082 853 2383
028 271 3281
Policemen could face 15 years State witness allegedly threatened in jail
Leaving the Caledon magistrates court on Monday was former policeman, Franco Frederico (right, with the cap on his head) and behind him (with the hoodie pulled over his head), sergeant Carlo Booyse. With them and looking at the camera is Booyse’s father, Wynand Booyse. Booyse snr. has been abusive towards the Herald’s journalists throughout the trail and has even physically threatened them. The Herald’s editor has warned that any person who in future physically threaten or assault a Herald journalist doing his/her work will be charged and taken to court. “We will in future be sending at least two reporters to Caledon, while one is taking pictures the other will be recording a video of events to use in court proceedings.” The case in question involves two allegedly corrupt policemen, law enforcement officers that are supposed to be protecting the community from crime. Whilst they are not guilty until proven so in a court of law, the newspaper has every right to be there to report on events and will continue to do so, Grobler said.
Ultimag Value Pack 60’s R 99.90 OsteoEze 90’s R205.00 Essentiale: 100’s R221.90 20’s R 49.90
Linctagon C R 69.90 Linctagon: Throat Lollies 12+3 R 49.90 Throat Lozenges 15+5 R 44.90
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 2
Vervolg van bl.2 on Monday relates to new charges of theft and defeating the ends of justice brought against them. This time the state opposed bail. The anti-corruption unit’s, Capt. Amon testified that the two policemen were already facing similar charges. He also said that a state witness in the first case, who was being held in the Caledon prison, had to be transferred to another prison after he allegedly received threats,should he testify. Capt. Amon also testified that Ndiaye, the Senegalese national that was arrested with them, lied about his previous convictions, as he had at least two other less serious convictions, one of them for possession of drugs.
Kleinmond Animal Clinic Phone no: 028 271 4183 Emergency no: 083 440 5191 Trading Hours: Weekdays: 08:00 - 18:00 Saturdays: 09:00 - 13:00 Consultations by appointment
Stockist of:
Services available: General Health Care Micro chipping Grooming Puppy Classes Name tags
Senegalese National, El Mamadou Ndiaye (33)
Policemen could face 15 years Gerard Grobler CALEDON – Two Kleinmond policemen are facing a minimum jail term of 15 years if convicted on charges of theft and defeating the ends of justice. The two policemen, sergeants Frederico Franco (who has since been dismissed from the SAPS) and Carlo Booyse (a serving SAPS member - both 35 years old) appeared in the Caledon magistrates court on Monday for a bail hearing. With them in the dock was a Senegalese national and known poaching kingpin, “Elias” El Mamadou Ndiaye (33). He alleges that he currently has refugee status in South Africa. The three men were arrested on June 21 by the police’s anti corruption unit during an early morning raid on their homes. Franco and Booyse were arrested on similar charges in
February this year. A member of the anti-corruption unit, Capt. John Amon, testified during this week’s bail hearing that the arrests in February were related to the alleged theft of marijuana confiscated during a raid on a marijuana nursery at a home in Fourth Avenue. Narcotics with an estimated value of R180 000 were seized during the raid. It is alleged that Franco and Booyse harvested the plants and apparently sold the product with only the stems and roots remaining. At the time, Franco was in charge of the evidence storeroom at the Kleinmond police station. The two were subsequently released on bail of R1000 and their trial on the initial charges is expected to commence on Monday July 17th. Their latest court appearance Vervolg op bl.3
Dr. Audrey Zietsman General Practitioner
MBBCH (Wits) Mp0698393 / Pr0664405 Kleinmond practice: 08:45 - 12:30 Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 12:00 Saturdays Pringle Bay practice: 13:30 - 16:30 Monday to Friday
Offices: Kleinmond - 028 271 5321 Pringle Bay - 028 273 8069 - Emergencies: 060 490 0874 Cell: 071 687 3825 draudreyzietsman@gmail.com www.draudreyzietsman.com
Overstrand Herald
084 577 2926
Capt Amon told the court that the accused had allegedly conspired with a now state witness to pull over his truck, loaded with poached abalone (The Herald believes this came from a source in Hawston). According to his testimony the accused had arranged with the man that he would then run away and that they (the policemen) would confiscate both the abalone and the truck. The state witness would later report the truck as stolen in order to have it returned. Capt. Amon testified that the men then allegedly proceeded to load the bulk of abalone onto the truck of Ndiaye. The remaining abalone was taken to the police station. Amon said witnesses would testify that Booyse, Franco and Ndiaye had afterwards divided the spoils between them. This amounted to around R20 000
13 Julie 2017 each. Capt. Amon said he personally tracked the police truck Booyse was driving at the time to the location where the abalone was confiscated. Council for the accused, Mr van Rensburg, argued that the three men posed no flight risk as they all had fixed addresses and dependents. He said while the two policemen had a pending case against them, they had no previous convictions. He also argued that the state could not provide evidence that the accused was in any way involved in threatening state witnesses. He said Ndiaye had lived at the same address for nine years. Magistrate Nolan Lendor halted proceedings for a short while, trying to ascertain the exact status of Ndiaye in South Africa. Ndiaye alleges that he had applied in May 2017 to have his refugee status renewed. The relevant officials at the Caledon Home Affairs office was however not available, and the hearing proceeded. State prosecutor Marlon Meyer asked for bail of R20 000 each and that accused no 3, Ndiaye had to report to the Kleinmond police station at least twice a week. Magistrate Lendor decided to grant bail to all three accused but set the amount at R10 000 each while Ndiaye had to report to the Kleinmond police station on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays until the 15th of September. They are then due to appear in court again. None of the accused may interfere in any way with the five state witnesses in the case. The Herald has decided to withhold their names.
Bladsy 3
Protecting our community since 1998 Office: (028) 271 4637 Betty’s Bay: (028) 272 9110 Fax: (028) 271 4179 Cell: 082 410 7845 / 082 940 9113 Email: kleinmondsafe@overberg.co.za
Trust is earned
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 4
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 5
Sunday Lunch 16 July
Moroccan Lamb Curry Please call to book your table
Bistro14 will be closed for our Clarence Trefz and his beloved Trixie enjoying a delicious homemade scone, strawberry jam and cream at Cup ’A Café in The Yard.
Quick response to B.Bay fire A fire that was thought to have started in the Sunny Seas residential area on the lower slopes of Betty’s Bay Peak on Saturday evening, 8 July 2017 quickly crept up the cliff and threatened to spread towards the sea bend along Clarence Drive in the direction of the R44 in Kleinmond. Despite a strong north westerly wind that threatened homeowners in the direct line of the fire, the quick response from the Overberg and Overstrand Fire and Disaster Management teams, along with Cape Nature and Betty’s Bay and Pringle Bay Volunteer Fire-fighters, ensured the fire was steered away and stopped at the right flank. With the left flank burning back against the wind, fire fighters
sought to combat the blaze and bring it under control. In the meanwhile affected residents were temporarily evacuated and road users kept at bay in an operation overseen by Overstrand Law Enforcement and Traffic. To that end, assistance was also rendered by the Betty’s Bay Neighborhood Watch and Ratepayers Association. Overstrand Traffic Chief, Lester Smith advised that the fire was extinguished in the early hours of Sunday morning, helped mostly by the rains that fell overnight. The scene was subsequently declared safe at approximately 02h00, allowing residents to return to their homes and the road being reopened for traffic.
Afrikaans is pret! Wie is die skrywer van Kringe in ‘n bos? Wie sou kon doen met ‘n miljoen?
Nog geen nuus oor hawe-ontwikkeling KLEINMOND – Die eienaars van Kleinmond se multi-miljoen hawe-ontwikkeling is steeds in onderhandelinge gewikkel met moontlike kopers. Dit volg na die ontwikkeling aan die einde van Mei vanjaar per stille veiling te koop aangebied is. Die gidsprys was in die orde van R90 miljoen, maar voornemende kopers kon ook bie vir gedeeltes van die
ontwikkeling. Dit is klaarblyklik wat nou aan die gebeur is. ‘n Woordvoerder van die ontwikkeling, mnr Johan Pauw, het vandeesweek gesê hulle is steeds in onderhandelinge gewikkel en het feitlik elke dag vandeesweek vergaderings met potensiële kopers. Daar is egter nog geen uitsluitsel nie, het hy gesê.
52 jaar verloor KLEINMOND – Eers was daar die verlowing in April 1965, met ‘n pragtige diamant verloofring, soos gewoonlik. ‘n jaar later op 2 April 1966 die troue, met ‘n goue trouring, soos tradisie voorskryf. In 1995 het sy die twee ringe aanmekaar laat heg, soos haar hart begeer het. Twee weke
On retiring Clarry and his wife Margaret moved to Kogelpark in Kleinmond from Cape Town 17 years ago. When Cup ’A Café opened it’s doors some years ago Clarence and Margaret decided to make it their preferred breakfast venue. Sadly Margaret passed away 3 years ago but Clarry and Trixie have continued to visit Cup ’A Café most mornings, alternating between a homemade scone with strawberry jam and cream or a toasted ham, cheese and tomato sandwich! He has very quickly endeared himself to Bob, Doreen and Graham – new owners of Cup ’A Café – and so, in recognition of his regular visits and patronage they have decided to name his little spot in the sun -“Clarry’s Corner”. We wish Clarry and Trixie good health and God’s blessings for many years to come.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and trust to see all our loyal friends again after we had our break.
Keep a look out for our Re-opening specials
14 Harbour Rd, Kleinmond,
028 271 4213
SPECIALS This week Lunch Special R45
gelede, op 29 Junie waar sy by die Wintermark gehelp het, het sy dit verloor. Dis is Sylvia Coetzee, nou met ‘n traan in die hart. Sylvia se kontaknommer is 083 270 4588. Ons hoop saam met Sylvia dat iemand hierdie kosbare herinnering aan 52 gelukkige jare, ontdek en aan haar terugbesorg.
30 year’s experience
From 17 July to 8 August
Kleinmond main beach
Upsize available on request Now doing deliveries too for additional R5 (Must book deliveries before 11:00)
Wat beteken die idioom “Met die verkeerde voet uit die bed klim”? As jy hierdie vrae kan beantwoord, gaan jy beslis die Kleinmond Vriende van Afrikaans se Afrikaans is Pret!-aand op 10 Augustus baie geniet. Die aand sal die vorm aanneem van ‘n vasvra. Vier prominente organisasies op ons dorp, nl. die Leeskring, Senior Burgers, VLV en Natuurbewaring het elk ‘n span ingeskryf. Die vyfde span word gevorm deur die gehoor – en uit ervaring weet ons dat ons altyd ‘n baie kundige gehoor het! Daar word meegeding in drie afdelings : ‘n Boeke-raai, Liedjie-raai en Idiome-raai, natuurlik alles in Afrikaans. Tussendeur is daar ook plesierige samesang, en na afloop van al die pret word daar heerlike sop en broodjies bedien. Teken gerus hierdie datum in jou dagboek aan sodat jy nie die pret misloop nie. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Albertyn Apteek teen R30.
Annual Winter Break
Bottomless Filter coffee with Breakfast Monday– Friday
Monday Macaroni & Cheese + 2 salads Tuesday Cottage Pie + 2 veg Wednesday Liver cakes + rice + 2 salads Thursday Spaghetti bolognaise + 2 veg Friday Scotched eggs + mash + 2 salads Saturday Chicken/Beef burger R40
Snack Platters available. We cater for your Special needs.
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 6
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 7
Wintermark ‘n skitterende sukses! Ria Burrows KLEINMOND – Snuffel tussen die 54 uitstallers met hulle interessante, soms unieke handgemaakte items en proe dan van die lekkernye – dit is wat die rekordaantal besoekers aan die Fynbos Dienssentrum Wintermark vanjaar beleef en geniet het! Die ekonomiese insinking in die land het geen invloed op die verkope hier gehad nie, inteendeel ‘n rekordbedrag van R163,180 is ingesamel – ongeveer R20 000 meer as verlede jaar! Soos dit hoort na ‘n suksesvolle fondsinsamelingspoging, is die beplanning van die Wintermark 2018 reeds aan die gang – met opwindende aanpassings in veral die uitleg en die produk aanbiedinge. Die organisasie en uitvoering van vanjaar se mark het soos altyd begin en geëindig by Melanie Wiles en Averyl Pepper, met hul onuitputlike energie en inisiatief. Hiermee saam hulle span van onselfsugtige vrywilligers, asook die flukse kombuispersoneel. Vir ‘n kleiner plaaslike mark met veel minder voete as die omliggende groot dorpe se markte, doen hulle
besonder goed. Hulle doelwit is tweeledig – om aan kleiner uitstallers die geleentheid te bied om ook hulle ware te kom uitstal en verkoop, asook om dit as fondsinsamelingspoging vir Fynbos, ten volle te ontgin. Saam met die basaar en die stokperdjiefees, vorm die Wintermark die Fynbos Trio - die drie groot jaarlikse fondsinsamelingspogings vir die welsyn en versorging van die plaaslike gemeenskap. Fynbos self het gesorg vir die kosstalletjies met etes, verversings, koffie en tee. Hulle streef daarna om smaakvolle geregte van gehalte teen bekostigbare pryse aan te bied – en dra so by tot die fondse wat ingesamel word. Dit was dan ook die gewildste kuierplek vir plaaslikes, sowel as vreemdes. Een groepie besoekers het op die laaste minuut by die mark aangekom, nadat hulle die banier by die laerskoolgronde raakgesien het, en het binne net 7 minute R500 gespandeer! Volgens die finansiële verslag het die juweeltafels besonder goed gedoen en die tafel met handgemaakte appliekwerk
Kleinmond/Betty’s Bay 028 271 3238
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 1 | Garages: 1
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Web Ref:CWSC-2522
R1 495 000
Open plan kitchen with laundry, dining room, lounge with fireplace and sun room. Both the sun room and lounge has lovely views of the fynbos garden. Lovely outside entertainment area under the trees. Extra’s Solar geyser and connected to main sewerage system.
Bedrooms: 2| Baths: 2| Garages: 1
Web Ref:CWSC-2484
R995 000
Perfect holiday home! This house consists of an open plan kitchen, dining room and spacious lounge. Deck with mountain and sea views.
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Kleinmond Bedrooms: 1| Baths: 1
Een van die kostelike insidente wat deur baie besoekers beleef en geniet is, was die seuntjie wat sy pannekoek soveel geniet het dat hy selfs die bordjie uitgelek het. Sy woorde toe ‘n foto daarvan geneem word: “Moet net nie my Ma sê nie”!
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Web Ref: CWSC-2129
R1 750 000
Spacious family home on corner plot. This property consist of guest toilet, open plan spacious kitchen with laundry/pantry, dining area and braai room. Lounge with fireplace. Double garage, 1 auto and store room. Solar geyser and fully enclosed.
Web Ref: CWSC-2485
R2 159 000
Only 8 units for sale. Consist of open plan fully fitted granite kitchen, dining room and lounge with double doors open out to patio with mountain view. Choice of own floor covering within the budget. Single garage with 1 x carport. Double glazed imported PVC windows and doors.
R1 575 000
Bedrooms: 3 | Baths: 2 Garages: 2
Neat, single storey face brick home on huge north facing corner plot. Tiled open plan living/dining/kitchen area with doors to garden. Direct access to house from large double garage. Built in cupboards in bedrooms. Minutes to Silversands beach.
Web Ref: CWSC-2166
R1 740 000
Low maintenance home on double plot. This face brick house with aluminium windows consist of open plan kitchen, dining area and lounge. Back enclosed patio with stunning mountain view. Double garage and carport. Flatlet with kitchenette/lounge, 1 bedroom and bathroom.
Sunday 1 - 4pm Sunday 1 - 4pm Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
Web Ref: CWSC-2057
Bedrooms:3| Baths: 2 Garages: 2
Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
Betty’s Bay
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Bedrooms: 3| Baths:2 Garages: 1
Sunday 11 - 4pm Sunday 11 - 4pm
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Bedrooms: 3| Baths:3 Garages: 2
R1 100 000
Small weekend break away home on corner plot. This cottage has some sea views and is placed on the plot to build the main house in front. Open plan kitchen with gas stove and lounge. Well point and irrigation system. Enclosed. Walking distance to seafront and harbour area.
Melanie Wiles en Averyl Pepper was feitlik uitverkoop. Skulpwerk was by verskeie tafels te sien, en het baie aandag getrek. Die besoekers het keer op keer teruggekom, soms bloot om die gesellige atmosfeer en gemoedelike stemming ten volle te geniet.
Web Ref:CWSC-2448
Betty’s Bay
Web Ref: CWSC-2399
R1 100 000
Bedrooms: 2 Baths: 1
Quaint, cute & cosy. Ideal getaway or gearing down cottage on offer! Open plan lounge/diner/kitchen/braai-bar corner and a bonus washing/tumble dryer are discreetly placed. Small stoep to side of kitchen allows for extra shelter from those stormy days.
Betty’s Bay
Web Ref:CWSC-2381
R1 700 000
Bedrooms 3 Baths: 3
If you are looking for space, you have come to the right house. Huge corner plot offering a double storey home. Open plan kitchen/dining area with sliding doors onto roofed stoep leading into garden. Wraparound stoep which offers sea views forever, amazing full moon risings.
Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
Betty’s Bay Bedrooms: 3| Baths:2 | Garages:1
Unieke handgemaakte artikels is tydens die Wintermark van Fynbos Dienssentrum verkoop. Hier koop Angelique Coetzee ‘n hartvormige muurbord wat volledig met skulpe versier is. Dit is gemaak deur Julia Pretorius, wat ook seetonele skilder. “Ek is baie lief vir die see!” beken sy. Baie van ons ook, Julia!
Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
Web Ref: CWSC-2437
R2 700 000
The epitome of elegance, beautifully maintained in and out! Set back from road allowing for views of the resident Betty’s Bay waterfall to be your focal feature from front door. Sea views to the south and magical mountain views from front paved area, gives you a bit of both worlds. Many extras on offer but mostly, no need to do anything, place your belongings, move in and live.
Betty’s Bay Bedrooms:5| Baths: 4| Garages: 2
Web Ref:CWSC-0962
R6 750 000
As close as it gets to being at the waters edge. Seldom do homes in this area come on the market. Private, neat offering all the heart desires. Main house offers open plan lounge, kitchen and dining area with patio leading to ocean lapping garden and the most beautiful ocean views.
Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
Betty’s Bay
Bedrooms: 3 Baths: 2
Web Ref:CWSC-2250
R1 450 000
Step through the entrance to a totally private world. Open plan living area/kitchen/braai room opening to closed/roofed decks on all sides. Jacuzzi off braai room to garden, tucked away & cosy in the corner. Outside shower, discreet wendy house is far corner of garden. Sunrooms to north of bedrooms with jetmaster makes for warm snug areas in winter and cool in summer.
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other
‘n Weeklikse rubriek deur Ilna Grobler ilna@overstrandherald.co.za
Nog ‘n koppie? Nooit te oud om te leer nie Mens gaan mos deur die lewe en op ‘n sekere stadium, dan begin jy voel dat jy nou nogal iets weet. Dis net daar dat die heelal jou so ‘n struikelstappie laat maak net om jou daaraan te herinner dat jy sowaar nie alles weet nie. Ek vermoed baie lede in die regering behoort ook so te voel, maar om die een of ander rede reken hulle, hulle is alwetend en soms selfs almagtig. Niemand kan hulle iets leer nie. Soms dink ek kinders dink ook hulle weet alles net omdat hulle die Universiteit van Google aan hul vingerpunte het. Ek
voel soms meerderwaardig (ongelukkig) omdat ek die name van Columbus se drie skepies ken waarmee hy na Indië gaan soek het, sowel as dié waarmee Jan van Riebeeck aan die Kaap gekom het om die verversingspos te stig. Ek het darem so ‘n vae gedagte oor Einstein en die relatiwiteitsteorie en ek weet wie was Omar Khayyam asook Bin Laden "for that matter", maar oor daai een praat ons nie. Ek weet selfs min of meer hoe om ‘n selfoon en rekenaar te gebruik.
Toe word ek in my arrogante alwetenheid teruggeruk na die werklikheid. Ek kry die geleentheid om my naels te laat doen. Met jel. Nou moet ek erken, ek het nog altyd gewonder hoé kry die vrouens hulle naels so spierwit? My naels, al is hulle silwerskoon geskrop, bly altyd, wel, "off white". Wonder ek toe nou: “Druk hulle wit kryt of kalk daarin? Krap hulle dit tot dit so wit is?” Na my naels toe geskraap, gejel en gebak is, toe word ek ingelui in die groot geheimenis van wit naels. Shamiela vra: “ ’n Dun smile, ‘n breë smile of ‘n skewe smile?” Wat weet ek nou. Toe VERF sy dit op. Slaat my met ‘n lang klip dood! Sy VERF ‘n wit strepie aan die punt van die naels. En daar is nou nog iets wat ek weet. Dom gaan ek nie doodgaan nie. Daar is egter ‘n paar goed wat ek nie kan doen nie: ek kan nie met gis bak nie. My eerste en enigste ondervinding het my
Bladsy 8 beskuit laat toeslaan. Dit was in 1976, kort voor die aaklige tyd van student-onluste. Allerlei gebeurlikheidsplanne is in koshuise op Stellenbosch gemaak vir ingeval ons aangeval sou word. Raar maar waar. In elk geval, besluit ek toe: indien die woedende hordes op ons toesak, gooi ek hulle met my beskuit, dis immers kos, dus gooi ek nie met klippe nie. Dit was uiteraard nooit nodig nie, maar dit wás die aard van my beskuit. Die geheimenis van gis ontgaan my steeds. Dis waarom ek beskuit koop. Baie makliker. Soms dink ek die Spreukeskrywer het iets beet wanneer hy sê: Daar is drie dinge, nee vier, wat te wonderbaar is vir my. Behalwe dat ek geleidelik begin agterkom, hoe ouer ek raak, hoe meer dinge is daar wat ek nie weet nie, en daar is baie wat ek nie wíl weet nie. Maar daar is nog ‘n paar dinge wat ek nie sou omgee om te leer nie. Soos hoe om klavier te speel en rose reg te snoei.
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 9
Ref# KN1201952
Ref# KN1319796
Ref# KN1315047
Kleinmond / R850 000
Kleinmond / R1.495 million
Perfect trade-off to city living. Only a short walk to the harbour. No transfer duty payable. Beautiful views. Three plot available.
Bedrooms 4 / Bathrooms 3 Bedrooms 2 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 1 Centrally situated close to amenities. Spacious with Inviting charm with it’s rustic kitchen, open plan gorgeous mountain views. living and outdoor braai area. Newly built.
Kleinmond / R1.55 million
Ref# KN1289121
Kleinmond / R1.64 million
Ref# KN1320817
Ref# KN1326939
Kleinmond / R3.4 million
Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 1 Bedrooms 5 / Bathrooms 5 / Garages 2 Delightful home in Klein Berlyn only a short walk to Spacious family home with lovely landscaped the golf course. garden and beautiful sea views.
Kleinmond / R5.4 million Bedrooms 11 / Bathrooms 10 / Garages 2 Double plot with 6 separate units. Panoramic sea- and mountain views. Walk to amenities. PRICE REDUCED
Ref# KN1275837
Ref# KN1298792
Betty’s Bay / R1.45 million
Pringle Bay / R3.8 million
Rooi Els / R3.85 million
Bedroom 3 / Bathroom 2 / Off Street Parking 2 Character home lock-up-and-go near the beach.
Bedroom 4 / Bathroom 2.5 / Garage 1 North facing family home in a good location. Only a short walk to a small beach, this home offers spectacular ocean and mountain views and a mature garden with large trees.
Bedroom 3 / Bathroom 2 / Garage 2 The views will take your breath away. This is your chance to own a 3478m² seafront property with some of the best elevated sea and mountain views in Rooi Els. Enjoy a quiet get away or extend your dream home.
Ref# KN1327902
Ref# KN1317903
Betty’s Bay / R1.499 million Bedroom 3 / Bathroom 2 / Garage 2 Immaculate home with views and fenced garden.
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 10
R1 700 000
Die Overstrand Herald bied‘n spesiale rubriek waarin ons inwoners en lesers die geleentheid gee om hul eie skryfwerk met ons te deel. Daar is ‘n paar reëls: 1. Gedigte moet asb nie te lank wees nie – ruimte is beperk 2. Kortverhale of essays moet van in die kort-kortverhaal genre wees – nie meer as 800 woorde nie. 3. Dit moet jou eie werk wees. E-pos die gedig of verhaal aan – ilna@overstrandherald.co.za
‘n Jubellied (Knysna brand - 7 Junie’17) Dis die aand van ons benoudheid die nag van rook - en - vuur Babel was ‘n verwarring Knysna … so ook hier!
SPACIOUS EXQUISITELY FINISHED 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. Prime property. Excellently finished 2 bedroom house near sea with lovely mountain views. One enters the house through lovely stained glass doors into a spacious (20sqm) lobby that currently doubles up as study/home office. This leads to an open plan kitchen and living room (65sqm) that opens up to the dining area of 20sqm and a large (49sqm) North facing lounge. The main bedroom boasts a spacious en suite full bathroom, while the second bedroom is served by a shower room that doubles up as a guest bathroom. Large (66sqm) covered porch and larger than normal covered carport. Single garage well equipped with BIC. Neat fenced garden. I.B.R, steel roof. Windows wood or aluminium.
Wat sal ons doen, waar sal ons gaan Ag Here, ‘n weg … wys vir ons ‘n baan Wat van besittings … en ons huis Alles brand, Here, waar gaan ons tuis? Ons vlug, na nêrens, tóg U sorg U’s ons Bewaarder, ons Borg Al is familie verwyderd, vér van daar,Gebed verenig mekaar!
CONTACT CHRIS AT 0837441499. VIEW AT www.meridianrealty.co.za number RL2907.
Die ketting van Krag Is in werking, met Mag O God, wees ons genadig! Sorg in node, maak versadig. Ons sien … ‘n Engeleskaar! By vier huise, naby mekaar Ja, dis waar, hulle IS daar – Kyk dis water, of … is hul aan’t skater? Oor mense wat GLO, hul God het belo!
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Dankie Stef Liebenberg Ek sal nooit my eerste kennismaking, met Stef vergeet nie. By ‘n geleentheid waar ek teenwoordig was, het hy opgetree en meesterlik die klavier bespeel. Ek was in vervoering met die crescendo en ook teerheid waarmee hy die een komposisie na die ander vertolk het. Met elke stuk was die genot waarmee hy die uitvoering gebring het, baie duidelik te bespeur en het hy almal meegesleur. By navraag stel ek vas dat Stef nie ‘n musikant is nie, maar dat hy ‘n deskundige in die mediese veld is. Dit was vir my ‘n voorreg om aan hom en Buks voorgestel te word. Met die tyd het daar ‘n besondere band tussen ons ontstaan. Hulle het ‘n hart vir mense en is Fynbos baie goed gesind. Male sonder tal het hy sy talent aangewend om by verskillende geleenthede en fondsinsameling projekte vir
Fynbos te ondersteun. Elke keer was die waardering dieselfde, omdat almal op Kleinmond ‘n spesiale plekkie in hul hart het vir die geliefde musikant. As gevolg van gesondheidsredes verlaat hierdie twee geliefde mense binnekort ons dorpie. Hulle afwesigheid sal ‘n leemte laat wat nie maklik gevul kan word nie. Daarom is dit vir my hartseer, maar ook ‘n groot vooruitsig om Sondag 16 Julie vir die laaste keer hierdie fenomenale man se swanesang in Kleinmond by te woon. Met Christine en Helma gaan die drie vir ons ‘n onvergeetlike middag bied. Wat ‘n voorreg!! Stef en Buks baie dankie vir die tien jaar wat ek saam met julle kon werk. Mag Gods rykste seën op jul rus. Ons bid dat Sy vrede en vreugde julle sal vul waar julle binnekort ‘n nuwe fase van jul lewenspad binnegaan. Melanie Wiles
Bladsy 11
Wat is jou naam en jou van ? Skuins oorkant my woon 'n jong man besig om 'n huis te verf. By nadere kennismaking sê hy dat hy al ‘n hele aantal jare werk op die dorp. Sy tuiste is in Mafikeng in Noord Wes. Hy is ‘n Motswana. Dit is ook al 'n aantal jare dat hy vir sy werkverskaffer werk. Hy is baie bly dat hy ‘n werk het en hy doen altyd sy beste. Hy wil graag sy werk beskerm. Ek vra hom wat sy naam is en hy sê: “Goatlholamang / Wie oordeel ? / Wie is die een / persoon wat oordeel?” Ek vra hom wat sy van is en hy sê: “Montshaabatho / Hy wat mense uithaal / oordeel.” Ek vra hom wat sy vreemde naam is en hy sê:”Samuel.” Dadelik was ek getref deur sy name en sy van. Hy is die regter / beoordelaar wat mense uithaal. Hy wys hulle uit as hulle skuldig is. Sy naam en van is gelyk lopend in betekenis. So is dit met die meeste name in Afrika kulture. Ook verwys dit na die Here en na Christus. Hulle gaan eendag kom om jou te oordeel en jou uit te haal as mens. Uit jou plek uit kom hulle jou haal om jou finaal te oordeel. Dit
is baie waarskynlik dat hierdie verklaring reg en eg is. Hy beaam dit self. Hy is ‘n Christen en daarom dra hy die naam Samuel. Wat ‘n merkwaardige naam en van en wat ‘n merkwaardige situasie. Wat staan ons nou te doen ? Laat dit ons motiveer om meer van mense rondom ons te weet en te probeer verstaan. Kom ons vra mense rondom ons wat hulle name en vanne beteken. Ons gaan verras staan oor die informasie wat ons gaan kry. Sodoende gaan ons ook baie meer weet van die betrokke persoon, asook van sy of haar familie. Ons gaan ook meer te wete kom van hulle kultuur. Só kan ons in Kleinmond uitreik en jare lange en egte lewensvriende maak. Vra mooi en doen dit met respek. Jy gaan baie ryker deur die hele oefening kom. Ons is dit aan mekaar verskuldig. Kom ons maak ‘n verskil. Ons het dit ook nodig in hierdie verdelingstyd waarin ons leef . Ons Here ken ons op ons name – hulle is in Sy Lewensboek opgeteken. Nols Swanepoel
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Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 12
Kleinmond Boekefees 2017 Kokkelollies kom Kleinmond toe Een van die programme spesiaal vir jong kinders op die Boekefees, was tannie Kobie se Kokkelollies. Die stories doen ‘n beroep op die gehoor se verbeelding en deelname en soos uit die foto’s afgelei kan word, het die kinders met oorgawe deelgeneem en saamgespeel. Wat besonder interessant en verblydend was om te sien, was die entoesiasme
waarmee die kinders hulle hulle deur die verbeeldingspeletjies laat lei het, sonder dat hulle ongedissiplineerd of baldadig geraak het. Geen rooikoeldrankeffek was hier te sien nie. Mens wens jou eie kleinkinders so ‘n ondervinding toe. Kobie Coetzee se Kokkelollie stories, kassette boeke en speelgoed is by Allerlei te kry.
Boekefees - Boekpublikasies Op Donderdag 13:00 in die Biblioteek se Raadsaal het suksesvolle skrywers wenke vir publikasie aan ‘n groep voornemende, asook gevierde skrywers gegee. Vier van die deelnemers aan die
paneelbespreking: “Om ‘n boek te publiseer”, gesels oor Dine van Zyl se gewilde publikasies, soos uitgestal op die tafel. Hulle is van links na regs Trisa Hugo, Dine van Zyl, Louis Esterhuizen en Petrovna Mettellerkamp.
Boekefees “Elders” KLEINMOND – Die fikses wat reeds die Camino gestap het was daar om te luister en te onthou - maar ook diegene wat dit nog graag wil doen, vir wie dit nog ‘n droom is. Gehoorlede wat reeds deel van die Fraterniteit van St James is, sowel as die wat nog daarna streef om die begraafplek van apostel Jacobus te bereik. Die Camino is ‘n besondere staptog, meesal deur Spanje se landelike gebiede, waar eenvoud en stilte die norm is en stappers as pelgrims gesien word. Hierdie bespreking van ‘n boek oor die Camino, boonop deur twee kundiges in gespreksvoering, was een van die hoogtepunte tydens die boekefees. Ernst Grundling was ook daar. Hy het die reis voltooi en toe ‘n boek daaroor geskryf. Tydens die bespreking van hierdie boek, “Elders”, het die bekende Kerneels Breytenbach, self ‘n deurwinterde skrywer en joernalis, met hom daaroor gesels. Breytenbach het die vrae gevra waarvoor gehoorlede gewag het – praktiese vrae oor reisvoorbereidings, asook dieper vrae oor die belewenis daarvan en wat mens bybly. “Watter addisionele uitdagings wag op ‘n toegewyde stapper wat dit wil aanpak?” en “Watter
ervarings bly jou by”, was van die fyn vrae waaroor Grundling moes terugploeg in die gedagtewêreld om antwoorde te verskaf. Vir die jonger lede in die gehoor was een die gewildste vrae van Breytenbach “Hoeveel foto’s is geneem?” Ernst Grundling het aan die waarderende gehoor die vreugdes en hoogtepunte geskilder, en veral verwys na die inisiële probleme wat ‘n stapper ondervind. Op die vraag watse praktiese wenke hy aan voornemende Caminideelnemers kan gee, het hy verduidelik dat ‘n stapper eerstens moet leer om te onderskei tussen probleme wat dadelik aandag moet kry, en ander wat kan wag. ‘n Seer toon wat rou geskaaf is, moet verkieslik dadelik aandag kry, anders loop die stapper die risiko om terug te draai of langer te wag om voort te gaan. Beplan vooraf vir slaapplekke, veral as jy gedurende spitstye in gastehuise wil oorslaap. Onverwagte skokke langs die pad is daar wel, maar dit oorkom mens makliker as wat mens jou voorstel, miskien omdat mens roetine uitskakel. Hy vertel m die Camino te stap teen jou eie pas, ‘n vryheid bring waaraan jy eers geleidelik gewoond
raak. Dit lei na ‘n innerlike rustigheid en harmonie, ‘n reis na binne, wat jou boei tot aan die einde. Jy leer mense ken, regtig ken. Hy vertel dat hy blywende vriendskappe met ongeveer tien mense gesluit het, een daarvan die bekende Amerikaanse sangeres Claire Hitching. Ernst erken dat hy eers daaraan gewoond moes raak om sonder digitale hulpmiddele klaar te kom. Geen selfoon en geen kamera – ‘n uitdaging vir meeste reisigers! Maar van sy medestappers het wel foto’s geneem en aan hom aangestuur. Saam met die innerlike vrede wat die reis gebring het, vorm dit van sy kosbaarste herinneringe. Van ons Kleinmonders het ook
al daardie pad gestap en stem saam met die ervarings in “Elders”. Johan en Maryna Loubser vertel dat hulle oral tydens die staptog saam met die pelgrims in "refugios" geslaap het - en vinnig moes leer om ook die snorkers te aanvaar! Sy het almal langs die pad as positief en hulpvaardig ervaar, ook die stappers wat net die laaste deel gestap het. Hulle twee het egter die hele afstand gestap tot by die laaste baken – die bekende katedraal in Santiago. Hul praktiese wenke vir voornemende Camino pelgrims is eenvoudig, maar baie belangrik: Lees vooraf soveel moontlik daaroor, moenie te swaar dra nie, verseker dat jy gemaklike skoene dra en geniet die gevoel van rus en vrede in die gemoed! Ria Burrows
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 13
Kleinmond Boekefees 2017
Liefdesverhale verkoop die beste Verby is die dae dat vroue hulle hoef te verontskuldig dat hulle liefdesverhale lees. Klaarblyklik is hierdie skrywers die lieflinge van uitgewers, want wanneer dit by verkoopsyfers kom, verkoop romantiese fiksie in al sy vorme die beste van alle literêre genres. Hierdie was een van verskeie interessante feite wat aan die lig gekom het tydens Elsa Winckler se gesprek oor romantiese fiksie gedurende die Boekefees. Romantiese fiksie is die oorkoepelende genre vir onder meer die liefdesverhaal, die liefdesroman, die inspirerende en die historiese roman, ens. Dit word hoofsaaklik deur vrouens geskryf en grotendeels vanuit die perspektief van ’n vrou. Die liefdesverhaalindustrie word hoofsaaklik deur vrouens bedryf. Vrouens se antwoord op sosiale konvensies in ’n fundamentele patriargale samelewing word weergegee in hul skryfwerk. Dit is ’n genre wat op verhoudings en romantiese liefde fokus. Dit het meer gewild geword vandat mense meer toegang tot tegnologie het – jy kan op jou slimfoon, jou tablet lees en niemand sien wat jy lees nie. Verlede jaar het die genre $1.5 biljoen verkoop in die VSA alleen en een uit elke twee boeke wat in Amerika verkoop, is romantiese fiksie. Moenie dat enigiemand jou laat minderwaardig voel omdat jy Mills & Boon lees nie. Sommige Amerikaanse maatskappye druk en verkoop tot agthonderd
duisend van ’n titel en Mills & Boon gee ongeveer 16 titels per maand uit. Elsa sê volgens Lapa en Tafelberg, is die liefdesverhale die beste verkopers van alle boeke. Die e-boek is oorsee al ’n massiewe tendens en is ook stadig besig om in SA veld te wen. Die vraag is dan, hoekom is hierdie boeke so gewild en hoekom kry dit soveel kritiek? Romantiese fiksie, soos enige ander kunsvorm, is ’n uitbeelding van die kultuur waarbinne dit geskryf word. Die spesifieke beskouings oor die liefde binne ’n betrokke era, vind weerklank in hierdie verhale. Romantiese fiksie is ’n voortsetting van die sprokie en die mite waarvan die essensie idealisme en fantasie is. Dis as’t ware sprokies vir volwassenes, want dit dra ’n boodskap van hoop, geloof en liefde uit. In die woorde van Cecila Britz, uitgewer by Lapa, het die idee van hygromans ontstaan na aanleiding van ’n eureka oomblik. ’n Kliniese en kritiese beskouing van die Afrikaanse populêre boek en ’n vergelyking daarvan met die Engelse produk het gedui op stagnasie. Dit was duidelik dat vernuwing nodig was. Die Afrikaanse verhale wat wel op die mark was, het tred verloor met die tyd en het die Middeleeuse siening van die liefde weerspieël: suiwer en selibaat. Om dieselfde resep in die negentigs te volg het eenvoudig net nie sin gemaak nie – vandaar die knippie seks,
Hier sit Margaret Bergh, Elsa Winckler en Troula Goosen. Troula se aanbiedings oor haar spookstories vir tieners het groot aftrek geniet. ’n sterk heldin en dinamiese Sy skryf in Afrikaans sowel verpakking. as Engels; in gedrukte vorm Elsa het in 2008 begin skryf toe sowel as e-boeke. Haar jongste sy ingeskryf het vir ‘n kompetisie vrystelling is:’n Liedjie vir Anine. in Rooi Rose. Sedertdien vloei Hierdie boek kom ook met sy die woorde (en boeke) uit eie liedjie! Dis spesiaal geskryf hierdie talentvolle vrou se deur haar seun, die bekende pen – of uit haar rekenaar. sanger, Heinz Winckler.
The Boer War at the Book Festival One particularly interesting presentation among many was the one during Friday morning when Peter Greeff and Chris Pretorius spoke about the Anglo–Boer War. Peter discussed some of the battles and heroes, in particular Gideon Scheepers, while Chris spoke very interestingly on the role of horses on both the British and the Boer side during the war.
Gideon Scheepers
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 14
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Kleinmond Boekefees 2017
No plastic bags - a lesson from Africa
Saterdagaand is die Kleinmond Boekefees 2017 op ‘n hoogtepunt afgesluit. Die ete aan die langtafel was in alle opsigte ‘n wenner. Gasvrou Dene van Zyl het heerlik gesels
Citizens and organizations around the world are working towards finding solutions to decrease the use of plastic bags. July 3 was the International Plastic Bag Free day, and some progressive countries are discouraging or eliminating it. Christopher Nicastro points out the awareness and activities of specific countries: “On the European front, Italy placed a complete ban on plastic bags back in 2011 and France recently followed suite with a measure that took full effect at the beginning of 2017. While no other European countries have come to terms with a complete ban on plastic bags, countries like Belgium, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Finland, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands have opted to place tax on plastic bags instead, which has produced some promising results. Ireland has experienced incredible success since placing a tax on plastic bags in 2002, reducing overall usage by nearly 95%”. On the other side of the spectrum, acting as the catalyst to the plastic bag ban movement, Africa has been making waves over the years as more and more countries put bans in place. According to John-Paul Iwuoha, a Huffington Post writer and African entrepreneur: “While plastic shopping bags are popular around the world as a cheap and effective means of transporting small items,
Kos uit die boeke uit!
en almal nie net welkom laat voel nie, maar ook spesiaal. Die organiseerders van die fees, die voor die skerms, sowel as dié daaragter, kan hulself werklik ‘n kloppie op die rug gee.
Die gaste aan die lang tafel smul aan die voorgereg.
Skrywer Dene van Zyl en eggenoot Graham het heerlik saam met die gaste geëet en gekuier. Graham het vertel hoe groot die spesery-rak in Dene se kombuis is en dat elke krui en spesery se naam in Afrikaans aangebring is.
Wilna Hooneberg (bibliotekaris) en Heleen Sliep (Kleinmond Linx) aan tafel. Die Boekefees was ‘n droom van Wilna wat verwesenlik is.
my findings reveal – quite surprisingly – that Africa is making more progress than others in getting rid of plastic shopping bags, and replacing them with more sustainable and environment-friendly alternatives.” Nicrasto continues: “He’s absolutely right. Africa is leading the pack on the plastic bag ban revolution, and handily so. This is mainly due to their direct experience with the dark side of plastic bags, which pose a grave threat to their livestock and wildlife while also contributing to increased pollution levels, leading to clogged drainage systems, which later serve as birthing grounds for Malaria carrying mosquitoes.” Of Africa’s 55 recognized states, at least 7 – Rwanda (2004), Eritrea (2005), Tanzania (2006), Mauritania (2013), Morocco (2015), Senegal (2016), and Kenya (2017) – have implemented a complete and total ban on the usage of plastic bags, while over 15 countries from the land of the Sahara apply either a partial ban and/or tax. In Kleinmond some of us are following the African trend. Our local Spar traded ten used plastic bags for one reusable shopping bag during last week – which included the International Plastic Free day. Well done Spar! Please keep your customers informed about your next week for bag tradeins!
Earl Witbooi, gas en lid van Tribal Echo, lig ‘n glasie op die organiseerders van en deelnemers aan Kleinmond Boekefees 2017.
Famous author of children’s books, Niki Daly, delighted his youthful audience with stories and other activities during the Word Festival.
Bladsy 15
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Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 16
Property corner
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 17
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Awesome home for Golfers Real value, spacious and stylish. Great easy flow living area with well-designed kitchen with granite tops. Enjoy entertaining your golfing friends and family in the outside covered patio overlooking the swimming pool. The master bedroom located upstairs has great views from patio of the fairways. Make an appointment to view. You will not be disappointed. 4 BEDROOMS 3 BATHROOMS 2 GARAGES PRICE : R3 950 000 SEEFF WEBREF: 428727 www.seeff.com AGENTS : TERRY DWYER 083 6277756 COLIN MICHELSON 083 3547773
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 18
New App. makes donating blood a cinch The Western Province Blood Transfusion Service (WPBTS) launched an App. on the 14th June 2017 to mobilize increased participation in blood donation. The App. gives donors immediate access to information about their nearest clinic and indicates which blood groups are urgently needed. WPBTS partnered with NXT Digital Innovation and Tracker to create the first-of-it’s-kind App. in South Africa, which is known as WP Blood. NXT CEO, Wayne Levine, says NXT started working with WPBTS in 2014. “At NXT, we get brands to motivate why they need an innovation kick or what we call an extreme digital makeover. WPBTS’ argument for an extreme digital makeover was highly compelling: less than 1.5% of people in the Western Cape are regular blood donors and up to 75% of people in the province will require blood at some point in their lives. In addition to this, the Western Cape is a popular holiday destination, which means an increase in road accidents and even higher demand for blood. Since the launch of the WP Blood App., we have seen 4 728 android App. downloads and 1 636 Apple App. downloads. That’s a total of 6 364 WP Blood App. downloads in 16 days.” NXT Chief Innovations Officer (CIO), David Oosthuizen, says donating blood should be regarded as a ‘pay it forward’ gesture. “Since the launch of the WP Blood App. on the 14th June 2017, we have seen an increase of 780 new donors in just under a month’s time.” He says most people today have smart phones. “We have these phenomenal devices in our pockets, and the barrier to entry for people in South Africa to own them is declining fast. This means a large percentage of the population can have access to the WPBTS geo-location App., which displays blood levels in real time and is able to direct donors to the relevant blood clinics.” In addition, by integrating the technology with user profiles, App. users are able to tell if their type of blood is needed and
where mobile and static blood donation points are located daily. The App. also keeps track of the time since a donor made his or her last donation, or alternatively, gives the donor a platform to inform friends and family of the shortage. Oosthuizen says donors will be able to discover if their nearest blood donation venue is open. “If a unit is displayed in grey, it is closed, when it is red, it’s open. WPBTS will also be able to send out alerts for special events such as World Blood Donor Day or other seasonal campaigns, as well as personal alerts to remind people to donate. Furthermore, it will allow mobile units in a particular area to send alerts to blood donors. “The App. incorporates a story-telling element and FAQ section. The story-telling element includes real peoples’ testimonials about how a blood donation has assisted them. This is so important for creating awareness, especially amongst young people, who tend to think they are invulnerable and therefore don’t need to donate,” says Oosthuizen. Levine says the innovation of the WPBTS App. is what NXT is all about. “We look forward to getting good traction in the next few months and breaking through donor fatigue. The launch of the App. is accompanied by a larger communications campaign and we’ve got excellent support from the media, which recognizes the importance of what WPBTS is trying to do.” “On 26 June 2017, the WP Blood App. sent out an ALERT of a blood supply shortage. The day after the alert a 7% increase in blood stock was observed.” WP Blood is available for free to download on iOS and Android App. stores. For more information, SMS “Blood” to 33507 and WPBTS will call you back with information on where to donate. Donors can also call (021) 507 6300, email info@wpbts.org. za or visit www.wpblood.org. za. Like us on Facebook (WP Blood) or follow us on Twitter (@WPBlood) and/ or Instagram (WP_Blood) for interesting facts and blood stock updates.
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Safety at shopping centers
The Magic of Vermiculture Interested in making your own fertilizer? We have started a worm composting project at Wine Barrel Creations using earthworms known as Red Wigglers. It is an amazing venture that gives you the ability to produce rich organic fertilizer in your backyard. The best part is that the bin does not have any odor and uses selected kitchen refuse, cutting down on the amount of garbage that needs to be removed, as well as cutting down on bin odor. We manufacture the compost bin using used car tires as part of an effort to recycle waste material, and also to provide a source of income to the members of the community. We sell the composter complete with a supply of worms, all you need to do is add the waste! The bins are on sale at Wine Barrel Creations situated in the grounds of Mthimkulu Village Centre. You will also be able to get further information at WBC on this exciting project. Points to Ponder By using a wormy bin you are; Contributing to recycling Helping to create jobs Reducing the garbage that needs to be moved to the landfill site by about 20%, Eliminating harmful gases that pollute the air Eliminating odors in your bin that attract flies Saving money, and best of all, you are helping to create a greener environment. We also have wormy tea for sale every Friday. Come and visit us and we can also tell you about other exciting projects. Jan Vorster 0845553322 jan@winebarrelcreations.co.za
By being aware of your surroundings and by actively managing risks, you can take great strides in being safe while visiting any shopping center or mall. That’s the view of a private security company, who has issued advice which it says will hopefully make people just that bit safer when they are out and about shopping. The first rule, according to Fidelity ADT’s district manager (Outlying Branches) Peter Kruger, is being aware and being vigilant. “Criminals depend on their targets being distracted. It is when people aren’t paying attention when they become easy targets for would-be thieves. The best option is therefore to be on the lookout for anyone following you or someone loitering at your car in the parking area. Trust your instincts,” says Kruger. Another risk for visitors to any shopping center is remote jamming. “Always park your car in a well-lit, properly secured parking area, ideally with security personnel on duty. When you leave your car, make sure the doors are properly locked. Never just assume that your remote had in fact locked your doors. The extra few seconds it takes to make sure the car is properly locked and secured are worth it,” says Kruger. Shoppers should be careful on the way home too, says Kruger. He recommends being on the lookout for anyone that could possibly be following you from the shopping center and to drive to the closest police station or security provider guard house if there is any doubt. “Remember the general hijacking safety tips such as waiting in the road for your house gate to open before driving in, and making sure the gate is closed properly behind your vehicle before getting out,” says Kruger. He also recommends: - Carry as little as possible in handbags or pockets and rather leave unnecessary bank or store cards and large amounts of cash at home. - Never leave a handbag, purse or wallet in a trolley. If you don’t use a bag or do not take one along, keep your wallet or purse in the front pocket of your jacket or trousers.” - If you do need to draw money at an ATM, use a machine in a busy area. - Be aware of anyone standing nearby and don’t accept help from strangers when entering your PIN number. - Put your money in your purse or wallet before you walk away from the ATM, and - If you think someone has followed you from the machine, walk into the nearest shop or up to a mall security guard.
Bladsy 19
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The focus of the therapy resolves around nerve pressure points. When a nerve centre is damaged the muscle surrounding it, goes into spasm to protect that area. It also pulls vertrebra towards each other, putting stress on the discs which in turn puts more pressure on the spinal nerve system. What these spasm also do, is pull the body alignment out. By focusing on these nerve points and stimulating it by hand, you relief the spasm and align the body.
13 07 2
Problems include: Headaches Lowest Back Pain Sciatica Stiff Neck and Shoulders Muscle Spasm
Back and Hip Pain Joint Pain Postural Distortion Numbness in Arm and Legs Constipation Practitioner: Sandra Reyneke: 084 735 8183
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Overstrand Herald
Bladsy 20
United Nations of Hangklip/ Kleinmond se Verenigde Nasies In die upcoming weeks, the Overstrand Herald will be running a series of articles on the variety of residents in our area. As the reporter is a woman, she will be interviewing women from as many cultures and backgrounds as are willing. We don’t intend to put people on the spot if they perhaps do not have the proper papers to be here. That is not our intention or our job. We want to celebrate the variety and diversity of cultures in Hangklip/ Kleinmond.
-New Installations -Fault Finding and Repairs -MV Joints and Terminations -Maintenance -Generator Services -Automation -Panel Wiring -CoC's -Single & 3 phase -Residential, Commercial, Industrial
1 June—31 Aug 2017 114 x 14 –10% = R1436.40
Tel: 028 271 3394 / Faks: 086 767 2943 Redakteur / Editor: Gerard Grobler redakteur@overstrandherald.co.za Verslaggewer / Reporter: Ilna Grobler ilna@overstrandherald.co.za Medewerker: Dr Ria Burrows Bladuitleg, Versorging & Advertensies / Page layout, Editing & Advertising: Melany Cedras ads@overstrandherald.co.za Rekeninge navrae / Account enquiries: redakteur@overstrandherald.co.za Business hours / Besigheidsure Maandag - Woensdag / Monday - Wednesday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Donderdag & Vrydag / Thursday & Friday: 08:00 - 13:00
Kontak ons vir alle huisverbeterings & kombuisinstallasies Huisverbeteringsprojekte Verf (Binne & Buite) Houtvloere Dakke Eco Rubber Waterdigting Projekbestuur Rekenaarontwerp, -uitlegte en installering van
Among the variety of nations gathered in our area, there is at least one person from New Zealand. Diana Knott met her future husband in London in the 1950s. Gavin hailed from Stellenbosch. Diana se ouers het op die Suid-eiland van Nieu-Seeland gewoon. Na haar huwelik met Gavin het die twee van hulle per boot op hul wittebrood vertrek na haar ouers. Hul eerste kind is daar gebore. They returned to South Africa and amongst other places lived in East London for 30 years where Gavin worked at Johnson and Johnson’s as an engineer. On retirement, they moved to a small-holding at The Craggs near Plettenberg Bay. When they decided to give up their home, the proximity of two couples with whom they often went on hikes with, made them decide on Kogel Park in Kleinmond. They moved here in 2007. Unfortunately Gavin passed away in 2014. Diana sê sy is ’n opgeleide bibliotekaresse. Op ‘n keer moes sy uithelp by ‘n biblioteek in Oos-Londen waar sy klasse geloop het om Afrikaans te leer praat. Toe sy haar toesprakie voor haar vier kinders lewer, het hulle so gelag dat sy nooit weer Afrikaans probeer praat het nie. She has found South Africans to be warm and friendly and yes, she is a fervent All Black supporter.
28 07 2016
ingeboude kaste vir kombuise en slaapkamers
Ferdi Krige 082 377 4912 fpk@telkmomsa.net www.perfectkitchensolutions.co.za
R190.00 p/week
There is only one name to remember A family company looking after the needs of a family
Cremation Service Funeral Insurance Funeral Services Tombstones Kleinmar Centre 27 Main Road, Kleinmond
028 271 4971
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 21
A Kiwi in Kleinmond
Diana and Gavin (Front and second row right) with their four children and two grandchildren. Janet (second row left) is a resident of Kleinmond.
Kok van die week – Conrad Scheider Hy is gebore as Namibiese Duitser, maar het op 10 jaar 'n Suid-Afrikaner geword toe hulle na Villiersdorp, en daarna na Kleinmond verhuis het. Hy het sy skoolloopbaan afgesluit in Hermanus Hoër en is daarna na Malmesbury. In 2011 kom hou hy vakansie in Kleinmond en ontmoet Danya. Dit was liefde met die eerste oogopslag en in 2012 is hy terug in Kleinmond, waar hy en Danya saam ‘n toekoms bou. Hulle is die ouers van ‘n pragtige blouoog seuntjie, Bodhi Scheider. Hy was van vroeg af lief vir kosmaak, en moes dikwels tuis assisteer wanneer nuwe resepte gebruik is. Dit het hom voorberei vir die pos as toetser van geregte se smake, asook om klein aanpassings in ‘n resep te kan maak om die smaak in ‘n sekere rigting te versterk. Boonop was hy slim genoeg om Huishoudkunde reeds op skool as vak te neem, waar hy die basis van geure en smake in kos leer ken het. Hy kan byvoorbeeld ‘n uitdaging in die kosbedryf nie weerstaan nie – as iemand nie van groente hou nie, berei hy dit sodanig dat dit later ‘n aangename gereg vir daardie persoon word. Hoewel hy in staat is om ‘n volle huishouding te behartig, is sy droom om ‘n eie restaurant te bedryf. Met die oog daarop, is hy reeds besig om Danya as gasvrou op te lei. Hy deel solank sy resep vir rooi hoender met ons lesers.
Rooi Hoender Bestanddele: 600 gr hoender porsies, vooraf gaargemaak 1 koppie tamatiesous 2 groot uie 150 gr botter 2 opgehoopte teelepels Kerrie 3 eetlepels asyn 4 eetlepels bruin suiker 1 teelepel Engelse Mostert, opgehoop Sout en peper na smaak. Metode: Smelt die botter stadig, kerf die uie en smoor dit in die botter totdat dit deurskynend is. Voeg die kerriepoeier by en roer stadig. Meng die tamatiesous en res van die bestanddele en voeg by uiemengsel. Prut vir ongeveer 10 minute. Verwarm die oond na 180 grade. Plaas hoenderporsies in ‘n oondpan en gooi die mengsel oor. Bak in voorverwarmde oond vir 30 tot 45 minute – totdat die sous verdik. Haal uit en bedien met basmati rys. Geniet!
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 22
Overstrand Municipality is a dynamic centre of excellence combining great potential with a beautiful setting. Our task is to bring about growth and development to the benefit of all our people, in their different communities, whilst maintaining a balance with nature.The Municipality includes the areas of Hangklip/ Kleinmond, Hermanus, Stanford and Gansbaai. Overstrand Municipality, an equal opportunity employer, strives to render a dynamic and effective service to the community. Competent and self-motivated people and people from the designated groups who enjoy challenges are invited to join our leading team and to apply for the following vacancies:
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 23
Overstrand Munisipaliteit is ’n dinamiese sentrum van uitnemendheid waar die gebied se besonderse potensiaal binne ’n pragtige omgewing ontsluit word. Ons taak is om ewewigtige groei en ontwikkeling binne ons natuurlike omgewing tot voordeel van al ons mense in hulle onderskeie gemeenskappe te bevorder. Die Munisipaliteit sluit die Hangklip/Kleinmond, Hermanus, Stanford en Gansbaai areas in. Overstrand Munisipaliteit is ’n werkgewer met ’n beleid van gelyke geleenthede wat daarna streef om ‘n dinamiese en effektiewe diens aan sy gemeenskap te lewer. Bevoegde en selfgemotiveerde mense wat uitdagings geniet en kandidate uit die aangewese groepe, word genooi om deel van dié topspan te word en vir die volgende poste aansoek te doen:
Personal assistant to the Director: local economic DeveloPment anD tourism (hermanus)
Persoonlike Assistent vir die direkteur: PlAAslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling en toerisme (HermAnus)
• Directorate: Local Economic Development and Tourism (Ref.: WC0320028) • Salary: R195 576 per annum
• Direktoraat: Plaaslike Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling en Toerisme (Verw.: WC0320028) • Salaris R195 576 per jaar
Minimum requirements: • a Grade 12 Certificate • typing skills (35 w.p.m.) • advanced computer literacy in MS Office • a Valid Code B/EB driver’s licence with no restrictions • 5 years’ relevant working experience • communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape. Main functions: Responsible for: • executive support by scheduling and planning the Directors’ diary and events • executive office administration and secretarial support • record keeping of information • receptionist/telephonist and office support. Special conditions: The successful candidate must be telephonically available at all times and be able to work flexible hours. More information may be obtained from Director S Madikane on tel. 028 313 8066/8192.
Minimum vereistes: • ’n Graad 12-sertifikaat • tikvaardighhede (35 w.p.m.) • gevorderde rekenaarvaardighede in MS Office • ’n geldige Kode B-/EB-rybewys sonder enige beperkings • 5 jaar toepaslike werksondervinding • kommunikasievaardighede in ten minste twee van die drie amptelike tale van die Wes-Kaap. Hooffunksies: Verantwoordelik vir: • uitvoerende ondersteuning deur skedulering en beplanning van die Direkteur se dagboek en gebeure • uitvoerende kantooradministrasie en sekretariële ondersteuning • rekordhouding van inligting • ontvangsdame/telefoniste en kantoorondersteuning. Spesiale voorwaardes: Die suksesvolle kandidaat moet te alle tye telefonies beskikbaar wees en bereid wees om skiktyd te werk. Meer inligting kan van Direkteur S Madikane by tel. 028 313 8066/8192 verkry word.
FielD ranger (KleinmonD)
veldwAgter (kleinmond)
• Directorate: Infrastructure and Planning (Ref.: WC0322022) • Salary: R137 076 per annum Minimum requirements: • a Grade 10 Certificate • 2 years’ experience in conservation related work • a valid Code B/EB driver’s licence with no restrictions • computer skills in MS Office • communication skills in at least two of the three official languages in the Western Cape. Main functions: Responsible for: • environmental law enforcement, investigations, inspections and patrol duties • compliance to biodiversity and reserve regulations and by-laws • environmental education and information to members of the public • sourcing of information related to matters investigated by the Manager• administrative duties relating to maintenance and management of reserve infrastructure • quality control and supervision of various projects such as footpath clearing, alien invasive clearing and biomass reduction • ecological management of nature reserves and public open spaces within municipal boundries • administrative duties related to the post. More information may be obtained from Ms L de Villiers on tel. 082 735 8910.
• Direktoraat: Infrastruktuur en Beplanning (Verw.: WC0322022) • Salaris: R137 076 per jaar Minimum vereistes: • ’n Graad 10-sertifikaat • 2 jaar ondervinding in bewaringsverwante werk • ’n geldige Kode B-/EBrybewys met geen beperkings • rekenaarvaardighede in MS Office • kommunikasievaardighede in ten minste twee van die drie amptelike tale van die Wes-Kaap. Hooffunksies: Verantwoordelik vir: • omgewingswetstoepassing, ondersoeke, inspeksies en patrolliepligte • nakoming van biodiversiteit- en reservaatregulasies en verordeninge • omgewingsopvoeding en inligting aan lede van die publiek • verkryging van inligting rakende kwessies wat deur die Bestuurder ondersoek word • administratiewe pligte wat met instandhouding en bestuur van reservaat-infrastruktuur verband hou • gehaltebeheer en toesig van verskeie projekte soos voetpaadjies, uitroei van uitheemse indringers en vermindering van biomassa • ekologiese bestuur van natuurreservate en openbare oop ruimtes binne munisipale grense • administratiewe pligte wat met die pos verband hou. Meer inligting kan van me L de Villiers by tel. 082 735 8910 verkry word.
In addition to the abovementioned salaries, these positions offer competitive benefits which include a 13th cheque, medical aid, pension, housing subsidy/allowance and removal costs under certain conditions. To apply, please forward a comprehensive CV with a covering letter to the Senior Manager: Human Resources, Overstrand Municipality, PO Box 20, Hermanus 7200. Please note: Original certified copies of your qualification/s and driver’s licence is a requirement for selection and must be attached to your CV. Candidates who do not submit all the supporting documentation as requested, will not be considered for these positions. Please quote the reference number of the position for which you are applying. Receipt of applications will not be acknowledged and no supporting documentation will be returned. Your application for these posts will be considered as consent to verify your qualifications.
Benewens die bovermelde salarisse bied hierdie poste mededingende voordele wat ’n 13de tjek, mediese bystand, pensioenvoordele, ’n behuisingsubsidie/-toelaag, asook meubelvervoer onder bepaalde voorwaardes insluit. Rig asseblief ’n omvattende CV met ’n dekbrief aan die Senior Bestuurder: Menslike Hulpbronne, Munisipaliteit Overstrand, Posbus 20, Hermanus 7200. Let wel: Oorspronklik gewaarmerkte afskrifte van u kwalifikasie/s en rybewys word vir keuring vereis en moet u CV vergesel. Kandidate wat nie al die ondersteunende dokumentasie indien nie, sal nie vir hierdie poste oorweeg word nie. Meld asseblief die verwysingsnommer van die pos waarvoor u aansoek doen. Ontvangs van aansoeke sal nie erken word nie en geen ondersteunende dokumentasie sal terugbesorg word nie. Deur vir hierdie poste aansoek te doen verleen u toestemming dat u kwalifikasies nagegaan kan word.
Closing date: Friday, 28 July 2017 at 15:00
Sluitingsdatum: Vrydag, 28 Julie 2017 om 15:00.
If you do not hear from us within six weeks of the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful. The Council reserves the
Indien u nie binne ses weke ná die sluitingsdatum van ons verneem het nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. Die Raad behou die reg om geen aanstelling te maak nie.
right not to make any appointments. 131178
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
KLEINMOND BOUHANDEL Hoofweg 76 Main Road / Tel: (028) 271 3972
WINTER SPECIAL TOT 14/7/2017 WAS NOW Plascon Micatex white/pastel 20L Wall & Ceiling white 20L Rystix Ext Seal Mahogany 5L Contractors Acrylic 260ml Contractors silicone clear 260ml 1L Handy Andy R16.20 1L Bleach R12.00 1L Dishwash liquid R16.00 500ml Pine Gel R35.00
R965 R785 R655
R790 R680 R575 R 14.50 R 24
Overstrand Herald
Bladsy 24
Medium Digger / Loader Hire Plot clearing Building rubble removal and site clearing General transport Drainage and irrigation
Derick Cheyne 082 677 5577 ROOIELS - PRINGLE BAY - BETTY’S BAY - KLEINMOND
Ralf Zipfel Qualified Installer for Solar Hot Water Systems
Terwyl voorrad hou/While stocks last
FOR NEW AND EXISTING HOMES 083 663 7661 info@solar4u.co.za
The Overstrand Hospice Shop would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods – please phone us on 028 313 1884
6 Julie –13 Julie
OVERSTRAND HOSPICE R 387.60 Palliative (end-of-life) care for the terminally ill & their families – free of charge. Phone Mondays – Fridays 028 312 4679
Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394 Kobus Le Roux Transport Kobus Le Roux Owner / Eienaar
For all your moving needs: Packing, Transport, Storage Professional handling of Office, and/or Household Furniture Transport Vir al u meubel vervoer benodighede: Verpakking, Vervoer, Berging Professionele hantering van Kantoor En/of Huishoudelike Meubelvervoer.
Tel: 028 316 2104 Tel: 087 802 6935 Cell: 082 570 0923 Fax: 087 237 9437 e-mail: lerouxtpt@twk.co.za Posbus / PO Box 908, Hermanus, 7200
Bladsy 25
Health Issues – A different perspective
13 Julie 2017
Paul Neil, a Kleinmonder, is showing people how to be healthy and how to heal themselves naturally without drugs which may damage body and brain. He believes that health issues should be treated naturally before using dangerous drugs and other methods. An earlier article by Paul on Aloe Vera, sparked a few questions. Question: Please tell us how to get the extreme bitter taste out of our aloe juices before using it on our bodies. However, the many aloes now blooming so beautifully and defiantly in the cold are not of the Aloe Vera specie, (a small plant with slender half-round “leaves”) but mostly Aloe ferox, with thick long “leaves” with rows of thorns on the sides, and hellishly bitter - so will that do too? Paul: Yes they will do perfectly well, in fact, they are far more potent than Aloe Vera so go for it. It is bitter, but you don’t taste it on your skin; however, to make it “nice”, just mix in some essential oil such as Lavender and/or lemon. As far as consuming it is concerned, I blitz it with banana and berries, sometimes a little honey and perhaps freshly squeezed orange juice. To make it even healthier, blend in some and some dried Dulce – seeds 24/11/2016 seaweed. Mahatma Gandhi used Aloe Ferox while living in South Africa, knowing its power; he ate Aloe Ferox gel on a regular basis. Question: “And what about the ordinary sea salt loaded with all the minerals carried into the sea by the rivers that leach them from the hard uplands of our country. That would be far cheaper than salt from the Himalyan Rocks?” I wonder too how much exposed rock there would be in the Himalayas, which are covered year round in thick ice and glaciers… Paul: Sea Salt is good, but the sea is fairly contaminated in many areas, so it depends on where it comes from. The Himalayan salt is mined in tunnels that go deep into the mountains so they are very clean, but more importantly it is unprocessed. Paul believes in avoiding Iatrogenic disorder, or Iatrogenesis - a disease that is caused by medical treatment. “We all trust and appreciate our Healthcare Professionals, but unfortunately the effect of their mistakes can be very dramatic. Causes of Iatrogenesis include side effects of possible
drug interactions, complications arising from a procedures or treatment, medical error, negligence and unexamined instrument design. Unnecessary treatment for profit occur, especially unnecessary surgery which can usually be avoided. Research shows one of the biggest drivers of iatrogenic disease is drug toxicity. One example, is ototoxic (toxic to the ear) chemotherapy drugs, which can cause deafness. Iatrogenic disease can result from overmedicating people, especially the elderly. A report in the British Medical Journal in 2002, states that prescription drugs could contribute to debilitating, life-threatening diseases, such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, gastrooesophageal reflux disease, multiple sclerosis, depression and other psychiatric disorders, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. In America, Iatrogenesis is considered to be the third most fatal disease. In South Africa, its growing prevalence is a matter of grave concern. Also in South Africa, experts have identified another big driver as the concept of ‘normalization of deviance’ – the dropping of professional standards. Dr Chris Rout, an anesthesia professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal College of Health Sciences, and
Dr Zane Farina, chief specialist at the Pietermaritzburg Metropolitan Department of Anesthesia, in a report in the South African Medical Journal, states ‘sub-standard care may be provided so often, without apparent consequence, that eventually inferior care becomes the new standard’. Discuss the side effects of prescribed drugs with your health professional before embarking on any medication.” As an example, Paul provides some symptoms of one popular drug, a statin drug Lipitor (atorvastatin). This is used to treat high cholesterol and to lower the risk of stroke, heart attack or other heart complications in people with type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, or other risk factors. He warns that we should not take Lipitor if we are allergic to it, pregnant or breast-feeding. People with liver disease, may find that it can raise triglyceride levels and increase the risk of liver damage. He warns that there are many other drugs which cause similar and often worse effects. What to do then? “Get emergency medical help (We use EMR, Kleinmond) if you have any of these signs of a reaction, hives, difficulty breathing, face, lips, tongue or throat swelling, unexplained muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness, confusion, memory problems, fever, unusual
tiredness and dark colored urine, urinating less than usual or not at all, increased thirst or urination, hunger, dry mouth, fruity breath odor, drowsiness, dry skin, blurred vision, weight loss, nausea, stomach pain, itching, loss of appetite, claycolored stools, jaundice. Stop taking atorvastatin and call your doctor immediately. Less serious side effects may include mild muscle pain, diarrhea, or mild nausea. Even grapefruit and grapefruit juice may interact with atorvastatin, leading to potentially dangerous effects - discuss this with your doctor. There are many other drugs that can increase your risk of serious medical problems if you take them together with atorvastatin so tell your doctor about all medications you use.” Paul summarizes that prescription drugs can be fast acting, but it is important to weigh-up the side effects of drugs against the malady and the natural way to heal one self. He advises to research iatrogenic disease, and names a reader-friendly book: “Medical Harm: Historical, Conceptual and Ethical Dimensions of Iatrogenic Illness”, by Virginia Ashby Sharpe and Alan Faden (Cambridge University Press). “If you can’t avoid drugs, then defend yourself with knowledge” – he wisely concludes.(Contact details: overberghealing@gmail.com )
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Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
14 Julie & 15 Julie: Singleton’s Winkel is op Vrydag- en Saterdagoggende (somertyd) oop vanaf 08h30 - 13h00 in Tweedestraat 14, Kleinmond. Kontak Estelle Victor by 028 271 3260 / 072 778 0249. 13 Julie: Dinsdae en Donderdae om 14:30 oefen ons by die Jukskeibane. Alle belangstellendes en nuwe lede is baie welkom om te kom saam oefen en speel, asook alle huidige lede. Jukskeie sal voorsien word aan beginners en nuwe lede. Sarel Engelbrecht 082 781 0691, Christie Visagie 082 564 2460. 13 July: The Friends of the Library will be hosting a fun and games morning at the Betty’s Bay Library at 10h00 for 10h30. The theme will be “Beetle Drive”. Please come and join in the fun and stand a chance to win a prize. All taking part are requested to bring their own pens, pencils, etc. The cost involved will be R5 per sheet of 9 Beetles. A cup of delicious hot soup will be served afterwards. Look forward to seeing you there. 16 Julie: ‘n Middag van Poësie en Musiek met Christine, Helma en Stef word deur Fynbos Dienssentum aangebied. Tyd 15:30, Plek: NG Kerksaal, 1ste Laan Kleinmond. Kaartjies by Fynbos Dienssentrum. Skakel Melanie 028 271 3602 (08:00 – 14:00) 16 July: An afternoon of Poetry and Music with Christine, Helma and Stef presented by Fynbos Service Centre. Time: 15:30; Place: DR Chruch Hall, 1st Avenue, Kleinmond. Tickets at Fynbos Service Centre. Contact Melanie 028 271 3602 (08:00 – 14:00). 17 July: The Overberg Quilters’ Guild will be meeting on Monday at 9.00 at the De Wet Hall, Roos Street, Onrus. The vendor is Skatkis Lap from Worcester and the speaker is Renee de Beyer. Contact Chairlady 082 444 9172 18 Julie: (Dinsdag) Kleinmond Kapgroep/Hack Group ontmoet om 8:30 vm by die parkeerterrein, h/v Hoofweg en 6de Straat vir sowat 3 ure se uitroei van indringerplante in ons dorp se natuurreservate. Belangstellendes kan meer inligting hieroor kry by Botha Maree te 028 271 4109 of 081 769 4731. 18 Julie: Skaakklub: Speel skaak elke Dinsdagaand om 18h30 in die Biblioteeksaal. Besoekers welkom. Vierbord toernooi begin. Skakel Floris: 0833770367 18 July: Chess Club: We play chess every Tuesday evening at 18h30 in the library hall. Visitors welcome. Fourboard competition commences. Contact Floris: 0833770367 19 July: Outing details Wednesday – Kleinmond Library Conference Room Meet at Kleinmond Library 9.30 am, Taking into account the cold weather, it is planned to have a photo presentation, given by Justin. Coffee,Tea etc. will be available, and it will be much appreciated if a plate of sandwiches or cookies be donated for everyone’s enjoyment. Club Levy R.5.00, inquires Joan/Hans Wurr 028 271 5434, Cell 083 244 9746 (Hans), Cell 076 787 0267 (Joan). 25 Julie: Kleinmond Kiekieklub. Plek: NG Kerksaal 1ste Laan,Tyd:19:00, Tema: Storie in Drie, Aanbieding Vic Brink. Besoek aan VSA,Grand Canyon. 25 Julie: Kleinmond V.L.V. vergader om 14:30 in die NG Kerksaal. Kom luister na Isa Lindstrom wat ons meer vertel van haar stokperdjie. Almal is welkom. Besoekers betaal R20. V.L.V. lede kom ook hul stokperdjie artikels uitstal. Navrae Annie Jooste 0282713900. 31 Julie: Kleinmond Leeskring vergader om 14h30 in die Gereformeerde Kerk . "The glass castle" deur Jeanette Walls (2014) word deur Marianne de Wet bespreek. Koste vir besoekers is R20. Almal is welkom. Skakel 0823780057 vir inligting. 3 Augustus: Kleinmond Lieflappers Kwilt en Laslappiegroep vergader Donderdag om 09:30 die Rolbalklubhuis Amandelboomlaan. Dit is 'n SAAMKUIER OGGEND. Ons doen almal saam handwerk. Papiersak Uitdagings se Blokke kom terug, asook Looitjiekwilt blokke. Almal hartlik welkom. Mariette Hugo. 083 324 2404. 10 Augustus: Afrikaans is Pret! ‘n Heerlike aand met Boeke-raai, Liedjieraai en Idiome-raai word om 19:00 aangebied deur die Kleinmond Vriende van Afrikaans in die Gereformeerde Kerk in 13de Laan. Sop en broodjies is ingesluit by die kaartjies wat teen R30 verkrygbaar is by Albertyn Apteek. 22 Augustus: Hiermee word u vriendelik uitgenooi om ons ALGEMENE JAARVERGADERING by te woon wat gehou sal word op Dinsdag, , om 18h00. Die vergadering sal in die Jeugsaal in Proteadorp (langs die Kindersorg SA: Kleinmond kantoor) plaasvind. U teenwoordigheid en insae sal hoog op prys gestel word. Die jaarverslag en finansiële state sal tydens die vergadering beskikbaar wees. Neem asseblief kennis dat daar ‘n verkiesing van die Bestuur Komitee sal plaasvind. Nominasie vorms is by die kantoor beskikbaar. Lidmaatskap fooi teen R10 per persoon is betaalbaar op of voor 22 Augustus 2017. Baie dankie vir u volgehoue ondersteuning en ons sien daarna uit om u weer te sien. Indien daar vrae of kwellinge is, moet asseblief nie huiwer om ons kantoor te kontak nie.
Bladsy 26
Thembisa is looking for char work for three days a week, or a full week. Call 084 795 3552/ 071 026 9108. Saamrygeleentheid vanaf Kleinmond na Herrmanus en terug, weeksdae. Bel 072 910 6067. Pocia is looking for domestic work every day of the week. Call 083 768 2977. Sandisiwe is looking for a house-keeping job for Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Ref at 082 217 0568. Call Sandisiwe at 063 803 4528.
Upright Piano needs tuning, in good condition. Reasonable offer Accepted. Contact Louis 079 893 4255. Repairable Jamaha jetski and trailer R7500.00 onca. Johann 079 132 0028. Very seldom used Electric Line Weed eater. Contact 0832778334. Wormy Bins for sale. R350.00, fully operational. Go Green Go organic! Produce you own organic fertilizer using your kitchen waste. Alternatively buy worm tea from us at R25.00. Available every Friday. Contact Jan Vorster 0845553322. Defy tumble drier R 800-00, HD PVR 2P decoder R500-00, TomTom GPS R 400-00. Contact 0824587500. Sunbeam Delux rotisserier R800. Ph 074 855 3039. Pottebakkersoond. Elektriese grassnyer. Petrol grassnyer. Bel 028 271 3765. R800. Solid wood work bench with vice. 2004 Citroen Picasso 1.6, R35, 000. Full service record. One owner. Ph 082 468 5622/ 028 273 8749. Brass and glass table. 665 sq and 390 high.R900. Ph 082 380 1377.
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Tips to save on Funeral insurance More often consumers who are in financial predicaments are quick to turn to their bank statements to review the viability of grudge purchases like insurance, as a quick solution to free up cash to cover debt obligations. “Although we encourage consumers to regularly review their policies, they should be careful not to make rash decisions under pressure, that would potentially place them in a far worse financial position when disaster strikes,” says Lee Bromfield, CEO of FNB Life. • Don’t cancel your policy – this is a common mistake that ends up costing consumers more in the long run. Canceling your funeral policy when times are tough could leave you and your loved ones financially stranded in the unfortunate event of death, forcing you to take on further debt commitments. • Combine policies – having more than one funeral policy with multiple insurers makes the premiums more expensive. You can save a lot of money in administration costs by combining your policies using one insurer. Before switching over to your preferred insurer, check their policy waiting period for natural and unnatural death to ensure that
you aren’t left without cover for the first three to six months. • Shop around – if you don’t shop around and scrutinize the cover and benefits offered by your insurer, you could be paying a higher premium unnecessarily. • Paying your policies on time - insurers usually collect premiums on a set date at the end of the month, if there is no money in your account; your insurers may collect double the following month. Not only are you at risk of lapsing your policy if there are no funds in your account for two consecutive months, but you may also incur additional charges from your bank if debit orders are not honoued. Furthermore, you will be required to complete a six month waiting period for natural death when taking out a new policy, while still paying your premiums in full. It is also critical to inform beneficiaries about the policy or your insurer when beneficiary contact details change as this may result in benefits being unclaimed, if your insurer is unable to track down your loved ones when you pass away. “If your beneficiaries are not aware of the cover and you have not updated their details on the policy, you are wasting your premiums,” concludes Bromfield.
German LPs (vinyl) Famous pieces. R20 ea. Ph 072 906 8029. Drie-kwart bed R400. Kleinhok vir groot TV R100. TV kas R500. Bel 028 271 3496/ 082 579 2580. Enkel Meranti garage Coroma 2000 motor. Tandem Peugeot pathfinder fiets. Defy Maximaid wasmasjien. Regop Defy vrieskas. 082 783 0694. Meranti Happy door met glas en raam. R1200. Wit Aluminum vensterraam 2,1mx600cm R300. Asbeshok vir groot hond R300. Bel 061 299 2335. Samsung 32” HD LED. 2 jr oud R1800. Bel 073 700 0308. Drielaai hout bedkassie R70. Drill press vir Black & Decker handboor R40. Drie plastiese tuinstoele, R25 elk. Bel 072 976 2177.
Bladsy 27
Fine & Country Betty’s Bay 43 Pearl Drive Betty’s Bay, 7141 bettysbay@fineandcountry.com
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13 Julie – 9 Augustus
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens
26 01 2017
05:35 06:15 07:01 07:57 09:10 10:34 11:50 00:14 01:14 02:09 02:59 03:47 04:32 05:14 05:55 06:36 07:19 08:12 09:27 10:58 12:11 00:16 01:06 01:46 02:22 02:57 03:30 04:04
18:04 18:47 19:37 20:40 21:53 23:07 —— 12:54 13:50 14:40 15:27 16:11 16:53 17:34 18:14 18:54 19:39 20:35 21:50 23:11 —— 13:03 13:43 14:17 14:50 15:22 15:55 16:28
11:37 00:12 01:00 01:59 03:10 04:28 05:41 06:43 07:38 08:26 09:12 09:55 10:36 11:15 11:53 00:32 01:17 02:10 03:19 04:41 05:55 06:49 07:29 08:03 08:34 09:05 09:35 10:07
—— 12:17 13:03 14:02 15:21 16:47 18:03 19:05 19:59 20:50 21:37 22:22 23:06 23:49 —— 12:32 13:14 14:08 15:27 16:58 18:10 19:01 19:41 20:15 20:49 21:22 21:56 22:31
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 28
NEEM ASB KENNIS: Die Herald verskaf met liefde die ruimte vir kerke om hul dienstye te adverteer. Al wat ons vra is dat kerke die regte inligting verskaf. Dit is doodgewoon nie moontlik vir ons om elke week 17 of 18 kerke te skakel om te verneem of die inligting nog korrek is nie. NG KERK: 16 Julie 2017 - 028 271 3268 THE BAY CHRISTIAN FAMILY CHURCH KLEINMOND Town Hall, Main Rd, Kleinmond (opposite SAPD) Service times: Mornings at 08:30 & Evenings at 17:00 Cell group meetings: Wednesdays at 19:00 Men’s prayer meetings: Saturdays at 6:00 General enquiries: Johan Koekemoer Cell: 076 204 4250 For more information regarding registrations for 2018 CFCI Bible College or Cornerstone institute contact: 072 5112311(Antionette)- 2017 registrations closed. Christian Revival Church - Homecell “Mend the nets, the catch will be great” 68 Main Road (A.G.S Heal the Land premises) Thursday 19h00 Build one Church in many locations Contact Niël 079 139 5121 Pastoor Ernest 072 084 3454 A.G.S. KERK KLEINMOND Hoofweg 68 (Kompleks Langs Bouhandel) Pastoor Tewis de Jager 082 771 9365 Sondagoggend diens 09:30 / Woensdagaand Biduur 19:00 Kinderkerk 9:30 HERVORMDE KERK Skakel Ds Gerrit-Daan van der Merwe 073 418 2346 Strand: 09:00 elke Sondag Hermanus: 11:30 Die 1ste en 3de Sondag van elke maand SEWENDE DAG ADVENTISTE KERK Aanbid in die Gereformeerde Kerk, h/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat, Kleinmond Saterdae: Sabbatskool 09:30 – Erediens 11:00 Leraar Hugo Naude, selnommer: 081 256 4818 Almal welkom! 072 094 5819 / 028 271 4173 NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH KLEINMOND c/o Nemesia Ave & School str, Proteadorp, Kleinmond 072 077 7888 / 082 781 3556 Sunday Morning Service: 09:00 Wednesday evening Service: 19:30 All welcome GODS GIVEN MINISTRIES -11 Hoofweg - Bokant Kekkel en Kraai Kleinmond Erediens - 10:00 Sondag Sondagskool vir Jnr Tieners - 9:15 Biduur- 19:00 Dinsdag Woordskool vir Snr Tieners - 9:15 Past. Duvenage - 078 8103 632 ( godsgivenministries@gmail.com) LEWENDE WOORD BETTYSBAAI
H/v Delport en Serruria Nr 4960, Bettysbaai Ons nooi u vriendelik na ons volgende byeenkomste: 2 Julie - Oggenddiens en Nagmaal om 09h30 by L/S Lochnerhof in die Strand, 16 Julie - GRATIS Fliek - Unconditional om 17h30 by Simply Coffee/ Bistro 365 in Pringle Baai, 9, 23 en 30 Julie soos gewoonlik om 17h00 in Bettiesbaai tot verdere kennisgewing. Herderspaar: Gerrit en Marinda de Lange: 021 852 6719 / 082 752 9994. Vir verdere inligting en aanwysings kontak Marielize by 082 411 9193 of Erica by 083 556 3555. Almal welkom! Sien uit om u saam met ons te hê. Kleinmond Huisgemeente Ons soek saam God se teenwoordigheid en leiding in ons lewe. Amal is baie welkom by Laerskool Kleinmond, elke Sondagoggend om 9:30 vm. Navrae, Manie 082 331 3552 of Gerrit 083 251 6039.
VGK PROTEADORP Oggendbyeenkoms: 10:00 – Aandsamesang: 18:00 Erediens om 10H00 elke Sondag en Bidure om 19:00 elke 1, 3 & 4 Woensdag van elke maand. Prediker Ds. John Holtzhausen: 074 248 0108 Hoof ouderling/Skriba – Kallie Jonkers 082 877 0800 Jeug byeenkoms om 18:00 elke Vrydag: Christelike Vroue bediening elke tweede Woensdag van die maand om 19H00: Voorsitster: Evelyn Jacobs – 072 358 5103 Sondagskool elke Sondag oggend om 09:00: Koor oefen elke Disdag aand om 19:00;
09:00 Sentrum in Bettysbaai 09:30 Kerkgebou
Ds. Steven Sass Ds.Jannie Hougaard
KLEINMOND AANBIDDINGSENTRUM P.P.K H/v 7de Laan & 7de Straat Almal welkom!! Pastoor Smit 028 271 5694 / 083 633 6172 Sondagoggend: 09:45 GEREFORMEERDE KERK H/v 13e Laan en 6e Straat. Tel 028 271 5359. Skriba: Theo Kruger 028 273 8834. 09:30 Ds. Leo van Schaik LAKESIDE CHAPEL (Undenominational Christian Fellowship) Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay - Service at 9:30 Hans van Dyk (Pastor) 084 206 6820 / 028 272 9887 ST FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHAPELRY Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 09:00 in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay/ For further information contact - Chapelwardens 028 272 9914/ 028 272 9996 / 028 273 8153 KLEINMOND FELLOWSHIP CHURCH - 72 6th Street Pastor Lionel Gibbons 028 271 4249 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Prayer Meeting: 08:45 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Worship Singing: 09:15 Sunday Morning Worship Service: 09:30 Sunday Morning Sunday School and Youth Group: 09:30 Ladies Fellowship: Mondays 09:45 Monday Prayer Meeting: 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: Home Fellowship Groups Meet ST NICHOLAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Chapelwardens Chapelwarden Paulette Marinus 072 984 3707. Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Dienstye: 1st Sunday, 2nd Sunday and 3rd Sunday at 10:00. 4th Sunday at 08:00. 5th Sunday is family service. Notice will be given at which chapelty in Parish. Sundayschool: Nancy Carelse 072 858 3006 / Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Youth Friday`s At 18:00 Cornette Hull 072 780 4146. Priest Father Fr Neil February 084 222 1492/028 284 9772 nkfebruary@gmail.com. PRINGLE BAY UNITED CHURCH Cnr Crescent & Park Streets. Rev Gavin Graham 028 273 8172. Sunday service: 09:00 AFRIKAANSE PROTESTANTSE KERK Elke 2de en 4de Sondag van die maand om 16:00 in die Gereformeerde Kerk, 13de Laan, Kleinmond. Tel: 028 271 5837 / 083 412 5870 CATHOLIC CHURCH Twist Street, Betty’s Bay, Mass: Saturday 18:00 / Thurday 17:00 / Additional services as per notice board. Parish Priest: Father John Keough 079 874 2281 / 021 859 5397 Catechism Class Contact Janet Hyland 083 702 3909 PRINGLE BAY: KING’S CREW HOMECRUCH & HOMECELL 1519 Dennys Road Pringle Bay Sunday Service: 9:00 - 10:30. (Afirkaans & English) Wednesday Homecell: 19:00 - 20:00 (Afrikaans & English) Pieter and Arina Myburgh 082 080 2129
Pringle Bay House of Prayer
1799 Hilton Circle, Pringle Bay
Thursday 18:30 - 20:00 Sunday: Sundayschool for 5 to 10 years old 9:00 to 11:00m (Building Faith& Character) Rev Dr. Leon and Dr.Jacobi du Toit Whatsapp: 0797068210 yarhema@yahoo.com
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 29
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 30
Overstrand Herald
13 Julie 2017
Bladsy 31
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Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394 BANWELL HOMES
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Op die foto verskyn Amor, die span en hul ondersteuners.
Amor speel ‘n barshou! Amor Plaatjies van Kleinmond het verlede week haar dorp en skool se naam hoog gehou op die netbalveld in Gauteng. Amor, wat ‘n leerder aan Hoërskool Hermanus is, het van 2-6 Julie die Wes-Kaap in die Cedars o.16 netbalspan verteenwoordig in die SA skole toernooi wat op Boksburg aangebied is. Die spelers het uitstekend gespeel en elkeen met ‘n goue medalje en sertifikaat teruggekeer. Amor se familie het haar en die span die hele week ondersteun en baie gedoen om moraal te bou! Haar familie en die dorp is baie trots op haar.
Kleinmond speel harde wedstryd teen Swellendam Die Saterdag het Kleinmond Rugbyklub tuis teen Swellendam gespeel. Die A-span wedstryd was harde spel tussen twee spanne wat albei die uitspeel rondtes wil haal. ‘n Briljante drie wat begin is deur Uwin Cedras en gedruk is deur Dueston Oliver wat op Kleinmond se doellyn begin het, het die wedstryd in die guns van die tuisspan beklink. Die A span wen hulle wedstryd 25 – 19. Die tweede span het ook goeie hardloop rugby opgelewer. Swellendam het op die dag net beter rugby gespeel en wen vir Kleinmond 28 – 24.
C.Antonie and L.P Fister(vice president)
h/v Hoofweg & 6de Straat, KLEINMOND
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