Overstrand Herald 16 August 2018

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KNBV vereer Muller vir sy bydrae

Nuwe organisasie in Proteadorp wil verskil maak

“Die Coloureds was die indigenous people hier, mense het ons hier kom kry,”

30% Af / Off

50% Af / Off

Geskenkpakke / Gift Packs

Mans Parfuum / Men’s Perfume

Yardley & Coty


Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

Kleinmond Animal Clinic Phone no: 028 271 4183 Emergency no: 083 440 5191 Trading Hours: Weekdays: 08:00 - 18:00 Saturdays: 09:00 - 13:00 Consultations by appointment

Stockist of:

Services available: General Health Care Micro chipping Grooming Puppy Classes Name tags

Bladsy 2

Proteadorp se nuwe stem Gerard Grobler KLEINMOND – “Ons (Proteadorpers) het ons stem verloor. Sedert September verlede jaar (na die grootskaalse geweld op die dorp) praat ander mense namens ons. Ons wil ons stem terughê en namens onsself praat,” sê die jongman oorkant my by die Stoep Café in die hawe oor die etensuur Dinsdag. Hy is een van ‘n groep van drie, almal bestuurslede van die nuutgestigte PIC of dan die Proteadorp Indiginous Committee wat die Herald te woord staan. Die drie, Clement Makka (voorsitter), Stephen Williams (onder-voorsitter) en Frazier Barry is almal wel ter tale en selfversekerd. Hulle staan aldrie in beroepe en het al hul merk gemaak. Nou wil hulle werk vir hulle gemeenskap, sê hulle. Die PIC-manne is almal uit families wat al geslagte op Kleinmond woon en werk. “Die Coloureds was die indigenous people hier, mense het ons hier kom kry,” se Frazier Barry. “Maar die laaste paar jaar is dit asof Proteadorp nie meer ‘n visie het nie, geen stem meer het nie. Ons wil dit verander.” PIC se voorsitter, Clement

Makka, beaam dit. “Ons het gevoel ons kan nie langer stilbly nie, dit los nie die probleem op nie.” PIC se visie is ambisieus. Hulle wil graag op alle vlakke in die gemeenskap betrokke raak. Polities, sosio-ekonomies, kultureel, noem dit. Hulle wil daar wees waar die besluite geneem word en hul gemeenskap goed ingelig hou oor sake wat hulle raak. Daarom is een van hul voornemens om ‘n behoorlike meningsopname onder Proteadorp se mense te doen oor wat die werklike omstandighede en behoeftes in die buurt is. Hulle beplan ook reeds aan die eerste van baie gemeenskapsvergaderings. “As Proteadorp se mense nie gelukkig is nie, sal die dorp nie werk nie,” se Barry. “Maar dit sê nie daar is nie ook plek vir ander mense op die dorp nie. Ons moet die verhoudinge tussen die verskillende groepe op die dorp restore. Ons wil die dorp opbou en vorentoe vat.” Die huidige komitee bestaan uit Clement Makka, Stephen Williams, Devon Makka, Margi Williams, Riaan Marinus, Margal Samuels, Elvisia Wilskut, Elsworth October en Frazier Barry.

The Herald reported last week on the priorities of community leaders from Over Hills. One of the leading figures in the community, Nomampondomise Bebe stated in the article that to keep the peace, businesses should only employ South Africans – and not foreigners. This week Bebe asked us to clarify her statement as she was concerned that it could be interpreted wrongly. She said what she meant was that the municipality and the businesses should work together and advise people to first consider South Africans and only then foreigners. By doing this people won’t be able to point fingers and say you took my job, she said.

Kleinmond Apteek/Pharmacy

Offices: Kleinmond: 028 271 5321 Pringle Bay: 028 273 8069 Cell: 071 687 3825 Emergencies: 060 490 0874

Kleinmond Primary Health Care Clinic Primêre Gesondheidskliniek Hoofweg 25, Kleinmond Tel: 028 271 3320/5300 Selfoon: 082 788 0922 kleinmondpharmacy@gmail.com draudreyzietsman@gmail.com www.draudreyzietsman.com

Ons het kontrakte met die meeste mediese fondse/ Contracts with most medical aids. Emergency/Noodgevalle na-ure: Kobus le Roux 082 652 4309

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 3

Peter Müller Erepresident Peter Müller is op die Kleimond-Natuurbewaringsvereniging se jongste Algemene Jaarvergadering eenparig as Erepresident aangestel. Die aanstelling is uit erkenning vir die baie besondere bydrae wat Peter oor ‘n anderhalf dekade lank, tot natuurbewaring in die breë en tot die werksaamhede van die KNBV in die besonder, gemaak het. Peter is in Suid-Afrika gebore maar het, gedurende die Tweede Wêreld-oorlogjare (1939 - 1946) as kind, saam met sy ouers in Duitsland gewoon. Hy het dáár sy eerste waardering en liefde vir die natuur gekry; in so ‘n mate dat hy later besluit het om toegepaste natuurwetenskap sy loopbaan te maak. Terug in SA en na voltooiing van sy skooljare, het hy aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch gaan studeer. Hy het as aktiewe stapper by die US se Berg- en Toerklub aangesluit en ook op

hul bestuur gedien. Enkele jare later was hy ‘n stigterslid van die Eksploratio-vereniging by die Universiteit van Pretoria. Peter het na sy studies by die Departement van Bosbou se plantasies naby Stutterheim in die Oos-Kaap begin werk. Kort daarna is hy gevra om houtnavorsing by die SA Nasionale Instituut vir Bosbounavorsing in Pretoria te doen. Na 14 jaar se navorsingwerk (twaalf daarvan by die WNNR) is hy by Mondi aangestel waar hy 25 jaar lank werksaam was; o.a. as Algemene bestuurder van die groot Acme saagmeul te Sabie wat toe die grootste naaldhoutsaagmeul in SuidAfrika was. After a very successful forestry career, Peter retired in Kleinmond where he was still actively involved in consulting work. He served for 3 years as a nominated Director of the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve Vervolg op bl.5


084 577 2926


Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018 • Doen jou deel om misdaad te help voorkom • Rapporteer alle misdaad by die polisie • Registreer by KSW • Beveilig jou eiendom • Ondersteun Kleinmond Nagwag se patrollies • Do your share to help prevent crime • Report all crime to the police • Register with KSW • Secure your property • Support Kleinmond Night Watch patrols

Kom meld aan vir diens Mense wonder soms of dit die moeite werd is om snags slaap op te offer om die strate van Kleinmond te patrolleer. Maak dit ’n verskil? Vir seker! Die polisie het KSW onlangs weer bedank vir hierdie onbaatsugtige diens van die patrollie-vrywilligers en die versekering gegee dat dit ’n groot rol speel in misdaadvoorkoming in die dorp. Die getalle van die patrollievrywilligers het egter afgeneem. Daarvoor kan die koue winterweer, wintersiektes en winterkuiers die skuld kry. Aan almal wat nog hier en op die been is, wil ons dringend vra: meld asseblief aan vir patrolliediens! Al wat KSW van vrywilligers vra is een of twee skofte van twee uur elk per maand. Brandstof word vergoed en die nodige toerusting word voorsien. Kontak ons by kleinmondsw@ gmail.com as jy kan help. Dit bly

’n groot gerusstelling vir talle inwoners om te weet daar is mense wat genoeg omgee om hiermee te help. Misdaad in die dorp Motordiefstal begin deesdae kop uitsteek op Kleinmond. Enkele gevalle is die afgelope twee weke aangemeld. Huisbraak in veral die Seelane is steeds ’n bron van kommer. Die polisie doen wat hulle kan om die skuldiges vas te trek. Wees op die uitkyk vir verdagtes en laat weet asseblief die polisie as jy iets opmerk. Alle inligting kan hulle in die ondersoekproses help. Hommeltuie Mense wat hommeltuie laat vlieg, moet asseblief seker maak van die wetgewing hieroor. Jou hommeltuig moet byvoorbeeld altyd meer as 50 m bokant of weg van ander mense vlieg. Die skending van ander se privaatheid kan jou vervolging op die hals haal.

Report for service People often wonder if losing sleep to patrol the streets of Kleinmond is worth the effort. Does it make a difference? Definitely! At a recent meeting the police thanked KSW once again for the selfless service of the patrol volunteers and reiterated that it plays a big role in preventing crime in the town. The number of volunteers is decreasing, however, probably because of the winter weather, winter illnesses and winter visits. We therefore urge every one of you who can help, to please help! All that is required is one or two two-hour shifts per month. Fuel costs are refunded and the necessary equipment is provided.Please contact us at kleinmondsw@gmail.com if you can help. Knowing there are people who care enough to help with this task brings

much peace of mind to many residents. The latest on the crime scene A few thefts of motor vehicles have been reported over the past two weeks. Burglary in especially the sea avenues remains a source of concern. The police are doing what they can to apprehend the culprits. Please be vigilant and report suspicious people immediately to the police. All the information they get helps them in their investigations. Drones Do you fly drones? Please make sure of the legislation regarding drones. Your drone may, for instance, not come within 50 m of another person. Violation of the privacy of other residents can result in prosecution.

Bladsy 4

Redaksioneel Die nuutgestigte Proteadorp Indigenous Committee is ‘n positiewe verwikkeling. Dis ‘n groep jong mense wat hul toekoms in hul eie hande wil neem. Hulle is wel ter tale en hulle het ‘n visie vir die dorp vorentoe. Daarby wil dit lyk of hul beduidende steun uit die gemeenskap het. PIC is natuurlik nie die enigste verteenwoordigende groep in Proteadorp nie. Daar is ook ander groepe soos die Proteadorp Geloofsgemeenskapsforum onder die leiding van Charles Swartz en nog ander. Die groepe is almal op die oog af, versoenend. Hulle wil saamwerk met al die ander gemeenskappe om van ons dorp ‘n sukses te maak, maar daar is geen ondubbelsinnigheid by veral die PIC nie. Die belange van hul gemeenskap kom eerste. Die verwikkelinge in Proteadorp is deel van ‘n groter beweging wat hom tans regoor die Wes Kaap in bruin gemeenskappe uitspeel. Dit is byna asof die bruin gemeenskappe uit ‘n diepe slaap wakker geskrik het, en nou besef dat daar grondskuiwende veranderinge in ons land aan die kom is, en dat hul in wese daarvan uitgesluit is. Gaandeweg is gemeenskappe besig om tot die besef te kom dat sake nie meer aan die regering van die dag of politieke partye oorgelaat kan word nie. Dit is alles deel van ‘n nuwe soort politiek waarin die burgerlike samelewing daarop aandring om ‘n groter rol te speel, om deel te hê aan die besluite wat hulle direk raak. Dit gebeur omrede die regering

en munisipaliteite al meer verwyderd geraak het van die gemeenskappe wat hulle moet bedien en is gesetel in ons politieke stelsel waar partye en nie gemeenskappe nie die besluite neem. Ons swart gemeenskappe is reeds geruime tyd al op die voorgrond. Hulle is goed georganiseerd, trouens hulle oorheers die debat op feitlik elke gebied. Die wit gemeenskap sluimer egter steeds voort, skynbaar oortuig dat daar ‘n munisipaliteit/DA is wat na hulle belange omsien. Dink ‘n slag weer mooi hieroor na. Hierby het belastingbetalersverenigings die hele Overstrand streek oor die afgelope jare hul mag en invloed verloor deurdat die munisipaliteit hulle in der waarheid geïgnoreer het en aangedring het daarop dat gemeenskappe deur die wykskomitees met die munisipaliteit praat. Dit was gerieflik vir die munisipaliteit, maar die belastingbetaler het baie van sy bedingingsmag in die proses verloor. Die belastingbetalersverenigings is steeds in naam daar, maar slegs ‘n skaduwee van wat hul eens was. As ek dit reg het, is daar geen inwoners van Over Hills wat eiendomsbelasting betaal nie, en in die hele Proteadorp slegs sowat 130. Ek vra weer: Wie verteenwoordig die belange van belastingbetalers wat verreweg die grootste bydrae tot die munisipale geldkas maak? Gerard Grobler: redakteur@overstrandherald. co.za

Herald nie meer deel van Forum KLEINMOND – Die Overstrand Herald sal voortaan slegs ‘n waarnemer by die Kleinmond Community Forum se vergaderings wees en nie meer direk deelneem aan die vergaderings nie, sê die redakteur van die koerant, Gerard Grobler. “Die Forum is van kardinale belang vir die dorp, want dit is waarskynlik hier waar die weg vorentoe op die dorp gevind sal moet word. Die Herald het die proses help inisieer en ‘n groot bydrae gemaak om dit ‘n funksionele liggaam te maak,

maar dit is nou tyd om terug te staan en die verskillende gemeenskapsorganisasies toe te laat om die proses verder te neem. Die koerant was destyds ook ‘n stigterslid van Kleinmond Straatwag maar het ook daar onttrek na ‘n tyd.” Grobler sê daar is besig om ‘n konflik van belange te ontstaan tussen die koerant se werksaamhede en die Forum. “Die koerant het ‘n werk en hy moet dit onafhanklik kan doen. Die Herald kan nie die spreekbuis van die Forum wees nie.”

Overstrand Herald 028 271 4212

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 5

Peter Müller Erepresident Vervolg van bl.3 Company and has been involved with the Kleinmond Nature Conservation Society for 15 years; several of them as a member and Chairman of the Com-mittee.Many of the Kleinmond residents got to know and appreciate Peter, not only for the enthusiastic and valuable leading role he played in these two nature related organisations, but also for his contributions to the Kleinmond community at large. The neat and very informative sign boards along the coastal reserve walk way and the

Gustav Adolf wooden crosses near the Palmiet River Mouth (which he made and erected himself) are only two of several successful projects that he initiated when he was actively involved with the KNCS. Die KNBV sien daarna uit om, soos in die verlede, steeds op sy deskundige kennis en advies staat te maak met Peter in sy nuwe hoedanigheid. ‘n Oorkonde is onlangs aan Peter oorhandig toe hy deelgeneem het aan ‘n strategiese beplanningvergadering van die vereniging.

Head Chef wanted Sober Habits Contact Thys 082 566 4368 www.overstrandherald.co.za

DA Fynbos vreugdestap Kom op Woensdag 22 Augustus saam op ‘n blomontdekkingstog...ontdek die binnewêreld van fynbos en ervaar die soet stroop van die suikerbos. Kom stap saam en ontdek die samestelling van die proteablom kelk.

Parkering beskikbaar in Pringlebaai middedorp en ontmoet Nicolette en Lezette om 08:30. Geniet na die stap ‘n verfrissende lemoenstroop drankie. Bel L 0823983446 en N 0828868672 vir meer inligting.

Overstrand Herald 028 271 4212

16 08


Roast Leg of Lamb with Mint Jelly, R115.0 Roast Potatoes and Vegetables.

Only R99 while stocks last. Harbour Road, Kleinmond

Tel: 028 2715907

Kleinmond main beach


16 08


Corkage charged at R30 per bottle

Thys 082 566 4368

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

TE HUUR/FOR RENT Kleinmond industrial


Werkspasie 40M2 R2500 Storage R750 Working space 36M2 R2000 Shop space 60M2 R2500 Storage various R800-R1200 Shop 76M2 R3400 1 room flat R3100

Chris 0828260209 Kleinmond Leeskring het die voorreg gehad om die skrywers Valda Jansen, skrywer van die boek “ Hy kom met die skoenlappers” en Helena Gunter, skrywer van “Tweespoor” wat onlangs vrygestel is, te ontvang . Helena het op ‘n professionele wyse die gesprekvoering met Valda gelei. Valda het, volgens haar, die boek vir haarself geskryf, om dit uit haar kop te kry sodat die stemme kan ophou om

Bladsy 6 haar te treiter. Baie van haar besluite tydens die skryfproses is intuïtief geneem en is dus nie maklik om agterna te verklaar nie. As ‘n baie privaat persoon praat Valda ook nie graag oor haarself nie en is die nabetragting en bespreking, vir haar, die moeilikste deel van die skryfproses. Die gesprekvoering het elkeen wat die vergadering bygewoon het opnuut weer laat besef hoe belangrik dit is om vir mekaar ‘n plekkie in hierdie land van ons te gun.

16 08 2018


R115.00 PAID

Garage Doors & Sliding Gates Aluminium-Meranti-Steel-Fibre Glass Automation-Repair-Install-Service 26 04 ET-Superdrive-Digi One-Centurion


Hennie 082 563 8563 spoton1956@gmail.com


is boos vir Telkom. 22 Kleinmond 02 2018 Boukontrakteurs het verlede

hulle vra al van die 26ste Julie af dat Telkom kom regmaak, maar niks gebeur nie.


Die Herald het Woensdag ‘n skriftelik navraag na Telkom se hoofkantoor deurgestuur. Kom ons kyk wat gebeur.

Inwoners van Sewende laan op

maand takke van ‘n boom afgesaag en in die proses ‘n aantal telefoonpale uitgeruk en omgetrek. Die kabels hang nou die wêreld vol. Inwoner se


Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 7

Kleinmond/ Betty’s Bay/Pringle Bay/Rooi Els 028 271 3238



Sunday 11 11 - 3pm Sunday 3pm

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910




Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Web Ref:CWSC-3436

R1 995 000

Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 3| Garages: 2

Low maintenance home with sea and mountain views! This House consist of entrance hall, 3 bedrooms 2 with built in cupboards, 3 bathrooms, 2 x en suite, open plan spacious granite kitchen and lounge with fireplace that opens out on balcony with sea views. Double auto garage and walled with electric gate.Walking distance to harbour area. Don't miss out.


Web Ref:CWSC-3505

R2 185 000

Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 2 | Garages: 2

Uninterrupted sea, fynbos and mountain views! Comfort and style ready to move in. Open plan modern kitchen, lounge and dining room. Inside braai area that open out to covered patio and beautiful back garden. Tandem auto garage and separate laundry. Extra well point with pump that feeds the irrigation system of the garden. Don't miss out.


Web Ref:CWSC-3030

R3 795 000

Bedrooms: 4| Baths: 4 | Garages: 3

Magnificent low maintenance home in sough after area! This is a well designed home with entertainment area that opens out to north facing private garden. Dining area, lounge with gas fireplace and sea views with balcony, open plan kitchen with separate laundry and braai room with stunning mountain views.


AnmarMarais Marais082 082563 5639910 9910 Anmar

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910


Anmar Marais 082 563 9910


Web Ref:CWSC-3038

R2 950 000

Bedrooms: 4 | Baths: 3| Garages: 3

Ready to move in this home close to sea front with stunning mountain views! Down stairs entrance with wood staircase, dinning room, lounge with fireplace open plan kitchen with pizza oven, gas stove, food warmer lights, bedroom with en-suite bathroom with outside door for the use of the guests using the swimming pool. 3 Auto garages and laundry room in garage. Stunning private back garden with stoep, braai area and swimming pool.

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Betty’s Bay

Web Ref:CWSC-3011

R3 200 000

Bedrooms: 6| Baths: 4| Garages: 2

Spacious double storey home on corner plot in vicinity of Stony Point. Looking to entertain family, friends and some - look no further than this 6 bedroom home of which 3 are en suite with a family bathroom and guest toilet.

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Betty’s Bay

Bedrooms: 4| Baths: 3| Garages: 2

Web Ref:CWSC-2606

R2 900 000

Just 4 houses to Main Beach, this 4 bedroom 3 full bathroom home, is calling all beach babes, sunlovers, fishermen and surfer dudes. Wake to the crashing of the waves and sea gulls calling. Slightly elevated to make the best of the views, open plan living onto roofed patio allows for 180* sea views. Larger than expected bedrooms, mes(full), 1x general(full) bathroom, 1 x bathroom with shower only, guest loo and full BICs throughout, makes for comfortable, easy living.


Web Ref:CWSC-3036

Bedrooms: 4| Baths: 3| Garages: 0

R1 495 000

260m2 house on Grootwitvlei offering 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms(showers only), sunfilled braai area with spacious entertainment/living area, 2 kitchenettes/dining area .... Ideal holiday house ... Garden to south borders Grootwitvlei-ideal for freshwater fishing/kayaking. Looking for a real ‘holiday’ house .....


Suzanne Beukes 074 944 5534

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Betty’s Bay

Betty’s Bay

Web Ref:CWSC-0367

R1 450 000

Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 2| Garages: 1

Zimbabwean Teak floors throughout, granite tops, glass shelves, aluminum window frames and sliding doors, wooden BICS, TV points in all bedrooms, knotty pine ceilings, linked alarm and cherry on top, a stunning fireplace to heat the cockles of the heart, are all to be found here.

Pringle Bay

Web Ref:CWSC-3105

R2 540 000

Bedrooms:3| Baths: 2 | Garages:0

This property consist of a spacious private garden, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The main bedroom have a walk in closet. The open plan lounge and kitchen that leads out onto the deck for you to enjoy a sun downer. Do not forget about the 2 bedroom flat that can easily be converted into a double garage. .

Saturday12 12 -- 2pm Saturday

Suzanne Beukes 074 944 5534

Pringle Bay

Bedrooms:4| Baths:4| Garages: 2

Suzanne Beukes 074 944 5534 Web Ref:CWSC-1968

R1 960 000

Face brick, older home offering loads of accommodation, plenty of cupboard space, outside and indoor braai. The front garden, which is neat, is perfect for your four legged friends or kids who loves running around.

Pringle Bay

Bedrooms:4| Baths:2| Garages: 2

Suzanne Beukes 074 944 5534

Web Ref:CWSC- 3394

R2 100 000

Immaculate Canadian Log home at the foot of the Hangklip mountains in Pringle Bay. This amazing double storey North Facing log home will ensure you of hours of pleasure in the sun on the balcony. Spacious open plan living and dining area with a fireplace and inviting open plan kitchen.


Pringle Bay

Bedrooms:4| Baths:3| Garages: 2

Web Ref:CWSC-3484

R2 500 000

This well maintained and neat property is ideal for family and friends visiting. Entering the house you will find a very spacious open plan oak kitchen and double volume lounge. The braai room leads out to the huge back garden. Downstairs you will find three bedrooms and three bathrooms (1 en-suite ) and upstairs you will find a sunny loft room. Once you go up the spiral stairs you are welcomed by a cozy bar leading out onto the balcony overlooking Pringle Bay and the mountains.

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other

‘n Weeklikse rubriek deur Ilna Grobler ilna@overstrandherald.co.za

Nog ‘n koppie? Die Wêreld is Ons Woning Nie Hierdie gedig van Totius is baie hartseer om verstaanbare redes (twee van sy kinders is jonk dood) en as jy dit weet, het ‘n mens begrip vir die mineur toon. Maar die titel van die gedig laat my verder dink: Die lewe is vlietend en onvoorspelbaar. Dit is ook soveel meer. Daar is die spreekwoord wat lui dat jy nie jou aardse goed met jou kan saamneem as jy doodgaan nie. Ek weet van ‘n huis (baie mooi) waarvan die naam was: Wêreldsgoed. Daar is nog een met ‘n beskrywende naam: Second Last. Diep. Baie diep. As ons so tussen die mooi huise ry hier op ons dorpie, wonder ek soms wat dink mense wat verbyloop? Veral diegene wat in ‘n pondokkie woon. Miskien dink hulle so ‘n huis kom sommer net, nadat daar met die bank gepraat is en die bank deel die geld uit. Ek glo nie almal is bewus daarvan dat jy die geld wat die bank "uitdeel" met baie baie rente moet terugbetaal nie. Dis dalk dié dat baie mense

so alles wil hê wat ander het. Dr Clifford Hayes (jare gelede my ma-hulle se predikant by Helderberg NG gemeente) het altyd gesê” “Elke man soen sy vrou op sy eie manier” – Ons elkeen doen dinge op ons eie manier. Party mense se huis is hul alles, ander se mouter is dit en nog ander se plaas of juwele. Feit bly, jy koop of het goed waarvan jy hou, maar niks kan jy met jou saam neem wanneer die laaste beul blaas nie. As wat jy het of bymekaar gemaak het, skielik van jou weggeneem word, is dit ‘n skok vir die sisteem. Maar weet jy wat? Die lewe gaan aan. Nie dat dit diegene troos wat derduisende met Steinhoff verloor het nie. Wat dan verder vir my vreemd is, is dat mense dikwels so verknog is aan wat hulle as hulle s’n beskou. Job het alles gehad wat ‘n mens sou kon wou hê, en hy het alles verloor. En hy het gesê: “Die Here het gegee en die Here het geneem, geloofd sy die naam van die Here”.

Wanneer jy na die biljoene armes en noodlydendes in die wêreld kyk, besef jy hoe bevoorreg ons wat hier lees, is. MAAR wat jy ookal het, saam gaan jy dit nie met jou neem nie. Geld val nie uit die lug uit nie, behalwe indien jy jou lotto kaartjie op Evander gekoop en R142 miljoen gewen of geld geërf het. En so weet ons ook, dat indien jy nie mooi werk met wat jy geërf het nie, is dit weg soos mis voor die môreson. Ons woon in ‘n lieflike omgewing. Ons hou daarvan om te dink dis “ons s’n”, maar ons is net hier vir ‘n tydjie. Enigiets kan gebeur. ‘n Brand soos dié wat in Kalifornië of Portugal

Bladsy 8 woed, kan alles verswelg. Die brande wat ons ken is ‘n kalfie teen daardies. Die hemele se sluise kan oopgaan en ons die see in spoel. Die natuur laat hom nie van mense voorskryf nie. So reken ek ons moet die beste maak van wat en waar ons is. Die lewe is immers wat ons daarvan maak. As jy wag vir die regering of ander mense, gaan jy lank wag, want hulle kan net sóveel doen en meesal doen hulle niks. Ek dink, ons behoort meer erg te hê daaraan om net elke dag ten volle te waardeer met wat jy op die dag het. Môre is ‘n ander speelveld. Die wêreld is ons woning nie.

Police shot gun retrieved suspect apprehended HERMANUS - Hermanus SAPS has retrieved the third firearm,

a shot gun robbed from police during the violent Zwelihle protests in July 2018 when unknown suspects took three firearms from the police. In the course of the robbery a police official sustained serious injuries after being attacked with an axe. Two other firearms have since been recovered. The suspect has been charged with possession of an illegal firearm and ammunition. He will appear in court soon. Provincial SAPS management has commended the role played by the community in ensuring the shotgun was returned to the police. NEEM ASB KENNIS SPERTYE: ADVERTENSIES Dinsdae voor 12:00

GRABOUW Tel 021 859 3475 Pr. 7020961

ROSEMALL Tel 021 859 5196 Pr. 7020961

CALEDON Tel 028 212 1691 Pr. 7010818

KLEINMOND Tel 028 271 3119 Pr. 7020961

BERGITE Dinsdae voor 16:00

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

Ref# KN1357728

Bladsy 9

Ref# KN1340950

Kleinmond / R750 000

Kleinmond / R820 000

Bedrooms 2 / Bathrooms 1 / Parking 1 Ideal lock-up-and-go with open plan living, braai facilities, secured parking and distant ocean views which can be enjoyed from the balcony.

Well situated, dry & level stand with lovely mountain views, walking distance to the seafront and around the corner from the Harbour.


Ref# KN1385110

Ref# KN1291758

Kleinmond / R1.98 million

Kleinmond / R2.5 million

Bedrooms 2 / Bathrooms 2

Bedrooms 3/ Bathrooms 2 / Garages 2

Perfectly positioned on Beach road. Newly built. Charming design, good quality finishes and a perfect lifestyle of peace and serenity.

Situated in Heuningkloof. Offers natural fountain water, spacious rooms, neat granite kitchen, landscaped garden and ample built in cupboards.

Ref# KN1386190

Ref# KN1168382

Kleinmond / R2.5 million

Kleinmond / R3.9 million

Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 2

Bedrooms 4 / Bathrooms 2.5 / Garages 1

Beautifully designed newly built family home offering superb finishes. Perfectly position in Klein Berlyn. Close to amenities.

Luxury home with spectacular views. Next to a greenbelt. Style and superior quality finishes throughout. Can be used as 2 separate units.

Overstrand Herald


16 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 10

Beach house revitalised

It is good to know that there is someone living in Kleinmond who appreciates and acknowledge my sentiments as to the ‘revitalisation’ of Kleinmond as a place to live, a place to play, a place to grow’ (my words). Thank you, Mike Botha. Yes indeed , the beach House was a treasure that old and young Kleinmonders enjoyed and even ‘bragged’ about , as it was a boutique hotel with a definite ‘vibe’ that was worth telling friends and relatives about. It was only two storeys high, with about twenty ensuite rooms all individually decorated, and with easy access to the well-furnished dining-room and bar for those wanting a chat and a drink or two there was a serene palm lounge with crane and rattan furniture; a sliding door opened to a really cool swimming pool on the patio. If one wanted more privacy and cosy décor, they would enjoy the smaller sitting-room. And then there

was the so-called ‘shop’ near the entrance- selling local arts and crafts, flags, sweets, T-shirts and mugs bearing logos of Kleinmond. Some years ago we were presented with designs for a new hotel, which were quite eyepopping, and they represented the architect’s vision of a fivestorey hotel which might have been acceptable in Cape Town’s Waterfront, but which would have been completely out of place in Kleinmond. The site to be developed as an hotel/ restaurant is surely one of the most beautiful sites in the world for such development. It has the sea views, lagoon views, the mountain views - who could ask for more? For this very reason it is of utmost importance that the aesthetics of development are obeyed and nurtured, the community must be consulted at open meetings on the viability of every addition/ addition/alteration and even on the aesthetics of decoration of the exterior of the buildings,

Die destydse Beach Hotel tydens die rampspoedige brand

'n Grafiese voorstelling van die beoogde hotel in 2008. even to the addition of the could also provide mountain original palm trees and white guides to assists any walkers partitioned boundary walls and and bikers - this will help the job hotel balconies boasting the market. The hotel could arrange a contract for boat-hire on the same design walls. What we need is to welcome lagoon and provide lazy-boy back the hundreds (thousands?) boats. The hotel could also set of tourists from across the seas aside a games room, wherein who were regular visitors every guests can play table-tennis, February/March/ April/May darts, quoits, card- games and and say to them: ‘This is what chess. we are offering you, after a What I have drawn here is a twelve-year wait, and we do it picture of a well-run small hotel with open arms as you became that provides for much of the part of us every year when enjoyment by guests of their you enjoyed with us what we long stays in this one-of-a-kind enjoyed every day of the year- hotel that is situated in a one-ofa-kind environment. At the end our beautiful environment”. The hotel could set aside a large of the day, it is what quality and enough area to accommodate ambience the hotelier provides, say, fifteen, bicycles for hire not the size of the hotel itself. by guests to explore to their I hope I live to see the heart’s content, and they could awakening of my ‘dream’ hotel also hire out hiking gear and on our ‘Beachfront Hotel’. shoes to eager walkers. They M. Ferreira.

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018


How an outing can be fun for Granny and Grandpa too Often a family wish to have a day out to the Mall, but being in the hustle and bustle is just too much for Grandpa and Grandma. It is then that Amanda Saul and her team of qualified and highly dedicated carers can help make the day a pleasure for all. Amanda has numerous references affirming her commitment and care to her patients .She also has the relevant qualifications. Amanda and her team are located in Gordon’s Bay. Elderly people can come for a visit which could include hand and

or foot treatments lasting an hour or two, or there are full day packages available. These include snacks and breakfast as well as a variety of activities lasting from 07:00 until 18:00. Activities include card games, board games, beach walks, arts and crafts and frail gym. Prices vary according to the package chosen and can also be a once-off or a standing arrangement. This excludes high care and palliative care. For more information, please call Amanda on 074 030 8571.

Bladsy 11

Granny & Grandpa Daycare Gordon’s Bay

At Granny & Grandpa Daycare we take the day to spoil Granny & Grandpa giving them a special day that is all about them, making them enjoy and feel the love that they deserve. There are many special packages on offer, here are some of them:  Full day Package include a pamper to join in on the activity of the day as well as a breakfast + lunch  Half day package and also per hour packages  Hands & Feet pamper

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Owner Amanda Saul plus four carers

Cell: 074 030 8571

Pick up and delivery available

ROLA FORD CALEDON 028 214 3560 Christelle Heyns Service Advisor Jacques Bosman Service Manager

Overstrand Herald


16 Augustus 2018

Cleaning should be part of development I read with interest your recent article in the Herald about the proposed plans for the development of the old beach hotel site and the adjacent areas of the Main Beach/ lagoon. It was also good to read the views of Mr. Mike Botha were in agreement with those previously published by M. Ferreira whose letter neatly captured the sentiments of many Kleinmonders about the old beach House site. With many other spectators, I watched in horror as fire, driven by a strong wind, engulfed the building in flames and I remember the crackling sound of the ground. It seems like yesterday but it was on December 6th 2006 that we lost such a beautiful asset for both Kleinmonders and tourists alike. Right now there are some matters of immediate concern. Go down to the car park area and you will see water streaming out of the raised grassed slope for the past 5 weeks and damming up the disabled parking bay, which is now growing weeds, contains waste of any imaginable kind and smells and looks disgusting.

Then carry on walking down the paved entrance to the beach, and you will notice that certain pavers/bricks have sunk below the surface whereby it is easy to trip and stumble. Carry on past some benches now lacking back support planks, as well as seating planks and notice that reeds are coming up through the water near the closed mouth. You will also see gunky water, seaweed pieces and general flotsam and jetsam, as well as unkempt parts in various areas. Our revered Blue Flag beach, in my humble opinion should be a blue flag beach, maintained all year round not just ‘tarted up’ for a few months. It’s rather like your Xmas tree, you haul it out for a short time, dress it up with lights etc., and make believe you are in wonderland! We would benefit if the council appointed a full-time beach warden with the responsibility and authority and experience to ensure that firm control is maintained. Perhaps Grant Cohen, Frieda Lloyd and Mr Lackay could take a walk and see for themselves? El Toro

Have you noticed? Has anyone else noticed that our Municipal accounts have now 14 items we have to pay instead of the over-inflated 12 items we were forced to pay the last couple of years? And now some people want to add another item: Security.

That money will eventually disappear into other pockets and not into our streets and to rate-payers’ benefit. Those trying to organise people should rather try to reduce our monthly bills and demand the rights paid for! Disgruntled

Bladsy 12

Karate klub samel fluks geld in Tenshinkan Karate Overberg op Kleinmond wil in September lede van hul klub stuur om aan die nasionale kampioenskappe te gaan deelneem. Hierdie nuwe dojo het in Januaries sy deure geopen en is die enigste in die Weskaap wat hierdie besondere styl beoefen. Nege lede van Kleinmond wat aan dié dojo behoort, het al so gevorder dat hulle kwalifiseer om aan die nasionale kampioenskappe deel te neem. Om dit moontlik te maak vir die lede om as Overberg te gaan deelneem aan die kampioenskappe wat in Gauteng aangebied word, samel die klub op allerlei maniere geld in. Een van die maniere waarop hulle geld insamel, was deur die verkoop van lootjies. Tenshinkan Karate Overberg

Kobus Le Roux Transport Kobus Le Roux Owner / Eienaar

For all your moving needs: Packing, Transport, Storage Professional handling of Office, and/or Household Furniture Transport Vir al u meubel vervoer benodighede: Verpakking, Vervoer, Berging Professionele hantering van Kantoor En/of Huishoudelike Meubelvervoer.

Tel: 028 316 2104 Tel: 087 802 6935 Cell: 082 570 0923 Fax: 087 237 9437 e-mail: lerouxtpt@twk.co.za Posbus / PO Box 908, Hermanus, 7200

had a raffle to raise funds for their team that is going to the SA National Championships. Baie geluk aan al ons wenners van die lootjiepryse. Die wenners is/ Congratulations to all our raffle ticket winners, the prizes and winners are: - Lamb quarter proudly sponsored by Werner’s Butchery and Tenshinkan Overberg: Mrs. Adelle Brand, Mr. Werner Calitz , Mr. Brett Daryn Phelan, Mr. Andre Brand. - 3 Gang Middagete met trots geborg deur The Restaurant at Gabriëlskloof - Mr. Brett Daryn Phelan - Manicure and Pedicure proudly sponsored by Chantal’s Nails - Mr. Kai-Uwe Kiessling - Handgemaakte volstruisleer Mans en Dames beursie met trots gemaak en geborg deur Yolanda Julies - Mr. Izan Crafford Die dojolede sê: “Baie dankie aan al ons borge en almal wat ons ondersteun het! Ons gaan die Overberg se naam hoog hou by die SA Kampioenskappe!” Thank you to all our sponsors and everyone who supported us, we are going to make the Overberg proud at the SA National Championships!!! Annemarie Steyn


Spar Mall Kleinmond Tel: 028 271 3047/ pinomari@iafrica.com 083 700 4962 Vakansiehuise vir langnaweke en vakansies gesoek. Verskeie langtermynhuurders met ‘n uitstekende huurrekord soek dringend permanente verblyf.

Skoonmaakdienste beskikbaar

Iets nuuts vir die klerekas: Kleurvolle funky tekkies. Barringtons en formele langbroeke. Corduroy mansbroeke en wintershemde. Geselekteerde manstruie afgemerk. Kom kyk!

Overstrand Herald

Opinion Those poor boiling frogs and the huge gamble We are now moving into unknown political territory, commentator and former Beeld Editor, Tim du Plessis wrote in the past weekend’s Rapport newspaper. A new and scary place of unintended consequences where hitherto unknown forces can come into play. Most South Africans will agree that large scale land reform is urgently needed. It is common sense. Expropriation (particularly without any form of compensation) is another matter completely. The ruling ANC has created huge expectations among black South Africans that white owned land is going to be divided among them, virtually overnight. This is madness, I was thinking on Friday afternoon, as I was driving through the wheatfields of the Swartland on my way to Dwarskersbos. The problem is not black farmers. The problem is that without a massive injection of technical and financial support they cannot possibly succeed. The farmsteads I am looking at will be in ruins in three years, the unploughed lands lying fallow, I thought. Besides the fact that the ANC has no plan on how to divide the farmland and that the most pressing need is for urban land, there is no money or the kind of technical skills within government needed for a project of this scale. But we won’t be taking productive farms, says the ANC. This is nonsense of course, they are the only ones really worth taking, and once you start, it’s a slippery slope to a free for all, Zimbabwe style land grab.

16 Augustus 2018 I have a theory on why the ANC and it’s not so shiny anymore President, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa, is doing this. It has to do with the old story of boiling water and frogs and is a huge gamble (google Ramaphosa and boiling frogs if you do not know what I am referring to). I think the ANC is dead set on its plans and will expropriate the first farms in the next few months. This will escalate next year. This I think will lead to such panic and paralysis at the same time, that the government will probably be able to walk in and take over large sways of agricultural and other land either without paying anything for it or way below market value. I think the ANC is well beyond caring what white South Africans think or whether the Rand takes a dive. They are in a desperate fight for keep control of the country. It is interesting how the President keeps on saying that expropriation will lead to economic growth. How? He is probably thinking of the million “jobs” (like Mugabe did in Zimbabwe) he is going to create by giving thousands of people a tiny piece of land on which they will have to try and eke out a living. Giving the land back to our people, as Mr Ramaphosa likes to put it (white and coloured South Africans, I take it, are not his people). The ANC is probably hoping that the remaining white farmers will be so desperate to stay on their land, that they will do just about anything to assist government and keep the peace. Meanwhile they are betting they can keep the rest of the white and coloured population more or less on side. Obviously, there is already a new exodus of whites and their money leaving the country. ANC are hoping that those who remain will chose

their mostly comfortable or at least their existing lifestyle above that of the route of protest and civil uprising. This is the main prize, the ultimate gamble. If this doesn’t work the whole economy collapses, and they know it. I think the ANC is wrong, and that their plan will ultimately lead to economic devastation and heaven forbid, large scale civil strife. Farm attacks and crime is bad enough, but those first images of a bloody and beaten farmer loading up his

Bladsy 13 belongings and his family, while being hounded from his farm is going to awaken such powerful emotions that there is going to be unintended consequences, as Du Plessis puts it. I really think you are turning up the heat too quickly, Mr Ramaphosa. Even Afrikaners who want to make it work are starting to jump out of the pot, and when there is enough of them and they get angry enough, it could turn into an ugly business. Gerard Grobler: redakteur@ overstrandherald.co.za

Skakel ons by 028 271 4212 of epos na redakteur@overstrandherald.co.za

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 14

Eisteddfod uitslae van Laerskool Kleinmond

Leerders van Laerskool Kleinmond het die afgelope tyd deelgeneem aan verskillende afdelings van die Overberg Eisteddfod. Die volgende leerders het cum laude (bo 90%) behaal in Afrikaanse Spraak en Drama: Gr. 4 Gedigte – Abigail Gerber, Lilly Rudman. Gr. 5 gedigte – Xander Erasmus, Rth Goliath, Sheryl-Anne Green, David Kriel. Gr. 6 Gedigte – Amelie Brits, Kristan Whitehead. Gr. 7 gedigte – Jordan-Leigh de Roos, Chevonnne Erasmus, Elzaan Koorts, Sanmari Kruger, Enya Zipfel, William Louw. Enya het ook cum laude behaal vir bladlees. (Die leerders staan in geen spesifieke orde nie)

Leerders van Gr1 – 3 wat cum laude behaal het vir Afr. Gedigte is Lucy Benjamin, Abigail Gerber, Michael Klein, Danéka Nepgen, Danielle Whitehead.

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 15

Sasol Kleinmond helps rejuvenate school Sasol South Africa is implementing a special initiative to help communities in which they operate to celebrate the Mandela Centenary year. Owners Aldré and Annamie Carstens say the idea is to donate time and effort into community organisations. On Tuesday members of the local Sasol team brightened up the tired-looking fence around Siyabulela Nursery School by painting the poles in brilliant primary colours. Each child was also given a gift packet filled with eats. Here the enthusiastic participants pose for a picture with their paint pots and brushes: At the back are Xolisa, Aldré, Avela, August, Babalo and Annamie. In front are Akhona, Sylvia, Lollo and Leduma.







HENNIE 082 951 3798

HANDYMAN renovations  Waterproofing  Ceilings  Painting  Tiling  Electrical  Bathrooms  Kitchen  Gates and gate motors  Plumbing  Garage doors and motors  All

HENNIE 082 951 3798 www.overstrandherald.co.za

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 16

KLEINMOND GLAS & ALUMINIUM Ons installeer aluminium deure, vensters, storte aluminium veiligheidshekke en clearview bars. Reeds 28 jaar in die glas bedryf. Ons diens en vervang aluminium deure, vensters en sny spieëls en glas. Ons spesialiseer in die uithaal van ou meranti vensterrame en vervang hulle met aluminium rame.

TEL: (028) 271 3377 SEL: 060 673 4201

Na-ure: Johan van Eeden 082 878 8324

KLEINMOND GLAS & ALUMINIUM H/v Luckhof Str & Haweweg

TEL: (028) 271 3377 / 060 673 4201

Installeer Storm fencing National cupcake day is coming to Kleinmond & Betty’s bay! Cupcakes of HOPE is a Non-Profit Company (NPC 2012/103028/08) and a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO930053726), and our aim is to raise awareness and funds for families in need of medical assistance, whose children have been affected by cancer. We do this through our love of baking cupcakes… We have several events during the year but our main event is hosting South Africa’s National Cupcake Day 4 Kids with Cancer in September. As September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we distribute leaflets with the Early Cancer Warning Signs. National cupcake day allows communities to come together in fighting against childhood cancer. Our Cupcake angel for Kleinmond & Betty’s Bay is Chantelle and she needs some help to make this day a sweet successful day. You can pledge the amount of cupcakes you

wish to bake or sponsor baking products to our volunteers who will be baking for the day. You will also be able to make donations on the day. And we’ll be taking photo’s and finding out who your cancer heroes are, be it children or adults. We urge businesses of Kleinmond and Betty’s to get involved as well, encourage staff to buy cupcakes or if you have a restaurant or coffee shop, assist us by placing orders for cupcakes. If you love to bake, have a secret gift for decorating or simply wish to get involved please contact Chantelle, vtchantelle@gmail.com or 076 832 2282. All proceeds will go to Cupcakes of Hope. If you’d like to read more about this organisation and the many children that have been helped by this initiative please visit http://cupcakesofhope.org. Come and join us, it’s only the sweetest way to save a life!

Leerders van Laerskool Kleinmond het onlangs aan die afdeling vir kuns deelgeneem in die Overberg Eisteddfod. Die leerders op die foto het almal cum laude behaal. Voor vlnr: Leah Duvenhage, Lily Hyman en Tayden Hoffman. Agter staan Chantel Swart en Mikayla Swart.

Overstrand Herald 028 271 4212 THE OVERSTRAND HOSPICE SHOP The Overstrand Hospice Shop would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods – please phone us on 028 313 1884

OVERSTRAND HOSPICE Palliative (end-of-life) care for the terminally ill & their families – free of charge. Phone Mondays – Fridays 028 312 4679

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 17

More about our unique Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve A treasure to be protected and sustained

GeleĂŤ 40 kilometer oos van Kaapstad omvat dit 'n area van by benadering 100,000 hektaar, omtrent so groot soos die Kaapse skiereiland. It includes marine as well as terrestrial ecosystems and reaches from below sea level to the mountain tops, the highest peak standing at 1 265 meters, the Kogelberg mountains and adjoining lowland coastal areas are highly regarded as the heart of the Cape Floral Kingdom, one of the world's six floral kingdoms, home to some 1 650 plant species, 77 of which occur nowhere else. As far back as 1953, Dr H B Rycraft, Director of the National Botanical Gardens wrote "the Kogelberg reserve is so rich in species and so many of the species are both beautiful and rare" .... (that) this reserve should receive more efficient protection than perhaps any other in the country. In 1998, almost 50 years after Dr Rycroft's comments on the exceptional rarity and beauty of plants in the Kogelberg Reserve, South Africa's first Biosphere Reserve was established. Nou, 20 jaar later, klink die wekroep tot bewaring weer op. In hierdie huidige klimaat van 'n veranderende landskap deur onbeheerde ontwikkeling, bergbrande, besoedeling, indringerplante en klimaatsverandering, is dit inderdaad noodsaaklik dat almal weer sal kennis neem van die kosbare natuurerfenis waarin ons bevoorreg is om te mag woon om dit te waardeer en ten alle koste sal bewonder en bewaar vir die nageslag. In the June 2018 edition of Fynbos, newsletter of the Kleinmond Nature Conservation Society, the chairperson, Ray Liebenberg comments - No matter what your political affiliation, colour or creed is, let us work together to protect this wonderful natural environment for generations to come. So put on your walking shoes or boots and explore some of the many walking trails in this beautiful area of besoek die pragtige Harold Porter Garden waarin inheemse plante en bome jou begroet (elke eerste Dinsdag van die maand gratis toegang vir seniors). Relax on one of the benches while your eyes feast on the beauty and wonder of the surrounding landscape. Relax and let your mind ponder on the following verse : To see the world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour. References : Johns, Mark & Amida - Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve Heart of Cape Flora Journal of the Botanical Society of South Africa Veld & Flora

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018


Bladsy 18

NEEM ASB KENNIS: Die Herald verskaf met liefde die ruimte vir kerke om hul dienstye te adverteer. Al wat ons vra is dat kerke die regte inligting verskaf. Dit is doodgewoon nie moontlik vir ons om elke week 17 of 18 kerke te skakel om te verneem of die inligting nog korrek is nie. THE BAY CHRISTIAN FAMILY CHURCH KLEINMOND Town Hall, Main Rd, Kleinmond (opposite SAPD) Service times: Mornings at 08:30 & Evenings at 17:00 Cell group meetings: Wednesdays at 19:00 Prayer meetings: Saturdays at 6:00 (@GOD'S HEART BEAT, HR.) General enquiries: Johan Koekemoer Cell: 076 204 4250 For more information regarding registrations for 2019 CFCI Bible College contact: 072 5112311(Antionette) Christian Revival Church Sundays 09h30 and 18h00 (Children's Church during morning service) HERMANUS HIGH SCHOOL- De Villiers Street, Hermanus Pst Ernest : 072 084 3454 Homecell in Kleinmond - Thursdays 19h00 Mobile : 079 139 5121/083 463 4192 A.G.S. KERK -Heal The Land Kleinmar Sentrum - Hoofweg 27 (Langs Apteek) Sondag: Erediens 09:30, Sondag: Tieners en Sondagskool 09:30 Woensdag: Vrouebiduur, Donderdag: Gemeentebiduur. Kontak: Pastoor Tewis de Jager 082 771 9365 of Pastoor Hennie Reyneke 071 588 1775. HERVORMDE KERK Skakel Ds Gerrit-Daan van der Merwe 073 418 2346 Strand: 09:00 elke Sondag Hermanus: 11:30 Die 2de, 3de en 4de Sondag. SEWENDE DAG ADVENTISTE KERK Aanbid in die Gereformeerde Kerk, h/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat, Kleinmond Saterdae: Sabbatskool 09:30 – Erediens 11:00 Leraar Hugo Naude, selnommer: 081 256 4818 Almal welkom! 072 094 5819 / 028 271 4173 NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH KLEINMOND c/o Nemesia Ave & School str, Proteadorp, Kleinmond 072 077 7888 / 082 781 3556 Sunday Morning Service: 09:00 Wednesday evening Service: 19:30 All welcome GODS GIVEN MINISTRIES -11 Hoofweg - Bokant Kekkel en Kraai Kleinmond Erediens - 10:00 Sondag Sondagskool vir Jnr Tieners - 9:15 Biduur- 19:00 Woensdag Woordskool vir Snr Tieners - 9:15 Past. Duvenage - 078 8103 632 ( godsgivenministries@gmail.com) LEWENDE WOORD: PRINGLEBAAI

Byeenkomste vind plaas in die Pringlebaai Gemeenskapsaal. Sondagaande om 17:30. Herderspaar: Gerrit en Marinda de Lange 021 852 6719 / 082 752 9994 Navrae: Billy 082 414 5487/Erica 083 556 3555. (Fliekaande verskuif die byeenkoms van die Gemeenskapsaal na die Bistro365). Almal welkom. Kleinmond Huisgemeente Ons soek saam God se teenwoordigheid en leiding in ons lewe. Almal is baie welkom by Laerskool Kleinmond, elke Sondagoggend om 9:30 vm. Navrae: Manie 082 331 3552 of Gerrit 083 251 6039. VGK Proteadorp Sondag - Erediens om 10.00 - Sondagskool om 9.00 Dinsdag - Kooroefening om 19.00 Woensdag - Biduur om 19.00 Vrydag - Jeugbyeenkoms om 18.00 Christelike Vrouebediening: elke 2de Sondag van die maand om 15.00. Voorsitster: Evelyn Jacobs 072 358 5103, Leierouderling: Kallie Jonkers - 072 478 0771 Skriba: Evelyn Jacobs - 072 358 5103

Cape Town House of Prayer

Soaking Worship & Prayer every Tuesday 16h00 to 18h00 Kleinmond Harbour at God's Trading Floor Shop, CT HOP Aanbidding & Gebed elke Dinsdag 4pm tot 6pm Kom spandeer verkwikkende tyd in die teenwoordigheid van die Here Almal WELKOM! Epos ons by: capetown.hop@gmail.com

NG KERK: - 028 271 3268 - Sondag 19 Augustus 2018 - NAGMAAL 08:30 Kerksaal Ds. Hendrik Saayman 09:00 Sentrum in Bettysbaai Ds. Daan Botha 09:30 Kerkgebou Ds. Jannie Hougaard KLEINMOND AANBIDDINGSENTRUM P.P.K H/v 7de Laan & 7de Straat Almal welkom!! Pastoor Smit 028 271 5694 / 083 633 6172 Sondagoggend: 09:45 GEREFORMEERDE KERK H/v 13e Laan en 6e Straat. Koster: Tel 028 271 5359. Skriba: 028 271 5786 Sondag 19 Augustus - 9:30- Ds Flip Buys - Nagmaal LAKESIDE CHAPEL (Undenominational Christian Fellowship) Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay - Service at 9:30 Hans van Dyk (Pastor) 084 206 6820 / 028 272 9887 ST FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHAPELRY Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 09:00 in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay/ For further information contact - Chapelwardens 028 272 9914/ 028 272 9996 / 028 273 8153 KLEINMOND FELLOWSHIP CHURCH - 72 6th Street Pastor Lionel Gibbons 028 271 4249 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Prayer Meeting: 08:45, Sunday Morning PreService Worship Singing: 09:15, Sunday Morning Worship Service: 09:30 Sunday Morning Sunday School and Youth Group: 09:30, Ladies Fellowship: Mondays 09:45, Monday Prayer Meeting: 16:00 Wednesday: Home Fellowship Groups Meet Men’s Fellowship 10:00am every 3rd Saturday of the month ST NICHOLAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Chapel wardens Chapelwarden Paulette Marinus 072 984 3707. Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Dienstye: 1st Sunday, 2nd Sunday and 3rd Sunday at 10:00. 4th Sunday at 08:00. 5th Sunday is family service. Notice will be given at which chapelty in Parish. Sundayschool: Nancy Carelse 072 858 3006 / Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Youth Friday`s At 18:00 Cornette Hull 072 780 4146. Priest Father Fr Neil February 084 222 1492/028 284 9772 nkfebruary@gmail.com. PRINGLE BAY UNITED CHURCH Cnr Crescent & Park Streets. Rev Gavin Graham 028 273 8172. Sunday service: 09:00 AFRIKAANSE PROTESTANTSE KERK Elke 2de en 4de Sondag van die maand om 16:00 in die Gereformeerde Kerk, 13de Laan, Kleinmond. Tel: 028 271 5837 / 083 412 5870 CATHOLIC CHURCH Twist Street, Betty’s Bay, Mass Times: Saturday 18:00 First Thursday 16:30 Other services see notice board. Parish Priest: Father John Keough 079 874 2281 / 021 859 5397. Catechism Class Contact Janet Hyland 083 702 3909 PRINGLE BAY: KING’S CREW HOMECHURCH & HOMECELL 498 Stream Road Pringle Bay Sunday Service:18H00 -20H00 (Afrikaans & English) Wednesday Homecell: 19H00 - 20H00 (Afrikaans & English) Pieter and Arina Myburgh 076 883 8423

Pringle Bay House of Prayer

1799 Hilton Circle, Pringle Bay Thursday 18:30 - 20:00 Sunday: Sunday school for 5 to 10 years old 9:00 to 11:00m (Building Faith& Character) Rev Dr. Leon and Dr.Jacobi du Toit Whatsapp: 0797068210 yarhema@yahoo.com

ECG-ENLIGHTENED CHRISTIAN GATHERING CHURCH KEINMOND HOME CELL GROUP Every THURSDAYS at 6PM at CHURCH HALL Cnr. of Siyoni str. & Galjoen str. Kleinmond. (opposite Siyabulela creche) contact: 0606846555. Everybody Welcome!

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 19

Rolbal Nuus Verlede week Woensdag, Donderdag en Vrydag het 10 spanne van 4 spelers elk, op Kleinmond in die Boland Ope Mans kompetisie deelgeneem. Die manne het 3 wedstryde van 15 koppe per dag gespeel. Van die eerste wedstryd af, het die manne hul bedoelings duidelik gemaak. Hulle was hier om te wen. Donderdag het die wind ‘n groot invloed op die spel gehad. Die yskoue wind was in beheer

van die balle, maar die manne het dit getrotseer. Die eerste drie spanne in elke afdeling het deurgegaan en op Worcester in die finale rondte gespeel. Namens die bestuur, wil ek almal baie dankie sê vir julle bydrae om die toernooi ‘n sukses te maak. Besoekende spanne kon nie uitgepraat raak oor die kos, vriendelikheid, kroegdiens en die toestand van ons bane. ‘n Groot pluimpie vir Kleinmond! Celeste Price


The focus of the therapy resolves around nerve pressure points. When a nerve centre is damaged the muscle surrounding it, goes into spasm to protect that area. It also pulls vertrebra towards each other, putting stress on the discs which in turn puts more pressure on the spinal nerve system.


NOTICE OF THE 2018 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Child Welfare SA Kleinmond will be held at the Community Hall, Protea Road, Kleinmond, at 18h00 on Tuesday, 21 August 2018. The Annual Report and the audited annual financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2018 will be available for viewing. Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society Charity Shop Shop hours: Tuesday 10h00-14h00 Wednesday 10h00-14h00 Friday 12h00-16h45 Saturday 9h00-12h45

What these spasm also do, is pull the body alignment out. By focusing on these nerve points and stimulating it by hand, you relief the spasm and align the body. Problems include:  Headaches  Lowest Back Pain  Sciatica  Stiff Neck and Shoulders  Muscle Spasm

 Back and Hip Pain  Joint Pain  Postural Distortion  Numbness in Arm and Legs  Constipation Practitioner: Sandra Reyneke: 084 735 8183

KAWS is a non-profit organisation serving the areas of Rooi Els, Pringle Bay, Betty’s Bay, Kleinmond and Salandra. The KAWS Charity Shop welcomes any donation of books, furniture, kitchen utensils, bric-a-brac, clothing, cd’s, dvd’s... We are happy to collect any goods-just phone us.

Phone: 028 271 5004

www.kaws.co.za or email: kaws@mweb.co.za


In die Boedel van Wyle: Geboortedatum: Identiteitsnommer: Datum van afsterwe: Boedelnommer: Langlewende Gade: Identiteitsnommer:

MAX JOHANNES BEHRENS 1946-07-18 4607185024088 05 Julie 2016 014277/2016 NANINE BEHRENS 510317 0012 089

Kennis word hiermee gegee dat die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening in bogemelde boedel ter insae sal lê by te kantore van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad , en van die Landdros, Caledon , vir ‘n tydperk van 21 dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan. Behrens Attorneys 254 OPAL CRESCENT, PEBBLE ROCK GOLF RESORT ROODEPLAAT Tel: 082 806 9182 (Verw: HELEEN)

09 08


Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018


17 Augustus & 18 Augustus: Singleton’s Winkel is op Vrydag- en Saterdagoggende (somertyd) oop vanaf 09h00-13h00 in Tweede straat 14, Kleinmond. Kontak Estelle Victor by 028 271 3260 / 072 778 0249. 18 August: NEW MARKET! Botrivier Hotel Garden. Every Saturday 10am2 pm. New vendors please contact Erna to book your stall. ernastark@ outlook.com or 028 315 2582 / 076 7080 818. ALL WELCOME! 17 Augustus: Die VRIENDE VAN AFRIKAANS nooi u weer vanjaar: Kom sing saam met SAKKA STONE EN SY ORKES. Nog ‘n heerlike aand van liedere luister en ook saam sing in die NG Kerksaal om 19:00. Kaartjies kos R70 en is verkrygbaar by Albertyn Apteek – heerlike sop en toebroodjies ingesluit. Sitplekke is beperk tot 150. 18 August: Betty’s Bay parkrun at Harold Porter Botanical Gardens at 08h00. 5km, free, timed, run/walk on beautiful garden and forest paths. All ages and level of fitness welcome. Unfortunately no dogs. Enquiries: 0766560633; 0836578828. 19-29 Augustus: Gesinsweek by die VGK, Kalkoentjiestraat om 19.00. Navrae 082 908 9825 20 August: The Overberg Quilters Guild will meet in the De Wets Hall, Roos street, Onrus at 9:30. Vendor is Country Quilting from Villiersdorps and the speaker is Helen Granville. We share a passion for quilting. All welcome. 21 August: Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Child Welfare SA Kleinmond will be held at the Community Hall, Protea Road, Kleinmond, at 18h00 on Tuesday.The Annual Report and the audited annual financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2018 will be available for viewing. 21 Augustus: Skaakklub:Speel skaak elke Dinsdagaand om 18h30 in die Biblioteeksaal. Lekker sosiale skaakspeel asook “Singles” en 4-bord toernooie. Besoekers baie welkom! Skakel Floris: 0833770367. 23 Augustus: Demensie Ondersteuningsgroep, 10:00 by Kogelpark. Demensie SA van Kaapstad besoek ons en is beskikbaar om enige vrae te beantwoord rakende demensie. Kontak: Madeleine Swart 082 434 7377 23 August: Dementia Support Group at Kogelpark, 10:00. Dementia Safrom Cape Town come and visit us and are available to answer any questions regarding dementia. Contact: Madeleine Swart 082 434 7377 25 Augustus: Om 19:00 in die Kerksaal, Eerstelaan: Kleinmond Kiekieklub-byeenkoms met foto’s oor die tema: KULTUUR. Bywoning: R20 p.p. Willie Burger wys foto’s en vertel van ’n besoek aan Marokko. 25 Augustus: BASAAR!!! Fynbos Dienssentrum hou basaar @ NG Kerksaal, 1ste Laan, Kleinmond vanaf 09:00 Kom ondersteun ons met hierdie fondsinsamelings projek! Pannekoek, Koek, Basaarpoeding, Boereburgers, Rooster en Vetkoek, Groente, Wit Olifante en vele meer. Ons is dringend opsoek na Wit Olifantebring asseblief of skakel ons en ons sal kom afhaal. Kontak Melanie Wiles 028 271 3602 Maan- Vrydag (08:00-14:00). 27 Augustus: Kleinmond Leeskring vergader om 14h30 in die Gereformeerde Kerk . Don Quixote deur Miguel de Cervantes word deur Maruis Crowther bespreek. Koste vir besoekers is R20. Almal is welkom. Skakel 0823780057 vir inligting. 28 Augustus: VLV-Kleinmond gaan tydens die maandvergadering luister na die bekende Afrikaanse inspirasieskrywer Lizette Murray , wat vanuit ‘n Christelike perspektief kyk na die verwerking van emosies soos verlies, rou en ontnugtering. Haar tema is “BOEKE GEE VLERKE”. Van haar boeke sal te koop wees. Besoekers is baie welkom: R20.00 pp betaalbaar by die deur. Vir navrae kontak Louise Bruwer, saamroeper Opvoeding&Kultuur (083 257 7923) 6 September: Die Senior Burger Klub bied sy jaarlikse speledag in die Stadsaal aan. Verskeie spanne uit belangegroepe in die dorp soos die Kerkraad, VLV, Fynbos, Jukskei van Kleinmond en Bettiesbaai, SASFA, die Line Dancers, Rolbal asook twee spanne van Senior Burgers neem deel. Almal kom om 09:00 by die Stadsaal saam vir koffie/tee en toebroodjies en om 09:30 begin die spele. Besoekers en nuuskieriges is hartlik welkom. Dit gaan ‘n oggend van vet pret wees!Navrae: Mauritz van den Berg 084-8240155 / Koos de Wet 072-1480823. 14 September: Klassieke musiek liefhebbers word uitgenooi na uitvoering in die Gereformeerde Kerkgebou om 19:00. Die musiek genre strek van barok tot iets uit bekende films. Die soliste wat optree is 2 studente (sopraan en viool) en van plaaslike jong kustenaars. Santie Opperman om u sitplek te verseker, skakel of sms 076 753 7771. 15 September: Internasionale Kusskoonmaakdag. Publiek word genooi om deel te neem van 8.30-10.30. Navrae 082 908 9825. 15 September: International Coastal Clean-up. The public is invited to participate from 8.30-10.30. Enquiries 082 908 9825.

Bladsy 20


GESOEK WERK /WANTED WORK David Muller ‘n ervare verwer is opsoek na verfwerk. Elke dag van die week. Verwysing Tienie by 082 4105 087. Kontak David by 064 874 3041. Rhona (073 434 4064) is beskikbaar vir huiswerk en/of versorging van bejaardes. Sy is bereid om in te slaap. Verwysing 028 271 5786. Happy (34 years old) is looking for a job as house-keeper or gardener. Three years’ experience. Ref. @ 081 796 6222. Call Happy on 073 136 6546. Lucia (062 824 4689) is looking for house cleaning, Ironing or babysitting work from Monday to Saturday. Reference @ 061 826 2173 Presca (074 973 6502) is looking for house-cleaning work. Ref @ 060 896 0529. Yondie is looking for domestic work any day of the week. Phone 078 903 9111. Sophie (083 313 8253) is looking for a job as domestic worker for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Ref. Anna Moss @ 072 905 6087. Wendy is looking for char work any day of the week or full-time domestic work. She has a reference. Call Wendy on her husband’s phone @ 073 449 6487. Siyakholwa is a machine operator looking for gardening or mowing work from Monday to Friday. Call 073 786 4323. Aviwe is looking for domestic work any day of the week. Phone 063 599 9501. Eunice (073 616 8090) is looking for a cleaning job on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Ref on 083 363 9603.

GESOEK ANDER /WANTED OTHER Single, retired lady seeks 2 or 3 bedroom home to rent for long term in Pringle Bay or Bettys Bay. Prefer fenced property. Has 2 cats.Contact Annette: 082 210 1718 Looking for a Ladies bicycle, Washing machine call 082 974 2166. Op 6 Junie 2018 met man gepraat by dr Dave se spreekkamer. Man woon in karavaan met 2 honde. Reun van 15 jr sukkel met blaasprobleme. Wil help. Kontak 083 609 9221. Ou koerante vir verpakking. Sal kom haal. Bel 072 370 7225.

TE KOOP / FOR SALE Windbuks R350, 80 engelse storieboeke R5 elk, Health walker R300, Outydse houtkas(dresser) R500. 082 2625 696. Wendy huis 2x4 en 2x4. R2000. Bel 083 956 0296. House furniture for sale. Call 072 197 3581. Logic staanwaaier R150. Boardmans drie panel gasverwarmer R200. Electrolux vacuum cleaner R200. Scholl foot-spa new R200. Bel 082 731 1684. Pine dubbelbed. R950. Bel 082 579 2580/ 028 271 3496. Duvet inner – single R100. Mattress protector single as new. Call 082 343 9681. 1x reistas in baie goeie toestand. Min gebruik. R650 ohb. Bel 083

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 21

525 2311. Crafton Everest sitkamerstel. Verskeie plafonligte en ander items. Kom maak ‘n prys. Bel 072 370 7225. Antieke traporrel in uitstekende werkende toestand R6500. Bel 082 434 9712. Sinotec 20 inch colour TV R600 onco. Carpet with black and cream patterns 2mx1,4m R150 onco. Ellies rotating TV aerial with built-in amp. R80. VW Polo surfboard rack R500 onco. Call 083 631 2124.


Gratis – ‘n Kelvinator yskas. Bel 072 203 1799. Hewlett Packard DesignJet 330 Plan Plotter. Needs new cartridge drive belt.Plots black and white only to size AO. This machine is repairable. First come gets it. Call Brian at 0640312536. No What’s Aps.

Ronald Duncan Cock 25/01/1931 – 12/08/2018

16 Augustus - 12 September

The memorial service of Ronald Duncan Cock will be held at the Pringle Bay Fellowship Church on Monday, 20 August 2018 at 13:00. Anré Funeral Services Kleinmond 028 312 2789

Multi Systems General Steelwork

Electric Fencing Gates & Fences

Etienne: 063 705 8741

Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens

16 08 2018

Gate & Garage Door Automation Security Locks

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


06:35 07:27 08:28 09:50 11:25 12:36 13:24 14:01 02:09 02:40 03:11 03:40 04:09 04:39 05:11 05:46 06:27 07:19 08:30 10:07 11:39 12:47 13:40 02:01 02:46 03:28 04:07 04:46

19:03 19:55 21:00 22:25 23:48 00:48 01:32 02:00 14:33 15:02 15:30 15:58 16:26 16:55 17:27 18:04 18:49 19:46 21:06 22:44 00:08 01:10 02:00 14:25 15:07 15:47 16:26 17:04

12:42 13:31 02:24 03:42 05:10 06:20 07:09 07:46 08:18 08:47 09:15 09:43 10:11 10:39 11:10 11:44 12:25 13:19 02:15 03:49 05:22 06:32 07:26 08:13 08:55 09:35 10:12 10:49

01:24 02:00 14:34 16:02 17:35 18:42 19:29 20:05 20:37 21:06 21:34 22:03 22:32 23:03 23:37 00:17 01:06 02:00 14:39 16:26 17:56 19:01 19:53 20:39 21:21 22:01 22:39 23:17

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 22

Mariasbaai se perde ’n Allegorie vir ons tyd

Hoofstuk 32 Wat vooraf gebeur het: Diana, kunstenaar, vlug na Mariasbaai om vrede te vind nadat sy Vigs opgedoen het. Daar is oënskynlik mense wat, tot die ontsteltenis van die klinieksusters, genees is van verskillende siektes in die dorpie deur Jos. Die verpleegkundiges is Dienie, die vrou van Attie wat ook die pa is van Evie se seuntjie Aylwin, en Amelia wat Evie se suster is. Die skool voer ‘n Kersspel op waarin Sue en Aylwin hoofrolle sing en die hele dorp is daar om die opvoering 1 June—31 Aug 2017 mee te maak. Die Kersspel is ‘n groot sukses. Diana en Marietjie, Attie en Dienie se dogtertjie, raak onverklaarbaar in die geselskap van Jakob, Evie weg. Almal begin soek 114 x 14 –10% se= broer, R1436.40 Zirk Aylwin en Jos gaan soek by ‘n 082 496 6751 uithangplek van die moontlike Judy ontvoerders Lees nou verder:

Marjoh Plant Hire

082 452 4260

Soek digger oprateer met papiere

Kontak ons vir alle huisverbeterings & kombuisinstallasies  Huisverbeteringsprojekte  Verf (Binne & Buite)  Houtvloere  Dakke  Eco Rubber Waterdigting  Projekbestuur  Rekenaarontwerp, -uitlegte en installering van ingeboude kaste vir kombuise en slaapkamers

Ferdi Krige 082 377 4912  krigehomerenovations@gmail.com www.perfectkitchensolutions.co.za

“Allie, jy sê jy weet waar die grot is waar jou oom Dassie jou oom Jakob altyd kom kamp?” “Ja, meneer Jos. Ek was mos wat hulle voor sê by die skool ‘n droster. Maar nie meer nie. Juffrou Diana sê mos ‘n mens moet dink. Soos Barmhartigheid en Vrede.” Aylwin stap flink langs Jos, “En toe daai tyd toe ek nog ‘n droster was, het ek sommers ‘n hele paar keer vir uncle Jake daar gesien. Uncle Dassie hou mos skool, so hy was nie so baie hier in die week nie. Maar op weekends was altwee hier. Party keer Sakkie en van die ander manne by Sakkie se plek ook. Maar meeste uncle Jake en uncle Dassie en dan ook Sakkie.” “Het hulle jou ooit gesien, Aylwin?” “Never, meneer Jos. Uncle Dassie sallie iets gedoen het nie, maar uncle Jake sal my blou geslaan het. Hy het dit al baie gedoen.” “Slaan jou oom Dassie jou nooit Aylwin?” “Hy? Never. My ma sal te kwaad wes. Maar baie keer, as ek iets gedoen het waarvan hy nie hou nie, slaan uncle Jake my met sy belt met die blink buckle,” vertel Aylwin ongeërg.” “En wat sê jou ma dan Aylwin?” “Niks nie. Want sy weet nie. Wanneer dit gebeure bly ek net weg tot ek beter voel.” “En sien jou ma nie die blou kolle nie?” vra Jos. “Nee, cause why hy slaan net my lyf. En as my ma blou kolle

19 04

Ilna Grobler

op my arms en bene sien, dan sê ek ek het op die rotse geval.” “Nou hoekom sê jy haar nie?” “Oor uncle Jake eers gesê het hy maak my dood en toe Marietjie gekom het, toe sê hy hy sal vir haar doodmaak.” “En jy glo hom, Aylwin?” “Meneer Jos, jy ken nie vir uncle Jake nie. Hy maak net soos uncle Dassie sê en wanneer hy Sakkie se pype gerook het, weet hy nie eers wat hy doen nie.” Aylwin sit sy hand op Jos se arm. “Maar moenie vir Mammie of iemand anders sê nie, meneer Jos, cause why hulle sal regtig vir Marietjie doodmaak.” Sy oë is bekommerd op Jos gerig. “Toemaar Aylwin, hy sal nie die kans kry om haar seer te maak nie.” Hulle klim teen die steil helling bokant die see langs. “Sal hulle ons nie sien nie? vra Aylwin bekommerd. “Nie noual nie Aylwin. En buitendien sal hulle eers uit die grot uit kan kom sodra dit weer laagwater is, onthou.” “O ja, ek het bietjie vergeet.” “Kom ons loop so ‘n draai oor daardie nek en dan kom ons van daardie kant af Dan gaan sit ons agter daardie rots met die son agter ons. Dan gaan hulle mos nog moeiliker vir ons raaksien, né?” stel Jos voor. “Ja OK, dis slim.” gee Aylwin toe. Hulle klim en klouter gebukkend tot by die rotse waar hulle wil sit. “Net–nou,” sê Aylwin “met laagwater, is daar ‘n strandjie. Ons moet net wag.” “Is jy nie honger nie, Aylwin?” vra Jos na ‘n ruk. “Nee wat, meneer Jos, as ‘n man wil wegkruip in die berg, kan jy nie ‘n softie wil wees nie. Ek is nie honger nie. Ook nie dors nie. As meneer Jos dors is, moet meneer Jos net ‘n klein klippetjie onder Meneer se tong sit. As jy hom suig, word ‘n man nie dors nie,” onderrig Aylwin wys. Die man en die klein seuntjie sit ‘n ruk lank in stilte. Die son begin bo die kranse uitkom. Geleidelik begin ‘n strandjie onder hulle verskyn. “Meneer Jos,” fluister Aylwin skielik, “kyk daar. Dis Marietjie se pa!” Attie kruip tot bokant die grot. Hy sit ‘n rukkie stil en staan dan op. “Jakob! Dassie? Hier is ek! Laat die vroumens en Marietjie gaan! Ek wag hier buite!”



Volgende keer: Skote klap op die strandjie

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

Dippies & Chris Wenner A - Afdeling

Wynand & Ingrid - Wenners - B Afdeling

Arnico en Lindley - Tweede - A Afdeling

Kurt & Deon Tweede - B Afdeling

Foto's van Finaal

Manne kyk die finaal

Baie dankie aan die borge: Bouhandel, Cassie Singelton, Deon Swart – Hoofpad, Kleinmond Gholf Club.

Bladsy 23

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 24

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS FOR THE POLICY FOR CREATING AND MAINTAINING FIRE WISE VACANT ERVEN WITHIN URBAN AREAS Overstrand Municipality hereby do notify and invite all community members to comment on the Draft Policy for Creating and Maintaining Fire Wise Vacant Erven within Urban Areas. The purpose of the Policy is to provide the minimum standards and guildelines that will provide for the effective management and control of fire hazards created by overgrown erven. COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE VIEWED:  At all public libraries within the municipality  On our official website: www.overstrand.gov.za, click on the Documents and Strategic Documents tab and download the full Draft Policy The closing date for comments is 13 September 2018 Comments and inputs can be forward to: Senior Manager: L. Smith 028 313 5041 or lestersmith@overstrand.gov.za Assistant Chief: J. Schoeman 028 313 8109 or jschoeman@overstrand.gov.za MUNICIPAL MANAGER Notice 103/2018 16 August 2018

PUBLIEKE DEELNAME PROSES VIR DIE KONSEP BELEID VIR DIE SKEP EN INSTANDHOUDING VAN BRANDVRYE VAKANTE ERWE IN STEDELIKE GEBIEDE Overstrand Munisipaliteit stel u in kennis en nooi alle lede van die gemeenskap om komentaar te lewer op die Konsep Beleid vir die Skep en Instandhouding van Brandvrye Vakante Erwe in Stedelike Gebiede Die doel van die beleid is om die minimum standaarde en riglyne te verskaf wat voorsiening maak vir die effektiewe bestuur en beheer van brand gevare wat deur oorgroeide erwe geskep word. KOPIEË VAN HIERDIE DOKUMENT KAN BESKOU WORD:  By alle biblioteke binne die munisipaliteit  Op die amptelike webwerf: www.overstrand.gov.za, kliek op die Dokumente en Strategiese Dokumente-blad en laai

die volledige Konsep Beleid af

Die sluitings datum vir kommentaar is 13 September 2018 Kommentaar en insette can gestuur word aan: Senior Bestruurder: L. Smith 028 313 5041 of lestersmith@overstrand.gov.za Assistent Brandweerhoof: J. Schoeman 028 313 8109 of jschoeman@overstrand.gov.za MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER Kennisgewing 103/2018 16 Augustus 2018

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 25

INKQUBO YOTHATHONXAXHEBA LULUNTU YOKUDALA NOKUGCINA IZIZA EZIVULEKILEYO ZITHINTELEKILE EMILILWENI KWIINDAWO EZISEDOLOPHINI UMasipala waseOverstrand wazisa kwaye esenza isimemo kubo bonke abahlali ukuba banike izimvo zabo ngoMgaqo oQulunqwayo wokuDala nokuGcina iZiza eziVulekileyo kwiindawo ezisedolophini. Injongo yalo mgaqo kukubonelela ngamanqanaba asisiseko nezikhokelo eziza kubonelela ngendlela eyiyo yokulawula nokuthintela imililo enokudalwa lukhula olukhule kakhulu kwezi ziza. IIKOPI ZOLU XWEBHU ZINGAFUNDWA KWEZI NDAWO ZILANDELAYO:  Kuzo zonke iilayibrari zikawonkewonke ezikummandla kamasipala  Kwiwebhusayithi yethu: www.overstrand.gov.za, cofa ku-Documents and Strategic Documents emva koko ungawavula la maxwebhu oMgaqo oQulunqwayo Umhla wokuvala ukungeniswa kwezimvo ngowe-13 Septemba 2018 Izimvo namagqabantshintshi angathunyelwa kwaba balandelayo: UMlawuli oPhezulu: L. Smith 028 313 5041 okanye lestersmith@overstrand.gov.za Umncedisi-ntloko: J. Schoeman 028 313 8979 okanye jschoeman@overstrand.gov.za UMPHATHI KAMASIPALA Isaziso 103/2018 16 Agasti 2018

16 08 2018 Volblad + Halfblad

R1942.90 + R1079.39

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 26

SERVICES - DIENSTE gutterboys@telkomsa.net

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*Free drafting of wills *Estate planning * Appraisals / Valuations *Preparation of Deeds of Trust More than 35 years experience in estate administration and valuations. Contact Niel Theron / Linda Dixon Tel / Fax: 028 271 5944 Cell: 083 459 9419 / 082 325 2022 38 Fonteinhout Avenue Kleinmond sdtheron@telkomsa.net No VAT on Executors Fees Executors Fees negotiable


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Ashley cell: 072 842 1819 E-mail: ashbanwell@gmail.com

Overstrand Herald

16 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 27


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Golf Thank you to our weekly Sponsors: Burger Turf Management

Rolbal-Bonnievale Classic

Werners Vleismerk On the 01/09/2018 is the Spring Golf Day 4 Ball Alliance and only R300.00 per player so please book early to avoid disappointment. Curry will be served for the players and R50.00 for non players but please book with the club. There was no golf on Saturday due to the wind factor! Thank you S Burger and his workers for our beautiful golf course which is in good condition. Have a good and safe weekend.


4BBB Stableford Wednesday 08/08/2018 1)G Mitchell & A Delen (47 points) 2)M Mackenzie & E Hoogbard (46 Points) 3)C Skinner & A Delen (46 points)

behaal die tweede plek en Tiki Rossouw en sy span behaal die 3de plek. Die toernooi het op die Vrydag begin en is die eerste wedstryd in swaar reën gespeel wat nogal uitdagend was. Nietemin, hulle het dit oorleef en Kleinmond Rolbalklub trots verteenwoordig.

Twee spanne van Kleinmond rolbal het aan die Bonnievale Classic in Bonnievale deelgeneem. Die toernooi word oor twee dae gespeel en het die twee spanne baie goed gevaar. Teen goeie en sterk opponent het Dirk Kotze en sy span

SUNDOWNER Friday 1st9 10/08/2018 1)W Smith (24 points) 2)T Taljaard (22 points) 3)C Antonie (20 points)

Divvie van Deventer, Ingrid Erasmus, Peter Davidson & Tiki Rossouw.

B Steyn ( Capt) G Mitchell, A Delen

Dirk Kotze, Roy Galloway, Bekkie Galloway, Pierre Paul.

F Eagar ( Pres) W Smith









340ML 18 PACK

R 60-00 R 35-00 R 55-00 R 45-00 R 30-00










R25-00 R40-00 R55-00 R25-00 R35-00

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