Overflow 41 | September/October 2013

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SOMEBODY CARES TAMPA BAY How this unity-driven, outward-focused ministry makes an impact for christ






Daniel and Kathy Bernard share the vision that launched this wonderful ministry sixteen years ago. Somebody Cares Tampa Bay promotes unity among the Body of Christ through prayer and outreach efforts to reveal the love of God to local communities.





Rory Lawrence recounts his journey to writing, acting, and producing a successful play, Fighting God. Instead of taking the “normal” path and conforming to the world’s way, he set out to follow God’s path and change the game.

Pete O’Shea shares the story of how God called him along with five other comedians to bring laughter to churches across Tampa Bay through their ministry H2O, while helping other ministries raise funds and awareness.





The words we speak affect our thoughts and our lives, either positively or negatively. It is our choice! By choosing to speak God’s words, we make a positive impact in our lives and in the lives of others.

The CBC Prayer Breakfast will be held in Land O’ Lakes on September 26th and it will feature music by American Idol Finalist, Jeremy Rosado, as well as a testimony given by RedRock Leadership President, Dan Shock.










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SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013, Issue 41 Editor | Amie Cherp amie@overflowmag.com

Dear Friends, When trials arise in life, it can be hard to stay positive and keep your hope alive. Has your life been tough and you can’t seem to overcome lingering negative thoughts? I have found in these times that the best thing to do is to focus on God’s love and speak His Word over my life. When we speak His Word, it gives us a confident expectation of good (which is hope) and helps our minds stay focused on the positive. Check out Chris Cherp’s article on page 12 to discover more on this topic. Are you interested in the theatre? Rory Lawrence of RQL Productions shares his journey to Jesus and how he ended up writing, acting, and producing plays. I encourage you to read his inspiring story of stepping out in faith and doing what God has called him to do (on page 8). We have a lot of exciting things going on. As I mentioned in the last issue, Overflow is now a nonprofit ministry. We need your help to continue spreading the good news of Jesus Christ and the stories of what He is doing in our community. We are supported by our community’s contributions. Donations of any amount are welcome, and we have corporate sponsorships available. You can also join Friends of Overflow, which is our monthly partnership program. Do you want to see Overflow Magazine reaching more nonbelievers? Help us to touch more people with the Good News by sponsoring a distribution location at your local supermarket. Additionally, we need people who want to volunteer their time and talents. If you are interested in helping Overflow financially or through

volunteering, please visit our website (overflowmag.com) or send us an email at contact@overflowmag.com. We have two events coming up to help raise awareness and funds for Overflow Magazine Ministries. We are hosting a Humor 2 Outreach (H2O) comedy show on November 2nd (at Christian Family Church in Tampa) and December 7th (at Connerton Court in Land O’ Lakes). H2O is a group of six comedians called by God to bring laughter to churches throughout the Tampa Bay area, while helping other ministries raise funds and awareness for their causes. You can learn more about H2O on page 10, and for more info on the upcoming shows to benefit Overflow, see page 7. We hope to see you there. Uniting churches to transform the Tampa Bay region may seem like a daunting task, but Daniel Bernard knew this was what the Lord called him to do. Daniel, with the support of his wife, stepped up to the challenge and founded Somebody Cares Tampa Bay (SCTB). This dynamic ministry has been helping to unite the Body of Christ across Tampa Bay for over sixteen years. Through prayer and outreach efforts, they have impacted local communities with the love of Jesus Christ. You can learn more about this ministry in Amanda Wright’s article, “Unifying the Church to Impact Communities,” on page 16. SCTB has CareFest coming up on September 28th. If you want to show your community that you care and that Jesus loves them, please visit www.carefestusa.com. There are many ways to get involved. You can adopt a project, volunteer, donate supplies, or be a sponsor. Let’s transform our communities with the love of Jesus Christ. Sharing the Good News,

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Sales & Sponsorships | Chris Cherp chris@overflowmag.com Design, Marketing & PR | Amanda Wright amanda@overflowmag.com Asst. Editor | Tommy Burrus Photography | Stephen T Photography stephen.theriault.photo@gmail.com

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can remember it like it was yesterday. It was the mid ‘90s, and I was doing what I did every weekend—clubbing. I was in a hip-hop dance group, and we would travel to the Tampa, Orlando, Daytona, and Miami areas simply to find the best clubs and compete in dance-offs. One weekend, as I was leaving a local club in my hometown of Lakeland, a stranger in the parking lot called me over to him. He said that he was a local hip-hop artist, but needed some dancers to form his group. Normally I would brush these situations off (because all I wanted to do was battle against other dance groups and not be behind rappers), but I felt I should listen to him. So I listened, and we exchanged numbers. I met up with him the following week to listen to his music and noticed how different his lyrics were. There wasn't any cursing, and the lyrics didn’t degrade women. It was all positive…and then I heard him say, "Jesus," in the song. I also heard Scripture and praise to God. I immediately asked him, "What is this?” He replied, “I'm a Christian rap artist.” I wasn't turned off because I was brought up in a godly home and knew some of the Bible. I ended up joining his group. During my time with my new friend, he shared the Gospel with me, and within one month, I was radically changed. I

gave my life to Jesus and I’ve never looked back. Several years passed and I got out of dancing and the hip-hop scene. My love for God and my desire to know more about my faith led me to relocate from Lakeland to Tampa and enroll in Bible college. I was deeply involved with my church and the young adult ministry. After college, I enrolled in a ministerial internship at my church and became a licensed minister. Mind you, I never had the desire or passion to preach. I just wanted to learn more about God and my faith. A couple of years later, I was ordained. Here is where the game changed for me. I knew in my heart that I was not called to be a pulpit preacher, so to make sure I wasn't losing my mind, I called a meeting with my pastor. I told

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him what was on my heart, and he said he knew all along that I had a different calling. He told me that with my personality and outlook on life, I would reach people who would never be reached from a pulpit or church setting. He then asked what I planned to do. I said, “I want to get involved in acting—an old hobby of mine.” He smiled and gave me his blessing. I hadn't done any acting since high school, and I didn't have a clue where I could get training as an adult. I did some online research and found Venue Actors Studio in Pinellas Park. Through a wonderful instructor, I began to learn how to really act. After a couple of years, I'd been in a few plays and some local independent films, but it was hard for me to go to some auditions because the project’s content did not align with my personal convictions. I knew I wanted to be in great shows, but I didn't want to compromise my faith. I was sitting in church one day when the idea of putting on my own show came to me. I was so excited until I shared the news with one of my fellow actors who laughed and said, "We

are actors; we wouldn't even know how to put on a show." Yet, I had a vision burning inside that I couldn't shake, and I knew it was from God. So, I began the process of putting on my first show. I went to people in the industry who were producing, directing, and promoting shows, but none of them would help me. The ones who did offer guidance seemed reluctant to do so. The only support I had was from other actors, so I decided to do a variety show. Regardless of the doors that were shut, God proved Himself faithful. He showed up in many ways, providing for our every need to put on the show. I invited actors to come and audition for the variety show but with one stipulation: Their material had to be clean and family-oriented. I was shocked by the push back that I received from actors and others in the industry. They told me that I would not sell one ticket and I was “stepping on one’s creativity” when I censor the content of their performances. Well, I stuck to my convictions, and needless to say, the show was a sellout. We had to turn people away. A few months later, we did the same show again and got the same result. By this time, I was thinking I might be onto something. I began learning more about directing and producing and decided to direct the Broadway classic A Raisin in the Sun. When I took on this task, I really didn't know what I was in for and how much work and research it would take to present this classic play to the public. One day in rehearsal, I became discouraged and decided to cancel the show. As I prepared to give my “cancellation speech” to my cast, a woman walked into my rehearsal unannounced and asked if she could sit in. All of my rehearsals are closed to the public, but I felt impressed to let her stay. Looking back, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was a divine appointment from God. Shortly after moving to Tampa from NYC (for a play that she was cast to perform in), she heard about my play. This Christian woman, who had been on Broadway, was looking to get involved with outgoing theatre people. Amazingly, she wanted to help my production, and her knowledge propelled me to an entirely different level. Our show was a hit. At this time, my Christian friends were all asking me when I was going to do a Christian-themed play and my answer to them would always be the same, "When the right one is laid on my heart." I've seen many Christian/ Gospel-themed plays and I knew that I wanted to do my own, but I wanted it to be different and not the typical "church play.” In the meantime, I directed other plays. Finally, I began to get some Christian-themed ideas for a play that I felt would work. I knew that I wanted to write something that would be dramatic and would appeal to the saved and the lost. It took me a year and a half to finish the dramatic gospel Fighting God. I never told anyone about it, and when it was finally done, I began to share it with some of my peers who write gospel shows and they told me, "That might be a little too much." That’s when I knew that I was on the right path. I wanted to provoke people. The content of the play deals with rape, suicide, molestation, and atheism and how we deal with these situations as Christians. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about how it would be received by theatregoers and the Church. I knew that the same people who came to my other shows would come to this

one and those people included atheists, non-church goers, skeptics, and believers. Well, by God’s grace, the show was a hit. Every night people would laugh and cry, and most importantly, they would leave touched. I can't keep up with all the phone calls, emails, and social media messages from people sharing how the play spoke to them. Pastors who attended the show have told me that if I do the show locally again, they would bring their entire congregation. To top it off, Fighting God was 1 of 50 plays (out of 500) selected to perform at a recent theatre festival in Washington, D.C. Fighting God was also selected as 1 of 40 plays (out of 1000) to perform at an upcoming theatre festival in Atlanta. God has confirmed many times that I am doing what He has called

me to do—and all for His glory. By allowing the Lord to lead me, I believe that I'm here to change the game, not conform to it. One of my favorite Scriptures is Ephesians 2:8-9 (NKJV), which says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." That passage speaks volumes to me because it shows that God had me on His mind—even while I was out there in the world not thinking or caring about Him. I did nothing to deserve His unmerited favor and love and what Christ did on the Cross. God has given me a new outlook on life. Since I've come to know the Lord, I see life in an entirely different way. I now know that the life I lead is not about me or what I can gain, but about whom I can help and what I can give to further the message of Christ. ■ If you would like to see Fighting God, Rory’s next performance is at 8 p.m. on September 28th at the Lake Mirror Theatre in Lakeland, FL. For more information, visit www.rqlproductions.com.



DOES GOD HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR? Some people say laughter is the best medicine. I would have to agree (see Proverbs 17:22). Laughing lifts your mood, puts things into perspective, and brings pure delight to life. There are so many Scriptures that point to the fact that God desires His children to have a joyful life. Just as we want our children to smile, be happy, and feel joy in this lifetime, I know that our Heavenly Father feels the same way about us. He wants nothing more than to bring a smile across our faces and to see His joy overflow from us to others. We've all wondered if God has a sense of humor, and I think we can say that's affirmative. “If you look at the boundless diversity of His people and all their delightful quirks and characteristics, there is no doubt that God has a terrific sense of humor. God is laughter! He brings out the funny in each of us and we are forever blessed,” Pete O’Shea said. Many of you may know Pete as a youth minister at St. Patrick's Catholic Church or as a radio show host on Inspiration AM 1110 (WTIS). What you may not know is how God called him and five other comedians to bring laughter to churches all over Tampa Bay through a very special and uniquely funny ministry. "You can, in fact, entertain and evangelize at the very same time, in the very same breath, and in the very same sentence. You can be funny and represent Jesus, all at once, and it can work," Pete said when he spoke of the vision God had given him of a Christian comedy tour. Pete was once a stand-up comedian in the mainstream marketplace, so he is no stranger to the world of critics. Many people thought the notion of family-friendly, clean comedy wasn't attainable or marketable. However, Pete didn't listen. He knew the Lord had told him, "Go forth and find other funny people with good hearts." One at a time, the Lord began lining up the people who would eventually form the dynamic group Humor 2 Outreach (H2O). Pete was first introduced to Juanita Lolita, a stand-up comedian who had already made it her mission to do clean comedy in secular clubs to glorify God. Juanita


was voted Tampa's funniest female and it's easy to see why. Her act is hilarious and she touches on real situations in marriage and in life from a female perspective. Juanita introduced Pete to Frank Hall, aka Someguynamed Frank. "[He] is a comedian that delights in dishing out clean, non-standard comedy via a twisted smorgasbord of dry, rightbrained random humor" (www.h2ohumor.com). Someguynamed Frank introduced them to Bill Ohse or as they call him, Bull. "His nickname is Bull because he is rather large and has a bald head. He looks like a biker," Pete said. Bull isn't afraid to tell jokes about himself. His opening line at the show Overflow attended was, "I know you're looking at me thinking…I came here to repo your car." It's good to be able to laugh at yourself. Next Pete was introduced to Josh Loudermilk, the pastor of the group. "He uses humor as a vehicle to engage congregations and open their hearts to hear the good news of Jesus" (www.h2ohumor.com). Pete said, "Josh’s act is part sermon, part comedy." And finally, Pete was introduced to Johnny Roberts. "Johnny is a good ole’ redneck boy who comes out to banjo music and has all those kinds of jokes," Pete said. "His nonstop jokes and stories always keep the audience laughing and

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having a good time" (www.h2ohumor.com). The style of each of these six comedians is radically different, so there really is something for everyone. It's refreshing to sit in a comedy show and really enjoy yourself, but also hear something meaningful and know your money is going to a good cause. Every show gives a message of hope through Jesus Christ and also doubles as an awareness/benefit show for various ministries. H2O gives half of the proceeds to the church, ministry, or nonprofit hosting the show. "The idea right from the beginning was that these would be benefit shows," Pete said. With tickets selling for $10-$15, it's a great, affordable way to spend time with the family—and laugh too! Anyone interested in booking H2O for your church or ministry, just contact Pete at 727-710-4094 or h2ohumor@gmail.com to learn more. ■

UPCOMING TOUR DATES (7pm) Sept. 28 - Light of Christ in Clearwater Oct. 4 - St. Cecelia's Church in Clearwater Oct. 11 - St. Thomas Aquinas in New Port Richey Oct. 12 - Grace Connection Church in St. Pete Oct. 20 - Pinellas Park Performing Arts Center (6pm) Oct. 25 - City of Hope Orphanage (site TBD) Oct. 26 - Blessed Sacrament in Seminole See ad on page 7 for additional dates.






ver dinner one night, I had a conversation with a friend who just got done reading a book that teaches how positive thinking can improve one’s life. He was sharing with me his thoughts on the book and how he is beginning to think more positive thoughts about his life. He also told me that when he thinks of good things happening to him and his family it makes him happy. I was glad to hear my friend was finding a source of happiness. That got me thinking. If it was that easy, why don’t we all just think pleasant thoughts and be happy? The answer came swiftly. It’s hard to think good thoughts when you’re in the midst of a trial like losing your job, losing your home due to unforeseen financial reasons, being diagnosed with a terminal illness, or being told your child has a health issue. Bearing this in mind, I began pondering how we can influence our thoughts. It became very clear to me that words overpower thoughts. When we speak words, our thoughts automatically shift to what we’re

speaking about. Words can come in the form of good reports or bad reports and they can come from strangers or friends or even from ourselves. The idea of continually thinking good thoughts is great, but unfortunately, impossible to do for any long period of time without the use of words. Genesis is filled with the phrase, “God said…” as He created everything. God used words to form the earth, divide day and night, and even create man. When Jesus spoke aloud, storms were calmed, a fig tree that produced no fruit dried up and died, food multiplied, dead bodies were filled with life and raised, and demons ran away scared. God’s words hold tremendous power. In Genesis 1:27-28, the Bible says that God created man in His own image and gave him dominion over all living things and authority to subdue the earth. How do we use this authority? How did our Father God exercise His authority? When we look back in Genesis, we see it was not by thoughts, but by words: “God said….” If we were created in the likeness of God, wouldn’t it make sense to do as He did if we want good things to happen in our lives? The words we speak affect our thoughts and our lives (Proverbs 15:4, 18:21, 21:23). I will share with you a “study” I conducted over the last several years. After being encouraged by my mom and several men of God, I made a decision to be more watchful of the words I spoke. I began to speak God’s Word over my everyday life (and later over my wife and children). At first, I saw nothing change, and quite

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honestly, I wasn’t sure how long I would continue. However, little by little, I began to see positive changes in my life and certain things turning in my favor when normally they would not have. Now, twenty years later, I have full confidence that God is a good and loving Father who desires the best for each one of us. I understand this truth simply because I have chosen to spend time reading and speaking His words. God’s Word will never return void; it will go forth and accomplish what He intended (Isaiah 55:11). To give you a clear understanding of what I am referring to, I will illustrate by giving an excerpt from my morning of speaking God’s words. As I wrap up speaking Psalm 103 (NKJV), I get to verse 20 and I say, “‘Bless the LORD, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His Word, heeding the voice of His Word.’ I give voice to His Word now over me, my wife, my children, and all my family. I charge you (His angels) to go this day before, behind, above, beneath, and roundabout and clear our paths and prepare our ways and prosper our ways.

For it is written, ‘[You] shall bear [us] up least [we] dash [our] foot against a stone’ (Psalm 91:12, NKJV). ‘The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them’ (Psalm 34:7, NKJV).” When I get to verse 21, I say, “‘Bless the LORD, all you His hosts, you ministers of His, who do His pleasure.’ I charge you to go forth and manifest favor, health, wholeness, and good success in all that we do this day. For it is written, ‘[We are] like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever [we do] shall prosper’ (Psalm 1:3, NKJV). For it is written, ‘Let them shout for joy and be glad, who favor my righteous cause; and let them say continually, "Let the LORD be magnified, Who has pleasure in [my] prosperity”’ (Psalm 35:27, NKJV). It is also written, you (His angels) are ‘sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation’ (Hebrews 1:14, NKJV). That’s me and my family. ‘A thousand may fall at [my] side, and ten thousand at

"The words we speak affect our thoughts and our lives." [my] right hand; but it shall not come near [me and my family]’ (Psalm 91:7, NKJV). ‘Bless the LORD, all His works, in all places of His dominion. Bless the LORD, O my soul’ (Psalm 103:22, NKJV).” By speaking this over me (and my family) every morning, I feel happy and encouraged when I’m done. I also experience those words (God’s Word) that I have spoken come to pass throughout the day. Please understand—I am not saying that I don’t face challenges in my life. I do face things like everyone else, but because I speak my Father’s Word over me and my family, I have a confident expectation that good things will supersede the bad things in my everyday life. This is true hope. If you feel life has been rough and your thoughts linger in the negative, then make a change in what words come out of your mouth. “Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit—you choose” (Proverbs 18:21, MSG). Do your own study and put voice to God’s Word. As you begin speaking His Word over you and your family’s lives, you will see good things happen to you and your family. Before you know it, you’ll be wearing a permanent smile. Glory!


Finding the Path to Peace

Salvation Prayer

“Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from Him.” (Psalm 62:1, NIV) you ever wonder where real peace comes from? That kind of peace that brings rest to your soul? The world offers some pleasures, but in reality there are so many more burdens that can weigh you down. It’s impossible for us to carry those burdens all on our own and expect to find rest at the end of the day. There will always be something missing or a heaviness that you can’t lift if that true path to peace isn’t discovered. You might be asking yourself how you can truly give over your burdens and fill that void in your life.


There really is only one answer and that is Jesus Christ. Our Heavenly Father God sent His Son, Jesus, to carry the load for each of us. Jesus tells us in Matthew 11:28 (NIV), “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

The rest that Jesus speaks of is rest for our souls. Only He can take the weight of the world off our shoulders. You simply have to put your trust in Him and allow Jesus to do what God sent Him to do – bring you into the Kingdom of God. You see, the Lord loved you long before you were born. He had a plan for mankind – a path laid out that would lead to peace. God’s love is so great for us that He sent His only Son to die for us. It was the only true sacrifice that could pay for all of mankind’s sins. Jesus paid the price for all of us; He literally took our burdens in His body on the Cross. He died, but rose again and lives. Wouldn’t you like for Jesus to live in your heart, leading you to salvation and ultimately peace and rest for your soul? Say this prayer (to the right) aloud:

Father God, I come before You in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says that “whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21, NKJV) and “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9, NKJV). Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me. It is because of Your love that You don't want me to be condemned and punished for my sins. Thank You for sending Your beloved Son, Jesus, to die for me on the cross. Jesus took my sins, penalties, and all my curses and in return gave me His blessing, righteousness, and favor. He got what I deserved so I can receive what He deserves – all good things! Jesus' blood washes me clean from every sin (past, present, and future). On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead and conquered death. Father, I thank You that when You look at me, You choose to no longer remember my sins and that You see me in all the beauty and righteousness of Jesus. Holy Spirit, fill me to overflowing and lead me through this life – thank You, Father. In Jesus' Name, Amen!

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prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in Us so that the world may believe that You have sent Me. I have given them the glory that You gave Me, that they may be one as We are one: I in them and You in Me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me" (John 17:20-23, NIV). There is hope in unity—a hope that resonates and empowers people, a hope that huge undertakings are possible, a hope that together people really can make a difference in their community and in the world. This idea of unity is not a new one. In John 17, Jesus prayed that the Body of Christ would be in unity with one another just as He is in unity with our Father God. It's true that God created each person with individual gifts and talents and that He calls people to different areas of ministry. However, Jesus never meant for the Church to divide and separate itself in such a way that we only operate in our own denomination or area of ministry. It is God's desire that we come together to accomplish His work for the Kingdom. In the words of Dr. Daniel Bernard, founder and president of Somebody Cares Tampa Bay, "Unity is not optional." We are all called to love and serve people, but what would the world’s landscape look like if all churches and ministries connected and helped one another? What could we accomplish together? There is an endless list of needs in our communities, so this is where the importance of unity really comes to light. “Together we can do more” is not just a slogan. It's a reality. There is strength in numbers, thus there is strength in unity. Working together makes the Church a powerful force against the atrocities of this world. Unity among the Church also reveals God's love to the world – a love that the lost, the hurting, the hungry, the widow, the orphan, and the needy need to know. With so many churches and ministries working where they've been called, who is going to bring them all together? It is an enormous endeavor to say the least, but Somebody Cares Tampa Bay (SCTB) is here and has stepped up to the challenge. In fact, they have been here for more than 16 years with the sole mission of unifying and mobilizing the Church. Kathy Bernard (wife of Daniel and SCTB’s office manager) said, “As we [SCTB] have grown in creditability and respect within the Tampa Bay area and beyond, I have realized how much God wants the Church—His Body—to work and function together. We have seen God—His provisions and favor—as we have seen the Body of Christ function as He intended it to be. As we come together in the essentials and unify our efforts, we are empowered with provisions, favor, and strength to accomplish more for His Kingdom.”

IN THE BEGINNING Daniel and Kathy Bernard spent six years in Africa during the early '90s working as missionaries to the people of Nigeria. In 1996, the Bernards were spending time with family in Florida, and Daniel was invited to speak at a church about his missionary work in Nigeria. God brought to his remembrance the story of Ehud in Judges 3. "In Hebrew, Ehud means ‘union.’ The Lord spoke to my heart and said, ‘Unity delivered Jericho. Unity will be a deliverer for your city,’" Daniel said. He gave a message about unity to the church that day, and he knew in his heart God was calling him to move to Clearwater, the city where he was born and raised. At the time, the Bernards had five children, a low missionary income, and nowhere to live. Daniel shared that many were skeptical of what he was doing. However, Kathy was very supportive. “Being married to a visionary has required me to learn to be flexible and willing to go and do new or different things…" Kathy shared. "From day one, our favorite Scripture was Psalm 5:12," Daniel said. "For surely, O LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield" (NIV). So while God was busy opening doors to make the move possible and get the Bernards settled in Clearwater, Daniel focused on implementing his vision for unity. A church in Largo allowed Daniel to host the very first Pastor’s Meeting in February of 1997 and thirty pastors attended. The vision of unity among the Church Body was cast and they were receptive. The meeting was held once a month for a time of prayer and fellowship among the pastors. Before long, three more SCTB Pastor’s Meetings sprang up in Tampa Bay. Today, there are five separate monthly meetings in Pinellas, Pasco, and Hillsborough Counties. By June of 1997, the pastors agreed that they needed to put together a "Covenant of Unity." The covenant spelled out the pastors’


September/October 2013   Love+Faith+Hope

promises to work together in unity. On June 10, 1997, 126 pastors gathered at CTN to sign the covenant on air. This is also when the name Somebody Cares Tampa Bay was officially adopted by the organization. During the signing, God gave Daniel a strategy for what SCTB would do next. It was called "The Year of Answered Prayer." Daniel envisioned billboards, signs, and door hangers all across Tampa Bay saying, "This is the year of answered prayer. Do you need prayer?" A provided phone number would give people the opportunity to call. He had no funds for this venture, but the Lord took care of that. A kind businessman funded the project and Clear Channel donated twenty billboards. "We had prayer boxes in businesses, bumper stickers, and 250,000 door hangers. We got people to adopt their neighborhood and we called them prayer squares," Daniel explained. The vision was a reality for over two years and the Bay area was saturated with prayer. A huge prayer network was established that still exists today.

WORKING TOGETHER Over the next four years, the SCTB network continued to grow and expand. This large network of people unified for Christ really made a difference across the Tampa Bay area. SCTB led intercessory prayer and literature distribution for the Billy Graham Crusade. They began holding appreciation banquets for compassion ministries and throwing an event called "Raise the Roof." This was an annual event where Christian musicians would give a concert, athletes would give testimonies, and someone shared the Gospel. SCTB also led the Book of Hope (a book to encourage people to read the Bible) distribution to over 600,000 people in the Tampa Bay region. Through these events, SCTB led the way, showing the Church Body how it's possible to work together to reach the community for Christ. Then SCTB received a call from Operation Blessing, a nonprofit "humanitarian organization with a mission to demonstrate God's love by alleviating human need and suffering in the United States and around the world"

(www.ob.org). Operation Blessing told Daniel that they needed one ministry in the Tampa Bay area to help them locate other ministries that were doing great work for people in need. SCTB was just the ministry they needed. In January of 2001, SCTB and Operation Blessing held the Supper Bowl, which was a sanctioned event of Super Bowl XXXV. "We ended up bringing in four truckloads of food and three truckloads of clothing. We had 12,000 people show up in Rowlett Park in Tampa. Over 180 businesses and churches worked together that day," Daniel said. Operation Blessing and SCTB wanted to do more than just a one-day event. The need for food in the Bay area was becoming more and more apparent and they wanted to help the ministries that were feeding the community. Operation Blessing could provide truckloads of food. The only monetary investment required to receive the food deliveries was the transportation costs. "The first four trucks were going to cost $10,000," Daniel explained. SCTB raised money from private and public sources to pay for the transportation costs of the donated food, and they have continued to help in this capacity since then. SCTB was integral in helping Operation Blessing find a warehouse to store the food in Ocala, set up six distribution sites in Tampa Bay, and distribute

over 12 million pounds of food to date. Daniel said, "Each site is getting 30,000 pounds of food every month." One truckload feeds 7,680 people. "No one really knows that SCTB was instrumental in bringing in that much food to Tampa Bay every month," Daniel shared. He went on to say that it's not really about the recognition SCTB receives for helping to facilitate all these wonderful projects and events throughout the Tampa Bay area. It's about establishing unity among the churches and empowering the Church Body to effectively reach people in the name of Jesus Christ. SCTB desires to work "with local ministries to provide the basic necessities of life and to educate and develop healthy, self-sustaining communities, families, and individuals." Daniel explained, "One of our core values is to help others. We want to help others to do bigger and better and go farther."

EMPOWERING THE CHURCH As it's easy to see, SCTB is constantly looking for ways to help the Church reach out to the community as well as ways to make their ministry efforts more efficient. They discovered a lot of churches and ministries were putting backpacks together for school children, but spending a great deal of money by purchasing the supplies from local stores. Daniel had the idea of purchasing the backpacks and school supplies in bulk, which would allow the churches to buy the backpacks (filled or unfilled) from SCTB at a fraction of the cost, thus giving them more resources to help more children. Churches and ministries can order backpacks for their outreach event at www.sctb.org/ backtoschool.php. In 2001, after the Supper Bowl, Daniel was invited to share with the various department heads of the City of Tampa about the Church's desire to serve the city. He told them, "If you'll give us the people that are in violation of city code, especially the elderly, disabled, and single moms, we'll mobilize the Church to go out and do these projects." Daniel explained, "I had no idea if we could do this or not, but I just knew this was right. I knew that we as a Church needed to be relevant to our cities." From this meeting, CareFest was born. St. Petersburg and Tampa participated in the first CareFest and over the years more than 25 cities have gotten involved across the Bay area. Approximately 5,000 volunteers and over 150 partners from SCTB STAFF (FROM LEFT): EDDIE ROBINSON, SARAHLEE ROBINSON, NIKKI EMERSON, LEIDA CADIZ, JOSH MCKAY, & TIM BONZELAAR

churches, businesses, and ministries partake in CareFest each year. CareFest is a weeklong, Christcentered, compassion outreach. Throughout the week, the objective is to do as much good as you can. SCTB works with churches and ministries to minister the love of God through practical acts of kindness. "This week of caring culminates in a day-long work day in which hundreds of volunteers in different locations throughout our service area come together to beautify and repair homes and neighborhoods. These projects are identified through local government offices, churches, and ministries. At the end of the day, the volunteers and the [recipients] come together to recognize and celebrate their accomplishments. Free food and drinks are provided for all involved" (www.carefestusa.com). Additionally, every year a "Care Cup" is awarded to the city with the largest number of volunteers, which really creates unity within each city as well. Daniel shared that one volunteer in St. Petersburg gave this testimony: "I've never seen the Church actually come together and serve like this across racial and denominational lines." This is a beautiful picture of what SCTB wants to accomplish with CareFest. It's about unifying to show God's love to the community in ways that truly impact people's lives for the better, giving a glimpse of Jesus in every kind act. Kathy added, “Many people will never go inside the church so we have to go to them. Through CareFest, we are able to go into the community to meet real needs. As we go and [represent] the hands and feet of Jesus, we earn the right to be heard. We are showing God's love in a practical way and letting these individuals know that God loves them unconditionally – no strings attached. The message that individuals from different churches, backgrounds, and races are working side by side to help them, sends a strong message of what kind of Church God intended us to be. We have seen, over and over again, lives changed by this powerful practical outreach.”

BE CARETAGIOUS SCTB desires for CareFest to be the catalytic event that will transform the Church's outlook on community outreach. The hope is that businesses, ministries, churches, and groups of people will continue to do projects in their communities throughout the year, not just

during CareFest. "They can go on our website (www.carefestusa.com) and adopt a project a month or every quarter and maybe even continue to reach out to the family that they help," Daniel said. "Our mission statement is unifying and empowering the Body of Christ as a caring (‘caretagious’) community to transform Tampa Bay," Daniel explained. “We want to see every resident of Tampa Bay receive a visible, physical demonstration and an audible or written presentation of the Gospel” (www.sctb.org). Are you now inspired to get involved? This year's CareFest is on September 28th. You can be part of a group that adopts a project and brings the supplies, or you can donate tools, supplies, or financial support to make the projects possible. You can also donate clothing, shoes, and household items which will be sent to Second Image Thrift Stores to help SCTB raise funds. Lastly, SCTB can always use an extra pair of hands. Volunteering your time is just as valuable as a financial donation. Call 727-536-2273, email admin@sctb.org, or log on to www.sctb.org or www.carefestusa.com to find out more. Daniel Bernard, with the support of his wife, took a vision from the Lord and developed an amazing and unique ministry that truly exemplifies an outward focus. Very few organizations solely focus their efforts on unifying the Body of Christ to show God's love to the world. Sometimes unity cannot be quantified, but we can assure you that this ministry's impact is far reaching, and SCTB has certainly left a mark on the Tampa Bay region. SCTB's work has truly produced a “caretagious” community unified in Christ. There is hope in unity. Glory!


CareFest Day Tampa Bay

OCT. 12

Freedom 5K /1K Walk Ream Wilson Trail, Clearwater

OCT. 25

10th Annual Golf Classic East Lake Woodlands Country Club

NOV. 28

Thanksgiving Dinner Outreach Ferg's Bar & Grill

DEC. 21-24 "Caretagious" Christmas Tampa Bay Get more details at: www.sctb.org


September/October 2013   Love+Faith+Hope




race for the Gaps is a collection of my articles and blog posts compiled into a devotional book. My heart is sharing God’s amazing grace with others, and I pray Grace for the Gaps blesses the reader while drawing them closer to Jesus. There are four sections: God’s Creation; God’s Truth on Life’s Trail; Faith, Family, and Friends; and Prayerful Parenting. Each devotional includes Scripture and a prayer and reminds the reader that on life’s bumpy path, Jesus’ love never changes. A decade ago, the idea that I would publish a devotional wasn’t in my realm of reality. Though I’ve loved books, writing, and reading from childhood, I wasn’t sure how or where to use the writing ability God gave me. But five years ago, God directed me to write a fictional story that’s near and dear to my heart; I dove – eager but unsure – into the world of words and faith. A year after I started writing my novel, a friend encouraged me to start a blog and write about my experiences as a mom and wife. I’m awed and amazed that there are now over 100 articles, devotions, and book reviews on my blog, and I give the glory to God and credit the faithful guiding of the Holy Spirit for each and every word. Another piece of the Grace for the Gaps puzzle fell into place when the Lord led me to get involved in the children’s ministry in our church. I began teaching 2nd and 3rd grade Sunday school, which provided additional writing material as I learned more and more about Scripture and had fun teaching the kids. Then

God led me to pick up an Overflow Magazine a couple of years ago, and I realized their wonderful ministry was a perfect outlet for sharing my writing for the Lord. Finally, about a year ago my husband encouraged me to publish a book with my articles and devotionals. Grace for the Gaps came together from there. I’m grateful and humbled at how God gently takes us step by step into activities we’re not comfortable with – and can accomplish only through Jesus’ strength – then faithfully uses our efforts for His glory. Such is the case with Grace for the Gaps. God was teaching me to trust Him and His perfect Word with every aspect of my life, especially my family, teaching Sunday school, and writing for Him. “Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established” (Proverbs 16:3, NKJV). Grace for the Gaps is filled with humorous and poignant true stories inspired by my experiences as a wife and mom of two rambunctious, lizard-loving boys. Whether it’s the hectic moments of parenting, maneuvering the beautiful covenant relationship of marriage, or the day-to-day struggle to hide God’s Word in our hearts, my prayer is that Grace for the Gaps shares how God’s grace covers our failings and His Word is truly a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. ■

20   OverflowMag.com   September/October 2013

When we leave our house, I always make sure the lights are turned off. During the day, I’m especially vigilant about having random lights on, mainly because the brilliant Florida sunshine provides plenty of light during late morning and most of the afternoon. At night, I’m the light fairy. I follow my boys and hubby around, extinguishing lights in empty rooms. I’ve been known to grumble under my breath as I float from room to room, flipping switches. I’m no Tinker Bell. Recently, our sons’ devotional was about setting an example in our lives with the light of Jesus. The devotional asked, “What kind of light are you giving off to others?” As I read through it with Cole and Chase, I thought about our home and how I turn unnecessary lights off. But in the Christian walk, we’re called to do the opposite. Our light should always be flipped on, shining for Jesus. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven. (Matthew 5:14-16, NKJV) Being identified as a Christ-follower sets us apart because we’re placed on a lampstand. But we’re not a decoration in this world. Christians are purposed by our Creator through faith in Jesus to shine for Him. Get Your Copy At: www.candidkerry.wordpress.com


Life Reflects Choices...Choose Well CBC’s Third Annual Prayer Breakfast



he Central Pasco and New Tampa chapters of Christian Business Connections (CBC) are once again hosting their annual prayer breakfast. The name of this year’s event, on September 26th, is Life Reflects Choices…Choose Well. The theme is centered on the choices we make every day and the opportunities God gives us. Every choice and every action has a result. Guests will enjoy a catered breakfast before entering the sanctuary to hear some amazing music, stories, prayer, and examples of God’s love. Dan Shock, successful businessman and president of RedRock Leadership, is the guest speaker. He will be sharing his life-transforming story. Come and learn how his choices brought him to the top of his game physically and financially at the age of 35, but left him spiritually empty. His life, however, was altered drastically in February of 2006 when a car traveling 50 miles an hour hit him and flung his body over 30 feet away where he lay dying on a curb. Hear Dan’s personal story of redemption, survival, healing, and finally thriving as a living testimony to God. American Idol Finalist, Jeremy Rosado, will be providing the featured music during this year’s exciting event. Jeremy—who said, “God is my everything, and music is my life”—will bring his wonderful God-given talents to share with all attendees. The event will finish with prayers and a dedication to this year’s chosen beneficiary.

In keeping with the breakfast’s theme of choices, this year the CBC has selected IMPACT as the ministry to bless. IMPACT is an organization that promotes healthy living and relationships to teens, parents, and teachers by empowering and educating youth to make positive choices. Executive Director Angie Kagey and her husband Bill lead the IMPACT program. (You can learn more at www.whatisimpact.com.) Tickets can be purchased online at cbccentralpascobreakfast.eventbrite.com. You can purchase one ticket for $15 or two for $25. Additionally, several sponsorship opportunities are still available (see ad on page 23). For questions or more information, please contact Chris Cherp at 941-961-3998 or chris@overflowmag.com. You can also visit www.cbccentralpasco.com. The Central Pasco CBC was formed about four years ago by a group of local Christian business owners and patterned after the CBC in Brandon, FL. The CBC New Tampa group was formed almost two years ago. CBC is an industry specific (only one seat can be held per industry) networking and fellowship organization modeled on Christian principles and on living your faith every day. CBC members focus on helping each other’s businesses prosper through networking and sharing ideas and good business practices. Their core philosophy puts God first and bases business decisions on Christian values, both moral and ethical. Weekly meetings are every Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at Myrtle Lake Baptist Church (for the Central Pasco chapter) and from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church (for the New Tampa chapter). For the Central Pasco chapter, breakfast is available and a small meeting fee is requested. Everyone is welcome to visit. If the seat for your industry is filled, openings may be available in the New Tampa chapter or another nearby CBC group. For additional information, please contact the

22   OverflowMag.com   September/October 2013

membership chairs: Michelle Pentifallo (for Central Pasco) at lmichelle@tampabay.rr.com and Rosie Paulsen (for New Tampa) at rosie@goodfaithis.com. The choice to support IMPACT and other local nonprofits is one of the many ways CBC makes a positive difference within our communities. Please plan to attend this year’s prayer breakfast and invite family, friends, and business associates to enjoy music, food, and fellowship at this annual celebration of faith! Follow up by attending a CBC meeting in your area. Your life will reflect the choices you make, so chose to make a positive difference and share the love and hope exemplified by Christ Jesus. We hope to see you there. ■

September 26, 2013

7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Myrtle Lake Baptist Church 2017 Reigler Road (SR 54 & Collier Pkwy) Land O’ Lakes, FL 34639



Psalm 68:5 (NIV)

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling.” Our fathers are called to lead us in worship and prayer, guide and instruct us, and be our helper and one to lean on. If they don’t or they’re absent, then the world becomes our father, teaching us its ways. But once we have Christ Jesus, God becomes our Father, giving us hope and life and removing the world’s ways and replacing it with His ways.


Have a favorite Scripture that you stand on? We are always looking for new people to share what God’s Word means to them. Let us know and we’ll photograph you! contact@overflowmag.com




3, 17

Ephesians 4:11 Academy


National Alliance on Mental Illness NAMI Support Group Meeting


Heaven on Earth Kingdom Gathering 808 E. Okalossa Ave., Tampa 813-527-5491, apostle_1212@yahoo.com 7:30pm-9:30pm, FREE

Branch of Christ Church 23604 SR 54, Lutz For more info: 813-918-3205 7pm-8:30pm


National Alliance on Mental Illness Meeting (for a person with a mental illness) NAMI Pasco Office 6480 Land O' Lakes Blvd., Land O' Lakes For more info: 813-918-3205 7pm-8:30pm, Weekly on Wednesdays


Women's Community Bible Study First United Methodist Church 6209 Land O' Lakes Blvd., Land O' Lakes 813-910-7670, $25 (registration fee)


7, 21


9:30am-11:30am, Weekly on Thursdays



Christian Business Connections New Tampa


USF Marshall Student Center 4103 Cedar Drive, Tampa www.bbftt.org, bbfttfwoministry@gmail.com 7pm-9pm (Fri.), 8:30am-3:30pm (Sat.) $35 (adults), $20 (youth), $50 combo

Disney's Night of Joy

Skillet, Mercy Me, TobyMac, Matthew West, & More Magic Kingdom, Lake Buena Vista 877-NITE-JOY, www.nightofjoy.com 1-Night Group (10 or more) Ticket: $51 2-Night Group Ticket: $94 4pm-1am

13, 28

Pebble Creek Country Club 10550 Regents Park Drive, Tampa www.women-n-charge.com 11:30am, $18

New Tampa Women's Connection Luncheon


Tampa Palms Country Club 5811 Tampa Palms Blvd., Tampa RSVP: 813-961-2810 or beckyburgue@yahoo.com 11am-1pm, $17


Christian Chamber Business Building Lunches


FREE Movie Night: October Baby

Feather Sound Country Club 2201 Feather Sound Dr., Clearwater 727-424-3429, www.C3TB.org 12pm-1:30pm, $20 South Tampa Fellowship 5101 Bayshore Blvd., Tampa www.lifeimpactnetwork.org 7pm

The Fire Conference

Heaven on Earth Kingdom Gathering 808 E. Okalossa Ave., Tampa 813-527-5491, apostle_1212@yahoo.com 7:30pm-10pm, FREE


3rd Annual CBC Prayer Breakfast Featuring Jeremy Rosado & Dan Shock Myrtle Lake Baptist Church 2017 Reiger Rd., Land O' Lakes 941-961-3998, www.cbccentralpasco.com 7:30am-9:30am, $15

Singles Christian Dance

Rhapsody Ballroom 12101 56th St., N., Tampa 727-348-7532 www.goodtimesdancesandparties.com 7pm-11pm, $10


Fighting God - Gospel Play Lake Mirror Theatre 121 S. Lake Ave., Lakeland www.FightingGod.com 8pm-9:45pm

New Tampa Women's Prayer Connection Meeting at Bob Evans 16314 North Dale Mabry, Tampa Contact: Becky for more info 813-961-2810 9am-10am

St. Andrew Presbyterian 5338 Primrose Lake Circle, Tampa For more info: shawn@tpaccorp.com 7:30am-9am, Weekly on Thursdays

Women-n-Charge Networking Meeting

"Hide No More" Women & Youth Workshop


Women-n-Charge Mystery Fundraising Tea

The Groves Golf & Country Club 7924 Melogold Cir., Land O' Lakes www.women-n-charge.com 2pm-4pm, $15

Introduction to Ballroom Dance Class & Practice Party Presented by Theresa Moore Unity of Tampa Church Fellowship Hall 3302 W. Horatio St., Tampa RSVP: 813-417-3722 or martreel@aol.com 6:30pm-9:30pm, $5


National Alliance on Mental Illness NAMI Support Group Meeting Branch of Christ Church 23604 SR 54, Lutz For more info: 813-918-3205 7pm-8:30pm


National Alliance on Mental Illness Meeting (for a person with a mental illness) NAMI Pasco Office 6480 Land O' Lakes Blvd., Land O' Lakes For more info: 813-918-3205 7pm-8:30pm, Weekly on Wednesdays


Blind Eyes Opened Human Trafficking Awareness Event Straz Center - Carol Morsani Hall 1010 N. W.C. MacInnes Place, Tampa www.shipstv.org/blindeyesopened 7pm-9pm, FREE




Women's Community Bible Study First United Methodist Church 6209 Land O' Lakes Blvd., Land O' Lakes 813-910-7670, $25 (registration fee)

Christian Business Connections New Tampa St. Andrew Presbyterian 5338 Primrose Lake Circle, Tampa For more info: shawn@tpaccorp.com 7:30am-9am, Weekly on Thursdays

Women-n-Charge Networking Meeting

Pebble Creek Country Club 10550 Regents Park Drive, Tampa www.women-n-charge.com 11:30am, $18

5th Annual Legacy of Life Celebration to Benefit Oasis Pregnancy Care Centers

Idlewild Baptist Church 18333 Exciting Idlewild Blvd., Lutz www.heartsforoasis.org 6:30pm

7th Annual Wine Tasting & Silent Auction to Benefit The Alpha House of Tampa Synovus Bank 4488 W. Boy Scout Blvd., Tampa www.alphahouseoftampa.org 6pm-8pm, $25



4 11

5, 19

Meeting at Bob Evans 16314 North Dale Mabry, Tampa Contact: Becky for more info 813-961-2810 9am-10am

Singles Christian Dance

Rhapsody Ballroom 12101 56th St., N., Tampa 727-348-7532 www.goodtimesdancesandparties.com 7pm-11pm, $10


9:30am-11:30am, Weekly on Thursdays

26   OverflowMag.com   September/October 2013

2nd Annual Military Heart Event


Honoring the Women of MacDill AFB Seascapes Beach House at MacDill RSVP: beckyburgue@yahoo.com or 813-961-2810 11:30am-1pm, FREE

11, 26

Introduction to Ballroom Dance Class & Practice Party Presented by Theresa Moore Unity of Tampa Church Fellowship Hall 3302 W. Horatio St., Tampa RSVP: 813-417-3722 or martreel@aol.com 6:30pm-9:30pm, $5

FREE Movie Night: October Baby

First United Methodist Church 960 W. Lutz Lake Fern Rd., Lutz Holy Trinity Presbyterian 350 S. Hyde Park Ave., Tampa www.lifeimpactnetwork.org 7pm

New Tampa Women's Prayer Connection



New Tampa Women's Connection Luncheon Tampa Palms Country Club 5811 Tampa Palms Blvd., Tampa RSVP: 813-961-2810 or beckyburgue@yahoo.com 11am-1pm, $17

ADD YOUR EVENT If you would like to add an upcoming event to our calendar, please visit: overflowmag.com/submissions/submit-your-event

LOCAL CHURCH SERVICES Agape Faith Fellowship Church

6805 U.S. Hwy 301 S., Riverview, 33578 813-571-9314, www.agapefaithfc.org Sun., 10:30am

Alafia Baptist Church

222 Alafia Baptist Church Rd., Lithia, 33547 813-634-8845 Sun., 9:45am, 11am, & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Anointed Word Church

1709 St. Joseph St., Tampa, 33607 813-254-5271, www.anointedwordchurch.com Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

Atonement Lutheran Church

29617 SR 54, Wesley Chapel, 33543 813-973-2211, www.be-at-1.org Sun., 10am

Bay Chapel

9020 Imperial Oak Blvd., Tampa 33647 813-406-0367, www.baychapel.com Sun., 10:30am

Bell Shoals Baptist Church

2102 Bell Shoals Rd., Brandon, 33511 813-689-4229, www.bellshoals.com Sun., 9:15am & 11am, Wed., 7pm

Bethel Church

1510 W. Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33603 813-238-2348, www.betheltampa.org Sun., 10:10am, Wed., 7pm

Bible-Based Fellowship Church of Temple Terrace

8718 N. 46th St., Tampa, 33617 813-980-0559, www.bbftt.org Sun., 7:30am & 11am, Wed., 9am & 7pm (Bible Study)

Boyette Springs Church of God

12114 Boyette Rd., Riverview, 33569 813-671-0086, www.boyettespringschurch.org Sun., 10:30am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Branch of Christ Ministries

23604 SR 54, Lutz, 33559 813-435-1469, www.branchofchrist.com Sun., 10am

Bridgeway Church

30660 Wells Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33545 813-907-1313, www.bridgeway.tv Sun., 9am & 11am

Calvary Chapel Worship Center

6825 Trouble Creek Rd., New Port Richey, 34653 727-376-7733, www.ccwc.org Sun., 8:10am, 9:45am & 11:20am

Candlewood Community Church

21418 Carson Dr., Land O' Lakes, 34639 813-956-1541, www.candlewoodfl.org Sun., 10:30am

Centerpointe Community Church

8610 Temple Terrace Hwy, Tampa, 33637 813-988-3557, www.centerpointecommunity.com Sun., 10am

Christ Apostolic Church Tampa

10620 Henderson Rd., Tampa, 33625 813-899-2464, www.cactampa.org Sun., 9am & 10am

Christ CP Church

19501 Holly Lane, Lutz, 33548 813-909-9789, www.christchurchlutz.org Sun., 10:30am

Christian Family Church

3457 W. Kenyon Ave., Tampa, 33614 813-802-8736, www.cfctampa.org Sun., 9am & 11am

Church of the Lakes

2530 Wilson Rd., Land O’ Lakes, 34638 813-948-4358, www.churchofthelakesepc.org Sun., 9:15am & 10:30am

Cornerstone Presbyterian Church

Gateway Christian Center Assembly of God

Countryside Baptist Church

Grace Family Church

17520 Marsh Road, Lutz, 33558 813-962-3584, www.cpclutz.org Sun., 9:30am & 11am, Wed., 7pm

13422 Sydney Road, Dover, 33527 813-571-8200, www.countrysidebaptistchurch.net Sun., 9:30am, 10:45am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Crosslight Church

38621 Calvin Ave., Zephyrhills, 33542 813-469-8744, www.crosslightonline.com Sat., 6pm, Sun., 10:30am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

CrossRoads Community United Methodist Church 26211 County Line Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-907-5815, www.crossroadsum.com Sun., 9am & 10:30am

Deliverance Christian Connection Ministry

2130 W. Brandon Blvd., Ste. 203, Brandon, 33511 813-401-7223, www.dccministry.org Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm, Sat., 9am

Dwelling Place

410 County Line Rd. W., Lutz, 33548 813-949-1912, www.thedwellingplace.us Sun., 10:30am & 2pm (Spanish), Wed., 7pm

Epistle of Christ Ministries

610 W. Waters Ave., Tampa, 33604 813-785-4519, www.epistleofchrist.org Sun., 9:45am, Thurs., 7pm

Extraordinary Life Church

5808 Lynn Rd., Tampa, 33624 813-908-0893 www.myextraordinarylifechurch.com Sun., 9:45am, 12:30pm (Spanish)

Faith Family Worship Center

14514 Del Valle Rd., Tampa, 33625 813-920-3685, www.ffwc.org Sun., 10:30am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Faith Life Church

4902 East Busch Blvd., Tampa, 33617 813-910-7336, www.flctampa.org Sun., 9:30 & 11am, Wed. & Thurs., 7pm

Family Harvest Worship Church

Meeting at Benito Middle School 10101 Cross Creek Blvd., Tampa, 33647 813-973-FHWC, www.fhwc.net Sun., 10am

First Baptist Church NPR

6800 Trouble Creek Rd., New Port Richey, 34653 727-849-4210, www.fbcnpr.com Sun., 9am, 10:30am, & 6pm, Wed., 6pm

First Baptist Church of College Hill 3838 North 29th St., Tampa, 33610 813-248-6600, www.fbcch.org Sun., 7:30am, 10am, & 12pm

First Baptist Church of Midway

2902 Midway Road, Plant City, 33565 813-752-7209, www.fbcmidway.org Sun., 10:30am

First Baptist of New Tampa

28125 County Line Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33543 813-907-1685, www.fbcnewtampa.org Sun., 9:15am, 10:30am, & 6pm

14200 North Central Ave., Tampa, 33613 813-961-4692, www.gatewaytampa.net Sun., 9:45am, 10:45am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

5101 Van Dyke Rd., Lutz, 33558 813-265-4151, www.GFConline.com Sat., 5 & 7pm, Sun., 8:45am, 10:30am & 12:15pm

Grow Life Church

Meeting at Veterans Elementary School 26940 Progress Pkwy., Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-406-8963, www.growlifechurch.com Sun., 9:30am & 11:15am

Heritage Church

1854 Oak Grove Blvd., Lutz, 33559 813-909-4080, www.yesheritage.com Sun., 9:30am & 11am, Wed., 7pm

House of Prayer Church

6305 E. Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33610 813-994-5694, www.houseofprayerchurch.org Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

Iglesia El Sembrador Wesleyano

300 S. Hillcrest Ave., Clearwater, 33756 727-481-0256, www.miiglesiaelsembrador.com Sun., 10:45am, Wed., 7pm

Iglesia La Casa De Dios

Land O’ Lakes Community Center 5401 Land O’Lakes Blvd., Land O’Lakes, 34639 727-481-0256, www.miiglesialacasadedios.com Sun., 4:30pm

Iglesia Renacer

17505 Shady Hills Rd., Spring Hill, 34610 352-346-3965, www.miiglesiarenacer.com Sun., 10:45am, Thurs., 7pm

Joining Hands Mission Church

3214 US Highway 19, Holiday, 34691 727-264-1288, www.jhmissionchurch.org Sun., 10am

Kaleomark Church

Meeting at Seven Oaks Clubhouse 2910 Sports Core Circle, Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-310-8794, www.kaleomark.org Sun., 10:15am

Keystone Community Church

21010 State Road 54, Lutz, 33558 813-962-4522, www.keystonecommunity.org Sun., 10:30am

Kingdom Life Church

39348 US Highway 19, Tarpon Springs, 34689 727-373-8718, www.kingdomlifechurchfl.com Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 6:30pm

Lake Carroll Baptist Church

12012 N. Rome Ave., Tampa, 33612 813-933-5683, www.lakecarrollbaptist.org Sun., 9:30am & 10:50am, Wed., 6:30pm

Legacy Church

2702 Causeway Center Dr., Tampa, 33619 813-770-LIFE, www.legacyfam.com Sat., 6pm

First Reformed Church of Tampa

Life Changing International Church

First Thonotosassa Missionary Baptist Church

Light Christian Ministries

Floodgates Community Church

Light of the World Ministries

8283 W. Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33615 813-886-6210, www.frctampa.org Sun., 9:30am & 11am

10650 McIntosh Rd., Thonotosassa, 33592 813-986-4756, www.thonotosassabaptist.org Sun., 9:45 am, 11am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

24152 SR 54, Lutz, 33549 813-389-0238, www.floodgateschurch.org Sun., 10:30am

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2106 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Valrico, 33594 813-653-9358, www.lifechangingintlministry.com Sun., 1:45pm, Mon., Wed. & Fri., 7:30pm 730 W. Robertson St., Brandon, 33511 813-458-6252, www.lightcm.org Sun., 10am, Tues.& Wed., 7pm 1109 W. Waters Ave., Suite B, Tampa, 33604 813-409-0005, www.lightinc.org Sun., 10:45am, Mon., 7pm

LOCAL CHURCH SERVICES Manhattan Baptist Church

4300 S. Manhattan Ave., Tampa, 33611 813-831-1951, www.manhattanbaptist.org Sun., 9:30am, 10:45am, Wed., 6:30pm Spanish Service - Sun., 9:30am

Myrtle Lake Baptist Church

2017 Reigler Rd., Land O’ Lakes, 34639 813-949-5516, www.myrtlelake.org Sun., 10:30am & 6pm

New Birth of Faith Fellowship Church

1725 E. Fowler Ave., Tampa, 33612 813-972-0101, www.newbirthoffaith.org Sun., 10am, Thurs., 7pm

New Life Church

1611 E. Bougainvillea, Tampa, 33612 813-971-6961 Sun., 9am, 11am, & 6:30pm, Wed., 6:30pm

Perfected Love International Fellowship

The Crossing Church

Real Life Church

The Daily Word

10960 N. 56th Street, Temple Terrace, 33617 813-443-5107, www.perfectedlove.org Sun., 11am, Wed., 7pm 6821 W. Waters Ave., Tampa, 33634 813-243-2333, www.thereallifechurch.com Sun., 8:30am & 10am

Reality Church Tampa

1000 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, 33602 813-228-8700, www.realitychurchtampa.com Sun., 10am

Remix Family Church

Meeting at Campo Family YMCA 3414 Culbreath Rd., Valrico, 33596 813-661-2273, www.remixfamilychurch.com Sun., 10am

New Life Tabernacle UPC

Reveal Church

New Millennium Community Church

Revival Worship Church

New Walk Church

River of Life

6912 Williams Rd., Seffner, 33584 813-740-1868, www.yournlt.com Sun., 11am & 6:30pm, Wed., 7:30pm

4810 E. Busch Blvd., Suite I, Tampa, 33617 813-381-5463, www.newmillenniumchurch.org Sun., 8:30am & 11am, Wed., 7:30pm 5238 Mile Stretch Dr., Holiday, 34690 727-938-2955, www.mynewwalk.com Sun., 10am & 11:15am

New Wine Outreach Ministry

6213 E. Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33610 813-443-4503 Sun., 11am, Wed., 7:30pm, 2nd & 4th Fri., 7pm

NorthBridge Church

Meeting at John Long Middle School 2025 Mansfield Blvd., Wesley Chapel, 33543 813-319-4588, www.nbcwc.info Sun., 10am

North Pointe Church

2427 Old Cypress Creek Rd., Land O' Lakes, 34639 813-545-9420, www.thenpc.org Sun., 9:15 am & 11am

Northwest Tampa Church of Christ

7259 Sheldon Rd., Tampa, 33615 813-886-3946, www.tampachurch.org Sun., 9am & 5pm, Wed., 7pm

Northwest Tampa Church of God

5131 Gunn Highway, Tampa, 33624 813-961-7278, www.nwtcog.cc Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

Oak Grove United Methodist Church

2707 West Waters Ave., Tampa, 33614 813-935-4471 www.gbgm-umc.org/oakgroveumc Sun., 9:30am

Oakwood Community Church

11209 Casey Rd., Tampa, 33618 813-969-2303, www.oakwoodfl.org Sun., 10:30am

1930 Land O' Lakes Blvd., Lutz, 33549 813-393-0514, www.revealchurch.com Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm (Service & Youth) 9270 Bay Plaza Blvd., Suite 600, Tampa, 33619 813-621-8886, www.revivalworshipchurch.com Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm, Fri., 7pm

410 Chapman Rd. East, Lutz, 33549 813-949-9931, www.riveroflife-lutz.org Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

River of Praise

5320 Palmetto Rd., New Port Richey, 34652 727-849-2762, www.thegateofpraise.com Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm

Riverside Baptist Church

6219 River Rd., New Port Richey, 34652 727-842-1611, www.riversideloves.com Sun., 10:45am, Wed., 6:30pm (Youth Group)

Shepherd's Community United Methodist Church 2165 Shepherd Road, Lakeland, 33811 863-701-7171, www.scumc.net Sun., 10am

Shoresh David Messianic Synagogues 813-831-5673, www.shoreshdavid.org Tampa: 4320 Bay to Bay Blvd., 33269 Fri., 7:30pm, Sat., 11am, Tues., 6pm Wesley Chapel: 33425 SR 54, 33543 Fri., 7:30pm Brandon: 4929 Bell Shoals Rd., 33596 Fri., 7:30pm

South Brandon Worship Center

4929 Bell Shoals Rd., Valrico, 33596 813-661-2273, www.southbrandon.org Sun., 9:15am & 10:45am, Wed., 7pm (Youth)

St. James House of Prayer Episcopal Church 2708 N. Central Ave., Tampa, 33602 813-223-6090, www.sjhoptpa.org Sun., 9am & 11:30am

10130 Tuscany Ridge Dr., Tampa, 33619 813-626-0783, www.crossingonline.org Sun., 9am, 11am, 1:30pm (Spanish), & 5pm 5221 8th St., Zephyrhills, 33542 813-782-9673, www.jtbministries.com Sun., 11am & 6pm, Tues., 7pm

The Gathering

39348 US Hwy 19 N., Tarpon Springs, 34689 727-942-3832, www.wearethegathering.com Sat., 6:30pm

The Salvation Army Worship Center

1100 W. Sligh Ave., Tampa, 33604 813-549-5285, www.salvationarmytampa.org Sun., 11am

Tims Church

601 Sunset Lane, Lutz, 33549 813-949-1239, www.timschurch.org Sun., 9:15am & 11:30am

Torre Fuerte Tampa

Meeting at Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church 19911 Bruce B Downs Blvd., Tampa, 33647 813-410-7220, Spanish Services Sat., 7pm

Trinity Church of Wesley Chapel

33425 SR 54, Wesley Chapel, 33543 813-788-2898, www.trinitychurchnow.com Sun., 10:15am

Trinity Presbyterian Church

14925 North Boulevard, Tampa, 33616 813-961-5836, www.trinitytampa.com Sun., 9:30am, 11am & 6pm, Wed., 6:15pm

Van Dyke Church

17030 Lakeshore Rd., Lutz, 33558 813-968-3983, www.vandyke.org Sat., 6pm, Sun., 9:30am & 11am

Victorious Life Church

6224 Old Pasco Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33544 813-973-2230, www.victoriouslifechurch.com Sun., 9am, 10:40am & 6pm, Wed., 7pm

Vida Citrus Park Community Church

4202 W. Linebaugh Ave., Tampa, 33624 813-962-3136, www.vidacitruspark.com Sun., 10:30am

Vida Community Church

Meeting at The Dwelling Place 410 W. County Line Rd., Lutz, 33558 813-810-0863, www.vidacommunitychurch.org Bilingual-Spanish Services Sun., 2pm, Thurs., 7pm

Water’s Edge Church

30200 Overpass Rd., Wesley Chapel, 33545 813-994-5000, www.connectingfaith.com Sun., 11am, Wed., Kids 6:30pm, Adults 7pm

St. James Methodist Church

Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church

35636 SR 54 West, Zephyrhills, 33541 813-782-2888, www.oasisworldoutreach.org Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm

Tampa Covenant Church

Without Walls Intl. Church

1314 E. 18th Ave., Tampa, 33605 813-248-2595, www.openarmschurch.org Sun., 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

Terrace Palms Community Church

Zephyrhills First Assembly

Oasis World Outreach

Open Arms Church of Ybor City

Palma Ceia United Methodist Church

3723 W. Bay to Bay Blvd., Tampa, 33629 813-837-1541, www.palmaceiaumc.org Sun., 8:30am, 9:40am, & 11am

Path of Holiness Christian Church

21307 Paoli Dr., Land O' Lakes, 34639 813-991-0192, www.pathofholinesschristianchurch.com Sun., 1pm, Tues., 7pm, Thurs., 7pm

16202 Bruce B Downs Blvd., Tampa, 33647 813-971-4790, www.stjamestampa.org Sun., 9:30am, 11am & 12:30pm 13320 Lake Magdalene Blvd., Tampa, 33618 813-968-2979, www.tampacovenantchurch.org Sun., 9:30am, Wed., 7pm

9620 Davis Rd., Tampa, 33637 813-985-9279, www.terracepalms.org Sun., 9am & 10:30am, Wed., 7pm

The Bridge of the Bay Community Church Meeting at YMCA Camp Cristina 9840 Balm Riverview Rd., Riverview, 33569 813-621-3191, www.bridgeofthebay.com Sun., 10:30am

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6100 Memorial Highway, Tampa, 33615 813-886-2536, www.wesleymemorial.net Sun., 9am & 11:15am, Wed., 6:30pm 3860 W. Columbus Dr., Tampa, 33607 813-879-4673, www.withoutwalls.org Sun., 9am & 11am, Thurs., 7pm

36322 SR 54, Zephyrhills, 33541 813-788-3490, www.zephyrhillsfirst.com Sun., 10am, Wed., 7pm


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