Overflow 36 | March 2013

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HELP IN TIMES OF TROUBLE Justified Through His Resurrection

GAVIN & LEANNA FLOYD Chicago White Sox Pitcher & His Wife Share About Their Walk with Christ


16 FOCUSING ON CHRIST'S LOVE Gavin and Leanna Floyd open up about their faith journey with Jesus, life in Major League Baseball, and what giving means to them.





Russell Gaither shares a powerful story of how his broken, hurting family became whole through Christ. His journey reveals the tenderness, love, and forgiveness that Jesus brings.

Our salvation is not only the result of Jesus' sufferings and death, but also a result of His Resurrection. Jesus earned our redemption and made us justified in the eyes of God.





We've all heard the story about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3, but Chris Cherp brings a fresh perspective and understanding to this well-known tale of God's help in a time of need.

Alyse Merritt shares her sweet memories as a child celebrating the Jewish Passover with her family and the significance it still has today with our Risen Savior.











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MARCH 2013, Issue 36 Editor | Amie Cherp amie@overflowmag.com Sales & Marketing | Chris Cherp chris@overflowmag.com Design | Brady Wright brady@overflowmag.com

Dear Friends, When we start seeing the signs of springtime, we know Easter will be here soon. Now that I have small children, I get more excited about Easter. With our kids, we get to hunt for eggs full of treasure, share baskets filled with treats, and tell the story of how Jesus redeemed us. Easter is a great time to reflect on what Jesus did for us and on how God loved us so much that He sent His Son to die for us. Then, after three days, Jesus rose again. Praise God! At Eastertime, we get to celebrate His Resurrection! In Brian Essary’s article, “Justified,” learn more about what Jesus did for us through His Resurrection (page 10). On page 20, Alyse Merritt tells a heartwarming, childhood story about celebrating the Jewish Passover with her family. She also reveals how it’s beautifully symbolic of our Risen Savior, Jesus. You don’t want to miss this gospel matza! Russell Gaither shares his powerful story of redemption on page 8. From a broken boy to a passionate missionary, Jesus Christ healed Russell and his hurting family. He made them whole again. Russell’s journey shows the love and forgiveness that Christ brings to those who receive Him. If you don’t know Jesus Christ, the only Resurrected God, I encourage you to go to our salvation section on page 14. Accept Jesus into your heart today, and this Easter, you can truly celebrate our Risen Savior. Through Jesus, we are redeemed! We are blessed to have Gavin and Leanna Floyd on our cover this month. Gavin is a starting pitcher for the Chicago White Sox, and he and his beautiful wife live in the Tampa Bay area during the

off-season. We had the pleasure of interviewing them. They are an awesome couple who shared with us about their walk with Jesus, life in the big leagues, and what giving means to them. Read this inspiring story on page 16. This dynamic couple focuses on Christ’s love, and His love overflows from them to others. Leanna shared something with us in the interview that has really stuck with me. (When you read the article, you will get the full story.) Leanna’s mother told her to “appreciate the magic of ordinary days.” As a mother, that really impacted me. At times, I have complained about the numerous duties I have to do each day, but most mothers are really busy. It is a part of motherhood. Now, I am gaining a new perspective on ordinary days. I am thankful and happy that I can take care of my family. And all I have to do is call on Jesus when I need help, even in the day-to-day routine. God is always here to help us in our times of need. He will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). In the article, “My God Will Help You,” Chris Cherp gives a fresh viewpoint on the well-know story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. It will encourage you, and after you read it, you will know that God is always there for His children when we need Him. Check it out on page 12. I hope you and your families have a blessed Easter. Happy Resurrection Day! Justified Through Christ,

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or He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:13-14, NIV). Years have passed since one of the most special and intimate days of my life. Just as everyone remembers his or her first kiss, I remember my first brush with the Lord—a spiritual “kiss” so intimate it completely changed my life overnight. Perhaps you have experienced a timely kiss so deeply inscribed with intimacy, love, and kindness that you couldn’t help but wear a silly smile of wonder. This is what happened to me when I met the Lord. My “kiss” with the Lord will never be forgotten as it was a pivotal and poignant time in my life. One of my favorite authors, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, once said, “There is meaning in every journey that is unknown to the traveler.”1 This is, of course, an easy statement to grasp, but a hard one to accept when in the midst of your journey. Now that I look back, my journey growing up was nothing short of powerful. I was a church kid growing up. I remember being the kid that always fell asleep in the pew while all the adults worshiped and prayed. I was an only child who had parents that were fervent for the Lord. My mom was a missionary in the Caribbean for a while, and my father led Bible studies for young men and his peers (in a barn where college kids hung out). I learned a lot from my parents about Jesus, but I personally didn’t seek Him until much later in my life. My father was the coolest man alive. He was a rock. He benched the weight of a car and curled the mass of a horse. Maybe that is a little far-fetched, but that is what


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retrieved the hospital’s Bible and began reading Scriptures aloud. With the little strength my father had left, he said, “I want Jesus back in my life.” With tears they asked each other for forgiveness, prayed for forget my father’s treatment of my mother and Jesus to fill their hearts, and took communion me. My coping mechanism was to play soccer, see how many women I could get to like me, and together. Jesus had come into that cold hospital room and shined His light of love, forgiveness, drink with my teammates until the first person and acceptance. Dad passed the next morning. puked. I became good at it. My friends loved me I thought as a child. He took me to athletic There I sat, alone in my dorm room holding for being “fun” and a great soccer player, while events and watched me play in every soccer onto Dad’s Bible and grasping on to the lifeline my teachers adored me for my good grades and game I had up until college. that my father had gone to heaven. I confessed suave disposition. He was an athlete and owned his own Jesus as Lord and decided to follow Him with my I was playing collegiate soccer, doing business, which he would regularly take time life. That night, the Holy Spirit came and “kissed” very well, and receiving academic awards and off from to hang out with me. Once, he checked me so sweetly that tears flowed down my face. accolades. I was succeeding on and off the field me out of school just so we could attend an I let the Lord caress and love me through all my and enjoying my “freedom” away from home. Atlanta Braves game. On another occasion, he brokenness. Things changed again when I received a call checked me out again so he could take me to I left West Virginia and decided to attend from my mother. “Your father is in the hospital my very first concert, U2’s Elevation Tour. He The University of Tampa where I became part of and you need to come. He might not make it,” was a man of many trades and had the ability to the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. The Lord she said. Confused, scared, and bewildered that build anything: pools, houses, skate ramps, and transformed my life, and He placed the desire in I could lose my father, I took the first flight out. tree forts, to name a few. I was his right hand my heart to lead Bible studies on campus. By the My urgent desire was to be with him and love man, best friend, and proud son. end of my college career, I had planted a men’s on him. Unfortunately, it didn’t last. During my group, a Latino fellowship, and a Bible study for To my sadness, two weeks later, my mom middle and high school years, my dad became athletes. I was ministering to my peers. called me at college with the news that Dad had a heavy drinker, and when his business started My life has been radically changed. passed. I wept my way to my dorm, but when going downhill, he began to lose his faith. When Bonhoeffer says, “Jesus himself did not try to I arrived, I found a package at my door. I ripped intoxicated, he was abusive and terrifying to be convert the two thieves on the around. Many times, I saw him cross; he waited until one of them pin my mother in the corner of a turned to him.”2 Jesus, in the same room as she held herself tightly “There I sat, alone in my dorm room in an effort to stand firm. I was a way, waited until I surrendered and holding onto Dad’s Bible and grasping on scrawny little 13-year-old boy, and cried for help at His feet after my no matter how much I ate, there father’s death. Now I understand to the lifeline that my father had gone was still no meat on my bones. I Isaiah 55:9 (NIV): “As the heavens to heaven. I confessed Jesus as Lord and began thinking of ways to defend are higher than the earth, so are decided to follow Him with my life.” my mother and at the same time My ways higher than your ways save my dad from his addiction. and My thoughts higher than your My father always had a cup thoughts.” My father’s story is it open and found a worn Bible in the bottom of alcohol around. I would empty the bottle my story, and I find that when I tell it, it makes of the box with a note that read: “Look through or knock his cup over to waste as much as I me smile in wonder because of Jesus’ ability this Bible; you will enjoy it. Love, Abuelita.” With could without him thinking I did it. I would put to “kiss,” love, and walk with us in the critical tears still streaming down my cheeks, I opened a ball next to the cup or the cup next to the moments of our lives. the tattered Bible to find notes, highlights, and dog so it appeared the drink accidently spilled. I now work with InterVarsity Christian questions written all through the text. It was My young mind believed the simple tactic Fellowship, which is a college ministry on my dad’s handwriting and I was seeing all of his would keep him sober so we could play and be campuses across the U.S. My story is one of a special moments with Jesus from several years together. broken kid from a broken, hurting family who prior—a time when he was persevering. It was To my dismay, he kept a healthy stash in became whole through Christ and called to serve an unforgettable moment. Today, I often envision reserve, and he would simply replace the spilled as a missionary to equally hurting, broken, and him reading through this Bible and praying. bottle with two more. His addiction worsened lost students. The college campus is one of the Days after the funeral, while looking and laziness set in, so he lost his business. I most important institutions in modern society. through his Bible and trying to put the pieces of would come home from school to see him lying InterVarsity believes that if we can change my heart back together, I received a call from my on the couch with cups all around him. I quickly universities, we can change the world. So, I set mom. She had a story to share with me about learned not to wake him up or I would find my sight on the Hillsborough Community College God’s greatness. She told me that life’s difficulties myself pinned against the wall and cursed at to campus in hopes of seeing students and faculty had led my parents astray and how they didn’t go to my room. transformed, campuses renewed, and world persevere, but instead grew cold and abandoned When high school came to an end, I left changers developed. This is my new identity, their faith in their brokenness. However, while in to go play soccer somewhere that I could this is my mission, and this is my story. ■ the hospital room with a negative prognosis, she spread my wings and be my own man. Instead, www.goodreads.com/quotes/82814 felt compelled to tune in to the local Christian I became a reflection of my father. I started www.goodreads.com/quotes/170133 radio station. She played praise and worship drinking profusely, womanizing, and tearing music in Dad’s hospital room. Then, she myself apart. Subconsciously, I was trying to 1 2


March 2013   Love+Faith+Hope



“But the angel answered and said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He has risen…’” (Matthew 28:5-6, NKJV).


large part, we do not understand the entire scope of what took place as a result of Christ’s Resurrection. We know about His sufferings on Golgotha, the humiliation, the stripes upon His back, and the crown of thorns on His head. As important as all that is in demonstrating just how deeply God loves us, Jesus’ sufferings and death is only half the picture. Our salvation and the power to overcome is also the result of His Resurrection. In Romans 4:25 (NKJV), Paul writes, “[Jesus] who was delivered up because of our offenses (sin), and was raised because of our justification.” God’s gift of redemption through the death and Resurrection of His Son was greater than any other method given in the past. God’s redemptive plan through Jesus did more than just provide for the forgiveness of sin. It also justified us. What does it mean to be justified? If we look back at Romans 4:25, it says that Jesus was “raised because of our justification.” The Greek word here for justification is dikaiosis, which means “the act of God declaring men free from guilt and acceptable to Him.”1 In other words, we are declared righteous or ‘right’ in the eyes of God. So, through Jesus’ Resurrection, we are made righteous. (Also see Romans 5:1-17.)

I believe one of the reasons that Christians do not understand the power of our justification through Christ is because we fail to realize what we have been justified from. Think about this for a moment: Without Christ, are we sinners because we sin or do we sin because we are sinners? We sin because we are born with a sin nature, separated from God’s righteousness. In simple terms, before Christ, we were sinners—therefore, we sinned. When Jesus died on the cross, He took all sin upon Himself once and for all. However, Jesus didn’t just pay the price for our individual sins; He died to change our sin nature into a righteous one. When we accept Christ, we take Jesus’ righteousness upon ourselves while He took our sin nature upon Himself at the cross. Many believers live their lives as if they are hoping God will justify them one day in the future. Instead, we should be living in victorious justification now, confident in what Jesus has already done and completed on the cross. Unfortunately, many believers treat Jesus’ death like a dry eraser that simply wipes away our individual sins each time we confess them. It is as if we pull out the cross each time we mess up to get a “retry.” We think if we just try a little harder, we won’t commit the same sin again. Countless believers struggle for years with the same issues, never realizing that Jesus’ death and Resurrection are much more than a “do-over,” but an act of justification that forever makes them the righteousness of God. They are fully accepted and much more than forgiven; they are children of the living God. When Jesus died on the cross, He did not just die for you – He died as you. This means He

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took the full penalty of sin upon Himself and died in your place. It is as if you had died. He died for your sin nature. In other words, He completely paid the full penalty of sin as if you had paid it. (See Galatians 2:16-21 & Romans 6:8.) Here is the key to understanding the power of God’s plan of redemption. If Jesus died as us, then He also rose as us, meaning through Him we have already paid the price of our crime (our sin nature). We are now justified once and for all, never to be guilty again. When we accept Christ, we are born again in our spirit, forever justified. Indeed, that born again spirit inside us is made righteous and sealed by the Holy Spirit to never again lose its perfection (Ephesians 1:13). My friends, when you fail in your life, remember you were not a sinner because you sinned, but you sinned because you were born in a sin state. However, if you have put faith in Jesus (through His Resurrection), your sin nature has been changed to a righteous nature. Do not focus on your faults, sins, and shortcomings. That has no power to help you overcome. Instead, remind yourself you are justified, you are righteous, and you are perfected in Christ because in those realities is the power to overcome. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is in you to quicken your mortal body (Romans 8:11). This Easter, remember that Jesus didn’t just die and rise again for you, but He died and rose as you. You are forever justified through Jesus’ Resurrection, and putting your attention on this truth is where the power lies to help you overcome once and for all! ■ 1




Have you ever heard the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?


their day, King Nebuchadnezzar once had a 90-foot tall by 9-foot wide golden statue constructed of himself and tried to force all in his land to fall to their knees and worship it at the sound of music. King Nebuchadnezzar made a decree that anyone who failed to fall to their knees and worship the statue would immediately be thrown into a fiery furnace as a result of their defiance. The three young men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, were friends of the king and had been appointed to run the administration of the province of Babylon. These young men loved God and refused to bow and worship the statue. When this act of defiance was brought to the king’s attention, he gave them another chance to bow and worship the statue so they wouldn’t be thrown into the fiery furnace. However, once again, they refused. Here is what they said in defiance of the king’s command, “…We have no need to answer you in this matter. If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image

which you have set up” (Daniel 3:16-18, NKJV, emphasis added). I always wondered why they said “But if not” right after telling the king that their God would keep them safe from the fiery furnace and the hand of the king. How confusing! I used to think, do they believe God is going to save them or not? This, in turn, led to the question: Why pray if it’s going to be a coin toss?

Talk about mixed messages. I would leave the meeting not sure if God was there for me or not. Obviously, God was there for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego since they survived the furnace. So why would they say “But if not” if they were certain God would help them? The answer is found in Daniel 3:18 (NKJV): “But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up.” The “But if not” phrase was not referring to God’s actions. These words were directed at the king’s actions. Specifically, if the king chose not

“He yearns to have a relationship with us so we can believe beyond a shadow of a doubt—just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did—that God is there to help us in our darkest times.” I have heard powerful messages from various preachers about how God helped Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego survive the fiery furnace untouched, not even smelling like smoke. Then the focus would shift to the “But if not” part which led into a message about how we should serve God regardless if He will help us in our time of need or not.

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to throw them into the fiery furnace—an act of mercy on the king’s part—they would still not become servants to his gods, nor worship the golden statue. Think about it for a moment; how could they possibly serve the king’s gods and worship the golden statue if they were thrown into the fiery furnace and burnt to a crisp (meaning God

didn’t help them)? They couldn’t! There would be no need to serve the king’s gods and worship the statue since they would no longer be alive to do such things. So it doesn’t make sense to say that the phrase, “But if not,” was referring to God not saving them. If you look back at verse 15, you will see that they were actually responding to the king’s claim of whether or not to throw them in the fiery furnace. (Verse 17 was their response to the king if he chose to throw them into the fiery furnace, and verse 18 was their response to the king if he chose not to throw them into the furnace.) Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego loved God and knew that He loved them and that He would help them through this life-defining moment, regardless of what the king chose to do with them. All three of them had such a close relationship with God that they knew He would never allow them to go through such a trial without being right there with them, protecting them the entire time. Now let’s put this into perspective regarding some things that we might be currently facing in life. Some may be dealing with the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, or the news of a life-threatening illness. Many others are dealing with a variety of other issues. Regardless of what it might be and regardless of whether or not we’re in church every Sunday, God loves each and every one of us just the way we are. He yearns to have a relationship with us so we can believe beyond a shadow of a doubt—just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did—that God is there to help us in our darkest times. “God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1, NKJV). The next time we find ourselves facing something like a fiery furnace, remember that our loving God is not schizophrenic. Our Father God is always there to help us, even when we are the cause of the challenge we might be facing. “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31, NKJV) Let’s get to know God better by spending time reading the Bible, doing a daily devotional, listening to lessons while we commute, or even attending church services. During the difficulties of life, when we put our trust in Jesus, we will come out victorious, not even smelling like smoke. Glory! ■


COMPLETE FORGIVENESS THROUGH THE CROSS “It was a perfect sacrifice by a perfect person to perfect some very imperfect people. By that single offering, He did everything that needed to be done for everyone who takes part in the purifying process” (Hebrews 10:14, MSG).


ne of the biggest hindrances in a believer’s life is the belief that only their sins from the moment they make Jesus Christ their Savior all the way back to their birth are forgiven. Though these past sins are forgiven, it is only part of the gift given to all who call on Jesus to be their Savior. Many believers are held in bondage due to guilt. This results from their inability to live a sinless life and their lack of knowledge about the complete forgiveness given through Christ. (The devil tries to condemn us for sin that Jesus has already forgiven.) Think about this, how old were you when Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead? No one walking this earth today was even a glimpse in their great grandparents’ eyes at that time. You see, Jesus died for all of our sins over two thousand years ago. As the above Scripture references, Jesus made a single offering and accomplished everything that needed to be done for each and every person. If He paid for all of our sins at that moment in time, then every sin we would

ever commit was in the future. So, we can’t say that only our past sins are forgiven. We have complete forgiveness in Christ. Once we accept Jesus as our Savior, every sin we commit during our lives on earth (past, present, and future) is forgiven. This is great news! So what’s the big deal about recognizing this powerful gift of forgiveness? Some may think that this would lead believers to live sinful lives, but that’s not the case. This gift of complete forgiveness gives the believer a freedom like no other. It frees us from condemnation and empowers us to live a better life. Just look at the story of the sinful woman who washed Jesus’ feet (Luke 7). People who are forgiven much, love much (Luke 7:47). This gift of forgiveness is free and has no expiration date but is only available to the recipient while they are alive. If you want to have true freedom in your life, then start by receiving the wonderful gift of forgiveness from the only resurrected, living God. Just say this prayer and get ready! ■

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S A LVAT I O N P R AY E R Father God, I come before You in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says that “whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21, NKJV) and “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9, NKJV). Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me. It is because of Your love that You don't want me to be condemned and punished for my sins. Thank You for sending Your beloved Son, Jesus, to die for me on the cross. Jesus took my sins, penalties, and all my curses and in return gave me His blessing, righteousness, and favor. He got what I deserved so I can receive what He deserves – all good things! Jesus' blood washes me clean from every sin (past, present, and future). On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead and conquered death. Father, I thank You that when You look at me, You choose to no longer remember my sins and that You see me in all the beauty and righteousness of Jesus. Holy Spirit, fill me to overflowing and lead me through this life – thank You, Father. In Jesus' Name, Amen!



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FOCUSING ON CHRIST'S LOVE "We love because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19, NIV)


is a wonderful example of Christ's love and living life to the fullest," Leanna Floyd said of Trinity College alumnus Tim Smith. You may remember Tim's inspiring story from the July 2012 issue of Overflow. What you may not know is that Leanna, the Florida native, and her husband Gavin Floyd, who is a starting pitcher for the Chicago White Sox, donated $21,000 in 2011 to help Tim get a new pair of prosthetic legs. The amount of money they freely gave was remarkable, but the most amazing part of the story is the fact that the couple had never met Tim prior to their sizable donation. Leanna explained that her mother teaches at Trinity College and she would often talk about an extraordinary young man, Tim, who was born without legs below his kneecaps. She marveled at how he literally ran around with so much passion and energy. She told Leanna that the college, fellow students, and others had been working to raise funds for Tim's new prosthetic legs—which would cost $31,000— but they had only raised $10,000 (up to that point). "There are times when I feel so led by God in my spirit," Leanna said. This was one of those times; God was prompting Leanna and Gavin to donate the money. The couple explained that when you get to a place in your walk with God where you realize everything you have is not yours, but His, you can freely give. Gavin said, "It doesn't just have to be money. It's time, treasures, and talents."

It's how you use those blessings for His glory. Leanna commented that money cannot buy the feeling you get when you give to someone. "There is such a great joy about it," Gavin added. They had the pleasure of meeting Tim on the day he received his new legs. Gavin said that the three of them had smiles from ear to ear. "When you make a difference in someone else's life, that's [what I call] living," Leanna said. She went on to say that it's easy to get caught up in the busyness of life, but her true joy comes from helping others. "We love people," Leanna said. "I think it's because we sense how God has loved us—that unfailing love, grace, and mercy. You think about that when you see an opportunity to help. It's not by chance that this happened," Gavin remarked.

LOVE GUIDES Learning about this selfless act of kindness by the Floyds intrigued us here at Overflow, and we wanted to learn more about this dynamic couple. As we interviewed Gavin and Leanna, we recognized a central theme throughout their lives – love. It was love that guided Leanna's strong Christian upbringing. It was love for people that influenced Leanna's decision to earn a doctorate in psychology. It was love for baseball that helped Gavin get to the Major Leagues. It was love exuded through others that captivated Gavin and gave him the desire to pursue God. It was love that prompted them

to give so generously. It was love that brought Gavin and Leanna together. "Do you believe in Jesus?" That was the question Leanna asked Gavin when they met for the first time in 2004 at the International Plaza in Tampa. It probably wasn't what Gavin was expecting when he approached this beautiful woman. However, Leanna's love for Christ gave her a no-nonsense approach to meeting someone new. The question didn't scare Gavin away. In fact, it sparked something inside him. Although he may not have realized it at the time, it was the beginning of a journey. On this journey, Gavin’s strong desire to know God would develop alongside his baseball career. Gavin was raised in Maryland with two brothers. "We were a big sports family," he said. He attended church and went to Christian schools, but revealed, "I didn't know who God was or what an intimate relationship with Him was." Gavin could throw the ball extremely hard, which caused him to stand out on the baseball field. He was noticed and praised for his talent and eventually his world revolved around being a baseball player. Gavin loved the game and dreamed of making it to the big leagues.

ON THE MOUND In 2001, right out of high school, Gavin was selected by the Phillies in the MLB Amateur Draft, making him one step closer to achieving that big league dream. He moved to the Tampa


March 2013   Love+Faith+Hope

photo by: Ron Vesely © Chicago White Sox

Bay area to be close to the Spring Training Complex in Clearwater. Over the next three seasons, Gavin played for various Phillies Minor League teams, ranging from Class A to Triple-A, before being called up to the Majors in September 2004. During the 2005 and 2006 seasons, Gavin worked really hard to get stronger and improve his game. "It was my life; it was who I was," he said. His identity was wrapped up in baseball, whether he was on or off the field. "It was tough [those seasons] because I started failing. I was going from Triple-A, to Double-A, to the big leagues and then back down again," Gavin said. He felt that his major league dream was slipping through his hands. "That was a huge hit to my identity," he shared. Gavin started asking questions like, "Who am I? What is life all about? Why am I here?" The answers could only come from one place: Jesus Christ. Gavin explained that there were many people along the way that influenced him on his spiritual journey. Leanna, her family, teammates, and chaplains exuded

a light and loving nature of which he took notice. He observed that these people had "something special" which brought peace and joy wherever they went. Gavin wanted what they had and began seeking God.

A NEW PURPOSE Then in 2007, Gavin was traded to the White Sox where he met two believers who invested in his life. He was reading everything he could get his hands on, trying to learn more about God and develop a relationship with Jesus. One of his favorite books was The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. God was continually refining Gavin, and his baseball career started to take a turn for the better. By 2008, Gavin found his footing as a solid starting pitcher for the White Sox, and he

18   OverflowMag.com   March 2013

signed a lucrative four-year contract in 2009 with an option for the 2013 season. It doesn't seem like a coincidence that Gavin regained success on the field as his focus and identity for his life shifted to Christ. Although the process was not easy, most can understand the stretching and growing that continually happens during our walk with Jesus. Gavin shared, "It was tough because I had to fight my old self, but God powerfully helped me through that. When you have victory over some things [from the past], it is just something that sits so good in your heart. You have the confidence to know that you are living a righteous life, [even though] you're not perfect." It's God's love that allows us to come to a place of acceptance of our past, and it's also His love that gives us a new purpose or perspective on our lives. "I believe that God has me here for a reason and that's playing baseball right now," Gavin said. "I want to work really hard for Him, but it's also a place of worship for me. I try to pitch for Him rather than for myself." Leanna added, "I believe that when God wants to grow us and take us to that next level, He uses our idols (what we cherish and what we put before Him). For Gavin, it was baseball." They both believe that God used his baseball career and those struggles to point Gavin to Jesus. Gavin came to a place where he realized he couldn't

do it all on his own and that's when he surrendered. Christ was able to penetrate his life and God revealed Gavin's purpose to him.

THE MAGIC OF JESUS Raised in a Christian home, Leanna was taught about the importance of living her life for Christ. Even with that wonderful background, she candidly shared that there were times in her life when she found herself becoming complacent with the status quo and neglected to nurture her relationship with Christ. As she mentioned before, the busyness of

been on this road with Christ, God is continually growing us spiritually.

GROUNDED IN CHRIST "When you're experiencing God through His Word and seeing things happen before your eyes, there is such a joy when you know you're being refined through His Word,” Gavin explained. “When you get away from that, the joy leaves a little bit. We've both come to a point where…we want to be constantly in His hands and stay there." With a career that demands a hectic and full schedule, the Floyds

KENYA MISSION It had been on Gavin's heart for a while to go on a mission trip out of the country, so when his pastor, Greg Johnson, invited him to go to Africa he found himself saying yes to a visit to Kenya. Gavin explained that Pastor Johnson grew up as a missionary and spent 19 years with the Maasai tribe in the Mathare Valley. He also explained that his church, Generations Christian Church in Trinity, sponsors children in Mathare through Missions of Hope International. During his mission trip to Kenya, Gavin was able to meet Mary and Wallace Kamau, the founders of Missions of Hope. He was blown away by what God had done in that community through their ministry. He was told stories of

"It's God's love that allows us to come to a place of acceptance of our past, and it's also His love that gives us a new purpose or perspective on our lives." life can distract us and cause us to lose focus on the One who really matters. I think we can all relate to that. Most of us have found ourselves in a similar position at one time or another. The Lord really helped Leanna to reevaluate some things and to gain a new perspective on loving life. He did that through some wise words spoken by her mother. Leanna explained that she had been exhausted by everything she had to do. Life was busy. They traveled with the White Sox eight months out of the year while trying to keep up with housework and their toddler son, Jax. Her mother said, "You know Leanna, you need to appreciate the magic of ordinary days." That one statement rocked her world. "It just shifted my perspective and broke me down and humbled me to such a place where [I realized] I was so foolish to be complaining," Leanna said. Now Leanna is at a place where she can appreciate the little things that happen throughout the day. She can be happy that she is healthy, she is able to cook a meal for her husband, and she can take care of their son. "When you lose the magic of those ordinary days, you kind of huff and puff about that little stuff. But I understand now, because life is a gift," Leanna said. God can use anything that is going on in your life to bring you closer to Him. Those wise words made Leanna realize that God needs to be the top priority in her life because it's His love that gives her the magic that surrounds her life each day. And for that, she is thankful. Leanna said, "Every day, you have to make a choice to put God first or put life first." It goes to show that no matter how long we've

make sure to stay connected when they're on the road. They listen to various sermons from their pastor and other pastors such as Louie Giglio, Joyce Meyer, and Paula White. "We're just constantly filling ourselves. We're both usually in a Bible study and have some Christian-based books that we're reading," Leanna said. "I don't think you ever get to the point of knowing everything. We're constantly learning new things, [so] we make sure we stay plugged into the Word." Now Gavin has become a light in the clubhouse, but he says he doesn't push Christ on his teammates. "You [observe] where people are and support them and love them," he said. "It's more about the opportunities that arise for you to get to know someone and be led by the Spirit. I don't want to force anything. The guys who were influencing me [early on] weren't forcing Jesus on me. They were just being themselves and Christ was at the center of everything they were doing." Gavin and some of his teammates had a "Holy Huddle" group last season, which helped them all stay grounded in Christ.

the devastation that affected the area. Children were living in slums that are unimaginable to Americans. Through the ministry’s efforts, they have caused a culture to transform. Gavin said, "There are 10,000 children sponsored and in school. Christ is in the center of everything they do." Gavin had the opportunity to give his testimony at the high school. He showed them his baseball jersey and glove and even went outside to give a demonstration on throwing the ball. The children in Mathare had never seen baseball played before. Gavin said of the experience, "It was a shocking, roller coaster of emotions because I've never done anything like that." Jesus was touching people’s lives in the same ways that He does here in America. It amazed Gavin to see "Christ transcend all cultures, nations, and races." The experience inspired him to sponsor several children through Missions of Hope. To learn more about this ministry, visit www.mohiafrica.org. The Floyds are some of the kindest, most humble, and down-to-earth people we've had the pleasure to meet. They strive to keep the focus on Christ and His love and it truly radiates in every area of their lives. Love guides their marriage, their relationship with Christ, their family, Gavin's baseball career, and their giving spirits. It's wonderful to see two blessed people using their talents, time, and treasure for the glory of the Lord. Glory! ■


March 2013   Love+Faith+Hope


The Passover Afikomen A Hidden Matza


grandfather’s face was beaming with delight as he held the Afikomen before our young, adoring eyes. (The Afikomen is a piece of matza [unleavened bread] broken off the middle board from a requisite tri-stack.) It was 1988 and my preteen brother and I were at Grandpa’s quaint north Jersey home nestled in the woods, celebrating the Jewish Passover. All leaven (yeast) had been meticulously cleansed from the home, everything was “kosher” and the Seder meal was ready. My uncle’s accordion music led us through the opening prayers, and our first round of sampling symbolic Seder foods was complete. Suddenly, a solemn hush came over us as the Afikomen was lifted up—it was ours to admire. As my grandfather split the board in half, I knew thousands of Jewish fathers were doing the same thing this very night. This night, of course, was different than all other nights. This night meant, across the world, God’s Am Segulah or “Chosen People,” the Jews, recounted the triumph of their ancestor’s deliverance from Pharaoh’s oppression and Egyptian bondage. This night signified a verbal and musical retelling of God’s saving grace, the Exodus story, and how the angel of death “passed over” the blood-marked homes of God’s people. This night also reminded us how, in miraculous wonder, God parted the Red Sea before His servant Moses and all of Israel, allowing them to see His salvation and their enemies to become vanquished in a watery grave. What an incredible story to relive…what a special night! As my grandfather continued the Afikomen display, he slipped the larger piece of matza neatly into a white, linen cloth, then set the other


half aside. He explained he would soon bury the wrapped piece, the Afikomen, in an unknown location for us to later find. He promised he would know if we cheated. In childlike exuberance, we wondered what our reward would be. After all, there was always a reward when it was found. Grandpa continued, “Children, the Jewish reason given for fathers to present the Afikomen at the beginning of the Seder is to help you stay awake for the service! We want you to be watchful and pay attention—but know, the best is yet to come!” The Afikomen (literally meaning “the one that comes after” or “he that is to come”) indeed kept us captivated and hopeful.

“…I realized the Afikomen was, and is, beautifully symbolic of my Savior!" After reciting the “Four Questions” from our Passover Haggadah (prayer book), we went through the remaining rituals like opening the door for Elijah (who was consistently a no-show), finishing the elements of the Seder plate, and completing our delicious meal. This took us to the extreme Seder-goers four-hour mark, otherwise known as the end of our family service, and we were on the edge of our seats. We wanted the Afikomen! Gazing lovingly at our adorable, yet now worn-out grandpa and nudging him from the side to give a hint, he finally arose and said, “Okay, it’s time!” Filled with excitement and anticipation, he gave the word and we were unleashed, searching

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under furniture, boxes, and in closets. Within minutes, the treasure was in sight! A piece of white cloth was dangling out of a living room seat cushion—I found it! Running as quickly as I could to Grandpa and holding the piece gently, careful not to crush it further, I proudly proclaimed, “I found the Afikomen!” With even greater joy, my grandfather removed the linen cloth, raised the broken board, and brought it back together with its other half that he had set aside earlier. A perfect fit. We gazed in awe as the once broken pieces were now completely whole again. Amazing! My candied reward was even more so. Over 20 years later, long after my sweet grandfather and both parents had passed away and long after I had encountered a supernatural experience of my own with my Messiah Yeshua (Jesus), I realized the Afikomen was, and is, beautifully symbolic of my Savior! Just as the Afikomen is the middle of three boards, Jesus, also having no leaven, no sin, is the middle person of the God-head. His Father sent Him to earth, allowing Him to be broken for our sins and pierced and bruised with stripes, much in the way our matza appeared. Jesus was also buried in linen cloth, hidden from view, and later resurrected and reunited with His Father, who gives a reward to those who seek Him with child-like faith. This reward, however, is one much greater than my grandfather could ever give. Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection and the Life…” (John 11:25, NKJV). Please pray that God will use this hidden gospel matza to touch Jewish hearts during Passover. Toda raba (thank you very much)! ■





running into more and more people that are stressed or frustrated. Yet, they are looking for things outside of God and themselves to reduce stress. Stress comes from within. It’s about what you are thinking and believing. It tangles us up emotionally and creates mental clutter. Have you ever watched the TV show Hoarders? I've only ever watched one episode and it created tension in my body. I couldn't imagine living in that kind of environment. You are probably thinking the same thing. However, are we undercover emotional hoarders? I would venture to say that most of us are. Many people are walking around with spiritual and emotional clutter and have been for years. If we learn to emotionally declutter on a regular basis, then we will increase our peace, reduce our stress, and hear more clearly from the Lord. Here are four simple keys to reduce your stress so you can successfully move forward and do what God is calling you to do. Try just one for a month and see what happens.


Live in the Moment (see Matthew 6:24-34)

Matthew 6:34 holds a simple success principle that most people don't follow. Focus on today and stop worrying about tomorrow. There is nothing you can do to change tomorrow because you can only live in this present moment. The only way you can make changes in your tomorrow is by putting your requests and desires before God. Each time you start to worry about tomorrow or the next meeting or the next project – just stop yourself, smile, and say, “Lord, I’m going to trust You with tomorrow while I focus on what I need to do now.” This is sure to make you feel better.


Identify your Self-Limiting Belief (see 2 Timothy 1:7)

Oftentimes, when we feel stress or anxious about a situation, it’s because we have self-limiting beliefs that we have not yet acknowledged or dealt with. Mark 10:27 (NKJV) tells us, “…for with God all things are possible.” So, when we partner with God, the possibilities are endless. However,

22   OverflowMag.com   March 2013

when we feel stressed, we start to come up with our own ‘intelligent’ stories, excuses, and analyses as to why it’s not possible. These are your limitations not God’s! When you feel fear or anxiety showing up in a situation, ask yourself the following questions: “What do I believe will happen?” “Why do I feel this way?” The answers to these questions will reveal your self-limiting belief.


Focus and Meditate on an Antidote (see Psalm 1:3)

Now that you know what self-limiting belief is causing you stress and holding you back from moving forward, it’s time to get unstuck. God has filled His Holy Word with spiritual antidotes for our self-limiting beliefs. Romans 12:2 tells us that we transform by renewing our minds. Find the antidote in God's Word (one of His promises) for those negative beliefs and feelings that you are having and meditate on it over and over (I recommend for at least a month). It will begin to change what you think and believe about that person or situation. You'll begin to see small changes in the way you respond.


Get Excited About God's Possibilities (see Philippians 4:4)

The Bible tells us that we should rejoice always! Gratitude is one of the simplest, yet powerful success principles. It puts your soul at ease and releases the power of God. Instead of stressing about what you can’t do or what didn’t happen, try thanking God for what you are able to do and the wonderful things that He has coming your way. It’s so simple. Try it now! Take a deep breath. You are going to do great! Life will be less stressful now because you have four principles to help reduce the stress in your life and keep you moving forward. ■ CLESTINE HERBERT, the Purpose Coach, is an inspirational speaker, life coach, and author of “Knuggets of Knowledge to Get Unstuck.” As the founder and CEO of Divine Discipline, she is dedicated to supporting churches, organizations, and individuals in living successful lives through Christ by reaching their full potential and aligning their minds with God’s Word. Visit www.DivineDiscipline.com or www.SetMyMind.com to find out more.



Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you." WATCH



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24   OverflowMag.com   March 2013



Matthew 11:28-29 (NKJV)

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." In the times that I have been anxious or worried about something, this Scripture has been a powerful reminder to look at Jesus and allow Him to take control and work out my situation according to His ways. Every time I trust Him, He never fails me, and I know He never will!


26   OverflowMag.com   March 2013

Have a favorite Scripture that you stand on? We are always looking for new people to share what God’s Word means to them. Let us know and we’ll photograph you! contact@overflowmag.com



MARCH 3-31



The Bible Experience (5-Week Series)

The North Pointe Church 2427 Old Cypress Creek Rd., Land O' Lakes 813-545-9420, www.agreatchurch.net *In conjunction with The Bible miniseries television event on the History Channel www.outreach.com/the-bible/about.aspx 9:15am & 11am, FREE (on Sundays) RedRock Leadership 8184 Woodland Center Blvd., Tampa More Info: 813-885-5097 or dshock@redrockleadership.com *Bring your own lunch 12pm-1pm, Weekly on Mondays





8 & 22 Introduction to Ballroom Dance Class & Practice Party 19

Legacy Church 2702 Causeway Center Dr., Tampa 813-300-6279, www.legacyfam.com www.globalcelebration.com 6pm-9pm





Christian Business Men's Connection

RedRock Leadership 8184 Woodland Center Blvd., Tampa More Info: 813-885-5097 or dshock@redrockleadership.com *Bring your own lunch 12pm-1pm, Weekly on Mondays

Living Word - Women's Bible Study


Just Pray No! For more info: Contact Steven L. Sherman 727-647-6467 or justprayno@aol.com www.justprayno.org All Day



Women-N-Charge Networking Meeting

Pebble Creek Country Club 10550 Regents Park Drive, Tampa 813-600-9848, info@women-n-charge.com 11:30am, $15 in advance/$18 at the door

Chad & Julia Dedmon Ministries

Legacy Church 2702 Causeway Center Dr., Tampa 813-300-6279, www.legacyfam.com www.chadandjuliadedmon.com 7pm-10pm (Fri.) and 6pm-9pm (Sat.)

2nd Annual Pancake & Eggs Event

The North Pointe Church 2427 Old Cypress Creek Rd., Land O' Lakes 813-545-9420, www.agreatchurch.net *Easter egg hunts every 30 minutes 9am-11am, FREE

30-31 The Crown - Easter Experience

The Crossing Church 10130 Tuscany Ridge Dr., Tampa 813-626-0783, www.crossingonline.org *Easter egg hunt for preschool children 4pm & 6pm (Sat.), 9am, 11am, & 5pm (Sun.)


Easter Celebration Service & Egg Hunt

Hosted by The Bridge of the Bay YMCA Camp Cristina 9840 Balm Riverview Rd., Riverview 813-621-3191, www.bridgeofthebay.com *Bouncing Castle/Slide, Music & Fun 9:30am-1pm, FREE

ADD YOUR EVENT If you would like to add an upcoming event to our calendar, please visit: overflowmag.com/submissions/submit-your-event

Foundations of Life Pregnancy Centers Walk for Life 2013


Take Back the Night 2013


CCAI Adoption Services Information Meeting


Pray & Play - A Playgroup with a Purpose


Joy Women's Conference: A Victorious Woman


Presented by Revival Worship Church 9270 Bay Plaza Blvd., #600, Tampa 813-621-8886, www.revivalworshipchurch.com 10:30am, Weekly on Tuesdays


Foundations of Life Pregnancy Centers Walk for Life 2013

21010 SR 54, Lutz 813-948-4522, www.keystonecommunity.org *Palm Sunday: "The Borrowed Tomb" *7pm Good Friday: Contemplation & Reflection *Easter: Breakfast, Egg Hunt & Worship 10:30am (24th), 7am & 10:30am (31st)

Let's Talk, Girlfriend: 30 Timely & Topical Workshops for Grown-Up Girlfriends

23rd Annual Worldwide Weekend of Prayer for the Addicted

Forest Hills (COGOP) Church 401 W. Bougainvillea Ave., Tampa 813-416-5221, romeikaf@hotmail.com *Pony rides, bouncy house, music & more! 11am-4pm, FREE

24, 29 Special March Church Services Keystone Community Church & 31


Community Fun Day

St. Lawrence Catholic School Track 5223 N. Himes Ave., Tampa 813-631-4370, www.foundationsoflife.org 10am (Registration) & 11am (Walk)

New Tampa Women's Connection Luncheon

Presented by Bell Shoals Baptist Church 2102 Bell Shoals Rd., Brandon 813-689-4229, www.bellshoals.com 5:30pm-9:30pm, $10

Planes, Trains & Automobiles Event By The Greater Plant City Chamber of Commerce Plant City Airport 4007 Airport Rd., Plant City 813-754-3707, www.plantcity.org 10am-3pm, FREE

Faith & Family Night with the Lightning, Veggie Tales & New Method

Tampa Palms Country Club 5811 Tampa Palms Blvd., Tampa Reservations: 352-458-3267 or beckyburgue@yahoo.com 11am-1pm, $17

CCAI Adoption Services Information Meeting Adoption from China & Haiti 5814 Old Pasco Rd., Wesley Chapel RSVP: ccaifl2@ccaifamily.org or 813-994-1000 1pm-2:30pm


Georgian Banov: A Bulgarian Evangelist

Tampa Bay Times Forum Tickets Available at: www.tampabaylightning.com/overflow Groups 10+: Kate Kasunic 813-301-6623 5pm, Prices starting at $13/person

Tickets: www.eventbrite.com/event/5229571790

7pm-10pm, $16.82


Chris Tomlin Burning Lights Tour with Louie Giglio & Kari Jobe

USF Sundome 4202 E. Fowler Ave., Tampa 800-745-3000, www.thejoyfm.com 7pm

Bethel Music Spring Tour with Brian & Jenn Johnson, Steffany Frizzell, Jeremy Riddle, & Will Matthews

Presented by Theresa Moore Unity of Tampa Church Fellowship Hall 3302 W. Horatio St., Tampa RSVP: 813-417-3722 or martreel@aol.com 6:30pm, $5

Reveal - Miracle Healing Night Grace Life Church 1930 Land O' Lakes Blvd., Lutz 813-393-0514 7pm, FREE

Living Word - Women's Bible Study

Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal 14214 N. Nebraska Ave., Tampa 813-770-5433, www.legacyfam.com

New Tampa Women's Prayer Connection Meeting at Bob Evans 16314 North Dale Mabry, Tampa Contact: Becky for more info 813-961-2810 9am-10am

Christian Business Men's Connection

Presented by Revival Worship Church 9270 Bay Plaza Blvd., #600, Tampa 813-621-8886, www.revivalworshipchurch.com 10:30am, Weekly on Tuesdays



Zephyr Park 38116 5th Ave., Zephyrhills 813-631-4370, www.foundationsoflife.org 12pm (Registration) & 1pm (Walk)

28   OverflowMag.com   March 2013

Adoption from China & Haiti 5814 Old Pasco Rd., Wesley Chapel RSVP: ccaifl2@ccaifamily.org/813-994-1000 1pm-2:30pm

Revival Worship Church 9270 Bay Plaza Blvd., #600, Tampa 813-621-8886, www.joywomen.com 11am-4pm, FREE

Presented by Sexual Violence Task Force Curtis Hixon Park, Tampa svtftampabay@gmail.com www.svtftampabay.com 4pm, FREE

Hosted by Overflow Magazine Lexington Oaks Clubhouse Playground 26304 Lexington Oaks Blvd., Wesley Chapel RSVP: amanda@overflowmag.com *Moms and kids of all ages are welcome! 10am-11am, FREE

LOCAL CHURCH SERVICES Agape Faith Fellowship Church

Countryside Baptist Church

Alafia Baptist Church

Crosslight Church

6805 U.S. Hwy 301 S., Riverview, 33578 813-571-9314, www.agapefaithfc.org Sun., 10:30am

222 Alafia Baptist Church Rd., Lithia, 33547 813-634-8845 Sun., 9:45am, 11am, & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Anointed Word Church

1709 St. Joseph St., Tampa, 33607 813-254-5271, www.anointedwordchurch.com Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

Atonement Lutheran Church

29617 SR 54, Wesley Chapel, 33543 813-973-2211, www.be-at-1.org Sun., 10am

Bay Chapel

9020 Imperial Oak Blvd., Tampa 33647 813-406-0367, www.baychapel.com Sun., 10:30am

Baypointe Church

5238 Mile Stretch Dr., Holiday, 34690 727-938-2955, www.baypointelife.com Sun., 10am & 11:15am

Bell Shoals Baptist Church

2102 Bell Shoals Rd., Brandon, 33511 813-689-4229, www.bellshoals.com Sun., 9:15am & 11am, Wed., 7pm

Bethel Church

1510 W. Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33603 813-238-2348, www.betheltampa.org Sun., 10:10am, Wed., 7pm

Branch of Christ Ministries

23604 SR 54, Lutz, 33559 813-435-1469, www.branchofchrist.com Sun., 10am

Bridgeway Church

30651 Wells Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33545 813-907-1313, www.bridgeway.tv Sun., 9am & 11am

Calvary Chapel Worship Center

6825 Trouble Creek Rd., New Port Richey, 34653 727-376-7733, www.ccwc.org Sun., 8:10am, 9:45am & 11:20am

Candlewood Community Church

21418 Carson Dr., Land O' Lakes, 34639 813-956-1541, www.candlewoodfl.org Sun., 10:30am

Centerpointe Community Church

8610 Temple Terrace Hwy, Tampa, 33637 813-988-3557, www.centerpointecommunity.com Sun., 10am

13422 Sydney Road, Dover, 33527 813-571-8200, www.countrysidebaptistchurch.net Sun., 9:30am, 10:45am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm 38621 Calvin Ave., Zephyrhills, 33542 813-469-8744, www.crosslightonline.com Sat., 6pm, Sun., 10:30am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

CrossRoads Community United Methodist Church 26211 County Line Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-907-5815, www.crossroadsum.com Sun., 9am & 10:30am

Deliverance Christian Connection Ministry

2130 W. Brandon Blvd., Ste. 203, Brandon, 33511 813-401-7223, www.dccministry.org Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm, Sat., 9am

Dwelling Place

410 County Line Rd. W., Lutz, 33548 813-949-1912, www.thedwellingplace.us Sun., 10:30am & 2pm (Spanish), Wed., 7pm

E_Life Chapel

3806 N. 12th St., Tampa, 33603 813-924-6553, www.elifechapel.com Sun., 10:30am

Epistle of Christ Ministries

610 W. Waters Ave., Tampa, 33604 813-785-4519, www.epistleofchrist.org Sun., 9:45am, Thurs., 7pm

Extraordinary Life Church

5808 Lynn Rd., Tampa, 33624 813-610-6554 www.myextraordinarylifechurch.com Sun., 9:45am, 12:30pm (Spanish)

Faith Family Worship Center

14514 Del Valle Rd., Tampa, 33625 813-920-3685, www.ffwc.org Sun., 10:30am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Faith Life Church

4902 East Busch Blvd., Tampa, 33617 813-910-7336, www.flctampa.org Sun., 9:30 & 11am, Wed. & Thurs., 7pm

Family Harvest Worship Church

Meeting at Benito Middle School 10101 Cross Creek Blvd., Tampa, 33647 813-973-FHWC, www.fhwc.net Sun., 10am

First Baptist Church NPR

6800 Trouble Creek Rd., New Port Richey, 34653 727-849-4210, www.fbcnpr.com Sun., 9am, 10:30am, & 6pm, Wed., 6pm

Floodgates Community Church

Meeting at Hampton Inn 2740 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-389-0238, www.floodgateschurch.org Sun., 10:30am

Gateway Christian Center Assembly of God 14200 North Central Ave., Tampa, 33613 813-961-4692, www.gatewaytampa.net Sun., 9:45am, 10:45am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Grace Family Church

5101 Van Dyke Rd., Lutz, 33558 813-265-4151, www.GFConline.com Sat., 5 & 7pm, Sun., 8:45am, 10:30am & 12:15pm

Grace Life Church

1930 Land O' Lakes Blvd., Lutz, 33549 813-393-0514, www.gracelifetampa.com Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm (Service & Youth)

Grow Life Church

Meeting at Veterans Elementary School 26940 Progress Pkwy., Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-406-8963, www.growlifechurch.com Sun., 9:30am & 11:15am

Heritage Church

1854 Oak Grove Blvd., Lutz, 33559 813-909-4080, www.yesheritage.com Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm

House of Prayer Church

6305 E. Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33610 813-994-5694, www.houseofprayerchurch.org Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

Iglesia El Sembrador Wesleyano

300 S. Hillcrest Ave., Clearwater, 33756 727-481-0256, www.miiglesiaelsembrador.com Sun., 10:45am, Wed., 7pm

Iglesia La Casa De Dios

Land O’ Lakes Community Center 5401 Land O’Lakes Blvd., Land O’Lakes, 34639 727-481-0256, www.miiglesialacasadedios.com Sun., 4:30pm

Iglesia Renacer

17505 Shady Hills Rd., Spring Hill, 34610 352-346-3965, www.miiglesiarenacer.com Sun., 10:45am, Thurs., 7pm

Joining Hands Mission Church

3214 US Highway 19, Holiday, 34691 727-264-1288, www.jhmissionchurch.org Sun., 10am

Kaleomark Church

Meeting at Seven Oaks Clubhouse 2910 Sports Core Circle, Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-310-8794, www.kaleomark.org Sun., 10:15am

Christ Apostolic Church Tampa

First Baptist Church of College Hill

Christ CP Church

First Baptist Church of Midway

Kingdom Life Church

Christian Family Church

First Baptist of New Tampa

Lake Carroll Baptist Church

Church of the Lakes

First Reformed Church of Tampa

Legacy Church

Cornerstone Presbyterian Church

First Thonotosassa Missionary Baptist Church

Life Changing International Church

10620 Henderson Rd., Tampa, 33625 813-899-2464, www.cactampa.org Sun., 9am & 10am 19501 Holly Lane, Lutz, 33548 813-909-9789, www.christchurchlutz.org Sun., 10:30am

3457 W. Kenyon Ave., Tampa, 33614 813-802-8736, www.cfctampa.org Sun., 10:30am 2530 Wilson Rd., Land O’ Lakes, 34638 813-948-4358, www.churchofthelakesepc.org Sun., 9:15am & 10:30am 17520 Marsh Road, Lutz, 33558 813-962-3584, www.cpclutz.org Sun., 9:30am & 11am, Wed., 7pm

3838 North 29th St., Tampa, 33610 813-248-6600, www.fbcch.org Sun., 7:30am, 10am, & 12pm

2902 Midway Road, Plant City, 33565 813-752-7209, www.fbcmidway.org Sun., 10:30am 28125 County Line Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33543 813-907-1685, www.fbcnewtampa.org Sun., 9:15am, 10:30am, & 6pm 8283 W. Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33615 813-886-6210, www.frctampa.org Sun., 9:30am & 11am

10650 McIntosh Rd., Thonotosassa, 33592 813-986-4756, www.thonotosassabaptist.org Sun., 9:45 am, 11am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

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Keystone Community Church

21010 State Road 54, Lutz, 33558 813-962-4522, www.keystonecommunity.org Sun., 9:30am & 10:30am 39348 US Highway 19, Tarpon Springs, 34689 727-373-8718, www.kingdomlifechurchfl.com Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 6:30pm

12012 N. Rome Ave., Tampa, 33612 813-933-5683, www.lakecarrollbaptist.org Sun., 9:30am & 10:50am, Wed., 6:30pm

2702 Causeway Center Dr., Tampa, 33619 813-770-LIFE, www.legacyfam.com Sat., 6pm 2106 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Valrico, 33594 813-653-9358, www.lifechangingintlministry.com Sun., 1:45pm, Mon., Wed. & Fri., 7:30pm

Light Christian Ministries

730 W. Robertson St., Brandon, 33511 813-458-6252, www.lightcm.org Sun., 10am, Tues.& Wed., 7pm

Manhattan Baptist Church

4300 S. Manhattan Ave., Tampa, 33611 813-831-1951, www.manhattanbaptist.org Sun., 9:30am, 10:45am, Wed., 6:30pm Spanish Service - Sun., 9:30am

Myrtle Lake Baptist Church

2017 Reigler Rd., Land O’ Lakes, 34639 813-949-5516, www.myrtlelake.org Sun., 10:30am & 6pm

Real Life Church

Trinity Church of Wesley Chapel

Reality Church Tampa

Trinity Presbyterian Church

6821 W. Waters Ave., Tampa, 33634 813-243-2333, www.thereallifechurch.com Sun., 8:30am & 10am

33425 SR 54, Wesley Chapel, 33543 813-788-2898, www.trinitychurchnow.com Sun., 10:15am

1000 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, 33602 813-228-8700, www.realitychurchtampa.com Sun., 10am

14925 North Boulevard, Tampa, 33616 813-961-5836, www.trinitytampa.com Sun., 9:30am, 11am & 6pm, Wed., 6:15pm

Remix Family Church

Van Dyke Church

Meeting at Campo Family YMCA 3414 Culbreath Rd., Valrico, 33596 813-661-2273, www.remixfamilychurch.com Sun., 10am

17030 Lakeshore Rd., Lutz, 33558 813-968-3983, www.vandyke.org Sat., 6pm, Sun., 9:30am & 11am

Victorious Life Church

New Birth of Faith Fellowship Church

Revival Worship Church

New Life Church

River of Life

Vida Citrus Park Community Church

New Millennium Community Church

Shepherd's Community United Methodist Church

Vida Community Church

1725 E. Fowler Ave., Tampa, 33612 813-972-0101, www.newbirthoffaith.org Sun., 10am, Thurs., 7pm 1611 E. Bougainvillea, Tampa, 33612 813-971-6961 Sun., 9am, 11am, & 6:30pm, Wed., 6:30pm 4810 E. Busch Blvd., Suite I, Tampa, 33617 813-381-5463, www.newmillenniumchurch.org Sun., 8:30am & 11am, Wed., 7:30pm

New Wine Outreach Ministry

6213 E. Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33610 813-443-4503 Sun., 11am, Wed., 7:30pm, 2nd & 4th Fri., 7pm

NorthBridge Church

Meeting at John Long Middle School 2025 Mansfield Blvd., Wesley Chapel, 33543 813-319-4588, www.nbcwc.info Sun., 10am

North Pointe Church

2427 Old Cypress Creek Rd., Land O' Lakes, 34639 813-545-9420, www.thenpc.org Sun., 9:15 am & 11am

Northwest Tampa Church of Christ

7259 Sheldon Rd., Tampa, 33615 813-886-3946, www.tampachurch.org Sun., 9am & 5pm, Wed., 7pm

Northwest Tampa Church of God

5131 Gunn Highway, Tampa, 33624 813-961-7278, www.nwtcog.cc Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

Oak Grove United Methodist Church

2707 West Waters Ave., Tampa, 33614 813-935-4471 www.gbgm-umc.org/oakgroveumc Sun., 9:30am

Oakwood Community Church

11209 Casey Rd., Tampa, 33618 813-969-2303, www.oakwoodfl.org Sun., 10:30am

Oasis World Outreach

35636 SR 54 West, Zephyrhills, 33541 813-782-2888, www.oasisworldoutreach.org Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm

Open Arms Church of Ybor City

1314 E. 18th Ave., Tampa, 33605 813-248-2595, www.openarmschurch.org Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

Palma Ceia United Methodist Church

3723 W. Bay to Bay Blvd., Tampa, 33629 813-837-1541, www.palmaceiaumc.org Sun., 8:30am, 9:40am, & 11am

Perfected Love International Fellowship

10960 N. 56th Street, Temple Terrace, 33617 813-443-5107, www.perfectedlove.org Sun., 11am, Wed., 7pm

6224 Old Pasco Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-973-2230, www.victoriouslifechurch.com Sun., 9am, 10:40am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

9270 Bay Plaza Blvd., Suite 600, Tampa, 33619 813-621-8886, www.revivalworshipchurch.com Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm, Fri., 7pm

4202 W. Linebaugh Ave., Tampa, 33624 813-962-3136, www.vidacitruspark.com Sun., 10:30am

410 Chapman Rd. East, Lutz, 33549 813-949-9931, www.riveroflife-lutz.org Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm 2165 Shepherd Road, Lakeland, 33811 863-701-7171, www.scumc.net Sun., 10am

Shoresh David Messianic Synagogues 813-831-5673, www.shoreshdavid.org Tampa: 4320 Bay to Bay Blvd., 33269 Fri., 7:30pm, Sat., 11am, Tues., 6pm Wesley Chapel: 33425 SR 54, 33543 Fri., 7:30pm Brandon: 4929 Bell Shoals Rd., 33596 Fri., 7:30pm

St. James House of Prayer Episcopal Church 2708 N. Central Ave., Tampa, 33602 813-223-6090, www.sjhoptpa.org Sun., 9am & 11:30am

St. James Methodist Church

16202 Bruce B Downs Blvd., Tampa, 33647 813-971-4790, www.stjamestampa.org Sun., 9:30am, 11am & 12:30pm

Tampa Covenant Church

13320 Lake Magdalene Blvd., Tampa, 33618 813-968-2979, www.tampacovenantchurch.org Sun., 9:30am, Wed., 7pm

Meeting at The Dwelling Place 410 W. County Line Rd., Lutz, 33558 813-810-0863, www.vidacommunitychurch.org Bilingual-Spanish Services Sun., 2pm, Thurs., 7pm

Water’s Edge Church

30200 Overpass Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33545 813-994-5000, www.connectingfaith.com Sun., 11am, Wed., Kids 6:30pm, Adults 7pm

Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church 6100 Memorial Highway, Tampa, 33615 813-886-2536, www.wesleymemorial.net Sun., 9am & 11:15am, Wed., 6:30pm

Without Walls Intl. Church

3860 W. Columbus Dr., Tampa, 33607 813-879-4673, www.withoutwalls.org Sun., 9am & 11am, Tues., 7pm

Zephyrhills First Assembly

36322 SR 54, Zephyrhills, 33541 813-788-3490, www.zephyrhillsfirst.com Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm

Terrace Palms Community Church

9620 Davis Rd., Tampa, 33637 813-985-9279, www.terracepalms.org Sun., 9am & 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

The Bridge of the Bay Community Church Meeting at YMCA Camp Cristina 9840 Balm Riverview Rd., Riverview, 33569 813-621-3191, www.bridgeofthebay.com Sun., 10:30am

ADD YOUR CHURCH If you would like to learn more about how your church can be listed in this section and become a point of distribution, please visit overflowmag.com/submissions/submit-your-church.

The Crossing Church

10130 Tuscany Ridge Dr., Tampa, 33619 813-626-0783, www.crossingonline.org Sun., 9am, 11am, 1:30pm (Spanish), & 5pm

The Gathering

39348 US Hwy 19 N., Tarpon Springs, 34689 727-942-2383, www.wearethegathering.com Sat., 6:30pm

The Salvation Army Worship Center

1100 W. Sligh Ave., Tampa, 33604 813-549-5285, www.salvationarmytampa.org Sun., 11am

Torre Fuerte Tampa

Meeting at Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church 19911 Bruce B Downs Blvd., Tampa, 33647 813-410-7220, Spanish Services Sat., 7pm


March 2013   Love+Faith+Hope

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