Overflow 37 | April 2013

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BOBBY BOWDEN The Legendary FSU Football Coach

16 MORE THAN A COACH Bobby Bowden's legacy reaches beyond the nationally acclaimed Seminoles football team. He impacted his players, coaches, and even fans by demonstrating the character of God through his actions, love, and compassion for people.





Steve Hopper opens up about his life and how it was changed forever by a splitsecond decision as a teen. He recounts his transformation through Christ and his newfound purpose in life.

In business, when circumstances change, it can cause a company to write new standard operating procedures. Similarly, when Jesus completed His work at the Cross, we gained a new and improved way to God, the New Covenant.





Have you ever felt like you can’t deliver what you perceive God wants from you? Matthew 11:28-30 paints a picture of our Father God and what He truly wants from us, which is for us to rest in Jesus.

The multifaceted eyes of the dragonfly can’t focus on the myriad details in nature, but they can focus perfectly on movement. Are we focused on the minute details of life instead of God’s faithful movement in our lives?











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APRIL 2013, Issue 37 Editor | Amie Cherp amie@overflowmag.com Sales & Marketing | Chris Cherp chris@overflowmag.com Design | Brady Wright brady@overflowmag.com

Dear Friends, Spring is officially here! I enjoy this time of year because my family and I can still enjoy outdoor activities together without getting overheated. It’s beautiful outside. We can go for a family walk or go out and kick the soccer ball, hit baseballs, or throw a football around. My son is just getting old enough to play team sports. We are excited about signing him up and maybe helping to coach. Did you recognize the coach on our cover? We had the awesome privilege of interviewing Bobby Bowden, the legendary college football coach. Whether you’re a Seminoles fan or not, you will really enjoy Amanda Wright’s article, “More Than a Coach,” on page 16. In this uplifting story, you will learn about Bobby Bowden’s life and how he has impacted those around him, leaving a great legacy for future generations. (Thank you to FSU Sports Information for providing the pictures of him.) If you want to see Coach Bowden in person, he will be speaking at the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast on May 7th at the Tampa Convention Center (see ad on page 11 for more information). This will be a great opportunity to invite coworkers, neighbors, and friends to hear a famous sports icon sharing about his faith and his career. Overflow will be in attendance; we encourage you to join us. For sponsorships or tickets, please visit www.tampabaybreakfast.com. Come on out and bring some people who need Jesus in their lives. Are you feeling unworthy or empty inside? Through Jesus Christ, you are accepted and made whole. If you don’t know Jesus, I urge you to ask Him into your heart today. Come to God as

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you are; He is waiting for you. Please visit our salvation section on page 14. By coming to Jesus, our burdens should be lightened. If we are still carrying around a heavy load, then we aren’t yoked up with Jesus. As Christians, we don’t have to struggle to produce fruit in our lives. When we set our eyes on Jesus, resting in Him, the Holy Spirit will produce the fruit we desire. Consequently, we will find rest for our souls. Read more on this topic in Brian Essary’s article, “Rest for Our Souls,” on page 12. Have you ever looked closely at the eyes of a dragonfly? The dragonfly’s intricately-designed eyes do not allow it to see detail, but its eyes are great for noticing anything moving nearby. In Kerry Johnson’s article, “Dragonfly Eyes,” she reminds us to focus on God’s movement in our lives instead of the numerous, tiny details of life. You don’t want to miss it on page 20. Greg Mark, owner of Hotcross Company, is one of our valued advertisers. He developed a new Christian clothing and jewelry line called VerseTee. This trendy line is designed to subtly point people to Scripture by displaying verse references in letters and numbers. Check out the highlight about Greg and VerseTee on page 22. Let’s support our local Christian businesses. I hope you have a rest-filled April! With Love in Christ,

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journey of learning and fulfilling my purpose started 18 years ago at the age of 17. With promises of a stellar college football career ahead, I was well on my way to achieving my dreams. And then one night, in the blink of an eye, lives would be changed forever! One Friday night, I attended a party with some friends and a fight broke out. When the smoke cleared, one teen was in a coma and I was charged with the deed. For the crime, I would be sentenced to ten years in prison. I remember thinking my life was over. To a 17-year-old kid, ten years seemed like an eternity. As I sat in a prison cell realizing how a split-second decision had changed my life forever, I remembered something that I once heard: "When you're at your darkest moment in life, drop to your knees and cry out to Jesus." And that's exactly what I did in that cell that night. Even in the midst of hell on earth, I felt at peace and protected from that moment on. God wasted

no time; He started to open my eyes to my surroundings. He quickly started to show me the abilities He had so graciously given to me. He started turning my dim situation into something meaningful. God started to bring more people into my sphere of influence, and I began to build relationships that still last to this very day. Even in a place like prison, doors started to open. I was offered an enrollment into a very strict and regimented 12-month self-development program. Upon completing the program, I was asked to stay and be a peer counselor. I accepted, but at that moment, I did not know God was preparing me for a future purpose. I spent the next few years there as a peer counselor and friend to many of the inmates that were lost. It felt amazing to inspire others and to help them discover that a better way of life was just a simple matter of making a decision in their hearts and minds to change. And that change could begin immediately by accepting Christ. Through the process of mentoring others, I began to really come to my own realization of my future and what a great future it could actually be. My relationship with God remained very strong throughout my entire incarceration, and

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after 6 1/2 long years, God restored me to my freedom. He didn't stop there. Doors were opened and many blessings came my way. I landed a good job, got married, and was blessed with two beautiful little girls. Although my dreams were now different than those of a 17-year-old, once again I was well on my way to realizing them. Unfortunately, with things going well and feeling in control of my own life, my relationship with the One who carried me through the dark times became almost nonexistent. I was no longer reading my Bible or praying, and I even quit attending church services on Sunday. My relationship with God had taken quite a different turn. Still, I felt like I had it all



under control and that I was truly in charge of my own destiny. I remember during my incarceration pleading with God that if He would deliver me from that situation, I would dedicate my life to Him. As always, God kept His end of the bargain, but I did not. In a matter of three years, my world would crash again. I was laid off and my financial situation changed for the worse. I started to lose all of the material things that I had accumulated. During this time, because God was not the center of my marriage, when problems arose we were unable to recover from it and the marriage ended. The thought of not seeing my children every day was more than I could bear. And again, I found myself on my knees and calling out His name. Of course, as always, God was there to lift me up. Because of God’s grace, I was able to attain shared custody of my girls and continue to play an important role in their lives. Through this situation, I learned another level of humility and gained a greater level of compassion for others. This was another moment in my life that strengthened my faith in God’s unconditional love for me. Regardless of what I was going through, He was there to help me overcome my circumstances. It definitely wasn’t an easy process to endure. Working a full-time job as a single father of two little girls, life became a trial to say the least. I was blessed to have the support of family and many friends as God continued to rebuild my broken life. One friend in particular was named Lauren. Lauren had been a very close friend for a long time and was going through a divorce herself at the time. Our friendship was strong and we leaned on and supported each other through the tribulations that we both faced. Little did I know that she would end up being the love of my life. God even brought her into favor with my children. I remember the joy in my little girls’ eyes every time Lauren was around, and I remember the unconditional love Lauren showed toward them. I also remember how I felt when I spent time with Lauren, which was unlike any feeling I'd ever experienced before. I get teary-eyed when I think about how amazing God is, and I thank Him for bringing her into my life. God took my shattered life and transformed it for His glory, showering His love and grace upon me. Though I had to deal with the consequences of my decisions over the years, God carried me through all of my challenges and brought victory into the situations that I faced. In those moments and times, I could see God’s presence in my life and how He was preparing me for a future purpose that I still did not fully understand. However, I knew that I wanted to share this life and any purpose that God had for me with Lauren. We got married and had two more children. God has blessed me with an unbelievable wife, role model, and mother to our four beautiful children (3 girls and 1 boy). Whenever I look at my family, I see God's grace. As my life changed throughout the years from incarceration to freedom—the ups and downs, life's lessons, the deviations from my relationship with God, God bringing me back every time with love and open arms—He has further proved to me that we all have a purpose. And every

aspect of what we experience, the good and the bad, prepares us and helps us to fulfill that purpose. For me, God showed me that my life has value and that I can have an eternal impact in His kingdom. For the past few years, I have been a mentor and coach in the industry of relationship marketing (or network marketing). My career thus far has opened many doors for me and helped me to build many positive relationships along the way. As a coach for a worldwide movement by Evolv Health called the HOPE Revolution, I inspire people every day to change their lives through better health, self-development, and lifestyle changes. My career has given me a purpose far greater than myself and a platform to helps others. God is using me to bring others to Him through these lifestyle alterations, and each time it happens, I experience my purpose being renewed to serve others and help them to achieve what they want in life. I am so excited and blessed by the opportunity God is giving me, and it has inspired me to reach millions of people with hope and encouragement to improve their lifestyle with Christ. When we live out God's plan for our lives, it will always be the most amazing, intricate, loving, and gratifying experience any of us will ever go through prior to seeing the gates of Heaven. I encourage everyone who reads this to give your life to God, and through every experience, search for the purpose God has for you. When I look at my journey thus far, I see how God has taken my experiences and used them for a greater purpose – a purpose that is far from over. I feel God has been preparing me my entire life for the opportunity to share my story with the world through speaking engagements – all for the purpose of impacting and inspiring people to live out His calling on their lives. If I had to choose just one Scripture to describe my purpose, it would be Isaiah 61:1 (NKJV): “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, Because the LORD has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound.” Lastly, I want to emphasize – for anyone reading this – to never underestimate the power of calling out His name! Thank You, Jesus! ■ To learn more about Steve’s story or to schedule him for a speaking engagement, you can email him at LS2enterprises@gmail.com.




ears ago, I worked for a large company where I wrote the standard operating procedures (SOP) for a process I helped design. The procedures were very simple to follow under normal conditions. One day, several months after I wrote the SOPs, I learned a valuable lesson that changed my perspective of the New Covenant. The onset of a hurricane had caused me to leave instructions for all the operators of the process to deviate from the SOPs in order to deal with the unique weather conditions. One of the operators questioned my instructions and felt uncomfortable leaving the normal procedures. I responded to his concern by simply explaining that I was the one who wrote the original instructions (SOPs) and that it was okay to deviate from them in these circumstances. It took time, but he finally understood and felt comfortable enough to trust the new procedures I put in place. After this event, I felt like the Lord nudged me and said, “This is what it’s like for Me trying to get My children to believe that I took all of their sins upon Me once and for all at the Cross.” He showed me Hebrews 10:9. You see, God is the author of the Law, which was given to show the need for Jesus – to show us that we are not able to be righteous on our own but only through His free gift of salvation. God has written a new and improved ‘standard operating procedure’ (the New Covenant) for us to be in right standing with Him, which is not through the Law but through His grace. Unfortunately, there are Christians who still believe that it’s through their works, obedience, or good deeds that places them in right standing

with God. They are attempting to follow the old SOP (the Old Covenant). This does not work, and quite honestly, it’s impossible because failure in a single area is the same as failing in all areas in the sight of God. "Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes" (Romans 10:4, NIV). Just like the hurricane changed the circumstances for my company, which caused me to write new SOPs, something profound happened for God to write His new SOP: Jesus’ perfect work at the Cross. Jesus’ death, Resurrection, and Ascension changed everything. The old SOP no longer pertains; God provided a better way to Him. Through faith in Jesus, we have eternal righteousness. This is good news, but it doesn’t stop there. Because of the righteousness we gain from Jesus’ completed work at the Cross, we are also promised several tremendous benefits. One of these benefits can be found in Isaiah 54:17 (NKJV): “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me, 'Says the LORD.'” (It’s not our righteousness, but His gift of righteousness to us.) The key to receiving this benefit, one of not having any weapon wielded against us prospering, is being established in His righteousness. A few verses prior, Isaiah says, “In righteousness you shall be established; You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; And from terror, for it shall not come near you” (Isaiah 54:14, NKJV). What does it mean to be established in His righteousness? The word establish means “to institute (as a law) permanently by enactment or agreement.”1 In the case of our righteousness, both enactment and agreement were satisfied (the new SOP). Enactment came through the sacrifice of Jesus at the Cross as our sin offering, and agreement came through the believer being in one accord with what God has said about us being righteous.

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It's not by our works, but through believing in Jesus and what He did at the Cross. "My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings" (Proverbs 4:20, NKJV). The New Covenant, God's new and improved SOP, says that our righteousness is a gift from Him and He will remember our sins no more (Hebrews 8:12). In order to incline our ears to His sayings, we must speak them. Every time we fail, we should be reminding ourselves that we are righteous through faith in Jesus. This is the secret to living in the benefits of our righteousness through Jesus. The next time we find ourselves facing a weapon that has formed against us, whether it be in our health, finances, or relationships, let's incline our ears to the new and improved SOP that God wrote for us. This can be done by verbally reminding ourselves that we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21). By doing this, we will find a peace that surpasses all understanding and experience the benefits of having no weapon formed against us prospering, no matter what challenge we face. Glory! ■ 1




“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30, NKJV).


ave you ever felt like your Christianity was a burden? Have you ever felt like you can’t measure up? Have you ever felt like you do not pray enough, study enough, tithe enough, or go to church enough? Do you feel like you do not witness to others enough or always walk in love toward others the way you know you should? Do you see God as a harsh judge waiting to come down on you for not keeping all the rules? Unfortunately, this is the image, whether conscious or subconscious, many of us have of God. Many have adopted a Christianity that comes across as a “throw the virgin in the volcano religion” to appease a constantly angry God. Yet Jesus, in the above Scripture, shows a different idea of whom God is, and that idea is

one of rest. As a matter of fact, Jesus Himself said to Phillip, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father…” (John 14:9, NKJV). “He [Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation” (Colossians 1:15, NKJV). He came to demonstrate to us whom the God in Heaven is. Our Father God is not a harsh judge overlooking our “to-do list and not-to-do list” to determine whether He will love us or accept us. God is just and His judgment did come down, but not on us. We could not have borne the weight of God’s judgment, so Jesus did. At the Cross, He was the lightning rod of God’s judgment and therefore that judgment has forever been satisfied. As a result, once we put faith in Jesus’ work at the Cross, we forever gain right standing with God (because Christ

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already took our judgment). This is the reason John writes: “Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world” (1 John 4:17, NKJV). In other words, God doesn’t view us through our actions; He views us through Jesus (because we have put faith in Him). Our life is hidden in Christ! Isn’t that awesome? This is the reason why Christianity should not be a religion of hard work and behavioral modification! I know some of you almost dropped the magazine when you read "behavioral modification." After all, we are supposed to live holy, right? Of course God desires holiness, but Jesus said His yoke would produce rest for our souls. So, if our lives are centered on trying to do better, act better, and get better in order to find acceptance with God, then we have not entered into true Christianity yoked with Jesus. We are still yoked up with religion. There is a better way to gain freedom in our lives without burning ourselves out to gain it. Trying harder is not the answer, but resting is! If you were to see a person standing before an apple tree and yelling at it to produce apples, wouldn’t that seem odd to you? We do not need to beg an apple tree to produce apples because apples are the natural fruit it produces. Yet when it comes to our Christianity, we seem to not realize that our life as Christians is not one of self-effort, but one of fruit. And

unfortunately, many times ministers, church leaders, and other believers stand in front of us and demand us to produce fruit when just pointing people back to Jesus and His grace will naturally produce that fruit. When our walk with the Lord becomes one of self-effort and works, we enter into a law mentality in our relationship with God. Even though rules seem good to human reasoning, they have no ability to suppress the sin nature of men. Paul tells us, “The strength of sin is the law” (1 Corinthians 15:56, NKJV). The more I tell you to pray, study, give, and so on—the more your flesh will fight it. However, the more I point you to Jesus and His finished work, the more the Holy Spirit will produce godly fruit. Grace is always the supply side from God that supernaturally flows to us and through us to gain freedom in our lives. Law will always put a demand on our flesh (sin nature) to do what it cannot: walk in godliness. This is why Paul wrote that those who walk in the Spirit will not fulfill the desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:16). Unfortunately, we have defined “walking in the Spirit” by some sort of rules we must keep. Once again, we are back in the flesh. If I approach God based on rules, I will always be tempted to fail in the flesh because rules do not control the flesh. Instead, these rules will strengthen the desire for sin. However, if I approach God by walking in the Spirit (putting my attention and focus on Jesus and His grace), then the desires of the flesh begin to fade and a new desire of godliness begins to flow in my life. As a result, Christianity becomes a place of resting in Christ versus fighting and struggling in the flesh. Resting in Christ is being God-dependent. Struggling and fighting in my flesh through rule keeping is being self-dependent. Remember the story of Ruth and Boaz? Ruth listened to her mother-in-law’s advice and went and slept at the feet of Boaz (Ruth 3:1-8). Boaz was a wealthy man, able to take care of both Ruth and Naomi. These women had experienced some very difficult times. Boaz was a type of Jesus or example of Jesus for us today, and once Ruth rested at the feet of Boaz, God’s provision began to meet every need of both Ruth and Naomi. When we learn to rest at the feet of Jesus, looking unto the Author and Finisher of our faith, the Holy Spirit will begin to produce fruit that we didn’t strive to attain. Today, let’s make a decision to change our mindset: no more self-effort and no more rules-mentality to produce fruit. Let’s just set our sights on Jesus and His grace and allow the Holy Spirit to produce in us what we could never produce on our own. As a result, our souls will find rest and our lives will find peace. ■


"And you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power." (Colossians 2:10, NKJV)



you ever feel like something is missing in your life or you are incomplete in some way? Many people who have not yet accepted Christ in their hearts feel something they can only explain as an emptiness or a hole they desperately want to fill. What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see past mistakes, hurt, unforgiveness, or lack? Maybe you don't feel worthy of Christ's sacrifice. Thankfully, our salvation isn't dependent on how we feel - it is only dependent upon our belief in Jesus. You see, once you allow Jesus into your heart and your spirit is born again, God no longer sees you as you do in the mirror. You see your flesh, but God sees your spirit. When you are born again, it is your spirit that is reborn. It's the place where you become one with Christ - it is where your

union with Him begins. Colossians 2:10 says you are complete in Him. This means that hole you felt will dissipate as you fill your mind with God's Word and allow Jesus' love to transform your soul. Accepting Jesus doesn't make us perfect in our flesh and as humans we still have weaknesses, but the grace of Christ allows us to overcome them. God does not condemn us for being human and making mistakes. We will forever be seen through Jesus because our spirits are connected to His. Stop beating yourself up and believing the lies that you are not worthy or you are not loved. God cares for you and He loves you. He wants you to feel whole and complete, but there is only one way to achieve that. If you have not yet accepted Christ into your heart, please say this prayer aloud:

SALVATION PRAYER Father God, I come before You in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says that “whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21, NKJV) and “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9, NKJV). Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me. It is because of Your love that You don't want me to be condemned and punished for my sins. Thank You for sending Your beloved Son, Jesus, to die for me on the cross. Jesus took my sins, penalties, and all my curses and in return

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gave me His blessing, righteousness, and favor. He got what I deserved so I can receive what He deserves – all good things! Jesus' blood washes me clean from every sin (past, present, and future). On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead and conquered death. Father, I thank You that when You look at me, You choose to no longer remember my sins and that You see me in all the beauty and righteousness of Jesus. Holy Spirit, fill me to overflowing and lead me through this life – thank You, Father. In Jesus' Name, Amen!




“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?’” (John 11:25-26, NIV)


father passes down his successful business to his son; a founder of a culture-transforming charity passes down her mission to a new generation; a doctor passes down his life’s work to a research lab, which leads to a medical breakthrough; Jesus passes down His life to all of God’s Creation in order to give eternal life freely to those who believe. These are all examples of a legacy – something handed down from the past that continues to live on through others. It’s easy to see how much of an impact a legacy can have on the world. John 11:25-26 reflects that clearly. This Scripture is what Coach Bobby Bowden often read to his “boys,” as he called them, when he spoke about Jesus. The legendary Florida State University (FSU) coach was much more interested in the welfare and salvation of his football players than he ever was in their performance on the field. Coach Bowden was concerned about their education, keeping family ties strong, building character, and laying a foundation for spiritual growth. He certainly ran a tight ship on the football field and produced extremely disciplined players, but God was the key to his success for more than a half century. “My faith influenced my coaching career because I tried to keep Him first in my life ahead of football,” he said.

It was a great honor for Overflow to interview Bobby Bowden, who is possibly the greatest college football coach of all time. Not for the two National Championships, the 12 Atlantic Coast Conference titles, or the 411 career wins, but because of the legacy he left behind. There is no doubt that Coach Bowden inspired greatness on and off the field through his players and coaching staff. In his book, Called to Coach, Bobby said, “We won a lot of games at Florida State, but my greatest accomplishments were seeing my players become good husbands, fathers, and professionals” (Bowden and Schlabach, 6).

SWEET HOME ALABAMA Coach Bowden’s sweet southern drawl doesn’t come from Tallahassee, but rather from his home state of Alabama, where he was raised in Birmingham just blocks from Howard College (now known as Samford University). He was born with Crimson Tide pride and grew up with dreams of playing football for the University of Alabama. Football is in his blood. Bobby was very active as a boy, but fell ill with rheumatic fever as a young teenager. In 1943, the illness was a life-threatening one that left him bedridden. Raised in a Christian home, Bobby and his mother often prayed for his healing.

He prayed, “If You heal me, I will serve You. If You let me play football again, I will try to serve You through sports” (Bowden and Schlabach, 17). After nearly a year confined to his bed, God healed Bobby. He was cleared to go back to school, but the doctors didn’t allow him to resume sporting activities. His mother knew how important playing football was to him, so she took him to another specialist. Before his junior year at Woodlawn High School, Bobby was given the okay to play ball. He never looked at his illness as a setback, but instead believed it actually had made him a better person. Coach Bowden said, "If something bad has happened to you and you have faith, then something good is bound to happen" (Bowden and Schlabach, 19). He believed that he could overcome anything through prayer and trust in God. In January of 1949, Bobby’s dream to ride the Crimson wave all the way to Tuscaloosa came true. He went through spring practice with the football team as a freshman before deciding to transfer back home to Howard College. Why would Bobby Bowden pass up the chance to play for Bama? A girl, but not just any girl. The love of his life, Ann, was still in high school back in Birmingham. He explained that none of it would have mattered without Ann in his life. “I knew from the very beginning that she was the only woman for me. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:1-7 that true love cannot be acquired without an act of ultimate sacrifice” (Bowden and Schlabach, 35). He couldn’t stand to be away from her, so they ran away and were secretly married on April 1, 1949, using Bobby’s high school class ring as a wedding band. Talk about romantic. Ann joined him at Howard College the next year.


April 2013   Love+Faith+Hope

After six children and 64 years of marriage, Bobby and Ann are still happily married. Coach Bowden said their marriage has lasted so long because neither of them believed in divorce and he always included her in the big decisions that affected their family. The first big decision was getting his master’s degree so he could become the assistant coach at his alma mater for the 1953 season.

CALLED TO COACH “The title of the book is Called to Coach, because I feel like God called me to be a coach,” Bobby said. Bobby Bowden knew his purpose in life was to become a football coach and it all began on the very field that served as his childhood playground. After two seasons as an assistant coach, Bobby felt ready to lead a football team. The head coach at Howard was leaving the school and Bobby wanted the job. To his displeasure, Bowden was passed over for the job, but God had a plan. He was offered the head coaching position at South Georgia College.

promoted to head coach in 1970. The next six seasons certainly had their ups and downs for Coach Bowden. With a 42-26 record, he experienced some losing seasons and some angry West Virginia fans. It was a hard time for his family, but he learned to have thick skin with fans and not to take things personally. In 1976, Bobby's destiny lined up when he was offered the head coaching position at FSU. The Bowdens wanted to be closer to their family in Alabama and longed for warmer weather. At that time, the football program was in need of help. They had only won four games in the previous three seasons. Coach Bowden candidly shared that he had no intentions of staying at FSU for very long and saw the school as a stepping-stone to becoming the coach of a more

A SEMINOLE FOR LIFE Of the 34 seasons Bobby Bowden coached the Seminoles, only one was a non-winning season and that was the first one in 1976 with a 5-6 record. It really wasn't a losing season though. They won more games that season than FSU had won in three years put together, and the boys were being groomed and conditioned for future seasons. Then in 1977, FSU went 9-2 and was invited to play in a Bowl game. Coach Bowden was paving the way and reshaping the football program, producing one winning team after winning team. In his book, Called to Coach, Bobby Bowden goes into great detail about specific seasons and even gives play-by-play for some memorable games. But with such a remarkable career at FSU, what was his most memorable moment? Coach Bowden said, "There are a lot of moments. All the wins are great moments, but probably the biggest win that put Florida State on the map was when we beat Nebraska at Nebraska in 1980." People took notice of Coach Bowden's success on the field, and he was offered several head coaching positions over the years, including one from the University of Alabama, which is what he used to think of as his dream job. After more than a decade of building the football program from the ground up at FSU, Coach Bowden felt confident that God wanted him to stay in Tallahassee. His loyalty was with the Seminoles and his legacy would remain at FSU. Coach Bowden led FSU to 15 Bowl games before he finally had the opportunity to win FSU's first National Championship in 1993. But believe it or not, it wasn't all about winning to Bobby. When asked, "You're considered the most winningest coach of all time; how were you able to accomplish such a feat?" he responded, "Well, I never even thought about it. It was never my goal to win more games than anybody else." Bobby spoke about humbly accepting wins and losses: "If you get beat, you have the next week to try to do better. If you win, you try to stay even-keeled and go out and win the next game." The focus was always on the very next game ahead and never underestimating your opponent – a valuable lesson he learned early in his coaching career.

"Eternal life truly is the greatest legacy of all, and Coach Bowden spent his life finding ways to share Christ with others and he continues to do so today." They had a great first season and were even ranked as one of the top ten junior college teams in the country by The Williamson Rating Board. Then in 1959, South Georgia decided to drop the football program. At that point, Howard College felt Bobby was ready to be the head coach, and for the second time, he was offered a job he didn't apply for. Coach Bowden realized God was in control of his life and that included his coaching career. The next four seasons went really well with a 31-6 winning record. In December of 1962, FSU head coach Bill Peterson offered Bobby the wide receivers coaching position. Birmingham was their home, but Bobby and Ann knew they needed to leave Howard College for his career to advance. From 1963 to 1965, Bowden grew a lot under Peterson. He said, "The most important thing I learned from Coach Peterson was that a great coach surrounds himself with great assistants" (Bowden and Schlabach, 72). This was something Bobby tried to emulate throughout his career. By 1965, Coach Bowden was ready to move on when he felt God guiding him to West Virginia University. He worked under Jim Carlen as his Offensive Coordinator for four seasons before being

prestigious football program, like the University of Alabama. However, God had a different plan in mind. Bobby didn't know it at that time, but he was right where the Lord wanted him for the rest of his coaching career.

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WINNING PRIORITIES It's fair to say that Coach Bowden's coaching style aided in his success, but what set his approach to the game apart from others? The difference is clearly in the priorities: his priorities in his personal life and as a coach and the priorities he tried to instill in his coaches and players. "I believed my number one priority as a head coach was to make sure my players received an education and were taught to do things the right way" (Bowden and Schlabach, 6). The right way included more than running a play properly. It included the character of his boys. Coach Bowden made sure that his players knew it was a privilege to play at FSU, and he also made sure they understood the importance of their image and how their actions reflected back on their family and the university. His players were prohibited from smoking, drinking, and drug use. Coach Bowden said, "I felt [as their coach] I had the right to express my thoughts, not

just on football, but on education and their spiritual life." And that he did. The boys were encouraged to attend class every day and attend church on Sundays. He led team meetings that included devotionals and prayers. His coaching staff had to adhere to even stricter standards. "I wanted strong God-fearing men leading my boys. I expected my coaches to lead by example and serve as role models for the boys" (Bowden and Schlabach, 108-109). Coach Bowden explained that when a head coach takes a job, he sets the parameters for his players and the coaching staff, which are "the things [a head coach] expects of his coaches and the ways he expects them to act and carry themselves because they are representing the university and their own family.” He continued, “You stress that in your rules and regulations." Now, the best advice Coach Bowden can give to a new coach is "to keep his priorities in order.” He explained, “Don't try to make football your god. Make your first priority God. Make your second priority your family. Make your third priority the education of those boys, and then somewhere after that comes football." On September 13, 1986, the need to share Jesus with his boys was all the more apparent for Coach Bowden. A day he calls one of the worst in his life. It was the day his offensive tackle, Pablo Lopez, was murdered on the FSU campus. He brought his team into the hospital's chapel and gave them the sad news that Pablo had passed away. The next day he called a team meeting and told the boys that he knew Pablo was in Heaven because he knew Pablo was saved through Jesus Christ. Coach Bowden talked to his players about what it meant to be saved. He let all his players know his door was always open to talk about Jesus.

HIS LEGACY Throughout his coaching career, Bobby lived out his promise to God that he would serve Him through sports. Bobby felt it was his purpose to share his beliefs about Jesus with his players and his coaching staff. He said, "I never forced my beliefs on any of them, and I believe they appreciated me for that. Faith is a personal thing, and it's every person's right to believe what they want to believe" (Bowden and Schlabach, 143). Many of his boys called him later in life to thank him for sharing the Word with them. Many of them serve as pastors and ministers. The legacy Bobby Bowden has left on this world reaches far beyond the nine-foot tall bronze statue or stained-glass likeness of him at Moore Athletic Center. It even reaches beyond the FSU football program and the field that was named in his honor. Bobby Bowden's legacy is the impact he has left and continues to leave on those around him. He helped his boys and the staff to grow into successful students, coaches, athletes, businessmen, fathers,

husbands, friends, and servants of the Lord. He did it with integrity, humility, and an endless supply of compassion. Jesus said, “[Whoever] believes in Me will never die” (John 11:26). Eternal life truly is the greatest legacy of all, and Coach Bowden spent his life finding ways to share Christ with others and he continues to do so today. (Come see Coach Bowden speak at the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast on May 7th. See the ad on page 11 for more information.) There are so many more significant details that Overflow couldn't capture in our interview with Bobby Bowden or in this article on him. So, we encourage you to experience his inspiring personal story on your own. Called to Coach paints such a beautiful picture of the man that is Bobby Bowden. For this book, "I was interviewed by Mark Schlabach who works for ESPN," Coach Bowden said. "We just sat down and talked for hours and hours, and I answered his questions. When you have coached as long as I did, you have a whole lot of experiences that you can tell younger people that might help them." Whether you are a football player, a coach, a fan, or someone who likes to sit at your grandfather's feet for hours and listen to stories, we know you will enjoy this book and find so much value in it. You can get your copy at www.thebobbybowden.com. Glory! Reference: Bowden, Bobby and Schlabach, Mark. Called to Coach: Reflections on Life, Faith, and Football. New York: Howard Books, 2010.


April 2013   Love+Faith+Hope




ne of my favorite signs of spring is the dragonfly. I enjoy their fast-flying, insect acrobatics. They hover around the yard and zip past the car while stopped at a light. They circle our backyard turtle pond on air stair-steps and gracefully land on the bush outside our kitchen window, wings still for scarce moments. Then, they’re off again. Dragonflies are nature’s tiny helicopters, zig-zagging over green grass and hovering effortlessly in midair. They’re brightly colored beacons of warmer weather. I’ve seen red, blue, green, and multicolored dragonflies buzzing around our backyard and around our neighborhood ponds on our daily walks. Being the mom of two boys has softened me to the insect world, and dragonflies are one of my favorites (it helps that they don’t bite, sting, or buzz in my ear). The boys and I have enjoyed reading books and learning more about dragonflies. We have learned that dragonflies are insects with two pairs of transparent wings. These strong wings help them speed through the air while hunting prey like mosquitoes, flies, bees, and ants, which they grab with their legs. But how do they spot their next meal? They don’t have to turn their head, that’s for sure. God created dragonflies with compound eyes, which take up most of their head and provide this intrepid insect with a nearly 360-degree view. When we read about dragonflies, I pictured those large, shiny, compound eyes. Have you

ever tried to get very close – or even touch – a dragonfly? My boys, Cole and Chase, have tried many times. It’s nearly impossible unless the dragonfly has a broken wing or it’s lifeless and jammed in the car headlight. Why is it so difficult to touch and catch them? It’s those amazing compound eyes. The multifaceted eyes of the dragonfly can’t focus on the myriad details in nature, but they can focus perfectly on movement. Dragonflies

consumes me. Worry overtakes my heart and unimportant details overwhelm my day. I begin to lose trust because I’m staring at the wrong thing. Lord, help me to bring my eyes back to You so I can focus on You and Your perfect, faithful movement. When we focus on endless, trivial details, we lose sight of the bigger picture of our faith – the amazing, grace-filled way God moves in our circumstances and answers our prayers. We

“Let’s keep our gaze on God, not on the many details life throws our way. Because when our eyes are focused on His faithful movement in our lives, we can fly fully for Him.” notice anything moving nearby. Their compound eyes zone in on the slow sweep of a mosquito or a buzzing fly. A large angle of view warns them of danger in the shape of a swinging Little Tykes bat or a hungry mockingbird. “But my eyes are upon You, O God the Lord; In You I take refuge; Do not leave my soul destitute” (Psalm 141:8, NKJV). Are my eyes on God and His movement? At times I focus my gaze on the minute details instead of God’s steady, faithful movement in my life. And when my eyes drop away from God, my field of view narrows down and the frantic flying about

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forget that His timing is perfect, and we overlook His faithful provision, the sweet encouragement He offers through friends and family, and His many blessings. We need dragonfly eyes for God. Let’s keep our gaze on God, not on the many details life throws our way. Because when our eyes are focused on His faithful movement in our lives, we can fly fully for Him. As King David reminds us, “I foresaw the LORD always before my face, For He is at my right hand, that I may not be shaken” (Acts 2:25, NKJV). ■




eremiah 29:11, John 3:16, Philippians 3:14, Psalm 23—I remember a time when seeing or hearing these Bible verses would intimidate me. I didn’t attend church when I was young, and it wasn’t until middle school that I started going to a church youth group with a friend. But even then, youth group was more of a social event for me. At the time, being a Christian seemed like an obstacle course, full of rules, challenges, hard work, and barriers to overcome. I had never read the Bible, didn’t understand the passages, and didn’t know about any of the characters in the Book. If someone approached me and started telling me about God and why I should believe, I would become disengaged. Sound familiar? As fishers of men, how do we “bring in the catch” without scaring the fish away? We have to bait the hook and reel the fish in gently, for if we go too fast or too hard, the fish might break free and get lost in the vast ocean once more. This has been a continual struggle for many Christians, but fortunately there are fishermen that have a natural gift of spreading the message and bringing in the catch. The “bait” can be many things and unique to each soul, but the fashion savvy might enjoy the bait offered by VerseTee, a new Christian clothing and jewelry line developed by Greg Mark of Land O’ Lakes, Florida. His concept is simple. Bait the hook by creating a trendy tee, custom flat bill hat, or jewelry piece that uses only letters and numbers to reference the most popular and meaningful Bible verses. Greg’s designs are meant to encourage a conversation, prompting new believers and nonbelievers to ask, “What is that?” This opens the door to encourage others to seek the kingdom of God and to experience the gifts that God has planned for their lives. Though the designs use only letters and numbers to reference the Bible verse on the outside, on the inside of every tee and hat and on the backside of the jewelry pieces, the full Bible verse is provided – each uniquely designed to encourage others to memorize it.

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Greg has more than 25 years in the Christian clothing and music industry and has spent the last 8 years as the merchandise manager for Chris Tomlin. He started his career as one of the original designers for Truth Soul Armor Clothing Company based in California. With Truth, he developed Christian tees. Eventually, Greg went on to start his own merchandising company, Hotcross Company, which specializes in creating custom apparel for Christian music artists. When asked why he launched a new Christian clothing and jewelry line, Greg replied, “I wanted to do more. I have always felt this passion to lead others to God’s love. Why not do it using the gifts that God gave me? Nothing is more powerful than the Bible itself, but we need to be gentle with our approach in today’s society. The designs are meant for people to ask, ‘What is that?’ To which I will happily spread the message.” The VerseTee line doesn’t just appeal to adults; it is impacting the youth as well. At a time when faith at schools is questioned, the design is subtle enough for kids to wear to school. Greg said, “My 10-year-old neighbor wears the J316 hat to school every day. I see him as he gets on and off the bus and to know that he is helping to spread the message to other kids is powerful. Most kids I’ve met don’t know the Bible reference, so he is helping to open a window.” The message continues at Organic Life Coffeehouse & Bakery where owner Peter Davidson features the VerseTee jewelry and tees. Peter shared, “In just the last week, I’ve had three different customers ask for specific verses. These Bible verses are powerful and mean something to them. They want a way to have it with them always.” The trendy Christian dog tags allow them to have God’s message with them throughout the day and serve as a reminder of God’s love and purpose in their lives. If you would like to learn more about VerseTee or to purchase a custom design that highlights your favorite Bible verse, you can check them out at www.versetee.com. Also, go to page 2 to see VerseTee’s ad. ■




asked about his favorites, he said, “For worshiping by myself, I go straight to enjamin Jacob Rupe. It might be your first time seeing his name, the piano. Drums are probably the most fun…I mean, what guy doesn’t want but it certainly won’t be your last. This extremely talented musician to beat on things with sticks! Of course, the guitar is my main instrument, and released his debut EP last month. Here at Overflow, we love from it, I learned music as a whole so it holds a special place in my heart.” supporting new and upcoming artists who dedicate their lives to worshiping Benjamin said, “My name in Hebrew means ‘son [of the right hand],’ and Christ. Interestingly enough, in the interview, he opened up and said, “I’m in I've been saying that my whole life not [even] realizing that I was revealing to that kind of awkward phase of convincing people that I should be here, that I people my very being – my spirit. Because I am a songwriter, I immediately deserve their ear, and that I can deliver a message and a heck of a rock show.” want to bring all my big revelations to the table and make this great, powerful Well, he certainly convinced us. After listening to his tracks, Benjamin’s song about it, but sometimes it doesn't work like that. To be completely musical ability blew us away. His music is more than radio-worthy with honest, I was finding myself in being a lot of those things, like a songwriter or astounding vocals, inspiring lyrics, and fantastic instrumentals. Concerning an evangelist. I was [defining] myself, who I was, in my job, in my work. He his musical style, Benjamin said, “I love the power of rock, but I love the (God) made a way for me to be His son, not His employee. That was actually story-telling and rawness of country and folk.” the revelation that led me to make a CD. No matter how awesome I could play, The singer/songwriter is also the worship leader for a new church plant, sing, or write, I [realized first and foremost] I am His son and I belong to Him Not2Late Church in New Port Richey. Benjamin shared with us that “playing and my heart is His.” music for a living” is the best part about being a musician. “I can reach into Receiving the revelation of who we are in Christ is situations and mentor people [with my music] in areas where empowering and motivating. It is Christ’s sacrifice that others don’t have the sway in that person’s heart.” Benjamin made us sons of God, regardless of what we’ve done. understands his music has the opportunity to connect with The weight of the past can be heavy, but Christ took that people on another level – a spiritual level. He said, “Making burden for us. Benjamin found inspiration from this. He those magical moments for listeners can be more rewarding said, “I see so much darkness in the world around us and than I can comprehend all at once.” just how messed up we are [without Christ]. You’ll hear Singing was all Benjamin wanted to do his entire life. that on Unremarkable. [It’s] the gravity of our sin, but [the “I’ve always known I would be a singer,” he said. Before God powerful thing is] how His grace abounds much more. He called Benjamin to create music for Him, he played a lot of is so great that He made a way where there was none.” country music. His best friend taught him to play the guitar You can meet Benjamin and hear his amazing music when he was seventeen, and now he plays the ukulele, 1. Unremarkable for yourself at 7 p.m. on April 5th at The Coffee Barn in mandolin, banjo, piano, bass, and drums. You can hear the 2. He's Spoken Salvation Brooksville. His CD is available on Amazon, iTunes, and CD array of instruments in Benjamin’s tracks and it gives the 3. What a Love Baby. To keep up with Benjamin and his upcoming events, music such a dynamic and delightful sound. 4. Our Hope visit him on Facebook (facebook.com/benjaminjacobrupe). ■ “I’m practicing all of those [instruments] as often as I can 5. If We Are and I’d love to add more to my list,” Benjamin shared. When

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Exodus 31:3 (KJV)

“And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship.” This Scripture is a testament of my life. It has helped me to realize, as I go through my day, I can depend on the Lord to equip me with His wisdom, understanding, and knowledge on how to accomplish tasks and meet the needs of others. Instead of trying to do things out of my own strength, I am now able to accomplish these things effortlessly through Him.


26   OverflowMag.com   April 2013

Have a favorite Scripture that you stand on? We are always looking for new people to share what God’s Word means to them. Let us know and we’ll photograph you! contact@overflowmag.com




Christian Business Men's Connection RedRock Leadership 8184 Woodland Center Blvd., Tampa More Info: 813-885-5097 or dshock@redrockleadership.com *Bring your own lunch 12pm-1pm, Weekly on Mondays

Living Word - Women's Bible Study


Just Pray No! For more info: Contact Steven L. Sherman 727-647-6467 or justprayno@aol.com www.justprayno.org All Day


Presented by Revival Worship Church 9270 Bay Plaza Blvd., #600, Tampa 813-621-8886, www.revivalworshipchurch.com 10:30am, Weekly on Tuesdays





Christian Business Connections New Tampa St. Andrew Presbyterian 5338 Primrose Lake Circle, Tampa For more info: shawn@tpaccorp.com 7:45am-9am, Weekly on Thursdays

Women-N-Charge Networking Meeting

Pebble Creek Country Club 10550 Regents Park Drive, Tampa www.women-n-charge.com 11:30am, $18


Take Back the Night 2013


No More Orphans Event

New Tampa Women's Prayer Connection





CCAI Adoption Services Information Meeting

Adoption from China & Haiti 5814 Old Pasco Rd., Wesley Chapel RSVP: ccaifl2@ccaifamily.org/813-994-1000 1pm-2:30pm

Presented by Theresa Moore Unity of Tampa Church Fellowship Hall 3302 W. Horatio St., Tampa RSVP: 813-417-3722 or martreel@aol.com 6:30pm, $5


Christian Business Connections New Tampa


Hosted by Overflow Magazine Lexington Oaks Clubhouse Playground 26304 Lexington Oaks Blvd., Wesley Chapel RSVP: amanda@overflowmag.com *Moms and kids of all ages are welcome! 10am-11am, FREE

Presented by RTS Missions & Idlewild 18333 Exciting Idlewild Blvd., Lutz 855-223-1008, www.thejoyfm.com 8:30am, $15


New Tampa Women's Connection Luncheon Speakers Linda Moore & Tammy Rogers Tampa Palms Country Club 5811 Tampa Palms Blvd., Tampa RSVP: 352-458-3267 or beckyburgue@yahoo.com 11am-1pm, $17

5 & 19 Introduction to Ballroom Dance Class & Practice Party

Pray & Play - A Playgroup with a Purpose

Fashioned for Glory: A Radical Girlfriends Conference


Fashion Show Luncheon & Silent Auction Benefiting the Salvation Army Programs Double Tree Hotel 4500 W. Cypress St., Tampa For more info: 813-549-5285, ext. 412 10:30am, $55

Presented by Sexual Violence Task Force Curtis Hixon Park, Tampa svtftampabay@gmail.com www.svtftampabay.com 4pm, FREE

Presented by NO MORE & Bay Life Church 1017 Kingsway Rd., Brandon 813-731-8972, www.fornomore.org Register at: nomoreorphans.eventbrite.com 6:30pm, FREE

Meeting at Bob Evans 16314 North Dale Mabry, Tampa Contact: Becky for more info 813-961-2810 9am-10am

Living Free Women's Retreat Presented by Whatever It Takes Ministries 13247 Word of Life Dr., Hudson 727-856-7575, www.witministries.com Begins 7pm (Fri.) and ends 8:30pm (Sat.)


Foundations of Life Pregnancy Centers Walk for Life 2013

Zephyr Park 38116 5th Ave., Zephyrhills 813-631-4370, www.foundationsoflife.org 12pm (Registration) & 1pm (Walk)

Chad & Julia Dedmon Ministries

Legacy Church 2702 Causeway Center Dr., Tampa 813-300-6279, www.legacyfam.com www.chadandjuliadedmon.com 7pm-10pm (Fri.) and 6pm-9pm (Sat.)

23rd Annual Worldwide Weekend of Prayer for the Addicted

4th Annual Golf Tournament

Benefiting Oasis - A Pregnancy Care Center Sherman Hills Golf & Country Club 31200 Eagle Falls Dr., Brooksville 813-406-4965, www.oasispregnancycenter.org 8:30am (Shot Gun Start)


Joy Women's Conference: A Victorious Woman

If you would like to add an upcoming event to our calendar, please visit:

Revival Worship Church 9270 Bay Plaza Blvd., #600, Tampa 813-621-8886, www.joywomen.com 11am-4pm, FREE

overflowmag.com/submissions/ submit-your-event



3, 17 & 31

St. Andrew Presbyterian 5338 Primrose Lake Circle, Tampa For more info: shawn@tpaccorp.com 7:45am-9am, Weekly on Thursdays

Women-N-Charge Networking Meeting Pebble Creek Country Club 10550 Regents Park Drive, Tampa www.women-n-charge.com 11:30am, $18

Introduction to Ballroom Dance Class & Practice Party Presented by Theresa Moore Unity of Tampa Church Fellowship Hall 3302 W. Horatio St., Tampa RSVP: 813-417-3722 or martreel@aol.com 6:30pm, $5



Christian Business Men's Connection RedRock Leadership 8184 Woodland Center Blvd., Tampa More Info: 813-885-5097 or dshock@redrockleadership.com 12pm-1pm, Weekly on Mondays

Living Word - Women's Bible Study


Presented by River of Life Lettuce Lake Park (Pavilion #1) 813-949-9931, www.roltampa.org 11am-3pm, $3


Presented by Revival Worship Church 9270 Bay Plaza Blvd., #600, Tampa 813-621-8886, www.revivalworshipchurch.com 10:30am, Weekly on Tuesdays


Mayor's Prayer Breakfast with Coach Bobby Bowden


Tampa Convention Center 813-877-9609, www.tampabaybreakfast.com 6:30am-8:15am, $30


Walk for Life

Presented by Life Impact Network Ballast Point Park, Tampa www.lifeimpactnetwork.org 8am (Registration) & 9am (Walk)

28   OverflowMag.com   April 2013

Chick-fil-A Leadercast: Simply Lead with Andy Stanley & more!

Presented by The Joy FM Locations in Tampa, Lakeland, New Port Richey, & Sarasota 727-848-9150, www.thejoyfm.com 8am (Registration) & 9am (Event Begins)

Singles Annual Spring Picnic

CCAI Adoption Services Information Meeting

Adoption from China & Haiti 5814 Old Pasco Rd., Wesley Chapel RSVP: ccaifl2@ccaifamily.org or 813-994-1000 1pm-2:30pm

Third Day - The Miracle Tour with Colton Dixon & Josh Wilson Countryside Christian Center 1850 N. McMullen Booth Rd., Clearwater www.thejoyfm.com 7pm, Tickets starting at $19


Walk a Mile for a Child (in foster care)

Presented by Eckerd Community Alternatives 601 Old Water St., Tampa www.eckerdcbc.org/walk 6:30am (Registration) & 9am (Walk)

LOCAL CHURCH SERVICES Agape Faith Fellowship Church

6805 U.S. Hwy 301 S., Riverview, 33578 813-571-9314, www.agapefaithfc.org Sun., 10:30am

Alafia Baptist Church

222 Alafia Baptist Church Rd., Lithia, 33547 813-634-8845 Sun., 9:45am, 11am, & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Anointed Word Church

1709 St. Joseph St., Tampa, 33607 813-254-5271, www.anointedwordchurch.com Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

Atonement Lutheran Church

29617 SR 54, Wesley Chapel, 33543 813-973-2211, www.be-at-1.org Sun., 10am

Bay Chapel

9020 Imperial Oak Blvd., Tampa 33647 813-406-0367, www.baychapel.com Sun., 10:30am

Baypointe Church

5238 Mile Stretch Dr., Holiday, 34690 727-938-2955, www.baypointelife.com Sun., 10am & 11:15am

Bell Shoals Baptist Church

2102 Bell Shoals Rd., Brandon, 33511 813-689-4229, www.bellshoals.com Sun., 9:15am & 11am, Wed., 7pm

Bethel Church

1510 W. Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33603 813-238-2348, www.betheltampa.org Sun., 10:10am, Wed., 7pm

Branch of Christ Ministries

23604 SR 54, Lutz, 33559 813-435-1469, www.branchofchrist.com Sun., 10am

Bridgeway Church

30660 Wells Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33545 813-907-1313, www.bridgeway.tv Sun., 9am & 11am

Calvary Chapel Worship Center

6825 Trouble Creek Rd., New Port Richey, 34653 727-376-7733, www.ccwc.org Sun., 8:10am, 9:45am & 11:20am

Candlewood Community Church

21418 Carson Dr., Land O' Lakes, 34639 813-956-1541, www.candlewoodfl.org Sun., 10:30am

Centerpointe Community Church

8610 Temple Terrace Hwy, Tampa, 33637 813-988-3557, www.centerpointecommunity.com Sun., 10am

Christ Apostolic Church Tampa

10620 Henderson Rd., Tampa, 33625 813-899-2464, www.cactampa.org Sun., 9am & 10am

Christ CP Church

19501 Holly Lane, Lutz, 33548 813-909-9789, www.christchurchlutz.org Sun., 10:30am

Christian Family Church

3457 W. Kenyon Ave., Tampa, 33614 813-802-8736, www.cfctampa.org Sun., 10:30am

Church of the Lakes

2530 Wilson Rd., Land O’ Lakes, 34638 813-948-4358, www.churchofthelakesepc.org Sun., 9:15am & 10:30am

Cornerstone Presbyterian Church 17520 Marsh Road, Lutz, 33558 813-962-3584, www.cpclutz.org Sun., 9:30am & 11am, Wed., 7pm

Countryside Baptist Church

13422 Sydney Road, Dover, 33527 813-571-8200, www.countrysidebaptistchurch.net Sun., 9:30am, 10:45am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Gateway Christian Center Assembly of God 14200 North Central Ave., Tampa, 33613 813-961-4692, www.gatewaytampa.net Sun., 9:45am, 10:45am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Crosslight Church

Grace Family Church

CrossRoads Community United Methodist Church

Grace Life Church

Deliverance Christian Connection Ministry

Grow Life Church

38621 Calvin Ave., Zephyrhills, 33542 813-469-8744, www.crosslightonline.com Sat., 6pm, Sun., 10:30am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm 26211 County Line Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-907-5815, www.crossroadsum.com Sun., 9am & 10:30am

2130 W. Brandon Blvd., Ste. 203, Brandon, 33511 813-401-7223, www.dccministry.org Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm, Sat., 9am

Dwelling Place

410 County Line Rd. W., Lutz, 33548 813-949-1912, www.thedwellingplace.us Sun., 10:30am & 2pm (Spanish), Wed., 7pm

Epistle of Christ Ministries

610 W. Waters Ave., Tampa, 33604 813-785-4519, www.epistleofchrist.org Sun., 9:45am, Thurs., 7pm

Extraordinary Life Church

5808 Lynn Rd., Tampa, 33624 813-610-6554 www.myextraordinarylifechurch.com Sun., 9:45am, 12:30pm (Spanish)

5101 Van Dyke Rd., Lutz, 33558 813-265-4151, www.GFConline.com Sat., 5 & 7pm, Sun., 8:45am, 10:30am & 12:15pm

1930 Land O' Lakes Blvd., Lutz, 33549 813-393-0514, www.gracelifetampa.com Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm (Service & Youth) Meeting at Veterans Elementary School 26940 Progress Pkwy., Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-406-8963, www.growlifechurch.com Sun., 9:30am & 11:15am

Heritage Church

1854 Oak Grove Blvd., Lutz, 33559 813-909-4080, www.yesheritage.com Sun., 9:30am & 11am, Wed., 7pm

House of Prayer Church

6305 E. Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33610 813-994-5694, www.houseofprayerchurch.org Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

Iglesia El Sembrador Wesleyano

300 S. Hillcrest Ave., Clearwater, 33756 727-481-0256, www.miiglesiaelsembrador.com Sun., 10:45am, Wed., 7pm

Faith Family Worship Center

Iglesia La Casa De Dios

Faith Life Church

Iglesia Renacer

14514 Del Valle Rd., Tampa, 33625 813-920-3685, www.ffwc.org Sun., 10:30am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm 4902 East Busch Blvd., Tampa, 33617 813-910-7336, www.flctampa.org Sun., 9:30 & 11am, Wed. & Thurs., 7pm

Family Harvest Worship Church

Meeting at Benito Middle School 10101 Cross Creek Blvd., Tampa, 33647 813-973-FHWC, www.fhwc.net Sun., 10am

First Baptist Church NPR

6800 Trouble Creek Rd., New Port Richey, 34653 727-849-4210, www.fbcnpr.com Sun., 9am, 10:30am, & 6pm, Wed., 6pm

First Baptist Church of College Hill 3838 North 29th St., Tampa, 33610 813-248-6600, www.fbcch.org Sun., 7:30am, 10am, & 12pm

First Baptist Church of Midway

2902 Midway Road, Plant City, 33565 813-752-7209, www.fbcmidway.org Sun., 10:30am

First Baptist of New Tampa

28125 County Line Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33543 813-907-1685, www.fbcnewtampa.org Sun., 9:15am, 10:30am, & 6pm

First Reformed Church of Tampa

8283 W. Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33615 813-886-6210, www.frctampa.org Sun., 9:30am & 11am

First Thonotosassa Missionary Baptist Church 10650 McIntosh Rd., Thonotosassa, 33592 813-986-4756, www.thonotosassabaptist.org Sun., 9:45 am, 11am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Floodgates Community Church

Meeting at Hampton Inn 2740 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-389-0238, www.floodgateschurch.org Sun., 10:30am

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Land O’ Lakes Community Center 5401 Land O’Lakes Blvd., Land O’Lakes, 34639 727-481-0256, www.miiglesialacasadedios.com Sun., 4:30pm 17505 Shady Hills Rd., Spring Hill, 34610 352-346-3965, www.miiglesiarenacer.com Sun., 10:45am, Thurs., 7pm

Joining Hands Mission Church

3214 US Highway 19, Holiday, 34691 727-264-1288, www.jhmissionchurch.org Sun., 10am

Kaleomark Church

Meeting at Seven Oaks Clubhouse 2910 Sports Core Circle, Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-310-8794, www.kaleomark.org Sun., 10:15am

Keystone Community Church

21010 State Road 54, Lutz, 33558 813-962-4522, www.keystonecommunity.org Sun., 10:30am

Kingdom Life Church

39348 US Highway 19, Tarpon Springs, 34689 727-373-8718, www.kingdomlifechurchfl.com Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 6:30pm

Lake Carroll Baptist Church

12012 N. Rome Ave., Tampa, 33612 813-933-5683, www.lakecarrollbaptist.org Sun., 9:30am & 10:50am, Wed., 6:30pm

Legacy Church

2702 Causeway Center Dr., Tampa, 33619 813-770-LIFE, www.legacyfam.com Sat., 6pm

Life Changing International Church

2106 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Valrico, 33594 813-653-9358, www.lifechangingintlministry.com Sun., 1:45pm, Mon., Wed. & Fri., 7:30pm

Light Christian Ministries

730 W. Robertson St., Brandon, 33511 813-458-6252, www.lightcm.org Sun., 10am, Tues.& Wed., 7pm

Light of the World Ministries

Perfected Love International Fellowship

Tims Church

Manhattan Baptist Church

Real Life Church

Torre Fuerte Tampa

1109 W. Waters Ave., Suite B, Tampa, 33604 813-409-0005, www.lightinc.org Sun., 10:45am, Mon., 7pm 4300 S. Manhattan Ave., Tampa, 33611 813-831-1951, www.manhattanbaptist.org Sun., 9:30am, 10:45am, Wed., 6:30pm Spanish Service - Sun., 9:30am

Myrtle Lake Baptist Church

2017 Reigler Rd., Land O’ Lakes, 34639 813-949-5516, www.myrtlelake.org Sun., 10:30am & 6pm

New Birth of Faith Fellowship Church

1725 E. Fowler Ave., Tampa, 33612 813-972-0101, www.newbirthoffaith.org Sun., 10am, Thurs., 7pm

New Life Church

1611 E. Bougainvillea, Tampa, 33612 813-971-6961 Sun., 9am, 11am, & 6:30pm, Wed., 6:30pm

New Millennium Community Church

4810 E. Busch Blvd., Suite I, Tampa, 33617 813-381-5463, www.newmillenniumchurch.org Sun., 8:30am & 11am, Wed., 7:30pm

New Wine Outreach Ministry

6213 E. Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33610 813-443-4503 Sun., 11am, Wed., 7:30pm, 2nd & 4th Fri., 7pm

NorthBridge Church

Meeting at John Long Middle School 2025 Mansfield Blvd., Wesley Chapel, 33543 813-319-4588, www.nbcwc.info Sun., 10am

North Pointe Church

2427 Old Cypress Creek Rd., Land O' Lakes, 34639 813-545-9420, www.thenpc.org Sun., 9:15 am & 11am

Northwest Tampa Church of Christ

7259 Sheldon Rd., Tampa, 33615 813-886-3946, www.tampachurch.org Sun., 9am & 5pm, Wed., 7pm

Northwest Tampa Church of God

5131 Gunn Highway, Tampa, 33624 813-961-7278, www.nwtcog.cc Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

Oak Grove United Methodist Church

2707 West Waters Ave., Tampa, 33614 813-935-4471 www.gbgm-umc.org/oakgroveumc Sun., 9:30am

Oakwood Community Church

11209 Casey Rd., Tampa, 33618 813-969-2303, www.oakwoodfl.org Sun., 10:30am

Oasis World Outreach

35636 SR 54 West, Zephyrhills, 33541 813-782-2888, www.oasisworldoutreach.org Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm

Open Arms Church of Ybor City

1314 E. 18th Ave., Tampa, 33605 813-248-2595, www.openarmschurch.org Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

10960 N. 56th Street, Temple Terrace, 33617 813-443-5107, www.perfectedlove.org Sun., 11am, Wed., 7pm 6821 W. Waters Ave., Tampa, 33634 813-243-2333, www.thereallifechurch.com Sun., 8:30am & 10am

Reality Church Tampa

1000 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, 33602 813-228-8700, www.realitychurchtampa.com Sun., 10am

Remix Family Church

Meeting at Campo Family YMCA 3414 Culbreath Rd., Valrico, 33596 813-661-2273, www.remixfamilychurch.com Sun., 10am

Revival Worship Church

9270 Bay Plaza Blvd., Suite 600, Tampa, 33619 813-621-8886, www.revivalworshipchurch.com Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm, Fri., 7pm

Trinity Church of Wesley Chapel

33425 SR 54, Wesley Chapel, 33543 813-788-2898, www.trinitychurchnow.com Sun., 10:15am

Trinity Presbyterian Church

14925 North Boulevard, Tampa, 33616 813-961-5836, www.trinitytampa.com Sun., 9:30am, 11am & 6pm, Wed., 6:15pm

Van Dyke Church

17030 Lakeshore Rd., Lutz, 33558 813-968-3983, www.vandyke.org Sat., 6pm, Sun., 9:30am & 11am

Victorious Life Church

Shepherd's Community United Methodist Church

Vida Citrus Park Community Church

410 Chapman Rd. East, Lutz, 33549 813-949-9931, www.riveroflife-lutz.org Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm 2165 Shepherd Road, Lakeland, 33811 863-701-7171, www.scumc.net Sun., 10am

Shoresh David Messianic Synagogues 813-831-5673, www.shoreshdavid.org Tampa: 4320 Bay to Bay Blvd., 33269 Fri., 7:30pm, Sat., 11am, Tues., 6pm Wesley Chapel: 33425 SR 54, 33543 Fri., 7:30pm Brandon: 4929 Bell Shoals Rd., 33596 Fri., 7:30pm

St. James House of Prayer Episcopal Church 2708 N. Central Ave., Tampa, 33602 813-223-6090, www.sjhoptpa.org Sun., 9am & 11:30am

St. James Methodist Church

16202 Bruce B Downs Blvd., Tampa, 33647 813-971-4790, www.stjamestampa.org Sun., 9:30am, 11am & 12:30pm

Tampa Covenant Church

13320 Lake Magdalene Blvd., Tampa, 33618 813-968-2979, www.tampacovenantchurch.org Sun., 9:30am, Wed., 7pm

Terrace Palms Community Church

9620 Davis Rd., Tampa, 33637 813-985-9279, www.terracepalms.org Sun., 9am & 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

6224 Old Pasco Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-973-2230, www.victoriouslifechurch.com Sun., 9am, 10:40am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

4202 W. Linebaugh Ave., Tampa, 33624 813-962-3136, www.vidacitruspark.com Sun., 10:30am

Vida Community Church

Meeting at The Dwelling Place 410 W. County Line Rd., Lutz, 33558 813-810-0863, www.vidacommunitychurch.org Bilingual-Spanish Services Sun., 2pm, Thurs., 7pm

Water’s Edge Church

30200 Overpass Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33545 813-994-5000, www.connectingfaith.com Sun., 11am, Wed., Kids 6:30pm, Adults 7pm

Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church 6100 Memorial Highway, Tampa, 33615 813-886-2536, www.wesleymemorial.net Sun., 9am & 11:15am, Wed., 6:30pm

Without Walls Intl. Church

3860 W. Columbus Dr., Tampa, 33607 813-879-4673, www.withoutwalls.org Sun., 9am & 11am, Tues., 7pm

Zephyrhills First Assembly

36322 SR 54, Zephyrhills, 33541 813-788-3490, www.zephyrhillsfirst.com Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm

The Bridge of the Bay Community Church Meeting at YMCA Camp Cristina 9840 Balm Riverview Rd., Riverview, 33569 813-621-3191, www.bridgeofthebay.com Sun., 10:30am

The Crossing Church

10130 Tuscany Ridge Dr., Tampa, 33619 813-626-0783, www.crossingonline.org Sun., 9am, 11am, 1:30pm (Spanish), & 5pm

The Gathering

Path of Holiness Christian Church

The Salvation Army Worship Center

21307 Paoli Dr., Land O' Lakes, 34639 813-991-0192, www.pathofholinesschristianchurch.com Sun., 1pm, Tues., 7pm, Thurs., 7pm

Meeting at Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church 19911 Bruce B Downs Blvd., Tampa, 33647 813-410-7220, Spanish Services Sat., 7pm

River of Life

Palma Ceia United Methodist Church

3723 W. Bay to Bay Blvd., Tampa, 33629 813-837-1541, www.palmaceiaumc.org Sun., 8:30am, 9:40am, & 11am

601 Sunset Lane, Lutz, 33549 813-949-1239, www.timschurch.org Sun., 9:15am & 11:30am

39348 US Hwy 19 N., Tarpon Springs, 34689 727-942-3832, www.wearethegathering.com Sat., 6:30pm

ADD YOUR CHURCH If you would like to learn more about how your church can be listed in this section and become a point of distribution, please visit overflowmag.com/submissions/submit-your-church.

1100 W. Sligh Ave., Tampa, 33604 813-549-5285, www.salvationarmytampa.org Sun., 11am


April 2013   Love+Faith+Hope

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