083 869 6901 MTN VICTORIA MALL CALEDON Easter Weekend: Friday: Open till 14h00 Sat & Sun Closed - Mon- 9:00-14:00 admin@mtncaledon.co.za
Offers: Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge (32GB) + Free Samsung LED 32”TV+30GB F 083 869 6901 free Data once off. Valid till 30 April 2017. T&Cs
Vakansieprogram binne
‘n Stroper mik Maandagoggend met ‘n klip na die Herald se fotograaf. Hy was deel van ‘n groep wat helderoordag in die omgewing van Tweede Straat op Kleinmond geduik het. Lees verder binne…
Ons doen Discovery Vitality Toetse We do Discovery Vitality Checks
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 2
Kleinmond Animal Clinic Phone no: 028 271 4183 Emergency no: 083 440 5191 Trading Hours: Weekdays: 08:00 - 18:00 Saturdays: 09:00 - 13:00 Consultations by appointment
Stockist of:
Services available: General Health Care Micro chipping Grooming Puppy Classes Name tags
Twee van munisipaliteit het noue ontkoming BETTYSBAAI – Twee munisipale amptenare van hier het Vrydag ‘n noue ontkoming gehad toe die munisipale bakkie waarin hulle gery het, in Clarence Rylaan, teen ‘n stilstaande voertuig gebots het. Klaarblyklik het die een wiel van die munisipale bakkie uitgeval
en het die bestuurder beheer oor die voertuig verloor. Dit het daarna met soveel geweld teen die ander voertuig vasgery dat dit die stilstaande voertuig op sy sy gekeer het. Die twee beamptes is vir skok en geringe beserings behandel.
Polisiemanne hoor nou eers later oor hul lot HERMANUS – Die dissiplinêre verhoor van twee polisiesersante van Kleinmond, wat in Februarie by die polisiestasie op die dorp in hegtenis geneem is op aanklagte van bedrog en diefstal, wat Vrydag op Hermanus sou plaasvind, is uitgestel na 25 April. Die Herald verneem die verhoor is uitgestel, omdat hul vakbondverteenwoordiger nie teenwoordig kon wees nie. Die
dissiplinêre verhoor van die twee sal nou om 9:00 op 25 April op Grabouw plaasvind. Sersante Carlo Booyse en Franco Fredericks was na bewering betrokke by die diefstal van R183 000 se dagga waarop daar vroeër by ‘n kweekhuis in Vierde Laan beslag gelê is. Hulle het verlede Donderdag in die streekhof op Caledon verskyn waar die saak na 24 April uitgestel is.
Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394
CALL HENNIE ON 082 415 2181
084 577 2926
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 3
Protecting our community since 1998 Office: (028) 271 4637 Betty’s Bay: (028) 272 9110 Fax: (028) 271 4179 Cell: 082 410 7845 / 082 940 9113 Email: kleinmondsafe@overberg.co.za
Trust is earned
Min gepla. Stropers wat helderoordag, ten aanskoue van wetstoepassers duik, is die afgelope tyd algemeen.
Inwoners maak dit ongemaklik vir die stropers KLEINMOND – Terwyl stropers in ons omgewing al makker raak en dikwels helderoordag opgemerk word daar waar hulle duik, is daar inwoners wat begin terugveg. Die Herald het die afgelope weke talle oproepe van inwoners op Kleinmond en Bettysbaai ontvang oor stropers. ‘n Tyd gelede het ons ‘n groep afgeneem waar hulle in die oggend ten aanskoue van verbygangers aan die onderkant van Tweede Straat duik. Ons het foto’s geneem en die polisie en seevisserye laat kom. Die stropers en hul buit is later vort en daar het niks van gekom nie. Gedurende die laaste drie weke het die Herald by twee geleenthede groot groepe stropers by Jock se Baai in Bettysbaai afgeneem, ook helderoordag. Die polisie en
seevisserye kom, maar moet staan en kyk, want hulle mag nie die duikers in hegtenis neem, tensy hulle perlemoen of kreef in hulle besit het nie. Die stropers beweeg altyd in groepe en is aggressief. Toe ‘n inwoner ons die afgelope Maandagoggend laat weet van stropers onder by Tweede Straat het die Herald weer ‘n fotograaf uitgestuur. Seevissery het intussen ook opgedaag en toe die groep van vier die beamptes gewaar het hulle die sakke perlemoen in die sloep by Blougat, naby Voëlklip gegooi en teruggeswem na die swemstrand, Van die ontskulpte perlemoen is wel later met groot moeite uit die see gehaal. Die stropers is natuurlik vort. Die Herald se fotograaf het hulle wel afgeneem te midde van ‘n vloekery en klipgooiery.
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 4
Kleinmonders trek in hul honderde op KLEINMOND – Bykans 400 inwoners van Kleinmond, Bettysbaai, Pringlebaai en Rooiels het Vrydag die Hoofstraat ingevaar om hul steun te toon vir landwye oproepe dat president Jacob Zuma moet bedank. Anders as in die meeste omliggende dorpe, is Kleinmond se optog nie deur ‘n politieke party gereël nie, maar deur ‘n groepie plaaslike inwoners wat die Overstrand Herald, ingesluit het. Die byeenkoms het onder die vaandel van die Save South Africa organisasie plaasgevind. Groepies inwoners het reeds vroegoggend by die markterrein langs Hoofweg byeengekom met hul Suid-Afrikaanse vlae en plakkate. Teen die tyd wat die optog begin het was daar, teen die verwagting in, ‘n geraamde 400 mense, jonk en oud. Die groep het in Hoofweg afbeweeg tot by die stadsaal waar die sameroeper van die optog, Henriette Derby, ‘n paar woorde gesê het. Die volkslied is gesing en die groep het daarna uiteengegaan. (Video en nog foto’s op die Overstrand Herald se facebook blad – meer as 170 000 mense het die afgelope week die Herald se facebookblad besoek terwyl meer as 54 000 na die video van die optog op Kleinmond gekyk het)
Daar was ook by die ingang tot Rooiels ‘n klein betoging waaraan sowat 30 mense deelgeneem het.
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 5
(Vannaf 07 April – 21 April 2017) Lekker Ingelegde Kerrie Vis Geelstert Lekker VET Snoek Weskus Braai Snoek Vis parcels en Combo’s Tasty Calamari
Aan alle KLEINTE!!! Om teleurstelling te vermy, bestel vroegtydig terwyl voorraad hou!!!! Kontakbesonderhede: 028 – 271 4643 of e-mail: lobster@mweb.co.za
Bestuurders: 072 074 8589 : 082 437 0727
Lunch Special R45 For the week Monday Cottage Pie + 2 veg Tuesday Chicken Lasagne + 2 veg Wednesday Tuna Macaroni bake + 2 veg Thursday Bobotie & Rice + 2 veg Friday Chicken/Beef Burger Saturday Chicken/Beef burger Upsize available on request Now doing deliveries too for additional R5 (Must book deliveries before 11:00)
Kleinmond main beach
13 04 Bistro14 is Coffee Heaven !! Award winning Isabella’s blend, Served troughout the day 8-5
14% Decadent Baked Cheesecake, MoistR380+ Carrot Cake
Creamy Granadilla Cheesecake , Dark Chocolate Cake We bake all our delectable cakes ourselves
Breakfast served all day !! Bottomless Filter coffee with Breakfast Monday– Friday
Famous for our great b-fast choices including full English, Health, Omelettes, all butter Croissants, Crepes and Eggs Benedict
Lunch - Seafood,
Gourmet Burgers, Vegetarian
Freshly prepared, best Quality, Great Taste
See us on Tripadvisor—No1 in Kleinmond 14 Harbour Rd, Kleinmond,
028 271 4213
= R4
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 6
Redaksioneel Fine & Country Betty’s Bay 43 Pearl Drive Betty’s Bay, 7141 bettysbay@fineandcountry.com
Oppie Bosch Real Estate Management Solutions 2008/05374/23
Hein Brand Property Consultant +27 (0)84 229 4681 hein.b@fineandcountry. com
Dringend gesoek in Kleinmond Veilige, gemeubileerde huis vir bejaarde leraars-egpaar met 2 volwasse kinders. Billike huur. 4-6 Maande of langtermyn.
Daar is al meer tekens dat die nasionale regering of nie in staat is nie, of bloot net nie belangstel om sy verpligtinge teenoor sy landsburgers na te kom nie. Op plaaslike vlak is die selle by die Kleinmond polisiekantoor reeds sowat twee maande lank onbruikbaar weens die haglike toestand waarin dit is. Dit beteken in effek dat almal wat in hegtenis geneem word, na Caledon vervoer moet word. Dit, terwyl daar reeds net een patrollie voertuig beskikbaar is. Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die department van openbare werke om die polisiekantoor en selle in stand te hou, maar hulle kan of wil dit nie doen nie. Die plaaslike polisie het reeds in Junie 2013 die eerste keer gevra dat die selle opgeknap moet word, maar niks het sedertdien gebeur nie. Plaaslike sakeondernemings, wat die Overstrand Herald insluit, het aangebied om die werk gratis te doen, maar dié aanbod, wat reeds weke gelede gemaak is, is tot op hede nog nie aanvaar nie. Dit is nie net ‘n verkwisting
028 271 5304 of 083 454 8496 26 01 2017 TE HUUR - PRINGLEBAAI R100.00 4 Slaapkamers, 2 Badkamers & Stort, Garage, Wendyhuis, Sommige meubels & gordyne. R6000 p.m.
van mannekrag nie, maar ook geld. Ons sien ook die staat se traakmy-nie-agtigheid wanneer dit kom by die bewaring van ons mariene hulpbronne. Die Herald berig nou al weke lank oor die stropers wat helderoordag, ten aanskoue van inwoners, langs ons kuslyn bedrywig is. Die department van seevisserye doen niks. Wat doen die mense wat die department se gebou in Kaapstad vol sit? Absoluut niks nie! Die paar beamptes hier op Kleinmond sit dag vir dag vir die stropers en kyk met hulle verkykers. Hulle hande is afgekap. Hulle het nie die getalle of die regte toerusting om die stropers aan te vat nie. Daarby bepaal wetgewing dat die stropers in besit van perlemoen of kreef moet wees alvorens hulle in hegtenis geneem kan word. Dit is lagwekkend pateties. Soos in die geval van misdaad sal inwoners uiteindelik ook dié taak moet oorneem, want die regering is doodeenvoudig nie in staat daartoe nie. redakteur@ overstrandherald.co.za
gevind 13 04 Liggaam 2017 KLEINMOND – Die polisie hier het bevestig dat hulle Dinsdag die Bel: 021 785 3251 liggaam van die 29-jarige Ricardo Visser, ook bekend as Mabou, in die omgewing van die Palmiet monding gevind het. 084 578 4414 R100 +14% = R114.00
PLOT FOR SALE BETTY’S BAY ERF 3531 R220 000,00 720m\2 level dry plot for sale, with good lake views, in very quiet appendix to Oxalis Rd, provisional building plans included. Contact owner, leave message, or send what’s up, if on voice mail
2017 Easter schedule – domestic waste and refuse collection
Please note that refuse removal in the Kleinmond/ Betty’s Bay/ Pringle Bay and Rooiels areas will only take place on Tuesday, 18 April, and not Monday as usual.
Cell: 0834602123 / Office: 028 2729931 johancloete01@gmail.com
Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394 30 year’s experience
06 - 04 - 2017 - 4 – 05 –2017
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 7
Kleinmond/Betty’s Bay 028 271 3238
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Bedrooms: 2| Baths: 1 | Garages: 0
Sunday 1 - 4pm Sunday 1 - 4pm
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Web Ref:CWSC-2260
R 690 000
Lock up and go! Ideal holiday flat with distant sea view! This 2 bedroom apartment is on the 3rd floor with south facing balcony. 1 Bathroom, open plan kitchen, dining area and lounge! Secure parking. Walking distance to all amenities.
Bedrooms: 4| Baths: 3| Garages: 0
Web Ref: CWSC-0297
R1 890 000
A home with sea and mountain views. This 4 bedroom home is situated on the edge of Kleinmond right next to the nature reserve. Upstairs consist of sunny tv room with balcony to enjoy stunning sunsets and 1 bedroom with en suite bathroom.
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Web Ref: CWSC-2185
R1 995 000
Bedrooms: 4 | Baths: 3 | Garages: 2
This character filed cottage is on a large plot with stunning mountain views. From the covered braai patio. The house consist of open plan granite kitchen with gas hop, dining area and lounge with fireplace. Upstairs study. Covered court yard between the house and double auto garage. This really is something spacial.
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910 Web Ref:CWSC-2165
R1 370 000
North facing with mountain views!The house consist of open plan kitchen, lounge and dining area. Flatlet with inter leading door to main house. Flatlet Consist of 1 bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and lounge. Double garage with huge carport +- 4 cars. Auto gate and irrigation in garden. Outside cosy covered braai area!
Bedrooms: 4| Baths: 3| Garages: 2
Web Ref: CWSC-2311
R3 800 000
Web Ref:CWSC-2316
R2 850 000
NEW RELEASED. Elegance, pristine, private are but a few words which can be used to describe this beautifully kept home. West-facing single story home which will definitely enjoy magnificent sunsets, east facing bedroom for peaceful sleep, 80m to Draadbaai to catch "kreef" and 100m and you can experience the sandy shores of Silversands Beach.
Web Ref: CWSC-2056
R4 500 000
Bedrooms: 3 | Baths: 1 Garages: 2
This is one of a kind property on a double plot in lower Beach Road. Lots of character and charm. Free standing flatlet with mountain view. Stunning entertainment room with doors all around that open to let the sea breeze flow through. This room also has great mountain views.
Saturday Saturday22-4pm - 4pm
Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
Bedrooms: 3 | Baths:2 | Garages: 2
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
This beach front property is on of only 3 currently for sale. Low maintenance with spacious entertainment area, study, kitchen with granite tops, laundry and braai room with mountain views. Upstairs enclosed stoep with stunning sea views. Double auto garage with extra space. Sea views from almost every room. Spend your dream holidays here.
Betty’s Bay
Bedrooms: 2| Baths: 1| Garages: 2
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Betty’s Bay
Web Ref:CWSC-2057
R1 575 000
Bedrooms: 3Baths: 2| Garages: 2
Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
Betty’s Bay
Web Ref:CWSC-2250
R1 450 000
Bedrooms 3| Baths: 2 Garages: 0
Eclectic, compact cottage with Man Cave, Jacuzzi, Tiled open plan living/dining/kitchen area with doors to garden. Direct access to house from large double garage. WendyHouse & decks de luxe! Step through the entrance to a totally private world .... Open plan living area/kitchen/braai room BICS in 2/3 bedrooms. Minutes to Silversands beach. opening to closed/roofed decks on all sides. Jacuzzi off braai room to garden, tucked away & cosy in the corner. Outside shower, discreet wendy house is far corner of garden.
Sunday11 1 -1pm - 3pm Saturday Saturday 11 - 1pm
Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
Betty’s Bay Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 2 | Garages: 1
Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
Web Ref: CWSC-2076
R2 500 000
Betty’s Bay Bedrooms: 2| Baths: 1 | Garages: 0
Web Ref:CWSC-2080
R1 140 000
Pretty south facing, 'upside down', Nantucket-style home Large open plan living area with built in braai and french set in fenced, indigineous garden. Upstairs is only living doors to the backyard. Approved plans for four garages in area/kitchen with Morse stove, guest loo and balau place. wraparound deck and forever sea views. Downstairs 3 bedrooms mes & living area, general bathroom - Main bedroom has its own lounge area with guest loo and sliding doors to both braai area and backyard.
Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
Betty’s Bay
Bedrooms: 5 Baths: 3 | Garages: 0
Web Ref:
R1 850 000
Space, swimming pool and more on offer....
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other
‘n Weeklikse rubriek deur Ilna Grobler ilna@overstrandherald.co.za
Nog ‘n koppie? Die paashasie gaan my verby Ek lees daar was ‘n groot palawa in Engeland omdat Cadbury’s hul bemarkings-advertensie verander het. In plaas daarvan om te lui: “The Great Easter Egg Hunt” of iets in dier voege, het die bemarkers glo die “Easter” met “Chocolate” vervang. Die Anglikaanse Kerk het ernstig aanstoot geneem. Ek kan eerlikwaar nie die wêreld se beheptheid met paaseiers verstaan nie. Dis net lekkergoed. Die Fabergé paaseiers sal ek nou nie voor nee sê as een my kant toe kom nie, maar lekkergoed? Dié eet ek ongelukkig enige tyd. My mangels is destyds (so 1963) net voor die Paastyd uitgehaal.
Ek onthou dit, want ek het ‘n groot sjokolade paaseier gekry. Toe was ‘n groot paaseier nog iets spesiaal. Deesdae is daar enige tyd van die jaar soveel soorte lekkergoed beskikbaar, dat paaseiers algemeen en gewoon geraak het en Paastyd gekommersialiseer. Dis jammer. Paastyd het soos Kersfees geraak. Vakansie en paaseiers en paasbolletjies en alles wat lekker is. Dis tye soos dié dat ek vroeër jare mis. Toe die wêreld minder gesofistikeerd en blasé was. Ek het nie ‘n totale hunkering na die verlede nie, ek hou daarvan om vir vandag en die toekoms te leef, maar
sekere dinge het meer diepte gehad. Soos die Pase. Van al die godsdienstige vakansiedae, is die Paastyd vir my spesiaal. Nie dat ek iets buitengewoons doen nie. Dis net dat ek die wete het, dat iets spesiaals herdenk word. Die feit dat in die Joodse tradisie Pesach gevier word, maak dit vir my net meer groots. Ek verwag dat daar radikale groepe in die wêreld is wat moontlik in hul verstoordheid, terreurdade sal pleeg. Dis deel van die mens se opstand teen God. Mense het mos almal slimmer, meer tegnologies en meer alwetend en alomteenwoordig as die liewe Here geraak. En ek verwag nie dat dit net Moslem radikales is wat sulke dade gaan pleeg nie. Trump en Poetin en Bashar al-Assad sal waarskynlik onder die een of ander voorwendsel mense doodmaak in hierdie tyd. Ek dink nie dis reg nie, maar ek aanvaar dis soos die mensdom probeer om die wêreld te regeer. Hulle moet maar aangaan, want hulle sal verbygaan. Ek onthou hoe gemotiveerd ons as jong kinders was toe ons die Bybel so goed geken het. Genadiglik het ek baie dinge geleer wat ek nou nog onthou: soos die volle wapenrusting van
Bladsy 8 God. Ek sien dit net nie meer nie. Die gordel van waarheid is nou ingeruil vir ‘n gordel van spin. Die borswering van geregtigheid, het die borswering van eiegeregtigheid geraak. Die skoene van vrede, genade ons, raak die jack-boots van stryd en twis. Die skild van geloof het ongelukkig die skild van alswetendheid en google geraak. Ek dink google en die internet is wonderlik, maar dit vervang niks nie, behalwe dat dit feite vinniger tot jou vingers kan bring as ‘n boek. En dit maak mens lui vir dink en bepeins. Die helm van verlossing is nie meer nodig nie, want mense reken hulle het mag oor alles. En die swaard van die gees het ‘n lastigheid geraak waarmee mens vlieë wegjaag. Dit maak my hart seer wanneer ek sien hoe mense op hul eie krag staatmaak, maar dit neem nie my eie gemoedsrus en vrede weg nie. Want ek weet wat ek glo. Nou hoop ek almal hou lekker naweek en geniet ons pragtige dorpe. And please give me the opportunity to tell my favourite joke: What do you get when you spill freshly-made tea on a rabbit? A hot, cross bunny!
Ref# KN1314393
Pringle Bay / R2.95 million
Ref# KN1312311
Pringle Bay / R1.65 million
Proximity to the beach. This elevated 5016m² vacant stand is unique in the Bedroom 6 / Bathroom 5 Guesthouse potential, huge open plan lounge & dining area with fireplace. village offering both sea & mountain views. Ideal for a permanent and holiday Separate entrance on the side to 4 en-suite bedrooms, with covered braai area home.
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Ref# KN1171279
Bladsy 9
Ref# KN1314881
Ref# KN1247683
Kleinmond / R450 000
Kleinmond / R2.4 million
Kleinmond / R1.995 million
Located in the mountain avenues. This plot offers beautiful mountain views and is situated in a quiet neighbourhood. Large enough for you and yours.
Bedrooms Bedrooms 54 / Bathrooms 3 / Garages 1 Excellent location only a short walk to the main beach. Including a flatlet.
Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 2 Situated only a short walk from the main beach. Beautiful mountain views and a flat for granny. ON SHOW 15 Albertyn Street
ON SHOW 160 Beach Road
Ref# KN1208335
Ref# KN1184900
Ref# KN1284911
Kleinmond / R3.65 million
Kleinmond / R3.8 million
Kleinmond / R3.9 million
Bedrooms 4 / Bathrooms 4 / Garages 2 Immaculate low-maintenance home on Beach Road with breath-taking ocean views.
Bedrooms 4 / Bathrooms 3 / Garages 2 Tranquillity on the edge of the rugged coast line with breath-taking views.
Bedrooms 4 / Bathrooms 3 / Garages 2 Modern with panoramic views, a self-contained flatlet, extra wide garage & much more. SOLE MANDATE
Ref# KN1275837
Ref# BB1170953
Betty’s Bay / R1.4 million
Betty’s Bay / R2.2 million
Bedroom 3 / Bathroom 2.5 Lovely cottage in secluded garden with many features.
Bedroom 4 / Bathroom 4 / Garage 2 Prime location with uninterrupted beach views.
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Suid-Afrikaners ruk op na Bloemfontein Dit is goed en wel dat SuidAfrikaners optogte hou om protes aan te teken teen die huidige politieke leierskap. Daar is niks mee verkeerd nie. Die realiteit is egter dat dit nie pres. Jacob Zuma gaan laat beweeg om uit sy amp te bedank nie. Feit is dit is menslik onmoontlik om pres. Zuma uit sy amp te verwyder, aangesien meer as 50% van die Lede van die Parlement moet stem vir die mosie van wantroue teen hom. Ons as gelowiges vertrou nie op mense nie, maar op die Almagtige God, Vader Seun en Heilige Gees. Hy is die enigste Een wat die nodige verandering kan bewerkstellig. Ons mandaat is om soveel as moontlik Suid-Afrikaners te mobiliseer om op Saterdag 22 April buite Bloemfontein saam te trek en saam met meer as ‘n miljoen gelowiges, op ons knieë, die Here se aangesig te soek, ons te verootmoedig
en Hom te vra om ons land te genees. Die Here sal dan vanuit die hemel hoor en kom en ons land genees. Ons as Christene vier presies ‘n week voor die It’s Time byeenkoms Paasfees. Dit is asof die Here die kruis van Sy verlossing opnuut in Suid-Afrikaanse grond kom plant met die boodskap dat alleen deur die krag van die kruis kan daar genesing kom vir ons land. My gebed is dat elke Suid-Afrikaanse gelowige op 22 April by It’s Time sy/haar kruis sal opneem en dit elke dag sal dra in sy/haar gemeenskap, sodat die genesing deur ons as kruisagente kan geskied. Ek nooi jou uit om die reis na Bloemfontein mee te maak en deel te wees van ‘n geskiedkundige moment soos Suid-Afrika nog nooit in sy jong leeftyd beleef het nie. Kontak my vir enige verdere navrae. Sedrick Taljaard. 082 827 6074
Dankie Fynbos Ek wil net baie graag my dank en waardering uitspreek teenoor die werkers van Fynbos Dienssentrum. Ek is behulpsaam elke tweede Donderdag daar en mense ek wens julle kan sien met wat se gesindheid daardie 4 mense elke dag in daardie kombuis werk, altyd met ‘n glimlag en vol grappe. Regtig, dit is iets wat mens baie, baie selde
vandag aantref. Die manier wat hulle mense behandel en mee praat is ongelooflik en as jy sien hoeveel kos daar elke dag voorberei word kan ek net my hoed vir hulle afhaal. Baie dankie Lee, Grietjie, Lida en Maureen vir alles wat julle doen vir die mense van Kleinmond en met soveel liefde. Maralene van Blerk
Bladsy 10
Ons stadsvriende, Dorothy en Gian, kom kuier graag, daarom het ons plek bespreek by ‘n plaaslike ruiterskool om op die strand te gaan perdry ter viering van Dorothy se 50ste verjaardag. Die wind het erg begin waai toe ons op die strand kom, en van die perde het onrustig geraak. ‘n Opeenhoping van perde het veroorsaak dat een van hulle vir Gian baie hard op sy been geskop het. Hy het bloed begin verloor, spierwit in die gesig geword, en ons het besef die saak is ernstig. Ons was bekommerd dat ons moontlik nie plaaslik mediese hulp sou kon kry op ‘n Saterdag vroegmiddag nie. Ons het besluit om eers Albertyn Apteek toe te gaan sodat die ernstigheid van die besering vasgestel kon word. Hulle het ons aangeraai om dadelik ‘n dokter te sien.
Ons wil baie dankie sê vir Madelein & Trevor by Albertyn Apteek wat ons so vinnig en knap gehelp het, vir leerlingparamedikus, Morné Lloyd, wat dadelik vir Dr Audrey Zietsman in die hande gekry het. Sy het die Pringlebaai kliniek spesiaal oopgesluit om vir Gian te behandel. Gian en Dorothy is terug stad toe waar X-strale gewys het sy fibula is gebreek. Almal se deeglike sorg daardie Saterdag, was ‘n riem onder die hart. Ons het vir 7 jaar in Pringlebaai gewoon en geleer dat die Hangklip-Kleinmond gemeenskap vol staatmakermense is. Ons het die area vir 5 jaar verlaat vir loopbaan en besigheidsgeleenthede, maar is verlede jaar weer terug. Ons is trots om weer deel van hierdie omgee-gemeenskap te wees! Gerhard en Linda Bruce
Kom kyk die kwilte!
KLEINMOND – Die dorp se kwiltmakers, die Lieflappers, stel die naweek hul liefdeswerk bekend. Tientalle kwilte word in twee lokale van ons plaaslike biblioteek ten toon gestel. ‘n Mens wil nie eens begin dink hoeveel lappies en stekies dit verteenwoordig nie. Die Lieflappers nooi belangstellendes om na hul kunswerk te kom kyk. Die uitstalling duur van 14-17 April.
Paasvakansie is om die draai Bespreek NOU
Nuwe winter voorraad Kom kyk gerus New winter stock Come and see
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 11
Plot clearing - tidy up your plot in the interest of everyone’s safety and security The Overstrand Municipality calls upon property owners at regular intervals to clear vacant land of young ‘alien trees’ and other vegetation that pose a safety hazard to neighbouring properties and the general surroundings. Besides the adherence of regulation and safety stipulations, this practice also provides the public with a measure of ensuring that places where stolen goods and criminals can hide are kept to a minimum. It further eliminates any undue worry for neighbours of your plot becoming a fire hazard. Moreover, in the event of wanting to sell your property the necessary regulations in this regard must be in place at the time of inspection in order for the municipality to issue you with a rates clearance certificate.Vacant land gives many areas its unique rural appeal - which attracts tourists - but fynbos on undeveloped land can pose a fire risk. Fynbos is a highly combustible vegetation that burns with high
intensity which poses a high fire risk when allowed to become densely overgrown; especially in residential areas. In line with the policy, vegetation growth on properties in these areas may not be higher than 500mm (0.5m) high and where the preservation of trees and shrubs are desired they must be trimmed and maintained in compliance with the applicable section of the policy schedule. In light of the safety requirements set out in Section 34(2) of the Community Fire Safety By-Law, it is imperative for all property owners to take cognisance of their responsibility to prevent an accumulation of combustible material, including vegetative matter, on their premises. In conjunction with this, Overstrand Municipality Policy for the Clearing and Maintenance of Vegetation Creating Fire Hazards, previously known as the Fire Hazards Management Policy,
Paula Calitz
has been adopted by Council on 30 March 2017 and can be downloaded from our website www.overstrand.go.za, click on Policies. The municipality conducts a minimum of two inspections per year throughout the jurisdiction and will issue compliances notices to all non-compliant property owners who must then remove the hazard or rectify the matter within 28 working days. Failure to do so will result in the owner having to carry the cost of remedial actions taken by the municipality on their behalf, with an administrative levy of no less than R1 100 being added to the relative municipal account. The municipality will, within reason, also react pro-actively to any complaints received from residents regarding overgrown properties; in which case the same process will be followed. Guidelines for the cleaning of plots area as follows: • Grass and groundcover
vegetation must not be higher than 500mm. • Invasive alien vegetation, such as Port Jacksons, must be removed and controlled by regular cutting and may be treated with herbicide at the discretion of landowners to prevent re-growth. • Contractors appointed by the municipality for clearing of private erven are not permitted to use any herbicides. • The reduction of dense overgrowth and undergrowth of desired indigenous vegetation by removing all flammable material such as dead wood from beneath the shrubbery and thinning of excess growth on trees from ground level to a minimum height of 1,2m (indigenous vegetation shall be reduced as per schedule 1 and 2 of the policy. • All garden refuse, cuttings and excess combustible material (irrespective of the clearing process) shall be removed from the property and dispose of at Vervolg op bl.13
Hoofweg 36 Main Road, Kleinmond / Tel: 028 271 4994 / 5799 / paulaceiendomme@telkomsa.net Paula Calitz Werner Calitz Johan Calitz Kotie Pieters Riaan Jacobs 082 788 3211 076 426 0142 082 826 0900 083 277 8334 076 594 7415 Prinsipaal / Principal Master Agent Master Agent Volstatus Agent Eiendoms Konsultant CEA PDE MPRE CEA PDE PPRE CEA PDE PPRE CEA
Onthaal woning – netjies! R1 485 000
R1 160 000
R1 595 000 Meubels ingesluit! Trek net in!! Slpk: 3 Badk: 3 Motorhuis: 2
Klein Berlyn! By Gholfbaan! Slpk: 3 Badk: 2 Motorhuis: 1
R985 000
Stap na Hawe! Slpk: 3 Badk: 1.5 Motorhuis: 1
R3 645 000
R1 280 000
R1 745 000 Nuut gebou! Slpk: 2 Badk: 2
Seelane! See uitsig! Slpk: 3 Badk: 1 Motorhuis: 0
Motorhuis: 1
R820 000
Aftree Wenner/Toesluit-en-ry! Slpk: 3 Badk: 3 Motorhuis: 2
Familie Droom Woning – Dubbel Erf Siersteen Wenner! Slpk: 5 Badk: 5 Motorhuis: 2 Slpk: 2 Badk: 2
R1 980 000
Motorhuis: 1
R2 165 000
ON SHOW Aftree Wenner/Toesluit-en-ry! Slpk: 2 Badk: 1 Motorhuis: 1
Joint Mandate! See uitsig! Slpk: 4 Badk: 3 Motorhuis: 0
Heuningkloof! See uitsig! Slpk: 3 Badk: 2 Motorhuis: 1
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Dr. Audrey Zietsman General Practitioner
MBBCH (Wits) Mp0698393 / Pr0664405 Hours: 08:30 - 15:30 Monday to Friday After hours: emergencies only Saturday mornings by appointment only
Bladsy 12
Hangklip Kleinmond Tourism restructures management
Never has an industry been influenced at the speed and scope at which technology is changing the tourism landscape. More travellers are turning to online sources for assistance 441 Peak Road, Pringle Bay with tourism related enquiries. 028 273 8069 Digital innovation has changed draudreyzietsman@gmail.com the role of Local Tourism www.draudreyzietsman.com Committees and provides challenges regarding continuity and the balance between running businesses and driving CHANYA THAI SPA tourism strategy. “We believe that a collective effort towards KLEINMOND tourism development and destination marketing should Traditional Thai Healing Massage on your doorstep be maintained and driven centrally to ensure that all Open from 10:00 till 18:00 from Monday to Saturday. the benefits are realised. This sector is one of the few to realise For more information on different treatments contact economic growth. The changing 16 March - 31 August 2017 Chanya (Tanja) at 0748950480 or 0825642515 landscape of tourism and, more importantly the changing role Visit her at 23 First Street, Kleinmond. of tourism committees, have resulted in Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism being incorporated in the Cape Whale Coast Tourism management with immediate effect. We simply cannot delay the implementation 1 Lowrey Orrel R500.00 of an innovative destination 4x Wingback sitkamer stoele R600.00 marketing plan. Hangklip1 Geelhout Linnekas R400.00 Kleinmond needs to be 2x Eethoekie kisbanke met baie pakplek presented as a preferred place Sitplekke met bruin kunsleer oorgetrek R300.00 when considerations are made with regards to where to live, 1 Dubbelbed kopstok met 2 sytafeltjies + spieëltafel-Ligte hout R400.00 visit, work and invest. 4x wit plastiese stoele met kussings R 50.00
16 02 2017
Alles in goeie toestand
Tel: 028 272 9676
What will change? Elnora Gillion, Overstrand Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Development and Tourism, explained “there will be no visible changes in what the tourist and resident experience when visiting the Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism Office”. The office will be staffed and open to the public as usual. What will change is the way in which tourism strategy will be implemented with more emphasis on marketing. “Where decisions were made by the elected Executive Committee in the past it will now be done by Cape Whale Coast Tourism in partnership with an advisory committee of Hangklip-Kleinmond tourism stakeholders” said Gillion. The main objective remains to promote the HangklipKleinmond region as a
02 02 2017 R100.00
preferred tourism destination with regards to leisure, business and adventure travel. As the visitor navigates their journey through a lens of travel, food and retail and enjoys being part of a community tourism promotion will maintain and further develop an enabling environment, offering a rich and diverse range of experiences and products. Another change will be that Anecia Abrahams of HangklipKleinmond Tourism will, in future, report to Cape Whale Coast Tourism Manager Frieda Lloyd. This tactical change aims to ensure that all promotion regarding the Overstrand, Cape Whale Coast and Hangklip-Kleinmond align for the different towns and provides for uniformity and collective approach. It’s time to make things happen, we want people to visit the area. Going forward Frieda Lloyd will mentor all Local Tourism Office staff to improve capacity and manage the current challenges and enable a tourism strategy for an effective, efficient and attractive destination. Time for a new look HangklipKleinmond Tourism Logo The Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism logo needs a rejuvenation to make this promotional trademark more user friendly. We welcome suggestions from the public as to which elements of the environment to include in the design be it the mountains, sea or landscape and look forward to any stories that locals wish to share about their memories of this area. The logo is required for use on digital platforms as well as on printed garments and documents and we have found that the current logo is not very clear and readable when used on some material. Therefore it is time to put creative minds to work and change the logo for something that is clear, neat and easily associated with the tourism body for HangklipKleinmond. Any suggestions and stories can be mailed to manager@kleinmondtourism.co.za
Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394
Overstrand Herald Vervolg van bl.11 the relevant municipal refuse transfer stations. • The clearing of undergrowth and deadwood below all desired and protected (including Milkwood) thickets and dense brush in residential areas is imperative as this increases the danger of fires and could result in these spots being easily
13 April 2017 ignited by flying embers from nearby fires. • Properties up to 1 hectare in size must be adequately cleared, and larger ones must be provided with a firebreak of at least 5m in width along all boundaries • All garden refuse resulting from clearing actions as well as other combustible materials
must be removed to the relevant refuse transfer station. • If the Municipality has to clear the plot, it will, over and above the actual cleaning cost, add an additional administration fee of R1 100 to your municipal account. Prices quoted in this article, is only valid till 30 June 2017 Please note:
Bladsy 13 • Landowners wishing to clear their properties accordingly can obtain information on clearing contractors from Fire Services or the respective administration offices. More information can be obtained from the Plot Clearing Administrator at 028 313 8000 or e-mail enquiries@ overstrand.gov.za
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Marjoh Plant Hire
Zirk 082 496 6751 Judy 082 452 4260
Bladsy 14
Stap saam die Weg van die Kruis KLEINMOND - Vroeg op Goeie Kruis te loop. Hulle wou Jesus Vrydag, 14 April, (06:30) se voetstappe volg - van waar stap verskillende kerklike Hy deur Pilatus verhoor en denominasies weer op veroordeel is tot by Golgota Kleinmond die Weg van die en Sy graf. Langs die pad het Kruis. Almal is welkom om by hulle dan stilgestaan, nagedink die gemeenskapsaal bymekaar en gebid waar die verskillende te kom en saam te stap na die gebeure op pad na Golgota preekboom by die hoofstrand. plaasgevind het. Baie Christene ’n Kruis sal gedra word deur reis steeds na Jerusalem om op persone van verskillende Goeie Vrydag die Via Dolorosa kerke. Langs die roete sal daar (Lydensweg), ook genoem Via Skrifgedeeltes gelees word wat Crucis (Kruisweg), te loop. Die fokus op Jesus se lydensweg. verskillende momente van die Daar sal ook oomblikke vir kruisweg is ook al in skilderye meditasie wees.The tradition of en beeld-houwerk vasgevang. the Stations or Way of the Cross Kerkgeboue is daarmee versier. originated many centuries ago. Tydens Lydenstyd en veral in die In 1342 the Franciscan Order Heilige week beweeg Christene was granted the administration dan van stasie (skildery) na of the Christian holy places stasie (skildery) om na te dink in Jerusalem and they then en te bid. Die Stasies van die 02 Kruis 2017 established09 the Stations is oorspronklik deur die of the Cross along the Via Katolieke Kerk ontwikkel en Dolorosa. The Way of the Cross gebruik. in Kleinmond starts at the Al hoe meer Protestantse kerke Community Hall at 06.30 on besef vandag die waarde om R190.00 paid Good Friday, 14 April. Residents Jesus se Lydensweg simbolies and visitors are all welcome. uit te beeld om gelowiges Sedert die Middeleeue het se geloof in Sy soendood te Christen-pelgrims na Jerusalem versterk en as ’n getuienis aan gereis om die Weg van die die wêreld.
28 07 2016 R190.00 p/week
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 15
67 Main Road, Kleinmond 072 481 0658
In memory of Joost van der Westhuizen
SUPER RUGBY RAAI !! Reëls is as volg: 1. Spandeer R50 of Meer by Suidwes Biltong om outomaties te kwalifiseer vir kompetisie. 2. Een inskrywing per aankoop.
3. Aan die Einde van Oktober 2017 gaan ons kyk watter Persoon het die Meeste kere die Rugby Raai Kompetisie reg gehad. Daardie Persoon sal dan beloon word met ons Geborgde "Grand Prize" wat verseker die moeite werd gaan wees. 4. Hoe meer jy probeer, hoe beter jou kans om Weekliks te wen! 5. Inskrywings sluit stiptelik elke Donderdag omstreeks 17:00. Geen laat inskrywings word aanvaar nie. 6. RUGBY RAAI is elke week tot einde OKTOBER 2017 toe!!
Moenie jou kans verbeur om te wen 7de Wenner vir 2017: nie!!! Charl Hugo
WINKEL URE: MAANDAE tot VRYDAE 09:30 – 18:00. SATERDAE 09:30 – 15:00
67 Main Road, Kleinmond, 7195 / Tel: 072 481 0658 / Fax: 086 566 4033 Email: suidwesbiltongsa@gmail.com / Skype: suidwes.biltongsa
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 16
No more Antenna reception Hassles + Perfect Picture
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Begin vandag beplan vir 13 04 2017 die lewe wat jy graag wil hê Verseker jou finansiële welstand.
R170 +14% = R193.80 Kontak my gerus vir ‘n gratis, verpligtingvrye finansiële ontleding. Theo Winckler Uitvoerende Finansiële Beplanner
Stoomtrein Entoesias?
BA (Hons) Nagraadse Diploma in Finansiële Beplanning Tel: +27(0)28 272 9332 Sel: +27 (0)82 920 4286 theo.winckler@momentum.co.za
Praatjies met videos, Kleinmond Biblioteek, 18, 25 April, 2,9 Mei 10:30-11:30 Gratis, Geen verversings
Steamtrain Enthusiast?
02 02 2017
Talks with videos, Kleinmond Library, 18, 25 April, 2,9 May 10:30 -11:30 Free, No refreshments
Nico Boshoff 028 271 5382 / 071 276 5664
Momentum Finansiële Beplanning, is ‘n afdeling van MMI Groep Beperk, ‘n geregistreerde verskaffer van finansiële dienste. (FSP 6406)
A5 Finansiele beplanning 0317.indd 1
3/27/17 3:31 PM
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 17
R1 245 000
Betty’s Bay
CHARACTER IN GREY... O/p lounge, dining room & kitchen downstairs. 2 Spacious bedrooms & a modern bathroom. Large room upstairs with balcony with views.
Jenny 073 3029 414 - John 082 663 1809
R2 600 000
NUTEC COTTAGE CLOSE TO BEACH Newly built, neat cottage near Main beach. Living room with built-in braai. O/p Kitchen. 2 Bedrooms (b.ic.s), 2 bathrooms (m.e.s.),
Jenny 073 3029 414 - John 082 663 1809
R3 990 000
PRIME SEA FRONT PROPERTY Don’t want a mansion on the sea front? This is for you. Rustic, comfortable holiday cottage in a private cul-desac. O/p living, 2 beds, 2 baths, m.e.s., single garage.
Jenny 073 3029 414 - John 082 663 1809 R1 500 000
ENTERTAINER’S DELIGHT! Large game’s room with bar leading to enclosed patio with built-in braai! Lounge, dining room & o/p kitchen. 3 Beds, 2 baths. Double garage.
Jenny & John 073 085 2810 R1 750 325 000 R2
Pringle Bay
CLOSE TO BEACH & VILLAGE CENTRE Spacious house with sea & mountain views. Large upstairs living & dining plus downstairs lounge. 6 Beds, 4 baths & double garage.
Jenny & John 073 085 2810
Pringle Bay & Rooi-Els Office: 028 273 8883 - 073 085 2810
Joint Mandate
STUNNING VIEWS OF RONDEVLEI Dual living potential. 2 Large living areas, sun room. O/p kitchen. 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Double garage. Balcony with stunning views.
Jenny 073 3029 414 - John 082 663 1809
Betty’s Bay
SECLUDED RELAXATION! Beautiful architecturally designed home. Split level lounge with fireplace, dining room & kitchen with fireplace. 5 Beds, 2 baths, guest loo. Built-in braai.
Jenny 073 3029 414 - John 082 663 1809
Sole Mandate
Betty’s Bay
R5 500 000
R1 695 000
Pringle Bay
Office: 028 272 9867 - 073 085 2810
R1 800 000
Betty’s Bay
Betty’s Bay
Betty’s Bay
Betty’s Bay
A HOME AND ADDITIONAL PLOT Expansive living room with fireplace. Modern kitchen with scullery, pantry & laundry. Enclosed patio with built -in braai. 3 Beds, 2 baths. 2 Bedroom flat. 5 Garages..
Jenny 073 3029 414 - John 082 663 1809 R1 750 000
Pringle Bay
Pringle Bay
On a large stand in a quiet position with good Spotless house on a large plot. Lounge with distant sea views. Lounge/dining, enclosed fireplace opening onto a sheltered veranda. 4 Bedrooms (bics), 2 bathrooms. Alarm & fenced. veranda with fireplace, 2 baths & double garage.
Jenny & John 073 085 2810
Jenny & John 073 085 2810
R3 250 000
R6 000 000
Pringle Bay
HOME WITH BEAUTIFUL SEA VIEWS Situated at the Point. 3 Beds, 2 baths (m.e.s.), study & loft area for the kids. O/p Lounge with fireplace, modern kitchen & double garage.
Jenny & John 073 085 2810
Pringle Bay
BEACH FRONT CAPE COD BEAUTY Magnificent sea & mountain views. 3 Beds, 2 baths (m.e.s.), guest loo. O/p living u/s, lounge/ games room d/s, garage, irrigation system.
Jenny & John 073 085 2810
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 18
For Smoother, Straighter, Shinier, Stronger, Frizz Free Hair
Fibre Plex Treatment protects against damage from lightening, lifting and colouring. Released in combination with any chemical treatment. It minimize hair breakage during lightening, lifting and colouring.
Professional Hair Care, Skin Care & Make Up
New: We do express manicures!!!!! While your having your hair done, you can spoil yourself with a revarnish or gel overlay. Bookings essential when making a hair appointment. Go ahead spoil yourself.
R 2,950,000
R 1,254,000
SOLE MANDATE Neat facebrick home - Heuningkloof 3 d/s bedr, 2 full bathr (m.e.s.), guest loo, large kitchen & o/plan living areas, d/auto garages, workshop, o/s loo, caravan port + UPSTAIRS entertainment room with b.i. braai, 2 balconies with awesome views! View by appointment ANNETTE 083 237 5012 WEB REF:950858
R 1,075,000
The perfect little beach house in mint condition just a short stroll from the main swimming beach. Wooden floors and aluminium window frames. Open plan kitchen/living area with ample cupboard space and indoor braai. Treated pine staircase and deck. Extras include large ANNA 082 595 6722 WEB REF: 958114
R 2,950,000
R 2,800,000
Seven bedroom home/holiday home/guest house very close to main beach. Two bedr. in main house, four en-suite bedr. off courtyrd and one large bedr./flatlet upstairs. Very good earning potential. Lrg farm style kitchen & pantry. Lrge living area in main house. Covered b.i. braai in courtyrd and splash pool to cool off on hot summer days. MARCUS 083 665 3945 WEB REF: 863024
R 1,650,000
SOLE MANDATE WORK FROM HOME ! HOUSE + FLAT PALMIET. Tiled throughout. Corner stand. Fully enclosed yard. ANNETTE 083 237 5012 WEB REF:959424
“We make it Happen”
It is a pleasure to present this new release face brick home across the road from the ocean. Downstairs has 3 bedr. 1 bathr. O/ plan kitchen sep. laundr/scul. spacious living area. Upstairs main bedroom, bathr. Guest loo, study nook & TV room/ bedoom. Main bedr. has access onto sea facing balcony with amazing ocean views. Auto double garage. ANNA 082 595 6722 WEB REF: 816106
Cozy 3 Bedroom family/holiday home. This home has a warm and cozy feeling and is close to all amenities. It also features a one bedroom flatlet, double garage with automated door. Just a short walk from the beach and has stunning mountain views. Ready to just move in. MARCUS 083 665 3945 WEB REF: 870064
Overstrand Herald
“Big Brother’s House” Web: A676 Price: R1. 8m
“Cutie Pie in the sky” Web: A799 Price: R 980 000
13 April 2017
“Silversands Seafront Stunner” Web: A763 Price: R4. 2m
“Realm of the renovator” Web: A800 Price: R600 000
Bladsy 19
“Facebrick Fantasia” Web: A771 Price: R1. 2m
“Silversands Smuggler’s Den” Web: A780 Price: R1. 350m
“Weekend Lair in the air” Price: R 1. 254 000 Web ref: A802 Description: 2 beds, 2 baths Contact: Craig- 082 7702 783
“Country Mouse’s Hole” Price: R 1. 4m Web ref: A509 Description: 3 beds, 1 baths
“A whole lotta house” Price: R 2. 114m Web ref: A789 Description: 4 beds, 4 baths, 1 garage Contact: Sandy- 082 4143 320
“Red bricks and blue skies” Price: R 1. 7m Web ref: A801 Description: 3 beds, 2 baths, 3 garages Contact: Craig- 082 7702 783
Rondevlei Retreat Price: R 1. 8m Web ref: A791 Description: 4 beds, 2 baths, 2 garage Contact: Rory- 083 5005 036
“Lekker lakefront living” Price: R 1. 449m Web ref: A740 Description: 3 beds, 2 baths, 1 garage Contact: Sandy- 082 4143 320
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 20
Sasko Premium Sliced White Bread
Spar Large Eggs 18’s
Lucky Star Pilchards In Tomato, Sweet Chilli or Chilli Sauce 400g
R41.99 per kg
County fair Fresh Chicken 5Pieces or 10 Pieces Braai Pack
R9.99 per 100g
Mediterranean Delicacies Pickled Fish
Werda Bean Salad or Three Bean Salad 420g
R23.99 Entreprise Bacon Back or Streaky 200g
Hot Cross Buns 6’s
PRICES VALID UNTIL 16 April 2017 While stocks lasts
Wellington’s Tomato Sauce 700ml
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 21
R89.99 Amstel NRB 12 Pack 330ml
Hunters Cider Dry 12 Pack Can 440ml
Carling Black Label NRB Case 340ml
Robertson Natural Sweet 3LT
Jameson Irish Whisky 750ml
R124.99 Three Ships Whisky 750ml
R106.99 Black and White 750ml
R104.99 KWV 3YO Brandy 750ml
R229.99 Bains whisky 750ml
R144.99 Red Heart Rum 750ml
PRICES VALID FROM 13 APRIL - 16 APRIL 2017 While stocks lasts
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 22
-New Installations -Fault Finding and Repairs -MV Joints and Terminations -Maintenance -Generator Services -Automation -Panel Wiring -CoC's -Single & 3 phase -Residential, Commercial, Industrial
Tel: 028 271 3394 / Faks: 086 767 2943 Redakteur / Editor: Gerard Grobler redakteur@overstrandherald.co.za Verslaggewer / Reporter: Ilna Grobler ilna@overstrandherald.co.za Medewerker: Dr Ria Burrows Bladuitleg, Versorging & Advertensies / Page layout, Editing & Advertising: Melany Cedras ads@overstrandherald.co.za Rekeninge navrae / Account enquiries: redakteur@overstrandherald.co.za Business hours / Besigheidsure Maandag - Woensdag / Monday - Wednesday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Donderdag & Vrydag / Thursday & Friday: 08:00 - 13:00
KRIGE HOME RENOVATIONS Kontak ons vir alle huisverbeterings & kombuisinstallasies Huisverbeteringsprojekte Verf (Binne & Buite) Houtvloere Dakke Eco Rubber Waterdigting Projekbestuur Rekenaarontwerp, -uitlegte en installering van ingeboude kaste vir kombuise en slaapkamers
THE OVERSTRAND HOSPICE SHOP The Overstrand Hospice Shop would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods – please phone us on 028 313 1884
OVERSTRAND HOSPICE Palliative (end-of-life) care for the terminally ill & their families – free of charge. Phone Mondays – Fridays 028 312 4679
There is only one name to remember A family company looking after the needs of a family
Cremation Service Funeral Insurance Funeral Services Tombstones Kleinmar Centre 27 Main Road, Kleinmond
028 271 4971
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 23
Sand sculptures reign supreme! KLEINMOND - The 2017 Linx Sand Sculpture Competition that was held at Kleinmond Beach on Saturday, 8 April is run wholly by volunteers of Kleinmond Linx, a collective body of charity organisations aimed at the upliftment and development of the Kleinmond community in the Overstrand. This annual event has grown steadily over the years and become a firm favourite amongst locals and visitors looking for interesting ways to keep them busy during the Easter break. A record number of 23 teams entered. This comprised a life size boat, a Sombrero-clad Mexican, a turtle monster dubbed ‘Hipster’, a treasure trove complete with sea urchins and star fish, magical pyramids, and fortresses and castles. Team Sea Sparkles won and claimed bragging rights to the coveted winning trophy. On handing over the trophy, Kleinmond Ward Cllr Fanie Krige stated, “Your creation just blew our minds and set the bar in terms of originality and innovation. Well done!” The team, made up of Kleinmond Primary Grade 1 learner Morgan Linde, London-based Aunt Elsje De Jager, Uncle Chris de Jager and Aunt Leandra Swart, could not contain their joy at taking the top spot. “I can’t wait to go back to school to show my friends our trophy,” said Morgan, who came up with the idea to build the boat. Second place went to the Boonzaaier family for their realistic depiction of ‘The Mexican’, followed closely by the Bloemardt’s and their adorable ‘Hipster’. Another highlight, and perhaps a fitting end to the activityladen occasion, was the Easter egg hunt laid on by sponsor Pick ‘n Pay Hermanus. No sooner had the whistle gone, all and sundry broke into a mad scramble to collect their share of the yummy chocolate haul, buried lovingly by reps of Pick ‘n Pay, Kleinmond Linx and the Overstrand Titans Softball Club. The Boonzaaier family (first three to the left) were seen celebrating their second place win for their realistic depiction of ‘The Mexican’. There to take in the moment were one of the Kleinmond Linx members, Alan Bryant (2nd right) and Kleinomond Ward Councillor, Fanie Krige (1st right).
(From left to right) Kleinmond Police Officer, Sgt Bruce Hearne, Kleinmond Ward Councillor, Grant Cohen and Kleinmond Police Commander, Cpt Mona Crimley captured alongside the magnificent creation of master sand sculptor, Reon Zeff
Morgan Linde of Team Sea Sparkle (centre, seated) holds up the winning trophy while fellow team members Uncle Chris de Jager (to her left) and Aunt Elsa de Jager (second right, seated) look on proudly. There to celebrate with them were (back row, from left to right) Wilna Hooneberg (Kleinmond Linx), Sherridan Goliath (Kleinmond Linx), Grant Cohen (Kleinmond Ward Councillor), Heleen Sliep (Kleinmond Linx), Fanie de Jager (Kleinmond Ward Councillor),Venda de Jager (Kleinmond Linx), Petro van Dyk (Kleinmond Linx) and Alan Bryant (Kleinmond Linx). Also in the boat (to the right of Morgan) were Candice Martin (CSM Pick ‘n Pay Hermanus) and her two lovely assistants. The Bloemardts who took home the third prize for their sand sculpture of the delicious Hippo Monster, dubbed ‘Hipster’.
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 24
Overstrand Municipality is a dynamic centre of excellence combining great potential with a beautiful setting. Our task is to bring about growth and development to the benefit of all our people, in their different communities, whilst maintaining a balance with nature. The Municipality includes the areas of Hangklip/Kleinmond, Hermanus, Stanford and Gansbaai. Overstrand Municipality, an equal opportunity employer, strives to render a dynamic and effective service to the community. Competent and self-motivated people who enjoy challenges are invited to join our leading team and to apply for the following vacancy:
Senior Clerk: rateS (HermanuS)
• Directorate: Finances (Ref.: WC0321048) • Salary: R105 564 per annum Minimum requirements: • a Grade 12 Certificate • 2 years’ client service experience • computer skills in MS Office • communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape. Main functions: Responsible for: • maintaining and verifying data on the financial system • capturing age analysis in respect of consumption, unit types and revenue ratios • verifying and adjusting duplicate charges and usages, discount categories, different rate rebates, omissions etc. • capturing journals and invoices • handling telephonic, written and personal client queries. Special conditions: • applicants must be able to deal with conflict • must be able to work under pressure to meet deadlines • must have good numerical skills. More information may be obtained from Ms A. Geldenhuys on tel. 028 313 5090. In addition to the above-mentioned salary, this position offers competitive benefits which include a 13th cheque, medical aid, pension, housing subsidy/allowance and removal costs under certain conditions. To apply, please forward a comprehensive CV with a covering letter to the Senior Manager: Human Resources, Overstrand Municipality, PO Box 20, Hermanus 7200. Please note: Original certified copies of your qualification/s is a requirement for selection and must be attached to your CV. Candidates who do not submit all the supporting documentation as requested, will not be considered for this position. Please quote the reference number of the position for which you are applying. Receipt of applications will not be acknowledged and no supporting documentation will be returned. Overstrand Municipality is an Equal Opportunity employer. Candidates from the designated groups are encouraged to apply. Closing date: Friday, 28 April 2017 at 15:00. If you do not hear from us within six weeks of the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful. The Council reserves the right not to make any appointments.
Overstrand Munisipaliteit is ’n dinamiese sentrum van uitnemendheid waar die gebied se besonderse potensiaal binne ’n pragtige omgewing ontsluit word. Ons taak is om ewewigtige groei en ontwikkeling binne ons natuurlike omgewing tot voordeel van al ons mense in hulle onderskeie gemeenskappe te bevorder. Die Munisipaliteit sluit die Hangklip/Kleinmond, Hermanus, Stanford en Gansbaai areas in. Overstrand Munisipaliteit is ’n werkgewer met ’n beleid van gelyke geleenthede wat daarna streef om ’n dinamiese en effektiewe diens aan sy gemeenskap te lewer. Bevoegde en selfgemotiveerde mense wat uitdagings geniet, word genooi om deel van die topspan te word en vir die volgende pos aansoek te doen:
Senior klerk: BelaSting (HermanuS)
• Direktoraat: Finansies (Verw.: WC0321048) • Salaris: R105 564 per jaar Minimum vereistes: • ’n Graad 12-sertifikaat • 2 jaar kliëntediensondervinding • rekenaarvaardighede in MS Office • kommunikasievaardighede in ten minste twee van die drie amptelike tale van die Wes-Kaap. Hooffunksies: Verantwoordelik vir: • onderhoud en verifiëring van data op finansiële stelsel • vaslegging van ouderdomsontledings ten opsigte van verbruik, tipes eenhede en inkomste-verhoudinge • verifiëring en aanpassing van dubbele verhalings en verbruike, afslagkategorieë, verskillende belastingterugbetalings, weglatings, ens. • vaslegging van joernale en fakture • hantering van telefoniese, skriftelike en persoonlike kliëntenavrae. Spesiale voorwaardes: • aansoekers moet in staat wees om konflik te hanteer • moet onder druk kan werk om spertye te bereik • moet oor goeie syfervaardigheid beskik. Meer inligting kan verkry word van me A. Geldenhuys by tel. 028 313 5090. Benewens die bovermelde salaris bied hierdie pos mededingende voordele wat ’n 13de tjek, mediese bystand, pensioenvoordele, ’n behuisingsubsidie/-toelaag, asook meubelvervoer onder bepaalde voorwaardes insluit. Rig asseblief ’n omvattende CV met ’n dekbrief aan die Senior Bestuurder: Menslike Hulpbronne, Munisipaliteit Overstrand, Posbus 20, Hermanus 7200. Let wel: Oorspronklik gewaarmerkte afskrifte van u kwalifikasie/s word vir keuring vereis en moet aan u CV geheg word. Kandidate wat nie al die ondersteunende dokumentasie indien nie, sal nie vir hierdie pos oorweeg word nie. Meld asseblief die verwysingsnommer van die pos waarvoor u aansoek doen. Ontvangs van aansoeke sal nie erken word nie en geen ondersteunende dokumentasie sal terugbesorg word nie. Overstrand Munisipaliteit is ’n Gelyke Geleenthede-werkgewer. Kandidate vanuit die aangewese groepe word aangemoedig om aansoek te doen. Sluitingsdatum: Vrydag, 28 April 2017 om 15:00. Indien u nie binne ses weke ná die sluitingsdatum van ons verneem het nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. Die Raad behou die reg voor om geen aanstelling te maak nie. 130448OHERALD
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Mike Tribelhorn
Tel: 028 271 5063
Pam Smith
082 553 2914
Bladsy 25
082 468 8583
Join these sellers + make the smart move - Contact us today
Some of our recent sales
Klein Berlyn R1’895’000 Mike Tribelhorn on 082 553 2914 or Pam Smith on 082 468 8583
Mountain Avenues R1’500’000 SOLE MANDATE Mike Tribelhorn on 082 553 2914 or Pam Smith on 082 468 8583
Palmiet R4’900’000
Sea Avenues R1’150’000
Mike Tribelhorn on 082 553 2914 or Pam Smith on 082 468 8583
Mike Tribelhorn on 082 553 2914 or Pam Smith on 082 468 8583
Close to Harbour R875’000 Old timer closer to harbour
Mountain Avenues R1’300’000 Sonneskyn gated development
SOLE MANDATE WEB: P24104956877 2 Bedrooms / 2 bathrooms / Double garage Mike Tribelhorn on 082 553 2914 or Pam Smith on 082 468 8583
SOLE MANDATE WEB: 24104787552 2 Bedrooms / 1 bathrooms / Guest toilet / Splash Pool Mike Tribelhorn on 082 553 2914 or Pam Smith on 082 468 8583
‘Sold by us within 3 days!’ R1’195’000
Sea Avenues R3’380’000
JOINT MANDATE WEB: P24: 104732050 5 Bedrooms / 5 Bathrooms / 2 Garages Mike Tribelhorn on 082 553 2914 Pam Smith on 082 468 8583
DINSDAG, 25 APRIL 2017 Spesiale Publieke Wykskomitee Vergadering om 18:00
Stadsaal, Kleinmond
WOENSDAG , 26 APRIL 2017 Spesiale Publieke Wykskomitee Vergadering om 18:00
Gemeenskapsaal, Proteadorp,
13 04 2017
Kontakpersoon: Mnr D Lakey, Senior Bestuurder : Kleinmond Administrasie by 028-271 8413
R760 + BTW
TUESDAY, 25 APRIL 2017 Special Public Ward Committee Meeting at 18:00
Town Hall, Kleinmond
WEDNESDAY, 26 APRIL 2016 Special Public Ward Committee Meeting at 18:00
Community Hall, Proteadorp,
Contact person: Mr D Lakey, Senior Manager : Kleinmond Administration, at 028-271 8413
ULWESIBINI, UMHLA WAMASHUMI AMABINI ANESIHLANU KU APRELI 2017 Intlanganiso ekhawulezileyo yewadi zekomiti ngentsimbi yesithandathu ULWESITHATHU, UMHLA WEMASHUMI AMABINI ANESITHANDATHU KUEPRELI 2017 Intlanganiso ekhawulezileyo yewadi zekomiti ngentsimbi yesithandathu
KwiHolo ledolophu, e Kleinmond
KwiHolo lokuhlala e Proteadorp
Nxulumana: noMnumzana D Lakey, Umphathi wengingqi, kwezinombolo 028-271 8413
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 26
073 198 2504 060 974 2794 eskiphire@gmail.com
Sure Shine
We restore, clean and maintain your stainless steel balustrade to its original luster. Now in your 13 area April
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House Maintenance
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Brémer Meyer
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Dstv & Tv Instel van Dstv en tv - koppeling van kabels en probleme, ens. Andrew Loxton 13 04 028 272 9869/082 955 1449
PÊRELS R114.00 *** Nuwe Voorraad
Rita du Toit
028 271 4012 / 082 821 1807 rita@dutoits.co.za Verkope van hoë kwaliteit pêrels Herstring van pêrels
13 04 2017 R114
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 27
HANGKLIP - KLEINMOND EVENTS CALENDAR For more information or to obtain a copy of the programme visit the Tourism Office, Shop1 Protea Centre, Main Road, Kleinmond or contact us at 028 271 5657.
Venue APRIL 2017
1 to 17 Betty’s Bay Markets
Crasulla Hall - Crasulla Avenue
Anita -071 677 0904 Manda - 082 781 4597 info@bettysbaymarkets.co.za
The Hangklip Friends of the Library Talk
Betty’s Bay Library
Kids Animation Movie: MOANA (PG)
The Shed, Harbour Road, Kleinmond
Miemsie 083 445 2684
Benguela Cove wine tasting room
083 645 6198
14 - 16 Easter Sundowners with live music 15
Village Vibes Family Treasure Hunt competition Kleinmond Main Beach
Tel: 028 271 3295 / 061 444 2611 villagevibe@hotmail.co.za
Easter Egg Hunt
Harold Porter National Botanical Garden
028 272 9311
Hangklip-Kleinmond Art Exhibition
The Shed, Harbour Road, Kleinmond
Miemsie 083 445 2684
Robin Auld
Perigators, Pringle Bay
Ali - 082 457 9403
Easter Plant Sale
Harold Porter National Botanical Garden
028 272 9311
Duncan Faure in Kleinmond
The Shed, Harbour Road, Kleinmond
Miemsie 083 445 2684
Jake Gunn & Devin Smith
Perigators, Pringle Bay
Ali - 082 457 9403
Easter Egg Hunt
Harold Porter National Botanical Garden
028 272 9311
Easter Egg Hunt
Harold Porter National Botanical Garden
028 272 9311
Movie: LION (PG 7-9)
The Shed, Harbour Road, Kleinmond
Miemsie 083 445 2684
Kogelberg BOTSOC Walk
Harold Porter National Botanical Garden parking area Tim Atwell 082 343 2501
Kleinmond’s First Zumbathon
The Shed, Harbour Road, Kleinmond
Active Zone Gym 028 271 5827 Cecelia 079 538 5137
Fundraiser: Child Welfare
Harbour Corner Restaurant, Kleinmond
Sandra van Schalkwyk 028 271 4044
Wildfire and Environmental Management for Public and Private Sectors” by Patrick Ryan, Ryan Heydenrych & Dean Harrison Harold Porter National Botanical Garden of Vulcan Wildfire Management parking area Merrilee Berrisford - 028 272 9314
Dance: Black & White with a touch of Red The Shed, Harbour Road, Kleinmond
Annemarie: 028 271 3440
Bright Lights Big City
Perigators, Pringle Bay
Ali - 082 457 9403
Perigators, Pringle Bay
Ali - 082 457 9403
Pringle Bay Village Festival
Pringle Bay
Dowwe Dolla
Perigators, Pringle Bay
Ali - 082 457 9403
Hangklip Hotel
Lisa Schaap
Anna Davel
The Shed, Harbour Road, Kleinmond
Miemsie 083 445 2684
29 30
MAY 2017 6
Kleinmond RFC Wedstryde
Kleinmond Rugby Field
Bazil Swartz 076 088 8374
Jonny Luck
Perigators, Pringle Bay
Ali - 082 457 9403
Mathys Roets Leonard Cohen
The Shed, Harbour Road, Kleinmond
Miemsie 083 445 2684
Nasionale Tekkie Tax Fundraiser: Child Welfare
Shop 1 Protea Centre, Main Road, Kleinmond
028 271 5657
Kleinmond RFC Wedstryde
Kleinmond Rugby Field
Bazil Swartz 076 088 8374
JUNE 2017 30 - 2
KabelJoe’s Kryvis Festival
KabelJoe’s Kleinmond
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017 Leeskring se tweede vergadering in Maart was ‘n besondere belewenis! Die meester van Suid Afrikaanse geskiedskrywers, Dr Dan Sleigh, het oor sy jongste, en moontlik laaste, boek “1795” gepraat. Sleigh het die vermoë om die geskiedenis so glashelder te teken, dat die leser homself as midde in die gebeure beleef. Die boek strek oor die tydperk waarin die VOC, deur die optrede van sy korrupte, ruggraatlose amptenary, die Kaap
060 636 5949 082 393 3224 82 Main Road
sonder slag of stoot aan die Engelse oorgee. Dit word weergegee vanuit die perspektief van William van Reede van Oudtshoorn, deur Sleigh beskryf as “die laaste goeie man”. William se weiering om voor die vyand te buig, is vir altyd die laaste dokuent in die VOC-argief. Dit was vir Sleigh ‘n noodsaaklikheid om in hierdie dae van politieke verwarring, oor William te skryf. Die kern van die verhaal is dat die geskiedenis ìs wat dit ìs, jy
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with low emissivity film,keeping your house cooler in summer and warmer in winter.
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Bladsy 28 kan dit nie verander nie! Mense is produkte van hul geskiedenis en moet dus lees oor die verlede, omdat dit dikwels insig gee in die hede. Kleinmonders met ‘n sin vir die skone en die uitsonderlike, word uitgenooi na ‘n unieke byeenkoms! Die Pretoriase digter Hennie Smith, saam met sy uitgewer van Naledi, kom sy debuutbundel “Multivers” in Kleinmond bekend stel! Smith is ‘n fisikus en dit resoneer in sy werk, tesame met filosofiese en kosmologiese aspekte. Die drie afdelings van die bundel verwoord temas soos skepping, liefde, vroulikheid, verhoudings en die interaksie van wetenskaplike en emosionele elemente in die menslike bestaan. Die kunstenares, Mimi van der Merwe se tekeninge sluit tematies by die gedigte aan en komplementeer die totale ervaring. ‘n Waterverftekening van ‘n naakte vroulike figuur sorg byvoorbeeld vir ‘n pragtige buiteblad. Van haar werk sal uitgestal word, terwyl ons eie Cecile Coetzee gedigte sal voorlees.Die geleentheid word aangebied in samewerking tussen Leeskring en Vriende van Afrikaans. Dit vind plaas op Woensdag, 19 April 2017 om 18:00, in NG kerksaal in Eerstelaan. Kaartjies teen slegs R20 elk, is beskikbaar by Albertyn Apteek en Kleintjie Muller by 028 271 3984. Bring jou eie piekniekmandjie met jou geliefkoosde eet- en drinkgoed, asook die eetgerei daarvoor en wees deel van hierdie genotvolle GEBEURTENIS!
Nou ook in Kleinmond en Overberg DIENSTE:
www.agrisell.co.za | Hetta Strauss 083 431 1634 | hetta@agrisell.co.za
800+ Listings
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 29
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 30
KidsCan! – A Success Story
R14 000
Le Rêve Rubble Removal
By Linda Bruce, Chairperson At the end of last year, sixteen children who attend the NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL KidsCan! After School Care 7 DAYS A WEEK and Learning Centre received 076 755 2052 / 028 271 5907 academic diplomas at school 18 Harbour Road and all of them were under the top ten learners in their Kleinmond different grades! Joining hands with teachers and parents, KidsCan! contributes to the Sales Consultant academic improvement of our children. Our staff and Rola GM (Caledon) volunteers help each child to Duties and Responsibilities: complete his or her homework Networking and building relationships within the motor industry for the day, to improve their reading and mathematics. Drive sales to achieve and exceed monthly sales targets is a non-profit 06-04-2017 / 13-04-2017 KidsCan! / 20-04-2017 Target new customers and business opportunities to aid portfolio growth organisation in Kleinmond that Managing of sales process to ensure CSI helps 35 vulnerable primary Manage customer relationships, and deliver an efficient and effective service to both internal school children become contributing members of and external clients at all times society by offering a safe after Adhere to Dealer Standards and work within prescribed work processes R380 + 14% = R433.20 x 3school = R1299.60 care centre where Minimum Requirements they receive a daily meal, are given opportunities for self Min Grade 12 development and have loads of Computer Literate and fluent in MS Office fun. Our vision can only be achieved Strong interpersonal and negotiation skills because of three dedicated staff High level of motivation, initiative and integrity members, generous donors locally and abroad - as well as a Sales and client services background essential group of volunteers who give of Willingness to work occasional Saturday shifts Salary structure:
Basic monthly salary
Company Vehicle & allowances
Incentive structure
Provident fund & Medical aid benefits
Closing Date: 21 April 2017 Should you meet the minimum requirements, we look forward to hearing from you, please forward your CV via email to careers@rolagrp.co.za and kindly state your notice period and salary expectation.
Please note: Candidates who have not been contacted within a week may assume that their application has been unsuccessful. Although all candidates may apply, preference will be given to EE candidates.
their time, share their skills and expertise to enrich the lives of our valuable young children. KidsCan! has various initiatives to raise funds, such as a secondhand shop where you will find hidden gems at bargain prices. The KidsCan! team invites you to come and shop at our new premises in Drosters Gat Centre, situated in the Pringle Bay business centre. Please help us make a difference by donating those items that are still in a good condition that you want to replace or get rid of. Guest houses that are refurbishing, or businesses that want to get rid of old stock, are welcome to bring it to the shop or the KidsCan! centre. To drop off goods at the shop or find out when the shop is open, please call Nora on 072 925 0399.To drop off goods at the KidsCan! Centre, corner of 10th Ave and 11th Street, Kleinmond, please arrange with Judy May between 12:0018:00 (school terms) and 9:0014:00 (holidays) on 028 271 5561 or centre@kidscan.co.za. www.kidscan.co.za
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
TRENCHERS Medium Digger / Loader Hire Plot clearing Building rubble removal and site clearing General transport Drainage and irrigation
Derick Cheyne 082 677 5577 ROOIELS - PRINGLE BAY - BETTY’S BAY - KLEINMOND
Ralf Zipfel Qualified Installer for Solar Hot Water Systems FOR NEW AND EXISTING HOMES 083 663 7661 info@solar4u.co.za
3/11/2016 – 24/11/2016
Bladsy 31
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
14 April & 15 April: Singleton’s Winkel is op Vryddag- en Saterdagoggende (somertyd) oop vanaf 08:30 - 13:00 in Tweedestraat 14, Kleinmond. Kontak Estelle Victor by 028 271 3260 / 072 778 0249 EVERY FRIDAY: Fynbos Service Centre will be selling a variety of PUDDINGS @ R10.00 & R15.00 in aid of purchasing 2 Defy Fridges. Any donations will be glady appreciated. For more information contact Melanie Wiles 028 271 3602 (08:00 – 14:00) To prevent disappointment, place orders early!!! ELKE VRYDAG: Fynbos Dienssentrum gaan ‘n verskeidenheid POEDINGS @ R10.00 & R15.00 verkoop ten bate van die aankoop van 2 Defy yskaste. Enige donasies sal baie waardeer word. Navrae kontak Melanie Wiles 028 271 3602 (08:00 – 14:00) Bestel vroegtydig om teleurstelling te voorkom!! 13 April: Kleinmond Jukskei - Alle belangstellendes en nuwe Lede is baie welkom om te kom saam oefen en speel asook alle huidige lede. Jukskeie sal voorsien word aan begginers en Nuwe Lede. Sarel Engelbrecht: 0827810691, Chris Visagie: 0825642460. 13 April: Kleinmond Lieflappers Kwilt en Laslappiegroep se uitstalling van Kwilte is Paasnaweek vanaf Vrydag 14 April 2017 tot Maandag 17 April 2017 in die Kleinmond Biblioteeksaal. Almal welkom en toegang is gratis. Mariette Hugo 083 324 2404. 13 April: Kleinmond Lieflappers vergader om 9:30 vm in die Rolbal Klubhuis. Almal word hartlik uitgenooi om die vergadering by te woon, nuwe lede en besoekers is baie welkom. Kom net! Die spreker is Louise Combrink en haar onderwerp gaan wees landskappe. Kom wys Drunkard’s Path bloke van die vorige vergadering. Mariette Hugo 083.324 2404 13 April 2017: The Hangklip Friends of the Library will be hosting a talk “Betty’s Bay Archaeology” presented by Werner Knuffel, 10h00 for 10h30 at the Betty’s Bay Library. Refreshments will be served afterwards. All welcome. We would like to take this opportunity of thanking all those who supported our successful fund raiser last month. Thanking you in anticipation. 13 April 2017: Die Hangklip Vriende van die Biblioteek bied aan “Betty’s Bay Archaeology” deur Werner Knuffel, 10h00 vir 10h30 in die Bettysbaai Biblioteeksaal. Verversings sal na die tyd bedien word. Almal is welkom. Ons wil graag vir almal wie ons vondsinsameling verlede maand begewoon het, baie dankie sê. 14 April: Movie @ 15:00: Hacksaw Ridge [PG16V] - WWII American Army Medic Desmond T. Doss, who served during the Battle of Okinawa, refuses to kill people, and becomes the first man in American history to receive the Medal of Honor without firing a shot. 14 April: Goeie Vrydag – ’n Meditatiewe stap, Die Weg van die Kruis, begin om 06.30vm vanaf die gemeenskapsaal na die preekboom. Almal welkom. Navrae 082 908 9825 14 April: Good Friday – A meditative walk, the Way of the Cross, starts at 06.30 at the Community Hall to the “preekboom” at the beach. All welcome. Enquiries 082 908 9825. 15 April: (Saturday) Women – The Divine Self…. a group for women, about being a woman. It is a platform for women to inspire, uplift and empower one another. 13 JS Marais Street, Palmiet, Kleinmond, 2pm4pm. Booking essential for catering – R50 includes refreshments. For more information or bookings please contact Theresa 082 699 8150 – tjackerman@mweb.co.za 15 April: Pringle Bay Craft market het verskeidenheid artikels naamlik verversings en ander ware. Kombesoek ons gerus in Pringlebaai gemeenskapsaal. 1 - 17 April: EASTER GIFT MARKET by Crassulasaal in Bettysbaai (naby die Pikkewyne). Elke dag oop vanaf 10vm - 6nm, oop tot 1nm op 17 April. Kom sluit by ons aan met ons derde Paasfeesmark, pragtige, handgemaakte, gehalte produkte word te koop aangebied. Heerlike koek, koffie, pannekoek en middagetes te kry by die Teetuin. Gratis ingang. Betty’s Bay Markets -info@bettysbaymarkets.co.za 1 - 17 April: EASTER GIFT MARKET at Crassula Hall in Betty’s Bay (close to the Penguins). Open daily from 10am - 6pm, open until 1pm on 17 April. Join us for our third Easter market with beautiful, hand made, quality products on display. Delicious cake, coffee, pancakes and lunch on offer at the Tea Garden. Free entry. Betty’s Bay Markets
Bladsy 32
- info@bettysbaymarkets.co.za 18 April: Kleinmond Kapgroep/Hack Group ontmoet om 8:00vm by die parkeerterrein, h/v Hoofweg en 6de Straat vir sowat 3 ure se uitroei van indringerplante in ons dorp se natuurreservate. Ons het ‘n paar nuwe helpers bygekry maar nuwe belangstellendes is steeds baie welkom om by ons aan te sluit. Vir meer inligting skakel gerus 028 271 4109 of 081 769 4731 19 April: Details for next Bird Club outing. Meet at Kleinmond library at 7.30 am. Proceed to Stanford. 1st stop will be a the Appel Dam and Bird Hide, followed by picnic. Club Levy R5.00. Cost of Car share R35.00 19 April: Tweedehandse klereverkoping Eerste Laan 08:00 - 11:00 19 April: Digbundel vrystelling in NG Kerksaal 1ste Laan om 18:00 Skakel vir Kota vir meer inligting by 073 317 5360 of Kleintjie Muller 028 271 3984 20 April: Demensie Ondersteuningsgroep kom bymekaar Donderdag 20 April om 10:00 in Kogelparksaal. Ons het ‘n kundige wat gaan praat asook vrae beantwoord oor die problematiek van demensie en finansiële– en regsaspekte. Belangstellendes welkom. Besonderhede: Madeleine Swart 082 434 7377 20 April: Dementia Support Group meeting on Thursday at 10:00 at Kogelpark Hall. An expert will talk and also answer questions about dementia and the problems regarding financial and legal matters. Public is welcome. Enquiries: Madeleine Swart 082 434 7377 21 April: Movie @ 15:00: Lion [PG7-9] A five-year-old Indian boy gets lost on the streets of Calcutta, thousands of kilometers from home. He survives many challenges before being adopted by a couple in Australia; 25 years later, he sets out to find his lost family with Dev Patel, Nicole Kidman, Rooney Mara 22 April: Kleinmond’s First Zumbathon at the Shed. 9:00 – 10:30. Dress: Funky, Crazy, Colourful. R50 pp. Tickets available at Active Zone [028 – 271 5829] or from Cecelia [079 538 5137] 25April: Kleinmond Kiekie Klub April byeenkoms Dinsdag The Shed 19:00 Tema Silhoette Aanbieding Jan en Esmarie Rousseau The Great barrier Reef Australie 28 April: VETKOEK en PANNEKOEK verkope by Fynbos Dienssentrum – N G Kerksaal 1ste Laan Kleinmond vanaf 10:00 – 12:00. FYNBOS DIENSSENTRUM FONDSINSAMELING projek. Navrae kontak Melanie Wiles 028 271 3602 (08:00 – 14:00) Bestel vroegtydig om teleurstelling te voorkom!! 28 April: CURRY BUNNIES and PANCAKES being sold at Fynbos Service Centre – D R Church Hall, 36 1st Avenue, Kleinmond from 10:00 – 12:00. FYNBOS SERVICE CENTRE FUNDRAISING project. For more information contact Melanie Wiles 028 271 3602 (08:00 – 14:00) To prevent disappointment, place orders early!!! 26 April: Kleinmond Natuurbewaringsvereniging Algemene Jaarvergadering Woensdag 19h00 in Gereformeerde Kerk Kleinmond. Gasspreker: Rob Fryer,Bestuurder van Whale Coast Conservation, oor ”Afval en die impak op ons ekologie” Alle lede en besoekers welkom. 26 April: Kleinmond Nature Conservation Society Annual General Meeting Wednesday 19h00 in Reformed Church Kleinmond. Guest speaker: Rob Fryer, Manager Whale Coast Conservation, on “Waste and the impact on our ecology” All members and visitors welcome. 29 and 30 April: PRINGLE BAY VILLAGE FESTIVAL. Come and join the people of Pringle Bay for our 3rd annual Village Festival. Pringle bay is situated at the foot of Hangklip, on the opposite side of False Bay from Cape Point. The town and surrounds are part of the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve, a UNESCO Heritage Site. This type of mountain fynbos contains an extremely high number of threatened species and a great number of the plants that occur here can be found nowhere else on earth, which makes our precious town super unique and beautiful. The festival offers entertainment for all:Wine Tasting, Food, Art Route, Crafts, Music, Kids activities, Dog Show, Colour Run and much more... Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pringle-BayVillage-Festival-110679052363830/Web site: www.pringlebayvillage. co.zaEmail: info@pringlebayvillage.co.za 4 Mei: Kleinmond Senior Burgers Bring en Braai vanaf 11h00 by die N.G.Kerksaal. Ken mekaar kuier en gesels saam. Bring iets om te braai , bietjie slaai om te deel en eetgerei..Nagereg en koffie op die huis. Almal welkom. Kontak Marietjie sel. 0824455962 8 Mei: Walkerbaai seëlklub 17H30 rolbalsaal Hermanus 082 376 6252 9 Mei: Senior Burgers uitstappie na Stellenbosch. Vertrek om 08:00 vanaf NG Kerk. Besoek die Rupert Kunsmuseum, Kruithuis, Speelgoedmuseum, Bergkelder en Botaniese tuin. Tee en skon by Mooiberge padstal. Alles bostaande (vervoer, toegang en verversings) vir R315 pp. Ete in Botaniese tuin vir eie rekening. Kontak Mauritz 084-8240155.
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
GESOEK / WANTED Dringend opsoek na veilige gemeubileerde huis op Kleinmond vir bejaarde leraars-egpaar met 2 volwasse kinders. Nie-rokers en geen troeteldiere. Bel 028 271 5304/ 083 454 8496.
Ek benodig n vroulike persoon om elke 2de naweek te werk. Moet verkieslik tuisversorgings ondervinding hê.I need a lady to work every 2 second weekend. Must have home caring experience Contact me at Cell no 083 805 2066. Tries is ‘n opgeleide versorger met die nodige opleiding en sertifikate opsoek na werk as ‘n versorger. Bel 078 076 3828. Albertina is looking for work as house-cleaner for any day of the week, except Thursdays, weekends included. Call 074 769 1594. Ethan is looking for permanent or temporary work as general worker or waiter. Ref. Steven, 073 995 7643. Call Ethan on 062 644 6503.
Bladsy 33
Garage uitverkoping by Gladioluslaan 16, Heuningklip. Saterdag 15 April van 09:00 – 12:00. Small colour TV 37 cm with remote. R300. Bel 079 522 4183/ 028 271 3094. Trojan Dyno Kinetic Energy oefenfiets. R500 ona. Bel 072 227 8117. Delonghi portable A/C R800. Donsslaapsak sonder zip en gebrikte damesstapkouse R500.Cadac gas cylinder and cooker top R350. Bel 082 578 1710. 2x W Siemens panel (wall-mounted) convection heaters (400mmx1400mm) R300 each.3x Meranti windows 2 pane. Brand-new. Call 083 603 0532. AEG vyf brander gasstoof met elektriese oond. R6900. Bel 072 370 7225.
Tennisklub neem afskeid van Magda
Kenneth is a Malawian guy looking for a job as general worker (e.g, Painting or gardening) every day of the week. Call 078 934 4133. Gift is a Malawian man looking for work such as house-keeper or gardener for four days a week: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Call 074 073 5178. Saamrygeleentheid gesoek vanaf na die Paarl op ‘n maandelikse grondslag. Bel 079 996 5874, Innocent is a Malawian man looking for work as gardener, painter, cleaner or house-keeper. Call 078 133 1038. Dinah is looking for a job for Mondays and Thursdays. Ref. 076717 6313. Call Dinah 071 274 1128. Isaac is a Malawian man looking for a house-keeper. He has a certificate in house-management as well as a SA code 8 driver’s licence, Ref at 082 551 1328. Call Isaac on 078 263 4850. Valentino is young men, searching for a house or flat to rent. Please call: 082 722 3837
TE KOOP / FOR SALE “Record” heavy duty Sash clamps of various lengths. (600cm - 1.8m) Router, drill press, planer electric tools, and others.2x sheets veneer/ panelling. (1.8mx 1.2m)large wooden handmade doll’s cot.very large wooden handmade train. Child sits on it.handmade wooden pram needs attention. Canon copier, coffee machine.Tel: 0282729875 / 0845801298. Outydse enkelbedjie van Kiaat hout met mooi kop-en voetstukke. Prys R400.00.Klein , 2 plaat, swart gietyster (cast iron) Stofie. Kan hout of steenkool as brandstof gebruik. Prys R1500.00. Skakel 082 7726391 of 028 2715715. Dual View Digital DSTV decoder (PVR 1) met TV link en DSTV remote(Model A3) R500; Salton elektriese haarknipper R70; Byl met houtsteel R75; 30 meter Maatband/Tape (Fibron Rabone Chesterman) R60 ; 2 Metaalbokkies(trestles) verstelbaar van 31 tot 49cm hoog vir voertuigherstelwerk R120; Popriviter met pakkie rivits R75) Outydse skoolboeksakkie van karton R50; Skakel 0839680214 Antrasiet stofie met 4 lengtes skoorsteen R1200.00 Skakel Jorika 072 136 5760 2 computer stands. Netjiese stand vir flat screen tv. Kleuter dubbel swing. Skakel: 0728694237 Enkel Meranti garagedeur. R350 Bell 082 305 8354. Electric scooter-bike 2014 model, inl charger and helmet. R3700. Call 074 996 4782. Fiat Uno 1400 Pacer (R7000) and extra Uno (R2000). Pacer in good condition. :icenced until October 2017. Call 074 996 4782. Dames dunwiel resiesfiets R450. Lang ysterraamwerktafel en vier stoele. R450. Bel 076 673 3757.
vlnr Marguerite vd Merwe, Noeline van der Hyde, Marianne de Wet en Magda KLEINMOND – Die tennisklub het Maandag afskeid geneem van hul oudste lid. Sy is Magda Hugo wat onlangs haar 90ste verjaardag gevier het en nou besluit het dat sy ‘n nuwe, rustiger fase van haar lewe wil betree. Sy gaan haar nou op Villiersdorp vestig waar sy haar intrek by ‘n aftree-oord gaan neem. Magda het tot onlangs nog gereeld tennis gespeel en het vir baie jare die tennisklub se belange op die hart gedra. Sy was ook vir baie jare reeds ere-lid maar was nogtans steeds bereid om haar kant te bring as tesouriere op die bestuur en op vele ander gebiede. Magda is regtig iemand wat vir almal tot voorbeeld kan dien en haar vriende by die klub hoop dat sy nog gereeld op Kleinmond besoek sal kom aflê.
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 34
NEEM ASB KENNIS: Die Herald verskaf met liefde die ruimte vir kerke om hul dienstye te adverteer. Al wat ons vra is dat kerke die regte inligting verskaf. Dit is doodgewoon nie moontlik vir ons om elke week 17 of 18 kerke te skakel om te verneem of die inligting nog korrek is nie. Goeie Vrydag: 14 April 2017 NG KERK: 16 April 2017 THE BAY CHRISTIAN FAMILY CHURCH KLEINMOND Town Hall, Main Rd, Kleinmond (opposite SAPD) Service times: Mornings at 08:30 & Evenings at 17:00 Cell group meetings: Wednesdays at 19:00 Men’s prayer meetings: Saturdays at 6:00 General enquiries: Johan Koekemoer Cell: 076 204 4250 For more information regarding registrations for 2018 CFCI Bible College or Cornerstone institute contact: 072 5112311(Antionette)- 2017 registrations closed. Christian Revival Church - Homecell “Mend the nets, the catch will be great” 68 Main Road (A.G.S Heal the Land premises) Thursday 19h00 Build one Church in many locations Contact Niël 079 139 5121 Pastoor Ernest 072 084 3454 A.G.S HEAL THE LAND Pastoor Tewis de Jager 082 771 9365 Elke Sondagoggend 09:30 / Elke Woensdagaand biduur 19:00 HERVORMDE KERK Skakel Ds Gerrit-Daan van der Merwe 073 418 2346 Strand: 09:00 elke Sondag Hermanus: 11:30 Die 1ste en 3de Sondag van elke maand SEWENDE DAG ADVENTISTE KERK Aanbid in die Gereformeerde Kerk, h/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat, Kleinmond Saterdae: Sabbatskool 09:30 – Erediens 11:00 Almal welkom! 072 094 5819 / 028 271 4173 NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH KLEINMOND c/o Nemesia Ave & School str, Proteadorp, Kleinmond 072 077 7888 / 082 781 3556 Sunday Morning Service: 09:00 Wednesday evening Service: 19:30 All welcome LEWENDE WOORD BETTYSBAAI
H/v Delport en Serruria Nr 4960, Bettysbaai Ons nooi u vriendelik uit na ons byeenkomste elke Sondag om 17hoo by bogenoemde adres in Bettysbaai (Paasnaweek is daar egter geen
dienste nie).
Herderspaar: Gerrit en Marinda de Lange: 021 852 6719 / 082 752 9994. Vir verdere inligting en aanwysings kontak Marielize by 082 411 9193 of Erica by 083 556 3555. Almal welkom! Sien uit om u saam met ons te hê. Kleinmond Huisgemeente Ons soek saam God se teenwoordigheid en leiding in ons lewe. Amal is baie welkom by Laerskool Kleinmond, elke Sondagoggend om 9:30 vm. Navrae, Manie 082 331 3552 of Gerrit 083 251 6039.
VGK PROTEADORP Oggendbyeenkoms: 10:00 – Aandsamesang: 18:00 Erediens om 10H00 elke Sondag en Bidure om 19:00 elke 1, 3 & 4 Woensdag van elke maand. Prediker Ds. John Holtzhausen: 074 248 0108 Hoof ouderling/Skriba – Kallie Jonkers 082 877 0800 Jeug byeenkoms om 18:00 elke Vrydag: Christelike Vroue bediening elke tweede Woensdag van die maand om 19H00: Voorsitster: Evelyn Jacobs – 072 358 5103 Sondagskool elke Sondag oggend om 09:00: Koor oefen elke Disdag aand om 19:00;
09:30 Kerkgebou Ds. Steven Sass 09:00 Sentrum Dr. Chris Malan
08:15 Kerkgebou 10:00 Kerkgebou 09:00 Sentrum
Ds. Steven Sass Ds. Steven Sass Dr. Chris Malan
KLEINMOND AANBIDDINGSENTRUM P.P.K H/v 7de Laan & 7de Straat Almal welkom!! Pastoor Smit 028 271 5694 / 083 633 6172 Sondagoggend: 09:45 GEREFORMEERDE KERK H/v 13e Laan en 6e Straat. Tel 028 271 5359. Skriba: Theo Kruger 028 273 8834. 09:30 Ds. Leo van Schaik Paas Vrydag : 09:00 Ds Leo van Schaik LAKESIDE CHAPEL (Undenominational Christian Fellowship) Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay - Service at 9:30 Hans van Dyk (Pastor) 084 206 6820 / 028 272 9887 ST FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHAPELRY Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 09:00 in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay/ For further information contact - Chapelwardens 028 272 9914/ 028 272 9996 / 028 273 8153 Good Friday Church - 14 April 09:00 Easter Service Sunday 16 April 07:00 KLEINMOND FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 72 6th Street, Kleinmond Pastor Lionel Gibbons 028 271 4249 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Prayer Meeting: 08:45 Sunday Morning Worship: 09:30 and Sunday School (two groups) Ladies Fellowship: Mondays 09:45 ST NICHOLAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Chapelwardens Chapelwarden Paulette Marinus 072 984 3707. Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Dienstye: Palm Sunday 10:00, Holy week 10,11,12 April 19:00 Evening Prayer, Maundy Thursday 13 April 19:00, Good Friday 14 April 12:00-15:00, Saturday 15 April Easter Vigil 22:00, Sunday 16 April 10:00 Notice will be given at which chapelty in Parish. Sundayschool: Nancy Carelse 072 858 3006 / Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Youth Friday`s At 18:00 Cornette Hull 072 780 4146. Priest Father Fr Neil February 084 222 1492/028 284 9772 nkfebruary@gmail.com. PRINGLE BAY UNITED CHURCH Cnr Crescent & Park Streets. Rev Gavin Graham 028 273 8172. Sunday service: 09:00 AFRIKAANSE PROTESTANTSE KERK Elke 2de en 4de Sondag van die maand om 16:00 in die Gereformeerde Kerk, 13de Laan, Kleinmond. Tel: 028 271 5837 / 083 412 5870 CATHOLIC CHURCH Twist Street, Betty’s Bay, Palm Sunday 9 April 6:00pm Mass of Last Supper 13 April 7:00pm Good Friday 14 April 3:00pm Easter Vigil 15 April 7:00pm Easter Sunday 16 April 10am (Communion Service) PRINGLE BAY: KING’S CREW HOMECRUCH & HOMECELL 1519 Dennys Road Pringle Bay Sunday Service: 9:00 - 10:30. (Afirkaans & English) Wednesday Homecell: 19:00 - 20:00 (Afrikaans & English) Pieter and Arina Myburgh 082 080 2129
Pringle Bay House of Prayer
1799 Hilton Circle, Pringle Bay
Thursday 18:30 - 20:00 Sunday: Sundayschool for 5 to 10 years old 9:00 to 11:00m (Building Faith& Character) Rev Dr. Leon and Dr.Jacobi du Toit Whatsapp: 0797068210 yarhema@yahoo.com
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 35
Kleinmond Fellowship Church 72 6th Street
Easter Services
* Sunday 9 April 09:30: Palm Sunday “What the Master needs” Fellowship tea after the service * Thursday 13 April 19:00: Tenebrae Service * Friday 14 April 09:30: Good Friday Service Including Communion “Carry the Wood” * Sunday 16 April 09:30: Resurrection Sunday “Resurrection - so What!”
Pastor Lionel Gibbons will be preaching at all these services
13 April – 10 Mei
All Welcome! Enquiries : Colin 0828997559
The most affordable and secure way to burglarproof you windows without spoiling your view.
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13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Thu / Don Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan
04:19 04:47 05:17 05:48 06:24 07:12 08:29 10:15 11:36 00:13 00:57 01:38 02:17 02:57 03:38 04:22 05:07 05:56 06:52 08:01 09:29 10:57 12:06 00:27 01:10 01:47 02:21 02:52
16:41 17:10 17;40 18:13 18:55 20:01 21:48 23:16 —— 12:31 13:16 13:58 14:39 15:20 16:02 16:46 17:32 18:22 19:23 20:42 22:13 23:31 —— 12:57 13:38 14:14 14:47 15:18
10:26 10:54 11:23 11:56 00:13 01:02 02:22 04:10 05:31 06:27 07:11 07:51 08:30 09:10 09:51 10:34 11:20 12:10 00:37 01:52 03:24 04:55 06;05 06:56 07:35 08:07 08:37 09:05
22:32 23:02 23:35 —— 12:35 13:31 15:06 16:52 17:59 18:46 19:25 20:03 20:41 21:21 22.:03 22:49 23:39 —— 13:08 14:21 15:50 17:14 18:16 19:02 19:39 20:11 20:41 21:10
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 36
Kleinmond oorrompel Villiersdorp met 57 - 15
Building Estimates Estimates Building
(Contractors welcome welcome -- T&C’s T&C’s apply) apply) (Contractors
Building of of houses houses -- Brick Brick // Timber Timber Building Maintenance Maintenance Visit us us at at Shop Shop 6, 6, Visit Renovations Renovations Erica centre (Next to FNB) Erica centre (Next to FNB) Plumbing Plumbing 1st Street, Kleinmond 1st Street, Kleinmond Electrical Electrical Roofing Contact us us Roofing Contact Carpentry E-mail: arendsebouers3@gmail.com Carpentry E-mail: arendsebouers3@gmail.com Cell nr: nr: 081 081 354 354 2966 2966 // 074 074 059 059 3373 3373 Flooring Cell Flooring Tel: 028 050 1346 Tel: 028 050 1346 Paving Paving www.arendsebouers.co.za www.arendsebouers.co.za
Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394
Die afgelope naweek het Kleinmond Rugbyklub tuis teen Villiersdorp gespeel. Die eerste span het met groot ywer op die veld gedraf, maar het in die 1ste helfte sterk teenstand van Villiersdorp gekry. Na rustyd het Kleinmond dit egter reggekry om deur Villiersdorp se verdediging te breek en ‘n hele reeks drieë het gevolg. Teen die einde van die wedstryd was Villiersdorp se moed gebreek en hulle het verniel op die veld agtergebly. Die eindtelling van die wedstryd was `n oorrompelende 57 teenoor 15. Alhoewel Kleinmond skitterspel in die 2de helfte gelewer het, was daar `n problem reg deur die wedstryd met die skrums wat te vroeg begin druk het. Die 2de span het ook vir Villiersdorp ‘n pakslae gegee en met 43-7 gewen.
16 Mrt, 23 Mrt, 30 Mrt, 6 April 16 Mrt, 23 Mrt, 30 Mrt, 6 April
R200X 4= 4= 800.00 800.00 R200X
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 37
Kleinmond Rugby Klub Kleinmond R.F.C. wil al die borge bedank vir hulle bydraes. Die rugbyklub benodig nog golf-hemde en `n skrummasjien, indien u ook as borg wil optree kontak asb vir Edward Appollis, klub voorsitter
Mnr en me Koegelenberg van Creative Steel het die T-hemde geborg.
Mnr Mike Niemand van Harbour Corner het rugbybroeke geborg.
Mnr Petrus Karelse van Tura`s Fisheries het rugbysokkies geborg.
Klub Voorsitter van Kleinmond Rugbyklub saam met Karlien Venter van Albertyn Apteek.
Die span is geklee in T-hemde en sokkies geborg deur Karlien Venter van Albertyn Apteek.
Mnr William Volkwyn van Stanford het die nuwe rugbytruie geborg.
Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 38
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Overstrand Herald
13 April 2017
Bladsy 39
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Local ladies play well at Old Oak
KLEINMOND - The 2017 Novices Competition , for Bowlers of 3 years and less bowling experience, commenced on Thursday 6 April at the Kleinmond Bowling Club. Ten players participated in 5 games. The winners (plus one) will play each other on Tuesday 11 April. The players who participated in the first round were the following: Louw Toerien won 23 – 3 against Mike Meyer; Hendrina Davie beat Albert Louw 21 – 19; Lena Muirhead won 22 – 16 against Kitta Steffen; Jacques Scholtz was victorious against Japie Krige with 21 – 8; and Louis Swart was too strong for Basie Cloete – 21 to 6. A Ladies team of our club participated on Saturday 8 April 2017 in a Ladies Day completion at the Old Oak Club. There were 28 teams. The team of Christa Steenkamp, Rina Janse van Rensburg, Ingrid Erasmus and Janette van Wyk kept the culb’s name high and won the second prize. Well done! The Ladies Singles will be played from 18 April 2017.
Sundown bowls The Kleinmond Bowls Club really appreciate the attendance of all the people who participated in the Sundown Bowls every Friday afternoon. Sadly this has also now come to an end. The approaching winter with (hopefully lots of) rain does not allow further play in this event. Until further notice the greens will be closed on Fridays. Louis Muller.
Seeff Properties Individual Three Bowl Competition
KLEINMOND - The three bowl individual competition which runs over a period of 5 weeks and sponsored by Seeff Properties (Kleinmond), started on Friday 7 April. Twenty two players pitched up on the first round of play. Players were drawn and the afternoon games started in all seriousness. The weather was a little bit of a handicap for some players, while others coped well in the cold, wet and windy conditions. Die kompetisie is in `n goeie gees oor 12 koppe beslis. Vir baie spelers was dit `n totale nuwe rolbal ervaring, omdat dit `n individuele spel is, en jy net jouself kan blameer as jy `n fout begaan en sodoende strafpunte op jou telkaart aanteken. Die spel is geskoei op die “Scrounger” reëls, `n spel wat baie gewild is aan die Natalse kusstreke, waar groot geborgde kompetisies gespeel word. Groot was die opgewondenheid en afwagting om te hoor wie die eerste week wenners is. Valerian Strydom, president, het Pam Smith van Seeff Eiendomme Kleinmond, verwelkom en sy waardering teenoor Seeff uitgespreek oor hulle betrokkenheid by rolbal en borgskap vir dié kompetisie. Die pryswenners is daarna aangekondig en Pam het die prysoorhandiging waargeneem. Eerste plek: Hubert Bock, met 37 punte Tweede plek: Johan Carstens, met 33 punte Derde plek: Roland Tarr, met 32 punte
h/v Hoofweg & 6de Straat, KLEINMOND
Tel/Fax: 028 271 3898
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