Project 68-70 Darwen St, 01254 677493, supporting young people up to the age of 25, with substance and alcohol misuse issues, yps@lifeline.org.uk Sexual Health Clinic Blackburn Royal Infirmary, Bolton Road, 01254 687 304 SHOUT 01254 300126, young sexual health team up to 25 shoutteam@yahoo.co.uk


THE DUKE OF LANCASTER 75 Church Street, 01524 842843, info@thedukeoflancaster.com

Sexual Health Clinic Royal Preston Hospital, Sharoe Green Lane, 01772 522814

Gregson Café/Bar Gregson Community and Arts Centre, 33 Moorgate, 01524 849959, gregson.co.uk

drugline lancashire 2 Union Court, 01772 825 684, enquiries@druglinelancs.co.uk

The New Albert 84 King Street, 7 days a week, serving food and entertainment, thenewalbert.com


Lancashire County Council Blackburn with Darwen HIV Partnership 0300 365 0070, health and social care service porivders for those living with HIV across Lancashire and Blackburn with Darwen.


Preston HIV Support Team Helpline: 01772 468170, PO Box 515, Preston, PR1 8XP, phivst@aol.com

PYRO (Proud Youth Are Out) 07717 301821, 13-25 years, naomh.mckee@lancashire.gov.uk Lancaster GUM Clinic Ashton Community Care Centre, 08450590015, apps only (in the next 48 hrs)



Blackburn LGB Youth Group Brook Advisory Centre, 54-56 Darwen St, BB2 2BL. 07809 847541, jonny.daniels@brookblackburn.org.uk

Pink Flamingo The Venue, 11-19 Westfield St. See facebook for details.

Out Youth LGBT Group East Lancs The Hub, Accrington & Rossendale College, 07895 794850, 14-19 yr olds, 6-8pm 1st & 3rd Tues.


tHE wIrRaL



oscar’s bar 25 Victoria St, 07543 900678, gay friendly/mixed, oscars@tiscali.co.uk


Flex II Tolver St, 01744 758 439

WORK Bridge Street, every Wednesday.

DV8 @ The Picture House 46 Conway Street, Birkenhead, 0151 647 8883, Wed 8pm till late, hello@thepicturehousewirral.co.uk Tallulah’s Late Lounge Rowson St/ Victoria Rd, New Brighton, 0774 7561587, Wed nights till late, marion@tallulas.co.uk


BACKSTAGE BAR 135 St James St, 01282 414895

GABRIELS Graffiti Club, Bethesda Road, Burnley, every Saturday from 10pm-3am. GuyS as dolls showbar 133-135 St James St.


POUT! 0800 7831524, youth group and helpline, every Wed. pout99@hotmail.com yps.lancashire.gov.uk/pout-lesbian-gaybisexual-trans-youth-group



Morecambe GUM Clinic Queen Victoria Centre, Thornton Rd, 08450590015, apps only (in the next 48 hrs) Under 19 Young Person’s GUM & Contraception Drop In The Information Shop, Mon & Thurs 3:30 -5:30



CENTRAL LANCASHIRE HIV ADVICE 01772 825 684, Helpline: 01772 253 840, Drugline Lancashire Ltd, 2 Union Court. Freinds of Dorothy Age Concern, Arkwright House, 01772 552 862, befreinding and support services andrewdrake@55plus.org.uk lancashire county council lgbt network lgbt@lancashire.gov.uk Lancashire LGBT Centre services for the community inc drop in 1st Thurs/ month at Diusabillity Equality North West Preston, 6.30-8.30pm lancshirelgbt.co.uk Lesbian Connection lesbian social group meeting monthly lesbian_connection@yahoo.co.uk Pozitive Lancashire 07599 545540, info & advice on HIV to people living in the Lanc. & Gtr Manc. area, pozitivelancashire. co.uk UCLAN LGBT Society Every Thurs at 8.30pm ro@cantthinkstraight.co.uk (female) or martin@cantthinkstraight.co.uk

Sexual Health Clinic Arrowe Park Road, 0151 604 7339

bsure 0845 602 0894, Chlamydia screening for under 25’s, b.sure@bwdpct.nhs.uk b-sure.org.uk



Sexual Health Clinic St. Peter’s Centre tel 01282 644300

THE LOLLIPOP LOUNGE Disraelis 1, 26 Church St, every Tuesday thelollipop.co.uk

uclan lgbt employee network lgbtstaff@uclan.ac.uk

Sexual Health Services for the Under 25’s condomcollective.com


VIBE c/o Young Peoples Service, 07814 493750, LGBT youth group meets Thurs evenings. yps.lancashire.gov.uk/get-vibe



Dolphin Sauna 129 Mount Road, New Brighton, 0151 630 1516, dolphinsauna.co.uk


Terrence Higgins Trust 5 Bridge Street, Birkenhead, 0151 666 9890, Sexual health info& LGBT affirmative counselling, info.wirral@tht.org.uk tht.org.uk


Freedom Trans Youth Foundation, freedom@freedom.zzn.com freedom.btik.com Gay Wirral 0151 666 9890, Terrence Higgins Trust, 5 Bridge St, for all Wirral’s LGBT Community, contact for details, gaywirral@hotmail.co.uk Tea Time Special 0151 666 9890, Terrence Higgins Trust, 5 Bridge St, Fri 4.30-6.30pm, safe space for LGBT, info.wirral@tht.org.uk


Red Triangle Café St James St, 01282832319


E.A.G.L.E. - EQUALITY FOR ALL GAYS & LESBIANS EVERYWHERE 07972 507679, meets Tues 12-2pm at Burnely Town Hall, informal LGBT drop in, e.a.g.l.e_support@ hotmail.com Quaker L&G Fellowship 16 Newfield Drive, Nelson, 01282 605724 Rossendale LGBT Youth Group 07817 541242, LGBT youth from Rossendale, Accrington and Burnley, rossendalelgbt@hotmail.co.uk

TransWirral 90-92 Chester St, 07833 385126, for TS/Intersex, transwirral.btik.com


WIRRAL DIVAS 0151 666 9890, weekly lesbian and bisexual women’s group.

breakout LGBT community radio group, c.o Chorley FM, lgbt@chorley.fm breakoutshow.co.uk

WIRRAL TRANSISTERs 07759045117, support/social group for TV/CD/TS, 1st Tues of the month, mazykate@toucansurf.com WORK IT OUT Wirral Brook, 14 Whetstone Ln, Birkenhead, 0151 670 0177, group for 14-18 year olds, info@wirralbrook.org.uk outreach@wirralbrook.org.uk


POUT! 0800 7831524, youth group and helpline, every Wed. pout99@hotmail.com yps.lancashire.gov.uk/pout-lesbian-gaybisexual-trans-youth-group

Please email any new or updated listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk


Sexual Health Clinic Ormskirk General Hospital, Wigan Road, 01695 571043 edgehill university LGBT society search on facebook


Blowing Wild Club Grimshaw Street, open Thurs, Fri, Sat, 07752 512232


West Lancs LGBT Community Social Group 0845 0046994 (12-5) 24hr text: 07514819063, USA helpline: +1 646 439 0177, includes support for the Romanian community, westlancashirelgbtcommunity.co.uk

WE’RE HERE IF YOU NEED US 0845 3 30 30 30 www.lgf.org.uk

Cheshire, Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Isle of Man & North West


North West






Just4lesbians.com a friendship site for singles and couples all over the world. just4lesbians.com



j4ldating.com a lesbian dating site. j4ldating.com

Sexual Health Clinic Leighton Hospital, Middlewich Rd, 01270 612255 BP Cheshire & North Wales PO Box 321, 01270 653 150 outrite 01270 653 156, social and support groups, counselling, condoms and lube by post, outrite.org


men’s Group 01270 653 156, outrite.org

UTOPIA 01270 253633, LGB youth group Weds evenings, utopialgb.org.uk

CheStER PUBS, CLUBS & BaRS Bar 6T9 01244 313 608

Liverpool Arms Northgate Street, 01244 314 807


Sexual Health Clinic Chester Hospital, Liverpool Road, 01244 363 091


Sexual Health Clinic Macclesfield District General Hospital, Victoria Road, 01625 264116 OUTRITE groups 01270 653156, support and social groups, outrite.org


Northwich Sauna Winnington Lane, 01606 784881, sauna-sauna.info


Sexual Health Halton General Hospital, 01928 753217


The Canalside Bar & Restaurant 01928 580 669, 45-47 Canal Street.


Halton LGBT Group meets at: Halton Voluntary Action, Public Hall St, meets twice a month on a Wednesday night between 7pm and 9pm, haltonlgbt.co.uk

LGBT Health Promotion 01244 650534 or 07747 631021, West Cheshire - help & support including LGBT health issues.



Club Nights

CHESTER lgbt BOOK GROUP 07818 021 947, 2nd Monday of the month at 7.30pm at the Bear & Billet pub, Lower Bridge Street, alispad@aol.com Dinin’ Divas womens dining group dinindivas@yahoo.com Encompass 07790904718, 07833114752, 01745337144, LGBT social & info group for Chester & N. Wales, encompass.btik.com Mersey & Dee Women Social group, madw@merseymail.com Sole Sisters Penny: 07917 533104 or Sandra: 07921 222101, womens walking group.


White Hart Sankey Street, 01925 241994

Exposed Showbar, 15/17 Friars Gate, alexvalentine@mail.com


Sexual Health Clinic Lovely Lane, 01925 662476


Groups Gay North West Camping & Caravanning Club Free club for LGBT people who enjoy camping and caravanning, gnccc.co.uk Gay Outdoor Group - Ability Group Outdoor activities for people with all types of abilities/disabilities and their friends and family, ability@goc.org.uk LGBT Youth Northwest PO BOX 153, Manchester. M60 1LP, 0753 106 1777, Support & fun projects for LGBT Young people 14-25; support & training for practitioners working with young people, lgbtyouthnorthwest@yahoo.co.uk

Please note all listings information is provided by third parties. The LGF can accept no responsibility for the quality of the services/groups listed Queer Youth Network info@queeryouth.net, queeryouth.net Trans Resource Empowerment Centre (TREC) 07513 880647, Trans activities and info, meets 2nd Sat at the LGF, board@transcentre.org.uk transcentre.org.uk trans youth support (north west) 07530 352079, Supporting Trans young people & those questionning their gender identity, aged under 25, through email, phone & up coming Trans Youth Events, trans.youth@yahoo.co.uk

SHOPS & Services D.C.H.A. Services Dean Cooper: 07534 509108, Help for and training around the needs of disabled people, dchaservices.co.uk

Staffordshire PUBS, CLUBS & BarS


Fierce 3 Goodson St, Hanley.

LGBT Network 01782 266998, charity providing support, advice for all LGBT & social groups, gaystoke.com

The Pink Lounge Piccadilly, Hanley, pinkloungebarandclub.com The Factory 67 Bryan St, Stoke, thefactorystoke.co.uk The Polari Lounge 52 Piccadilly, Hanley, 01782 212200, gaystoke.com


Panthers LGBT Badminton/Squash 01782 266998, meeting weekly in Stoke South Staffs MES MEN Project 01543 411413, PO Box 3919, Lichfield, Married Men’s group, TV/TS group and social groups.

1806 Group 11 Palmyra Square South, 01925 241994, initiative for sexual health.

Inferno 14 Garth St, Hanley, heatsauna.com/stoke-on-trent

SPACE 01543 419002, LGBT Youth Group (16-21), youth@mesmen.co.uk

Gay Healthy Alliance Project PO Box 539, 01925 631101


Staffordshire Buddies PO Box 474, Stoke on Trent, 01782 201251


Gaylife North Staffordshire 0300 1230970

Chester Uni Warrington Campus LGBT Society search facebook

unique tg support group N. Wales & West Cheshire meets 3rd Tues of the Month, 8pm, elen@uniquetg.org.uk uniquetg.org.uk

Gay & Lesbian Youth Support Services (GLYSS) 07747 473 829, every Wed/Thurs 6.30-9.30pm and alternate Sat. glyss@hotmail.co.uk freewebs.com/glyss

UTOPIA (chester) 0151 348 5621, LGB youth group meets every Weds 7.30-9pm, chester@utopialgb.org.uk

FLUID (Freedon to Love Ur IDentity) 07747 473 829

Yorkshire HUDdERsFiEld




THE GREYHOUND Manchester Road, 01484 420 742

The New Union 3 Union Bank Yard, New Street, 01484 535435


HUGG Social group for gay & bi men, 18+,every Tuesday from 8pm. hugg.org.uk

Inn on the Bridge Gay Owned & Run 1-5 Market St, 01422 844 229, inn_on_the_bridge@live.co.uk NELSONS WINE BAR Crown St, 01422 844 782

Please email any new or updated listing to: listings@lgf.org.uk

Isle of Man HOTELS


DEVONIAN HOTEL Gay Friendly 4 Sherwood Terrace, Douglas, 01624 674676, thedevonian.co.uk

Guys & Dolls Showbar Gay Friendly Peverill Sq, Douglas,

Reg. Charity No. 1070904

08453303030 www.lgf.org.uk

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