Overflow 38 | May 2013

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16 TWENTY MILLION MEALS & COUNTING Feeding Children Everywhere reveals their humble beginnings, their fast-paced growth, and their love of serving families in need of meals across the United States and worldwide.





Laura Anderson shares her emotional journey of becoming a mother. The Lord birthed in her heart the desire to adopt a child from China and Julia Le is the beautiful gift God sent the Andersons.

There is no other creation like a mommy. The love and dedication of mothers expressed through the raising of their children from infancy to adulthood is just another way of God expressing His immense love for us all.





Kerry Johnson shares a precious memory of her childhood that emotionally bonded her and her mom. The story reveals the compassion and love of mothers that reflects and honors our Heavenly Father's love.

If you don’t have parenting completely figured out, you are not alone. Melissa Richards shares some great tips to help parents with their most joyous, yet difficult, job of raising their kids.





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Dear Friends, I have been a mommy now for five years. Each Mother’s Day, I like to look back and see how my life has blossomed from the two beautiful children my Father God has given me. As the Word of God says in Psalm 127:3 (NLT), “Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from Him.” My life has been truly blessed by my children. The central focus of this month’s edition of Overflow is mothers, and I must admit this issue really touched my heart. I even cried when I first read a few of the articles, like “Shared Tears” by Kerry Johnson or “From God, With Love” by Laura Anderson. I actually read Kerry’s article with my mom and sister. The three of us cried together and then laughed together as we thought about memories of our time together—the laughter and tears that we’ve shared over the years. When we spend time with our mothers, it is a time of bonding that will remain within our hearts for a lifetime. There is something so special about a mother-child relationship. The compassion and love that a mother shares with her children is unlike any other relationship here on earth. However, it does give us a glimpse of how much Jesus loves us. In Chris Cherp’s article on page 10, he reminds us of how a mother’s love and dedication to her children is just another way of God expressing His immense love for us all. I thank God for my mother; I do have the best mom a daughter could ask for. She has always been there for me. When I need help, all I have to do is ask and she so graciously provides it. It is never about what’s convenient for her; it’s about doing whatever is necessary to take care of her children and grandchildren. Oftentimes, she knows what I need before I even call, whether it’s an encouraging word or a listening ear or help with the kids. She has this God-given intuition and endless love for her children and grandchildren. I recently asked my mom what she thought the best part of being a mommy was (now keep in mind she is a mother of five kids and a grandmother to ten grandkids). This was her response: “Of course, the best part was raising and

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loving my babies. But now, it’s loving and spoiling my grandbabies, which is even more fun because I get to give them back to their mom and dad! I also love that I can give my grandbabies a lot of the things that I couldn’t give my kids when they were growing up.” My mom has always been sensitive when it comes to children, and I have inherited that quality. Although, since I became a mother, that quality seems to have amplified. My heart breaks for hurting children and families. When I imagine a child coming home from school and having nothing to eat, it makes me cry. Both of my children are very active and don’t like to sit for very long. I find myself chasing my two-year-old daughter around just to give her a bite of food. At times, I get concerned that she doesn’t eat enough but not because the food isn’t available to feed her. I can’t imagine having the inability to feed my children when they’re hungry. Hunger is not just an issue in foreign countries. There are parents right here in Tampa and throughout the U.S. who do not have enough food to feed their families. Fortunately, there is an organization in Florida working to meet this growing need. Our spotlight this month features the social charity Feeding Children Everywhere (FCE). FCE is sending out millions of nutritious meals within the U.S. and across the world. We had the pleasure of interviewing Don Campbell, founder of FCE, and Allison Riggs, the organization’s director of communications. It is amazing what God has done in such a short period of time for FCE. The Lord is helping them to fulfill their mission of mobilizing and empowering people to feed the hungry. They are the hands and feet of Christ, helping hurting families around the world. If you have never been to one of their food packing events, then I urge you to visit their website (feedingchildreneverywhere.com) to see a list of upcoming events. They typically have at least one event somewhere in the Tampa Bay area each month. After you witness what they do, you will be inspired to do more to help the hungry children in our communities. You can also purchase cool merchandise to support FCE’s worthy cause. To learn more about FCE, read Amanda Wright’s article, “20 Million Meals and Counting,” on page 16. I don’t have the space to tell you about all the amazing articles packed into this month’s issue, but I encourage you to read them all. You won’t be disappointed. Happy Mother's Day! With Love in Christ,

MAY 2013, Issue 38 Editor | Amie Cherp amie@overflowmag.com Sales & Marketing | Chris Cherp chris@overflowmag.com Design | Brady Wright brady@overflowmag.com Creative & PR | Amanda Wright amanda@overflowmag.com Asst. Editor / Writer | Tommy Burrus Photography | Stephen T Photography stephen.theriault.photo@gmail.com Photography | Carson Davis carson@gracelifetampa.com How To Reach Us: 27251 SR 54, Suite B14-605 Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 813-915-6700 Phone 813-463-0275 Fax Submissions: overflowmag.com/submissions General Info Inquiry: contact@overflowmag.com Subscribe: overflowmag.com/magazine/subscription Event Submission: If you would like to add an upcoming event to our calendar, please submit the information at: overflowmag.com/submissions/submitan-event/ Advertising and Distribution: If you are a business or church and think advertising to over 35,000 Christians is awesome, please contact: Chris Cherp | chris@overflowmag.com Overflow Magazine is published monthly by Eternal Holdings LLC, a Florida limited liability company, d/b/a Overflow Magazine. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced or copied in any form without prior written permission from a representative of Overflow Magazine. We cannot be held responsible for statements made by advertisers or contributing writers; however, we do make every effort to ensure the accuracy and truthfulness of the information we print. Overflow Magazine cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from omissions or errors made by advertisers and/or contributing writers. All images, written work, photographs, e-mails and letters sent to Overflow Magazine will be allocated for publication and copyright purposes and are subject to unrestricted rights to edit. Overflow Magazine is distributed free of charge to local supermarkets, churches, businesses, family events and other locations around the Tampa Bay area. For information on where to find Overflow Magazine or if you would like to become a distributor, please call 813-915-6700 or e-mail contact@ overflowmag.com.

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don't know why we were given this file." That was what the lady at Chinese Children Adoption International (CCAI), our adoption agency, first said to me when she called to tell me they had a baby girl's file to show us. At that moment, I knew that God had just breathed into existence the union of my daughter and my husband and I. The lady in the Waiting Child department of CCAI went on, "She is eight months old, and she had cleft lip/cleft palate, which was repaired when she was five months old. I am emailing her picture to you now." I opened the picture and just started crying hysterically. That was my daughter. She was the little Chinese angel my husband and I had been waiting three long years to meet. It had finally happened. I was a mom to the most beautiful child I had ever seen. After getting more information on our baby girl, I got off the phone with CCAI and immediately fell face down on the floor in prayer and thanksgiving. Crying to God, "You are so good; You are so good." For the past three years before that glorious day, I had been relying on God's strength to see me through the long waiting period of being matched with one of China's daughters. I leaned on Scripture, particularly Isaiah 43:5 (NIV): “Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west.” I felt like the Lord was speaking directly to me every time I read it. I wrote it on everything (paper, ceramic pencil holders, and even my hand) to help keep me strong when I thought God had forgotten about my petition and me. During the wait, it was getting harder and harder to go to family functions without being asked, “So, how's the adoption going?” I didn't want to answer that question anymore because the answer was always the same: “Still waiting.” Baby showers were the hardest. While I was so happy for my friends and their impending birth of their children, it just reminded me that I wasn't a mom yet. I would come

home and my husband, Scott, would ask me if I was okay (knowing that I wasn't) and I would just fall into his arms sobbing. It was tough, but God was working His perfect plan. The daughter God meant for me simply hadn't been born yet. I know that now, but I couldn’t see the bigger picture of that reality then. So many times, I wanted to give up and close our file at the agency but God kept placing on my heart, "My timing is not your own." The Holy Spirit kept whispering to me Proverbs 3:5 (NIV) which says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” I had always wanted to adopt a child ever since I could remember. I thought it was such a unique way to build a family and with me having Spina Bifida, getting pregnant never seemed like a safe option. Adoption was my first and favorite choice, and my dreams were coming true! About a month after we got the call from CCAI, we were on a plane to Beijing, China. After one trip to China and back, I became the mother of a beautiful baby girl we renamed Julia Le. Her Chinese name is Fu Le Nan, and we really wanted to make sure her Chinese heritage was a part of her. In order to facilitate this, we chose to us the “Le” part of her Chinese name and incorporate it into her American name. The trip to China was amazing. We did a lot of touring in Beijing, climbing the Great Wall of China and walking around Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. We then flew to Chongqing (pronounced “Chungching”) where we would be united with our daughter. Up to this point, we were still traveling like a childless couple without a care in the world. When we walked into the hotel room in Chongqing and found a crib, I think my husband almost passed out! The crib symbolized the complete life change that was about to happen the next day. He just stood there frozen in the entryway and said, “Oh my, this is really happening, isn’t it.” I just smiled and said, “Yep! Welcome to fatherhood!” The next day we got up, got dressed, and walked over to the government building where the nanny from the Social Welfare Institute (SWI) was going to meet us. By the time we arrived, Julia and the nanny were already there waiting for us. I immediately stopped in my tracks when I saw her. She was so beautiful and so quiet! I wanted nothing more than to hold her in my arms, but at the same time, I didn’t want to scare her. So, I walked up to her while she was still in the nanny’s arms and played with her little hand. I said, “Hi, I’m your mommy.” I waited for the nanny to give me a sign that she was ready to hand Julia over to me. Scott was so excited; he took her first before I could get the chance. It was love at first sight. When he handed her over to me, she was very quiet but then started to cry. Scott picked her back up and all was well again. She was definitely a daddy’s girl right from the start. She was so little, at the time, just four days shy of being ten months old. Because of my disability, I was afraid my balance wasn’t going to be good enough to hold both she and I up, so Scott carried her everywhere and when we would sit, I would take over. In adoption, attachment is vital. We didn’t have the luxury of having her with us for the first nine months after conception or the first nine months of her life outside of the womb, so facilitating attachment was very important. We didn’t feel we could accomplish this sufficiently by putting her in a stroller and wheeling her around China for the next two weeks, so Scott carried her everywhere we went. It was a sight to behold. This tiny little baby snuggled up with this big cop (her new daddy). I loved watching every minute of it. She was the perfect fit for our new family. Today, Julia is a thriving 4-year-old little girl, who still amazes us each day. Our love for her has only grown deeper. Now, about six years from the start of the process, I see that God had His hand in it the whole time. It’s funny how perception can change. While you are in the sadness of waiting to be matched, you wonder if God has forgotten about you. But once you have finally made it through the desert,

you realize He was right there with you all along. I just had to wait for my daughter to be born. God knew the plans He had for Julia, Scott, and me—not to mention her biological parents for whom I will always be grateful. Instead of aborting her, or letting her die, they chose to give her life. Even if it meant temporarily leaving her unattended in front of the SWI gates. They knew leaving their 4-day-old daughter there would give her the best shot at life. I am so grateful that she is here, she is alive, and I am her mom. Julia is every bit a part of my flesh and blood as if I had given birth to her myself. She knows that she was born in China and she was adopted, but the hard questions haven't come up yet. I laugh when people ask, “Do you know her real mother?” I happily respond, “Yes, I do. I am her real mother. I am the one who feeds her, kisses her boo-boos, sings to her before bedtime, and takes care of her when she wakes up in the middle of the night.” However, I do not know her biological mom in China. Every year, on Julia's birthday and the day we celebrate her adoption, I cry for her and I cry for my daughter, both of whom will probably never meet one another. Make no mistake; the three of us are bonded for life. She made the brave decision to give her child up for adoption instead of aborting her, and I will forever be thankful for that. I am also grateful to CCAI who brought us together so seamlessly. Most importantly, I am grateful to the Lord who kept His promise of Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV): “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” To those of you considering adoption, I would encourage you to take the first step and find out more. God is passionate about His kids, and if He is calling you to open your heart and home to a child, He will make a way. These days I rejoice in 1 Samuel 1:27 (NIV), which says, “I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of Him.” He certainly has, beyond my wildest dreams, and all the glory goes to our Father God! ■ Laura Anderson was born and raised in the Tampa Bay area. She earned her M.A. in Theological and Biblical Studies from Luther Rice Seminary. Through God’s provision, in 2012, Laura began working part-time for her daughter’s adoption agency, CCAI. She feels blessed to have the opportunity to assist in making other families’ dreams come true like hers did three years ago. You can email Laura at ccaifl2@ccaifamily.org if you would like to learn more about adoption or CCAI.


May 2013   Love+Faith+Hope




a child, no matter how tough I thought I was, whenever I hurt myself (whether it was by a fall, a bang, or a cut) the first word out of my mouth was "Mommy!" I knew that no matter what I did or how I did it, my mommy would not judge me for my actions, but would immediately love on me, thus making me feel better. Now that I am a father of two beautiful children, I have the opportunity to witness my children’s calls for comfort that I once expressed as a child. Mommy is the call for comfort, protection, and help when children need it most. It's amazing to think that such an innate call is so common among young children. It's not like we teach our children to call out "Mommy!" when they are hurt—it just happens. Don't get me wrong; I know children sometimes cry out for their daddy too, but the majority of the time it’s the mommy who gets the call. I believe the reason it happens this way is due to children’s subconscious awareness of their mommy's love. As a Christian adult, I have realized that, like my childhood calls for comfort, protection, and help to my mommy, I now cry out to Jesus. I remember a particular day when I was talking to my wife on the phone while traveling down the interstate. It was raining heavily, and before I knew it, my vehicle was spinning around in circles. The first word out of my mouth was "Jesus!" I was calling out to Him for help, and within seconds, my vehicle came to a safe stop on the side of the road. No other vehicles were hit and all four tires of my SUV remained on the ground.

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After collecting myself and describing to my wife what just took place, I began traveling again. During those quiet moments of driving, after I had hung up with my wife, I began to think how amazing it was that I had actually cried out the name of Jesus and not some expletive. It wasn't like I had time to think about what I was going to say…I just said it. Similar to the innate call for a child's mommy, I found I had the same call to my Lord and Savior in my time of trouble. I discovered that by calling on Jesus in those crucial moments, He actually manifested and protected me from harm. I didn't get a sense of guilt from possibly having driven too fast, but of comfort, knowing that my Lord cares for me and protects me. "Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:6-7, NKJV). Our Lord Jesus cares for us more than we will ever know here

on earth. Because of that love for us, He will always help us in time of need. All we have to do is practice His presence among us. This can be done by calling on Him in time of need or speaking to Him about a situation we’re facing that we don't know how to handle. "I sought the LORD, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears" (Psalm 34:4, NKJV). I thank God that He gave us a Savior who is the origin of love, and mothers across the world demonstrate this love to their children. Most of us have experienced the loving characteristics of a mother, which gives us just a glimpse of Jesus' expression of love toward all of God's children. I am so thankful when I think about how Jesus allows us as children of God to call on Him just like we have called on our mommies in times past. We can know for certain that He is always there for us. "…I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5, NKJV). As Mother's Day approaches, let's reflect on how amazing it is to have been blessed with loving mommies. There is no other creation like a mommy. Remember, once upon a time your mommy was the one who changed your diapers, fed you meals, cleaned you up before bed, and kissed you when you had a boo-boo. Mothers are just another way God expresses His immense love for us all. Happy Mother's Day! Glory! ■




held the shoebox tightly in my hands, watching the trees pass in a blur. The car was thick with silence and sad anticipation. A tiny, pink nose lifted the shoebox’s lid, followed by another. My index finger gently pressed the lid closed. “Do you think they’re getting enough air?” I asked. At nine years old, I was learning if I kept my eyes wide open and blinked as fast as I could, tears dried up more quickly. “They’re f-fine. You made lots of holes,” Mom replied. I noticed my mom kept her face straight ahead. Were her eyes wide open, too? As heaviness settled over me, my gaze dropped down at the box. Liquid immediately pooled in the corner of my eyes. Wiggly bodies shook the cardboard in my hands, and I couldn’t help myself. Lifting the lid, I lovingly took in six sets of beady brown eyes, countless whiskers arching out from pointed,

Six months before that difficult car ride, we had gotten a special Christmas surprise. The cold morning had been warmed by the sight of two large cages with cedar shavings and silver hamster wheels next to hanging plastic water bottles. My sister and I each received a hamster on Christmas morning. We thought they’d be happiest sharing a cage, so we naively placed them together. To our young eyes, our two hamsters looked very similar, but they had one major difference. “Mom, the hamsters are fighting!” I exclaimed one day. She took one look and said, “You need to keep them separate, starting now.” Mom looked very concerned, but it was too late. A few short weeks later, eight tiny, bald, pink hamster babies squeaked and squalled from under a fluffy nest of tissue and cedar. We loved them immediately, though reality settled in that they couldn’t all live with us.

“There is inexpressible joy in laughing together, and there is unforgettable tenderness in crying together.” sniffing noses, and fur ranging from white to black with splashes of tan and caramel. They were my babies. The six hamsters were nearly two months old. We were headed to a pet store because we simply couldn’t keep them all. My parents allowed my sister and me to keep two of the baby hamsters as well as their parents. We were giving the remaining six to a pet store to be sold to someone else.

Mom pulled into the pet store parking lot, and I gripped the box tightly. Understanding why didn’t erase the pain of letting go of something I loved. “Can’t we just keep them?” I asked. “We don’t have room, Kerry. I wish we could keep them all, too. I’m sorry.” Mom’s words caught and she hiccupped on a soft sob. Mom was crying? I took in my mom’s tears and felt the comfort of our shared sadness envelope me. The poignant moment

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created an emotional bond with my mom that still exists in my heart today. The shared tears eased the pain. Throughout my childhood, I shared many tears with my mom: tears from the deaths of our beloved animals, from childhood hurts, from the upheaval of moving, from the pain of high school breakups, from losing loved ones, and from the pain of seeing others suffering. These memories are vibrant experiences seared in my soul because the grief was mutual and the tears shared. There is inexpressible joy in laughing together, and there is unforgettable tenderness in crying together. As mothers, we watch tears trace down our children’s faces so many times we lose count. When we comfort and cry with them, burdens are shared. We offer our children solace with a tender touch, our listening ear, fervent prayers for healing and safety, and through words of love and encouragement. On earth, God has given mothers the daunting duty and powerful privilege of being first responders to our children’s pain through all of life’s trials. We wipe tears and soothe the child’s soul in a way that honors our Heavenly Father’s love. Although we can’t be Jesus to our children, mothers can live out His perfect love through our imperfect lives. Sometimes, that love comes in the form of grief and pain shared through tears. “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13, NKJV). ■


Second Chances The Result of Unconditional Love


"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8, NKJV)


ou know that thing called unconditional love that we receive from our mothers? No matter what we do or say, our mothers still love us so tenderly. They know who we are deep down and love us with this phenomenal, inexplicable love. Mothers can perceive when we're hurting or when we're in trouble. They understand with a compassion like no other, and it doesn't seem to matter how old we get, they never stop caring or wanting to help. They see beyond the bad behavior and mistakes. They forgive us and keep no record of our wrongdoing. They are the givers of second chances (unlimited). Do you ever wonder where that kind of love comes from? It's innate within a mother, but it is a trait inherited from our Heavenly Father. God loves us unconditionally in an even greater way than our mothers do. In fact, God loves us right where we are, regardless of the circumstances in our lives. Why, you might be thinking? Because

no matter what we've done in the past, there is always a second chance with God. He paved the way for our reconciliation through His Son, Jesus Christ. You see, Christ paid the penalty for us long ago. Romans 5:8 (NKJV) says, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." God is not angry with us nor does He want anything from us except a relationship. That relationship can be solidified through our acceptance of His Son. He is patiently waiting for us to see the light and find refuge from this life in the arms of Christ. The Bible tells us in 2 Peter 3:9 (NIV), "The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." Our Father God is waiting for you to take that second chance He’s offering you through Jesus Christ. Take that chance today and say this prayer (to the right) aloud. ■

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Father God, I come before You in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says that “whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21, NKJV) and “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9, NKJV). Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me. It is because of Your love that You don't want me to be condemned and punished for my sins. Thank You for sending Your beloved Son, Jesus, to die for me on the cross. Jesus took my sins, penalties, and all my curses and in return gave me His blessing, righteousness, and favor. He got what I deserved so I can receive what He deserves – all good things! Jesus' blood washes me clean from every sin (past, present, and future). On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead and conquered death. Father, I thank You that when You look at me, You choose to no longer remember my sins and that You see me in all the beauty and righteousness of Jesus. Holy Spirit, fill me to overflowing and lead me through this life – thank You, Father. In Jesus' Name, Amen!



20 MILLION MEALS and counting "Some children were brought to Jesus so He could lay His hands on them and pray for them. The disciples told them not to bother Him. But Jesus said, 'Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.' And He put His hands on their heads and blessed them before He left." (Matthew 19:13-15, NLT)


parents, we can't fathom the idea of our children going to bed hungry. More often, we're concerned they didn't eat enough, but not because the food wasn't available. In our culture, food is seemingly abundant, so it's hard for many Americans to imagine places that are devastated by hunger and malnutrition in foreign countries—let alone in our own backyard. The heartbreaking truth is there are almost 870 million chronically undernourished people worldwide and more than 100 million children under five years old who are underweight, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (www.fao.org/hunger). In 2011, the USDA reported that 17.9 million households across the United States experienced food insecurity at times during the year.1 This means roughly 15% of the population wasn't sure where their next meal would come from and they most likely did not have enough food to feed all the family members within their household. The idea of a child coming home from school to nothing in the pantry or the refrigerator is disconcerting and uncomfortable to visualize. Now put yourself in that parent's shoes, looking down into your child's sweet, innocent eyes and having to explain that you have no food to feed them. The inability to give nourishment to your children is not only upsetting, but it cuts right to the soul. Regardless of the religion, race, or socio-economic background of these children, God loves each and every one of them. God has called us to love and serve people and to be an example of Christ to the world—not out of religious duty, but out of the abundance of which He loves us. It's clear in Matthew 19:13-15 that Jesus loved children. He basically scolded His disciples and made it plain that no one is insignificant in His eyes and His loving attention and blessings are even available to little children. In this way, we believe in blessing the children all over the world and giving them the same loving attention that Jesus Himself would offer. Feeding the hungry seems like a good place to start.

THE NEED There are several organizations around the world that work to feed people, but the need is overwhelming. About seven years ago, Don and Kristen Campbell, founders of Feeding Children Everywhere (FCE), learned just how much of a need it is, even in their own middle-class community of Sanford, Florida. Don owned a construction company and Kristen worked part-time at Starbucks and as a freelance graphic designer. In addition to having four children of their own, the Campbells worked with youth often, as they were the family life pastors at their local church. They felt impressed to do more outside the church walls to connect with young people. They tasked their children with going out and inviting their friends to dinner. Don said, "Within a short period of time, we ended up having forty children at our home eating dinner every Wednesday night. Some of those kids would show up at our home around 5:00 p.m. two to three nights a week, and come to find out, they didn't have any food. They were abandoned (mom was an alcoholic, or dad was a drug addict)." The Campbells fostered some of these kids. During these weekly dinners, Don and Kristen began building relationships with the kids as well as gaining their trust. Don let God do the work in their hearts. He desired to be the light of Christ to these children. God opened doors for the Campbells to speak about Jesus to the kids, and they witnessed lives transform right before their eyes...all over a meal. "We just began to devote our lives to serving people in our community," Don said. Then, in January of 2010, a massive earthquake hit Haiti and caused the world to take notice of the hungry and hurting people less than 700 miles away from American soil. People from across the United States and the world banded together and partnered with food aid organizations to send meals to the displaced Haitians. Two of the people among them were Don and Kristen.


May 2013   Love+Faith+Hope


THE MOVEMENT Inspired, humbled, and motivated by their work with Haiti, Don decided to turn what could have been a negative situation into an opportunity. He said, “The market started to change and the construction industry took a pretty substantial hit.” This was his opportunity to leave the construction world and start his own nonprofit. Don went to his wife and told her that he wanted to take the $9,000 they had and start a charity. With Kristen on board, Don needed to seek God for direction. “The Lord spoke to my heart, almost audibly, and said, 'You’re going to be feeding children everywhere and not just here in your neighborhood anymore,'" Don explained. That was just 33 short months ago since the movement began at the Campbells’ home. Feeding Children Everywhere was born, and 90 days after opening, they shipped their first 250,000 meals to Haiti. Since then, God has been growing FCE at a rapid rate. By November 2011, the organization shipped over five million meals to children on four different continents. “Schools and orphanages have been able to nearly triple in size because of the meals supplied to their program” (www.feedingchildreneverywhere.com). Allison Riggs, the Director of Communications for FCE, explained that the organization’s latest program, Love Local, started in January 2012. Allison said, “Don saw a 60 Minutes segment where there were children living in a truck right down the street from his house. His heart was touched and he said, ‘We have to do something.’” The program’s slogan is “Kids are hungry right here at home.” The organization estimates that nearly 16 million children are at risk of going hungry in the U.S. Allison remarked that this epidemic is made apparent through the

40% of American children who are utilizing the free or reduced lunch program in their public schools. Love Local stocks the crisis food pantries in the schools and in the surrounding areas. “Since starting [Love Local] last year, we have already sent over six million meals throughout the United States,” Allison said.

THE MISSION The movement has certainly seen success, which is evidenced through the tremendous support they’ve received to fulfill their mission. “Feeding Children Everywhere is a social charity that empowers and mobilizes people to assemble healthy meals for hungry children,” said Allison. To date, the organization has grown to twenty employees, thirty interns, and hundreds of volunteers. Twelve million meals have been shipped internationally and eight million meals have been delivered here in the U.S. This charity breeds energy and innovation. Each employee and intern has an enthusiasm for the mission of FCE, and they all feel part of a family that emanates a culture of love and service to others. Biblical values are at the forefront of the organization’s activities; however, you wouldn’t necessarily know that by reading their website. Don’s reasoning for this makes perfect sense. “We want to be able to go into places that a lot of Christian organizations aren’t. We don’t need a title to be children of God,” he explained. Don desires to reach more people and include anyone who wants to help. Inevitably, the infectious love of Christ will exude from everyone at FCE, impacting those around them. “[Our mission of] mobilization and empowerment of people is a principle in the Kingdom of God,” Don said. FCE doesn’t

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need a “faith-based” label to reveal Christ and His love to the world. They simply show them. The idea is to focus on the acts of love and generosity that are innate within all of us. Don refers to it as the God-given DNA makeup in believers and non-believers alike. “When that DNA is stimulated by a biblical principle that is as real as gravity, like serving for example, something happens at that molecular level of that God-birthed DNA. Something comes alive when it begins to interact with things it was designed (deep down) to do, like service and love. Something takes place at that level which ultimately is when God is drawing us to Himself.” This could certainly explain that giddy, satisfying feeling we have when we give or help others in need.

FOOD PACKING EVENTS “At our events, we’ve seen people just melt down, saying, ‘Why am I feeling like this? I can’t believe this; I am just putting rice into a cup.’ We say, ‘Let me tell you why. It’s because you were built for this. There is a manufacturer that made you and you are now fulfilling what the manufacturer has designed you to do. That’s why you feel that.’ It starts taking God out of the box that Christianity has put Him in,” Don said. These food packing events really empower and inspire everyday people to make a difference in the world and in their own communities. Allison said, “By asking someone to come to an event, you can be changing a life not only with that person that attends the event, but also the hungry children that will be receiving the meals because of it.” The outpouring of the communities in which the food packing events have taken place has been astounding. Churches, corporations, small businesses, schools, organizations, local nonprofits, families, friends, and just masses of people have donated funds, their time, and efforts to ensure the devastating effects of child hunger are eliminated in their city and around the world. Overflow had the pleasure of attending a few events in the Tampa Bay area, and most recently, we were eyewitnesses to the food packing event at the University of Tampa in February. College students trickled in long before the event was set to begin. There was excitement in the air. They were ready to pack the 50,000 meals set to be donated to crisis food pantries across Hillsborough County. Rows and rows of assembly lines were systemically set up with boxes of food, funnels, bags, scoops, scales, boxes, markers, and tape.

Allison said, “[They will be] scooping healthy ingredients into meal bags that are then weighed, sealed, and boxed to be sent throughout the local area.” Every table was exactly the same. “We use uniform assembly lines no matter where we go,” Allison commented. When it was time to begin, the FCE team greeted the students and explained the process. Loud, energetic music played in the background. As they lined up, you could see the students preparing themselves for a race. Who could package their meals the fastest with the most precision? The ingredients for the meal were laid out. Four different things would be scooped into each bag. “Our recipe was specifically designed to fight the effects of malnutrition,” Allison explained. “The meal itself consists of lentils, long-grain white rice, a blend of six different dehydrated vegetables, and pink Himalayan salt. It has over 84 natural trace minerals in it, so there is iodine naturally in it, which helps the body to absorb a lot of the nutrients and vitamins that come in through the vegetables.” She went on to say, “The lentils have a huge amount of protein in them – the daily serving of protein for a child. Between the rice and lentils, putting those two ingredients together, it’s the full cycle of amino acids that the body needs as well.” Allison went on to explain that it’s an all-natural, vegetarian meal, so it can go cross-culturally. The cooking instructions are so easy that even a child can prepare the meal in a microwave. The meal bag has pictured instructions for those who cannot read English. She also said that everyone at FCE enjoys the meal at least once a week. “We wouldn’t serve a product that we wouldn’t eat ourselves.”

time. The group holding the event can have the meals sent to wherever their hearts desire, whether to Haiti or to hungry school children in the Tampa Bay area. Once the meal packing event is done and the meals are distributed to the specific locale or organization, FCE does their best to continue supporting this recipient with additional meals as needed. They do this through continued food packing events and through monthly donors. The donors can specify where their dollars are spent. Amazingly, one dollar supplies four meals. I don’t know what other meal you can purchase for just a quarter that has that much nutrition packed in it. FCE is transparent and will be the first to tell donors that 93% of all funds collected go directly to the meal programs. Many schools have hosted quarter drives and used the funds to pack meals for children in their very own school. This idea is penetrating the hearts of these children. They see exactly where their quarters are going and feel happy that they can help their classmates. Allison shared what it’s like to deliver the meals throughout the United States, “You open up a box of meals and you would think it was Christmas morning. The kids get so excited. They not only get excited about feeding themselves, but they also get excited about bringing home the meal for their family.” These meals supplement a part of the food budget for some families and

that can mean it gives them the ability to pay their rent. These meals are doing so much more than feeding children. They bring relief to a mother or father. They help a child stay focused in school because they aren’t hungry. They spread love and hope. Ultimately, these meals from FCE represent Christ’s extended hands to hurting families. Overflow’s convinced this is a worthy cause, are you? According to FCE, the number one way we can help them is by spreading awareness. That means to ‘like’ them on Facebook (facebook.com/feedingchildreneverywhere) and to learn about them on their website (feedingchildreneverywhere.com) and share the information with others. We encourage you to check out the upcoming events and attend one to see how it all works. Get inspired and pull your circle of influence together and host or sponsor an event. Watch your dollars in action! You can become a Hunger Hero volunteer if you like what you see. You can also become a monthly donor or purchase super cool merchandise from their store. Every item purchased feeds 40 hungry children! Let’s work together and eliminate hunger one meal at a time. Glory!




DELIVERING THE LOVE At any event, you’ll hear the staff talk about loving the meals as they’re assembled and before they’re put into the boxes. They are simply in love with what they do and want that love to be carried all the way to the child receiving the hand-assembled meal. “It reminds me a lot of our Father’s love for us. Before we even came into existence, the Lord loved us. That’s how we feel about these meals. I tell little kids, ‘You’re scooping the love and you’re scooping the prayers,’ and the kids get so excited,” Allison shared. “At the very end of the line, I tell them that everyone at the front has been scooping the love, now you have to seal all the love in. Then you’re going to box up all the love and tape it in, and you can write on the boxes.” Markers are available for drawing or writing inspirational messages and encouraging words. The event sponsor or host generally chooses the recipients of the meals. If they do not have a recipient in mind, FCE will choose a hardhit location that needs the meals at that current



Parenting Tips



he abundance of parenting help available should be your first clue that if you don’t have it all figured out, you are not alone. Parenting can be one of the most rewarding and challenging endeavors all at the same time. Below are a few tips that may be useful to remember as you navigate how to “bring them [children] up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4, KJV).

Children are resilient.

Discipline should be aimed at teaching.

Share the load.

Parenting should reflect the heart of God.

The most obvious place our mind goes when we think of disciplining is to remove a privilege, but at times, allowing logical, natural consequences to teach is enough. Correction may also include the use of positive behaviors aimed at righting a wrong or teaching to the heart behind a behavior (e.g., apologizing, asking permission, returning a toy, voluntarily sharing, etc.).

It’s okay to ask others for help. Parents have thresholds too, like the rest of humanity, and overtired parents typically have less tolerance and less self-restraint.

An unhealthy leniency or a strict demanding environment can both be toxic. God has expectations, but also extends patience, understanding, grace, and unconditional love. The way you parent likely reflects your own view of God.

Every child is different. What is effective with your friend’s child may not work with yours. Also, what works for one of your children may not work with another one of your children. Don’t be afraid to deviate from cultural norms or even your own household norms.

A child changes as they pass through each developmental stage of life. What worked two years ago with your child may be ineffective in the future. Your parenting style may need to adjust with each child as they age. For more information about developmental stages, you can find a chart of Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development on the Internet.

A mommy meltdown is likely not going to scar your child for life. How you recover from your mistake may be an equally important teaching opportunity as if you handled it right the first time. Patterns are more influential than periodic offenses.

Children learn what you live. What you do is more important than what you say. Kids have built-in radars for inconsistencies. You might notice that your child tends to reenact both your good and bad habits. They are closely watching you. Sometimes the best way to train your child well is to be intentional and thoughtful in your actions first.

Respect should be given across the board. Respect is not the same as authority. Every family member should be treated with respect and dignity. Respect includes listening, speaking with an appropriate tone, and using appropriate words. This applies to younger children as well.

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Rules should be stated, specific, measurable, enforceable, and time-limited. Vagueness, generalities, and perceived inconsistencies tend to frustrate children of all ages. It is important that expectations be stated prior to the current incident and consequences should be predictable as much as possible.

Your child’s behavior does not determine your identity as a failure or success. Your child has not yet grown to completion. Expecting children to perfectly represent your household values will many times result in disappointment. They are in the training period. It is typically more helpful to assess the general trend of their progression. Like adults, children can progress well while possessing areas where continued development is needed.

There’s always hope. There’s nothing—no failure on your part or no attitude or behavior on your child’s part—that God cannot redeem. Pray for your children regularly. God is a good parent. He knows how to help! ■ If you want to find out more about Melissa Richards, go to page 26 and read her business highlight.


Don't Be Afraid A Follow-Up Interview with

Jeremy Rosado

1. What are you hoping to accomplish through your EP?

5. What has been going on this past year?

My EP is the first step in finding a music label to finish the entire album. It also gives my fans the direction and sound I want to have on my full record. I hope the EP is an inspiration in people's lives, and ultimately, I want God to be glorified.

Wow, it's been a crazy journey. I have been so busy (thank God) just

2. What is the theme of the EP album? The record is Christian. I am not searching for fame. I really just want to live my dream, my calling, and walk in the ministry God has given me. The record has three songs of inspiration with a "current sound." My goal was to give young people an alternative to what they listen to that would be full of hope, truth, and God!

3. What was the inspiration behind "Don't Be Afraid"? Actually, "Don't Be Afraid" was titled "Leave It All Behind" until we got in the studio. We felt that the current title would be like an anthem. We fear so much in this life: being hurt, forgiving, letting go, moving on, loving, trusting. But, why fear when the Word says "if God is for us who can be against us?" The song is to encourage people to not be afraid; to let things go; to move forward; to love, trust, and forgive again; and most of all, to be honest and real. We can put on a mask for everyone, but not for God. He sees through us and loves us despite our flaws.

4. What was it like to collaborate with Pablo Villatoro? It was a dream! I was Group 1 Crew's biggest fan. I met him two years ago when my church hosted an event, OneUthUnderGod. While I was on Idol, he got in touch with me, and I later reconnected with him after my pastor suggested that I work with Pablo on my music. Pablo is not only my collaborator, but he and Victor Encarnacion are also my producers. It's awesome. I truly believe God put it all together for me.

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doing concerts and events, working on the EP record, doing radio and promotional events, living the dream, and giving God praise through it all! I am also still one of the worship leaders at my church, Life Changing International Ministry in Valrico.

6. Did you have the opportunity to write your own lyrics on your ep? Mara Schultz and I co-wrote all of the songs on the EP, and Pablo co-wrote "Don't Be Afraid" with us. It's been an awesome experience tapping into that part of all of this, where I can say these words are from my heart and share what I feel God is having me say.

7. What is your favorite thing about being a musician? I've always been a singer, but now I get to be a musician and live the life I have always dreamed about. I am honestly so humbled by the love and favor my God has poured out on my life! I would not be here at this great point if it had not been for Him. Many have dreams but the idea that I'm actually living my dream makes me cry. There are no words to explain how grateful I am for all of this. Thank God for parents like mine who have believed in me and supported me through it all and never gave up on my dream.

8. When will the entire EP album release on iTunes? It all depends on what doors God opens. We might release in May or June on iTunes or we might finish the entire record with a label and release later this year. I will update everyone on my website (JeremyRosado.com), Facebook (facebook.com/JRosadoAI11), and Twitter (@JRosadoAI11). However, for a limited time, you can purchase my EP album from my online store (jeremy-rosado-online-store.myshopify.com). ■

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Sit Down... Let's Talk BY ANNE CHILDERS


Restoration Counseling Center in Lutz, Melissa Richards invites you to relax in comfortable surroundings and talk about the things that trouble you. She has a welltrained, professional ear capable of assessing social, emotional, mental, physiological, and spiritual factors that contribute to your mental health. Melissa will not tell you what to think or do but will assist you in discovering new insights for your life. She understands the need to be heard without judgment. She is compassionate and patient with the slow and often uncertain process of healing deep wounds. Melissa, the youngest of four children, was born in Tennessee and raised in Florida. While in the eleventh grade, a passion for counseling began to take root in her heart when she overheard a friend sharing her future aspirations to counsel. The idea resonated strongly within Melissa. “I grew to realize that a counselor is simply who I was created to be. God hardwired me to find satisfaction in encouraging, challenging, and nurturing others,” Melissa said. She knew that counseling was how God wanted to work through her to help others. Like her siblings, she was encouraged to attend a Christian college. She chose Clearwater Christian College, majoring in psychology with a minor in church ministries and biblical studies. After graduation from Clearwater Christian, Melissa earned her M.A. in Professional Counseling from Liberty University. Melissa accepted a one-year internship with The Christian Counseling Center in Tampa where she was mentored and supervised by Mireya Martin, an experienced and well-reputed counselor. Melissa is grateful for the opportunity she had to work with and learn from such a gifted therapist. Later, she accepted a position at Restoration Counseling Center. When the center restructured, Melissa opened her own office and kept the name because it so accurately captured her purpose. The word restoration is defined as “the act of restoring (renewal, revival, or reestablishment); a return of something to a former, original, normal, or unimpaired condition; or restitution of something taken away or lost.”1 Melissa happily stated, “There is untold satisfaction in watching and participating in the restoration of glory to a person.” Melissa views herself as a tool and God as the ultimate Healer. She always prays for her clients, and when they are receptive, she prays with them and shares God’s truth through Scriptures and biblical principles. Her prayer is to restore hope to everyone she counsels.

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When should someone seek counseling? The decision is always a personal one; what troubles one person may not faze someone else. Response to a life-changing event such as divorce, death of a loved one, marriage, a promotion, or the birth of a child may spark a desire to speak with an unbiased professional. Some may seek therapy to aid in personal growth and to develop coping skills. Seeking help shows strength and awareness. Working primarily with clients who are 14 years old and up, Melissa specializes in several areas including anxiety, eating disorders, grief, selfimage, and relationship issues. She attends continuing education courses to remain current in her field. Melissa counsels men, women, couples, teens, and families. Regardless of your reasons for seeking a counselor, it is important to feel comfortable and secure in the professionalism and confidentiality of your chosen therapist. If you have any questions, Melissa will gladly answer all of your concerns during your first session. Melissa knows the importance of finding a good fit for both the therapist and the client. For this reason, she is extending a “risk-free” opportunity for the readers of Overflow to come in and experience her comfortable and caring style. For one complimentary session, just mention this article when scheduling your first appointment. From this generous opportunity, you can determine if Restoration Counseling Center is a good fit for your needs. Proverbs 20:5 (ESV) says, “The purpose in a man's heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.” If you would like insight into the deep waters of your own heart, call 813-562-3481 or visit www.restorationcounselingcenter.me and schedule a time to sit down and talk with Melissa. You will be glad you did! (See her ad on page 23). ■ www.dictionary.reference.com/browse/restoration




Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Sometimes, we can feel like we’re not good enough, but God says we’re special to Him. It's humbling just to say, "I am His workmanship." This literally means that I am of His making and I can take no credit. He wonderfully made me, and my works in Christ are a result of what He has already planned for me to accomplish.


Have a favorite Scripture that you stand on? We are always looking for new people to share what God’s Word means to them. Let us know and we’ll photograph you! contact@overflowmag.com



National Day of Prayer - Prayer Station


Christian Business Connections New Tampa



3, 17 & 31

Church of the Lakes 2530 Wilson Rd., Land O' Lakes www.reaching5000.com 8am-8pm

St. Andrew Presbyterian 5338 Primrose Lake Circle, Tampa For more info: shawn@tpaccorp.com 7:45am-9am, Weekly on Thursdays

Discipleship Training Institute Classes

Perfected Love International 10960 N. 56th St., Temple Terrace 813-315-8925, www.perfectedlove.org 7pm, Weekly on Thursdays, FREE

4, 18

Christian Business Men's Connection


Living Word - Women's Bible Study

Pebble Creek Country Club 10550 Regents Park Drive, Tampa www.women-n-charge.com 11:30am, $18

Introduction to Ballroom Dance Class & Practice Party


Singles Christian Dance

Rhapsody Ballroom 12101 56th St., N., Tampa 727-348-7532 www.goodtimesdancesandparties.com 7pm-11pm, $10



Mayor's Prayer Breakfast with Coach Bobby Bowden



5th Annual Pastors & Counselors Luncheon


South Tampa Fellowship Church 5101 Bayshore Blvd., Tampa 813-379-2971, www.nhotampa.org 11:30am-1:30pm, FREE


Chick-fil-A Leadercast: Simply Lead with Andy Stanley & more!

Presented by The Joy FM Locations in Tampa, Lakeland, New Port Richey, & Sarasota 727-848-9150, www.thejoyfm.com 8am (Registration) & 9am (Event Begins)



Singles Annual Spring Picnic Presented by River of Life Lettuce Lake Park (Pavilion #1) 813-949-9931, www.roltampa.org 11am-3pm, $3

CCAI Adoption Services Information Meeting



In Celebration of Mothers

New Life Tabernacle UPC 6912 Williams Rd., Seffner 813-740-1868, www.yournlt.com 11am

New Tampa Women's Prayer Connection

Third Day - The Miracle Tour with Colton Dixon & Josh Wilson


Walk a Mile for a Child (in foster care)


The Secret Power of Forgiveness Workshop

Presented by Eckerd Community Alternatives 601 Old Water St., Tampa www.eckerdcbc.org/walk 6:30am (Registration) & 9am (Walk)

GS of Central Florida Building 4610 Eisenhower Blvd., Tampa RSVP: 813-410-1725 or chandren@msn.com 10am-2pm, $35


New Tampa Women's Connection Luncheon Tampa Palms Country Club 5811 Tampa Palms Blvd., Tampa RSVP: 352-458-3267 or beckyburgue@yahoo.com 11am-1pm, $17

Adoption from China & Haiti 5814 Old Pasco Rd., Wesley Chapel RSVP: ccaifl2@ccaifamily.org or 813-994-1000 1pm-2:30pm


Education Enhancement Golf Tournament

Hosted by Bible-based Fellowship Church


Westchase Golf Club 11602 Westchase Golf Dr., Tampa www.bbftt.org 7am-12pm, $90

1, 15

Heritage Church 1854 Oak Grove Blvd., Lutz www.YesHeritage.com 9:30am & 11am

Countryside Christian Center 1850 N. McMullen Booth Rd., Clearwater www.thejoyfm.com 7pm, Tickets starting at $19


Bring a Mom to Church Day

Meeting at Bob Evans 16314 North Dale Mabry, Tampa Contact: Becky for more info 813-961-2810 9am-10am

Tampa Convention Center 813-877-9609, www.tampabaybreakfast.com 6:30am-8:15am, $30

Walk for Life

Presented by Life Impact Network Ballast Point Park, Tampa www.lifeimpactnetwork.org 8am (Registration) & 9am (Walk)

RedRock Leadership 8184 Woodland Center Blvd., Tampa More Info: 813-885-5097 or dshock@redrockleadership.com 12pm-1pm, Weekly on Mondays

Presented by Revival Worship Church 9270 Bay Plaza Blvd., #600, Tampa 813-621-8886, www.revivalworshipchurch.com 10:30am, Weekly on Tuesdays

Women-N-Charge Networking Meeting

Presented by Theresa Moore Unity of Tampa Church Fellowship Hall 3302 W. Horatio St., Tampa RSVP: 813-417-3722 or martreel@aol.com 6:30pm-9:30pm, $5



Singles Christian Dance

Rhapsody Ballroom 12101 56th St., N., Tampa 727-348-7532 www.goodtimesdancesandparties.com 7pm-11pm, $10



Christian Business Men's Connection RedRock Leadership 8184 Woodland Center Blvd., Tampa More Info: 813-885-5097 or dshock@redrockleadership.com 12pm-1pm, Weekly on Mondays


Living Word - Women's Bible Study Presented by Revival Worship Church 9270 Bay Plaza Blvd., #600, Tampa 813-621-8886, www.revivalworshipchurch.com 10:30am, Weekly on Tuesdays

28   OverflowMag.com   May 2013

If you would like to add an upcoming event to our calendar, please visit:

Christian Business Connections New Tampa St. Andrew Presbyterian 5338 Primrose Lake Circle, Tampa For more info: shawn@tpaccorp.com 7:45am-9am, Weekly on Thursdays

overflowmag.com/submissions/ submit-your-event

Discipleship Training Institute Classes

Perfected Love International 10960 N. 56th St., Temple Terrace 813-315-8925, www.perfectedlove.org 7pm, Weekly on Thursdays, FREE

Women-N-Charge Networking Meeting

Pebble Creek Country Club 10550 Regents Park Drive, Tampa www.women-n-charge.com 11:30am, $18


Cypress Point Community Church 15820 Morris Bridge Rd., Tampa www.cpcconline.com 9:30am-4pm, $25

CCAI Adoption Services Information Meeting

Adoption from China & Haiti 5814 Old Pasco Rd., Wesley Chapel RSVP: ccaifl2@ccaifamily.org or 813-994-1000 1pm-2:30pm

Fountain of Faithfulness: A Women's Conference

14, 28

Introduction to Ballroom Dance Class & Practice Party Presented by Theresa Moore Unity of Tampa Church Fellowship Hall 3302 W. Horatio St., Tampa RSVP: 813-417-3722 or martreel@aol.com 6:30pm-9:30pm, $5

LOCAL CHURCH SERVICES Agape Faith Fellowship Church

6805 U.S. Hwy 301 S., Riverview, 33578 813-571-9314, www.agapefaithfc.org Sun., 10:30am

Alafia Baptist Church

222 Alafia Baptist Church Rd., Lithia, 33547 813-634-8845 Sun., 9:45am, 11am, & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Anointed Word Church

1709 St. Joseph St., Tampa, 33607 813-254-5271, www.anointedwordchurch.com Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

Atonement Lutheran Church

29617 SR 54, Wesley Chapel, 33543 813-973-2211, www.be-at-1.org Sun., 10am

Bay Chapel

9020 Imperial Oak Blvd., Tampa 33647 813-406-0367, www.baychapel.com Sun., 10:30am

Bell Shoals Baptist Church

2102 Bell Shoals Rd., Brandon, 33511 813-689-4229, www.bellshoals.com Sun., 9:15am & 11am, Wed., 7pm

Bethel Church

1510 W. Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33603 813-238-2348, www.betheltampa.org Sun., 10:10am, Wed., 7pm

Boyette Springs Church of God

12114 Boyette Rd., Riverview, 33569 813-671-0086, www.boyettespringschurch.org Sun., 10:30am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Branch of Christ Ministries

23604 SR 54, Lutz, 33559 813-435-1469, www.branchofchrist.com Sun., 10am

Bridgeway Church

30660 Wells Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33545 813-907-1313, www.bridgeway.tv Sun., 9am & 11am

Calvary Chapel Worship Center

6825 Trouble Creek Rd., New Port Richey, 34653 727-376-7733, www.ccwc.org Sun., 8:10am, 9:45am & 11:20am

Candlewood Community Church

21418 Carson Dr., Land O' Lakes, 34639 813-956-1541, www.candlewoodfl.org Sun., 10:30am

Centerpointe Community Church

8610 Temple Terrace Hwy, Tampa, 33637 813-988-3557, www.centerpointecommunity.com Sun., 10am

Christ Apostolic Church Tampa

10620 Henderson Rd., Tampa, 33625 813-899-2464, www.cactampa.org Sun., 9am & 10am

Christ CP Church

19501 Holly Lane, Lutz, 33548 813-909-9789, www.christchurchlutz.org Sun., 10:30am

Christian Family Church

3457 W. Kenyon Ave., Tampa, 33614 813-802-8736, www.cfctampa.org Sun., 9am & 11am

Church of the Lakes

2530 Wilson Rd., Land O’ Lakes, 34638 813-948-4358, www.churchofthelakesepc.org Sun., 9:15am & 10:30am

Cornerstone Presbyterian Church 17520 Marsh Road, Lutz, 33558 813-962-3584, www.cpclutz.org Sun., 9:30am & 11am, Wed., 7pm

Countryside Baptist Church

13422 Sydney Road, Dover, 33527 813-571-8200, www.countrysidebaptistchurch.net Sun., 9:30am, 10:45am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Gateway Christian Center Assembly of God 14200 North Central Ave., Tampa, 33613 813-961-4692, www.gatewaytampa.net Sun., 9:45am, 10:45am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Crosslight Church

Grace Family Church

CrossRoads Community United Methodist Church

Grace Life Church

Deliverance Christian Connection Ministry

Grow Life Church

38621 Calvin Ave., Zephyrhills, 33542 813-469-8744, www.crosslightonline.com Sat., 6pm, Sun., 10:30am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm 26211 County Line Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-907-5815, www.crossroadsum.com Sun., 9am & 10:30am

2130 W. Brandon Blvd., Ste. 203, Brandon, 33511 813-401-7223, www.dccministry.org Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm, Sat., 9am

Dwelling Place

410 County Line Rd. W., Lutz, 33548 813-949-1912, www.thedwellingplace.us Sun., 10:30am & 2pm (Spanish), Wed., 7pm

Epistle of Christ Ministries

610 W. Waters Ave., Tampa, 33604 813-785-4519, www.epistleofchrist.org Sun., 9:45am, Thurs., 7pm

Extraordinary Life Church

5808 Lynn Rd., Tampa, 33624 813-908-0893 www.myextraordinarylifechurch.com Sun., 9:45am, 12:30pm (Spanish)

5101 Van Dyke Rd., Lutz, 33558 813-265-4151, www.GFConline.com Sat., 5 & 7pm, Sun., 8:45am, 10:30am & 12:15pm

1930 Land O' Lakes Blvd., Lutz, 33549 813-393-0514, www.gracelifetampa.com Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm (Service & Youth) Meeting at Veterans Elementary School 26940 Progress Pkwy., Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-406-8963, www.growlifechurch.com Sun., 9:30am & 11:15am

Heritage Church

1854 Oak Grove Blvd., Lutz, 33559 813-909-4080, www.yesheritage.com Sun., 9:30am & 11am, Wed., 7pm

House of Prayer Church

6305 E. Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33610 813-994-5694, www.houseofprayerchurch.org Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

Iglesia El Sembrador Wesleyano

300 S. Hillcrest Ave., Clearwater, 33756 727-481-0256, www.miiglesiaelsembrador.com Sun., 10:45am, Wed., 7pm

Faith Family Worship Center

Iglesia La Casa De Dios

Faith Life Church

Iglesia Renacer

14514 Del Valle Rd., Tampa, 33625 813-920-3685, www.ffwc.org Sun., 10:30am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm 4902 East Busch Blvd., Tampa, 33617 813-910-7336, www.flctampa.org Sun., 9:30 & 11am, Wed. & Thurs., 7pm

Family Harvest Worship Church

Meeting at Benito Middle School 10101 Cross Creek Blvd., Tampa, 33647 813-973-FHWC, www.fhwc.net Sun., 10am

First Baptist Church NPR

6800 Trouble Creek Rd., New Port Richey, 34653 727-849-4210, www.fbcnpr.com Sun., 9am, 10:30am, & 6pm, Wed., 6pm

First Baptist Church of College Hill 3838 North 29th St., Tampa, 33610 813-248-6600, www.fbcch.org Sun., 7:30am, 10am, & 12pm

First Baptist Church of Midway

2902 Midway Road, Plant City, 33565 813-752-7209, www.fbcmidway.org Sun., 10:30am

First Baptist of New Tampa

28125 County Line Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33543 813-907-1685, www.fbcnewtampa.org Sun., 9:15am, 10:30am, & 6pm

First Reformed Church of Tampa

8283 W. Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33615 813-886-6210, www.frctampa.org Sun., 9:30am & 11am

First Thonotosassa Missionary Baptist Church 10650 McIntosh Rd., Thonotosassa, 33592 813-986-4756, www.thonotosassabaptist.org Sun., 9:45 am, 11am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Floodgates Community Church

Meeting at Hampton Inn 2740 Cypress Ridge Blvd., Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-389-0238, www.floodgateschurch.org Sun., 10:30am

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Land O’ Lakes Community Center 5401 Land O’Lakes Blvd., Land O’Lakes, 34639 727-481-0256, www.miiglesialacasadedios.com Sun., 4:30pm 17505 Shady Hills Rd., Spring Hill, 34610 352-346-3965, www.miiglesiarenacer.com Sun., 10:45am, Thurs., 7pm

Joining Hands Mission Church

3214 US Highway 19, Holiday, 34691 727-264-1288, www.jhmissionchurch.org Sun., 10am

Kaleomark Church

Meeting at Seven Oaks Clubhouse 2910 Sports Core Circle, Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-310-8794, www.kaleomark.org Sun., 10:15am

Keystone Community Church

21010 State Road 54, Lutz, 33558 813-962-4522, www.keystonecommunity.org Sun., 10:30am

Kingdom Life Church

39348 US Highway 19, Tarpon Springs, 34689 727-373-8718, www.kingdomlifechurchfl.com Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 6:30pm

Lake Carroll Baptist Church

12012 N. Rome Ave., Tampa, 33612 813-933-5683, www.lakecarrollbaptist.org Sun., 9:30am & 10:50am, Wed., 6:30pm

Legacy Church

2702 Causeway Center Dr., Tampa, 33619 813-770-LIFE, www.legacyfam.com Sat., 6pm

Life Changing International Church

2106 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Valrico, 33594 813-653-9358, www.lifechangingintlministry.com Sun., 1:45pm, Mon., Wed. & Fri., 7:30pm

Light Christian Ministries

730 W. Robertson St., Brandon, 33511 813-458-6252, www.lightcm.org Sun., 10am, Tues.& Wed., 7pm

Light of the World Ministries

1109 W. Waters Ave., Suite B, Tampa, 33604 813-409-0005, www.lightinc.org Sun., 10:45am, Mon., 7pm

Manhattan Baptist Church

4300 S. Manhattan Ave., Tampa, 33611 813-831-1951, www.manhattanbaptist.org Sun., 9:30am, 10:45am, Wed., 6:30pm Spanish Service - Sun., 9:30am

Path of Holiness Christian Church

Perfected Love International Fellowship

10960 N. 56th Street, Temple Terrace, 33617 813-443-5107, www.perfectedlove.org Sun., 11am, Wed., 7pm

Myrtle Lake Baptist Church

Real Life Church

New Birth of Faith Fellowship Church

Reality Church Tampa

New Life Church

Remix Family Church

2017 Reigler Rd., Land O’ Lakes, 34639 813-949-5516, www.myrtlelake.org Sun., 10:30am & 6pm 1725 E. Fowler Ave., Tampa, 33612 813-972-0101, www.newbirthoffaith.org Sun., 10am, Thurs., 7pm 1611 E. Bougainvillea, Tampa, 33612 813-971-6961 Sun., 9am, 11am, & 6:30pm, Wed., 6:30pm

New Millennium Community Church

4810 E. Busch Blvd., Suite I, Tampa, 33617 813-381-5463, www.newmillenniumchurch.org Sun., 8:30am & 11am, Wed., 7:30pm

New Walk Church

5238 Mile Stretch Dr., Holiday, 34690 727-938-2955, www.mynewwalk.com Sun., 10am & 11:15am

New Wine Outreach Ministry

6213 E. Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33610 813-443-4503 Sun., 11am, Wed., 7:30pm, 2nd & 4th Fri., 7pm

NorthBridge Church

Meeting at John Long Middle School 2025 Mansfield Blvd., Wesley Chapel, 33543 813-319-4588, www.nbcwc.info Sun., 10am

North Pointe Church

2427 Old Cypress Creek Rd., Land O' Lakes, 34639 813-545-9420, www.thenpc.org Sun., 9:15 am & 11am

Northwest Tampa Church of Christ

7259 Sheldon Rd., Tampa, 33615 813-886-3946, www.tampachurch.org Sun., 9am & 5pm, Wed., 7pm

Northwest Tampa Church of God

5131 Gunn Highway, Tampa, 33624 813-961-7278, www.nwtcog.cc Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

Oak Grove United Methodist Church

2707 West Waters Ave., Tampa, 33614 813-935-4471 www.gbgm-umc.org/oakgroveumc Sun., 9:30am

Oakwood Community Church

11209 Casey Rd., Tampa, 33618 813-969-2303, www.oakwoodfl.org Sun., 10:30am

Oasis World Outreach

35636 SR 54 West, Zephyrhills, 33541 813-782-2888, www.oasisworldoutreach.org Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm

Open Arms Church of Ybor City

1314 E. 18th Ave., Tampa, 33605 813-248-2595, www.openarmschurch.org Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

Palma Ceia United Methodist Church

3723 W. Bay to Bay Blvd., Tampa, 33629 813-837-1541, www.palmaceiaumc.org Sun., 8:30am, 9:40am, & 11am

The Daily Word

21307 Paoli Dr., Land O' Lakes, 34639 813-991-0192, www.pathofholinesschristianchurch.com Sun., 1pm, Tues., 7pm, Thurs., 7pm

6821 W. Waters Ave., Tampa, 33634 813-243-2333, www.thereallifechurch.com Sun., 8:30am & 10am

1000 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, 33602 813-228-8700, www.realitychurchtampa.com Sun., 10am

Meeting at Campo Family YMCA 3414 Culbreath Rd., Valrico, 33596 813-661-2273, www.remixfamilychurch.com Sun., 10am

Revival Worship Church

9270 Bay Plaza Blvd., Suite 600, Tampa, 33619 813-621-8886, www.revivalworshipchurch.com Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm, Fri., 7pm

River of Life

410 Chapman Rd. East, Lutz, 33549 813-949-9931, www.riveroflife-lutz.org Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

River of Praise

5320 Palmetto Rd., New Port Richey, 34652 727-849-2762, www.thegateofpraise.com Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm

Shepherd's Community United Methodist Church 2165 Shepherd Road, Lakeland, 33811 863-701-7171, www.scumc.net Sun., 10am

Shoresh David Messianic Synagogues 813-831-5673, www.shoreshdavid.org Tampa: 4320 Bay to Bay Blvd., 33269 Fri., 7:30pm, Sat., 11am, Tues., 6pm Wesley Chapel: 33425 SR 54, 33543 Fri., 7:30pm Brandon: 4929 Bell Shoals Rd., 33596 Fri., 7:30pm

St. James House of Prayer Episcopal Church 2708 N. Central Ave., Tampa, 33602 813-223-6090, www.sjhoptpa.org Sun., 9am & 11:30am

St. James Methodist Church

16202 Bruce B Downs Blvd., Tampa, 33647 813-971-4790, www.stjamestampa.org Sun., 9:30am, 11am & 12:30pm

Tampa Covenant Church

13320 Lake Magdalene Blvd., Tampa, 33618 813-968-2979, www.tampacovenantchurch.org Sun., 9:30am, Wed., 7pm

Terrace Palms Community Church

9620 Davis Rd., Tampa, 33637 813-985-9279, www.terracepalms.org Sun., 9am & 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

The Bridge of the Bay Community Church Meeting at YMCA Camp Cristina 9840 Balm Riverview Rd., Riverview, 33569 813-621-3191, www.bridgeofthebay.com Sun., 10:30am

The Crossing Church

10130 Tuscany Ridge Dr., Tampa, 33619 813-626-0783, www.crossingonline.org Sun., 9am, 11am, 1:30pm (Spanish), & 5pm

5221 8th St., Zephyrhills, 33542 813-782-9673, www.jtbministries.com Sun., 11am & 6pm, Tues., 7pm

The Gathering

39348 US Hwy 19 N., Tarpon Springs, 34689 727-942-3832, www.wearethegathering.com Sat., 6:30pm

The Salvation Army Worship Center

1100 W. Sligh Ave., Tampa, 33604 813-549-5285, www.salvationarmytampa.org Sun., 11am

Tims Church

601 Sunset Lane, Lutz, 33549 813-949-1239, www.timschurch.org Sun., 9:15am & 11:30am

Torre Fuerte Tampa

Meeting at Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church 19911 Bruce B Downs Blvd., Tampa, 33647 813-410-7220, Spanish Services Sat., 7pm

Trinity Church of Wesley Chapel

33425 SR 54, Wesley Chapel, 33543 813-788-2898, www.trinitychurchnow.com Sun., 10:15am

Trinity Presbyterian Church

14925 North Boulevard, Tampa, 33616 813-961-5836, www.trinitytampa.com Sun., 9:30am, 11am & 6pm, Wed., 6:15pm

Van Dyke Church

17030 Lakeshore Rd., Lutz, 33558 813-968-3983, www.vandyke.org Sat., 6pm, Sun., 9:30am & 11am

Victorious Life Church

6224 Old Pasco Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-973-2230, www.victoriouslifechurch.com Sun., 9am, 10:40am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Vida Citrus Park Community Church

4202 W. Linebaugh Ave., Tampa, 33624 813-962-3136, www.vidacitruspark.com Sun., 10:30am

Vida Community Church

Meeting at The Dwelling Place 410 W. County Line Rd., Lutz, 33558 813-810-0863, www.vidacommunitychurch.org Bilingual-Spanish Services Sun., 2pm, Thurs., 7pm

Water’s Edge Church

30200 Overpass Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33545 813-994-5000, www.connectingfaith.com Sun., 11am, Wed., Kids 6:30pm, Adults 7pm

Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church 6100 Memorial Highway, Tampa, 33615 813-886-2536, www.wesleymemorial.net Sun., 9am & 11:15am, Wed., 6:30pm

Without Walls Intl. Church

3860 W. Columbus Dr., Tampa, 33607 813-879-4673, www.withoutwalls.org Sun., 9am & 11am, Thurs., 7pm

Zephyrhills First Assembly

36322 SR 54, Zephyrhills, 33541 813-788-3490, www.zephyrhillsfirst.com Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm

ADD YOUR CHURCH If you would like to learn more, please visit overflowmag.com/submissions/submit-your-church.


May 2013   Love+Faith+Hope

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